Мария Люцифер : другие произведения.

The Lesser of ztwo Evils

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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The Lesser of Two Evils

The ship was going through storm,

The flag of French was seen:

I knew, they went to the Cape Horn,

The sea was yet still green...

I gave my order: Bend all sail!

And I went straight at them,

...The sea around was black and grey,

And saw it all the men.

I shouted for them to climb,

And put the sail - all - down

The wind will pit us on the side,

And all of us be drowned.

I knew, in sea, there is no trench,

But I wanted to win,

I shouted to catch the French,

And nevermind the means.

But suddenly, the mizzen fell,

And took one man away,

For me the sea turned into hell,

I wished for safer bay!

I saw how he was swimming straight,

I hardly held my tears,

I knew I had no time to wait,

Thus is the rule of seas.

I gave my orders... Cut the ropes,

And leave that guy in sea,

And that guy's friend had lost his hopes,

That fellow looked at me...

He looked at me with pain in eyes

But he did cut the rope

And seaman with the wave will rise

And then he'll drown - no hope...

... That day we didn't get that ship,

So fellow wasn't worth,

To die so young, and get his sleep

So early in the earth.

Sometimes I still jump up at night,

Remembering that day,

And only when I see the light -

I know: he's gone away...

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