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Шептание Сатаны (Английская версия)

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    Ко мне позвонил рекрутор и предложил работать в стрептиз клубе...

My husband makes so little money 
Working like a busy bee 
I have no job, and like a dummy
Entire day I watch TV

I have a lot of bills unpaid and
I eat only food that"s canned
American dream is a myth 
Unless you work as a goldsmith
I fantasize of a foolish plan,
And my dreams give me thrills. 
That I had got a wealthy man
And he"d pay all my bills.

I"d fool around and feel so great
I would be worry free
And all my bills evaporate, 
Like, I"ve got a money tree. 

Money Money Money Money 
Extra money makes life funny!
When you have a lot of money
Every day is sunny!

There is no doubt, without money 
I"m unhappy, my life sucks.
I can be playboy sexy bunny 
He promised me a lot of bucks

The job is simple; I"m impressed
Just walking naked, dance and smile
I"d better give my dream a rest
And just go on with my lifestyle

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