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Incredibes Life / "the Incredibles 2"

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    About five years ago, I was watching "The Incredibles" movie with my families and in the end I got clear vision how this move should be continue. But I have not write it down, until now... I"ve tried to organize notes as a screenplay synopsis - just simple idea for movie logic flow. And I like it. I like it so much, that I send it to Pixar... But answer was really strange. The official letter says that Disney does not consider any outside ideas. They don"t even read them. They just send me all papers back without saying anything about it. Now I don"t know what to do with this script. So I publish it here to hear your opinions and advices

  Incredibes Life /"The Incredibles" sequel (Script Ideas- Synopsis)
  10-15 years later...
  Violet Parr found her true love... And he asks her to marry him... But he does not know that she is supper. He doesn"t really like suppers. He believes in science. Because ( as Helen Parr thinks) he is an evil scientist. But her husband Bob does not really pay attention to her arguments. As head of "Supers" department he always busy with super problems: tracing bad guys, handling supers, lawsuits against supers and money, money, money, money. For himself and for his department. He is missing his life as regular super like his son Dash. He does not know that Dash facing two huge problems: first he often so tired of regular life speed that he often switch to "fast mode" spontaneously and he could not really control this process... And second, most important, girls in college think he is big and stupid, who only can run fast. They don"t think about long relationship with him... Only Jack-Jack is happy with his life. Girls at school love him, he can beat any guy in his school. And he has cool live at night as super... But he did not really understand where line between good and bad is.
  Scene 1
  Bob Parr"s office: he is talking on the phone about new lawsuit against supers, making schedule meeting with lawyers. At the same time he is browsing suspicious activity report on computer. He got new call from his wife
  Scene 2
  Parr"s home: Helen is cooking. She wants to remind Bob about today"s family dinner. She also talks about money and vacation. But at the same time Helen rips off some pages from scientific journal and put them into special folder.
  Scene 3
  Bob"s office: he finishes phone conversation and checks sport news.
  Scene 4
  Sport arena: Dash speaking with coach about upcoming events. But his eyes follow his girlfriend. She speaks with other girls and he decides to make surprise. Dash finishes his conversations and using his high speed hides near girls. But he does not show up because they discuss him: nobody (including his girlfriend) wants to think seriously about him. He is walking away. His phone rings. This is Jack-Jack. He is asking to pick him up from the mall
  Scene 5
  Jack-Jack"s school: Jack-Jack with friends, they talk about boy"s stuff: cars, sport, girls, cool gadgets and dresses, teachers. Jack-Jack is not coolest guy in school, but he got some respect as strongest. Girls don"t ignore him, some of them even dream about role of his girlfriend. But Jack-Jack has not made his choice. He is just playing and enjoying this game.
  Jack-Jack uses his reputation to protect one guy (Frank) from bullies. Frank is very smart and to pay off for protection he takes care about Jack-Jack"s home work.
  Jack-Jack wants to be on top of the list in his school. He likes to impress people. But he could not use his power for that. So he thinks about other way by buying new cool staff (clothes/accessories/gadgets). But his family is not rich. So he does not have a lot of pocket money. Jack-Jack catches bus to some "not nice" part of the city. This is his way to get pocket money: he is hunting bad guys, beats them and takes their money.
  Scene 6
  Newspaper office: Violet"s desk. She is trying to finish up article about small crimes against criminals and ride to mall. She is tired, she does not like her job, boss, colleagues (especially flirting ones), and whole atmosphere of making news. But most of all she does not like her secret identity life. She is ok with helping people but she is afraid that "super girl" stuff would not give her chance for normal life. She tries to date with supers, but ...
  She finishes article, left office, opens car... Today is family dinner.
  Scene 7
  Parr"s home: Violet, Dash, Jack-Jack play role that nothing happens and they are big happy family. Bob talks about job. Helen mentions some science article about new researcher in some university. She is saying: "It looks like new Syndrom ". Bob doesn"t agree, but promises to think about it. Dash, trying to keep himself in normal speed, proposes run around suspicious place to check it out. Helen does not agree saying that this job is not to see. Somebody should talk with people to find out those plans. May be Violet can go... Violet (playing role of good super) says ok, she could find reason to go to that university. All dinner time Jack-Jack thinks only about how to spend his money.
  Scene 8
  Dark richly furnished room: Man sits in arm chair with phone in his hands.
  -... So they terrorized by some super boy... No, don"t fight. This is just crisp, but we can catch big fish... I"ll send you instructions... He hangs up. Takes laptop and start reading something about force fields
  Scene 9
  Research Lab (big building with big hallways): Violet is lost in big empty building. She used her ability to go through security desk, but now she lost. She heard noise, opens door and steps into huge lab. Following noise, she is walking down the aisle between big devices and suddenly young man jumps out right in front of her, grabs her hand and pulls her back. There was a small explosion and after that like a chain reaction of explosions, which came closer and closer to them. At some point, guy pushed her to the floor and covered her by his body. There was big explosion and they were safe because Violet used her force, but young man does not notice it. He thinks that they were just lucky. They stand up look around, look to each other and (magic happens) fall in love. At that moment small piece of damaged celling fell down on Violet and knock her down
  Scene 10
  Hospital : Bob and Helen run down hallway and suddenly stop in doors: young man (Stefan) is sitting near bed, holding Violet"s hand and talking with her...
  Scene 11
  Some unpleasant looking street: Jack-Jack is on "money hunt". Surprisingly, those for whom he was watching, ask for help to protect them against other "really bad" gang. And after fight they call him to have fun together... They even give him money ...
  Scene 12
  Research Lab: Group of men (including Stefan) are discussing what was happen and why. One of them is investor. He asking question about results, recovery time, and money. Helen and Dash Parr walk in. They introduce themselves as insurance company investigation team and start questioning about explosion and facility itself. But Dash has problem to staying in normal speed. He is fighting with himself, and could not wait until this visit is over.
  Scene 13
  Helen"s car: Helen, Dash and Bob (over phone) are talking about explosion and Stefan. Dash is not fully engaged in conversation, he is not as suspicious as his mother. He sees his ex-girlfriend and uses her as escape to run away from car.
  Scene 14
  Street/mall/cafe: Dash follows ex-girlfriend, but he never has truly connection with her. So he decides to forget about her. He is young and open for new relationship... But everybody around him are slow... It"s hard to wait until they move or say something. It is too hard for him stay there and he runs away.
  Scene 15
  Some faraway place, rock above the sea: Dash fells down on ground and starts talking loud about his problem. But he notices that he is not alone. Rita is blind. She loves this place because she could feel the wind and she could dance with wind. As she said: she has music in her blood. Even she does not see, Rita wants to dance. And Rita suggests that music could solve Dash problem: he needs follow music rhythms to keep himself in real time. It would be like dance...
  Scene 16
  Park: Violet and Stefan are walking together. Stefan describes his job. He thinks it is not good to depend on supers. If someone has power it does not he should be treated like hero. And people should not relay on supers. Stefan"s work will free people from those kinds of dependences. Violet doesn"t know what to say, but Stefan continues, saying that help people to be exactly who they want to be and help them found each other. And finding each other is most amazing super power in world. He takes Violet hand.
  Scene 17
  Downtown street: Two lawyers with suitcase are exiting from big office building. They are talking about fun stuff and walking down the street. Bob is exiting from the same building. He stands in shadow and look to lawyers. At that moment some street thief grab woman purse and run. Bob want to stop him, but he is not so fast to run after that guy. And he also fears that lawyers could use his actions against him. But he finds the way: there is a pen in his pocket and he throws it. Thief stumbles (on pen) and fells (accidently) on lawyers. They think he is attacking them and start fight back. As result thief was knocked down by suitcase. People surround place of action. Police came. Woman thanks lawyers, and they give own version of those heroic action... until someone (police/ambulance) finds out that thief broke something and he need immediate medical assistant. Bob calls his lawyer asking "to follow lawyer defense"
  Scene 18
  Time line: Bob "fights" with lawyer, Violet is dating with Stefan, Stefan builds machines, Helen is spying, Dash is dancing with Rita, and Jack-Jack is involving in gang"s life ... Violet is getting ring from Stefan
  Scene 19
  Parr"s home: Violet came to parents to show ring... Helen thinks that Stefan is bad guy... plus he does not know that Violet is super. It is mom-daughter fight. Bob does not know what to do: because he agrees with both of them. But as middle guy he was attacked from both sides. Frustrated and angry Violet says that she never asked to be super, she is sick of being super, and she does not care if public is in danger because she wants regular woman happiness: true love. And she runs away. Helen screams into her back: if someone is not honest with her true love, then this is not true love. And if someone refuses admit that her true love has some weaknesses, and then this is not true love either. She also left the room. Bob, thinking he is alone, start talking with him-self about "price" of our action and price of our words. But at that time Jack-Jack tries to sneak out. He waits for the right moment. But one thought actually get his attention: each man should clear understand where he should stop...
  Scene 20
  Jack-Jack"s school: Jack-Jack is seating alone in some room. He was thinking about Bob"s words, asking himself how to be sure that he is not crossing his "ending point" . When unexpectedly Frank came in room Jack-Jack automatically asks him... He does not expect answer. But Frank has something in mind. Answer, that it depend what kind of person you want to be. First, make picture what of yourself. Step aside from model and think about it as "other" person with whom you should deal on regular basis. Let him act as you, try to understand if you like to be your friend. After that, think about yourself in future. What kind of life you would you like to live when you are old. What you want achieve during your life time. And the third step is making connection between present and future. Now you define your target and limitation of behavior. Jack-Jack likes idea. He thinks it"s simple and easy to use model. But Frank stops him, saying that any step aside from route could destroy whole future.
  They discuss this point of view and how it is applicable to real life
  Scene 21
  Some street: Jack-Jack walks down the street, thinking about his role model. His gang friends appear and call him to go with them to have some fun.
  Scene 22
  Near police station: Members of gang want to block police. But Jack-Jack does not want to take part in that action. He even wants to stop gang... Then they explain Jack-Jack that he is already with them, reminding him past action. But they are not angry with him: he is brother for them. Little brother, who just did not grow up to act as a man..., Let Jack-Jack sit and watch the real heroes. Jack-Jack is still standing, then they promise to make nightmare of his life, because everyone would be informed about what Jack-Jack does for fun. Jack-Jack does not give up. He is ready to fight. But each member of gang has special jacket: it gives its owner combination of super powers. They are not as fast as Dash or strong as Bob, but they are really close to supers. And there are many of them... Jack-Jack is losing this fight. He escapes using his power to hide...
  Jack-Jack trying to run home, but it looks like all gangs in town mobilized. They are like army: most of them have "super" jackets. They fight with police, attacking banks and stores, museums and regular houses. Those leaders get commands over phone. It looks like those actions are part of big plan.
  Scene 23
  Parr"s home: Helen was at home, when house was attacked by guys in "super" jackets. She did not fight because, she doesn"t want to break cover. They are looking for Jack-Jack and did know that whole family is super. Helen neutralizes some of them quietly. Bob comes home and finish up with rest of guys. They check up super jackets it is Stefan"s work. Gang"s leader"s phone ring, Bob picks up phone: caller say they have located super and command them to move that location. Bob and Helen ready to fight: plan is help super and get Stefan.
  Scene 24
  Research Lab: Violet came to security desk. Stefan does not know that she is coming; it should be surprise for him. Security makes a call and says to her that Stefan is in new location now and he"ll send someone with her.
  Stefan was arrested, so Violet was arrested too. They lock two love birds together. But Stefan finds the way to escape. While they are crawling, running and jumping, Stefan explains how he was tricked by his investor. They make the way to some lab, and he starts building something.
   Violet: What are you doing?
  Stefan: We need some weapons
  Violet: Because...?
  Stefan: because they should be stopped.
  Violet: Stopped? You sounds like some super. Something like "public in danger"
  Stefan: Public in danger? Yahh... That"s correct! Public in danger! That"s a good reason.
  Violet: But... but you are not super, and I thought you hate supers
  Stefan: I hate them? No. Never. I was saying that they should not be treated differently. Those superpower does not make them better than others. They are not heroes. They are just normal people who probably want to live normal life... But when, as you said, "public in danger" then each man and woman should stand up and fight. Super, not super, super not super... Who cares! Just stand up and do best what you can do. (He is finishing building something) So... Are you with me?
  Violet (putting her super mask on): Yes, I"m with you
  Scene 25
  Dash and Rita decide to try something new: dancing on ice. Rita never tried ice-skating. So Dash brings her in town. But bad timing: gang"s army start war. First Dash surprised how fast people in super jacket can move. But from other hand he uses his super speed all life, he knows couple tricks about speed. He fights. But enemies are coming. Fortunately, Jack-Jack came to help, and some old guy grab super jacket and some girl...
  At the time when Helen and Bob made his way to battlefield Dash has already own "gang", which he leads against evil army.
  Scene 26
  Research Lab: Stefan and Violet searching command center. They find him and arrest him. It was not hard because he did not expect that. But he managed to push alarm button. But forget that Stefan construct build his ammunition... And he knows how to break it.
  Scene 27
  Victory! Dancing, Celebrating. Wedding.
  Scene 28 The End.
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