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On the reform of "universal suffrage"

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On the reform of "universal suffrage".

   "Universal suffrage has raised the dignity of the little man to extraordinary heights.
   Now he, albeit once every few years, really influences the highest world politics - an unprecedented and impossible thing before.
   This is the great achievement of our ancestors.
   Our task with you is to shove it back into place "Alexey Arestovich
   Rationale for reform.
   Fairness is the only justification for reform. The current electoral system is based on a gross injustice. For example, a businessman who pays taxes creates jobs. In fact, the pillar and support of society, and for some reason in elections, his vote is equal to an adult citizen living on welfare and possibly a day not working. The contribution to the well-being of the state is different for these individuals. And the votes are equal. This is unfair and needs to be fixed. The voice of a citizen who is socialized and beneficial to the state should be more weighty than the voice of a dependent. Ideally, the weight of the vote should have been equal to the contribution of the citizen to the state and society.
   How to beat Populism.
   Unfortunately, politics turned into a show, and populists and showmen win the elections. And you really should do something about it. Naturally, the wheel of history cannot be turned back. And it is no longer possible to abolish the universal suffrage. But there is something that can be done. Now, in order to run, a candidate needs to contribute a certain amount. It needs to be transformed. So, in the 21st century, you must vote by transferring voters' money to the candidate's account. Which of the candidates will collect the most money, he won. The money then collected from all candidates goes to the budget. This will cut off the "little", which means poor and uneducated people. One vote one transfer for the amount clearly defined by law.
   Voting platform.
   The existing banking system can be used for voting. All that a citizen needs is to come to the nearest bank branch or post office and make a personal transfer of a certain amount of money to the bank account of a particular candidate. Naturally, candidates' accounts should be temporary and open, for example, at the National Bank or the Treasury. With the ability for everyone to track the amount of money received online. This will make it possible to abandon election commissions at all levels. And it will turn the conduct of elections into a routine. He came and sent money, that is, he voted. I went to the site and saw who wins. In the future, you can additionally open the ability to vote via smartphones using banking applications. Banks, thanks to 'bank secrecy', ensure the secrecy of transfers by making voting secret. Yes, we need to solve the problem of how to limit the number of transfers from one person. But this is a completely solvable task and not only at the software level.
   Abuse Prevention.
   One might think that oligarchs and other candidates will give money to the poor so that they can transfer the money received in favor of their candidacies. But this is easy to prevent if you set the upper limit for the money transferred. For example, no more than 10% of the official income for the last month for employees. For businessmen, this is no more than 10% of the amount earned in the previous reporting period. And for candidates no more than 10% of the legal income from which taxes have been paid for ten calendar years. This threshold can be varied for each elected office. This will give an advantage to those who have been conducting legal labor and economic activity in the country for at least ten years. That is a very good recommendation for a future government official.
   Rating or weight of a vote.
   How to calculate the weight of a vote in money in practice? Here it will be necessary to connect the tax authority, it is she who sees all tax receipts and it is the tax authority that is able to assign the 'weight' of the vote in monetary terms. Further, this information becomes available to banks. Which accept payments in favor of this or that candidate. This can be done at the beginning in manual mode at the checkout, where the operator looks at the rating on his own in the online database, referring to the database formed by the tax inspectorate. And then integrate this database with banking applications. And already the banking applications themselves, when forming a transfer via a smartphone, will contact the database of the tax inspectorate to determine the 'rating' or 'weight of vote' of a citizen voting with a money transfer. Limiting both the number of his transfers and the maximum transfer amount, taking into account the 'tax rating'. Thus, in the future, a citizen will be able to find out his 'rating' or 'vote weight' every month using a smartphone and any banking application, and also vote without leaving home. The principle of "state in a smartphone".

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