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Broken wings

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    In english... About trust and friendship, hate and pain, betrayal and revenge... About 20 chapters planned =)

   Tired with all these, for restful death I cry:
   As to behold desert a beggar born,
   And needy nothing trimmed in jollity,
   And purest faith unhappily forsworn,
   And gilded honour shamefully misplaced,
   And maide virtue rudely strumpeted,
   And right perfection wrongfully disgraced,
   And strength by limping sway disabled,
   And art made tongue-tied by authority,
   And folly (doctor-like) controlling skill,
   And simple truth miscalled simplicity,
   And captive good attending captain ill:
   Tired with all these, from these would I he gone,
   Save that, to die, I leave my love alone.
   (Sonet 66. William Shakespeare)

"Broken Wings"

Memories 1. "Beginning"

   - Tea, what ... why you're in the most rushed quarrel? Got enough of this life! Dull girl, God sake! You have brains in your head or stuffing, for God's sake! - furious Yass was bandaging my hand.
   - Yas, don't say name of the Lord in vain! You know that on my life I have been give a shit... anyway, and indeed for your sermon! - I winced in pain. - I'll die - such is fate. Will not die - my luck! And I can not die until he will so I just make it, and experience of "resurrection" I already have!
   - A dull girl! - Yass could not resist and made me a clip round the ear. - You're not invincible!
   - Invincibile, Yass, invincible! - I grunted. - While he is alive, I'm invincible!
   - A dull girl! - Yas broke down and threw a rag, soaked with blood, in a basin with water, accompanied by a pair of strong expressions.
   - As I am! Death - is the luxury that I can not afford! - I shrugged and took a sip from his flask. - Where from you got this swill?
   - So, the old stock - Yass turned to me. - Go and sleep, you fool! You need a rest!
   - I'm gone, gone, - I smiled, kissed the old man's cheek and swaying from weakness went out from the tent.
   At my place, I fall on the floor and cover my mouth with a rag, I allowed myself moan in pain. Tomorrow Yass, missing his flask, will grumble with expressions, which are far from secular about "one stupid girl" who "again got overdrank slyly".
   Old Yass, almost like a father to me, then... long ago... he pulled me from the underworld, nursed in his forest lodge. He did not even hoped that I would live. But I'm still alive, contrary to common sense and damn logic, I did not die ... I survived, to find "him" and take revenge ...
   Swill of Yass suppresses pain. Good choke. And at a time it kills my memory. Damn memory that every one of my dreams makes me weep and cry out in pain. And wish to die. Damn memory that does not allow to forget "him". This damned creature that killed me. Hate! Hate! Hate!
Cursed swill - "cure-alls" - the only thing that now would force me to sleep without nightmares. I have to force imprinted fist into the floor. Lord, how I hate "him"!Hate! Hate ...
   They say "he" was seen a week of "horse go" from here ... damn ... I hate that beast! Hate ...
   Dying and going to view "his eyes" ... It would be better to be just killed by "him" ... But "he" liked my pain ... enjoy it ... Beast! Hate ...
   Swill sickened consciousness, graciously smooths memories ... good swill... swill ... compassionate ... good ... good man swill of Yass ... Thank you for it, Yass.
   And I remember whom I was in "the other life", dancing at balls, sniffing the flowers ... Dull cow! And I believed ... "Him" believed ... Dull girl ... You are right, old Yass, you so right!
   I was ten years old. And I was in our garden. Today is so warm, so sunny, but over the bed with my mother's favorite flowers butterflies circling. I laughed softly from overflowing with joy and began to pick flowers, gather a bouquet for my beloved mother.
   - Tearinna! - Screamed loudly in the garden of my lovely nanny. - Tearinna, where are you gone, my dear girl?!
   - I am here, my precious "Aunt Ange", - I laughed. - Here, I'm running to you!
   - My dear, - Ange hugged me, kissed me tenderly and gently chided. - I worried so much. How you could do this to me?!
   - Forgive me, my dear "Aunt Ange", - I kissed her cheek. - I just wanted to pick some flowers for mommy. Forgive me.
   - That little sun is my precious, - my nanny took my hand and led me along the path. - It's time to wash and comb your hair, and dress up, soon the guests will arrive, my sweetest baby.
   - Guests? - I wondered.
   - Yes, ladies and gentlemen from the neighboring estates arriving today, - smiled Ange. - Don't you remember? The ball will be tonight, on the occasion of the birthday of your mother.
   - Oh, - could only giggle in reply I. - I really forgot about the ball.
Already in the lobby of our estate I met my mother. Our house was seemed to be full of sunshine and I knew that all this is only in favor of my beloved mom. Sunlight danced on my dress, bouncing off my mom's jewelry.
   - Mom, - I ran to her and handed collected bouquet. - This is for you! Happy Birthday Mommy!
   - That sun is my precious, - Mommy hugged me and kissed me tenderly. - Thank you, darling, my darling. But you must change your clothes, my sunshine, and get ready for ball. Our guests will arrive soon. But our little princess has not even dressed for the ball yet.
   - Of course, Mother, - I nodded, slipped from her arms and ran up the stairs to my room.
   - Rinnatte, quick, - my brother Etienne ran into my room, when Ange almost finished laying my hair. - Guests begin to arrive. We are all down. And waiting for you.
   - Etty, let's run - I kissed the nanny, grabbed my brother `s hand and together we ran out of room.
   - Neat, little princess, - running out, I heard the laughter of my nanny.
   I probably never will see such beautiful balls, as it was then, in honor of Mom's birthday. The guests were so elegant and beautiful, ballrooms decorated with some very magical colors and flowers. And the lights and beautiful music, and light moving in a waltz pair. Everything was so beautiful. So insanely wonderful. And mommy to daddy were such a beautiful couple.
   Seizing the moment, I ran out of ballroom to our garden, I wanted to have a little rest and sit by the pond. At sunset the flowering apple trees in the garden took on a pale pink color. And I found myself stopped near the bench, admiring them. And then I sat down at it, admiring a mad mix of reflections on the silent waters of the pond. Play of colors from pale violet to crimson red, bright red circle of the setting sun, again the magical play and, finally, almost black sky above me, occasionally adorned with bright points of awakening stars.
   A light gust of wind showered me with flower petals from next to the bench apple tree. I laughed, shaking off the flowers from my dress, but the impish breeze again overwhelmed me with flower petals like a magic rain.
   - It seems that in this garden there are little fairies? - a pleasant voice made me turn around.
   Before me was "him", a lot older than my brother. I looked at "him" and remained standing, frozen in admiration of "his" eyes, in the reflection of which played a colorful flashes, and because of the setting sun, and because of the light ripples on the surface of the pond, giving "him" quite a mystical appearance.
   But the crimson sun glare brushed "his" black camisole, flashed an ominous reflection of "his" eyes, giving "him" a look of a predator, it terribly scared me then. "His" look.
   In sweeping over me naked terror, I drew back, bumped into my mother's dress, turned around, dropped in her skirt, trying to hide from so frightened me glance.
   - You have found our lost princess, dear lord Ersa, - Mom, she seemed to be quite fearful of "him". - Tearinna, my child, you should thank Lord Ersa.
   I had to turn around and sit in a curtsy, due to this terrible Lord.
   - You can call me Ler, little fairy Tearinna - he bent down to kiss my outstretched hand, and again his eyes flashed with scarlet, making me tremble with fear and look away.

Memories 2."Meeting"

   Shoulder unpleasantly cut pain and I grabbed it, clenching my teeth, barely audibly groaned.
   - Drink, - Meir gave me, had dropped yesterday flask. Swill echoed sharp pain in my head and now I moaned, clutching my temples. I grabbed Meir's outstretched flask and made a good drink from it. The pain subsided a little.
Reeling, I got a camp bed and went to a bucket of ice water, which Meir brought in, and splashed a little on the face, resulting in a sense.
   Meir, my friend ... my good friend ... my brother ... You taught me a long time to trust again ... based on substituted shoulder ... And still due to old habit, I'm waiting from you stab in the back ... I'm sorry, Mei, thanks to "him" now I always expect a stab in my back, but in contrast to past experience, I am prepared for it ... Now I am prepared...
   - Again, to be protected from the nightmares? - Mei gently touched my shoulder and shook his head. - What the hell did you do yesterday in that quarrel going?
   - So, I was out of it alive, we need to save a one human being, to get information we need from him, - shaking my head, I answered. - And now I know where "he" is and where I can find "him".
   - You like one possessed, - a sad sighed Mei. - What's happening to you since you learned that "he" is alive?
   - So what? I have more than good reason for this "obsession", - I evilly gritted my teeth.
   - And what reason? - Mei turned me, continuing to hold my shoulders, and looked into my eyes.
   - The less you know, better you sleep. Do not climb into my soul, Mei, it's frightful, - I shook off his hands and pierced my shoulder from yesterday echoed a sharp pain, forcing me to hiss through clenched teeth.
   - Sorry ... - sighed Meir.
   - Survive. The worst had happen...
   - If you don't mind, I will help you to dress?
   - Well ... yes...
   A few minutes later I pulled down the tent flap and went out. A gust of icy wind lashed hurting me in the face, knocking the breath for a moment.
   - A good day would it be, - I deeply breathed, enjoying the morning frosty air.
   - Good for late fall, - I heard a voice of Mei behind me.
   - I'll go to town ... Alone, - I fast jumped in the saddle, again gritting my teeth from the pain in my shoulder. - Mei, unaccompanied ... Consider it an order ...
   With half an ear when I left, I heard him angrily swore through his teeth.
   I'm sorry Mei, but I must check out some rumors, and hardly anyone will recognize in this gray-haired woman with a scar on her face, long been "defunct" young lady Tearinna Noe Lisse ...
   Half-day horse path and I have so needed tavern in town. The boy in the stables glad to the thrown coin. I'm glad to heat of the room, soaked in smoke, smells of cooking food, sour wine and strong brew.
   In the twilight of the hall I was taken as an ugly old woman, which is pretty good for hiding my true face. To some extent I am even "grateful to him" for those of my received, that fateful day, "decorations".
   I sat in the corner, away from prying eyes. Although after that war is rarely one may be surprised about a gray woman in a man's clothes, traveling alone on horse.
   Slowly stretch the waiting time, but finally, an icy wind burst through the front door, extinguishing the flame of a few candles on the chandelier hanging from the ceiling, bringing the freshness of a frosty night in this unimaginable smells of plebs smelling tavern.
   Through this crazy carousel of smells I could hear the train delicate aroma of exquisite women's perfume, and a shrill female voice announcing:
- My dear Lord, how can I stay here?!
   I stealthily watching the newcomer. Almost perfect and absolutely stupid. Equilibrium achieved. Evil grin to myself.
   - The best room for my mistress, - contemptuously throws her servant, a gold coin on the bar and tavern-owner in a hurry, following noble lady.
   - Oh, well, so stinky here. Hopefully we will not stay anymore in such places on the way to Arris! - A thin woman's voice becomes quieter. - Lerry, I make you pay for this humiliation!
   Well, well, my old enemy: it was good to see you again. And all my thanks for your chatty tongue no words can express!
   I threw on my head a hood of traveling cloak and left the tavern. Half night of horse-ride worth received news, but my thanks to the boy-groom, who so quickly saddled my horse, is worth gold.
   - I'm going to sleep, - on the move, I threw the reins to Meir and fell on my bed totally exhausted.
   - Drink up, - he handed the flask.
   - Thank you, - I could only whisper in reply, and drank it in one gulp, so another night will pass without nightmares.
   Memories ... memories ... dreams comes again ...
   I was fourteen years old when I saw her first time.
   I was in the classroom of our estate with the next task to be prepared. Tomorrow we will have another high-society ball and a lot of guests will come.
   But few have decided to arrive today and now I will have to lunch with this boring Lord Ersa, with such frightening me eyes. Each time the glare of light reflects in his eyes, I can't cease to pursue the feeling that the Devil himself looking at me.
   - Lady Tearinna, - my governess Estel walked into the room. - Are you ready?
   - Ready, niss Alia, - hopelessly I sighed and began to respond to her boring lesson on the history of the country.
   Finally all my classes were finished and I was able to go for a walk in the garden. Taking with me a couple of apples and a book, I went to my very favorite spot by the pond. A wonderful summer day, the pond blowing cool and butterflies dancing in the wind, dancing an intricate dance, so similar to one folk dance that recently I secretly saw in the city.
   I flopped down on my stomach on the grass, swinging my legs and improper munching an apple, I began to read book. The rustle of grass, the hum of insects and the warm summer sun slumberous. Flipping page after page, I did not notice how I fell asleep.
   I awaked realizing that I no longer laying on the soft grass, and my head is on someone's lap now.
   - Etty, you again had to pick me from the grass? - I mumbled sleepily and yawned.
   - Yes, fairy Tearinna, I had to pick you up from the grass, - pleasing velvety voice was heard over my ear. - I could not let anyone else besides me find such a beautiful fairy.
   Caught unawares, I jerked my head, hitting Lord Ersa's chin, from which he angrily swore through his teeth, and jumped off the bench
   - Forgive me, Lord Ersa, - I muttered, shaking my dress from adhering to it grass and trying not to look into his eyes. - Sorry for the inconvenience and let me leave you. I should hasten to the estate.
   I rushed quickly to pass him by, but he stopped me, grabbing the wrist. Terrified, I froze like a rabbit before a snake, unable to move.
   - Since I found you, my dear Fairy Tearinna, - he said with such soft voice, from what I started to have creeps on the skin and instantly my palms began to sweat, - you have to fulfill my wish.
   - Certainly, Lord Ersa, - barely I whispered through dry lips, - anything.
   - Then you, my dear Fairy Tearinna, shall give me the first dance at the ball - he whispered, pulling me to him.
   I desperately nodded, pulled my hand from his grasp, and hurried away, almost running away from sitting on the bench Lord.
   How soon I was in the estate I do not remember. My heart was pounding desperately on the horror and I hurried upstairs to my room.
   - Oh, what you look like? - clasped hands Ange. - What happened to you, baby?
   I looked in the mirror and was startled by surprise. My hair was tousled, eyes burning with a feverish gleam on my pale face and only cheeks flushed from running, and all in grass stains dress was crumpled.
   - My lady, let me quickly make you beautiful, - hurried nanny. - Coming dinner with guests.
   Suddenly the door opened up, I turned to a loud sound and saw a perfectly beautiful young girl.
   She was so beautiful, like a fairy princess from one of my books. Golden curls perfectly scattered on the milky-white shoulders, huge blue eyes framed by dark eyelashes. And delicate peach-colored dress she wore as a princess. All as if woven from light aircraft lace adorned with pearls and precious stones.
   - Oh, what a misery, - she pursed her lips in disgust.
   I was embarrassed by my disheveled appearance, and the nanny frowned.
   - Come up to me, child, - she stretched out her hand, beckoning me with a gesture - Your maid disgusting schooled and we did not have the honor to be introduced to each other. My name is Lady Liara noe Alen. And, judging by your appearance, I have to take care of you, my dear child. Otherwise, you will never become a lady, and will remain draggle-tail.
   I frantically curtsied, looking down at the floor and mumbled:
- You did me the honor of Lady Liara. I am Lady Tearinna noe Lisse. Thank you for your kindness.
   - That is better, dear lady Tearinna - she imperiously raised my chin with her hand and looked into my eyes, as if she was studying me, and then turned to the nanny. - Wash it and send it to me in the room. And bring her ball gowns. Everything. You... How's your name?
   - Niss Ange, Madam, - bowed nanny.
   - I hope you understood me, niss ... Andre, - she turned and went out of my room.
   - Lord, what a Fury, - whispered nanny, closing the door behind her.
   - I'm afraid of her, - I muttered in reply.
   - My poor child, - Ange patted me on my head. - Apparently, you have to endure her company a few days. Remember about manners and ... be patient.
   An hour later, after the nanny brought me to the room of Liara, this Lady was finally able to find me a suitable dress for dinner, adding some jewelry from her own and forcing her governess to comb my hair to the latest fashion.
   At dinner she always barely audible hiss into my ear:
   - Lady, should be sitting with straight back, pressing her elbows to her sides. Right, ladies Tearinna. Chin is straight, Lady Tearinna. Lady eating with small pieces. God, how you hold this knife!
   At the same time she spoke with me with such a sweet smile on her face that my education from the side would look like a polite conversation of two young noble girls. Since I was remembering manners, I could only charmingly smile in reply.
   The nervous tension of communication with Liara even distracted me from presence at the dinner of Lord Ersa.

Recollection 3. "Path"


- Does it hurt? - Meir helped me to get off the horse. After a day of furious racing in pursuit of a Liara, I'm winced, rubbing my shoulder.
   - Will survive, - again I rubbed my shoulder, trying to soften the pain.
   - Wait, I will put the tent now, so you can relax... a little, - Meir, not letting me realize what's happening, picked me up and carried to a fallen tree, arranging me comfortably.
   - Thanks, - pressing for a second his hand, I said.
   But he just smiled and handed me a bottle of "cure-alls" swill. Yass has always been opposed to, I drank this swill. But it is - the best way to escape my nightmares. And pain. But Meir understood ... always understood ... and gave it to me ...
   I got up and then walked quietly into the woods since they were all busy with camp, I wanted to be alone. I always loved to be alone. But now it has become a part of me. However, without which I would never be able to exist.
   But "he" believed Liara that day. Everything that she has "sang" to "him". Though, why it is surprising me? However, no matter how passionately he did swear to me, still " his" heart has always belonged to her. Always belonged to that schemer.
   And he allways led her desires ... As now the country was in civil war and ... How many people died ... And this is due to her whims and now I'm trying to "kill" my consciousness with swill ...
   I was violently struck my fist on the trunk of a tree, quietly moaning in pain, which immediately surrendered into my injured shoulder.
   Until now, I will not forget the village with the children hanged there ... Why them, we never knew. Dead village ... a soul ...
   I then wanted to howl from helplessness ... Then destroy those who dared to do such to children. ... I screamed in pain for a long time in the forest, rending dagger into tree trunk. And then I sat with the swill, "killing" the memory at least not for long.
   Liara ... The appearance of the angel and the soul of vile creature ... Hate! The worst thing is that for the people like her, all the rest only toys that are intended to execute their will.
   I plunged a knife into the trunk of a tree with force, literally roared with the pain of memories. Leaned my forehead against him, for the sake of saving sense of icy cold, coming from the cortex. And helplessly slid down, silently swallowing the angry tears of helplessness.
   We with Yass joined squad of Meir, when they accidentally came to our lodge. By the time I almost cured from injuries, and Yass quietly taught me how to use a hunting knife.
   Mei, as I, lost his family in this war, and, just, as I, survived. Assembled squad of the same, as we are, with the soul milled in the bloody slaughter of the civil war.
   From Mei I learned that "he" is alive. From that accidentally tossed words and began my journey. And "he" should answer for everything. But I must take revenge, so the souls of my family could finally rest peacefully.
   My clothes got wet, but I did not feel the cold. My hair hung with wet icicles, frozen hands, but I stubbornly wandered through the forest, wiping burning tears of bad memories. Under the icy gusts of wind pain in my shoulder gradually subsided.
   I woke up from oblivion because I was whirled and my shoulder once again responded with a sharp burst of pain, and then my cheek burned a sharp slap in the face. I fell in the mud and on my lips appeared salty taste, I wiped the corner of lip with the back of hand.
   - I want to be alone, - evilly I hissed through clenched teeth.
   - Idiot. We there just got damn crazy, - almost growled May, with the force lifted me from the ground and forcing the newly swear through my teeth in pain.
   - Devil! - a gust of wind whipped up, hurting me with a lock of hair hitting my cheek.
   - Do not you dare to do that anymore! - a man violently shook me, then grabbed by the waist and carried into the camp.
   - As you wish, my lord, - evilly I whispered in reply.
   In the tent, he gently put me on the bed, held out some dry clothes and went away.
Taking off wet clothes, I went to the fryer to warm cold hands. Came a mad tiredness, barely moving my feet, I got to bed and fell on her, lost in oblivion.

Recollection 4. "Ball"

   It was necessary to pass through forest so we will reduce a part of a way and we will be at "his" castle in time. The bent trees pull branches-hands to the sky as if poor pull crooked fingers, eliciting a piece of bread.
   Ice-cold rain painfully whips face, forcing to pull a hood more. Feet sliding in a dirt, clinging to roots. Horses rattle, resist, frightened of scratches, "sighs" of prewinter forest.
   I have closed eyes and raised my face, substituting it under ice stinging streams, have slightly smiled. So by this I remember that I am still live and that I have a purpose.
   Prewinter forest is dangerous. After war there became even more gangs. The new government is not interested in them, it is interested only in their pocket more likely. And in that thigs which possible to snatch on the ashes, that they have created... Branch over me shaked and the sleet lump falled on the me... Bird has shouted, something has squeaked, the scared horse has taken a nap and we have stopped... The Death again will collect today the gifts, generous...
   But me it is not terrible... Unless it is terrible to die? No... Not for me. Death - my old kind girlfriend, the mercy madam, has released, has given chance to revenge for them... For all... For mine...
   I smiled... Malicious... With grin... Jump away from a knife, I slide near at hand of murderer, I thrust my dagger to it side... Silly, you already belong to her, and she has given me chance...
   Hardly aside, you thrust a cold edge under edges, another... Death gives chance to Meir... Through me... Blood - you erase from the face... Shoulder has responded a pain - a trifle... Saltish smell, taste of iron on lips... You move quickly, they slowly... Deadly dance... Bloody my gift to the girlfriend... Wood is painted in bright red colors... Through clouds the sun beam has made the way, caring, sliding softly on a cheek... Horses scaredly rattle... The End... I will wipe blood from a knife about pure snow... It drips from my hair... Has not noticed... I will smile. Malicious.... With grin...
   In our group was lost three against twenty them. Means we will bury fallen in this forest, among trees.
   - You feel well? - Meir cautiously wiped blood splashes on my face. - You are not wounded?
   - No. Why you ask? You know that my time has not come yet, - I have negatively shaken my head in the answer.
   - I know, - he nodded agreeing. - Through couple of hours there should be a manor, there can have a rest.
   - Well, - I have risen from a tree root on which I sat, have shaken off a dirt from clothes. - When we go?
   - We go, as soon as all we will bury fallen, - has wiped a dirt from face Meir. - How is shoulder?
   - As it should be, - I slightly smiled, mildly... Without a grin...
   Manor? A wonderful manor where we can have a rest and be warmed?
   I looked at the ruins of the house, blackening in twilight. To them were pulling hooked branches-hands trees. Dwelling for my girlfriend. The group silently stood, expecting the order of Meir. And I have simply made pair of jumps to a house wall, hardly was tightened on hands, have thrown a body through it and have jumped off on where once was fine parquet.
   Forest manor was burned, it is probable even during war. Ruins were empty. At all ruins, from all building there was only a ballroom with a roof from the gloomy autumn sky.
   The group has begun to move, following a silent nod of Meir. Has started to settle down for spending the night at manor, to put tents, to kindle fires. Someone has already started to cook food, someone to feed horses.
   And I was kicking old boards of a parquet, clearing myself a place.
   - Yas, play, - I have shouted in darkness.
   - What? - he has approached to me, holding a torch. The flame danced, rejecting bloody reflected lights on his face.
   - Lljara, - I clownishly have given bow. - I ask, dear maestro.
   - Why you asked for Lljara? - Darkness was slipped out by Mei.
   - Mei, I in a ballroom, - stretching my hand to him. - Also I want to dance. Ballroom after all only for dances.
   - Well, - he has nodded and we have thrown off raincoats.
   Meir gives a hand, it conducts, I follow it... Turn... Thrown up locks... My ribbon has flied... Movement of hand on a hip... I was curved, having concerned with floor hair... Again in embraces of strong hands, continuously I look after for it... Breath at a cheek... Heart passes blow... Easy movement of lips on face... Movement of hands caressing, attracting... Tempting... Submitting... He is a Master, and I belong to Him... But not for present time!... I am free... I push him away... away... I Leave easy with sliding movements in darkness... Stops by catching shoulders... Hot breath scorches a skin... Submits again... Approaches... Draws... Captivates the force... His hand on a waist, slides, caresses, develops... Light touch of lips to lips... We fade... The Owner and I restrained, subdued... Music calms down... I exhausted fall on a floor...
   Lljara came from southern countries. National dance. Dance for a two that danced by tradition on the hot coals, proving to the chosen sincerity of your feelings. Proving that never your chosen will betray, will not put a stab in the back, proving that he is ready to bear any pain, any flour for the sake of you.
   To tent dozing, tired of exhausting dance, Meir carring me on hands, as habit has allowed to take me a sip of swill and the dream has covered me with it's soft, velvet pads.
   Music caressed, carried away...
   I have opened eyes that for an instant have screwed up from the magnificent light which illuminates our ballroom, from candles, jewelry, crystal glasses. Has inhaled a smell, fascinating aromas which soft waves floated on a hall.
   Etty, having used my hitch, has dexterously pushed me into crowd and we have begun to spin together with all in bewitching dance.
   We so much had fun with Etty that soon around us small empty space was formed. Lords and ladies have given way to rejoicing children. And Etty turned and turned me on the formed space, forcing my ringlets that to fly up and fall down, as if it was a magic wave. And I laughed and turned together with my brother for a while, untill, he has not interrupted our mad dance and have not brought me to a little table with drinks.
   I greedy drank water from a glass offered by brother untill over my ear I heard velvet pleasant voice:
   - Fairy Tearinna, why you have deceived me?
   From unexpectedness I have had a fit of coughing, nearly without having dropped a glass, but nevertheless have decided to reject pressure of impudent Erse and, without turning to him, have answered:
   - And you would prefer, dear milord, that I should be bitten then by a venomous snake?
   - The Lord merciful, you are simply charming, dear child, - I have carefully developed by shoulders and have taken away a glass. - And still, you didn't follow keep the promise.
   I have stood with unexpectedness, not in forces to believe that the lord is not going to refuse the conceived.
   Ersa imperceptible in graceful movement has pushed me into crowd dancing, holding his hand by my waist, and we have begun to spin, carried away by them, as if whirlpool.
   - Well, now this snake will bite me, - I have gloomy sighed, following Ersa.
   - Fairy Tearinna, - has burst out laughing with silent laughter Ersa, - for a snake you shall not worry, any snake can be pacified, even the poisonous.
   - For you it's only seems, - I have rocked a head in the answer.
   - Let's, my lovely child, change the subject of conversation, - the hand of Ersa has slipped upwards on my hand, has gently spent on a shoulder and with easy movement of finger-tips has concerned my cheek.
   From unexpectedness I have shuddered, then with force have pushed away Ersa and have rushed away from a ballroom. Already at the doors I have stopped and has looked back. It, as if a dark phantom in the black camisole, went through dancing and people let its pass. For a second it seemed to me that in his sight reflected a flame. As if the devil went through our ballroom.
   From a fright I have pressed a hand to a mouth, constraining shout, and have run even faster away, jumping through steps on a porch of our house, disappearing in the dark a garden, lightening only with torches. It seemed to me that I have escaped far enough from the house. Has a little strayed by an old part of a garden where only the moonlight helped to find to me footpaths between trees, until I came to an old fountain.
   Exausted I having falled on a bench near it, I long sat peering at darkness and guessing, how I can find a way back home. Considerably has become cold, I am chilly shivered and grinded my hands, trying though to warm up a little. Terribly wishing to sleep, I have got on a bench with feet, have compressed in a lump and have closed eyes, gradually failing in a dream.
   I have woken up becauset someone has sharply pushed me.
   - Look, Aren, what a birdie, - I have hardly opened eyes, peering into darkness of a garden.
   - Yes, - from heat of the torch brought to my face, I have spread away on a bench. - Pretty... And how do you sing, birdie?
   Someone has seized me by an anklebone and has dragged up on a bench to itself more close. From that person to me came a smell of wine and the stranger, as he was drunk, has hiccupped. He has rejected a torch away in a fountain, that has hissed and has gone out.
   - Release, - I have whispered, not able to move because of horror.
   - What? I do not hear, - he has laughed loudly. - Sing to us, birdie.
   Something has concerned cold and has slowly moving on me feet, scratching a skin and gradually lifting up me a dress. Someone has sharply seized me by shoulders and strongly pressed to a bench.
   I have tried to rush away, have tried to escape, the cold sharp thing sliding on my leg has sharply moved and cuted me. From a pain I have wildly cried, but immediately my mouth was clamped by hand. The knife has fallen on stones, evilly has tinkled.
   I tried to move head, but the shoulders was strongly pressed to a bench, not allowing to me to escape. Scratched his clothes with nails, tried to tear off his hands from myself, but they held me too strong. I moaned as the hand closing my mouth, did not allow to me to cry. Has tried to bite it, but this did not work. Has tried to kick the first, but he has sharply sat down on my foot, having pressed it to a bench. From a pain I have moaned. Instead of a knife now on my foot was crepting sweaty hand of the first, slowly lifting up my dress. They were telling something, but from the fear which has captured me I did not understand any word.
   The second, who was holdingmy shoulders, has released me for an instant moment and has dived into darkness. I have tried to rise, but the strong slap in the face has cast away me back on a bench, and then my throat had the cold fine blade, painfully scratched my skin.
   - You sing nicely, birdie, - again smell of wine. - But here now you will keep silent and you will stay obedient, birdie. We will not take away much of your time, you will just please us and then you will be free. Our cute birdie.
   And here I have cried loudly, stridently so strongly as could, without paying attention to the blade pressed to my throat, to the blood which has dripped on a dress.
   - Quickly and without irritating me release this girl, - the imperious velvet voice came onto the darkness.
   - You what, want to try her first? - almost belched the first.
   - Fairy Tearinna, just close your eyes and ears, and sing anything that will come on your mind, - the velvet voice has ordered and I have instantly obeyed, having screwed up very much eyes and having closed ears with hands, despite sweaty palms on mine to feet and blade pressed to a throat, have started singing a foolish song.
   - Liliana walked on a meadow, - I sang. - Walked and collected flowers for her beloved... Inhaling their aroma, she dreamed of a sweet kiss...
   - Fairy, do not open for a while your eyes, - the owner of an imperious velvet voice has cautiously took away my hands from ears. - I now carry you back to the house, only do not open for while your eyes.
   - You have killed them? - I have asked directly.
   - No, - Ersa has silently answered. - There were simply drunk fools.
   - Which nearly... - I have sobbed.
   - Have frightened you strongly, - he has finished phrase for me. - Would you believe but in such condition they... However you will grow up, you will ask me and I will tell you as it occurs.
   - But they wished to kill me, - I have again sobbed.
   - Believe, they did not want you to kill, simply to frighten, - Ersa has sighed. - They wished you to frighten simply, fairy Tearinna. Such a foolish jokes from them.
   And has has cautiously incurred me on a garden, telling about any nonsense and calming me. I at all did not remember, how he has carried me in my room, through the celebratory house, among all that people, but he has made it so well that nobody has seen us.
   In a room he has cautiously helped me to unbutton hooks on a dress and has brought hot water from kitchen that I could wash. I have changed clothes in a house dress in my wardrobe and have washed my face, while he sat in my room and waited for me.
   - If you want i can read you a fairy tale? - he has approached to a shelf with books and began to look them.
   And I with astonishment looked at Ersa, which have turned in instant moment from a terrible demon in the lovely young man.
   - No, - I shook my head, when he turned to me. -Thank you for saving me today.
   - Remember, the fairy, - he has quickly came to me, has gently hugged and has softly whispered in my ear. - Nobody will never frighten you like that. I will not allow anymore anyone to ftouch you like that. And any who will try to frighten or touch you like that, next time will not get off so simply. You are mine, fairy Tearinna, and only I have the right to touch you like that.
   - I understand, - I have with amazement whispered in the answer, and He drew back sharply, then has touched my lips with his hot and dry lips for a moment, pushed me away and left my room in hurry. And I remained to stand, having pressed finger-tips to lips and understanding that now I just had my very first kiss in life with the person, whom I was afraid most of all in it.

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