Латман Иосиф : другие произведения.

Not Knowing What Awaits

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Yosef latman

                                              All rights reserved by the author.

(Free translation from Russian by the author Yosef  Latman)

While going on off-chance,
Falling, maybe, into trance,
Not know what does me awaits:
The crying candle of my dreams,
Or my star, being... in tears?

The burned strands ours -
Are a past′s ashes...
Today not promise they
Even some happiness days.

Only in dreams at night
Flowers in the fields
With their petals in Moonlight
Are rustling about happy winds.
But... what does me awaits?-
Heavy is my way...
April 2020

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