Латман Иосиф : другие произведения.

The Evening Sea

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Yosef Latman

                                           All rights reserved by the author

                    THE EVENING SEA
(Free translation from Russian by the author Yosef Latman)

The dark splashes of the evening sea!
Red having flashed, they have sadness sparkled .-
The sun behind curtains bashfully bathed...
And leaving day changes color at night′s plea.

Or... it is a reflection of sunset past,
Or frozen suddenly reflection of stars, ,
Or the shatters mirror′s of now ancient sea God,
Who opened circles life′s with his Trident as sea lord.

Will whether tell me about it sea
( Shall beg whether I or loudly scream...),
Somewhere far ... shimmering with a ghostly light,
Or , as a cat, somesing having purring, at feet in night?

The spray, flashing like shadows, disappeared...
The sea merged with night - his not be seeing..
And waves - as in childhood at home my swing...
They can drag me into abyss, as a stormwind.

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