Ланс Лора : другие произведения.

Unbroken dark

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Unbroken dark, a midnight light -
You"re lonely here, in ruthless night...
It"s calling you, it"s taking sad,
And no exit, that won"t be bad!

But how to be - all dreams today
Have left - forever gone away!
And now your conscience has impelled,
And you"ve forgot all, that you felt.

This empty, cold, eternal world,
It sense of life your has destroyed!
To bottom, to the lowest part,
Just last intent - and broken heart.

Step in abyss, this step is last,
In shadow of your sinful past.
And time then stopped - but light and you,
You understood ambient truth...

Your hard verdict in high voice -
And only then dissolved noise.
It"s blind jiffy, It"s crash your faith,
Justice fair can"t more wait.

It left forever. Left as rain -
And now you happy - can"t feel pain!
Your life is far away behind,
Ahead you just immortal light...

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