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Fuckin Star (english)

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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An ordinary boy
So looking for attention
Will start a different life
Until he gets crowd"s admiration.
Not knowing what is waiting him ahead
He"s spending days in self perfection.
He"s trying hard to be so sage and cool
He even starts to follow fashion!
Till it becomes his own obsession: 
To be so sage and cool
And just to make a good impression 

And why?
So they could say:
"Oh yes, he"s good, let"s smile to him!"
"Oh yes, He"s God, let"s pray to him!"
And suddenly he"s walking streets
With Fame along his side
As people try to catch his every move
And smile and word along with glance.
He"ll think:
"I am the One, the peoples" Idol!
But why am I so empty?"
Romantic, by his nature, 
He has to hide all feelings,
So they could give him his new tastes
Passions, gestures, pretty faces. 
He"ll realize what path has chosen,
Condemned to live his hollow life
By tags of own admires. 

And then, one day
An empty day as all the others
He"ll meet another Hero,
Another God in flesh of beauty
That"ll say to him:
Quit trying be that fuckin Star
I love you right the way you are.

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