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Catechism of Fravashi (Conversion of the soul)

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    What is the term "warrior of light"? How is it related to the term "Thucydides trap"? What an antagonistic struggle has been, is and will be between people and states.

Catechism of Fravashi

(Soul appeal)

   The ancient Egyptian god, the sun of Ra, floats every day on the celestial Nile on the dayboat Manjet ("Boat of eternity"), in order to give all living beings the opportunity to live on the planet in joy and warmth under the rays of RaThe boat floats from the east and in the evening reaches its goal - the Western Mountains, where the gates of the underworld are located. Ra floats on the heavenly Nile. On its way there are 24 doors (gates). 12 doors - solar (day), 12 doors - lunar (night). The path through the underground Nile runs in a long and narrow valley with twelve gates, located across the way, at the same distance from each other. In this underground valley, Ra fights with the terrible monsters of darkness for the opportunity to again ascend in the east and bestow the earth with life-giving rays. At dawn, a boat through a cave in the eastern cliffs comes up to the sky, and everything repeats again - day after day, from year to year, from century to century.
   Midnight is coming. The sun is floating along the underground river to the east. As it moves, the halo of light fades and dies behind the stern, and the underworld plunges into darkness. But in front of the gloom disappears. Soon, the rays illuminate the steeply uplifted rocks, between which, disappearing around the bend, an underground river meanders, soon reaching the surface of the earth.
   - Gods! I see the cave of Apophis (Apep / Aapep). Get ready for battle! - Ra exclaims. Deep in the darkness of the dungeon in the cave lives the dragon Apop. A huge snake is terrified, he bends his long body with large rings. The disgusting spotty monster curls and hisses. Menacing growls Apophis - the lord of evil forces, the enemy of the sun. Every night he lies in wait for a boat at the underground rocks. Noticing the rook, Apop drinks the water around him and lays on the sand spit formed at the same time, waiting for Ra and remaining in darkness. And every night, the god Ra and his retinue fight with a gigantic serpent so that in the morning the sun rises again in the sky. And now it is midnight, according to Egyptian calculus, the last hour before dawn. The battle reaches its climax. With a powerful blow to the tail, Apop knocks out the eye of the Sun God and swallows it. In response, Ra turns into a cat - a cunning and dexterous animal - and she, armed with a sword, jumps up a snake on her back. Sweep of the sword - and the severed head of the snake flies to the side. From the vanquished headless Apope, all the swallowed water of the underground river flows back. That god Thoth returns the eye to the god Ra and heals him. Now the rook can continue its course again, bringing sunshine and warmth to the whole earth.
So good always triumphs over evil.


1. The origin of the term "warrior of light"

   Nowadays, many new terms appear, one of them is "warriors of the light", rooted in the ancient Egyptian myth of "The Struggle of Ra with Apopa".
   The first who reworked the term and introduced it into international circulation in his work "The Book of the Warrior of the Light" (português "Manual do Guerreiro da Luz") in 1997, became Paul Coel (português Paulo Coelho). The book saw the light in the American publishing house "HarperCollins Publishers LLC" and quickly gained popularity first in the USA and Great Britain, and then throughout the world, becoming an international bestseller.

Thesis plot of the book

   The book tells about a fishing village and one of its inhabitants. Nameless boy. From his face comes the narrative. The reader reveals the thoughts of the protagonist, shows how the foundation of his view of himself and the world is built. Personalities and interactions of the Ego and the superego. The boy is Catholic. The antagonist builds in his thoughts certain taboos and rules, and requires himself to comply with them for the rest of his life. His categorical imperatives, in the opinion of an adult, look funny and contain excessive rigor to himself and others : to observe their views, to be faithful to them and not to deviate from them never and under any circumstances, no matter how hard and unbearable. The position of a young rigorist and puberty maximalist.
   On examples from the book: "... There are no abstract concepts for a warrior of light....", "... The warrior of light is like a rock....", "... The warrior of light cannot be indifferent to injustice....", "... The warrior of light realized that the best thing is to follow the light....", "... Warrior knows that an angel and a demon dispute his hand holding a sword....", "... The warrior of light - against his will - takes the wrong step and plunges into the abyss ...", "... The warrior of light accepts His Path as a whole. ..." and etc.

2. Everything is good in moderation

   The term "Warrior of the Light" was created by the Brazilian, but was widely used in the world, in particular by politics, thanks to ideologists from the USA and Great Britain.
   What is required of an independent and self-sufficient individual? Be a "persistent tin soldier" or absorbent (dope / studying) and mimicking (adaptable, miscible) personality? Rigoride or flexible? All is good in moderation. In the middle. Without stepping over the edge.
   The warrior of light is an ideological direction requiring unquestioning obedience from his followers. Machine, which stamps idiots. It creates a world of fantasy, illusion, where the layman professing this philosophy lives like a ciliator (Paramecium caudatum), an artificial and pseudo-microcosm, perceiving the macrocosm under the prism of alien imposed prejudice. Where a free, free-thinking person slides to the state of an animal. I give myself in submission to this terrible "new color wrapper". What is the "old wrapper"?

"Old wrapper"

   I will quote the words of the German writer Thomas Mann, his famous criticism of the Third Reich: "... If the German intelligentsia, if all people with names and world names - doctors, musicians, teachers, writers, artists - unanimously opposed this shame, if they declared a general strike, much would have happened not as it happened...." ("Refusal to return to Germany from exile").
   Historically, the struggle of unity and its opposite. In such a categorical way, people themselves divided the whole concept in the world into: "white and black", "good and bad". There are "ours" and there are "not - ours." On "ours" and "yours". If they are "ours" means good, if they are "not ours" are bad. What really drives everyone? The struggle for resources, the struggle for living space.
Where is the truth that is hidden behind the floods of false words and tons of unrighteousness built on the foundation of truth?


3. "Thucydides' trap" as a simulated secularization of the "warrior of light"

   The Thucydides Trap is a new popular term from antiquity. The idealistic theory of war.
   Introduced the term Graham Tillett Allison - political scientist, former Deputy Secretary of Defense under President Clinton, now - Director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Relations and the first dean of the John F. Kennedy Graduate School of Public Administration. Published a book about the Thucydides Trap in 2015. The term "Thucydides Trap" has been actively quoted in the media since 2017.

Term idea

   Under Thucydides' wise thought about the "trap", Allison understands the almost fatal inevitability of war in a situation where one of the two competing states grows power, and the other, accordingly, is afraid of losing its political weight in the world. Such a state strikes at a successful competitor in order to stop it, or, by all means and means, tries to weaken the opponent as much as possible. It justifies its aggression with the slogan of Darwinism: "if I don"t eat it, then in time it will eat me."
   It is required to recall that the term is taken from the work of Thucydides "History". In his opus, Thucydides tells the story of Hellas (Greece) and describes the Peloponnesian War. Explains that the twenty-seven year war between Athena and Sparta was launched by the Spartans. The Spartans were afraid of the power of the Delos Union (Athens) and attacked an opponent. The historical source, in the person of Thucydides, a citizen of the city of Athens, tells of the war because of love for his homeland, blocks his role of "victim" before the "aggressorHe sets out the state under the ideological view of his state. Spartan sources have not reached our days. That was actually what motive prompted Sparta and Athens mate - is unknown. It is worth recalling the aphorism of the German politician Anton Drexler: "... the winners write history ...".
   The truth "... is hidden behind the floods of deceitful words and tons of untruth, built on the foundation of truth?" People are hedonists by nature. To justify themselves, they will go to any tricks. The sophistry or its more famous evolutionary form rhetoric helps (amuses) in this. Rhetoric says "white" that it is "black", and "black" that it is "white". Man, most often, is driven by a material component, economic interest. For this, he will do anything. Someone calls things real names: "... our oil is under their sand." (George W. Bush "Young"), and someone is hiding under the slogans : " Make America Great Again!" (Donald Trump). But at whose expense?
Qualitatively illustrates the truth of the state of affairs excerpt from the fable of I.A. Krylova "The Wolf and the Lamb" :
"... Leisure me sort your fault, puppy!
You are to blame for the fact that I want to eat".
He said and in the dark forest Lamb dragged."

   or fable Aesop's " The Wolf And The Lamb":
"Once upon a time a Wolf was lapping at a spring on a hillside, when, looking up, what should he see but a Lamb just beginning to drink a little lower down. 'There's my supper,' thought he, 'if only I can find some excuse to seize it.' Then he called out to the Lamb, 'How dare you muddle the water from which I am drinking?'
"Nay, master, nay," said Lambikin; "if the water be muddy up there, I cannot be the cause of it, for it runs down from you to me."
"Well, then," said the Wolf, "why did you call me bad names this time last year?"
"That cannot be," said the Lamb; "I am only six months old."
"I don"t care," snarled the Wolf; "if it was not you it was your father;" and with that he rushed
upon the poor little Lamb and ate her all up. But before she died she gasped out ."

   The dialogue of Plato "Gorgias" also opens eyes to the truth of things:
"... This is when the strong plunders the property of the weak, the best rules the worst and the powerful stands above the weak..."

   Isn't the world compromising? To be able to agree, to make concessions - this is what distinguishes man from other earthly beings:
"... But does not the majority adhere to that judgment (as you yourself said recently) that justice is equality and that it is more shameful to do injustice than to tolerate it?..."

   Refusing to compromise, society is degrading, moving to the principles of "who is above, he is right", "who is stronger, to obey."

4. The true mission of the "warriors of light" in ancient Egypt

The warriors of light are the "sons of the god" of the sun Ra. His "sons" were pharaohs and priests. When the time came (opening of any gates), liturgies were performed to help and strengthen the power of his father Ra. Incense burned. After clay figures were molded. Figures of Ra, monsters from darkness and the main rival of Ra - Apopa. The figures of the dark warriors were smashed to the floor a few minutes before any hour. When it was time for the battle with Apophis, his figure was pierced through with needles, thrown to the ground, trampled under the singing of prayers and scattered in the wind. The figure of the god Ra was solemnly burned under prayer. So the warriors of light helped Ra in the destruction of the warriors of darkness and their leader Apophis.

Pharaoh and the priests considered themselves an important link in the whole earth. Only they, the Warriors of Light, protect and preserve the peace of living beings on earth. They fight against darkness and its creatures - inanimate, dark creatures living in the darkness, obeying the serpent Apophis. Warriors of light are the - hope of all mankind. Religion is the opium of the people. Subjugating people en masse, Warriors of the light counted people as one " thoughtless cattle" that need a guide, explaining that: "you need us, the world will collapse without us", thereby deceiving the ordinary people. These bloodsuckers drank / drink the juices of ordinary people, distracting a person from the main goal - how to provide yourself and your family with resources for life.

5. Modern history

Ra's face anthropomorphized. Over the centuries, many countries have held the position of light (Ra) or darkness (Apopa). Today, the United States takes the position of light. Her 'sons' operate in every country in the world, buying trust, love and reverence for the citizens of the host country for Ra's father for the manna (dollars) of Ra.

In December 1991, the USSR collapsed - Apop fell. Ra again cut off the snake's head and sentient beings saved. The epithets used by the West to discredit Russia at different times: 'the country of Ahriman,' 'the limits of Nirgal,' 'hordes of Gog and Magog,' etc. Names that carry a negative charge and openly unfriendly character. At the time of the collapse of the Union, the United States of America became the only geopolitical and economic force. The United States has repeatedly stated that only "Bolshevik Russia" impedes the establishment of "international peace and stability and order." Апоп пал. No one else bothers to get to the "gate of light." But, Ra does not rush to finish building her 'ideal' liberal democratic world, where people are guided by the rule of law, where equality is established between social classes, where there is no disunity in the national and religious spheres of life. A dream does not come true! The goal is not achieved. Ra does not build a bright future - instead, he is looking for a new Apop. The 'Pax USA' order has not been established, which would mean a long period of peace and relative stability within the spread influence of Ra! In fact, the goal was a material component and economic interest. For the sake of this, people go to great lengths. Someone calls things by name : "... our oil is under their sand. ", and someone is hiding under the slogans: " Let's make America great again!"

6. Conversion of the soul

Tasks and goals of the catechism of Fravashi

   We appeal to those who are being led by beautiful words, without delving into their meaning, and not reaching true. We remind you the of "three rules": come to your senses, think again, disown.

The "Catechism of Fravashi" does not set a goal:

 Inciting ethnic hatred  Discrimination and intolerance  The overthrow of any institution of power: secular or spiritual.
   We oppose the principle "the end justifies the means." On the examples of the instigator of the people of the priest Girolamo Savonarola or the schismatic Martin Luther.

The "Catechism of Fravashi" sets itself the goals of:

 Make you analyze the situation. All to question / criticize  Be flexible and patient  Absorb laws, rules, traditions, taboos, etc.  Mimic (adapt) in order to survive  Accumulate internal forces. Do not become discouraged - everything flows, everything changes  Indicate historical and dialectical errors, facts of substitution of concepts and the imposition of a surrogate (in views, opinions, teachings, etc.)  Rethink your existence (being). Get out of the "circle of perversity." Realize the falsity of the path / thinking: yourself, family, friends and relatives  Everything is good in moderation. In the middle. Without stepping over the edge  Call things by their real names. How the "Soviet Christ" did the 3rd-rank captain Valery Mikhailovich Sablin in 1975

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