Курганова Елена Александровна : другие произведения.

U didn't

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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You didn"t answer me?
So let it be:
 You"re not the only 
Who can play this game!
 How can u treat this way with me?
You said u love me-
 It can"t be!
 I know it from my heart:
You can"t ignore somebody 
Who u love.
You can"t keep silence 
When he ask
You can"t be cool 
If it"s about smth u desire...

I hoped u"ll understand
This simple thing,
But u r treating so
 That i have realize
U don"t.
And i"m too tired
To explain again.
Words"re getting empty,
Have no meaning, getting hurt
I have no exit
Any word to say...
So maybe silence
Will be best 
What i can give.

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