Королев Петр Михайлович : другие произведения.

A Woman Entrepreneur

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Essay presents Dr. Svetlana Aristova, an excellent woman of our days, the best woman entrepreneur of the Year 2002.

   SMA Center for Education, Research and Development ( Kudymkar, Permian Komi Autonomous Area ) Small-sized enterprise (education, research and development)
   Vision of Entrepreneurship "To undertake means to set conditions for me for making my environment better. A world of entrepreneurship includes things and humans; things are mostly human-made ones. I think that the key field for understanding myself as an active part of the world is to learn and try explain the world of things as it growing up and developed by humans. Humans form groups and organizations for better and effective individually acting in frame of the whole activity. We are making our own lives at different levels of their appearance: individual, parent, family, workplace, club etc. The purpose of education is to help people to know what they need to know at that moment of their life. To give them all necessary tools for navigating through the world of knowledge. I think that sharing knowledge makes the knowledge more rooted and in this expansion it becomes a part of wisdom of that person who shares the knowledge. To be good parent, good family member, good manager or good person, - this is achievable if you are open to critics and for self-development. I stand for qualitative, life-long, empowered and uncourageous education".
   How I became an entrepreneur? "In 1996, I registered my private company with aim to teach people the English Language. There was no reply. I had understood that my previous experience for management the Finnish courses at Viborg (Leningradskaya oblast) does not work because there is no need to learn English in province which is situated far from Moscow, state borders. After searching local market I found that for effective market getting it is necessary to raise cultural and educational background. Which base? Information technologies. I borrowed a PC and began teach students who deliberately decided to know more about this subject. I considered my activity as charity activity to create myself as an education center. It remains the only private enterprise on this field of activity at the place where I live. This place is one of 89 subjects of Russian Federation. Now, four years later after my launching we have situation of well educated in IT and good equipped with PC population. We made future studies project on political ethics, we made the Russian family strengths research project, getting data base of 1200 families, we successfully participated in four elections and now have high rank in social life of our province. Beginning was that based only on the organization and knowledge resource."
   Message for the 21st century "Making money, please pay attention to your personal moral responsibilities; do not insist on your rightfulness: everything changes; share win-win ideology, be open new ideas; invest in your long-term future; learn new and renewal yourself. Money is the great invention of mankind; but there are some other senses and values, don't forget them. Be in harmony with varied multicultural world; the rich cannot live in safety if the do not think how to overlap the gap between the rich and the poor; right business must concern about it."
   More details see at website of UNECE Portrait Gallery of Excellent Women Entrepreneurs www.unece.org/operact/enterpr.htm
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