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East-West Seminar at Hesbjerg, 1995

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    The EAST-WEST SEMINAR ON WORLD INTEGRATION WORLD UNIFICATION WORLD GOVEMMENT was founded in l988 and sponsored bó eminent Danish scholar Jorgen Laursen Vig. It takes place annually at Hesbjerg Castle Fyn, Denmark. The aim and program, and contents of the six successive sessions of this seminar were essentially exposed and their results were analyzed bó its leader and Director Jorgen Laursen Vig in his program for the VII EWS. And the results of the VII session itself were presented in his inquiry notes supplemented to the invitation letters sent bó him to the presumed participants on the VIII EWS.

   The EAST-WEST SEMINAR ON WORLD INTEGRATION WORLD UNIFICATION WORLD GOVEMMENT was founded in l988 and sponsored bó eminent Danish scholar Jorgen Laursen Vig. It takes place annually at Hesbjerg Castle Fyn, Denmark. The aim and program, and contents of the six successive sessions of this seminar were essentially exposed and their results were analyzed bó its leader and Director Jorgen Laursen Vig in his program for the VII EWS. And the results of the VII session itself were presented in his inquiry notes supplemented to the invitation letters sent bó him to the presumed participants on the VIII EWS. Now, we, the three participants of the VIII EWS, after having analyzed all the reports presented bó 29 participants, consider necessary and likely useful to make our comments and conclusions as lower follows.
   The VIII session of EWS, being one successive step developing Director Jorgen Laursen Vig's initiative in efforts to resolve the problems of interactions between the Western Civilization (WEST)
   And so-called EAST made a very important input into understanding how to build the new world order. The participants of this session were so ingenious as to find new accents in the problems, which were familiar and common for all the previous sessions.
   Main subject of the VIII session consisted in the problem of World Union was treated on a level of study of its theoretical foundations (World Unification), practical applications (World Integration), and means of their regulations (World Government). In general, it is to be mentioned that all of these fundamental problems were advanced and profoundly developed. The general results of our analysis of the World Union problems are in short as follows:
   THE PROBLEM OF WORLD UNIFICATION was considered in several reports, in which it was proposed to use as a basic foreground of theoretical approach the scientific teaching on Biosphere and Noosphere. This presupposes the necessity of synthesis of Science, Philosophy and Religion for transformation of the ethical foundations and principles to be used bó decision makers and in evaluation of their decisions, which are important for the destiny of peoples and their interrelations on the planetary level. In this connection there were reports, authors of which exposed some advanced educational doctrines based on psychological and physiological qualities of the individuals and collectives of them for to develop ethnical-planetarian thought and world-union conception. The problem of unification was also treated on the level of theories of regional unions, as an example of which there was presented a theory of the Eurasian Union assumed to consider a future development of Russia as depending on establishing of more closed and profound contacts and relations with China, India and other Asian civilizations. As a significant and decisive part of World Unification is war and peace. At this session the war and peace problem was presented from point of view of historical memory about crimes against humanity, ethnoses, individuals and especially about criminality of governments (crimes of China against Tibetans, Turkey against Armenians and Kurds, USSR against Kalmyks, etc.).
   Remembering that the United Nations Organization Charter (UNO-C) affirms the Main UNO Aim to be to preserve us, all peoples of the planet, from the Scourge of War; whereas evidently this can be accomplished solely if the true aim be to preserve the world from the Scourge of the War System consequently, participants recommended cordially that UNO set aright pronto as best it can this appalling lapse; this truly horrendous criminal Crime-of-Omission.
   Also the problems of democratization throughout the world were attentively discussed and as a result the Declaration, in which the Crime-of-Omission is blamed, was issued and adopted bó participants.
   TÍE PROBLEM OF WORLD INTEGRATION was mainly outlined on the level of ecologically reasonable development oriented to à sustainable future without danger of global disasters. Different means to maintain World Integration were proposed, the most promising among them is the advanced political ethics, which underlines coordination of the establishments' decisions in military, economical and cultural activities controlled and restricted by limitations of the International Law obligatory for all Powers. Some reporters have emphasized the danger of the disintegration tendencies in the world of today, because they may lead to à global decomposition and destruction even, for example, in the case of chaotic disarmament conversion of the nuclear Powers. As an effective means of the World Integration development the enterprises in sport and cultural activities, and especially relations between scientists was insisted on. These activities supply à real chance to pacify all the belligerents of the past and today. All participants are certain that the process of integration is to be connected with those of openness and free expression of different points of views, realized by Western civilization as political democracy, together and along with required business development in each and every of the regions.
   THE PROBLEM OF WORLD GOVERNMENT was displayed in different conceptions and propositions of some groups of the VIII session participants. One group did not believe in such à high-position body; another group was certain the world is to Üe governed and controlled by à sole almighty government, some models of such à global regulation were under discussion; the third group emphasized the obvious emergency of the world government because of the increasing danger of various crisis situations throughout the World. The detailed scheme of the world government was presented and possible transitions to it were also explained. As the examples of them à transformation of the United Nations Organization into the World Government and inauguration of the Peoples Assembly able to represent all countries as ethnic groups were given. The various approaches to create the World Government were based on taking into account the historical experience of building empires by Russia and USSR together with analysis of life conditions of the peoples constituting them. Some of reporters insisted to establish the World citizenship and freedom of openness and expression of conceptual views by individuals.
   Finally, it is important to remark that the World methodologically à very problem. Especially because progress and development in make general Union is complicated of à rapid science and technology that makes the modern world unstable and consequences of some accidents might be global catastrophes (unpredicted explosions of nuclear installations, mistakes in microbiological technologies, etc). Mî outline and control the modern world situation it is necessary to elaborate the scientific conception of Universe corresponding to it and clarifying possible ways into à future. It is certainly needed to supplement to such à world outlook à means of its application. Thus, the dialogue East-West is also to be continued.
   Svetlana Aristova, Petr Korolev, Valentin Suslenko.
   1. Dynamics of Polish-German Reconciliation. F. Hoedeman presents the widely discussed issue of the reconciliation between Poland and Germany. Opening of the political border and increasing investments of the German capital into Polish economy are two prerequisites of this process. Improve´ment of Polish-German relations is examined as a model for design of the concept of reconciliation. He underlines historical backgrounds of The nature of conflict between Poland and Germany in The past and also analyses ideas and interests that lead towards reconciliation. Among important ideas are the following: 'reich', 'nation' , 'volk', 'eastern territories'. Recent examination of public opinion shows that 36% of Poles are afraid of Russia, and 9% are afraid of Germany. Author introduces periods of The Polish-German reconciliation process: (l) Mill l9l8, (2) Mill l945, (3) from l945 till l989, Beginning of reconciliation, (4) After l989. In conclusion be focuses on analysis of The 4th period: unity of Germany. Discusses causes of reconciliation: dissolution of The USSR and rise of aggressiveness in The East; new role of Ukraine as a buffer-state between Germany and Russia; perspective of cooperation between Ukraine and Poland aiming to protect Ukraine from Russia. The main problem between Poland and Germany after l945 is the territorial question. Mhe conclusion is that reconciliation should be deepened and should be a part of both cultures leading to intercultural understanding.
   2. A. Kolotvin presents the theme: Reform and Elections. He underlines that disintegration of The USSR made the old economic model useless for transformation and transition to the market economy. Analysis of the relationship between politics and economy in Russia shows lack or absence of system approach that leads to unilateral solution of the question. He considers two types of unilaterality: (l) economics: Gaidar and others deny relevance of political changes, (2) pure politics: Zhirinovsky's victory in l993 shows discontent of the people with the Gaidarian economical reform. Author considers that voters in future elections should select worthy candidates and theó should make their decisions not on analysis of party platforms but on personal abilities of deputies.
   3. Óa. Gilinsky in his presentation of theme 'The Crime in Russia in the Period of Rapid Social Change' reviews a social situation in Russia that connects with the rapid social changes. Analyzing all constituents of totalitarian regime of the former USSR (state control in all spheres of social life, regulation of all forms of human conduct and so on), be states that process of perestroika from totalitarian regime to civilization was implemented with tempo, which was very rapid. This was a cause of the catastrophe. Author draws the catastrophe in full colors: the disintegration of production, the loss trade skills, the proletarization and the marginalization of the population, the most severe crisis in the social infrastructure, ecological crisis and others. Full picture of Russian statistics is shown in this presentation. Results of the official statistics on victimization are, as has been pointed out in this report, in ten-fifteen times l0wer than exist in certain.
   4. Politics of Non-Violence. S.Gilyandikova states a question, why humanity suffers so deep in spite of great successes in science and technology in the 20th century. Her main thesis is that the material development should be in balance with the spiritual development. Deficit of spirituality is discovered in diversity of their appearances: individual, family, community and nation. This fundamental spiritual problem author tries to solve using the Buddhist philosophy and also Mahatma Gandhi's experience of the non-violent conflict resolution. 'Destruction is not a law of humans', Gandhi stated. She makes a high estimation of HH Dalai Lama. If we shall deny every kind of violence around us we get ourselves rid of violence. Our approach must be positive based on l0ve and compassion to all peoples. In conclusion S.Gilyandikova mentions three types of violence, which were described in ancient scriptures: (l) direct violence, (2) indirect violence and (3) violence bó approval of violence.
   Author challenges different forms of the politics of non-violence: prayers, silent marches and so on. Kalmyk people is the Mongolian one bó its nature. There are cultural traditions which allow to warranty for the implementation of the state non-violence policy and to reach balance between the material and the spiritual developments.
   5. O.F. Kirkeby sketchs, in his presentation of the theme A Critical Metaphysics, a post-modem theory of meaning. Where both the "deconstructivist and constructivist theories of the social construction of consciousness would usually place their Ding an sich (outside) their rhetorically conceived language games, (Kirkeby places it inside) in what be calls 'the fusion of event and body-mind'. The concept of meaning is thus able to be framed in relation to both our historical existence and our pre-linguistic conditions of experience through a theory of action as the core concept of Phenomenology. In the consequence of this reporter cancels the two dualisms of epistemology, that between consciousness and world, and that between mind a body. This is understood as effected through the fusion of event and body-mind, and made possible because language is the media wherein this fusion happens. On this background be tries to outline a critical metaphysics based on the concept of, what be calls, the metaphysical square. The corners of this square are the practical creation of meaning through:(l) the body,(2) the inner voice, (3) the other person, (4) and finally, death. The center of this square is the fusion of event and body-mind.
   6. Petr Korolev presents the article "Mó Attitude to Russia (Review of Politilogical Ideas)" with purpose to build the understanding of the current situation in Russia, how it ought to be interpreted from the methodological point of view. The ideas of revolution, situation, change, development, statehood, consciousness are developed in frame of the system and structural analyses of the situation. Author suggests the new concepts, such as 'The lingvolution','Political Configurator', 'Restanding' and others. He also refers to 'The Teconomy', 'Harmony' and so on. A new approach to the revolution as a step for development clarifies the basis of the being-and-feeling of the peoples in the Russian Federation and allows to sketch the ways toward the post-communist civilization, which should be different from the Western Civilization due to the distinguished and developed social styles and the Russian statehood. Presenter criticizes the different approaches to Russian studies and experiences. P.Korolev expresses his revolutionary attitude to Russia, he stands for development against stagnation, he is oriented, first of all, on the Russia's own resources, its own spiritual sphere of social life. Futures of Russia grow up from its capacity which presents itself in now-and-here and its ability to involve population in processes of its social, cultural and economical transformation.
   7. S. Aristova presents theme 'Theoretical Issues of Political Ethics'. Three different kinds of situation from this point of view are entered by author into consideration. Factors for their classification are defined bó three concepts relevant for the political activities, govern, control and appraise, the latter allows to estimate consequences of the decision-making process. The political power should be dominant and primary in aim to harmonize and balance anó secondary three powers,- military, economic and cultural. It needs in the political ethics as an effective tool. The ethics in the political domain differs from the morals in public life; the political ethics ought to be a condensed matter of the law and the rule of law. Theoretical issues of political ethics are shown in the rich context. The case study of the sustainable development in the Russian Old Orthodox Community in Estonia is presented as a sample of action of political ethics on the local level of its organization. S.Aristova suggests an agenda and the research program for work group on political ethics. Presented topics has been actualized in the world which challenges new ways for its development. Political ethics gives a key for clarifying the seminar's problematique: World Integration - World Unification - World Government.
   8. A. Vodolagin in his contribution presents theme Russian-Eurasian Empire as a Universal State. Assuming two approaches to World Unification, the Eastern and the Western, author develops the Eastern one. He answer three questions: What is Russia today from this point of view, what does its thousand years' experience of empire building mean, and what is its historical mission in the modem world? Author speaks about distinction of the Eurasian ideology from the popular forms of so called 'evrasiistva'. The Eurasian ideology is build on idea of the symphonic personality, on special experience for interactions of the peoples with the government on the issue of the local development, on ability of self-disintegration and self-reunification in the frame of a change the governmental paradigm. Russia today, as be states, has no its political elite. The governmental criminality is observed elsewhere. Author underlines that we are now eyewitnesses of the return of Russia to traditional society. Answering the second question he says about strategy of the Empire creating,- it should be the Continental State-World and be built on the ways of union of two world religions, Muslims' and the orthodox Christianity. It could stand against USA' project of unification of mankind. Finally, speaking about the Russian mission of today, Vodolagin formulates it in terms 'to provide a Eurasian synthesis of the ethnocultural traditions, to restore the Empire of Spirit'. Author calls this synthesis as The Russian Continental Union of all aboriginal peoples of Eurasia.
   9.Óu. Andreev presents a topic: Military-Industrial Complex as Empire´Building Factor. Concerning the Soviet superpower, which was based on the ideological institutions inside and on strong army, that was ready to defend the state from outside dangers, reporter discusses a problem of the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC, for short) conversion. Difficulty of the conversion is that MIC represents the central part of well-integrated economy of the state. MIC of the former USSR was a major body for governance of economical life. Author focuses to problems, which are connected with the rapid transformation of society. The conversion as a process for transfer all kinds of resources from military purposes to civil needs is described in literature in terms of 'economic adjustment', 'economic stabilization', 'diversification'. The modem concept of conversion is an item of the Law on Conversion (1990), that is known as division D of the 1990 Defense Authorization Act. The current situation in Russia is not for transfer and implementation the results of the American political debates about the conversion into Russia. The economical conversion looks like the diversification. Military and Civil productions are developing at the same time: it is difficult to control the investments into the civil production. Author states that economical conversion is not to be the conversion. In his interpretation of the conversion he considers the social problems: we cannot realize the conversion process without the social problem's resolution. Political, economical and social consequences of the probable destruction of MIC could lead to the catastrophe. In conclusion Andreev expresses his opinion that the Empire Building requires, as its precondition, the successful solution of the MIC conversion.
   10. Jean Asher in his Introduction to the Urantia Book gives a set of selections from different chapters of it. They serve to clarify the issues of the seminar from the planetary-evolution and the religion revelatory points of view. Speaking about religion he underlines that it never becomes the scientific fact. New religion differs from philosophy because it never has been invented, it maó only evolves and it maó appear suddenly revealed: The Urantia Book is the 5th revelation of the Truth; the previous took place during the Christ's mission. The presenter states that the truth which is explained on the more than 2000 pages of the Urantia Book is not to be the religious truth. It explains the current state of the planet Earth that has its cosmic name Urantia. Civilization, from the Urantia Book's point of view, is race acquisition not the biological one. The higher qualities of the civilization,- science, philosophy, religion,-are not transfer from one generation to another as heritage. In this connection the presenter underlines the relevance of education, the main purpose of which is to foster and to form the higher goal of life and to develop the harmonic personalities. The wide range of issues are focused in the report; among them the fertility control, the mind's role and relevance, economical issues, the world governance or the world government. As a mean of the struggle with the governmental criminality the right on intervention of the World Legal Community is proposed. Author a lot of his attention devotes to a question of relationship between materialism (mechanism) and secularism (totalitarianism): "Materialism denies God, secularism simply ignores the Creator". Completed secularization of science, education, industry and society maó lead only to disaster. The Urantia Book puts in the Agenda of the modern humankind the following five tasks: (l) social fraternity, (2) intellectual cross-fertilization, (3) ethical awakening, (4) political wisdom and, (5) spiritual insight. In conclusion he speaks about relationship between the freedom and the sovereignty. World peace cannot be based on the laws of diplomacy, foreign affairs, alliances, and the power balance, anó type of makeshift juggling with the sovereignties of nationalism. A pathos of the presentation is expressed Bó the slogan: "One People of the World, One Love for One another, One Unity of Understanding, One Peace of Mind, One Law for Everyone, One World Government, One Earth to Mankind, One God in the Universe".
   11. N.Zubarevich presents The regional Policy of Russia in the Context of the World Civilization Processes. Author considers that it is relevant to paó attention on the economical base for the political process in Russia. She uses the 'Center-Periphery' theory of J.Friedman and Im.Vallerstine for explanation the functional unity and interrelations of the development process in different regions. On the first part of her report she assumes the place of Russia in the existing world order. Russia remains the military super-power and economically it remains semi-periphery, i.e. is between the leading group of the states and the outsiders. Speaking about the perspectives for Russian development author repeatedly underlines that they are vague. On the second part author speaks about the destabilizing factor of the regional changes and also groups the Russian regions in accordance with the 'Center-Periphery' theory. On the third part Zubarevich makes attempt to formulate what is the regional policy of the central authority today and what are its perspectives. As positive example of the regional development she pays attention to the experience of the Tatar Republic. The Chechnya War is called bó her as a typical post -soviet syndrome, which does not determine the major trend for the development. In conclusion Zubarevich states that the Federal authorities of Russia have recognized the priority of the civilization policy in negotiations as the only possible and fruitful approach to the region. Russia maó become a new center for the world development although possible stops and even a reverse movement are not excluded because of the instabilities of different kinds.
   12. Martin Knottenbelt presents theme "A9-s (Article Nine of Japanese Constitution in its Hislorico-Logical context)". The history of international law in the 20th century contains, as remarkable events, two International military trials, one is Nuremberg, the second is the International Military Tribunal on Far East (IMMFE, for short, 1946-1948), and, also the 3 Maó 1947 Showa Constitution. Reporter focused his concern on the crime of the organized Christianity against the paganist Japan. From more than 11000 pages of the IMMFE protocol were published 2 volumes (about l000 pages) of l977 APA- University of Amsterdam edition, in the 2nd volume of which was published opinion of the Justice from India R.B.Pal. He criticized approaches of the IMMFE (the ten Judges) to the appraisal of the WW2 on the Asia-Pacific Theater of the Military actions. It was a very fruitful period for the renewal of the international law, author underlines two linked events, the Douglas MacArthur speech and the adoption of the Showa Constitution with its significant Preamble and the Article 9. Both they show the only way for the Enforceable World Law. Pal's opinion expresses the sentiments of that period, it contains a spirit of openness and constructiveness, it determines the context for appraisal that unprecedented happening. Author tells about some pages of modern history after 1948, when the Cold War strategies were formed. Its spirit was really anti-A9. Today after the end of the Cold War peoples of the world need in wide and democratic appraisal of it, A9-s contains good materials for this purpose. Preliminary work on A9-s began during the middle of Cold war; in 1972 M.Knottenbelt published an article "On A-9" (Pal Foundation, Melbourne). Presented work is the 3-d edition of it has a title "A9-syllogism. Limpid Lemma" (PGP-publicists, 1989) and is a set of 200 postulates which reproduces the context of A9 promotion towards its universalisation-&-contirmation.
   13. V.Suslenko presents Vladimir Vernadsky's universal Ethics as the real synthesis of Science, Philosophy and Religion. He considers specific features of the system of universal ethics, made in the beginning of the 20th century bó Russian scientist V.Vernadsky. Progress of Science and Technology in the 20th century requires the effective transformation of science, philosophy and religion. This transformation is to be oriented towards the sustainable biosphere. Reason of the man, from the Vernadsky's point of view, might to be subordinated with the universal ethics laws. The main principle of the universal ethics is that the reason of the man must participate with its rational part in the natural processes.
   14. V Suslenko presents Russia of Today and its Future in the Light of Universal Ethics. Author considers the Russian situation that is, after dissolution of the communist system and the USSR, criminal one. The state regime, activities of the financial and commercial institutions and policies in foreign affairs maó lead to the dangerous consequences for population. Author tells about the Russian ethnos. Statement is that the Russian ethnos is not able to establish any kind of empire or to build a new model of the conservative state, which is not linked with the rest world. The future of Russia, he thinks, is in to be as a part of the open world system. And this must be in accordance with the universal ethics. It is building beyond the distinction in the religion and ideological preferences. It is to be follow the recommendations of Science for the problem resolution in accordance with the natural laws and the human ethnoses' missions.
   15. J.M.L.F.Keijser in his presentation Emergency World GoveRNment introduces the program of over through the national sovereignty and establish an Emergency World Government; this program was worked out in 60-70 bó a Movement for Political World Union. Author tells about procedure of transition from existing situation, which is characterized with dominance of the national governments in political activity, to the situation with the World Government. Emergency World Government is to be a body, to allow elect the World Government with population of all planet. Procedure includes establishment Emergency World Council, Election of the Executive Board ('the Nine'), and also definition the moment when the World Government comes to effect. Emergency World Government to have a duty solve the only task- put the end to all wars. Additional task is to protect nature from pollution. In the situation with the World Government the role of the national governments to change from the absolute to subordinate power. The structure of the world order, in the author's opinion, must consist of (1) the Constant World Government, (2) World Parliament, which comes to supersede the Emergency World Council, and (3) the World Judiciary, (4) National governments and (5) Population of the Earth.
   Text of Hesbjerg Seminar Declaration (Crime-of-Omission)
   Papers by Jorgen Laursen Vig
   condemns international and governmental criminality wherever in the world it exists - for example:
1.Genocide and all other forms of repression of minorities marginalizing old independent nations bó immigration into their countries;
2. Corruption, including:
à) Failure to control speculation,
b) Embezzlement of the 3rd-world aid,
   3. Violation of the environment;
4. Failure to renounce war in fact as well as in words;
5. All types of governmental criminali ty, both in the form of direct perpetration (crime bó commission) and indirect collusion (crime bó omission), both cases making governments guilty towards the legal community of mankind.
   6. Failure to take the necessary steps towards World Unification.
   (Adopted bó majority 31.10.1995)
   By Joãgen Laursen Vig,
Director of Hesbjerg Ðeàce Research College. cand. theol.& mag. Program was written 16 March 1994 and devoted to VII EWS. 20. 27 October 1994 Hesbjerg on the Island of Fyn, Denmark
   This annual seminar began in 1988. Its full title, still relevant, is East-West Seminar În World Integration World Unification World Government. In principle, contents are the same every year, but emphasis màó shift, and new participants bring new ideas. 1993 was introduced à four section structure (Religion, Ecology, Economy, Politics), which has been extended to six points this year with some sharpening of formulations. It is à small one-group seminar, meant for intensive discussion. 30 participants, half East and half West, all living for à week in the same house, in rural solitude and quietness.
   1. Uselesness Of Religion ?
   In the modern world, most religions seem to suffer from à strong monopolistic tendency, even absolutism: "We know the truth, cîme to us, help us spread the gospel, we alone can save humanity". În the other hand, as religion is an interesting, attractive activity, even good business, it tends to spread bó itself, proliferating. In any case, there are more and more of them, in little Denmark only as many as 300.
   Conclude: Man wants religious diversity. In technical or commercial affairs standardization màó be useful, but in the spiritual world uniformity is out. Ask the question: Who were the winners at MONTS?GUR, 16 March 1244, today exactly 750 years ago? În that day, the month-long besieged Kathars gave up resistance, càme down from the mountain and all two hundred, unwilling to renounce the true faith, were burned în the stake as heretics. Thus the Pope in Rome thought he had eradicated heresy in Southern France. But he was gravely mistaken. Today, adherents of à new religion, the Buddhists, successors of the Kathars, but even more heretically deviant, are flourishing in hundreds of small centers in France, in Europe, and everywhere in the Christian world. Today it is clear that after the criminal mistake at MontsÈgur 750 years ago, Christianity has lost every chance of ever becoming the predominant, much less the sole world religion. Are religions and endless religious discussions in any way useful to our seminar? Hans KÝng's interesting (but artificial or commonplace-?) WORLD ETHIC, recommended in several previous programmes, seems to attract little attention. It is questionable if religion has found the solution to à single real world problem. It màó be rather more problem causing than problem solving.
   2. Impending Ecological Catastrophe?
   God said: Âe fertile, multiply and fill the world. Unfortunately, he did not tell us what to do when the wor1d was fu1l. Today, when the world has becîme full, in fact, even full to the brim, the Ðîðe in Rome, who represents the biggest and best organized religious minority of mankind, supported bó top level theological theory, is still repeating the biblical injunction which presupposes an empty world. Is this responsible behaviour?
   His Holiness would be utterly at à loss to tell us what to do with ecological catastrophe în our hands in 30 -or 40 years, when world population following his advice will have doubled, especially in the Third Wor1d (which has à justifiable claim to "development", but not to enlargement: You cannot have it both ways). Thus popu1ation doubling might cause more than doubling of world consumption, more than doubling of world pollution,- in the face of the impossibility of doubling world food production, stagnating already today, impossibility of doubling world sink capacity, even seas and oceans filling up bó now, killing the fish, impossibility of endless doublings of world energy production...and the probability of global fresh water supply being limited to one consumption doubling only, occuring perhaps already in 20 years.
   3. À Less Wasteful World Economy ?
   With these prospects for essential resources and nî international concerted effort towards general population stop, the only rational policy would seem to be, immediately, à more economic . resource administration, and às à conscious goal, the achievement of sustainable resource consumption às soon às possible. Presently predominant world capitalism is not à rational policy in this respect. The market economy màó be efficient in à limited perspective, but it is helplessly shortsighted; it would give warning signals in the way of price increase when à resource is dwindling without caring to prevent its final depletion, capital just happily walking away from one completed exploitation to another.
   In general, this seminar is paying increasing attention to economics as à science which could analyze the state of the world and trends of development with the precision, the clarity and the seriousness necessary to impress modern man who believes himself to be so reali5tic. Three examples perceived bó à layman.
   (à) The economist might either confirm or reject the following 20 year prediction of à global crisis about 2015: stop of world economic and demographic growth due to exhaustion of the biosphere; predominance of public property and break-down of fragile capitali5m; central control of population and birth-rate; economic activity managed bó plan, not bó market; à non-plenty society with deficiency of goods; underdeveloped countries (perhaps including Russia) being chronic dependants of developed countries [According to M.M. Golansky. Moscow].
   (b) Another problem: The importance of wastefulness inherent in the capitalist money and credit system with interest growing exponentially, unnaturally like cancer, catching individuals and nations in debt-traps; in the system of national currencies with free convertibility and funny exchange-rates; in the system of bonds and shares and other paper values; ´ and the importance of operating and dealing in this enormous paper world, impenetrable for most of us, speculating and manipulating in multiple ways, allowing clever people to earn big money effortlessly, à scandal for the simple´minded. Do these huge movements of speculative profit-seeking capital, disturbing governments and many times the value of transactions in real trade and business, constitute à wastefulness of the global system in material terms, or are they only expression of à few robbers robbing other robbers, i.e., "only" à distribution problem: The smart getting more, the simple less?
   (c) The economist could also help us decide which are the essential saving points in world economy. Military wastefulness comes to the mind at once; not only are production of arms and upkeep of armies costly and polluting in themselves, but the cost (and the pollution) multiplies indefinitely when these are employed according to purpose. Free elimination of present military expenses, however, would possible only if humanity unexpectedly changed into à choir of singing angels. Otherwise it would cost money - and effort, namely whatever is involved by the abolition of 180 greedy, selfish, quarrelling, advantage-seeking, war-waging, sovereign and independent national governments, and the erecrion of à wise and peaceful world government, which would have to be served bó à huge, unheard-of, expensive bureaucracy and an effective, well armed, cope-with-all police force. When these expenses have been met, how much (if anything) has been saved, approximately?
   4. World Governance Or World Government?
   It is obvious that world government has to be good business, and its defenders must prove it. Anything less would kill the idea immediately, given the present mood of worldly philosophy. With their experience, the business community ought to appreciate the global attitude. À slogan is being advocated in some places: World Government Through Transnational Corporations. TNC's, however, don't seem to be impressed. Involving merchants would mean à cautious, gradual approach, corresponding to the term "governance" meaning steering in à vague, comprehensive way without change of system. This evolutionary approach might appeal to many moderate people who like to think, like Íannà Newcombe, that we don' t know which formula will finally win, that we therefore had better support all the reasonable ones. The opposite school is lead by Philip Isely, founder of WCPA, World Constitution and Parliament Association, who believes in radical system change and who tends to think that world governance is à cover-up and à fake.
   5. Government Intervention Right Commmunity.
   As long as we don't have world government, which is today' s most reasonable utopia, we have to insist on the right to intervene into government criminality, which is held bó the legal community of mankind. Government criminality is à concept with strengthening position in 1nternational Law, in particular after World War II, which ended with leaders of two aggressor states being indicted and convicted for war criminality by two carefully conducted war crimes tribunals consisting of top level international lawyers. The concept is being further sharpened by HUMAN R1GHTS and their development, à success-story after 1948, which points out the limits to legal government activity. As these are continually transgressed in numerous cases (ask Amnesty International), among which the Tibetans, the Kurds, and the East´Timorians are outstanding, unforgettable, unresolved examples, government criminality is à fact of life today. Fellow big states usually keep silent as long as possible, being reluctant to risk friendships, alliances or trade interests. They prefer to leave protest, confession, accusation, uproar to the grassroots. Their silence, however, does not make them guiltless; în the contrary, it testifies to their complicity, making them guilty by criminal omission. Thus the 180 greedy, selfish, etc., national governments are confronted by the steadily developing modern Human Rights system, as well as by the century-old International Law complex, now slowly growing into World Law, defining and containing government criminality. At à certain point in time, soon approaching, it will probably be necessary also ecological and 'economic crimes, such as cutting rainforest and doing other damage to the biosphere with global consequences; or, being à dictator, squeezing huge sums out of your poor population for keeping on secret accounts in Suiss banks, etc. The Natural Law idea, long condemned by legal positivists, but reviving in the present century, will not doubt have to be involved in this process of rethinking the genesis and growth of International Law.
   6. Role And Mission Of Russia
   À paper prepared for the VII World Congress of IAEWP, Saint-Petersburg. RUSSIA. 22-27 Màó 1994
   According to Dostoevsky, the great task is vseprimirenie narodov, the all reconciliation of nations. The way to do it for Russians is stat' vsem slugami, to becîme all the servants; and, as he màó have had grounds to emphasize, it has to be done peacefully, ne zakhvat, ne nasilie, not by conquest, not through violence. The final goal should be okonchatel'noe edinenie chelovechestva, the definitive unification of mankind. Today the task is the same, but with slight modifications owing to the intervening development and so-called progress of history: Technology has made world unity more real and world control more feasible, whereas ecology has defined the important problems more precisely. Conditions of realization have become clearer, and the necessity of the task is even more obvious today.
   Provisionally, this statement may suffice. It is enough in order to show that the Dostoevskian abstractions are not intended as pious toothless generalities: They mean business. Provisionally, nothing has been said about imaginary utopias. At the same time, Üe it not forgotten that even Dostoevsky was not afraid to mention à word, which is unmentionable today: Konstantinopel. Thereby he was reminding of îne of the most manifest crimes in world history (1453), suggesting that Hagia Sophia is properly à Christian church and should be so again. Today people with obsolete imperialistic ideas like Zhirinovsky are dreaming dreams of the Indian ocean and making à fuss about their friends in Yugoslavia (who happen to be wrong, according to universal consensus; friends are, in fact, sometimes wrong, unfortunately) and thus sabotaging the enforced peace making, which is so obviously required in that unhappy civil war, à shame for Europe. If these people really want to throw à block of scandal into world politics, why don' t they îðen their mouths fully and pronounce one world only: Konstantinopel?
   The main reasons are well known. Take three:
   The explosive exponential growth of world population must be stopped. predictable doubling in 30 or 40 years would be à nightmare, absolutely irrational and irresponsible. Who will feed one extra humanity, expected to be born mainly in the poor world which can't feed itself today? Where will they live? The inhabitable area of the globe is constantly decreasing, as deserts are increasing, à solvable problem, which top world politicians, don't do anything about. How manó ten-to-twenty million metropols, consisting largely of slums, do we really want?
   Nuclear proliferation has to stop. Not only that, the process has to be reversed, the existing spread of nuclear capability among certain nations to be reduced to à system of unified control, in order to avoid nuclear war. Presently the number of superpowers is unknown (define superpower = à nation possessing over 100 million killable population plus nuclear war waging capability), but îne thing is certain: The number is growing. In à world with six or eight superpowers, the world of our children, where the present lawless jungle structure is left unchanged, with mounting. population pressure and supply problems on all points, and one or two dictators believing in military superiority, unavoidable.
   Ecological degradation must have an end. Global sustainable development must be secured. Radical unpopular measures to save the world from the approaching ecological catastrophe have to be adopted and implemented. None of these and similar problems can be solved by 180 greedy, selfish, quarelling national governments, wanting soldiers for their armies, wanting power, wanting growth by all means. À global unified structure is required, permitting important decisions to be made before it is too late.
   1. To be qualified to do à job, óîu have to like it. Russians like building empires. No need to mention the Tsars or the Soviets; they are too obvious examples. Suffice it to refer to A.D. 862, to the well-known quote from the old chronicle where Russians are reported to approach invading Viking from Jutland Rurik, saying that our land is great and fertile, but there is no order in it; come and help us rule it. And Rurikovichi càme, helping rule Russia for the next 700 years. This quote is disliked and contested bó some Russians who think it is revealing à kind of weakness. Mistake! On the contrary, it reveals à great Russian quality, the ability of universal learning, appropriating whatever they find useful and valuable. As à result of several imperial experiments, Russians have acquired à universalist bent of mind, founding on multi-ethnic contacts and experience in handling peoples; in addition, Russian thinkers have developed an exceptionally plentiful and precious tradition of political philosophy.
   2. Russia is still à big country, rich and powerful, industrialized." In fact à superpower. The present problems of transition from an obsolete economic system to à more modern and internationally wide-spread, well-tried system, are temporary. Critics of the Russian Government today ought to be à bit careful, considering that this transition is so unique in history as to its nature, its complexity and magnitude, that all predictions, even by the best economic specialists, are highly uncertain.
   The process of establishing à new world order with real problem-solving capacity, should be initiated and supported by à big power in order to obtain à reasonable prospect of success. Present efforts, often extremely laudable and competent, to persuade people and governments, b some twenty NGO's and private groups, all rather small, seem to be hopeless, unfortunately. Hopeless, at least as long as appropriate catastrophes with more convincing power than theoretical arguments are lacking.
   3 Russia's intermediary position in economic development is à great advantage. The very rich countries would never start the project of world unification, as this will entail à certain degree of economic equalization at their cost. On the other hand, the poor countries, which desire precisely this equalization, are unable to do much, because they lack capabilities on all levels and because they would be suspected of the wrong motives, being too much swallowed up by the single idea of development at any cost. The rich will not, the poor can not: This constitutes à special attractive possibility for à heavy-weight country in the middle with deep historical experience: and well´developed theoretical potential and inventive genius.
   4. For Russia, history was à succession of wars, started by aggressors from outside, the West attempting numerous attacks, the East invading once with grave consequences for centuries. Thus inconsiderate neighbors have taught Russia à hard lesson about the usefulness of Empire for à nation to survive.
   5. For the Russian people, history has provided à unique experience of government criminality. Thereby some Russians have been taught on their bodies and their souls how not to build Empire. À few recent examples: The persecution of Christians after 1917; the brutal raskulachivanie about 1930; the lawless chistka processes, end of 30-ies; the GULAG system, an unheard-of exploitation of man, perpetrated by liberators supposedly liberating humanity from exploitation; the Katyn' murders, spring 1940, an international shocking event. If óîu are in anó doubt about governmental criminality, ask the Poles. The Poles will never forget Katyn! They will remember the full truth about the past, including the brutal repressions of 19-th century, the total annihilation Üó carving-up in 18-th century, happily repeated in 20th century. The Poles will tell you how NOT to build Empire.
   Anó other Empire, being unstable, is unthinkable today. The Empire has to be invented; therefore its exact nature is known only to the inventors who may say not exist as yet.
   [Version of this Declaration was proposed by Martin J.Knottenbelt, MJK]
   RÅMÅMBÅRING that the United Nations Organization Charter (UNO-C) affirms the Main UNO Aim to be to preserve us from the Scourge of War; whereas evidently this can be accomplished solely if the true aim be to preserve the world from the Scourge of the War System;
   Råmàrking that the 24 October 1945 UNO-C has since decades stood directly fonnally precisely challenged on precisely this fundàmåïtal issue. Challenged by, to be precise, the 3 Màó 1947 SHOWA Constitution, Challenged through, to be precise, its Article 9 ("À9" in brief), which in its crucial closing sentence reads:
   The right of belligerency of the state will not bå recognized.´Das Recht des Staates auf Êrieg fÝhrung wird nicht anerkannt.´Le droit de belligerence de l'etat ne sera pas ãåñînnu.´ Het ãåñht tot oorlogvoering van de staat wordt niet etkend.´ La raito de la stato militi ïå estas agnoskita.´ Ïðàâî ãîñóäàðñòâà íà âåäåíèå âîéíû íå ïðèçíàåòñÿ.´etc., etc., etc.
   Regretting that said profoundly moral-cum-rational A9-Initiative never once has been properly, openly addressed by UNO. Which consequently in some quarters sometimes is referred to as That Manhattan Managerie, with due apology to animals.
   Now, consequent1y, we
råñîmmånd cordially that UNO set aright pronto as best it can this appalling lapse; this truly horrendous criminal Crime-of- Omission.
   (Done at the 1995 Seminar on Governmental Criminality Hesbjerg 5491 DK 29.Õ.1995; adopted 31.Õ.1995)
   Article 9 of the SHOWA Constitution, May, 3, 1947
   "Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as a means of settling international disputes.
   In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized"
   Here it is an extract from another version of this Declaration, that were proposed by Martin J.Knottenbelt (For draft)
   D. The ÍÅSÂJERG Declaration ('ÍD') îf 29 Oct.1995
   We being:
   à. MINDFUL that acceptance of 'EWL' (Enforceable World Law) is prerequisite to à Better Future; and mindful also how important is Precedent to sound legal development.
   b. PERSUADED that never has there been any Crime-of-Omission more heinous than that perpetrated in the Opening Words of 24 Oct. 1945 UNO Charter. Referring to "the scourge of war" whereas this ought to have been, of course: "the Scourge of the War System"
   ñ. DETERMINED to stimulate awareness of the foregoing,
   hereby now
   d. CORDIALLY invite the 'gpe'--global political elite--[variaït: UNO-Celebrationists] now celebrating UNO in Manhattan to help accomplish the foregoing [variaït: to help accomplish the foregoiïg by authorisiïg proòpt Thorough Review of the fated meted out 50 years ago to General Yamashita Tomoyuoki]. By, for instance, Appraising-&-Publicising the Indelible Implications to be drawn from the 50-Years-Ago Case of General Yamashita. [Variaït: Including especially Appraisal of that Case's Indelible Implications.] Å ï d .
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