Протасов Дмитрий Николаевич : другие произведения.

Mistaken Identity // M. Twain //

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,--I am perfectly astonished--a-s-t-o-n-i-s-h-e-d--ladies and gentlemen-astonished at the way history repeats itself.

I find myself situated at this moment exactly and precisely as I was once before, years ago, to a jot, to a tittle--to a very hair. There isn't a

shade of difference. It is the most astonishing coincidence that ever-- but wait. I will tell you the former instance, and then you will see it

for yourself.

   Обращение к
   papyrus n (pl -ri)[p?'pa?r?s]
   I am ... astonished
   Я удивлен
   at the way
   То, каким образом
   repeats itself
   повторяет себя
   I find myself
   Я нахожу меня
   В той же самой ситуации
   exactly and precisely
   Точнее некуда
   as I was once
   как я был однажды
   jot [d??t]
   йота; ничтожное количество
   Tittle ['t?tl]
   мельчайшая частица
   to a jot
   С точностью йоты
   to a tittle
   до мельчайшей частицы
   to a very hair.
   С точностью до волоса
   here isn't a
   shade of difference.
   Нет и оттенка различия.
   the most astonishing coincidence
   самое удивительное совпадение
   that ever
   Которое когда- либо
   but wait
   но подождите
   the former instance
   прежний случай
   then you will see it for yourself
   А зетем сами и судите
   Years ago I arrived one day at Salamanca, New York,eastward bound; must change cars there and take the sleeper train.
   There were crowds of people there, and they were swarming into the long sleeper train and packing it full, and it was a perfect purgatory of dust and confusion and gritting of teeth and soft, sweet, and low profanity.
   I asked the young man in the ticket-office if I could have a sleeping- section, and he answered "No," with a snarl that shrivelled me up like
   burned leather. I went off, smarting under this insult to my dignity,and asked another local official, ...
   eastward bound
   на восток
   change cars
   Пересесть на другой поезд
   sleeper train
   Поезд, где есть спальные вагоны
   swarm [sw?:m]
   packing it full
   Заниная в нём всё, что только можно было занять
   purgatory ['p?:??tr?]
   смущение, замешательство;
   grit one's teeth
   скрипеть зубами; стиснуть зубы
   a sleeping- section
   Спальное место
   Snarl [sn??l]
   he answered with a snarl
   ~ он зарычал в ответ
   shrivel [Є?r?v(?)l]
   burned leather
   сожженная кожа
   under this insult
   От этого оскорбления
   local official
   местный чиновник
   ... supplicatingly, if I couldn't have some poor little corner somewhere in a sleeping-car; but he cut me short with a venomous "No, you can't; every corner is full. Now, don't bother me any more"; and he turned his back and walked off. My dignity was in a state now which cannot be described. I was so ruffled that--well, I said to my companion, "If these people knew who I am they -"But my companion cut me short there--"Don't talk such folly," he said; "if they did know who you are, do you suppose it would help your high-mightiness to a vacancy in a train which has no vacancies in it?" This did not improve my condition any to speak of, ...
   supplicate [Єs?pl??ke?t]
   молить, умолять
   С мольбой
   Some poor little corner
   Некий захудалый уголок
   somewhere in a sleeping-car
   где-нибудь в спальном вагоне
   he cut me short
   но он прервал меня
   Venomous ['ven?m?s]
   Ядовитый, злобный
   turned his back
   повернулся спиной
   walked off
   и ушел
   which cannot be described
   Которое невозможно описать
   ruffle ['r?fl]
   нарушать спокойствие
   If these people knew who I am
   Если эти люди знали, кто я
   Folly ['f?l?]
   глупость; недомыслие;
   if they did know
   Если б они действительно знали
   do you suppose
   Не думаешь ли ты
   mightiness ['ma?t?n?s]
   Величие, мощность
   Your Mightiness
   Ваша Светлость
   help to a vacancy
   Помочь найти свободное место
   which has no vacancies
   Где нет свободных мест
   my condition
   Моё состояние
   any to speak of
   настолько, чтобы было о чём говорить
   ... but just then I observed that the colored porter of a sleeping-car had his eye on me. I saw his dark countenance light up. He whispered to the uniformed conductor, punctuating with nods and jerks toward me, and straightway this conductor came forward, oozing politeness from every pore.
   "Can I be of any service to you ?" he asked. "Will you have a place in the sleeper?"
   "Yes," I said, "and much oblige me, too. Give me anything--anything will answer."
   "We have nothing left but ...
   but just then
   но именно тогда
   had his eye on me.
   Смотрел на меня пристально
   countenance [Єka?nt?n?ns]
   облик; выражение лица
   light up
   Uniformed conductor
   одетый в форму проводник
   punctuate ['p??kt??e?t]
   Прерывать, подчёркивать
   jerk [d??:k]
   резкое движение, толчок
   punctuating with nods and jerks toward me
   Прерывая речь кивками и резкими движениями, в мою сторону
   and straightway
   и немедленно
   came forward
   Пошел вперёд
   oozing politeness from every pore
   источая вежливость от каждой поры
   Can I be of any service to you?
   Могу ли я Вам чем-нибудь услужить?
   Will you have a place in the sleeper?
   Вы хотите место в спальнем вагоне?
   and much oblige me
   и очень обяжите меня
   Give me anything
   Давайте что угодно
   anything will answer
   Что угодно подойдёт
   We have nothing left but
   У нас не осталось ничего кроме
   ... the big family state-room," he continued, "with two berths and a couple of arm-chairs in it, but it is entirely at your disposal. Here, Tom, take these satchels aboard!"
   Then he touched his hat and we and the colored Tom moved along. I was bursting to drop just one little remark to my companion, but I held in and waited. Tom made us comfortable in that sumptuous great apartment,and then said, with many bows and a perfect affluence of smiles:
   "Now, is dey anything you want, sah? Case you kin have jes' anything you wants.
   the big family state-room
   большое семейное купе
   two berths
   Два спальных места
   a couple of arm-chairs
   несколько кресел
   but it is entirely at your disposal [?n'ta??l?]
   но это полностью в Вашем распоряжении
   the ~ of rubbish
   уборка мусора;
   bomb ~ обезвреживание бомб.
   satchel ['sФt??l]
   сумка, ранец для книг
   take aboard
   Занеси в поезд
   Then he touched his hat
   Тогда он коснулся своей шляпы
   moved along
   Отправились к поезду
   I was bursting
   Я разрывался от желания
   to drop
   Зд. высказать
   one little remark
   одно небольшое замечание
   but I held in
   но я сдерживался
   sumptuous [Єs?mptj??s]
   роскошный, великолепный
   зд. купе, как квартира
   bow [ba?]
   affluence ['Фfl??ns]
   Изобилие, богатство
   Now, is dey anything you want, sah?
   Now, is there anything you want, sir?
   Now, is there anything you want, sir?
   Сер, Вы что нибудь желаете?
   Case you kin have jes' anything you wants
   Because you can have just anything you want.
   It don't make no difference what it is."
   "Can I have some hot water and a tumbler at nine to-night-blazing hot?"
   I asked. "You know about the right temperature for a hot Scotch punch?"
   "Yes, sah, dat you kin; you kin pen on it; I'll get it myself."
   "Good! Now, that lamp is hung too high. Can I have a big coach candle fixed up just at the head of my bed, so that I can read comfortably?"
   "Yes, sah, you kin; I'll fix her up myself, an' I'll fix her so she'll burn all night. Yes, sah; an' you can jes' call for anything you want,and dish yer whole railroad'll be turned wrong end up an' inside out for to get it for you.
   It don't make no difference what it is.
   It doesn't make any difference what it is.
   It doesn't make any difference what it is.
   И совсем неважно, что это
   tumbler ['t?mbl?]
   бокал (без ножки); высокий стакан
   night-blazing hot
   Горячий напиток перед сном
   the right temperature
   правильная температура
   Punch [p?nt?]
   Yes, sah, dat you kin
   Yes, sir, that you can
   you kin pen on it
   you can pen on it
   is hung too high
   Весит слишком высоко
   coach candle
   Свечка для пассажирского вагона
   fixed up
   Yes, sah, you kin;
   Yes, sir, you can;
   sah; an' you can jes' call for anything
   Sir; and you can just call for anything and dish
   Sir; and you can just call for anything and wish
   И Вы можете попросить что угодно
   yer whole railroad'll be turned wrong end up an' inside out for to get it for you.
   the whole railroad'll be turned wrong end up inside out
   to get it for you.
   Dat's so." And he disappeared.
   Well, I tilted my head back, hooked my thumbs in my armholes,smiled a smile on my companion, and said, gently:
   "Well, what do you say now?"
   My companion was not in the humor to respond, and didn't. The next moment that smiling black face was thrust in at the crack of the door, and this speech followed:
   the whole railroad'll be turned wrong end up inside out to get it for you.
   Вся железная дорога будет вывернута наизнанку чтобы доставить это для Вас.
   Dat's so.
   That's so.
   And he disappeared.
   И он исчез
   I tilted my head back
   я наклонил голову назад
   hooked my thumbs in my armholes
   Скрестил руки
   thumb [??m]
   большой палец руки
   armhole ['?:mh??l]
   was not in the humor to respond, and didn't
   Был не в настроении, чтобы отвечать, и не ответил
   The next moment
   Спустя мгновение
   smiling black face
   черное лицо с улыбкой
   thrust [?r?st]
   совать, засовывать
   was thrust
   Было засунуто
   in at the crack of the door
   В дверную щель
   crack [krФk]
   трещина; расселина; щель
   and this speech followed
   И эта речь последовала
   "Laws bless you, sah, I knowed you in a minute. I told de conductah so.
   Laws! I knowed you de minute I sot eyes on you."
   "Is that so, my boy?" (Handing him a quadruple fee.) "Who am I?"
   "Jenuel McClellan," and he disappeared again.
   My companion said, vinegarishly, "Well, well! what do you say now?"
   Right there comes in the marvellous coincidence I mentioned a while ago
   --viz., I was speechless, and that is my condition now. Perceive it?
   Laws bless you, sah,
   Laws bless you, sir,
   I knowed you in a minute
   I knew you in a minute
   I told de conductah so
   I told the conductor so
   I knowed you de minute I sot eyes on you."
   I knew you the minute I sat eyes on you
   quadruple [Єkw?dr?p(?)l]
   vinegar [Єv?n?g?(r)]
   marvellous ['m?:v?l?s]
   изумительный, удивительный
   I mentioned a while ago
   я упоминал только что
   viz [v?z]
   а именно
   Онемевший, безмолвен
   постигать, воспринимать
   Чаще всего употребляется в положительном значении:
   совершенный, безукоризненный
   His English was perfect. Perfect marriage.
   NB! He is a perfect fool.
   волосы // волос, волосок
   you have got wavy hair --
   у вас волнистые волосы.
   you have got a wavy hair --
   у вас один волос, и он волнистый.
   "Hair" "Волосы" Знаменитый бродвейский мюзикл
   не путайте shade // shadow
   shadow ['?Фd?u] / 1. 1) тень 2) полумрак, тенистое место
   shade [?e?d] тень;тон, оттенок; намёк; нюанс;
   Salamanca, Саламанка -- город в США, штат Нью Йорк.
   LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,--I am perfectly astonished--a-s-t-o-n-i-s-h-e-d, ladies and gentlemen, astonished at the way history repeats itself.
   I find myself situated at this moment exactly and precisely as I was once before, years ago, to a jot, to a tittle--to a very hair. There isn't a shade of difference. It is the most astonishing coincidence that ever-- but wait. I will tell you the former instance, and then you will see it for yourself. Years ago I arrived one day at Salamanca, New York, eastward bound; must change cars there and take the sleeper train. There were crowds of people there, and they were swarming into the long sleeper train and packing it full, and it was a perfect purgatory of dust and confusion and gritting of teeth and soft, sweet, and low profanity.
   if I couldn't have some poor little corner - В современном английском some после отрицания не употребляется.
   Can't - стопроцентный, категорический отказ
   if they did know who you are -- сильная эмоциональная конструкция даже, если каждый из них знал бы, кто ты такой.
   звучит, как пародия на Your Highness
   high-muck-a-muck [?ha?m?k?'m?k] задирающий нос; чванливый болван.
   coloured - цветной, в цвете; презр. цветной, темнокожий человек; негр
   привратник, швейцар, носильщик; грузчик;
   colored porter --
   метафора очень неполиткорректная
   I asked the young man in the ticket-office if I could have a sleeping- section, and he answered "No," with a snarl that shrivelled me up like burned leather. I went off, smarting under this insult to my dignity, and asked another local official, supplicatingly, if I couldn't have some poor little corner somewhere in a sleeping-car; but he cut me short with a venomous "No, you can't; every corner is full. Now, don't bother me any more"; and he turned his back and walked off. My dignity was in a state now which cannot be described. I was so ruffled that--well, I said to my companion, "If these people knew who I am they--"But my companion cut me short there--"Don't talk such folly," he said; "if they did know who you are, do you suppose it would help your high-mightiness to a vacancy in a train which has no vacancies in it?"
   This did not improve my condition any to speak of, but just then I observed that the colored porter of a sleeping-car had his eye on me.
   ooze - сочиться, выделяться; вытекать
   oozing politeness from every pore -- презрительно-иронично.
   Вытекая вежливостью из каждой своей поры.
   berth [b???]
   спальное место в железнодорожном вагоне, самолёте,на пароходе.
   lower berth -- нижняя полка (полка пониже)
   sleeping berth -- спальное место
   upper berth -- верхняя полка (полка повыше)
   a couple of
   после конструкции a + noun + of артикли не употребляются
   a cup of tea; a bottle of kwas;
   aboard [?'b??d] на борту; на борт
   all aboard! -- посадка заканчивается!
   Welcome aboard! -- Приветствуем вас на борту!
   Then he touched his hat
   типичный способ приветствовать и прощаться с тем, кто выше Вас по социальной лестнице
   I saw his dark countenance light up. He whispered to the uniformed conductor, punctuating with nods and jerks toward me, and straightway this conductor came forward, oozing politeness from every pore.
   "Can I be of any service to you?" he asked. "Will you have a place in the sleeper?"
   "Yes," I said, "and much oblige me, too. Give me anything--anything will answer."
   "We have nothing left but the big family state-room," he continued, "with two berths and a couple of arm-chairs in it, but it is entirely at your disposal. Here, Tom, take these satchels aboard!"
   Then he touched his hat and we and the colored Tom moved along. I was bursting to drop just one little remark to my companion, but I held in and waited.
   bow [bau] гнуть, кланяться
   Bow [b?u] дуга; радуга
   bow tie ['b?u?ta?] галстук-бабочка
   Bow [b?u] ; Боу (название знаменитой мастерской китайского фарфора в Эссексе)
   high [ha?]
   высокий, высоко
   He flies very high. = He is a high flier.
   highly ['ha?l?]
   благоприятно; благосклонно
   she praises him highly for his high flights.
   fixed up
   иметь ровно столько, сколько необходимо. Небольше и неменьше
   They have it all fixed up --
   У них уже все на мази
   He can easily have it fixed up for you -- Он это может вам запросто устроить
   Then he touched his hat and we and the colored Tom moved along. I was bursting to drop just one little remark to my companion, but I held in and waited. Tom made us comfortable in that sumptuous great apartment, and then said, with many bows and a perfect affluence of smiles:
   "Now, is dey anything you want, sah? Case you kin have jes' anything you wants. It don't make no difference what it is."
   "Can I have some hot water and a tumbler at nine to-night-blazing hot?" I asked. "You know about the right temperature for a hot Scotch punch?"
   "Yes, sah, dat you kin; you kin pen on it; I'll get it myself."
   "Good! Now, that lamp is hung too high. Can I have a big coach candle fixed up just at the head of my bed,
   comfortably ['k?mf(?)t?bl?] уютно
   comfort ['k?mf?t]
   утешение; содействие, поддержка, помощь
   have a big coach candle = I'll fix her
   если англичане говорят о неодушевлённом предмете высокопарно -- то исключительно в женском роде
   Ship = she
   thumbs down - знак неодобрения;
   thumbs up знак - одобрения;
   by rule of thumb - опытным путём
   Jenuel McClellan
   в то время мэр Нью-Йорка
   .....so that I can read comfortably?"
   "Yes, sah, you kin; I'll fix her up myself, an' I'll fix her so she'll burn all night. Yes, sah; an' you can jes' call for anything you want, and dish yer whole railroad'll be turned wrong end up an' inside out for to get it for you. Dat's so." And he disappeared.
   Well, I tilted my head back, hooked my thumbs in my armholes,smiled a smile on my companion, and said, gently:
   "Well, what do you say now?"
   My companion was not in the humor to respond, and didn't. The next moment that smiling black face was thrust in at the crack of the door, and this speech followed:
   "Laws bless you, sah, I knowed you in a minute. I told de conductah so.
   Laws! I knowed you de minute I sot eyes on you."
   "Is that so, my boy?" (Handing him a quadruple fee.) "Who am I?"
   "Jenuel McClellan," and he disappeared again.
   My companion said, vinegarishly, "Well, well! what do you say now?"
   Right there comes in the marvellous coincidence I mentioned a while ago --viz., I was speechless, and that is my condition now.
   Perceive it?
   0x08 graphic

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