Коншин Владимир Сергеевич : другие произведения.

Like a Seb

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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We were like the movie stars, you and me,
Golden scenes in a silent symphony,
I played my part with broken lines,
But you deserved the perfect rhyme.

You wanted love that sings, not fades,
A life that shines, not breaks and sways,
I gave you dreams, they were all I had,
But dreams don"t fill the heart you held so bad.

Now you're living in a world we framed,
With someone else who's not the same.
And I'm left spinning in the dark,
Like Seb, watching from afar.

I built castles in the sky for you,
But they fell with every breath I drew,
You found a home in someone"s truth,
While I still chase a fading youth.

I reached for stars, but you needed earth,
And all my victories lost their worth,
I sang for love, but the tune went cold,
Now all that's left are stories untold.

Now you're living in a world we framed,
With someone else who's not the same.
And I'm left spinning in the dark,
Like Seb, watching from afar.

You dance in dreams we used to share,
With someone who could take you there,
While I"m just a shadow in the wings,
A memory of forgotten things.

So I"ll play my tune in an empty room,
Like Seb, I'll fade beneath the moon.
You"ve got your happy ever after,
And I"m still lost in fleeting laughter.

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