Кон Питер : другие произведения.

Great Problems

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Great Problems

When we go to duty, when we go to work,

We can have the problems, listen what I talk!

If you think me crazy, even if I bad,

But you must remember, what I said!

Problems are in front of us problems are behind,

We can find problems where no one can find

If we solve the problem, there will be two

And the only question: what to do?

When you go to holiday, when you have a rest,

You can have the problems - you are not the best!

Even you are businessman, or you are a thief

Problems are around you, I believe!

Problems are in front of us problems are behind,

We can find problems where no one can find

If we solve the problem, there will be two

And the only question: what to do?

When your work is finished, and you go to home

You are very tired and want to be alone

But the time comes - problems are around:

Some of them in front of you, some of them behind.

Problems are in front of us problems are behind,

We can find problems where no one can find

If we solve the problem, there will be two

And the only question: what to do?

But if you are lucky, and your luck is great

You can solve all problems and to thank your fate.

Only when you do so you can cry "Hooray!"

But you should remember, what I say:

Problems are in front of us problems are behind,

We can find problems where no one can find

If we solve the problem, other is near

And the only hope- not to fear!

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