Князева Рада : другие произведения.

The Bone

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    На английском в детстве тоже пробовала писать.)

  The Bone
   Once there lived a little dog. It was white. It had long ears, big eyes and a black nose. His name was Spakee.
  One day Spakee was eating a big tasty bone. And near Spakee`s home there was passing a big dog. The dog`s name was Bob. Bob smelled the bone. He went to Spakee`s home and growled. Then Bob took the bone and said: "Don`t get me, because I will bite you. Oh! And do you know that tomorrow I`m going to America? Goodbye!"
  Spakee wanted to take the bone back and eat it again, but he was afraid of Bob.
  Two days passed and Spakee ventured to go to Bob. He went and thought: "Bob said that he left London yesterday and maybe he took my bone with him. But I`m so hungry!"
  When Spakee came to Bob`s house, Bob was sleeping. Bob`s car was late and he hasn`t left for America yet. Spakee took the bone and ran home.
  But soon Bob came back again and said: "I don`t know who had taken my bone so I`ll take yours!"
  But Spakee was lazy and didn`t hurry to get his bone back. "I will do it in several days" - he said. And when at last he came to Bob`s place, he saw him sitting in the car with Spakee`s bone. And Bob just waved to Spakee.
  Better late than never, but better never late!
  (Composed when I was 11)
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