Князева Рада : другие произведения.

Someday the weather will be better

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Someday the weather will be better
But now I`ll take the warmest sweater
And maybe I will put it on.
I`m sorry that my life has gone...
And now it`s flying in the sky,
But I will never, never cry.
My heart`s in ice - 
It is the prise
For golden sun in dirty hand,
For orange moon in dreadful land, 
For love that have been gone away,
For love that you have killed that May.
You think you`re best,
And what is next?
What beast is living in your soul?
And when will just it make the hole?
I know, I`m sure you are wrong.
And do you know that I have gone?..
The bridge... The river... And I died. 
But I have never, never cried.
I died... The reason isn`t you,
There`re many reasons and not few.
But I just wanted you to know
That I loved you that silver fall...
And now I`m mermaid of the ice.
You know, I think it`s really nice...

Someday the weather will be better
But now you`ll take the warmest sweater
And maybe you will put it on.
You`re sorry that my life has gone...
And now as me you want to die, 
But I will never, never cry.

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