Ключерёв Игорь Евгеньевич : другие произведения.

Battle at Falkirk (на английском)

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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   At Falkirk it was, in snow and sleat
   And Hawley at Callander sleeping so sweet
   We rested at Torwood, crossed at Dunipace
   And so we went on, with all the great pace.
   So Hawley came riding pell-mell, just awoke
   As snowstorm it did really broke
   We marched down the hill, our powder dry
   And redcoats they formed, as usual, two lines.
   He marschalled batallions on up the slope
   And send the dragoons to hill in the hope
   But that was in wain, can I tell you, my friends.
   We gave them a volley, which tore them and rend.
   Four scores saddles empty, dragoons they did race
   And those who proceed, did meet our axes
   The panic of dragoons it did sweeftly spread
   Our regiments marched, killing Englishmen dead.
   The snow fell hard, we halted advance
   About four hundred dead saxons - we glanced.
   Murray did forbid us to go too far
   And in inclement weather victorious we are!

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