Первая часть истории Итачи. Книга яркого света. Перевод на русский новеллы авторства Яно Такаши и Масаши Кишимото. Оригинальное название: Itachi Shinden: Kōmyō-hen. Отредактировано 08.08.2021. Спорные моменты сверены с японским оригиналом.
Перевод рассказа Скотта Александера Reverse psychology. "Мне было очень плохо. Все мои заявления на должность преподавателя вежливо отклонили, и будущее в науке постепенно от меня ускользало. Накануне вечером мой парень сказал, что нам, возможно, стоит начать расширять свой круг общения. ...
Автор: Паоло Бачигалупи. Перевод: Вадим Сеновский. Девушка, вошедшая в полицейский участок выглядела очень знакомой, но мне потребовалось какое-то время, чтобы понять откуда я ее знаю. Старлетка, что ли? Или кто-то, кто решился на пластическую хирургию, чтобы походить на знаменитость? ...
Первая глава финской настольной РПГ Stalker, выпущенной по лицензии Бориса Стругацкого. Как и следует из названия, в ней описывается слегка осовремененный мир произведения "Пикник на обочине".
The DOLCE GABBANA composed, written & sung by Andrei Danilko https://youtu.be/YUBxGI1986Q The `Reading the songs`series. The Dolce GABBANA is recited (played) by Viktoria Savina https://youtu.be/49-ChYi3baU The actress changed not a word of the original lyrics! (Except for an ...
Перевод с Английского довольно известной в Японии детской книжки "Кавайсона Дзо" - "Бедные слоны" за авторством Yukio Tsuchiya. Это настоящая история с реальными именами и актуальными по сей день посылами.
Now the Koi-no Bakansu (Love Vacation, VACANCES DE L'AMOUR) composed by Miyagawa Hiroshi (宮川泰) and written by Iwatani Tokiko (岩谷時子) in 1963 is but an evergreen oldie of the J-Pop first sung by The Peanuts (ザ・ピーナッツ) ...
BY THE SEA, BY THE BLUE SEA У МОРЯ, У СИНЕГО МОРЯ (AFTER THE JAPANESE GREATEST HIT `KOI-NO BAKANSU `恋のバカンス) The J-pop song KOI-NO BAKANSU performed by the Peanuts duet (Sisters Itō Amy and Itō Yumi https://youtu.be/rqCAd6AZYCo) ...
THE FATE OF A MAN A scene from the first Feodor Bondarchuk`s film `The fate of a man` from Mikhail Sholokhov`s short novel. Bondarchuk who"ll direct `The War and Peace` played the title part of Sokoloff. Lagerfuehrer was played by actor Yuri Averin, the former WW2 vet (a genius!- ...
A poem-song by Vladimir Vysotsky from the `Mr. McKinley`s Escape` feature film`s soundtrack https://youtu.be/tg0tK193pgQ Of course, it`s more my own interpretation of the Vysotsky`s song-poem rather than my translation of it, my variation on the theme offered by the genius of the ...
WHAT MADE YOU FEEL LOVE OF YOUR MOTHERLAND? A Russian patriotic song written by Mikhail Matusovsky and composed by Veniamin Basner. First sung by Mark Bernes for an excellent Russian action motion picture The Shield & the Sword (film director Vladimir Basov, a war vet). He`s appearing ...
NICE WALK, NICE SMOKE is an evergreen masterpiece of the Russian folk rock music by The Zilch group. Один из нетленных шедевров русской народной рок-группы "Ноль". https://youtu.be/BEBmPj3Vojw A congenial music video was shot by Alexei Rosenberg as a director and produced by Bakhyt ...
An iconic Russian children`s song from a no less iconic cartoon https://youtu.be/7EVHdRk9e4g. By this very reason it is a frequent object for the various parodies and even new interpretations https://youtu.be/t7FtxBQapn4
Перевод рассказа Магдалены Куценты (Magdalena Kucenty) "Козерог и Дракон" (Koziorożec i Smok), опубликованного в журнале "Смокополитен" (Smokopolitan) #3, 2015. Рассказ номинирован на премию им. Януша Зайделя за 2015 год.
THE BELLE OF THE ROAD The author`s original title is "Блондинка за рулём - это обезьяна за рулём". See http://www.hohmodrom.ru/project.php?prid=39056. I didn`t like it. Therefore I changed it. As a Russian uncle Vanya would say, `И вагина рулём!"
THE SONG ABOUT A TRUE INDIAN is a masterpiece of the Russian folk rock music written and composed on par by The Zilch group frontman Feodor Tchistyakov and another rock musician Piotr Strukov (from the third stanza). A music video from it was shot by Maxim Katooshkin in an iconic ...
Hokku by Basho Matsuo. It makes me remind a Russian funny story. A farmer`s yard. Night. Famer`s wife on the porch hearing a sound of wild pissing in the dark and asking rather terribly: -Who is pissing over there like a cow? -It`s me, mommy! Farmer`s wife (endearingly: ...
An iconic Russian drinking song `The Brigantine` (1937) by Russian poet Pavel Kogan put to music by his friend Georgy Lepsky. Though Pavel Kogan called his poem a joke, it relates to the certain poetic tradition, it makes us remember The Corsair by George Gordon Byron (`O'er the ...
`There`s but a blink` (1973). Lyrics by Leonid Derbenyov. Music by Alexandre Zatsepin. Sung by a great Russian actor Oleg Dahl https://youtu.be/AjP9wRMNQD0 http://kkre-25.narod.ru/dal/etm.mp3`There`s but a blink` is a song from the Russian feature film `The Sannikov Land`(1973). ...
Berem kramle (Melting into thin air). A music video fragment from the Czech feature film `Kouř ` (`Smoke&Steam`) https://youtu.be/4h-eGQa-REc (The Tomáš Vorel landmark feature film `Kouř` (`Smoke & Steam`) (Czech Republic), 1991)
Эквиритмический перевод Tanz mit mir в исполнении Faun и Santiano. Авторы: Frank Ramond / Hartmut Krech / Mark Nissen Текст песни "Tanz mit mir", Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
The Spacemen`s Song. Performed by Vladimir Troshin. https://youtu.be/EYK-sNNgce8 March of the Russian Aerospace Forces from the Song of the Spacemen https://youtu.be/6Q9d6UK-46A
SNOW WHITE ROSES, OR A SLAVIC BALLAD ABOUT THE MEAN DESTINY AND CRUEL LOVE was written and composed by Sergei Borisovich Kuznetsov from Orenburg, Russia, for the same name first Russian teenager pop band in 1986. The original version of the 80s https://youtu.be/BPsRX7m6CX4, and ...
Charlie`s ditties in the Russian folklore (based on the tune of the Titina). A music school pupil is playing a melody from a Charlie Chaplin`s film that became a part of the Russian folklore, and his respectable teacher Anatoliy Sudarev from the 29th art school and October Revolution ...
SNOW WHITE ROSES, OR A SLAVIC BALLAD ABOUT THE MEAN DESTINY AND CRUEL LOVE is a golden oldie. The catchy melody, sentimental lyrics. And, of course, that song is not only about flowers. Listen to the Polish cover of the evergreen Russian song https://youtu.be/QJtMF0mG9oI
МУЖИЧОК С ГАРМОШКОЙ THE LITTLE MAN WITH ACCORDEON - ain`t they dandy, those catchy song, nice performance and excellent choreography? https://youtu.be/_ujUcFz10hk
Cross my heart, the described scene was taken from the real life. It reminded me of Arkady Averchenko`s short stories. Life is a great author, after all.
Viktor Balthasar Emil Hoffmann (Виктор Викторович Гофман) (1884-1911) was born in a family of the Austrian German citizen who owned the furniture factory in Russia. He went to the Russian classical school and finished it with honours. One of his classmates was Russian poet Vladimir ...
`Napoléon, yes, Napoléon`. Russian folk song of 1812 dedicated to Prince Koutouzoff, Mikhail Illarionovich Koutouzoff, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army and guerillas. The song expresses a view-point of the ordinary Russians, peasants of that epoch. Sung by ...
Taffy was extraordinarily famous in Russia for her short stories full of humour. Fewer knows as well that she was a poetess. Of course, she was not as great as her sister Mirra (Maria) Lokhvitskaya-Gibert who was an immediate predecessor of Anna Akhmatova, Xenaida Gippius and Marina ...
Anarchists perform the Apple Small dance and song (a fragment from the film `Alexandre Parkhomenko`). In the beginning the Red Army commanders agreed that they had to remove the anarchists` armoured train. One of them went to meet anarchists and pursuade them to free the railway ...
Josie Carr-Harris, born from Russian mom and Canadian dad, then aged 11, sings `With Nanny` by Mussorgsky. Record of 2010. `With Nanny` is a song from The Nursery (Детская, literally Children's Room) cycle, composed by Modest Mussorgsky between 1868 and 1872 and set to his own ...
Mikołaj Rej or Mikołaj Rey of Nagłowice (1505-1569) was a Polish poet and writer of the Renaissance in Poland, as well as a politician and musician. He was the first Polish author to write exclusively in the Polish language, and is considered (with Biernat of Lublin ...
The poem which is in the Russian school curriculum relates to a plot and some characters of the Russian fairy tales. The plot is the same as is in the Sleeping Beauty, as to the characters they are noble Prince Ivan and ordinary Ivan the Fool whose traditional roles were reconsidered ...
Кардиналу Катерине Сфорце грозит смертная казнь за государственную измену. Её верные агенты АХ едут в заснеженный Таллин, чтобы найти некого Херувима, который сможет доказать её невиновность.
Знаменитый роман Расселла Торндайка, полный иронии и теплого британского юмора, повествует о маленькой деревушке Даймчерч, где, по слухам, обосновались контрабандисты. Жители Даймчерча взволнованы! Что скажет доктор Син, приходской священник? Какие секреты он хранит? Что будет делать ...
A great Russian actor Spartak Mishulin (1926 - 2005) in the classical staging of the Small comedies of the big house by Andrei Mironov, Arkadiy Arkanov & Georgiy Gorin, Theatre of Satire (1974). This number staged by a groovy choreographer Vladimir Manokhin was so popular that sometimes ...
September 28 is Brigitte Bardot`s birthday! She`s my idol!https://youtu.be/Bbkwrf5lMqc https://youtu.be/h0xUjsxwrkE (Sorry for my complicated relationship with time, I thought it was October, so I`d written Oct. 28 before). A propos, слово la madrague означает "сеть для ловли тунца", ...
Have we got a treat for you! We are thrilled to share Open and Shut, an exclusive short story by Alastair Reynolds, today. Step into the futuristic world of Prefect Dreyfus for a fast paced new SF crime story. This is your new SF obsession. One citizen died a fortnight ago. Two a ...