Мира Шамвэй ХОЧЕШЬ, ПОДАРЮ ЗВЕЗДУ? THE STAR GIFT by Myra Shumway. Myra Shumway is a character of the novel `Miss Shumway Waves a Wand` (1944) by British writer James Hadley Chase.
Taffy was extraordinarily famous in Russia for her short stories full of humour. Fewer knows as well that she was a poetess. Of course, she was not as great as her sister Mirra (Maria) Lokhvitskaya-Gibert who was an immediate predecessor of Anna Akhmatova, Xenaida Gippius and Marina ...
I`ve kept untouched the old vocabulary of the original text and chose the equivalent, intelligible words in Old Slavonic that are still being used in the Russian poetry.
A very nice children`s song - "Поезд мчит издалека" `Train is going from afar` (Jedzie Pociąg z Daleka)(Polish tekst-karaoke) https://youtu.be/_YRgbUNJtB8
P. Tchaikovsky `The Queen of Spades`. Arya of Hermann `What`s our life? A game!`is sung by Mikhail Didyk. Gran Teatre del Liceu, Barcelona, 2010 П. И. Чайковский. Опера "Пиковая дама". Ария Германа "Что наша жизнь? Игра!" Герман - Михаил Петрович Дидык. Gran Teatre del Liceu, ...
The poem by Evgeniy Yevtushenko that I dared to translate has got an alliteration of `sh-sh` in the original that I replaced with the sound of `w-w` in English.