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Two Reasons for the United States to Continue the War in Iraq

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    In this essay I'm trying to reveal inner motives and magnanimous reasons that underlie the decisions of President Bush and his administration.

  Two Reasons for the USA to Continue War in Iraq,
  In March 2003 Mr. Putin, President of Russia made an official statement denouncing the invasion of Iraq by the USA and its allies. "..Military actions are taking place contrary to the world public opinion, contrary to the principles and norms of international law and the Charter of the UN. Nothing can justify this military action - neither accusations of Iraq of supporting international terrorism (we have never had and do not have information of this kind) nor the desire to change the political regime in that country which is in direct contradiction to international law and should be determined only by the citizens of this or that state. At last there was no need in conducting hostilities to answer the main question asked by the international community, i.e. if Iraq has or doesn't have weapons of mass destruction. ...Military actions against Iraq are a political blunder" - said President Putin.
  Now 4 years after the beginning of the invasion we see that 1) no weapons of mass destruction had been found; 2) more than 3 000 Americans and about 300 000 Iraqis were killed; 3) the war became so unpopular with Americans that President Bush and his administration lost all public support; 4) President Bush decided to increase the number of American troops in Iraq almost doubling it.
  These results give rise to some serious questions that haven't been answered yet. Why did the administration of President Bush decide to invade Iraq? The surface motive articulated by the representatives of the administration was that Saddam Hussein's had weapons of mass destruction at his disposal. Substantiating this fact the Defense Secretary Ramsfeld referred to the intelligence data obtained by the CIA. Today it's clear that Iraq didn't have any weapons of mass destruction. Does that mean that the CIA provided false data basing on which the US government decided to start the war? I am far from such a primitive interpretation; the CIA is too a professional and competent organization to make such mistakes.
  I also reject slanderous fabrications according to which the USA decided to seize and control Iraq's oilfields. The Americans are a noble and peaceful nation that has never demonstrated greed, avarice, rapacity, selfishness; they cannot be driven by such base feelings. The American administration must have some higher motives, valid reasons to take responsible decisions.
  Another, and, perhaps, more intriguing, question is: Why did President Bush decide to increase the American military contingent notwithstanding the American public opinion and the opposition from the Congress? It is obvious that this decision will contribute to the unpopularity of Republican administration. It gives a trump card to the Democrats during the 2008 election; the Republican candidate is very unlikely win it.
  In this short essay I'll try to answer these questions, to reveal inner motives and magnanimous reasons that underlie the decisions of President Bush and his administration.
  Reason one: War in Iraq caused a significant rise in oil prices that benefited a number of underdeveloped oil-producing countries, such as Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Nigeria, etc.
  I can conjecture that this consequence was, of course, carefully calculated by American government analysts and President Bush decided to invade Iraq so as to raise living standards in these poor countries.
  I don't know about Iran and Venezuela but as for Russia Bush's efforts were definitely not in vain. The shower of "oil dollars" influenced favorably all spheres of Russian life. President Putin formulated the conception of Russia as an "energy super power" and started wide scale national projects to improve education, health care and to increase birth rate. During the last three years standards of living in my country have doubled or even trebled. Almost all families have computers, cell phones, access to the Internet; many families have two cars; many people can afford traveling abroad during winter and summer vacations. My own salary has tripled and for this I express my personal gratitude to President Bush!
  Evidently, rise in oil prices damaged in a way American national interests, but the key characteristic of George Bush as a political leader is that to his heart interests of poor people in the whole world are dearer than well-being of his fellow American citizens. It is this motive that accounts for and underlies all actions of this noble and wise personality.
  Reason two: War in Iraq is aimed at reduction of American population.
  Recently mass media reported that the population of the USA reached 300 000 000, and immediately some experts expressed concerns about devastating effects of further increase in number of Americans because even now they consume more that 50% of world's resources. If they continue to multiply Earth's recourses will soon be exhausted. I can assure these short-sighted experts that there is nothing to worry about: President Bush has taken and will take all measures to reduce American population.
  As I noticed earlier losses of American troops in Iraq exceeded 3 000. This figure seems insignificant at first sight, but don't forget that all people killed in Iraq were robust young fellows who could make families and have children. Taking into account the fact that an average American family has three children we can safely treble the figure to get 9 000. President Bush is sure not to stop half-way; he decided to double the American military contingent so as to double American losses in Iraq. Recent events in Persian Gulf, concentration of armed forces and aircraft-carriers give firm grounds to suppose that war with Iran will start in the nearest future to cause enormous losses, to significantly reduce the number of American people, to prevent devastating effects of their vital activities. And don't forget about 1200 US military killed during the war in Afghanistan launched by President Bush in 2001.
  These facts present another piece of evidence that George Bush adheres to the interests of all people in the world rather than to the interests of his own nation. And for this we must be grateful to this outstanding man.
  In conclusion I must admit that President Putin, my idol, was wrong. Invasion of Iraq wasn't a political blunder; it was a far-sighted plan with aims that can not be easily comprehended by ordinary minds.
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