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Tv and children

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TV and children.

   To begin with I would like to say, that television occupies our spare time. We used to enjoy civilized pleasures. We are plunged to a telly world, but we are all sensible and realize this fact, that TV regulated not only our time, but and our life. But in spite of this fact, we take delight in TV. It's common knowledge that TV is full of violence and sex nowadays. Most of these facts are inspired to our children. TV has power over them. I'd like to make it clear, that children, who are at early ages have difficulty distinguishing between commercial and programs and guess that there is no difference. And no child can be immunized against all the bad stuff on TV. As for the behavior of children I would like to say that it is a very controversial point but most research seems to indicate that children do learn behavior and that TV does play a role in teaching. Children often take well-known TV character as examples to be imitated. What will be, if the most famous hero is Mr Killer? And I started to think about it and listen to my pupils at school. All of them watch cartoon channel everyday and stop only for to check their mails in computer. And the most popular characters are dolls Bratz, girls want to be look like the same as these dolls and they start to think about diet in 11-12 years old but another group of girls lose communicative connection with other children because they have realized that they are not beautiful and most of it they are very ugly.
   On the one hand the government increased children programs, improved them, but on the other hand the TV industry will not produce enough quality of children's programming. If TV producers produce educational shows, they won't capture the imagination of children. The government opened cable stations, but unfortunately this is very boring for spoiled modern children.
   The world of TV depends on ad. But of course I understand the main aim of ad to sell the products but the best way to sell something of course to make ad from sex.
   Everyday in school I see violence and talks about only sex between children of 11 years old. I am not so adult but at that time when I was 11, I was playing with dolls and did not think about such things.
   Parents should be more choosy because children need to explain some controversial contents; because of watching violence and sex on TV- children are more vulnerable to the emotional and moral power of TV.
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