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Jews of Kishinev and Vicinity

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  Jews of Kishinev and Vicinity
  By Ella Romm
  San Diego, California, 2017
  To my father Yuliy Vaysman
  Copyright No 2021 by Ella Romm
  ISBN 978-1-387-20123-5
  Dear Readers,
  My name is Ella Romm. I was born in 1966, in a small Russian town of the Rostov-on-Don region, named Sholokhovskiy. My father Yuliy Vaysman relocated to Sholokhovskiy from Kishinev, Moldova, where he was born, spent his childhood and early adulthood. In 1993, my family immigrated to the United States. I had been living in New York for 15 years and then moved to San Diego, California in 2007. My passion for genealogy started with building my own family tree in 2010. I was inspired by the stories heard from my father and his mother Anna Meites. When I decided to expand to a wider Kishinev family tree, the research was inflated to all the relatives by marriages. Now, there are more than 5200 people in my tree. More than half of them are from Bessarabia.
  As a result of my genealogical studies, several books were published. 'My Jewish Bessarabian Roots' (two volumes about Vaysman and Meites families) and 'Eliyahu Meitus: A Grandniece's Book about a Hebrew Poet'. I also published my father's memoirs 'From Bessarabia to...'
  My tree has over 1800 records of birth, marriage, and death. Many records in this book were collected from these websites:
  Yad Vashem is Israel's official memorial to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust (Shoa in Hebrew), established in 1953.
  Yad Vashem collects data mostly provided by the victims' relatives. Their testimonials give incredible information not only about the victims but on their families as well.
  JewishGen is an international electronic resource for Jewish genealogy founded in 1987. It was the main source of records in my tree. As a volunteer, I helped JewishGen in recording translation from Russian to English. I also participated in the Famous Bessarabian People project and translated materials about the Kishinev ghetto. In many cases, I used help from my husband Michael Romm, who also took part in the publishing of this book.
  The other three websites are online genealogy platforms that give users the opportunity to create family trees and search billions of global historical records.
  I also collected information from other people's researches or just from surfing the web.
  The people in my tree can be divided into two groups: the long-time residents of Kishinev and those who moved into the city from the other towns and shtetels more recently. Mostly, those migrations happened at the turn of the 20th century due to marriages or in attempts to improve the quality of life.
  Today Kishinev is the capital and the largest city of the Republic of Moldova. However, throughout its history, the city belonged to a number of counties. Since its foundation in 1436, it was a part of the Principality of Moldavia under the suzerainty of the Ottoman Empire; from 1812 to 1918 - the capital of Bessarabia, a province of Russia; from 1918 to 1940 - a provincial town of Romania; from 1940 to 1991 - the capital of Moldavian Republic of the USSR. First Jewish families appeared in Moldova in the 14th or 15th centuries. There are no reliable documents from those times that I could locate. Therefore this book will cover the period from the end of the 18th century to the end of World War Two.
  Brides and grooms were arriving in Kishinev from the towns of Bessarabia, Ukraine, Belorussia, and even Litva. Besides Kishinev, many other cities and shtetls are mentioned in my tree.
  There are about 300 different last names in the tree. Most of them are typical Jewish names, but some look more Ukrainian or Russian, even though they belong to Jews: Chernenko, Krutologov, Lopatin, Vodovoz, Yeshanov, Khromchenko, Starikov, Beznos, etc.
  The rest of the book will focus on some families that lived in or moved to Kishinev. My goal is to help those who are looking for their roots in the area. I will appreciate any feedback and I am available to answer any questions you may have. My email address is You may also find me on Facebook as Ella Romm.
  Сhapter 1. The Families in My Tree
  I already said that some families have lived in Kishinev from generation to generation while others moved to the city from near-by or far-away places. Many families were large and extended and kept close relationships with each other.
  The Vaysmans' family (1950s)
  Here is the list of some Kishinev residents' last names from my tree:
  And now for some examples of these families.
  Yehuda Leib Averbuch was born in about 1790 and his son Yankel - in 1817. Yankel married twice because his first wife died. He had 7 children, one of whom was Geynikh Averbuch. Geynikh's daughter Tseytl was my great-grandmother and a mother of the Hebrew poet Eliyahu Meitus. Averbuchs were a well-known and wealthy family but there were other families by the same last name in Kishinev.
  One of the oldest families in my tree is Brokhmans. Gershko Brokhman was born in about 1760 and his son Moshko - in about 1790. Moshko had at least 5 children and 11 grandchildren. One of the grandkids was Nakhman Brokhman (1847-1913). He and his wife Nekhama had 7 children. Their extended family also had a lot of kids but many perished in Holocaust.
  A screenshot from my family tree on
  The Dobrins family was decimated by the Holocaust. The stars of David on the tree leaves in my book represent those who did not survive World War Two.
  The Zonis family is one of the largest in my tree. Volf Zeev Zonis was born in 1780. One of his grandchildren, Yankel (1834-1907), had 12 kids and 29 grandkids.
  Another big Kishinev family was Goreshts. Gershko Goresht was born in about 1780, his son Yos - in 1818. Yos was a vendor of salt and had 6 children. One of his grandchildren Moishe Duvid Goresht had a grocery store on the corner of Armyanskaya and Leovskaya Streets.
  Moishe Duvid Goresht
  Moishe Duvid had a typical Jewish family with many children.
  Goreshts' Family
  And now on some of the families of those who moved to Kishinev from other places at the turn of the 20th century:
  Goldner - Akkerman (now, Belgorod Dnestrovskiy), Ukraine
  Shapiro - Akkerman, Ukraine
  Zamelevich - Annopol, Ukraine
  Fridman - Balta, Ukraine
  Gezler - Balta, Ukraine
  Meites - Balta, Ukraine
  Nikelshourg - Bendery, Moldova
  Paskar - Bendery, Moldova
  Pivovar - Bendery, Moldova
  Rotner - Bendery, Moldova
  Trakhtenbraut - Bendery, Moldova
  Vaysman - Bendery, Moldova
  Fleyshman - Berdichev, Ukraine
  Ortenderg - Berdichev, Ukraine
  Shapochnik - Berdichev, Ukraine
  Raber - Berezhnits, Ukraine
  Mayevskiy - Belts, Moldova
  Vershanskiy - Bogopol (Pervomaysk), Ukraine
  Budnitskiy - Borshchagovka, Ukraine
  Fishenson - Bratslav, Ukraine
  Shpigel - Bulboka, Moldova
  Tamari - Chernovitz, Ukraine
  Belotserkovskiy - Dubosari, Moldova
  Shpolyanskiy - Dubosari, Moldova
  Yankelevich - Dubosari, Moldova
  Cogan - Dubosary, Moldova
  Tomashin - Dubosari, Moldova
  Radunskiy - Eyshishok, Lithuania
  Okslen - Faleshti, Moldova
  Oleynik - Faleshti, Moldova
  Shaikler - Faleshti, Moldova
  Trachtman - Gancheshty, Moldova
  Garber - Gancheshty, Moldova
  Orlovich - Grodno, Belarus
  Berkovich - Iassy, Romania
  Koyfman - Kharkiv, Ukraine
  Broytman - Kalarash, Moldova
  Duvidson - Khmelnik, Ukraine
  Perelman - Khotin, Ukraine
  Vainshtein - Khotin, Ukraine
  Shister - Khotin, Ukraine
  Koyfman - Kodima, Ukraine
  Koren - Komargorod, Ukraine
  Maizlish - Koretz, Ukraine
  Laptinzon - Krasnyansky, ?
  Vayner - Lanovets, Ukraine
  Giterman - Leova, Moldova
  Zekler - Lepel, Belarus
  Rudey - Lipovetz, Ukraine
  Reshetilov-Goldenberg -
  Mogilev Podilskiy, Ukraine
  Levin - Mikhalpol, Ukraine
  Gekerman - Muravano-Kirilovets - ?
  Khromchenko - Novomirgorod, Ukraine
  Grinberg - Odessa, Ukraine
  Fishman - Oligopol, Ukraine
  Monzon - Oligopol, Ukraine
  Berkovich - Orgeev, Moldova
  Bronshteyn - Orgeev, Moldova
  Kamisher - Orgeev, Moldova
  Kivinshteyn - Orgeev, Moldova
  Kogan, - Orgeev, Moldova
  Kriuliyansky - Orgeev, Moldova
  Polinkovskiy - Orgeev, Moldova
  Shapirо - Orgeev, Moldova
  Vaysman - Dubosary, Moldova
  Averbuch - Dubosary, Moldova
  Belotserkovskiy - Dubosary, Moldova
  Froimovich - Peschanka, Ukraine
  Pekker - Peschanka, Ukraine
  Starikov - Peschanka, Ukraine
  Schiff - Vilna (Podberezny), Lithuania
  Barinstein - Rezina, Moldova
  Malamud - Rezina, Moldova
  Averbuch-Khazen - Romanovka, Moldova
  Zaslaver - Shargorod, Ukraine
  Petrovskiy - Skvira, Ukraine
  Akselrud - Soroki, Moldova
  Lerner - Staro-Sinyav, Ukraine
  Tsubis - Talnov, Ukraine
  Soroker - Teleneshty, Moldova
  Dantsker - Teleneshty, Moldova
  Moldavskiy - Tiraspol, Moldova
  Kanchik - Tiraspol, Moldova
  Lantsman - Torgovitsa, Ukraine
  Keyser - Tuzora (Calarasi), Moldova
  Bortnik - Tuzora, Moldova
  Berenshteyn - Uman, Ukraine
  Beznos - Vad-Rashkov, Moldova
  Danik - Vad-Rashkov, Moldova
  Litvak - Vakhnovka, Ukraine
  Taksar - Vakhnovka, Ukraine
  Amerling - Vapniarca, Ukraine
  Podolskiy - Vasilkov, Ukraine
  Landa - Vertushani, Moldova
  Felman - Vonkovtsy, Ukraine
  Vilyanskiy - Yampol, Ukraine
  Nuzbrach - Yassy, Romania
  Sharaga - Yassy, Romania
  Kaganerov - Yustingorod, Ukraine
  Oradovskiy - Zvenigrad, -?
  Vidgorovich - ? Romania
  These are some examples of the new-coming families.
  Gersh Koyfman (1888-1945) from Kharkiv married Kenya Vaysman from Bendery. They moved to Kishinev in about 1915. Their 2 children died in infancy. Even though the families in the past had many kids, not all of them lived to the reproductive age. Children died mainly from infections, including tuberculosis.
  Gersh's wife Kenya died early and he married her sister Rivka and had 6 more children with her, one of whom died from tuberculosis at the age of 19.
  The Koyfmans' Family (about 1920)
  Yankel Meir Trachtman (1875) from Gancheshty was married to Rosya Vaysman from Bendery. They had 6 children but one died in infancy. Yankel was badly injured during WW1 and died in 1918. Then Rosya with the children moved to Kishinev where her brothers lived.
  The Trachtmans' Family (about 1903)
  Belotserkovskiys moved to Kishinev from Dubossari. Almost total family perished in Holocaust as you can see looking at the stars of David.
  A screenshot from my family tree on
  The Podolskiy family originated from Vasilkov shtetel. You can see the extent of child mortality in the family. Sad kids' faces represent children who died before reaching teen age. Zelman Podolskiy died of convulsions. He was just 10 days old. His brother died several days after birth. He was not named.
  A screenshot from my family tree on
  I searched for the genealogy of these families and, in some cases, was able to go back in time all the way to the 1760s.
  Finally, the other last names from my tree are Aginskiy, Anchelovich, Abramovich, Bakhil, Barankin, Benderskiy, Berkman, Bernshtein, Breytmon, Brodskiy, Bronfman, Fuks, Gikman, Kleydman, Dayan, Dvortman, Faelovich, Gertz, Ginsburg, Glantz, Glucha, Goldman, Grobokopatel, Gerevich, Heyfetz, Itskovich, Katz, Keymakh, Keyzer, Khamilkis, Kotlyar, Kroyter, Lanitsman, Lekhshteyn, Lesnik, Limberker, Litmanovich, Makhet, Morkovskiy, Moveremskiy, Naechovich, Peresecinskiy, Scherbelis, Shainfeld, Shilt, Stolyar, Strizhan, Strunis, Soybelman, Zisman. These names appeared scarcely in my tree, and I am not sure about their origins.
  Chapter 2. The pogroms
  There were two major pogroms in Kishinev, then the capital of the Bessarabia Governorate of the Russian Empire. The first one took place in 1903, and a second, smaller pogrom, in 1905.
  The infamous 1903 Kishinev pogrom, known as the pogrom on the Asian Street, was triggered by the murder of a 14-years-old boy. The newspaper "Bessarabetz" blamed the Jews. (As Wikipedia suggests, 49 people were killed, 586 were wounded or injured and over 1500 houses that made up one-third of the households in Kishinev were destroyed.) The Kishinev pogrom received a great public outcry in Europe and Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. A writer L. Tolstoy and professors of the Moscow University V. Vernadsky and S. Troubetzkoy accused the Russian rulers of acquiescence of the murderers.
  The second pogrom happened on October 19th and 20th of 1905. This pogrom began as a political protest against the tsar but turned into an attack on the Jews. According to Wikipedia, 19 people were killed and 56 injured, however, I found a longer list of the murdered:
  1. Sarah Boyukanskiy
  2. Barenboim, the daughter of Meir (age 1 year)
  3. Bronshteyn Abraham Zvi, son of Ephraim
  4. Bronshteyn, his wife Feiga
  5. Bronshteyn Esther, their daughter, was killed at the residence of the Armenian Bishop
  6. Glembotskiy Leib, son of Irakhmil
  7. Abraham Gorenshtein (Haim), son of Tzvi Leyb
  8. Goykhman Yisrael Yakov
  9. Gerovich Pinkhas
  10. Gaygold Nachum
  11. Gaygold Pesakh
  12 Dorfman Shimon
  13. Zlotnitckiy Feiga, the daughter of Shlomo (age-3 months)
  14. Khmelnitskiy Shane
  15. Cogan Leib
  16. Makadzyuk (?) Noah
  17. Sapovich, daughter of Nisel (age-7 months)
  18. Prokupets Avigdor
  19. Feldman Meir, son of Yehoshua (age 3 years)
  20. Frymer, Moshe Shalom
  21. Perelman Yakov Shmuel
  22. Zimerman Meir Tzvi
  23. Zimerman Golda, his wife
  24. Rabinovich Eliyahu
  25. Eliezer Rozhinskiy
  26. Sheynker Nahum
  27. Shohat Leib
  28. Stern Yakov Leib
  29. ? Meir Mendel
  30. ? Yankel
  31. Unknown
  32. Unknown
  Working on my global Kishinev families free, I ran into a family with an unusual last name, Gaygold. Sander Gaygold was born in 1831 in Kishinev. He had at least 5 children who were born during the time period of about 30 years: Genya (1864), Shmil Gersh (1867), Peysakh (1875), Nuchim (1889), and Khaim (1891). All the children but one got married. Genya became Fishman and got 3 kids, Shmil Gersh had 6, Peysakh - 3, Nuchim - 2. I did not find any children for Khaim; most likely, he died before the child conceiving age. There was a high rate of child mortality at the time. Genya lost her daughter Dvora (1900) at just 1 year of age, possibly of a childhood infection. Shmil Gersh lost two sons: Layb (1901) who died when he was a one year old of whooping cough, and Ikhel (1900), who died at 5.
  Then I discovered that Peysakh and Nuchim died on the same day, October 20th, 1905. The cause of death was not shown on the death certificate. However, the second Jewish pogrom had taken place exactly on that date. I just needed some proof that the deaths were related to it. Only recently I discovered their names in a list of people killed during the pogrom. But it is not the end of the sad story.
  Both wives of the brothers Peysakh and Nuchim were pregnant at the time their husbands were killed. Peysakh's wife Tauba Shaposhnik gave birth to a boy named after his dead father Peysakh. He died just 7 months old. It was Tauba's second marriage. She already lost her first husband Yankel Podolskiy (born in 1870) and her daughter (born in 1897). The girl died right after her birth and was not named. After Nuchim's death, his wife Pinya Brokhman gave birth to a son also named Nuchim after his murdered father. This boy survived but his older brother Sender (1900) did not, he died at the age of five.
  There were many other pogroms in different places of Bessarabia.
  Only in 1904, there were several of them in the different cities:
  May 1 Bendery (5 Jews killed; large loss of property, mob disperses as soon as it hears the Governor's telegram ordering the Cossacks to fire)
  May 30 Khotin (100 Jews wounded; principal synagogue demolished)
  Sep. 4 Alexandrovo (Riot during mobilization of troops)
  Sep. 4 Kishinev (Riot during mobilization of troops)
  1Sep. 4 Lilvinovka (Litvinovka?) (Riot during mobilization of troops)
  14-May Kishinev
  Aug. ? Rishkan (Completely demolished)
  Aug. 15 Sirdi (I did not find this place) (Many Jews killed; all the shops of the Jewish quarter looted, Jews offer resistance; troops passive during a ten days' massacre)
  Sep. 4 Kishinev (4 Jews killed; 80 wounded funeral procession attacked by troops and the police)
  Oct. 26 Bayramcha (Akkerman) (8 killed; 5 wounded; loss, 300,000 rubles)
  Nov. 1 Kishinev (35 Jews and 13 Christians killed; 100 Jews and 40 Christians injured; loss 300,000 rubles self-defense active)
  Nov. 5 Akkerman
  Nov. 5 Tchutchuleny (Ciuciuleni ?) (All Jewish property destroyed, peasants defend the Jews, and kill the soldier who instigated the riot)
  Nov. 7 Kalarash (100 Jews killed; 80 wounded; the whole town burnt to the ground: loss, 2,000,000 rubles)
  Nov. 19 Kishinev (Many shops looted and burnt; many Jews killed and wounded, desperate resistance by Jewish youths supported by Christian students)
  Nov. 24 Akkerman (Many killed)
  Nov. 30 Ismail
  Dec. ? Lilvinovka (Linvinovka) (6 families suffer; loss, 5,180 rubles)
  Chapter 3. Kishinev Ghetto
  The Kishinev ghetto was established on July 25, 1941. It was one of the first ordinances issued by the Kishinev military commander Colonel D. Tudos. The so-called "bottom" area of the city, originally inhabited mostly by Jews, was selected for the ghetto. The area was surrounded by a high wooden fence with two secure checkpoints.
  About 100 Christian families were still living in their homes on the territory of the ghetto. Also, some industrial facilities continued to operate there. Moving in and out of the ghetto was possible for non-Jews only and for the people with special permits. Jews could leave the ghetto only by organized groups under military escort for a variety of forced labor.
  The ghetto was occupied by about 11,000 Jews remaining in Kishinev. Most of them were extremely poor, that is why they decided to stay in town and not evacuated with the others. The Ghetto was governed by a Board of 20 people through whom the interaction with the military command of the city occurred. But mostly, people were abandoned to their fate. In order not to starve to death, they had to sell the last possessions they managed to save from looting in the early days of the seizure of the city. Trade was permitted in the ghetto; farmers were allowed to sell food to the Jews. Kishinev Jews were locked up in the ghetto for several awful months and then deported to camps on the other side of the Dniester River where most of them found their deaths.
  Although most of the Bessarabian Jews were murdered across the Dniester River, in Transnistria, isolated cases of massacres took place in Kishinev.
  There are several cases described in the work "Cartea Neagră. Suferinţele evreilor din România 1940-1944" published in Bucharest in 1947.
  On August 1, 1941, a German lieutenant came to the chairman of the community of the Kishinev ghetto and demanded 250 men and 200 women for labor. Jews were gathered at the appointed time and a German officer accompanied by three soldiers, came to make the selection, choosing mostly intellectuals and attractive women (for that, according to the written statement by a witness, even binoculars were used), then he left with the group of 450 Jews. In the evening of the same day only 39 old Jews returned and stated that the remaining 411 people were shot near Visterniceni. The survivors were sent back to report this event.
  On August 7 and 8, 1941, a road inspector came to the ghetto and demanded 500 men to work on the construction of a Ghidighici. The requested number of Jews were allocated to him, as well as another 25 women for food preparation. About a week later only 100 who were unable to work anymore returned, while the remaining 425 had never come back.
  The Second World War radically changed the appearance of Kishinev and the ethnic composition of the city inhabitants. If the pre-war Kishinev could definitely be called Jewish (40% of the population were Jews), in the early years of the war virtually no Jews were left there. After the war, the Jewish population returned to the city from the evacuation, but Kishinev has never become what it once was. The Jewish community of Kishinev was almost completely destroyed; the Nazis killed 53,000 of the city's 65,000 inhabitants.
  Some names and the fate of the Ghetto inmate I was able to find on the Internet, mostly Yad Vashem. My list consists of the last and first names (if known), birthday or age, and other useful information.
  There are the sources I used:
  List of Jews deported from the Kishinev ghetto to Transnistria, May 23, July 10, and November 6, 1942.
  Lists of Jews, Kishinev ghetto, 1941
  List of remaining Jews with special authorization.
  'Memories of the Holocaust: Kishinev 1941-1944' by Dr. Aroni
  List of Jews in Kishinev district, May 20, 1942
  List of Persecuted persons found in List of Jews from Kishinev deported to Golta, 1942.
  "The German- Romanian atrocities in Kishinev" by L Bazarov
  List of Persecuted persons found in List of Jews who converted to Christianity, Kishinev
  "Romanian Holocaust pages' by Alexander Vishnevetskii
  'Ghetto Kishinev, the final pogrom' By David. Doron
  "Black book" by Matias Karp
  I also used lists of patients from Ghetto hospital and orphanage:
  Aba, Surca - Deported
  Abramovich,? - Ghetto inmate, tried to escape
  Abramovich, Leiba - Persecuted
  Abramov-Voinov, B - Ghetto inmate, physician, committed suicide
  Achelino, Paulina - Persecuted
  Ackerman, David - Deported
  Ackerman, Lia - Deported
  Aizenberg, X, 1905
  Akselrud, Shmul Itsko - Fate unknown
  Akselrud, Mariem Rivka - Fate unknown
  Alder, Sirca - Deported
  Allerman,? - Ghetto inmate
  Anisfeld, Emanoil - Persecuted
  Apotecher, Misha - Ghetto inmate, escaped
  Apotecher, Ida - Ghetto inmate, escaped
  Apotecher, Sara - Ghetto inmate, escaped
  Apotecher, Suma - Persecuted
  Apotecher, Sura - Deported
  Ashkenazy, Vladimir, 50 - Persecuted
  Atatch, Roza - Ghetto inmate
  Averbuch, Usher, 1870 - Most likely ghetto
  Averbuch, Natan, 1898 - Most likely ghetto, lawyer
  Averbuch, Sara, 1886 - Ghetto inmate
  Babad, E - journalist
  Babich, L - physician
  Badas, Yosif, 62 - Jews with special authorization, tailor
  Badas, Manea, 30 - Jews with special authorization
  Badas, Vladimir, 13 - Jews with special authorization
  Badas, Zlota, 60 - Jews with special authorization
  Bagdanovskiу, ? - Ghetto inmate, father of Efim
  Bagdanovskiy, ? - Ghetto inmate, grandmother of Efim
  Bagdanovskiy,? - Ghetto inmate, mother of Efim
  Bagdanovskiy, Efim
  Bagdanovskiy,? - Ghetto inmate, sister of Efim
  Balaban, Nicolay - Persecuted
  Barbalat, Alex, 56 - Deported
  Barcaru, Boris - Persecuted
  Barinstein, Samuil, 1894 - Ghetto inmate, lawyer
  Barinstein, Frida, about 1901 - Ghetto inmate
  Barinstein, Many, about 1941 - Ghetto inmate
  Belfer, Schoi - Deported
  Berkovich, Ruhlya - Deported
  Berkovich, Gersh - sick, myocarditis
  Berkovich, Bina - Ghetto inmate
  Berkovich, Yosif David, 38 - Deported
  Berman, ? - Ghetto inmate, was medical intern in ghetto
  Berman, Aneta - Deported
  Berman, Mikhail - Deported
  Berman, Etea - sick, aortitis
  Berman, Sulamit - sick, blue disease child
  Berman, Gabriela, 1897 - Persecuted
  Berman, Mihel Mikhail, 1900 - Persecuted
  Berman, Monica Sulamfa, 1934 - Persecuted
  Bernatskiy, Freida - Persecuted
  Bernatskiy, Sioma - sick, typhoid fever child
  Bersacovskiy, Ion - Deported
  Bertman, Isel - Deported
  Bikman, Isidor - Ghetto inmate
  Binder, Ana - Deported
  Blanaru, Rozali - Persecuted
  Blank ? - Shot
  Bliznius, Ida, 42 - Deported
  Boiukanskiy, Itsic - Deported
  Boserman, ? - Ghetto inmate
  Bragar, Claudia, 21 - Deported, baptized in 1940 in order to marry
  Bragar, Nahum - sick, infection
  Bragar, Coca - Hospital personnel, nurse
  Bragom, Lia - Deported
  Brokhman, Alla, 1940 - Ghetto inmate
  Brokhman, Khaya, 1877 - Ghetto inmate
  Brokhman, Klara, 1908 - Ghetto inmate
  Brokhman, Solomon, 13 Feb 1901 - Ghetto inmate
  Bruch, Mina - Deported
  Bruchyn, Nina - Persecuted
  Brustin, Maria, 14 - Deported
  Brustin, Silvia, 18 - Deported
  Bukshpan, Isac - Deported, sick with scleroderma
  Buicanskiy, Nuhim - Ghetto inmate, tried to escape
  Bundus, Sura - Persecuted
  Bundus, Leyb, 57 - Jews with special authorization, engineer, disabled veteran
  Bundus, Sabina, 45 - Jews with special authorization
  Burtu, Nicolay - Deported
  Butusel, Tamara - Persecuted
  Cahan, Iancu - Deported
  Cainareanu, Mintea - Persecuted
  Caizerman, Yosif Gersh - Persecuted
  Calancea, Luheria - Persecuted
  Calancea, Marina - Persecuted
  Calancea, Mikhail - Persecuted
  Calancea, Nadya - Persecuted
  Calancea, Nina - Persecuted
  Calancea, Vladimir - Persecuted
  Calpaci, Fenea, 47 - Deported
  Calpaci, Iacob, 32 - Deported
  Camasov, Larisa - Persecuted
  Camasov, Mikhail - Persecuted
  Camasov, Sofia - Persecuted
  Capitel, Avram - Ghetto inmate
  Carmin, George - Persecuted
  Carmin, Fanya - Persecuted
  Carp, Frima - sick, senile
  Catovskiy, Paulina - Persecuted
  Chervinskiy, Samuil, 27 May 1927 - Ghetto inmate, escaped
  Chervinskiy, Shraga, 1921 - Ghetto inmate, escaped
  Chervinskiy, David - Ghetto inmate, escaped
  Chervinskiy, Clara - Ghetto inmate, escaped
  Chervinskiy, ? - Deported
  Chervinsckiy, David - Persecuted
  Chervinskiy, A - Ghetto inmate, cantor
  Chipervaser , Tatyana, 1916 - Persecuted
  Chisilov, Sofia - Persecuted
  Chitis, Solomon - Persecuted
  Chiachir, Matus - Deported, sick with endocarditis
  Chichevskiy, Eleonor - Persecuted
  Chicolo, Regina - Deported
  Chiocan, Raisa - persecute
  Chiomartan, Eugenia - Persecuted
  Chiovinskiy, Clara - Deported
  Cleiman, Haya - Deported, sick with typhoid fever, child
  Cleiman, Tanya - Deported
  Coblic, Brana, 1905 - Ghetto inmate
  Cogan, Aron - Ghetto inmate
  Cohn, ? - Ghetto inmate, Cohn Marku's wife, tried to escape
  Cohn, Marku - Ghetto inmate, tried to escape
  Coifman, Boris, 22 - Deported
  Cojusner, Abram - Deported
  Corbivcher, Maria - Persecuted
  Corbivcher, Ruhlea - sick, pulmonary abscess
  Cornea, Paula - Ghetto inmate
  Corotchin, Reiza Ita - Persecuted
  Cozia, Zina - Deported
  Cresea, Torban - Ghetto inmate
  Cristal, ? - Ghetto inmate, tried to escape
  Cuperman, David - sick with paraplegia
  Damber, Sprine - Deported
  Davidovich, Motel, 52 - Jews with special authorization, Persecuted, former Member of Parliament (Sfatu Cerii)
  Davidovich, Ester, 47 - Jews with special authorization, Persecuted
  Davidovich, Marian, 13 - Jews with special authorization, Persecuted
  Davidovich, Mindl, 17 - Jews with special authorization, Persecuted
  Dehman, Ditlea - Persecuted
  Delcatovich, Lyubov - Persecuted
  Dimitru, Sili - Ghetto inmate
  Dobruskina, Revecca, 68 - teacher
  Dogot, Elisabet - Persecuted
  Doich, Baruch Moshe - member of the Ghetto underground
  Donsco, Aneta - Persecuted
  Dorf, Sima - Deported
  Draisman, Moise, 45 - Jews with special authorization, former clerk, baptized in 1920, married to baptized
  Draisman, Olga, 43 - Jews with special authorization
  Dubinskiy, Esdras, 1894 - Persecuted
  Dubinskiy, Lucia, 1903 - Persecuted
  Dulinskiy, Eva - Deported
  Fleisher, Eugenia Ariadna - Persecuted
  Dziubic, Sonia - Persecuted
  Edrinov, Evgenia - Persecuted
  Efinciuc, Hana - Persecuted
  Efruse, Ides, 72 - Jews with special authorization
  Eitis, Sendlea - Deported, sick typhoid fever
  Eizner, Ernst, 48 - Jews with special authorization, clerk, reserve officer
  Eizner, Puiu Artur, 14 - Jews with special authorization
  Eizner, Anna, 43 - Jews with special authorization
  Elcianinov, Eugenia - Persecuted
  Elgurt, Josif - sick, typhoid fever child
  Ergiu, Viktor, 7 - Jews with special authorization, baptized
  Ergiu, Fania, 33 - Jews with special authorization, baptized
  Ergiu, Stefania, 1908 - Persecuted
  Ergust, Yosif - Deported
  Eugen, Evgenie - Persecuted
  Fainerman, Estera - Persecuted
  Fainerman, Solomon Emanoil, 1899 - Persecuted
  Fainerman, Anna, 1899 - Persecuted
  Feiderman, Ester - Deported, sick with typhoid fever
  Feighin, Dina, 68 - Deported
  Feighin, Hana, 30 - Deported
  Feighin, Haya, 32 - Deported
  Feighin, Pinkus, 35 - Deported
  Feighin, Shifra, 43 - Deported
  Feldman, Ida - Ghetto inmate
  Feldman, Sulim - Deported, sick with paraplegia
  Felis, Elizabet, 1908 - Persecuted
  Feodorov, Zarina, 43 - Deported
  Ferber, Bercu - Deported
  Finkelshtein, Moishe, 40 - Deported
  Fisman, Abi - Persecuted
  Fitov, Raisa - Persecuted
  Fleiderman, Manea - Deported
  Fleiderman, Ester - sick, typhoid fever child
  Fleisher, Zina - Ghetto inmate
  Flexor-Khazar-, Erlikh,? - Ghetto inmate, Agronomist, committed suicide
  Flexor-Khazar-Erlikh, S - Ghetto inmate, physician, committed suicide
  Fradis, Alexandr - Persecuted
  Fradis, Basiba - Persecuted
  Fradis, Raisa - Persecuted
  Fradis, Samson - Persecuted
  Fradis, Grigorie - Hospital personnel, surgeon with wife and 3 children
  Fradis, Alexandr, 1925 - Persecuted
  Fradis, Marga, 1900 - Persecuted
  Fradis, Valentin, 1890 - Persecuted
  Fruchter, David, 1891 - bookeeper, deported to Transnistria
  Fruchter, Sima, 1894 - Deported
  Furer, Tatyana - Persecuted
  Furer, Haim - Deported
  Furer, Sofia - Hospital personnel, nerse
  Furer, Sili - sick, scarlet fever, child
  Galperin, ? - Ghetto inmate with family
  Galperin, Lazar - Persecuted
  Galperin, Rasela - Persecuted
  Galperin, Lucian, 1897 - Persecuted
  Galperin, Magdalena, 1907 - Persecuted
  Gamza, S - Ghetto inmate, teacher, with family
  Gelman, ? - Ghetto inmate, Gelman's wife
  Gelman, ? - Ghetto inmate, physician
  Ghelman, Elena - Persecuted
  Ghelman, Clara, 8 - Orphan, gastroenteritis
  Ghelman, Adela - 11 - Orphan, trichophytia
  Gheorvich, Maria, 1923 - Persecuted
  Ghermann, ? - Ghetto inmate
  Gherovich, Emilia - Persecuted
  Gherovich, Marius - Persecuted
  Gherovich, Zita - Persecuted
  Gherovich, Colpasi - hospital personnel, pharmacist with wife
  Gherovich, ? - hospital personnel, Gherovich Mendel's child
  Gherovich, Mendel - hospital personnel, physician with wife and 2 children
  Gherovich, Alexander - Persecuted
  Gherovich, Emilia, 1895 - Persecuted
  Gherovich, Jean 1928 - Persecuted
  Ghershcovich, ? - sick, pulmonary tuberculosis
  Gherstein, ? - Ghetto inmate, Cherstein's daughter, tried to escape
  Gherstein, ? - Ghetto inmate, Cherstein's son, tried to escape
  Gherstein, ? - Ghetto inmate, Cherstein's wife, tried to escape
  Gherstein - Ghetto inmate, tried to escape
  Gherstein, Atervyk, 1930 - Persecuted
  Gherstein, Charna - Persecuted
  Gherstein, Ghendri - Persecuted
  Gherstein, Mikhaile, 1892 - Persecuted
  Gherstein, Moise - Persecuted
  Gherstein, Raisa, 1896 - Persecuted
  Gifeisman, ? - Ghetto inmate, physician committed
  Gisifiner, ? - Ghetto inmate, Gisifiner's brother with family
  Gisifiner, I - Ghetto inmate, physician
  Gohtenstein, Mira - Deported
  Goldenberg, A - Ghetto inmate, school principal
  Goldenshtein, Mikhai, about 1890 Most likely ghetto
  Goldenshtein, Haika, about 1890 - Most likely ghetto
  Goldman, B - 1885 - Ghetto inmate
  Goldshtein, Solomon, 50 - Ghetto inmate
  Goldshtein, Beila, 50 - Ghetto inmate
  Goldshtein, Ada, 18 - Ghetto inmate
  Goldshtein, Yasha, 15 - Ghetto inmate
  Golsmid, Avram - Deported
  Golubov, Maria - Persecuted
  Gorembuch, Etia - Persecuted
  Gorembuch, Frida - Persecuted
  Gorembuch, Yosif - Persecuted
  Gorembuch, Sara - Persecuted
  Gorenbuch, Yosif - Hospital personnel, chief physician of the hospital
  Gorenbuch, ? - Hospital personnel, Gorenbuch Yosif's child
  Gorenbuch, ? - Hospital personnel, Gorenbuch Yosif's child
  Gorenbuch, ? - Hospital personnel, Gorenbuch Yosif's child
  Gorenbuch, ? - Hospital personnel, Gorenbuch Yosif's wife
  Gorenbuch, Etia, 1930 - Persecuted
  Gorenbuch, Yosef, 1895 - Persecuted
  Gorenbuch, Marta, 1901 - Persecuted
  Gorenbuch, Silvia - Persecuted
  Gorenshtein, ? - Ghetto inmate, Gorenshtein L's wife
  Gorenshtein, L - Ghetto inmate
  Gorenshtein, Mikhail, 1879 - Persecuted
  Goresht, Moshe Duvid, 1864 - Most likely ghetto
  Goresht, Chana, about 1865
  Gorshtein, ? - shot
  Grabdrug, E - Ghetto inmate, lawyer
  Graboys, Mikhail, 42 - Ghetto inmate
  Graboys, Polina, 40 - Ghetto inmate
  Graboys, Sima, 14 - Ghetto inmate
  Grescenco, Esfir - Persecuted
  Grinderg, Mochin - sick, acute nephritis
  Grinfeld, ? - Ghetto inmate, Grinfeld L's brother
  Grinfeld, ? - Ghetto inmate, Grinfeld L's brother
  Grinfeld, ? - Ghetto inmate, Grinfeld L's wife
  Grinfeld, Sofia - Ghetto inmate, physician, committed suicide
  Grinfeld, L - Ghetto inmate, publisher
  Grinshpun, M - Ghetto inmate, sculptor, philanthropist
  Grinshpun,? - Hospital personnel, Grinshpun Shloma's wife
  Grinshpun, Shloma - Hospital personnel, undertaker
  Grobdruk, E - Ghetto inmate, shot
  Grusman, Nutzi - Persecuted
  Guleac, Eflmie - Persecuted
  Haisenberg, Moshu - Deported
  Hancu, Eugenia - Persecuted
  Hershcovich, Clara - Deported
  Hess, H - Ghetto inmate, artist
  Iaroslavich, ? - Ghetto inmate
  Ifrusi, Idis - Deported
  Ilie, Bodoy - Ghetto inmate
  Imas, Leib - Deported
  Iosiovich, Elena, 35 - Deported
  Iosiovich, Haia Maria - Persecuted
  Iuht, Haim, 16 - Deported
  Iuster, Rahel - Persecuted
  Kalikman, ? - Ghetto inmate, tried to escape
  Kanterman, Manya - Ghetto inmate, escaped
  Karmen, Ion - non Jewish (wife is Jewish), shot
  Karmen, Fenya - shot
  Karmin, Filomena, 1917 - Persecuted
  Karmin, Gheorghe, 1940 - Persecuted
  Kaufman, ? - shot
  Kaufman, Miron - Deported
  Kelerman, Tabia - Ghetto inmate
  Kleiman,? - shot
  Kojusner, Sofia, 1927 - Persecuted
  Kojusner, Alexander, 1903 - Persecuted
  Kolemberg, Lehoma - Persecuted
  Korelnshtein, Shmil, 66 - Ghetto inmate
  Korelnshtein, Chana, 65 - Ghetto inmate
  Korelnshtein, Abram, 45 - Ghetto inmate
  Korelnshtein, Blyuma, 43 - Ghetto inmate
  Korelnshtein, Dora, 17 - Ghetto inmate
  Korelnshtein, Ruvim, 42 - Ghetto inmate
  Korelnshtein, Manya, 40 - Ghetto inmate
  Korelnshtein, Eva, 14 - Ghetto inmate
  Korelnshtein, Shaya, 38 - Ghetto inmate
  Korelnshtein, Gizella, 48 - Ghetto inmate
  Korelnshtein, Lyuba, 11 - Ghetto inmate
  Korimskiy, ? - shot, phisitian
  Korn, Sura - Ghetto inmate
  Korn, Abram - Ghetto inmate, father of Itzhak Korn
  Kornfeld, Lev - Ghetto inmate
  Koropatonitzkiy, A - Ghetto inmate
  Korotchiech, Raisa, 1893 - Persecuted
  Kozusner, Eugenia, 1902 - Persecuted
  Kraminskiy, ? - shot, phisition
  Krasnyanskiy, Itskhak - shot, engineer
  Krasnyanskiy, ? - Ghetto inmate, survived
  Kremer, Kisel - tried to escape
  Kremer, Simcha - Ghetto inmate
  Kremer, Blusi - Deported
  Kresser, G - Ghetto inmate, translator, was with other family members
  Kugel, Sima 10 Jan 1885 Most likely ghetto , agronomist
  Kvictom, Amalia - Deported
  Kvictom, Mikhail - Deported
  Lampert, Ben - Ghetto inmate
  Land, ? - shot
  Landan, Abram - Deported
  Landau, Gutman, 61 - Jews with special authorization, former bank director, former member of parliament (Sfatu Cerii), President of the Community of the Ghetto, committed suicide
  Landau,Sara, 57 - Jews with special authorization, physician, committed suicide
  Lazu, Ecaterina - Deported
  Leibovich, Alter, 43 - Jews with special authorization, military tailor
  Leibovich, Armandm, 17 - Jews with special authorization
  Leibovich, Clareta, 15 - Jews with special authorization
  Leibovich, Maurici, 15 - Jews with special authorization
  Leibovich, Roza, 42 - Jews with special authorization
  Lempert, Benyamin - Hospital personnel, undertaker
  Lesnik, Mascher - Deported
  Lesnik, Silvia - Deported
  Levenson,? - Ghetto inmate, Levenson's child, tried to escape
  Levenson,? - Ghetto inmate, Leven-son's wife, tried to escape
  Levenson,? - Ghetto inmate, tried to escape
  Levin, G - Ghetto inmate, dentist
  Levin,? - Ghetto inmate, Levin G's wife
  Levin, R - Ghetto inmate, widow with children
  Levit, David - Ghetto inmate
  Levit, Fanya - Ghetto inmate
  Levit, Lyuba - Ghetto inmate
  Libaskiy, Sonia - Deported
  Lindenbaum, G - Ghetto inmate, banker
  Lindenbaum, ? - Ghetto inmate, Lindenbaum G's wife
  Linderman, Etea - Deported
  Linderman, Enta - Hospital personnel, nurse
  Lipovetz, Shico - Ghetto inmate
  Livshin, Grigore - Persecuted
  Livshin, Elisabeta - Ghetto inmate
  Lubarskiy, Meir, 1884 - Ghetto inmate
  Lubarskiy, Guta, about 1930 - Ghetto inmate
  Lubovich, Victoria - Persecuted
  Lyudmer, I - escaped
  Maghid, Raia - Ghetto inmate
  Malamud, C - Ghetto inmate
  Mantzovich, Peretz - Ghetto inmate, Goldsmith
  Mantzovich, Evgenia - Ghetto inmate, hat shop owner
  Mantzovich, Leon - Ghetto inmate
  Marcel, Isac - Persecuted
  Marcusov, Roza - Deported
  Marcuzon, Roza - Persecuted
  Mordkovich, Sami Sebastian, 1916 - Persecuted
  Margulis, Alexandr
  Marin, Agafia - Persecuted
  Marinovish, Felicia - Persecuted
  Markov, ? - shot
  Markovich, Brana - Hospital, personnel cook
  Matveenco, Anastasia - Persecuted
  Mauermaster, Roza, 20 - Jews with special authorization, housewife
  Mauermeister, Maria, 1877 - Persecuted
  Meifet, Ion - Ghetto inmate
  Michekhin, ? - shot
  Milgrom, ? - shot
  Militeanu, Shmil, 60 - Jews with special authorization, clerk, disabled veteran
  Militeanu, Sura, 62 - Jews with special authorization
  Milshtein, Yuzya - shot
  Moiseev, Gheorge - Persecuted
  Moiseev, Ion - Persecuted
  Moisev, Maria - Persecuted
  Moldovan, Ana - Persecuted
  Mordkovich, Sami, 25 - Deported, tried to escape
  Moscovich, Jeana - Deported
  Moscovich, Maria, 57 - Deported
  Moscovich, Sami, 19 - Deported
  Muchenic, Ilie - Persecuted
  Muchenic, Vara - Persecuted
  Mulamud, David - Ghetto inmate
  Muzicant, Sonia - Deported
  Negrus, Maria - Persecuted
  Neintraub, Boris - Deported
  Nemirovskiy, Enea - Persecuted
  Nemirovskiy, Etia - Persecuted
  Nemirovskiy, Srul - Persecuted
  Nemirovskiy, Nahum - Ghetto inmate
  Niberchi, Tilea - Deported
  Nimiroshi, Strul - Jews with special authorization, carpenter
  Nimiroshi, Ana, 16 - Jews with special authorization
  Nimiroshi, Itca, 45 - Jews with special authorization
  Nisemboim, Mina - Ghetto inmate
  Novim, Vera - Persecuted
  Oksner, Yakov, 1888 - Ghetto inmate, poet
  Olaru, Lidia Elena - Persecuted
  Oreinstein, Rachela - Deported
  Ovinstein, Grigore - Deported
  Parcalabu, Lonea - Ghetto inmate
  Patin, ? - Ghetto inmate, Dr Patin's wife, Physician, commited suicide
  Patin, V - Ghetto inmate, physician, committed suicide
  Perelmuter, Alex - Persecuted
  Perelmuter, Boris - Jews with special authorization, former official, baptized
  Perlmuter, Shaia - Ghetto inmate, tried to escape
  Pinchevskiy, ? - shot, lawyer
  Poliacov, Ecaterina - Persecuted
  Polinovich, Abram - Hospital personnel, intendent
  Polinovich, ? - Hospital personnel, Polinovich Abram's wife
  Poncet, Andrei - Persecuted
  Poncet, Elisabet - Persecuted
  Port.Mikhail - Ghetto inmate
  Port, Mikhail - Persecuted
  Portude, Nuhim - Deported
  Poxman, Pine - Deported
  Precupetz, Aron, 58 - Jews with special authorization, merchant, disabled veteran
  Precupetz, Bell, 23 - Jews with special authorization
  Precupetz, Mosa, 55 - Jews with special authorization
  Preigher, Zelman - Ghetto inmate
  Princevich, Emanoil - Persecuted
  Puisevich, Emanoil - sick, typhoid fever
  Pulberman, Ghers - Deported
  Puterman, C - Ghetto inmate, journalist with sisters
  Rabbi Polinkovskiy, Avraam, 1882 - Ghetto inmate
  Rabbi Zirelson - shot
  Rabinovich, Iser - Ghetto inmate
  Rabinovich, Dvoira - Deported
  Radetch, Dumitru - Persecuted
  Rahlis, Moise, 1 - Orphans, rickets
  Rapoport, Leo, 1896 - Persecuted
  Rapoport, Stefania, 1898 - Persecuted
  Rapoport, Leyb - Hospital personnel, chief undertaker
  Rapoport, Moise - Hospital personnel
  Rapoport, Feyga - Hospital personnel
  Rascovich, Maria - Persecuted
  Rascovich, Natan - Persecuted
  Reshetilov,? - Ghetto inmate
  Reshetilov-Goldenberg, Liuba, 1911 - Ghetto inmate
  Reshetilov-Goldenberg, Shlomo, 1880 - Ghetto inmate
  Rirkelman,? - shot
  Riss, Marc - Persecuted
  Riss, Maria, 1906 - Persecuted
  Rizenblat, Haim - Persecuted
  Roitman, A - shot, lawyer
  Roitman, Leib - Persecuted
  Roitman, Moisha, 44 - Ghetto inmate
  Roitman, Olga, 43 - Ghetto inmate
  Roitman, Izrael, 15 - Ghetto inmate
  Roshca, Vasile - Persecuted
  Roshca, Vara - Persecuted
  Rozenberg, Avram - Persecuted
  Rosenthal, Aneta, 24 - Jews with special authorization, Housewife, Orphan, lost parents in the war
  Rovbifker, Maria, 1912 - Persecuted
  Rozemberg, Iacob - Deported
  Rozemberg, Riva - Deported
  Rozemberg, Arnold - sick, typhoid fever, child
  Rozenberg, Dvoira - Persecuted
  Rozenberg, Alexander, 1931 - Persecuted
  Rozenberg, Iacob, 1894 - Persecuted
  Rozenberg, Sofia, 1902 - Persecuted
  Rozenblat,? - Ghetto inmate, pharmacist
  Rozenfeld, Ruhla - Deported
  Rubinstein, Basia - Persecuted
  Ruhtenstein, Mera - sick, endocardit
  Sabal, Itskhak - Ghetto inmate
  Sac, Emil - Deported
  Sadogurskiy, Nuchim, 52 - Jews with special authorization, Persecuted, accountant, former member of parliament (Sfatu Cerii)
  Sadogurskiy, Dina, 49 - Jews with special authorization
  Sag, Smil - sick, tuberculosis
  Salperin, Lazar - sick, typhoid fever
  Shaposhnic, Itsic - Persecuted
  Schiff, Itsic - Deported
  Schiff, Shabtay, 1880 - Most likely ghetto
  Shor, Dvoira - Deported
  Shvart, Slioma - Persecuted
  Shvartman, Sofia - Deported
  Shvartsman, Ana - Deported
  Shwart, Simkha, 2 - Orphan, pyoderma
  Shwartzberg, Melich - Ghetto inmate, tried to escape
  Shwartzberg, Clara, 46 - Deported
  Shwartzberg, Moishe, 17 - Deported
  Shwartzberg, Mikhail, 45 - Jews with special authorization, miller, wants to go to Palestine
  Shwartzberg, Klara, 42 - Jews with special authorization
  Shwartzberg, Moise, 14 - Jews with special authorization
  Shwartzberger, Michel - Ghetto inmate
  Sebel, Avram - Persecuted
  Sebel, Itic Aizic - Persecuted
  Sebel, Ruhlea - Persecuted
  Sebel, Aizic Itco - Ghetto inmate
  Sebman, Haim - Deported
  Shechtman, Ioan, 1.5 - Orphans, gastro-enteritis
  Shechtman, Costica, 6 - Orphans, rickets
  Sedachin, Lidia - Persecuted
  Sedachin, Raisa - Persecuted
  Sedachin, Vladmir - Persecuted
  Segal, Iosefina - Persecuted
  Segal, Moise - Persecuted
  Segal, Leyb - sick, typhoid fever
  Sespor, Ziller - Deported
  Shfartberg, Meilic - Persecuted
  Shafir, G - Ghetto inmate, physician
  Shafir,? - Ghetto inmate, Sharif G's son
  Shafir,? - Ghetto inmate, Sharif G's wife
  Shapirin,? - Ghetto inmate
  Shapirin,? - A's daughter
  Shapirin,? - Ghetto inmate, Shapirin A's wife
  Shapiro (Shapirin), Avraam - Ghetto inmate, lawyer, Vice-President of the Community of the Ghetto
  Sharaga, Rivka Dvoyra, 1880 - Most likely ghetto
  Shteinberg-Rabinovich, H - Ghetto inmate, dentist
  Shteinberg-Rabinovich, ? - Ghetto inmate, Shteinberg, Rabinovich's son
  Shvartsman, Alex - Ghetto inmate, engineer
  Shif, Manea - sick, typhoid fever, child
  Silcrot, Mikhail - Persecuted
  Shiraev, Dvoira - Persecuted
  Slutskiy, Yu - shot, lawyer
  Solomon, Simion, 10 - Deported
  Solomon, Shur, 79 - Jews with special authorization, former property owner, wants to go to Palestine
  Solomon, Haim - sick, pulmonary tuberculosis
  Solomonov,? - Ghetto inmate
  Solomonov,? - B's daughter
  Solomonov, B - Ghetto inmate
  Soltanovich, Lupu - sick, typhoid fever child
  Soltanovich, Mishu - sick, typhoid fever child
  Shor, Urin - sick, Persecuted, typhoid fever
  Shor, Jeta - sick, typhoid fever child
  Shpanerman, Ida, 37 - Deported, tried to escape
  Shpanerman, Moishe, 13 - Deported, tried to escape
  Shpanerman, Solomon, 42 - Deported, tried to escape
  Shpitzman, Blumen - Deported
  Shpitzman, Bluma - Hospital personnel, nurse
  Spivac, Chenoc Eugen - Persecuted
  Stamboiscu, Iancu - Deported
  Stefarta, Larisa - Persecuted
  Shteinberg, Avram, 28 - Deported
  Stepancovich, Raisa - Persecuted
  Shtere, Maria Augusta - Persecuted
  Sudit,? - Ghetto inmate, lawyer, tried to escape
  Shur, Solomon - Persecuted
  Shvalboim, Pulina - Ghetto inmate
  Shvartman, Alter - sick, senile
  Shvartman, Sosea - sick, typhoid fever
  Szwarzberg, Iuliana, 1896 - Persecuted
  Szwarzberg, Mihael, 1896 - Persecuted
  Szwarzberg, Marcelus, 1925 - Persecuted
  Tahan, Sura - Ghetto inmate
  Tahan, Sima - Ghetto inmate
  Tahan, Mariam - Ghetto inmate
  Tahan, Rahil - Ghetto inmate
  Tahan, Esfir - Persecuted
  Tahan, Maeiam - Persecuted
  Tahan, Rahil - Persecuted
  Tahan, Sima - Persecuted
  Tahan, Sura - Persecuted
  Talmazkiy, Moshe - Ghetto inmate, physician
  Talmazkiy,? - Ghetto inmate, Talmazkiy M's father
  Talmazkiy,? - Ghetto inmate, Talmazkiy M's mother
  Telis, Lea, 33 - Jews with special authorization, Persecuted, physician, baptized, married to a baptized
  Telis, Victor, 7 - Jews with special authorization, Persecuted
  Tetelman, Ya - Ghetto inmate, with family
  Topolis, Paulina - Persecuted
  Trachman, Sofia, 38 - Deported
  Tzelnik, B - Ghetto inmate, Lawyer, shot
  Tzipris, X - Ghetto inmate, cantor
  Tzirelzon, Yu - Rabbi
  Vainshtein, L - Ghetto inmate
  Vainshtein, C - Ghetto inmate
  Vander, Base - Deported
  Vasserman, G - Ghetto inmate, physician
  Vasserman,? - Ghetto inmate, Vasserman G's brother
  Vasserman,? - Ghetto inmate, Vasserman G's brother
  Vasserman,? - Ghetto inmate, Vasserman G's daughter
  Vasserman,? - Ghetto inmate, Vasserman G's wife
  Vaysman, B - Ghetto inmate with family
  Vaysman, Azril Moishe, 1880 - Most likely ghetto
  Vaysman, Khaskel, 1870 - Most likely ghetto
  Vaysman, Rachel, 1919 - Most likely ghetto
  VaysmanBoris, 1918 - Most likely ghetto
  Vaysman, Chana - Most likely ghetto
  Vaysman, Tanya, about 1935 - Ghetto inmate
  Vecselstein, Nina - Ghetto inmate
  Veinchek, Sofica - Deported
  Veisencher, Shmil - tried to escape
  Veisman, Ghinder - Deported
  Velinskiy, Bronislava - Deported
  Vieru, Evghenia - Persecuted
  Vilsencher, Lanchel - sick, enteritis
  Vizer, Itskhak - Ghetto inmate
  Vodovoz, Moisey, 1907 - Ghetto inmate
  Vodovoz, Menash, 1872 - Ghetto inmate
  Voloschik, Lulisch - Persecuted
  Volovetz, Yosif - Ghetto inmate, tried to escape
  Volovetz, Mura - Deported
  Weisser,? - Ghetto inmate, tried to escape
  Weisser,? - Ghetto inmate, Weisser's brother, tried to escape
  Weisser,? - Ghetto inmate, Weisser's wife, tried to escape
  Yaroslavskiy, M - Ghetto inmate, shot
  Yurkovskiy, G - Ghetto inmate, physician
  Zaidman, Enka, 1876 - Ghetto inmate
  Zaidman, Shoma, 1880 - Ghetto inmate
  Zaidman, Polea, 1904 - Ghetto inmate
  Zaidman, Moshe, 1875 - Ghetto inmate
  Zatz, Alexandru - Deported, sick with tuberculosis
  Zeltzer, Vitea - sick, typhoid fever
  Zeltzer, Chana, 1911 - Ghetto inmate
  Zeltzer, Menashe, 1880 - Ghetto inmate
  Zeltzer, Victoria - Deported
  Zilbrang, Usher - Ghetto inmate
  Ziskis, G - Ghetto inmate, lawyer
  Ziskis, L - Ghetto inmate, lawyer
  Zoltur, Nina - Ghetto inmate
  The only reminder of the Jewish ghetto in Kishinev is a monument founded in the 1990s in the honor of the victims. The monument stands on Jerusalem Street, the former ghetto territory.
  Jewish ghetto monument, Kishinev
  Chapter 5. Kishinev Jewish Cemetery
  The Kishinev Jewish cemetery is located in the north-western part of Kishinev at Milano Street. The cemetery was founded in the 19th century. Many burials and monuments are of historical value, including the grave of Rabbi Yehuda-Leib Tsirilson, a memorial synagogue, and a memorial to the pogrom victims.
  1903 Pogrom Memorial, Kishinev
  Here is a list of some people buried in this cemetery.
  (Last and First name, father's name, birth and death dates)
  03.04 1898
  12.03 1974
  27.11 .1921
  11.11 1974
  10.01 .1966
  09.04.1 895
  25.07.1 936
  12.11 .1954
  31.07.1 922
  01 .05.l 914
  Yakov Yosif
  25.11. 1931
  Meir Yosif
  20.10 908
  Khaya Sima
  04.10.1 931
  20.07 .1929
  03.10.1 976
  01 .06.1975
  25 11 .1974
  0З.03. 1972
  01 01 .1882
  23.01 .1895
  18.10.1 973
  Olga (Leya)
  Semen (Zinfel)
  Yuda Leyb
  07.08. I889
  1 9.07.1 970
  06.0З.1 967
  31 .0з.1949
  04.1 1 .1 966
  20.01 .1932
  21 .0B'19З2
  1 5.05.1888
  06.03.1 998
  Please feel free to contact me for the other names on the cemetery list. The complete register is too long to fit in this book.
  Chapter 4. Famous people of Kishinev
  This chapter is enlisting some of the famous in different areas people who were born in Kishinev: writers, painters, sculptors, musicians, composers, singers and actors.
  Yosif Baltzan was born on December 25, 1923 to Leyb (Lev) Baltzan. Poet.
  Lev (Leonid ) Baltzan was born on January 21, 1948 to Yosif Baltzan. Writer, journalist, editor and publisher.
  Ilya Britan was born on May 22, 1885 to Aron Britan (1857-?). Poet and publicist.
  Nisel Brodichanskiy was born on May 20, 1945 to Boris Brodichanskiy. Screenwriter, play writer and theater and documentary film director.
  Lev Chezza (real name Katz) was born on April 29, 1914, to Abram Katz. Art and literary critic.
  Shmuel Dayksel was born on October 23, 1884 to Abram-Gersha and Czarna Dayksel. Prose writer and playwright (in Yiddish).
  Mikhail Gershenzon (Meilich) was born on July 13, 1869 to Pinchus -Yosef Gershenzon and Gitl Cysina. Literary critic, essayist and editor.
  Viktor Golkov (Gershenzon) was born in 1954. Poet and prose writer.
  Oyzer Holdes (Goldes) was born in 1900 to Moisey. His real name is Goldesgeym. Play writer and literary critic.
  Naum Kaplan was born in 1947 to Aizik Kaplan. Poet who did not publish a single book in his lifetime, not even a single line, thinking that it was not necessary.
  Rita Kleiman (Kleitman) was born on September 25, 1947 to Yakov Kleiman. Literary critic and Jewish public figure.
  Anatoly Cogan was born in 1927 to Sneer Cogan (famous artist). Writer, journalist and translator.
  Itshok Korn (Koren) was born on March 11, 1911 to Abram and Sura Korn. Writer (wrote in Yiddish and Hebrew), local historian, public and political figure.
  Froim (Yefim) Levit was born on September 10, 1921. Literary critic and literary historian.
  Eliyahu Meitus was born on September 27, 1892 to Yoel Meites and Tseytl Averbuch. Poet and translator (He is my great-uncle).
  Bruchis Moisey was born on March 1, 1919 to Srul Bruchis. Translator, philologist and historian.
  Reuven Perlmuter was born on December 5, 1880. Writer.
  Sarra Shpitalnik (Molchanskiy) was born on September 6, 1928 to Solomon Molchanskiy. Librarian and bibliographer.
  Yehoshua Tan-Pai (original name Shie Budeshtskiy) was born on July 2, to Shoil-Haskl Budeshtskiy (1873-?) and Mahlya-Menya Brill. Journalist and interpreter who wrote in Hebrew and translated from Yiddish, Romanian, German, French and English.
  David Vetrov (real name Fixman) was born on June 22, 1913 to Yakov Fixman. Poet, novelist and publicist.
  Olga Volkenshtein was born in 1871 to Akim Volkenshtein. - Journalist, publicist, historian and translator.
  Lev Averbuch was born on September 1, 1913 to Volf. Sculptor-monumentalist
  Lev (Leyb) Bakhman was born in 1830 to Lev. Architect and representative of the eclectic trend.
  Syema Baram. Artist.
  Isaak Bubis was born on January 1, 1910 to Matus Bubis (originally from Starokonstantinov) and Haya Dizengoff
  Yosif Elgurt was born on February 12, 1924 to Shmil-Aron Elgurt. - Artist and master of silk-screen printing
  Elius Fridman was born on September 10, 1904 to Moisey Fridman. Sculptor and architect
  Zwi (Grigoriy) Milshtein was born in 1934. - Artist (expressionism), engraver and writer
  Greguar Mishonz (real name Grigoriy Mishonznik) was born on March 22, 1902. Artist
  Sasha Moldovan (real name Solomon Vainshtein) was born on November 4, 1901. Artist of the post-impressionist direction.
  Zigfrid Polinger was born on January 2, 1920 to Bazil Polinger. Graphic artist and cartoonist.
  Gabriel Spat (real name Shloyme Patlazhan) was born on July 12, 1890 to Gersh-Wolf Patlazhan (1859-1933) and Malka Perlstein (1862-?). Painter.
  Ira Yan (the professional name of Esphir Yoselevich was born on February 2, 1868 to Yosef Yoselevich. Painter and writer.
  Ada Zevin (Mansurov) was born on September 3, 1918 to Miron Zevin. Artist and art critic.
  A. Abramov was born on February 2, 1893. Actor.
  Avraham Ash (Averbuch) was born in 1895. Actor.
  Khayele Ash was born in 1920 to Avraham and Polia -- Yiddish actors. Actress.
  Miriam Bernshtein-Cogan was born on December 14, 1895 to Yakov and Lea-Doroteya Bernshtein-Cogan. Actress, director, poet and translator
  Serafima Birman was born July 29, 1890 to Herman Birman and Elena Botezat. Actress of theater and cinema, theater director and theoretician.
  Leon Blank was born in 1867. Actor.
  Yefim Bogdanovskiy was born on December 5, 1921 to Moisey Bogdanovskiy. Choral conductor, music teacher and author of articles on the theory of choral singing.
  Yosl Budeyskiy was born in 1899. Actor.
  Grigoriy Chapkis was born on February 24, 1930 to Noeh Chapkis (1894-1946) and Bertha, originally from Odessa. Dancer and choreographer.
  Rosetta Conn was born on July 12, 1891. Actress.
  Leibl Eyzerman was born on April 28, 1875. Singer.
  Zigmund (Usher-Zeilik) Fainman was born in 1862. Actor, entrepreneur, director and playwright.
  Moishe Finkel (also known as Morris or Maurice Finkel) was born in about 1850. Actor
  Harry (Hershl) Fishman was born in 1887. Actor.
  Avraham Gakhanski. Singer.
  Joseph Gershenzon was born on January 12, 1904. Conductor of orchestras in movie theaters.
  Alexander Goldenweiser was born on March 10, 1875, to Boris. Pianist, teacher and composer.
  Sarah Gorby (real name Gorbach) was born in 1900 to Zeylik Gorbach (originally from Staroushitsi) and Beyla Kipelman.
  Pop and chanson singer.
  Clara Honigman (Goldenberg) was born in 1890. Singer and actress.
  Shmuel Iris was born on September 10, 1889. Magician and actor.
  Yuliy Isserlis was born on October 31, 1888 to David Iserlis (1860-?) and Anna Medzhibozhskiy (1856-?). Pianist and music teacher.
  David Kessler was born in 1860. Director, entrepreneur, and actor.
  Zalmen (Kroynshtat) Kroyn. Actor and prompter.
  Yakov Kulish was born on December 7, 1904 to Zanvl Kulish and Sura-Rivka Zilberman. Cinematographer.
  Sergey Lunkevich was born on April 29, 1934 to Aleksandr. Conductor, violinist, composer, actor and folklorist.
  Arkady Luxemburg was born in 1934. One of the most prolific and renowned living Moldovan-American composers.
  Lewis Milestone (real name Leyb Milstein) was born on September 30, 1895. Motion picture director.
  Leon (Leib) Nadolsky was born on February 10, 1865. Actor.
  Oskar Ostroff (real name Ovshi Ostritskiy) was born on July 28. 1904 to Leyzer Ostritskiy. Play writer, actor and producer.
  Nita Raya (real name Nita Yurkovich) was born on October 15, 1915. Actress, dancer and singer.
  Manya Richter (Malka Baranovitsh) was born on May 10, 1889. Actress.
  Neytan Richter was born on April 14, 1883. Actor.
  Boris Rosenthal was born on October 25, 1881. Actor.
  Ben-Tsion Roytman.Actor.
  Harry (Huna) Shirman was born on November 4, 1919 to Aron and Tzipa-Molka Shirman. Multi-instrumentalist, composer and conductor.
  Regina Simovitsh (Kubovitsh) was born in 1881. Singer and actress.
  Froyke Sorokin was born on 10 July 1898. Actor.
  Gita Strakhilevich (full name Gitl Strakhilevich-Propishan), was born on June 13, 1915 to Yuda-Ber Strakhilevich (1864-?) and
  Sura Vilik. Pianist.
  Paulina Veys was born in 1884. Singer and actress.
  Maria Vinetskiy (Kleiner) was born on February 22, 1889 to the synagogue cantor Wolf Kleiner and Noemi Nemerov. Opera singer.
  Velvl Vladir was born in 1894. Folk-actor.
  Khaim Zilberrang (stage name Munya Serebrov and later Muni Serov) was born on January 8, 1895 to Leyzer Zilberang (1862-1899) and Dobrisi. Theatrical and film actor, performer of Russian and Jewish songs.
  Yefim Zlatagarov (Chaim Goldenberg) was born on March 14, 1894. Actor.
  The Final Thoughts
  Writing this book was more like gathering information scattered throughout the Internet than authoring an authentic text. It took me hours and hours of hard but very exciting work. I will be glad if someone will be able to find the names they searched for, learn about peoples' lives and the history of Kishinev.
  Very truly yours,
  Ella Romm
  Struma passenger's names
   The Struma was a Bulgarian ship that used to evacuate nearly 800 Jewish refugees from the Romanian port of Constanza to Palestine and was hit by a Soviet submarine on February 24, 1942. All but one were killed:
  Abramovich, Gisela
  Abramovich, Jean
  Abramovic, Josef
  Abramovich, Moishe
  Avner, Berthold
  Avner, Mesalina
  Abram, Cy
  Agar, Shimon Zelig
  Adana Silviyan
  Adler, Gustav
  Adler, Israel
  Adler, Oswald
  Adler, Tillie
  Isaac, David
  Alter, Benthin
  Alter, Betty
  Alter Tony
  Alter, Ester
  Alcalali, Sarah
  Alter, Jacob
  Ambrovich, Latey
  Antonier Jacques
  Antonier, Rodica
  Appel, Abram Alex
  Appel, Zoltan
  Appel, Israel
  Appel, Feig
  Appel, Emanuel
  Pharmacist Aaron
  Apothecary, Duca
  pharmacist Julius
  apfelberg X Salomon
  Aranovich Lulu
  Aranovich Natalia
  Aronesku, Mina
  Aronnesku, Seigfrid
  Bakula, Miriam
  Bakula, Seine Tiviya
  Banek, Deborah
  Banek, Jose
  Barber Zingfrid
  Barber, Lita
  Baron Adolph Herbert
  Baron Gusta
  Baron Marcel
  Baron, Richard
  Bartfeld Martin
  Baruch, Cecilia
  Butter , Alexandru
  Bach, Juster Octave
  Bachulu, Ichil
  Beer, Yonel
  Beilich, Egon
  Berkovich, Alfred
  Berkovich, Ignat
  Berkovich, Ionia
  Berkovich, Cornel Adrian
  Berkovich, Margarita
  Berku, Betty
  Burku, Joseph
  Berland, Lazar Luza
  Berlandt, Eliza
  Berman, Fishi
  Berry, Valdi
  Binder, Joseph
  Binder, Mark
  Binderer Leopold
  Birnshteyn, M Samuel
  Blank, Osis
  Blumenfeld, Leib
  Brown, Mary
  Brown, Eugene
  Brown, Judita
  Breer, Zoltan
  Brettschneider, Theo Benjamin
  Brill, Marseille
  Brill, Sonja
  Brill, Frida
  Bukspanenta, Golden
  Bukshpan Grigore
  Butnaru, Elias
  Butter, Bertina
  Wagner, Wilhelm
  Wagner, Regina
  Wagner, Walter
  Wasserman, Toby
  Wachtel, lolo
  Veyenberg Nathan
  Weinberg, Clara
  Weinberg, Rubin
  Weingarten, Avramidi
  Weingarten, Benjamin
  Weingarten, Meer
  Weingarten, Cipher
  Weintraub, Leo
  Weintraub, Julius
  Weinstein, Josif
  Weinstein, Moritz
  Weinstein, Simon
  Weiss, Abram
  Weiss, Maria
  Weiss, Paul
  Weisberg, Hedwig
  Weisberg, Rudolf
  Veysler, Mark
  Weightman, Abram
  Veksler, Iliash
  Wexler, Etta
  Wittenberg, Shimon
  Vogel, Carol
  Volfshot, Hans
  Galatan , Moishe
  Galatan, Rosina
  Galia, Jean Charalambi
  Gartenberg, Arnold
  Gartenberg, Rifka
  Gartenberg, Felix
  Gelber, Heinrich
  Gelber, Leia Huda
  Gelberg, M. Paul
  Gelman, Alexandru
  Gelman, Moshe
  Gelman, Fanya
  Gelman, Feiga Ganya
  Genzer, Magdalena
  Genzer, Ernestine
  Gersher Malka
  Hershkowitz, Maximilian
  Hershkowitz, Edith
  Hershko, Hershko
  Getelo, Basya Frieda
  Getelo, Moritz
  Getler, Macas
  Gettler, Josef
  Gettler, Leah
  Gefter, Emanuel
  Ginsberg, Adrian
  Ginsberg, Mark
  Ginsberg, Evelyn
  Hirsch, Adalbert
  Glaubs Emanuel
  Glizman Abram
  Glizman Lisa
  Glickman, Jacob
  Glisman, Eugene
  Glisman Rita
  Gluckman, Alfred
  Gluckman, Sophie
  Goldenberg, Jesse
  Goldman, Hans
  Goldstein, Ana
  Goldstein, Moshe Chaim
  Goldstein, Shimon
  Holic, Alfred
  Goldenberg, Osias
  Goldman, Alex
  Goldman Raquela
  Goldman ,, Tyria
  Goldstein, L Shimon
  Goldstein, Mark
  Goldstein Eliezer
  Holstein, Armand
  Gornshteyn Herman
  Horowitz, Daniel
  Gottlieb Paul Norbert
  Gottesman, Jacob
  Gottlieb, Bronislaw
  Gottlieb, Thea Ruth
  Grammer, Joseph
  Granovsky, Gersh
  Greenberg, Moritz
  Greenberg, Stele
  Greenberger, Adolf
  Griff, Kalman
  Griffer, Marcel
  Grobdrag, Alevay
  Grossman, Marcel
  Gross, Wistor Paul
  Gross, Nora
  Gruber, Isak
  Gruinberg, Ephraim
  Gruinfeld, La layer
  Grunberg, Otto
  groupers, Rachel
  groupers, Philip
  Grueberg Ferdinand
  Grunberg, Wolf
  Grunberg, Gabriel
  Grunberg, Jean
  Gruenberg, Irina
  Gryunsfeld, Eyzig
  Gutman, Adeline
  Gutman, Alexander
  Guttermaher, Schmiel
  David Rifka Al's Amelia
  David Ettie
  Davidovich, Sofia
  Dine, Olga
  Dine Chaim Abraham
  Dzhankovich Bernard
  Dzhankovich Moritz
  Juster, Harry
  Dzhuster Mircea
  Diamond Mick
  Diamond, Simon
  Dichter, Yonel A.
  Dietz, Eugene
  Drachten, St. Paul
  Dulitchi Rachel
  David Carpenter
  Seitz, Bendit
  Seitz, Rebecca
  Zachariah Mark
  Zeller, Meyer Carol
  Siegelman, Andrew
  Siegelman, E Solomon
  Sigmund And Joseph
  Silberman, Penhas
  Zisman, Alex
  Zyss Abram
  Zolkiver Louis
  Yanque, ITIC
  Izsak, Emerick
  Jonas, Iancu
  Jonas, Clara
  Jonas Koch
  Yoniya Joseph
  Yosubas, Itich
  Iram, Haim
  Istasesku, Adela
  Istasesku Alfred
  ITIC, Abram
  ITIC, Aurel
  Itikovich, Adela
  Itikshon Albert
  Itisovich, Adela
  Itsikovich, Corneliu
  Kalikhman Abram
  Kalikhman Bela Luba
  Kamerman Solomon
  Kaneti, Virgin
  Canetti, Isak
  Canetti, Jose
  Canna, Gustav
  Kannik, Dr. Ernest
  Maps, Armand
  Kaffrisen, Marcu
  Kahan, Ilie
  Kahane, Julius
  Katz, Seelig
  Katz, Sigmund
  Katz, Fridrik
  Kelen, Nicholas
  Kelman, Mathilde
  Konigsberg, Berta
  Konigsberg, Louise
  Konigsberg Osiyas
  Konigsberg, Fritz
  Kesselbrenner, Gitel
  Klarfeld, Matte
  Klein, Herman
  Klein Josef
  Kleinburg, Mendel
  Kogan, Burke
  Kogan, Simon
  Koganski, Josif
  Koganchi, Khaya
  Kozhokaru, Carol
  Koyfman, Srul
  Koyfman, Toba Khaya
  Cohn, Adolf
  Kohn, Ionel
  Cohn, Toba
  Korn, Malvina
  CM Kornbluth, Zela
  CM Kornbluth, Mavrich
  Kotingaru, Deborah
  Kotringer, Ilse
  Kottingaru, Deborah
  Cottingaru, Lupu
  Kofman, Sein
  Koch, Giorgio
  Koch, David
  Koch, Zalman
  Koch, Rosa
  Kraus, Marcel
  Krauss, Clara
  Lazarescu, Heinrich
  Lazarescu, David
  Lazarescu, Polina
  Lazarescu, Hentai
  Lazarovic, Reni
  Landau RuthRuhl,
  Landau HortansaSylvia
  Landau Emil
  Landman Willie
  Landman Harry
  Landman, Lisa
  Landman, Jose
  Latarovich, Mila
  Lauer, Adolf
  Levy, Haim
  Leibowitz, Basia
  Leibowitz, G. Louis
  Leibowitz, Levinda Corneliu
  Leibowitz, Lei b ITIC
  Leibowitz, Lizik Leon
  Leibovich, Mark
  Leibovich, Simon
  Leibovich, Haya
  Lekker Leon Leib
  Leobovich, Salomon
  Leon, Mark
  Leong, Magurita
  Leong, Rick
  Leong, Edward
  Leibovich, Henry
  Leibovich, Jacob
  Leibovich, Silvia Leoni
  Livovskaya Sarah
  Livovsky, Basia
  Livovsky , Schmiel Wolf
  Limbarsky Dora
  Linbarsky David
  Lobel, polecat
  Lowenstein, Carol
  Long, Armand
  Laurin, Sylvia
  Lucian, Julian Meyer
  Lupovich, Schmiel
  Lupovichi, Blima
  Lupu, Bertin
  Lupu Itrul
  Lucian Maier
  Lucian, Chen Meyer
  Lyudovich Edward
  Lyudovich Emanuel
  Magazanik , Ovshi
  Meyer, Arthur
  Meyer, M Abraham
  Meyer, M Fanny
  Meyer, Sylvia
  Myerson Ana
  Myerson Khan
  Mayersson, Henry
  Maximilian, Apogee
  Mahler, Ladislau
  Mandel, Jacob
  Manole, Lazar
  Margimlis Margarita
  Margulis, Evel
  Margulius, Aurel
  Margulius Harry
  Margulius , Efraim
  Markovic, Henry
  Markovic, Moishe
  Marco, Lusetta
  Marco, Sabrina
  Marcus, H Lupus
  Marcus, Avram
  Marcus, Ana
  Marcus, Aneta
  Marcus, Yvette
  Marcus, Leon
  Marcus, Malvina
  Marcus, Marga
  Marcus, Mendel
  Marcus, Rosa
  Marcus, Chillán
  Matters, Lazar
  Meerlaub, Moritz
  Mendelovich Clara
  Mendelsohn, Edward
  Mindirigu, Avik Nahum
  Mindirigu, Mahum Naftoli
  Mitrani, Yonel
  M., Alrensku
  M., Dorel
  Mihalovich Freeman
  Moisesku, Josif
  Moisesku Mircea
  Moisesku, Nelu
  Moisesku, Frusina
  Moshe, Siprut
  Monblat Samuel
  Munteanu Victor
  Meddzher, Edmond
  Müller, Minta
  Nagi, Mavric
  Nadler, Albert
  Nadler, Josef
  Nadler, N Marseille
  Nadler Rose
  Naiman, Solomon
  Nathanson, Sami
  Nahim, B Nun
  Nahim, Dzhosub
  Nahim, Clara
  Nachman, Lupu
  Nachman, Mavric
  Nahman Esther
  Nacht, Oscar
  Neyberger Louis
  Nestoytu Sarah
  Neuberger, Valentine
  Neuberger, Giter
  Nulman, Henry
  Nulman, Isak
  Nulman, Sara
  Nussbaum, Andronicus
  Nussbaum, Bertha
  Nuremberg, Matilda
  Orelyan, Alexander
  Ormeanu Otto
  Ostfeld, Oshak
  Pauker, Jean Leonard
  Pauker , Rebecca
  Pacey, Josef
  Peretz, Anutza
  Peretz, Avram
  Perlmutter, Sara
  Pescara, Iancu
  Pescara, Solomon
  Pescara, Sura
  Picker, Herbert Julius
  Picker, Miriam Sylvia
  Picker, Rosa
  Picker, Friedrich
  Picker, Marcel
  Picker, Fan and
  pink, Gershom
  pink, Josephine
  Pinky Livyu
  pitari Gisela
  Plaka, Jacob
  Platzman Moritz
  Platzman Sophie
  Platsman Adrian
  play, Dennis
  play, Nyhan
  Pomeranz, Carol
  Poplinger Alfred
  Penkovich Leon
  Rabinovich, Arnold
  Rabinovich, Ida
  Glad Ichil
  Radzviller Nina
  Radulescu, Misha
  Radtsviller Abram
  Reichman, Sylvia
  Reinstein, Alfred
  Reichman, Gert
  Reichman, Clara
  Reichman, Moritz
  Rekhtman Jacob
  Rekhtman Marie
  Rekhtman, Pearl
  Rintsler Aaron
  Rintsler, Fanny
  Riesman, Franchis
  Ritter, David
  Rosenberg, Mary
  Rosenberg, Palouse
  Rosenberg, Simeon
  Rosenberg, Elizabeth
  Rozendeld Marcel
  Rosenthal, Noel
  Rosenzweig, Aurica
  Rosenzweig Harry
  Rosenzweig, Salomon
  Rosenzweig, Ellie
  Rozentsvitt Solomon
  Rozenshveyg Betty
  Rozenshveyg, pink
  Rosner, Bernard
  Rosner, Etty
  Roitman Sonia
  Rothenberg, Saul
  Rothman, Iancu
  Rotter, Bela
  Rotter, Bruno
  Roscu, Israel
  Roscu, Hugo
  Rubinstein, Fani
  Rubsel, Mikhail
  Simon, Joseph
  Simon, Carolina
  Simon, Moyshe
  Simon, Pesya
  Segal Robert
  Segal, Gisela
  Segal, Jeanette
  Segal, Jules
  Segal, L Ina
  Segal, Saul
  Segal, Silenus
  Segal, Slotilda
  Segal, Philip
  Segal Haim
  Segalesku Henrietta
  Segall, Hermine
  Senator Frederick
  Siegelman, Rachel
  Silberbah Gerhard
  Silberman, drills
  Silberman, Isaac
  Silberman, ruby
  Silberman, Silvia
  Silberman, Frida
  Silberman, Eleanor
  Silberstein , Gerson
  Silviyan, D. Emil
  Silvyan Maxim
  Sin Shmayya Schmiel
  Sloiovich Rosa
  Soganskaya Ana
  Solomon, Virgil
  Solomon, Dorel
  Solomon, David Lazar
  Sonenrayh Abram
  Sonenrayh, Rachel
  Sotingaru Lupu
  Spahariu, the Court of
  Space, L Bernard
  Spivak, Abram
  Warden Lazarus
  Warden, Esther
  Steyer, Samuel
  Steere, Attie
  Suzey, Moritz
  Sulimovich, Rebecca
  Sulimovich Sami
  Sulitsanu, S. Moritz
  Sulmovich, Josif
  Talmanovich Saul
  thumber, Ana
  Tekukyanu, Isaac
  Tannenbaum, Leo
  Teratin, Isaac
  Terkel, Lazar
  Terkel Sonia
  Tetelshveyg, Ana
  Tetelshveyg, Isak
  Ungar, Albert
  Walter, Mignon
  Farchi Henry
  Fegler Mach
  Lisa Feigenbaum
  Feigenbaum Elias
  Feyngolt Otto Jacques
  Feld Margaret
  Feld, Nicholas
  Feldman, Isak
  Feldshteyn Abram
  Feldshteyn Henry
  Feldshteyn Gheorghe
  Feldshteyn Nellie
  Feldshteyn, Sura
  Fell Solomon
  Feller, Gustav
  Feldman, Esther
  Feldstein, Gisela Louise
  Feldstein, David
  Feldstein, Robert
  Feldstein, Rositz
  Finker Klaus Lola
  Fisher Jacob
  Fischer, Zoltán
  Fisher, Lena
  Fischer, Rositz
  Fischer, Rudi
  Fischer, Silva
  Fishman, Niesen
  Fleycher David
  Fleischer, Ana
  Fleischer, Maletti
  Fleischer, Robert
  Flinker, Jeannette
  Flinker, Richard
  Fox, Mavric
  Franghaym Aaron
  Frank, Israel
  Frank, Tiviya
  Friedman, Desiderio
  Friedman, Ileana
  Friedman, Nicholas
  Friedman, Sofia
  Fruchter, Yehuda
  Fruchter, Isak
  Fruchtman, Henriette
  Fruchtman Solomon
  Frank, David
  Hagelman, Haim
  Chaim, Sabina
  Haimovich, Virgil
  Haimovich, Carol
  Hultin, Ida
  Haras, Sergiu
  Harsolovich Sergei
  Haskolovich, Josif
  Haskolovich, Raquela
  Hassan, Edward
  Hassan, Judita
  Heymovich Angelica
  Heynis, Benicia
  Hellenbrandt Louis
  Heller, Bert
  Heller, Leon
  Heller, Oswald
  Heller, Pepi
  Henik, Henik
  Herovich, Theodore
  Hersovich, Gard Ri
  Khersovich, Marcel
  Khersovich, Mosya
  Khersovich, Sally
  Herzblat, Matilda
  Herscher, Samuel
  Hershku, Eva
  Hershu, Sofia
  Hefter, Harry
  Hirsch, Gabriela
  Hirsch, Rosa
  Holich, Jeanette
  Hornstein, Carol
  Husin, Sali
  Chesman Eugene
  Chessel, Mordhay
  Chibataru Alfred
  Chovanile Jean Marcel
  Shailovschi Ella
  Schacter, Hersan Kalman chachamim
  Schacter, Charlotte
  Shalamovits, Medea
  Shalamovits Simon
  Shaliko, Lawn
  Shapiro, B Meath
  Shapiro, Max
  Scharf, Clara
  Scharf, Nessie Ita
  Scarf, Schmiel
  Shattner Abraham Leo
  Shattner, Beno
  Shather Francesca
  Saffron, Samuel
  Miner, bars
  miner Blima
  Miner, Joseph
  Miner, Leon
  Miner Max
  Miner, Sarah
  Shvayfel Ana Sarah
  Schwartz, Abram
  Schwartz, Valentin
  Schwartz, Henrietta
  Schwarz Dzhosub
  Schwartz, Clara
  Schwartz, M. Lupu
  Schwartz, Mark Alter
  Schwartz, Miriam
  Schwartz, Rebecca
  Schwartz, Solomon
  Schwartz, Sorin
  Schwartz, Tamara
  Schwartz, Frida
  Schwartz, Haya
  Schwartz, Menade
  Schwartz, Mircea Serban
  Schemnitz, Mina
  Schemnitz, Ernest
  Schechter, Kudris
  Shekhter, Rukhla
  Shimon, B. Shimon
  Shimon, Luchi en
  Schiff, Alexander
  Schiff, Eva
  Shloymovich Pace Jacob
  Shloiovich Saul
  Shloiovich, Emanoil
  Shlomovich Maria
  Shmatnik Leo
  Shmatnik, Trillo
  Schmetterling, Victor
  Schmetterling, Mark
  Schmetterling, Frida
  Schmetterling, Ernest Emanuel
  Schmiel, Rifka
  Shmilovich Beno
  Shmilovich Ana
  Shmilovich Ana
  Shmilovich, Beno
  Shmilovich, Ida
  Shmilovich Leonard
  Shmilovich Nora
  Schmiel Israel
  Shnapp Heinz Erich
  Schonberger, A Ladislau
  Schonberger, Paul
  Shonenreyh, Samy
  Schonfeld, Hugo
  Shore, Gert Marga
  Shore, Siegfried
  Schorr, Juliet
  Spiegel Abraham
  Spiegel, Claude
  Spiegel, Mavric
  Spiegel, Solien
  Spiegel, Attie Enta
  Shpirer, Basil Julian
  Shpirer, Rudolfina
  Shpirer, Samuel Dzhosif
  Stahl, Desiderio
  Stahl, Jacques
  Stein, Moshe
  Steinbach, Leo Henry
  Shteinbah, Rake
  Sternberg, Menelaws
  Shtier, Anisoara
  Shtorfer, Norbert
  Shtoffer Saul
  Strauss, Elizabeth
  Shuhard , Soive
  Schuhard, William
  Edelstein, Jean
  Edelstein, Clara
  Edelstein, Leon
  Eizik, Louis
  Eisik, Mircea
  Eckstein, Rosa
  Elias, Avram Bernard
  Elias, Joseph
  Elias, Rohi
  Elias, Sofia
  Elias, Barat
  Eliash, Medea
  Elkov ich, Naftuli
  Epstein, Matias
  Epstein, Sarah Rebecca
  Erbst, Matei
  Jaanku, Moishe
  Jakobovich Fainaru, Pinku
  Yanku, Sofia
  Yanchelevivi, Frida
  Yanchelevich, Etya
  Yanchelevichi, Nisen
  Mefkura passenger's names
  Another ship with the same fait was Mefküre (often referred to as Mefkura) a Turkish ship that carried Jewish refugees from the same port Constanza to Istanbul, sailing under the Red Cross flag. It was sunk by shellfire on August 5, 1944, by Soviet submarine, killing more than 300 refugees:
  Georgi Lechner abt 1912 Bucuresti
  Alexandru Maier abt 1923 Bucuresti
  Israel Grimberg abt 1905 Timisoara
  Fany Brauner abt 1896 Bucuresti
  Alexandru Stern abt 1893 Timisoara
  Leib Zinodbaum abt 1923 Ungaria
  Smotrici Kringel Chaim abt 1887 Bucuresti
  David Rasenetz abt 1913 Bucuresti
  Paula Schachter abt 1919 Bucuresti
  Cecilia Fanea abt 1938 Bucuresti
  Iosif Renighel abt 1919 Bucuresti
  Eugen Rubin abt 1910 Timisoara
  Haienrich Lazarovici abt 1924 Bucuresti
  Iliuta Herscovici abt 1923 Bucuresti
  Lazar Marcovici abt 1925 Timisoara
  Moise Stoessel abt 1929 Sibiu
  Rifka Rasenetz abt 1916 Bucuresti
  Herman Reischer abt 1922 Bucuresti
  Paulina Grumnberg abt 1899 Bucuresti
  Moise Rasenetz abt 1937 Bucuresti
  Petre Iszac abt 1929 Bucuresti
  Bela Lazarovici abt 1921 Bucuresti
  Robert Reiffr abt 1921 Bucuresti
  Israel Brukman abt 1920 Bucuresti
  Ghers Elin abt 1887 Bucuresti
  Miriam Varnai abt 1934 Bucuresti
  Martin Hammer abt 1917 Bucuresti
  Pavel Herman abt 1906 Arad
  Sigmund Haimsohn abt 1927 Bucuresti
  Liza Mochas abt 1932 Constanta
  Angelica Brociner abt 1890 Bucuresti
  Iacob Neumelt abt 1907 Polonia
  Iosua Iosif Husner abt 1919 Bucuresti
  Anatolia Stern abt 1933 Timisoara
  Brana Khigel abt 1904 Bucuresti
  Herman Grossu abt 1914 Bucuresti
  Aron Gotesman abt 1915 Bucuresti
  Zighi Pasternak abt 1923 Bucuresti
  Eva Divinska abt 1938 Polonia
  Nusa Brukman abt 1941 Bucuresti
  Laha Ioschid abt 1937 Bucuresti
  Georgia Divinska abt 1909 Polonia
  Iakob David Kahane abt 1907 Bucuresti
  Iosif Varnai abt 1904 Bucuresti
  Strul Lebusor abt 1914 Bucuresti
  Ervin Farcas abt 1914 Bucuresti
  Ileana Rubin abt 1918 Timisoara
  Iacob Schapira abt 1920 Bucuresti
  Haim Ioschid abt 1911 Bucuresti
  Pincu Fanea abt 1906 Bucuresti
  Nelly Fischer abt 1923 Bucuresti
  Regina Aschinazy abt 1901 Bucuresti
  Sara Farcas abt 1914 Bucuresti
  Felicia Fichterman abt 1925 Bucuresti
  Iosif Risemberg abt 1894 Cernauti
  Leon Moscovici Froim abt 1924 Bucuresti
  Liviu Pistiner abt 1914 Bucuresti
  Aron Risemberg abt 1933 Cernauti
  Heinrych Puiu Disiovici abt 1911 Bucuresti
  Sloim Solomon abt 1898 Bucuresti
  Ioana Stern abt 1890 Timisoara
  David Stengel abt 1908 Storojinet
  Iacob Bernstein abt 1920 Bucuresti
  Suzana Weis abt 1909 Bucuresti
  Menachem Adler Bucuresti
  Chitran Grunstein abt 1917 Bucuresti
  Muni Fermer abt 1905 Bucuresti
  Rol Heinhold abt 1894 Bucuresti
  Strul Iarasovitz abt 1921 Bucuresti
  Gabriel Stoessel abt 1927 Sibiu
  Natan Cantec abt 1881 Bucuresti
  Bentin Maerson abt 1910 Bucuresti
  Katalina Deutsch abt 1924 Bucuresti
  Iosif Avram abt 1931 Bucuresti
  Samuel Braun abt 1913 Bucuresti
  Viorica Kremer abt 1913 Bucuresti
  Dora Salsberg abt 1913 Bucuresti
  Avram Etla Abramovici abt 1890 Bucuresti
  Dinela Loebel abt 1927 Bucuresti
  David Marcovici abt 1918 Bucuresti
  Mira Leia Grau abt 1914 Bucuresti
  Ana Spigel abt 1923 Bucuresti
  Vasile Horvat abt 1924 Bucuresti
  Ileana Stoessel abt 1928 Sibiu
  Matilda Bercu abt 1919 Bucuresti
  Ana Walter abt 1922 Arad
  Mirela Hirsch abt 1934 Bucuresti
  Lucia Altman abt 1925 Bucuresti
  Beniamin Schecter abt 1926 Bucuresti
  Beba Maerson abt 1910 Bucuresti
  Solomon Abramovici abt 1938 Bucuresti
  Francisc Drehler abt 1922 Bucuresti
  Hahane Einhorn abt 1932 Bucuresti
  Sary Kahane abt 1933 Bucuresti
  Dan Zimmerman abt 1919 Ungaria
  Israel Grimberg abt 1905 Bucuresti
  Eva Goldring abt 1934 Bucuresti
  Avram Milvivi abt 1916 Cernauti
  Mina Grossman abt 1923 Bucuresti
  Edwart Hirsch abt 1931 Bucuresti
  Leia Feiga Kenner abt 1925 Iasi
  Ludovic Kremer abt 1908 Bucuresti
  Dvora Ioschid abt 1924 Bucuresti
  Eugen Tiberiu Herman abt 1942 Arad
  Heinrih Braun abt 1941 Bucuresti
  Andrei Avraham abt 1923 Bucuresti
  Smuli Smirman abt 1905 Galati
  Simion Sineter abt 1900 Bucuresti
  Israel Brickman abt 1915 Bucuresti
  Sasa-Bela Warman abt 1927 Bucuresti
  Ervin Korner abt 1915 Bucuresti
  Melitta Kraft abt 1911 Bucuresti
  Avram Rasenetz abt 1935 Bucuresti
  Maria Goloboy abt 1902 Bucuresti
  Pola Brukman abt 1920 Bucuresti
  Gheorghe Loefler abt 1925 Timisoara
  Marcel Kraft abt 1904 Bucuresti
  Fritz Fermer abt 1903 Bucuresti
  Rauber ...Ssler abt 1918 Ungaria
  Feiga Reisenberg abt 1922 Cernauti
  Ana Blum Bucuresti
  Mayer Wecsler abt 1925 Bucuresti
  David Neuman abt 1927 Polonia
  Clara Fermer abt 1908 Bucuresti
  Irina Grimberg abt 1913 Bucuresti
  Sura Lefovici abt 1924 Bucuresti
  Rudolf Naiman abt 1913 Bucuresti
  Rosa Freiberg Bucuresti
  Miriam Levin abt 1921 Bucuresti
  Mateiss Hofman abt 1904 Bucuresti
  Berta Herman abt 1913 Arad
  David Rosa abt 1920 Bucuresti
  Erika Springer abt 1928 Bucuresti
  Hersch Brauner abt 1888 Bucuresti
  Marcel Fichterman abt 1926 Bucuresti
  Haim Braunstein abt 1920 Bucuresti
  Avram Herestie abt 1923 Bucuresti
  Clara Varnai abt 1908 Bucuresti
  Heinrich Miller abt 1923 Bucuresti
  Ber Iticovici abt 1891 Bucuresti
  Solomon Risemberg abt 1891 Cernauti
  Anisoara Megheziu abt 1930 Bucuresti
  Bella Goloboy abt 1930 Bucuresti
  Moses Solomon abt 1926 Bucuresti
  Bercu Bercu abt 1918 Bucuresti
  Sara Iticovici abt 1894 Bucuresti
  Leia Grumnberg abt 1936 Bucuresti
  Andrei Abraham abt 1923 Turda
  Miriam Pilpel abt 1911 Cernauti
  Avram Heller abt 1926 Bucuresti
  Maria Orenstein abt 1899 Bucuresti
  Iacob Hilperoink abt 1930 Bucuresti
  Sion Goloboy abt 1900 Bucuresti
  Ferdinand Goldring abt 1930 Bucuresti
  Riva Hofman abt 1912 Bucuresti
  Moise Leib Kahane abt 1925 Bucuresti
  Clara Grumnberg abt 1913 Bucuresti
  Suzana Herman abt 1934 Arad
  Solomon Landau abt 1908 Bucuresti
  E. Ferdinand Gluck abt 1914 Bucuresti
  Matei Grau abt 1910 Bucuresti
  Iacob Averbuch abt 1917 Cernauti
  Artur Kraft abt 1935 Bucuresti
  Adolf Herling abt 1907 Bucuresti
  Nathan Weisglass abt 1921 Bucuresti
  Marian Marcovici abt 1922 Bucuresti
  Artur Sarafinstein abt 1917 Bucuresti
  Elka Chaim abt 1892 Bucuresti
  Adalbert Binghel abt 1920 Deva
  Bertold Haber abt 1922 Bucuresti
  Slota Stern abt 1907 Bucuresti
  Marcela Dernis abt 1925 Bucuresti
  Solomon Smilovici abt 1922Hateg
  Sara Fanea abt 1905 Bucuresti
  Moise Reisenberg abt 1931 Cernauti
  Jean Grumnberg abt 1912 Bucuresti
  Avram Pistinrer abt 1904 Bucuresti
  Blima Mezesohn abt 1927 Bucuresti
  Leia Kahane abt 1910 Bucuresti
  Aba Abramovici abt 1917 Bucuresti
  Mayer Iticovici abt 1934 Bucuresti
  Toma Weis abt 1931 Bucuresti
  Rosalia Friedman abt 1898 Bucuresti
  Rosa Veinberger abt 1913 Focsani
  Pinkas Appel abt 1920 Cernauti
  Pincas Walter abt 1897 Bucuresti
  Noemi Stern abt 1932 Bucuresti
  Leb Alexandru Avram abt 1907 Bucuresti
  Miriam Avram abt 1932 Bucuresti
  Margareta Remi abt 1904 Bucuresti
  Bela Smirman abt 1935 Galati
  Feiga Perla Solomon abt 1924 Bucuresti
  Schlama Walter abt 1933 Bucuresti
  Iuda Tihman abt 1919 Bucuresti
  Elena Tropper abt 1926 Arad
  Hubert Levin abt 1928 Bucuresti
  Ghizela Hirsch abt 1903 Bucuresti
  Noemi Herman abt 1936 Arad
  Solomon Harnic abt 1903 Bucuresti
  Ana Marcovici abt 1926 Cernauti
  Mendel Grimberg abt 1907 Bucuresti
  Bela Braun abt 1933 Bucuresti
  Fani (Sara) Fruchter abt 1925 Bucuresti
  Emil Stoessel abt 1930 Sibiu
  Frederich Smirman abt 1929 Galati
  Ernest Sconbraun abt 1898 Bucuresti
  Moira Moses abt 1922 Bucuresti
  Alfons Berger abt 1918 Bucuresti
  Stela Finchelstein abt 1925 Bucuresti
  Levi Hilperoink abt 1906 Bucuresti
  Blima Herling abt 1912 Bucuresti
  Herbert Reishert abt 1926 Bacau
  Beniamin Mihail Tehmen abt 1918 Braila
  Irina Grimberg abt 1913 Timisoara
  Bella Solomon abt 1901 Bucuresti
  Arie Gotheil abt 1927 Bucuresti
  Sara Iussin abt 1910 Bucuresti
  Leopold Strausser abt 1922 Bucuresti
  Alexandra Gotheil abt 1906 Bucuresti
  Lia Khigel abt 1938 Bucuresti
  Raimond Lupescu abt 1924 Bucuresti
  Tiberiu Grimberg abt 1937 Bucuresti
  David Khigel abt 1902 Bucuresti
  Itil Lehler abt 1923 Bucuresti
  Ira Levin abt 1907 Bucuresti
  Samuel Gross abt 1924 Bucuresti
  Stefan Braunstein abt 1916 Bucuresti
  Melhior Goldring abt 1903 Bucuresti
  Goda Rosemberg abt 1922 Bucuresti
  Perla Froim abt 1887 Bucuresti
  Iuda Nute abt 1923 Bucuresti
  David Solomon abt 1904 Bucuresti
  Blanca Orenstein abt 1931 Bucuresti
  Natan Leiblich abt 1920 Bucuresti
  Martha Sturn abt 1911 Bucuresti
  Gheorghe Roza abt 1920 Bucuresti
  Bela Abramovici abt 1940 Bucuresti
  Curt Richard abt 1935 Bucuresti
  Eva Bruder abt 1927 Arad
  Herman Friedman abt 1917 Cernauti
  Ruchla Elin abt 1886 Bucuresti
  Liza Rotstein abt 1933 Bucuresti
  Herbert Grumnberg abt 1924 Bucuresti
  Lili Goldring abt 1931 Bucuresti
  Ernest Goldstein abt 1915 Bucuresti
  Leia Aschinazy abt 1933 Bucuresti
  Iacob Risemberg abt 1931 Cernauti
  Iool (Iosif) Aschinazy abt 1906 Bucuresti
  Chaia Abramovici abt 1885 Bucuresti
  Iosif Herscovici abt 1928 Bacau
  Bela Grimberg abt 1913 Bucuresti
  Heinrich Solomon abt 1929 Bucuresti
  Samuel Aschinazy abt 1931 Bucuresti
  Fanel Risemberg abt 1892 Cernauti
  Bruno Kindler abt 1916 Bucuresti
  Clara Leibusor abt 1917 Bucuresti
  Bercu Rachburg abt 1920 Bucuresti
  Gerta Herling abt 1937 Bucuresti
  Ruhla Dascalu abt 1921 Bucuresti
  Sara Landau abt 1930 Bucuresti
  Nuhan ...Ssler abt 1941 Ungaria
  Sara Tehmen abt 1922 Braila
  Pavel Stefan Remi abt 1925 Bucuresti
  Francesca Harnic abt 1932 Bucuresti
  Aurel Stern abt 1938 Bucuresti
  Ruth Roth abt 1925 Bucuresti
  Ghitla Abramovici abt 1859 Bucuresti
  Iosef Schwartz abt 1921 Timisoara
  Fani Gluck abt 1912 Bucuresti
  Mateias Gotheil abt 1889 Bucuresti
  Simon Warman abt 1908 Bucuresti
  Braun Bercovici abt 1922 Bucuresti
  Rozita Richard abt 1912 Bucuresti
  Paulina Megheziu abt 1910 Bucuresti
  Liuba Smirman abt 1901 Galati
  Iszac Heinhold abt 1930 Bucuresti
  Eugenia Golering abt 1905 Bucuresti
  Avram Marcus abt 1925 Bucuresti
  Jean Marcovici abt 1920 Bucuresti
  Marcus Richard abt 1911 Bucuresti
  Tiberiu Grimberg abt 1937 Timisoara
  Hana Abramovici abt 1930 Bucuresti
  Silvia Solomon abt 1924 Bucuresti
  Andrei Varnai abt 1929 Bucuresti
  Lenuta Iticovici abt 1932 Bucuresti
  Sigismund Sturn abt 1906 Bucuresti
  Moritz Davideanu abt 1925 Bucuresti
  Eugen Rendel abt 1917 Bucuresti
  Iosif Stern abt 1901 Bucuresti
  Ernestina Maerson abt 1938 Bucuresti
  Leizer Orenstein abt 1898 Bucuresti
  Francesca Harnic abt 1911 Bucuresti
  Leia Walter abt 1934 Bucuresti
  Isac Lefovici abt 1922 Bucuresti
  Gheorghe Wass abt 1924 Ungaria
  Carol Fermerabt 1934 Bucuresti
  My Bessarabian famous people list:
  Abramov A actor Internet
  Abramowitz Chaim Zanvl rabbe Internet
  Altman  Iogann literary critic Internet
  Altman  Moyshe poet and writer Internet
  Ancher Isaak painter Internet
  Anisfeld Boris painter Internet
  Aranov Shiko conductor, compouser Internet
  Aroni (Chervinskiy) Samuel architect 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Ash Avraham actor Internet
  Ash Khayele actor Internet
  Auerbach Boris actor Internet
  Áuerbach (Froim Oyerbakh) Ephraim poet and essayist Internet
  Averbuch Lev sculptor Internet
  Averbuch Yakov graphic artist 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Bakhman Lev (Leyb) architect Internet
  Baltzan Bentzion writer Internet
  Baltzan Lev journalist and publisher Internet
  Baltzan Yosif poet Internet
  Baltzan Cantor writer Internet
  Baram Syema painter Internet
  Bardichever Zeylik poet, singer Internet
  Barkan Chaim writer Internet
  Barskiy Lev writer Internet
  Baukh Efrem writer Internet
  Beltzanu (Vaysman) Efim singer Internet
  Ben-Tzion S writer Internet
  Benderskiy Boris architect 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Berber Mark architect 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Bercovitch Avraham actor Internet
  Berdichevskiy Ben-tzion actor Internet
  Berg Lev scientist Internet
  Berinskiy Lev poet, translater Internet
  Berinsky Sergey composer and music critic Internet
  Bernshteyn-Cogan Miriam actress Internet
  Bersuker Isaak scientist Internet
  Bertini Gary conductor and composer Internet
  Bertini K.A. poet Internet
  Besarabov Misha actor Internet
  Bey Sofia actress Internet
  Beyrekhman Mendel painter Internet
  Bilenkiy Isaak painter Internet
  Birman Serafima actress Internet
  Bitman Boris architect 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Blank Leonid actor Internet
  Bogdanovskiy Yefim conductor Internet
  Botoshanskiy Yakov writer Internet
  Brazer Abram Sculptor, graphic artist 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Breytman Motl writer 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Britan Ilya poet and publicist Internet
  Brodichanskiy Nisel producer Internet
  Brodskiy Aaron actor Internet
  Brodskiy David poet Internet
  Brovman Grigoriy literatory critic 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Brukhis Moisey translator, filologist Internet
  Bubis Isaak engineer-architect Internet
  Budeyskiy Yosl actor Internet
  Burdin Isidor violinist Internet
  Caufman Moses Ralph psychiatrist Internet
  Chapkis Gregoriy dancer Internet
  Cherish Jask actor Internet
  Chezza Lev art critic, literary critic Internet
  Cogan Anatoly was born in 1927 to Sneer Cogan (famous artist). Writer, journalist and translator. Internet
  Cohen Samuel composer Internet
  Conn Rosetta Actress Internet
  Coopersmith Louis actor Internet
  Daksil Shmuel writer and playwright Internet
  Davidzon Efrim writer Internet
  Degtyar Leonid mechanical engeneer Internet
  Deleanu Liviu poet Internet
  Diamond A.L. Hollywood scriptwriter Internet
  Dickstein Saul actor Internet
  Doctor Rubin actor Internet
  Dorfman Boris journalist 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Dubinovskiy Lazar sculptor Internet
  Dukhovniy Semyen operetta singer Internet
  Edlis Yuliu writer Internet
  Elgard Manye actor Internet
  Elgurt Yosif Artist, master of silk-screen printing Internet
  Epelboim Yosif-Shmeyrl rabbe 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Eyzerman Leybl actor Internet
  Fainman Zigmund writer Internet
  Farber Khaim poet Internet
  Feidman Giora musician Internet
  Feldman Leonid Ariel rabbe 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Fidler Evgeniy painter Internet
  Fikhman Yakov writer Internet
  Filmus Tally painter Internet
  Filshteyn Mikhail poet Jews of Moldova, Shpitalnik S
  Finkel Moishe actor Internet
  Fishman Harry actor Internet
  Fishman Jehuda-Leyb rabbe Internet
  Fleksor Samson painter Internet
  Freyman Lidiya actress Internet
  Fridman Elius sculptor Internet
  Frumkin Aleksandr scientist Internet
  Fuks Tanya publicist Internet
  Gakhanski Avraham actor Internet
  Gamburd Moisey painter, sculptor Internet
  Geller M. writer Internet
  Gelman Alexander   writer Internet
  Gendler Abram singer Internet
  Gershenzon  Josef conductor, compouser Internet
  Gershenzon  Mikhail literary critic, essayist and editor Internet
  Gershfeld David composer Internet
  Gitelman Vladimir (Zeev) writer Jews of Moldova, Shpitalnik S
  Ginger Sergey architect, engineer Internet
  Ginsburg Anna actress Internet
  Gitzis Moisey writer Internet
  Goichberg Srul poet Internet
  Goldblat Moisey actor Internet
  Goldenberg Chaim actor Internet
  Goldenberg Mordekhay poet, writer Internet
  Goldenhtein German clarinetist Internet
  Goldenweiser Alexander   pianist, composer Internet
  Goldes Oyzer play writer and literary critic Internet
  Golkov (Gershenzon) Viktor poet. Writer Internet
  Gorby Sarah singer Internet
  Gordin Rufin writer Internet
  Gorskiy Yakov opera singer Internet
  Granot Avraam scientist Internet
  Greenberg Eliezer poet and literary critic Internet
  Greenberg Jacob actor Internet
  Greku Fira painter Internet
  Greku Ester artist-decorator Jews of Moldova, Shpitalnik S
  Grinberg Roman musician Internet
  Grinberg Khaim writer 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Gromov (Gofman) Alexandru  writer Internet
  Gruzman Idl-Leyb writer Internet
  Gudelman Aron painter Internet
  Gudelman Gersh writer Internet
  Gurvich Yosif artist Jews of Moldova, Shpitalnik S
  Guryan Sorana actress Internet
  Gutman Chaim actor Internet
  Gutman  Nakhum painter Internet
  Gutman Krimer Golde writer Internet
  Holdes (Goldes, Goldesgeym) Oyzer Play writer and literary critic Internet
  Honigman Clara actor Internet
  Iris Shmuel actor Internet
  Isserlis Yuliy was born on October 31, 1888 to David Iserlis (1860-?) and Anna Medzhibozhskiy (1856-?). Pianist and music teacher.
  Jacobson Bessi actor Internet
  Kane Edit painter, graphic artist 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Kaplan Naum poet Internet
  Karskaya Ida painter Internet
  Katz Boris scientist Internet
  Kaufman Hershel actor Internet
  Kaushansky (later Agadati)ballet dancer Baruch ballet dancer Internet
  Kazhber Gersh Leyb writer 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Kessler David actor Internet
  Keyzerovitsh Manya actor Internet
  Khais Boris poet 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Khaken Vera poet 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Kharatz Meer poet 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Kitman Yosif sculptor 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Kitrosser Isaak photographer Internet
  Kleyman Rita literary critic Internet
  Knut Dovid poet Internet
  Kogan Anatoliy writer Internet
  Kogan Moisey sculptor Internet
  Kogan Shneer painter Internet
  Kolker Boris esperanto Internet
  Kolker Nisl rabbe 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Kondrya Konstantin poet Internet
  Kopanskiy Yakov historian Internet
  Kopitman Mark composer Internet
  Koprov Ariel writer Internet
  Korn Itshok writer Internet
  Kornyanu (Kornfeld) Leonid writer Internet
  Koyfman Mekhl writer Internet
  Kremer Izabella opera singer Internet
  Kroyn Zelman actor Internet
  Kulish Yakov cameraman Internet
  Kurtz Esfir screenwriter editor 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Landau I. Lande (Yusik ) poet Internet
  Lekhtzir Samuil literatory critic, poet, translator 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Lemster Moishe poet Internet
  Lerner Yeshayahy writer Internet
  Lerner Falik writer Internet
  Lerner Yosl (Yosif) poet Internet
  Lerner (Rabinovich) Maria writer and playwright Internet
  Levental Grigoriy architect Jews of Moldova, Shpitalnik S
  Levenzon Matvey sculptor 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Levit Yefim literary critic, historian of literature Internet
  Libershtein Iosif agronom Internet
  Lipiner Eli writer Internet
  Livshitz Matus art critic Internet
  Lobel Solomon composer Internet
  Lunkevich Sergey conductor, compouser Internet
  Luxemburg Arkadiy composer Internet
  Magen Yosif writer 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Maisenberg Oleg pianist Internet
  Malkin David painter Internet
  Manik Shika poet Internet
  Marmor Anna painter, graphic artist 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Mash Yenta writer Internet
  Meites Josef scientist Internet
  Meitus Eliyahu poet and translator Internet
  Melamed Moshe writer Internet
  Melomed Idl writer 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Mikhali B.I. literary critic, publicist Internet
  Mikhnya Paul poet Internet
  Milestone Lewis motion picture director Internet
  Milshtein Semen trumpeter Internet
  Milshtein Zvi Artist, engraver Internet
  Mirskiy Lyubov writer, poet 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Mishonz Gregoire painter Internet
  Mogulesko Sigmund singer, actor, composer Internet
  Moldovan Sacha painter Internet
  Nadolskiy leon actor Internet
  Nemirovsriy Alexander   writer Internet
  Nisenboim Oleg ingeneer Jews of Moldova, Shpitalnik S
  Nutovich Fillip artist-decorator Jews of Moldova, Shpitalnik S
  Olmes Zhoel songwriter Internet
  Olshevskiy Rudolf poet Internet
  Ostroff Oskar playwright, actor Internet
  Oysher Fraydele actress and musical performer Internet
  Oysher Moishe actor, cantor Internet
  Perlmutter Reuven writer Internet
  Perov Grigoriy writer 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Perov Grigoriy writer 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Perper Yosif journalist, editor, literary critic 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Pester Berta pianist Internet
  Pester Mark violinist, conductor Internet
  Pilat Israek historian Internet
  Pinchevskiy Mikhail poet, writer Internet
  Podryachik Leyzer writer Internet
  Polinger Zigfrid graphic artist, cartoonist Internet
  Portnoy Rahmil play righter, literary critic and translator Internet
  Portugal Yisroel Avrohom rabbe Internet
  Portugal Eliezer Zusia rabbe Internet
  Preyger Shlome-Zolman rabbe 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Rabinovich Zina writer Internet
  Raya Nita actress Internet
  Rempel Lazar art historian 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Rice Emmanuil poet, writer Internet
  Richter Manya actor Internet
  Richter Neytan actor Internet
  Rivkin Gertzl poet Internet
  Roitman Ben-tzion actor Internet
  Roitman Froim poet Internet
  Roizen Berl (Boris) literary critic, educator Internet
  Rosental Leyzer-Duvid writer Internet
  Rosenthal Boris actor Internet
  Rotman Note journalist, editor, publisher 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Roytfeld Zhak film producer Internet
  Roytman Ben-Tsion afctor Internet
  Rozental Zalmen writer Internet
  Rubin Moishe writer Internet
  Rubin Ruth song performer Internet
  Rubinstein Anton pianist, composer and conductor Internet
  Sadigurski Benjamin actor Internet
  Saktsier Motl writer Internet
  Sambation Moshe writer Internet
  Sandler Boris writer Internet
  Seltser Dovid poet, writer Internet
  Sepunaru Zunya literery critic, translater Internet
  Serebrov Muni actor Internet
  Shargorodskiy Zalman skulptor 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Shav-Artza Dovid poet 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Shekhter Daniil writer Internet
  Shirman Gerry multi-instrumentalist, composer, conductor Internet
  Shlyahu Samson writer Internet
  Shmurun Izrail archtect Internet
  Shoykhet Semen architect Internet
  Shpitalnik Sarrah bibliograph Internet
  Shprinberg Pedro jornalist, radio host Internet
  Shraybman Ikhil writer Internet
  Shtern Yakov architect 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Shternberg Yakov poet Internet
  Shternberg Levi rabbe 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Shvarts Isaak archtect 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Shvartsburd Shulim poet Internet
  Shvartz Isaak architect 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Simovitsh Regina actor singer Internet
  Slizner (Bernard) Emiliya poet 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Soibelman Samuil architect 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Sorana Guryan writer Internet
  Soroker Yakov violinist Internet
  Sorokin Froyke actor Internet
  Spat Gabriel painter Internet
  Steinbarg  Eliezer poetic fabulist Internet
  Steinberg Judah writer Internet
  Sternberg Yankev avant-garde poet, essayist, playwright Internet
  Stolyar Mote writer Internet
  Stolyar Zinoviy musicologist Internet
  Strakhilevich Gita pianist Internet
  Sudit Shulem writer Internet
  Sudit Yosif journalist 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Tan-Pay Yegoshua poet, journalist, translator. Internet
  Terziman Alexandru  writer, translater Internet
  Tkach Efim musicologist Internet
  Tkach Zlota composer Internet
  Toybish Leybel writer Internet
  Trachtenberg Iosif poet 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Tselman Tsvi writer Internet
  Tsirelson Yehuda Leib rabbe Internet
  Tversky Duvid rabbe Internet
  Tzudik Eduard architect 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Uchitel Yefim cameraman Internet
  Udler Rubin Linguist, dialectologist-novelist Internet
  Vainshtein (Idl melamed) Israel writer 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Vaintraub Mikhail architect 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Vaisbein Abram architect 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  van Leer Liya film Internet
  Vayner Samuel jornalist, editor Internet
  Vaynshenker Itzik writer Internet
  Vaynshtein Albert economist Internet
  Veitsman Zisi poet Internet
  Verny Dina sculptor Internet
  Vetrov (Fiksman) David poet Internet
  Veys Paulina actor Internet
  Vilik Sura pianist Internet
  Vinetskaya Maria opera singer Internet
  Vishkauzan Efrem violinist Internet
  Vivodtsev David doctor Internet
  Vladir Velvel actor Internet
  Vlestaru Boris writer Internet
  Volkenshtein Olga journalist, publicist Internet
  Vylikh Ida bibliograph Internet
  Weintraub Zigmund actor Internet
  Wexler Jacob actor Internet
  Yakir Yankel writer 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Yan Ira painter Internet
  Yankelevich Idl ckalpter Internet
  Yoelit Chava actor Internet
  Zakhoder Boris poet and children's writer Internet
  Zeltser Mark pianist Internet
  Zeltser Khaim writer 'Jews of Moldova' by S. Shpitalnik
  Zelvenskiy David historian, publicist Internet
  Zevina Ada painter Internet
  Zeydenberg-Santop Leale dencer Internet
  Zilberman Khaim writer Internet
  Zilberrang Khaim actor Internet
  Zlatogorov Yefim actor Internet
  Zmora Israel writer Internet
  Zrubavel Gilad poet Internet
  Zusman Alla scientist Internet
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