A tourist map of Lembongan Island. 1.atouristmapoflembonganisland.jpg:800x562, 88k |
We are already approaching the island! 2.wearealreadyapproachingtheisland.jpg:895x948, 171k |
Indonesian performers sing songs in Russian. 3.indonesianperformerssingsongsinrussian.jpg:900x857, 143k |
Even on such a small island the goods for the tourists are on sale. 4.evenonsuchasmallislandthegoodsforthetouristsareonsale.jpg:513x622, 131k |
The pendant bridge between the islands looks like this. 5.thependantbridgebetweentheislandslookslikethis.jpg:777x518, 127k |
The entrance to the underground house. 6.theentrancetotheundergroundhouse.jpg:1024x628, 297k |
And so the waves are raging in the Devil's tear' bay. 7.andsothewavesareraginginthedevilstearbay.jpg:777x518, 138k |
The Garden of Eden on the island. 8.thegardenofedenontheisland.jpg:383x611, 80k |
A bungalow on Lembongan Island. 9.abungalowonlembonganisland.jpg:741x477, 372k |
And this is a fine Russian tower-chamber. 9.andthisisafinerussiantower-chamber.jpg:660x611, 107k |
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