Собещук Илья Владимирович : другие произведения.

La Vita Continua

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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He was standing on the edge of the skyscraper roof, looking into the deep night sky,
Asking, why? Why she walked away. Why she didn't stay?
Why was she lying?
Why she didn't care he was inside dying,
To the Chasm of Despair he was flying.
 She said that that was the only way, she couldn't stay,
She wouldn't wait; she was like his personal and mortal bait.
His life was ruined; the song of sorrow was tuned by his lonely soul,
He aimed for her like a mole, attracted by the flames of a mortal fire,
His boss had said that he was fired,
How tired he was to hope for something better,
The Hope was lost,
In soul he felt the deadly frost,
The Flame of Love turning in ashes everything inside,
Nobody cared for what would happen to him this night,
The Shining of the stars was deadly bright.
To make a step, to put an end to the living crap,
To die, just like to take a snap,
To walk through the realm of the eternal darkness without return,
So, that's my turn,
To make the last step from the edge of the roof,
So that there's no sense in life to prove,
I've chosen not to be,
I've chosen the eternal darkness to see,
What's waiting out there for me?
I'm ready to define what's there beyond the Gates of Death,
I'll make the deepest breath,
One step, that's it.
No more any mortal love to deceit.
The Step will put an End,
Why fear's holding me,
The One, who's ready to die,
Tomorrow never comes,
That happens only once,
You die, as soon as dead you are,
No asking why, the risen star,
Or falling one,
No fun, no suffering, no hopes are left inside,
No Angels, standing by your side,
To save your ruined life,
Who's gonna return the lost forgotten hope,
You're are sliding down by the life slope,
The Wolves of grief are preying after thee,
You are about to be lost forever, you see.
Dum spiro spero,
The Ancient People said,
You are too sad,
To listen to their wisdom,
You've been waited so long by the mortal kingdom.
To die or not to die,
That's the last question I've asked this night,
The Stars are bright,
The Breeze so pleasant, the drops of rain are falling from the sky,
I want to fly,
But do I have the wings,
To make a step that my death brings,
I don't want to die,
I want to fly,
To fly into the night sky, leaving only a shadow to the earth.
To make a breath, 
A step...
I am about to fall,
How's aching sorrowed soul.
The Breeze is blowing, the rainy drops are falling.
I'm about to die,
To cross the line between the Kingdoms of the living and the dead,
I'm so sad,
He made a step back,
Falling on his back.
I'm back again, he thought,
The death he sought,
But found the only life,
The rain, the stars, the breeze,
He was about to sneeze,
He laughed aloud,
He saw the night cloud, that shining stars had covered,
He realized, the stars are there, by the clouds are darkened,
Still they're shining behind the clouds with gleaming light,
So wonderful was night,
To Live, but not to die,
To save the precious blessing of living by forgiving,
Forgiving of sever fait,
To wait,
No. Not to wait,
To Live, to give the proper honor to every moment of your  living,
Everyone could be forgiving, the one, who left,
The One who made his living's theft.
La Vita Continua, he thought,
His sudden sorrows he would forgot,
The Life's worth of Living,
This way he thought, while the skyscraper roof he was leaving...


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