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Is it the Eu a unity

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    personal viewpoint on Europe

  This essay primarily centres upon England"s current position in Europe.
  My attitude to Europe?
  My general attitude towards Europe, like most English people, is one of mistrust and apprehension. The European Union is merely a political machine fuelled by the ambitions of both the French and the Germans, but at the same time backed up by the Americans. Remember - the USA ploughed millions of dollars (The Marshall Plan) into a shattered Europe directly after the Second World War in order to prevent extremism and more importantly the spread of Communism from the East. My personal opinion is quite simple: the EU is a sham! I ask myself the question; " Is the EU a political unity?" and the answer is "No!"
  The English are as different to the French as Russians are to the Japanese.
  Has there ever been any unity in Europe?
  Europe is a continent of different cultures, languages, history and mentality. Why should be one when it is quite clear that we are not? Is it possible that the EU can manufacture a European identity? I believe this is impossible now as it was two hundred years ago. We are as different now as we were then. The two major achievements of the EU have been peace and trade, but that is as far as it goes.
  I feel that respective nations of the so-called unity are looking after their own interests, through their foreign and economic policies. Why is it that half of the EU have the Euro and the other half don"t? Or when America decided to invade Iraq back in 2003, Britain and Spain were the main allies but France vehemently went against the policy? Is this unity? Surely a union means togetherness, therefore the EU failed.
  Why is it that English nationalism is seen as racism? Or imperialism? When in Scotland, our old foes, it is perceived as their democratic right? I feel this is wrong. As an Englishman I have been subjected to years of being made to feel guilty for the past i.e. the British Empire. Nevertheless, I have always felt extremely proud to be English and for all the qualities that England represents: fairness, honesty, stoicism and freedom for the individual.
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