Херонова Анастасия Валентиновна : другие произведения.


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    Рассуждения о том, что такое "текст" Язык: английский

  Do you know what means word "text"?
  It"s kind of one thing that always deferent in his random form.
  It could be a business letter that was send without any kin of emotions while somebody was writing it. It also could be letter with same text, but full of hope within it. Hope for friendship. Hope for meet. Hope for coming true deferent kinds of wishes. Some people still write letters by hand. Because of that their letters are full of emotions. They miss man to who they sent the letter. They telling him stories about their lives. They ask him to tell same stories to them.
  It"s really nice feeling when you hold in your arms paper letter that was write by man or woman that is close to you, that have a piece of your heart with them. When you read something from such people you feel like part of your soul came back to you. It"s really great feeling.
  And knowing that man that could live in the other side of world feeling the same thing as you do you will write the answer too him as quickly as it"s possible.
  And when that man will have your letter that full of your feelings and memories..
  He too will feel that part of his soul came back to him...
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