Халов Андрей Владимирович : другие произведения.

The Son of the Sky

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Translated version of the Son of Heaven (Aelita - 2) for printing, all-1.doc

Son H e ba


As the mist rose up in the memory of the past.

Elk at times it seemed that nothing had happened.It's nothing.No mission to Mars or Martians or outer journey, neither her Aelita.Everything was a dream.

A dream of the past.

From her left anything tangible.Once the image.

After the return to Earth took a lot of time.At first, he was counting the days, then weeks, then months.But everything fell into oblivion.Hope for a new flight, still warm it gradually faded.Only enthusiasm Guseva, seething in this man unfading flame, invigorating it with meetings, which were becoming rarer.

Elk managed to create a machine, such as those which flew Martians.They produced three copies useless.Under the conditions of the Earth's gravity, they could hardly get up in the air as well as it did on Mars.Besides, without powerful pole plants, the construction of which for many reasons it was not possible, they were practically useless for anything in the world.Having built three cars, Elk scored this venture and hit rock bottom on the consciousness of utter helplessness of his experience.

What gave this mission to Mars except a brief but violent hype in the press?It's nothing.Only one memory warmed his heart.His name was Aelita.


Meanwhile Gusev continued violent activities.His "Society ..." sought new embodiments assistance Martians.He had even thought about the fact that there happened on Mars since their retreat.Unbridled passion to return to Mars on Earth forced to develop rigorous activity.

However, he noticed that the interest in the Martian theme faded very quickly.Gusev pr Ilagan desperate volitional efforts to revive him, and this struggle, though did not give great results, yet was the element in which he used to live like a fish in water.He fought with bureaucrats, seeking money to build a new spaceship as an enemy on countless fronts.Bureaucrats were afraid of him, but the money is not given, but only as much as possible to avoid meeting him.Gusev but found them again and again and bothered the swinging fists like a sword in battle.

This lesson takes him a lot of time, and he somehow saw less and less of the Elk.But one day, suddenly worried, found him in his lonely apartment unsettled.

-Well, what else is there?- Heard a tired voice behind the door.It was Moose.

He opened.Surprised appearance Gusev.Since then, as they returned, the fate of never drifts Gusev in his lonely home.

It's me, Mstislav Sergeevich, - Gusev unceremoniously burst into the small room.Examined a limited decoration, consisting of a bookshelf, table, stool and iron beds.- Do not expect?

-No waiting - admitted Elk.

-Bored, Mstislav Sergeevich?


-A what?

Yeah so ...

-Yes, I understand you, Mstislav Sergeevich. Time goes by, it is necessary to do something ...

-Throw you!Ileave this venture.To what it is!

-How is it useless? - Surprised Gusev.- I'm here, Mstislav Sergeevich, only do I live this dream.And not only live and fight for it!Happiness because in the fight! So, do not be discouraged ... Frankly, it really does not want to go to Mars?

-I want - after a pause confessed Elk.He suddenly really felt the urge to fly again.Boredom in recent years to seek his life.But suddenly he found himself thinking.- I want to, but I'm afraid.I am afraid that there is all wrong ...

-Yes-ah - Gusev Dogadov Ng alsya that has an elk.- Do not be afraid, Mstislav Sergeevich, whatever it was, it is necessary to fly and we will fly.

-You think so?- Moose suddenly felt that hope is almost extinct in it as a long-forgotten ember fire erupted with renewed force.He asked a question that suddenly gave the answer himself.- And it will fly, I swear, fly!

Of course, - agreed Gusev, delighted enthusiasm tanned again in the eyes of his old friend.This spark he had not seen for a long time, since they returned to Earth.- Of course, fly!Give only time!

Since then, hope blossomed again in Los in full bloom."Where are you, Son of Heaven?" - This issue has become increasingly pop up in his mind."I'm here, I'm here, I'll see you, Aelita!We'll meet again and be together.Nothing can separate us! "

How could he afford to forget about it?What had the right to bury a hope to return?But now nothing will stop him!He will return to Mars to find it!Yes, he's back!

His life flowed fun, lively hope and expectation sweet departure.Faith cheered him, dropped shoulders burden of past years.He seemed younger, become more sociable.

Gusev is now frequently visited him, cheering and otherwise cherishing his hope.His bravery and courage inspired and strengthened hope.Gusev told him how things are going, what he was doing to organize the construction of a new ship.Many difficulties, but he will.They will fly!He can not throw in trouble accidents irresponsible Martians who can not stand up to a handful of oppressors.They will fly and help them.


One day he came and said:

Well, all Mstislav Sergeevich, each vivo Recording succeeded.Tomorrow going to Moscow to sign the paper.A year or two and fly!

-A year or two?- Elk was amazed.

Yeah, maybe before.Things got more complicated.Bureaucrats had multiplied like rats after harvest.But the most important thing done!Already it fly!

With these words, Gusev went to Moscow.


Elk simple and lay at home.Gusev was long gone, the last week or two, as he drove off to sign papers.But Los patiently waiting for him.

In one of these evenings waiting knock at the door.Delighted Elk, forgetting his cold, jumped to the door and opened it, hoping to see bouncy mustache Gusev.

There stood Skiles.Elk taken aback.Its something he did not expect to see on the doorstep of his apartment.

-Hi - Skiles smiled cheerfully, as if they had parted only yesterday.- Do not expect to see me?

No, honestly - Los embarrassed.- Come in, please.

He missed the next visitor.Skiles walked around the room, clicked his tongue, looking around her miserable, austere, almost spartan furniture.

One-live?- He asked in Elk.

One, - answered all Elk also embarrassed.

Skiles sat on a lone stool.Elk flopped on the bed, almost fell, again rushed feeling unwell.

-What do I owe?

-You can get sick?- Asked Skiles instead of answering, ogladyvaya bottles with medicine standing on the rough surface of an old oak table.

-Sick - Los nodded.

-I have come to you in the case ... If you please, could you give me twenty minutes of attention?

-Speak - Elk said, feeling some trick in all that happens.

-You see, you know, I am a journalist - began from afar his uninvited guest.- I was very interested in hearing your stories about Mars ...

But I already told you everything I could - Los shrugged.

-I know - agreed to Skiles.- But this is not enough.I would like a better impression of what he saw.It's mind blowing event - a trip to Mars.Besides, you have opened there life close to the earth's shape.All this is very interesting ...

Ska st ls silent, apparently not knowing how to continue the conversation started.

What interests you?- Moose decided to keep the conversation going.It was clear that just because Skiles would not come.

-I am interested in a new mission to Mars - squeezed,Finally, Skiles.The last phrase was given to him with difficulty.

No, nothing is yet in sight, - shook his head Moose.

Skiles smiled, stood up and crossed the room.Again sat down on the stool.

-You see, I know about trying to organize a new flight Guseva - he started talking again - but, you know, due to the difficulties faced by your country at the moment, he is not far advanced.It may take years before they realized his plan.Have your hands full now republic on earth.So she was not there to Mars and some problems with flies.Whatever you say, it's fun and expensive.

-My Republic - coughed Elk - and then did not feel much wealth in the media,however ...

However, revolutionary fervor, fever, all tested after the coup, manifested itself.Now you have other times: on the ruins that are left over from the past, you are building the future.To do this, you need the real money that your republic is not.So, I can assure you, Gusev returns from Moscow with nothing.He's a good man.But enthusiasm alone will not get far, though his character can be minimized and the mountains.

Skiles paused between them there was an awkward pause.Moose tried to figure out what tends to his companion, but nothing good to come up and could not.

-Are you trying to upset me?- Said he had suddenly Skiles.

-Not at all - American waving his hands.- Believe me, I'm your friend. H euzheli you think I would be able to overcome this distance just to sit in front of you now and try to ruin your mood?

-What did you achieve your visit?- Elk was amazed.

American paused, smiling enigmatically and careful about looking at him,thenasked:

-You want to go to Mars again?

Yes, - Moose could not contain his burning desire.

He suddenly found myself thinking that this question sounds to him a second time in such a short time.

-Well, then - shrugged Skiles.- I suggest you and do it.

He told the Los, that in America there is a small but very influential group of people close to the government and the financial community, which is interested in Mars.They can build a ship, if Moose will give its consent to start work.And if he Elk wish, you can go to Mars again on one of these ships.

-On one of the ships?- Los surprised.

Yes, - nodded Skiles - imagine that starts at the same time not one, but several ships.

-But why?- Los surprised.

Skiles hesitated

-You see, we Americans are very practical people.You understand that all this is not done for fun.You found on Mars is something that is very necessary to our country.And even if there is no life left, we still would like to ask you to help us carry out this mission on the planet.

-So you are not interested in Martians?- Elk was amazed.

Question it sounded like a failure, and Skiles regretted that last words."Inscrutable Russian soul" - he thought to himself.

-You see, - he began again.- It is very good that you have found life there.Even if you have not found it still your flight would be just wonderful.But you found her ...

-So what?- Moose frowned.

-You found more ancient form of life and organized than on Earth, with more ancient history.

Elk excitement began to fill the tobacco pipe.He could not understand that Americans want to find on Mars.And it bothered.

Skiles saw Elk and excitement now pondering how to approach the Elk that he suddenly refused.

Without his consent in America journalist just could not go back.

He also lit up.

-You find there the story, do not you, Mr. Moose?

-What is the story?

-History of the Earth.If you remember, you were talking about migrants from Earth to Mars flown many thousands of years ago.

Yeah, yeah - agreed Elk - descendants of the lost civilization of Atlantis.

-That's it, - nodded Skiles.- Lost civilization.Its existence is still in question for us, the inhabitants of the Earth.And suddenly you find an echo of her stories on distant Mars.This extraordinary, fantastic discovery.No less fantastic than the flight in interstellar space.

-So what?

-So, the people on whose behalf I come to you, they want to fill this gap in the history of the Earth.And as evidence of the existence of Atlantis on our pla n e t e left behind them have to fly to Mars.Can you imagine what a revolution in the science of the history of the Earth and humanity will bring the expedition to Mars?

-Imagine - Los agreed.

-The huge reservoir of knowledge vanished civilization will again become available to mankind.And, take advantage of it, it will take a leap far ahead on the path of progress.People will forget what hunger will be happier ... In the end, if he is not a golden age, which is so dream in your country?

-In our - Elk raised his index finger - in our country, but not in yours.We want to save mankind from exploitation and enslavement, and you ... At the heart of your ideology is the enslavement of some other ...

-Throw you, Moose - waved his words Skiles, like circling around him importunate fly.- What can be enslavement, if we bring a cornucopia of secret Mars?Do you think that after this, it is possible there will be some maintenance ...

Well, since you will find something like this to do - Los interrupted.

Skiles realized that it is necessary to interrupt the conversation.

-Well, - he slapped his hands on his knees.- I leave you with your doubts ... Until tomorrow.Tomorrow I'll come to you again.Agreed?

-Agreed - agreed Elk.

He suddenly realized that this is a real chance to go to Mars, to see Aelita, connect with her.

Dreams suddenly dizzy its bottomless prospect.Between words and Gusev proposal Skiles lay a huge chasm.In the first case, they were together with Gusev hostages will of others, and here ...here everything depended on him, from the Elk.

Tomorrow I'll give you the answer, - said the engineer, seeing the threshold Skiles.

-I hope it will be positive - smiled ingratiatingly American.

Moose left alone.

The evening was filled with heavy reflections."What should I do?" - The eternal Russian question tormented him until late at night.

At midnight, someone knocked on the door.It was Gusev.Wet from the rain, angry, he burst into the apartment of the Elk.

-Bad news - he said from the doorway.

He was terribly upset.Paper is not signed, and he had to return empty-handed to Peter.

-But nothing, nothing - he encouraged himself and Elk.- You'll see, I'll do them.You'll see, we'll fly.

Gusev left.Elk it never told him about the offer Skiles.Why?He did not know what answer to this question.

Rest of the night passed in heavy thought.However, in the morning, he suddenly realized that his hope is that it rekindled Gusev, has now turned into a dream, and the dream is very close to reality when on the doorstep originated Skiles.

Now he's looking forward to the arrival of Skiles.The decision is already ripe in his head.

"Out of the Earth.Towards Mars!Towards Aelita "- he thought excitedly.

He even recovered from that thought.Illness suddenly passed, and he spent the rest of the day, smoking a pipe and continuously paced the room like a prison cell.

"Forward!" - Sang song his heart, winged know a dream come true.

Skiles came at the same time as yesterday.Moose he foundcompletely changed and quite surprised so quick and dramatic change.


In the apartment door engineer sounded cautious knock.Elk knew it Skiles.He was almost glad of the smarmy knock.Headlong he rushed to the door.

Skiles went with a strained expression.All the sleepless night he spent in thought.He was very anxious to obtain the consent of the Elk.The next day was crucial for all his adventurous activities.Solutions from Elk depended much in American life.He played for broke with the idea of a flight to Mars.Return it to cooperate with the consent of the Elk, and he was provided with wealth and honor.Get it failure - his name would be forgotten even in the newspapers and magazines.Thinking about it would not let him sleep all night.

And that's how everything happened.After returning from Mars Los and Gusev Skiles has published a series of remarkable articles.They glorified his name to the whole country, the whole world.Besides Skiles did not fail in their descriptions boast familiarity with elk before departure to Mars.

Articles Skiles had great resonance in the minds of the public.He was riding the wave of success and bask in the glory and luxury.All methods expecting him royal honors.He attended all the speeches Gusev and Elk, and at times from such a huge success felt the euphoria that is incomparable to anything else.If he had flown to Mars and was one of the heroes of the conquest of unknown and inaccessible worlds.

However, it soon became euphoria fade, his fame began to fade suddenly, with her ??as a tree in autumn, the leaves fell.Soon Skiles felt that nobody needs.People were waiting for new entertainment and Skiles was nothing he could offer her.

Interest to the Conquerors of Mars waned.By Skiles too.He suddenly felt the fees it came down sharply.Needed some fresh idea.And Skiles, an experienced journalist, he knew that the wrong sensations nobody is empty, so there was quite willing to achieve fame, success, recognition and wealth.Mingle with others, finding new spaces in foreign limits meant to fall into the crowd, and the chance to get out of her riding some uncharted success was small.This meant only one thing - the death of his brilliant journalistic career.Therefore it was necessary to draw from the well of its gold, which he found in Los and Mars.But what?It seemed that he settled to the bottom, and Skiles spent many weary months, traveling around the world, burning received fees and seeking inspiration in their embezzlement, which was to fill the new well reviver of fame and success.

In the end, when his livelihood suddenly found themselves at the end, he found salvation in a certain gentleman ideas Krabs, very powerful man, with whom he had the good fortune to meet in one of the casinos of Monte Carlo, where the remains of his lost condition.

Mr. Krabs immediately interested in stories about Los Skiles, Mars, Atlantis, the amazing machines.In the end, he invited Skiles to call to his villa near Los Angeles and continued there with him talk about Mars.

Skiles soon realized that Mr. Krabs are interested in the Moose himself.And it would be nice to organize their meeting.In their conversations last Krabs almost gave no hint to understand it, and a little thinking over the situation, enterprising Skiles got down to business straight.

So he mediator.His task is to find the Elk and get the consent of the meet Krabs.He is interested in two questions.

First.What did he get for it.Second.What he should ask from the Elk.

Krabs was also a business man, and he is very satisfied responded to this turn in their conversation.

So.He needs Moose.He needs at least all drawings, calculations and construction technology unit.At best, he needs the consent of the Russian engineer again to fly to Mars and bring out all the secrets and knowledge of Mars.

If Skiles will be able to bring the Elk and get him drawings and calculations that Krabs Skiles pay one million dollars, if the engineer will fly to Mars, Skiles will get five million.

They slapped hands, and went in search of Skiles Elk again lost somewhere in Russia, such alien and inaccessible to Americans.

"Wild Country" - thought Skiles, buying a ticket on a transatlantic ship.Anticipation that it will once again be in a dank Petrograd, his chilly shudder.However, in the pocket was almost empty.Krabs gave no deposit for the transaction, and Skiles went to Russia at your own risk.Like a man possessed, he took up the search for moose, simultaneously collecting all information about Gusev and his attempts to build a new spacecraft.That's why he knew all about the state of the project in Russia and understood that otherwise go to Mars, as on a proposal from him, Skiles, elk can not.

However, he was afraid.

From Russian could expect anything.And Elk Skiles could not refuse for no apparent reason.He had heard about the incomprehensibility of the Russian soul, convinced from experience how difficult and unpredictable to communicate with Russian and expected them to just anything.However, this was probably the only chance to get out, and he hoped struggles that he could persuade the Elk to go to America.

When he found the Elk in his pocket he had a little more than two tickets to New York.

The night ended with heavy thinking oblivion.Waking up in the afternoon, Skiles loaded revolver with one bullet, leaving him in a hotel room.So he outlined crucial evening came.

Either he's leaving tomorrow to America along with elk, or he would not leave there ever.He had nothing to lose.

Ordering in-room coffee with brandy and chocolate, Skiles took courage for something to twist the mirror and headed to Los into the apartment.

He found it in an unusually excited state.Elk from yesterday was gone.Throughout Elk behavior betrayed a desperate resolution.But Skiles knew Russian as it could mean the final "Yes", and the same is inevitable resounding "No".He braced himself as the front fork of fate, one of the roads which led to his death, the other - to fame, wealth and success.Skiles decided to behave as calmly as possible, without betraying his excitement.Frankly, Skiles was at a complete loss to the Elk excited.

Good evening - with difficulty he said.

-Hello, hello - glad Moose said, rushing to it like a drowning man to a lifebuoy.

Skiles suddenly felt prostration, and sat down heavily on a stool.

-So, what's your solution?

-Let's go, let's go, I agree - almost excitedly shouted Elk.

Do Skiles shoulders dropped a heavy burden, and at the same moment he felt back to life.Forces have returned to him, and Skiles felt again on his skate.Excitement over.He pulled himself together and spoke confidently and boldly.

-Well, in that case, tomorrow sail to America.In the morning you will issue documents to travel to the conference.

On the morning of Skiles drove him away, he felt again that it is entitled to spend money recklessly, took it with him.They spent half a day for a visa.Skiles with his usual insinuation quickly found a common language with all of the young Soviet bureaucracy, and in the evening they watched together on the Petrograd side of the steamer, sailing to Stockholm.

Moose was still in high spirits, but looking at the shore floating away sadly.Skiles said his despondency and clapped encouragingly on the shoulder:

-Soon to be on Mars.

-Yes, - agreed absently Elk.

He thought now of Gusev.It was necessary to warn his friend about everything.Although Elk knew it, Gusev unlikely to agree to his intentions.

Shore melted into the fog which blanketed the Baltic coast, and they fell into the cabin.

Elk now sought excuses for his quick fixes.


Yes, he wanted to see her, he wanted to be back on Mars, and what does it matter who help him realize a dream.Even America.While on the other hand, it was a betrayal.Nobody is to blame, that the Soviet republic now has no money for a new interplanetary flight.

Moose became assailed by doubts.He became gloomy.Skiles said it all the way and tried to distract the engineer from his thoughts.

After two weeks of swimming and they were moving in a villa in Krabs.Skiles immediately got your million, and was in a very cheerful mood.

-However, it was about five million - he recalled Krabs.

-But not yet Elk flies to Mars - Krabs said - in fact, and the money you received early.I do not have any machine drawings, calculations or your engineer or building technology.So ask you, dear Mr. Skiles, stay somewhere nearby.First of all I need calculations and drawings Elk second I have personally heard his agreement to cooperate with me in the construction of vehicles, at worst, and at best - to lead a mission to Mars.That's it!After the departure of the expedition you, I can assure you will get the rest of its four million.So far - you owe me.


Skiles got down to business.With renewed vigor, he arranged a meeting with Elk Krabs.However, the first negotiations came to nothing lead.Krabs was too pushy.He insisted that Los immediately signed a contract to build five space ships, and especially pressured consent Elk head interplanetary expedition.

Such pressure from Elk little confused and went in the end, in itself.

Excuse me - but he said - but I came here and so, three nine lands to fly to Mars.

-You see, such a thing: a very large financial investment, and I, as its main funders, do not wish to so costly depended on your whim - said he Krabs - so I ask you, Mr. Moose, do a little formality and sign the contract.

This phrase talks stalled.Moose asked for time to think and let him Krabs, left with nothing.

-You were too assertive - Skiles said, when Moose retired.- With Russian so it is impossible!

I'm afraid I'm too early to pay you money - shrugged Krabs.- That's it.You want to do this with your elk, but I have to be drawings, calculations and construction technology unit tomorrow.Otherwise you have to give me back a million!

Paper will take you the next day, Mr. Krabs - promised Skiles.

-Well, - shrugged Krabs.- The day after tomorrow - the last time!


Skiles began treating Elk.Grim picture of devastation again suddenly loomed in front of him and forced him to go all the tricks for which only he was capable of.Elk and did not notice it all laid out on paper.Skiles figured that doubt, the surprise, the delight, and the following evening a short description of all that he asked Krabs, he had.

He immediately gave all Krabs.

-I think your scientists speculation everything else - tried to instill confidence Krabs Skiles.

Krabs paper examined how people clearly do not understand them.

-Well, Skiles, I will give the paper its engineers.If they say that they do this enough, you will be a million - he agreed.


Meanwhile, Moose was in thought.Doubts about the act increasingly assailed him.Especially this Krabs.Bad character - this happened in his experience.These financial shark.Tears fly."He will not miss" - thought Moose.

At this time it knocked.It was Skiles.

Tomorrow you still have some talks - he said Elk.

-You see, I want to go home - he admitted Elk.

Skiles thought.

-That's strange.But what about Mars?

-I can wait.

-What?- Surprised Skiles.

Bye Gusev will produce funds to build a new ship.I am sure that he will succeed.Let a year.I'll wait.I've waited a long time.I'll wait another.Your Krabs - just an abomination.

-You see, when you have consented to e, I spent quite heavily to bring you here, dear Moose.Now you suddenly declare that refuse to work.Sorry, but I have no money to send you back to Russia.Have some work to do on that person, even if he'll even repulsive.

-Well, - frowned Elk - in this case, I will give Gusev a telegram and he will take me.He's coming for me ...

-You think so?

-I am sure of it!

Skiles was confused.He met with Krabs, who told him that in principle, if Elk obstinate, these documents would be sufficient.

However, it takes a little longer than I expected - he said reproachfully.- So you know that I was not quite satisfied.


Elk still sent a telegram Gusev: "Urgent come I in America."In a new meeting with Skiles he said with all sincerity about this journalist.

-Are you crazy!- Outraged Skiles.

I do not want to work with you - Elk admitted - and I want to go to Russia.

-No you will work ten times slower - pleaded Skiles - at least for me stay.Well, at leastone ship build!

No, - Elk flatly.Perseverance early American Institute ala his dopekat.

-I will give you, I promise money for the trip.And so that you can build your ship in Russia.Just build the ship Krabs!

However, Moose was categorical.

"It is not profitable to let you" - thought Skiles, leaving Elk.He informed the Krabs that Moose is going to escape back to Russia, and he offered to take Elk secluded estate owned Krabs, near Chicago, where moose are unlikely to find at least three Gusev."We'll make it work!" - Outraged Krabs.

The next morning under the guise that it agreed to send to Russia, was taken to the Elk Manor Krabs, where they took custody.Skiles got there a little later:

-You see, Mr. Moose, in America, for every dollar invested to be answered.So while you may not agree to work for Mr. Krabs, you have to stay here.Arte.

-You should not do so, - said Elk - Gusev already knows that I'm in America.He would find me and take, as if you have not hid.

-I doubt - Skiles shook his head.- I advise you to accept the proposal of Mr. Krabs and stop fooling around.

On that they parted.

Returning to Krabs, Skiles knew that he would have to go urgently to Petrograd and prevent Gusev get to America.

-Do what you want, Mr. Skiles - Krabs was visibly annoyed.- Bring as many people, but I do not need hype all over America in this regard.

Shumikha no-no, - assured him Skiles.

- I do not need at all to this crazy sailor, or whatever he appeared here.Do you understand me, Skiles?- Krabs was furious.

The next morning, Skiles moved to New York Yyurk, taking with him a couple of dozen stalwarts of protection Krabs to sail from there to Europe, and then in Petrograd.


Elk meanwhile remorse in prison.He has nine times regretted that he agreed to go to America.Pathetic romance of his soul!Hurry love!How could he let himself be used as these Americans!

But there was nothing.But wait, when Gusev come for him.He believed that Gusev able to rescue him from captivity, and waited for him as a god.

Skiles did not appear, but now some other people regularly visited him and wondered if he did not change his decision, and does not want to get started on whether Mr. Krabs.But every time Los categorically replied: "No", and they left with nothing.


Meanwhile Krabs wasted no time, and the time Skiles reached Petrograd build five spaceships unfolded in full swing.Its engineers have made ??the necessary calculations, ordered the hull, machinery and engines s ship,restored fuel formula, which was used by elk, and promised Krabs that a couple or two months of working on the construction of the ships will be completed.

Krabs rubbed his hands with pleasure.The expedition promised him huge profits.


The next day after Gusev came from Moscow, he again went to Los.He wanted to cheer comrade.He believed that all they will get better, but I felt that Los doubts this, and because he had to strengthen it in anticipation.

However, despite the lateness of the visit, the engineer was not at home."Where can he be?" - Surprised Gusev.

He repeated his visit in a day, then stopped again.The result was the same.Gusev worried.His anxiety increased when he paid a visit to the factory where he worked Elk.There he was informed that the Moose is not shown to work for a week.

With police he hacked room Elk, fearing the worst.But there, in spite of his grim expectations, there was no one.The apartment was empty engineer and abandoned.

Gusev sounded the alarm."He could not go anywhere without telling me," - he argued with the police."What happened to him could happen?" - Surprised there."I do not know, but you declare wanted - a man's gone!" - Insisted Gusev."Well," - agreed with the police and began searches on the Elk.

Meanwhile, Gusev did not cease to seek money to build a spaceship.Disappearance spurred his attempts to engineer.But officials and responsiveness due to this fact became much more pronounced th."There is a blessing in disguise" - thought Gusev, leaving another office with a signed paper.The matter went suddenly a lot more fun.

"And yet, what happened to Moose?" - This issue is constantly bother Gusev.

A week passed, another month, but the Los there was no news.

"What happened to him?Where are you, Moose?Respond "- prayed Gusev.No elk construction machine was not possible at all, even if it turns out that the funds for a new expedition there.

Gusev was summoned to Moscow.In one of the high offices, where he felt, despite his brave character, a little embarrassed and awkward, it pleased: the money to build a new ship are given.The Soviet Government considers it very important new expedition to Mars.

-Build, Comrade Gusev, new ship - approvingly patted him on the shoulder.

-Good - glad Gusev.

He returned to Petrograd, and first of all visited the apartment of Elk.There was no one still.Guseva not pleased and the police."Still nothing," - spread the chief of police hands.

Do you understand that the expedition under threat - almost shouting, pounced on him Gusev.- Our Soviet government allocated money for the expedition, and now we must begin to build a ship, and the most important person from whom everything depends on this expedition, no, and no one knows where he has been one and a half months.

Indignation Gusev even banged his fist on the table.This behavior is very scared of Petersburg police chief.

-Think, Comrade Gusev.Our police already hands full.Prostitutes, thieves, bandits, robbers - do not think that we have nothing to do without you.We are investigating the disappearance of your moose, but he lived in seclusion, but because no one has not even seen his last two-three months.He would have been familiar friends.But besides you, they no one is interested!All St. Petersburg police knocked down in his quest, but so far no sense.We will look for him to strengthen work in this direction ...

-Keep inmind, this is a matter of national importance - shook his finger at Gusev.

Another week passed, and suddenly called Gusev same police chief, whom he swore.Gusev came to him immediately.

Left-your Elk, Comrade Gusev.

How to go?- Izumi Gusev.

-And that's it, here - showed the chief paper - permitting the exit visa.


Who knows.Somewhere abroad.Indicated that at some conference.

Yes, but if so, it certainlywould have told me where and why ...

-I do not know, I do not know, - said the head with excellence.That's the ticket for the steamer.

He handed Gusev ticket stub.Gusev puzzled stare at them.

So now, look for it yourself.Here, in Petrograd, and in the Soviet republic it is not accurate.As you can see, we do not lose time in vain.But now look for it yourself.

-But where?

-I think somewhere abroad - shrugged police chief.

Now head Gusevwas a continuous confusion.Moose went somewhere.But where?And why not informed?

Thoughts circled one another absurd and succeeded each other in his mind.But no reply was, when he came by itself ...

More time passed, and one morning the postman knocked on the door Gusev.

-Telegram for you.Of America, - he said.

Gusev snatched postman paper.

"I am in America, come urgently.Skiles deceived me.Be careful.Possible prosecution.Do not let me back.Forced to work in a certain Krabs.He wants to go to Mars "- was listed in the telegram.

"Damn!This is still not enough! "- Gusev cried and swore.- "Well, Moose, you asked me a puzzle!However, it should really help out! "

Gusev rushed to gather in America.Strange circumstances surrounding the disappearance of the Elk and telegram, sent to them from America, did the trick.From Moscow, where he immediately went Gusev returned to Petrograd, endowed with special powers.To assist him, the Cheka allocated two people.Looked around, where to look for this Krabs, who is mentioned in the telegram Elk.Learned that Krabs really for the money, but he was a man of quite famous and wealthy industrialist builds interplanetary ships and going to surprise the world with some stunning discoveries.Just American newspapers began hype about grandiose plans Krabs, that he organized a "Martian company" and invites everyone moneybags invest in this profitable project and become his companion for interplanetary flight.

Full of indignation and anger, angry at himself Elk Gusev, but hurried to help him.


Gusev late evening with two comrades on the ship sailed from Petrograd.Their path lay in New York, and Gusev expected to arrive in America in a week swimming.Still had to cross the whole of America to get to California, where he lived Krabs.Of course, already, judging by telegram, Elk just would not let go, and Gusev pondered how best to organize his homecoming.It was obvious that the upcoming fight.

However Gusev hoped that it will begin in America, but she had already started on the boat.

As I recall, Skiles sent his men in Petrograd, that they found and defused Gusev.When it was not known where elk, they were already in Petrograd and vengeance sought restless Gusev ambushed near his home, but he somehow passed.Only at the last moment spies learned that Gusev sent overseas, and immediately rushed to sail on the same ship.

On the ship, they set up surveillance of Gusev and found out that he is accompanied by two strong young men.When spies found it convenient to carry out an attack, the ship has crossed half of the Atlantic.

It was late night.Gusev did not sleep.He was thinking about how to behave on the ground in America, not to make mistakes myself to stay alive, and even moose rescue from captivity.One of the companions who accompanied him, was already asleep.Another took place in the next cabin, through the wall.

Suddenly thought Gusev broke suspicious noises in the next cabin, where he lived one of his companions.He held her one travel companions he was not, and so late in the wall always been quiet: Well, what kind of noise can create sleep?

Gusev listened alert.And Mey old wartime hardening, o n was ready for any surprises.

Sounds behind the wall increased.It seemed that there is a struggle.

Gusev did not like it.He woke up sleeping next friend and showed him the sign on the wall.They took up guns and went out into the corridor.

Door to the adjoining cabin was ajar.Gusev opened it and decisively broke into the room.Behind he heard breathing a step up with him comrade.

The first thing he saw in the cabin - the body sprawled on the bed companion.He lay without signs of life.Beside him were two men in black, form-fitting costumes.One of them immediately pointed the gun and ran towards the shot.

Gusev, having good dexterity and little podnatorevshy melee and unarmed combat, ducked.Worked for years to develop in it for all its e combat savvy and enviable life reaction.He tumbled to the floor and still not seeing the enemy opened fire from a cursory revolver, firing four bullets at once randomly.

In response, also opened a furious fire.Several bullets pecked the floor beside him and whistled overhead.Gusev rolled, immediately raised his head and sighting shot two more times.One of the strangers, the one that was at the back, groaned and fell to the floor.

Behind Gusev also groans.He realized that his friend just got shot.

Rounds in the drum was no more, and threw himself into the melee Gusev to escape unscathed opponent to shoot him.In a frantic and desperate dash he knocked it into his stomach aimed gun, threw it on the bed, and they began to fight fiercely, trying to not e si miles hit and strangle each other.

The enemy was clearly stronger Gusev.Skiles long selected the heavyweights and athletes to make them work for sure.Soon forces began to leave Gusev.Realizing that he was now lost, and it will mean the end, Gusev contrived a couple of times as it should, struck the enemy on the head with his fist, freed himself, grabbed a huge thumbs up with a table lamp and a few times with all the forces that he had left, dropped it on the enemy's head.

The cabin was dark.Bulb broke.

Elk rushed to his comrade, writhing, moaning on the floor, picked up his heavy body under the arms, took the gun, and dragged him into the hallway.

Remain on the ship was not.In any case, Gusev feared that revealed himself.Yes, it was unknown how many spies still larded ship.

Struggled up the stairs to the wounded, Gusev was on deck.His thoughts were now directed to the seaplane fixed to the vessel's stern.We had to urgently fly the ship.

Gusev he reached the stern, put here mate, who was unconscious on the deck and began to reload a revolver.

On the ship, meanwhile rose stir.Many of the passengers heard a frantic night of shooting in one of the cabins, and not a little concerned about the carnage on the peaceful boat, got to his feet the whole crew.Everywhere now again armed sailors.They paid to have found three in the cabin, where gunfire was heard.One of them, the order stunned, trying to recover, but nothing from him unrecognizable.The other two showed no signs of life.

Captain ordered to search the entire ship, and now the team ran through all the corridors and decks, ready at any moment to open firing.To stern has not got.

Gusev dragged the wounded into the cockpit and now feverishly preparing for takeoff seaplane.Fortunately, he was filled and fused.Gusev plane freed from attachment and now pondered how to fly, examining instruments and levers, remembering their purpose.

A few minutes passed, but he was in a hurry, and it seemed to him that it has been about half an hour.Having dealt with the management of a little seaplane Gusev jumped out of the plane and rushed to the rotary tap to throw in the direction of the short take-off ramp.When he did it and has climbed back into the cockpit to fly on the deck was heard several shots.

Gusev turned.It was discovered.He shot a bruiser, he whacked lamp.With one hand he held his bruised head, and because shooting was inaccurate.At the other end of the ship ran to him several armed sailors.We had to take off immediately.

Gusev slammed the door and turned the key to start.Motor sneezed several times.Propeller cranked up a couple of times lazy, but suddenly turned into a gleaming day.Gusev grabbed the handlebars levers, twisting on the trampoline.

Sailors joined the Hoosier and also opened fire.They ran a few armed men, led by the captain.Every second delay was fraught with death.Sailors shot more accurately, and several bullets hole in the cab door.A little more and they would be riddled plane.

Gusev added resolutely turns.Hydroplane slid turned on runners on springboard.Shooting still more pronounced.Gusev, that there are forces gunned and pulled levers elevators themselves.

Springboard over.Car rushed down, falling almost flat, but the water slowed the fall, went smoothly and began to climb.

Fast ship was somewhere in the back, but shooting, becoming very bitter, was still audible.Gusev relish cursed himself.He was always ready for anything, but such a drastic turn of events did not expect.

Near quietly moaning wounded comrade.A bullet hit him in the neck, and he was rapidly losing blood, breaking off every minute.Another generally remained on the ship.Gusev had to act alone, which greatly complicates the task.Besides, as he is now convinced Americans are watching him, and were not going to let him in America.Previously, he had not thought that his person could be so much attention."Though war on them, hell, announces because of this and because of this Elk Mars" - indignantly thought to myself, Gusev, leading plane of the compass to the west.

During the war, he had to fly several times.But that was long ago, and he's a little doubt, as he will be able to put the car, the more unfamiliar.

Much time has passed.Was already day ahead seemed shore.Approaching closer, Gusev saw that it was unusual configurations, with houses similar to the cliffs, and this height, which in Russia was not a single building, a city set on the shore of the huge bay, the middle of which stood on the island of the giant statue of Liberty.

Ahead was New York.He had been here after their arrival from Mars.Masha drove here, and his wife was involved in all sorts of activities organized by the Americans after their arrival.From the height of the city seemed flecked with gray haze, as if there were smoking at the same time all its inhabitants, gray and hostile.It is possible that the fugitives from the ship here already waiting and not with the best intentions.

Gusev close to the bay and splashed down in the middle, near the island with the Statue of Liberty, then long taxied on the water, adjusting the plane closer to the shore.

His companion was no longer breathing, Gusev touched his arm.It was cold.Gusev climbed out of the cockpit and set off to swim to shore.

He got to the station, bought a train ticket and fearing the police station by darting, as if to look for him, rushed to the nearest train departing towards California, where he waited as a savior, Moose.

By the evening of the third day he got to Los Angeles.From there, finding out how to find thevilla Krabs, headed straight there.


After finding a villa Krabs, Gusev settled not far from it in a thick grove, in an ambush, climbed a tree and watched the whole day out for movements of the estate and on the approaches to it.

Elk he never saw.But several visits to his friend Skiles, who wandered through the park, talking excitedly about something, waving his arms, with some fat, pot-bellied short man who, apparently, was Krabs.Apparently, there already knew about what happened on the ship.Who else would send assassins to meet Gusev, but Skiles with Krabs.

Sitting in a tree, Gusev pondered how to get inside the estate and find moose, suddenly, late in the afternoon, he saw that the big man who was whacked on the head lamp.He came along with Skiles.His head was bandaged."Well I treated you!- Involuntarily glad Gusev.- That's for our comrades, you bastards, kill. "

Krabs busy explaining something with Hoosier rewound head.Skiles just stood and listened.Then they left and thought Gusev.

Around it appeared that there is no moose.Protection of the villa there was almost no.Now this bruiser went somewhere with Skiles."Somewhere else they're keeping him - decided,finally, after weighing all the arguments Gusev.- It is necessary to catch Skiles somewhere along the road to the villa.He'll know where Moose.I'll make this unscrupulous journalist lead me to an engineer! "

Dusk.Twilight deepened.Gusev moved into the bushes near the road leading to the villa Krabs.He has matured a firm decision to seize Skiles and use it to find the engineer.

Events do not have to wait long.After half an hour on the road seemed the machine on which, as usual, came Skiles.When the car approached, Gusev saw that the car man.He was behind the wheel, and it was Skiles.

When the car came up to the bushes, Gusev rushed headlong to the car, jumped on the bandwagon and the open window on the driver instructed revolver:

-Wait, - he commanded, - wait, you bastard!

Skiles, and it really was he braked.

-Sit down, not pulled, - warned him Gusev, climbed into the cab, still holding journalist at gunpoint, and put a gun to his side, he asked.- What did not expect?

-No, on the contrary - Skiles grinned.

-So bad waited - concluded Gusev.- Well, tell me where elk?Quickly!And do not try to trick me, I will not fly with lowered until Elk not see.

Skiles, realizing that arguing with Gusev not worth it, took him to the castle, where they kept the Elk Krabs.But all the way he tried to convince Gusev that all his attempts to get away from Elk are unsuccessful:

Elk-too well guarded.

Gusev listened to American, but made his conclusions.As they drove up to the castle, where they kept an engineer, he said Skiles:

-I do not need.But you can help me release the Elk, and then going to help us until we get out of America.Then I'll let you go.And now come out.And do not try to joke with me.I am angry at you.You started all this, brewed this mess.You give her the disentangle!

Together with Skiles they came to the gate of the castle, where he stood guard.

Tell him that Los needed Krabs, and you're taking it on the negotiations - Gusev whispered in the ear of his prisoner.

-They are subject only to Krabs, and without his orders will not do anything - Skiles shook his head.

The guard has noticed them and went to meet him.He was armed.

Then tell me what you need to talk to elk.

-I have been here today and talked with him.

-So what?Say that one more time to talk.And do not try to do something extra!Immediately shoot!- Warned Gusev.

Guard missed Skiles, asking who came with him.

-This is one Russian.I think it might thus be possible to negotiate with the elk.

-I will report Krabs, you've come - said the guard.

-Don't - Skiles stopped him.- He knows everything.I'll call him after the conversation.Tell me, the best watches in the house to let us through the room to the engineer Elk.

Along the way, Gusev said that the guards in the house is really a lot.

-How many people are guarding the house?- He asked Skiles.


-When a change of the guard?

-After an hour - Skiles said, glancing at his watch.

They went into the room to Los.First entered Skiles.Moose turned and saw him.

-I already told you everything.Nothing new for you I have not.I demand to be allowed to go home - he said Skiles.

-Elk, buddy, it's me!- Gusev rushed to him.

Elk frightened by surprise, but then delighted.They embraced.

-I am with you!Came to rescue you!How are you?

-Yes, that!Fool rotten mess - shrugged Elk.

Okay, now is not the time to talk, we will get out of here.

Gusev turned.Skiles was not.While the A-axis and Gusev hugged, he quietly slipped out of the room.

-Oh, you bastard!- Gusev rushed to the door.Her already heard rapid footsteps of several people who were sent to a room Elk.

-Bring all to the door - barricading.Quickly!- He commanded Elk.

They began to obstruct the door furniture.On the other hand it is trying to open.

Yes, we have got - angrily concluded Gusev.- How could I have missed Skiles ...

-Gusev, Elk open.You can not get away from here - heard a voice from behind the door Skiles.- Gusev, surrender!

- Well, it's the pipes!- Muttered under his breath Gusev.

Assault on the door increased.She tried to push so that the furniture piled in a heap, crumbled.

-Open, we'll shoot!- Shrieking Skiles.

Shoot-not - reassured Gusev Elk.- I would have shot them.But they need you alive.How to get out of here?

-I have thought about it - said Elk, helping prop Gusev barricade.- Under the window there is a cornice.It is narrow and slippery, but it can get to the drain.However, if sorveshsya ...

Nothing, come on.Climb the first.I'll cover.In any case, if you do not run away now, it will never be freed.More over you no one would come - it petitioned Gusev.- Let's climb.I'll keep.

-What about you?

-I then, come on!

Elk crossed the sill to the cornice.Prior to the downspout had to pass on it along the wall about five meters on a sloping rail slippery surface.Stay was not for that, and Elk, squinting from fear, began to move in small steps along the wall.His heart sank with fear at the thought that he might slip or lose your balance and fall off then the nine-meter height.

He moved farther.From the room, from the window where he heard sounds of a struggle.Several times from the window shows Gusev.

-You are not yet at the bottom?- He asks.- Come alive!

From the window I heard echoes of shooting.This shot Gusev.The guards at the door of his onslaught nearly destroyed the barricade, and the old soldier had no choice as to open fire at random through the door.In any case, he decided not to give up living, no matter what happens.

After the shots Guseva pressure on the door stopped, but after a minute, because the doors were heard gunshots response.Bullets whistled nearby.

Gusev rushed to the window.Elk coming down the pipe."So good!" - He tore the curtain and threw down on the mountain dumped at the door furniture, took a match and lit the cloth.Dear mother puffed heavily, then the smoke seemed flames.Door again began to break.The room was shrouded in smoke.

Gusev, palnuv revolver several times, and climbed onto the ledge, agile as a cat, got to the downspout and quickly went down, caught up with the engineer.

Quickly run - he commanded.

They scooted crossed the park, climbed over the fence and trellis reached the car Skiles.

Well, - said Gusev - now in New York!

The car drove off.

That same evening they were at the airport in Los Angeles, where immediately flew to New York.

On the road everywhere Gusev expect to find an ambush.But, oddly enough, they no opposition.

-We can meet in New York - he warned Elk.- So be prepared for anything.You want to go home?

Yes, - nodded Elk.

Then listen to me!Oh, and I had suffered because of you - suddenly complained Gusev, reloading revolver.- Sorry, one revolver.The second would not stop us now.

At the airport, they quickly left the plane, and Gusev Elk dragged in the direction opposite the terminal building, where the other passengers were sent.

-We are waiting there for sure!- He said Elk.

They reached the edge of the airfield and sat down to rest on the grass.

So-so - began to expound his plan Gusev.- Here I leave a seaplane, to fill it - he took from his pocket a small gold mantel clock in the form of a statue of Venus - I think this stuff bourgeois enough for all our expenses.

In the town of Gusev found pawnshop laid clock.Then they hired a boat with the intention that he took them to the seaplane.Gusev boat owner instructed to get a barrel of jet fuel for refueling airplane.

Evening spotting small nasty rain.Gusev using host boats poured kerosene in the tank, on the ropes holding up the barrel of the wing glider.Elk sitting in the cockpit.Gusev instructed him to look at both, but through glass, studded with endless raindrops, almost nothing was visible.It was getting dark.Moose drawn from peaceful sleep on the waves rocking the seaplane.He fought sleep, but still asleep.

His sleep was interrupted by Gusev, meddling in the cockpit.

-Move quickly!- His voice was angry.

Los rose.The boat went into the darkness.His sidelights quickly removed.

-I asked you both look!- Elk reproached Gusev.- Did you sleep!

-What happened?- Engineer asked, puzzled.

-Oh, nothing, - said Gusev, taking a revolver from the Elk.- Saves you here ...

He jumped out of the cab and suddenly started shooting.In response, also heard shots.Moose looked the other way to the pier.And then he saw several cars and people fleeing from them to the aircraft.In the dark, glittering flash in their hands.Several times, something clicked through the cabin.Crackle plywood.

Gusev isstrelyal entire reel, bent, climbed into the cockpit, threw the revolver Elk:

Charge-fast!- And he began fiddling with controls.

Listened to the roar of the engine.Elk bent, pulled out a box of ammunition bags and began recharging revolver.

Hydroplane twitched.The engine is already deafening roar.However,through this roar could be heard on the aircraft skin has a hail of bullets at which cracking plywood.

-Lucky us today - spoke Gusev.- Generally lucky ... However, water fly had ever seen.

He led the plane to the Statue of Liberty, which was visible in the distance, illuminated by searchlights.

Elk shoulder suddenly something burned.He instinctively grabbed him from the pain.Blood remained on the fingers.

-I seem to be injured, - he said.

-Me too, - said Gusev.

Only now observe that one covered in blood.

Hail of bullets ceased.Beach was already far away.Engine strained howled and Moose felt his shrank into his chair.Hydroplane rushed over the waves, occasionally bouncing on their crests and from swaying from side to side.Finally, he looked up and slowly walked up.Gusev pulled the wheel and added gas to the limit.Plane lifted nose and went up steeply.

-Recently, I did not drive such nonsense - he admitted.- But nothing - we could reach!

They rose above the clouds, where there was light, and, guided by the compass, Gusev sent a car to the east.

-I do not know how much is enough gorjuchki, but the engine is running - will fly.Not afraid,Mstislav Sergeevich?


-Getting stuck like this in the ocean - said Gusev.

-I do not know - Moose shrugged and felt a sharp pain in the forearm.

Gusev noticed how contorted his face and realized:

Yes, bad that you hurt.But it could be worse.

-Could - Los agreed.

Soon persuaded him to sleep.


When he woke up, he was already a day.They flew over the ocean.

Where are we?- Asked Elk.

-I do not know - hard Gusev said.He was pale and looked tired.- We ought to splash down, relax, explore the wound.I touched up ... but it is necessary to fly, though sleepy.To take off a lot gorjuchki goes, but it has so little ...

Moose wondered how wounded, have not slept yet and Gusev manages to fly a plane.He wanted to say something, but the weakness probably leaned on him because of the blood loss, sleepy and did not want to talk at all.Moose fell asleep again ...

All-sailed!- Exclamation Guseva woke him.

The cabin was a strange silence, and Elk first did not even realize what was happening.

Gorjuchki-ended - said wearily Gusev.- I'll try to plant.

Hydroplane more lurches down.They are rapidly approaching the surface of the ocean.They went into a nosedive, and howled in the air to stop the propeller.

Before the water Gusev pulled the steering wheel, and the airplane went almost horizontal gliding flight, but then hit floats on water, jump and hit again.However, airframe, though gritted, flickered from all wordly overload, but still stood.The car plunged into the water, emerged and rocked on the waves, slowly spinning around its axis.

Nothing ..., drive a piece of plate.The main thing that floats do not burst, and then potopnem, - commented on the events Gusev.- Make sure that if we begin to sink.However, it is unclear how to save ...

Gusev said literally falling asleep:

-I will sleep a little ...


When Gusev woke up, he watched his wound, then Elk, and concluded that the wounds were not dangerous.But they both lost a lot of blood and were lethargic and weak.

Gusev broke his vest bandages and bandaged shoulder first Elk and remains - his wound.

The ocean was empty.They even had no idea where they are.

Old soldier, Gusev hefty supply of provisions and water, and it is now cool handy.He shared the food and water in equal parts and calculated:

Proviant-last us for a week - he reported Elk.- Water - about ten days.

Dragged weary clock first, then the days of drifting in the vast expanses of the ocean.

Times rose light storm, but large storms and hurricanes passed them.

Plane that rocked subtle turquoise waves on surface of complete calm during t about soared upward, and then rushed down the steep slope to water, and it seemed that he was going to not survive the onslaught of the waves and go to the bottom.

Even appeared on the horizon never anything like a ship.Sometimes not only on the Elk, but Gusev found despair.Provisions, as they did not try to save, came to an end, the case also with water situation was no better.That's it, seemed to come to an end.

Then, in moments of desperation, Gusev braced himself and Elk memories of his experiences:

-Throw you, in fact, Mstislav Sergeevich, grieve.Our time has not come yet!We're flying!Mars still ahead!

How do you know, Alexei Ivanovich?

Yes fullness!See, in fact!We are in the world, her my homeland.This is not a limitless world space, where we are almost died!However'm not dead!For tens of millions of kilometers from Earth were in a bowl, which is a little better than this hydroplane, if you take it in relation to our oday shnego position to scale the world space.And, if not destiny was not dead yet!It's not time to die!We are waiting for a new mission to Mars!That's what I want!I missed on interstellar travel!

His carefree daydreaming, in fact,life-enhancing and, oddly enough, carrying hope, although there is no logic to encourage memories of experienced severe trials, it would seem, was not.In fact, they are the same in the world, not even on Mars, as on Earth.It's like at home, just not in the room!But they fall into another room, be sure to get.

Elk recalled times Aelita.It also cheered, but not as empty and useless chatter Gusev.Oddly enough, but the image of Aelita, who was supposed to lead it forward now in a critical situation hopeless and endless drifting in the ocean, alas, is not encouraged.On the contrary, if not chatter Gusev memories of Aelita dragged him deep into the jungle hopeless despair.

Bullet - a fool, I fools, Mstislav Sergeevich!- Sentenced Gusev, swarming up Verkhoturov aircraft.

He used every minute of calm in order to improve their situation.

Now he is engaged in the wings seaplane.Water supplies coming to an end, and without waiting for this, experienced and quick-witted soldier decided to adapt them to collect rainwater, which generously poured from the sky during a storm.

-This is what you, Alexei Ivanovich?

Gusev busily saddled wing and n i l smiling cut down the upper wall of the wing fuel tank, fitting it under a bowl to collect rainwater.Tank design housed within and between the ribs of the wing, taking all of his area, so when the rain water was sufficient to linger.It was only necessary to remove the entire area of ??its upper part.

Yes this I mean, Mstislav Sergeevich, I as the war was - was never afraid of any attack with his sword unsheathed fly nor bullets was not hiding.But those who are hiding from them - they were getting, their mother is so, really and truly, Mstislav Sergeevich, fetched.Bullet - she's a fool, intelligent love, and someone like me, fool bypasses.

-Hmm, - head in disbelief led Elk watching resourceful to survive as part of Gusev.

Yes something and it's so.Yes, remember, though Mars.Have seen what happened with entimi Huguenots.Give them concessions and not fight!That's got full concessions!Yes, and I is not much allowance!One - he is a warrior, even if the hero.Team needs him, brave, the same as he did.But such an irresponsible proletarian population of Mars is almost not there.That's the result ...

Gusev busily nastukival chisel, occasionally pogladyvaya to heaven, where his naked torso mercilessly grilled sun.But he was like a balm, so, anyway, it looked from the outside.Elk presented himself on the spot and sweaty tanned Guseva, and involuntarily shuddered unpleasant sensation of utter discomfort.A Gusev was though that ...

- ... So I say, remember Mars.What would have happened if I had bullets from Martian hiding behind a cactus?Yes, there would have remained, not a damn thing we have not departed from Mars, there would remain.That's why I say bullet fool - my whole life experience leads to this.See danger - let her teeth so much spark from his eyes! ..Eh, what's there, Mstislav Sergeevich!saw everything!I pulled you with America on one enthusiasm, more than on anything.Enthusiasm and courage - that's my weapon against any enemy, even here with this swim in the vast ocean.

Well, and what about your enthusiasm will help here?- Moose asked, puzzled.

Yes have allthe same as above!- Answered without hesitation Gusev.- You'll see, we get to the Russian Federation, certainly get.


A few more weary days of endless swimming.

One day during lunch, when theyhad finished the last crumbs of food supplies, Gusev still chided Elk:

You-me better Mstislav Sergeevich, tell me how you got it into his head to America to go?And I did not say anything!Well it turns out as a betrayal!

-In fact, - agreed, embarrassed, Moose, as it does not expect so suddenly call for response from Gusev.- I'll be honest, and he can not fully understand how Skiles managed to persuade me.Like a hallucination!

-Yes there is an obsession!- With a touch of annoyance whistled Gusev.- It's just your irresponsibility proletarian position manifested itself in relation to the world bourgeoisie.Vaughn see where all this led - Gusev shook his head, showing you around on the boundless expanse of turquoise.- Yes, and how many comrades were killed for no reason ...

Elk frowned, and Gusev, noting that crossed the line, tried to mitigate the situation:

Well, of course, security officers work like this - the danger is called.They must be ready at any moment to repel an enemy attack, as I'm here!And they make a blunder, not enough experience.Well, okay, what can we now ...

Moose was silent, then said:

-I thought it would not work with us with the new flight ...

-It is wrong - concluded Gusev - believe it is necessary.After all, before you believe!Without it would not fly to Mars.Even the first time would not fly would be if they did not believe!

-Yes, you are right, Alexei Ivanovich - Los puzzled agreed.

He was not alone.In fact, why suddenly he allowed himself to doubt that all Gusev achieve?He was deep in thought for a long time.


Rations ended a week as.Thanks to the invention of Gusev water was better, although it gave extremely aviation kerosene, but this is better than none at all.

Finished with wings, Gusev seriously engaged in radio transmitter.Every day when shone during the calm sun, he took out his sdohshy battery casing on the hot airframe and kept so long.By evening, he sat at the wheel and had sent through animated transmitter signals for help as long as the radio did not die again.

In the morning it was repeated again.

Gusev about their location determined by the compass, the sun and moon.They were somewhere in the five hundred kilometers north of the equatorial waters of the Atlantic and almost midway between Europe and America.There were no strong currents like the Gulf Stream, so hopefully that will make for at least one day to the shores of Europe, it was impossible.Could only rely on the fact that they still will look.


One late afternoon Gusev helped Elk seaplane to pull a dead baby shark homemade harpoon.

These fish appeared for some time about their aircraft drifting, and now steadily accompanied lazily navorachivaya circles.

Aha - then said Gusev, as only the first time spotted this uninvited escort - waiting for revelry!Gathered early!- He angrily shook their fists.Then suddenly beamed.- So there is help us!Well, Mstislav Sergeevich, akulyatinkoy not want to regale?

-How's that?- Did not understand him Moose.

-And that's it!- The evening of the same day was ready to harpoon of duralumin tube with steel tip, and an hour from the first float seaplane fluttered them a wounded shark meat which would be enough for a whole week.

So, pulling another spear pierced the fish, Gusev corner of his eye he noticed a little further, something popped out of the water and disappeared again.It felt like the tip of the fin whale, which sailed past times, making a world movement.But it was too fast and gone.Gusev threw the harpoon rope, and then something strange seemed a second time.

Such a contraption he had never seen before, though he could not boast of his exploits disadvantage, both on land and at sea.

-What the hell?- He tapped the shoulder of the Elk, which now alone pulled up bleeding shark.

Now Elk shopped.

It emerges from the water, then disappeared something moving at high speed, like a big black pipe smoking.

-Yes-to it w periscope!- Los elated cried, waving his arms above his head and cried as if it is meant salvation.

-Wait, but suddenly the Americans?- Tried to calm him down Gusev, but then suddenly too vigorously and joyfully began to honk and Oratov s so that heard probably half of the universe, which now looked the part of the earth where they were sitting.

Periscope fast approaching, more and more of the rising water.Now be visible on the commander flagpole bridge pop from ocean depths.It still heavy with water, hung the flag of the Russian Federal Republic.


They picked up a Soviet submarine, which is specially sent from Murmansk to caught by Guseva signals for help.

Finally, their adventure ina few months long gone and now Gusev and Los feel at home on board close-scented oil bucket vessels.Finally ended their loneliness, during which they just tried not to go crazy and do not lose heart, wait until help comes.

But now they are at home!

Gusev eagerly quizzed the captain of the submarine news from home.With dismay, he learned that Americans have begun to prepare a flight to Mars.Moretimes he angrily complained about the Elk that he betray the secrets of bourgeois republic, but did not tell him anything, seeing as how he is responding.

Yes, and that was supposed to do now?What has been done - is done.

The fact that Americans are willing to go to Mars, newspapers trumpeted around the world.

Gusev shared bad news with elk.Contrary to expectations, Moose took the news calmly and rationally:

Nothing wrong there, Alexey!Judge for yourself, well, what's wrong?Well, though Americans will fly to Mars!Not the same one we fly!In the end, I dream of the day when there will be flying thousands of interstellar vehicles.

-But then-Soviet Mars!- Outraged Gusev.- We were there first!

Of course, the first - quietly agreed Elk.- But extra earthlings, whether Americans, whether someone else, we will not disturb on Mars!You saw Alexei Ivanovich, that together we had there tight!

-Oh, I do not know!- Gusev shook his head.- I do not like your mood!I am what you rescued?What our comrades died rescuing you?

Moose paused, thinking.

Gusev herealso went to the bridge and ordered the captain:

-I Alexey Gusev, special representative for the Soviet government interstellar flight to Mars, I order as soon as possible to take me and the engineer in Elk Petrograd.Emergency case of national importance!Americans can get ahead with the flight to Mars.We have to be there first!

Submarine command after Gusev headed for Petrograd.Gusev captain reported that after a week they will be in place.

-Long, long time!- Suddenly hurried Gusev - We must rather, every minute counts.

However, despite all this, the mood at Gusev and Elk was excellent.They felt they were saved every day to cook brought him into close wardroom pasta nautically, which they could not in any way gorge."Yes, indeed, -reasoned Gusev - everything is going very well! "

A week passed and sailing on the horizon seemed familiar shore.Ahead loomed the familiar shape of the spiers of Petrograd.

Delight Gusev, Elk and the whole team cheered and began throwing his cap in the air and that someone was at hand.

In Petrograd, were waiting for them and met with the orchestra, as heroes.


After fleeing Los Gusev Skiles long in making his Krabs.

In pursuit of the fugitives he got to New York, tried to intercept them at the airport with a heavily armed police force.

Krabs from Skiles got short telephone call: Gusev destroy the Elk and get back to work!

However, the airport Skiles realized that he was dealing with an experienced opponent.

Gusev past him around her little finger, and left the police nashpigovanny airport without any difficulty.He looked around their fingers as children.

Now they are lost in a huge city, and Skiles long pondered where they could had gone.All possible escape routes from America for Guseva and elk were closed.

Please Skiles is not worried that missed Gusev at the airport, but then, in the evening suddenly realized that Moose escape from it if we do not take any immediate action."If not Gusev, would you have me still here!" - Thought Skiles.

Previously, he paid little attention to this big man.No, of course he knew it was even longer than the Elk, but never much importance to his person betrayed.

And only here in America, Skiles suddenly realized what the real danger is that Gusev.

"It costs a unit selected thugs" - unwittingly admired Skiles when Gusev cleverly escaped elk from taxation security lock.

The time is rapidly approaching the evening, and there was no news from nowhere.Gusev and Los sunk in water, soluble in New York.Skiles felt.That misses time, but could not figure out where the leak is.Finally, he invited me to his big man of whom Gusev whacked on the boat lamp.

-He flew by seaplane!- Said the big man.

-Hydroplane!- Said in a hurried guess Skiles.- Of course, the seaplane!They will fly by seaplane!Immediately remove all the police in search of places where there can be a seaplane in New York!- He commanded and looked at his watch.- We still have time before dark to find them!They are still in New York!

-But where do they find this seaplane!- Said the big man.

Skiles walked over to the glass window on the wall.From the height of the fiftieth floor of a skyscraper a good view of the entire Bay T udzonsky.He was in full view.

Skiles ima l understood that arrange some extensive search operations, he has no time.Day was coming to an end.Krabs and then broke off up the phone nerviruya him more.

Skiles closed his eyes, folded his arms and silently stood there before stopyatidesyatimetrovoy abyss on the other side of which, behind a thick glass lay big city.He tried to concentrate, he tried to get his journalistic intuition which had never once helped him find the right solution.

For a moment it seemed to him that he sees all eyes Gusev

He opened his eyes:

They're there!- He said, opening the arms of a small hand tube warehouse provincial Bay Area, where there were many small wharves and warehouses.- Urgent there throw all the forces!

Slammin 'and all who were present in the room behind him, looked at each other in bewilderment: "How does he know?" - But immediately complied with the order Skiles.

Not trusting anyone at such a crucial moment, Skiles personally traveled to this rayonchik who dreamed him on the fiftieth floor of a skyscraper.Raced ahead of several dozen police funnel.So they drove to the area through the stinking rotten herring, where the narrow streets between the numerous warehouses scattered in dozens of small marinas with difficulty wading to the bay of the warehouse bustle of life.

Skiles was at the entrance to the fishing quarter.He was waiting to hear from police crews to rush back to where signal is received.

Suddenly quite far off, around the corner, behind a wooden half-rotten fence, on the other hand propping up a bunch of gray and rusty wooden boxes, shooting was heard.

First single shot revolver, but he barked in response to a dozen police pistols.Their sound as a correspondent, began his career with the police chronicles was familiar.

-Come on!- He ordered the driver.

Car and tore through two dozen seconds was on a wooden dock.

Skiles jumped out and saw not far away, about fifty meters, seaplane, in which police fired desperately.

From there, no one answered.

In a moment Skiles got the feeling that everyone who was in the seaplane already killed.

-Look out!- He commanded that there are forces chief of police, shoot on the motor!There's a cab important person!I want him alive!

Police concentrated their fire on the aircraft engine.Of hydroplane nobody answered the fire.Still it seems that there is no longer alive, but suddenly rumbled engine spun propeller seaplane was moved.

-Fire!Fire!- Commanded Skiles, feeling luck turns from him.

But all was in vain.Soon the plane disappeared into the impenetrable gloom, and after a while it became the sound of the engine is not available hearing.

-I do not understand!- Justified before Skiles police chief.- My boys riddled this hulk like a colander!

However, Skiles was still, because now no excuses could not help him in explanations with Mr. Krabs.

Skiles suddenly fell ill and came down with a fever for a week.When he recovered, it remained in New York for a while, wondering whether it is worth going back to Krabs.Nothing good is not it there waiting, but Krabs spotted it myself.


Surprisingly Krabs was set peacefully:

Do not worry, buddy Skiles!- Such familiarity tone was not there before in their relationship.Skiles cottage shook his head - not dreaming if he happens - he could not understand this location Krabs, as if he did not miss, but on the contrary - and grabbed Gusev and Los.- It's not so bad!- Concluded Krabs.

-I do not understand you - tried to understand what was happening, Krabs.

But the mood Krabs has not changed, he smiled, clapped him on the shoulder and offered him expensive cognac, which even in the present situation himself Skiles could not afford.

-You did all you could, well, almost everything!- Continued Krabs in a happy mood.- You see, I see your confusion, you must not understand why I have such a good mood?

Yes - agreed to Skiles.

-It's very simple: the hype, which rose when caught accidentally Elk played me suddenly at hand.The information came to my worst competitors from New York.

-So what?- Guess the Skiles.

-I now have no competition!- Glad spread his arms Krabs.- Now they are my partners in sending ships to Mars.My expenses for preparation of questionable, but the ambitious project has been halved, except in those areas of interest where we had serious friction, I now have no friction!

-What does that mean?- Tried again invent Skiles.

-This means that today I became richer by a hundred million!- Otrezyumiroval Krabs.

Do not quite understand - Skiles was confused.

Krabs raised forefinger, calling a friend to wait a bit.He disappeared, then reappeared, accompanied by a gentleman with a suitcase.

Krabs sat on a leather sofa.Gentleman with a briefcase approached him right.Krabs fell back against the couch, left the servant came up to him with a tray on which stood two broad goblet.Krabs took one glass, the second servant brought Skiles.Skiles pulled out and took the glass, still not understanding.

Krabs pointedly silent.Do Skiles suddenly arose a false sense that they are celebrating some victory.Krabs remained silent and somehow mysteriously and peaceful smile.

Finally, Skiles could not resist:

-Explain what happens!- He prayed to Krabs and sparkling expensive champagne in his glass, gleaming amber saturated strongly swayed.

-That's it!- Only Krabs said, pointing to a man with a suitcase.

He put the bag on a small round table between the ivory sofa and Skiles and opened.Suitcase was packed full of hundred-dollar packs of dollar bills.- This is for you!There are exactly four million dollars.

-For what?- Tried to defend himself, as if he had robbed money and not give it to him.

Krabs drank champagne, and then put the glass next to a suitcase on a round table and leaned to Skiles:

-You fly to Mars!

Skiles could not understand anything.Krabs, seeing his confusion, he continued:

-I will build ships, information obtained from elk to me quite enough!But I do not who will lead an expedition to Mars.And I decided that it will be you!Not a bad idea, eh?Good deal!You get me the promised money, but instead of heading Elk my expedition.Honestly, Moose made a negative impression on me.I believe that you are there any reliable Elk!So, what do you say?

Skiles looked at Krabs, full cherished suitcase of money, the servant who was standing nearby, pending a decision what to do with money.A few seconds of doubt made him sweat heavily, and he forced himself anxiously:

-I agree?

-Are you sure?- Frowned Krabs.

-Exactly!- Already readily blurted Skiles.

Paper and pen - shouted servant Krabs.


Arriving in Petrograd, Gusev very first thing on the right and on the status of I d e l Americans.First he read with all possible l newspaper.But in the Soviet press that little wee Sali about America, especially about some there Krabs and his delusions.

Then Gusev YaV ILS I gubChK Petrograd and Neil explained:

-I special representative of the Soviet Government on the organization and implementation of the second interplanetary mission to Mars.I need information on the preparation of a mission to Mars in America some Mr. Krabs.

In Cheka right and l and spowers about Gusevin Moscow, and, convinced of the seriousness of his statement a few days later, Ali vyzv it themselves.

-We will provide you with all possible assistance, Comrade Gusev!- Assured or there.

After a couple of days next to the apartment, which is now occupying l Comrade Gusev (Soviet government allocated a family hero Martian flight a separate two-bedroom apartment in the heart of Petrograd) remains on a ve l smiling truck loaded with U.S. and European newspapers over the past six months.

This read-Comrade Gusev, it has sent you gubChK!- Cheerfully revived long Gusev, has withdrawn from his apartment, a chauffeur-humorist.- Where do you want to unload?

Newspapers Perrin e with whether the cellar which setting A smiling Gusev his posh apartment.They occupied yawl and all the space.Besides, it turned out that need a translator: Gusev in foreign languages ??was not strong, but with something else Martian l remember.

Soon the Cheka or isolated and translator.Now work for boiling ate.Translator from morning till night l translation articles about all the events associated with flight to Mars, with its preparation, with himself Mr. Krabs, and with Skiles.And meanwhile Gusev yl attack to the most important - building a spaceship.

He walked on a new, more spacious building for the Elk and elk have somehow folding now, unlike the first flight, which is not helping Gusev Los, as it were, on the contrary.

Meanwhile, back in Petrograd, Los yl attack for a new interstellar machine.

Now he must b yt more, certainly more than before, so that it could fit a Red Army unit: so wants Gusev.Yes Moose himself l understanding that even a dozen Magatsitls not change anything on Mars: too not equal strength.

However, the desire to fly age loit now every day.Los yu now it seemed that he would fly even one, give up Gusev from the event.And would fly on n only to have to see her, Aelit y, u know what happened to her.

At times his overcoming la yet that sorrow, the fear.Sadness that took so much time away from that life sweeter.And fear ... fear of his born l smiling at the thought that the entire flight is in vain, because it is no longer alive ...

No, he does not need the conquest of Mars.He did not even see the danger that Americans, too, will fly to Mars.Gusev fears about what Mars will cease to be the Soviets, he also did not share, because actually the fact that two of the Soviet Russian fly to Mars - nothing has changed.Maybe he still does not know exactly, but it sometimes seems so that they caused harm even Martian population its rabid revolutionary activities.How many have died!They can not resist, and the fact that Gusev led a revolt, nothing has changed.He did not teach them to fight, but only sent thousands to their deaths, without even thinking about it.In fact, theyhelped make it Tuskub black business, to carry out his evil plan to destroy Soatsera.

The only thing that vle clo now again on Mars - is Aelita.

"Aelita!Aelita!Aelita "- l repeats himself like a mantra Elk, and this will encourage him lo, lo forces us to think more sharply improve the car, making it more successful than the one on which they flew for the first time.

Now Mr. perfected oval capsule covering residential, sdela liter engine more docile management, creating l ability to change the flight path in interplanetary space more freely, not to be held hostage to the laws of physics, they almost became the last time.

Elk remembered the last time just a coincidence save them from eternal Gusev flight void between stars - now we need to eliminate the influence of any case was the outcome of the expedition.Will flight should manage people and not be held hostage to the blind energy.Weak force in the ability to control the strong!

Gusev meanwhile learned more troubling news from his interpreter of American newspapers.

It turned out that while they drifted in the Atlantic, scientists and engineers Krabs progressed very far along the path of prototyping machines Elk.In addition, they are ready to fly five interplanetary ships, each of which was five times more than the one on which flew to Mars Los and Gusev.

American expedition to Mars was to lead Skiles.Upon learning this, Gusev thought with pleasure: "On Mars are numbered, Mr. Skiles!"

Still, concern grew.Gusev every day thinking about how to reduce the number of overweight Americans in the expedition and to eliminate the backlog in time.

Money to build a ship, the Soviet government allocated, but it was not enough.

Gusev again went to Moscow.It was not long, but when he returned, he fell into the apartment to Los joyful and excited:

-We will build not one, but three ships!


Moose has long since have not looked at the starry sky.Previously, he was doing it and often dreamy, but after returning from Mars, in his habits have been dramatic changes: he suddenly forgot how to dream.

It would seem that it's time to dream, because the goal is achieved, interplanetary flight failed.But this is only the beginning.Beginning of a new era, which he opened, Moose, of unparalleled stay.Now that the first trodden path, we can safely explore interplanetary flights, starting each time more and more ships.

But something about him went out.As if something broke in his mind, some screw unscrewed, crunched some springs.And all ...

How to cut short, he even left thrust to new missions, like everything is already done.

Gusev - and he was perky and dedication.Perfect their journey to Mars inspired him completely.Now he knew what to make of his huge inextinguishable energy irrepressible character.

Gusev observed the dramatic changes that have occurred with elk, but could not do anything, no matter how he tried to reassure.Moose was still sad, and this sadness, a strange and incomprehensible to Gusev, was not yet penetrated by external influences.

Name this sadness was only known Elk - Aelita.

Since their defeat, from the moment when it was divorced from him in a distant Martian cave, all now seemed to sleep.Sleep, where it was both good and bad, but sleeping.

And now, suddenly, he suddenly learned again looking at the sky as before, as if before the flight.He seemed to come to life, felt her taste.He suddenly realized that he could see her again, that that was the cause of his infinite sadness.

Now every evening when issued fine days, and the sky was cloudy, Moose enjoyed watching the stars.And he dreamed.Dreamed, as again flew to Mars, as again set foot on its mysterious surface like to see her ...

He did not want to think about that Aelita is no longer alive.Earlier this idea, although he would not let her in his mind, as if nailed him to that state of torpor in which he remained for several years.It was the custodian of the stupor of uncertainty which existed his thoughts on the future fate of his beloved.And how could it be otherwise, when it was impossible to find out anything.

Now he knew what was about to once again be on Mars, drove away from him even a hint that no longer find her alive.He firmly believed that Aelita alive, that she was waiting for him and hopes that he will fulfill the promise given to her once.Otherwise, why would he go to Mars!All he wanted to know about Mars, he had already learned.Him that was enough excitement for a lifetime.

But Aelita!It was a reason to fly to Mars, even today, tomorrow, at least five hundred years.To know, that she is alive and waiting.

"Thank Gusev" - thought to myself, Elk, marveling once boundless energy of his colleague.

Yes, if not Gusev, the new expedition to Mars will not happen.

But no, because he offered to fly to Mars and Skiles.

Sometimes confused thoughts Elk.He did not know how exactly now refers to the fact that more Americans are going to go to Mars, using its technology, its experience and knowledge.And he did not know how to relate to the fact that he gave all his secrets Skiles.

When he thought about it, he for some reason just a headache, and Moose quickly stopped doing it.

On the one hand, he did not care that someone else will fly to Mars.In the end, more than on Mars will earthlings, the better.Indeed, in any case, despite all, they are closer than any Martians a thousand times.

On the other hand, Gusev constantly invited him to violent speech to the public, where continually asserted: "Soviet Mars will, you'll see, comrades."His performances were accompanied by a standing ovation of approval of the general rejoicing, and then Moose really thought that made a big mistake by passing their secrets Skiles.Without it, no moose, without his secrets, they would have never had to put their interplanetary vehicles.

Meanwhile, as time went on.Build ships after arrival Gusev spun with a vengeance.Quickly erected stacks for two more ships.Drawings were ready, engineers knew their job, workers collected all already finished on the ship, and Gusev was now little more than a free night time.

Once he came to the apartment to Los late at night and found him in a dreamy state of mind in which the engineer stayed all lately.

Together they went to the balcony and looked at the starry sky, spread out over Petrograd.Waxwings grasshoppers somewhere below, the yard at dusk, in the cool of a summer day extinct.Los and Gusev together staring at the sky faded, which did not want to darken more due next spring solstice.In Petrograd was during the white nights and for astronomical observations it was not the best time.

But Moose still trying to see the bright sky on Mars.Gusev watched some time for his futile attempts, then said:

Mars-looking, Mstislav Sergeevich?

Yes - dreamily nodded Elk.

Gusev was surprised, as if it was not in those years when it was impossible to see the Elk without regret."That's because that makes a dream - thought to myself, Gusev, - with a man.Went down in the mouth, and now, as if alive!No, a person certainly needs a dream!Man without a dream in life - goner! "

Soon-fly!- Gusev said aloud.- Flight soon, Mstislav Sergeevich!

-Yes-ah - all nodded dreamily as Moose.


Much time has passed since then, as Skiles decided to lead an expedition to Mars.

Now everyone was ready to start.Five ships, such as the one on which flew to Mars Los and Gusev stood on the launch pad, protected from the countless curious onlookers an army of police.They were ready to fly away, and now hurried Krabs Skiles start.

But Skiles hesitated.He again and again requested the engineers to calculate ballistics trajectory apparatus.But they gave only an approximate result: he had never had to perform such work, and they could not imagine exactly how to behave in the body in a vacuum.Chance of slip was high.Ships could simply sped past the red planet and fly out of the solar system.Skiles so worried and whenever needed to assign the start time, put it off for quite some trifling, contrived reason.

-Listen, my friend, - one evening when Skiles has once again come up with a reason for the delayed start, Krabs told him - I built ships to you!I finally made you a very rich man!What is it, how much I can tolerate this your nonsense?

Krabs was outraged:

-We are ready to start!All except one - you!So I ask you to come and fix a date for departure!

Skiles confused and silent.So with him before Krabs never talked.He silently listened to his excuses and references to deficiencies and disadvantages of devices that need to be eliminated.It took time, and agreed with the arguments Krabs Skiles, eliminating another detected spelling.

But such shortcomings were on that, whether in its place Moose and especially Gusev, they would not even look steel.

For example, at the request of Skiles Krabs cache increased to an annual requirement.Then the whole interior has been replaced vessels, to the extent that there were comfortable leather sofas, screwed to the wall of the vessel.

The last straw that broke the patience Krabs apparently was when Skiles demanded install all machines machines for production of carbonated water.

-Maybe you still there and bring restaurant?- Flared Krabs, but devices installed.

But now he did not intend to take any more excuses.This was evident around its mean.

-Newspapers trumpeted around the world about our mission to Mars.I already invested considerable sums, and now demand their return, Mr. Skiles!- Went on the offensive Krabs.- If you do not decide on the date of departure today, it will do for you I am!I have every reason to it, because I made you who you are today!

-We start tomorrow!- Suddenly said to himself Skiles.

It was so sudden that even Krabs stopped pacing to his spacious office, turned around and experiencing some time looking at Skiles narrowed eyes.

Finally he found his voice again, because suddenly got something that he was not ready - a decision his headache - and corrected Skiles:

-After three days!If tomorrow, I do not have time to collect enough to press coverage of the departure!You know, dear Skiles that places for observing the start I sell!And many publications are in the queue for tickets to this event!But not all will get!I should have time to hold an auction!Each location will be sold as expensive as possible!

Krabs returned to his huge chair, rubbing his hands with pleasure, called on the phone and ordered the Secretary to inform the press about the auction for the sale of seats to observe the launch interplanetary mission to Mars.


On this night, Skiles could not sleep.Fear of the unknown and suffered it.He thought about how these brave Los and Gusev couple ventured to conquer interplanetary space.He would never have the courage to be a pioneer in such an unusual and dangerous business.

Even now, when to pass the beaten track, Skiles was scary.It was terrible to all.And leave the earth and fly millions of miles in an airless universe and land on Mars.Yes, even just to get into this strange design and include it drives - and it caused internal shiver with horror.

"Yes, and there, on Mars, even if we get?- With kayls thought, forgetting in the predawn restless sleep.- According to the Elk, especially Gusev, Martians are not particularly friendly to newcomers tuned ... ".

In severe meditations Skiles asleep in the morning.

He dreamed of red Martian sand, ugly Martian face, strange alien landscapes, cars, fancy building ...

He dreamed Moose, who looked at him puzzled, looking over some outlandish unearthly plants.Some monsters, which ran through the red sand under purple sky with cirrus clouds not yellow, not orange.Gusev busily shoot them like partridges of some huge guns strange design.Gusev times approached him and grinning in comfortable, wide smile, holding out something Skiles.By bottomless purple sky strange flying machines, not something similar on birds, not on the kites.

Sleep was difficult and disturbing, Skiles and suddenly woke up, as emerged from the abyss for a breath of air, which he lacked.

Sharp ray of sunshine broke through the greenery outside the window, birds chirping merrily in the trees, the morning air permeates approaching midday heat.


In some vague anxiety and anguish retreating Skiles spent three days left before the start.Still, he decided that his path to prosperity is through Mars.Had nowhere to retreat, he could not give up the fabulous wealth that has already received from Krabs and even partially spent buying a luxurious estate.

"However, if I do not return, why do I need all this?- Sometimes he asked himself, recalling his millions.- What is the difference, how much money will I have in my bank account - a dollar or a million dollars - if I can never use them? "

However, time inexorably moving forward.And then came the day of departure.


Skiles, yet full of doubt and fear, sitting in the car, in the back seat.Sitting alone, occupying the entire rear sofa spacious limousine.Far ahead, behind soundproof glass was the only driver who calmly but swiftly and deftly managed machine, tacking on corners and intersections of highway, ahead of fellow travelers, laying dizzying turns.It was the best driver Krabs, which on the auspicious occasion was Mr. Krabs Skiles ordered to deliver to the launch site.

It was early morning, the sky was cloudless and bright Californian sun climbs across the sky above all, promised a new day full of radiance and warmth.

Skiles again at night I could not sleep until morning and now felt overwhelmed.As soon as he fell asleep as he was immediately awakened.


The car raced at full speed to the launch pad, which staged thirty kilometers from the city so that, if that happens, then there has been no destruction of residential neighborhoods and is not involved in the death of what is happening people.

Behind his car followed escort of seven cars.They barely keep up with favorite Krabs, though also worked for him.These machines are members of the Martian expedition Skiles, who were supposed to fly with him to Mars.

Total expedition consisted of thirty people.Five of them were trained to manage interplanetary ships, three scientists were invited by Mr. Krabs.Actually Krabs offered a greater number of pundits make exciting and totally free "walk" on Mars, but many thought it was a risky venture, and managed to persuade only three.Mr. Krabs scientists instructed to collect all kinds of artifacts, to delve into the unknown technologies, and bring as many secrets and achievements Martian extraterrestrial civilization in America.That this was the most valuable treasure, which is believed Krabs, exalt him to new heights of wealth.It is for this he organized all this expensive even by his standards expedition.Of course, he was obliged to get profit from this flight, and one that I would have paid for itself many times its cost.

Other ten expeditions were trained in a special program of the North American Ministry of Defence.Within six months, they were trained in military units conducting special techniques of unarmed combat, firing all weapons and management of all kinds of vehicles, for aircraft and for ground movement, which had only been in the world.Ten of these were real fighters, mercenaries and thugs, ready to fight with anyone, anywhere for a good fee.Among them were three infantry officers, one of whom fought in Europe, the other two have just finished serving in the French Legion, the two front-line pilot.The rest were sailors Atlantic U.S. Navy veterans also sniffed full of gunpowder in battles in the oceans.

Krabs laid out a lot of money to these daredevils fly with Skiles.

The other twelve members of the expedition were volunteers, volunteers, each of whom agreed to fly to Mars for a hundred thousand dollars, passing selection, which gave Mr. Krabs.They came from many countries: Chinese, Mexicans, Poles, French and even a Russian.They all signed a contract with Mr. Krabs, he arranged for funding flight to Mars, and received from her half of the amount in advance.The rest of the money they were promised on his return from the expedition.


Krabs and then rang in the car on the radio and Skiles cope as soon as they arrive:

-There is a lot of people!- He shouted into the phone so that it seemed as if he yells in his ear, sitting side by side on the couch comfortable limousine.- Time to start!When you're on the spot?

Yes, soon, soon!- Annoyed Skiles, feeling the nerves rent it from stress.

Skiles somehow suddenly remembered the day when he saw an advertisement Elk nailed to studs peeling wall, invites everyone to make interplanetary flight to Mars.Remember him and barefoot young woman in a print dress neat, who read his lips moving.Her eyes were indifferent, blue, with craziness.

"With the craziness!- Hysterically thought to myself Skiles.- Is what distinguishes all these Russian!Only people with the craziness in his eyes could think to fly to Mars without much apparent reason, and risk their lives for some strange devices, construction and reliability which is more doubtful!Fly like guinea pigs!Voluntary! "

Do Skiles into hysterics, he was not going to act as an experimental animal, which is about curled in outlandish car knows where."No, these Russian, in fact, crazy!- He exclaimed, zagovarivaya aloud to himself.- And now I'm completely normal and sober mind people, for some reason should follow their idea! "

However, everything has already been decided.


Skiles limousine drove to the launch pad.

It was a building, not resembling an amphitheater, not the stadium.Huge playground with five pedestals surrounded semicircle high rostrum, such as those arranged on the football and baseball venues.But much higher and more capacious.

Each pedestal went down below the surface, resembling a golf ball or football, which, in fact, was a false bottom: it only covered the true lying below ten meters, concrete bottom of a huge swimming pool.

Basin around each site was made in a special square neckline, a window through which gases from running engines spacecraft had to go down.From the concrete bottom of the pool to the side opposite the stands, departed long underground trench, which were powerful fans.As planned by engineers to construct launch complex at the start of interplanetary gases ships had to go below a false bottom, which served as a screen protecting spectators from toxic combustion products, and through the chute sucked away from the crowds.

The stands were filled to capacity.In several places were set tripod with cameras, and there and then smoke rose from magnesium flares - reporters to take photographs.Also could see some huge sites with cameras and lighting equipment, which produced the documentary filming of historical events.

Everyone present at the start of the viewer posted Martian Corporation Mr. Krabs for his place and right here is not less than five thousand dollars at auction.Last tickets sold at a price exceeding ten thousand dollars.It was crazy money, so there could be only known moneybags, members of the U.S. government, as well as journalists and reporters, for whom money seconded posted their publication.


Limousine Skiles and rapidly crossed the platform, describing a graceful pirouette, slowed in shiny nickel-plated railing made on the edge of a wide holes around the basin, whence through progal ten meters in depth was transferred gangway to the ship.

The machine immediately ran on duty here doorman opened the door of the cabin and inviting bow with tapping hands aside Skiles exit.

Skiles overcame jitters in your lap and stepped on the emerald grass, fresh from a recent watering.He felt his legs like cotton and realized that he could not go.

Suddenly around like a blast deafening roar of cheers and applause.Soared over the stands flags flew in the air hats, delighted the crowd drowned out the words of the master, who was standing on the podium in front of the stands low and comment into the microphone through the powerful speakers of everything happening down on the launch pad.

-So, you see, there was the first contestant interplanetary mission to Mars, its director, Mr Ska-a-ayls!- Could be heard from the speakers on all sides by an enthusiastic crowd roar.

Delight present suddenly cheered Skiles, and he plunged into the hot rays of glory, felt a surge of strength, threw up his hands in greeting, brimming with enthusiasm himself so that his people have experienced encounters.He immediately felt that his legs no longer cotton, become obedient and fill with blood.The excitement that was born with fear and doubt, excitement suddenly changed delight.

"In the world even to die!" - Suddenly remembered Skiles saying that once heard in Russia.Then she surprised him very cool, because he could not understand its meaning, and therefore remembered.And now suddenly he began to understand the meaning of this saying.


From the stands viewers a magnificent spectacle.In front of a huge green area rose on concrete pedestals, like skyscrapers, five silver interplanetary ships.Each of them shone in the sun like a huge chunk of gold.It was an exciting, unprecedented spectacle, meant the beginning of a new era in the history of mankind.And it could not leave anyone indifferent of those present.And the audience roared with enthusiasm.

But here on the site seemed silver limousine.He quickly raced on emerald field and elegantly turned and braked.

In anticipation of unforgettable show the audience jumped from their seats, and their roar turned into a continuous hum.

Stepped out of the limo high trim young man in a gold suit that thousands of sparks sparkled in the sun, and threw up his hands in greeting.Roar of the crowd became violent and just drowned everything.

That seemed more cars, soon all the members of the expedition were standing in front of their ships, waving in greeting enthusiastic spectators.

When the buzz gradually subsided to the podium ahead of the launch pad itself came Mr. Krabs, founder of the Mars Corporation.He said it loud and wished the participants of the expedition interesting experiences and success.Behind him were made by representatives of the U.S. Congress and the government, and then leading this show organized Krabs declared: "Ready!"

Glee crowd drowned out his words again.


Skiles, toward the companionway, supported a new surge of delight viewers.Behind him to the silvery skyscraper interplanetary ship headed five more flying with him members of the expedition.In other ships also began loading crews.

Skiles ducked and entered into the machine.There was a spacious cargo bay with water, provisions, weapons and equipment of the expedition, came to the platform lift.When the last member of his crew battened down the hatch, he pressed the button, and they climbed into the spacious, bright and cozy living compartment.

Through the huge windows of special heat resistant glass were well seen standing nearby ships, emerald field and the stands with spectators.

Skiles is located on a leather couch, pulled out a bottle of expensive champagne bar, opened it and poured into glasses myself and two other crew members, a Frenchman, Marcel, and Russian, Andrei, who stayed with him in the living compartment.The other three, one of whom was a trained pilot spacecraft control, went up the stairs, into the nose of the ship, where there was a control cabin.

Well, - raised wineglass Skiles - for the success of the expedition!

Wine glasses touched, heard melodious sound.


Cool slightly fizzy heady brew got inside.His delicate heat broke through the body.

Skiles put the wine glass on the table, bolted to the floor next to a deep leather sofa and headed to the ladder that led to the control room on the floor above, and holding his silver railings, rapidly, in two huge jump through a few stairs up there.

In the control room the ship was sunny and bright.

Pilot Steven and two officers took their seats in leather armchairs in front of the starting control panel.They looked at him and waited for his team.

Skiles plopped down on an empty chair in the center of the starting panel, next to the pilot Steven, buckled straps and looked up.

Through the transparent hemisphere dome cutting of thick heat-resistant glass, separated by powerful silver arcs into six sectors, the wheelhouse from the sky shone bright sunlight.The sun itself was not visible, it was still low on the horizon, and therefore a clear, light-blue sky seemed particularly deep, almost bottomless.

Skiles picked up a radiotelephone handset and gave the command to the pre readiness check crews and systems of all interplanetary ships.

Pilot Steven also began to press any switches and receive reports from the crew members on the developments.He checked how the light filters and thick armored shutters covering the windows in the living compartment and the control room on the ceiling, which was supposed to be flying prow.

Skiles was followed by reports from Steven and all the other pilots interplanetary ships.

Everything was ready for launch.

Skiles reported Mr. Krabs's readiness to take off.Krabs gave overall command at the start.The speakers came the voice of the announcer giving the countdown.

"Well, that's all!" - Thought Skiles.

He wanted to be scared, but could not: still current euphoria deafening jubilation spectators unusual spectacle.Besides drunk on champagne tuned nonchalant way.

Countdown ended: "... two, one!Marks ".

Skiles pressed the remote start button, starts the interplanetary ship.A second later, the entire multi-ton hulk ran shivers, there was rumble grew into a deafening buzz.The ship moved, seemed swayed from side to side, and suddenly the sky floated on them with great speed, rapidly changing color, becoming darker.Soon it became a deep purple, and then suddenly a black carpet with a myriad of m and piercing eyes through the glass sparkles stars.

Overload could not move any one member of the body.Crew imprinted in soft recliners.Skiles thought the rush of blood to the head, he was going to faint.


When a speaker emits a start command, the spectators in the stands silent.Standing vociferous hubbub subsided, and suddenly, through the sudden silence of the whole district, bathed in the morning sun, the words became audible speaker pronouncing the countdown.

After a loud "... three, two, one!Start! "

A second passed and thousands invited to the momentous event when they saw as under interplanetary ships appeared strong flares.Immediately there was a deafening roar, grew into an incredible buzz.Rostrum also roared in jubilation as he nearly drowned him.

Smoke emanating from the nozzles ships, and ran under the surface of the stadium, and then the concrete troughs to the special opening, O gases in the atmosphere over a mile from the stands.From there, it can be clearly seen, as if from the crater of the volcano during the eruption broke powerful post bluish-gray smoke, staring skyward.

One after the other interplanetary ships giant fireworks soared into the sky.Soon, they resembled huge dandelions on giant stalks of swirling blue-gray smoke that grew with incredible speed soaring in the boundless sky.A few seconds later the ships became five silver stars high in the sky.It even seemed that they forgot to remove from the heavens with the onset of the morning.

A minute later they completely disappeared from view.And only five huge plumes of smoke, the tops of which were lost somewhere in the sky, twist in the sky in a giant funnel resembled some time about what happened.


Crabs also looked at the cloudless sky, where dissolved and melted pillars of smoke that blew into the bottomless unknown space corporation invested his tens of millions of dollars.

"I hope that it repaid me" - he thought, leaving a communication about it posh limousine starting place.

Already a minute later he was completely absorbed by some other thing, as if no interplanetary mission to Mars never existed.


In door someone had clatter.

Moose woke up and looked at his watch.Arrows indicate the beginning of the fifth.

"What could happen so early?" - SurprisedL axis, heading frantic knock.It seemed that someone wants to make him the front door completely.

There stood woozy Gusev.He was breathing heavily, apparently he had to flee.

-Did you hear hear!- He shouted unceremoniously vvalivayas the apartment.

Moose became alarmed and began to try to figure out what was happening.It seemed to him that probably evolved some kind of trouble in the construction interplanetary vehicles.

What, what happened?- He tried to get at least something from the crazed Gusev.

He was breathing hard, apparently, he ran several miles, so that, in spite of his strong constitution, he could not recover.

Yes, that is, in the end?- Outraged Elk.

He later went to and therefore do not get enough sleep.As always lately dreamed of debt on the balcony, looking at the sky over Petrograd, which is closer to fall rapidly becoming more dark and deep, and therefore could be distinguished even at the desire and Mars.

-You heard Mstislav Sergeevich?- Gusev,finally able to speak a little breather.- Americans flew!Skiles on Mars!

-When?- Moose surprise heard sat down on the bed, he felt a weakness, spreads on the body.He expected to hear anything, but not this.

Yeah yesterday!Yesterday!- Still panting, Gusev said.- As I learned so directly to you to flee from the house rushed!

Elk thoughtfully pursed lips forward, trying to absorb the news, which does not want to believe.He now suddenly with obvious pain he felt slip that made when all secrets revealed Skiles built his interplanetary apparatus.Was all the more sad that he could not do this, no one is forced to give out secrets.

Suddenly Elk was a shame that it is surpassed that flew without him, and instead using his idea, his findings.And if he had thought that it was nothing that Americans, too, will fly to Mars, now, when it became a reality, he just resented.Resented at all, and first of all on himself because his hands handed the keys to all secrets in wrong hands.

Informing this terrifying news and breath, Gusev sat on the bed, and so now sat in silence, her head bowed, clasping her hands.

There was an awkward pause.Elk felt guilty throughout the incident, but more than that, it seemed to him that the same feel and Gusev.What seemed only threat now done, and this fact had to somehow reconcile, somehow get used to it.

-Yes-ah - finally reached Elk, summarizing hear.

What yes, Mstislav Sergeevich!- Outraged as exploded once Gusev.- In this once you are guilty!

-Yes, I understand ..!- Tried to mitigate the situation Elk.

No, you do not understand, Mstislav Sergeevich!you do not fully understand what happened!The Soviet Mars flew Americans.Bourgeois!And thanks to you flew!- Gusev jabbed a finger at the Elk and it hurt that much, so that he turned away.A Gusev persisted, splashing offense.- You and only you are to blame for this.If none of your posturing, not your irresponsibility for the fate of the Soviet Mars, now would Mr. Skiles, his mother would take the devils would sit quietly in his America and scribbled be little articles!

Gusev rose from the bed and leaned over the elk that all hunched under the weight of his words:

-Do you understand Mstislav Sergeevich, what service you have given to Americans?Do you realize that bourgeois flew to Mars!In our Soviet Mars!So what now?They are there its power to establish a bourgeois?

-But we do not even know what's happened since then, as we flew out!- Elk became defend.Gusev attacks seemed to him insulting and overly aggressive.-

Rebellion petered out at us yet!Certainly there now still Verkhovod Tuskub!

-Everything is possible!- Agreed Gusev.- But it is even more aggravate your guilt!- Gusev persisted and was outraged not believe.- Most likely, Martian proletariat waiting for help from the Earth, because we were promised this help!You can see that all those years, unlike you, Mstislav Sergeevich, I was doing a new expedition to Mars, has created a society knocked allocations for new trip!And what happened?What got you through instead of helping our brothers Martian?Skiles and gang Krabs?Now to the one oppressors as Tuskub added also second oppressorKrabs with Skiles?So, Mstislav Sergeevich?

Gusev was furious.For many years that have passed since their arrival from Mars he learned thick Cach incendiary revolutionary speeches.And now, in addition to unparalleled warriors, which made him an imperialist, and then the Civil War, he became more and m fiery orator who knew how to speak so that the heart began pounding not only listening to it, but also himself.

Moose, who had often watched evolved oratorical quality Gusev, now tried to calm him down and turn the conversation to the logic of emotions, but it turned out badly.

-But if the Americans want, they still would fly to Mars, and we could not stop them.Besides our ship and returned to Earth in their territory - he retorted.

-But it would have been without your participation!- Do not let Gusev.- And so you gave them the road.Without you, Mstislav Sergeevich, they would need much more time to achieve this result.Five, maybe ten years!Yes I do not know how many, but certainly as soon arrange your flight to Mars they could not!And during this time we have more than once flew to Mars, Mstislav Sergeevich, and finally established Soviet power there.Overthrew the hell would this Tuskub his gang!Now what?Now Tuskub receive support in the face Krabs and Skiles.And to us,moreover, that the fight Tuskub have on Mars and still fight with the Americans!Well, great, do not say anything!

Their difficult conversation lasted a whole day.But it may lead to anything could not because it was only emotions.And, knowing that you need to act, Gusev same evening drove off to Moscow to seek additional appropriation to accelerate sending Soviet Mars mission.


The news that the Americans have rushed to Mars, strong impression on the Soviet bureaucracy.From the top were instructed: Gusev and Elk provide all possible assistance in preparing for the flight to Mars.

Finance, with the battle that knocked Gusev before, fighting for every penny suddenly poured in, so that became Gusev already thinking: "Is not there lay the construction of two more units?".But it was a whim, and he knew it.Time to lose no choice at all, it was necessary to go as soon as possible and do not give the whole mess things Skiles and Mr. Krabs gang of evil acts in the Soviet Mars.

Gusev was suddenly summoned to Moscow.

In his high office cool scolded for what he and fellow Moose keep up with the Americans and let them get ahead in the race for influence on Mars, and then set the task: "Mars should be a Soviet!"

-Got to be the Soviet Mars!- With combat readiness has reported Gusev and rushed to Petrograd run expedition.-A week later startanem!- Finally, he added for greater confidence in him in high offices and the reply was:

At the launch, giving three days!


"Three days?- Thinking to myself a seasoned warrior all the way to Petrograd.- It's probably not an easy task! "

In Petrograd Gusev already met representatives of the Petrograd Provincial Committee and several of gubChK which Gusev well learned during the cooperation with this organization.Here, apparently, already knew about the problem set before Gusev.

-Slowly coming!- Instead of greeting by shaking hands told him once the head of the special concerns of the Petrograd Provincial Committee.- It is necessary to rush on the wings!We have already warned that if you are not in three days lift off to Mars - and will remove all the head here!- He waved a hand at all Provincial Committee members present.- And there!- He nodded significantly towards scowling from sudden hard problems gubChK representatives.- They make us Axe noggin, and they will be there kirdyk!- He pointed to the sky and looked clearly there.- Beheaded!

Yeah I know!- Busily said Gusev, he had walked to the car and fast strides, so that his long leather coat widely waving in the air accelerates powerful torso, and other barely keep up with him.- Council!Just do not interrupt!

-How to help?- Ingratiating looked into a car through the closed door is not yet the head of the Petrograd Provincial Committee.

Yes you just do not disturb!Do not interrupt - everything will be!- Gusev snapped, slamming the door.He already was thinking how to organize everything in time, and molestation official suddenly mellowed him, knocks him persuasion.


Car raced at Petrograd.

Ahead alone in the car, the driver pointing the way short, sharp as orders, gestures, came Gusev, followed by persistent tail followed all who met him at the station cavalcade.But it did not pay Gusev absolutely no attention.He had no time.He did not even notice that this whole string of officials concerned with their future and angry KGB circled him around the city, a step without releasing it.

Gusev drove to Los.Togo was not home.Then he went straight to the launch pad, which at this time decided to hold on Vasilevsky Island, that was less foreign onlookers: since last start on Mars walked through the city untarnished rumors that many people suffered at the start of the machine, because it let a close.

For this reason, in order to laboring masses was not distracting them from building a bright future unwanted fermentation and speculation, access to launch interplanetary vehicles decided to severely limit, make by special invitation.

"Yes, and let the rest of the onlookers - Neva for watching!- Concluded Gusev, learning about such a decision.- At the same time, and the fresh air podyshat! "

Moose he found in the same dreamy mood, and it was not pleasant Gusev.

-Is not the time to dream, Mstislav Sergeevich!- Instead of greeting he said, extending his hand.- We have three days to launch devices given!Three days later, should fly off, although blood from his nose!

Who's this?- Moose asked, nodding at Gusev leaving behind several cars of people.

A-ah, that!- Gusev turned puzzled and twisted mustache, only now noticing a large retinue.- This will help!All Petrograd bosses!And the KGB for them alone!

He turned back to Los and raised for greater importance forefinger top:

Task-set from the top: start immediately, in three days!- Guseva mustache bristled from said already.- Here we are comrades and to render all assistance!

Yeah, but still have so much to do!- Gusev said, puzzled, surprised by the news of hastily outstretched.- It is necessary to recheck the calculations yet!

So, consider, think, Mstislav Sergeevich, still have three days and three nights!Aloft night's sleep!

Gusev busily grunted and went about dealing provisions and other supplies for the flight.On the way he called the chief engineer, construction manager and training devices to launch, something to talk to him a little bit, sometimes pointing at the sky, the people who stood in a crowd of cars, not knowing what to do, and went further, to give instructions to supply chief, responsible for material preparation expedition.

After a conversation with the chief engineer Gusev either frightened, or busily ran around the court, running up to it by one, then the other.And soon the whole building came in rapid motion, as if awakened from a long slumber.All ran back and forth, up and down.Despite the approaching evening, work in full swing with a vengeance.To the site where the ships were preparing to start, stood a long line machines with spare parts, provisions, materials, waiting their turn to unload.


Three days later, as promised in offices Gusev, everything was ready for the start of interplanetary vehicles.

Gusev personally reported to Moscow, and from there sent a plane with a representative to attend high offices at startup.

B-could now fly!- Repeating myself quite Gusev, as if referring to the Elk.- So no, now wait a whole representative when he arrives!We used during this time has been on Mars!

He was enjoying himself so quickly and smoothly finished preparing and kept this top floor, have fun and pacing the floor and then twirled mustache, following its recently acquired habit.Now it was a military jacket and trousers with stripes during the Civil War, but a new, just sewed.Gusev liked the old and out of fashion shape, because it reminded him of the times of his youth, and in such important and exciting moments, he put it up.

Here scurried around the KGB and the entire top of the Petrograd Provincial Committee, awaiting the arrival of an envoy from Moscow.The island was surrounded by reinforced by militia and onlookers who turned out a great many, not allowed here.

And then caught the eye of Gusev chairman of the Petrograd Provincial Committee.His face already looked nervous and a little embarrassed, but not as much as before, and from the forthcoming meeting of the Moscow envoy.It seemed that he could not find on the site befitting whether for yourself, or for such an event space.

When their paths crossed with Gusev, he once asked excitedly every time:

- Well, like, all right - for some reason looked Gusev eyes.

Since it was clear that the answer Comrade Gusev not interested at all - and Gusev on this dog ate - he did not even straining, without stopping and without paying attention to the official, tersely replied each time the same thing:

Norma Hoc!- And kept lamenting to myself that it was impossible to "quick Start" right now, "as it was then."He could not wait "quick Start" and catch Skiles.


Playground was made in the middle of the island, in a vacant lot, so that the bottom devices to almost half covered trees and buildings.Yet, when viewed from across the river, interplanetary ships were clearly visible, and every evening has been for many months onlookers gathered on the waterfront to look at this extraordinary landscape.

Gusev made in the construction of ships some changes, and now they looked sharper and approximate to a cigar shape.However, the lower part of it was still larger, and therefore created when you look at their contours strange impression that you look at the cigar-shaped egg or egg-shaped cigar.

The design and internal structure of ships Elk did virtually no change.It only strengthened body, mindful of the crash while landing a few years ago, replaced by a heat-resistant rubber, which is produced in the same factory ... nskom where doing and fuel for vehicles.And so all was still.

Each unit flew five people.Now, when all heard about the recent past have been flying from wishing to join Gusev and Elk and fly to Mars did not rebound at all times during the preparation of the expedition.Therefore Gusev, who now heads a flight to Mars under the flag of liberating the enslaved Martians, now was a good opportunity to choose the most deserving members of the expedition.He selected young, healthy, tall, educated, able to handle weapons and preferably had time to do some fighting.Such criteria, despite its many wanting corresponded only a limited number of bidders, and the last two because of Gusev tobral just before the departure.


But here it was reported that the plane with a representative from Moscow landed at the airport in St. Petersburg, and Gusev, realizing that now the time to launch a spacecraft to Mars there are very few, gathered for the last time for briefing the entire team together.He planted them around on the lawn in front of the apparatus and, sometimes turning around and watching the security officers and the head of the Provincial Committee of rushing by, hurrying to the airport, said:

-Radio communication between the ships we will be guaranteed in the world, and upon arrival at Mars.In outer space there may be serious obstacles.Therefore, after the launch, we are likely to get lost from each other before arriving at Mars.Mars immediately establish radio contact with each other and determine who flew and landed in all directions.Possibility B, will be a great variation in the planet.Therefore, in each unit, there is one aircraft running on Martian powder and one motorcycle, with gasoline stocks three kilometers.On Mars there is no gasoline, but there is a possibility to find the Martians and stock their powder for the aircraft.All right? ...

Moose was also present at the briefing, who pitched for the members of the expedition Gusev.He is both amazed by its increasing management skills, and thought about the imminent launch to Mars, and did not believe that all this is happening with him in a dream and reality.

Sometimes, for some reason he was checking calculations of trajectories, though now it was already useless.Apparently nervous.

"Waited" - sweet and dreamy thought Elk.

He tried to think about Aelita, but for some reason, thought lost, as if exhausted.And he could not focus on them.


Soon gathered everyone who was supposed to be present at the start of interplanetary expedition.

Gusev has built his team arrived and reported with M oscow chairman of the government commission, and then turned to the crews and units commanded:

"Take the place!On the machines! "

This time the speech was not to say to anyone.All onlookers were left outside the launch site.So everything happened as if on the front, as in war."Without further tsatskany" - said to myself Gusev.

- Well, we'll have them!- Casually shook his fist into the distance Gusev, saying goodbye to elk.They decided to fly on different ships, and now from this point to Mars itself could no longer see each other.Gusev had to run the commanding ship launch was conducted from all devices: command to start engines was fed from it.Elk also flew on one of the slave ships, which after starting ruled autonomously and independently could change the trajectory in space.

-Who they?- Moose asked.

-Yes, and that, and another!- Provocatively gestured Gusev.- And Tuskub and Skiles!All together!

-Let's see - Los shrugged.- I this had not thought ...

-And why do we fly, if not for this!- Gusev headed commander ship.

A minute later he took over the radio crews from all reports on readiness, and then commanded, "Go!", Turned the handle run.

Over Petrograd deafening rumble grew into a roar that drowned out other sounds.

"Well, let's go!" - Came from the speakers of all communication devices in interplanetary x machines enthusiastic voice Gusev.

Elk with force shrank into his chair, his eyes dark with mad acceleration.


Overcoming incredible fatigue leaning gravity acceleration mezhduzvezdnom space ship, from the newly experienced shocks to the body at the start, Moose tried to concentrate and think.

Now, when the expedition consisted of three independent units, each of which is independently moving in interplanetary space, it is especially important that all ships have successfully reached Mars.

Of course, it was great that they were flying so much.Not like in that distant first time when there were only two.But on the other hand their forces dispersed, and now everything depended on the safe arrival on Mars all three devices.Especially important thought Moose to meet as soon as possible on Mars Gusev.He remembered how to deal with them ruthlessly Tuskub army.


After some time, the unit has reached maximum speed close to the speed of light.Acceleration stopped.Disappeared bore down on body weight, it has become extremely easy.

Moose on the side of the machine, like a fly, got to one of the observing instruments and clung to the eyepiece, peering through the darkness in his airless space.

Eyes pricked sharp beams countless stars.Elk, turning periscope tube device left and right, up and down, trying to find the other two gadgets Soviet Mars mission.

Finally he noticed below and left a huge star, shining particularly bright, draws bottomless space like a meteor.The remaining stars, large and small, small and large, remained in place.Elk guessed that sees one of the ships.

He moved to the opposite side of the device, again fell to the observation tube and soon found the same bright star, rushing through the vacuum unit on the other side, above and to the right.

All three devices went smoothly, with the same speed, rapidly crossing the space between the planets.

Elk calmed down and began to make ballistic calculations, writing something in his notebook.He appointed one member of his team look into the instruments of external observation, symmetrically placed along the entire circumference of the unit.Thus, they could be seen surrounding space.In case of any danger observers had to inform him immediately.

The fifth member of the team watched the operation of the motor ship.

Periodically observers reported Elk that can be seen in the surrounding area and what happens to other devices, which are still moving to the right and below and to the left and above the ship, forming a triangle, rushing to Mars with unimaginable speed.


An hour later, one of the observers noticed some approaching them nebula.

Moose took a seat at the supervisory unit and examined the observed phenomenon.

Nebula clearly stood out against the blackness of the sky, dotted with prickly stars.Is behind the sun sets on the course, highlights it.She ran as a fantastic cloud somewhere in the infinity of space and disappeared into the depths of his black.

Elk clung to the eyepiece on the opposite side of the machine.

Cloud could be seen here.It also disappeared somewhere in the abyss of world space.

After a very short time a cloud is wider, then wider, and soon it took half the horizon already, and its details are now clearly visible.

Elk maximize multiple supervisory instrument optics and recoiled in horror from him, it was countless asteroids, small and large, the size of a small planet, and the like dust.All this ring rotates at a certain distance from the sun in the solar system and now embarked on their journey.

"A serious and dangerous obstacle!- Said their views engineer crew.- You must report it to other devices and try to change the course! "

He rushed back to the adding machine and a notebook to do the calculations is to monitor engine Maxim Polejaeff establish radio through interplanetary space with other devices and inform them about the detected threat.

Transmitter silent, apparently because the ships were moving at speeds close to the speed of light.Besides Los resulting from the settlement came to a disappointing conclusion that to avoid passing through the asteroid belt does not succeed, or they will have to change course on a hyperbolictrajectory that they can not get to Mars and carry into interstellar space.

Could only believe that they and other devices will be able to overcome the obstacle without loss.

Moose again clung to the supervisory unit.

Now nebula was closed all the space in front of throng of different sizes of celestial bodies that are rapidly closing in on the ship.

Moose suddenly noticed the supervisory device like a huge hole in the solid rock field.She was a little left on the course.Apparently this gap has done some recently flown comet.

He sent the ship to the side of the hole.

"It would be good to inform others that there were flying" - thought engineer.However, due to other ships were not.

As far as was possible, they changed course and flew at high speed along the tangent to the edge of the cleft in the dance asteroids.

Other ships were lost from sight.The supervisory unit was visible only from the gray haze of the passing throng the speed of light stones.

Suddenly it was over, and as if nothing had happened around again was a bottomless depth of black, studded with countless stars and constellations.

Now visible and Mars.He was right and below the rate and adjust the direction of motion apparatus, the crew headed to Los rapidly approaching planet.

The other two devices could be seen still, and Los alarmed.It suddenly emerged asteroid field was a serious obstacle on which ships could break.At this speed bump in the following would make the same second and the machine, and all that was inside, in the cosmic dust.

Elk sad and even forgot about the preparations for the upcoming emergency landing.


"Faith is a knowledge unaccrued reality!- Used to say something in early childhood Elk his father.- What are you going to believe, and come! "

Sometimes, very rarely, Elk recalled those words.They pop up very slowly and indistinctly of the most ancient depths of his consciousness, where lurked about remembering childhood and adolescence.Usually took place in the most difficult moments of his life.

And now, apparently, it's time to believe.Believe in luck, in fate, in prosperous flight to Mars.

Elk do not often indulged in it, and now it was difficult to rely on faith, that the other two gadgets reached the red planet ...

- Mstislav Sergeevich, Mars!- He heard one of the observers.

In this second axis A growing heaviness felt in the body.Vehicle entered the gravity field of the planet and now overturned nozzle capacity of Tell and forward rate.

It was necessary to prepare for landing.


Landing on Mars was tough.Apparatus, although did maneuver and, as expected, turned the back of the planet surface, but could not slow down enough and the engine had hit on a rocky plateau, jumped again and again, each time looking up from the surface smaller, then suddenly like stuck in it, stood almost vertically, but a second later with a screech of sandstone fell on its side, tilted forty-five degrees and suddenly froze.

Rattle, clanking metal roar of the engines, everything had suddenly quieted down, and there was agonizing silence.

Crew patted great landing, but there were no casualties.All, including Elk, escaped with bruises, abrasions, someone still dislocated his arm.Now, coming to himself, they were preparing to open the hatch.

But do not bother it now Elk.

Plexus strange feelings about possessed him.

He was glad, however, is not quite consciously, again flew to Mars, and at the same time worried experienced real concern that with him no Gusev.

For some reason he suddenly remembered their escape from Mars."Yes, then if not Gusev, it is unlikely I would be alive now," - he thought.

He, as an engineer, it was clear that for tens of millions of kilometers virtually uncontrolled spread of flight trajectories between ships is huge.But what?It is possible that some of the ships altogether and miss, passing Mars, rush to the limitless expanse of space forever.Yes, it's an asteroid field.

The thought Elk scolded chill.

"Yes, it will be difficult without Guseva" - thought Elk, preparing for what they did not see each other again.

Despite the fact that it had five burly guys carefully selected for flight Gusev, Los suddenly confused as a child.

He suddenly imagined the roar of their engines broke in skimpy Martian atmosphere for hundreds of miles around, heralding its inhabitants of their arrival."The same should be heard crashing and landing other machines!- Elk thought.- Maybe focusing on the screens, we find them? "

But the engineer realized that this same rumble can find them and others.

Of course, many years have passed since they left Mars, and it is unlikely someone is waiting for them: too troublesome thing - wait.But still ... Also around here already landed Americans ... if they flew.

After some time, they tested the effects of the radio station.It worked.Then they began to recruit the agreed frequency.However, the air was calm.Elk long listened to her, as if waiting for that now you will hear the voice of Gusev.However, nothing disturbed the silence except for the crackling.Signals from the third ship also been reported.

Everyone could not wait to get out of the machine outside.Somehow I do not believe that they are for tens of millions of miles from Earth.Wanted to try what it is Mars.

Here, you have to be careful!- Elk warned guys, when they unscrewed the hatch and going to open it.

-What is it?- They asked.

- Here every alien animals usual uncharted - explained Elk with fastidious shudder remembering giant Martian spiders.- More plants, cacti, like carnivores ...

In the opened hatch smelled dry warm air.In the eyes bright sunbeam hit.The sun was rising over the shaggy lump near horizon.

All carefully climbed out of the machine, began cautiously to listen and look around.

Elk this picture seemed so familiar, as if he had just left yesterday with Mars Gusev, and there was no agonizing years of waiting.At the same time, he felt that missed this bleak landscapes that have not seen for so many years, but then realized that maybe thislonging for lost youth at Aelita.

Heart ached painfully, and tried to get away from Los those thoughts.He started locating the ship, taking astronomical instruments and performing calculations.

His guys still knew that hop on an unknown planet, but did not believe in it,apparently, to the end, now happy as children, first time have seen something amazing and alluring as the sea.It was surprising to the sea.It was Mars, another life, another planet for millions, tens of millions of miles from Earth.They were playing, chasing each other on a deserted sand, slightly overgrown with some vegetation, threw stones at each other, leaping high, using a smaller body weight in a weak Martian gravity, - the word fooling around as they could.

Moose was not to fun.Determine the location of the ship, he realized that they were now

Were much further south than the previous landing.They were somewhere near the equator.This confirmed and soon ascended to the zenith sun.It glowed now over most heads

There was virtually no vegetation, the soil was different.Time exploring the surrounding area, Elk seemed that he was just weaned from the Martian soil and vegetation, but then still remembered groomed tilled soil under cacti and realized that everything else here."Perhaps because the planet has changed in the time that Mr. Al was not?" - Thought the engineer, but then cast away this crazy idea, realizing that for the geology of Mars during their absence - a brief moment in the multi-billion years of life cycle of the planet.

Here everything was unfamiliar, deserted, abandoned.The crew went around a few kilometers, but have not met any channels, no cactus, no mysterious buildings and wells, or even giant Martian spiders.It was quite a lifeless desert, and now Elk increasingly seemed that he was the first flight of his dream.Now Mars looked like he was supposed to look lifeless and deserted.Neither Soatsera nor Aelita, nor even kakih-nibud Martians.Only they, shaggy sun at its zenith, and their sharply defined lilac shadows on the rocky lifeless sand.

Moose shook his head,trying to get rid of obsession.He began to feel more and more that he flew on some other planet.He ordered to get out of the machine aircraft assembled on Earth by Martian drawings."If it works - it will be the only evidence of life on Mars that still exists - thought engineer.- Anyway, now, right now! "

The car was ready for a trial run.Moose took a small bag with the Martian powder, which he picked up last time with him in hopes to establish its production in the world, fell asleep in the powder box, leaving half in reserve.

-Starts - Los commanded, and the car immediately zastrekotala and soared towards a clumsy rider.

Elk understood - Martian civilization still exists, in any case, its polar station work, although he suspected that maybe they can function without the service and for some time, maybe a year, maybe a century after them last touch.Moose did not know their devices.

-What do we do, Mstislav Sergeevich?- Asked the Elk.

Two-stay here, the device - commanded engineer.- They have small arms and machine gun, flares, and a supply of provisions and water for two months at the cost-effective use.Their mission - to protect the machine, not to allow anyone to it, is always in the air at the agreed frequency to detect signals from other devices.Upon detection of other participants trip set their location and coordinate actions to unite the forces of the second Soviet Mars mission.One main unit, which flew a group of Gusev.In the case of departure to Gusev - leave a detailed record in the logbook, where and how to look for him, as well as to inform ways of communication.In case of serious danger to hide inside the unit, unscrew the surveillance devices and using them as loopholes to continue the defense.Flares run one every hour, but only in the most serious case.Three, you must choose who will fly with me on two machines to the north.In any case, we will return to the unit no later than a week.

-And if you do not go back - the sailor asked swells at middle, a Ukrainian native of Odessa, he was one of the first rushed once for selection to the team, and his humor, and that penetrated to the place and out of place a few times like Gusev exclude him from the expedition: "Humor on Mars to anything, Sasha" - he would say."Yes, how do to anything?- Outraged Tsatsulya.- There is no Odessa?Martians who will make you laugh?Without this contact does not adjust!So, no I did not. "

-If you do not go back, Sasha - approached him Moose - you wait until there is an opportunity and seek contact with other devices.No other way!

-No, Mstislav Sergeevich, I'll go with you, I can not in place to sit around!- Tsatsulya said.- I fidget!Leave someone else, Mstislav Sergeevich that cost you?And I'm still of use to you!Very much want to live to see the Martians, a chat with them.

See you, Sasha, you'll see - it calmed Elk.- Martians enough for everyone, I promise.

-That's good - Sasha agreed - but I'm with you, Mstislav Sergeevich

All right, pull the lot!- Los said.- Who wants to, he can stay.

Tsatsulya immediately got a match from his pocket, made two short handed and comrades:


All were drawn to the matches.Elk watched from the sidelines.He was seen Sasha matches.

When there were two - one short and one long - Tsatsulya already sweating, so he did not want to stay.

It matches the soldiers reached Egorov, Elk saw how he took up a long match, but Sasha held her so that he was white finger.

Okay - guess Egorov, when he noticed that the match is pressed, and he can not pull it out - so I wanted to stay.

The team was divided into those who fly with elk and two remaining in interplanetary apparatus.

In Martian loaded machine gun, a week's supply, food and water.

After d ec ny approx minutes Elk with three companions hoisted on its pulsating drive high into the sky and headed north.

Below them stretched orange desert, dotted with gorges, craters and waterless valleys to the nearest horizon.Nowhere was no sign of life.

"It is strange, as if another planet" - thought Moose, looking around and remembering landscapes of former Mars.


Shaggy Martian sun was setting rapidly to the west.The air grew cooler.The sky darkened, and the bottom of the orange desert which stretches from becoming even more saturated colors.

Moose is not the first time looking ahead, counter-flow developed his hair.He tried to discern any signs of life.They flew north for about ten hours, and only now because of the close horizon seemed familiar jagged mountains, jagged peaks which sank into the violet sky.

Tsatsulya sailor who still flew with elk, elated showed sharp-nosed peaks appeared on such implausible to eyes accustomed to observe the Earth's landscape.Nowhere in the world of the mountains could not be in greater force of attraction.

He shouted something, but his voice was drowned in the clatter of machinery and howling headwind.Moose nodded his head and hand showed that they fly it there.

Now it has become more fun: there was something familiar in the landscapes of an alien planet.He suddenly wondered why he had not noticed it before: beneath them has long been floating dry river channels, to line the surface of Mars in neat rows.His heart was pounding with excitement and apprehension meeting with that beckoned him through the years and through space.Enthusiastically and joyfully he touched his shoulder Tsatsulyu first and then the other two of his companions, and showed his hand down, knowing that his voice will not be heard.

The boys stared at unseen Martian wonders.

Now then, here and there across the skeletons of some ruined buildings.Some swam beneath the machine, others could be seen to the left, then to the right on the horizon.

Excited members of the expedition about something loudly talking to each other, pointing to these ruins, arose and carried away.

Moose gave the command to go down below and are now visible in the cactus plantation nullah channels, wells, manholes mirrors, sparkling lines razbegayuschi e smiling to the horizon along the diagonals.He even thought that he sees between the huge plants runs black, furry body of a giant spider, he looked more closely, but the unit will quickly carry them farther north.

Mars came to life before our eyes.Elk looked around and noticed the sky black dots, approaching them from several sides.If this were the Martians, it was necessary to take precautionary measures.He again touched Tsatsulyu the shoulder and pointed to the automatic rifles lying on the bottom of a flying boat, then turned his hand to the sky and pointed in the direction of one of the upcoming points.

Sasha peered where indicated engineer, wrinkling his nose and squinting, and pushed two other comrades, shouting at his ear: "To arms!"

Black dots seemed birds, interested prey.They approached the boat and, curiously gazing at her ravenous flock flew above, left and right, sometimes approaching to such a close distance that could reach out a hand.

All except Elk surprised outlandish appearance unseen animals, he continued to stare forward, gestures hinting Tsatsule to keep them on the alert:

-They may attack!- Called Moose, depicting hand predatory klatsayut fall, owl p depleting attacks.

Tsatsulya not heard, but understood by the gesture and his lips lifted automatic carbine and wanted to turn into one of the Martian creatures approached, but Moose stopped him with a gesture:

-Keep cartridges!

Sasha still could not resist.But instead of shoot, he moved bird butt when she flew very close and opened her to lyuv.

Sawtooth Mountains were already quite close.Now they are peeking over the horizon, and these were the horizon.Passed esch e half an hour, and that's already sailed beneath the ridges and valleys.The boat was flying so low that sometimes pointy tops floated near or above.

Comrades Elk looked around in surprise.Downstairs in the twilight between the mountains sometimes failures were visible remains of broken Martian airships and newcomers on Mars it was unusual.Moose is found only in this proof that it was not a dream - his first mission to Mars.

Mountain ridge over, downstairs again began to float flat landscapes.Now were visible-flowing channels, verdant gardens, home.Everything was the same as when they were brought to the Gusev great military Martian ship.

"How long has it been?" - Thought sadly Elk.Heart suddenly felt a pang of sadness and anxiety.Moose looked into sailing down the canals, houses and gardens, and some anxiety crept into his heart.Something seemed to appear in all views is not enough, something old, but he could not understand what it was.

By nightfall they reached the ruins of the old Soatsera.Everything was still, except for the fact that a huge statue was destroyed Magatsitls and defeated on the ground.By boulders, lying around at the foot could guess its once majestic contours.

Excited satellites and then showed that the elk down to one, then the other vestiges of the Martian civilization, but Moose just nods his head to him, then it was all familiar.

Of course, strange and unusual to see again after so many years, tens of millions of kilometers from Earth again these ruins, but that's all.

Moose signs pointed ahead, they say, it will be even more interesting.All eagerly peered into the distance.

However, almost dusk.The sun has long set behind the nearest Martian horizon and every minute darkened more.

Moose said ahead on a small platform on the slope of a steep hill battle Martian ship.It was as if the whole, as if about to ready to soar upwards.However, no one around the vehicle to be seen, and since the powder they had at the end, the engineer gave the command to sit next to him, showing that the weapons were kept in readiness to fire.

When the boat sank on a flat terrace in the valley below, where lay Soatsera, quite dark.On the site where there was a Martian warship still glimmering twilight.

Moose gave the command to inspect the ship, as he headed to the edge of the platform, which offers a view of the Soatsera.

Downstairs was dark.Moose was hoping to see at least somewhere city lights at night, usually at dusk, drowning in the light of lights.But was only around midnight.This alarmed engineer even stronger.Was something unnatural in all that are brought to his gaze this time.In all the familiar signs were subtle incomprehensible anxiety something was missing.

And then like lightning proshibla Elk.Of course, lacked the most important - life!During the entire flight over Mars they have not met one Martian airship, no flying boat.Even at the bottom could not be seen never any Martians.It was all very strange.Even now his hope to see in the dark at least one reflection is not that electric lighting, but even a fire, even a little feeble flame of fire - was not justified.Ahead in the darkness lurking Soatsera that did not serve a single sign of life.

Elk hearing drew a sound in the darkness below, under the hill.Elk sound seemed familiar.Some long-standing anxiety surfaced in memory at the same time, but he could not remember where he had heard the sound, and what was related to anxiety, which arose with him.

- Mstislav Sergeevich, go here!- Called the engineer out of the darkness a voice Tsatsuli.- There is! ..

-Coming, Sasha - he was distracted from watching the sound down and from his anxiety.

Average warship gangway was lowered to the ground.Elk accompanied Sasha went inside and found inside a strange sight.Two other comrades watched dumbfounded around like numb with horror.

Circle in the rays of flashlights were traces of some wild carnage, snatched from the darkness.

Mixed body lay Martian soldiers and giant spiders.It would seem that the entire crew participated in this mortal combat and completely lost in his same boat.

Urgent-climbs a ladder!- Ordered Elk.

Now he remembered that it was for the sound.The sound he heard then, with Gusev, in the maze of underground corridors, in that terrible pit from which raised tens hairy disgusting creatures.Apparently, they are now flooded and the planet.But why, how did they manage?

Everyone rushed to raise the ladder.He set in motion, apparently, an electric motor, but the electricity was not on the ship.Ladder next to the door of the wall was a small handle to the disk apparently it was an emergency winch, which was to raise the ladder.

-Sasha, rotate!- Shouted Elk Tsatsule, listening to the sound of rustling rising.- Faster, faster, guys, do not bring you to see it!

Tsatsulya that there are forces zavraschal handle.Around the cabin of the ship erupted dozens of small pale green bulbs.Ladder swayed slightly and slowly began to leave.

-This generator, Mstislav Sergeevich, manual emergency generator!It is necessary to turn off the lights, to send all his power to lift the ladder!

Spin-on, turn off now!- Moose said.- All search switch!

He rushed into the cabin of the ship, and the rest, tossing in the dark with flashlights in hand began to look for the light switch on the walls of salons.

In the wheelhouse Elk terrible picture appeared.In the chair sat Martian management, apparently, the pilot of the ship.M on top of the frozen dead or huge spider nailed to the ceiling somehow popem salon.Martian head and remained in the jaws of a huge insect.

Elk shuddered with disgust.Squeezing past the dead bodies forward, Los groped for control panels flashlight beam, looking something like a switch.One after another, he translated into another position occurring in the bright spot outlandish forms of switches and buttons pereschelkivaya whenever glancing at the ceiling, where there is also uneven, pulsing light bulb flashed emergency lighting.But she continued to burn, that he would not do it.

At this moment, the salon crackle turn fired from an automatic rifle, some screams and cries.Moose gave up his futile exercise: switch and failed to find - and ran back into the cabin of the ship.

In the flickering light green lights he saw Sasha continues to rotate the handle with one hand on the wall, which is held at the ready second hand automatic carbine aimed at opening the front door.Two other companions were also here, in preparation for shooting and lifting arms.All three wildly screaming in terror, smelled gunpowder.

Rang another automatic queue.This again Tsatsulya shot.

Sudden failure of black doorway into the cabin penetrated several feet furry giant Martian spiders.

Tsatsulya shrank away, leaving to turn the handle, and with both hands grabbed his shotgun, ready to fire sighting.At this very moment in the cabin pitch darkness reigned.

-Do not leave the handle!Say what you like!- Called Moose on the run before entering the ladder was still ten meters.

In the darkness became acute narrow sheaves of flame escaping from the trunks of automatic rifles, again I heard some yelling.Seeing nothing underfoot, Los tripped over something and stretched out on the floor.

-Sasha, rotate, climbs a ladder!- Los shouted, trying to get up.

Shooting became disorderly.Through its crackling heard some yelling.In outbursts of flames bursting from the trunks of carbines were seen giant hairy legs spiders, who tried to get inside the ship, interfering with each other.People retreated deep into the ship from the entrance, which has already conquered a huge insects.

Do not let them get inside!- Los shouted, trying to shout indiscriminately.He made his way to the ladder to the touch, crouching on the floor, slid at hand Tsatsuli, scorching short bursts toward the access opening and shouted.- Cover me!

Elk rushed to the input hatch, felt pen, and began to twist.

Again dawned dull greenish light bulbs around the perimeter of the cabin.

Very near, he saw the black feathered legs spiders clinging edge entrance hatch.Bullets whistled carbines from flying somewhere past his ear.They dug into the trunk of insects and Elk flew in the face some nasty smelly slime their insides torn shots.

Ladder slowly rose, closing the inlet opening.Heard the crunch of shells and insects paws, which weighed closing mechanism.However, three spiders the same ladder, closing, pushed into the cabin.

One of the spiders ran straight at Sergeant Sysoseva standing opposite the entrance.He dropped his rifle and fell backwards.Tsatsulya rushed up to him and gave head insect long queue on which the cartridges in his carbine and ran.Tsatsulya turned the rifle butt and began to beat the spider.

The second spider disappeared somewhere in the dark compartment, and the third took up elk, feeling it with its tentacles.

Elk felt sticky, delicate, cool touch tickling antennae animal hairs andsaw the glow of shots somewhere nearby his huge black eyes implausible.He stopped turning the handle and pulled back from the entrance, but the spider followed by its x and long hairy legs, stilts, front paws caught his body and going to stab him in his huge fangs, stingers, framing his mouth, from which trickled and sticky poured down on the floor a deadly poison.Elk could not move any more arm or leg.Spider immediately began to curl around the cocoon of its web, trying to limit the movement of the victim.Under its own weight Moose fell to the floor lounge, but the rifle in his hand became vertically, resting on the butt of the vessel bottom.Feeling that this is the end, Los clicked on the trigger, released at random all ammunition, losing consciousness.


In oval portholes glimmer light of dawn.Moose woke trying to figure out where he was and what was happening to him.Was bending over him tired face Tsatsuli:

-Woke up, Mstislav Sergeevich?

Yes, he said, feeling some weakness throughout the body.What happened?

-Yes, I have to extricate himself from the web of midnight.Contagion shook you like swaddle, he would run a midwife!- Outraged Tsatsulya.

-You mean anyone, Sasha?

-Do you remember?

Moose turned, studying the surroundings.Memory started coming episodes of carnage yesterday:

-Something remember, Sasha?What is wrong with me?- He tried to move but could not.

Yes you have this scum seems snatched lightly.Looks like poison sprinkled paralyzing.But you butchered her cool under the vinaigrette around the cabin scraps lying around!

-And the rest?- Weak demand Elk.

Yeah, nothing like - Tsatsulya said.- I do not hurt.That's got great Syosev Nikitin - so-so, like got off lightly.

A spiders?Spiders?

-Those three that were inside, all finished off.The one you made in the vinaigrette, I koknul another, and the third - Nikitin.

-Good for you, Sasha, I saw you fought bravely, if not for you ...

Moose groaned, feeling aches throughout the body:

-Where did he have?

In-shoulder, Mstislav Sergeevich wanted to see, in the head, but ...

-Got it.

-All night scuttling the ship, - said Tsatsulya.- They are probably hundreds more.I even thought that they fought among themselves, each other was removed from the ship.Looks like production is not shared.

-And now, Sasha, now what?

Yes seems to be quiet.By morning, all was quiet something.Looks like they hunt at night!In general, the horror some, Mstislav Sergeevich!where we were?

Marcio, Sasha, to Mars, dear!

Sun behind the mountains seemed.After a pause, Tsatsulya opened the door, looked around.At the entrance was strewn several dead insects, slain by bullets and crushed mechanism ladder.All was quiet and deserted.

-Get out of here necessary, Mstislav Sergeevich, - commented on the observations Tsatsulya.

Yes - agreed Elk - certainly below in all their swarms.

Wounded comrade Tsatsulya Nikitin and moved into the boat.The Martian warship found a large supply of powder and loaded into the boat, a few bags.

-We fly, I know where it is still necessary to visit!- Ordered lying on the bottom of the boat, Moose.- There sure is quiet, not like here.

Why, Mstislav Sergeevich?

-This is far in the mountains - Los said, but then I remembered that the underground labyrinths and are there, and it is possible that spiders and dominate there.

However, they flew.

Flying Boat soared over the hill and began to make a circle over Soatsera, heading for home Tuskub.Elk, which helped to rise, now literally hanging on side railing aircraft.With difficulty, he pulled his hand, showing the direction of flight.Occasionally, to orient, he looked down, but could not find the city.Downstairs floated ruins.Apparently, the destruction happened long as everything was covered with a thick layer of sand, in some places with high dunes ypavshim ruins.

Among the ruins, you could sometimes see huge insects that appear and disappear in the bottom tsarivshem chaos.

Moose, who saw this city to other, occasionally sighing.


By noon, a little strayed among the mountains as the Elk during this time, the order of rusty landmarks on an alien planet, they reached home Tuskub.Some time did not allow to sit Elk and they circled slowly down over the gorge and the lake.

Below, amidst lush greenery bushes grace places were visible everywhere the same signs of a struggle that approaching the Soatsera.Everywhere lay broken flying boats and several skeletons of large warships.But the house, a big house Tuskub, apparently was unharmed, and Elk, every time the boat was flying near, peered in the hope that now someone will come to the front lawn, or seem on the stairs leading to the lake.

He knew who he wanted to see, but would be happy if there was at least someone.At times it seemed to him that even if he now appeared Tuskub, he would be happy as if he saw a long lost friend - since the arrival on Mars he has not seen a single Martian, no living.In the shattered Soatsera dominated giant spiders.And now it seems that if this happened there, Martian civilization came to an end.

Moose did not want to believe it.He would not agree with that logic told him what he saw and experienced yesterday in Soatsera.It looked like a disaster in a few years to absorb the highest form of life on the planet.

Gave a glimmer of hope still working pole station providing flight their boats.But what if they have worked for many years in their own right, without any supervision?After all, the secret of their construction was unknown to him.It is possible that the principles of their actions were based on processes that do not require intervention for repair and maintenance for a long time.However, trying to find an analogy Elk this assumption in human history and could not.All invented by man and machine mechanisms required a constant presence and control on his part, or they just broke down, or they run out of fuel.However Martian civilization had many secrets and techniques that are not available or unknown earthlings, so it was possible to assume that their pole station can act on their own, creating an energy field, dozens, perhaps hundreds of years.But he did not want to believe it, so it cherished the hope that some of the Martian civilization certainly still alive.And so, it is alive and Aelita.And it means that he came here for nothing.Even if you survived it alone, then it will be sufficient.He would not dream of more happiness.He takes it back to Earth, so he wanted to see.He firmly embrace and kiss her to him, kiss hot lips and tell you how bored and aspired to it all these years.

-Aelita, my love, where are you?- Los whispered, feeling tears welling in his eyes.

How selfish love.That would seem to be a whole civilization disappeared, the population of the entire planet.And he, an engineer from the Earth before and do not care.He only thinks about one being about her, about Aelita.He thinks about it already countless thousands of days.He already szhilsya, accustomed to this misery and endless waiting.And they have a deep part of his nature for these many years, and at the same time give a reason to live, and to take it back ... its infeasibility

Suddenly, Moose heard a scream.He turned.Shouted Tsatsulya.Sailor vigorously showed somewhere down overheated explaining something, but parse his words was difficult because of the noise of the wings and whistling wind.

Moose looked down, but did not notice anything.Tsatsulya but continued to shout and show down.

"Maybe he saw a huge spider" - thought Moose.

He gestured to the sailor crept closer and explained in his ear what had happened, while shouting over the noise of the wings and the wind:

Come here, Sasha!What happened?

-There, there's a man - trying to catch his breath, told him Tsatsulya.

Where?- Moose tried once more to consider anything in the direction pointed sailor.- Are you sure?

She-s, Mstislav Sergeevich!Accurately seen as someone slipped.

-Maybe a spider?

-Yeah, well, I, Mstislav Sergeevich, from spider man is not different!

Moose shrugged, but gave the command to decrease.

The boat landed on the lawn of the house.

Just in case Moose gave the command to be alert.Sound of the wings of a flying boat verse primeval silence reigned around.

Somewhere near the lake the birds were singing, shaggy sun was at its zenith, and shone bravely with cloudless pale purple on the edges and in the center of dazzling yellowish sky.Behind them stretched familiar azure grove, is the same as then, many years ago.

Moose turned around.His heart suddenly ached so badly that he froze.For some time it seemed to him that he, in fact, go back to the past, and Gusev only brought into the house Tuskub, and he has not seen Aelita did not know and had no idea that it exists at all.

Ah, love, what a strange thing, this love.Suddenly, one day something will sink into the soul at the sight of a hitherto unknown personages, and now live without it it can, like all life before and was only that the overture to this meeting.And it does not matter, whether the subject feels passion reciprocity or not, quite the contrary, does not even notice it, but love is in itself lives, loves, admires and can not get enough of the object of desire.And even if the time or even any circumstances prevent it, it is just hiding somewhere in the depths of the human being, and then suddenly, out of nowhere one day completely erupts anew from scratch, it would seem, the place at every opportunity.

Here and now with Elk was something unimaginable.Love that seemingly long dried up, dried up in his heart, flaming now as if it was not these years.

Hurricane had suddenly erupted into a raging flame of hope chest eclipsed his mind, and as soon as the boat stopped on the ground, it was not wise gray husband and the boy, rushing headlong to the threshold of the house across the clearing, threw broken mechanisms - the next battle.

-Where are you, Mstislav Sergeevich?- Only had time to shout after him Tsatsulya as an engineer had disappeared beyond the threshold of a strange house.

Groaning in frustration, Tsatsulya leaped over the side of the boat and with automatic rifles at the ready for elk ran after him, shouting over his shoulder:

-Nikitin, the eldest!Take up the defense!

"And what I said to him that he saw someone down there?- Perplexed sailor on his stupidity.- Strange some people!After a wounded, barely pumped!Who is he looking for?Really missed by Martians, so that sprinted? "

Sasha ran into the dark, as it seemed, compared with terrestrial houses wall Martian structures and expecting anything to meet in the next minute, he took an automatic rifle at the ready, having sent a cartridge in the chamber, "Well, hold on, sailor!"

Mstislav-Sergeyevich!- Was heard in the dark corridors of the building his hollow echo of his voice ringing.- Mstislav Sergeevich!Respond!

However, there was no reply.Corridors houses were on either side of the entrance, so Tsatsulya decided to stay and wait here.


Moose was far inside the house.He learned every corner, every turn of this alien home, where once held some of the best days of his life, the days when he was close to the object of his love.

He ran for the hallway corridor, oblivious frightening boominess, their emptiness and abandonment.That's bedrooms, where they lived with Gusev.That library, here's the place - wide bench in a semicircular expansion room and a reading table in front of her with forgotten on its surface white ivory roller - where she worked with them learned the language and history of Mars Aelita.

It was all the same.Also on the shelves were ancient books, illuminated through skylights rays rolling to sundown.Near cylinders stood in neat rows with rollers for viewing on the reading table.

However, everywhere was deserted, but clean and tidy.Although there was no visible signs of struggle and destruction that occurred in abundance around the outside of the house.It was weird.It seemed that the house still someone looks.Someone brings order here.It is not the feeling that the owners somewhere nearby, but only briefly left his home.

Elk crossed numerous stairways and corridors of a huge building, stopping and looking in every room, on every porch, every corner.Everywhere was still deserted, but the house was in order.Everything was in its place, clean and tidy.Even the dust was not on a large household items.

Evening when Los approached in that part of the house where there were quarters that of which he had so long dreamed.In the feverish excitement, he ran into the bedroom and froze Aelita.

There was also deserted, as elsewhere.Last hope for a happy meeting began to evaporate.

Suddenly, in the twilight purple room he seemed to feel a presence.He said if someone's eye gray silhouette standing side dusk evening.

Beside himself with excitement overwhelmed him, Moose turned and froze in surprise.

Right in the depths of the spacious rooms guessed someone's silhouette.It was a woman - he could not be mistaken in shape outlines, though shrunken Martians were difficult to distinguish, but still guessed narrow waist shape.

Heart pounding in anticipation of meeting surging excitement.He peered into the gloom, trying to guess, and more, to draw an image of that of which dreamed of all these years.

Yes!It was a woman, he was now clearly visible.She leaned against the wall, apparently hoping to go unnoticed, and stood so still.Of course, the woman should not have uninvited guests show up when this was happening around him.How does she know that this is not the rebels and soldiers Council engineers - who she's afraid, and that it was he, Elk, flew for tens of millions of kilometers on the call of his mad love to meet her again.

Elk, overcoming bound him suddenly numb, made several rapid steps into the darkness and hugged female creature lurking in the purple twilight.


His fingers felt the cool surface of dresses, silky skin on the open areas of the body of the dress, which he embraced.He felt like a woman trying to escape from his grasp.Does she still did not understand.What is he, Moose?

His hands groped her rapidly, rising higher on the back, the head, the neck.He could not believe his luck.So, suddenly, so easy, after so many years and travels through the infinity of the world space, tens of millions of kilometers through its vast desert!

-Aelita!- And only managed to say Elk.

He tried to get her to kiss, because I was sure it was her, Aelita.But she still resisted.

Suddenly she jabbered something on your bird language.And Moose realized that it was not his lover.

Its like from head to toe proshibla lightning, and he recoiled away, feeling all flushed, covered with shame Crimson.

Elk have not heard so Martian speech that he could not make out at first, and that says a woman left in the dark purple wall.However, he recognized her voice, though he could not remember who it was.He fumbled frantically pockets for matches, and the next minute lit twilight front of you so that it became visible face Marsianka.

Before him stood the Martian middle-aged woman.She was scared, confused and downcast eyes, pressed to his chest, as if hiding inside.She stood motionless, as all the wall.

Peering into her features, Elk came closer, illuminating Martian held high match.

It seemed to him that the woman was trembling with fear.He looked at her and could not find out who it is, although the image of her pop up somewhere in the depths of memory.He struggled to remember the words of the Martian and could not - so long he did not communicate in that language.

When the match was almost burned out, and it became a flame extinguished, Martian suddenly lifted her eyes to him, and Elk recognized her.His eyes were the same as many years ago.They are all the same - or it only seemed to him - the light radiated youth.

It was Iha, he recognized her.

It seems that now she, too, learned the white giant.

With gleeful shrieks Iha fell upon the neck Elk, leaping at him like a tree and hugging her legs in his belt.

Something she squeal on his bird language, and Elk struggled and could not understand what she says.The joy of meeting with excitement alive and unharmed peace ful, the same, but only matured, swallowed it without residue.He suddenly felt almost feel the presence somewhere near Aelita.Well, if he found Iha, then Aelita just really near.

Just a few minutes, they warmly embraced, while Iha squeal and clung to the white giant as a child to become bored.Finally, when emotions have cooled down a bit, Elk literally ripped off the Martian and pushed her, hoping to lead to feelings.But she still has not been able to recover from the joy that there was no end in sight.

Elk recalled frantically Martian words, but then just asked her:

-Aelita!Where Aelita?

The woman's face suddenly looked haggard, joy it faded.She suddenly turned and went to the violet end of the room and there fell back on a huge luxurious bed of his mistress.When the moose came after her to the bed, he saw that Iha lying face down, her shoulders shaking.Moose turned her puny body and noticed through the darkening twilight purple tears streaming down her cheeks Marsianka.

-What?What happened?- Shook her startled engineer, and suddenly found myself thinking that speaks to her in her language chirping, as if he is not only that he could not recall a single word and understand what it says Iha.

However, she could not calm down, her shoulders shaking with sobs, and the maid could not utter a word.


The corridors of a huge house suddenly swept some buzz.

Moose started and listened.Iha also stopped crying and lurking, listening in the darkness.Hum repeated.Moose went to the door of the bedroom to see what kind of sound.

The corridors were dark and stuffy.Sun, apparently, had already set for the close Martian horizon, and the building was plunged into darkness.

I do not light the lights - out of the darkness came a woman's voice.

Why?- Asked her Moose.

-To think that there's nobody here.


-All.All those who survived - Iha approached in the dark to Los.Her voice now sounded somewhere nearby!

Elk are still listening to the darkness.But silence does not violate any sound.

-You came alone?- In the woman's voice caught elk notes of hope for a miracle.Los understand what it asks Martian woman.

Gusev, flew too - Moose felt slender fingers with passion Iha dug into his shoulder.- But I do not know where he is.

Why?- Iha fingers loosened.

-We flew on different ships ...

Elk could not tell her that he did not know whether the ship flew to Mars Gusev.

-So what?

-When planting our ships scattered across the planet.Perhaps even thousands of kilometers.But I'm looking for him.In his ship, I left part of the crew, which should establish communication with the ship Gusev.

Why you were not looking for him?

-Do you know why ... As soon as I was on Mars as soon rushed to search for Aelita.Where she is.

No reply.Iha somewhere near silent in the dark.

-Listen.I've got a crew stayed outside.Yesterday at us Soatsera spiders attacked at night.We barely got out ...

-Soatsera no more - sadly said Martian.

-I saw - Los agreed.- But there is no such ruthless creatures.They seem to be everywhere, in any case, my impression after last night.

No, they're not here, - these words Marsianka Los relieved - the entrance to the catacombs littered with powerful explosion.And in the mountains, they are not able to get here.But it is now one of the few places where you safely.

-But what happened?Where suddenly many of these creatures?- Elk was amazed.

Do not suddenly.They have lived for centuries under the planet's surface, appearing only occasionally, mainly at night.But now ... now they're everywhere.


Iha sighed:

Big-uprising that began Gusev, turned into a long and bloody war, succeeding carnage.Soatsera Tuskub was detonated as he had wanted.Its streets, destinations and even fields of cacti - all was strewn with dead bodies.They had no one to clean up.And did spiders.They crept to the surface now not one, but entire hordes.Food for them was enough.The number of insects soon reached such an incredible amount that the survivors could not cope with this invasion.Spiders soon filled all the space on the plains, many hundreds of miles from the destroyed Soatsera.Now one does not live here ...

Iha stopped and went down the hall.

Gusev went for it.

-Are you tired of the way?I'll give you a bath!

-Bath?- Impressed story Iha, Elk could not understand what she was saying.

But I was not alone.

-And with whom?- Surprised Iha.

With me, comrades.

-Magatsitls?- Martian amazed.

-Yes.This time we flew a large campaign.All necessary to feed, drink, put to sleep.Once here safely.

Good.I'll do anything.Just do not turn on the lights.


Five minutes later they came out into the pitch darkness descended Tuskub home on the lawn.

Stretched above his head, as if a convex cloudless sky, dotted with constellations.It seemed that the stars in the sky, you can reach out a hand - they burned so brightly colored lights.

The clearing was dimly lit their flickering light, and slightly thick silver dusk loomed like ghosts crumpled broken skeletons warships.

Here Elk worried about the crew of his flying boat.He was so fascinated searches that did not notice how much time has passed since then, as he jumped out of the boat and rushed headlong away.

-Well, where are your Magatsitls?- Chirped Iha.

-I do not know, somewhere in the dark - Los shrugged, he barely saw her shimmering glow of the stars of the Martian sky.

Who's there?- Heard in the dark frightened voice Tsatsuli.

It's me, Sasha - Los reassured him.

Tsatsulya almost came close from the darkness.Elk was seen as he squints, peering into the darkness in front of him.

-Ooh, Mstislav Sergeevich!I'm really worried even - admitted sailor - that something happened to you.

No, everything is fine, Sasha.

Y, who's this?- Now Tsatsulya noticed Iha and from such an unexpected fright jumped aside.

-This is Sasha, Iha - first Martian creature that you see.Incidentally, the female that Comrade Gusev star girlfriend.

A-ah, - Tsatsulya came closer and held Ikhe hand - very nice!

Iha looked puzzled at the Elk, but then, apparently realizing that so Magatsitls greet each other, too, held out her thin, weedy hand.

-And we're waiting, waiting, Mstislav Sergeevich!Can not understand where you got lost!And you won, which led Kralj Martian!- Tsatsulya admired.- And honestly, Mstislav Sergeevich, I would now like to borschetsa welled, Ukrainian!Guzzle hunting!

-Now, Sasha, we will think something Iha - cheerfully replied Moose.- Borschets Ukrainian, of course, I can not promise, but the worm starve - think of something.

He looked at Iha.She listened curiosity and interest in the alien language.

-Yes, there is some buzz twice heard - Elk remembered.

Yes it's me with the rifle slammed into the hallway - admitted Tsatsulya.

Why?- Los surprised.

-Thought - will respond!Where to go to look for you in such a hulk, but in the dark?Here and fired a couple of times.Maybe you Privalov where or who attacked.You never know what kind of help is needed.You used in response fired, I would orient the sound and came running to my aid.

A guys where?- Moose asked.

Yes the boat, keep the defense from the spiders, and indeed - I ordered.

-There are no spiders, Sasha, as Iha said.

-It's okay, Mstislav Sergeevich, and then yesterday I fear something had suffered!They now I probably will dream at night.


Iha invited guests in the house.She led the Elk and his crew for some strange stairs.First Elk and did not know of their existence.Went down stairs to.

Iha was ahead of itself, illuminating the path is not some outlandish lamp, not the strange blue-green torch that burned without splashes, exactly, some dazzling, even flash a sphere.This bowl was poured something like a flame.But at the same time, it seems as if behind thick glass in a small aquarium swim some strange, translucent fish, which there very closely, and they are now and then pressed to the glass and look outside.

For peace ful followed Elk, then Tsatsulya and Nikitin, who carried the wounded Sysoev.He was almost unconscious and moaning slightly with each step down the stairs.

The staircase was wide, three meters in diameter, spun around a screw diameter circular columns in five meters.

What's this?- Asked at Los Iha, pointing to a column in the center.

-This is the elevator shaft, but it is not working - Martian said, turning slightly.

-You are so ridiculous pop with entoy special!- Rear Tsatsulya laughed.- Well, like birds chirping!

-It is their language, Sasha.

Sorry, I do not understand - complained sailor.

Soon-learn - reassured him Moose.

-Nah - Sasha nodded.

-Why?- Los surprised.

Humor-I will not allow my Odessa so tweet.Well I myself Laugh before losing momentum for such "fyuitkane."

-Where are we?- Again asked Iha Elk.- Something I have this ladder has never seen before!

-You just did not show it, - she said.- This is the secret of the house.We descend into a huge bunker, which is at a depth of a thousand steps (Elk immediately translated Martian measure length in the earth graduation - it was about a hundred meters!).When it was built, I was a teenager.

-For what?- Moose asked.

-I do not know - shrugged Iha, but just then Tuskub came to his current position.

-Hmm, strange - Los surprised.- It is as if preparing for these events.

Yes - agreed Iha - strange.The more that we then had a quite peaceful, carefree life.Anyway, so I thought.

Finally, they reached level ground.Descent ended, and further led Iha Elk and his companions through the wide halls and corridors, cleaned as palaces.The walls were fashioned in white marble, but the floor lay strange Martian carpets.

The woman came to some ball, hanging, as if in the middle of the air corridor, high ceiling, and sent to his side arm.Immediately around became as bright as day.Light poured from nowhere.Could not see any lights, no windows.

"Yes, we have to Martian technology is still very far - thought to myself, Elk, saw it, and suddenly surprised.- I wonder why we came to them, not they to us?Vedas their art would readily allowed to do it, if we were able to make their own level of development of interplanetary ship. "

The wide spacious corridors numerous white glass with gold doors led into various apartments.In the center of the corridor length was a hundred meters wide entrance without doors in a huge hall with a variety of table s and the oversight of access to them, crossed the corridor crosswise.

-Here those on!- Surprised Tsatsulya scratched his head.- Some bourgeois mansions!

Moose was surprised too.Such regal luxury was not even upstairs in the house Tuskub.

Tsatsulya went along the corridor, looking for frosted glass doors with gold handles, patch patterns and loops, whistling in astonishment:

-You see, what a beauty.Here, huge bath, all of gold, Mstislav Sergeevich, and here, oh-oh, luxury bedroom.In the corner of golden toilet!Mind you, I'm sleeping here!- Tsatsulya sold.

-Sit!- Kindly offered Iha.Her words were unintelligible and surprise Tsatsuli.All this was familiar to her long and familiar.

But why I had not shown this outlandish luxurious place?

First, when you Gusev flew for the first time here in general no one was allowed to walk.Even the servants house cleaning tolerated here very, very rarely.

-And now?

-I do not know the times seem to have changed.This decision Tuskub.Now I'm all guests Tuskub post here.

-But we are not his guests!- Corrected Tuskub.

Iha laughed:

-You are my guests, and let the Son of Heaven, for me to decide where you eat and sleep.Up there, no light, no hot water, there I can not cook you a meal ...

She caught herself:

-I went to the kitchen.

Iha retired and Elk as Tsatsulya and began to roam the outlandish construction everywhere shines white marble, gold and light pouring from everywhere without any visible sources.

Returning a few minutes later, she called Iha guests in bathrooms and explained that everyone can take a bath in my room, because there are many of them.

Moose entered the spacious bathroom.

Like everywhere there was light everywhere, and it was not clear where it came from.

All the walls were white marble, and only one is made of a single piece of mineral, like a rhinestone.Behind the mineral was laid a huge plate of polished silver mica, why it is a mirror of amazing beauty and properties.It has made some deep reflection, almost three-dimensional, and whether it seemed that close another room.

On the other three walls were made golden bas-reliefs, occupying the upper and lower third panels depicting scenes from the life of an alien, for the toilet, including Martians taking ablution.But there were scenes and marine life, depicting some strange animals.

On a low marble pedestal, made in the form of some outlandish marine animal resembling earthly giant sea turtle in the middle of the room stood wide with curved edges and a wide sloping slightly towards the center of the drop-down form bottom oval tub, like a huge teacup and saucer.It was made of pure gold inlaid with platinum veins resembling the planets' orbits.Instead of the planets themselves were inserted into the bath huge diamonds, colored sprinkles thousands of sparks.Only instead of the Earth was inserted huge sparkling garnet highlights thousands of faces ruby.Platinum wires pierced body through the bathroom bowl, so the orbit were visible and on the inside.Precious stones depicting the planets were inserted into the through-holes, fringed, narrow platinum rings with some colorless transparent seal replacement apparently rubber.Inside the hole was mounted lights, making all the planets glowed from within its own light.Jupiter was depicted giant diamond the size of a headlamp earth motorcycle or car.It somehow skillful way in depth was let into a huge topaz, depicting a spot on the planet.Around Saturn in three slits were inserted elliptical horseshoe adjoined the disk of the planet with their open ends depicting his ring.They were made up of many small diamonds, collected together in some mysterious way, just glued, but existing as to separate from each other.Rings are also shone inside and glittering with sparks.Planets have been made to scale with respect to one another, and the smallest diamond was Mercury.But even it would be enough to overshadow the most famous diamonds of the Earth.

-That's a luxury!- Elk was amazed.- This is beautiful!Not a bath, and a planetarium!

He averaged sixteen planets.Earth, as it should have it, was the third from the Sun.Between Jupiter and Mars was still some fairly large planet.

Elk moved closer to the bathroom, afraid, as if in a museum, break something.

Inside, in the center, instead of the drain was placed something that represents the sun.

It was a large disk slightly convex, encrusted with thousands of tiny diamonds.The CD was divided into four parts crosshairs of ruby ??and sapphire veins.In each quarter of the hemisphere rose faceted gem symbolizes some element.Diamond symbolized apparently air.Beside him in the drive were sunk into three wavy, running parallel to each other line of small sapphires.Huge Ruby portrayed possibly fire.Beside him flashed sapphire strips similar to those used on Earth in some ancient traditions depict fire.Emerald portrayed likely an earth sign, and sapphire blue - water.

The disc was surrounded by sixteen sharp triangles facing him narrow bases of small diamonds and other precious stones depicting rays.Rays were divided into four groups of differing lengths.First, the longest group represented a cross of diamond triangles.They reached their peaks platinum shaved Mercury.Second cross of fine emeralds, rays triangles which were half as long, was located across the first cross, dividing evenly in half angles between its rays.Narrow triangles-spines, lined with sapphire and topaz, crosswise shared their medians angles between diamond and emerald rays.

Around the bath in the marble floor was visible gold ring with a diameter of five meters.For a bath of white marble floor stretched two copper pipes wide oval, curved side of the bath and ends with strange spherical gold taps.

Iha gone.She caught sight of the Elk, watch golden bas.

-On the planet once had a lot of water - the woman said, noting confusion about the Son of Earth unusually large number of images of marine life.



-What happened?

-It's a mystery, which are dedicated only to the supreme rulers.Aelita knew her as a daughter Tuskub.I said it only once about it on the big secret, but did not disclose the fact.

At the mention of Los Aelita again Iha wanted to ask what happened to his beloved, but she walked past him to the bathroom and touched first one to the ball, and then to the other.Of both balls in the bath water flowed.

-When should be turned off, just Reach to drain the water, press both feet simultaneously for any two balls in the sun - it showed in the center of the bowl and left the bathroom.

Now observe that the image of Mars on the bowl bathroom is very different from the other planets.In contrast, around the same platinum wires were shown its moons orbit, which, for some reason there were four.Moon were made of small diamonds, which were encrusted in a bowl with bathroom inside, and therefore platinum shaved moons of Mars and the moon themselves were visible only to the person who was inside the bowl or very close to it.One of the moons was depicted with sixteen rays, as around the sun, but only tiny, much smaller in size.

"It's just amazing!- Elk thought.- Sometimes an ordinary bathroom can learn more than in the library! "

Wide tub filled with hot water, and Los suddenly remembered that he had not washed ever since he left Earth.

He undressed and plunged into hot water, graciously accept his body.

Immediately along the golden ring in the floor, the purpose of which was not clear before, there was something resembling a ring as if the screen of frosted glass, rising to the height of the middle of the room.It quietly and reassuringly shimmered white, gray and blue tones so that Elk started to get sleepy.Sweet body ached from being kicked out of his fatigue.Only shoulder bitten spider bit hurt, moaned, recalling yesterday's incident.


For dinner, we all gathered in the spacious living room.Iha has covered a magnificent table.There have been countless plateaus, deep and shallow, filled with a variety of things to eat.Middle a large oval table covered with a white cloth out of some thick elastic material, there was a big pot-bellied vase filled with wine.

-You want to overfeed us right!- With surprise Los said.

However, all without delay started the meal, and Iha at this time took the wounded, wiping his naked body spongy cloth, soaking it in a container with some liquid greenish-brown color.

What's this?- Asked her Moose.

-This is an antidote to spider bites, it is absorbed through the skin, - explained Iha - tomorrow he will recover.


Exhausted warm bath and pacified dense dinner guests left on the proposed peace ful spacious and richly decorated bedrooms, rather like rooms, each of which was on a huge bed, adorned with gold and precious stones are also marvelous, like everything else.In inlays predominated diamonds.

Elk hoped Iha cause to talk about Aelita, but barely touched huge but flat, unusually soft pillow, fell asleep as strong, healthy sleep.


He awoke from the fact that someone bothered the his leg.

Los rose and at first could not figure out where he is.

Yesterday's impression of luxury seemed somehow golden dream.

However, around was the same richly decorated bedroom, illuminated even soft orange-golden light.

Er ofwake Iha.

What happened?- Moose asked, although Martian was obvious that nothing happened.

Son of the Earth, I want to talk about Aelita - with some sadness and said the woman came out of the bedroom.

Moose dressed and followed her.

Iha was waiting for him in the great hall, which was crossed with a cross corridor.

-Everyone is asleep, the Son of the Earth!Very tired!- Iha said, gesturing for him to sit down in front of her on the white leather sofa though.- You sleep for two days!

Moose sat and smoked his pipe, ready to hear something exciting and perhaps unpleasant.

Iha was silent for a while, apparently collecting his thoughts.

-I know that you came from Aelita - Iha said finally.

Moose threw his head silently, listening to her every word.His reason suddenly slashed hurt on the left side chest and your heart like a fist.

Iha sighed with some sadness and looked away.

-Unfortunately, - she continued the conversation - I have not seen since Aelita's father took her from Holy F Orogen.

Elk felt like a fist clutching his heart, has closed stronger.Some dreary aches spilled inside, above the diaphragm, caught his breath, and he coughed from spasm and quit smoking.

But I believe - Iha looked at him - I believe the Son of Earth, that you meet with her.I feel like I know what Aelita alive.Did not feel the same, you son of the Earth?

Elk silent.Spasm, breath, did not give a talk.It hurt him, but he tried not to show his pain Ikhe.

-If you did not believe that Aelita is alive, and that you meet her, you would never have flown more - concluded Martian.

-But is not nothing Tuskub told you about her?- Moose,finally able to speak, let go of the pain.

He's very angry at me forwhat I helped Aelita then.And if not for the circumstances - no servants who died and who had escaped, and I alone remained of the old servant who knows his house and may contain OK, and that you can trust these untold wealth and the same expensive secrets - Tus to K would have long dealt with me.

But why he's still mad at you, it's been so long?And is not that the fate of Aelita family secret that can trust you?

Iha paused in thought.

-What I helped Aelita - is an act which forever made me an enemy of her father.Probably because he now have to keep it somewhere in captivity, because since then I have never not seen her, either here or anywhere else.However, I never go anywhere outside of the house e.So everything about Aelita, for me now banned.I know many other secrets.I could tell you that after your departure at Gusev Ta l tsetl Tuskub blew Soatsera and herded surviving Martians on dzemnye plants.I have been instructed to follow the leash s house Tuskub.Sometimes he arrives here with his entourage.I could tell you that a month ago Tuskub brought into the house of some Magatsitls named Skiles.He was received with the luxury of a king, taught Martian language.He was accompanied by a large retinue M agatsitlov.A week ago, M agatsitl Skiles and his entourage flew to Tuskub.I could tell you that the house I did not light the light, not to attract the attention of pirates - defecting soldiers Tuskub and part of the rebels.

-Pirates?- Los surprised.

Yes, pirates!- Nodded excitedly Iha.- A lot has changed since then.How do you fall on Ta l tsetl Son of Earth.Pirates captured many warships Tuskub and plow at night expanses of the planet, looking for something to profit.They are looking at the bottom where the light is, and then attack them on the next day and robbed.Residents they take too, paying them or pirates, or slaves.Those who do not agree, they ruthlessly killed.Usually leaves me Tuskub of soldiers to guard the house.But even then, it prohibits light up, to avoid unnecessary hassles.The last time Tuskub left for home security dozen soldiers and one warship.But the soldiers for several days noisily celebrated the feast X avry, burning fireworks, sent rockets, smoking prohibited Chabris.Women brought from somewhere.Light house all the windows a few nights in a row.Maybe a conspiracy among them, and some of them decided to go over to the pirates.And the day before yesterday, pirates attacked.They took over a battleship.The soldiers passed on their side, and the rest are captured and taken away too.

But why then they robbed your house?- Los surprised.- Here countless treasures!

He looked eloquently.

This dungeon-soldiers did not know - Iha said.- And why not pirates robbed your house?Piratesknow that this house Tuskub and, despite all its excesses, do not rip it.Once, a long time ago, when pirates still there, they tried to attack the house Tuskub and rob him.Shipwrecks that lie broken on the lawn - it ships as pirates.They fell in the battle, when Tuskub learn that his house was attacked, shut down the station pole.Then killed not only these ships.All ships that when the trip pole stations were in the air, fell on the planet, like pirate and military.Tuskub but did not care.He was furious.He promised that if his house once again try to rip, it will disable the pole station forever.All pirates know about it, so do not rob his house.The same taboo pirates on behalf of the Council all engineers.But the day before the pirates attacked yet again.A nd they robbed in Possibility, they needed a warship left on guard house Tuskub.They attacked the afternoon, at the same time that he came andthe next day your boat.P oetomu when you arrived, the son of Ze m if I thought that they came back.

Iha paused and added:

Iha-afraid of pirates.They will not rob the house, but will be taken into slavery Iha.They immediately wanted to take with them Iha.But Iha said she did not tell Tuskub that pirates attacked, and if they take Iha, the Tuskub understand that pirates were here again.

Iha took a breath.

-For Tuskub Iha only maid who needed him to keep the house in order.

Elk sighed.

Hope that clears the darkness of ignorance, after a conversation with a peace ful that he had a few minutes ago, now collapsed.Nothing is clear.Aelita's fate was still unknown.And now he knew that everything is permitted only when he will meet with her father.

He knew about it for a long time, perhaps, that if even the world slipped into his mind a thought.But he drove her away and do not want to admit even to himself, that the meeting with Tuskub, one on one, face to face - it only solve his question and put an end to his torment and anguish.

Now he suddenly understood clearly - Aelita's alive or not, they will be together, meet you, - there is only one stumbling block, which is moving, he will be able to answer all these questions.And the name of this stone - Tuskub.


Gusev shrank to the floor.Sprawled beside his crew, not expecting such a weight gain.Launch rapidly torn up, receding away from Earth.

Here, finally, it became easier - Spacecraft scored full speed.Now all lost weight and swam inside the ship, like fish in an aquarium, trying to adapt to the new environment.

Gusev swam to the tube supervisory unit and looked outside.

"These are the times!- Heard the voice of the brave corporal Guard Cavalry Regiment Mirow Tsaritsin native province, who first came to himself and rushed to another periscope.- I'm such temnotischi had never seen!A star-then what?That and look, eye Drill!And the sun!Burning, radiant!This is not seen on earth! "

Gusev also were seen and stars and glowing, rdeyuschy unbearable, the dazzling radiance of the sun disk.But it-it was not unusual - seen enough already.

-Look, guys!- Fun allowed Gusev.- Krasotischa incredible!- He agreed.

All five boys, his crew clung to the observational instrument and Gusev meanwhile swam to the instrument, to look at their evidence.

Everything was normal.Somewhere down fractionally tapping engine, giving the machine an incredible speed in interplanetary space.

"As there Moose?- Thought Gusev.But most of all he bothered by the ship, which were only novices.After all, he and elk were already flying, and could cheer, support, if that, comrades.- There are guys struhnut no joke!Well, nothing!Will get!The rocket will carry them to Mars, and then cheered up their morale has fallen, as it should be! "


-Alexei Ivanovich!- Shouted Fedoulov Muscovite, a retired soldier.

Gusev dolyublival capital, but Fedoulov he liked something, and therefore took it to the expedition."It is necessary, even in the capital there are such charming and nice people!- Then remembered surprised Gusev took Fedulova, even though he was small growth, and physique Khilovat.- Nothing - then justified Gusev before him - the heroes we have enough!And this - literate, smart, clever!And most importantly, responsive to need someone else! "

What Sasha?- He asked his bottom from the instruments.

-There, in front of something white, like a veil - Fedoulov gestured, and Gusev, rebounding slightly from the floor, ran up through the bay, trying to grasp the handrails near Fedulovo.

Gusev again clung to the supervisory unit and saw that the space in front is filled with some white and gray stripe, grew rapidly in width.She barred the way to the unit.

Peering Gusev thought at first that this kind of interplanetary fog.

-Wow!So it's a gathering of stones!- Exclaimed suddenly, he finally looked closer.- Well, my friends, stand from under!Hold on!

He began to rotate supervisory device, searching ways to overcome obstacles, and soon noticed the same progal who took elk.

-So!- Gusev rushed to the management of the engine nozzle.- Nick!- He turned to the world.- You said that after the Civil War pilot swam in the passenger steamer on the Volga?

Well, it was the case, Alexey!

-So!Look into the tube and tell me the way!See top right progal dark?We need to get into it!

- Well, all the same!- Troubled Worlds.

-If you can not handle Nicholas, all smashed into a cake!

-Why not?

-See front fog?


-So, it's millions of stones!We have vmazh at this speed - from us and wet places will not!Got it!

-Got it!

Worlds started, realized that now his life and everyone else who was in the vehicle, depends on it, and began to give Gusev commands for changing direction.


An hour later, they overcame a dangerous obstacle.Gusev already sweating from the strain.Several times something struck the plating apparatus.Looks like fine sand space.

-Good for you!- Praised his Gusev.

-That was close!- Elated confirmed Worlds, too tired from a busy observation.- I see in front of something like a billiard ball orange, Alexei Ivanovich.

Mars-It, Nick!Crew, prepare for landing!- Ordered Gusev, and began to slow down, reducing the supply of fuel to the engine.

After ten minutes Mars closed its disc front third of the sky.Apparatus began to roll astern Exchange.

-So, guys, getting ready for the descent!- Ordered Gusev.- Everyone take their seats.

He began to twist rheostats, increasing the supply of the powder into the engines to soften the blow when landing.He ordered worlds to someone watching through the telescope instrument facing the planet, has landed as close as possible to the North Pole.


The device landed somewhere near peaked mountains.When Gusev opened the hatch, they seemed to be hovering right above the inter-planet ship.

Oh, boy, Worlds!- Exclaimed Gusev, waddling through the opening hatch out.- Almost got to the point!That's where, in this mountain range, their chief town - Soatsera called - he jumped to the orange sand, zahrustevshy under his boots, brushed, like dust and their breeches, with his head almost straight up and looking at the most peak mountains rising steeply to the sky a few hundred meters from the landing site, commanded.- Order!Fall in!

Stunned and slightly beaten unaccustomed landing, his crew became one jump behind the commander, was surprised looking around.Gusev was clearly seen that the pattern unusual, unearthly landscape led his squad in some frightened and even fear.

-So, do not be timid, comrades!- Encouraged them Gusev.- We arrived here finally set on Mars Soviet power, and not to be afraid, unprecedented Martian beauty.We're not ladies muslin!Listen to my command! ..


Gusev gave the command to carry out a reconnaissance of the area, to determine their location, communicate with other interplanetary vehicles.But, as it turned out, landing station was severely damaged and out of order.Therefore, leaving the protection of the ship two people Gusev starts flying boat built by elk, and, taking with him Mirow Fedulova and Minakova, pilot with the Pacific Fleet, which fell in 1917, captured by the Japanese and escape from there only three years ago, sent in Soatsera."In any case, Elk arrive there too, because he knows this place," - thought Gusev.

-Look at both - he warns remaining on guard Vasilyev and Bykov - here any suspicious animals: giant spiders, birds of prey some, even some scum - so from the ship on a step.Just that - climbed inside.If there is any enemy attack, you have a gun - to fight back!

With these words, Gusev instructs Manakov at the start, cool flying boat soared in violet sky, sparkling in the rays of the sun shaggy, just appeared in the east because of the unusually close horizon.

Two minutes later the landing interplanetary apparatus disappeared from sight behind the mountain ridges, and Gusev turned his eyes forward, looking forward and pointing to the memory path Manakov.Fedulov he ordered to take a position at the stern of the ship and shoot the little that any objects that will take in head start chasing their boat.Worlds did the same thing, watching the space on the left and the right.At times, he lifted up his head in a purple sky and watched with amazement shaggy sun is unusual for an inhabitant of Earth, sometimes his attention attracted remnants of flying ships and boats encountered in deep and narrow crevices between the rocks.Then he touched his shoulder and Gusev and showed him down.He pointedly nodded, glancing down and twirled his mustache, like clockwork wound up courage.


Towards noon they reached a place where before there was Soatsera and long swirled over half buried ruins sand, among which occasionally ran here and there, huge spiders.The guys did not understand anything, looking puzzled at Gusev, who nodded his head sadly.Noticing finally place before the former star huge area, and now resemble crater around the sand dunes came into view in the middle with the remnants of a large pavers, Gusev gave the command to decrease.

It was quiet, hot and desert.Wind twisted over the hills that were once beautiful buildings, small eddies of sand, which, danced a bit, then broke and already appeared elsewhere.

Leaving flying boat at a machine gun, which has attached to the stern, as a machine-gun cart, Manakov, Gusev led a small detachment moved deep into the orange dunes, fill the ruined city.

-If you had seen what it was blossoming place - he said to his companions.

Under the sand, however, discern the outlines of streets, which gave the dunes position blocks and streets.Here and there in the remains of buildings, covered with sand, left front door, and they could enter.They gaped in the dunes like a black battlements, and when there were just around the corner the next street, Gusev raised his left hand up as a sign of special attention and caution when traveling.There could suddenly jump or big spider ... However, Martians nowhere to be seen in contrast to the spiders, a couple of times on one and in groups of three or four insects detachment crossed the road in two or three quarters of the dunes ahead.

The further detachment, the more Gusev knew nothing to do here.No signs of the old life, which was in full swing here on their first arrival.He was about to give the command to go back, when suddenly there was a sharp somewhere deafening crash.All at once fell to the orange sand.

Gusev raised his head and listened, where sound is heard, and tried to understand what it is.

Meanwhile crack swiftly moved Collision Course in two blocks around their left.Here he caught up with them and then sped past on the street parallel to the side of the star area, which remained their flying boat, more calming down.A minute later there spoke gun.It was an unusual sound in the Martian atmosphere.It seemed that fired a powerful automatic cannon.

-Come on!- Ordered Gusev and rushed back to the area.


Star on the square there was a fight.Manakov fell at the "Maxim" and gave short bursts, turning it to the right then to the left.From somewhere in the streets between the dunes, fill dilapidated buildings, heard the same crackling, which made squad drop to orange sand.He then approached, then removed.In the side of the boat, where he took the defense Manakov, flew several crackling dazzling sparkling balls, similar fireballs.They fell near the flying boat, raising broad similar to cacti pillars of sand.There was a roar.Boat rocked.Gun fell silent, but after a few seconds he spoke again.However, there is still a few balls exploded near the boat, and now the machine gun stopped.

Gusev raced to the boat at full speed."It has begun!- Flashed through his mind.- Sooner I buried Martian civilization! "Behind him, ducking occasionally dropping to the ground to avoid becoming a target for a stray bullet, trying to keep up, and fled Fedoulov Worlds.

Gusev did long jump, good Martian gravity allow such tricks to get up, and jumped at full speed into the boat.Immediately next heard two more deafening explosion.Hulk shaken, thrown and covered with sand.

-What have you got?- Rushed to the Manakov Gusev.The smell of gunpowder, the roar of explosions, insecurity forced the pounding of his heart, which happily fluttered from boyish delight forgotten before the battle.owlong time he did not haveit!

Manakov fiddling with a machine gun, reclining, bending low, that has been seen over the side of his back flying boat.

Gun jammed, Alexey!Sand got!- Manakov said angrily, looking at the red-faced, with a bright glowing with excitement eyes battle Gusev.

-We are in Samarkand with this here so coped!- Gusev gun grabbed the handles, and set him upright and opened the lid, making it clear Manakov that he himself acted on.- With whom are fighting for?

-And there, with the south-west ...

Gusev lifted the side of the boat, trying to see anything in that direction.

There, between the dunes, hung low over the street fighting Martian ship.Came the sound of banging and crashing breaks.Now sparkling silver ball smiserably flewsomewhere in the opposite direction, along the streets of the radial fall perpendicularly, which hung over the ship, and with a roar exploded somewhere in the depths of the quarter.From there, he met a weak dry chatter shots Martian guns.

He's fighting with someone else!- Amazed Gusev, fumbled on the bottom of the boat with binoculars.

Manakov fixed machine gun, closed the lid and gave the ship a short burst.Enemy immediately maneuvered and all tracers passed.In response to the side of a flying boat flew a few crackling silver balls that exploded near its side, causing the boat capsized on its side and was thrown several meters back, so that we run up Fedoulov Worlds and barely managed to dodge the blow with her, falling flat on large stone blocks.

-In gives!- Outraged Gusev, dusting himself off and reluctantly Martian sand on teeth.- Well, I'll show him!Follow me!- He turned to the dumbfounded Fedulov happening and the world and ran parallel to the one on which there was a battle d Martian ship, leaving from the star radially outside the area.- Manakov!Grab your gun and on the opposite side of the square!- He snapped, turning on the move, the machine gunner.- Distract him shooting and move!

Led his small detachment Gusev obbezhal around the block and ended up in the far end of the street where flying silver balls with crackling Martian warship.He fell in a small sandy m cold and put the binoculars.After a couple of seconds on the right and left of him in the sand and splashed Fedoulov Worlds.

-What is it, Alexei Ivanovich?- Fedoulov asked, panting.

-I do not understand?- Gusev said, peering through binoculars.- Here I see a ship ... Yeah, just about!

Now Gusev seen from the windows and doors of the first floor of dilapidated houses, covered with sand, jettisoned from the ship some Martians.They leaned out and fired at the ship and then hid back.Several silver balls with a roar exploded from one of the houses, and he collapsed, hiding under there and then pour sand.

-Come on!- He said to his men and himself rushed ducking into danger.


Gusev ran into the low door of the dilapidated house.In a small room with one and they ca n window exits in the direction of an enemy warship, hanging a few meters from the house on the street, lay on the floor five Martians.Three of them, apparently, were killed, two were reloading their funny like toy, gun.

One of the Martians with surprise, eyes wide and mouth, looked at Gusev and ran after him and Fedulova worlds.

-Do not worry - your own!- Gusev threw him on the move, metnuvshis immediately to the window.

Somewhere near deafening gap, and the window broke dense cloud of sand.

Here-devils!- Cursed Gusev, dusting himself off.- Fedoulov!Worlds!Spread out over the neighboring buildings!Take positions!Beat on this thing screws.Shoot sighting!Keep cartridges!

Fedoulov Worlds and disappeared beyond the threshold, ran out into the street, and Gusev kissed the automatic rifle sight and a second later fired a short burst.In response to the deafening explosion followed by two right under the window of the house.The room was covered with a thick layer of sand, the wall of the building creaked and was about ready to collapse.

-Get out!- Called Gusev sole survivor Martian, but he did not understand it.T henGusev grabbed him by the collar and dragged him like a kitten on the street.

As soon as they got, as the building crumbled, and he was immediately swallowed sand dune, reaching to the feet Gusev.

-Ah, now would be a couple of sticks of dynamite!- Complained Gusev.

Immediately next to it there was a deafening explosion.Instinctively, he fell to the ground, but his shoulder was scorched, and he became covered with loose stone fragments.Somewhere nearby there was a still a gap, then another, and Gusev covered with a thick layer of sand.

Star-shaped area came short queue deafening gun.This shot Manakov.Apparently, he moved to avoid being shot, and then, taking a new position, gave a short burst and then ran away to another place.P poison through the crackling fire guns could be heard loud Martian shooting rifles Fedulova and world.

Gusev out of the sand pile, pulled the rifle, got up on one elbow, took aim at the box under the rear rotating screw Martian volatile warship and fired a short burst, meting out its length: "Twenty-two!"

After the second shot bounced slightly turn the rifle, but just two bullets went into the goal, and in front Gusev box under the screw shattered powder from her fan pa ssypals I'm around, screw spree and then loudly hrustnuv, crumbled.Lobes with a whistle flew off somewhere.Martian flying warship fell on the stern, then stood upright and finally toppled backwards.Second screw crumpled body of the machine.Became quiet.

Gusev rose from the sand, shaking himself, and looked around.Martian, he hauled in a crumbling house of lying, sanded, and was seen only his legs in a strange shoes.From the window of a neighboring building seemed Fedoulov, a little distance from the door of another sanded house came with an automatic rifle at the ready Worlds.

Well, here's Mars!- With a grin, twirling his mustache, said Gusev.- There is anyone alive?- He nodded his head.

-I got two seemingly alive - said Fedoulov.

-And I have one - Mirow.- Strange such as teenagers!

From the side of the bent warship came screeching.Gusev instinctively fell to the sand, prepare to fire.

Opened the side door, ladder, which was to serve as a ladder, climbed up and down from the gaping hole fell Martian soldiers with automatic rifles short drive from the center.

-Wow!- Gusev said.- Not ugomonyatsya way!Take a stand!

A dozen soldiers in the Martian helmets ovate, broad in silver jackets with thick collars, closing neck and bottom faces, scattered across the street and began to attack rushes, dropping to one knee and driving aimed fire on the force Gusev.They chaired the commander in black, large pleats falling robe.He did not shoot, but only gave orders to soldiers in the poultry Martian language.

Gusev took aim and fired a short burst on the Martian in a black robe.He fell.Friendly ceased.Soldiers stopped in confusion, not knowing what to do now.At this time, from the area said the star "maxims" which flank dagger fire immediately finished with a dozen Martian soldiers as a child's toy.

Gusev rose and shook himself:

-Well, Manakov, even to war did not give!- He twirled his mustache again and turned to Fedulov.- Well, show me where your Martians.


In survived only three rebels on either looked with surprise at Gusev and his companions.

-Hello, comrades!- Greeted them Gusev.- Well, tell me what you have going on here!

Martians are all just looked with surprise at Magatsitls arising out of nowhere.Gusev waited in vain for their response, then I realized that you have to remember the lessons of Mars.

-Only you do not laugh!- And he warned Fedulova Mirow and chirped like a bird, referring to a Martian.It was evident that it is given to him with difficulty.

Martian tried to understand what he says Magatsitls - seen Gusev order rusty Martian language - asked to repeat several times and corrected him, then began to finally conduct a dialogue with him.

Five minutes later, when, dragging on a Martian sand orange gun, approached them Manakov, Gusev quite mastered the pronunciation and already hard peresvistyvalsya with a Martian.

-Wonderful!- Commented seen Manakov.

-He warned not to bellow - Mirow said.


During a brief conversation Gusev found out that the surviving Martians - part of the few rebel unit that survived in the ongoing war all the time with the soldiers Tuskub.They hide under the ruins Soatsera.There are other groups, but in the vicinity of the ruined city they left only.The once numerous detachment, numbering several thousand rebels, now there are about three hundred.Someone died during raids in Soatsera someone in battles with spiders, someone went into pirates.Who now appeared with the collapse of civilization.Their detachment chairs Tar someone, he did not quite Martian.

How this is not quite the Martian?- Gusev surprised, and he was born a vague guess.

He half-Magatsitls, but it's a long story - said Lar - so called Martian which Gusev said.- All that we are now - is to fight for its existence, - he finished the story.- We live in underground labyrinths, we have to fight incredibly multipliedst spiders, on the one hand, and Tuskub soldiers who patrol the ruins Soatsera, hunting down and destroying the surviving rebels, on the other.

-What do you do on the surface?- Asked Gusev.

-In the city there are several grocery stores and a couple of the existing water sources.We go out to them occasionally when full of food and water become very tight.Typically, soldiers Tuskub us there and waiting.So what happened this time!In outing involved two dozen insurgents.And now, we have only three, and, thanks to your help - complained Martian.- Mine provisions and water become increasingly difficult!

Yes, comrades Martian proletarians!- Gusev shook his head.- Bad about you!So, we arrived in time to you!

-It is necessary to descend into the underground labyrinths - said Lahr.- This has not happened to the rebels shot down at least one ship Tuskub!Now surely it will look.

Yes - agreed Gusev - battles today is probably sufficient.

As if in confirmation of these words somewhere in the south-east of Soatsera noise was heard flying boat.Gusev raised his binoculars in search of the warship, and as far south in the sky I saw a few black dots approaching Soatsera.It was a flying boat, surrounded by predatory ihami.

Elk-don?- Surprised Gusev, but flying object was still so far away that it was impossible to consider it in detail.

-Most likely, this boat reconnaissance troops Tuskub - suggested Lar.- We must hide!We're leaving!

Okay - agreed Gusev, lowering the binoculars."If it is Elk, then we will still meet!" - Take us to your leader!- Martian he said, and then in Russian, it was clear to his companions, he added.- I want to see what kind of bird this Tar - their leader.

When flying boat flew to Los Soatsera Martian insurgents and detachment Gusev were already deep in the labyrinth beneath the surface of Mars.


Gusev were familiar with these deep wells, tunnels and narrow corridors places deep beneath the surface Soatsera.Once on them, they were running away from the elk from the pursuing soldiers Tuskub.

And now he moved behind Lar who covered them the way some device like a strange greenish flame, burning without soot, some flickering light.Behind him walked Manakov, Fedoulov and Worlds.

Rebels and detachment Guseva long way down the corridors and tunnels of the labyrinth, going down some stairs and wells deeper down.Gusev even lost track of time as they are in these catacombs.One thing was clear that they went somewhere very deep, because in my ears began to pawn overpressure.

All the way before going silent, but Fedoulov not resist:

-Alexei Ivanovich, I'm scared!- He admitted.

Yeah me too, Sasha, not in itself, no joke, get so deep, as if to descend into the mine.I really was not a miner, but the feeling is that it has become ...

-No, Alexei Ivanovich, I do not mean that.I'm so scared there was not even when rushed through interplanetary space.Kind of like all their own.And then, we go behind some Martians.Maybe they have in their lair taschut, and we still do, and go?

-You what it, Sasha?- Gusev did not understand it.

-And besides I, Alexei Ivanovich, what on earth is not every man who can be trusted, even rarely what you might say.And we're Martians trust ...

Yes - agreed Gusev - STEM comrades trust - the last thing.They told me the last time brought devils.I led them to revolt, and they have the guts to fight was!

Yes I not to Alexei Ivanovich - Do not let Fedoulov.

-A what?

-And the fact that we have heard - with provisions they tight ...

-You what, Sasha, implying?- Guseva had no idea what he is worried.

-And besides, Alexei Ivanovich, that they will eat us ...

A-ah - finally figured Gusev.- Do not worry, Sasha, not dadimsya alive.We have automatic rifles.For them our rifles, guns for us.

-No, Alexei Ivanovich, you do not want me to fully understand.That's where we already an hour premiums, deeper and deeper.There is no light.Happen that way and then reverse themselves do not find.And they will wait until we overpower and eat us!

-Come on talking nonsense!- Outraged finally Gusev.- In fact, it's ridiculous!

-Funny - not funny, but alien beings ...

-About what you were saying?- Asked out of the darkness, somewhere in front, Lar, attracted Magatsitls debt negotiation.

-Why, my friend is going through that climbed deep - back to the road we find, - replied Gusev Martian and Fedulov added.- Everyone calm down, Alexander, you see that the Martian comrades nervous start from our conversations.Told you - do not live dadimsya, the whole story!

Yeah already come soon - Gusev said Lahr.

-Why is it so hot in here?- Asked in turn Gusev.

-We are in deep, - said Lahr.- Here are closely spaced layers of magma.Yes, now see for yourself.

They suddenly came in a huge cave, which turned in a sharp bend of the next tunnel.The cave was illuminated by some obscure orange-red glow, and it was evident that it is somewhere in the ceiling at a height of three hundred meters.With a huge icicles hanging stalactites.Some of them have reached the bottom of the cave and form colonies, which are now making their way between the travelers.

-What's that light?- Asked Gusev.- Where is he?

This river-Mer.

-What is a river?- Gusev did not understand it, but then for the next ridge columns of stalactites, where the glow was much brighter, he opened a fascinating picture.

Ahead in a deep gorge in the midst of this huge cave, cut it from one end to the other, rapidly flowing fiery red river of lava.From it came the heat and evaporation.

-Wow!- Surprised Gusev.- A lot of things I've seen, but have never seen.

His companions also stood, unable to look away from the stream, bubbling, bubbling, shimmering heavy, elastic waves, sometimes even roll over like water rapids.

-Come on, - pulled the enchanted bizarre spectacle Guseva Lar.

-What is this river such measures?- Surprised Gusev, his senses and followed along the rocky, ledged edge of the gorge along a narrow path behind the Martians.

-This is an ancient river, - said Lahr.- O on springs from the volcano, situated close to the Sacred Threshold.There, in one of the secret caves we anciently betrayed this river the bodies of their dead chiefs and rulers.

-Clearly - concluded Gusev incomprehensible Lara Earth language - like any religion.Sect, in general.

-Now this river hides us from the raids of spiders and soldiers Tuskub.

Long they walked along the edge of steep cliffs of the gorge.Sometimes Gusev turned around and looked back.Cave stretched away as far as the eye.Fiery red thread strange river lost somewhere in the impenetrable given.Ahead tall as the sky ceiling of the cave, lit by orange-red glow, and continued as the eye could see.

Feed-something fifty yards, and then one will, Alexei Ivanovich - figured Manakov - across!

Yes, somewhere like that, Volodya.

-I had never seen this!- Joined the conversation Fedoulov.

A long cave, probably a dozen kilometers will be, and even more.Anyway, what you see - Mirow their observations.

-We still have a long time?- Asked Gusev at Lara.

-Soon it - he said.

Then their eyes appeared even more fascinating picture.

Stream ended something which earthlings were not even describe.

It was like a waterfall.

From a great height, one hundred meters, lava flow broke down into a steep precipice, and fell into the lake of fire, extends to all corners of the extent missing eye.However, unlike water, lava flow cascading, do not spray, but possessing a certain ductility and toughness, as if cut layered over the lake of fire, creating a sort of pancake ledged, the bottom edge of all time continued to flow and at the same time immersed in it, superimposed on top until the new mass.

Away in the darkness of the cave, were seen several similar lavopadov.

Varr!- With some respectful greatness commented spectacle giant lava lake Lara.

Gusev was not even words to somehow respond to what they saw.His companions also could not utter a word of what he saw incomprehensibility

Lar stopped.Here the trail along the edge of the gorge ended.Now the front and on the right was only lava, and left the steep wall of the cave.If Gusev at this point could say anything, not taken aback by surprise unprecedented ever delicious and terrible picture, he would have said, "Well, where to now?" But he was fascinated by the majestic and awesome spectacle, as if petrified, and Only his eyes, glistening reflection sea of ??fire, distinguished him from the stone.

Lahr put his hands to his mouth and gave into the darkness on the other side lavopada apparently prearranged signal from some raspevno sounds.

From somewhere in the darkness emerged something square, on a long rope, leaving somewhere near the ceiling of the cave.It was close.It soon became obvious that it is something like a trolley cable car, which in the world to climb the mountain skiers, and in some cities, where the time to visit the Martian Gusev after the first trip, instead of using the tram.

Trolley crossed the chasm over lavopadom and drove up to the ledge on which the travelers.Lahr opened the door.Martians went inside a little reminiscent of the trailer, housing, and it was the turn squad Gusev.Rebels stood quietly and waited inside Magatsitls.

-I will not go there!- The Fedulova fright eyes bulged.- I will not go there!- He repeated, moving back and hugging the hot wall of the cave, go somewhere up in the impenetrable height.

Calm down you, Sasha!- Outraged Gusev.- Do not disgrace the Earth!What do you want to us by your mercy for cowards believed any Martians?

He stepped over the first half-meter progal over the precipice, below which flowed the lava river, swinging on a rope in the cart, and he felt shy, and felt through the soles of her boots is hot on the bottom exudes heat the metal floor.

-Come on!Come on!- Ordered Gusev not so much for his fellow as to encourage himself and throw off the shackles of fear.- Do not be afraid!

Following in Gusev trolley stepped Manakov, then Worlds, but Fedoulov still standing against the wall of the cave.

Martians waited patiently.

-What are you, really?- Again approached him Gusev.- Thee that forcibly dragged here?Do not embarrass you in front of us Martians!

Gusev words still acted on Fedulova, and he jumped into the car and closed the small metal door.

Lar did something, and they began to slowly cross the chasm over rushing downstairs to lavopadu flow.

-Horror!- Outraged Fedoulov.- Alexei Ivanovich, why are we here?

Do not be shy, Sasha!Do not be shy!- Gusev soothed him, looking through the glass window trolley down to the fire-breathing manifestation of the infinite power of the elements.


Well, you were taken away, comrades!- Gusev said, stepping forward from the trolley when I saw that they meet on the other side of the gorge through which flowed the lava river so surprised by the sudden appearance Magatsitls rebels.

Opposite him stood five people, bristling with his childish fright ruzhetsami.

Yes you will not be afraid, comrades, we own!- Once again stepped up to meet them Gusev, but the Martians retreated even further.

Suddenly through the crowd someone pushed them forward.

For a moment it seemed Gusev, he sees a moose, only the very young.However, speaking to a crowd of a Martian, although he was rising and a half times higher than their counterparts, and on his head grew blonde hair, there was a bluish skin, pointy nose.

Gusev, disbelief, shook his head, closing his eyes.

-These Magatsitls saved us!- Made from behind Gusev meet strange Martian high Lar.

It sounded so humdrum and strange that you would have thought that they were running the planet Magatsitls crowd, but these were good and they were rescued.

Strange blonde approached the Martian Gusev and held out his hand.

Tar!- He said.


In terms Martian guessed something that Gusev, guessing, getting it hot, then cold.


They were invited into a cozy home, carved into the rock, which was seen around the great variety at different heights from the wide terrace, the edge of which was lost somewhere in the dark, going up the gorge through which the river flowed strange Mer.

It was spacious, light and comfortable.They went through several rooms in which there were women engaged in some household chores, and children play as, probably, and all children in the world, in some of his Martian toys.

Green lights everywhere burned like a torch, which disperse the darkness, but the feeling still remained dungeon somewhere in the mind.

Earthlings fed something resembling earth potatoes, and put to bed on trestle-beds cut into the rock, covered with shaggy hides khashi.


After breakfast Lar Elk invited into another room.Here he waited for Tar.

-Greetings, Earthling!- Tar exclaimed, rising from thick wool rug postelennuyu on basalt floor, and holding out both hands Gusev.

Gusev shook his hand, saying to myself again, what they look like on a person's hands rather than in the hands of a Martian - large, strong, unlike thin and narrow palms Martians many handshakes with whom he still remembered the first arrival on Mars.

Tar offered him a seat on the contrary, for the same thick, woven of white wool rug khashi.Among them was a small round table made of basalt stone bars on low-legged, raising its total to ten centimeters from the floor.

Women came, put on the table glowing green ball on a small stand, odd-shaped jug with Martian wine and a plate with some balls, resembling earth rolls, elastic, springy under your fingers and light, airy, almost weightless.

Gusev, grunting, sat on a mat in Turkish.

-I know your face!- Tara he said, staring at his features, and not understanding why this strange Martian reminds him Moose.

-No, no, - Tar shook his head, smiling at his wide, thin-lipped mouth.- It's impossible!I'm in my entire life have not seen a single living Magatsitls!

-Strange!- Amazed Gusev.- Tell me about yourself, and your movement.Why you got so deeply into the cave in such strange and unsuitable for living space?

-I come from the ruling caste, - said Tar.- My mother - the daughter of Supreme Ruler Mars - Tu ...

-Tuskub - Gusev interrupted, wincing.

How do you know that name?- Tar surprised.

-I saw your grandfather!- Gusev said.- He crushed my rebellion!

-So you're the famous Magatsitls Gusev, which have been around for many years, the legend around Mars?- Amazed at Tar guess.

-He's the - Gusev agreed, nodding his head.

Tar rose from the rug.Gusev mechanically followed his example.So they stood facing each other.

Tar folded his hands and bowed Gusev.He could not understand anything.

-I performed in his memory reverent memories of the brave Magatsitls Gusev - Thar said, ending the bow.- And for me a great honor to take the brave messenger Taltsetl, marked the beginning of the struggle of our people for freedom.

Thank you!- Gusev thanked him, then sat back down on the mat and poured a cup of wine in the oval, and then sipping added.- But I see that your revolution completely decayed!You hid in some dungeon!Upstairs - continuous devastation.Spiders darting everywhere, yes Tuskub soldiers.

-That's right - agreed Tar.- Groups of rebels from the outset were fragmented fight Tuskub, were divided among themselves.Each of the leaders of the rebels thought to cope with the Board of Engineers and seize power himself on the planet.

Clearly, - shook his head Gusev - not a revolution, in general, you will have, and the struggle for power to create the same despotism that was.Well, as you become the leader of the rebel movement?You're a grandson Tuskub.

-My mother - Aelita, and ...

Ah, that's it!- Slapped his forehead from Gusev suddenly flashed in my head guess.Puzzle, which he has long, all the time that talked with Tarom, could not solve, suddenly developed into one.- And your father - ...

My father - Magatsitls Los ...

-I thought so!- Gusev said.

-You know him - as if confirming said Tar.

Yes, well, of course!And I'll tell you more!Your father also flew to Mars!

Tar started, jumped as if ready to run somewhere.From the news it all excited, eyes lit up, so that it became even more like Elk.

Where is he?- Impatiently asked him Thar.

-There he is surprised!- Admired Gusev.- Oh, wow!He has a son!And not just anywhere, but on Mars!

Tara noticed excessive worrying, Gusev reassured him:

Yes, do not worry, we had arrived at different interplanetary machines ...

-At different devices?- Tar amazed.

Of course, we now have a lot of profit, not that the first time.I have now arrived with the firm intention - to bring Martian revolution until victory, set you here, you know, the power of the Martian tips to bring you all of that's just such a dungeon include in Resefeseer and build you have here a happy life and bright future!

-But where is my father?- Tar still stood dumbfounded news, impatiently waiting for a response from Gusev.

-Yes, you calm down, Comrade Tar!- Gusev motioned him to sit down on the mat.- We find we engineer Elk and arrange an appointment you a happy father and son.Well, wow!- Again he said, unable to contain his emotions.- In general, so, tell me in order that you happened here during our absence, so I can understand why, in general, start the fight, and then we think together how we find your father.


-Well, where Aelita, your mother?- Asked the Tara Gusev.

Tar sighed.

-It's a long story, but if you are willing to listen to her, the great Magatsitls Gusev, I tell you.

Of course, ready!- Gusev said.- Strictly speaking, the second Soviet Martian expedition was only because the engineer Los, your father, without end sighed and cox for your mother.I'm tired of looking at him, and I told him: "Well, my friend Moose, flew to Mars to rescue your Aelita, and simultaneously to finally establish our friendly Mars Soviet power and organize Martians happy life!That's fly! "

Gusev pleased sat sipping wine and rather weak Martian occasionally twirling his mustache, which bristled with pride so in hand.

Well, then, listen, - said Tar and sighed, as if to spirit about unpleasant memories, began his story.


-As I said, great Magatsitls Gusev, I was born at Aelita.

My grandfather - the same Tuskub with which you fought, and now for many, many years, I am fighting - love me, but my mother were punished.She was allowed to see me only a few hours a day, then I picked up the soldiers, and recovered to the babysitters.

Whenever his mother played with me, when someone is present and it is only then I realized, watching so that she did not say anything extra like that, who is my father.

The first time after my birth to seven years I lived with my mother.We lived near the North Pole in Tasotsere, city Thousand Suns.This is a huge floating island, secretly built specifically for the Supreme Council of the Government, members of the Supreme Council.

Until such time as there Soatsera about town Tasotsere knew only a few people in the state.Even those who built it, did not know about the true purpose of the object.Workers who built this gigantic structure, said anything like that this secret government warehouses.None of the workers who were taken once to the north, on the secret underground factories of the Supreme Council, did not return back.They have since become slaves and could not leave the territory is guarded by soldiers.

Since then, the army destroyed the Supreme Council Soatsera, workers, job seekers, since more Soatsera had no job, no shelter, no food, steel ship on warships, often without their families, promising good earnings, telling that built north of the city of happiness.It really was a city of happiness, but not for these workers.They were kept in special camps, barracks, fed so that they just do not die of hunger.

Now that was detonated Soatsera construction Tasotsera quickly coming to an end.Every day thousands of warships brought workers to the northern secret plants, and they immediately start to work.

A year later, after Soatsera was blown up, the city of a thousand suns Tasotser pulled away from the surface of Mars.I then just turned three months.It now hovers over the northern territories of the planet.He lived a rich, members of the Supreme Council and the top military commanders.

-Wonderful!- Gusev said.- Why do you need one?

-According to the Tuskub - said Thar - Tasotser, the city of a thousand suns was to preserve the remnants of the civilization of Mars in order to then revive her former strength and power.Tuskub plans to build dozens of such flying cities.According to his plan, they will soar above Mars, and for workers to be built small settlements on the surface of Mars, where they will work in the factories and on plantations to grow cacti.But for this Tuskub need to kill all the rebels ...

-These are the times!- Surprised Gusev.- I would like to look at it in such a Tasotser.

-When I was seven years old, - continued the story Tar - Aelita told me about my father.She cooked singing book that wrote itself, and secretly gave it to me.In this book, talk about my father, about distant star Taltsetl, which flew my father about her love and pain.I keep this book so far ...

Well, what next?- What happened next, intrigued asked Gusev, excitedly twirling his mustache.

-After Aelita, my mother told me, who is my father, about distant and beautiful Taltsetl, about the uprising, which raised brave Magatsitls Gusev and my father about Soatsera, I do not see her.She chose that moment to this story, when we were all alone in the room where I used to spend time with her.But my grandfather had somehow learned about her action, - Tar sighed and looked at Gusev with their human, not such as the other Martians eyes.- One of my mother's story, perhaps, was the only story that she was able to tell me, so I remember him as a bright wonderful dream.I have never stayed long t ak mother, like that time.But then ... I do not know how it happened, but she told me to put my head on my knees, everything a few hours, constantly stroking my hair her soft, warm hands and occasionally kissing me on the cheek.That's how I remember it and ...

Yes, sad story!- Concluded Gusev, noisy sigh and reached for a cigarette case for a cigarette.- Well, never mind, we shall find, dear comrade Tar, and your mother and your father, you will be friendly, happy family!You'll see!

-I would like - Tar smiled dreamily.He liked the irrepressible optimism of the brave Magatsitls of which he had heard so much.He liked that, despite the passage of years and the trials that befell during this period the share of the Son of Heaven, they did not break his character, and he could still energize optimism others who were much younger and healthier than he is now.

-Well, how did you become the leader of the rebels - asked Gusev.- How did you get into Soatsera or whatever is left of it?

-After my mother to visit me, put me on Tuskub education General Sergei.Tuskub I planned to grow from a reliable ally and worthy successors, the receiver for yourself.

I was taught military science, shooting, management warships.

Serg constantly took me on a mission to detect and destroy the rebels.We hunted them everywhere, where there were reports of their whereabouts.First he took me as an ordinary soldier, then appointed commander of the department, then to the twelve years I ran a battleship, and in fifteen - I obeyed squadron of five warships.

Decent-military career!- Gusev said.- Almost like I have in the Civil!

-K I was ruthless rebels.I had studied and thoroughly knew the ins and outs of the system under the ruins Soatsera labyrinths, I was not afraid to take risks and descended into its tunnels and mines, I ambushed revolutionaries where they they have never before had not expected to meet.The number of rebel groups declined rapidly because of me.Tuskub me could not get enough.Rebels feared me as a fierce predator and cha ...

At this time in the room where talking Tar and Gusev, entered Lar.His face was read concern.

Top-Sentinel report that aims to Soatsera several dozen warships, the entire fleet Tuskub.Perhaps this is because of yesterday's battle.In the transmission system on screens passed Tuskub angry speech before the Supreme Council.He promised to destroy all the rebels in the area of ??the ruins Soatsera!And more!Soldiers Tuskub found in the ruins of the city this is - Lahr opened his fist and showed something in which Gusev immediately recognized cartridge cases from the "maxim."- Tuskub said Mars invaded Magatsitls that they appear to be hiding in the catacombs beneath the ruins Soatsera and help the rebels destroy the civilization of Mars.He ordered the troops to find and destroy the city in ruins Magatsitls any cost, every single one!

Tar looked at Gusev:

-We must prepare for the great battle, brave Magatsitls Gusev!

Gusev nodded his head, quietly smoking a cigarette.Any battle.The more it was planned, it was a joy.Blood in his veins has played a major battle with anticipation.


The next day, Tar arranged meeting in which Gusev participated as chief military adviser.

Here attended Lahr and several other unit leaders.

-Intelligence reports that the ruins Soatsera flies unprecedented number of warships - seventy!This is almost all the ships that have Tuskub!- Gave a report Thar.- Most likely, the ships dropped off soldiers, and they go down into the catacombs, as I once did!- He pointedly around the eyes of all present.

-But ever since you moved to our side, Tar, - retorted Lar - none of the soldiers Tuskub longer down in the catacombs!

-I know!- Agreed with him Thar.- But then why so many warships?Tuskub knows that hiding in the ruins Soatsera Magatsitls!And this is the reason of this great attack, most likely not the rebels.Tuskub Magatsitls wants to destroy!

Gusev listened attentively to what he said Thar cheat his mustache and thought.From intense thought he took out his cigarette case tin coveted, deftly pulled out a cigarette and lit it thoughtfully, ignoring that the Martians with surprise turned to Magatsitls.In their memory still firmly sat smoking ban Chabris.But it was tobacco.


Meeting came several hours.

All agreed on the opinion that the soldiers Tuskub using its huge size and good automatic weapons, abandoned ships and combat aircraft to descend into the cave under Soatsera destroyed.Now the plan was discussed, where better to give them a fight.Detachment of three hundred men, able to withstand the soldiers were about a hundred and twenty.According to calculations by Tara warships to the ruins Soatsera flew nearly a thousand soldiers.

-They will crush us in a cake!- Said one of the startled rebel commanders.

Well, I would second "max", but on a level field to meet them cross dagger fire!- Said, smoking a cigarette, Gusev, he for the first time in a long time meeting all the votes cast.- I have them all in fifteen minutes all laid!

-If we do not stick out, the soldiers are unlikely to find us here, across the river Mer!- Lar said.

-Just do not find - Tar agreed - but Tuskub set them the task - not to return until all the rebels and killed under the rubble Magatsitls Soatsera.We will sit here, but sooner or later the soldiers find their way to the lake of fire Warr.Even if they just ambush on the other side, we will soon take possession of the cable crossing, because we need to constantly come to the surface in search of water and food for our women and children.


Gusev again silent.He just smoked a cigarette and listened to what they say among themselves Martians.The rebels could not find a solution, which promised to be the salvation of their detachment from the army Tuskub.Whether they had a fight on the surface of the river or holed Mer, whether they met with soldiers fight in the catacombs or cowardly ran away from them - a victory for the forces remained Tuskub.Martians were in despair.They suddenly realized that this is the end.They will either die or surrender into slavery to Tuskub and doom themselves to sign and into a heavy and unbearable work their women and children.Nobody wanted.

For several hours Tar and his commanders searched and could not find the saving exit from the impending threat.

How many ships in the fleet Tuskub?- Suddenly asked Gusev at Tara, many hours of breaking his silence.

-According to my information - about a hundred.

-And seventy of them fly to the ruins Soatsera?

Yes, a great warrior Gusev - Tar agreed.

-Where are the others?- Asked Gusev.

Five-ships are on duty near the city of Thousand Suns, Tasotsera.Typically, ten to fifteen ships undergoing renovations in secret underground factories in the north of Mars.And the rest, apparently, involved in battles with pirates, numerous bloodthirsty units which produce seized from raids on ships Tuskub all there is to rob and destroy.

-Here's How!- Puzzled thought Gusev.- So, we strongly Tuskub angered that he sent against us so many warships and soldiers.

Tar nodded silently, feeling brave now Magatsitls Gusev will give some its original decision, which will ensure victory.All fell silent, waiting for something unusual and brave from Magatsitls.

But Gusev paused again, twisting his mustache, and only looked at the middle of the decomposed conferred on the table homemade card mazes, wells, tunnels and corridors.

Without waiting for a response from Gusev, rebel commanders began to confer again, discussing how to avoid the carnage or shameful and hopeless captivity, and finding solutions.

- T ar!- Finally, Gusev said.All were silent again and turned to Magatsitls.- I think you have to give up!

The room fell silent.Everyone was puzzled by the words Gusev.Such a solution from him, no one expected.


Early in the morning, just to the east of the ridge Liziaziry sky turned purple glow, heralding the dawn soon, over the ruins of the once beautiful Soatsera heard the hum of hundreds of screws from the north approaching armada of warships.A few minutes later they hung over the ruins, bombarded orange sand and became one landing approach, choosing a place near a large crater in the midst of the dunes, once the star of the former area.

One after the other ships came in to land.When they stayed screws, from the open hatches on ladders leaning on the coated sand paving area poured soldiers.They were built in rows and rows, and soon, when the sky above Liziaziroy bright red velvet painted the first rays of the rising sun, the entire area was covered with rectangles correct columns Tuskub troops.

Such invasion troops Soatsera not remember since its destruction.

Before the formation of the rectangles in black appeared someone falling folds of the ground coat.

He beckoned to the unit commanders and began to give them orders, gesturing around the neighborhood around and saying something.

Suddenly, with the highest ridge, which was buried under a huge building of the Board of Engineers, a long line of steps once went out on a star space, deafening hit "max."

First of all, hit the retinue surrounded the Commander of the troops.Became evident as falling commanders bevelled bullets.

Troops rushed in all directions over the area.Officers mingled with the soldiers, and the next few gun bursts produced by this suddenly become an amorphous mass rushing area Martians.

A minute later the troops were already lay around the high sand dune, which shot gun and fired back.


After a brief battle in the warship to General Sergei brought two captives.One of them was a Martian, the second - a newcomer from Earth.Following the soldiers dragged the machine gun, captured with the captives.

General ordered to interrogate prisoners and shoot.

One of them was a rebel Lahr, right hand Tara pupil general, peremetnuvshimsya many years ago on the side of the rebels.Others who did not understand Martian was Magatsitls Manakov.

-How many units?- Lara officers tortured Sergei.- Where is your leader Tar?Where Magatsitls?How many of them?

Lar agreed to cooperate with the troops and spend Tuskub Serga soldiers to rebel lair under Soatsera maze.

Since man does not have maps of the catacombs, where the rebels were hiding, he agreed to Lara services in exchange for the preservation of life and it Magatsitls captivated with him before a military court.

-However, in any case, you stand before a military court, and already he decides your final fate, - concluded the interrogation Serg.- Much will depend on how you can help our troops seize rebel.The Court will consider it at sentencing.


Armed to the teeth, the troops Sergey began to descend into the catacombs beneath Soatsera.Ahead conductor walked captive rebel Lar.Beside him, at gunpoint dozen automatic rifles, moved Magatsitls Manakov tied behind his back with his hands.Martian soldiers, in spite of this, cautiously avoided him exceeds one and a half times the height and weight of the largest of them.

Serg watched the troops go into the maze, standing in the middle square, near a string of warships.

Learning about the number of rebels, he sent all the troops in the catacombs, leaving on the surface only fifty soldiers to protect warships, hoping to catch the enemy completely by surprise.Lar assured him that, despite his foray with a machine gun, the rebels are planning to ride out the invasion army Tuskub in the catacombs, as secluded places labyrinths unknown forces commanders of the Supreme Council.Poet Sergei could easily rely on surprise and success of the attack.Tara, he ordered to take him alive.

Swirls of armed soldiers disappeared in the catacombs, and when dusk began to thicken, the square was empty.

Protection during the day established around the landing site armada high fence of barbed wire and lit fires that had hordes of giant spiders scare nightfall goes hunting in the ruins Soatsera.

Personally checking exposed perimeter guards, General Sergei, is carried out in the last glow of sunset reverie, he went to his warship.

Everything went as well as possible for the more successful the outcome of this decisive attack on the rebels.On the side of the troops were outnumbered, good weapons, surprise attack, betrayal Lara, who was supposed to spend on pain of death to the very forces camp rebels.But something in all this favorable circumstances inspired the general concern, and he tossed a long time and could not sleep.

General recalled Tara.He remembered his immature young man who skillfully managed the troops, organized by the rebels cunning ambush, knew most of the labyrinths under Soatsera could wade and touch them, leading the soldiers and bringing considerable damage to the revolutionaries.Most of the rebels were destroyed due to the courage and bravery of knowledge Tara.

And suddenly, when the victory, it seemed, was close, and the last rebels were about to defeat the onslaught of attacks brave grandson Tuskub, Tar suddenly disappeared in the catacombs with dvuhsotennym division.For a long time about it nothing was heard, but then rebel commander suddenly appeared with the same name.Their operations against the troops Tuskub become more successful and speedy victory of General promised at a meeting of the Supreme Council Tuskub suddenly pulled away for an indefinite period.Insurgency came alive again.


Sergei morning received reports that troops advanced in the catacombs before crossing the lava river Mer, where a skirmish with a few rebels, located on the other side.Emplacements rebels were suppressed, and in the evening the engineers had to build a drawbridge to cross the lava flow.

All continued to shape well, and the general could not understand why he was so restless.For many years, he could not cope with the rebels.And suddenly loomed on the horizon such an easy victory.Old soldier did not like it, but he could not understand where hiding trick.With some sense of tense expectation General spent the entire day.

Night received a report that the crossing was built.Troops crossing to the opposite shore Measure occupy and expand the bridgehead without encountering resistance from the rebels.Intelligence reported on a large village carved into the cliffs of a huge cave, in front of a few hundred meters from the bridgehead.

According to the rules of martial arts, which were well known Sergei will first have to take a foothold on the beachhead, and then expand the offensive.Troops have done exactly that, but something compelled general experience anxiety.


The next morning in the military camp on the star first area taken captives.E they were about two hundred women and children - all families of the rebels.

Troops, as planned, by developing a foothold.Reached a settlement in the rocks, and now combing the house after house, terraces carved into the hillside caves vyvolakivaya of them residents.However, in the camp of the rebels themselves were not found.

In the report indicated that perhaps as said Lahr, rebels, avoiding clashes with troops Tuskub, went upstream measure, but nowhere else crossing was not, and because commanders hoped to drive the rebels into a corner in the very near future.Troops waited orders to continue the offensive.

Serg long sat and pondered report.He ordered to send the prisoners to the north, and the ships soared into the morning sky, taking captives.

Now, when the rebels were deprived of their families, they had to give up - Sergei realizes it.Further struggle was meaningless for them.His finest hour victory over the largest and most active rebel detachment headed by Tarom, was close.Few remaining rebel forces scattered across the planet to learn about this victory, surrender themselves, and obstruction of the Supreme Council and the plans to transform Tuskub Martian civilization disappear collapse.And he, General Sergei, worthy of glory, honor deserved wealth, as the winner of the rebels.

"But why did they do that?" - General perplexed, and together with glee at the close defeat the enemy continued to grow worried that things are going too smoothly.General feeling that there is something else, is not controlled by any process it.But where and what it was - could not understand, and thus increasingly worried.

However, he threw away all sorts of disturbing him decide doubts and gave the order for a final offensive.


This is the third day of the rebels Tara sat at the exit from the catacombs to the surface area to the star, in a secret room, which forces Tuskub could not find, when suddenly around a maze there was a dull and powerful rumble shook the walls of tunnels and corridors.Hum this meant only one thing: Lar blew inherent in the cache charge that on the eve of the invasion led by Gusev put in a crack in the upper part of the base of the peninsula on the shore of Measure where the rebels were at home, carved into the rock.

Power charge was small, but plan Gusev she had cause breaking off high looming over current measure of the peninsula and unleash it in the lava flow.Buzz peals through the maze, confirmed his loyalty to the calculation.This meant that all the troops Tuskub who went in search of his men were killed in the lava flow, as well as all that was on the other side of the gorge.

Tara squad darted to the surface and stealthily crossed a star area.

With four sides they attacked the camp Sergei.Some of the ships have already departed, taking the north of their women and children.And now the rebels were determined and inevitable.They caught unawares has never expect no attack protection, and after a short and rapid battle, captured troops stationed in anticipation of the warships and Sergei.

The general was in disbelief and confusion.He expected to see you soon with Tarom, but not as the winner.

-And what do you think?- Serg amazed when I saw that the Tar prepares for take-off ships.

-Return to our families first, and give workers freedom, secondly, - said Tar and ordered to take custody of General.


The surviving soldiers Tuskub Tar offered to the side of the rebels, saying that they are fighting for the happiness of the common man.Of the twenty soldiers refused to join Tara only three, and together with Sergei was taken into custody.

By nightfall ten warships captured rebels Tara, soared over the sand dunes orange, cover Soatsera destroyed.Remaining in the camp Serga the square forty warships were blown up, and now burned out, scaring her glow creeping out of the catacombs and the hordes of giant spiders.


Gusev also heard reverberating roar overtook him at the exit of a tunnel who conducted in Azure grove.

As they agreed with Tarom, he set out to find A Osya, which he was supposed to be in the Azure grove.

Gusev did not know whether Moose could reach Mars, but I was sure that if he did it, now was certainly there.

Besides, if something went wrong, and his plan failed and the rebels have been killed, but in any case, be brought Gusev conceived through.

Yield was cluttered, and he stayed with him Fedulovo and the World, two days rolled the huge boulders, stone throwing, raking gravel to pave their way to the surface.In a time when there are very few to get out before they reached the hearing and deaf and lingering buzz has come down through dozens of kilometers from the collapse.

Well, all rebya!- Gusev said once mused.- Come on up!

He left the last tunnel, pausing and looking back, as if expecting someone to overtake them.At this moment, thinking about Manakova Gusev.

In their faces splattered gentle rays shaggy Martian sun tending to the horizon.On the lawn in front of the house of broken skeletons warships - traces of a longstanding battle - Gusev found flying boat Elk.He recognized her immediately.His joy knew no bounds.But the house was empty Tuskub, although tidy.It was obvious that someone was watching him.

Puzzled bypassed Gusev room by room, hallway for a corridor, occasionally shouting into the echoing emptiness of the huge structure:


No one responded.

Placing his comrades to rest in the sleeping rooms of the house, moose came into the clearing, wandered among the broken warships searching traces of Elk, and then down the stairs to the lake and sat a long time, watching the fun in the rays of the sun falling behind the mountains small waves beautiful pond.It was the place that reminded him of something even Earth.

Gusev remembered Masha and sad.Suddenly, looking at all this beauty, unbearably wanted to go home to his wife.Gusev tried to imagine how many tens of millions of kilometers away from his homeland, and his heart ached."All this is the last time!If I get out with this adventure, you'll be sitting at home, drinking tea with Masha, but look out the window at the Neva!And no more worries! "- He thought.

Suddenly his ears caught some sound coming from above, from the house.Gusev turned.

The meadow by the broken shipwrecks went khashi shaggy herd.His rear customized Iha.

Gusev could not believe his eyes.It seemed to him that all his haunt.

-Hallucination!- Gusev rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

But mirage disappeared.Hashi is still going, crossing the meadow, in his camp, driven back peace ful.

-These are the times!- Gusev rose and twirling his mustache, moved quickly to Ikhe that was on him and did not notice the guest.- Iha!Ihonka!

Gus grabbed her waist from behind and easily as a feather, plump Martian threw up so that she screamed in surprise and fear.

-Why are you screaming fool!Well, just as the earth woman!

Gusev said in Russian, and, of course, Iha could not understand him.But when he turned her to face him, she was beaming with happiness.She immediately recognized the voice.These sounds, though it's been many years.

Gusev pushed her away from him, trying to look around, as it should, and then hugged again, feeling the chest gets warmer.


An hour later, when evening fell on Mars, Gusev is vividly discussed in the secret house Tuskub events of recent days.

He had not seen him for almost two weeks, and during that time everyone was so many events, which would be enough for several years.

Rdeyuschaya not hiding happiness Iha and then brought them treats, pour wine into a carafe.Both detachments Martian expedition together and it was eating with gusto treat.In this Fedoulov Worlds and now and then looked around, marveling at the unprecedented luxury furnishings and Tsatsulya Nikitin and Sysoev, who by that time had finally recovered, ate without paying dazzling jewels and gold beauty no attention.

All shared with each other news, glad meeting.

-Now what?- Moose asked Gusev, outlined a plan that he has matured away from the rebels.

-On the North!Now just to the North!- Gusev replied briskly, inspired reunion with elk.- We show them there gruel!

Gusev from Los learned of the fate of Aelita.The news that he has a son, so shocked engineer that he was not himself from jumping on happiness spacious gilded corridors of the house as a child.Gusev said that his son, Tar, to capture part of warships and fly to Tuskub Azure grove.Hence they themselves or elk, if suddenly it was not there, had to move to the north pole of Mars to search for a flying city Thousand Suns - Tasotsera.

Feed happiness crammed consciousness Elk, and he did not know how to deal with it.He had a son!Son of Aelita!How could he dream about this!No, it was above all his fantasies, which only he could ever even occur!Now he was ready to stay on Mars forever though!And Aelita!So, after all, there is hope that they will meet with her.


Close to midnight, earthlings, after supper, rose to the surface, waiting for ships reaching is Tara.

Starry sky stretched over the meadow like a fairy carpet flecked with countless stars.The air smelled cool.

Elk hopefully listened to the night silence.He like no other now waiting the arrival of these warships.

But here's the part Soatsera,finally began to grow more distinct hum their propellers, and soon black sky seemed silhouettes ten following each other aircraft.

The house lights are lit, the insurgents do not have flown by, and soon one after the other ships landed on the front lawn Tuskub.

Moose was impatient.He wanted to rush forward, but did not know which of the ships flew his son, how he looks, if he can learn it.It made him a little nervous.

A minute later Gusev, who came forward approached three Martians.Those who went first, was higher than others, it had bright nemarsianskie hair and eyes ... Those eyes Elk could not confuse with any other.

Gusev hugged each have approached as an old friend, and then summed to Los him whom he immediately recognized as his son.

-That Thar - A stretched toward Osya Gusev hand - this is your father.

They stood facing each other for a long time, trying to understand something difficult to fit it in your mind, and then suddenly rushed into his arms, and felt a rush of Elk joy and happiness, what he never experienced in my life.

Well, here - concluded Gusev, looking at the scene touching meeting.- You're now just a nurse!Aelita!


After a short rest in the early morning ten fighting airships soared into the air, slicing its screws his coolness, and painted in crimson rays of the rising luminary, moved north.

Ikhoshka, happy, remembering not overjoyed, but frustrated as rapid parting, because weeping and smiling at the same time, long standing and waving after disappearing in the distance, over the jagged mountains points.


Skiles woke up from the shock.

It seemed to him that he died.But now it's back to consciousness.

Rapid acceleration of the rocket his weight increased to a dozen times, and could not move hand or foot.Even open the eyelids was a problem.

When acceleration decreased, and the weight from the body slept, he was finally able to look around.

Beside him in the control room sitting ship pilot Steven.He watched appliances and gave orders to his two assistants.


Through the transparent hemisphere dome cutting of thick heat-resistant glass, separated by powerful silver arcs into six sectors, has now been seen dazzling black sky dotted with unimaginable number of colored stars.From the side, outside the arc were illuminated with dazzling rays of the sun, which has not been seen since it left behind somewhere on the course with, and from that it seems that they are now here - that will melt.And just by the fact that it is a dazzling glow gradually weakened, and more metal shadow crept was possible to determine that the ship is moving.In fact, his movement was so fast that Skiles was even hard to imagine that speed.Its nothing to be compared, and because it was difficult to imagine.

-Are you okay?- Steven Skiles asked.

-O-kei!- Showed that the sign that all Americans indicates that things are going wrong.

"No, these are really crazy Russian!- For some reason thought Skiles, remembering, thanks to whom he went to the flight.- On the other hand, I have become rich thanks to Elk!Yeah! "

Acceleration of the ship was reduced, and soon released severity so that now his body soared into the air.Noticing that began weightlessness, the pilot and his assistant priest bent to chairs e p e mnyam.And Skiles using hovering slightly pushed back from his chair and ran quickly to the inclined ramp leading down.Clinging to him, he paid off his speed and, turning to silver railing hands went into the cabin to stay.


The cabin was heard uncontrollable laughter.Marseille and Andrey happy as children, trapped in a wonderful and exciting adventure.They are out of the bottle champagne and now chased him bubbling amber balls which are randomly flying around the cabin.Inside the balls champagne bubbles formed carbon dioxide, which grew by connecting together, and then tore the ball into several smaller.Floating of the cabin, on a leather sofa, bolted to the floor, Marseille opened a new bottle.Jetstream of foaming and rapidly increasing in volume of liquid flew toward the huge porthole behind which glowed brightly huge, improbable, if living sun hanging among the black void, spilling with hundreds of balloons and balls, and it as a missile thrown in opposite side to the other in a huge porthole, followed rapidly decreased bluish-white globe of the Earth.Andrew, keeping it fun, bounced off the ceiling, which was hanging around, and rushed to the jet champagne, striking the thick glass window of a string of sizzling sparkling balls, squirting in all directions piercing rays refracted light falling on them from space, and bouncing back like a diamond necklace, while trying to catch their mouth when they were worn about the past.

"How are the kids!- Surprised Skiles.- As if to put an attraction rather than a dangerous journey into space! "

He looked at the receding at an incredible rate, and decreases rapidly w Rick Earth, and he was not alone when he presented that bottomless void, through which they were very close from behind the walls of the rocket suddenly seem so fragile and unreliable in this black , airless vastness.Even Land now seemed so dangerous place, which could not ensure protection against this all-consuming emptiness.

-Command requests for dnyatsya Mr. Skiles in the control room!- Was heard from the speakers.

Marcel!Andrew!Stop messing!- Said, drunk with joy and champagne young people Skiles.- I forbid you to open more champagne!And liaise with other ships!

This meant that Marseille and Andrey must establish radio contact with the rest of the ship, and if it fails, the duplicate contact visually - using three huge windows, by providing all-round visibility, discover the other four ships of the expedition.


Making sure that they'd stop fooling around and went in search of radio and other ships through the thick glass windows separating the crew from the bottomless emptiness, Skiles, hand over hand on the rail, flew into the cockpit.

Noticing him, Steven showed up at the ceiling, serving now bow porthole:

Ahead-some nebula, sir!

Skiles looked up.

Powerful silver arc dividing dome ship into six sectors, were now in the shade, and did not seem that they are about to melt.Through the glass porthole was clearly seen that in the blackness of the world space, dotted with distant stars, they were rapidly approaching something, spread out across the entire sky vanishing in the dark arc from horizon to horizon.

Steven kissed the telescope directed forward.

-This is a huge assemblage of asteroids, sir, and we are flying straight at him!

-So what?- Skiles felt a threat in this report, said so quietly melancholic pilot.

Sir, if we do not find the passage, these stones will be the last that we will see!

Well, so look!- Outraged Skiles said into the microphone and intercom.-Marseille!Established contact with other ships?

-Yes, sir!- Was heard through the speakers in the control room.- But only visual!No radio, sir!


Hard to say, sir!

- On-kei!Pass all the general alarm signal!Let them be ready to change course after us!Serious danger ahead.

-Yes, sir!

In case radio in space for some reason will not work on the perimeter of the hull near the portholes was made special broad band light that signals from the wardroom flashed brightly, thus providing an opportunity to transmit signals in Morse code.The answer took visually watching the same band on the other interplanetary expedition ships.

-Get Answers from three crews, sir!One ship is not responding!

-What do they have?- Worried Skiles.

-Hard to say, sir!

-Continue to transmit them team!

-Yes, sir!- Voice Skiles felt Marseille went through a bit of champagne.

-I found the passage, sir!- Stephen reported.- We'll have a little change of course, but it's better than impressive sya am in rubble wall at that speed!Passage is very narrow, sir need to give all the team to follow exactly the world!

-Well, Steven, do as you like, but, more importantly, lead us to Mars!- Skiles replied and said into the microphone.- Marseille, ordered to stand in the wake ranks!Let us follow, do not deviate from our course or a tenth of a degree!

-Roger that, sir!

A minute later the ships began to fade from view, taking place one after another in the wake of the lead.Stephen deflecting nozzle engines began to lay the turn, making the maneuver.

-Sir!- Marcel reported.- The fifth is still unresponsive and rebuilt!

-What's wrong with him?- Outraged Skiles.

He went to the wardroom and anxiously watched as not feeding response signals spacecraft deviates more and more away from their course, continuing to fly in a straight line.Andrew, taking place at the unit continued tapping signals, hoping that silent ship finally answer.

Voltage Skiles clenched his fists, looking like silver, shining hull is removed, turning into a thin shiny needle, then to dash.

Half black sky like a gray cloud blotted out, leaving a giant ring distance.It grew rapidly approaching.And so it became clear that this dance of the millions of stones of various sizes.A few seconds more, and the ship had to go messing in this whirling in orbit around the Sun mass.

The subtle silver point, which was the ship, do not respond to signals as rapidly as they are, but very far away, rushed to this stone round dance.

-This is the commander, I battened down the hatches!- Warned internal radio pilot Steven.

- On-kei, Stephen!- Skiles said into the intercom at that moment he saw, as if imagined as a silver point, barely visible already, suddenly became a little bigger and brighter.- We lost a ship!- Fists unclenched Skiles powerless, and Andrew stopped morzirovat puzzled and leaned back on the sofa, looking at him and not knowing what to do now.

After a second dense curtains closed armored huge windows in the cabin crew rest, and instead of blinding light pouring into them from the sun, the salon has become covered with small shades on the walls.Although their light was quite bright, but Skiles thought he was in poorly lit dungeon.


-I think, sir, we can open the blinds!- Approached him pilot Steven.

-Open!- Agreed to Skiles.

For about an hour they flew closed portholes.

At first I could hear something about beating hull of a ship, like rustling sand falling on the body.But now it is quiet.

In the porthole opened its nose right of the ship was Mars.All fascinated by this unprecedented spectacle.

Skiles was not sentimental dreamer.But he could not take his eyes and sat in his chair next to Steven, his head thrown back, and with bated breath.


Mars was the first size of the moon, as it can be seen from Earth, but only the orange like an orange with his two companions-moons.But he is rapidly approaching, and now all closed space, visible in the bow window.

It was an awesome picture of the unknown, alien, beckoning to her world.Skiles suddenly felt a passionate desire to quickly be on this mysterious planet, which previously had not noticed him.He was clearly visible craters, plains, jagged mountains, casting sharp shadows on the orange sands, pink clouds.Here and there, anyway, so it seemed, flashed a blue water background.From indescribable spectacle Skiles stopped breathing.He suddenly uncharacteristically romanticism thought it was worth to do this dangerous path even just in order to see this unforgettable spectacle.It is a sight worth millions of dollars from the four that were now at Skiles!No, maybe it was worth all the four million!And for the first time Skiles has not regretted that flew to Mars.

"Yes, - he thought, unable to accommodate all the e oburevayuschi his emotions - these crazy Russian are not that crazy!From this, in truth, you can go crazy! "

Bottom of the wardroom heard enthusiastic cries of Marseille and Andrew, who saw all this enchanting splendor in the side windows.


-Prepare for landing!- Ordered the pilot Steven, when the plate Mars looming over their heads, covering the entire sky ahead.- Borrow seats!

He was unfazed, as if once a week someone drove a hundred million kilometers on the Martian picnic.

Now it became apparent that there was an attraction, increasing with each passing second.

The ship rolled over, and Mars instead of over the head of a huge porthole now seen was a fantastic sky, which hung two Martian moons, and thousands of stars cut their piercing rays of darkness."Fabulously!Amazing!- Could not hold back emotions Skiles.- Fantastic! "

Pilot Steven meanwhile realized rapid braking, full including the engine, and all shrank again in the chair, as during takeoff.

Taking reports from its two assistants who take care of their readings, pilot Steven watching now in a special viewing device for the position of the ship above the surface of the planet, began to implement a reduction maneuver.

Unlike devices engineer Elk American ships had no spring shock absorber, and had to put out by the motor speed and pilot actions.

Performing flight plan, the pilot Steven began maneuvering jets, trying to put the ship as close as possible to the North Pole, and one describing the hyperbole, curved to the surface of the planet, soon almost horizontally slid her gently down on the northern ice cap.

A minute later, the tripod legs apart, in three arcuate supports triangular section, out-of-body from the nose to the ground, the spacecraft goes smoothly, hovered for a moment above the surface, on the icy crust.Gases escaping from the nozzle, instantly melted the ice around the ship and soon formed a lake.Ship, despite the widely spaced springy support, first plunged into it up to half, and then lurched and fell on its side, floated on the surface, like a silver cigar.Stephen turned off the engines and removed the tripod legs - in this situation it was useless.

-Sir!Landing made!- He reported Skiles.

-Paged!- Ordered Skiles, who was eager to land on the surface of Mars.

-We have to wait until everything is frozen, sir!- Said Marcel, whose rollover ship thrown into the wheelhouse.


Lake froze around the body interplanetary ship in about three hours.

Americans are impatient got outside, he stepped on a thin yet, but rapidly gaining ice thickness.Onboard instruments indicated a temperature of minus fifty overboard.Skiles figured that night should be two times colder.

The sun was far to the south and barely rises above the horizon.Overhead, very low, hanging purple-violet sky, covered with feathery pink, moving south clouds.At the edge of the field of view, at the very near horizon could be seen seemingly cigar another ship of the expedition Skiles.He fell, but standing on its widely spaced, like spider legs, tripod, sat down, apparently on bedrock.

Pilot Steven rolled out of the cargo hatch of the ship cross-country truck electric battery that resembles not a platform not an open car, not the pickup with broad thick, like balls, tires, studded with metal spikes for better grip.The crew began to load her equipment, outfit, provisions and weapons.

Soon the Americans were moving, waddling on hummocks, to standing on tripod legs on the near horizon ship.

In the trap was mounted radio, and, a little later, when Marcel tuned it, Skiles, sitting in front, in the seat next to the pilot, already was talking with the commander of the second ship, Martin, French Canadian, wrapped in a fur jumpsuit with hood hiding behind the lapel fur gates from the oncoming cold wind.

-How was the landing, sir?- Martin was interested, excited flight.-We all right, sir!And you, I saw rolls onto its side, sir!

Yes, Martin - posted Skiles - But it's not the worst!We lost a ship!

-I saw you, sir!I'm sorry, but it's a risk, sir!This could happen to anyone.

Yes!- Agreed to Skiles.- Who was it?

-It is not clear, sir, but not exactly Steve.Steve ship south of me, twenty kilometers within visual sight!

-And another ship where?

Sir, no one else in sight!

Martin, hurry up!Here frost - fifty degrees!- Saying this, Ska th ls felt frost penetrates him with every word is taken under the fur clothing.Such a cold he had only once when traveling as a war correspondent for the Trans-Siberian railway, and somewhere in the forest near Irkutsk had to wait until repaired guerrillas detonated rails.- For all nights will be minus one!It's very, very cold!Honestly, I can not imagine such a frost!We have to get!

-Shall prepare airship, sir?

Yes!How much time will it take?

-Three or four hours, sir!

-Good!- Skiles eyed the distance they have to overcome the left on a trolley through the icy cold to rising above the horizon orange and purple silver ship.- I think by this time we just get!By the way, please contact with all the crew on the radio, give my order cook blimps put flashing lights, wait for our arrival!

-Yes, sir!


In contrast to the commander of the ship, which is laid for the construction of the first and will not have to change its design, all other upper portion was separated and was suspended by a thin-walled metal airship collected from removable inner lining and segments of tubular struts dismantled with the rocket body.

Clever design allows you to quickly assemble an airship three crew members, while the other two were engaged in removing the nose cone with the control room and wardroom from the bottom of the rocket.After assembling the cigar from it air was evacuated, and then using its lift, shot from above the nose of the body interplanetary ship and used it as a gondola.

Airship panel were covered with a special substance that produces electricity from captured sunlight and fields Martian polar stations, if they were at a distance, as suggested by the scientists involved in the creation of the unit, not more than a thousand kilometers.That is why, without knowing exactly the distance at which the airships could produce enough to power electric motors with propellers electricity from Martian field landing expedition Skiles identified as close to the Martian north pole.


Losing battery charge last frost in the wild, the truck drove up to the ship Skiles Martin.

Sun during the day burgled through unbearable cold orange-red disc throwing long rays in violet sky, along the line itself unusually close horizon, suddenly dived for it.After a brief decline rapidly dark, and with darkness fell on ice cap unearthly cold, shackled seemed time itself.Even through warming the lower face cloth thick woolen scarf that tied Skiles, breathing was now unbearably painful for a frost.

Crew Martin already beheaded his rocket ship and stood, reminding futuristic steel barrel.

Near quits assembly airship.

The air was steel cigar retained from that whirl up to heights six chair spacers, bottom to the airship was attached to the upper part of the missile control room and wardroom.From huge windows wardroom showered bright light illuminating the platform on which the installation.This light is meant conceived by engineers and scientists working device and the substance on the body catches Martian airship field, and it itself exists.Otherwise, either without or without other expeditions Skiles would tight.

To meet the trolley ran Martin, shielding his face fur lapel collar.He reported:

Sir, airship assembled and ready to ship!

-O-kei!- Skiles said, feeling that the Martian polar frost becomes unbearable.- All aboard!- He commanded.


Twenty minutes later, the airship, dropping his restraining halyards, rushed up.Rising several hundred meters above the surface of the planet, Americans noticed in impenetrable darkness of the bottom four brightly burning torch signaling point magnesium-rounds, and Skiles ordered to fly to them.It had lights that Steve handed crew.Elsewhere should be visible lights were fourth ship, but all around was visible only black night.

Airship toward them, and an hour later in the Martian black sky dotted with countless points of stars moving strange construction of two interlocked each other steel cigar, slightly gleaming in the night reflections stars, with gondolas suspended beneath them, the light of the windows which was visible far around.

Everyone continued to peer into the darkness below, hoping to see signs of the fourth ship, which was never released on bond.Skiles did not want to think that he has lost another interplanetary ship.


Search fourth interplanetary ship lasted until the morning, but no to no avail.

With a kilometer altitude above the Martian surface Skiles tired, bloodshot eyes stared at the rising in the east shaggy unearthly sun, sipping freshly brewed coffee from a small porcelain cups.He searched within himself that yesterday's delight, but could not find it.

Downstairs extended icy space.Skiles presented for a second, as there is now cold.

Martin approached him, the airship is leading to the hitch, he flew.With a pilot Skiles left Stephen and his two assistants, Robert, a German officer, pilot, who emigrated after the imperialist war overseas, and Vladimir, Ukrainians, Germans bombed in the war on the huge Russian bomber "Ilya Muromets", nephew of a Sikorsky, inventor and aviation design engineer, also had moved to America with the start of the revolution in Russia.Sikorski took a leading part in the creation of ships for interplanetary expeditions Skiles and set a condition Mr. Krabs to Mars took his brave pilot.Despite the fact that the war is long over, between Robert and Vladimir Skiles noticed clearly skvozyaschuyu coolness.But it suited him.

Marseille with Andrew Skiles sent stern observer and gunner to the driven airship, because communication with the two jokers fidgets and it's beginning to tire slightly.

Coupling of airships for some reason reminded Skiles n etrogradskie trams and Martin seemed to him mainly Carman, and it amused him.

-Do you need a break?- Martin, too, as all looked tired - all night, none of the expedition never batted an eye in the hope of finding the last of interplanetary ships.

Skiles just smiled and went to another porthole.

From sunrise motors began to receive much more power and airships flew faster.By order Skiles now they skirted pole latitude landing, still hoping for a miracle.


On the horizon there was a strange cloud.Skiles was accustomed to smoky pink clouds of Mars.But it was dark and looked like a huge thundercloud.

Laugh-rub there!- He turned to Martin, who hung around the neck binoculars.- Strange cloud, is not it?Is Mars thunderstorms are?

Martin put the binoculars to his eyes.He watched for a long time, and then said with a strange tone in his voice:

It's not a cloud, sir?

-A what?- The tension in his voice Pilot Skiles was passed, and he suddenly excited heart beat inside in a dim presentiment.Waiting for an explanation, Skiles even stopped drinking coffee and all tensed, drawing gaze out the window.

-I can not say, sir ... See for yourself!

Impatiently Skiles snatched the binoculars from the hands of Martin and pulled him to his mechanically the strap remaining on the pilot's neck, bringing the device to the eyes.

At first he could not understand what he sees in general.In binoculars could be seen something dark that obscured the entire field of view.Skiles has arranged for themselves sharpness and almost released from the hands of binoculars.That presented itself to his view was incredible.

He saw some huge ramps sparkling gray reflections prism or pyramid.It hung in the sky and soar among the clouds.Base strange object hovered over the icy surface three hundred meters, and the top cut a cloud.

What's this?- Exclaimed in surprise Skiles, continuing to examine the amazing sight in binoculars.

-I can not say sir!- Martin shrugged.- But it's something huge!Before him fifty kilometers, and even one!

Now all were in the wardroom of the expedition, noticed that with such an unusual excitation discussed Skiles and Martin, and pressed against the two portholes directed toward the object, open-mouthed with surprise and sharing impressions of fantastic pictures.

Now it was obvious that something is having the correct forms and having a clearly artificial.

-Course to this place!- Martin ordered Skiles.

-Yes, sir, a course on the subject!- Martin said, and gave the order for the internal radio to the control room.


From flying pyramid separated a few tiny black dots.They began to grow, and soon all were surprised to see that it's flying ships, exactly what they are described Los and Gusev in his speeches after his arrival from Mars - the outlines of each silver three-masted ship skeleton resembled Carthaginian galley with three pairs of sharp, flexible wings, which extended from the sides, vertical screw on the end of short masts, supporting him in the air.

Flying alien vehicles heading in their direction.

Just in case Skiles, experiencing extreme excitement, ordered to change course so that they could take on the fly.Two twin aircraft gun, bow and stern, turned, ready to fire, flying up towards six Martian warships.

-Shall we open fire, sir?- Asked Martin.

-No, no!While nothing is done!- Skiles shook his head.

Volatile ships quickly approached and began to describe the airship around them circles.

-What do they want, sir?- Martin asked him, watching out of the windows of their procession, which describes the dance.

-Apparently, invited us to visit!- Skiles said.- Anyway, I would like to believe it!Martin, give the order to turn the smallest and forward to the pyramid.

String airships like a caterpillar slowly unfolded in the sky and gently toward the strange flying mount.

Martians stopped spinning, lined on each side with three of them, one above the ship, the other on the third level and below aliens and flew the same course, if the convoy accompanying them.

In captivity, we took or what?- Robert asked concerned behind Skiles.

-Not yet, - replied the voice of Vladimir.- We are armed!Just that - we'll shoot!


When accompanied by warships Martian airships approached the pyramid, no one had the words to describe what they see.

Skiles once, traveling in search of journalistic materials about the Middle East, visiting the Egyptian pyramids.But compared to this they were children's toys, besides completely unimaginable way pyramid hovering in the air.And if from afar it was still possible to take this as some kind of optical illusion, it is now left to wonder just how unimaginable this whopper, the size of Mount Everest, hanging in the air, slowly, subtly twisting around a vertical axis.

When approaching the nearest ramp pyramid became noticeable as it moved down down three square plate, opening in the middle of her three little window.They were the giant gate leading inside.

Skiles exchanged glances with Martin.

-Apparently invited inside, sir!- Suggested a pilot.

-Yes, of course!- Agreed to Skiles.

What do you want, sir?

Follow-invitation, Martin!

Ships Martians slightly pootstal airships, waiting, apparently, until they zaletah inside the pyramid.Skiles ordered sent to the middle gate.

When airships reached the entrance, then the gates were even greater than seen from the side.With them at the same time they could fly a dozen such as airships.

Once the expedition Skiles was inside a huge dock with metal floor mirror, reflecting a glowing greenish iridescent fire ceiling, flew escort accompanied them behind, and the huge gate pulled from the bottom, covering all three outputs.

All pressed against the porthole, in mute amazement watching unprecedented picture.

Stood around a few tens of volatile combat ships.Showing them, Skiles said, referring to Martin:

-I think I did the right thing, not giving the order to open fire, so, Martin?

-Yes, sir!- Agreed with him pilot.- Do you wish to make a landing!

Yes!Do we have a choice?

Coupling airships smoothly down on the metal floor of the airport.Propellers stopped spinning in hanging on the sides of the steel hull aerodynamic nacelles.People hesitated waiting for a signal from Skiles, and he paused and said, feeling himself a wild excitement, from which somehow buckled his knees:

-On the way out, gentlemen!Out!

Earthlings the ladders down to the metal, smooth as a mirror, reflecting all of the floor, with surprise and dismay looking around.That would not happen now, they were at the mercy of the owners of this strange gigantic structure.

High ceiling above the airfield uniformly glowing greenish-white, opalescent light, walk on it some shadows.Distant walls of the pyramidlost somewhere between dozens of volatile ships standing here.

Of the six volatile ships that accompanied the airships to the pyramid by leaning ladders down quickly went down and lined up in rows in the same Martians, ovate helmets in silver, wide jackets with thick collars, closing neck and bottom faces.In the hands of each was an automatic rifle, a short drive from the center.

The last ship went down with each Martian dressed in black, falling large folds, bathrobe.One of them went to the Americans.Open his head was bald, in the cones.Beardless, narrow face - bluish color, with prominent, bright, icy eyes.

He examined the long earthlings then, apparently realizing who is chief among them, went to Skiles, tiny thin hand raised in the wide sleeve of his strange attire, and said high, ringing voice bird words:

- Taltsetl, AIU shoho Utara, Mr. Tuma datsia geo taltsetl.

Skiles first regretted that he did not take lessons from Elk Martian language.


In the metal floor, out of nowhere, there was a pearl ring, then got up and became like a round pavilion with walls of gleaming yellow metal.Martian in a dark cloak gestured narrow brush with bluish skin, making it clear that invites Skiles and his men go into this huge cylinder.Skiles, leaving the protection of the dirigible pilot Steven and his assistants, the team gave the rest to follow him and went into the cabin through a strange opening.All followed him.

Inside was spacious.From the ceiling of the cylinder poured pleasant greenish light.

Martian accompanied by four soldiers walked behind the Americans.

Cylinder wall closed, and all felt for a few seconds as the weight of their bodies suddenly become much greater.The walls of the elevator again parted and they were in a huge square room in which would probably fit a football field.

Once everything got out of it, the cylinder disappeared in the floor, as if he had never existed.

The hall ceiling was lost in the sky.Through the transparent walls, serving windows, showering light shaggy Martian sun, of the rising ever higher.Somewhere down below the floor of the hall floated pink clouds swirling whitecaps, envelopes pyramid from all sides.Through the space between them was visible far surface of the ice cap.

Middle of the room hung a large white screen in front of which there were many chairs and tables.

Martian satellites motioned Skiles is located here, and its narrow bluish beckoning motion wrist invited along.

Martin!Sit, I'll be!- Gave the go Skiles.

-Yes, sir!- The pilot said and began to place travelers in wheelchairs.

Corner of my eye noticed Skiles directs his people to a string of strangely dressed beings, apparently, women, each of whom was carrying some items, dishes and jugs.Apparently, earthlings going to feed.


On the other side of the screen from the ceiling, a new golden cylinder size is much smaller than the first.He knelt on the floor.Martian went inside and summoned the Skiles.Hardly he entered, as the cylinder wall closed, and for a moment he felt again overload.

When they got off the elevator, you were at the top of the pyramid.

There was light and spacious.The room was a small pyramid shape, which all the walls and the base, which served as the floor of the hall were made of transparent material.Shaggy sun rises in zenith, flooded him with their light.There was so much that was not even seen the clouds below.Under the transparent floor something glowed played, splashed, and Skiles did not realize that beneath his feet with a huge pool of water.It swam strange unseen beings.

Middle of the room at the table of the same transparent material sitting Martian expecting their approach, in purple, embroidered with intricate gold patterns coat, with thin, thread-like lips and a long gray beard.When they came, he got black like leather chair and stretched his puny skinny as a teenager, bluish arm.

Shoho-Tuskub - chirped accompanied Skiles Martian.

Skiles shook outstretched wrist.Martian with a gray beard pulled from somewhere in a small white ball gown with red ribbon and wide, has not had time to recover and Skiles, deftly put his ear earthling.

-It would be better!- Was heard in the ear of the ball.

Skiles touched mechanically inserted into his organ of hearing priborchik fingers went through for some reason, silky to the touch braid.

Martian robe pulled out another of exactly the same ball and put it in his ear.

-Now we can talk!- Heard in the ear, which was inserted into the ball.Skiles other ear heard a bird chirping Martian.

-Amazing!- He could not help admire.

Yes, - said the Martian with a gray beard, - the invention of my daughter, Aelita.

-Aelita?- Surprised Skiles, realizing finally, with whom he was able to communicate, and from that struck by even more.

-Do you know her?- Also surprised Tuskub.

-I have heard a lot about it from Los and Gusev ...

-Frankly, I'm surprised!- Exclaimed Tuskub.- In spite of all the events that have occurred since the arrival of these two, I never thought that the name of Aelita is widely known on another planet, the more Taltsetl.

-You mean - in the world?- Skiles said.

Yes, Aelita has created a device that produces a gradual mutual learning languages, hoping Magatsitls still arrive and there will be many.And so it happened.She has good vision, and maybe hope ...By the way, Gusev or Elk and flew with you?

No, - Skiles shook his head - they do not want.

In the figure of the Martian was some change.It was like that until the Martian was badly strained, and now suddenly somehow relaxed, calm down.And even his tweet heard in the right ear, which was not surprising ball was somehow melodic, pleasant to the ear.

-General Sergei, you can go, - said Tuskub inviting gesture Skiles take the chair across the table, and he went and sat down in his place.

Accompanied Skiles Martian disappeared in the golden cylinder.

-I have nothing like this has ever seen!- Admired Skiles, sitting down.

What do you mean?- Did not understand it Tuskub.

-That's it!- Skiles made a gesture, showing all around.

Yes, but you and Tum were never - petitioned his admiration Tuskub.

This no-Elk nor Gusev told nothing!

-Listen!- Tuskub leaned forward.- Sir ...

-Skiles!- Finally introduced the guests.

-Mr Skiles!- Mention of these two gives me unpleasant experiences.- So ask without it!As for the city Thousand Suns - Tasotsera, in which we find ourselves, it is a top secret project.I worked on it secretly many - many years.Few members of the engineers were devoted to its creation.Even my daughter, Aelita, did not know about this great project.And why about him should have known some Magatsitls, give me also a lot of trouble!In fact, if they come to you, I do not know, I'd do!I understand that Magatsitls arrivals are now, apparently, a necessary evil, and we must prepare for this, what we are doing.But Los and Gusev ... Think of it as persona non grata for Tuma.And if they will ...

Tuskub grabbed the table some beautiful green ball of light inside an iridescent green, and crushed it in his narrow brush.Ball issued a strange sound and crumbled into a hundred fragments, glittering sparks came tumbling down.His face contorted rage and hatred.

Skiles sat anxiously trying to figure out how to behave on.He was not clear such fierce anger of the ruler of Mars civilization.He had not expected such a display of emotions.Wanting to distract Tuskub, steer the conversation in another direction, Skiles asked:

-And where now Aelita?Can I see her?

Why?- Tuskub asked, wary.

Well, I've heard so much about it in the end.Most likely, her I owe my flying to Mars.

Why?- Tuskub surprised.

-You see, - Skiles chose his words to formulate a response, beating sharp corners.- I think that without any more Aelita interplanetary flights would not.

Tuskub thought a long time trying to understand a speech, then said:

-She's not with us ...

Skiles suddenly felt some disappointment, as if something inside snapped.Somewhere he secretly wanted to see the creature, which became the subject of passion and love Elk caused a revolution in the conquest of interstellar space.He had always wanted to understand what was it about this Aelita.And for this it should be seen.Although ... the purpose of his arrival was quite different.

-She sleeps - added Tuskub.

-Sleeping?- Skiles experienced new sensations, promised to carry hope and satisfy your curiosity.- But then I would like to get acquainted with this, of course, charming, particularly when she wakes up.

Tuskub sighed:

-She will not wake up.


Golden sash noiselessly opened the cylinder, if missing.Skiles and Tuskub Your l and of him being in the room, in which glowed faintly golden ceiling.Walls halls were hidden heavy blackout curtains, do not miss the light outside.

Middle of the hall was a translucent golden hemisphere of some strange material woven of like smoke.When they approached, Skiles realized that this is smoke, which is something some force compelled to comply with a hemispherical shape.Skiles looked questioningly at Tuskub.

-It Howrah - holy smoke - he said, realizing his unspoken question.

They went inside.Wall hemisphere freely missed them and closed them again.

In the center of the hemisphere of shimmering, living smoke was transparent sarcophagus which lay beautiful unearthly creature.Experiencing strange excitement Skiles approached and saw her, Aelita.

From above through the smoky hemisphere fell subtle column of light outlining the sarcophagus around the golden circle on a gray floor rooms.He gently down on white sheets on the pillows under her body, her ashen curly hair raised up on a pillow in the outlandish hair cleaned outlandish comb with long teeth, decorated with several large diamonds shine sparkles in the gloom.

She seemed asleep.Eyelids huge eyes were closed.On the whitish-blue cheeks elongated quiet, peaceful person stood out subtle blush.

It seemed a little more, and Aelita wakes up.


The next morning, barely stained purple dawn forerun in the east, two dozen volatile Tasotser ships left, heading south.A few hours later they had landed on a flowering meadow in front of the house Tuskub Azure grove.

Iha, hearing the noise of volatile armada of ships, went out to meet the host.

She stood at the threshold and watched as soldiers poured into the area, lined up in neat rows.From near the house of the ship seemed Tuskub retinue.

And suddenly Ikhe was not myself.

For Tuskub was not a Martian.He leaned out of the flying ship, bent in the door and looked around in amazement.

It was Magatsitls.Seemed to him another, then another.

Ikhe felt faint, and she almost fainted.Cap that covered her head, pulled to the side.


Skiles Martin, Stephen, Mr Robert and down the ladder flying ship.From another ship appeared, accompanied by Martians Marseille, Andrew and the rest of the Mars mission.

Now they all looked about in amazement, looked at the big green meadow with a star on it diverging paths of orange sand on scattered on her mangled skeletons of dead volatile ships came into view on the far dark blue, mirror-like surface of the lake, which was reflected in the top of the rocky mountains on weeping trees along its shores, which barely moved the reflection in the water, on the sullen, with sloping walls, gray house, standing in the depth of field in the thick grass, and a strange creature with a surprise waiting for them at its doorstep.

The lake descended white, mossy stairs.Downstairs, in the bend of the coast, on the sides of the mossy stairs leaves in the lake were two huge, human statues, cracked and covered with creeping vegetation.Beyond the meadow, below could see a grove where the trees with the celestial, sky-blue foliage, could be seen brick, low buildings.Herd outlandish undersized, long-haired animals, black and white, grazing on a slope rising from the grove.

Emerald grass, watered by rain just passed, rustling foliage incredible turquoise, water splashing - all drunk after unbearable cold, tested earthlings on the northern ice cap after being imprisoned in the belly of the rocket during interplanetary flight.Created a false sense that they are back home.

Skiles looked around and could not believe his eyes.He now saw what had heard so much from Gusev and moose, but could not imagine that such a charming, seemingly akin to the earth, but still a stranger, alien, beauty possible.

The sun rose to the zenith and now magnificently shone generously giving his heat.


Guests spent across the clearing to the house where they were met do not understand, if awake, Iha.

-Iha - Tuskub told her when she bowed to him a curtsy, summing Skiles hand - this is my guest.

-Magatsitls?- Surprised Iha, not daring to raise his head, but curiously looking askance.- Where?

-With Taltsetl - Tuskub said it so casually, as if every day arrived Tumu someone from a distant star.- Take the guest and his entourage in the lower house, okay?

-And you can learn?- Maids face glowed red.- Magatsitls Gusev and Los flew too?

Tuskub face twisted into a grimace hostile.For Iha it was a satisfactory answer.She bowed again Tuskub and quickly disappeared in the house proshmygnuv forward host.

Guests spent several corridors to a huge circular column.Tuskub stopped beside waiting for something.General Sergei stepped forward.He reached out and touched the ceiling of the corridor appeared with a silver ball.Front wall has disappeared, giving the house owner, his guests and their accompanying passage inside the familiar golden cylinder, which were used to move from floor to floor in Tasotsere.

After a moment, they were all down in the wondrous beauty and luxury dungeon afflicting Skiles their wealth.

Guests were sent to the bath.

Iha, recovering from a surprise, already commanded two dozen brought Tuskub servants who prepared the table for many guests home and its owner.


Skiles went to the bathroom, which is more like a hall, richly decorated with frescoes depicting alien life.

His attention was riveted oval tub, like a huge tea cup and saucer, in the middle of the room with numerous diamond platinum planets on orbits.In mute amazement he came to her and long fingered incredibly huge diamond depicting Jupiter.

A minute later followed him to the bathroom went two slender ash-gray girl in purple robes Marsianka resembling mated over breast towel.

-We will help you wash, Magatsitls Skiles - they chirped.

Skiles gestured and inadvertently distracted from the beauty bewitched's brilliant golden bath.

Girls came closer.One of the Martian Vestal touched golden balls on the end of copper pipes wide oval, bent over the bath and started to gain it with water, the second habitual movement slipped off her nakedness which covered the Martian-robe and towel, deftly chipping slender bluish-white legs over the edge, was at the same moment in a golden bowl, inviting to his Magatsitls.In her hand she had a narrow vessel, like an icicle.Martian opened it and poured the contents into the fast arriving warm clear water.

Water bubbled golden bubbles went white foam, aroma echoed around unimaginable fragrance, from which we Skiles dizzy.He undressed and followed Martian Vestal in the bath.Second a little later joined them.

Skiles suddenly felt heavenly bliss, which had never before experienced.


After the pompous dinner, arranged in a cruciform hall where Tuskub presented Magatsitls gathered members of the Board of engineers flown behind his armada, the guests went to opachevalnyam.

Skiles, Exhausted bathroom, lunch and devastated Martian wonders also wanted to head to its intended quarters, but Tuskub detained him.Gesture, he offered to go with him.

They passed all the great hall in which commits lunch and it turned out that in its rear side there is a secret door that opened some Tuskub key.She was deaf, fat, opened slowly and painfully, and led to an underground greenhouse where there were trees, flowers bloomed, gurgled water brooks, shimmering from one another in a small pond, and then the third.These ponds, walking down stairs, went lower and lost in a strange emerald green garden.High above, a hundred meters away, stood a greenhouse ceiling, made of glazed large lattice through which here, at a depth penetrated daylight.Grille appeared on the roof of the upper house Tuskub.Middle of the space held a glass ceiling, which served as the top floor in a room.It was arranged so cunningly that air and light to pass through it freely, but it is at the top and had no idea that underneath another fifty meters emptiness.


Tuskub like strolling, walking in front of the paths of a greenhouse garden, descending along the cascade of ponds, flowing into one another.Skiles was following him, trying to understand why, after such completely relax his bath, violent speech, hearty lunch master of the house, and the entire Martian civilization took hold of his walks when he wanted only one thing: as soon as possible to take a nap.He is flattered by the attention, but began to think that it's too much.In search of an answer to your question Skiles himself started a conversation, just poked a stick in a field strewn with mines, not knowing what to expect next:

-Decent bathrooms you!- He expressed his admiration for the experience that really never left him.

What do you mean?- Tuskub half turned, glancing over his shoulder.

Well, gold, diamonds!

-And this!- Said Tuskub seemed routine, why Skiles thought he ask diamond Jupiter, and he will give it to him.- Carbon!We have it a lot.Do not Taltsetl on carbon?

-Yes, but in other forms - Skiles said, beginning to understand that the old Martian clue what untold wealth he possesses.

-We do carbon glass!- Continued to tell Tuskub, stepping over tree roots when he got out of the ground on a sandy path.- Here's the top floor panels Tasotsera, mirrors in the house, but much more - all made of carbon.

On Earth, this type of carbon called diamond.

-And you do it as much as we do?

-Enough!- For some reason lied Skiles, but then recovered.- Only we have it in a slightly different form.

Skiles actually wanted to shout in his voice: "No, I'm such a huge diamond've never seen!"

He barely saw her briefly figured cost the bathroom alone, in which he bathed today.Perhaps it could buy all of America!Anyway, any of diamonds embedded in it, was more expensive than the four million who stayed with him in the world!

At the thought of his mind became diamonds get burning hot.The more he thought of them, the greater the humiliation was willing for the possession of these stones.He wanted to fall on his knees before Tuskub and beg him, tugging and pulling at the hem of his heavy black robe embroidered with gold, so that he gave him, and then he, Skiles will make all-all-all that we wish this vile alien geezer.

Something so tempted to do this Skiles, and he barely kept himself in hand, knowing deep in mind that if he falls to such an act, in fact, it is no longer able to rise in the eyes Tuskub to the level that he spoke with him as an equal.If this happens, then it's probably Tuskub would despise it as Gusev and Elk, and maybe more.

Seems Tuskub ignored Skiles last words, and before suddenly realized how lightning struck, I ask through that not only overlap at the top, in this house, but the whole huge pyramid made of a thick Tasotsera diamond!

Skiles saw the thickness of the plates when the floodgates opened in the morning proved to release volatile armada of ships Tuskub."At least ten inches!" - He decided then, going to open the gate.But he thought that it was some glass.And it was a diamond!Huge, high gloss polished diamond plate!All this whopper that hung in the air, was covered with such a huge diamond plates!

Skiles remembered pyramidal cabinet Tuskub Tasotsera at the top!Its walls and floor - huge slabs of polished diamond!Even the table, clear the table in the office was Tuskub diamond!

"Why do they need so much!" - Greedily Skiles suddenly thought and felt that now rush to strangle the old Martian walking in front and he had never known what a storm of passion overcomes his guest.He tried to restrain myself, knowing that it would be quite silly, but it's increasingly difficult to manage.Skiles never thought that he could lose the human form.And so it happened!

Appeared in front of a blank wall.Greenhouse ended.


Creek from the last pond disappeared in a small round hole at a blank wall, in the triangular breach, a few meters towering over him, up to the top covered with thickets of plants like ivy.

By my calculations, he goes off to the side of the Sacred Lake FLAM - Tuskub said, ignoring the state of the interlocutor, to stay here.- I place symbolizes the birth, the beginning of a new life.

Yes, a decent place - agreed to Skiles, a bit further surveying the narrow cave wall dissecting triangle below the round black hole in the bottom of which, with the murmur of twisting, running away, carried away, away into the unknown depths, the water of a small lake, a few meters in diameter, white-coated stone, flows through a cascade of ponds across the greenhouse.He still could not cope with diamond fever, has mastered them, and he had to unwind from this obsession some trifling conversation.- At a certain artistic perception allegory is consistent character.

-This is a small river flowing here thousands of years, continued Tuskub.- It flows now and will leak and even a thousand years.It stems from the lake, to which a flight of steps from the top of the meadows.I stumbled upon it when built this part of the house at a depth of one hundred meters from the surface.When I conceived this greenhouse, then decided to make the water of the river flowed over the system of ponds and went into the wall.Workers patched the cave above the opening of its natural channel, but after a while the whole seal has fallen off, even though it was done very skillfully.Fallen building material stemmed out, and the water began to flood the greenhouse.Then, after cleaning the collapsed stone, I left the cave untouched, just as it appeared to me, when builders took only ground for this device of the house.

-Symbolic - Skiles agreed with him, still hoping that Tuskub not keep him long nap and let go.

You know, the construction of all: the room in which we are now having lunch, bathrooms, bedrooms - all of where we are now arrived, began here.First, I decided to make secret rooms under the house, because he realized that the man rule the planet ever require the presence of such asylum, where minute test no one can find you.I wandered through his house, and, behold, in one of the rooms I suddenly realized.I ordered the workers to dig a pit here.His dug to a depth of one hundred meters and found the river here.Then I decided not to go, and began to expand the ownership under the house.


Tuskub said something else, talking about construction, that even his daughter, Aelita, did not know about this huge building, which was under the house at a depth of one hundred meters, but Skiles was no longer interested.All the delights of this strange Martian his tired old man.

Greenhouse, without a doubt was wonderful and amazing, especially its ceiling.But Skiles is already looking for a reason to round off the conversation and find a convenient excuse to go into the bedroom.

He could not understand why, in fact, Tuskub brought him here and shows all as if he had possession of the buyer.The impression that the conversation circles around something important, but did not find Tuskub approach to some sensitive issue.At first it was intriguing, but now it brings boredom.

-I liked you Magatsitls Skiles!- Tuskub said, suddenly making him an unexpected compliment.- You're not like Gusev and Los.In them I saw at once barbaric origin.These savages are not capable of anything else, except the destruction of the already created.Yes, the destruction is sometimes useful.And this, of course, Gusev and Los greatly helped me.But that's all!Their mission was accomplished, but my contempt for him remained the same.In addition, this savage Magatsitls Elk quite brazenly seducing my daughter some romantic nonsense like stoned her Chabris, sowed the seed in her womb.She was not supposed to know the purpose of her husband.I resigned myself to this, although had to condemn a daughter of the terrible punishment for violation of the covenant as a perk of her life.I myself have covered her from legal punishment, allowed her to have a baby.I was brought up by his grandson, hoping to be able to grow out of it mate, and, in the future, and the change itself.When the boy grew older, I began to bring him to hunt for insurgents.With it, I made ??one successful execution of the revolutionists after another, and had very little to the time when the rebels were forced to leave in the past, clearing the way for me to further transform saving civilization Tuma.But the story only confirms that this gives rise to like.And the son of the savage, even Magatsitls, can not be anything but a savage.In the prime of his career, when I had already prepared his rightful place on the board of the Council and going about to initiate him into the innermost secrets of the universe, only available to me, so I can hold my entire life power over this planet, Tar, my grandson suddenly disappeared.He disappeared during one of the most successful operations in ruins Soatsera, which promised a decisive victory over the insurgents.General Sergei, his patron, sought him out for a month, but the search was to no avail.Suddenly, the rebels under the ruins Soatsera was a new leader, someone Tar.And from that moment they became quite successfully resist my soldiers.Anyway, their complete destruction was delayed for several years now.At first I thought it was a coincidence of name, and maybe just a trick by the revolutionaries, who killed Tara, and decided, therefore, calling his name the new leader, give me many painful minutes and vent their anger.After all, it is clear that send soldiers to fight with his own grandson, even with his name - not an easy thing for the old man's heart.But in the course of a fight, some time after the appearance of this new leader, General Sergei encountered him face to face.It was the Tar.He learned it in the commander who fought with him rebel and all my doubts disappeared completely.My grandson, successor kind rulers Tuma, who was to inherit a huge, with nothing comparable authority over the whole planet, all the power of the secret knowledge, which enabled him later to strengthen its influence and edit before finding the next heir, suddenly for no reason, no reason to the side of the enemy and led a miserable group of rebels under the ruins Soatsera, which before very successfully destroyed!He traded treasure in stone, which does notconsider the number lying underfoot.I've been thinking about it, trying to understand the reason for such action.And in the end, I realized that the culprit only its origin from the seed of the barbarian.Even despite the fact that Los Magatsitls too, like you, but his ignoble origin can be seen with the naked eye.To do this, I take one look at the man.As for Guseva, he generally does not deserve any attention from my side ...

Tuskub talked and talked, and Skiles gradually came to himself.Delusional veil diamond fever gradually let him, now he has become quite adequately perceive speech Tuskub and could hold a conversation in order to maintain that, and asked

-Why have you destroyed Soatsera?

-To save the Martian civilization from extinction - gray eyebrows raised Tuskub.- She's just time to disappear, as the time comes over everything that came in this world!But I knew I could and should prevent this.Of course, the disappearance or death - just a new beginning.That's the way this world.And in front of me lay a choice - either to change nothing, and then after one or two hundred years from the Martian civilization there would be nothing, or carry out the operation to remove the diseased organ and renew life on the planet, not bringing it to the apocalypse.I chose the second option because I had absolute confidence that my plan will not only prolong the agony of civilization, but to restore it to a new life.If nothing is done, Tuma doomed - is beyond doubt.For forty thousand years we have enough water, which primarily covers the whole Tumu, leaving its inhabitants only a few islands that are now just high plateau.The disappearance of water downsized Tuma half, distanced its orbit from the sun, increasing the annual cycle of circulation around it, stretching the seasons.Changed length of a day, disrupted polarity.Due to the reduction of mass planet could not keep the atmosphere as before, and Tuma began to rapidly lose her on it became much colder, increased daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations that have doomed many plant and animal species to extinction.The climate has changed dramatically.Disappearance of some animals and plants on the brink of extinction put others standing up through the food chain.Animals and plants are disappearing one after the other, turning Tumu of blossoming in the desert planet.And this process is still going on!

-But where did such a huge amount of water?- Amazed Skiles.

Tuskub paused and looked long and hard at Magatsitls.At this time, Skiles thought the Martian ruler marks some inexplicable anger, which is about to pour out to the outside.

-Asked a good question - how and why the water began to disappear!- Felt that Tuskub executed some inexplicable anger.- I'd give anything to reverse history!I'd give anything for her to return Tum water!

-But why?- Amazed Skiles, trying not to show that evil excitement growing in the interlocutor begins to scare him, as he was in his power, and he knew that at any moment of the guest of honor, he can turn into a prisoner.Yes, it was very comfortable!Invite Earth envoys to visit me here, feeding them, and appease lull their vigilance, to destroy or capture.After all, they did not take a no weapons, nothing that could be protected!Strange Martian ruler speech became more threatening.And now Skiles more reproached himself that he acted so rashly!Who knows what the mind of this crazy old men-Martian?

-All of our water is now on Taltsetl!- Furious Tuskub exclaimed.- And I want to return the water to Tumu!


In my head there was a dance Skiles thoughts lightning replacing one another.

The first thing that came into his head, so it's a question: how much can you earn money by selling water Tuskub?How to request a ton of water delivered to Mars?Million carats of diamonds, ten millions?They have Tuskub as he saw, in a myriad of?Tuskub but did not need water, measured tons, thousands and even millions of tons!Even a few billion tons of water did not suit him!He needed all the water that was in the world!

Great!If Mr. Krabs learned of the possibility of such a deal!This expedition to Mars promise him untold profits, the cost of organizing interplanetary flight against which now looked ludicrous!And, of course, Skiles will not miss the chance and be entitled to the lion's share of the jackpot!

But still, it's too unreal!

-But how do you want to return the water on Mars?- Asked in amazement, just in case Skiles, realizing the absurdity of Tuskub conceived and never doubting the impossibility of this.- To carry on its interplanetary ships?Even if you build a very large ship, which, let's be able to deliver a thousand tons of water, and to me, it seems that is the limit for technology, anyway known to mankind, it is still to deliver on Mars cubic kilometer of water need to do ... million flights!Even if every day to send a hundred interplanetary ships - and I think this is - within the possibilities - that transportation takes one cubic kilometer, in the best case, twenty-five years, or thirty!And what is a cubic kilometer of water to saturate the planet such as Mars?This is, you know - a drop in the sea ... still attempting buckets peretaskat ocean!On Earth, about one million cubic kilometers of water.Need to continuously send interplanetary ships for years, commercials, twenty or thirty millions - estimates Skiles completely reassured him and gave determined to start because the deal - before succeeds!This is ridiculous, impossible and impractical!

-It's not so easy - Tuskub relented, seeing Magatsitls inclined to discuss his plan - you saw Tasotser, city of a thousand suns, huge flying pyramid!

Of course, amazing creation!- Once again delighted Skiles.

Its volume, which can be used to boot - one hundred fifty cubic kilometers!I want to build a thousand like him.Already, in the bowels of Tuma Martians complete five more flying cities! ..

Vague hunch became twisted in the head Skiles, but he simply could not grasp it by the tail, to understand their concern.

-Your Tasotser ... he can make interplanetary flights?- Skiles asked, feeling his tail disturbing thoughts.- And carry water?

He recalled how a diamond saw under the floor in the office Tuskub huge pool with water.Sure, it was only part of the volume.


Tuskub remained silent, thinking, and then said:

How do you think why I invited you here?

-Probably to tell me about his plans to return the water!- Shrugged Skiles.

-That I could do and in the dining room - Tuskub said.

Well, there's probably a lot of extra ears that should not hear it!- Parried Skiles.

-That's true!But I have another goal of our little trip!

-What?- Skiles was lost in conjectures, not knowing what else to expect from this crazy Martian, and even sweat: still not very great when you have some leading purpose of the campaign, and you do not know about it, and you do not their!

-I want you to meet someone!

-Who is it?- Alert the American.

-This is my teacher and mentor.Ever since I built the greenhouse, he settled here.The time comes, I'll be a part of it, but as long as I draw from his intimate knowledge not available to others.When I need advice, in a difficult issue such as this, I always come to him ... You do not mind to meet?


Tuskub taking quite taken aback Skiles silence for consent, turned his face to the narrow triangular gorge into which flowed gurgling water, put his hand in a small lake in front of a black hole round the cave entrance at the bottom of the cleft, held it for a minute there, as if something whispering, and then lifted up, as far as allowed its growth.

Following the hand stretched Martian water column, as if frozen splash.When he became above Skiles, who saw in him, now become like mercury reflected.


-Hello, Skiles!- Heard him.

Who is it?Who says so?- He turned, asking Tuskub, but the water column if enveloped him, and no longer around was nothing but a mirror of the space in which all was only his reflection.Skiles wanted to get out, but wherever he walked, he walked inside the column, and when extending his arms, the mirrored walls were pushed just enough so he could not touch them.

-Hello, Skiles!- Reiterated voice that seemed familiar to him.

-Hello!- He replied, surprised that there chirping Martian language that ear, which was not the ball Aelita.- Who are you?

-I?I can be described in various ways: the mirror of absolute knowledge, wisdom keeper, a reflection of the World Mind.I have many names, but, in fact, I - your inner "I" that is in each and all sentient beings together!In fact, now you're talking to yourself, but with a depth that is affordable to you!I - is a mirror which reflects the essence of your most furtive nature, hidden from your mind for a thousand veils in cabbages.

-Very interesting ... and nice to meet you!- Grinned extremely excited happening Skiles.- True, I did not understand anything!Well, nothing!But you let me out of this mirror bag?

Do not rush things, Skiles!If you get here, it is not by accident.Few is honored to meet me.Over a hundred years, that we will deal with Tuskub, you're the first to whom he introduces me!

-Here's how!- Surprised Skiles.- And what do I owe this honor?

-Did you - the key to solving the problem, which he lacked.If you happen to our acquaintance - the way it is.Let me tell you something?

-I see nothing else to do!- Shrugged Skiles.

Then listen!Tuma was once upon a time in size and weight is the same as Taltsetl, both planets orbiting stars other Soatsr one orbit.

-Here's how!I can not believe!This is impossible!

Why? ..Orbits were close to each other in the parameters.Speed ??of rotation of the planets were such that they were always diametrically opposed relative to one another, were on opposite sides of the Soatsr.Tum And in those days never seen Taltsetl and Taltsetl residents had no idea that there was fog.Tuma was full of water.Taltsetl was also dry years.In those days, the development of this system planets engaged Supreme Soatsr civilization, Atila dwelt on Olympus, the largest planet of the system, which had a secret knowledge, an sary for the origin and development of life forms on the planet - then there were sixteen - and on based okrepnuvshego diversity of life, subsequent proizrascheniya mind.Before this civilization was a purpose ...

-And what was the purpose of this?- Hurriedly asked Skiles somehow to cope with nervous tension, all the more in him by surprise and unusual way of communicating in a confined space mirror.

-Objective - this improvement, transformation of matter, and increasing proizraschenie mind, filling them worlds of the universe.This goal, in fact, eternal, but it has certain stages.Perform each of them - a necessary condition for the development of civilization, who took the secret knowledge and accepting the duty of service to this knowledge, and thus responsibility.Supreme civilization, Atila, inhabited the Olympia, just beginning his ministry confidential knowledge and claimed responsibility for planting and growing germs of life and intelligence in the planetary system Soatsr.All the diversity of life that promotes birth and multiplication of mind on Taltsetl and Tum, owes its appearance to that decision.

-Really?I thought ...

-I know what you thought Skiles, I know all your thoughts, because I - it is an internal, deep part of you, I - this is the field where it grows in your mind that thinks he's the most-most!Baby!Suppose he thinks so!And it's good!Each germ of me thinks the same way.Mind, who does not think that he is the most-not worthy of existence ... Knowledge democratic people, but because limited.That everyone knows can not be true.What secret knowledge, the more limited access to it, because it generates power, and power without responsibility - the worst enemy of reason.

But Jupiter-lived an entire civilization, which had secret knowledge of the universe!How is it?

Secret-service to it generates knowledge and responsibility for its implementation.Gaining intimate knowledge gives civilization universal name that is not in young planetary civilizations.Atila civilization, like any other, has a hierarchy, the top of which, in fact, dedicated to the secret knowledge, was not numerous.It was she who had served as the knowledge and responsibility.The rest of civilization Atila know about this mission, but the social functions performed by internal service life of civilization.That someone could do from home on the outside, inside the house should be heated, lighted, heated.Creator of life and mind not to think about their daily bread, it was not able to do.Since the lion's share of resources spent on civilization own livelihood, maintaining its viability, is doing, and most of its representatives.Ministry of higher goals, which is carried out through the entire civilization climb to higher levels of development, acquired the secret knowledge of the universe, carries only a small group of its representatives.She shows how the tip, of the iceberg young priests affiliated civilizations and unsuspecting that their development they must not ten mythical characters, the mention of which is present in many epics mythology Taltsetl residents, for example, in the Greek, as against the gods who lived on Mount Olympus and huge, powerful and influential cultures star, light and wisdom carriers, holders confidential knowledge.It is this small group of creators Supreme Soatsra civilization, Atil, to check-in terms of lives around the star t Soatsr and was responsible for its development ...

-To whom is it?- Again not resist Skiles.

-Before you become by the time of the Higher Galactic Civilization, Mom ...

-Very interesting.Well, that, too, before someone answered, right?

Civilization, which is responsible for the development of the galaxy along with others, such as it is responsible for the use of confidential knowledge that it is given before the supreme intelligence of the universe.

-It is clear, and he says, before someone else ...

World-Is intelligence which governs the supreme mind of all the universes.

-Well, he, then? ..

-The circle is closed!You saw the picture snake biting its own tail?

Well, yes!I had introduces s smiling and Eastern religions.

-It is a symbol of the universe.Universal reason is responsible to all and serves all living creatures, including you, Skiles.

-Very interesting theory.

-This is not theory!Theory - this is speculation people, this particular, which has istinoobraznuyu shape, but is still superficial, descriptive meaning of phenomena.Theory created by men of science on the basis of their empirical and instrumental observations primitive level for people who reject religion ...

Well, here's a religion - it is the highest knowledge is!I, among others, an atheist and do not like when they begin klikushestvovat.

Then theory for you is paramount!People obstructed from light intimate knowledge, try to go the other way and there find the light of truth, using a set of theories, which themselves came up with.But it's like looking for a black cat in a dark room in which it is not, although during the search it seems that you are about it nastignesh.Mostly theory - just an excuse of ignorance and unwillingness to comprehend the truth, strive for it.Religion - it glow, just an image of the truth, the hidden knowledge is proizveschenie that secret knowledge exists.But religion is showing the way to the truth.Sacred and secret knowledge available only a few who have attained the wisdom to enjoy it.Your same right - to use theories as you given freedom.But remember that the word comes from the root theory Theo - God and meaning of the word - a substitute for the divine.You're a smart man, Skiles, and you should look into the essence of things and words, including.No vain titles.All initially endowed with meaning.But the secret knowledge - is not a set of theories, as any theory - just set istinopodobnyh delusions.Civilization possessing secret knowledge, are responsible for its implementation.Universe simply can not exist in a different way ... However, this conversation can go on forever, and we will talk with you about these issues when you join me.Now I have to tell you about the relationship Taltsetl and Tuma.Creating them planetary civilizations and, later, to the development of their own kind - this is the first step, which faced the Supreme Soatsr civilization, Hatillo.Upon its completion stage would give Atil new higher position in the hierarchy of the universal mind, open up new horizons of confidential knowledge and provides it to a higher level of development.Atila would begin service open her supreme intelligence of our Universe, Gore, a new, higher knowledge, and would assume responsibility for the development of the mind at a higher galactic level ...Any eminent civilization grew out of the planetary universe, such as living on or Taltsetl Tum.First as a child is born, grows, grow up, gaining strength, knowledge and skills, and then gives life to their children and raise them up until they, too, will not be able to give birth to their children, to educate and care for them, and the Supreme civilization Soatsr, Atila, was one of the first-born of many maternal civilization Mom, passed a difficult way of development, sometimes coming to the edge of death, but reached maturity and the level when I got an opportunity to engage in the development of planetary civilizations acquired for this ministry Soatsr system of planets, as the field of application of their efforts, and began to sow the seeds here.Its creators cared about life conceived, until the first glimpses of the mind, the beginnings of new civilizations.Then shoots subsidiaries civilizations emerged from infancy, and reached a level when they could have developed independently, only slightly feeding off small bits of Atil initial universe of knowledge - food for the mind.Since the beginning of the development of civilizations from subsidiaries tions whether technical knowledge, science, technology transforming matter they reached the level of adolescence, and maternal civilization could seemingly do not worry about their fate.But it is not so!The first stage - to bring the child to the level of civilization equal to the level of development of the parent civilization, where they are able to command the planetary systems and engender new life to them, give them intimate knowledge of the field and to provide for the implementation of activities.Only then for Atil completed the first phase would be climbing the pyramid of reason, and the child of civilization would begin the first self-service world-mind.By carrying out the cultivation of ten planetary civilizations up to the level of the Supreme civilization some star of the planetary system, the parent becomes the Higher Galactic Civilization civilization rises to a new, higher level of dedication, gets access to more confidential knowledge and take responsibility for the following, the galactic stage of development of the mind .Atil left to nurture two subsidiaries civilization.However, on the way from the origin of life to the formation of the mature form of such devices mind there are many dangers and threats that can ruin even the great having secret knowledge, famed civilization.With the same reason might be what is happening everywhere with material goods.Like other material benefits, nurtured intelligence exchange, buy, in the end, just select, win or luring.Sign of belonging to the parent civilization is religious worship her or her explicit recognition at higher levels.And here there is competition for resources, and cultivated life, and, especially, the mind, reached the level of at least planetary civilization, is a limited resource required for development, and values ??for which are ready to set a price.Universal hierarchy puts a higher stage of development of those who raised more intelligence on the planet, more supreme civilizations in star systems, galaxies in higher civilizations, employees world-mind.Therefore, all of civilization, from the smallest to the greatest, are fighting for the limited resources of the mind, compete with each other to achieve higher levels in the hierarchy.But, apart from the internal struggle for position on the podium achievements of civilization must confront and yet very serious external enemy.There are universal forces directly confront the global mind.The fate of even the most powerful civilizations depends not only on how much of the reason they grown, how many of them subsidiaries of civilizations started to self-service world-mind, but also on the ability to confront the global chaos and protect him from his achievements.Not all civilizations, who reached the level of development of civilizations Supreme planetary star systems, get in the way of serving the world reason.Other instead of gaining intimate knowledge commit drop and side with the world's chaos, destroying the mind, planets, stars, galaxies, and even entire universes.These civilizations lose their names and numbered.They have their own hierarchy, based on the number and extent of the power of the brokenhearted and ruined civilizations of the cradles of origin of the mind and its habitat.They destroy life on planets, star systems and reason in whole constellations and galaxies, exploding stars, colliding with each other the whole system of organized matter, turning them into stardust.Black holes, the cloister World chaos, sucked a whole worlds.Die or move on the part of world chaos and sometimes even wise secret knowledge civilization like Hatillo.Hundreds of times on Taltsetl and Tum on Mцbus and Zor on Fira and mirror in a new creators Atil inoculated seeds of life after another devastating catastrophe, arranged cast into the abyss of civilization 666, carry out their raids with Tmus planet, planetary weed weed, like ancient reptiles , Zavriev on Taltsetl seeded servants of chaos.Hundreds of times Atila entered into a struggle for possession nurtured her mind, rejected offers from their competitors on the exchange of x or sell their planetary civilizations reflect attacks servants World chaos on the planet, filled with her grown life.Even your present planetary civilization on Taltsetl often passed from hand to hand, whole or in part from one civilization to another parent.The system planets Soatsr originated over forty planetary civilizations daughters Hatillo, of which only eight have received universal name, and took the path of service to the global mind.The remaining dead or defected to the World of Chaos.Planetary system - this garden, the parent civilization - the gardener, and raised her mind - it flowers.Mind in the universe is the same value as for you, Skiles, diamonds, or Tuskub water.Someone is willing to pay for a single galaxy lifeless planet with the beginnings of civilization, Tuskub agree anything exchanged for water, which will breathe new life into his dying planet, and you're crazy about diamonds and ready for them to leave their planet without water ...

-I did not say that!- Skiles said.

-Skiles!I'm your inner "I" and I know you better than you know yourself.In your head already had a plan, and to decide other than water Taltsetl exchange for diamonds Tuma, you need to attach to resist this huge effort of will.But that's not all!Even if you find the strength to do so and reject this exchange, the rest of your life you will reproach himself for having missed his chance, the likes of which falls only once - to become the richest on Taltsetl.This experience will kill you so fast that you do not have time to even how to suffer from awareness forgone.After that you have accomplished the feat, and rejected the untold wealth, billions of carats of diamonds that will belong only to you, for the sake of water Taltsetl that belongs to everyone and no one, no one will know.Even your vanity will not be satisfied.And you quickly kill yourself daily reproaches for this blunder, which instead of immense wealth and fame bring you vegetating in obscurity and poverty.Besides, it will slip that you force yourself to do contrary to his nature.To make it, you must love all those who are giving you the opportunity to live on, and this despite the fact that this one will ever know.You're not able to do it!I know!More than anything, you love yourself, Skiles, and no one else!

-Maybe you're right!

-Am I right Skiles!After all, you're just a blade of grass in my field, and I know you a thousand times better than you do yourself.In the end, Tuskub can find another candidate for the deal, but so far he has chosen you!

How it's complicated!- Skiles said.- My brain is already struggling to perceive all the above!Too many strange and new information!

-Come back tomorrow!Tomorrow I will finish my story, and you give me a definitive answer, and this will depend on your destiny!


Mirror bag disappeared.

Around was the same greenhouse.Water column, like a frozen splash slowly immersed in a small lake in front of a round black hole at the bottom of the cave entrance cleft.

Nearby stood Tuskub and stared at Skiles.

What happened?- Skiles asked, not understanding.

Nothing - American ear, where there was a ball of Aelita again unpleasant zasverbelo bird chirping alien language.- I think you should take a nap, Magatsitls Skiles!

Skiles is now clearly felt very tired of the conversation in the mirror bag.

"However, I will not come here" - he decided.


Skiles could not sleep.Strange familiarity, and even more strange story haunted him.He drove himself away from disturbing thoughts, trying to finally fall asleep, but they all climbed and climbed into his head.

Yesterday, he received so many such unusual information, and believe the truth of which it was difficult.Heard did not fit in his head.But it is also hard to believe in the existence of life on Mars highly, and even more so in that the supreme ruler of the alien is going to return the water to Mars, once supposedly, it is unclear how that turned out in the world.

On the other hand, Skiles knew that somehow he introduced a unique chance to participate in something that does not deal of the century, and the largest and most unusual transaction in the history of mankind.And he knew that with or without him, but gets its Tuskub.Throughout the guise Tuskub recited some dark, ominous determination.But he was more interested in the question of what was so unusual in it?Why Martian ruler so focused on his person, he began to show some unseen wonders initiate him into the mysteries of the existence of which no one else knows, and by providing unprecedented trust the stranger from another planet, from another world.It bothered him the most.

Already one kind of floating city was enough to understand that the Martians are ahead of the development of technologies for terrestrial order.If flying pyramid Tuskub can overcome interplanetary space if these fantastic designs can stir a hundred and fifty billion tons of water each, if their number is in the thousands, what is the role Skiles in all this alien plant?Why was it necessary to make such a deep curtsey if Tuskub could easily have done without it!But for some reason he dedicated it to his secrets and plans!And that worried Americans most sleepless night.

Several times he got up from his bed with a canopy embroidered with gold, decorated with diamonds, which he has already (in fact, tell someone - do not believe it!) Bored admire, and went on his huge sleeping room without windows, lit pleasant weak pale orange light rained from the ceiling.

"No, - thought Skiles - the transaction can not refuse, because the transaction - it's just an excuse game.There is something else that prevents Tuskub do without me!But what? "

By morning, he still fell into a heavy sleep in short.He dreamed of some nightmares, apocalyptic scenes of armed men Martian volatile ships.And when he was awakened by the same two Vestals, who were present with him on the eve of the bathroom, Skiles thought, clutching his head popping would be better if he had not slept.


Marsianka have washed it, helped to dress.Servants rolled up in a sleeping hall small silver double decker trolley laid for lunch.After Skiles finished eating, one of marsianok said:

-You will be our supreme ruler, Tuskub, Magatsitls Skiles!

He got up and accompanied marsianok passed along the white corridor to room, where was the eve dinner party, and on it - to the familiar door.It was opened, and when Skiles entered the greenhouse, it closed behind him.

Coming along the route yesterday cascade ponds, small waterfalls joined, he found Tuskub the same place, as if he did not go anywhere and.Only now he remembered this is not a promise to come back here, but it was too late: the Martian ruler noticed it and now turned toward him, intently watching him as a target, waiting until it fits.

Old Martian was calm.He made a narrow brush gestured, showing restraint on a seat next to him, and did not say a word while.

Skiles stood silently beside him, internally tensed, as if bracing for execution.Despite all his journalistic curiosity, he did not want to relive yesterday's feelings.Although it was painless, and it is not claustrophobic, but, nevertheless, in yesterday's experience, he did not find anything pleasant.

Tuskub turned her head toward him and finally asked:

How did you sleep?

Thanks, not bad - for some reason lied Skiles.

You-rested?- Questions Tuskub seemed an afterthought.

-Yes, thank you - again lied Skiles, although he was very anxious for some reason now again go to bed and sleep for at least twenty hours in a row.

Then continue - concluded Tuskub.

He bent down again to a small lake in front of a black hole round the cave entrance at the bottom of the cleft in the rear wall of the greenhouse deaf again lowered his hand, held it for a minute there, as if whispering something, and again raised his hand behind the water column.

Skiles just wanted to ask him, why is it all because already was willing to do anything to him even though Tuskub anything specific and did not offer as again found himself in the mirror bag.


-Hello, Ska th ls!- Said yesterday's vote.- Do you have a headache!Who will be held ...

After a moment, he is in truth no longer felt a headache.

-Today, Skiles, I finish telling all you should know!

-I just wanted to ask, why do I need it?- He asked his question long tormented.

-Reasonable question!But do not you wonder?

Yes, it is interesting, but the knowledge burden!

-You are right, Skiles, knowledge - a heavy load.Not everyone is able to endure it.But you'll have to carry it, once you hang out with me.And I can not finish explaining to you what you need to know to go on ...

Where to?Where to go?- Outraged Skiles, he did not like that his life was going to be manipulated, however, he realized that he has long been allowed to do it with him when he became involved in the capture of the Elk and agreed to fly to Mars.If Moose flew to Mars for the first time of romantic intentions, and in consequence in search of his love, Skiles flew just for the money ...

Do not rush things, Skiles!I will not answer you in this matter!All in good time, and let's not lose it!

-Good!- Agreed to an American.


Suddenly, instead of his reflection Skiles saw around him open interplanetary space.Downstairs, at a distance of several tens of kilometers, was some planet, in terms of black silence shone prickly needles hundreds of thousands of stars.

It seemed to him that he falls down, and this feeling breathless and throat involuntary cry of.

Do not be afraid!- Heard a familiar voice around an invisible companion.- It's just a picture.

What's this?- Asked Skiles, a little recovered from the shock.

-Today I will show you everything and answer your questions if you do not understand something.This Tuma, one hundred million years ago.Look at it better!

Skiles looked.Downstairs stretched boundless sea water covering the planet from edge to edge.Only here and there were small islands of land.Over an infinite ocean in the sky billowing clouds, rains, lightning.The sun was so close that it seemed like it orbit

-Now look at Taltsetl the time!- Said the voice, and suddenly saw Skiles under a blood-red planet, devoid of water.Only here and there on her lifeless body gleamed small lakes of water.

-And this is with Tuma climbed water - the voice said.

Picture changed.Now it can be seen a gigantic stellar construction.

AboveMars hung hand-made sun, that satellite that was depicted on the bathroom cup which bathed Skiles.It burned hot, rotating around the planet.Under the influence of its heat from the ocean water, completely cover the planet, now powerfully evaporated, forming a gigantic clouds extending to the uppermost layers of the atmosphere in the place where over Mars passed through the unusual orbit satellite.From the top of the clouds heated by the sun to orbit the huge temperature in space lasted a vapor trail, which cooled down a bit further, turning into billions of tons of sparkling snowflakes in the sun.Snow settles on the fourth satellite of Mars, which seemed reeling over the sparkling trail, following after a man-made satellite-sun.When he reached a certain size, some unknown force plucked from orbit, and the satellite was removed from Mars, and in its place began to grow in the same way the other.Skiles looked closer and saw that the basis of these ice giants are on the pyramidal structurelike the one that built Tuskub.They seemed quite tiny, but Skiles knew what were the true size of these giants.Pyramid revolved and icy trail, which went from Mars, started on her wound.Already formed ice balls the size of the moon, were from the planet at a distance, lined up in some intricate shape on different sides.When they had accumulated eight, then one by one they left their seats and rushed off into the jib interplanetary space.They began to take place the following ice giants.

Picture changed.Skiles now seen the bottom already another planet as he guessed the Earth.She circled around him familiar icy moons.Some of them went on a rapprochement with the Earth.When they reached its atmosphere, then quickly rotating, began to decrease rapidly, leaving a juicy diverging conical plume, clubs incandescent vapor clouds a whole horizon.Pairs fell below, cooled down and turned into clouds from which the Earth, buckets, continuous flows were showers.

When the ice ball completely wears out, then bared pyramidal structure, its core, which is rapidly carried away from the planet.In his place immediately rushed another icy moon.

Picture changed again.Now Skiles was at a considerable distance from the Sun.Both Mars and the Earth were now visible to him as if from the outside.Time seemed accelerated tenfold.Planets circled in their orbits, with the electron velocity, and was seen as Mars, followed by a sparkling orbit the sun, gradually moving away from the Sun and the Earth, on the contrary, draws ever closer.

And now a new picture.Again under Skiles Mars.He is not as affluent.More than half of the planet, like a dried-up, naked bottom of the ocean, now reddened under not so hot rays of the sun orbit.

It was clearly seen as out of the depths of interstellar space to Mars is rapidly approaching another planet.They were about to encounter.

Deadly path rushing to Mars planet barred his companion, a man-made light.They encountered.All around a blinding flash lit up.When it goes out, it could be seen numerous fragments of the planet, stretching in a long train in its orbit.Mars is a sparkling rain fell the dying remnants of the artificial sun, which turned into diamond blocks.

-That is why so many diamonds Tum!- Explained the fantastic vision voice.


Over the next six days Skiles appeared strange pictures, of which he learned more about the history of Earth and Mars.

He learned that in the world there were five people to civilizations-predecessors who failed to develop to the level of the Supreme civilization and sadly finished her story.He saw pictures of their death.One destroyed itself.Another died from lack of water.Third, on the contrary, an excess of it.Fourth lost civilization spiritual guidance and development moved to the side of the World of Chaos, which was wiped out due to the creators of Atil.The fifth died when civilization with 666 managed to populate the planet Earth Tmus weedy life, such as dinosaurs, devouring everything in its path.

"The sixth and civilization - a voice told him, continuing to show the strange picture - was formed on Earth once the four representatives of the Supreme civilizations.Due to the long struggle against the forces of chaos World Supreme Soatsra civilization, Atila lost much of its power and was forced to cede three quarters impact on the planet supreme civilizations of other star systems, making any different race. "

Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Phaeton and other planets of the solar system creators Hatillo also at different times developed the rudiments of life.There, too, there have been civilizations, many of which have not been able to survive and develop.

Martian civilization also was not the first.Predecessor also kept excess water and its lack of attacking ministers World chaos and occupied their parasitic life forms.But the biggest blow for life on Mars was, of course, excessive movement of its water reserves on Earth.Atil technology when she completely lost its power, and its remnants, except creators moved to life on Earth, were intercepted 666 civilization, which has decided to completely drain Mars, turning it into a desert, and flood the Earth to destroy the remnants of the former Supreme stellar civilization.Twenty thousand years ago, the plan was carried out, after which the world then began worldwide, and Mars was almost completely dehydrated.Then he flew to Mars Magatsitls descendants Hatillo.However, the remaining Jupiter creators Atil latest efforts reversed flooding the Earth, and sent a few balls of ice wrapped around their ships, with water from the Earth as a giant satellites of Saturn.


Skiles was very tired excessive knowledge imparted to him a voice in the mirror bag.Every time he came into the greenhouse, then asked Tuskub to him was nothing more than reported.He was fed up with information that did not fit in his head.But whenever Tuskub hearing him, silently repeating the same procedure.

Finally, he said:

Yes, that's all.Today you come here for the last time.

He again raised out of the water the water column.Skiles again formed around the mirror bag.

-Hello, Skiles!- Said yesterday's vote.- Today I will meet with you for the last time.Today I'll tell you what is required of you to get away from Tuskub what you need.You still want to get the diamonds?

Of course, - agreed to Skiles.

Then here's what you should do ...


The next day the whole expedition with Tuskub Skiles and his retinue left Azure valley.

Iha stood at the entrance and watched the armada of ships flying one after another rose from the lawn in front of the house and headed north, sparkling in the rays of the rising sun dozen silvery points until completely disappeared behind the peaks of jagged mountains.


None of the American expedition to Mars did not know more about the deal between Tuskub and Skiles.So all very surprised when on arrival in Tasotser volatile ships began to deliver to one of interplanetary ships with cargo boxes.

Loading lasted three days, after which ordered the crew Steve Skiles completely go way back to Earth.

Before the start of Skiles, again trying to get used to kill all living searing cold, Steve went on his ship, checked that the load is properly secured and closed, then closed with interplanetary spacecraft commander which starts in the control room and do something with it for a long time there have discussed .


The night before the start of the crews of all three ships come together, got whiskey and a farewell feast.

Skiles saw how happy lucky that he gave the order to return to Earth, and how jealous they stayed with him.Despite all the wonders seen on an alien planet, obviously, was that they all wanted to go home to their homeland, which was lost somewhere in the infinity of the world space for tens of millions of kilometers away, and it was not clear how to get there now.

Fly away with the remaining goodbye.And it was obvious that the last glad and sad second.

At five o'clock, when barely a glimmer of red near the horizon above the Martian ice cap, shackled polar cold creepy, floating ships delivered Tuskub expedition to the interplanetary ship.Mourners did not go to the intolerable cold, and only Skiles left the ship, to see how it is sent to Earth untold treasures.

Silver candle towered thickens down a kilometer from the flying ship Martians.Skiles recalled start on the ground: a warm, sunny morning, thousands of enthusiastic spectators on steep, high stands, wild roar of the crowd.Now it was only around the ice, and the unbearable silence of frost.

Barely the tip of the candle ship was painted in crimson sun approaching the horizon as the ship broke out white clubs from gas engines, which were immediately swept over the lower half of his body, spreading around the boundless ice desert.After a few seconds before Skiles came crashing and the shock wave from the explosion.Mahina shuddered and jerked upwards, with flashing purple.For a few moments, and she was out of sight, becoming a brilliant point, some time glittering in the sky, like a bright morning star.


The further north advancing rebels, led by Gusev, elk and Tarom, the more noticeable colder.When their ships reached the volatile northern ice cap, frost overboard intensified so much that at times suspended steel screws on some matches, and then this piece of plate or squatted on the stern to the bow and rushed down.On the hulls of ice freezes, and becoming harder to fly.


That's already the third day they were looking north pole station.

At first, when they had just left the Azure valley Gusev originated find Tasotser plan, arrange battle with Tuskub and grab the floating city.But Tar eventually dissuaded him.

-You can not imagine what a whopper!- Long argued he stubborn, but deeply respected them brave Magatsitls.- Even a hundred volatile ships will not be able to overcome Tasotser!He is well armed!Catapult alone is worth something!She is able to produce dozens of huge fireballs charges per minute, each one of which will cover a dozen ships volatile.Even without the fleet Tasotser impregnable! ..

Gusev every time frown twisted his bristling mustache, puffing a cigarette, the stock of which captured along with interplanetary apparatus, came to an end, and pointedly silent, glancing askance at pacing in front of him and waving his arms Martian Elk offspring.

Only when they reached the icy latitudes, which took place on the northern edge of the ice cap, only if the rebels matured final plan of action - to find, capture and blow up the north polar station.


Before that Gusev, Elk and Tara took a difficult conversation:

After the explosion, the polar station - said Thar - none flying ship will not be able to climb into the air.This means that all those who will be on the northern polar cap, will never be able to leave its limits and eventually die from the cold ...

Yes - agree with him Gusev - should be sent to the volatile south of ships, who will not participate in undermining!

-Destroy this achievement Martian civilization!- Los indignant.- I believe that undermine station need only as a last resort!Yes, and how it can damage the flying city Tuskub?

-Tasotser uses energy created by them magnetic field as well as volatile ships - Tar replied.- I am familiar with the device.However, instead of the powder and the screw, it is supported in the air motor antigravitational.This is a huge top, consisting of two piercing each other vstrechnonapravlennyh tetrahedra, carved from blocks of diamond faceted special way so that when rotated about the top energy accumulates.

-Wow!- Amazed Gusev.- This, then, it turns out, diamonds, or what?Yes, already it is worth your Tasotser grab this!That would give a Maschke!

All-flying city of diamond machined plates, so it is extremely durable and invulnerable for any known weapon.Technology of its construction Tuskub borrowed from some powerful alien civilization.As he extracted - nobody knows.The only thing that grieves Tuskub once with me he afford it, is the fact that he failed to get the technology saturation energy antigravity engine Tasotsera from the sun, which once used a powerful aliens."If I got it - then he lamented in a fit of revelation - I could make interplanetary flights, starting from any object with a large mass, as if making a jump!"

-Wow-a!- Continued to admire Gusev.- How heavy this Tasotser?Millions of tons!But where did you get so many diamonds and even this size?

-Over Tumoy once burned own sun, which was a companion planet - he explained Thar.- Once it exploded, and its wreckage fell on hundreds of years Tumu diamond blocks.

-When we seize this Tasotser - continued excitedly Gusev - certainly sawed it into diamonds!Soviet republic is the richest country in the world!Many diamonds!

Before leaving, he dug Azure groves of golden bath in one of the baths huge diamond depicting Jupiter, weighed probably ten pounds.

-Oh!- Exclaimed then Ikhoshka.- Tuskub kill me!Why are you smashed a bath?

Do not be afraid!I requisitioned gourmet junk spoil Martian working class!- Answered her Gusev.- A Tuskub we eliminate!He does not get to you! ..

But now, after the story of Tara, the trophy, seemed to him a mere trifle compared with Tasotserom, from which they could make thousands of tons of diamonds for the Soviet Republic."That's the whole Earth vzovyutsya bourgeoisie with envy!Die of boredom!Themselves strangled!We debase them all instantly!And then all at once the world proletarian revolution will win! "- With pleasure dreamed Gusev.

Moose listened his fellow flights of inter-planet with undisguised displeasure.He did not sympathize Guseva plans to destroy a unique achievement Martian civilization for even an entire mountain of useless glittering stones.

-And what will happen after the disappearance of the magnetic field with Tasotserom?- He asked with his son.- Of course, it hits the surface of the planet!But what will happen to him?

-I do not know - Tar shrug.

-That he would hurt himself to smithereens!- Exclaimed delightedly Gusev, imagining how squirts million diamond fragments whopper, which he, however, and in the eyes is not seen and hardly imagined.- Fewer people will fuss when sawing! ..

-Yes, stop you, in the end, Alexey!In fact!- Los indignant.- This is a unique achievement of progress!

Nothing in it is no unique - retorted Gusev - except that it's all diamond!

No, most likely design Tasotsera withstand impact with the surface of Tuma - thought Tar - and it will not hurt ...

-Pity - commented Gusev - more fuss! ..

-But that's antigravity engine!- Went on to explain to his father Tar.- This construction, which sakkumulirovana tremendous energy.And she kept it only because of ultrafast spin top, around which at the same breakneck speed rotating huge ring of red-hot plasma to millions of degrees.From shake and shock the rotor may fly off the spindle.Then the plasma is nothing will hold in the ring.I do not know what will happen next!Can you imagine what the energy is concentrated in this fiery donut.She pushes apart the total mass in the hundreds of billions of tons!

-Yeah!Will be a big boom - a blast!- Picked Gusev.- I say - less work for the proletariat to cut debris bourgeois monster on Soviet diamonds!

-Alexei Ivanovich!- Upsetting his Moose.- I ask you - urezontes!I think this happens if your "boom", it is not what is of Tasotsera, from us to you will collect nothing!We smashed to atoms with you!

In the end, the leaders of the rebel Martian decided that polar station captured, but will blow up just because of an emergency.

-It will be necessary before this send our children into interplanetary ships to move them here - reasoned Gusev.- Do you think Mstislav Sergeevich, our machines can make the leap from middle latitudes of Mars on a pole?

-I do not know, Alexey!- Thoughtfully replied Moose.- Devices intended for interplanetary flights.It is difficult to say whether they can carry out such a maneuver!Anyway, I think it's possible, but only under the control of an experienced pilot!It is necessary to make the inclusion of a complex calculation and stop engines tenths of seconds to get the path of a hyperbole, and this unit was next to the polar station.We have to consider the thrust of the engine, the force of gravity on Mars, its rotational speed - in general, a large number of parameters.

-Hyperbole!Hyperbole!I do not intend to die here!- Outraged Gusev.- I came here to finally establish Soviet power and overthrow the bourgeoisie Martian!And you tell me about some hyperbole tell!I still ought to Maschke's entu here shtukentsiyu donate!- Pulled out of his backpack a huge diamond, hardly put into it, the zealous warrior.The cabin was lit by thousands of sparks, cut the eye.Gusev patted his cool, sparkling, maddening trophy, thinking about a distant wife, imagining at that surprise wide open mouth when he will hand her the gift.- And you tell me say here about hyperbole!- He repeated thoughtfully and dreamily.


The sun was already beginning to set, heralding the onset of searing cold polar night when Gusev told that ahead of any large object is visible.He walked into the control room and the flying ship looked forward to their coveted front binoculars.

His eyes appeared a group of domes in the northeast near the horizon.Dome was the largest in the center.Radially placed around six smaller domes.Design merged with the white desert ice cap, and was only noticeable because the sunset colored the white surface of the domes crimson reflections.

Gusev, though no doubt that he found what he was looking for three days, still called the wheelhouse Tara, because he knew how to look like a polar station.

Tar looked through binoculars.In the last rays of the sun shone red dome.

-Yes, it is - a guess confirmed Martian Gusev.

Tomorrow before dawn to begin the assault!- Ordered Gusev.- Draw me a layout of troops.


All night the rebels were preparing to attack.Volatile ships landed a few kilometers from the polar station, and Gusev convened a council of war of the unit leaders of rebels who he formed before leaving Azure groves.

Through the darkness and cold stretched from all ships to collect Gusev commanders, overcoming the icy wind that hit the face sleet and freezing on the go.

In close quarters there was a large table, which was expanded diagram of the station, painted from memory Tarom.Gathered around and bent over the table companions Gusev.All talking loudly and puffing a cigarette.Martian commanders felt myself here uncertainly, but also tried to join an event.Tar translated their words Guseva, bravo vodivshego scheme as a pointer pencil and occasionally inflicting her some notes:

Two-squad - World and Tsatsuli - grab point control and communication!Martians squad led by Tara blocks the barracks, and the garrison of Mara - guardroom.Do not give anyone there to pop out!Lem squad seizes weapons warehouse and detachment Close - food warehouse.Fedoulov on a flying ship returns to interplanetary ship and scheme, which now counts engineer Los moves it ... hyperbole - he could not recall the unfamiliar word to the polar station.- The garrison polar station I will be asked to give up and go to the side of the insurgent proletariat.In case of failure - all in the flow! ...


Before dawn in the impenetrable darkness of the icy polar latitudes climbed ten volatile ships.One of them headed south, while the rest rushed into a fast attack on the polar station.

Its garrison rebels caught unawares.Nobody expected that the cold and darkness of a sudden, out of nowhere appear dozens of armed revolutionaries.

Crew headed the World, secretly removing guards trick, seized control point station so rapidly that there were on duty operators were unable to put up any resistance.But in the corridors of the communications center skirmish occurred, using which the defending Martians latched onto the central post communications, immured in three-inch armored doors.

-Alexei Ivanovich!- Reported Tsatsulya, stormed communication node.- Walled up, devils!

-Blow, Alexander, to hell with them!Along with all STEM communication hub explode!We talk to him not with anyone!- Ordered Gusev.- Get plenty of TNT incorporated, so all blown to bits!

Soon from the dome, which was a center of communication, there was a powerful explosion of dynamite mortgaged.Flying ship, where Gusev was the headquarters, great jolted almost flew portholes.When the smoke has dispersed, it was clear that from the large domed building was gone.

At the guardhouse in the predawn darkness was a fierce battle, hear the bell breaks silver balloons launched from a catapult built under the roof of the dome, and the sharp crack of the Martian automatic rifles.Gusev gave reinforcements stormed the guardhouse Martians part detachments of the world with a machine gun.Soon there was a fractional and powerful sound of fire rolled out the position of "maxim" take their bullets crumbling building built guard, breaking off huge chunks of it.Heard several powerful rumbling breaks grenades thrown inside.Catapult has been destroyed, the resistance of the guard broken, the shooting stopped.

Tar took barracks without a fight, and proposed captive soldiers wade sleepy eyes, to side with the rebels.

When the sun turned the ice of the polar cap in the morning paint pink tones, the station completely took control of the attackers.


Gusev, thus sitting at a table on which was spread scheme polar station received reports from commanders of detachments counted the losses, ordered, puffing on a cigarette.When the station was captured, he examined the central control, the design of the radiator under the main dome, choosing the right place for explosives, and gave the order to take up the defense.He reported that more than half of the soldiers agreed to go over to the rebels.Affiliate Gusev told them to put under the gun, and the rest locked until the ruined guardhouse and take custody.

-It's bad enough that the node connection is not immediately captured!- He complained to the newly assembled a council of war.- Could catch Tuskub pass that we took the polar station!We must wait for the guests!Explosives lay here, here and here - he drove under the scheme with a pencil, making crosses mark.- Worlds - you instruct it!Take a Tsatsulyu, check everything!A serious matter.Should jerk so that it was impossible to recover!


By noon, when the shaggy Martian sun, like sleigh rides sunk on the horizon to its halfway, flying ship, raised in the air to see noticed in the southwest of the appearance in the air what a huge object.

Gusev reported when he ordered to raise its air command ship and reaching a height of observers put the binoculars.

In moving toward the station something unimaginably huge.It was still near the horizon, but, judging by the tiny points dozen escorting ships flying object, flying monster sizes terrified.

Well, here!- Concluded Gusev, with unimaginable tranquility continuing to examine the binoculars quickly approaching whopper.- To us a visit!Take up the defense, prepare to undermine the station!

Soon Tasotser hovered over the polar station, covering a half of the icy polar sky, which were visible even in the daytime the brightest stars.None of the rebels, except Tara had never seen before this gigantic flying construction, and now everything turns out for frost and burning long stood, raised his head, watching a miracle, engineers built Tuskub.Supervisory rebel ship circled somewhere far below, under the flat bottom of the pyramid hovering over the station.He circled around several army volatile ships that remained from the previous armada.

Gusev also went out of his staff and calmly watched a fantastic spectacle.He told me to give to Tasotser that the polar station is in the hands of the rebels, and at any moment on his orders may be blown, and now waiting for a response Tuskub.

And that's where the top, apparently, flying inside the floating city, seemed another army ship.He began to decline rapidly, choosing a place to land, and soon landed near the ship Gusev.After a minute of it up the ladder on the ice, accompanied by several soldiers came Martian Skiles.Covering his face from the icy air wide fur collar, he went to watch him with equanimity Gusev.

Well, Mr. Skiles, I was not surprised to see you on the side Tuskub!

-Why?- Skiles walked up and extended his hand.

-Yes, because the bourgeoisie are the same everywhere!On Mars, on Earth!- Gusev looked at his hand, but did not shake her.

Skiles hesitated uncertainly and pulled his hand back into the warm fur suit, then looked back at the Martian soldiers in silvery suits, continued:

-I invite you to negotiate, Mr. Gusev!

-What else talks?

Well, you let us know what your requirements are, what you are seeking, Mr. Tuskub, and he ...

-Did not know what we are making, Mr. Skiles?We have one goal, that on Earth, on Mars!Down with the bourgeoisie, and long live the proletarian revolution!All power to the Soviets of Workers 'and Peasants' Deputies!

Well, you're here right revolutionary agitation launched, Mr. Gusev!Do not you think that this is not the right place for such a speech?

Yes it is not speech, Mr. Skiles!

But then what do you want?

-Blow up here this polar station - Gusev pointed, turning behind.

-For what?

-To destroy this flying colossus here!- Gusev poked up above the station to spread out on the bottom half of the sky Tasotsera.

-But it give you?- Amazed Skiles.- In addition, we will now hang over the station as long as you do not leave her!

-And we have it and will not leave, Mr. Skiles!You understand that we now have nowhere to retreat!It is our only guarantee.Know a Russian fairy tale about Koshchey Immortal?Where his death at the end of a needle?

Well, yes ...

-So, I now this needle firmly in their hands hold and Koschey trembles.But if I leave the station - give this needle into the hands Koscheyu, as he immediately destroy me!

-I guarantee you that you left the station will be able to freely leave!- Skiles lost patience speak pyatidesyatigradusnom cold was unbearable.

-Mr Skiles, do you really think that my troops crossed thousands of kilometers, and found to fight captured this polar station only to wait until you appear on this flying Martian pyramid of Cheops, and allow us to freely leave her?- With a mocking grin out rastoporschivshihsya, frosty mustache asked Gusev, and in that moment Skiles noticed that flashed in his eyes is the same Russian craziness that always introduced him puzzled and frightened.

Then what?- He asked in a broken voice.

-I told you that we will blow station - with equanimity Gusev said.- And I advise you to quickly get out of it with flying vessel, as when she spank, it will not find it.

-But Tasotser collapse right on the station!- American again raised his voice, trying to find a thread of reason in the arguments of the opponent.- You too will all perish!

-Will the working class!- He said in response to Gusev, and Skiles realized that talk more about.


A few more days.Tasotser still hung over the polar station like a huge cloud.Flying through the sky light pink clouds skirted his whopper on both sides.

Gusev put supervisory flying ship rebels as look out for anyone else not required - the opponent hung directly overhead.

Army volatile ships occasionally made reconnaissance circled around the polar station, trying, apparently, to understand the place of any other rebels.Gusev is sometimes egged on, sometimes just annoying.

In the afternoon, when the frost was not as pungent as the night he was walking through the station area accompanied Mirow and Tsatsuli, glancing with a squint at circling like hawks in search of booty on them enemy ships.

-That's really, Alexey!Now that's disconnected "Maxim" and be trained to knock down these bastards!- Spoke to him Tsatsulya.

-Easy, Sanya, uymi temperament!- Replied, turning, Gusev.- I would myself to practice!So itchy hands and shoot!But we must take care of ammo!You saw the "Maxim" here, as the gun in the world - the power!Obgodi so long!

-But they can land at night and try to attack!- Do not let Tsatsulya.

-And here's another thing!- Raised his index finger Gusev.He immediately went to their headquarters and ordered to send a telephone message to Tasotser "Revoke their volatile ships!In the future, without the appearance of their agreement with us we will open fire on!Gusev commander. "

Fifteen minutes later, the buzzing in the sky over the station ceased flying ships Tuskub soared skyward and disappeared into the belly of a flying city, silence hung in the polar sky.

Gusev came out of his command ship and commented with satisfaction:

-Understand the devils that are not kidding!- And turned to Tsatsule.- The decor is exacerbated, Sasha!Command to redouble vigilance and strengthen protection, especially at night.


After a few days on the phone to the rebels turned Skiles.

-What do you want, Mr. Skiles?- Asked Gusev, when he was informed that an American trying to get in touch.

-I would like to speak to Mr. Elk using the screen - was heard from the intercom.

-This is why it?- Outraged Gusev, realizing that Skiles tries to find a weak link in their defense.- We have martial law and conversations with the enemy are only authorized to do comrades!

-But is not Mr. Moose is one of them?- Surprised Skiles.- As far as I know, that he headed the Soviet Mars expedition.

Gusev pondered for a while, then ordered to call Elk command ship.


-Hello, Mr. Moose!- Turned to him with a small screen Skiles when he entered the cabin headquarters ship.

-Hello, Mr. Skiles!- Shyly greeted Elk, he did not expect to see the thief on the Martian screen.

How are you feeling?- Asked sympathetically Skiles.

Thank you, nothing!- Moose nodded.

-And your psychic wound? ..

-In what sense?

-Well, you found the one you were looking for, for what, in fact, as far as I know, you and flew back to the distant Mars?Aelita you found?

No, - Moose hung his head dejectedly.

-Do you want to see her?- Asked Skiles.

Of course!- Cheered hoping engineer.

She's here on Tasotsere!- Replied Skiles.

-You lie!- Outraged Elk.

-Why not?- Surprised Skiles.

-Once you've fooled me ...

-Not at all, Mr. Moose.Just the same, I have not cheated!I suggest you go to Mars, and you agreed, but then changed their minds for some reason ... So what was my cheating?

Elk thought, trying to figure out what really Skiles has not met its expectations.

-So, I'm not deceiving you!- Advantage of a pause, he continued Skiles.- And I can show it to you.

Why show?- Los surprised.- Why can not I talk to her?She's alive?

She's alive, Mr. Moose!But she sleeps ...

-In what sense?- Did not understand engineer.

-Something like lethargy - continued Skiles - see for yourself.

The picture has changed, and Los saw dark hall, in which glowed faintly gold ceiling.Walls halls were hidden heavy blackout curtains golden and the middle of it was visible translucent golden hemisphere from some weird stuff, like the smoke.In its center was a clear sarcophagus in which lay a beautiful body is still young Aelita.It was as if she was asleep.Eyelids huge eyes were closed.On the whitish-blue cheeks elongated quiet, peaceful person stood out subtle blush.

-This is intolerable!- Suddenly burst involuntarily from Elk.

-You will not believe what I'm showing?- A voice from somewhere behind Skiles image.- Then I invite you, Mr. Moose on Tasotser, you yourself, with your own eyes can see it.

At this time, the cabin looked Gusev.Seeing some strange image on the screen, he was indignant:

-It's here for imperialist propaganda!

Aelita-It!- Elk turned to him in his wrinkled cheeks tears flowed.

-Aelita?- Surprised Gusev, sliding on top, like a cap, a familiar gesture of surprise fur hood of his cap.- Well, the works!Where is she?

- On Tasotsere!

- On Tasotsere?And it's not a fake?- Doubted Gusev.- Mozha what a doll and put lure you now, Mstislav Sergeevich, eh?

-What are you, in fact, Alexey!

Well, anything can happen!- Petitioned his Gusev.- Remember how I rescued you from America, eh?What's wrong with her, why she was in a transparent box?

She's asleep, she had something like lethargy!- Los wept.

- She sleeps!And you believe this bourgeois propaganda?- Exclaimed Gusev perturbation everything happening.- Surely some dummy slip!

Skiles, invites me to personally look at Tasotser Aelita!- Heard a voice through vzrydy engineer.

-And you go, Mstislav Sergeevich?After all that you did this amerikashki, go, believe it!Yes this is a trap!I gut feeling that it's a trap!- Do not let Gusev.

But I want to see her!- Stretched out in supplication to Los Gusev hands.- What do I do, Alexei Ivanovich?After all, to be honest, I only then flew to Mars to see her!

Gusev finally brushed head fur hood and scratched his head.

-Come in, I do not know, Mstislav Sergeevich!- He stretched and scratched his head again.- Okay, I think that the world revolution will survive this thing!In the end, I'll understand - people too!Yeah!And there is a love out!I would go with you, Mstislav Sergeevich, I would like very much to this flying masterpiece inside look.Yes, but that's not who I leave on defense station.Here iron hand needed in the sense not to flinch when it will be necessary to press the button in which case, yes derail this imperialist hydra!I can not rely on anybody!And Worlds, like, nothing!And Tsatsulya!But here I am afraid that will hlipkovat the decisive moment!I have something hand will not tremble!- Gusev knew he hears Skiles and apparently specifically catching up on that fear.- Okay, let go of you, Mstislav Sergeevich on entot most Tasotser, but tell them that my hand will not tremble in which case!So, do this: you're on Tasotser look at Aelita, and Mr. Skiles to visit me at this time!So, just in case!


Flying ship that brought Skiles in the rebel camp, now flew in huge gate.After planting of it accompanied by soldiers in glittering costumes came Moose.His study was conducted in Tuskub and from there they went down together on the floor, a full-time hall of mourning, in which there was a sarcophagus with Aelita.

Moose approached him and stared at his beloved.

-Leave us, please, alone!- He asked her father, and he went away.

Moose sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the sarcophagus.First, he had a long and bitter cry, but then calmed down and began to tell Aelita all its long history of universal melancholy loneliness and immense sadness about her.He talked, talked, talked, and all the tears streaming down his face.They were tears of joy, and because he saw again that which was dearer to him life, and at the same time they were tears of immense anguish because his beloved sleep a perpetual sleep, which may never end.But at the same time they were tears of gratitude for what Aelita gave him the fruit of their love, gave birth to his son, and tears of hope, because he believed that one day, when she wakes up, he finally kissed her mouth ...


Skiles long pondered proposal Gusev.He knew that going "visit" to the rebels, he actually held hostage.But in the end, agreed, deciding that being on Tasotsere was no less dangerous until Gusev kept his hand on the button of an explosive device.

Gusev would not let him move a step, fearing that Skiles can arrange exploration of their positions.The day before they agreed that Elk will stay on Tasotsere twelve hours, and the same at the polar station of the rebels will be forced to Skiles.

Please Skiles did not know how to approach Gusev, who was frowning and puffing cigarettes all the time, showing all his views, that is not going to communicate with gourmet henchman.However, at dinner Skiles got stuck with a bottle of whiskey and offered Gusev.Gusev, poshmygav little nose, still agreed to sip a glass of two, after giving an indication Tsatsule "If that happens to me, shoot that son of a bitch, and you press the button entu here!"

After drinking two pairs of stacks whiskey Gusev little kinder and conversation:

Well, that's why you, Mr. Skiles, flew to Mars this!Who asked you?

-I signed a contract, Mr. Gusev, and performed it, - said the American, inspired by the change in the interlocutor.- You heard that there are contracts?

-Contract contract!- Slightly intoxicated, continued Gusev, again tilting pile.- I'm here to blow the hair dryer edrene-polar station, and all!

What "all", Mr. Gusev?

-And the fact that you also cover!All there in entoy flying pyramid, Khan!

Well, do not you?

-What about me?It will be necessary, give my life for the cause of proletarian revolution!- Gusev took out a cigarette, pushing the empty plates.

-And you never thought you could harm the whole of humanity with their reckless actions?- Skiles pulled out of the pockets tube, pouch, lighter and began to fill his pipe tobacco.- Do you, Mr. Gusev, with all due respect to you, do not ever thought that the cooperation with the Martian civilization can save mankind from poverty and misery, hunger and disease?Well, at least advance in this way, to give a new, powerful impetus to the development?

-We have heard already enti your songs, Mr. Skiles!- Gusev poured himself a glass of whiskey still.- I told them Elk, when we in the ocean on a padded airplane month flounder!Beautifully know how to talk!But I do not Elk, Mr. Skiles!I revolutionized my bones, heart, it's in my blood!I you are not your cheap propaganda to lure!I am with you and I argue now just because your whiskey gave my character gentleness and kindness!And so I would have gladly let in fuel.You're contra!Contra always stay!And here you are now only because I feel sorry for the Elk, as I know it all by entoy Martian dries.She is a woman, of course, nothing cute, unusual bright!But in the country we have such galore!Only his eyes razuy!Them around the darkness!Select - I do not want!Well, it's a very shy person Elk, unusual, more a case of them manages than reason.Romantic it!Here it also throws a million miles in search of love, and then his whole life on it dries up!And I stare at him, looked, and I feel sorry for him ... sorry to tears!Unlucky it, my buddy Moose!That's why you're here with me conversing.And so would sit on entom Tasotsere, the mother of his leg, and would have waited, I pokendova you all there bourgeoisie sent to landfills world history down ... Since then, as here for the first time appeared commander Gusev, this Soviet territory, Mr. Skiles!And you are now invaded its limits, as intervener, and colluded with contraception as bourgeois tip.I you see inside out!


It took some time Elk seemed like an eternity.He did not cry and did not speak, but sat silently and watched his beloved, warming the heart of some quiet, subtle joy.

Somewhere he heard soft footsteps.Someone approached him on the back hall.But Los saw nothing and heard.He sat quiet joy warmed unattainable happiness that suddenly allowed to touch yourself.Before his eyes was just it, Aelita.

Someone sat down next to him.

-And you let your Gusev destroy Aelita, my only daughter?- Heard a muffled voice Tuskub.

Moose sat still and said nothing to him, as if to silence was saved.He did not need to respond.It seemed that he had reached a certain substance infinite bliss and is now ready to sit here so close to her until the end of time, becoming a strange plant, ingrown roots in the floor near the sarcophagus sweetheart.

-If Gusev destroy the polar station, Aelita perish with Tasotserom!- Tuskub spoke again, trying to Elk heard it.- I Aelita road as well, perhaps, as you do!I am surprised and touched that you have overcome many years and millions of miles in search of my daughter!And perhaps now, whether it's all right, I would not be against your marriage!But I bring her from imminent fatal retribution for violating the vow of virginity, to whom she was devoted!I raised her son!I keep her body next to him in the hope that she would ever wake up, though I know that this will not come true!

Tuskub Magatsitls looked at, trying to figure out whether he was alive.While Moose and sat with eyes wide open, but it did not come from any signs of life.It even seemed that he was not breathing.Tuskub thought that mysteriously Magatsitls fell into the same state as his daughter, and he was frightened of this, and therefore went on to say, watching not whether any reaction from the guest:

-I know that my daughter loved you very much!Otherwise she would not have dared to break the vow and custom!But she broke all barriers and has ruined my life!Yes, I believe that she killed herself, surrendering you Magatsitls!You do not deserve it!And she knew it!But I did not know when allowed her to be with you, that is such a strong feeling like love!It feelings akin to the ancient Hao!I do not know what love is, and I'm grateful that I do not know this!It destroys the feeling!Yes it can take down all the barriers to your goal!I learned this the hard way, losing the proverbial love because his only daughter, who was once sweet and obedient to me that followed his destiny! ..And suddenly, all at once collapsed!I was warned that this could happen, but I did not believe!Tum was not on no one who would be able to light it this raging fire!And then you came along, Magatsitls!How could I know that my daughter's heart will fall at your feet!What she found in you?I look at you and I do not find one, and the reason for which she might prefer you imagine his fate, his destiny, his father, his people, his Tum!But she did it!And I was ashamed love!Oh, if I could then know that it turns this wild fire that destroyed her!I would have done so that you avoided each other decimals paths that you did not come close to each other and to a hundred miles!But I allowed you to be together!And now I'm going to kill myself and blame it for all my life!Oh, love!I lost my daughter!But what you have gained, Magatsitls, this love? ..I look at you and I see nothing but misery!Years have passed, and you are suffering from it today, from this strange love, or you would not be here, would not be sitting here so cry all the tears in front of the sarcophagus of the destroyed love Aelita!I want to know, tell me!What gave you this is your love?I want to know what you have traded their quiet and peaceful life on the endless torments for throwing through space and time?Answer me, Magatsitls!What gave you this love?

Finally Elk if alive.He turned to his tear-stained face Tuskub:

-Love?What are you saying, man?I was not looking for love ever!And I do not know what love is!I just met her, the most beautiful woman in the world, which is more expensive for me and there was not ever!And is it my fault that she belongs to another planet, another civilization, another world?What is my fault?Yes I suffer, I suffer a lifetime, after meeting her, my Aelita.But this suffering does not charge anything for a purchase.I have not bought for their suffering.I just lived all these years and knew that somewhere far away, a million miles away from me, there is one more that is not on the light of anything or anyone.And I was unbearably painful, sad and lonely, that divide us millions of miles of space that we belong to different worlds and can not be together!I was not looking for love, you're talking about!Do you think that love - it is something that this acquisition, which can buy, sell, find or lose!But no!I do not know this love, and do not want to know!Now I just sit near me being the most expensive in the world, and is willing to sit out so far aware of myself, that's all!I have nothing else!And leave me with my weird questions that I found and I lost what I love has changed.I just lived and live!I once met one that is light of my eyes, and now I'm looking everywhere for its dark sky life.I do not know what draws me to it!But here I am near her, and I need nothing more.I am ready to sit and look at it ad infinitum!

Tuskub paused, then said, rising:

-Unfortunately, Magatsitls, I can not let you do that!Your twelve o'clock expired!And I have to ask you to leave the resting place of my daughter!Otherwise this crazy Gusev Tasotser destroy, you, and Aelita.


Elk if stunned in some strange way, not remembering himself followed Tuskub that led him from a golden cylinder to another elevator.He saw nothing around before his eyes still had a lovely, restful sleep sleeping Aelita.He did not notice anything around

When they were at the flying ship and Tuskub pointed to the gangway, Moose came to his senses suddenly seemed to have woken up on the state of torpor:

-Listen!Give it to me!- He rushed to Tuskub.- Because it's mine, and we should be together!

Soldiers in silvery suits barred his way dense chain, putting themselves ahead automatic rifles.

Tuskub silent, looking at Magatsitls.Soldiers vexed him to the gangway of the ship, causing the vessel to board.

-Give it to me!- Los shouted.- I'll take her to the Earth!I will make sure that does not explode Gusev polar station, leave you alone and get back with me on our planet!

Tuskub silent and listened Magatsitls.Soldiers drove to Los ladder, then the two of them took him by the arm and into the clouded flying ship, Elk continued to shout something else.


-Are you crazy!- Shouted at Los Gusev, left alone with him in his cabin headquarters ship.- Betraying the revolution?

His indignation was so great that the voice was heard far away from the headquarters of a ship on the frozen District.

With Tasotsera Moose returned not himself.It replaced if drugged or anything, and Gusev has just could not talk to him differently.In front of him was no longer Mstislav Sergeevich, and completely out of control irresponsible decomposed element that could undermine him all the discipline in this decisive moment of confrontation with the enemy.Moose like opoennym some potion, urgently had to do something to get it back to normal, and Gusev did not know what it is, but because any methods used at random, including such.

Traitor!- Elk reproached Gusev.

-I do not know what's happening to me, Alexei Ivanovich, but I want to return to Aelita, sit down beside her and sit and look at it until the end of ...

Well yes - Gusev pacing the close quarters flying ship - and the grass does not grow!No, well, if I only knew, if I only knew!Never would not let!Elk sent an engineer, my comrade, and in return received a prim young lady!Yes that is it!


Three days Gusev tried to bring Elk feelings, but then gave up, suddenly realizing that he had lost it as a fighter.

Okay!- He came to Elk on the fourth day.- I see, Mstislav Sergeevich, I have not returned to the system!Say what you want!Maybe you have any plan?

Yes I do not have no plan!Alexei Ivanovich!No!I just want to be with her and everything!

-What about the world revolution!- Gusev asked again, but realized that nothing.- Okay, I'll think of something!- He said and left.


That same evening, a takeoff on duty SPELLJAMMER through a blizzard snuck some people.The rebels, who carried the watch, he opened the door and let down the ladder.

It was the engineer Los.Martians learned Magatsitls.He told them to take off and take a course on Tasotser.Since the rebels knew Magatsitls Moose has the authority to give orders as well as Magatsitls Gusev and Tar they obeyed.A minute later a flying ship is hoisted up through the raging storm.Reaching the bottom of the mirror smooth Tasotsera, he flew beneath several kilometers, and then when it was over, soared higher, rising now along its sloping walls.

They noticed a gate trigger inside the ship, opened heavily, but quietly and easily moved down, opening like a huge mouth, the entrance to the landing pad.

Flying Ship rushed inside and landed on the near edge of a huge mirror surface, illuminated from below weak greenish glow.Gates pushed back, and soldiers rushed to the ship in silver suits, took him into the ring.Ladder leaned back, and the ship went Elk.His eyes burned some feverish feverish brilliance.Approached him commander of protection in a long black cloak falling folds down.

-I need Tuskub - Elk said, as if seeing nothing around - I want to make him an offer.


Gusev, check posts, had already gone to sleep in the cockpit near the close cabin, which were military advice.The bed was soft, but a little, as if designed for a teenager because his legs dangling in the air, thus every time he felt a strong disadvantage when trying to sleep.

Tossing and turning, thinking about the world Gusev, about Peter, about Masha.All this Martian adventure he already rather tired."Years are not the same!- Gusev thought with some satisfaction, continuing to look for a comfortable position to sleep in the cramped and short bed.- That'll be back to Peter, and no more Mars!Enough time to retire!Fishing, fishing rods, birds singing in the morning, Masha, happy that I'm here!Eh, alive!Time to retire! "From anticipation of future pleasure serene peaceful life he even rubbed his hands:" A Mars let others win, young!New change has grown!They need to give way!Vaughn Tsatsulya and Worlds - not the bad guys!Of them would be good commanders came!It is necessary to return to recommend ... A Manakova sorry! .. "

His thoughts began to flounder, and he fell asleep, more immersed in the sweet oblivion.Suddenly, his dream broke some noise Gusev jumped up and fumbled revolver, leaned out of the cockpit to the cabin, where burned dim greenish light.

By the table with the decomposed scheme polar station someone sneaks.That he hooked the retired chair that fell and done so much noise.

Gusev Tsatsulyu acknowledged.

-Sasha, what happened?- He asked.

Tsatsulya approached.Fur cap on his head slipped, revealing sweaty under it from running blond hair.He could not speak for a long time, trying to catch his breath, then said, through frequent and profound sighs:

-I do not know how to report, Alexei Ivanovich! ..

-A what?What happened?- Stiffened Gusev.All kind former sailor inspired fear some large and serious accident.- We're under attack!

Gusev began frantically pulling pants.

-No, Alexei Ivanovich, worse!Do not even know how to say ... Engineer Moose flew.

How fall?- Roused Gusev.He felt a catch in all Elk behavior, and now his fears began to come true.- How to fall?Who said?Where fall?

-And who will allow him!- Tsatsulya surprised.- He's from commanders!Not any ordinary!

Gusev popped up in a blizzard and night, despite the fierce cold, from which even breathing was painful, rushed to the place, which had to stand duty flying ship.Trampled there, looking, for some reason up in the impenetrable darkness, bombarded flakes prickly like needles, dry snow, Gusev walked back to his command ship.

-Strengthen protection! - He gave the order Tsatsule.- Now all we can expect!From this point cleared for takeoff SPELLJAMMER am just me!

Clearly, Alexey!- Tsatsulya disappeared behind the door.


Gusev sitting at his desk, puffing a cigarette and wondering what to do now.

Lights up the small screen.It appeared Skiles.

-Hello, Mr. Gusev!- He said once cheerfully and enthusiastically.

Good night, Mr. Skiles!I understand that the engineer Los again you?

-You are right, Mr. Gusev!

What is he doing there, if not a secret?

-Now he's in talks with Mr. Tuskub!Mr. Moose came to make him a offer!

Pass-master Tuskub that engineer Elk not enough power to drive any whatsoever negotiate!- Gusev turned away from the screen to Skiles did not notice that it is raging fury: "If Moose thinks I'm sleeping on his Martian Babu exchange polar station, he is deeply mistaken!"

The screen went out, but after a while on fire again.Now next to Skiles it seemed tired and haggard face Elk.

Mstislav-Sergeyevich!You what!Henbane overeat!- Outraged Gusev.- Why did you fly there again?

-I did Tuskub offer!- Replied wearily Elk.

Yes, what a deal can be?I tell you, Mstislav Sergeevich, authority to negotiate with the Contra did not give!

-I showed him an ultimatum!- Los said, ignoring his words astonished Skiles.

-What else ultimatum?- Amazed Gusev.

-I demanded Tuskub Aelita or give me ...

-Or what? ..

-Or I'll blow you a polar station!

Minute Gusev was taken aback by the audacity of the Elk.From him he did not expect.However, as an experienced revolutionary Gusev from that moment immediately involved in the game of Elk.He realized that Skiles hears everything, and discord or disagreement between them immediately becomes aware Tuskub.

-Ah, there you talking about, Mstislav Sergeevich!Well, you certainly have hastened!But what Tuskub?

-He had to agree!

At the head of Gusev frantically spinning thoughts.He realized that Moose played for broke, made a real chorus instead of a clear plan for revolutionary action, it has developed.And it was another pizhonstvo Elk is the same as his departure for America.It was a selfish trick that not only harmed the revolutionary Gusev plans, but, in general, brought them full stop.But if allowed Gusev now feel Tuskub Skiles and that the words of the Elk's nothing that they have no real power and supports the actions of Gusev, then for the fate of the engineer was difficult to guarantee.And that Gusev was totally unnecessary!"Oh, Moose, Moose!What are you doing?- He thought angrily.- You will be killed, and then we, too, as one pereschelkayut smoke! "

The trick has lost moose head could initiate late rebel group at the polar station.And now Gusev realized that the future of all the rebels suddenly at stake spacey engineer depended only on his right and the words spoken by the loyalty of his actions.He had to show Skiles, and, hence, Tuskub that they are together, they are at, and Moose - not breakaway decaying element, and slightly ahead of party events of the revolution.

Of course, Mstislav Sergeevich!Tuskub pass, that if he does not fulfill your requirements, then I will certainly blow polar station!- Continued Gusev, feeling that the situation is still manipulative and he goes too far.

Yes, Alexei Ivanovich, - it was evident that Moose felt his support.- Tuskub knows!I am flying to the station!

Gusev did not ask - why.The screen went blank.


-I Tuskub demanded that he sent the sarcophagus with Aelita accompanied Tara in my interplanetary apparatus, remaining close to the equator of Mars!- Excitedly explained Elk angry and frowning Gusev.

Well, what about this man?- He asked, so ready to explode at any moment, not even resin as usual cigarette.

-He agreed!- Enthusiastically as a child answered Elk.His extreme agitation was whether a mask trying to hide behavior that another Gusev without thinking would put up against the wall, or a sign of the paranoia in kooky love engineer.- I'll send interplanetary apparatus with Tarom and Aelita to Earth, and then accompanied by soldiers Tuskub will go back on Tasotser.

-And then what, Mstislav Sergeevich?- More than talking moose, the more Gusev knew he fully jeopardizes his plans.- Then what?

-Next? ..I have not figured out!- Los embarrassed.

-Well, you see, Mstislav Sergeevich!You do not come up with more!But it's not only your adventure, search your sweetheart Aelita, some of her romantic impulses!We are here - messengers Soviet republic, and we need to establish Soviet power here, that's the most important thing!Do not forget that we are on Mars for the second time, but our main goal has not yet been reached!Meanwhile, Tuskub become more powerful than he was!Here he is now hanging over us in a flying pyramid weighing hundreds of millions of tons!He must be stopped!Otherwise, the case of Soviet power on Mars in mortal danger!We few, Mstislav Sergeevich!We are too little!That these Martian rebels without us?Tuskub crush them in a jiffy!I wonder how they ever so stretched, Shnyrov in the catacombs, like rats!Unless this was a revolutionary struggle?It was agony!They were beaten, like partridges!Tuskub soldiers flew into the ruins of blasted them Soatsera as hunting.Had very little to their hollow destruction.We arrived on time and managed to intercept the falling banner of the proletarian revolution on Mars and lead it again!And so, you see, we smashed and burned Tuskub air army, captured the polar station, forced to tremble before the fear of imminent death Martian bourgeoisie!Yes, Tuskub hanging over us in his floating city.But I know that he trembles and shakes with fear, expecting at any moment that we blow the station and turn it into a pile of rubble in the city!Yes, maybe we perish while, but he knows that we do not dread!We have nothing to lose but the chains of their own!And we keep Tuskub the throat, ready to squeeze it and put an end to his rule!

Gusev breath, sat down at the table and was silent for a while, as if gathering strength.Moose listened attentively and apologetic, more bowing his head in his awareness of injustice.

-And here you with his love, Mstislav Sergeevich!I always knew you were not a revolutionary, you - romantic!Of course, the revolution also want romance!But romance, dreaming of the happiness of the people!And you, you are just and zip all these years with his Aelita ... Of course, she is beautiful - no words!But, Mstislav Sergeevich!You put into the scales against his love affairs throughout the proletarian revolution!All these years you've been dreaming about and grieved only his lover, and I had you as a human pity.But all these years I thought about our Martian brothers oppressed Tuskub, we could not help the first time.And if you were hoping to meet with his love, I hoped, arriving again, finally I bring Tuskub and installed on Mars Soviet power.That's your son Tar - very suitable as a proletarian leader freed from the bondage of Mars.And you want him to Earth to send!Why? ..

Gusev paused, as if waiting for a response from the Elk.He sat silently, his head bowed, listening heavy words reproaches which he had nothing to argue.The truth was in Gusev.

-Alexei Ivanovich!- Finally spoke, slowly lifting her head, elk.- I promise you that after I send Aelita to Earth, together we'll blow the damn polar station!


Icy early morning sun seemed almost over silver ice cap, massive gateways embarkation deck silently hovering in the sky above the polar station Tasotsera smoothly rolled down his eastern, sparkling crimson mirror inclined plane, revealing, like jaws, the jaws of predatory its gates for ships and volatile wasted on the first floor of the flight berth, color everything inside crimson rays of the rising Sun.

Along the perimeter of the landing field lined up in a square soldiers in white, sparkling and gleaming crimson glow of refracted light tight suits, marking the beginning of a farewell ceremony.

Soon the golden cylinder lift risen to the floor, slowly rolled transparent coffin Aelita low gold hearse, followed by elk, and Skiles Tuskub, surrounded by a retinue of high army officials in long black, cascading folds to the floor, shimmering gold cloaks jointing.Aelita's father walked in front, as if to show the way to the sarcophagus hearse his sleeping daughter deep sleep.Skiles and Moose followed behind the whole procession.

She reached the middle of a huge platform where stood awaiting loading silver flying ship, waiting on deck leaning your ladder, and stopped.

Tuskub turned back and went to her daughter lying in a transparent glass diamond.He stood motionless for a long time and looked at her, saying goodbye, and though his face was cold and impenetrable, haughtily, by the way he lingered to finish it was felt that inner longing that he could not feel, seeing Aelita last time.

But then he leaned against the glass and made a bit of a kiss, and then stepped aside.

The hour is high army officers who accompanied him everywhere, to the hearse started on all sides, slowly and carefully, as if afraid of waking sleeping in it charming Martian raised on the shoulders of a massive transparent structure and the ladder slowly and briefly stepping, made it inside the volatile silver ship.Elk followed, pausing for a moment at the entrance hatch, turning and looking for some reason to Tuskub.He stood with his eyes down to the floor summer playground.

Gangway rose, roared screws and silver flying ship, accompanied by a pair of warships flew majestically toward rising over the horizon, you know ice shaggy red sun, marks the beginning of its appearance of a new day.Making a circle over Tasotserom troika volatile ships headed south.

Sluice gates quietly, slowly and heavily traversed bottom of the doors and hatches closed them tightly.


Egorov and lie basking substituting their bodies shaggy Martian sun, rolling in most zenith purple sky, and looked at the drifting over a rare pink and yellow clouds.They have long since lost count of the days that are left alone near the interplanetary system.Relationship with other crews install and failed, and they were tired guessing what happens and where all zapropastilas

Occasionally their peace disturbed ikhi ravenous, but sometimes in the evening on hot day in the sun plateau ran outlandish huge arachnids which overran their camp party.They spent the night inside the machine, battening down the hatch as the night desert, waterless plateau revived some swarming in the darkness of life.

Egorov, exhausted by the sun, lazily scanned the sky in search of some interesting animals.But the sky was empty.Finally, on the horizon to the north appeared three flying beside the point.

-Oh, look, Maxim, again these strange birds fly!

-Yes, let fly!- Although not Polezhaev said, even without removing the face covering his soldier's cap.It has long been fed up with meager curiosities lifeless Martian highlands.

Terms grew, increasing in size, and Egorov, as a senior on the watch, worried:

-Something these birds some large!Come on, took out a machine gun, just in case!

Polezhaev got up on one elbow and looked at the sky:

Yes it is not a bird at all, Sergey Ye!

-And then!

-What-what aircraft!

-Oh!Well, then, all the more!To combat gotovs!

It is now up to them clearly came the noise of many screws, cutting the air.


Describing over the landing site interplanetary unit circle, floating ships went and sat at reducing two hundred meters from the huge charred eggs.Screws tar.

-Load!- Ordered Egorov, falling sand with a box of ammunition.- O-ady!

Polezhaev stretched through the gate tape cartridge, closed the lid and clung to the sight "maxim."Egorov was lying on his elbows close, looking through binoculars flown, intending to give target designation.

Here is the ladder of the ship fell some creatures resembling people in similar, ovate helmets in silver, wide jackets with thick collars, closing the neck and the lower half of the face.In their hands they had some kind of weapon.They lined up in two rows on opposite sides of the ladder.Next Display some dressed in black cloaks Draped figures, bringing some glistening in the sun flares, exactly mirror the big box.

Egorov raised his binoculars, looking unexpected guests.

We dressed in black cloaks humanoids were bald, cone-like, head, beardless, narrow, bluish face.

-Tsels!- Ordered Egorov.Watching through binoculars.- Wind five right side above three ...

Silvery ship seemed to someone else, he was much larger and more shrunken figures.There was something familiar.Egorov looked closer and found Elk engineer.

A-As you were!- He commanded the machine gunner.- Just was not shot Mstislav Sergeyevich!

-What do you mean?- Polezhaev surprised.

Self-see!- Offered him the binoculars Egorov.

-And that is true!And who are with him?

-Perhaps the Martians!- Concluded Egorov, again putting the binoculars.- And a strange box drag!Glass or what?What the box something?I do not understand!

Along with elk down the ladder some lanky, blond Martian dressed not like the others.Behind them appeared four more in the same silver, wide jackets.They carried some large cylinder on the bar and began to promote in it lying at the side of the machine gun at a loss and Polezhaeva Egorova.

Soon orange sandstone stretched the bright green, embroidered with gold track.

When the Martians, puts it, were already quite close to them involved laying carpet, Egorov and turned away Polezhaev gun aside and covered it with some cloth tucked under the arm, then got up to meet them, ready to mutual greeting.Martians busily walked past them, hyped track until the body interplanetary apparatus, leaning to him rolled-up residue and left on the sand without stepping on her, not even paying any attention to them, as if they had never existed.

Following toward interplanetary ship laid on the track moved slowly, as if it was hard to bear, the procession of the Martians in black cloaks bareheaded in the sun with a sparkling box.

Behind them, his head bowed, slowly walked Moose.Next to him was someone.

When the procession approached, machine guarding the interplanetary saw that in a box on a snow-white bed is being blinding.Court of features and figure out it was a female.

Transparent sparkling in the sun box set at the end of the track.Martians in black coats stood around.


-Hello, Mstislav Sergeevich!- Greeted Egorov commander when he walked behind him, and looked at with interest approached near him blond, tall Martian, which was a bit strange, some discernible human, even familiar, seemingly features.- What is it happening?Who is in the box is?

-Hello, Sergey!This is my Aelita!She sleeps!- Said he once squandered.

-And why is that?- Polezhaev surprised, too, with interest looking at the head of the expedition accompanied Martian.

-Because her dream - the eternal!- Mysteriously, still thoughtfully and somehow even displeased if his distract from some important process, said Elk, not taking his eyes off the sarcophagus.

A-ah - handed Polezhaev like something understood, but ask nothing more did not.


It turned out that the sarcophagus does not pass entirely through the hatch interplanetary ship, and Martians in black cloaks stripped him of the top cover of the diamond window to bring it first.

Elk bent over his beautiful lover.So close, he did not approach her for many years.It seemed that Aelita just sleeping and about to wake up.Gray hair flowed to her snow-white pillow.He bent low over her and remained so for a long time, staring at her features, as if trying to penetrate them, in their essence, trying to understand what that still hidden in them so that does not leave his mind all these years, and no loneliness, no separation could not erase that image from his mind.Elk knew that Aelita does not wake up.However, he could not restrain himself at this moment close to her beautiful face and did what so sweet, so painful, so infinitely long dreamed of all those years of anguish and slow languor he's hot, tender and at the same time passionately kissed endlessly in her slightly parted lips.


Kiss, though not older than thirty seconds, in another dimension lasted so long, so endlessly, that turned into copulation.Their bodies became one, and Los already in the dimension did not know where his body ends and where it begins.Through pursed lips to kiss it all infinitely long time some mysterious life force coursing through both of them, like the life-giving lightning discharges beneficial, and they both, as a whole, more fulfilled life fragrance, which oozed, streamed to their members and love juice eternity, both in a single vessel ...


Around all gasped.

It was the sound of surprise and horror at the miracle.

Aelita opened her eyes, as if just slept the night, and behold, in the morning, woke her lover from their sleep for their gentle kiss.

-Aelita!- Said, pulling back slightly in some surprise and joy burgeoning, Moose.And in that sound ripped from his chest, was everything one could talk endlessly long.This word has gone in his life, a life in misery, loneliness and waiting, living in hope and faith.It could read something like Beach and cherished it in your heart to love all these years as a carrying her through the years, through all the distance between them, he believed most lurking somewhere in his heart at their imminent meeting in that it may again see those dearest to him in the world eyes, which lurked in the depths of quiet, intimate and joyful his happiness, the happiness that can not be measured by time or distance, nor any measure known in the world, the happiness that hundredth of a second in his power and eternity identically execution purpose of his life in this world, that happiness which makes meaningless any further sense of being.


-My husband, my beloved!Is this you?- Aelita reached for him, standing with snow-white bed.

He passionately and joyfully embraced her and kissed her again.Tears of joy, tears of joy streaming down his cheeks two unstoppable streams irrigating the meaning of his life.

His flight to Mars, his pursuit of the goal, and if destined, his life, this has been completed.


Gusev was finishing the last captured interplanetary apparatus with a cigarette, thinking about the vicissitudes of life.

Overboard vyuzhilo and strongly swept prickly needles ice powder, so go the fierce cold, not hungry, but I had to go check the guards.

Since Tar flew with elk, it now sat down and check with the additional load from the Martian rebels.Gusev was surprised to find that it weighed on him, and he hesitated to leave a warm and cozy cabin.As if to justify its delay for some reason he is now again studied polar station diagram drawn by Tarom, and made her some meaningless marks in red pencil.

However, about a cigarette Gusev not worried.He was sure that very soon sent them on a mission to make Fedoulov Elk calculated maneuver and put him interplanetary unit near the polar station.Left to wait quite a bit.There was a box of cigarettes - a year's supply for the whole crew.

"Here - Gusev thought with pleasure - as soon as I will be at the disposal of interplanetary apparatus, I Tuskub differently'll talk!Now due to the lack of a transport, I do depend on the magnetic field that radiates station.But when will the device, then all - Amba Tuskub and this flying diamond lump!I'm right here skyrocket on the machine and look the part, then fly all to hell!Skiles little pity.Because people - not Martian, what, but there too, along with them go!I told him - fly away! .. "

Small screen in the cabin suddenly lit up, and on it's face appeared Skiles.

Good afternoon, Mr. Gusev - friendly Skiles said.

Hi, Archibald!- Gusev even saw at Skiles jaw dropped in surprise: he apparently could not remember when he allowed himself to so refer to it.But remember Gusev - never.- Why is there to worry about?!

-Yes, that's, like to congratulate you on winning - Skiles said.

-It's the same with what?

Well, how? ..Moose got Aelita.Now he will send it back to Earth ...

-But is it a victory for me?- Gusev grinned.- For me it is - my personal life companion Elk ...

-But you were ready to blow up the station!

Yes!- Lied Gusev.- But just for the sake of the Elk!Station I still blow - Gusev did not notice how slip, because they promised Tuskub not blow it!- But if not given Tuskub Elk entu his Martian Babu ...

-Aelita - corrected Skiles.

Well, yes, Aelita!- Los agreed.- Beautiful, an infection, but a woman - a woman has even Martian - some trouble and disturbance revolution! ..So, if you would not put Tuskub Elk Aelita, I'd pulled before!

-Wait a minute, Mr. Gusev - caught him at his word Skiles, Gusev and then realized that blundered.- You promised to return Aelita returning Mr. Elk leave the polar station.It turns out that you can not trust?

Ah, yes, - corrected himself Gusev - conspiracy to blame!Of course, all this will happen ...

Skiles hesitated and was silent for a while, pondering something.

-And I want to offer you, Mr. Gusev noted your victory!

-Yes, what a victory!No, thanks for the offer, but thank you!Matters!- He wanted to say goodbye and pay off the screen, as the already delayed checking guards.

-In fact, why not?- Do not let Skiles.- Remember my great whiskey!It is like you!We are now almost no enemies!It seems to be all issues resolved, arrangements have been made!Come on, Mr. Gusev!

Gusev thought that if he dealt proudly, then Skiles suspect wrong, and this could jeopardize the implementation of his plan.Besides, he blurted out, and now it was necessary to show that it really is just a reservation.Yes and whiskey at Skiles that was really necessary.And tobacco!

-Well, I agree!- Gusev depicted indulgence.

Then I will fly, Mr. Gusev!

But-!- Gusev raised his index finger.- Only one ship!


This time Gusev and not go check posts.He decided to outsource it Tsatsule and world: "Let the train guys delve into the army deal!"

Faced with a flying ship Skiles, Gusev took him to their headquarters.He as always wrapped in a long fur collar from freezing cold and prickly circling eddies ice grits.

They sat opposite each other at the table.Gusev turned and removed from the eye diagram of the station, took out a stack, asked him to bring to eat.

At this time, for some reason he was sure that nothing is blended whiskey, besides Skiles drank with him on a par.

-I am really scared, Mr. Gusev - American confessed to him when dinner was in full swing.

-What is it?- Gusev surprised even stopped eating.

Well, you said that still blow up the station.This disturbed me greatly!

Well, what are you, Archibald!- With the last call Gusev took too familiar manner with him and now continued in the same vein.- I gave my word that if Tuskub give Elk

Aelita, then we go!

But why?- Do not let Skiles.

-Why what?- Gusev did not understand.

Why are you suddenly there was such a dramatic change?

Do not you understand? ..

Well, you were so adamant, and suddenly ...

Suddenly, what?- Gusev tried to understand how his gaffe sowed the seed of doubt in the opponent.

Now he tried his best to show that fear and Skiles Tuskub nothing more that he's just been waiting for when he returns Elk, and together they leave the station.He too familiar, brought drank whiskey, showing its confidence in the guest strongly portrayed-shirt guy.But Skiles hesitated, and Gusev all considering how to make now in order to calm down.

Suddenly, you become so agreeable that went into such a stupid move!Exchange ace of trumps at the lady!This is not your style!- Skiles said.- I am well you learned over the years, Mr. Gusev.And I understand very well that you are driving some double play ...

In the words of American felt some veiled threat.But Gusev could not understand now that the enemy started.Of course, the myth that he is willing to give its strategic superiority over the enemy in order to Elk found peace of mind, was hlipkovat.They could spend unless simpleton.And as Gusev gave fooled by convincing themselves that Tuskub Skiles and believed in it.Hlipkovat too was a myth.

Now Gusev pondered what could take the enemy, if he did not buy the drawing!But maybe, after all, bought?Maybe it's just a doubt Skiles, who were born here just when he blurted!It is necessary then to convince him that it is sheer reservation!And if that's their plan - to pretend that they believed Gusev? ..Then he just had to urgently develop a new solution.The most important thing was - to gain time.After Fedoulov was about to fly to interplanetary apparatus ...

Skiles continued slowly supper, occasionally glancing at the master of the situation and reasoning:

Well, in fact, Mr. Gusev!After all, our agreement on your part - just a gentleman's agreement, is not it?And you are not a gentleman!We fulfilled our part of the contract - gave Mr. Elk Aelita!And you?You have not lost anything!Incidentally, Aelita - Tuskub only daughter, and he, believe me, it was hard to take such a decision ...

Gusev squinted listened attentively opponent, trying uglyadet motivated all this talk:

-I do not understand, Archibald, what you mean?- He was already disgusted even too familiar with American, but he was forced to continue to do it, to not to show changes in their mood.

-Well, what?- Explains the American gesturing with a silver knife and fork and continuing feast.- That Mr. Moose back, and you say, "I changed my mind?" And that we do then?

Well, Moose is back on your ship!In fact - he's your prisoner!

-So what?

-Like what?This is a strong argument to make me leave the polar station!- Stiffened Gusev.

-I agree!Knowing how you cherish the friendship with Mr. Elk - because you risked their lives to rescue him from Mr. Krabs, - I have no doubt that this is a powerful argument!- Skiles poured him another drink.At this moment, Gusev seemed that, in fact, complete nonsense to Skiles doubted.They clinked glasses and he gladly threw another pile accelerates blood from staying stagnant in terms of infinite pyatidesyatigradusnogo frost whiskey.- But I know something else!-

Gusev alert, listening to the words of the guest, but I noticed that the reaction it has become much worse from a lot of drinking alcohol.- I know - went too drunk, Skiles - that if you needed an Elk to fly to Mars.You needed a revolution on Mars, and without Mr. Elk your dreams would burst like a bubble!Then when you rescues him, exported from America, you risk not only for the sake of your friend Elk, but more for the sake of Elk engineer, and thus for the sake of your dreams!Today you landed on Mars, and sit at the polar station, mined it and holding your finger on the shutter button remote control explosion.Today you - strategic location.Tuskub blow it this time.He could not imagine that the rebels will be able to capture the polar station!No you would not have been able to!Today you're on top of your revolution.Press and half done - you understand it perfectly!And please tell me, do you really desperate fighter, matured in countless battles, can not sacrifice your friendship with Elk victory for the cause of your revolution.The Moor has done his work, the Moor can go ...

Skiles talked quietly and went to have a snack, but Gusev instinctively unbuttoned under the table and touched the revolver holster in a pocket radio remote control explosive device.

-I still do not understand, Archibald!Where you're going!

-What is there to understand!- Skiles looked at the clock, counting something.- I do not believe you!And the fact that you made a reservation or let slip - call it what you want - I do not care - another proof!I said no wonder that you too well know, Mr. Gusev!If on one side of the scales to put your life Mr. Moose, and the other - your proletarian revolution as you think, Mr. Gusev, which outweigh?

Gusev was silent, wondering what to do next.Drunk alcohol in the way.It was necessary to act immediately.But Skiles shoot - the first thing that came to mind - was not an option.We had to take something else.Mark Skiles hostage?Unlikely to Tuskub Skiles is of any value.Then what? ..

In the cabin door knock.

-Come in!- Ordered Gusev, glad that it's probably Tsatsulya Worlds and came up with a report after checking posts.

But no one came.Knock on the door again.

Yes the same sign!- Gusev lit fury jumped to the door and opened it, intending to teach the great joker: first one did not allow himself such liberties!

For open door stood a few soldiers in silver jackets and wide egg-shaped helmets.

The unexpectedness of Gusev recoiled and wanted to grab his revolver from its holster, but suddenly all around darkened and he collapsed on the floor next to the table, behind which sat quietly Skiles, striking a electric lighter.Gusev twisted until he explained it:

-You see, Mr. Gusev, I also have a little secrets!Pleasing to me, you are not afraid to drink whiskey, though it might be poisoned.Whiskey does not intoxicated, but it contains one substance which is activated in the human body at the slightest electrical discharge and temporarily causes fainting, loss of consciousness and paralysis!Unfortunately, I had to use it, Mr. Gusev.I really respect you because you learn how to deal with the enemy.I hope that you will appreciate me as a good student!


Tuskub paced around his huge pyramidal cabinet at the top Tasotsera, nervous, and kept looking at his watch.It has been three hours as they developed Skiles started an operation to capture the polar station, and from there was not any news yet.Downstairs, the station would now be anything but Tuskub hoped that the developments according to their plan.If all goes wrong, perhaps very soon heard an explosion, and Tasotser would have collapsed down, and more ...

But the minute-by-minute, nothing happened, and it tormented him uncertainty and uncertainty.

Gusev Tuskub knew more of the first arrival, and therefore understood the danger he puts his brainchild.


Granted to him on the eve of Skiles.At this time Tuskub sat and sad about his daughter.He was overcome by the endless longing for dear creature, that he would never see again.

-That's what I think - just posted Magatsitls.- Gusev, first, bluffing when Moose showed you an ultimatum.He would not blow up the station, if you refused to hand over the sarcophagus with Aelita Elk.

-But that would then they have to do?- Tuskub surprised.

-In all this, and it was calculated that you believe in the seriousness of their intentions!

Why did not you say it then?- Tuskub surprised.

-I guess this now to reach this judgment it took me quite a long analysis ... Besides, there is no guarantee it would be really!

Yes, it is a pity that far orangery.If she was there, the trick them failed!He sees through everything!

Skiles figured he was talking about, and from the memories of his reason shuddered.

What else?- Asked Tuskub, intending to complete an audience.

-Secondly, - Skiles continued as if he had not heard the question - I think that Gusev not leave the station.

-Why?- Frowned old Martian.

-Yes, because Gusev - a born fighter.All his life he fought with someone for the idea.But even if I did not have any idea, he would have found that for the fight!His credo - war!He even flew to Mars to fight.The fact that he managed to capture the polar station - a winning strategic position.While at it, he keeps the throat of the ruler of the planet, and hence the entire planet.Is not it a cherished dream of ruling class who hates and wants to sway workers?And do you think that he voluntarily, even for some very important reason, for example, an agreement with you, will relinquish its dominant strategic position?No way!

-What about the contract?- Amazed Tuskub annoyed.

-He wanted to spit on the contracts!Besides, I know Mr. Gusev first year.Treachery towards the enemy - it does not matter.In his concept of the enemy does not agree, the enemy deceive and destroy.I can assure you that he already bears any plan to blow up the polar station, and most escape with impunity, to escape death and head up after the death of the ruler of the world labor movement!

But how?- Tuskub surprised.- Tasotser hanging over the polar station, and in the case of her death destroy everything within a radius of less than a thousand miles away!I think it is known Magatsitls Gusev.

-If only I knew how!- Complained Skiles.- I myself Gusev at the polar station like a knife at her throat!But I'm not going to read the tea leaves!I propose to act!Gusev treacherous times, then I suggest ahead of him of treachery!I devised a plan - Skiles pulled out his paper and laid it on the table in front of the Martian ruler.- Today I naproshus on a visit to Gusev about his victory.I'll take one ship, because more - suspicious.Yes, besides, certainly, cautious Gusev not allow me to support.It should be to failure, as far as possible with your best soldiers, some troops who, after landing, when I retire Gusev, rassosredotochatsya and begin to act.We have a defector - of the rebels.A soldier of the guard station.Not to share the fate of his comrades, he agreed to join the rebels.He flew to my ship during a recent visit to negotiate.Defector told where rebels hold General Sergei and those soldiers who did not agree to join the rebels, and their guard.He painted here this detailed layout and change positions at the station, so I know where the rest guard.Using it, we can quickly and silently disarm the guards, and then the whole guard.While I distract Guseva, your soldiers capture station.I mixed in a special substance whiskey and satiated them Gusev.Sparking electrical discharge it paralyzes a person for some time.I myself accept advance antidote on me this stuff will not work.So I'm sure that my plan will succeed and we will take the station.Besides, after the departure of the Elk and Tara, the rebels there are few commanders can effectively organize a solid defense, and the absence of the leader of the rebels play into our hands!

-Why?- Asked Tuskub.

Now, more than half of the rebels - it's your ex-soldiers who defected to the rebels, not from a desire to fight the power, and the choice: either captured or under the gun to the revolutionaries.Many of them, and this confirms the defector, just waiting for a chance to get away - Skiles paused, watching his reaction Tuskub risky proposition.- In general, now and only now, when in the minority Gusev, comfortable and only the right moment to capture a station.

Tuskub sat silently for a long time and fingered his rare gray beard, thinking over a dangerous plan, which, however, promised deliverance from sudden headaches - Gusev with explosives at the polar station.

Well!And in case of failure?- Finally he asked.

Skiles spread his hands apologetically making grimace.

-You understand that in case of failure to happen what will happen in any case, even if nothing is done - Gusev polar station will explode!I assure you, and I know Guseva many years, he will blow it anyway!Sooner or later, but will explode!

Tuskub thought again, weighing his words Skiles.He thought for so long that the American was about to leave, thinking that his proposal rejected.

-Good!- Agreed Tuskub.- It is necessary to develop a detailed plan of operation! ..


A huge screen in the office Tuskub lit.The screen was glad tipsy Skiles.In the background, the soldiers twisted stunned and paralyzed Guseva:

-Operation completed!- Reported Tuskub Skiles pleased with himself.- I took a rebel guard and freed from captivity of your General Sergei!

On the screen next to Skiles appeared haggard and cold captivity old general.Despite his pathetic, he immediately reported:

-The rebels scattered, my commander in chief!Few managed to seize!The station is completely under our control!

Pleasure Tuskub gleefully rubbed his hands:

-Come back with him on Tasotser, Skiles!And you, General, organize protection and defense of the station.I now send to you a new garrison!Set the double guard!Locate and disarm explosives!Give orders to the soldiers to scour the area around the station and destroy all remnants of the rebels!After that, bring the best soldiers and go in pursuit of Aelita and Magatsitls Elk!They flew to the equator, and I can not contact with the commander of the ship!

-Yes, my commander in chief!


Gusev Tsatsulyu World and several insurgents were taken to Tasotser and thrown into solitary confinement in the lower floors of the floating city, close to a million degrees glowing plasma antigravity engine.

Skiles personally saw to them securely locked and guarded vigilantly.Returning through the corridors of the gloomy prison where hardly the place was dim, greenish light, he asked the chief of the prison guards, why there are so stuffy, humid and hot, besides hear some strange hum.

-This is from the engine!- Said he and Skiles held a small porthole in the window, a massive armored door at the end of the prison corridor.

It Skiles saw a huge room, the walls of which were lost somewhere in the shadows.At its center is a rotating giant, dazzling burning, thick ring of plasma.

Skiles understanding warden nodded and walked to the lift cylinder, which on the lower floors of the city were steel with bright white light.

Now, after the elimination of the resistance time to think about his own fate.

Skiles worried cargo shipped on interplanetary spacecraft to the Earth.He just had to think of something and immediately go behind his treasure, and Skiles was considering how to persuade Tuskub that he needed immediately for some time on Earth.However, he hoped to return never to return.


Skiles left silent golden cylinder lift and ended up in the huge office Tuskub.He went through it in the center.Skiles went to him, not knowing how to start a conversation about what he wants to fly now, immediately, back to Earth.

Tuskub noticing it, and went to meet the unexpected, bowed to him and hugged.

-You saved Martian civilization from disaster!- He said.- I am very grateful to you!

Thank you, I'm touched!- Glad Skiles, here on a positive note and this could leave.

But-!- Tuskub took him behind his back and led him under the table.- Not everything is so good!

-What's wrong?- Surprised Skiles.

-General Sergei has already left outside the polar cap and managed to contact the commander of the ship, which was taken Aelita!- Tuskub stopped and paused.

-So what?- Too sympathetic stopped Skiles.In fact, he now wanted only one thing: as soon as possible to leave this planet and be in the world, where he was waiting for a fantastic wealth.

-We missed!Interplanetary apparatus with Aelita started to Earth!But the most striking thing is that before the start, she woke up alive!- In the eyes of the old, wrinkled and Martian tears ran down his blue-purple, with bald patches senile pigment spots cheeks.

How awake?How alive?- Surprised now and Skiles.

-I do not know!Since then, as a planetary system destroyed the screen allow you to get in touch with any point on the planet, contact with objects intersecting the horizon bad and unstable!

-I understand!- Skiles shook his head.- Well, that Moose also fall?

Do not think!- Tuskub nodded.- The commander of the ship on which they went to the equator, had strict orders to deliver back to Magatsitls Tasotser!And he takes it!But this is not the main thing now!

-A what?- Surprised Skiles.

-Aelita!Aelita!- Tuskub Skiles took her breasts, raising his hands.- You will depart after and give me back the princess Tuma.It should not leave the planet!

-Good!- Glad such an eventuality American.- Pursuit, so the chase!


While Polezhaev Egorov and prepared to launch interplanetary apparatus, Aelita and Elk, like children, holding hands, sitting close beside an orange hillock near the launch site, surrounded by a ring of soldiers standing under the hill, and looked into each other's eyes.

He sat in silence, and the silence was more than if they had told each other about their feelings about their love!They sat and did not see anything around.In the whole world, the whole universe, there were only two.And every minute of their meeting was equal to the boundless ocean of infinite bliss.

No one would have heard them say to each other on only two of them understandable language Sight Words:

-You waited, my favorite!I died, my love!Anguish and pain, my love!Pierced heart captive!

-And I, my favorite!Tormented himself, darling!I was waiting for you, my love, through the thousand nights!I grieve, my love!I was dying, my love!But I was looking for, love, look, light in your eyes!

-I without you, my love!Asleep sleep, my love!That forever!And now you're here, my love!And you're with me, my love!And again, I was alive!I am your life, my love!And you - my, my love!And I'm drunk, my love!I am full of thee!

-And I, my favorite!I waited for you, love, my!I believe that we will meet!That's what saved me!It seemed to me, darling!That's all, darling!What's end, a favorite!But you saved me!After all, you were with me!

-You are my life, my love!You sunbeam, my love!You're my pain, my love!You are the light of my eyes!I'm all yours, my love!And I'm with you, my love!And you're with me, my love, a thousand nights!

-In you my soul!You are my life, my love!Found you, my love!Now we are forever!

Do not leave me, sweetheart!I can not live without you, my love!Do not leave me, sweetheart!My beloved spouse!

With you, I love!I am forever a favorite!You forever, my love!We are together forever!


Hour of parting approached so quickly that it seemed nothing had happened.Elk interplanetary apparatus was ready to run.Egorov and Polezhaev charged last belongings.They were serious, but their faces walking shadow happiness: home!

By Elk approached by a Martian in black, large drop-down cape folds down and touched his shoulder, waking him up from this dream reality:

Goodbye!Magatsitls Moose!

He turned as if awoke and looked around in confusion.Now a reality again broke into it, destroying bliss strange, sweet delirium.

Los took Aelita's hand.She rose with orange sand.

-You are going out?- Roused Aelita.

He did not answer.They walked down the hill to the interplanetary unit.Moose was suppressed.

What did you, when you sleep?- He asked to somehow cope with his tears dushivshimi received by his throat.

-I had a dream - a dreamy said Aelita, lost in memory.- He was happy and endless!It was you, we were together, we were happy!I saw the sea!We lived on the bank, and every morning I went down to him and bathed in the azure lagoon with golden sand!I dreamed of your planet, your Taltsetl!We lived on it and were happy!

-Did you see her, Aelita!Earth is beautiful!You will be happy!

-I am happy where you are!Although Tuma Taltsetl though, let it be your planet near the sea or orange sands Tuma - I do not care, just next to you was, the Son of Heaven!

-I will be with you always!

-If the Son of Heaven goes, I go to sleep again this dream!

-Aelita!- Elk turned to her and took her pale blue, skinny, cool hands in his and closed them in the boat, hiding inside.- I'm sending you to Earth!

She stood and looked at him with her lovely, big, gray eyes.

-And you?You, my love?

-I stay! ..

Aelita leaned toward him, trying in this impulse to merge with him, hug him.But he stopped her:

-I promised your father!But I'll fly!Wait for me!I order and taking you with me to no longer leave!

He led her to a young blond Martian.

-This is our son, Tar!- Said Los

Aelita looked at her adult child already.It has changed beyond recognition, stretched, became another.

How long have I been asleep!- She said, looking at his son.

Mama!- Tar ran to her and hugged the Princess of Mars.

Her age, anyway, so it seemed, barely exceeded it.


Polezhaev Egorov and helped Aelita climb hatch machine.Risen in the last unit of Tar.Luke apparatus were about to batten down.

Aelita again appeared in the doorway entrance.Elk waved her hand.In his tears flowed down his cheeks, he could not help.

-Do not leave me, my love!- She held out her hand invitingly.

-Aelita!My love!My life!- He instinctively rushed towards her, but the soldiers in white jackets broad firmly held it.- Fly and wait for me!I'll be right beside you!

Rather, fly, my beloved husband!I can not bear the painful separation for a long time!

-You are strong, my princess Tuma, all you can!Wait for me!I will close soon!

By Elk Martian came in a long black cloak Draped down.

Elk-Magatsitls!- He said.- It's time to say goodbye!- He turned to interplanetary apparatus, which pulled out of his hands to his beloved Aelita.- Princess Tuma!I'm glad your awakening!But it's time!Goodbye!

He made a sweep of the hand facing the mother looks out of Tara: block!

Egorov and Aelita Polezhaev removed from the hatch and began his batten.Soldiers dragged resisting Elk to SPELLJAMMER.

A few minutes later there was a deafening roar from his burnt eggs on all sides spurted clubs gray smoke.Apparatus shivered and pulled up, leaving behind a gray, thick, curly hair post.


Skiles was granted to him in the spacious living room, when behind him were all the same priestess, who had accompanied him from the outset of the society Tuskub.He had just finished breakfast and was thinking now about how quickly he would go after his first inter-planet ship loaded with priceless treasures.All his thoughts were now in the world, and he did not want to stay on Mars more than a minute.

-You will be the supreme ruler of Tuma, Magatsitls Skiles!- They told him, and he immediately went on the streets, spacious corridors Tasotsera to a place where there is a golden cylinder lift.

-This morning, General Sergei delivered to Tasotser Magatsitls Elk!- Told him Tuskub when Skiles came to his desk, standing in the middle pyramid cabinet with a transparent floor of thick diamond under which swam in the greenish water some mysterious creatures.- I made the decision without delay destroy Magatsitls Gusev and all rebels!They are extremely dangerous!What do you think about it, Magatsitls Skiles?

-It's your thing - American shrugged, their thoughts he still has not returned to Earth.

Grimace Tuskub expressed satisfaction with the response.

-As for Magatsitls Elk, then I have some doubts - continued Martian ruler.- I have been told, as I have already told you that my daughter, Aelita, my only daughter, to which I can not not feed parental love, woke up shortly before the start with Tuma on Taltsetl.For this was, as now, after returning General Sergei, I learned touch Magatsitls Elk, or rather his kiss!

-Amazing fact!- Skiles almost did not hear him, and turned a deaf ear, almost all said, reflecting on her.

-Absolutely!- Tuskub got up and began to pace around, continuing something to think and reflect.- The best experts in all fields of knowledge could not do anything to arouse her from this mysterious sleep.Even my patron and adviser with whom you communicate in a greenhouse, had nothing to offer me.Aelita and died, and was not alive.Although her body was here, next to me, she was in a medial world, which is not available neither here nor there, where dwells my patron and to go after all of existence.I honestly did not know what to do and, although not show his grief - my situation does not allow to show weakness - but you can say extremely suffered from the loss of his daughter.So touch, or rather, this is the kiss Magatsitls Elk, which I sincerely hate, believe me, and gladly would have destroyed it with Gusev and all other insurgents, hindering the implementation of my plans, got her from a dream to life.Now my daughter is alive again!

Yes, it's amazing - again agreed to Skiles, still soaring in the clouds, and keeping the conversation only because of its location, which obliged him to do so.In fact, and Elk, and Aelita, and all other interested him less than all, and he only waited able to leave Mars.The crews of both ships survived interplanetary his expedition left on Mars, has been like a week to prepare them for the reverse fly away.Martian volatile ships scurried back and forth, delivering them with a load of boxes.

-So, here's what I think about Magatsitls Elk - Tuskub stopped and picked up his chin, sometimes stroking and squeezing rare gray beard.- It can not be destroyed!

-From what?- Skiles figured surprise.Its starting to annoy that Tuskub lingers with his departure.

-Yes, because it is a guarantee that my daughter would be alive.It is not surprising!- Continued Tuskub.- Yes!Learning that Magatsitls Elk no more, my daughter, Aelita can again indulge in sleep oblivion.I've had enough of this!Besides its wake will have no one!So I'll leave Magatsitls Elk alive!

-Very good!- Agreed to Skiles.

-Oh, nothing good about it!- Tuskub said.- It's an emergency measure!At least by itself, without this Magatsitls Guseva, which does not destroy the spirit of rebellion, Los Magatsitls not dangerous.

-I think so!- Nodded Skiles.He waited impatiently for him to go Tuskub orders in pursuit of Aelita.

-I have the impression that you are not here Magatsitls Skiles!- Suddenly noticed Martian.- I do not like!

Note American caught unawares.He looked up from his thoughts, but did not know what to say ruler Mars.

Tuskub now stood in front of him and stared Burn through heavy look.

-I can fly?- Finally asked Skiles found nothing better than to give their thoughts.

Tuskub silently turned away and began pacing back and forth, staring eyes in transparent diamond floor, where the greenish water splashing vast reservoir, which could be seen floating silhouettes of several mysterious animals.Then he went for his transparent, made of diamond plate table, sat down and stared at Skiles.

The Americans on the back somehow crawl.

-You will return to Taltsetl, find Aelita and return it back to Tumu - Tuskub said after a long meditation.

Of course - confirmed Skiles.

Then, proceed to implement our plan.

Yes, my lord!- Agreed to Skiles, head down.

-You know, I have no confidence that you can do any of this!

-But we agreed!- Skiles said.

Yes, we agree!- Confirmed Tuskub.- But here's a question.Tell me, why do not you break the agreement?

Well, of course!- Skiles began to look for suitable arguments, but the Martian has continued.

-I accidentally became aware that you have deceived me!

-What is?

In fact, this one treated carbon - Tuskub extracted from below the huge, with a soccer ball, a diamond sparkling in its many facets - in your world has turn out great value!This one stole Magatsitls Guseva at his capture!Some simple questioning your assistants who have spent my officers then took me to surprise!It turns out that the pieces of stone that our masters do not even take into treatment, you are valued as a treasure of great value, a fortune!

Well, yes - confirmed Skiles, realizing that exposed.

-But you said that this mineral is also full of you!

I do not lie!- Skiles said.- We on Earth, carbon is really a lot, but in a slightly different form.Perhaps you misunderstood me! ..

-I do not feel sorry for you that carbon Magatsitls Skiles!I have plenty of it!But trust someone who cheated?

But ...

Skiles wanted to protest again, but stopped him with a gesture Tuskub outstretched hand with an open narrow blue-gray hand.

At this time, with a quiet, subtle buzz in the office Tuskub, appeared behind American gold cylinder lift.Someone came out of it and headed in their direction.


-That's who you fly instead, Magatsitls Skiles!- Handed approach towards Tuskub hand.

Skiles turned and saw himself, or rather, an exact replica of his body, which approached and stood beside him.

Who is it?- He was amazed, referring to the Martian ruler.

-My scientists have grown this creature from the cells of your seed!- Tuskub explained.

-But why?- Surprised Skiles.- And how is this possible?

Why?- Asked Tuskub.- My patron told me to do it immediately after your first meeting with him.Unlike me, he does not need insight to look into your thoughts.And how is this possible?I decided to use my last development scientists and engineers.Vestal, who were constantly with you, provided us access to your body, my patron during your communication in the greenhouse was an accurate impression of your consciousness.And then - it's not so hard with our engineering achievements, in effect you could make.We raised your body and put your mind to it, removing from it all too much, that will interfere with the job.Such copies of your body I can make at least a hundred, a thousand!Unlike you, this creature is completely controlled by me and do all that I'll have him!I have not given it a name, but he must also be Skiles!Eventually, your crew should not notice the substitution!

-But what about our agreement?- Skiles screamed, realizing that his fate is also solved.

-I only had the time!- Tuskub said.

By Skiles behind two soldiers rushed in silver jackets released from the elevator with his copy, and caught him, and wrung his hands.Martian in a black cloak, drop down to the floor folds, approached him, and, pointing a gun, said:

-Follow me Magatsitls Skiles!You no longer need it!- He pulled out of the ear ball Aelita, and now Americans began to hear only the chirping bird alien speech.


In the chamber where pushed Skiles was dark.Door leading into the corridor, closed, swallowing the last reflections, accelerates gloom.

Who is it?- Heard a voice in the darkness, and Skiles learned Gusev.He said nothing, but his voice asked already somewhere.- Who is it, I ask?

-Is that me?- Skiles said in English.

A-ah!Contra!- Rejoiced in the dark voice Gusev.- And did you get here!

Gusev groped in the darkness Skiles, grabbed him by the collar and apparently swung:

-Here I am to you now, contraception, embedding!For all the answers!

-Wait!- Threw him an American.- Tuskub wants to destroy you!

-Afraid pelt sales, strong proletarian fist!- Shouted Gusev.

-Wait!- There was another voice in the dark.It was Moose.- Deal with it you always have time!Need to find out what he knows.Besides, if Skiles threw us into the camera, then put absolutely rubbish!

Yes, yes, - rattled fearfully Skiles - Tuskub wants to destroy all rebel and Gusev! ..

Well, now I'm going to ask you, you bastard!- Do not let Gusev, dragging in the dark collar American.Apparently, someone was holding his other arm, making it difficult to hit.- Yes, let's you!To say!- He called someone.- I did not care Prishib!

-Alexei Ivanovich!- The voice said Elk, apparently, he's holding his hand, not giving to attach to Skiles.- It's always plenty of time!Cool It!We must do something!Tsatsulya!Worlds!Help!

Yes, release my hands, telling you for the last time!- Shouted Gusev.

Romp in the dark chamber continued for some time, until, finally, came to the rescue to help Elk Tsatsulya Worlds and not torn Gusev that Skiles.

-Quiet, Alexey!Easy!Pull yourself together!- Continued to comfort him Moose.- Come learn everything first!Mr. Skiles!- He turned from darkness to zabivshemusya fear in the American angle.- Tell us what you know!I give you my word that Gusev more you will not touch!


After the story Skiles, who finally departed from fright and put everything he knew, there was silence in the chamber, which was heard only tense sniff.

Yes!Tuskub all obegoril!- Finally said, Tsatsulya.- Skiles even out how!Fyuit - and Kings!And all in the flow!

-Well, what did you want something?- Heard the voice of the Worlds.- To us he was sorry?Well we wanted to blow it up!

-Fedoulov should fly up!- Gusev said.- On it I have one last reliable.Could have figured out what to do it!

-And what sense?!- Reasoned Tsatsulya.- Polar station certainly cleared and taken under protection!Nothing Fedoulov one will do!

Why one?- Do not let Gusev.- With him fly Vasiliev and Bulls!

Well, and that three of them against the whole garrison!- Replied Tsatsulya.- Remember.As we stormed the station!So on our side was a surprise, and we had a number of o-ho-ho!And what do the three of them?Nothing!

-Yeah, - agreed Gusev.- Situation!But still!We must act!

How?- Do not let Tsatsulya.

-Blow up, disable the engine of this thing!After all, it can be damaged!- Reasoned Gusev.- Throw him in anything, so it stuck!

-Until he still get it!- Said of the Worlds.

-Throw him something useless!- Allowed to observe Skiles, a little bolder.- Ring Around him the plasma temperature of millions of degrees.All that will be thrown, only to join the plasma.And get to it - at the end of the corridor door!There, by the way, the soldiers dumped trash and sentenced to death!

After Skiles notes in the dark chamber was quiet for a long time.Apparently, all, including himself suddenly realized that they were on the edge of destruction.

-Anyway!- Suddenly heard the voice of Gusev.- There must be a way to seize control of this thing and send it down to the polar station!When we begin to withdraw, to throw in the door, it is necessary to take off all the time, to deal with security, acquire weapons, to find out where the management and there!Nothing, not even a song sung!Bullet - a fool, and I fools!I'm given, Mstislav Sergeevich!I do not give up, guys!I do not give up!


The evening of 15 March 19 ... years in the spacious office at the villa Mr. Krabs phone rang.At this time, he just hosted found in the Pacific Ocean on the liferafts members Martian expedition, sent to Earth Skiles.

Command interplanetary apparatus, the pilot of the British Air Force, retired, Captain Steve, occasionally promachivaya throat expensive champagne, talked about the wonders he had seen on Mars.

In the study, despite its huge size, it closely.Gathered around reporters, photographers are the most prestigious publications, which was bought for unbelievable money at Mr. Krabs right to attend this evening.Chroniclers of the most famous film companies have placed their cameras and tripods shot hit one of them a pretty penny movie.


Mr. Krabs was pleased and was in good spirits, despite the fact that the interplanetary ship, which returned to the expedition members, sank somewhere in the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean.However Krabs expected to find him and raise, arguing that if he was able to carry out a mission to Mars, that is a matter for him - a mere trifle.He has already ordered to send to the square of which was obtained by signal "SOS" from members of the expedition landed, a fleet of ships with sonar that they scour the ocean floor, meter by meter, and therefore thought that the call disturbs him about it.

Servant brought Mr. Krabs phone.

"Probably already found it!- He thought.- Now selling reporters another pleasant sensation! "

-Yes, Mr. Krabs at the device - he said into the phone.

-Hello, Mr. Krabs!- A voice on the other end.- Are you concerned about the chief astronomical observatory, which you are instructed to monitor the Mars ...

Yes, and what?- Krabs asked excitedly.He was already set up to take an avalanche of good news that will surely now have to fall down like a cornucopia.

Mr. Krabs, - said the voice.- At the north pole of Mars seen some extremely bright and powerful flash ...

What do you mean unusually?- Asked Krabs already begun to lose interest in the news, because it did not promise any sensation.

-Actually, a fair comment, because on Mars, in general, has never before been seen a single flash for the entire period of observation ...

-I do not understand, Mr. ... uh, how you got there? ..

-Tipson ...

-That's it, Mr. Tipson!I do not understand why you are bothering me?

-But the outbreak was extraordinary brightness and, hence, power and strength.

-How?- Asked Krabs.- Maybe it's a large meteorite?

-Maybe ... But then it should be very close!

-How?- Asked again Krabs.

Well, just monstrous!

-Okay, Mr. Tipson!Understand there with this meteorite and then report back to me!Now, I ask you not to distract me more!I have an important scientific conference with members returning from Mars expedition Mr. Skiles!

-Excuse me, sir.

Krabs hung up and again plunged into the atmosphere of triumph and sensation.


Once monolithic cell door slid up against the wall, opening the way to the hallway, Gusev rushed headlong down flat in the bottom of the resulting gap.Behind him rushed Worlds and Tsatsulya.The guards, who had not expected such pressure, confused, and the prisoners escaped from the chamber at once killed them ruthlessly crushing right and left without mercy and parse their fists.

Leaving one Gusev made him unlock the camera with the rebels and let them all out into the corridor.Captives were armed, taking weapons from a broken protection.Gusev returned to the chamber in which they were held.

Mstislav-Sergeyevich!Are you going?- He turned to squatting Elk.

Yes, yes, of course!- He recovered himself from his reverie, became, wiping the back wall, and went into the corridor.

-And you, Mr. Skiles?- Asked Gusev.The tone of his treatment was not friendly, but it sounded kind of truth to which it was impossible not to listen: to stay here meant certain death.

Skiles said nothing, but only slightly hesitated, followed elk.In fact, his high hopes on the fabulous riches burst like a soap bubble, and no matter how sulfur now seemed really go with the rebels was better than being thrown through the door at the end of the corridor in the ring of hot plasma.


Gusev was merciless.He had not ado with the enemy, but now, when it took over the top and captured, fought with such fury, which did not remember from the time of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War.

Crushing prison guards, the rebels moved to the elevators, opening the way for all the new cameras and freeing all prisoners indiscriminately.Most of the released prisoners immediately entered into a bloodbath on the side of the revolutionaries.Tangle of battle rolled through the corridors.

Gusev managed to seize some Martian in a black cloak.

Where is the control center of the edifice?- He asked.- Who controls Tasotserom?

Tasotserom-manages the supreme ruler of Tuma, - said the frightened captain.

How?- Yelled Gusev.- How does he do it?

-He gives the team mental animals, Chuan, who live in the basin under his cabinet, and those parameters change flight! ..

How?- Shook his Gusev.

-I do not know!- Martian trembled with fear.

Gusev furiously threw prisoner clenched fist, which he clutched his throat so that he felt the crunch of his bones.

-Come on!- He shouted, trying to drown the roar of battle grinder.- Selected on the flight deck.We must seize the flying ship!


On deck, the real battle broke out.Now with the rebels joined them prisoners were so many that they are armed with weapons captured from the soldiers, crushing forces Tuskub.Soon they were able to take possession of several volatile ships.

Soldiers rolled somewhere catapults and started firing at the rebels fireballs.From captured ships rebels meet oncoming barrage of sizzling balls.Everywhere there was fire, cries, screams, groans, explosions.

Dragging Elk Gusev ran headlong to the captured ship Tsatsuley and the World.Near fireball exploded and burned his hand as if boiling water.

A contagion!- Gusev grabbed the wounded place.- Climb inside, Mstislav Sergeevich!- He nodded at deflated on the flight deck gangway flying ship.

-And you?- Elk asked, crouching and climbing the ladder.Behind Elk silently as a shadow, crept Skiles also trying to escape from the debris flying around, sparks, pieces of skin, bullets, fireballs all sorts of calibers.

-I need to catch someone who will open the hatches!We need to fly out of here!

Gusev rushed back to itself and formed the front line, taking with him a few volunteers, rushed headlong on the position of the troops.Soon to be seen as he wielded it with fists, smashing right and left, Pal from his revolver and crushing resistance receding from him in horror Tuskub soldiers.Capturing some Martian in a black cloak, Gusev, firing, dragged him by the neck through empty space to their positions.Volunteers who walked with him to the attack, noting retreat also moved back, down from its ranks more fighters.

A minute later Gusev interrogated captured officer in a flying ship, causing it to open the hatches.


For the past few days have passed, as implemented Fedoulov flight calculated elk, and now watched through binoculars polar station, not knowing where did he go Gusev, Moose and others rebels.Through binoculars, it was clear that at the polar station are regular troops.Could be no doubt: the white wide jacket, black cloaks - he already knew this uniform.

When the machine down on the downlink, it ahead of time for the calculation of some hit the surface, then some time if time on it, squeaking loudly, and when a strange noise stopped, dropped a few tens of seconds down, and then hit the damper and bounced several times.

Fedoulov out of the eggs out, but could not see in the pitch darkness of the night.It was so cold that his gloves glued to the skin of the machine, and he climbed back.And in the morning he began to understand the reason for this strange descent: head over to the horizon hung some huge, fantastic pyramid, its gleaming polished bottom and sides to it visible in the rays of rolling low over the southern edges of the sky the sun.Somewhere in the north could be seen under her white domes of the polar station, and it seemed that this machine is about to crush them

Long he and his comrades, Vasiliev and Bulls, open-mouthed, staring at an amazing sight when he got out of the unit to warm frost, from which the spiral breath.

-What is it?- They asked him.

-I do not know - shoulders shook Fedoulov - when I flew, it was not ...

-And where Gusev?Where engineer Los?

-I have no idea - instead of scratching his neck from behind fur hat Fedoulov - had to grab the polar station, but there is still the government troops.We'll wait ...

How much?- Interested in neg shivering comrades.

-While we did not find - posted Fedoulov.


Yes, at least someone!Climb back inside!It's warm and provisions have!


Fedulova, Vasilyeva and Bykov awakened by a strong roar rising up from the outside, even through a thick casing of the machine.Otdrait they hatch.

On the reverse side of them were visible openings, scooted out, one after another volatile imposed ships, fireballs, some debris, poured thick black smoke as from a chimney.High in the sky silver balls exploded, turning into bright pink flash.Some ships were burning.Others were already falling down, falling apart into pieces.They were replaced by others from flying pyramid.The air had been created some commotion.

-There he is, Gusev!- Fedoulov guessed by looking at aerial slaughter, in which nothing could be distinguished.

One of the ships separated from the air battle and walked toward them.

-Oh!- Pointed a finger at him Fedoulov.- Seem to have noticed!Detachment!In the gun!Vasiliev, prepare a machine gun!

A minute later the silver ship landed near the machine.The crew met him through the sights of weapons, but when popped out of breath Gusev, all happily rushed to meet him.

The once-hugging!- Gusev shouted, choking frost.- See what's going on!- He pointed to the sky behind him, where the background of the fantastic, dangling in the air pyramid grow stronger aerial battle.Now the sky was filled with fire like glittered silver balls endlessly clapping breaks rained down burning debris and dying skeletons flying ships.- Fedoulov!Well done, that done the job, drove the machine!He need us now!In the apparatus, the crew!

The ladder from the ship escaped disheveled and lost engineer Los.It seemed that the battle woke him from a peaceful sleep, and now he could not understand where he found himself.He rushed to Gusev.

-Alexei Ivanovich!What are you going to do?- He cried, looking like he hastens to climb Fedulova hatch, patting his back.

-You picture "Pompeii" saw Mstislav Sergeevich?- Asked Gusev, has himself down into the machine.

-No-no!- Moose replied, puzzled, remembering something.

-Well, now you'll see!- Gusev wanted to shut the hatch, but paused for a moment.- I'll be rammed station Mstislav Sergeevich!I advise you to fly away!However, after a couple of minutes field disappears, so fly, you probably should not!I would advise you to take cover, but do not even know where ...

-But why?- Los reached out, as if trying to reason with him.- Alexey!Why?

Mstislav-Sergeyevich!See what's going on!This is the only chance to save the Martian revolution!Another ten minutes and we were all slaughtered to edrene-hairdryer! ..

-But, Alexei Ivanovich! ..

-I know, Mstislav Sergeevich!I want to live!I also want!I love life, Mstislav Sergeevich!You know!Maybe more love than anyone else!But what to do?I have no choice!And if you want, let's go with me!Who knows, maybe utseleem in egg, eh?If you stay alive, Mstislav Sergeevich, Maschke my greetings and bow, and all comrades and pass Gusev fallen hero's death in the name of the future free of the Soviet Mars!


The next day, after a phone call from the observatory at the villa Mr. Krabs one of the famous American tabloids published on the last page a small note under the heading "Curiosity and incident":

"According to the observatory, leading watching the planet Mars, yesterday on its surface was recorded unusually bright and powerful flash, which occurred near the North Pole.Scientists believe that this was the result of falling on the surface of the planet giant meteorite!At the point of impact, which came on the polar ice cap, a noticeable dark spot became a consequence of melting polar ice from the heat of the explosion.Court of its scale melting occurred over a radius of more than five hundred kilometers!Observations of the red planet continues! "


Aelita looked at the sea.It was reflected in her huge gray-ashen eyes, causing their pupils played a little sparkle sun glare.Warm rays of the unfamiliar bright and large sun nicely warmed her body under a light dress of unusual material.

Waves gently lapped at her feet, and she stared at sea foam, hissing, bubbling, disappearing among the gray pebble beach.

Sit was unusually hard.Earth is such a huge and massive dragged to his much stronger than her native Tuma.But it was worth it, this severity.In the end, it could be used to.And this fabulous, filled with colors the world around was just amazing!Emerald foliage vast forests, the vast blue sky, azure sea!Chirping birds, scurrying around ants nibbled lightly at her fingertips when clear water lapping on them for some time, small fish, squirrel, later with pine near her stranded on its hind legs and gnaws cone, while observing her black beads their eyes, the people there, there is also squatting on pebbles and watching enchanting symphony of the sea!

"How?- Aelita thought.- How was it possible to leave this amazing planet and fly tens of millions of kilometers away in the darkness, to land on a distant desert orange Tum!Why?For what? "


Along the edge of the water went to a happy young man.He also looked at the sea, sometimes to consider drifting away ships, put a hand to his forehead visor, raised from the ground and threw stones flat and bent down so they jump, bouncing off the surface of the water, as far as possible.Sometimes stone met on his way sloping wave and disappeared there forever, sad bulknuv.Then the young man a little angry and looking for another flat stone, repeating all over again.His unusual bluish white skin stood out from passing local boys, completely tanned, dark-skinned to brown and purple, and those ogladyvalis and apparently tried to understand where it golubolitsy, strange guy, something discussed among themselves on the move, but moved on without stopping and not too lyubopytnichaya: different people come here and they've seen enough different.

Aelita on too few people paid attention.She was sitting in the big white hat with huge margins, locked it from the sun to his shoulders.Light a white silk blouse covered her hands with their sleeves up to the brushes.Long calico skirt ...

She liked this earthly clothing.She liked it very much, to the furthest horizon, turquoise sea, which did not end there and stretched seemingly endlessly.She liked these amazing dolphins, whose language was a bit like the tongue of the people now a distant Tuma, small groups are sailing and emerges with its movement from the water, as if giving her some idea.She liked the white ships.She loved to swim and sunbathe alone and people groups.She loved couple kissing at all and do not pay any attention to anybody if they were alone in this world.She liked everything on this planet!Aelita was immensely unspeakably happy.Happy as never before!


Tar!Come here, boy!- Called Aelita son.- Are not you tired?- She asked, as he walked over to her and sat down beside the warm pebbles.

No, Mom!

-You know, my son, what do you recommend to refrain from long walks!

Nothing, Mom!- Son trustingly and lovingly clung to her.- It is no longer as difficult as it was in the beginning!

-And then, if you want, we will go into the house, take a break!- She suggested.

No, Mom, thank you!I like the sea!

-Me too, son!- Aelita looked at the azure sparkling with sunlight from the azure horizon.- You know, I never thought I'd see it in reality.I once dreamed of it, a very long time!The sea!And strangely enough, it is my dream so!

For a while they sat in silence and watched the incident on their feet gentle waves.

-Said my mother, that the sea is another!- Tar noticed.

-I heard about it, son!- Said Aelita.- But you know, it's still fine, it's the sea!And I see it the way I dreamed it!I even think it is not a dream?!

-There is not a dream, Mom!But you know what? ..

What, son?

-Everything is so perfect, so good ... But I'm missing one ...

-What are you, son?- Aelita had already guessed.This conversation took place at them almost every day.

-I miss your father!

-I know, my son!Me too ... but I hope that he will soon be with us ...

-You think so?

-I am sure of it, son ...

-But when?

-I do not know, but soon, you'll see ... When he is with us, you'll find that waiting for him quite a bit, and the waiting time becomes only a brief moment, and you will be surprised that so quickly waited ...

-How do you know my mother?

-I know, my son!I know!You only need to wait and wait just believe!And I believe and wait and you'll see, we'll be together soon!

Aelita talked and talked, and barely trickles of tears rolled down her cheeks bluish dripped onto a shingle and merged it with vanishing sea foam.


In the evening, she stared up at the cloudless sky, inverted over it, like a bowl with beads.Flashing lights in the firmament of unfamiliar constellations, but every time she easily found Tumu, which once showed her at her request.She knew her sit and watch the little inconspicuous among other stars planet, which was now her lover.

"How strange!- Aelita thought.- I'm on his planet, and he - on my own!And again we are waiting for each other!And that, apparently, there's some irony "

Tuma rolled across the sky and disappeared, mourners Aelita, and when it was about to disappear again, after she flew quiet, barely audible extraneous ear words: "Where are you, Son of Heaven?"

June 1998 - August 25, 2009


Translated version of the Son of Heaven (Aelita - 2) for printing, all-1.doc

Son H e ba


As the mist rose up in the memory of the past.

Elk at times it seemed that nothing had happened.It's nothing.No mission to Mars or Martians or outer journey, neither her Aelita.Everything was a dream.

A dream of the past.

From her left anything tangible.Once the image.

After the return to Earth took a lot of time.At first, he was counting the days, then weeks, then months.But everything fell into oblivion.Hope for a new flight, still warm it gradually faded.Only enthusiasm Guseva, seething in this man unfading flame, invigorating it with meetings, which were becoming rarer.

Elk managed to create a machine, such as those which flew Martians.They produced three copies useless.Under the conditions of the Earth's gravity, they could hardly get up in the air as well as it did on Mars.Besides, without powerful pole plants, the construction of which for many reasons it was not possible, they were practically useless for anything in the world.Having built three cars, Elk scored this venture and hit rock bottom on the consciousness of utter helplessness of his experience.

What gave this mission to Mars except a brief but violent hype in the press?It's nothing.Only one memory warmed his heart.His name was Aelita.


Meanwhile Gusev continued violent activities.His "Society ..." sought new embodiments assistance Martians.He had even thought about the fact that there happened on Mars since their retreat.Unbridled passion to return to Mars on Earth forced to develop rigorous activity.

However, he noticed that the interest in the Martian theme faded very quickly.Gusev pr Ilagan desperate volitional efforts to revive him, and this struggle, though did not give great results, yet was the element in which he used to live like a fish in water.He fought with bureaucrats, seeking money to build a new spaceship as an enemy on countless fronts.Bureaucrats were afraid of him, but the money is not given, but only as much as possible to avoid meeting him.Gusev but found them again and again and bothered the swinging fists like a sword in battle.

This lesson takes him a lot of time, and he somehow saw less and less of the Elk.But one day, suddenly worried, found him in his lonely apartment unsettled.

-Well, what else is there?- Heard a tired voice behind the door.It was Moose.

He opened.Surprised appearance Gusev.Since then, as they returned, the fate of never drifts Gusev in his lonely home.

It's me, Mstislav Sergeevich, - Gusev unceremoniously burst into the small room.Examined a limited decoration, consisting of a bookshelf, table, stool and iron beds.- Do not expect?

-No waiting - admitted Elk.

-Bored, Mstislav Sergeevich?


-A what?

Yeah so ...

-Yes, I understand you, Mstislav Sergeevich. Time goes by, it is necessary to do something ...

-Throw you!Ileave this venture.To what it is!

-How is it useless? - Surprised Gusev.- I'm here, Mstislav Sergeevich, only do I live this dream.And not only live and fight for it!Happiness because in the fight! So, do not be discouraged ... Frankly, it really does not want to go to Mars?

-I want - after a pause confessed Elk.He suddenly really felt the urge to fly again.Boredom in recent years to seek his life.But suddenly he found himself thinking.- I want to, but I'm afraid.I am afraid that there is all wrong ...

-Yes-ah - Gusev Dogadov Ng alsya that has an elk.- Do not be afraid, Mstislav Sergeevich, whatever it was, it is necessary to fly and we will fly.

-You think so?- Moose suddenly felt that hope is almost extinct in it as a long-forgotten ember fire erupted with renewed force.He asked a question that suddenly gave the answer himself.- And it will fly, I swear, fly!

Of course, - agreed Gusev, delighted enthusiasm tanned again in the eyes of his old friend.This spark he had not seen for a long time, since they returned to Earth.- Of course, fly!Give only time!

Since then, hope blossomed again in Los in full bloom."Where are you, Son of Heaven?" - This issue has become increasingly pop up in his mind."I'm here, I'm here, I'll see you, Aelita!We'll meet again and be together.Nothing can separate us! "

How could he afford to forget about it?What had the right to bury a hope to return?But now nothing will stop him!He will return to Mars to find it!Yes, he's back!

His life flowed fun, lively hope and expectation sweet departure.Faith cheered him, dropped shoulders burden of past years.He seemed younger, become more sociable.

Gusev is now frequently visited him, cheering and otherwise cherishing his hope.His bravery and courage inspired and strengthened hope.Gusev told him how things are going, what he was doing to organize the construction of a new ship.Many difficulties, but he will.They will fly!He can not throw in trouble accidents irresponsible Martians who can not stand up to a handful of oppressors.They will fly and help them.


One day he came and said:

Well, all Mstislav Sergeevich, each vivo Recording succeeded.Tomorrow going to Moscow to sign the paper.A year or two and fly!

-A year or two?- Elk was amazed.

Yeah, maybe before.Things got more complicated.Bureaucrats had multiplied like rats after harvest.But the most important thing done!Already it fly!

With these words, Gusev went to Moscow.


Elk simple and lay at home.Gusev was long gone, the last week or two, as he drove off to sign papers.But Los patiently waiting for him.

In one of these evenings waiting knock at the door.Delighted Elk, forgetting his cold, jumped to the door and opened it, hoping to see bouncy mustache Gusev.

There stood Skiles.Elk taken aback.Its something he did not expect to see on the doorstep of his apartment.

-Hi - Skiles smiled cheerfully, as if they had parted only yesterday.- Do not expect to see me?

No, honestly - Los embarrassed.- Come in, please.

He missed the next visitor.Skiles walked around the room, clicked his tongue, looking around her miserable, austere, almost spartan furniture.

One-live?- He asked in Elk.

One, - answered all Elk also embarrassed.

Skiles sat on a lone stool.Elk flopped on the bed, almost fell, again rushed feeling unwell.

-What do I owe?

-You can get sick?- Asked Skiles instead of answering, ogladyvaya bottles with medicine standing on the rough surface of an old oak table.

-Sick - Los nodded.

-I have come to you in the case ... If you please, could you give me twenty minutes of attention?

-Speak - Elk said, feeling some trick in all that happens.

-You see, you know, I am a journalist - began from afar his uninvited guest.- I was very interested in hearing your stories about Mars ...

But I already told you everything I could - Los shrugged.

-I know - agreed to Skiles.- But this is not enough.I would like a better impression of what he saw.It's mind blowing event - a trip to Mars.Besides, you have opened there life close to the earth's shape.All this is very interesting ...

Ska st ls silent, apparently not knowing how to continue the conversation started.

What interests you?- Moose decided to keep the conversation going.It was clear that just because Skiles would not come.

-I am interested in a new mission to Mars - squeezed,Finally, Skiles.The last phrase was given to him with difficulty.

No, nothing is yet in sight, - shook his head Moose.

Skiles smiled, stood up and crossed the room.Again sat down on the stool.

-You see, I know about trying to organize a new flight Guseva - he started talking again - but, you know, due to the difficulties faced by your country at the moment, he is not far advanced.It may take years before they realized his plan.Have your hands full now republic on earth.So she was not there to Mars and some problems with flies.Whatever you say, it's fun and expensive.

-My Republic - coughed Elk - and then did not feel much wealth in the media,however ...

However, revolutionary fervor, fever, all tested after the coup, manifested itself.Now you have other times: on the ruins that are left over from the past, you are building the future.To do this, you need the real money that your republic is not.So, I can assure you, Gusev returns from Moscow with nothing.He's a good man.But enthusiasm alone will not get far, though his character can be minimized and the mountains.

Skiles paused between them there was an awkward pause.Moose tried to figure out what tends to his companion, but nothing good to come up and could not.

-Are you trying to upset me?- Said he had suddenly Skiles.

-Not at all - American waving his hands.- Believe me, I'm your friend. H euzheli you think I would be able to overcome this distance just to sit in front of you now and try to ruin your mood?

-What did you achieve your visit?- Elk was amazed.

American paused, smiling enigmatically and careful about looking at him,thenasked:

-You want to go to Mars again?

Yes, - Moose could not contain his burning desire.

He suddenly found myself thinking that this question sounds to him a second time in such a short time.

-Well, then - shrugged Skiles.- I suggest you and do it.

He told the Los, that in America there is a small but very influential group of people close to the government and the financial community, which is interested in Mars.They can build a ship, if Moose will give its consent to start work.And if he Elk wish, you can go to Mars again on one of these ships.

-On one of the ships?- Los surprised.

Yes, - nodded Skiles - imagine that starts at the same time not one, but several ships.

-But why?- Los surprised.

Skiles hesitated

-You see, we Americans are very practical people.You understand that all this is not done for fun.You found on Mars is something that is very necessary to our country.And even if there is no life left, we still would like to ask you to help us carry out this mission on the planet.

-So you are not interested in Martians?- Elk was amazed.

Question it sounded like a failure, and Skiles regretted that last words."Inscrutable Russian soul" - he thought to himself.

-You see, - he began again.- It is very good that you have found life there.Even if you have not found it still your flight would be just wonderful.But you found her ...

-So what?- Moose frowned.

-You found more ancient form of life and organized than on Earth, with more ancient history.

Elk excitement began to fill the tobacco pipe.He could not understand that Americans want to find on Mars.And it bothered.

Skiles saw Elk and excitement now pondering how to approach the Elk that he suddenly refused.

Without his consent in America journalist just could not go back.

He also lit up.

-You find there the story, do not you, Mr. Moose?

-What is the story?

-History of the Earth.If you remember, you were talking about migrants from Earth to Mars flown many thousands of years ago.

Yeah, yeah - agreed Elk - descendants of the lost civilization of Atlantis.

-That's it, - nodded Skiles.- Lost civilization.Its existence is still in question for us, the inhabitants of the Earth.And suddenly you find an echo of her stories on distant Mars.This extraordinary, fantastic discovery.No less fantastic than the flight in interstellar space.

-So what?

-So, the people on whose behalf I come to you, they want to fill this gap in the history of the Earth.And as evidence of the existence of Atlantis on our pla n e t e left behind them have to fly to Mars.Can you imagine what a revolution in the science of the history of the Earth and humanity will bring the expedition to Mars?

-Imagine - Los agreed.

-The huge reservoir of knowledge vanished civilization will again become available to mankind.And, take advantage of it, it will take a leap far ahead on the path of progress.People will forget what hunger will be happier ... In the end, if he is not a golden age, which is so dream in your country?

-In our - Elk raised his index finger - in our country, but not in yours.We want to save mankind from exploitation and enslavement, and you ... At the heart of your ideology is the enslavement of some other ...

-Throw you, Moose - waved his words Skiles, like circling around him importunate fly.- What can be enslavement, if we bring a cornucopia of secret Mars?Do you think that after this, it is possible there will be some maintenance ...

Well, since you will find something like this to do - Los interrupted.

Skiles realized that it is necessary to interrupt the conversation.

-Well, - he slapped his hands on his knees.- I leave you with your doubts ... Until tomorrow.Tomorrow I'll come to you again.Agreed?

-Agreed - agreed Elk.

He suddenly realized that this is a real chance to go to Mars, to see Aelita, connect with her.

Dreams suddenly dizzy its bottomless prospect.Between words and Gusev proposal Skiles lay a huge chasm.In the first case, they were together with Gusev hostages will of others, and here ...here everything depended on him, from the Elk.

Tomorrow I'll give you the answer, - said the engineer, seeing the threshold Skiles.

-I hope it will be positive - smiled ingratiatingly American.

Moose left alone.

The evening was filled with heavy reflections."What should I do?" - The eternal Russian question tormented him until late at night.

At midnight, someone knocked on the door.It was Gusev.Wet from the rain, angry, he burst into the apartment of the Elk.

-Bad news - he said from the doorway.

He was terribly upset.Paper is not signed, and he had to return empty-handed to Peter.

-But nothing, nothing - he encouraged himself and Elk.- You'll see, I'll do them.You'll see, we'll fly.

Gusev left.Elk it never told him about the offer Skiles.Why?He did not know what answer to this question.

Rest of the night passed in heavy thought.However, in the morning, he suddenly realized that his hope is that it rekindled Gusev, has now turned into a dream, and the dream is very close to reality when on the doorstep originated Skiles.

Now he's looking forward to the arrival of Skiles.The decision is already ripe in his head.

"Out of the Earth.Towards Mars!Towards Aelita "- he thought excitedly.

He even recovered from that thought.Illness suddenly passed, and he spent the rest of the day, smoking a pipe and continuously paced the room like a prison cell.

"Forward!" - Sang song his heart, winged know a dream come true.

Skiles came at the same time as yesterday.Moose he foundcompletely changed and quite surprised so quick and dramatic change.


In the apartment door engineer sounded cautious knock.Elk knew it Skiles.He was almost glad of the smarmy knock.Headlong he rushed to the door.

Skiles went with a strained expression.All the sleepless night he spent in thought.He was very anxious to obtain the consent of the Elk.The next day was crucial for all his adventurous activities.Solutions from Elk depended much in American life.He played for broke with the idea of a flight to Mars.Return it to cooperate with the consent of the Elk, and he was provided with wealth and honor.Get it failure - his name would be forgotten even in the newspapers and magazines.Thinking about it would not let him sleep all night.

And that's how everything happened.After returning from Mars Los and Gusev Skiles has published a series of remarkable articles.They glorified his name to the whole country, the whole world.Besides Skiles did not fail in their descriptions boast familiarity with elk before departure to Mars.

Articles Skiles had great resonance in the minds of the public.He was riding the wave of success and bask in the glory and luxury.All methods expecting him royal honors.He attended all the speeches Gusev and Elk, and at times from such a huge success felt the euphoria that is incomparable to anything else.If he had flown to Mars and was one of the heroes of the conquest of unknown and inaccessible worlds.

However, it soon became euphoria fade, his fame began to fade suddenly, with her ??as a tree in autumn, the leaves fell.Soon Skiles felt that nobody needs.People were waiting for new entertainment and Skiles was nothing he could offer her.

Interest to the Conquerors of Mars waned.By Skiles too.He suddenly felt the fees it came down sharply.Needed some fresh idea.And Skiles, an experienced journalist, he knew that the wrong sensations nobody is empty, so there was quite willing to achieve fame, success, recognition and wealth.Mingle with others, finding new spaces in foreign limits meant to fall into the crowd, and the chance to get out of her riding some uncharted success was small.This meant only one thing - the death of his brilliant journalistic career.Therefore it was necessary to draw from the well of its gold, which he found in Los and Mars.But what?It seemed that he settled to the bottom, and Skiles spent many weary months, traveling around the world, burning received fees and seeking inspiration in their embezzlement, which was to fill the new well reviver of fame and success.

In the end, when his livelihood suddenly found themselves at the end, he found salvation in a certain gentleman ideas Krabs, very powerful man, with whom he had the good fortune to meet in one of the casinos of Monte Carlo, where the remains of his lost condition.

Mr. Krabs immediately interested in stories about Los Skiles, Mars, Atlantis, the amazing machines.In the end, he invited Skiles to call to his villa near Los Angeles and continued there with him talk about Mars.

Skiles soon realized that Mr. Krabs are interested in the Moose himself.And it would be nice to organize their meeting.In their conversations last Krabs almost gave no hint to understand it, and a little thinking over the situation, enterprising Skiles got down to business straight.

So he mediator.His task is to find the Elk and get the consent of the meet Krabs.He is interested in two questions.

First.What did he get for it.Second.What he should ask from the Elk.

Krabs was also a business man, and he is very satisfied responded to this turn in their conversation.

So.He needs Moose.He needs at least all drawings, calculations and construction technology unit.At best, he needs the consent of the Russian engineer again to fly to Mars and bring out all the secrets and knowledge of Mars.

If Skiles will be able to bring the Elk and get him drawings and calculations that Krabs Skiles pay one million dollars, if the engineer will fly to Mars, Skiles will get five million.

They slapped hands, and went in search of Skiles Elk again lost somewhere in Russia, such alien and inaccessible to Americans.

"Wild Country" - thought Skiles, buying a ticket on a transatlantic ship.Anticipation that it will once again be in a dank Petrograd, his chilly shudder.However, in the pocket was almost empty.Krabs gave no deposit for the transaction, and Skiles went to Russia at your own risk.Like a man possessed, he took up the search for moose, simultaneously collecting all information about Gusev and his attempts to build a new spacecraft.That's why he knew all about the state of the project in Russia and understood that otherwise go to Mars, as on a proposal from him, Skiles, elk can not.

However, he was afraid.

From Russian could expect anything.And Elk Skiles could not refuse for no apparent reason.He had heard about the incomprehensibility of the Russian soul, convinced from experience how difficult and unpredictable to communicate with Russian and expected them to just anything.However, this was probably the only chance to get out, and he hoped struggles that he could persuade the Elk to go to America.

When he found the Elk in his pocket he had a little more than two tickets to New York.

The night ended with heavy thinking oblivion.Waking up in the afternoon, Skiles loaded revolver with one bullet, leaving him in a hotel room.So he outlined crucial evening came.

Either he's leaving tomorrow to America along with elk, or he would not leave there ever.He had nothing to lose.

Ordering in-room coffee with brandy and chocolate, Skiles took courage for something to twist the mirror and headed to Los into the apartment.

He found it in an unusually excited state.Elk from yesterday was gone.Throughout Elk behavior betrayed a desperate resolution.But Skiles knew Russian as it could mean the final "Yes", and the same is inevitable resounding "No".He braced himself as the front fork of fate, one of the roads which led to his death, the other - to fame, wealth and success.Skiles decided to behave as calmly as possible, without betraying his excitement.Frankly, Skiles was at a complete loss to the Elk excited.

Good evening - with difficulty he said.

-Hello, hello - glad Moose said, rushing to it like a drowning man to a lifebuoy.

Skiles suddenly felt prostration, and sat down heavily on a stool.

-So, what's your solution?

-Let's go, let's go, I agree - almost excitedly shouted Elk.

Do Skiles shoulders dropped a heavy burden, and at the same moment he felt back to life.Forces have returned to him, and Skiles felt again on his skate.Excitement over.He pulled himself together and spoke confidently and boldly.

-Well, in that case, tomorrow sail to America.In the morning you will issue documents to travel to the conference.

On the morning of Skiles drove him away, he felt again that it is entitled to spend money recklessly, took it with him.They spent half a day for a visa.Skiles with his usual insinuation quickly found a common language with all of the young Soviet bureaucracy, and in the evening they watched together on the Petrograd side of the steamer, sailing to Stockholm.

Moose was still in high spirits, but looking at the shore floating away sadly.Skiles said his despondency and clapped encouragingly on the shoulder:

-Soon to be on Mars.

-Yes, - agreed absently Elk.

He thought now of Gusev.It was necessary to warn his friend about everything.Although Elk knew it, Gusev unlikely to agree to his intentions.

Shore melted into the fog which blanketed the Baltic coast, and they fell into the cabin.

Elk now sought excuses for his quick fixes.


Yes, he wanted to see her, he wanted to be back on Mars, and what does it matter who help him realize a dream.Even America.While on the other hand, it was a betrayal.Nobody is to blame, that the Soviet republic now has no money for a new interplanetary flight.

Moose became assailed by doubts.He became gloomy.Skiles said it all the way and tried to distract the engineer from his thoughts.

After two weeks of swimming and they were moving in a villa in Krabs.Skiles immediately got your million, and was in a very cheerful mood.

-However, it was about five million - he recalled Krabs.

-But not yet Elk flies to Mars - Krabs said - in fact, and the money you received early.I do not have any machine drawings, calculations or your engineer or building technology.So ask you, dear Mr. Skiles, stay somewhere nearby.First of all I need calculations and drawings Elk second I have personally heard his agreement to cooperate with me in the construction of vehicles, at worst, and at best - to lead a mission to Mars.That's it!After the departure of the expedition you, I can assure you will get the rest of its four million.So far - you owe me.


Skiles got down to business.With renewed vigor, he arranged a meeting with Elk Krabs.However, the first negotiations came to nothing lead.Krabs was too pushy.He insisted that Los immediately signed a contract to build five space ships, and especially pressured consent Elk head interplanetary expedition.

Such pressure from Elk little confused and went in the end, in itself.

Excuse me - but he said - but I came here and so, three nine lands to fly to Mars.

-You see, such a thing: a very large financial investment, and I, as its main funders, do not wish to so costly depended on your whim - said he Krabs - so I ask you, Mr. Moose, do a little formality and sign the contract.

This phrase talks stalled.Moose asked for time to think and let him Krabs, left with nothing.

-You were too assertive - Skiles said, when Moose retired.- With Russian so it is impossible!

I'm afraid I'm too early to pay you money - shrugged Krabs.- That's it.You want to do this with your elk, but I have to be drawings, calculations and construction technology unit tomorrow.Otherwise you have to give me back a million!

Paper will take you the next day, Mr. Krabs - promised Skiles.

-Well, - shrugged Krabs.- The day after tomorrow - the last time!


Skiles began treating Elk.Grim picture of devastation again suddenly loomed in front of him and forced him to go all the tricks for which only he was capable of.Elk and did not notice it all laid out on paper.Skiles figured that doubt, the surprise, the delight, and the following evening a short description of all that he asked Krabs, he had.

He immediately gave all Krabs.

-I think your scientists speculation everything else - tried to instill confidence Krabs Skiles.

Krabs paper examined how people clearly do not understand them.

-Well, Skiles, I will give the paper its engineers.If they say that they do this enough, you will be a million - he agreed.


Meanwhile, Moose was in thought.Doubts about the act increasingly assailed him.Especially this Krabs.Bad character - this happened in his experience.These financial shark.Tears fly."He will not miss" - thought Moose.

At this time it knocked.It was Skiles.

Tomorrow you still have some talks - he said Elk.

-You see, I want to go home - he admitted Elk.

Skiles thought.

-That's strange.But what about Mars?

-I can wait.

-What?- Surprised Skiles.

Bye Gusev will produce funds to build a new ship.I am sure that he will succeed.Let a year.I'll wait.I've waited a long time.I'll wait another.Your Krabs - just an abomination.

-You see, when you have consented to e, I spent quite heavily to bring you here, dear Moose.Now you suddenly declare that refuse to work.Sorry, but I have no money to send you back to Russia.Have some work to do on that person, even if he'll even repulsive.

-Well, - frowned Elk - in this case, I will give Gusev a telegram and he will take me.He's coming for me ...

-You think so?

-I am sure of it!

Skiles was confused.He met with Krabs, who told him that in principle, if Elk obstinate, these documents would be sufficient.

However, it takes a little longer than I expected - he said reproachfully.- So you know that I was not quite satisfied.


Elk still sent a telegram Gusev: "Urgent come I in America."In a new meeting with Skiles he said with all sincerity about this journalist.

-Are you crazy!- Outraged Skiles.

I do not want to work with you - Elk admitted - and I want to go to Russia.

-No you will work ten times slower - pleaded Skiles - at least for me stay.Well, at leastone ship build!

No, - Elk flatly.Perseverance early American Institute ala his dopekat.

-I will give you, I promise money for the trip.And so that you can build your ship in Russia.Just build the ship Krabs!

However, Moose was categorical.

"It is not profitable to let you" - thought Skiles, leaving Elk.He informed the Krabs that Moose is going to escape back to Russia, and he offered to take Elk secluded estate owned Krabs, near Chicago, where moose are unlikely to find at least three Gusev."We'll make it work!" - Outraged Krabs.

The next morning under the guise that it agreed to send to Russia, was taken to the Elk Manor Krabs, where they took custody.Skiles got there a little later:

-You see, Mr. Moose, in America, for every dollar invested to be answered.So while you may not agree to work for Mr. Krabs, you have to stay here.Arte.

-You should not do so, - said Elk - Gusev already knows that I'm in America.He would find me and take, as if you have not hid.

-I doubt - Skiles shook his head.- I advise you to accept the proposal of Mr. Krabs and stop fooling around.

On that they parted.

Returning to Krabs, Skiles knew that he would have to go urgently to Petrograd and prevent Gusev get to America.

-Do what you want, Mr. Skiles - Krabs was visibly annoyed.- Bring as many people, but I do not need hype all over America in this regard.

Shumikha no-no, - assured him Skiles.

- I do not need at all to this crazy sailor, or whatever he appeared here.Do you understand me, Skiles?- Krabs was furious.

The next morning, Skiles moved to New York Yyurk, taking with him a couple of dozen stalwarts of protection Krabs to sail from there to Europe, and then in Petrograd.


Elk meanwhile remorse in prison.He has nine times regretted that he agreed to go to America.Pathetic romance of his soul!Hurry love!How could he let himself be used as these Americans!

But there was nothing.But wait, when Gusev come for him.He believed that Gusev able to rescue him from captivity, and waited for him as a god.

Skiles did not appear, but now some other people regularly visited him and wondered if he did not change his decision, and does not want to get started on whether Mr. Krabs.But every time Los categorically replied: "No", and they left with nothing.


Meanwhile Krabs wasted no time, and the time Skiles reached Petrograd build five spaceships unfolded in full swing.Its engineers have made ??the necessary calculations, ordered the hull, machinery and engines s ship,restored fuel formula, which was used by elk, and promised Krabs that a couple or two months of working on the construction of the ships will be completed.

Krabs rubbed his hands with pleasure.The expedition promised him huge profits.


The next day after Gusev came from Moscow, he again went to Los.He wanted to cheer comrade.He believed that all they will get better, but I felt that Los doubts this, and because he had to strengthen it in anticipation.

However, despite the lateness of the visit, the engineer was not at home."Where can he be?" - Surprised Gusev.

He repeated his visit in a day, then stopped again.The result was the same.Gusev worried.His anxiety increased when he paid a visit to the factory where he worked Elk.There he was informed that the Moose is not shown to work for a week.

With police he hacked room Elk, fearing the worst.But there, in spite of his grim expectations, there was no one.The apartment was empty engineer and abandoned.

Gusev sounded the alarm."He could not go anywhere without telling me," - he argued with the police."What happened to him could happen?" - Surprised there."I do not know, but you declare wanted - a man's gone!" - Insisted Gusev."Well," - agreed with the police and began searches on the Elk.

Meanwhile, Gusev did not cease to seek money to build a spaceship.Disappearance spurred his attempts to engineer.But officials and responsiveness due to this fact became much more pronounced th."There is a blessing in disguise" - thought Gusev, leaving another office with a signed paper.The matter went suddenly a lot more fun.

"And yet, what happened to Moose?" - This issue is constantly bother Gusev.

A week passed, another month, but the Los there was no news.

"What happened to him?Where are you, Moose?Respond "- prayed Gusev.No elk construction machine was not possible at all, even if it turns out that the funds for a new expedition there.

Gusev was summoned to Moscow.In one of the high offices, where he felt, despite his brave character, a little embarrassed and awkward, it pleased: the money to build a new ship are given.The Soviet Government considers it very important new expedition to Mars.

-Build, Comrade Gusev, new ship - approvingly patted him on the shoulder.

-Good - glad Gusev.

He returned to Petrograd, and first of all visited the apartment of Elk.There was no one still.Guseva not pleased and the police."Still nothing," - spread the chief of police hands.

Do you understand that the expedition under threat - almost shouting, pounced on him Gusev.- Our Soviet government allocated money for the expedition, and now we must begin to build a ship, and the most important person from whom everything depends on this expedition, no, and no one knows where he has been one and a half months.

Indignation Gusev even banged his fist on the table.This behavior is very scared of Petersburg police chief.

-Think, Comrade Gusev.Our police already hands full.Prostitutes, thieves, bandits, robbers - do not think that we have nothing to do without you.We are investigating the disappearance of your moose, but he lived in seclusion, but because no one has not even seen his last two-three months.He would have been familiar friends.But besides you, they no one is interested!All St. Petersburg police knocked down in his quest, but so far no sense.We will look for him to strengthen work in this direction ...

-Keep inmind, this is a matter of national importance - shook his finger at Gusev.

Another week passed, and suddenly called Gusev same police chief, whom he swore.Gusev came to him immediately.

Left-your Elk, Comrade Gusev.

How to go?- Izumi Gusev.

-And that's it, here - showed the chief paper - permitting the exit visa.


Who knows.Somewhere abroad.Indicated that at some conference.

Yes, but if so, it certainlywould have told me where and why ...

-I do not know, I do not know, - said the head with excellence.That's the ticket for the steamer.

He handed Gusev ticket stub.Gusev puzzled stare at them.

So now, look for it yourself.Here, in Petrograd, and in the Soviet republic it is not accurate.As you can see, we do not lose time in vain.But now look for it yourself.

-But where?

-I think somewhere abroad - shrugged police chief.

Now head Gusevwas a continuous confusion.Moose went somewhere.But where?And why not informed?

Thoughts circled one another absurd and succeeded each other in his mind.But no reply was, when he came by itself ...

More time passed, and one morning the postman knocked on the door Gusev.

-Telegram for you.Of America, - he said.

Gusev snatched postman paper.

"I am in America, come urgently.Skiles deceived me.Be careful.Possible prosecution.Do not let me back.Forced to work in a certain Krabs.He wants to go to Mars "- was listed in the telegram.

"Damn!This is still not enough! "- Gusev cried and swore.- "Well, Moose, you asked me a puzzle!However, it should really help out! "

Gusev rushed to gather in America.Strange circumstances surrounding the disappearance of the Elk and telegram, sent to them from America, did the trick.From Moscow, where he immediately went Gusev returned to Petrograd, endowed with special powers.To assist him, the Cheka allocated two people.Looked around, where to look for this Krabs, who is mentioned in the telegram Elk.Learned that Krabs really for the money, but he was a man of quite famous and wealthy industrialist builds interplanetary ships and going to surprise the world with some stunning discoveries.Just American newspapers began hype about grandiose plans Krabs, that he organized a "Martian company" and invites everyone moneybags invest in this profitable project and become his companion for interplanetary flight.

Full of indignation and anger, angry at himself Elk Gusev, but hurried to help him.


Gusev late evening with two comrades on the ship sailed from Petrograd.Their path lay in New York, and Gusev expected to arrive in America in a week swimming.Still had to cross the whole of America to get to California, where he lived Krabs.Of course, already, judging by telegram, Elk just would not let go, and Gusev pondered how best to organize his homecoming.It was obvious that the upcoming fight.

However Gusev hoped that it will begin in America, but she had already started on the boat.

As I recall, Skiles sent his men in Petrograd, that they found and defused Gusev.When it was not known where elk, they were already in Petrograd and vengeance sought restless Gusev ambushed near his home, but he somehow passed.Only at the last moment spies learned that Gusev sent overseas, and immediately rushed to sail on the same ship.

On the ship, they set up surveillance of Gusev and found out that he is accompanied by two strong young men.When spies found it convenient to carry out an attack, the ship has crossed half of the Atlantic.

It was late night.Gusev did not sleep.He was thinking about how to behave on the ground in America, not to make mistakes myself to stay alive, and even moose rescue from captivity.One of the companions who accompanied him, was already asleep.Another took place in the next cabin, through the wall.

Suddenly thought Gusev broke suspicious noises in the next cabin, where he lived one of his companions.He held her one travel companions he was not, and so late in the wall always been quiet: Well, what kind of noise can create sleep?

Gusev listened alert.And Mey old wartime hardening, o n was ready for any surprises.

Sounds behind the wall increased.It seemed that there is a struggle.

Gusev did not like it.He woke up sleeping next friend and showed him the sign on the wall.They took up guns and went out into the corridor.

Door to the adjoining cabin was ajar.Gusev opened it and decisively broke into the room.Behind he heard breathing a step up with him comrade.

The first thing he saw in the cabin - the body sprawled on the bed companion.He lay without signs of life.Beside him were two men in black, form-fitting costumes.One of them immediately pointed the gun and ran towards the shot.

Gusev, having good dexterity and little podnatorevshy melee and unarmed combat, ducked.Worked for years to develop in it for all its e combat savvy and enviable life reaction.He tumbled to the floor and still not seeing the enemy opened fire from a cursory revolver, firing four bullets at once randomly.

In response, also opened a furious fire.Several bullets pecked the floor beside him and whistled overhead.Gusev rolled, immediately raised his head and sighting shot two more times.One of the strangers, the one that was at the back, groaned and fell to the floor.

Behind Gusev also groans.He realized that his friend just got shot.

Rounds in the drum was no more, and threw himself into the melee Gusev to escape unscathed opponent to shoot him.In a frantic and desperate dash he knocked it into his stomach aimed gun, threw it on the bed, and they began to fight fiercely, trying to not e si miles hit and strangle each other.

The enemy was clearly stronger Gusev.Skiles long selected the heavyweights and athletes to make them work for sure.Soon forces began to leave Gusev.Realizing that he was now lost, and it will mean the end, Gusev contrived a couple of times as it should, struck the enemy on the head with his fist, freed himself, grabbed a huge thumbs up with a table lamp and a few times with all the forces that he had left, dropped it on the enemy's head.

The cabin was dark.Bulb broke.

Elk rushed to his comrade, writhing, moaning on the floor, picked up his heavy body under the arms, took the gun, and dragged him into the hallway.

Remain on the ship was not.In any case, Gusev feared that revealed himself.Yes, it was unknown how many spies still larded ship.

Struggled up the stairs to the wounded, Gusev was on deck.His thoughts were now directed to the seaplane fixed to the vessel's stern.We had to urgently fly the ship.

Gusev he reached the stern, put here mate, who was unconscious on the deck and began to reload a revolver.

On the ship, meanwhile rose stir.Many of the passengers heard a frantic night of shooting in one of the cabins, and not a little concerned about the carnage on the peaceful boat, got to his feet the whole crew.Everywhere now again armed sailors.They paid to have found three in the cabin, where gunfire was heard.One of them, the order stunned, trying to recover, but nothing from him unrecognizable.The other two showed no signs of life.

Captain ordered to search the entire ship, and now the team ran through all the corridors and decks, ready at any moment to open firing.To stern has not got.

Gusev dragged the wounded into the cockpit and now feverishly preparing for takeoff seaplane.Fortunately, he was filled and fused.Gusev plane freed from attachment and now pondered how to fly, examining instruments and levers, remembering their purpose.

A few minutes passed, but he was in a hurry, and it seemed to him that it has been about half an hour.Having dealt with the management of a little seaplane Gusev jumped out of the plane and rushed to the rotary tap to throw in the direction of the short take-off ramp.When he did it and has climbed back into the cockpit to fly on the deck was heard several shots.

Gusev turned.It was discovered.He shot a bruiser, he whacked lamp.With one hand he held his bruised head, and because shooting was inaccurate.At the other end of the ship ran to him several armed sailors.We had to take off immediately.

Gusev slammed the door and turned the key to start.Motor sneezed several times.Propeller cranked up a couple of times lazy, but suddenly turned into a gleaming day.Gusev grabbed the handlebars levers, twisting on the trampoline.

Sailors joined the Hoosier and also opened fire.They ran a few armed men, led by the captain.Every second delay was fraught with death.Sailors shot more accurately, and several bullets hole in the cab door.A little more and they would be riddled plane.

Gusev added resolutely turns.Hydroplane slid turned on runners on springboard.Shooting still more pronounced.Gusev, that there are forces gunned and pulled levers elevators themselves.

Springboard over.Car rushed down, falling almost flat, but the water slowed the fall, went smoothly and began to climb.

Fast ship was somewhere in the back, but shooting, becoming very bitter, was still audible.Gusev relish cursed himself.He was always ready for anything, but such a drastic turn of events did not expect.

Near quietly moaning wounded comrade.A bullet hit him in the neck, and he was rapidly losing blood, breaking off every minute.Another generally remained on the ship.Gusev had to act alone, which greatly complicates the task.Besides, as he is now convinced Americans are watching him, and were not going to let him in America.Previously, he had not thought that his person could be so much attention."Though war on them, hell, announces because of this and because of this Elk Mars" - indignantly thought to myself, Gusev, leading plane of the compass to the west.

During the war, he had to fly several times.But that was long ago, and he's a little doubt, as he will be able to put the car, the more unfamiliar.

Much time has passed.Was already day ahead seemed shore.Approaching closer, Gusev saw that it was unusual configurations, with houses similar to the cliffs, and this height, which in Russia was not a single building, a city set on the shore of the huge bay, the middle of which stood on the island of the giant statue of Liberty.

Ahead was New York.He had been here after their arrival from Mars.Masha drove here, and his wife was involved in all sorts of activities organized by the Americans after their arrival.From the height of the city seemed flecked with gray haze, as if there were smoking at the same time all its inhabitants, gray and hostile.It is possible that the fugitives from the ship here already waiting and not with the best intentions.

Gusev close to the bay and splashed down in the middle, near the island with the Statue of Liberty, then long taxied on the water, adjusting the plane closer to the shore.

His companion was no longer breathing, Gusev touched his arm.It was cold.Gusev climbed out of the cockpit and set off to swim to shore.

He got to the station, bought a train ticket and fearing the police station by darting, as if to look for him, rushed to the nearest train departing towards California, where he waited as a savior, Moose.

By the evening of the third day he got to Los Angeles.From there, finding out how to find thevilla Krabs, headed straight there.


After finding a villa Krabs, Gusev settled not far from it in a thick grove, in an ambush, climbed a tree and watched the whole day out for movements of the estate and on the approaches to it.

Elk he never saw.But several visits to his friend Skiles, who wandered through the park, talking excitedly about something, waving his arms, with some fat, pot-bellied short man who, apparently, was Krabs.Apparently, there already knew about what happened on the ship.Who else would send assassins to meet Gusev, but Skiles with Krabs.

Sitting in a tree, Gusev pondered how to get inside the estate and find moose, suddenly, late in the afternoon, he saw that the big man who was whacked on the head lamp.He came along with Skiles.His head was bandaged."Well I treated you!- Involuntarily glad Gusev.- That's for our comrades, you bastards, kill. "

Krabs busy explaining something with Hoosier rewound head.Skiles just stood and listened.Then they left and thought Gusev.

Around it appeared that there is no moose.Protection of the villa there was almost no.Now this bruiser went somewhere with Skiles."Somewhere else they're keeping him - decided,finally, after weighing all the arguments Gusev.- It is necessary to catch Skiles somewhere along the road to the villa.He'll know where Moose.I'll make this unscrupulous journalist lead me to an engineer! "

Dusk.Twilight deepened.Gusev moved into the bushes near the road leading to the villa Krabs.He has matured a firm decision to seize Skiles and use it to find the engineer.

Events do not have to wait long.After half an hour on the road seemed the machine on which, as usual, came Skiles.When the car approached, Gusev saw that the car man.He was behind the wheel, and it was Skiles.

When the car came up to the bushes, Gusev rushed headlong to the car, jumped on the bandwagon and the open window on the driver instructed revolver:

-Wait, - he commanded, - wait, you bastard!

Skiles, and it really was he braked.

-Sit down, not pulled, - warned him Gusev, climbed into the cab, still holding journalist at gunpoint, and put a gun to his side, he asked.- What did not expect?

-No, on the contrary - Skiles grinned.

-So bad waited - concluded Gusev.- Well, tell me where elk?Quickly!And do not try to trick me, I will not fly with lowered until Elk not see.

Skiles, realizing that arguing with Gusev not worth it, took him to the castle, where they kept the Elk Krabs.But all the way he tried to convince Gusev that all his attempts to get away from Elk are unsuccessful:

Elk-too well guarded.

Gusev listened to American, but made his conclusions.As they drove up to the castle, where they kept an engineer, he said Skiles:

-I do not need.But you can help me release the Elk, and then going to help us until we get out of America.Then I'll let you go.And now come out.And do not try to joke with me.I am angry at you.You started all this, brewed this mess.You give her the disentangle!

Together with Skiles they came to the gate of the castle, where he stood guard.

Tell him that Los needed Krabs, and you're taking it on the negotiations - Gusev whispered in the ear of his prisoner.

-They are subject only to Krabs, and without his orders will not do anything - Skiles shook his head.

The guard has noticed them and went to meet him.He was armed.

Then tell me what you need to talk to elk.

-I have been here today and talked with him.

-So what?Say that one more time to talk.And do not try to do something extra!Immediately shoot!- Warned Gusev.

Guard missed Skiles, asking who came with him.

-This is one Russian.I think it might thus be possible to negotiate with the elk.

-I will report Krabs, you've come - said the guard.

-Don't - Skiles stopped him.- He knows everything.I'll call him after the conversation.Tell me, the best watches in the house to let us through the room to the engineer Elk.

Along the way, Gusev said that the guards in the house is really a lot.

-How many people are guarding the house?- He asked Skiles.


-When a change of the guard?

-After an hour - Skiles said, glancing at his watch.

They went into the room to Los.First entered Skiles.Moose turned and saw him.

-I already told you everything.Nothing new for you I have not.I demand to be allowed to go home - he said Skiles.

-Elk, buddy, it's me!- Gusev rushed to him.

Elk frightened by surprise, but then delighted.They embraced.

-I am with you!Came to rescue you!How are you?

-Yes, that!Fool rotten mess - shrugged Elk.

Okay, now is not the time to talk, we will get out of here.

Gusev turned.Skiles was not.While the A-axis and Gusev hugged, he quietly slipped out of the room.

-Oh, you bastard!- Gusev rushed to the door.Her already heard rapid footsteps of several people who were sent to a room Elk.

-Bring all to the door - barricading.Quickly!- He commanded Elk.

They began to obstruct the door furniture.On the other hand it is trying to open.

Yes, we have got - angrily concluded Gusev.- How could I have missed Skiles ...

-Gusev, Elk open.You can not get away from here - heard a voice from behind the door Skiles.- Gusev, surrender!

- Well, it's the pipes!- Muttered under his breath Gusev.

Assault on the door increased.She tried to push so that the furniture piled in a heap, crumbled.

-Open, we'll shoot!- Shrieking Skiles.

Shoot-not - reassured Gusev Elk.- I would have shot them.But they need you alive.How to get out of here?

-I have thought about it - said Elk, helping prop Gusev barricade.- Under the window there is a cornice.It is narrow and slippery, but it can get to the drain.However, if sorveshsya ...

Nothing, come on.Climb the first.I'll cover.In any case, if you do not run away now, it will never be freed.More over you no one would come - it petitioned Gusev.- Let's climb.I'll keep.

-What about you?

-I then, come on!

Elk crossed the sill to the cornice.Prior to the downspout had to pass on it along the wall about five meters on a sloping rail slippery surface.Stay was not for that, and Elk, squinting from fear, began to move in small steps along the wall.His heart sank with fear at the thought that he might slip or lose your balance and fall off then the nine-meter height.

He moved farther.From the room, from the window where he heard sounds of a struggle.Several times from the window shows Gusev.

-You are not yet at the bottom?- He asks.- Come alive!

From the window I heard echoes of shooting.This shot Gusev.The guards at the door of his onslaught nearly destroyed the barricade, and the old soldier had no choice as to open fire at random through the door.In any case, he decided not to give up living, no matter what happens.

After the shots Guseva pressure on the door stopped, but after a minute, because the doors were heard gunshots response.Bullets whistled nearby.

Gusev rushed to the window.Elk coming down the pipe."So good!" - He tore the curtain and threw down on the mountain dumped at the door furniture, took a match and lit the cloth.Dear mother puffed heavily, then the smoke seemed flames.Door again began to break.The room was shrouded in smoke.

Gusev, palnuv revolver several times, and climbed onto the ledge, agile as a cat, got to the downspout and quickly went down, caught up with the engineer.

Quickly run - he commanded.

They scooted crossed the park, climbed over the fence and trellis reached the car Skiles.

Well, - said Gusev - now in New York!

The car drove off.

That same evening they were at the airport in Los Angeles, where immediately flew to New York.

On the road everywhere Gusev expect to find an ambush.But, oddly enough, they no opposition.

-We can meet in New York - he warned Elk.- So be prepared for anything.You want to go home?

Yes, - nodded Elk.

Then listen to me!Oh, and I had suffered because of you - suddenly complained Gusev, reloading revolver.- Sorry, one revolver.The second would not stop us now.

At the airport, they quickly left the plane, and Gusev Elk dragged in the direction opposite the terminal building, where the other passengers were sent.

-We are waiting there for sure!- He said Elk.

They reached the edge of the airfield and sat down to rest on the grass.

So-so - began to expound his plan Gusev.- Here I leave a seaplane, to fill it - he took from his pocket a small gold mantel clock in the form of a statue of Venus - I think this stuff bourgeois enough for all our expenses.

In the town of Gusev found pawnshop laid clock.Then they hired a boat with the intention that he took them to the seaplane.Gusev boat owner instructed to get a barrel of jet fuel for refueling airplane.

Evening spotting small nasty rain.Gusev using host boats poured kerosene in the tank, on the ropes holding up the barrel of the wing glider.Elk sitting in the cockpit.Gusev instructed him to look at both, but through glass, studded with endless raindrops, almost nothing was visible.It was getting dark.Moose drawn from peaceful sleep on the waves rocking the seaplane.He fought sleep, but still asleep.

His sleep was interrupted by Gusev, meddling in the cockpit.

-Move quickly!- His voice was angry.

Los rose.The boat went into the darkness.His sidelights quickly removed.

-I asked you both look!- Elk reproached Gusev.- Did you sleep!

-What happened?- Engineer asked, puzzled.

-Oh, nothing, - said Gusev, taking a revolver from the Elk.- Saves you here ...

He jumped out of the cab and suddenly started shooting.In response, also heard shots.Moose looked the other way to the pier.And then he saw several cars and people fleeing from them to the aircraft.In the dark, glittering flash in their hands.Several times, something clicked through the cabin.Crackle plywood.

Gusev isstrelyal entire reel, bent, climbed into the cockpit, threw the revolver Elk:

Charge-fast!- And he began fiddling with controls.

Listened to the roar of the engine.Elk bent, pulled out a box of ammunition bags and began recharging revolver.

Hydroplane twitched.The engine is already deafening roar.However,through this roar could be heard on the aircraft skin has a hail of bullets at which cracking plywood.

-Lucky us today - spoke Gusev.- Generally lucky ... However, water fly had ever seen.

He led the plane to the Statue of Liberty, which was visible in the distance, illuminated by searchlights.

Elk shoulder suddenly something burned.He instinctively grabbed him from the pain.Blood remained on the fingers.

-I seem to be injured, - he said.

-Me too, - said Gusev.

Only now observe that one covered in blood.

Hail of bullets ceased.Beach was already far away.Engine strained howled and Moose felt his shrank into his chair.Hydroplane rushed over the waves, occasionally bouncing on their crests and from swaying from side to side.Finally, he looked up and slowly walked up.Gusev pulled the wheel and added gas to the limit.Plane lifted nose and went up steeply.

-Recently, I did not drive such nonsense - he admitted.- But nothing - we could reach!

They rose above the clouds, where there was light, and, guided by the compass, Gusev sent a car to the east.

-I do not know how much is enough gorjuchki, but the engine is running - will fly.Not afraid,Mstislav Sergeevich?


-Getting stuck like this in the ocean - said Gusev.

-I do not know - Moose shrugged and felt a sharp pain in the forearm.

Gusev noticed how contorted his face and realized:

Yes, bad that you hurt.But it could be worse.

-Could - Los agreed.

Soon persuaded him to sleep.


When he woke up, he was already a day.They flew over the ocean.

Where are we?- Asked Elk.

-I do not know - hard Gusev said.He was pale and looked tired.- We ought to splash down, relax, explore the wound.I touched up ... but it is necessary to fly, though sleepy.To take off a lot gorjuchki goes, but it has so little ...

Moose wondered how wounded, have not slept yet and Gusev manages to fly a plane.He wanted to say something, but the weakness probably leaned on him because of the blood loss, sleepy and did not want to talk at all.Moose fell asleep again ...

All-sailed!- Exclamation Guseva woke him.

The cabin was a strange silence, and Elk first did not even realize what was happening.

Gorjuchki-ended - said wearily Gusev.- I'll try to plant.

Hydroplane more lurches down.They are rapidly approaching the surface of the ocean.They went into a nosedive, and howled in the air to stop the propeller.

Before the water Gusev pulled the steering wheel, and the airplane went almost horizontal gliding flight, but then hit floats on water, jump and hit again.However, airframe, though gritted, flickered from all wordly overload, but still stood.The car plunged into the water, emerged and rocked on the waves, slowly spinning around its axis.

Nothing ..., drive a piece of plate.The main thing that floats do not burst, and then potopnem, - commented on the events Gusev.- Make sure that if we begin to sink.However, it is unclear how to save ...

Gusev said literally falling asleep:

-I will sleep a little ...


When Gusev woke up, he watched his wound, then Elk, and concluded that the wounds were not dangerous.But they both lost a lot of blood and were lethargic and weak.

Gusev broke his vest bandages and bandaged shoulder first Elk and remains - his wound.

The ocean was empty.They even had no idea where they are.

Old soldier, Gusev hefty supply of provisions and water, and it is now cool handy.He shared the food and water in equal parts and calculated:

Proviant-last us for a week - he reported Elk.- Water - about ten days.

Dragged weary clock first, then the days of drifting in the vast expanses of the ocean.

Times rose light storm, but large storms and hurricanes passed them.

Plane that rocked subtle turquoise waves on surface of complete calm during t about soared upward, and then rushed down the steep slope to water, and it seemed that he was going to not survive the onslaught of the waves and go to the bottom.

Even appeared on the horizon never anything like a ship.Sometimes not only on the Elk, but Gusev found despair.Provisions, as they did not try to save, came to an end, the case also with water situation was no better.That's it, seemed to come to an end.

Then, in moments of desperation, Gusev braced himself and Elk memories of his experiences:

-Throw you, in fact, Mstislav Sergeevich, grieve.Our time has not come yet!We're flying!Mars still ahead!

How do you know, Alexei Ivanovich?

Yes fullness!See, in fact!We are in the world, her my homeland.This is not a limitless world space, where we are almost died!However'm not dead!For tens of millions of kilometers from Earth were in a bowl, which is a little better than this hydroplane, if you take it in relation to our oday shnego position to scale the world space.And, if not destiny was not dead yet!It's not time to die!We are waiting for a new mission to Mars!That's what I want!I missed on interstellar travel!

His carefree daydreaming, in fact,life-enhancing and, oddly enough, carrying hope, although there is no logic to encourage memories of experienced severe trials, it would seem, was not.In fact, they are the same in the world, not even on Mars, as on Earth.It's like at home, just not in the room!But they fall into another room, be sure to get.

Elk recalled times Aelita.It also cheered, but not as empty and useless chatter Gusev.Oddly enough, but the image of Aelita, who was supposed to lead it forward now in a critical situation hopeless and endless drifting in the ocean, alas, is not encouraged.On the contrary, if not chatter Gusev memories of Aelita dragged him deep into the jungle hopeless despair.

Bullet - a fool, I fools, Mstislav Sergeevich!- Sentenced Gusev, swarming up Verkhoturov aircraft.

He used every minute of calm in order to improve their situation.

Now he is engaged in the wings seaplane.Water supplies coming to an end, and without waiting for this, experienced and quick-witted soldier decided to adapt them to collect rainwater, which generously poured from the sky during a storm.

-This is what you, Alexei Ivanovich?

Gusev busily saddled wing and n i l smiling cut down the upper wall of the wing fuel tank, fitting it under a bowl to collect rainwater.Tank design housed within and between the ribs of the wing, taking all of his area, so when the rain water was sufficient to linger.It was only necessary to remove the entire area of ??its upper part.

Yes this I mean, Mstislav Sergeevich, I as the war was - was never afraid of any attack with his sword unsheathed fly nor bullets was not hiding.But those who are hiding from them - they were getting, their mother is so, really and truly, Mstislav Sergeevich, fetched.Bullet - she's a fool, intelligent love, and someone like me, fool bypasses.

-Hmm, - head in disbelief led Elk watching resourceful to survive as part of Gusev.

Yes something and it's so.Yes, remember, though Mars.Have seen what happened with entimi Huguenots.Give them concessions and not fight!That's got full concessions!Yes, and I is not much allowance!One - he is a warrior, even if the hero.Team needs him, brave, the same as he did.But such an irresponsible proletarian population of Mars is almost not there.That's the result ...

Gusev busily nastukival chisel, occasionally pogladyvaya to heaven, where his naked torso mercilessly grilled sun.But he was like a balm, so, anyway, it looked from the outside.Elk presented himself on the spot and sweaty tanned Guseva, and involuntarily shuddered unpleasant sensation of utter discomfort.A Gusev was though that ...

- ... So I say, remember Mars.What would have happened if I had bullets from Martian hiding behind a cactus?Yes, there would have remained, not a damn thing we have not departed from Mars, there would remain.That's why I say bullet fool - my whole life experience leads to this.See danger - let her teeth so much spark from his eyes! ..Eh, what's there, Mstislav Sergeevich!saw everything!I pulled you with America on one enthusiasm, more than on anything.Enthusiasm and courage - that's my weapon against any enemy, even here with this swim in the vast ocean.

Well, and what about your enthusiasm will help here?- Moose asked, puzzled.

Yes have allthe same as above!- Answered without hesitation Gusev.- You'll see, we get to the Russian Federation, certainly get.


A few more weary days of endless swimming.

One day during lunch, when theyhad finished the last crumbs of food supplies, Gusev still chided Elk:

You-me better Mstislav Sergeevich, tell me how you got it into his head to America to go?And I did not say anything!Well it turns out as a betrayal!

-In fact, - agreed, embarrassed, Moose, as it does not expect so suddenly call for response from Gusev.- I'll be honest, and he can not fully understand how Skiles managed to persuade me.Like a hallucination!

-Yes there is an obsession!- With a touch of annoyance whistled Gusev.- It's just your irresponsibility proletarian position manifested itself in relation to the world bourgeoisie.Vaughn see where all this led - Gusev shook his head, showing you around on the boundless expanse of turquoise.- Yes, and how many comrades were killed for no reason ...

Elk frowned, and Gusev, noting that crossed the line, tried to mitigate the situation:

Well, of course, security officers work like this - the danger is called.They must be ready at any moment to repel an enemy attack, as I'm here!And they make a blunder, not enough experience.Well, okay, what can we now ...

Moose was silent, then said:

-I thought it would not work with us with the new flight ...

-It is wrong - concluded Gusev - believe it is necessary.After all, before you believe!Without it would not fly to Mars.Even the first time would not fly would be if they did not believe!

-Yes, you are right, Alexei Ivanovich - Los puzzled agreed.

He was not alone.In fact, why suddenly he allowed himself to doubt that all Gusev achieve?He was deep in thought for a long time.


Rations ended a week as.Thanks to the invention of Gusev water was better, although it gave extremely aviation kerosene, but this is better than none at all.

Finished with wings, Gusev seriously engaged in radio transmitter.Every day when shone during the calm sun, he took out his sdohshy battery casing on the hot airframe and kept so long.By evening, he sat at the wheel and had sent through animated transmitter signals for help as long as the radio did not die again.

In the morning it was repeated again.

Gusev about their location determined by the compass, the sun and moon.They were somewhere in the five hundred kilometers north of the equatorial waters of the Atlantic and almost midway between Europe and America.There were no strong currents like the Gulf Stream, so hopefully that will make for at least one day to the shores of Europe, it was impossible.Could only rely on the fact that they still will look.


One late afternoon Gusev helped Elk seaplane to pull a dead baby shark homemade harpoon.

These fish appeared for some time about their aircraft drifting, and now steadily accompanied lazily navorachivaya circles.

Aha - then said Gusev, as only the first time spotted this uninvited escort - waiting for revelry!Gathered early!- He angrily shook their fists.Then suddenly beamed.- So there is help us!Well, Mstislav Sergeevich, akulyatinkoy not want to regale?

-How's that?- Did not understand him Moose.

-And that's it!- The evening of the same day was ready to harpoon of duralumin tube with steel tip, and an hour from the first float seaplane fluttered them a wounded shark meat which would be enough for a whole week.

So, pulling another spear pierced the fish, Gusev corner of his eye he noticed a little further, something popped out of the water and disappeared again.It felt like the tip of the fin whale, which sailed past times, making a world movement.But it was too fast and gone.Gusev threw the harpoon rope, and then something strange seemed a second time.

Such a contraption he had never seen before, though he could not boast of his exploits disadvantage, both on land and at sea.

-What the hell?- He tapped the shoulder of the Elk, which now alone pulled up bleeding shark.

Now Elk shopped.

It emerges from the water, then disappeared something moving at high speed, like a big black pipe smoking.

-Yes-to it w periscope!- Los elated cried, waving his arms above his head and cried as if it is meant salvation.

-Wait, but suddenly the Americans?- Tried to calm him down Gusev, but then suddenly too vigorously and joyfully began to honk and Oratov s so that heard probably half of the universe, which now looked the part of the earth where they were sitting.

Periscope fast approaching, more and more of the rising water.Now be visible on the commander flagpole bridge pop from ocean depths.It still heavy with water, hung the flag of the Russian Federal Republic.


They picked up a Soviet submarine, which is specially sent from Murmansk to caught by Guseva signals for help.

Finally, their adventure ina few months long gone and now Gusev and Los feel at home on board close-scented oil bucket vessels.Finally ended their loneliness, during which they just tried not to go crazy and do not lose heart, wait until help comes.

But now they are at home!

Gusev eagerly quizzed the captain of the submarine news from home.With dismay, he learned that Americans have begun to prepare a flight to Mars.Moretimes he angrily complained about the Elk that he betray the secrets of bourgeois republic, but did not tell him anything, seeing as how he is responding.

Yes, and that was supposed to do now?What has been done - is done.

The fact that Americans are willing to go to Mars, newspapers trumpeted around the world.

Gusev shared bad news with elk.Contrary to expectations, Moose took the news calmly and rationally:

Nothing wrong there, Alexey!Judge for yourself, well, what's wrong?Well, though Americans will fly to Mars!Not the same one we fly!In the end, I dream of the day when there will be flying thousands of interstellar vehicles.

-But then-Soviet Mars!- Outraged Gusev.- We were there first!

Of course, the first - quietly agreed Elk.- But extra earthlings, whether Americans, whether someone else, we will not disturb on Mars!You saw Alexei Ivanovich, that together we had there tight!

-Oh, I do not know!- Gusev shook his head.- I do not like your mood!I am what you rescued?What our comrades died rescuing you?

Moose paused, thinking.

Gusev herealso went to the bridge and ordered the captain:

-I Alexey Gusev, special representative for the Soviet government interstellar flight to Mars, I order as soon as possible to take me and the engineer in Elk Petrograd.Emergency case of national importance!Americans can get ahead with the flight to Mars.We have to be there first!

Submarine command after Gusev headed for Petrograd.Gusev captain reported that after a week they will be in place.

-Long, long time!- Suddenly hurried Gusev - We must rather, every minute counts.

However, despite all this, the mood at Gusev and Elk was excellent.They felt they were saved every day to cook brought him into close wardroom pasta nautically, which they could not in any way gorge."Yes, indeed, -reasoned Gusev - everything is going very well! "

A week passed and sailing on the horizon seemed familiar shore.Ahead loomed the familiar shape of the spiers of Petrograd.

Delight Gusev, Elk and the whole team cheered and began throwing his cap in the air and that someone was at hand.

In Petrograd, were waiting for them and met with the orchestra, as heroes.


After fleeing Los Gusev Skiles long in making his Krabs.

In pursuit of the fugitives he got to New York, tried to intercept them at the airport with a heavily armed police force.

Krabs from Skiles got short telephone call: Gusev destroy the Elk and get back to work!

However, the airport Skiles realized that he was dealing with an experienced opponent.

Gusev past him around her little finger, and left the police nashpigovanny airport without any difficulty.He looked around their fingers as children.

Now they are lost in a huge city, and Skiles long pondered where they could had gone.All possible escape routes from America for Guseva and elk were closed.

Please Skiles is not worried that missed Gusev at the airport, but then, in the evening suddenly realized that Moose escape from it if we do not take any immediate action."If not Gusev, would you have me still here!" - Thought Skiles.

Previously, he paid little attention to this big man.No, of course he knew it was even longer than the Elk, but never much importance to his person betrayed.

And only here in America, Skiles suddenly realized what the real danger is that Gusev.

"It costs a unit selected thugs" - unwittingly admired Skiles when Gusev cleverly escaped elk from taxation security lock.

The time is rapidly approaching the evening, and there was no news from nowhere.Gusev and Los sunk in water, soluble in New York.Skiles felt.That misses time, but could not figure out where the leak is.Finally, he invited me to his big man of whom Gusev whacked on the boat lamp.

-He flew by seaplane!- Said the big man.

-Hydroplane!- Said in a hurried guess Skiles.- Of course, the seaplane!They will fly by seaplane!Immediately remove all the police in search of places where there can be a seaplane in New York!- He commanded and looked at his watch.- We still have time before dark to find them!They are still in New York!

-But where do they find this seaplane!- Said the big man.

Skiles walked over to the glass window on the wall.From the height of the fiftieth floor of a skyscraper a good view of the entire Bay T udzonsky.He was in full view.

Skiles ima l understood that arrange some extensive search operations, he has no time.Day was coming to an end.Krabs and then broke off up the phone nerviruya him more.

Skiles closed his eyes, folded his arms and silently stood there before stopyatidesyatimetrovoy abyss on the other side of which, behind a thick glass lay big city.He tried to concentrate, he tried to get his journalistic intuition which had never once helped him find the right solution.

For a moment it seemed to him that he sees all eyes Gusev

He opened his eyes:

They're there!- He said, opening the arms of a small hand tube warehouse provincial Bay Area, where there were many small wharves and warehouses.- Urgent there throw all the forces!

Slammin 'and all who were present in the room behind him, looked at each other in bewilderment: "How does he know?" - But immediately complied with the order Skiles.

Not trusting anyone at such a crucial moment, Skiles personally traveled to this rayonchik who dreamed him on the fiftieth floor of a skyscraper.Raced ahead of several dozen police funnel.So they drove to the area through the stinking rotten herring, where the narrow streets between the numerous warehouses scattered in dozens of small marinas with difficulty wading to the bay of the warehouse bustle of life.

Skiles was at the entrance to the fishing quarter.He was waiting to hear from police crews to rush back to where signal is received.

Suddenly quite far off, around the corner, behind a wooden half-rotten fence, on the other hand propping up a bunch of gray and rusty wooden boxes, shooting was heard.

First single shot revolver, but he barked in response to a dozen police pistols.Their sound as a correspondent, began his career with the police chronicles was familiar.

-Come on!- He ordered the driver.

Car and tore through two dozen seconds was on a wooden dock.

Skiles jumped out and saw not far away, about fifty meters, seaplane, in which police fired desperately.

From there, no one answered.

In a moment Skiles got the feeling that everyone who was in the seaplane already killed.

-Look out!- He commanded that there are forces chief of police, shoot on the motor!There's a cab important person!I want him alive!

Police concentrated their fire on the aircraft engine.Of hydroplane nobody answered the fire.Still it seems that there is no longer alive, but suddenly rumbled engine spun propeller seaplane was moved.

-Fire!Fire!- Commanded Skiles, feeling luck turns from him.

But all was in vain.Soon the plane disappeared into the impenetrable gloom, and after a while it became the sound of the engine is not available hearing.

-I do not understand!- Justified before Skiles police chief.- My boys riddled this hulk like a colander!

However, Skiles was still, because now no excuses could not help him in explanations with Mr. Krabs.

Skiles suddenly fell ill and came down with a fever for a week.When he recovered, it remained in New York for a while, wondering whether it is worth going back to Krabs.Nothing good is not it there waiting, but Krabs spotted it myself.


Surprisingly Krabs was set peacefully:

Do not worry, buddy Skiles!- Such familiarity tone was not there before in their relationship.Skiles cottage shook his head - not dreaming if he happens - he could not understand this location Krabs, as if he did not miss, but on the contrary - and grabbed Gusev and Los.- It's not so bad!- Concluded Krabs.

-I do not understand you - tried to understand what was happening, Krabs.

But the mood Krabs has not changed, he smiled, clapped him on the shoulder and offered him expensive cognac, which even in the present situation himself Skiles could not afford.

-You did all you could, well, almost everything!- Continued Krabs in a happy mood.- You see, I see your confusion, you must not understand why I have such a good mood?

Yes - agreed to Skiles.

-It's very simple: the hype, which rose when caught accidentally Elk played me suddenly at hand.The information came to my worst competitors from New York.

-So what?- Guess the Skiles.

-I now have no competition!- Glad spread his arms Krabs.- Now they are my partners in sending ships to Mars.My expenses for preparation of questionable, but the ambitious project has been halved, except in those areas of interest where we had serious friction, I now have no friction!

-What does that mean?- Tried again invent Skiles.

-This means that today I became richer by a hundred million!- Otrezyumiroval Krabs.

Do not quite understand - Skiles was confused.

Krabs raised forefinger, calling a friend to wait a bit.He disappeared, then reappeared, accompanied by a gentleman with a suitcase.

Krabs sat on a leather sofa.Gentleman with a briefcase approached him right.Krabs fell back against the couch, left the servant came up to him with a tray on which stood two broad goblet.Krabs took one glass, the second servant brought Skiles.Skiles pulled out and took the glass, still not understanding.

Krabs pointedly silent.Do Skiles suddenly arose a false sense that they are celebrating some victory.Krabs remained silent and somehow mysteriously and peaceful smile.

Finally, Skiles could not resist:

-Explain what happens!- He prayed to Krabs and sparkling expensive champagne in his glass, gleaming amber saturated strongly swayed.

-That's it!- Only Krabs said, pointing to a man with a suitcase.

He put the bag on a small round table between the ivory sofa and Skiles and opened.Suitcase was packed full of hundred-dollar packs of dollar bills.- This is for you!There are exactly four million dollars.

-For what?- Tried to defend himself, as if he had robbed money and not give it to him.

Krabs drank champagne, and then put the glass next to a suitcase on a round table and leaned to Skiles:

-You fly to Mars!

Skiles could not understand anything.Krabs, seeing his confusion, he continued:

-I will build ships, information obtained from elk to me quite enough!But I do not who will lead an expedition to Mars.And I decided that it will be you!Not a bad idea, eh?Good deal!You get me the promised money, but instead of heading Elk my expedition.Honestly, Moose made a negative impression on me.I believe that you are there any reliable Elk!So, what do you say?

Skiles looked at Krabs, full cherished suitcase of money, the servant who was standing nearby, pending a decision what to do with money.A few seconds of doubt made him sweat heavily, and he forced himself anxiously:

-I agree?

-Are you sure?- Frowned Krabs.

-Exactly!- Already readily blurted Skiles.

Paper and pen - shouted servant Krabs.


Arriving in Petrograd, Gusev very first thing on the right and on the status of I d e l Americans.First he read with all possible l newspaper.But in the Soviet press that little wee Sali about America, especially about some there Krabs and his delusions.

Then Gusev YaV ILS I gubChK Petrograd and Neil explained:

-I special representative of the Soviet Government on the organization and implementation of the second interplanetary mission to Mars.I need information on the preparation of a mission to Mars in America some Mr. Krabs.

In Cheka right and l and spowers about Gusevin Moscow, and, convinced of the seriousness of his statement a few days later, Ali vyzv it themselves.

-We will provide you with all possible assistance, Comrade Gusev!- Assured or there.

After a couple of days next to the apartment, which is now occupying l Comrade Gusev (Soviet government allocated a family hero Martian flight a separate two-bedroom apartment in the heart of Petrograd) remains on a ve l smiling truck loaded with U.S. and European newspapers over the past six months.

This read-Comrade Gusev, it has sent you gubChK!- Cheerfully revived long Gusev, has withdrawn from his apartment, a chauffeur-humorist.- Where do you want to unload?

Newspapers Perrin e with whether the cellar which setting A smiling Gusev his posh apartment.They occupied yawl and all the space.Besides, it turned out that need a translator: Gusev in foreign languages ??was not strong, but with something else Martian l remember.

Soon the Cheka or isolated and translator.Now work for boiling ate.Translator from morning till night l translation articles about all the events associated with flight to Mars, with its preparation, with himself Mr. Krabs, and with Skiles.And meanwhile Gusev yl attack to the most important - building a spaceship.

He walked on a new, more spacious building for the Elk and elk have somehow folding now, unlike the first flight, which is not helping Gusev Los, as it were, on the contrary.

Meanwhile, back in Petrograd, Los yl attack for a new interstellar machine.

Now he must b yt more, certainly more than before, so that it could fit a Red Army unit: so wants Gusev.Yes Moose himself l understanding that even a dozen Magatsitls not change anything on Mars: too not equal strength.

However, the desire to fly age loit now every day.Los yu now it seemed that he would fly even one, give up Gusev from the event.And would fly on n only to have to see her, Aelit y, u know what happened to her.

At times his overcoming la yet that sorrow, the fear.Sadness that took so much time away from that life sweeter.And fear ... fear of his born l smiling at the thought that the entire flight is in vain, because it is no longer alive ...

No, he does not need the conquest of Mars.He did not even see the danger that Americans, too, will fly to Mars.Gusev fears about what Mars will cease to be the Soviets, he also did not share, because actually the fact that two of the Soviet Russian fly to Mars - nothing has changed.Maybe he still does not know exactly, but it sometimes seems so that they caused harm even Martian population its rabid revolutionary activities.How many have died!They can not resist, and the fact that Gusev led a revolt, nothing has changed.He did not teach them to fight, but only sent thousands to their deaths, without even thinking about it.In fact, theyhelped make it Tuskub black business, to carry out his evil plan to destroy Soatsera.

The only thing that vle clo now again on Mars - is Aelita.

"Aelita!Aelita!Aelita "- l repeats himself like a mantra Elk, and this will encourage him lo, lo forces us to think more sharply improve the car, making it more successful than the one on which they flew for the first time.

Now Mr. perfected oval capsule covering residential, sdela liter engine more docile management, creating l ability to change the flight path in interplanetary space more freely, not to be held hostage to the laws of physics, they almost became the last time.

Elk remembered the last time just a coincidence save them from eternal Gusev flight void between stars - now we need to eliminate the influence of any case was the outcome of the expedition.Will flight should manage people and not be held hostage to the blind energy.Weak force in the ability to control the strong!

Gusev meanwhile learned more troubling news from his interpreter of American newspapers.

It turned out that while they drifted in the Atlantic, scientists and engineers Krabs progressed very far along the path of prototyping machines Elk.In addition, they are ready to fly five interplanetary ships, each of which was five times more than the one on which flew to Mars Los and Gusev.

American expedition to Mars was to lead Skiles.Upon learning this, Gusev thought with pleasure: "On Mars are numbered, Mr. Skiles!"

Still, concern grew.Gusev every day thinking about how to reduce the number of overweight Americans in the expedition and to eliminate the backlog in time.

Money to build a ship, the Soviet government allocated, but it was not enough.

Gusev again went to Moscow.It was not long, but when he returned, he fell into the apartment to Los joyful and excited:

-We will build not one, but three ships!


Moose has long since have not looked at the starry sky.Previously, he was doing it and often dreamy, but after returning from Mars, in his habits have been dramatic changes: he suddenly forgot how to dream.

It would seem that it's time to dream, because the goal is achieved, interplanetary flight failed.But this is only the beginning.Beginning of a new era, which he opened, Moose, of unparalleled stay.Now that the first trodden path, we can safely explore interplanetary flights, starting each time more and more ships.

But something about him went out.As if something broke in his mind, some screw unscrewed, crunched some springs.And all ...

How to cut short, he even left thrust to new missions, like everything is already done.

Gusev - and he was perky and dedication.Perfect their journey to Mars inspired him completely.Now he knew what to make of his huge inextinguishable energy irrepressible character.

Gusev observed the dramatic changes that have occurred with elk, but could not do anything, no matter how he tried to reassure.Moose was still sad, and this sadness, a strange and incomprehensible to Gusev, was not yet penetrated by external influences.

Name this sadness was only known Elk - Aelita.

Since their defeat, from the moment when it was divorced from him in a distant Martian cave, all now seemed to sleep.Sleep, where it was both good and bad, but sleeping.

And now, suddenly, he suddenly learned again looking at the sky as before, as if before the flight.He seemed to come to life, felt her taste.He suddenly realized that he could see her again, that that was the cause of his infinite sadness.

Now every evening when issued fine days, and the sky was cloudy, Moose enjoyed watching the stars.And he dreamed.Dreamed, as again flew to Mars, as again set foot on its mysterious surface like to see her ...

He did not want to think about that Aelita is no longer alive.Earlier this idea, although he would not let her in his mind, as if nailed him to that state of torpor in which he remained for several years.It was the custodian of the stupor of uncertainty which existed his thoughts on the future fate of his beloved.And how could it be otherwise, when it was impossible to find out anything.

Now he knew what was about to once again be on Mars, drove away from him even a hint that no longer find her alive.He firmly believed that Aelita alive, that she was waiting for him and hopes that he will fulfill the promise given to her once.Otherwise, why would he go to Mars!All he wanted to know about Mars, he had already learned.Him that was enough excitement for a lifetime.

But Aelita!It was a reason to fly to Mars, even today, tomorrow, at least five hundred years.To know, that she is alive and waiting.

"Thank Gusev" - thought to myself, Elk, marveling once boundless energy of his colleague.

Yes, if not Gusev, the new expedition to Mars will not happen.

But no, because he offered to fly to Mars and Skiles.

Sometimes confused thoughts Elk.He did not know how exactly now refers to the fact that more Americans are going to go to Mars, using its technology, its experience and knowledge.And he did not know how to relate to the fact that he gave all his secrets Skiles.

When he thought about it, he for some reason just a headache, and Moose quickly stopped doing it.

On the one hand, he did not care that someone else will fly to Mars.In the end, more than on Mars will earthlings, the better.Indeed, in any case, despite all, they are closer than any Martians a thousand times.

On the other hand, Gusev constantly invited him to violent speech to the public, where continually asserted: "Soviet Mars will, you'll see, comrades."His performances were accompanied by a standing ovation of approval of the general rejoicing, and then Moose really thought that made a big mistake by passing their secrets Skiles.Without it, no moose, without his secrets, they would have never had to put their interplanetary vehicles.

Meanwhile, as time went on.Build ships after arrival Gusev spun with a vengeance.Quickly erected stacks for two more ships.Drawings were ready, engineers knew their job, workers collected all already finished on the ship, and Gusev was now little more than a free night time.

Once he came to the apartment to Los late at night and found him in a dreamy state of mind in which the engineer stayed all lately.

Together they went to the balcony and looked at the starry sky, spread out over Petrograd.Waxwings grasshoppers somewhere below, the yard at dusk, in the cool of a summer day extinct.Los and Gusev together staring at the sky faded, which did not want to darken more due next spring solstice.In Petrograd was during the white nights and for astronomical observations it was not the best time.

But Moose still trying to see the bright sky on Mars.Gusev watched some time for his futile attempts, then said:

Mars-looking, Mstislav Sergeevich?

Yes - dreamily nodded Elk.

Gusev was surprised, as if it was not in those years when it was impossible to see the Elk without regret."That's because that makes a dream - thought to myself, Gusev, - with a man.Went down in the mouth, and now, as if alive!No, a person certainly needs a dream!Man without a dream in life - goner! "

Soon-fly!- Gusev said aloud.- Flight soon, Mstislav Sergeevich!

-Yes-ah - all nodded dreamily as Moose.


Much time has passed since then, as Skiles decided to lead an expedition to Mars.

Now everyone was ready to start.Five ships, such as the one on which flew to Mars Los and Gusev stood on the launch pad, protected from the countless curious onlookers an army of police.They were ready to fly away, and now hurried Krabs Skiles start.

But Skiles hesitated.He again and again requested the engineers to calculate ballistics trajectory apparatus.But they gave only an approximate result: he had never had to perform such work, and they could not imagine exactly how to behave in the body in a vacuum.Chance of slip was high.Ships could simply sped past the red planet and fly out of the solar system.Skiles so worried and whenever needed to assign the start time, put it off for quite some trifling, contrived reason.

-Listen, my friend, - one evening when Skiles has once again come up with a reason for the delayed start, Krabs told him - I built ships to you!I finally made you a very rich man!What is it, how much I can tolerate this your nonsense?

Krabs was outraged:

-We are ready to start!All except one - you!So I ask you to come and fix a date for departure!

Skiles confused and silent.So with him before Krabs never talked.He silently listened to his excuses and references to deficiencies and disadvantages of devices that need to be eliminated.It took time, and agreed with the arguments Krabs Skiles, eliminating another detected spelling.

But such shortcomings were on that, whether in its place Moose and especially Gusev, they would not even look steel.

For example, at the request of Skiles Krabs cache increased to an annual requirement.Then the whole interior has been replaced vessels, to the extent that there were comfortable leather sofas, screwed to the wall of the vessel.

The last straw that broke the patience Krabs apparently was when Skiles demanded install all machines machines for production of carbonated water.

-Maybe you still there and bring restaurant?- Flared Krabs, but devices installed.

But now he did not intend to take any more excuses.This was evident around its mean.

-Newspapers trumpeted around the world about our mission to Mars.I already invested considerable sums, and now demand their return, Mr. Skiles!- Went on the offensive Krabs.- If you do not decide on the date of departure today, it will do for you I am!I have every reason to it, because I made you who you are today!

-We start tomorrow!- Suddenly said to himself Skiles.

It was so sudden that even Krabs stopped pacing to his spacious office, turned around and experiencing some time looking at Skiles narrowed eyes.

Finally he found his voice again, because suddenly got something that he was not ready - a decision his headache - and corrected Skiles:

-After three days!If tomorrow, I do not have time to collect enough to press coverage of the departure!You know, dear Skiles that places for observing the start I sell!And many publications are in the queue for tickets to this event!But not all will get!I should have time to hold an auction!Each location will be sold as expensive as possible!

Krabs returned to his huge chair, rubbing his hands with pleasure, called on the phone and ordered the Secretary to inform the press about the auction for the sale of seats to observe the launch interplanetary mission to Mars.


On this night, Skiles could not sleep.Fear of the unknown and suffered it.He thought about how these brave Los and Gusev couple ventured to conquer interplanetary space.He would never have the courage to be a pioneer in such an unusual and dangerous business.

Even now, when to pass the beaten track, Skiles was scary.It was terrible to all.And leave the earth and fly millions of miles in an airless universe and land on Mars.Yes, even just to get into this strange design and include it drives - and it caused internal shiver with horror.

"Yes, and there, on Mars, even if we get?- With kayls thought, forgetting in the predawn restless sleep.- According to the Elk, especially Gusev, Martians are not particularly friendly to newcomers tuned ... ".

In severe meditations Skiles asleep in the morning.

He dreamed of red Martian sand, ugly Martian face, strange alien landscapes, cars, fancy building ...

He dreamed Moose, who looked at him puzzled, looking over some outlandish unearthly plants.Some monsters, which ran through the red sand under purple sky with cirrus clouds not yellow, not orange.Gusev busily shoot them like partridges of some huge guns strange design.Gusev times approached him and grinning in comfortable, wide smile, holding out something Skiles.By bottomless purple sky strange flying machines, not something similar on birds, not on the kites.

Sleep was difficult and disturbing, Skiles and suddenly woke up, as emerged from the abyss for a breath of air, which he lacked.

Sharp ray of sunshine broke through the greenery outside the window, birds chirping merrily in the trees, the morning air permeates approaching midday heat.


In some vague anxiety and anguish retreating Skiles spent three days left before the start.Still, he decided that his path to prosperity is through Mars.Had nowhere to retreat, he could not give up the fabulous wealth that has already received from Krabs and even partially spent buying a luxurious estate.

"However, if I do not return, why do I need all this?- Sometimes he asked himself, recalling his millions.- What is the difference, how much money will I have in my bank account - a dollar or a million dollars - if I can never use them? "

However, time inexorably moving forward.And then came the day of departure.


Skiles, yet full of doubt and fear, sitting in the car, in the back seat.Sitting alone, occupying the entire rear sofa spacious limousine.Far ahead, behind soundproof glass was the only driver who calmly but swiftly and deftly managed machine, tacking on corners and intersections of highway, ahead of fellow travelers, laying dizzying turns.It was the best driver Krabs, which on the auspicious occasion was Mr. Krabs Skiles ordered to deliver to the launch site.

It was early morning, the sky was cloudless and bright Californian sun climbs across the sky above all, promised a new day full of radiance and warmth.

Skiles again at night I could not sleep until morning and now felt overwhelmed.As soon as he fell asleep as he was immediately awakened.


The car raced at full speed to the launch pad, which staged thirty kilometers from the city so that, if that happens, then there has been no destruction of residential neighborhoods and is not involved in the death of what is happening people.

Behind his car followed escort of seven cars.They barely keep up with favorite Krabs, though also worked for him.These machines are members of the Martian expedition Skiles, who were supposed to fly with him to Mars.

Total expedition consisted of thirty people.Five of them were trained to manage interplanetary ships, three scientists were invited by Mr. Krabs.Actually Krabs offered a greater number of pundits make exciting and totally free "walk" on Mars, but many thought it was a risky venture, and managed to persuade only three.Mr. Krabs scientists instructed to collect all kinds of artifacts, to delve into the unknown technologies, and bring as many secrets and achievements Martian extraterrestrial civilization in America.That this was the most valuable treasure, which is believed Krabs, exalt him to new heights of wealth.It is for this he organized all this expensive even by his standards expedition.Of course, he was obliged to get profit from this flight, and one that I would have paid for itself many times its cost.

Other ten expeditions were trained in a special program of the North American Ministry of Defence.Within six months, they were trained in military units conducting special techniques of unarmed combat, firing all weapons and management of all kinds of vehicles, for aircraft and for ground movement, which had only been in the world.Ten of these were real fighters, mercenaries and thugs, ready to fight with anyone, anywhere for a good fee.Among them were three infantry officers, one of whom fought in Europe, the other two have just finished serving in the French Legion, the two front-line pilot.The rest were sailors Atlantic U.S. Navy veterans also sniffed full of gunpowder in battles in the oceans.

Krabs laid out a lot of money to these daredevils fly with Skiles.

The other twelve members of the expedition were volunteers, volunteers, each of whom agreed to fly to Mars for a hundred thousand dollars, passing selection, which gave Mr. Krabs.They came from many countries: Chinese, Mexicans, Poles, French and even a Russian.They all signed a contract with Mr. Krabs, he arranged for funding flight to Mars, and received from her half of the amount in advance.The rest of the money they were promised on his return from the expedition.


Krabs and then rang in the car on the radio and Skiles cope as soon as they arrive:

-There is a lot of people!- He shouted into the phone so that it seemed as if he yells in his ear, sitting side by side on the couch comfortable limousine.- Time to start!When you're on the spot?

Yes, soon, soon!- Annoyed Skiles, feeling the nerves rent it from stress.

Skiles somehow suddenly remembered the day when he saw an advertisement Elk nailed to studs peeling wall, invites everyone to make interplanetary flight to Mars.Remember him and barefoot young woman in a print dress neat, who read his lips moving.Her eyes were indifferent, blue, with craziness.

"With the craziness!- Hysterically thought to myself Skiles.- Is what distinguishes all these Russian!Only people with the craziness in his eyes could think to fly to Mars without much apparent reason, and risk their lives for some strange devices, construction and reliability which is more doubtful!Fly like guinea pigs!Voluntary! "

Do Skiles into hysterics, he was not going to act as an experimental animal, which is about curled in outlandish car knows where."No, these Russian, in fact, crazy!- He exclaimed, zagovarivaya aloud to himself.- And now I'm completely normal and sober mind people, for some reason should follow their idea! "

However, everything has already been decided.


Skiles limousine drove to the launch pad.

It was a building, not resembling an amphitheater, not the stadium.Huge playground with five pedestals surrounded semicircle high rostrum, such as those arranged on the football and baseball venues.But much higher and more capacious.

Each pedestal went down below the surface, resembling a golf ball or football, which, in fact, was a false bottom: it only covered the true lying below ten meters, concrete bottom of a huge swimming pool.

Basin around each site was made in a special square neckline, a window through which gases from running engines spacecraft had to go down.From the concrete bottom of the pool to the side opposite the stands, departed long underground trench, which were powerful fans.As planned by engineers to construct launch complex at the start of interplanetary gases ships had to go below a false bottom, which served as a screen protecting spectators from toxic combustion products, and through the chute sucked away from the crowds.

The stands were filled to capacity.In several places were set tripod with cameras, and there and then smoke rose from magnesium flares - reporters to take photographs.Also could see some huge sites with cameras and lighting equipment, which produced the documentary filming of historical events.

Everyone present at the start of the viewer posted Martian Corporation Mr. Krabs for his place and right here is not less than five thousand dollars at auction.Last tickets sold at a price exceeding ten thousand dollars.It was crazy money, so there could be only known moneybags, members of the U.S. government, as well as journalists and reporters, for whom money seconded posted their publication.


Limousine Skiles and rapidly crossed the platform, describing a graceful pirouette, slowed in shiny nickel-plated railing made on the edge of a wide holes around the basin, whence through progal ten meters in depth was transferred gangway to the ship.

The machine immediately ran on duty here doorman opened the door of the cabin and inviting bow with tapping hands aside Skiles exit.

Skiles overcame jitters in your lap and stepped on the emerald grass, fresh from a recent watering.He felt his legs like cotton and realized that he could not go.

Suddenly around like a blast deafening roar of cheers and applause.Soared over the stands flags flew in the air hats, delighted the crowd drowned out the words of the master, who was standing on the podium in front of the stands low and comment into the microphone through the powerful speakers of everything happening down on the launch pad.

-So, you see, there was the first contestant interplanetary mission to Mars, its director, Mr Ska-a-ayls!- Could be heard from the speakers on all sides by an enthusiastic crowd roar.

Delight present suddenly cheered Skiles, and he plunged into the hot rays of glory, felt a surge of strength, threw up his hands in greeting, brimming with enthusiasm himself so that his people have experienced encounters.He immediately felt that his legs no longer cotton, become obedient and fill with blood.The excitement that was born with fear and doubt, excitement suddenly changed delight.

"In the world even to die!" - Suddenly remembered Skiles saying that once heard in Russia.Then she surprised him very cool, because he could not understand its meaning, and therefore remembered.And now suddenly he began to understand the meaning of this saying.


From the stands viewers a magnificent spectacle.In front of a huge green area rose on concrete pedestals, like skyscrapers, five silver interplanetary ships.Each of them shone in the sun like a huge chunk of gold.It was an exciting, unprecedented spectacle, meant the beginning of a new era in the history of mankind.And it could not leave anyone indifferent of those present.And the audience roared with enthusiasm.

But here on the site seemed silver limousine.He quickly raced on emerald field and elegantly turned and braked.

In anticipation of unforgettable show the audience jumped from their seats, and their roar turned into a continuous hum.

Stepped out of the limo high trim young man in a gold suit that thousands of sparks sparkled in the sun, and threw up his hands in greeting.Roar of the crowd became violent and just drowned everything.

That seemed more cars, soon all the members of the expedition were standing in front of their ships, waving in greeting enthusiastic spectators.

When the buzz gradually subsided to the podium ahead of the launch pad itself came Mr. Krabs, founder of the Mars Corporation.He said it loud and wished the participants of the expedition interesting experiences and success.Behind him were made by representatives of the U.S. Congress and the government, and then leading this show organized Krabs declared: "Ready!"

Glee crowd drowned out his words again.


Skiles, toward the companionway, supported a new surge of delight viewers.Behind him to the silvery skyscraper interplanetary ship headed five more flying with him members of the expedition.In other ships also began loading crews.

Skiles ducked and entered into the machine.There was a spacious cargo bay with water, provisions, weapons and equipment of the expedition, came to the platform lift.When the last member of his crew battened down the hatch, he pressed the button, and they climbed into the spacious, bright and cozy living compartment.

Through the huge windows of special heat resistant glass were well seen standing nearby ships, emerald field and the stands with spectators.

Skiles is located on a leather couch, pulled out a bottle of expensive champagne bar, opened it and poured into glasses myself and two other crew members, a Frenchman, Marcel, and Russian, Andrei, who stayed with him in the living compartment.The other three, one of whom was a trained pilot spacecraft control, went up the stairs, into the nose of the ship, where there was a control cabin.

Well, - raised wineglass Skiles - for the success of the expedition!

Wine glasses touched, heard melodious sound.


Cool slightly fizzy heady brew got inside.His delicate heat broke through the body.

Skiles put the wine glass on the table, bolted to the floor next to a deep leather sofa and headed to the ladder that led to the control room on the floor above, and holding his silver railings, rapidly, in two huge jump through a few stairs up there.

In the control room the ship was sunny and bright.

Pilot Steven and two officers took their seats in leather armchairs in front of the starting control panel.They looked at him and waited for his team.

Skiles plopped down on an empty chair in the center of the starting panel, next to the pilot Steven, buckled straps and looked up.

Through the transparent hemisphere dome cutting of thick heat-resistant glass, separated by powerful silver arcs into six sectors, the wheelhouse from the sky shone bright sunlight.The sun itself was not visible, it was still low on the horizon, and therefore a clear, light-blue sky seemed particularly deep, almost bottomless.

Skiles picked up a radiotelephone handset and gave the command to the pre readiness check crews and systems of all interplanetary ships.

Pilot Steven also began to press any switches and receive reports from the crew members on the developments.He checked how the light filters and thick armored shutters covering the windows in the living compartment and the control room on the ceiling, which was supposed to be flying prow.

Skiles was followed by reports from Steven and all the other pilots interplanetary ships.

Everything was ready for launch.

Skiles reported Mr. Krabs's readiness to take off.Krabs gave overall command at the start.The speakers came the voice of the announcer giving the countdown.

"Well, that's all!" - Thought Skiles.

He wanted to be scared, but could not: still current euphoria deafening jubilation spectators unusual spectacle.Besides drunk on champagne tuned nonchalant way.

Countdown ended: "... two, one!Marks ".

Skiles pressed the remote start button, starts the interplanetary ship.A second later, the entire multi-ton hulk ran shivers, there was rumble grew into a deafening buzz.The ship moved, seemed swayed from side to side, and suddenly the sky floated on them with great speed, rapidly changing color, becoming darker.Soon it became a deep purple, and then suddenly a black carpet with a myriad of m and piercing eyes through the glass sparkles stars.

Overload could not move any one member of the body.Crew imprinted in soft recliners.Skiles thought the rush of blood to the head, he was going to faint.


When a speaker emits a start command, the spectators in the stands silent.Standing vociferous hubbub subsided, and suddenly, through the sudden silence of the whole district, bathed in the morning sun, the words became audible speaker pronouncing the countdown.

After a loud "... three, two, one!Start! "

A second passed and thousands invited to the momentous event when they saw as under interplanetary ships appeared strong flares.Immediately there was a deafening roar, grew into an incredible buzz.Rostrum also roared in jubilation as he nearly drowned him.

Smoke emanating from the nozzles ships, and ran under the surface of the stadium, and then the concrete troughs to the special opening, O gases in the atmosphere over a mile from the stands.From there, it can be clearly seen, as if from the crater of the volcano during the eruption broke powerful post bluish-gray smoke, staring skyward.

One after the other interplanetary ships giant fireworks soared into the sky.Soon, they resembled huge dandelions on giant stalks of swirling blue-gray smoke that grew with incredible speed soaring in the boundless sky.A few seconds later the ships became five silver stars high in the sky.It even seemed that they forgot to remove from the heavens with the onset of the morning.

A minute later they completely disappeared from view.And only five huge plumes of smoke, the tops of which were lost somewhere in the sky, twist in the sky in a giant funnel resembled some time about what happened.


Crabs also looked at the cloudless sky, where dissolved and melted pillars of smoke that blew into the bottomless unknown space corporation invested his tens of millions of dollars.

"I hope that it repaid me" - he thought, leaving a communication about it posh limousine starting place.

Already a minute later he was completely absorbed by some other thing, as if no interplanetary mission to Mars never existed.


In door someone had clatter.

Moose woke up and looked at his watch.Arrows indicate the beginning of the fifth.

"What could happen so early?" - SurprisedL axis, heading frantic knock.It seemed that someone wants to make him the front door completely.

There stood woozy Gusev.He was breathing heavily, apparently he had to flee.

-Did you hear hear!- He shouted unceremoniously vvalivayas the apartment.

Moose became alarmed and began to try to figure out what was happening.It seemed to him that probably evolved some kind of trouble in the construction interplanetary vehicles.

What, what happened?- He tried to get at least something from the crazed Gusev.

He was breathing hard, apparently, he ran several miles, so that, in spite of his strong constitution, he could not recover.

Yes, that is, in the end?- Outraged Elk.

He later went to and therefore do not get enough sleep.As always lately dreamed of debt on the balcony, looking at the sky over Petrograd, which is closer to fall rapidly becoming more dark and deep, and therefore could be distinguished even at the desire and Mars.

-You heard Mstislav Sergeevich?- Gusev,finally able to speak a little breather.- Americans flew!Skiles on Mars!

-When?- Moose surprise heard sat down on the bed, he felt a weakness, spreads on the body.He expected to hear anything, but not this.

Yeah yesterday!Yesterday!- Still panting, Gusev said.- As I learned so directly to you to flee from the house rushed!

Elk thoughtfully pursed lips forward, trying to absorb the news, which does not want to believe.He now suddenly with obvious pain he felt slip that made when all secrets revealed Skiles built his interplanetary apparatus.Was all the more sad that he could not do this, no one is forced to give out secrets.

Suddenly Elk was a shame that it is surpassed that flew without him, and instead using his idea, his findings.And if he had thought that it was nothing that Americans, too, will fly to Mars, now, when it became a reality, he just resented.Resented at all, and first of all on himself because his hands handed the keys to all secrets in wrong hands.

Informing this terrifying news and breath, Gusev sat on the bed, and so now sat in silence, her head bowed, clasping her hands.

There was an awkward pause.Elk felt guilty throughout the incident, but more than that, it seemed to him that the same feel and Gusev.What seemed only threat now done, and this fact had to somehow reconcile, somehow get used to it.

-Yes-ah - finally reached Elk, summarizing hear.

What yes, Mstislav Sergeevich!- Outraged as exploded once Gusev.- In this once you are guilty!

-Yes, I understand ..!- Tried to mitigate the situation Elk.

No, you do not understand, Mstislav Sergeevich!you do not fully understand what happened!The Soviet Mars flew Americans.Bourgeois!And thanks to you flew!- Gusev jabbed a finger at the Elk and it hurt that much, so that he turned away.A Gusev persisted, splashing offense.- You and only you are to blame for this.If none of your posturing, not your irresponsibility for the fate of the Soviet Mars, now would Mr. Skiles, his mother would take the devils would sit quietly in his America and scribbled be little articles!

Gusev rose from the bed and leaned over the elk that all hunched under the weight of his words:

-Do you understand Mstislav Sergeevich, what service you have given to Americans?Do you realize that bourgeois flew to Mars!In our Soviet Mars!So what now?They are there its power to establish a bourgeois?

-But we do not even know what's happened since then, as we flew out!- Elk became defend.Gusev attacks seemed to him insulting and overly aggressive.-

Rebellion petered out at us yet!Certainly there now still Verkhovod Tuskub!

-Everything is possible!- Agreed Gusev.- But it is even more aggravate your guilt!- Gusev persisted and was outraged not believe.- Most likely, Martian proletariat waiting for help from the Earth, because we were promised this help!You can see that all those years, unlike you, Mstislav Sergeevich, I was doing a new expedition to Mars, has created a society knocked allocations for new trip!And what happened?What got you through instead of helping our brothers Martian?Skiles and gang Krabs?Now to the one oppressors as Tuskub added also second oppressorKrabs with Skiles?So, Mstislav Sergeevich?

Gusev was furious.For many years that have passed since their arrival from Mars he learned thick Cach incendiary revolutionary speeches.And now, in addition to unparalleled warriors, which made him an imperialist, and then the Civil War, he became more and m fiery orator who knew how to speak so that the heart began pounding not only listening to it, but also himself.

Moose, who had often watched evolved oratorical quality Gusev, now tried to calm him down and turn the conversation to the logic of emotions, but it turned out badly.

-But if the Americans want, they still would fly to Mars, and we could not stop them.Besides our ship and returned to Earth in their territory - he retorted.

-But it would have been without your participation!- Do not let Gusev.- And so you gave them the road.Without you, Mstislav Sergeevich, they would need much more time to achieve this result.Five, maybe ten years!Yes I do not know how many, but certainly as soon arrange your flight to Mars they could not!And during this time we have more than once flew to Mars, Mstislav Sergeevich, and finally established Soviet power there.Overthrew the hell would this Tuskub his gang!Now what?Now Tuskub receive support in the face Krabs and Skiles.And to us,moreover, that the fight Tuskub have on Mars and still fight with the Americans!Well, great, do not say anything!

Their difficult conversation lasted a whole day.But it may lead to anything could not because it was only emotions.And, knowing that you need to act, Gusev same evening drove off to Moscow to seek additional appropriation to accelerate sending Soviet Mars mission.


The news that the Americans have rushed to Mars, strong impression on the Soviet bureaucracy.From the top were instructed: Gusev and Elk provide all possible assistance in preparing for the flight to Mars.

Finance, with the battle that knocked Gusev before, fighting for every penny suddenly poured in, so that became Gusev already thinking: "Is not there lay the construction of two more units?".But it was a whim, and he knew it.Time to lose no choice at all, it was necessary to go as soon as possible and do not give the whole mess things Skiles and Mr. Krabs gang of evil acts in the Soviet Mars.

Gusev was suddenly summoned to Moscow.

In his high office cool scolded for what he and fellow Moose keep up with the Americans and let them get ahead in the race for influence on Mars, and then set the task: "Mars should be a Soviet!"

-Got to be the Soviet Mars!- With combat readiness has reported Gusev and rushed to Petrograd run expedition.-A week later startanem!- Finally, he added for greater confidence in him in high offices and the reply was:

At the launch, giving three days!


"Three days?- Thinking to myself a seasoned warrior all the way to Petrograd.- It's probably not an easy task! "

In Petrograd Gusev already met representatives of the Petrograd Provincial Committee and several of gubChK which Gusev well learned during the cooperation with this organization.Here, apparently, already knew about the problem set before Gusev.

-Slowly coming!- Instead of greeting by shaking hands told him once the head of the special concerns of the Petrograd Provincial Committee.- It is necessary to rush on the wings!We have already warned that if you are not in three days lift off to Mars - and will remove all the head here!- He waved a hand at all Provincial Committee members present.- And there!- He nodded significantly towards scowling from sudden hard problems gubChK representatives.- They make us Axe noggin, and they will be there kirdyk!- He pointed to the sky and looked clearly there.- Beheaded!

Yeah I know!- Busily said Gusev, he had walked to the car and fast strides, so that his long leather coat widely waving in the air accelerates powerful torso, and other barely keep up with him.- Council!Just do not interrupt!

-How to help?- Ingratiating looked into a car through the closed door is not yet the head of the Petrograd Provincial Committee.

Yes you just do not disturb!Do not interrupt - everything will be!- Gusev snapped, slamming the door.He already was thinking how to organize everything in time, and molestation official suddenly mellowed him, knocks him persuasion.


Car raced at Petrograd.

Ahead alone in the car, the driver pointing the way short, sharp as orders, gestures, came Gusev, followed by persistent tail followed all who met him at the station cavalcade.But it did not pay Gusev absolutely no attention.He had no time.He did not even notice that this whole string of officials concerned with their future and angry KGB circled him around the city, a step without releasing it.

Gusev drove to Los.Togo was not home.Then he went straight to the launch pad, which at this time decided to hold on Vasilevsky Island, that was less foreign onlookers: since last start on Mars walked through the city untarnished rumors that many people suffered at the start of the machine, because it let a close.

For this reason, in order to laboring masses was not distracting them from building a bright future unwanted fermentation and speculation, access to launch interplanetary vehicles decided to severely limit, make by special invitation.

"Yes, and let the rest of the onlookers - Neva for watching!- Concluded Gusev, learning about such a decision.- At the same time, and the fresh air podyshat! "

Moose he found in the same dreamy mood, and it was not pleasant Gusev.

-Is not the time to dream, Mstislav Sergeevich!- Instead of greeting he said, extending his hand.- We have three days to launch devices given!Three days later, should fly off, although blood from his nose!

Who's this?- Moose asked, nodding at Gusev leaving behind several cars of people.

A-ah, that!- Gusev turned puzzled and twisted mustache, only now noticing a large retinue.- This will help!All Petrograd bosses!And the KGB for them alone!

He turned back to Los and raised for greater importance forefinger top:

Task-set from the top: start immediately, in three days!- Guseva mustache bristled from said already.- Here we are comrades and to render all assistance!

Yeah, but still have so much to do!- Gusev said, puzzled, surprised by the news of hastily outstretched.- It is necessary to recheck the calculations yet!

So, consider, think, Mstislav Sergeevich, still have three days and three nights!Aloft night's sleep!

Gusev busily grunted and went about dealing provisions and other supplies for the flight.On the way he called the chief engineer, construction manager and training devices to launch, something to talk to him a little bit, sometimes pointing at the sky, the people who stood in a crowd of cars, not knowing what to do, and went further, to give instructions to supply chief, responsible for material preparation expedition.

After a conversation with the chief engineer Gusev either frightened, or busily ran around the court, running up to it by one, then the other.And soon the whole building came in rapid motion, as if awakened from a long slumber.All ran back and forth, up and down.Despite the approaching evening, work in full swing with a vengeance.To the site where the ships were preparing to start, stood a long line machines with spare parts, provisions, materials, waiting their turn to unload.


Three days later, as promised in offices Gusev, everything was ready for the start of interplanetary vehicles.

Gusev personally reported to Moscow, and from there sent a plane with a representative to attend high offices at startup.

B-could now fly!- Repeating myself quite Gusev, as if referring to the Elk.- So no, now wait a whole representative when he arrives!We used during this time has been on Mars!

He was enjoying himself so quickly and smoothly finished preparing and kept this top floor, have fun and pacing the floor and then twirled mustache, following its recently acquired habit.Now it was a military jacket and trousers with stripes during the Civil War, but a new, just sewed.Gusev liked the old and out of fashion shape, because it reminded him of the times of his youth, and in such important and exciting moments, he put it up.

Here scurried around the KGB and the entire top of the Petrograd Provincial Committee, awaiting the arrival of an envoy from Moscow.The island was surrounded by reinforced by militia and onlookers who turned out a great many, not allowed here.

And then caught the eye of Gusev chairman of the Petrograd Provincial Committee.His face already looked nervous and a little embarrassed, but not as much as before, and from the forthcoming meeting of the Moscow envoy.It seemed that he could not find on the site befitting whether for yourself, or for such an event space.

When their paths crossed with Gusev, he once asked excitedly every time:

- Well, like, all right - for some reason looked Gusev eyes.

Since it was clear that the answer Comrade Gusev not interested at all - and Gusev on this dog ate - he did not even straining, without stopping and without paying attention to the official, tersely replied each time the same thing:

Norma Hoc!- And kept lamenting to myself that it was impossible to "quick Start" right now, "as it was then."He could not wait "quick Start" and catch Skiles.


Playground was made in the middle of the island, in a vacant lot, so that the bottom devices to almost half covered trees and buildings.Yet, when viewed from across the river, interplanetary ships were clearly visible, and every evening has been for many months onlookers gathered on the waterfront to look at this extraordinary landscape.

Gusev made in the construction of ships some changes, and now they looked sharper and approximate to a cigar shape.However, the lower part of it was still larger, and therefore created when you look at their contours strange impression that you look at the cigar-shaped egg or egg-shaped cigar.

The design and internal structure of ships Elk did virtually no change.It only strengthened body, mindful of the crash while landing a few years ago, replaced by a heat-resistant rubber, which is produced in the same factory ... nskom where doing and fuel for vehicles.And so all was still.

Each unit flew five people.Now, when all heard about the recent past have been flying from wishing to join Gusev and Elk and fly to Mars did not rebound at all times during the preparation of the expedition.Therefore Gusev, who now heads a flight to Mars under the flag of liberating the enslaved Martians, now was a good opportunity to choose the most deserving members of the expedition.He selected young, healthy, tall, educated, able to handle weapons and preferably had time to do some fighting.Such criteria, despite its many wanting corresponded only a limited number of bidders, and the last two because of Gusev tobral just before the departure.


But here it was reported that the plane with a representative from Moscow landed at the airport in St. Petersburg, and Gusev, realizing that now the time to launch a spacecraft to Mars there are very few, gathered for the last time for briefing the entire team together.He planted them around on the lawn in front of the apparatus and, sometimes turning around and watching the security officers and the head of the Provincial Committee of rushing by, hurrying to the airport, said:

-Radio communication between the ships we will be guaranteed in the world, and upon arrival at Mars.In outer space there may be serious obstacles.Therefore, after the launch, we are likely to get lost from each other before arriving at Mars.Mars immediately establish radio contact with each other and determine who flew and landed in all directions.Possibility B, will be a great variation in the planet.Therefore, in each unit, there is one aircraft running on Martian powder and one motorcycle, with gasoline stocks three kilometers.On Mars there is no gasoline, but there is a possibility to find the Martians and stock their powder for the aircraft.All right? ...

Moose was also present at the briefing, who pitched for the members of the expedition Gusev.He is both amazed by its increasing management skills, and thought about the imminent launch to Mars, and did not believe that all this is happening with him in a dream and reality.

Sometimes, for some reason he was checking calculations of trajectories, though now it was already useless.Apparently nervous.

"Waited" - sweet and dreamy thought Elk.

He tried to think about Aelita, but for some reason, thought lost, as if exhausted.And he could not focus on them.


Soon gathered everyone who was supposed to be present at the start of interplanetary expedition.

Gusev has built his team arrived and reported with M oscow chairman of the government commission, and then turned to the crews and units commanded:

"Take the place!On the machines! "

This time the speech was not to say to anyone.All onlookers were left outside the launch site.So everything happened as if on the front, as in war."Without further tsatskany" - said to myself Gusev.

- Well, we'll have them!- Casually shook his fist into the distance Gusev, saying goodbye to elk.They decided to fly on different ships, and now from this point to Mars itself could no longer see each other.Gusev had to run the commanding ship launch was conducted from all devices: command to start engines was fed from it.Elk also flew on one of the slave ships, which after starting ruled autonomously and independently could change the trajectory in space.

-Who they?- Moose asked.

-Yes, and that, and another!- Provocatively gestured Gusev.- And Tuskub and Skiles!All together!

-Let's see - Los shrugged.- I this had not thought ...

-And why do we fly, if not for this!- Gusev headed commander ship.

A minute later he took over the radio crews from all reports on readiness, and then commanded, "Go!", Turned the handle run.

Over Petrograd deafening rumble grew into a roar that drowned out other sounds.

"Well, let's go!" - Came from the speakers of all communication devices in interplanetary x machines enthusiastic voice Gusev.

Elk with force shrank into his chair, his eyes dark with mad acceleration.


Overcoming incredible fatigue leaning gravity acceleration mezhduzvezdnom space ship, from the newly experienced shocks to the body at the start, Moose tried to concentrate and think.

Now, when the expedition consisted of three independent units, each of which is independently moving in interplanetary space, it is especially important that all ships have successfully reached Mars.

Of course, it was great that they were flying so much.Not like in that distant first time when there were only two.But on the other hand their forces dispersed, and now everything depended on the safe arrival on Mars all three devices.Especially important thought Moose to meet as soon as possible on Mars Gusev.He remembered how to deal with them ruthlessly Tuskub army.


After some time, the unit has reached maximum speed close to the speed of light.Acceleration stopped.Disappeared bore down on body weight, it has become extremely easy.

Moose on the side of the machine, like a fly, got to one of the observing instruments and clung to the eyepiece, peering through the darkness in his airless space.

Eyes pricked sharp beams countless stars.Elk, turning periscope tube device left and right, up and down, trying to find the other two gadgets Soviet Mars mission.

Finally he noticed below and left a huge star, shining particularly bright, draws bottomless space like a meteor.The remaining stars, large and small, small and large, remained in place.Elk guessed that sees one of the ships.

He moved to the opposite side of the device, again fell to the observation tube and soon found the same bright star, rushing through the vacuum unit on the other side, above and to the right.

All three devices went smoothly, with the same speed, rapidly crossing the space between the planets.

Elk calmed down and began to make ballistic calculations, writing something in his notebook.He appointed one member of his team look into the instruments of external observation, symmetrically placed along the entire circumference of the unit.Thus, they could be seen surrounding space.In case of any danger observers had to inform him immediately.

The fifth member of the team watched the operation of the motor ship.

Periodically observers reported Elk that can be seen in the surrounding area and what happens to other devices, which are still moving to the right and below and to the left and above the ship, forming a triangle, rushing to Mars with unimaginable speed.


An hour later, one of the observers noticed some approaching them nebula.

Moose took a seat at the supervisory unit and examined the observed phenomenon.

Nebula clearly stood out against the blackness of the sky, dotted with prickly stars.Is behind the sun sets on the course, highlights it.She ran as a fantastic cloud somewhere in the infinity of space and disappeared into the depths of his black.

Elk clung to the eyepiece on the opposite side of the machine.

Cloud could be seen here.It also disappeared somewhere in the abyss of world space.

After a very short time a cloud is wider, then wider, and soon it took half the horizon already, and its details are now clearly visible.

Elk maximize multiple supervisory instrument optics and recoiled in horror from him, it was countless asteroids, small and large, the size of a small planet, and the like dust.All this ring rotates at a certain distance from the sun in the solar system and now embarked on their journey.

"A serious and dangerous obstacle!- Said their views engineer crew.- You must report it to other devices and try to change the course! "

He rushed back to the adding machine and a notebook to do the calculations is to monitor engine Maxim Polejaeff establish radio through interplanetary space with other devices and inform them about the detected threat.

Transmitter silent, apparently because the ships were moving at speeds close to the speed of light.Besides Los resulting from the settlement came to a disappointing conclusion that to avoid passing through the asteroid belt does not succeed, or they will have to change course on a hyperbolictrajectory that they can not get to Mars and carry into interstellar space.

Could only believe that they and other devices will be able to overcome the obstacle without loss.

Moose again clung to the supervisory unit.

Now nebula was closed all the space in front of throng of different sizes of celestial bodies that are rapidly closing in on the ship.

Moose suddenly noticed the supervisory device like a huge hole in the solid rock field.She was a little left on the course.Apparently this gap has done some recently flown comet.

He sent the ship to the side of the hole.

"It would be good to inform others that there were flying" - thought engineer.However, due to other ships were not.

As far as was possible, they changed course and flew at high speed along the tangent to the edge of the cleft in the dance asteroids.

Other ships were lost from sight.The supervisory unit was visible only from the gray haze of the passing throng the speed of light stones.

Suddenly it was over, and as if nothing had happened around again was a bottomless depth of black, studded with countless stars and constellations.

Now visible and Mars.He was right and below the rate and adjust the direction of motion apparatus, the crew headed to Los rapidly approaching planet.

The other two devices could be seen still, and Los alarmed.It suddenly emerged asteroid field was a serious obstacle on which ships could break.At this speed bump in the following would make the same second and the machine, and all that was inside, in the cosmic dust.

Elk sad and even forgot about the preparations for the upcoming emergency landing.


"Faith is a knowledge unaccrued reality!- Used to say something in early childhood Elk his father.- What are you going to believe, and come! "

Sometimes, very rarely, Elk recalled those words.They pop up very slowly and indistinctly of the most ancient depths of his consciousness, where lurked about remembering childhood and adolescence.Usually took place in the most difficult moments of his life.

And now, apparently, it's time to believe.Believe in luck, in fate, in prosperous flight to Mars.

Elk do not often indulged in it, and now it was difficult to rely on faith, that the other two gadgets reached the red planet ...

- Mstislav Sergeevich, Mars!- He heard one of the observers.

In this second axis A growing heaviness felt in the body.Vehicle entered the gravity field of the planet and now overturned nozzle capacity of Tell and forward rate.

It was necessary to prepare for landing.


Landing on Mars was tough.Apparatus, although did maneuver and, as expected, turned the back of the planet surface, but could not slow down enough and the engine had hit on a rocky plateau, jumped again and again, each time looking up from the surface smaller, then suddenly like stuck in it, stood almost vertically, but a second later with a screech of sandstone fell on its side, tilted forty-five degrees and suddenly froze.

Rattle, clanking metal roar of the engines, everything had suddenly quieted down, and there was agonizing silence.

Crew patted great landing, but there were no casualties.All, including Elk, escaped with bruises, abrasions, someone still dislocated his arm.Now, coming to himself, they were preparing to open the hatch.

But do not bother it now Elk.

Plexus strange feelings about possessed him.

He was glad, however, is not quite consciously, again flew to Mars, and at the same time worried experienced real concern that with him no Gusev.

For some reason he suddenly remembered their escape from Mars."Yes, then if not Gusev, it is unlikely I would be alive now," - he thought.

He, as an engineer, it was clear that for tens of millions of kilometers virtually uncontrolled spread of flight trajectories between ships is huge.But what?It is possible that some of the ships altogether and miss, passing Mars, rush to the limitless expanse of space forever.Yes, it's an asteroid field.

The thought Elk scolded chill.

"Yes, it will be difficult without Guseva" - thought Elk, preparing for what they did not see each other again.

Despite the fact that it had five burly guys carefully selected for flight Gusev, Los suddenly confused as a child.

He suddenly imagined the roar of their engines broke in skimpy Martian atmosphere for hundreds of miles around, heralding its inhabitants of their arrival."The same should be heard crashing and landing other machines!- Elk thought.- Maybe focusing on the screens, we find them? "

But the engineer realized that this same rumble can find them and others.

Of course, many years have passed since they left Mars, and it is unlikely someone is waiting for them: too troublesome thing - wait.But still ... Also around here already landed Americans ... if they flew.

After some time, they tested the effects of the radio station.It worked.Then they began to recruit the agreed frequency.However, the air was calm.Elk long listened to her, as if waiting for that now you will hear the voice of Gusev.However, nothing disturbed the silence except for the crackling.Signals from the third ship also been reported.

Everyone could not wait to get out of the machine outside.Somehow I do not believe that they are for tens of millions of miles from Earth.Wanted to try what it is Mars.

Here, you have to be careful!- Elk warned guys, when they unscrewed the hatch and going to open it.

-What is it?- They asked.

- Here every alien animals usual uncharted - explained Elk with fastidious shudder remembering giant Martian spiders.- More plants, cacti, like carnivores ...

In the opened hatch smelled dry warm air.In the eyes bright sunbeam hit.The sun was rising over the shaggy lump near horizon.

All carefully climbed out of the machine, began cautiously to listen and look around.

Elk this picture seemed so familiar, as if he had just left yesterday with Mars Gusev, and there was no agonizing years of waiting.At the same time, he felt that missed this bleak landscapes that have not seen for so many years, but then realized that maybe thislonging for lost youth at Aelita.

Heart ached painfully, and tried to get away from Los those thoughts.He started locating the ship, taking astronomical instruments and performing calculations.

His guys still knew that hop on an unknown planet, but did not believe in it,apparently, to the end, now happy as children, first time have seen something amazing and alluring as the sea.It was surprising to the sea.It was Mars, another life, another planet for millions, tens of millions of miles from Earth.They were playing, chasing each other on a deserted sand, slightly overgrown with some vegetation, threw stones at each other, leaping high, using a smaller body weight in a weak Martian gravity, - the word fooling around as they could.

Moose was not to fun.Determine the location of the ship, he realized that they were now

Were much further south than the previous landing.They were somewhere near the equator.This confirmed and soon ascended to the zenith sun.It glowed now over most heads

There was virtually no vegetation, the soil was different.Time exploring the surrounding area, Elk seemed that he was just weaned from the Martian soil and vegetation, but then still remembered groomed tilled soil under cacti and realized that everything else here."Perhaps because the planet has changed in the time that Mr. Al was not?" - Thought the engineer, but then cast away this crazy idea, realizing that for the geology of Mars during their absence - a brief moment in the multi-billion years of life cycle of the planet.

Here everything was unfamiliar, deserted, abandoned.The crew went around a few kilometers, but have not met any channels, no cactus, no mysterious buildings and wells, or even giant Martian spiders.It was quite a lifeless desert, and now Elk increasingly seemed that he was the first flight of his dream.Now Mars looked like he was supposed to look lifeless and deserted.Neither Soatsera nor Aelita, nor even kakih-nibud Martians.Only they, shaggy sun at its zenith, and their sharply defined lilac shadows on the rocky lifeless sand.

Moose shook his head,trying to get rid of obsession.He began to feel more and more that he flew on some other planet.He ordered to get out of the machine aircraft assembled on Earth by Martian drawings."If it works - it will be the only evidence of life on Mars that still exists - thought engineer.- Anyway, now, right now! "

The car was ready for a trial run.Moose took a small bag with the Martian powder, which he picked up last time with him in hopes to establish its production in the world, fell asleep in the powder box, leaving half in reserve.

-Starts - Los commanded, and the car immediately zastrekotala and soared towards a clumsy rider.

Elk understood - Martian civilization still exists, in any case, its polar station work, although he suspected that maybe they can function without the service and for some time, maybe a year, maybe a century after them last touch.Moose did not know their devices.

-What do we do, Mstislav Sergeevich?- Asked the Elk.

Two-stay here, the device - commanded engineer.- They have small arms and machine gun, flares, and a supply of provisions and water for two months at the cost-effective use.Their mission - to protect the machine, not to allow anyone to it, is always in the air at the agreed frequency to detect signals from other devices.Upon detection of other participants trip set their location and coordinate actions to unite the forces of the second Soviet Mars mission.One main unit, which flew a group of Gusev.In the case of departure to Gusev - leave a detailed record in the logbook, where and how to look for him, as well as to inform ways of communication.In case of serious danger to hide inside the unit, unscrew the surveillance devices and using them as loopholes to continue the defense.Flares run one every hour, but only in the most serious case.Three, you must choose who will fly with me on two machines to the north.In any case, we will return to the unit no later than a week.

-And if you do not go back - the sailor asked swells at middle, a Ukrainian native of Odessa, he was one of the first rushed once for selection to the team, and his humor, and that penetrated to the place and out of place a few times like Gusev exclude him from the expedition: "Humor on Mars to anything, Sasha" - he would say."Yes, how do to anything?- Outraged Tsatsulya.- There is no Odessa?Martians who will make you laugh?Without this contact does not adjust!So, no I did not. "

-If you do not go back, Sasha - approached him Moose - you wait until there is an opportunity and seek contact with other devices.No other way!

-No, Mstislav Sergeevich, I'll go with you, I can not in place to sit around!- Tsatsulya said.- I fidget!Leave someone else, Mstislav Sergeevich that cost you?And I'm still of use to you!Very much want to live to see the Martians, a chat with them.

See you, Sasha, you'll see - it calmed Elk.- Martians enough for everyone, I promise.

-That's good - Sasha agreed - but I'm with you, Mstislav Sergeevich

All right, pull the lot!- Los said.- Who wants to, he can stay.

Tsatsulya immediately got a match from his pocket, made two short handed and comrades:


All were drawn to the matches.Elk watched from the sidelines.He was seen Sasha matches.

When there were two - one short and one long - Tsatsulya already sweating, so he did not want to stay.

It matches the soldiers reached Egorov, Elk saw how he took up a long match, but Sasha held her so that he was white finger.

Okay - guess Egorov, when he noticed that the match is pressed, and he can not pull it out - so I wanted to stay.

The team was divided into those who fly with elk and two remaining in interplanetary apparatus.

In Martian loaded machine gun, a week's supply, food and water.

After d ec ny approx minutes Elk with three companions hoisted on its pulsating drive high into the sky and headed north.

Below them stretched orange desert, dotted with gorges, craters and waterless valleys to the nearest horizon.Nowhere was no sign of life.

"It is strange, as if another planet" - thought Moose, looking around and remembering landscapes of former Mars.


Shaggy Martian sun was setting rapidly to the west.The air grew cooler.The sky darkened, and the bottom of the orange desert which stretches from becoming even more saturated colors.

Moose is not the first time looking ahead, counter-flow developed his hair.He tried to discern any signs of life.They flew north for about ten hours, and only now because of the close horizon seemed familiar jagged mountains, jagged peaks which sank into the violet sky.

Tsatsulya sailor who still flew with elk, elated showed sharp-nosed peaks appeared on such implausible to eyes accustomed to observe the Earth's landscape.Nowhere in the world of the mountains could not be in greater force of attraction.

He shouted something, but his voice was drowned in the clatter of machinery and howling headwind.Moose nodded his head and hand showed that they fly it there.

Now it has become more fun: there was something familiar in the landscapes of an alien planet.He suddenly wondered why he had not noticed it before: beneath them has long been floating dry river channels, to line the surface of Mars in neat rows.His heart was pounding with excitement and apprehension meeting with that beckoned him through the years and through space.Enthusiastically and joyfully he touched his shoulder Tsatsulyu first and then the other two of his companions, and showed his hand down, knowing that his voice will not be heard.

The boys stared at unseen Martian wonders.

Now then, here and there across the skeletons of some ruined buildings.Some swam beneath the machine, others could be seen to the left, then to the right on the horizon.

Excited members of the expedition about something loudly talking to each other, pointing to these ruins, arose and carried away.

Moose gave the command to go down below and are now visible in the cactus plantation nullah channels, wells, manholes mirrors, sparkling lines razbegayuschi e smiling to the horizon along the diagonals.He even thought that he sees between the huge plants runs black, furry body of a giant spider, he looked more closely, but the unit will quickly carry them farther north.

Mars came to life before our eyes.Elk looked around and noticed the sky black dots, approaching them from several sides.If this were the Martians, it was necessary to take precautionary measures.He again touched Tsatsulyu the shoulder and pointed to the automatic rifles lying on the bottom of a flying boat, then turned his hand to the sky and pointed in the direction of one of the upcoming points.

Sasha peered where indicated engineer, wrinkling his nose and squinting, and pushed two other comrades, shouting at his ear: "To arms!"

Black dots seemed birds, interested prey.They approached the boat and, curiously gazing at her ravenous flock flew above, left and right, sometimes approaching to such a close distance that could reach out a hand.

All except Elk surprised outlandish appearance unseen animals, he continued to stare forward, gestures hinting Tsatsule to keep them on the alert:

-They may attack!- Called Moose, depicting hand predatory klatsayut fall, owl p depleting attacks.

Tsatsulya not heard, but understood by the gesture and his lips lifted automatic carbine and wanted to turn into one of the Martian creatures approached, but Moose stopped him with a gesture:

-Keep cartridges!

Sasha still could not resist.But instead of shoot, he moved bird butt when she flew very close and opened her to lyuv.

Sawtooth Mountains were already quite close.Now they are peeking over the horizon, and these were the horizon.Passed esch e half an hour, and that's already sailed beneath the ridges and valleys.The boat was flying so low that sometimes pointy tops floated near or above.

Comrades Elk looked around in surprise.Downstairs in the twilight between the mountains sometimes failures were visible remains of broken Martian airships and newcomers on Mars it was unusual.Moose is found only in this proof that it was not a dream - his first mission to Mars.

Mountain ridge over, downstairs again began to float flat landscapes.Now were visible-flowing channels, verdant gardens, home.Everything was the same as when they were brought to the Gusev great military Martian ship.

"How long has it been?" - Thought sadly Elk.Heart suddenly felt a pang of sadness and anxiety.Moose looked into sailing down the canals, houses and gardens, and some anxiety crept into his heart.Something seemed to appear in all views is not enough, something old, but he could not understand what it was.

By nightfall they reached the ruins of the old Soatsera.Everything was still, except for the fact that a huge statue was destroyed Magatsitls and defeated on the ground.By boulders, lying around at the foot could guess its once majestic contours.

Excited satellites and then showed that the elk down to one, then the other vestiges of the Martian civilization, but Moose just nods his head to him, then it was all familiar.

Of course, strange and unusual to see again after so many years, tens of millions of kilometers from Earth again these ruins, but that's all.

Moose signs pointed ahead, they say, it will be even more interesting.All eagerly peered into the distance.

However, almost dusk.The sun has long set behind the nearest Martian horizon and every minute darkened more.

Moose said ahead on a small platform on the slope of a steep hill battle Martian ship.It was as if the whole, as if about to ready to soar upwards.However, no one around the vehicle to be seen, and since the powder they had at the end, the engineer gave the command to sit next to him, showing that the weapons were kept in readiness to fire.

When the boat sank on a flat terrace in the valley below, where lay Soatsera, quite dark.On the site where there was a Martian warship still glimmering twilight.

Moose gave the command to inspect the ship, as he headed to the edge of the platform, which offers a view of the Soatsera.

Downstairs was dark.Moose was hoping to see at least somewhere city lights at night, usually at dusk, drowning in the light of lights.But was only around midnight.This alarmed engineer even stronger.Was something unnatural in all that are brought to his gaze this time.In all the familiar signs were subtle incomprehensible anxiety something was missing.

And then like lightning proshibla Elk.Of course, lacked the most important - life!During the entire flight over Mars they have not met one Martian airship, no flying boat.Even at the bottom could not be seen never any Martians.It was all very strange.Even now his hope to see in the dark at least one reflection is not that electric lighting, but even a fire, even a little feeble flame of fire - was not justified.Ahead in the darkness lurking Soatsera that did not serve a single sign of life.

Elk hearing drew a sound in the darkness below, under the hill.Elk sound seemed familiar.Some long-standing anxiety surfaced in memory at the same time, but he could not remember where he had heard the sound, and what was related to anxiety, which arose with him.

- Mstislav Sergeevich, go here!- Called the engineer out of the darkness a voice Tsatsuli.- There is! ..

-Coming, Sasha - he was distracted from watching the sound down and from his anxiety.

Average warship gangway was lowered to the ground.Elk accompanied Sasha went inside and found inside a strange sight.Two other comrades watched dumbfounded around like numb with horror.

Circle in the rays of flashlights were traces of some wild carnage, snatched from the darkness.

Mixed body lay Martian soldiers and giant spiders.It would seem that the entire crew participated in this mortal combat and completely lost in his same boat.

Urgent-climbs a ladder!- Ordered Elk.

Now he remembered that it was for the sound.The sound he heard then, with Gusev, in the maze of underground corridors, in that terrible pit from which raised tens hairy disgusting creatures.Apparently, they are now flooded and the planet.But why, how did they manage?

Everyone rushed to raise the ladder.He set in motion, apparently, an electric motor, but the electricity was not on the ship.Ladder next to the door of the wall was a small handle to the disk apparently it was an emergency winch, which was to raise the ladder.

-Sasha, rotate!- Shouted Elk Tsatsule, listening to the sound of rustling rising.- Faster, faster, guys, do not bring you to see it!

Tsatsulya that there are forces zavraschal handle.Around the cabin of the ship erupted dozens of small pale green bulbs.Ladder swayed slightly and slowly began to leave.

-This generator, Mstislav Sergeevich, manual emergency generator!It is necessary to turn off the lights, to send all his power to lift the ladder!

Spin-on, turn off now!- Moose said.- All search switch!

He rushed into the cabin of the ship, and the rest, tossing in the dark with flashlights in hand began to look for the light switch on the walls of salons.

In the wheelhouse Elk terrible picture appeared.In the chair sat Martian management, apparently, the pilot of the ship.M on top of the frozen dead or huge spider nailed to the ceiling somehow popem salon.Martian head and remained in the jaws of a huge insect.

Elk shuddered with disgust.Squeezing past the dead bodies forward, Los groped for control panels flashlight beam, looking something like a switch.One after another, he translated into another position occurring in the bright spot outlandish forms of switches and buttons pereschelkivaya whenever glancing at the ceiling, where there is also uneven, pulsing light bulb flashed emergency lighting.But she continued to burn, that he would not do it.

At this moment, the salon crackle turn fired from an automatic rifle, some screams and cries.Moose gave up his futile exercise: switch and failed to find - and ran back into the cabin of the ship.

In the flickering light green lights he saw Sasha continues to rotate the handle with one hand on the wall, which is held at the ready second hand automatic carbine aimed at opening the front door.Two other companions were also here, in preparation for shooting and lifting arms.All three wildly screaming in terror, smelled gunpowder.

Rang another automatic queue.This again Tsatsulya shot.

Sudden failure of black doorway into the cabin penetrated several feet furry giant Martian spiders.

Tsatsulya shrank away, leaving to turn the handle, and with both hands grabbed his shotgun, ready to fire sighting.At this very moment in the cabin pitch darkness reigned.

-Do not leave the handle!Say what you like!- Called Moose on the run before entering the ladder was still ten meters.

In the darkness became acute narrow sheaves of flame escaping from the trunks of automatic rifles, again I heard some yelling.Seeing nothing underfoot, Los tripped over something and stretched out on the floor.

-Sasha, rotate, climbs a ladder!- Los shouted, trying to get up.

Shooting became disorderly.Through its crackling heard some yelling.In outbursts of flames bursting from the trunks of carbines were seen giant hairy legs spiders, who tried to get inside the ship, interfering with each other.People retreated deep into the ship from the entrance, which has already conquered a huge insects.

Do not let them get inside!- Los shouted, trying to shout indiscriminately.He made his way to the ladder to the touch, crouching on the floor, slid at hand Tsatsuli, scorching short bursts toward the access opening and shouted.- Cover me!

Elk rushed to the input hatch, felt pen, and began to twist.

Again dawned dull greenish light bulbs around the perimeter of the cabin.

Very near, he saw the black feathered legs spiders clinging edge entrance hatch.Bullets whistled carbines from flying somewhere past his ear.They dug into the trunk of insects and Elk flew in the face some nasty smelly slime their insides torn shots.

Ladder slowly rose, closing the inlet opening.Heard the crunch of shells and insects paws, which weighed closing mechanism.However, three spiders the same ladder, closing, pushed into the cabin.

One of the spiders ran straight at Sergeant Sysoseva standing opposite the entrance.He dropped his rifle and fell backwards.Tsatsulya rushed up to him and gave head insect long queue on which the cartridges in his carbine and ran.Tsatsulya turned the rifle butt and began to beat the spider.

The second spider disappeared somewhere in the dark compartment, and the third took up elk, feeling it with its tentacles.

Elk felt sticky, delicate, cool touch tickling antennae animal hairs andsaw the glow of shots somewhere nearby his huge black eyes implausible.He stopped turning the handle and pulled back from the entrance, but the spider followed by its x and long hairy legs, stilts, front paws caught his body and going to stab him in his huge fangs, stingers, framing his mouth, from which trickled and sticky poured down on the floor a deadly poison.Elk could not move any more arm or leg.Spider immediately began to curl around the cocoon of its web, trying to limit the movement of the victim.Under its own weight Moose fell to the floor lounge, but the rifle in his hand became vertically, resting on the butt of the vessel bottom.Feeling that this is the end, Los clicked on the trigger, released at random all ammunition, losing consciousness.


In oval portholes glimmer light of dawn.Moose woke trying to figure out where he was and what was happening to him.Was bending over him tired face Tsatsuli:

-Woke up, Mstislav Sergeevich?

Yes, he said, feeling some weakness throughout the body.What happened?

-Yes, I have to extricate himself from the web of midnight.Contagion shook you like swaddle, he would run a midwife!- Outraged Tsatsulya.

-You mean anyone, Sasha?

-Do you remember?

Moose turned, studying the surroundings.Memory started coming episodes of carnage yesterday:

-Something remember, Sasha?What is wrong with me?- He tried to move but could not.

Yes you have this scum seems snatched lightly.Looks like poison sprinkled paralyzing.But you butchered her cool under the vinaigrette around the cabin scraps lying around!

-And the rest?- Weak demand Elk.

Yeah, nothing like - Tsatsulya said.- I do not hurt.That's got great Syosev Nikitin - so-so, like got off lightly.

A spiders?Spiders?

-Those three that were inside, all finished off.The one you made in the vinaigrette, I koknul another, and the third - Nikitin.

-Good for you, Sasha, I saw you fought bravely, if not for you ...

Moose groaned, feeling aches throughout the body:

-Where did he have?

In-shoulder, Mstislav Sergeevich wanted to see, in the head, but ...

-Got it.

-All night scuttling the ship, - said Tsatsulya.- They are probably hundreds more.I even thought that they fought among themselves, each other was removed from the ship.Looks like production is not shared.

-And now, Sasha, now what?

Yes seems to be quiet.By morning, all was quiet something.Looks like they hunt at night!In general, the horror some, Mstislav Sergeevich!where we were?

Marcio, Sasha, to Mars, dear!

Sun behind the mountains seemed.After a pause, Tsatsulya opened the door, looked around.At the entrance was strewn several dead insects, slain by bullets and crushed mechanism ladder.All was quiet and deserted.

-Get out of here necessary, Mstislav Sergeevich, - commented on the observations Tsatsulya.

Yes - agreed Elk - certainly below in all their swarms.

Wounded comrade Tsatsulya Nikitin and moved into the boat.The Martian warship found a large supply of powder and loaded into the boat, a few bags.

-We fly, I know where it is still necessary to visit!- Ordered lying on the bottom of the boat, Moose.- There sure is quiet, not like here.

Why, Mstislav Sergeevich?

-This is far in the mountains - Los said, but then I remembered that the underground labyrinths and are there, and it is possible that spiders and dominate there.

However, they flew.

Flying Boat soared over the hill and began to make a circle over Soatsera, heading for home Tuskub.Elk, which helped to rise, now literally hanging on side railing aircraft.With difficulty, he pulled his hand, showing the direction of flight.Occasionally, to orient, he looked down, but could not find the city.Downstairs floated ruins.Apparently, the destruction happened long as everything was covered with a thick layer of sand, in some places with high dunes ypavshim ruins.

Among the ruins, you could sometimes see huge insects that appear and disappear in the bottom tsarivshem chaos.

Moose, who saw this city to other, occasionally sighing.


By noon, a little strayed among the mountains as the Elk during this time, the order of rusty landmarks on an alien planet, they reached home Tuskub.Some time did not allow to sit Elk and they circled slowly down over the gorge and the lake.

Below, amidst lush greenery bushes grace places were visible everywhere the same signs of a struggle that approaching the Soatsera.Everywhere lay broken flying boats and several skeletons of large warships.But the house, a big house Tuskub, apparently was unharmed, and Elk, every time the boat was flying near, peered in the hope that now someone will come to the front lawn, or seem on the stairs leading to the lake.

He knew who he wanted to see, but would be happy if there was at least someone.At times it seemed to him that even if he now appeared Tuskub, he would be happy as if he saw a long lost friend - since the arrival on Mars he has not seen a single Martian, no living.In the shattered Soatsera dominated giant spiders.And now it seems that if this happened there, Martian civilization came to an end.

Moose did not want to believe it.He would not agree with that logic told him what he saw and experienced yesterday in Soatsera.It looked like a disaster in a few years to absorb the highest form of life on the planet.

Gave a glimmer of hope still working pole station providing flight their boats.But what if they have worked for many years in their own right, without any supervision?After all, the secret of their construction was unknown to him.It is possible that the principles of their actions were based on processes that do not require intervention for repair and maintenance for a long time.However, trying to find an analogy Elk this assumption in human history and could not.All invented by man and machine mechanisms required a constant presence and control on his part, or they just broke down, or they run out of fuel.However Martian civilization had many secrets and techniques that are not available or unknown earthlings, so it was possible to assume that their pole station can act on their own, creating an energy field, dozens, perhaps hundreds of years.But he did not want to believe it, so it cherished the hope that some of the Martian civilization certainly still alive.And so, it is alive and Aelita.And it means that he came here for nothing.Even if you survived it alone, then it will be sufficient.He would not dream of more happiness.He takes it back to Earth, so he wanted to see.He firmly embrace and kiss her to him, kiss hot lips and tell you how bored and aspired to it all these years.

-Aelita, my love, where are you?- Los whispered, feeling tears welling in his eyes.

How selfish love.That would seem to be a whole civilization disappeared, the population of the entire planet.And he, an engineer from the Earth before and do not care.He only thinks about one being about her, about Aelita.He thinks about it already countless thousands of days.He already szhilsya, accustomed to this misery and endless waiting.And they have a deep part of his nature for these many years, and at the same time give a reason to live, and to take it back ... its infeasibility

Suddenly, Moose heard a scream.He turned.Shouted Tsatsulya.Sailor vigorously showed somewhere down overheated explaining something, but parse his words was difficult because of the noise of the wings and whistling wind.

Moose looked down, but did not notice anything.Tsatsulya but continued to shout and show down.

"Maybe he saw a huge spider" - thought Moose.

He gestured to the sailor crept closer and explained in his ear what had happened, while shouting over the noise of the wings and the wind:

Come here, Sasha!What happened?

-There, there's a man - trying to catch his breath, told him Tsatsulya.

Where?- Moose tried once more to consider anything in the direction pointed sailor.- Are you sure?

She-s, Mstislav Sergeevich!Accurately seen as someone slipped.

-Maybe a spider?

-Yeah, well, I, Mstislav Sergeevich, from spider man is not different!

Moose shrugged, but gave the command to decrease.

The boat landed on the lawn of the house.

Just in case Moose gave the command to be alert.Sound of the wings of a flying boat verse primeval silence reigned around.

Somewhere near the lake the birds were singing, shaggy sun was at its zenith, and shone bravely with cloudless pale purple on the edges and in the center of dazzling yellowish sky.Behind them stretched familiar azure grove, is the same as then, many years ago.

Moose turned around.His heart suddenly ached so badly that he froze.For some time it seemed to him that he, in fact, go back to the past, and Gusev only brought into the house Tuskub, and he has not seen Aelita did not know and had no idea that it exists at all.

Ah, love, what a strange thing, this love.Suddenly, one day something will sink into the soul at the sight of a hitherto unknown personages, and now live without it it can, like all life before and was only that the overture to this meeting.And it does not matter, whether the subject feels passion reciprocity or not, quite the contrary, does not even notice it, but love is in itself lives, loves, admires and can not get enough of the object of desire.And even if the time or even any circumstances prevent it, it is just hiding somewhere in the depths of the human being, and then suddenly, out of nowhere one day completely erupts anew from scratch, it would seem, the place at every opportunity.

Here and now with Elk was something unimaginable.Love that seemingly long dried up, dried up in his heart, flaming now as if it was not these years.

Hurricane had suddenly erupted into a raging flame of hope chest eclipsed his mind, and as soon as the boat stopped on the ground, it was not wise gray husband and the boy, rushing headlong to the threshold of the house across the clearing, threw broken mechanisms - the next battle.

-Where are you, Mstislav Sergeevich?- Only had time to shout after him Tsatsulya as an engineer had disappeared beyond the threshold of a strange house.

Groaning in frustration, Tsatsulya leaped over the side of the boat and with automatic rifles at the ready for elk ran after him, shouting over his shoulder:

-Nikitin, the eldest!Take up the defense!

"And what I said to him that he saw someone down there?- Perplexed sailor on his stupidity.- Strange some people!After a wounded, barely pumped!Who is he looking for?Really missed by Martians, so that sprinted? "

Sasha ran into the dark, as it seemed, compared with terrestrial houses wall Martian structures and expecting anything to meet in the next minute, he took an automatic rifle at the ready, having sent a cartridge in the chamber, "Well, hold on, sailor!"

Mstislav-Sergeyevich!- Was heard in the dark corridors of the building his hollow echo of his voice ringing.- Mstislav Sergeevich!Respond!

However, there was no reply.Corridors houses were on either side of the entrance, so Tsatsulya decided to stay and wait here.


Moose was far inside the house.He learned every corner, every turn of this alien home, where once held some of the best days of his life, the days when he was close to the object of his love.

He ran for the hallway corridor, oblivious frightening boominess, their emptiness and abandonment.That's bedrooms, where they lived with Gusev.That library, here's the place - wide bench in a semicircular expansion room and a reading table in front of her with forgotten on its surface white ivory roller - where she worked with them learned the language and history of Mars Aelita.

It was all the same.Also on the shelves were ancient books, illuminated through skylights rays rolling to sundown.Near cylinders stood in neat rows with rollers for viewing on the reading table.

However, everywhere was deserted, but clean and tidy.Although there was no visible signs of struggle and destruction that occurred in abundance around the outside of the house.It was weird.It seemed that the house still someone looks.Someone brings order here.It is not the feeling that the owners somewhere nearby, but only briefly left his home.

Elk crossed numerous stairways and corridors of a huge building, stopping and looking in every room, on every porch, every corner.Everywhere was still deserted, but the house was in order.Everything was in its place, clean and tidy.Even the dust was not on a large household items.

Evening when Los approached in that part of the house where there were quarters that of which he had so long dreamed.In the feverish excitement, he ran into the bedroom and froze Aelita.

There was also deserted, as elsewhere.Last hope for a happy meeting began to evaporate.

Suddenly, in the twilight purple room he seemed to feel a presence.He said if someone's eye gray silhouette standing side dusk evening.

Beside himself with excitement overwhelmed him, Moose turned and froze in surprise.

Right in the depths of the spacious rooms guessed someone's silhouette.It was a woman - he could not be mistaken in shape outlines, though shrunken Martians were difficult to distinguish, but still guessed narrow waist shape.

Heart pounding in anticipation of meeting surging excitement.He peered into the gloom, trying to guess, and more, to draw an image of that of which dreamed of all these years.

Yes!It was a woman, he was now clearly visible.She leaned against the wall, apparently hoping to go unnoticed, and stood so still.Of course, the woman should not have uninvited guests show up when this was happening around him.How does she know that this is not the rebels and soldiers Council engineers - who she's afraid, and that it was he, Elk, flew for tens of millions of kilometers on the call of his mad love to meet her again.

Elk, overcoming bound him suddenly numb, made several rapid steps into the darkness and hugged female creature lurking in the purple twilight.


His fingers felt the cool surface of dresses, silky skin on the open areas of the body of the dress, which he embraced.He felt like a woman trying to escape from his grasp.Does she still did not understand.What is he, Moose?

His hands groped her rapidly, rising higher on the back, the head, the neck.He could not believe his luck.So, suddenly, so easy, after so many years and travels through the infinity of the world space, tens of millions of kilometers through its vast desert!

-Aelita!- And only managed to say Elk.

He tried to get her to kiss, because I was sure it was her, Aelita.But she still resisted.

Suddenly she jabbered something on your bird language.And Moose realized that it was not his lover.

Its like from head to toe proshibla lightning, and he recoiled away, feeling all flushed, covered with shame Crimson.

Elk have not heard so Martian speech that he could not make out at first, and that says a woman left in the dark purple wall.However, he recognized her voice, though he could not remember who it was.He fumbled frantically pockets for matches, and the next minute lit twilight front of you so that it became visible face Marsianka.

Before him stood the Martian middle-aged woman.She was scared, confused and downcast eyes, pressed to his chest, as if hiding inside.She stood motionless, as all the wall.

Peering into her features, Elk came closer, illuminating Martian held high match.

It seemed to him that the woman was trembling with fear.He looked at her and could not find out who it is, although the image of her pop up somewhere in the depths of memory.He struggled to remember the words of the Martian and could not - so long he did not communicate in that language.

When the match was almost burned out, and it became a flame extinguished, Martian suddenly lifted her eyes to him, and Elk recognized her.His eyes were the same as many years ago.They are all the same - or it only seemed to him - the light radiated youth.

It was Iha, he recognized her.

It seems that now she, too, learned the white giant.

With gleeful shrieks Iha fell upon the neck Elk, leaping at him like a tree and hugging her legs in his belt.

Something she squeal on his bird language, and Elk struggled and could not understand what she says.The joy of meeting with excitement alive and unharmed peace ful, the same, but only matured, swallowed it without residue.He suddenly felt almost feel the presence somewhere near Aelita.Well, if he found Iha, then Aelita just really near.

Just a few minutes, they warmly embraced, while Iha squeal and clung to the white giant as a child to become bored.Finally, when emotions have cooled down a bit, Elk literally ripped off the Martian and pushed her, hoping to lead to feelings.But she still has not been able to recover from the joy that there was no end in sight.

Elk recalled frantically Martian words, but then just asked her:

-Aelita!Where Aelita?

The woman's face suddenly looked haggard, joy it faded.She suddenly turned and went to the violet end of the room and there fell back on a huge luxurious bed of his mistress.When the moose came after her to the bed, he saw that Iha lying face down, her shoulders shaking.Moose turned her puny body and noticed through the darkening twilight purple tears streaming down her cheeks Marsianka.

-What?What happened?- Shook her startled engineer, and suddenly found myself thinking that speaks to her in her language chirping, as if he is not only that he could not recall a single word and understand what it says Iha.

However, she could not calm down, her shoulders shaking with sobs, and the maid could not utter a word.


The corridors of a huge house suddenly swept some buzz.

Moose started and listened.Iha also stopped crying and lurking, listening in the darkness.Hum repeated.Moose went to the door of the bedroom to see what kind of sound.

The corridors were dark and stuffy.Sun, apparently, had already set for the close Martian horizon, and the building was plunged into darkness.

I do not light the lights - out of the darkness came a woman's voice.

Why?- Asked her Moose.

-To think that there's nobody here.


-All.All those who survived - Iha approached in the dark to Los.Her voice now sounded somewhere nearby!

Elk are still listening to the darkness.But silence does not violate any sound.

-You came alone?- In the woman's voice caught elk notes of hope for a miracle.Los understand what it asks Martian woman.

Gusev, flew too - Moose felt slender fingers with passion Iha dug into his shoulder.- But I do not know where he is.

Why?- Iha fingers loosened.

-We flew on different ships ...

Elk could not tell her that he did not know whether the ship flew to Mars Gusev.

-So what?

-When planting our ships scattered across the planet.Perhaps even thousands of kilometers.But I'm looking for him.In his ship, I left part of the crew, which should establish communication with the ship Gusev.

Why you were not looking for him?

-Do you know why ... As soon as I was on Mars as soon rushed to search for Aelita.Where she is.

No reply.Iha somewhere near silent in the dark.

-Listen.I've got a crew stayed outside.Yesterday at us Soatsera spiders attacked at night.We barely got out ...

-Soatsera no more - sadly said Martian.

-I saw - Los agreed.- But there is no such ruthless creatures.They seem to be everywhere, in any case, my impression after last night.

No, they're not here, - these words Marsianka Los relieved - the entrance to the catacombs littered with powerful explosion.And in the mountains, they are not able to get here.But it is now one of the few places where you safely.

-But what happened?Where suddenly many of these creatures?- Elk was amazed.

Do not suddenly.They have lived for centuries under the planet's surface, appearing only occasionally, mainly at night.But now ... now they're everywhere.


Iha sighed:

Big-uprising that began Gusev, turned into a long and bloody war, succeeding carnage.Soatsera Tuskub was detonated as he had wanted.Its streets, destinations and even fields of cacti - all was strewn with dead bodies.They had no one to clean up.And did spiders.They crept to the surface now not one, but entire hordes.Food for them was enough.The number of insects soon reached such an incredible amount that the survivors could not cope with this invasion.Spiders soon filled all the space on the plains, many hundreds of miles from the destroyed Soatsera.Now one does not live here ...

Iha stopped and went down the hall.

Gusev went for it.

-Are you tired of the way?I'll give you a bath!

-Bath?- Impressed story Iha, Elk could not understand what she was saying.

But I was not alone.

-And with whom?- Surprised Iha.

With me, comrades.

-Magatsitls?- Martian amazed.

-Yes.This time we flew a large campaign.All necessary to feed, drink, put to sleep.Once here safely.

Good.I'll do anything.Just do not turn on the lights.


Five minutes later they came out into the pitch darkness descended Tuskub home on the lawn.

Stretched above his head, as if a convex cloudless sky, dotted with constellations.It seemed that the stars in the sky, you can reach out a hand - they burned so brightly colored lights.

The clearing was dimly lit their flickering light, and slightly thick silver dusk loomed like ghosts crumpled broken skeletons warships.

Here Elk worried about the crew of his flying boat.He was so fascinated searches that did not notice how much time has passed since then, as he jumped out of the boat and rushed headlong away.

-Well, where are your Magatsitls?- Chirped Iha.

-I do not know, somewhere in the dark - Los shrugged, he barely saw her shimmering glow of the stars of the Martian sky.

Who's there?- Heard in the dark frightened voice Tsatsuli.

It's me, Sasha - Los reassured him.

Tsatsulya almost came close from the darkness.Elk was seen as he squints, peering into the darkness in front of him.

-Ooh, Mstislav Sergeevich!I'm really worried even - admitted sailor - that something happened to you.

No, everything is fine, Sasha.

Y, who's this?- Now Tsatsulya noticed Iha and from such an unexpected fright jumped aside.

-This is Sasha, Iha - first Martian creature that you see.Incidentally, the female that Comrade Gusev star girlfriend.

A-ah, - Tsatsulya came closer and held Ikhe hand - very nice!

Iha looked puzzled at the Elk, but then, apparently realizing that so Magatsitls greet each other, too, held out her thin, weedy hand.

-And we're waiting, waiting, Mstislav Sergeevich!Can not understand where you got lost!And you won, which led Kralj Martian!- Tsatsulya admired.- And honestly, Mstislav Sergeevich, I would now like to borschetsa welled, Ukrainian!Guzzle hunting!

-Now, Sasha, we will think something Iha - cheerfully replied Moose.- Borschets Ukrainian, of course, I can not promise, but the worm starve - think of something.

He looked at Iha.She listened curiosity and interest in the alien language.

-Yes, there is some buzz twice heard - Elk remembered.

Yes it's me with the rifle slammed into the hallway - admitted Tsatsulya.

Why?- Los surprised.

-Thought - will respond!Where to go to look for you in such a hulk, but in the dark?Here and fired a couple of times.Maybe you Privalov where or who attacked.You never know what kind of help is needed.You used in response fired, I would orient the sound and came running to my aid.

A guys where?- Moose asked.

Yes the boat, keep the defense from the spiders, and indeed - I ordered.

-There are no spiders, Sasha, as Iha said.

-It's okay, Mstislav Sergeevich, and then yesterday I fear something had suffered!They now I probably will dream at night.


Iha invited guests in the house.She led the Elk and his crew for some strange stairs.First Elk and did not know of their existence.Went down stairs to.

Iha was ahead of itself, illuminating the path is not some outlandish lamp, not the strange blue-green torch that burned without splashes, exactly, some dazzling, even flash a sphere.This bowl was poured something like a flame.But at the same time, it seems as if behind thick glass in a small aquarium swim some strange, translucent fish, which there very closely, and they are now and then pressed to the glass and look outside.

For peace ful followed Elk, then Tsatsulya and Nikitin, who carried the wounded Sysoev.He was almost unconscious and moaning slightly with each step down the stairs.

The staircase was wide, three meters in diameter, spun around a screw diameter circular columns in five meters.

What's this?- Asked at Los Iha, pointing to a column in the center.

-This is the elevator shaft, but it is not working - Martian said, turning slightly.

-You are so ridiculous pop with entoy special!- Rear Tsatsulya laughed.- Well, like birds chirping!

-It is their language, Sasha.

Sorry, I do not understand - complained sailor.

Soon-learn - reassured him Moose.

-Nah - Sasha nodded.

-Why?- Los surprised.

Humor-I will not allow my Odessa so tweet.Well I myself Laugh before losing momentum for such "fyuitkane."

-Where are we?- Again asked Iha Elk.- Something I have this ladder has never seen before!

-You just did not show it, - she said.- This is the secret of the house.We descend into a huge bunker, which is at a depth of a thousand steps (Elk immediately translated Martian measure length in the earth graduation - it was about a hundred meters!).When it was built, I was a teenager.

-For what?- Moose asked.

-I do not know - shrugged Iha, but just then Tuskub came to his current position.

-Hmm, strange - Los surprised.- It is as if preparing for these events.

Yes - agreed Iha - strange.The more that we then had a quite peaceful, carefree life.Anyway, so I thought.

Finally, they reached level ground.Descent ended, and further led Iha Elk and his companions through the wide halls and corridors, cleaned as palaces.The walls were fashioned in white marble, but the floor lay strange Martian carpets.

The woman came to some ball, hanging, as if in the middle of the air corridor, high ceiling, and sent to his side arm.Immediately around became as bright as day.Light poured from nowhere.Could not see any lights, no windows.

"Yes, we have to Martian technology is still very far - thought to myself, Elk, saw it, and suddenly surprised.- I wonder why we came to them, not they to us?Vedas their art would readily allowed to do it, if we were able to make their own level of development of interplanetary ship. "

The wide spacious corridors numerous white glass with gold doors led into various apartments.In the center of the corridor length was a hundred meters wide entrance without doors in a huge hall with a variety of table s and the oversight of access to them, crossed the corridor crosswise.

-Here those on!- Surprised Tsatsulya scratched his head.- Some bourgeois mansions!

Moose was surprised too.Such regal luxury was not even upstairs in the house Tuskub.

Tsatsulya went along the corridor, looking for frosted glass doors with gold handles, patch patterns and loops, whistling in astonishment:

-You see, what a beauty.Here, huge bath, all of gold, Mstislav Sergeevich, and here, oh-oh, luxury bedroom.In the corner of golden toilet!Mind you, I'm sleeping here!- Tsatsulya sold.

-Sit!- Kindly offered Iha.Her words were unintelligible and surprise Tsatsuli.All this was familiar to her long and familiar.

But why I had not shown this outlandish luxurious place?

First, when you Gusev flew for the first time here in general no one was allowed to walk.Even the servants house cleaning tolerated here very, very rarely.

-And now?

-I do not know the times seem to have changed.This decision Tuskub.Now I'm all guests Tuskub post here.

-But we are not his guests!- Corrected Tuskub.

Iha laughed:

-You are my guests, and let the Son of Heaven, for me to decide where you eat and sleep.Up there, no light, no hot water, there I can not cook you a meal ...

She caught herself:

-I went to the kitchen.

Iha retired and Elk as Tsatsulya and began to roam the outlandish construction everywhere shines white marble, gold and light pouring from everywhere without any visible sources.

Returning a few minutes later, she called Iha guests in bathrooms and explained that everyone can take a bath in my room, because there are many of them.

Moose entered the spacious bathroom.

Like everywhere there was light everywhere, and it was not clear where it came from.

All the walls were white marble, and only one is made of a single piece of mineral, like a rhinestone.Behind the mineral was laid a huge plate of polished silver mica, why it is a mirror of amazing beauty and properties.It has made some deep reflection, almost three-dimensional, and whether it seemed that close another room.

On the other three walls were made golden bas-reliefs, occupying the upper and lower third panels depicting scenes from the life of an alien, for the toilet, including Martians taking ablution.But there were scenes and marine life, depicting some strange animals.

On a low marble pedestal, made in the form of some outlandish marine animal resembling earthly giant sea turtle in the middle of the room stood wide with curved edges and a wide sloping slightly towards the center of the drop-down form bottom oval tub, like a huge teacup and saucer.It was made of pure gold inlaid with platinum veins resembling the planets' orbits.Instead of the planets themselves were inserted into the bath huge diamonds, colored sprinkles thousands of sparks.Only instead of the Earth was inserted huge sparkling garnet highlights thousands of faces ruby.Platinum wires pierced body through the bathroom bowl, so the orbit were visible and on the inside.Precious stones depicting the planets were inserted into the through-holes, fringed, narrow platinum rings with some colorless transparent seal replacement apparently rubber.Inside the hole was mounted lights, making all the planets glowed from within its own light.Jupiter was depicted giant diamond the size of a headlamp earth motorcycle or car.It somehow skillful way in depth was let into a huge topaz, depicting a spot on the planet.Around Saturn in three slits were inserted elliptical horseshoe adjoined the disk of the planet with their open ends depicting his ring.They were made up of many small diamonds, collected together in some mysterious way, just glued, but existing as to separate from each other.Rings are also shone inside and glittering with sparks.Planets have been made to scale with respect to one another, and the smallest diamond was Mercury.But even it would be enough to overshadow the most famous diamonds of the Earth.

-That's a luxury!- Elk was amazed.- This is beautiful!Not a bath, and a planetarium!

He averaged sixteen planets.Earth, as it should have it, was the third from the Sun.Between Jupiter and Mars was still some fairly large planet.

Elk moved closer to the bathroom, afraid, as if in a museum, break something.

Inside, in the center, instead of the drain was placed something that represents the sun.

It was a large disk slightly convex, encrusted with thousands of tiny diamonds.The CD was divided into four parts crosshairs of ruby ??and sapphire veins.In each quarter of the hemisphere rose faceted gem symbolizes some element.Diamond symbolized apparently air.Beside him in the drive were sunk into three wavy, running parallel to each other line of small sapphires.Huge Ruby portrayed possibly fire.Beside him flashed sapphire strips similar to those used on Earth in some ancient traditions depict fire.Emerald portrayed likely an earth sign, and sapphire blue - water.

The disc was surrounded by sixteen sharp triangles facing him narrow bases of small diamonds and other precious stones depicting rays.Rays were divided into four groups of differing lengths.First, the longest group represented a cross of diamond triangles.They reached their peaks platinum shaved Mercury.Second cross of fine emeralds, rays triangles which were half as long, was located across the first cross, dividing evenly in half angles between its rays.Narrow triangles-spines, lined with sapphire and topaz, crosswise shared their medians angles between diamond and emerald rays.

Around the bath in the marble floor was visible gold ring with a diameter of five meters.For a bath of white marble floor stretched two copper pipes wide oval, curved side of the bath and ends with strange spherical gold taps.

Iha gone.She caught sight of the Elk, watch golden bas.

-On the planet once had a lot of water - the woman said, noting confusion about the Son of Earth unusually large number of images of marine life.



-What happened?

-It's a mystery, which are dedicated only to the supreme rulers.Aelita knew her as a daughter Tuskub.I said it only once about it on the big secret, but did not disclose the fact.

At the mention of Los Aelita again Iha wanted to ask what happened to his beloved, but she walked past him to the bathroom and touched first one to the ball, and then to the other.Of both balls in the bath water flowed.

-When should be turned off, just Reach to drain the water, press both feet simultaneously for any two balls in the sun - it showed in the center of the bowl and left the bathroom.

Now observe that the image of Mars on the bowl bathroom is very different from the other planets.In contrast, around the same platinum wires were shown its moons orbit, which, for some reason there were four.Moon were made of small diamonds, which were encrusted in a bowl with bathroom inside, and therefore platinum shaved moons of Mars and the moon themselves were visible only to the person who was inside the bowl or very close to it.One of the moons was depicted with sixteen rays, as around the sun, but only tiny, much smaller in size.

"It's just amazing!- Elk thought.- Sometimes an ordinary bathroom can learn more than in the library! "

Wide tub filled with hot water, and Los suddenly remembered that he had not washed ever since he left Earth.

He undressed and plunged into hot water, graciously accept his body.

Immediately along the golden ring in the floor, the purpose of which was not clear before, there was something resembling a ring as if the screen of frosted glass, rising to the height of the middle of the room.It quietly and reassuringly shimmered white, gray and blue tones so that Elk started to get sleepy.Sweet body ached from being kicked out of his fatigue.Only shoulder bitten spider bit hurt, moaned, recalling yesterday's incident.


For dinner, we all gathered in the spacious living room.Iha has covered a magnificent table.There have been countless plateaus, deep and shallow, filled with a variety of things to eat.Middle a large oval table covered with a white cloth out of some thick elastic material, there was a big pot-bellied vase filled with wine.

-You want to overfeed us right!- With surprise Los said.

However, all without delay started the meal, and Iha at this time took the wounded, wiping his naked body spongy cloth, soaking it in a container with some liquid greenish-brown color.

What's this?- Asked her Moose.

-This is an antidote to spider bites, it is absorbed through the skin, - explained Iha - tomorrow he will recover.


Exhausted warm bath and pacified dense dinner guests left on the proposed peace ful spacious and richly decorated bedrooms, rather like rooms, each of which was on a huge bed, adorned with gold and precious stones are also marvelous, like everything else.In inlays predominated diamonds.

Elk hoped Iha cause to talk about Aelita, but barely touched huge but flat, unusually soft pillow, fell asleep as strong, healthy sleep.


He awoke from the fact that someone bothered the his leg.

Los rose and at first could not figure out where he is.

Yesterday's impression of luxury seemed somehow golden dream.

However, around was the same richly decorated bedroom, illuminated even soft orange-golden light.

Er ofwake Iha.

What happened?- Moose asked, although Martian was obvious that nothing happened.

Son of the Earth, I want to talk about Aelita - with some sadness and said the woman came out of the bedroom.

Moose dressed and followed her.

Iha was waiting for him in the great hall, which was crossed with a cross corridor.

-Everyone is asleep, the Son of the Earth!Very tired!- Iha said, gesturing for him to sit down in front of her on the white leather sofa though.- You sleep for two days!

Moose sat and smoked his pipe, ready to hear something exciting and perhaps unpleasant.

Iha was silent for a while, apparently collecting his thoughts.

-I know that you came from Aelita - Iha said finally.

Moose threw his head silently, listening to her every word.His reason suddenly slashed hurt on the left side chest and your heart like a fist.

Iha sighed with some sadness and looked away.

-Unfortunately, - she continued the conversation - I have not seen since Aelita's father took her from Holy F Orogen.

Elk felt like a fist clutching his heart, has closed stronger.Some dreary aches spilled inside, above the diaphragm, caught his breath, and he coughed from spasm and quit smoking.

But I believe - Iha looked at him - I believe the Son of Earth, that you meet with her.I feel like I know what Aelita alive.Did not feel the same, you son of the Earth?

Elk silent.Spasm, breath, did not give a talk.It hurt him, but he tried not to show his pain Ikhe.

-If you did not believe that Aelita is alive, and that you meet her, you would never have flown more - concluded Martian.

-But is not nothing Tuskub told you about her?- Moose,finally able to speak, let go of the pain.

He's very angry at me forwhat I helped Aelita then.And if not for the circumstances - no servants who died and who had escaped, and I alone remained of the old servant who knows his house and may contain OK, and that you can trust these untold wealth and the same expensive secrets - Tus to K would have long dealt with me.

But why he's still mad at you, it's been so long?And is not that the fate of Aelita family secret that can trust you?

Iha paused in thought.

-What I helped Aelita - is an act which forever made me an enemy of her father.Probably because he now have to keep it somewhere in captivity, because since then I have never not seen her, either here or anywhere else.However, I never go anywhere outside of the house e.So everything about Aelita, for me now banned.I know many other secrets.I could tell you that after your departure at Gusev Ta l tsetl Tuskub blew Soatsera and herded surviving Martians on dzemnye plants.I have been instructed to follow the leash s house Tuskub.Sometimes he arrives here with his entourage.I could tell you that a month ago Tuskub brought into the house of some Magatsitls named Skiles.He was received with the luxury of a king, taught Martian language.He was accompanied by a large retinue M agatsitlov.A week ago, M agatsitl Skiles and his entourage flew to Tuskub.I could tell you that the house I did not light the light, not to attract the attention of pirates - defecting soldiers Tuskub and part of the rebels.

-Pirates?- Los surprised.

Yes, pirates!- Nodded excitedly Iha.- A lot has changed since then.How do you fall on Ta l tsetl Son of Earth.Pirates captured many warships Tuskub and plow at night expanses of the planet, looking for something to profit.They are looking at the bottom where the light is, and then attack them on the next day and robbed.Residents they take too, paying them or pirates, or slaves.Those who do not agree, they ruthlessly killed.Usually leaves me Tuskub of soldiers to guard the house.But even then, it prohibits light up, to avoid unnecessary hassles.The last time Tuskub left for home security dozen soldiers and one warship.But the soldiers for several days noisily celebrated the feast X avry, burning fireworks, sent rockets, smoking prohibited Chabris.Women brought from somewhere.Light house all the windows a few nights in a row.Maybe a conspiracy among them, and some of them decided to go over to the pirates.And the day before yesterday, pirates attacked.They took over a battleship.The soldiers passed on their side, and the rest are captured and taken away too.

But why then they robbed your house?- Los surprised.- Here countless treasures!

He looked eloquently.

This dungeon-soldiers did not know - Iha said.- And why not pirates robbed your house?Piratesknow that this house Tuskub and, despite all its excesses, do not rip it.Once, a long time ago, when pirates still there, they tried to attack the house Tuskub and rob him.Shipwrecks that lie broken on the lawn - it ships as pirates.They fell in the battle, when Tuskub learn that his house was attacked, shut down the station pole.Then killed not only these ships.All ships that when the trip pole stations were in the air, fell on the planet, like pirate and military.Tuskub but did not care.He was furious.He promised that if his house once again try to rip, it will disable the pole station forever.All pirates know about it, so do not rob his house.The same taboo pirates on behalf of the Council all engineers.But the day before the pirates attacked yet again.A nd they robbed in Possibility, they needed a warship left on guard house Tuskub.They attacked the afternoon, at the same time that he came andthe next day your boat.P oetomu when you arrived, the son of Ze m if I thought that they came back.

Iha paused and added:

Iha-afraid of pirates.They will not rob the house, but will be taken into slavery Iha.They immediately wanted to take with them Iha.But Iha said she did not tell Tuskub that pirates attacked, and if they take Iha, the Tuskub understand that pirates were here again.

Iha took a breath.

-For Tuskub Iha only maid who needed him to keep the house in order.

Elk sighed.

Hope that clears the darkness of ignorance, after a conversation with a peace ful that he had a few minutes ago, now collapsed.Nothing is clear.Aelita's fate was still unknown.And now he knew that everything is permitted only when he will meet with her father.

He knew about it for a long time, perhaps, that if even the world slipped into his mind a thought.But he drove her away and do not want to admit even to himself, that the meeting with Tuskub, one on one, face to face - it only solve his question and put an end to his torment and anguish.

Now he suddenly understood clearly - Aelita's alive or not, they will be together, meet you, - there is only one stumbling block, which is moving, he will be able to answer all these questions.And the name of this stone - Tuskub.


Gusev shrank to the floor.Sprawled beside his crew, not expecting such a weight gain.Launch rapidly torn up, receding away from Earth.

Here, finally, it became easier - Spacecraft scored full speed.Now all lost weight and swam inside the ship, like fish in an aquarium, trying to adapt to the new environment.

Gusev swam to the tube supervisory unit and looked outside.

"These are the times!- Heard the voice of the brave corporal Guard Cavalry Regiment Mirow Tsaritsin native province, who first came to himself and rushed to another periscope.- I'm such temnotischi had never seen!A star-then what?That and look, eye Drill!And the sun!Burning, radiant!This is not seen on earth! "

Gusev also were seen and stars and glowing, rdeyuschy unbearable, the dazzling radiance of the sun disk.But it-it was not unusual - seen enough already.

-Look, guys!- Fun allowed Gusev.- Krasotischa incredible!- He agreed.

All five boys, his crew clung to the observational instrument and Gusev meanwhile swam to the instrument, to look at their evidence.

Everything was normal.Somewhere down fractionally tapping engine, giving the machine an incredible speed in interplanetary space.

"As there Moose?- Thought Gusev.But most of all he bothered by the ship, which were only novices.After all, he and elk were already flying, and could cheer, support, if that, comrades.- There are guys struhnut no joke!Well, nothing!Will get!The rocket will carry them to Mars, and then cheered up their morale has fallen, as it should be! "


-Alexei Ivanovich!- Shouted Fedoulov Muscovite, a retired soldier.

Gusev dolyublival capital, but Fedoulov he liked something, and therefore took it to the expedition."It is necessary, even in the capital there are such charming and nice people!- Then remembered surprised Gusev took Fedulova, even though he was small growth, and physique Khilovat.- Nothing - then justified Gusev before him - the heroes we have enough!And this - literate, smart, clever!And most importantly, responsive to need someone else! "

What Sasha?- He asked his bottom from the instruments.

-There, in front of something white, like a veil - Fedoulov gestured, and Gusev, rebounding slightly from the floor, ran up through the bay, trying to grasp the handrails near Fedulovo.

Gusev again clung to the supervisory unit and saw that the space in front is filled with some white and gray stripe, grew rapidly in width.She barred the way to the unit.

Peering Gusev thought at first that this kind of interplanetary fog.

-Wow!So it's a gathering of stones!- Exclaimed suddenly, he finally looked closer.- Well, my friends, stand from under!Hold on!

He began to rotate supervisory device, searching ways to overcome obstacles, and soon noticed the same progal who took elk.

-So!- Gusev rushed to the management of the engine nozzle.- Nick!- He turned to the world.- You said that after the Civil War pilot swam in the passenger steamer on the Volga?

Well, it was the case, Alexey!

-So!Look into the tube and tell me the way!See top right progal dark?We need to get into it!

- Well, all the same!- Troubled Worlds.

-If you can not handle Nicholas, all smashed into a cake!

-Why not?

-See front fog?


-So, it's millions of stones!We have vmazh at this speed - from us and wet places will not!Got it!

-Got it!

Worlds started, realized that now his life and everyone else who was in the vehicle, depends on it, and began to give Gusev commands for changing direction.


An hour later, they overcame a dangerous obstacle.Gusev already sweating from the strain.Several times something struck the plating apparatus.Looks like fine sand space.

-Good for you!- Praised his Gusev.

-That was close!- Elated confirmed Worlds, too tired from a busy observation.- I see in front of something like a billiard ball orange, Alexei Ivanovich.

Mars-It, Nick!Crew, prepare for landing!- Ordered Gusev, and began to slow down, reducing the supply of fuel to the engine.

After ten minutes Mars closed its disc front third of the sky.Apparatus began to roll astern Exchange.

-So, guys, getting ready for the descent!- Ordered Gusev.- Everyone take their seats.

He began to twist rheostats, increasing the supply of the powder into the engines to soften the blow when landing.He ordered worlds to someone watching through the telescope instrument facing the planet, has landed as close as possible to the North Pole.


The device landed somewhere near peaked mountains.When Gusev opened the hatch, they seemed to be hovering right above the inter-planet ship.

Oh, boy, Worlds!- Exclaimed Gusev, waddling through the opening hatch out.- Almost got to the point!That's where, in this mountain range, their chief town - Soatsera called - he jumped to the orange sand, zahrustevshy under his boots, brushed, like dust and their breeches, with his head almost straight up and looking at the most peak mountains rising steeply to the sky a few hundred meters from the landing site, commanded.- Order!Fall in!

Stunned and slightly beaten unaccustomed landing, his crew became one jump behind the commander, was surprised looking around.Gusev was clearly seen that the pattern unusual, unearthly landscape led his squad in some frightened and even fear.

-So, do not be timid, comrades!- Encouraged them Gusev.- We arrived here finally set on Mars Soviet power, and not to be afraid, unprecedented Martian beauty.We're not ladies muslin!Listen to my command! ..


Gusev gave the command to carry out a reconnaissance of the area, to determine their location, communicate with other interplanetary vehicles.But, as it turned out, landing station was severely damaged and out of order.Therefore, leaving the protection of the ship two people Gusev starts flying boat built by elk, and, taking with him Mirow Fedulova and Minakova, pilot with the Pacific Fleet, which fell in 1917, captured by the Japanese and escape from there only three years ago, sent in Soatsera."In any case, Elk arrive there too, because he knows this place," - thought Gusev.

-Look at both - he warns remaining on guard Vasilyev and Bykov - here any suspicious animals: giant spiders, birds of prey some, even some scum - so from the ship on a step.Just that - climbed inside.If there is any enemy attack, you have a gun - to fight back!

With these words, Gusev instructs Manakov at the start, cool flying boat soared in violet sky, sparkling in the rays of the sun shaggy, just appeared in the east because of the unusually close horizon.

Two minutes later the landing interplanetary apparatus disappeared from sight behind the mountain ridges, and Gusev turned his eyes forward, looking forward and pointing to the memory path Manakov.Fedulov he ordered to take a position at the stern of the ship and shoot the little that any objects that will take in head start chasing their boat.Worlds did the same thing, watching the space on the left and the right.At times, he lifted up his head in a purple sky and watched with amazement shaggy sun is unusual for an inhabitant of Earth, sometimes his attention attracted remnants of flying ships and boats encountered in deep and narrow crevices between the rocks.Then he touched his shoulder and Gusev and showed him down.He pointedly nodded, glancing down and twirled his mustache, like clockwork wound up courage.


Towards noon they reached a place where before there was Soatsera and long swirled over half buried ruins sand, among which occasionally ran here and there, huge spiders.The guys did not understand anything, looking puzzled at Gusev, who nodded his head sadly.Noticing finally place before the former star huge area, and now resemble crater around the sand dunes came into view in the middle with the remnants of a large pavers, Gusev gave the command to decrease.

It was quiet, hot and desert.Wind twisted over the hills that were once beautiful buildings, small eddies of sand, which, danced a bit, then broke and already appeared elsewhere.

Leaving flying boat at a machine gun, which has attached to the stern, as a machine-gun cart, Manakov, Gusev led a small detachment moved deep into the orange dunes, fill the ruined city.

-If you had seen what it was blossoming place - he said to his companions.

Under the sand, however, discern the outlines of streets, which gave the dunes position blocks and streets.Here and there in the remains of buildings, covered with sand, left front door, and they could enter.They gaped in the dunes like a black battlements, and when there were just around the corner the next street, Gusev raised his left hand up as a sign of special attention and caution when traveling.There could suddenly jump or big spider ... However, Martians nowhere to be seen in contrast to the spiders, a couple of times on one and in groups of three or four insects detachment crossed the road in two or three quarters of the dunes ahead.

The further detachment, the more Gusev knew nothing to do here.No signs of the old life, which was in full swing here on their first arrival.He was about to give the command to go back, when suddenly there was a sharp somewhere deafening crash.All at once fell to the orange sand.

Gusev raised his head and listened, where sound is heard, and tried to understand what it is.

Meanwhile crack swiftly moved Collision Course in two blocks around their left.Here he caught up with them and then sped past on the street parallel to the side of the star area, which remained their flying boat, more calming down.A minute later there spoke gun.It was an unusual sound in the Martian atmosphere.It seemed that fired a powerful automatic cannon.

-Come on!- Ordered Gusev and rushed back to the area.


Star on the square there was a fight.Manakov fell at the "Maxim" and gave short bursts, turning it to the right then to the left.From somewhere in the streets between the dunes, fill dilapidated buildings, heard the same crackling, which made squad drop to orange sand.He then approached, then removed.In the side of the boat, where he took the defense Manakov, flew several crackling dazzling sparkling balls, similar fireballs.They fell near the flying boat, raising broad similar to cacti pillars of sand.There was a roar.Boat rocked.Gun fell silent, but after a few seconds he spoke again.However, there is still a few balls exploded near the boat, and now the machine gun stopped.

Gusev raced to the boat at full speed."It has begun!- Flashed through his mind.- Sooner I buried Martian civilization! "Behind him, ducking occasionally dropping to the ground to avoid becoming a target for a stray bullet, trying to keep up, and fled Fedoulov Worlds.

Gusev did long jump, good Martian gravity allow such tricks to get up, and jumped at full speed into the boat.Immediately next heard two more deafening explosion.Hulk shaken, thrown and covered with sand.

-What have you got?- Rushed to the Manakov Gusev.The smell of gunpowder, the roar of explosions, insecurity forced the pounding of his heart, which happily fluttered from boyish delight forgotten before the battle.owlong time he did not haveit!

Manakov fiddling with a machine gun, reclining, bending low, that has been seen over the side of his back flying boat.

Gun jammed, Alexey!Sand got!- Manakov said angrily, looking at the red-faced, with a bright glowing with excitement eyes battle Gusev.

-We are in Samarkand with this here so coped!- Gusev gun grabbed the handles, and set him upright and opened the lid, making it clear Manakov that he himself acted on.- With whom are fighting for?

-And there, with the south-west ...

Gusev lifted the side of the boat, trying to see anything in that direction.

There, between the dunes, hung low over the street fighting Martian ship.Came the sound of banging and crashing breaks.Now sparkling silver ball smiserably flewsomewhere in the opposite direction, along the streets of the radial fall perpendicularly, which hung over the ship, and with a roar exploded somewhere in the depths of the quarter.From there, he met a weak dry chatter shots Martian guns.

He's fighting with someone else!- Amazed Gusev, fumbled on the bottom of the boat with binoculars.

Manakov fixed machine gun, closed the lid and gave the ship a short burst.Enemy immediately maneuvered and all tracers passed.In response to the side of a flying boat flew a few crackling silver balls that exploded near its side, causing the boat capsized on its side and was thrown several meters back, so that we run up Fedoulov Worlds and barely managed to dodge the blow with her, falling flat on large stone blocks.

-In gives!- Outraged Gusev, dusting himself off and reluctantly Martian sand on teeth.- Well, I'll show him!Follow me!- He turned to the dumbfounded Fedulov happening and the world and ran parallel to the one on which there was a battle d Martian ship, leaving from the star radially outside the area.- Manakov!Grab your gun and on the opposite side of the square!- He snapped, turning on the move, the machine gunner.- Distract him shooting and move!

Led his small detachment Gusev obbezhal around the block and ended up in the far end of the street where flying silver balls with crackling Martian warship.He fell in a small sandy m cold and put the binoculars.After a couple of seconds on the right and left of him in the sand and splashed Fedoulov Worlds.

-What is it, Alexei Ivanovich?- Fedoulov asked, panting.

-I do not understand?- Gusev said, peering through binoculars.- Here I see a ship ... Yeah, just about!

Now Gusev seen from the windows and doors of the first floor of dilapidated houses, covered with sand, jettisoned from the ship some Martians.They leaned out and fired at the ship and then hid back.Several silver balls with a roar exploded from one of the houses, and he collapsed, hiding under there and then pour sand.

-Come on!- He said to his men and himself rushed ducking into danger.


Gusev ran into the low door of the dilapidated house.In a small room with one and they ca n window exits in the direction of an enemy warship, hanging a few meters from the house on the street, lay on the floor five Martians.Three of them, apparently, were killed, two were reloading their funny like toy, gun.

One of the Martians with surprise, eyes wide and mouth, looked at Gusev and ran after him and Fedulova worlds.

-Do not worry - your own!- Gusev threw him on the move, metnuvshis immediately to the window.

Somewhere near deafening gap, and the window broke dense cloud of sand.

Here-devils!- Cursed Gusev, dusting himself off.- Fedoulov!Worlds!Spread out over the neighboring buildings!Take positions!Beat on this thing screws.Shoot sighting!Keep cartridges!

Fedoulov Worlds and disappeared beyond the threshold, ran out into the street, and Gusev kissed the automatic rifle sight and a second later fired a short burst.In response to the deafening explosion followed by two right under the window of the house.The room was covered with a thick layer of sand, the wall of the building creaked and was about ready to collapse.

-Get out!- Called Gusev sole survivor Martian, but he did not understand it.T henGusev grabbed him by the collar and dragged him like a kitten on the street.

As soon as they got, as the building crumbled, and he was immediately swallowed sand dune, reaching to the feet Gusev.

-Ah, now would be a couple of sticks of dynamite!- Complained Gusev.

Immediately next to it there was a deafening explosion.Instinctively, he fell to the ground, but his shoulder was scorched, and he became covered with loose stone fragments.Somewhere nearby there was a still a gap, then another, and Gusev covered with a thick layer of sand.

Star-shaped area came short queue deafening gun.This shot Manakov.Apparently, he moved to avoid being shot, and then, taking a new position, gave a short burst and then ran away to another place.P poison through the crackling fire guns could be heard loud Martian shooting rifles Fedulova and world.

Gusev out of the sand pile, pulled the rifle, got up on one elbow, took aim at the box under the rear rotating screw Martian volatile warship and fired a short burst, meting out its length: "Twenty-two!"

After the second shot bounced slightly turn the rifle, but just two bullets went into the goal, and in front Gusev box under the screw shattered powder from her fan pa ssypals I'm around, screw spree and then loudly hrustnuv, crumbled.Lobes with a whistle flew off somewhere.Martian flying warship fell on the stern, then stood upright and finally toppled backwards.Second screw crumpled body of the machine.Became quiet.

Gusev rose from the sand, shaking himself, and looked around.Martian, he hauled in a crumbling house of lying, sanded, and was seen only his legs in a strange shoes.From the window of a neighboring building seemed Fedoulov, a little distance from the door of another sanded house came with an automatic rifle at the ready Worlds.

Well, here's Mars!- With a grin, twirling his mustache, said Gusev.- There is anyone alive?- He nodded his head.

-I got two seemingly alive - said Fedoulov.

-And I have one - Mirow.- Strange such as teenagers!

From the side of the bent warship came screeching.Gusev instinctively fell to the sand, prepare to fire.

Opened the side door, ladder, which was to serve as a ladder, climbed up and down from the gaping hole fell Martian soldiers with automatic rifles short drive from the center.

-Wow!- Gusev said.- Not ugomonyatsya way!Take a stand!

A dozen soldiers in the Martian helmets ovate, broad in silver jackets with thick collars, closing neck and bottom faces, scattered across the street and began to attack rushes, dropping to one knee and driving aimed fire on the force Gusev.They chaired the commander in black, large pleats falling robe.He did not shoot, but only gave orders to soldiers in the poultry Martian language.

Gusev took aim and fired a short burst on the Martian in a black robe.He fell.Friendly ceased.Soldiers stopped in confusion, not knowing what to do now.At this time, from the area said the star "maxims" which flank dagger fire immediately finished with a dozen Martian soldiers as a child's toy.

Gusev rose and shook himself:

-Well, Manakov, even to war did not give!- He twirled his mustache again and turned to Fedulov.- Well, show me where your Martians.


In survived only three rebels on either looked with surprise at Gusev and his companions.

-Hello, comrades!- Greeted them Gusev.- Well, tell me what you have going on here!

Martians are all just looked with surprise at Magatsitls arising out of nowhere.Gusev waited in vain for their response, then I realized that you have to remember the lessons of Mars.

-Only you do not laugh!- And he warned Fedulova Mirow and chirped like a bird, referring to a Martian.It was evident that it is given to him with difficulty.

Martian tried to understand what he says Magatsitls - seen Gusev order rusty Martian language - asked to repeat several times and corrected him, then began to finally conduct a dialogue with him.

Five minutes later, when, dragging on a Martian sand orange gun, approached them Manakov, Gusev quite mastered the pronunciation and already hard peresvistyvalsya with a Martian.

-Wonderful!- Commented seen Manakov.

-He warned not to bellow - Mirow said.


During a brief conversation Gusev found out that the surviving Martians - part of the few rebel unit that survived in the ongoing war all the time with the soldiers Tuskub.They hide under the ruins Soatsera.There are other groups, but in the vicinity of the ruined city they left only.The once numerous detachment, numbering several thousand rebels, now there are about three hundred.Someone died during raids in Soatsera someone in battles with spiders, someone went into pirates.Who now appeared with the collapse of civilization.Their detachment chairs Tar someone, he did not quite Martian.

How this is not quite the Martian?- Gusev surprised, and he was born a vague guess.

He half-Magatsitls, but it's a long story - said Lar - so called Martian which Gusev said.- All that we are now - is to fight for its existence, - he finished the story.- We live in underground labyrinths, we have to fight incredibly multipliedst spiders, on the one hand, and Tuskub soldiers who patrol the ruins Soatsera, hunting down and destroying the surviving rebels, on the other.

-What do you do on the surface?- Asked Gusev.

-In the city there are several grocery stores and a couple of the existing water sources.We go out to them occasionally when full of food and water become very tight.Typically, soldiers Tuskub us there and waiting.So what happened this time!In outing involved two dozen insurgents.And now, we have only three, and, thanks to your help - complained Martian.- Mine provisions and water become increasingly difficult!

Yes, comrades Martian proletarians!- Gusev shook his head.- Bad about you!So, we arrived in time to you!

-It is necessary to descend into the underground labyrinths - said Lahr.- This has not happened to the rebels shot down at least one ship Tuskub!Now surely it will look.

Yes - agreed Gusev - battles today is probably sufficient.

As if in confirmation of these words somewhere in the south-east of Soatsera noise was heard flying boat.Gusev raised his binoculars in search of the warship, and as far south in the sky I saw a few black dots approaching Soatsera.It was a flying boat, surrounded by predatory ihami.

Elk-don?- Surprised Gusev, but flying object was still so far away that it was impossible to consider it in detail.

-Most likely, this boat reconnaissance troops Tuskub - suggested Lar.- We must hide!We're leaving!

Okay - agreed Gusev, lowering the binoculars."If it is Elk, then we will still meet!" - Take us to your leader!- Martian he said, and then in Russian, it was clear to his companions, he added.- I want to see what kind of bird this Tar - their leader.

When flying boat flew to Los Soatsera Martian insurgents and detachment Gusev were already deep in the labyrinth beneath the surface of Mars.


Gusev were familiar with these deep wells, tunnels and narrow corridors places deep beneath the surface Soatsera.Once on them, they were running away from the elk from the pursuing soldiers Tuskub.

And now he moved behind Lar who covered them the way some device like a strange greenish flame, burning without soot, some flickering light.Behind him walked Manakov, Fedoulov and Worlds.

Rebels and detachment Guseva long way down the corridors and tunnels of the labyrinth, going down some stairs and wells deeper down.Gusev even lost track of time as they are in these catacombs.One thing was clear that they went somewhere very deep, because in my ears began to pawn overpressure.

All the way before going silent, but Fedoulov not resist:

-Alexei Ivanovich, I'm scared!- He admitted.

Yeah me too, Sasha, not in itself, no joke, get so deep, as if to descend into the mine.I really was not a miner, but the feeling is that it has become ...

-No, Alexei Ivanovich, I do not mean that.I'm so scared there was not even when rushed through interplanetary space.Kind of like all their own.And then, we go behind some Martians.Maybe they have in their lair taschut, and we still do, and go?

-You what it, Sasha?- Gusev did not understand it.

-And besides I, Alexei Ivanovich, what on earth is not every man who can be trusted, even rarely what you might say.And we're Martians trust ...

Yes - agreed Gusev - STEM comrades trust - the last thing.They told me the last time brought devils.I led them to revolt, and they have the guts to fight was!

Yes I not to Alexei Ivanovich - Do not let Fedoulov.

-A what?

-And the fact that we have heard - with provisions they tight ...

-You what, Sasha, implying?- Guseva had no idea what he is worried.

-And besides, Alexei Ivanovich, that they will eat us ...

A-ah - finally figured Gusev.- Do not worry, Sasha, not dadimsya alive.We have automatic rifles.For them our rifles, guns for us.

-No, Alexei Ivanovich, you do not want me to fully understand.That's where we already an hour premiums, deeper and deeper.There is no light.Happen that way and then reverse themselves do not find.And they will wait until we overpower and eat us!

-Come on talking nonsense!- Outraged finally Gusev.- In fact, it's ridiculous!

-Funny - not funny, but alien beings ...

-About what you were saying?- Asked out of the darkness, somewhere in front, Lar, attracted Magatsitls debt negotiation.

-Why, my friend is going through that climbed deep - back to the road we find, - replied Gusev Martian and Fedulov added.- Everyone calm down, Alexander, you see that the Martian comrades nervous start from our conversations.Told you - do not live dadimsya, the whole story!

Yeah already come soon - Gusev said Lahr.

-Why is it so hot in here?- Asked in turn Gusev.

-We are in deep, - said Lahr.- Here are closely spaced layers of magma.Yes, now see for yourself.

They suddenly came in a huge cave, which turned in a sharp bend of the next tunnel.The cave was illuminated by some obscure orange-red glow, and it was evident that it is somewhere in the ceiling at a height of three hundred meters.With a huge icicles hanging stalactites.Some of them have reached the bottom of the cave and form colonies, which are now making their way between the travelers.

-What's that light?- Asked Gusev.- Where is he?

This river-Mer.

-What is a river?- Gusev did not understand it, but then for the next ridge columns of stalactites, where the glow was much brighter, he opened a fascinating picture.

Ahead in a deep gorge in the midst of this huge cave, cut it from one end to the other, rapidly flowing fiery red river of lava.From it came the heat and evaporation.

-Wow!- Surprised Gusev.- A lot of things I've seen, but have never seen.

His companions also stood, unable to look away from the stream, bubbling, bubbling, shimmering heavy, elastic waves, sometimes even roll over like water rapids.

-Come on, - pulled the enchanted bizarre spectacle Guseva Lar.

-What is this river such measures?- Surprised Gusev, his senses and followed along the rocky, ledged edge of the gorge along a narrow path behind the Martians.

-This is an ancient river, - said Lahr.- O on springs from the volcano, situated close to the Sacred Threshold.There, in one of the secret caves we anciently betrayed this river the bodies of their dead chiefs and rulers.

-Clearly - concluded Gusev incomprehensible Lara Earth language - like any religion.Sect, in general.

-Now this river hides us from the raids of spiders and soldiers Tuskub.

Long they walked along the edge of steep cliffs of the gorge.Sometimes Gusev turned around and looked back.Cave stretched away as far as the eye.Fiery red thread strange river lost somewhere in the impenetrable given.Ahead tall as the sky ceiling of the cave, lit by orange-red glow, and continued as the eye could see.

Feed-something fifty yards, and then one will, Alexei Ivanovich - figured Manakov - across!

Yes, somewhere like that, Volodya.

-I had never seen this!- Joined the conversation Fedoulov.

A long cave, probably a dozen kilometers will be, and even more.Anyway, what you see - Mirow their observations.

-We still have a long time?- Asked Gusev at Lara.

-Soon it - he said.

Then their eyes appeared even more fascinating picture.

Stream ended something which earthlings were not even describe.

It was like a waterfall.

From a great height, one hundred meters, lava flow broke down into a steep precipice, and fell into the lake of fire, extends to all corners of the extent missing eye.However, unlike water, lava flow cascading, do not spray, but possessing a certain ductility and toughness, as if cut layered over the lake of fire, creating a sort of pancake ledged, the bottom edge of all time continued to flow and at the same time immersed in it, superimposed on top until the new mass.

Away in the darkness of the cave, were seen several similar lavopadov.

Varr!- With some respectful greatness commented spectacle giant lava lake Lara.

Gusev was not even words to somehow respond to what they saw.His companions also could not utter a word of what he saw incomprehensibility

Lar stopped.Here the trail along the edge of the gorge ended.Now the front and on the right was only lava, and left the steep wall of the cave.If Gusev at this point could say anything, not taken aback by surprise unprecedented ever delicious and terrible picture, he would have said, "Well, where to now?" But he was fascinated by the majestic and awesome spectacle, as if petrified, and Only his eyes, glistening reflection sea of ??fire, distinguished him from the stone.

Lahr put his hands to his mouth and gave into the darkness on the other side lavopada apparently prearranged signal from some raspevno sounds.

From somewhere in the darkness emerged something square, on a long rope, leaving somewhere near the ceiling of the cave.It was close.It soon became obvious that it is something like a trolley cable car, which in the world to climb the mountain skiers, and in some cities, where the time to visit the Martian Gusev after the first trip, instead of using the tram.

Trolley crossed the chasm over lavopadom and drove up to the ledge on which the travelers.Lahr opened the door.Martians went inside a little reminiscent of the trailer, housing, and it was the turn squad Gusev.Rebels stood quietly and waited inside Magatsitls.

-I will not go there!- The Fedulova fright eyes bulged.- I will not go there!- He repeated, moving back and hugging the hot wall of the cave, go somewhere up in the impenetrable height.

Calm down you, Sasha!- Outraged Gusev.- Do not disgrace the Earth!What do you want to us by your mercy for cowards believed any Martians?

He stepped over the first half-meter progal over the precipice, below which flowed the lava river, swinging on a rope in the cart, and he felt shy, and felt through the soles of her boots is hot on the bottom exudes heat the metal floor.

-Come on!Come on!- Ordered Gusev not so much for his fellow as to encourage himself and throw off the shackles of fear.- Do not be afraid!

Following in Gusev trolley stepped Manakov, then Worlds, but Fedoulov still standing against the wall of the cave.

Martians waited patiently.

-What are you, really?- Again approached him Gusev.- Thee that forcibly dragged here?Do not embarrass you in front of us Martians!

Gusev words still acted on Fedulova, and he jumped into the car and closed the small metal door.

Lar did something, and they began to slowly cross the chasm over rushing downstairs to lavopadu flow.

-Horror!- Outraged Fedoulov.- Alexei Ivanovich, why are we here?

Do not be shy, Sasha!Do not be shy!- Gusev soothed him, looking through the glass window trolley down to the fire-breathing manifestation of the infinite power of the elements.


Well, you were taken away, comrades!- Gusev said, stepping forward from the trolley when I saw that they meet on the other side of the gorge through which flowed the lava river so surprised by the sudden appearance Magatsitls rebels.

Opposite him stood five people, bristling with his childish fright ruzhetsami.

Yes you will not be afraid, comrades, we own!- Once again stepped up to meet them Gusev, but the Martians retreated even further.

Suddenly through the crowd someone pushed them forward.

For a moment it seemed Gusev, he sees a moose, only the very young.However, speaking to a crowd of a Martian, although he was rising and a half times higher than their counterparts, and on his head grew blonde hair, there was a bluish skin, pointy nose.

Gusev, disbelief, shook his head, closing his eyes.

-These Magatsitls saved us!- Made from behind Gusev meet strange Martian high Lar.

It sounded so humdrum and strange that you would have thought that they were running the planet Magatsitls crowd, but these were good and they were rescued.

Strange blonde approached the Martian Gusev and held out his hand.

Tar!- He said.


In terms Martian guessed something that Gusev, guessing, getting it hot, then cold.


They were invited into a cozy home, carved into the rock, which was seen around the great variety at different heights from the wide terrace, the edge of which was lost somewhere in the dark, going up the gorge through which the river flowed strange Mer.

It was spacious, light and comfortable.They went through several rooms in which there were women engaged in some household chores, and children play as, probably, and all children in the world, in some of his Martian toys.

Green lights everywhere burned like a torch, which disperse the darkness, but the feeling still remained dungeon somewhere in the mind.

Earthlings fed something resembling earth potatoes, and put to bed on trestle-beds cut into the rock, covered with shaggy hides khashi.


After breakfast Lar Elk invited into another room.Here he waited for Tar.

-Greetings, Earthling!- Tar exclaimed, rising from thick wool rug postelennuyu on basalt floor, and holding out both hands Gusev.

Gusev shook his hand, saying to myself again, what they look like on a person's hands rather than in the hands of a Martian - large, strong, unlike thin and narrow palms Martians many handshakes with whom he still remembered the first arrival on Mars.

Tar offered him a seat on the contrary, for the same thick, woven of white wool rug khashi.Among them was a small round table made of basalt stone bars on low-legged, raising its total to ten centimeters from the floor.

Women came, put on the table glowing green ball on a small stand, odd-shaped jug with Martian wine and a plate with some balls, resembling earth rolls, elastic, springy under your fingers and light, airy, almost weightless.

Gusev, grunting, sat on a mat in Turkish.

-I know your face!- Tara he said, staring at his features, and not understanding why this strange Martian reminds him Moose.

-No, no, - Tar shook his head, smiling at his wide, thin-lipped mouth.- It's impossible!I'm in my entire life have not seen a single living Magatsitls!

-Strange!- Amazed Gusev.- Tell me about yourself, and your movement.Why you got so deeply into the cave in such strange and unsuitable for living space?

-I come from the ruling caste, - said Tar.- My mother - the daughter of Supreme Ruler Mars - Tu ...

-Tuskub - Gusev interrupted, wincing.

How do you know that name?- Tar surprised.

-I saw your grandfather!- Gusev said.- He crushed my rebellion!

-So you're the famous Magatsitls Gusev, which have been around for many years, the legend around Mars?- Amazed at Tar guess.

-He's the - Gusev agreed, nodding his head.

Tar rose from the rug.Gusev mechanically followed his example.So they stood facing each other.

Tar folded his hands and bowed Gusev.He could not understand anything.

-I performed in his memory reverent memories of the brave Magatsitls Gusev - Thar said, ending the bow.- And for me a great honor to take the brave messenger Taltsetl, marked the beginning of the struggle of our people for freedom.

Thank you!- Gusev thanked him, then sat back down on the mat and poured a cup of wine in the oval, and then sipping added.- But I see that your revolution completely decayed!You hid in some dungeon!Upstairs - continuous devastation.Spiders darting everywhere, yes Tuskub soldiers.

-That's right - agreed Tar.- Groups of rebels from the outset were fragmented fight Tuskub, were divided among themselves.Each of the leaders of the rebels thought to cope with the Board of Engineers and seize power himself on the planet.

Clearly, - shook his head Gusev - not a revolution, in general, you will have, and the struggle for power to create the same despotism that was.Well, as you become the leader of the rebel movement?You're a grandson Tuskub.

-My mother - Aelita, and ...

Ah, that's it!- Slapped his forehead from Gusev suddenly flashed in my head guess.Puzzle, which he has long, all the time that talked with Tarom, could not solve, suddenly developed into one.- And your father - ...

My father - Magatsitls Los ...

-I thought so!- Gusev said.

-You know him - as if confirming said Tar.

Yes, well, of course!And I'll tell you more!Your father also flew to Mars!

Tar started, jumped as if ready to run somewhere.From the news it all excited, eyes lit up, so that it became even more like Elk.

Where is he?- Impatiently asked him Thar.

-There he is surprised!- Admired Gusev.- Oh, wow!He has a son!And not just anywhere, but on Mars!

Tara noticed excessive worrying, Gusev reassured him:

Yes, do not worry, we had arrived at different interplanetary machines ...

-At different devices?- Tar amazed.

Of course, we now have a lot of profit, not that the first time.I have now arrived with the firm intention - to bring Martian revolution until victory, set you here, you know, the power of the Martian tips to bring you all of that's just such a dungeon include in Resefeseer and build you have here a happy life and bright future!

-But where is my father?- Tar still stood dumbfounded news, impatiently waiting for a response from Gusev.

-Yes, you calm down, Comrade Tar!- Gusev motioned him to sit down on the mat.- We find we engineer Elk and arrange an appointment you a happy father and son.Well, wow!- Again he said, unable to contain his emotions.- In general, so, tell me in order that you happened here during our absence, so I can understand why, in general, start the fight, and then we think together how we find your father.


-Well, where Aelita, your mother?- Asked the Tara Gusev.

Tar sighed.

-It's a long story, but if you are willing to listen to her, the great Magatsitls Gusev, I tell you.

Of course, ready!- Gusev said.- Strictly speaking, the second Soviet Martian expedition was only because the engineer Los, your father, without end sighed and cox for your mother.I'm tired of looking at him, and I told him: "Well, my friend Moose, flew to Mars to rescue your Aelita, and simultaneously to finally establish our friendly Mars Soviet power and organize Martians happy life!That's fly! "

Gusev pleased sat sipping wine and rather weak Martian occasionally twirling his mustache, which bristled with pride so in hand.

Well, then, listen, - said Tar and sighed, as if to spirit about unpleasant memories, began his story.


-As I said, great Magatsitls Gusev, I was born at Aelita.

My grandfather - the same Tuskub with which you fought, and now for many, many years, I am fighting - love me, but my mother were punished.She was allowed to see me only a few hours a day, then I picked up the soldiers, and recovered to the babysitters.

Whenever his mother played with me, when someone is present and it is only then I realized, watching so that she did not say anything extra like that, who is my father.

The first time after my birth to seven years I lived with my mother.We lived near the North Pole in Tasotsere, city Thousand Suns.This is a huge floating island, secretly built specifically for the Supreme Council of the Government, members of the Supreme Council.

Until such time as there Soatsera about town Tasotsere knew only a few people in the state.Even those who built it, did not know about the true purpose of the object.Workers who built this gigantic structure, said anything like that this secret government warehouses.None of the workers who were taken once to the north, on the secret underground factories of the Supreme Council, did not return back.They have since become slaves and could not leave the territory is guarded by soldiers.

Since then, the army destroyed the Supreme Council Soatsera, workers, job seekers, since more Soatsera had no job, no shelter, no food, steel ship on warships, often without their families, promising good earnings, telling that built north of the city of happiness.It really was a city of happiness, but not for these workers.They were kept in special camps, barracks, fed so that they just do not die of hunger.

Now that was detonated Soatsera construction Tasotsera quickly coming to an end.Every day thousands of warships brought workers to the northern secret plants, and they immediately start to work.

A year later, after Soatsera was blown up, the city of a thousand suns Tasotser pulled away from the surface of Mars.I then just turned three months.It now hovers over the northern territories of the planet.He lived a rich, members of the Supreme Council and the top military commanders.

-Wonderful!- Gusev said.- Why do you need one?

-According to the Tuskub - said Thar - Tasotser, the city of a thousand suns was to preserve the remnants of the civilization of Mars in order to then revive her former strength and power.Tuskub plans to build dozens of such flying cities.According to his plan, they will soar above Mars, and for workers to be built small settlements on the surface of Mars, where they will work in the factories and on plantations to grow cacti.But for this Tuskub need to kill all the rebels ...

-These are the times!- Surprised Gusev.- I would like to look at it in such a Tasotser.

-When I was seven years old, - continued the story Tar - Aelita told me about my father.She cooked singing book that wrote itself, and secretly gave it to me.In this book, talk about my father, about distant star Taltsetl, which flew my father about her love and pain.I keep this book so far ...

Well, what next?- What happened next, intrigued asked Gusev, excitedly twirling his mustache.

-After Aelita, my mother told me, who is my father, about distant and beautiful Taltsetl, about the uprising, which raised brave Magatsitls Gusev and my father about Soatsera, I do not see her.She chose that moment to this story, when we were all alone in the room where I used to spend time with her.But my grandfather had somehow learned about her action, - Tar sighed and looked at Gusev with their human, not such as the other Martians eyes.- One of my mother's story, perhaps, was the only story that she was able to tell me, so I remember him as a bright wonderful dream.I have never stayed long t ak mother, like that time.But then ... I do not know how it happened, but she told me to put my head on my knees, everything a few hours, constantly stroking my hair her soft, warm hands and occasionally kissing me on the cheek.That's how I remember it and ...

Yes, sad story!- Concluded Gusev, noisy sigh and reached for a cigarette case for a cigarette.- Well, never mind, we shall find, dear comrade Tar, and your mother and your father, you will be friendly, happy family!You'll see!

-I would like - Tar smiled dreamily.He liked the irrepressible optimism of the brave Magatsitls of which he had heard so much.He liked that, despite the passage of years and the trials that befell during this period the share of the Son of Heaven, they did not break his character, and he could still energize optimism others who were much younger and healthier than he is now.

-Well, how did you become the leader of the rebels - asked Gusev.- How did you get into Soatsera or whatever is left of it?

-After my mother to visit me, put me on Tuskub education General Sergei.Tuskub I planned to grow from a reliable ally and worthy successors, the receiver for yourself.

I was taught military science, shooting, management warships.

Serg constantly took me on a mission to detect and destroy the rebels.We hunted them everywhere, where there were reports of their whereabouts.First he took me as an ordinary soldier, then appointed commander of the department, then to the twelve years I ran a battleship, and in fifteen - I obeyed squadron of five warships.

Decent-military career!- Gusev said.- Almost like I have in the Civil!

-K I was ruthless rebels.I had studied and thoroughly knew the ins and outs of the system under the ruins Soatsera labyrinths, I was not afraid to take risks and descended into its tunnels and mines, I ambushed revolutionaries where they they have never before had not expected to meet.The number of rebel groups declined rapidly because of me.Tuskub me could not get enough.Rebels feared me as a fierce predator and cha ...

At this time in the room where talking Tar and Gusev, entered Lar.His face was read concern.

Top-Sentinel report that aims to Soatsera several dozen warships, the entire fleet Tuskub.Perhaps this is because of yesterday's battle.In the transmission system on screens passed Tuskub angry speech before the Supreme Council.He promised to destroy all the rebels in the area of ??the ruins Soatsera!And more!Soldiers Tuskub found in the ruins of the city this is - Lahr opened his fist and showed something in which Gusev immediately recognized cartridge cases from the "maxim."- Tuskub said Mars invaded Magatsitls that they appear to be hiding in the catacombs beneath the ruins Soatsera and help the rebels destroy the civilization of Mars.He ordered the troops to find and destroy the city in ruins Magatsitls any cost, every single one!

Tar looked at Gusev:

-We must prepare for the great battle, brave Magatsitls Gusev!

Gusev nodded his head, quietly smoking a cigarette.Any battle.The more it was planned, it was a joy.Blood in his veins has played a major battle with anticipation.


The next day, Tar arranged meeting in which Gusev participated as chief military adviser.

Here attended Lahr and several other unit leaders.

-Intelligence reports that the ruins Soatsera flies unprecedented number of warships - seventy!This is almost all the ships that have Tuskub!- Gave a report Thar.- Most likely, the ships dropped off soldiers, and they go down into the catacombs, as I once did!- He pointedly around the eyes of all present.

-But ever since you moved to our side, Tar, - retorted Lar - none of the soldiers Tuskub longer down in the catacombs!

-I know!- Agreed with him Thar.- But then why so many warships?Tuskub knows that hiding in the ruins Soatsera Magatsitls!And this is the reason of this great attack, most likely not the rebels.Tuskub Magatsitls wants to destroy!

Gusev listened attentively to what he said Thar cheat his mustache and thought.From intense thought he took out his cigarette case tin coveted, deftly pulled out a cigarette and lit it thoughtfully, ignoring that the Martians with surprise turned to Magatsitls.In their memory still firmly sat smoking ban Chabris.But it was tobacco.


Meeting came several hours.

All agreed on the opinion that the soldiers Tuskub using its huge size and good automatic weapons, abandoned ships and combat aircraft to descend into the cave under Soatsera destroyed.Now the plan was discussed, where better to give them a fight.Detachment of three hundred men, able to withstand the soldiers were about a hundred and twenty.According to calculations by Tara warships to the ruins Soatsera flew nearly a thousand soldiers.

-They will crush us in a cake!- Said one of the startled rebel commanders.

Well, I would second "max", but on a level field to meet them cross dagger fire!- Said, smoking a cigarette, Gusev, he for the first time in a long time meeting all the votes cast.- I have them all in fifteen minutes all laid!

-If we do not stick out, the soldiers are unlikely to find us here, across the river Mer!- Lar said.

-Just do not find - Tar agreed - but Tuskub set them the task - not to return until all the rebels and killed under the rubble Magatsitls Soatsera.We will sit here, but sooner or later the soldiers find their way to the lake of fire Warr.Even if they just ambush on the other side, we will soon take possession of the cable crossing, because we need to constantly come to the surface in search of water and food for our women and children.


Gusev again silent.He just smoked a cigarette and listened to what they say among themselves Martians.The rebels could not find a solution, which promised to be the salvation of their detachment from the army Tuskub.Whether they had a fight on the surface of the river or holed Mer, whether they met with soldiers fight in the catacombs or cowardly ran away from them - a victory for the forces remained Tuskub.Martians were in despair.They suddenly realized that this is the end.They will either die or surrender into slavery to Tuskub and doom themselves to sign and into a heavy and unbearable work their women and children.Nobody wanted.

For several hours Tar and his commanders searched and could not find the saving exit from the impending threat.

How many ships in the fleet Tuskub?- Suddenly asked Gusev at Tara, many hours of breaking his silence.

-According to my information - about a hundred.

-And seventy of them fly to the ruins Soatsera?

Yes, a great warrior Gusev - Tar agreed.

-Where are the others?- Asked Gusev.

Five-ships are on duty near the city of Thousand Suns, Tasotsera.Typically, ten to fifteen ships undergoing renovations in secret underground factories in the north of Mars.And the rest, apparently, involved in battles with pirates, numerous bloodthirsty units which produce seized from raids on ships Tuskub all there is to rob and destroy.

-Here's How!- Puzzled thought Gusev.- So, we strongly Tuskub angered that he sent against us so many warships and soldiers.

Tar nodded silently, feeling brave now Magatsitls Gusev will give some its original decision, which will ensure victory.All fell silent, waiting for something unusual and brave from Magatsitls.

But Gusev paused again, twisting his mustache, and only looked at the middle of the decomposed conferred on the table homemade card mazes, wells, tunnels and corridors.

Without waiting for a response from Gusev, rebel commanders began to confer again, discussing how to avoid the carnage or shameful and hopeless captivity, and finding solutions.

- T ar!- Finally, Gusev said.All were silent again and turned to Magatsitls.- I think you have to give up!

The room fell silent.Everyone was puzzled by the words Gusev.Such a solution from him, no one expected.


Early in the morning, just to the east of the ridge Liziaziry sky turned purple glow, heralding the dawn soon, over the ruins of the once beautiful Soatsera heard the hum of hundreds of screws from the north approaching armada of warships.A few minutes later they hung over the ruins, bombarded orange sand and became one landing approach, choosing a place near a large crater in the midst of the dunes, once the star of the former area.

One after the other ships came in to land.When they stayed screws, from the open hatches on ladders leaning on the coated sand paving area poured soldiers.They were built in rows and rows, and soon, when the sky above Liziaziroy bright red velvet painted the first rays of the rising sun, the entire area was covered with rectangles correct columns Tuskub troops.

Such invasion troops Soatsera not remember since its destruction.

Before the formation of the rectangles in black appeared someone falling folds of the ground coat.

He beckoned to the unit commanders and began to give them orders, gesturing around the neighborhood around and saying something.

Suddenly, with the highest ridge, which was buried under a huge building of the Board of Engineers, a long line of steps once went out on a star space, deafening hit "max."

First of all, hit the retinue surrounded the Commander of the troops.Became evident as falling commanders bevelled bullets.

Troops rushed in all directions over the area.Officers mingled with the soldiers, and the next few gun bursts produced by this suddenly become an amorphous mass rushing area Martians.

A minute later the troops were already lay around the high sand dune, which shot gun and fired back.


After a brief battle in the warship to General Sergei brought two captives.One of them was a Martian, the second - a newcomer from Earth.Following the soldiers dragged the machine gun, captured with the captives.

General ordered to interrogate prisoners and shoot.

One of them was a rebel Lahr, right hand Tara pupil general, peremetnuvshimsya many years ago on the side of the rebels.Others who did not understand Martian was Magatsitls Manakov.

-How many units?- Lara officers tortured Sergei.- Where is your leader Tar?Where Magatsitls?How many of them?

Lar agreed to cooperate with the troops and spend Tuskub Serga soldiers to rebel lair under Soatsera maze.

Since man does not have maps of the catacombs, where the rebels were hiding, he agreed to Lara services in exchange for the preservation of life and it Magatsitls captivated with him before a military court.

-However, in any case, you stand before a military court, and already he decides your final fate, - concluded the interrogation Serg.- Much will depend on how you can help our troops seize rebel.The Court will consider it at sentencing.


Armed to the teeth, the troops Sergey began to descend into the catacombs beneath Soatsera.Ahead conductor walked captive rebel Lar.Beside him, at gunpoint dozen automatic rifles, moved Magatsitls Manakov tied behind his back with his hands.Martian soldiers, in spite of this, cautiously avoided him exceeds one and a half times the height and weight of the largest of them.

Serg watched the troops go into the maze, standing in the middle square, near a string of warships.

Learning about the number of rebels, he sent all the troops in the catacombs, leaving on the surface only fifty soldiers to protect warships, hoping to catch the enemy completely by surprise.Lar assured him that, despite his foray with a machine gun, the rebels are planning to ride out the invasion army Tuskub in the catacombs, as secluded places labyrinths unknown forces commanders of the Supreme Council.Poet Sergei could easily rely on surprise and success of the attack.Tara, he ordered to take him alive.

Swirls of armed soldiers disappeared in the catacombs, and when dusk began to thicken, the square was empty.

Protection during the day established around the landing site armada high fence of barbed wire and lit fires that had hordes of giant spiders scare nightfall goes hunting in the ruins Soatsera.

Personally checking exposed perimeter guards, General Sergei, is carried out in the last glow of sunset reverie, he went to his warship.

Everything went as well as possible for the more successful the outcome of this decisive attack on the rebels.On the side of the troops were outnumbered, good weapons, surprise attack, betrayal Lara, who was supposed to spend on pain of death to the very forces camp rebels.But something in all this favorable circumstances inspired the general concern, and he tossed a long time and could not sleep.

General recalled Tara.He remembered his immature young man who skillfully managed the troops, organized by the rebels cunning ambush, knew most of the labyrinths under Soatsera could wade and touch them, leading the soldiers and bringing considerable damage to the revolutionaries.Most of the rebels were destroyed due to the courage and bravery of knowledge Tara.

And suddenly, when the victory, it seemed, was close, and the last rebels were about to defeat the onslaught of attacks brave grandson Tuskub, Tar suddenly disappeared in the catacombs with dvuhsotennym division.For a long time about it nothing was heard, but then rebel commander suddenly appeared with the same name.Their operations against the troops Tuskub become more successful and speedy victory of General promised at a meeting of the Supreme Council Tuskub suddenly pulled away for an indefinite period.Insurgency came alive again.


Sergei morning received reports that troops advanced in the catacombs before crossing the lava river Mer, where a skirmish with a few rebels, located on the other side.Emplacements rebels were suppressed, and in the evening the engineers had to build a drawbridge to cross the lava flow.

All continued to shape well, and the general could not understand why he was so restless.For many years, he could not cope with the rebels.And suddenly loomed on the horizon such an easy victory.Old soldier did not like it, but he could not understand where hiding trick.With some sense of tense expectation General spent the entire day.

Night received a report that the crossing was built.Troops crossing to the opposite shore Measure occupy and expand the bridgehead without encountering resistance from the rebels.Intelligence reported on a large village carved into the cliffs of a huge cave, in front of a few hundred meters from the bridgehead.

According to the rules of martial arts, which were well known Sergei will first have to take a foothold on the beachhead, and then expand the offensive.Troops have done exactly that, but something compelled general experience anxiety.


The next morning in the military camp on the star first area taken captives.E they were about two hundred women and children - all families of the rebels.

Troops, as planned, by developing a foothold.Reached a settlement in the rocks, and now combing the house after house, terraces carved into the hillside caves vyvolakivaya of them residents.However, in the camp of the rebels themselves were not found.

In the report indicated that perhaps as said Lahr, rebels, avoiding clashes with troops Tuskub, went upstream measure, but nowhere else crossing was not, and because commanders hoped to drive the rebels into a corner in the very near future.Troops waited orders to continue the offensive.

Serg long sat and pondered report.He ordered to send the prisoners to the north, and the ships soared into the morning sky, taking captives.

Now, when the rebels were deprived of their families, they had to give up - Sergei realizes it.Further struggle was meaningless for them.His finest hour victory over the largest and most active rebel detachment headed by Tarom, was close.Few remaining rebel forces scattered across the planet to learn about this victory, surrender themselves, and obstruction of the Supreme Council and the plans to transform Tuskub Martian civilization disappear collapse.And he, General Sergei, worthy of glory, honor deserved wealth, as the winner of the rebels.

"But why did they do that?" - General perplexed, and together with glee at the close defeat the enemy continued to grow worried that things are going too smoothly.General feeling that there is something else, is not controlled by any process it.But where and what it was - could not understand, and thus increasingly worried.

However, he threw away all sorts of disturbing him decide doubts and gave the order for a final offensive.


This is the third day of the rebels Tara sat at the exit from the catacombs to the surface area to the star, in a secret room, which forces Tuskub could not find, when suddenly around a maze there was a dull and powerful rumble shook the walls of tunnels and corridors.Hum this meant only one thing: Lar blew inherent in the cache charge that on the eve of the invasion led by Gusev put in a crack in the upper part of the base of the peninsula on the shore of Measure where the rebels were at home, carved into the rock.

Power charge was small, but plan Gusev she had cause breaking off high looming over current measure of the peninsula and unleash it in the lava flow.Buzz peals through the maze, confirmed his loyalty to the calculation.This meant that all the troops Tuskub who went in search of his men were killed in the lava flow, as well as all that was on the other side of the gorge.

Tara squad darted to the surface and stealthily crossed a star area.

With four sides they attacked the camp Sergei.Some of the ships have already departed, taking the north of their women and children.And now the rebels were determined and inevitable.They caught unawares has never expect no attack protection, and after a short and rapid battle, captured troops stationed in anticipation of the warships and Sergei.

The general was in disbelief and confusion.He expected to see you soon with Tarom, but not as the winner.

-And what do you think?- Serg amazed when I saw that the Tar prepares for take-off ships.

-Return to our families first, and give workers freedom, secondly, - said Tar and ordered to take custody of General.


The surviving soldiers Tuskub Tar offered to the side of the rebels, saying that they are fighting for the happiness of the common man.Of the twenty soldiers refused to join Tara only three, and together with Sergei was taken into custody.

By nightfall ten warships captured rebels Tara, soared over the sand dunes orange, cover Soatsera destroyed.Remaining in the camp Serga the square forty warships were blown up, and now burned out, scaring her glow creeping out of the catacombs and the hordes of giant spiders.


Gusev also heard reverberating roar overtook him at the exit of a tunnel who conducted in Azure grove.

As they agreed with Tarom, he set out to find A Osya, which he was supposed to be in the Azure grove.

Gusev did not know whether Moose could reach Mars, but I was sure that if he did it, now was certainly there.

Besides, if something went wrong, and his plan failed and the rebels have been killed, but in any case, be brought Gusev conceived through.

Yield was cluttered, and he stayed with him Fedulovo and the World, two days rolled the huge boulders, stone throwing, raking gravel to pave their way to the surface.In a time when there are very few to get out before they reached the hearing and deaf and lingering buzz has come down through dozens of kilometers from the collapse.

Well, all rebya!- Gusev said once mused.- Come on up!

He left the last tunnel, pausing and looking back, as if expecting someone to overtake them.At this moment, thinking about Manakova Gusev.

In their faces splattered gentle rays shaggy Martian sun tending to the horizon.On the lawn in front of the house of broken skeletons warships - traces of a longstanding battle - Gusev found flying boat Elk.He recognized her immediately.His joy knew no bounds.But the house was empty Tuskub, although tidy.It was obvious that someone was watching him.

Puzzled bypassed Gusev room by room, hallway for a corridor, occasionally shouting into the echoing emptiness of the huge structure:


No one responded.

Placing his comrades to rest in the sleeping rooms of the house, moose came into the clearing, wandered among the broken warships searching traces of Elk, and then down the stairs to the lake and sat a long time, watching the fun in the rays of the sun falling behind the mountains small waves beautiful pond.It was the place that reminded him of something even Earth.

Gusev remembered Masha and sad.Suddenly, looking at all this beauty, unbearably wanted to go home to his wife.Gusev tried to imagine how many tens of millions of kilometers away from his homeland, and his heart ached."All this is the last time!If I get out with this adventure, you'll be sitting at home, drinking tea with Masha, but look out the window at the Neva!And no more worries! "- He thought.

Suddenly his ears caught some sound coming from above, from the house.Gusev turned.

The meadow by the broken shipwrecks went khashi shaggy herd.His rear customized Iha.

Gusev could not believe his eyes.It seemed to him that all his haunt.

-Hallucination!- Gusev rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

But mirage disappeared.Hashi is still going, crossing the meadow, in his camp, driven back peace ful.

-These are the times!- Gusev rose and twirling his mustache, moved quickly to Ikhe that was on him and did not notice the guest.- Iha!Ihonka!

Gus grabbed her waist from behind and easily as a feather, plump Martian threw up so that she screamed in surprise and fear.

-Why are you screaming fool!Well, just as the earth woman!

Gusev said in Russian, and, of course, Iha could not understand him.But when he turned her to face him, she was beaming with happiness.She immediately recognized the voice.These sounds, though it's been many years.

Gusev pushed her away from him, trying to look around, as it should, and then hugged again, feeling the chest gets warmer.


An hour later, when evening fell on Mars, Gusev is vividly discussed in the secret house Tuskub events of recent days.

He had not seen him for almost two weeks, and during that time everyone was so many events, which would be enough for several years.

Rdeyuschaya not hiding happiness Iha and then brought them treats, pour wine into a carafe.Both detachments Martian expedition together and it was eating with gusto treat.In this Fedoulov Worlds and now and then looked around, marveling at the unprecedented luxury furnishings and Tsatsulya Nikitin and Sysoev, who by that time had finally recovered, ate without paying dazzling jewels and gold beauty no attention.

All shared with each other news, glad meeting.

-Now what?- Moose asked Gusev, outlined a plan that he has matured away from the rebels.

-On the North!Now just to the North!- Gusev replied briskly, inspired reunion with elk.- We show them there gruel!

Gusev from Los learned of the fate of Aelita.The news that he has a son, so shocked engineer that he was not himself from jumping on happiness spacious gilded corridors of the house as a child.Gusev said that his son, Tar, to capture part of warships and fly to Tuskub Azure grove.Hence they themselves or elk, if suddenly it was not there, had to move to the north pole of Mars to search for a flying city Thousand Suns - Tasotsera.

Feed happiness crammed consciousness Elk, and he did not know how to deal with it.He had a son!Son of Aelita!How could he dream about this!No, it was above all his fantasies, which only he could ever even occur!Now he was ready to stay on Mars forever though!And Aelita!So, after all, there is hope that they will meet with her.


Close to midnight, earthlings, after supper, rose to the surface, waiting for ships reaching is Tara.

Starry sky stretched over the meadow like a fairy carpet flecked with countless stars.The air smelled cool.

Elk hopefully listened to the night silence.He like no other now waiting the arrival of these warships.

But here's the part Soatsera,finally began to grow more distinct hum their propellers, and soon black sky seemed silhouettes ten following each other aircraft.

The house lights are lit, the insurgents do not have flown by, and soon one after the other ships landed on the front lawn Tuskub.

Moose was impatient.He wanted to rush forward, but did not know which of the ships flew his son, how he looks, if he can learn it.It made him a little nervous.

A minute later Gusev, who came forward approached three Martians.Those who went first, was higher than others, it had bright nemarsianskie hair and eyes ... Those eyes Elk could not confuse with any other.

Gusev hugged each have approached as an old friend, and then summed to Los him whom he immediately recognized as his son.

-That Thar - A stretched toward Osya Gusev hand - this is your father.

They stood facing each other for a long time, trying to understand something difficult to fit it in your mind, and then suddenly rushed into his arms, and felt a rush of Elk joy and happiness, what he never experienced in my life.

Well, here - concluded Gusev, looking at the scene touching meeting.- You're now just a nurse!Aelita!


After a short rest in the early morning ten fighting airships soared into the air, slicing its screws his coolness, and painted in crimson rays of the rising luminary, moved north.

Ikhoshka, happy, remembering not overjoyed, but frustrated as rapid parting, because weeping and smiling at the same time, long standing and waving after disappearing in the distance, over the jagged mountains points.


Skiles woke up from the shock.

It seemed to him that he died.But now it's back to consciousness.

Rapid acceleration of the rocket his weight increased to a dozen times, and could not move hand or foot.Even open the eyelids was a problem.

When acceleration decreased, and the weight from the body slept, he was finally able to look around.

Beside him in the control room sitting ship pilot Steven.He watched appliances and gave orders to his two assistants.


Through the transparent hemisphere dome cutting of thick heat-resistant glass, separated by powerful silver arcs into six sectors, has now been seen dazzling black sky dotted with unimaginable number of colored stars.From the side, outside the arc were illuminated with dazzling rays of the sun, which has not been seen since it left behind somewhere on the course with, and from that it seems that they are now here - that will melt.And just by the fact that it is a dazzling glow gradually weakened, and more metal shadow crept was possible to determine that the ship is moving.In fact, his movement was so fast that Skiles was even hard to imagine that speed.Its nothing to be compared, and because it was difficult to imagine.

-Are you okay?- Steven Skiles asked.

-O-kei!- Showed that the sign that all Americans indicates that things are going wrong.

"No, these are really crazy Russian!- For some reason thought Skiles, remembering, thanks to whom he went to the flight.- On the other hand, I have become rich thanks to Elk!Yeah! "

Acceleration of the ship was reduced, and soon released severity so that now his body soared into the air.Noticing that began weightlessness, the pilot and his assistant priest bent to chairs e p e mnyam.And Skiles using hovering slightly pushed back from his chair and ran quickly to the inclined ramp leading down.Clinging to him, he paid off his speed and, turning to silver railing hands went into the cabin to stay.


The cabin was heard uncontrollable laughter.Marseille and Andrey happy as children, trapped in a wonderful and exciting adventure.They are out of the bottle champagne and now chased him bubbling amber balls which are randomly flying around the cabin.Inside the balls champagne bubbles formed carbon dioxide, which grew by connecting together, and then tore the ball into several smaller.Floating of the cabin, on a leather sofa, bolted to the floor, Marseille opened a new bottle.Jetstream of foaming and rapidly increasing in volume of liquid flew toward the huge porthole behind which glowed brightly huge, improbable, if living sun hanging among the black void, spilling with hundreds of balloons and balls, and it as a missile thrown in opposite side to the other in a huge porthole, followed rapidly decreased bluish-white globe of the Earth.Andrew, keeping it fun, bounced off the ceiling, which was hanging around, and rushed to the jet champagne, striking the thick glass window of a string of sizzling sparkling balls, squirting in all directions piercing rays refracted light falling on them from space, and bouncing back like a diamond necklace, while trying to catch their mouth when they were worn about the past.

"How are the kids!- Surprised Skiles.- As if to put an attraction rather than a dangerous journey into space! "

He looked at the receding at an incredible rate, and decreases rapidly w Rick Earth, and he was not alone when he presented that bottomless void, through which they were very close from behind the walls of the rocket suddenly seem so fragile and unreliable in this black , airless vastness.Even Land now seemed so dangerous place, which could not ensure protection against this all-consuming emptiness.

-Command requests for dnyatsya Mr. Skiles in the control room!- Was heard from the speakers.

Marcel!Andrew!Stop messing!- Said, drunk with joy and champagne young people Skiles.- I forbid you to open more champagne!And liaise with other ships!

This meant that Marseille and Andrey must establish radio contact with the rest of the ship, and if it fails, the duplicate contact visually - using three huge windows, by providing all-round visibility, discover the other four ships of the expedition.


Making sure that they'd stop fooling around and went in search of radio and other ships through the thick glass windows separating the crew from the bottomless emptiness, Skiles, hand over hand on the rail, flew into the cockpit.

Noticing him, Steven showed up at the ceiling, serving now bow porthole:

Ahead-some nebula, sir!

Skiles looked up.

Powerful silver arc dividing dome ship into six sectors, were now in the shade, and did not seem that they are about to melt.Through the glass porthole was clearly seen that in the blackness of the world space, dotted with distant stars, they were rapidly approaching something, spread out across the entire sky vanishing in the dark arc from horizon to horizon.

Steven kissed the telescope directed forward.

-This is a huge assemblage of asteroids, sir, and we are flying straight at him!

-So what?- Skiles felt a threat in this report, said so quietly melancholic pilot.

Sir, if we do not find the passage, these stones will be the last that we will see!

Well, so look!- Outraged Skiles said into the microphone and intercom.-Marseille!Established contact with other ships?

-Yes, sir!- Was heard through the speakers in the control room.- But only visual!No radio, sir!


Hard to say, sir!

- On-kei!Pass all the general alarm signal!Let them be ready to change course after us!Serious danger ahead.

-Yes, sir!

In case radio in space for some reason will not work on the perimeter of the hull near the portholes was made special broad band light that signals from the wardroom flashed brightly, thus providing an opportunity to transmit signals in Morse code.The answer took visually watching the same band on the other interplanetary expedition ships.

-Get Answers from three crews, sir!One ship is not responding!

-What do they have?- Worried Skiles.

-Hard to say, sir!

-Continue to transmit them team!

-Yes, sir!- Voice Skiles felt Marseille went through a bit of champagne.

-I found the passage, sir!- Stephen reported.- We'll have a little change of course, but it's better than impressive sya am in rubble wall at that speed!Passage is very narrow, sir need to give all the team to follow exactly the world!

-Well, Steven, do as you like, but, more importantly, lead us to Mars!- Skiles replied and said into the microphone.- Marseille, ordered to stand in the wake ranks!Let us follow, do not deviate from our course or a tenth of a degree!

-Roger that, sir!

A minute later the ships began to fade from view, taking place one after another in the wake of the lead.Stephen deflecting nozzle engines began to lay the turn, making the maneuver.

-Sir!- Marcel reported.- The fifth is still unresponsive and rebuilt!

-What's wrong with him?- Outraged Skiles.

He went to the wardroom and anxiously watched as not feeding response signals spacecraft deviates more and more away from their course, continuing to fly in a straight line.Andrew, taking place at the unit continued tapping signals, hoping that silent ship finally answer.

Voltage Skiles clenched his fists, looking like silver, shining hull is removed, turning into a thin shiny needle, then to dash.

Half black sky like a gray cloud blotted out, leaving a giant ring distance.It grew rapidly approaching.And so it became clear that this dance of the millions of stones of various sizes.A few seconds more, and the ship had to go messing in this whirling in orbit around the Sun mass.

The subtle silver point, which was the ship, do not respond to signals as rapidly as they are, but very far away, rushed to this stone round dance.

-This is the commander, I battened down the hatches!- Warned internal radio pilot Steven.

- On-kei, Stephen!- Skiles said into the intercom at that moment he saw, as if imagined as a silver point, barely visible already, suddenly became a little bigger and brighter.- We lost a ship!- Fists unclenched Skiles powerless, and Andrew stopped morzirovat puzzled and leaned back on the sofa, looking at him and not knowing what to do now.

After a second dense curtains closed armored huge windows in the cabin crew rest, and instead of blinding light pouring into them from the sun, the salon has become covered with small shades on the walls.Although their light was quite bright, but Skiles thought he was in poorly lit dungeon.


-I think, sir, we can open the blinds!- Approached him pilot Steven.

-Open!- Agreed to Skiles.

For about an hour they flew closed portholes.

At first I could hear something about beating hull of a ship, like rustling sand falling on the body.But now it is quiet.

In the porthole opened its nose right of the ship was Mars.All fascinated by this unprecedented spectacle.

Skiles was not sentimental dreamer.But he could not take his eyes and sat in his chair next to Steven, his head thrown back, and with bated breath.


Mars was the first size of the moon, as it can be seen from Earth, but only the orange like an orange with his two companions-moons.But he is rapidly approaching, and now all closed space, visible in the bow window.

It was an awesome picture of the unknown, alien, beckoning to her world.Skiles suddenly felt a passionate desire to quickly be on this mysterious planet, which previously had not noticed him.He was clearly visible craters, plains, jagged mountains, casting sharp shadows on the orange sands, pink clouds.Here and there, anyway, so it seemed, flashed a blue water background.From indescribable spectacle Skiles stopped breathing.He suddenly uncharacteristically romanticism thought it was worth to do this dangerous path even just in order to see this unforgettable spectacle.It is a sight worth millions of dollars from the four that were now at Skiles!No, maybe it was worth all the four million!And for the first time Skiles has not regretted that flew to Mars.

"Yes, - he thought, unable to accommodate all the e oburevayuschi his emotions - these crazy Russian are not that crazy!From this, in truth, you can go crazy! "

Bottom of the wardroom heard enthusiastic cries of Marseille and Andrew, who saw all this enchanting splendor in the side windows.


-Prepare for landing!- Ordered the pilot Steven, when the plate Mars looming over their heads, covering the entire sky ahead.- Borrow seats!

He was unfazed, as if once a week someone drove a hundred million kilometers on the Martian picnic.

Now it became apparent that there was an attraction, increasing with each passing second.

The ship rolled over, and Mars instead of over the head of a huge porthole now seen was a fantastic sky, which hung two Martian moons, and thousands of stars cut their piercing rays of darkness."Fabulously!Amazing!- Could not hold back emotions Skiles.- Fantastic! "

Pilot Steven meanwhile realized rapid braking, full including the engine, and all shrank again in the chair, as during takeoff.

Taking reports from its two assistants who take care of their readings, pilot Steven watching now in a special viewing device for the position of the ship above the surface of the planet, began to implement a reduction maneuver.

Unlike devices engineer Elk American ships had no spring shock absorber, and had to put out by the motor speed and pilot actions.

Performing flight plan, the pilot Steven began maneuvering jets, trying to put the ship as close as possible to the North Pole, and one describing the hyperbole, curved to the surface of the planet, soon almost horizontally slid her gently down on the northern ice cap.

A minute later, the tripod legs apart, in three arcuate supports triangular section, out-of-body from the nose to the ground, the spacecraft goes smoothly, hovered for a moment above the surface, on the icy crust.Gases escaping from the nozzle, instantly melted the ice around the ship and soon formed a lake.Ship, despite the widely spaced springy support, first plunged into it up to half, and then lurched and fell on its side, floated on the surface, like a silver cigar.Stephen turned off the engines and removed the tripod legs - in this situation it was useless.

-Sir!Landing made!- He reported Skiles.

-Paged!- Ordered Skiles, who was eager to land on the surface of Mars.

-We have to wait until everything is frozen, sir!- Said Marcel, whose rollover ship thrown into the wheelhouse.


Lake froze around the body interplanetary ship in about three hours.

Americans are impatient got outside, he stepped on a thin yet, but rapidly gaining ice thickness.Onboard instruments indicated a temperature of minus fifty overboard.Skiles figured that night should be two times colder.

The sun was far to the south and barely rises above the horizon.Overhead, very low, hanging purple-violet sky, covered with feathery pink, moving south clouds.At the edge of the field of view, at the very near horizon could be seen seemingly cigar another ship of the expedition Skiles.He fell, but standing on its widely spaced, like spider legs, tripod, sat down, apparently on bedrock.

Pilot Steven rolled out of the cargo hatch of the ship cross-country truck electric battery that resembles not a platform not an open car, not the pickup with broad thick, like balls, tires, studded with metal spikes for better grip.The crew began to load her equipment, outfit, provisions and weapons.

Soon the Americans were moving, waddling on hummocks, to standing on tripod legs on the near horizon ship.

In the trap was mounted radio, and, a little later, when Marcel tuned it, Skiles, sitting in front, in the seat next to the pilot, already was talking with the commander of the second ship, Martin, French Canadian, wrapped in a fur jumpsuit with hood hiding behind the lapel fur gates from the oncoming cold wind.

-How was the landing, sir?- Martin was interested, excited flight.-We all right, sir!And you, I saw rolls onto its side, sir!

Yes, Martin - posted Skiles - But it's not the worst!We lost a ship!

-I saw you, sir!I'm sorry, but it's a risk, sir!This could happen to anyone.

Yes!- Agreed to Skiles.- Who was it?

-It is not clear, sir, but not exactly Steve.Steve ship south of me, twenty kilometers within visual sight!

-And another ship where?

Sir, no one else in sight!

Martin, hurry up!Here frost - fifty degrees!- Saying this, Ska th ls felt frost penetrates him with every word is taken under the fur clothing.Such a cold he had only once when traveling as a war correspondent for the Trans-Siberian railway, and somewhere in the forest near Irkutsk had to wait until repaired guerrillas detonated rails.- For all nights will be minus one!It's very, very cold!Honestly, I can not imagine such a frost!We have to get!

-Shall prepare airship, sir?

Yes!How much time will it take?

-Three or four hours, sir!

-Good!- Skiles eyed the distance they have to overcome the left on a trolley through the icy cold to rising above the horizon orange and purple silver ship.- I think by this time we just get!By the way, please contact with all the crew on the radio, give my order cook blimps put flashing lights, wait for our arrival!

-Yes, sir!


In contrast to the commander of the ship, which is laid for the construction of the first and will not have to change its design, all other upper portion was separated and was suspended by a thin-walled metal airship collected from removable inner lining and segments of tubular struts dismantled with the rocket body.

Clever design allows you to quickly assemble an airship three crew members, while the other two were engaged in removing the nose cone with the control room and wardroom from the bottom of the rocket.After assembling the cigar from it air was evacuated, and then using its lift, shot from above the nose of the body interplanetary ship and used it as a gondola.

Airship panel were covered with a special substance that produces electricity from captured sunlight and fields Martian polar stations, if they were at a distance, as suggested by the scientists involved in the creation of the unit, not more than a thousand kilometers.That is why, without knowing exactly the distance at which the airships could produce enough to power electric motors with propellers electricity from Martian field landing expedition Skiles identified as close to the Martian north pole.


Losing battery charge last frost in the wild, the truck drove up to the ship Skiles Martin.

Sun during the day burgled through unbearable cold orange-red disc throwing long rays in violet sky, along the line itself unusually close horizon, suddenly dived for it.After a brief decline rapidly dark, and with darkness fell on ice cap unearthly cold, shackled seemed time itself.Even through warming the lower face cloth thick woolen scarf that tied Skiles, breathing was now unbearably painful for a frost.

Crew Martin already beheaded his rocket ship and stood, reminding futuristic steel barrel.

Near quits assembly airship.

The air was steel cigar retained from that whirl up to heights six chair spacers, bottom to the airship was attached to the upper part of the missile control room and wardroom.From huge windows wardroom showered bright light illuminating the platform on which the installation.This light is meant conceived by engineers and scientists working device and the substance on the body catches Martian airship field, and it itself exists.Otherwise, either without or without other expeditions Skiles would tight.

To meet the trolley ran Martin, shielding his face fur lapel collar.He reported:

Sir, airship assembled and ready to ship!

-O-kei!- Skiles said, feeling that the Martian polar frost becomes unbearable.- All aboard!- He commanded.


Twenty minutes later, the airship, dropping his restraining halyards, rushed up.Rising several hundred meters above the surface of the planet, Americans noticed in impenetrable darkness of the bottom four brightly burning torch signaling point magnesium-rounds, and Skiles ordered to fly to them.It had lights that Steve handed crew.Elsewhere should be visible lights were fourth ship, but all around was visible only black night.

Airship toward them, and an hour later in the Martian black sky dotted with countless points of stars moving strange construction of two interlocked each other steel cigar, slightly gleaming in the night reflections stars, with gondolas suspended beneath them, the light of the windows which was visible far around.

Everyone continued to peer into the darkness below, hoping to see signs of the fourth ship, which was never released on bond.Skiles did not want to think that he has lost another interplanetary ship.


Search fourth interplanetary ship lasted until the morning, but no to no avail.

With a kilometer altitude above the Martian surface Skiles tired, bloodshot eyes stared at the rising in the east shaggy unearthly sun, sipping freshly brewed coffee from a small porcelain cups.He searched within himself that yesterday's delight, but could not find it.

Downstairs extended icy space.Skiles presented for a second, as there is now cold.

Martin approached him, the airship is leading to the hitch, he flew.With a pilot Skiles left Stephen and his two assistants, Robert, a German officer, pilot, who emigrated after the imperialist war overseas, and Vladimir, Ukrainians, Germans bombed in the war on the huge Russian bomber "Ilya Muromets", nephew of a Sikorsky, inventor and aviation design engineer, also had moved to America with the start of the revolution in Russia.Sikorski took a leading part in the creation of ships for interplanetary expeditions Skiles and set a condition Mr. Krabs to Mars took his brave pilot.Despite the fact that the war is long over, between Robert and Vladimir Skiles noticed clearly skvozyaschuyu coolness.But it suited him.

Marseille with Andrew Skiles sent stern observer and gunner to the driven airship, because communication with the two jokers fidgets and it's beginning to tire slightly.

Coupling of airships for some reason reminded Skiles n etrogradskie trams and Martin seemed to him mainly Carman, and it amused him.

-Do you need a break?- Martin, too, as all looked tired - all night, none of the expedition never batted an eye in the hope of finding the last of interplanetary ships.

Skiles just smiled and went to another porthole.

From sunrise motors began to receive much more power and airships flew faster.By order Skiles now they skirted pole latitude landing, still hoping for a miracle.


On the horizon there was a strange cloud.Skiles was accustomed to smoky pink clouds of Mars.But it was dark and looked like a huge thundercloud.

Laugh-rub there!- He turned to Martin, who hung around the neck binoculars.- Strange cloud, is not it?Is Mars thunderstorms are?

Martin put the binoculars to his eyes.He watched for a long time, and then said with a strange tone in his voice:

It's not a cloud, sir?

-A what?- The tension in his voice Pilot Skiles was passed, and he suddenly excited heart beat inside in a dim presentiment.Waiting for an explanation, Skiles even stopped drinking coffee and all tensed, drawing gaze out the window.

-I can not say, sir ... See for yourself!

Impatiently Skiles snatched the binoculars from the hands of Martin and pulled him to his mechanically the strap remaining on the pilot's neck, bringing the device to the eyes.

At first he could not understand what he sees in general.In binoculars could be seen something dark that obscured the entire field of view.Skiles has arranged for themselves sharpness and almost released from the hands of binoculars.That presented itself to his view was incredible.

He saw some huge ramps sparkling gray reflections prism or pyramid.It hung in the sky and soar among the clouds.Base strange object hovered over the icy surface three hundred meters, and the top cut a cloud.

What's this?- Exclaimed in surprise Skiles, continuing to examine the amazing sight in binoculars.

-I can not say sir!- Martin shrugged.- But it's something huge!Before him fifty kilometers, and even one!

Now all were in the wardroom of the expedition, noticed that with such an unusual excitation discussed Skiles and Martin, and pressed against the two portholes directed toward the object, open-mouthed with surprise and sharing impressions of fantastic pictures.

Now it was obvious that something is having the correct forms and having a clearly artificial.

-Course to this place!- Martin ordered Skiles.

-Yes, sir, a course on the subject!- Martin said, and gave the order for the internal radio to the control room.


From flying pyramid separated a few tiny black dots.They began to grow, and soon all were surprised to see that it's flying ships, exactly what they are described Los and Gusev in his speeches after his arrival from Mars - the outlines of each silver three-masted ship skeleton resembled Carthaginian galley with three pairs of sharp, flexible wings, which extended from the sides, vertical screw on the end of short masts, supporting him in the air.

Flying alien vehicles heading in their direction.

Just in case Skiles, experiencing extreme excitement, ordered to change course so that they could take on the fly.Two twin aircraft gun, bow and stern, turned, ready to fire, flying up towards six Martian warships.

-Shall we open fire, sir?- Asked Martin.

-No, no!While nothing is done!- Skiles shook his head.

Volatile ships quickly approached and began to describe the airship around them circles.

-What do they want, sir?- Martin asked him, watching out of the windows of their procession, which describes the dance.

-Apparently, invited us to visit!- Skiles said.- Anyway, I would like to believe it!Martin, give the order to turn the smallest and forward to the pyramid.

String airships like a caterpillar slowly unfolded in the sky and gently toward the strange flying mount.

Martians stopped spinning, lined on each side with three of them, one above the ship, the other on the third level and below aliens and flew the same course, if the convoy accompanying them.

In captivity, we took or what?- Robert asked concerned behind Skiles.

-Not yet, - replied the voice of Vladimir.- We are armed!Just that - we'll shoot!


When accompanied by warships Martian airships approached the pyramid, no one had the words to describe what they see.

Skiles once, traveling in search of journalistic materials about the Middle East, visiting the Egyptian pyramids.But compared to this they were children's toys, besides completely unimaginable way pyramid hovering in the air.And if from afar it was still possible to take this as some kind of optical illusion, it is now left to wonder just how unimaginable this whopper, the size of Mount Everest, hanging in the air, slowly, subtly twisting around a vertical axis.

When approaching the nearest ramp pyramid became noticeable as it moved down down three square plate, opening in the middle of her three little window.They were the giant gate leading inside.

Skiles exchanged glances with Martin.

-Apparently invited inside, sir!- Suggested a pilot.

-Yes, of course!- Agreed to Skiles.

What do you want, sir?

Follow-invitation, Martin!

Ships Martians slightly pootstal airships, waiting, apparently, until they zaletah inside the pyramid.Skiles ordered sent to the middle gate.

When airships reached the entrance, then the gates were even greater than seen from the side.With them at the same time they could fly a dozen such as airships.

Once the expedition Skiles was inside a huge dock with metal floor mirror, reflecting a glowing greenish iridescent fire ceiling, flew escort accompanied them behind, and the huge gate pulled from the bottom, covering all three outputs.

All pressed against the porthole, in mute amazement watching unprecedented picture.

Stood around a few tens of volatile combat ships.Showing them, Skiles said, referring to Martin:

-I think I did the right thing, not giving the order to open fire, so, Martin?

-Yes, sir!- Agreed with him pilot.- Do you wish to make a landing!

Yes!Do we have a choice?

Coupling airships smoothly down on the metal floor of the airport.Propellers stopped spinning in hanging on the sides of the steel hull aerodynamic nacelles.People hesitated waiting for a signal from Skiles, and he paused and said, feeling himself a wild excitement, from which somehow buckled his knees:

-On the way out, gentlemen!Out!

Earthlings the ladders down to the metal, smooth as a mirror, reflecting all of the floor, with surprise and dismay looking around.That would not happen now, they were at the mercy of the owners of this strange gigantic structure.

High ceiling above the airfield uniformly glowing greenish-white, opalescent light, walk on it some shadows.Distant walls of the pyramidlost somewhere between dozens of volatile ships standing here.

Of the six volatile ships that accompanied the airships to the pyramid by leaning ladders down quickly went down and lined up in rows in the same Martians, ovate helmets in silver, wide jackets with thick collars, closing neck and bottom faces.In the hands of each was an automatic rifle, a short drive from the center.

The last ship went down with each Martian dressed in black, falling large folds, bathrobe.One of them went to the Americans.Open his head was bald, in the cones.Beardless, narrow face - bluish color, with prominent, bright, icy eyes.

He examined the long earthlings then, apparently realizing who is chief among them, went to Skiles, tiny thin hand raised in the wide sleeve of his strange attire, and said high, ringing voice bird words:

- Taltsetl, AIU shoho Utara, Mr. Tuma datsia geo taltsetl.

Skiles first regretted that he did not take lessons from Elk Martian language.


In the metal floor, out of nowhere, there was a pearl ring, then got up and became like a round pavilion with walls of gleaming yellow metal.Martian in a dark cloak gestured narrow brush with bluish skin, making it clear that invites Skiles and his men go into this huge cylinder.Skiles, leaving the protection of the dirigible pilot Steven and his assistants, the team gave the rest to follow him and went into the cabin through a strange opening.All followed him.

Inside was spacious.From the ceiling of the cylinder poured pleasant greenish light.

Martian accompanied by four soldiers walked behind the Americans.

Cylinder wall closed, and all felt for a few seconds as the weight of their bodies suddenly become much greater.The walls of the elevator again parted and they were in a huge square room in which would probably fit a football field.

Once everything got out of it, the cylinder disappeared in the floor, as if he had never existed.

The hall ceiling was lost in the sky.Through the transparent walls, serving windows, showering light shaggy Martian sun, of the rising ever higher.Somewhere down below the floor of the hall floated pink clouds swirling whitecaps, envelopes pyramid from all sides.Through the space between them was visible far surface of the ice cap.

Middle of the room hung a large white screen in front of which there were many chairs and tables.

Martian satellites motioned Skiles is located here, and its narrow bluish beckoning motion wrist invited along.

Martin!Sit, I'll be!- Gave the go Skiles.

-Yes, sir!- The pilot said and began to place travelers in wheelchairs.

Corner of my eye noticed Skiles directs his people to a string of strangely dressed beings, apparently, women, each of whom was carrying some items, dishes and jugs.Apparently, earthlings going to feed.


On the other side of the screen from the ceiling, a new golden cylinder size is much smaller than the first.He knelt on the floor.Martian went inside and summoned the Skiles.Hardly he entered, as the cylinder wall closed, and for a moment he felt again overload.

When they got off the elevator, you were at the top of the pyramid.

There was light and spacious.The room was a small pyramid shape, which all the walls and the base, which served as the floor of the hall were made of transparent material.Shaggy sun rises in zenith, flooded him with their light.There was so much that was not even seen the clouds below.Under the transparent floor something glowed played, splashed, and Skiles did not realize that beneath his feet with a huge pool of water.It swam strange unseen beings.

Middle of the room at the table of the same transparent material sitting Martian expecting their approach, in purple, embroidered with intricate gold patterns coat, with thin, thread-like lips and a long gray beard.When they came, he got black like leather chair and stretched his puny skinny as a teenager, bluish arm.

Shoho-Tuskub - chirped accompanied Skiles Martian.

Skiles shook outstretched wrist.Martian with a gray beard pulled from somewhere in a small white ball gown with red ribbon and wide, has not had time to recover and Skiles, deftly put his ear earthling.

-It would be better!- Was heard in the ear of the ball.

Skiles touched mechanically inserted into his organ of hearing priborchik fingers went through for some reason, silky to the touch braid.

Martian robe pulled out another of exactly the same ball and put it in his ear.

-Now we can talk!- Heard in the ear, which was inserted into the ball.Skiles other ear heard a bird chirping Martian.

-Amazing!- He could not help admire.

Yes, - said the Martian with a gray beard, - the invention of my daughter, Aelita.

-Aelita?- Surprised Skiles, realizing finally, with whom he was able to communicate, and from that struck by even more.

-Do you know her?- Also surprised Tuskub.

-I have heard a lot about it from Los and Gusev ...

-Frankly, I'm surprised!- Exclaimed Tuskub.- In spite of all the events that have occurred since the arrival of these two, I never thought that the name of Aelita is widely known on another planet, the more Taltsetl.

-You mean - in the world?- Skiles said.

Yes, Aelita has created a device that produces a gradual mutual learning languages, hoping Magatsitls still arrive and there will be many.And so it happened.She has good vision, and maybe hope ...By the way, Gusev or Elk and flew with you?

No, - Skiles shook his head - they do not want.

In the figure of the Martian was some change.It was like that until the Martian was badly strained, and now suddenly somehow relaxed, calm down.And even his tweet heard in the right ear, which was not surprising ball was somehow melodic, pleasant to the ear.

-General Sergei, you can go, - said Tuskub inviting gesture Skiles take the chair across the table, and he went and sat down in his place.

Accompanied Skiles Martian disappeared in the golden cylinder.

-I have nothing like this has ever seen!- Admired Skiles, sitting down.

What do you mean?- Did not understand it Tuskub.

-That's it!- Skiles made a gesture, showing all around.

Yes, but you and Tum were never - petitioned his admiration Tuskub.

This no-Elk nor Gusev told nothing!

-Listen!- Tuskub leaned forward.- Sir ...

-Skiles!- Finally introduced the guests.

-Mr Skiles!- Mention of these two gives me unpleasant experiences.- So ask without it!As for the city Thousand Suns - Tasotsera, in which we find ourselves, it is a top secret project.I worked on it secretly many - many years.Few members of the engineers were devoted to its creation.Even my daughter, Aelita, did not know about this great project.And why about him should have known some Magatsitls, give me also a lot of trouble!In fact, if they come to you, I do not know, I'd do!I understand that Magatsitls arrivals are now, apparently, a necessary evil, and we must prepare for this, what we are doing.But Los and Gusev ... Think of it as persona non grata for Tuma.And if they will ...

Tuskub grabbed the table some beautiful green ball of light inside an iridescent green, and crushed it in his narrow brush.Ball issued a strange sound and crumbled into a hundred fragments, glittering sparks came tumbling down.His face contorted rage and hatred.

Skiles sat anxiously trying to figure out how to behave on.He was not clear such fierce anger of the ruler of Mars civilization.He had not expected such a display of emotions.Wanting to distract Tuskub, steer the conversation in another direction, Skiles asked:

-And where now Aelita?Can I see her?

Why?- Tuskub asked, wary.

Well, I've heard so much about it in the end.Most likely, her I owe my flying to Mars.

Why?- Tuskub surprised.

-You see, - Skiles chose his words to formulate a response, beating sharp corners.- I think that without any more Aelita interplanetary flights would not.

Tuskub thought a long time trying to understand a speech, then said:

-She's not with us ...

Skiles suddenly felt some disappointment, as if something inside snapped.Somewhere he secretly wanted to see the creature, which became the subject of passion and love Elk caused a revolution in the conquest of interstellar space.He had always wanted to understand what was it about this Aelita.And for this it should be seen.Although ... the purpose of his arrival was quite different.

-She sleeps - added Tuskub.

-Sleeping?- Skiles experienced new sensations, promised to carry hope and satisfy your curiosity.- But then I would like to get acquainted with this, of course, charming, particularly when she wakes up.

Tuskub sighed:

-She will not wake up.


Golden sash noiselessly opened the cylinder, if missing.Skiles and Tuskub Your l and of him being in the room, in which glowed faintly golden ceiling.Walls halls were hidden heavy blackout curtains, do not miss the light outside.

Middle of the hall was a translucent golden hemisphere of some strange material woven of like smoke.When they approached, Skiles realized that this is smoke, which is something some force compelled to comply with a hemispherical shape.Skiles looked questioningly at Tuskub.

-It Howrah - holy smoke - he said, realizing his unspoken question.

They went inside.Wall hemisphere freely missed them and closed them again.

In the center of the hemisphere of shimmering, living smoke was transparent sarcophagus which lay beautiful unearthly creature.Experiencing strange excitement Skiles approached and saw her, Aelita.

From above through the smoky hemisphere fell subtle column of light outlining the sarcophagus around the golden circle on a gray floor rooms.He gently down on white sheets on the pillows under her body, her ashen curly hair raised up on a pillow in the outlandish hair cleaned outlandish comb with long teeth, decorated with several large diamonds shine sparkles in the gloom.

She seemed asleep.Eyelids huge eyes were closed.On the whitish-blue cheeks elongated quiet, peaceful person stood out subtle blush.

It seemed a little more, and Aelita wakes up.


The next morning, barely stained purple dawn forerun in the east, two dozen volatile Tasotser ships left, heading south.A few hours later they had landed on a flowering meadow in front of the house Tuskub Azure grove.

Iha, hearing the noise of volatile armada of ships, went out to meet the host.

She stood at the threshold and watched as soldiers poured into the area, lined up in neat rows.From near the house of the ship seemed Tuskub retinue.

And suddenly Ikhe was not myself.

For Tuskub was not a Martian.He leaned out of the flying ship, bent in the door and looked around in amazement.

It was Magatsitls.Seemed to him another, then another.

Ikhe felt faint, and she almost fainted.Cap that covered her head, pulled to the side.


Skiles Martin, Stephen, Mr Robert and down the ladder flying ship.From another ship appeared, accompanied by Martians Marseille, Andrew and the rest of the Mars mission.

Now they all looked about in amazement, looked at the big green meadow with a star on it diverging paths of orange sand on scattered on her mangled skeletons of dead volatile ships came into view on the far dark blue, mirror-like surface of the lake, which was reflected in the top of the rocky mountains on weeping trees along its shores, which barely moved the reflection in the water, on the sullen, with sloping walls, gray house, standing in the depth of field in the thick grass, and a strange creature with a surprise waiting for them at its doorstep.

The lake descended white, mossy stairs.Downstairs, in the bend of the coast, on the sides of the mossy stairs leaves in the lake were two huge, human statues, cracked and covered with creeping vegetation.Beyond the meadow, below could see a grove where the trees with the celestial, sky-blue foliage, could be seen brick, low buildings.Herd outlandish undersized, long-haired animals, black and white, grazing on a slope rising from the grove.

Emerald grass, watered by rain just passed, rustling foliage incredible turquoise, water splashing - all drunk after unbearable cold, tested earthlings on the northern ice cap after being imprisoned in the belly of the rocket during interplanetary flight.Created a false sense that they are back home.

Skiles looked around and could not believe his eyes.He now saw what had heard so much from Gusev and moose, but could not imagine that such a charming, seemingly akin to the earth, but still a stranger, alien, beauty possible.

The sun rose to the zenith and now magnificently shone generously giving his heat.


Guests spent across the clearing to the house where they were met do not understand, if awake, Iha.

-Iha - Tuskub told her when she bowed to him a curtsy, summing Skiles hand - this is my guest.

-Magatsitls?- Surprised Iha, not daring to raise his head, but curiously looking askance.- Where?

-With Taltsetl - Tuskub said it so casually, as if every day arrived Tumu someone from a distant star.- Take the guest and his entourage in the lower house, okay?

-And you can learn?- Maids face glowed red.- Magatsitls Gusev and Los flew too?

Tuskub face twisted into a grimace hostile.For Iha it was a satisfactory answer.She bowed again Tuskub and quickly disappeared in the house proshmygnuv forward host.

Guests spent several corridors to a huge circular column.Tuskub stopped beside waiting for something.General Sergei stepped forward.He reached out and touched the ceiling of the corridor appeared with a silver ball.Front wall has disappeared, giving the house owner, his guests and their accompanying passage inside the familiar golden cylinder, which were used to move from floor to floor in Tasotsere.

After a moment, they were all down in the wondrous beauty and luxury dungeon afflicting Skiles their wealth.

Guests were sent to the bath.

Iha, recovering from a surprise, already commanded two dozen brought Tuskub servants who prepared the table for many guests home and its owner.


Skiles went to the bathroom, which is more like a hall, richly decorated with frescoes depicting alien life.

His attention was riveted oval tub, like a huge tea cup and saucer, in the middle of the room with numerous diamond platinum planets on orbits.In mute amazement he came to her and long fingered incredibly huge diamond depicting Jupiter.

A minute later followed him to the bathroom went two slender ash-gray girl in purple robes Marsianka resembling mated over breast towel.

-We will help you wash, Magatsitls Skiles - they chirped.

Skiles gestured and inadvertently distracted from the beauty bewitched's brilliant golden bath.

Girls came closer.One of the Martian Vestal touched golden balls on the end of copper pipes wide oval, bent over the bath and started to gain it with water, the second habitual movement slipped off her nakedness which covered the Martian-robe and towel, deftly chipping slender bluish-white legs over the edge, was at the same moment in a golden bowl, inviting to his Magatsitls.In her hand she had a narrow vessel, like an icicle.Martian opened it and poured the contents into the fast arriving warm clear water.

Water bubbled golden bubbles went white foam, aroma echoed around unimaginable fragrance, from which we Skiles dizzy.He undressed and followed Martian Vestal in the bath.Second a little later joined them.

Skiles suddenly felt heavenly bliss, which had never before experienced.


After the pompous dinner, arranged in a cruciform hall where Tuskub presented Magatsitls gathered members of the Board of engineers flown behind his armada, the guests went to opachevalnyam.

Skiles, Exhausted bathroom, lunch and devastated Martian wonders also wanted to head to its intended quarters, but Tuskub detained him.Gesture, he offered to go with him.

They passed all the great hall in which commits lunch and it turned out that in its rear side there is a secret door that opened some Tuskub key.She was deaf, fat, opened slowly and painfully, and led to an underground greenhouse where there were trees, flowers bloomed, gurgled water brooks, shimmering from one another in a small pond, and then the third.These ponds, walking down stairs, went lower and lost in a strange emerald green garden.High above, a hundred meters away, stood a greenhouse ceiling, made of glazed large lattice through which here, at a depth penetrated daylight.Grille appeared on the roof of the upper house Tuskub.Middle of the space held a glass ceiling, which served as the top floor in a room.It was arranged so cunningly that air and light to pass through it freely, but it is at the top and had no idea that underneath another fifty meters emptiness.


Tuskub like strolling, walking in front of the paths of a greenhouse garden, descending along the cascade of ponds, flowing into one another.Skiles was following him, trying to understand why, after such completely relax his bath, violent speech, hearty lunch master of the house, and the entire Martian civilization took hold of his walks when he wanted only one thing: as soon as possible to take a nap.He is flattered by the attention, but began to think that it's too much.In search of an answer to your question Skiles himself started a conversation, just poked a stick in a field strewn with mines, not knowing what to expect next:

-Decent bathrooms you!- He expressed his admiration for the experience that really never left him.

What do you mean?- Tuskub half turned, glancing over his shoulder.

Well, gold, diamonds!

-And this!- Said Tuskub seemed routine, why Skiles thought he ask diamond Jupiter, and he will give it to him.- Carbon!We have it a lot.Do not Taltsetl on carbon?

-Yes, but in other forms - Skiles said, beginning to understand that the old Martian clue what untold wealth he possesses.

-We do carbon glass!- Continued to tell Tuskub, stepping over tree roots when he got out of the ground on a sandy path.- Here's the top floor panels Tasotsera, mirrors in the house, but much more - all made of carbon.

On Earth, this type of carbon called diamond.

-And you do it as much as we do?

-Enough!- For some reason lied Skiles, but then recovered.- Only we have it in a slightly different form.

Skiles actually wanted to shout in his voice: "No, I'm such a huge diamond've never seen!"

He barely saw her briefly figured cost the bathroom alone, in which he bathed today.Perhaps it could buy all of America!Anyway, any of diamonds embedded in it, was more expensive than the four million who stayed with him in the world!

At the thought of his mind became diamonds get burning hot.The more he thought of them, the greater the humiliation was willing for the possession of these stones.He wanted to fall on his knees before Tuskub and beg him, tugging and pulling at the hem of his heavy black robe embroidered with gold, so that he gave him, and then he, Skiles will make all-all-all that we wish this vile alien geezer.

Something so tempted to do this Skiles, and he barely kept himself in hand, knowing deep in mind that if he falls to such an act, in fact, it is no longer able to rise in the eyes Tuskub to the level that he spoke with him as an equal.If this happens, then it's probably Tuskub would despise it as Gusev and Elk, and maybe more.

Seems Tuskub ignored Skiles last words, and before suddenly realized how lightning struck, I ask through that not only overlap at the top, in this house, but the whole huge pyramid made of a thick Tasotsera diamond!

Skiles saw the thickness of the plates when the floodgates opened in the morning proved to release volatile armada of ships Tuskub."At least ten inches!" - He decided then, going to open the gate.But he thought that it was some glass.And it was a diamond!Huge, high gloss polished diamond plate!All this whopper that hung in the air, was covered with such a huge diamond plates!

Skiles remembered pyramidal cabinet Tuskub Tasotsera at the top!Its walls and floor - huge slabs of polished diamond!Even the table, clear the table in the office was Tuskub diamond!

"Why do they need so much!" - Greedily Skiles suddenly thought and felt that now rush to strangle the old Martian walking in front and he had never known what a storm of passion overcomes his guest.He tried to restrain myself, knowing that it would be quite silly, but it's increasingly difficult to manage.Skiles never thought that he could lose the human form.And so it happened!

Appeared in front of a blank wall.Greenhouse ended.


Creek from the last pond disappeared in a small round hole at a blank wall, in the triangular breach, a few meters towering over him, up to the top covered with thickets of plants like ivy.

By my calculations, he goes off to the side of the Sacred Lake FLAM - Tuskub said, ignoring the state of the interlocutor, to stay here.- I place symbolizes the birth, the beginning of a new life.

Yes, a decent place - agreed to Skiles, a bit further surveying the narrow cave wall dissecting triangle below the round black hole in the bottom of which, with the murmur of twisting, running away, carried away, away into the unknown depths, the water of a small lake, a few meters in diameter, white-coated stone, flows through a cascade of ponds across the greenhouse.He still could not cope with diamond fever, has mastered them, and he had to unwind from this obsession some trifling conversation.- At a certain artistic perception allegory is consistent character.

-This is a small river flowing here thousands of years, continued Tuskub.- It flows now and will leak and even a thousand years.It stems from the lake, to which a flight of steps from the top of the meadows.I stumbled upon it when built this part of the house at a depth of one hundred meters from the surface.When I conceived this greenhouse, then decided to make the water of the river flowed over the system of ponds and went into the wall.Workers patched the cave above the opening of its natural channel, but after a while the whole seal has fallen off, even though it was done very skillfully.Fallen building material stemmed out, and the water began to flood the greenhouse.Then, after cleaning the collapsed stone, I left the cave untouched, just as it appeared to me, when builders took only ground for this device of the house.

-Symbolic - Skiles agreed with him, still hoping that Tuskub not keep him long nap and let go.

You know, the construction of all: the room in which we are now having lunch, bathrooms, bedrooms - all of where we are now arrived, began here.First, I decided to make secret rooms under the house, because he realized that the man rule the planet ever require the presence of such asylum, where minute test no one can find you.I wandered through his house, and, behold, in one of the rooms I suddenly realized.I ordered the workers to dig a pit here.His dug to a depth of one hundred meters and found the river here.Then I decided not to go, and began to expand the ownership under the house.


Tuskub said something else, talking about construction, that even his daughter, Aelita, did not know about this huge building, which was under the house at a depth of one hundred meters, but Skiles was no longer interested.All the delights of this strange Martian his tired old man.

Greenhouse, without a doubt was wonderful and amazing, especially its ceiling.But Skiles is already looking for a reason to round off the conversation and find a convenient excuse to go into the bedroom.

He could not understand why, in fact, Tuskub brought him here and shows all as if he had possession of the buyer.The impression that the conversation circles around something important, but did not find Tuskub approach to some sensitive issue.At first it was intriguing, but now it brings boredom.

-I liked you Magatsitls Skiles!- Tuskub said, suddenly making him an unexpected compliment.- You're not like Gusev and Los.In them I saw at once barbaric origin.These savages are not capable of anything else, except the destruction of the already created.Yes, the destruction is sometimes useful.And this, of course, Gusev and Los greatly helped me.But that's all!Their mission was accomplished, but my contempt for him remained the same.In addition, this savage Magatsitls Elk quite brazenly seducing my daughter some romantic nonsense like stoned her Chabris, sowed the seed in her womb.She was not supposed to know the purpose of her husband.I resigned myself to this, although had to condemn a daughter of the terrible punishment for violation of the covenant as a perk of her life.I myself have covered her from legal punishment, allowed her to have a baby.I was brought up by his grandson, hoping to be able to grow out of it mate, and, in the future, and the change itself.When the boy grew older, I began to bring him to hunt for insurgents.With it, I made ??one successful execution of the revolutionists after another, and had very little to the time when the rebels were forced to leave in the past, clearing the way for me to further transform saving civilization Tuma.But the story only confirms that this gives rise to like.And the son of the savage, even Magatsitls, can not be anything but a savage.In the prime of his career, when I had already prepared his rightful place on the board of the Council and going about to initiate him into the innermost secrets of the universe, only available to me, so I can hold my entire life power over this planet, Tar, my grandson suddenly disappeared.He disappeared during one of the most successful operations in ruins Soatsera, which promised a decisive victory over the insurgents.General Sergei, his patron, sought him out for a month, but the search was to no avail.Suddenly, the rebels under the ruins Soatsera was a new leader, someone Tar.And from that moment they became quite successfully resist my soldiers.Anyway, their complete destruction was delayed for several years now.At first I thought it was a coincidence of name, and maybe just a trick by the revolutionaries, who killed Tara, and decided, therefore, calling his name the new leader, give me many painful minutes and vent their anger.After all, it is clear that send soldiers to fight with his own grandson, even with his name - not an easy thing for the old man's heart.But in the course of a fight, some time after the appearance of this new leader, General Sergei encountered him face to face.It was the Tar.He learned it in the commander who fought with him rebel and all my doubts disappeared completely.My grandson, successor kind rulers Tuma, who was to inherit a huge, with nothing comparable authority over the whole planet, all the power of the secret knowledge, which enabled him later to strengthen its influence and edit before finding the next heir, suddenly for no reason, no reason to the side of the enemy and led a miserable group of rebels under the ruins Soatsera, which before very successfully destroyed!He traded treasure in stone, which does notconsider the number lying underfoot.I've been thinking about it, trying to understand the reason for such action.And in the end, I realized that the culprit only its origin from the seed of the barbarian.Even despite the fact that Los Magatsitls too, like you, but his ignoble origin can be seen with the naked eye.To do this, I take one look at the man.As for Guseva, he generally does not deserve any attention from my side ...

Tuskub talked and talked, and Skiles gradually came to himself.Delusional veil diamond fever gradually let him, now he has become quite adequately perceive speech Tuskub and could hold a conversation in order to maintain that, and asked

-Why have you destroyed Soatsera?

-To save the Martian civilization from extinction - gray eyebrows raised Tuskub.- She's just time to disappear, as the time comes over everything that came in this world!But I knew I could and should prevent this.Of course, the disappearance or death - just a new beginning.That's the way this world.And in front of me lay a choice - either to change nothing, and then after one or two hundred years from the Martian civilization there would be nothing, or carry out the operation to remove the diseased organ and renew life on the planet, not bringing it to the apocalypse.I chose the second option because I had absolute confidence that my plan will not only prolong the agony of civilization, but to restore it to a new life.If nothing is done, Tuma doomed - is beyond doubt.For forty thousand years we have enough water, which primarily covers the whole Tumu, leaving its inhabitants only a few islands that are now just high plateau.The disappearance of water downsized Tuma half, distanced its orbit from the sun, increasing the annual cycle of circulation around it, stretching the seasons.Changed length of a day, disrupted polarity.Due to the reduction of mass planet could not keep the atmosphere as before, and Tuma began to rapidly lose her on it became much colder, increased daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations that have doomed many plant and animal species to extinction.The climate has changed dramatically.Disappearance of some animals and plants on the brink of extinction put others standing up through the food chain.Animals and plants are disappearing one after the other, turning Tumu of blossoming in the desert planet.And this process is still going on!

-But where did such a huge amount of water?- Amazed Skiles.

Tuskub paused and looked long and hard at Magatsitls.At this time, Skiles thought the Martian ruler marks some inexplicable anger, which is about to pour out to the outside.

-Asked a good question - how and why the water began to disappear!- Felt that Tuskub executed some inexplicable anger.- I'd give anything to reverse history!I'd give anything for her to return Tum water!

-But why?- Amazed Skiles, trying not to show that evil excitement growing in the interlocutor begins to scare him, as he was in his power, and he knew that at any moment of the guest of honor, he can turn into a prisoner.Yes, it was very comfortable!Invite Earth envoys to visit me here, feeding them, and appease lull their vigilance, to destroy or capture.After all, they did not take a no weapons, nothing that could be protected!Strange Martian ruler speech became more threatening.And now Skiles more reproached himself that he acted so rashly!Who knows what the mind of this crazy old men-Martian?

-All of our water is now on Taltsetl!- Furious Tuskub exclaimed.- And I want to return the water to Tumu!


In my head there was a dance Skiles thoughts lightning replacing one another.

The first thing that came into his head, so it's a question: how much can you earn money by selling water Tuskub?How to request a ton of water delivered to Mars?Million carats of diamonds, ten millions?They have Tuskub as he saw, in a myriad of?Tuskub but did not need water, measured tons, thousands and even millions of tons!Even a few billion tons of water did not suit him!He needed all the water that was in the world!

Great!If Mr. Krabs learned of the possibility of such a deal!This expedition to Mars promise him untold profits, the cost of organizing interplanetary flight against which now looked ludicrous!And, of course, Skiles will not miss the chance and be entitled to the lion's share of the jackpot!

But still, it's too unreal!

-But how do you want to return the water on Mars?- Asked in amazement, just in case Skiles, realizing the absurdity of Tuskub conceived and never doubting the impossibility of this.- To carry on its interplanetary ships?Even if you build a very large ship, which, let's be able to deliver a thousand tons of water, and to me, it seems that is the limit for technology, anyway known to mankind, it is still to deliver on Mars cubic kilometer of water need to do ... million flights!Even if every day to send a hundred interplanetary ships - and I think this is - within the possibilities - that transportation takes one cubic kilometer, in the best case, twenty-five years, or thirty!And what is a cubic kilometer of water to saturate the planet such as Mars?This is, you know - a drop in the sea ... still attempting buckets peretaskat ocean!On Earth, about one million cubic kilometers of water.Need to continuously send interplanetary ships for years, commercials, twenty or thirty millions - estimates Skiles completely reassured him and gave determined to start because the deal - before succeeds!This is ridiculous, impossible and impractical!

-It's not so easy - Tuskub relented, seeing Magatsitls inclined to discuss his plan - you saw Tasotser, city of a thousand suns, huge flying pyramid!

Of course, amazing creation!- Once again delighted Skiles.

Its volume, which can be used to boot - one hundred fifty cubic kilometers!I want to build a thousand like him.Already, in the bowels of Tuma Martians complete five more flying cities! ..

Vague hunch became twisted in the head Skiles, but he simply could not grasp it by the tail, to understand their concern.

-Your Tasotser ... he can make interplanetary flights?- Skiles asked, feeling his tail disturbing thoughts.- And carry water?

He recalled how a diamond saw under the floor in the office Tuskub huge pool with water.Sure, it was only part of the volume.


Tuskub remained silent, thinking, and then said:

How do you think why I invited you here?

-Probably to tell me about his plans to return the water!- Shrugged Skiles.

-That I could do and in the dining room - Tuskub said.

Well, there's probably a lot of extra ears that should not hear it!- Parried Skiles.

-That's true!But I have another goal of our little trip!

-What?- Skiles was lost in conjectures, not knowing what else to expect from this crazy Martian, and even sweat: still not very great when you have some leading purpose of the campaign, and you do not know about it, and you do not their!

-I want you to meet someone!

-Who is it?- Alert the American.

-This is my teacher and mentor.Ever since I built the greenhouse, he settled here.The time comes, I'll be a part of it, but as long as I draw from his intimate knowledge not available to others.When I need advice, in a difficult issue such as this, I always come to him ... You do not mind to meet?


Tuskub taking quite taken aback Skiles silence for consent, turned his face to the narrow triangular gorge into which flowed gurgling water, put his hand in a small lake in front of a black hole round the cave entrance at the bottom of the cleft, held it for a minute there, as if something whispering, and then lifted up, as far as allowed its growth.

Following the hand stretched Martian water column, as if frozen splash.When he became above Skiles, who saw in him, now become like mercury reflected.


-Hello, Skiles!- Heard him.

Who is it?Who says so?- He turned, asking Tuskub, but the water column if enveloped him, and no longer around was nothing but a mirror of the space in which all was only his reflection.Skiles wanted to get out, but wherever he walked, he walked inside the column, and when extending his arms, the mirrored walls were pushed just enough so he could not touch them.

-Hello, Skiles!- Reiterated voice that seemed familiar to him.

-Hello!- He replied, surprised that there chirping Martian language that ear, which was not the ball Aelita.- Who are you?

-I?I can be described in various ways: the mirror of absolute knowledge, wisdom keeper, a reflection of the World Mind.I have many names, but, in fact, I - your inner "I" that is in each and all sentient beings together!In fact, now you're talking to yourself, but with a depth that is affordable to you!I - is a mirror which reflects the essence of your most furtive nature, hidden from your mind for a thousand veils in cabbages.

-Very interesting ... and nice to meet you!- Grinned extremely excited happening Skiles.- True, I did not understand anything!Well, nothing!But you let me out of this mirror bag?

Do not rush things, Skiles!If you get here, it is not by accident.Few is honored to meet me.Over a hundred years, that we will deal with Tuskub, you're the first to whom he introduces me!

-Here's how!- Surprised Skiles.- And what do I owe this honor?

-Did you - the key to solving the problem, which he lacked.If you happen to our acquaintance - the way it is.Let me tell you something?

-I see nothing else to do!- Shrugged Skiles.

Then listen!Tuma was once upon a time in size and weight is the same as Taltsetl, both planets orbiting stars other Soatsr one orbit.

-Here's how!I can not believe!This is impossible!

Why? ..Orbits were close to each other in the parameters.Speed ??of rotation of the planets were such that they were always diametrically opposed relative to one another, were on opposite sides of the Soatsr.Tum And in those days never seen Taltsetl and Taltsetl residents had no idea that there was fog.Tuma was full of water.Taltsetl was also dry years.In those days, the development of this system planets engaged Supreme Soatsr civilization, Atila dwelt on Olympus, the largest planet of the system, which had a secret knowledge, an sary for the origin and development of life forms on the planet - then there were sixteen - and on based okrepnuvshego diversity of life, subsequent proizrascheniya mind.Before this civilization was a purpose ...

-And what was the purpose of this?- Hurriedly asked Skiles somehow to cope with nervous tension, all the more in him by surprise and unusual way of communicating in a confined space mirror.

-Objective - this improvement, transformation of matter, and increasing proizraschenie mind, filling them worlds of the universe.This goal, in fact, eternal, but it has certain stages.Perform each of them - a necessary condition for the development of civilization, who took the secret knowledge and accepting the duty of service to this knowledge, and thus responsibility.Supreme civilization, Atila, inhabited the Olympia, just beginning his ministry confidential knowledge and claimed responsibility for planting and growing germs of life and intelligence in the planetary system Soatsr.All the diversity of life that promotes birth and multiplication of mind on Taltsetl and Tum, owes its appearance to that decision.

-Really?I thought ...

-I know what you thought Skiles, I know all your thoughts, because I - it is an internal, deep part of you, I - this is the field where it grows in your mind that thinks he's the most-most!Baby!Suppose he thinks so!And it's good!Each germ of me thinks the same way.Mind, who does not think that he is the most-not worthy of existence ... Knowledge democratic people, but because limited.That everyone knows can not be true.What secret knowledge, the more limited access to it, because it generates power, and power without responsibility - the worst enemy of reason.

But Jupiter-lived an entire civilization, which had secret knowledge of the universe!How is it?

Secret-service to it generates knowledge and responsibility for its implementation.Gaining intimate knowledge gives civilization universal name that is not in young planetary civilizations.Atila civilization, like any other, has a hierarchy, the top of which, in fact, dedicated to the secret knowledge, was not numerous.It was she who had served as the knowledge and responsibility.The rest of civilization Atila know about this mission, but the social functions performed by internal service life of civilization.That someone could do from home on the outside, inside the house should be heated, lighted, heated.Creator of life and mind not to think about their daily bread, it was not able to do.Since the lion's share of resources spent on civilization own livelihood, maintaining its viability, is doing, and most of its representatives.Ministry of higher goals, which is carried out through the entire civilization climb to higher levels of development, acquired the secret knowledge of the universe, carries only a small group of its representatives.She shows how the tip, of the iceberg young priests affiliated civilizations and unsuspecting that their development they must not ten mythical characters, the mention of which is present in many epics mythology Taltsetl residents, for example, in the Greek, as against the gods who lived on Mount Olympus and huge, powerful and influential cultures star, light and wisdom carriers, holders confidential knowledge.It is this small group of creators Supreme Soatsra civilization, Atil, to check-in terms of lives around the star t Soatsr and was responsible for its development ...

-To whom is it?- Again not resist Skiles.

-Before you become by the time of the Higher Galactic Civilization, Mom ...

-Very interesting.Well, that, too, before someone answered, right?

Civilization, which is responsible for the development of the galaxy along with others, such as it is responsible for the use of confidential knowledge that it is given before the supreme intelligence of the universe.

-It is clear, and he says, before someone else ...

World-Is intelligence which governs the supreme mind of all the universes.

-Well, he, then? ..

-The circle is closed!You saw the picture snake biting its own tail?

Well, yes!I had introduces s smiling and Eastern religions.

-It is a symbol of the universe.Universal reason is responsible to all and serves all living creatures, including you, Skiles.

-Very interesting theory.

-This is not theory!Theory - this is speculation people, this particular, which has istinoobraznuyu shape, but is still superficial, descriptive meaning of phenomena.Theory created by men of science on the basis of their empirical and instrumental observations primitive level for people who reject religion ...

Well, here's a religion - it is the highest knowledge is!I, among others, an atheist and do not like when they begin klikushestvovat.

Then theory for you is paramount!People obstructed from light intimate knowledge, try to go the other way and there find the light of truth, using a set of theories, which themselves came up with.But it's like looking for a black cat in a dark room in which it is not, although during the search it seems that you are about it nastignesh.Mostly theory - just an excuse of ignorance and unwillingness to comprehend the truth, strive for it.Religion - it glow, just an image of the truth, the hidden knowledge is proizveschenie that secret knowledge exists.But religion is showing the way to the truth.Sacred and secret knowledge available only a few who have attained the wisdom to enjoy it.Your same right - to use theories as you given freedom.But remember that the word comes from the root theory Theo - God and meaning of the word - a substitute for the divine.You're a smart man, Skiles, and you should look into the essence of things and words, including.No vain titles.All initially endowed with meaning.But the secret knowledge - is not a set of theories, as any theory - just set istinopodobnyh delusions.Civilization possessing secret knowledge, are responsible for its implementation.Universe simply can not exist in a different way ... However, this conversation can go on forever, and we will talk with you about these issues when you join me.Now I have to tell you about the relationship Taltsetl and Tuma.Creating them planetary civilizations and, later, to the development of their own kind - this is the first step, which faced the Supreme Soatsr civilization, Hatillo.Upon its completion stage would give Atil new higher position in the hierarchy of the universal mind, open up new horizons of confidential knowledge and provides it to a higher level of development.Atila would begin service open her supreme intelligence of our Universe, Gore, a new, higher knowledge, and would assume responsibility for the development of the mind at a higher galactic level ...Any eminent civilization grew out of the planetary universe, such as living on or Taltsetl Tum.First as a child is born, grows, grow up, gaining strength, knowledge and skills, and then gives life to their children and raise them up until they, too, will not be able to give birth to their children, to educate and care for them, and the Supreme civilization Soatsr, Atila, was one of the first-born of many maternal civilization Mom, passed a difficult way of development, sometimes coming to the edge of death, but reached maturity and the level when I got an opportunity to engage in the development of planetary civilizations acquired for this ministry Soatsr system of planets, as the field of application of their efforts, and began to sow the seeds here.Its creators cared about life conceived, until the first glimpses of the mind, the beginnings of new civilizations.Then shoots subsidiaries civilizations emerged from infancy, and reached a level when they could have developed independently, only slightly feeding off small bits of Atil initial universe of knowledge - food for the mind.Since the beginning of the development of civilizations from subsidiaries tions whether technical knowledge, science, technology transforming matter they reached the level of adolescence, and maternal civilization could seemingly do not worry about their fate.But it is not so!The first stage - to bring the child to the level of civilization equal to the level of development of the parent civilization, where they are able to command the planetary systems and engender new life to them, give them intimate knowledge of the field and to provide for the implementation of activities.Only then for Atil completed the first phase would be climbing the pyramid of reason, and the child of civilization would begin the first self-service world-mind.By carrying out the cultivation of ten planetary civilizations up to the level of the Supreme civilization some star of the planetary system, the parent becomes the Higher Galactic Civilization civilization rises to a new, higher level of dedication, gets access to more confidential knowledge and take responsibility for the following, the galactic stage of development of the mind .Atil left to nurture two subsidiaries civilization.However, on the way from the origin of life to the formation of the mature form of such devices mind there are many dangers and threats that can ruin even the great having secret knowledge, famed civilization.With the same reason might be what is happening everywhere with material goods.Like other material benefits, nurtured intelligence exchange, buy, in the end, just select, win or luring.Sign of belonging to the parent civilization is religious worship her or her explicit recognition at higher levels.And here there is competition for resources, and cultivated life, and, especially, the mind, reached the level of at least planetary civilization, is a limited resource required for development, and values ??for which are ready to set a price.Universal hierarchy puts a higher stage of development of those who raised more intelligence on the planet, more supreme civilizations in star systems, galaxies in higher civilizations, employees world-mind.Therefore, all of civilization, from the smallest to the greatest, are fighting for the limited resources of the mind, compete with each other to achieve higher levels in the hierarchy.But, apart from the internal struggle for position on the podium achievements of civilization must confront and yet very serious external enemy.There are universal forces directly confront the global mind.The fate of even the most powerful civilizations depends not only on how much of the reason they grown, how many of them subsidiaries of civilizations started to self-service world-mind, but also on the ability to confront the global chaos and protect him from his achievements.Not all civilizations, who reached the level of development of civilizations Supreme planetary star systems, get in the way of serving the world reason.Other instead of gaining intimate knowledge commit drop and side with the world's chaos, destroying the mind, planets, stars, galaxies, and even entire universes.These civilizations lose their names and numbered.They have their own hierarchy, based on the number and extent of the power of the brokenhearted and ruined civilizations of the cradles of origin of the mind and its habitat.They destroy life on planets, star systems and reason in whole constellations and galaxies, exploding stars, colliding with each other the whole system of organized matter, turning them into stardust.Black holes, the cloister World chaos, sucked a whole worlds.Die or move on the part of world chaos and sometimes even wise secret knowledge civilization like Hatillo.Hundreds of times on Taltsetl and Tum on Mцbus and Zor on Fira and mirror in a new creators Atil inoculated seeds of life after another devastating catastrophe, arranged cast into the abyss of civilization 666, carry out their raids with Tmus planet, planetary weed weed, like ancient reptiles , Zavriev on Taltsetl seeded servants of chaos.Hundreds of times Atila entered into a struggle for possession nurtured her mind, rejected offers from their competitors on the exchange of x or sell their planetary civilizations reflect attacks servants World chaos on the planet, filled with her grown life.Even your present planetary civilization on Taltsetl often passed from hand to hand, whole or in part from one civilization to another parent.The system planets Soatsr originated over forty planetary civilizations daughters Hatillo, of which only eight have received universal name, and took the path of service to the global mind.The remaining dead or defected to the World of Chaos.Planetary system - this garden, the parent civilization - the gardener, and raised her mind - it flowers.Mind in the universe is the same value as for you, Skiles, diamonds, or Tuskub water.Someone is willing to pay for a single galaxy lifeless planet with the beginnings of civilization, Tuskub agree anything exchanged for water, which will breathe new life into his dying planet, and you're crazy about diamonds and ready for them to leave their planet without water ...

-I did not say that!- Skiles said.

-Skiles!I'm your inner "I" and I know you better than you know yourself.In your head already had a plan, and to decide other than water Taltsetl exchange for diamonds Tuma, you need to attach to resist this huge effort of will.But that's not all!Even if you find the strength to do so and reject this exchange, the rest of your life you will reproach himself for having missed his chance, the likes of which falls only once - to become the richest on Taltsetl.This experience will kill you so fast that you do not have time to even how to suffer from awareness forgone.After that you have accomplished the feat, and rejected the untold wealth, billions of carats of diamonds that will belong only to you, for the sake of water Taltsetl that belongs to everyone and no one, no one will know.Even your vanity will not be satisfied.And you quickly kill yourself daily reproaches for this blunder, which instead of immense wealth and fame bring you vegetating in obscurity and poverty.Besides, it will slip that you force yourself to do contrary to his nature.To make it, you must love all those who are giving you the opportunity to live on, and this despite the fact that this one will ever know.You're not able to do it!I know!More than anything, you love yourself, Skiles, and no one else!

-Maybe you're right!

-Am I right Skiles!After all, you're just a blade of grass in my field, and I know you a thousand times better than you do yourself.In the end, Tuskub can find another candidate for the deal, but so far he has chosen you!

How it's complicated!- Skiles said.- My brain is already struggling to perceive all the above!Too many strange and new information!

-Come back tomorrow!Tomorrow I will finish my story, and you give me a definitive answer, and this will depend on your destiny!


Mirror bag disappeared.

Around was the same greenhouse.Water column, like a frozen splash slowly immersed in a small lake in front of a round black hole at the bottom of the cave entrance cleft.

Nearby stood Tuskub and stared at Skiles.

What happened?- Skiles asked, not understanding.

Nothing - American ear, where there was a ball of Aelita again unpleasant zasverbelo bird chirping alien language.- I think you should take a nap, Magatsitls Skiles!

Skiles is now clearly felt very tired of the conversation in the mirror bag.

"However, I will not come here" - he decided.


Skiles could not sleep.Strange familiarity, and even more strange story haunted him.He drove himself away from disturbing thoughts, trying to finally fall asleep, but they all climbed and climbed into his head.

Yesterday, he received so many such unusual information, and believe the truth of which it was difficult.Heard did not fit in his head.But it is also hard to believe in the existence of life on Mars highly, and even more so in that the supreme ruler of the alien is going to return the water to Mars, once supposedly, it is unclear how that turned out in the world.

On the other hand, Skiles knew that somehow he introduced a unique chance to participate in something that does not deal of the century, and the largest and most unusual transaction in the history of mankind.And he knew that with or without him, but gets its Tuskub.Throughout the guise Tuskub recited some dark, ominous determination.But he was more interested in the question of what was so unusual in it?Why Martian ruler so focused on his person, he began to show some unseen wonders initiate him into the mysteries of the existence of which no one else knows, and by providing unprecedented trust the stranger from another planet, from another world.It bothered him the most.

Already one kind of floating city was enough to understand that the Martians are ahead of the development of technologies for terrestrial order.If flying pyramid Tuskub can overcome interplanetary space if these fantastic designs can stir a hundred and fifty billion tons of water each, if their number is in the thousands, what is the role Skiles in all this alien plant?Why was it necessary to make such a deep curtsey if Tuskub could easily have done without it!But for some reason he dedicated it to his secrets and plans!And that worried Americans most sleepless night.

Several times he got up from his bed with a canopy embroidered with gold, decorated with diamonds, which he has already (in fact, tell someone - do not believe it!) Bored admire, and went on his huge sleeping room without windows, lit pleasant weak pale orange light rained from the ceiling.

"No, - thought Skiles - the transaction can not refuse, because the transaction - it's just an excuse game.There is something else that prevents Tuskub do without me!But what? "

By morning, he still fell into a heavy sleep in short.He dreamed of some nightmares, apocalyptic scenes of armed men Martian volatile ships.And when he was awakened by the same two Vestals, who were present with him on the eve of the bathroom, Skiles thought, clutching his head popping would be better if he had not slept.


Marsianka have washed it, helped to dress.Servants rolled up in a sleeping hall small silver double decker trolley laid for lunch.After Skiles finished eating, one of marsianok said:

-You will be our supreme ruler, Tuskub, Magatsitls Skiles!

He got up and accompanied marsianok passed along the white corridor to room, where was the eve dinner party, and on it - to the familiar door.It was opened, and when Skiles entered the greenhouse, it closed behind him.

Coming along the route yesterday cascade ponds, small waterfalls joined, he found Tuskub the same place, as if he did not go anywhere and.Only now he remembered this is not a promise to come back here, but it was too late: the Martian ruler noticed it and now turned toward him, intently watching him as a target, waiting until it fits.

Old Martian was calm.He made a narrow brush gestured, showing restraint on a seat next to him, and did not say a word while.

Skiles stood silently beside him, internally tensed, as if bracing for execution.Despite all his journalistic curiosity, he did not want to relive yesterday's feelings.Although it was painless, and it is not claustrophobic, but, nevertheless, in yesterday's experience, he did not find anything pleasant.

Tuskub turned her head toward him and finally asked:

How did you sleep?

Thanks, not bad - for some reason lied Skiles.

You-rested?- Questions Tuskub seemed an afterthought.

-Yes, thank you - again lied Skiles, although he was very anxious for some reason now again go to bed and sleep for at least twenty hours in a row.

Then continue - concluded Tuskub.

He bent down again to a small lake in front of a black hole round the cave entrance at the bottom of the cleft in the rear wall of the greenhouse deaf again lowered his hand, held it for a minute there, as if whispering something, and again raised his hand behind the water column.

Skiles just wanted to ask him, why is it all because already was willing to do anything to him even though Tuskub anything specific and did not offer as again found himself in the mirror bag.


-Hello, Ska th ls!- Said yesterday's vote.- Do you have a headache!Who will be held ...

After a moment, he is in truth no longer felt a headache.

-Today, Skiles, I finish telling all you should know!

-I just wanted to ask, why do I need it?- He asked his question long tormented.

-Reasonable question!But do not you wonder?

Yes, it is interesting, but the knowledge burden!

-You are right, Skiles, knowledge - a heavy load.Not everyone is able to endure it.But you'll have to carry it, once you hang out with me.And I can not finish explaining to you what you need to know to go on ...

Where to?Where to go?- Outraged Skiles, he did not like that his life was going to be manipulated, however, he realized that he has long been allowed to do it with him when he became involved in the capture of the Elk and agreed to fly to Mars.If Moose flew to Mars for the first time of romantic intentions, and in consequence in search of his love, Skiles flew just for the money ...

Do not rush things, Skiles!I will not answer you in this matter!All in good time, and let's not lose it!

-Good!- Agreed to an American.


Suddenly, instead of his reflection Skiles saw around him open interplanetary space.Downstairs, at a distance of several tens of kilometers, was some planet, in terms of black silence shone prickly needles hundreds of thousands of stars.

It seemed to him that he falls down, and this feeling breathless and throat involuntary cry of.

Do not be afraid!- Heard a familiar voice around an invisible companion.- It's just a picture.

What's this?- Asked Skiles, a little recovered from the shock.

-Today I will show you everything and answer your questions if you do not understand something.This Tuma, one hundred million years ago.Look at it better!

Skiles looked.Downstairs stretched boundless sea water covering the planet from edge to edge.Only here and there were small islands of land.Over an infinite ocean in the sky billowing clouds, rains, lightning.The sun was so close that it seemed like it orbit

-Now look at Taltsetl the time!- Said the voice, and suddenly saw Skiles under a blood-red planet, devoid of water.Only here and there on her lifeless body gleamed small lakes of water.

-And this is with Tuma climbed water - the voice said.

Picture changed.Now it can be seen a gigantic stellar construction.

AboveMars hung hand-made sun, that satellite that was depicted on the bathroom cup which bathed Skiles.It burned hot, rotating around the planet.Under the influence of its heat from the ocean water, completely cover the planet, now powerfully evaporated, forming a gigantic clouds extending to the uppermost layers of the atmosphere in the place where over Mars passed through the unusual orbit satellite.From the top of the clouds heated by the sun to orbit the huge temperature in space lasted a vapor trail, which cooled down a bit further, turning into billions of tons of sparkling snowflakes in the sun.Snow settles on the fourth satellite of Mars, which seemed reeling over the sparkling trail, following after a man-made satellite-sun.When he reached a certain size, some unknown force plucked from orbit, and the satellite was removed from Mars, and in its place began to grow in the same way the other.Skiles looked closer and saw that the basis of these ice giants are on the pyramidal structurelike the one that built Tuskub.They seemed quite tiny, but Skiles knew what were the true size of these giants.Pyramid revolved and icy trail, which went from Mars, started on her wound.Already formed ice balls the size of the moon, were from the planet at a distance, lined up in some intricate shape on different sides.When they had accumulated eight, then one by one they left their seats and rushed off into the jib interplanetary space.They began to take place the following ice giants.

Picture changed.Skiles now seen the bottom already another planet as he guessed the Earth.She circled around him familiar icy moons.Some of them went on a rapprochement with the Earth.When they reached its atmosphere, then quickly rotating, began to decrease rapidly, leaving a juicy diverging conical plume, clubs incandescent vapor clouds a whole horizon.Pairs fell below, cooled down and turned into clouds from which the Earth, buckets, continuous flows were showers.

When the ice ball completely wears out, then bared pyramidal structure, its core, which is rapidly carried away from the planet.In his place immediately rushed another icy moon.

Picture changed again.Now Skiles was at a considerable distance from the Sun.Both Mars and the Earth were now visible to him as if from the outside.Time seemed accelerated tenfold.Planets circled in their orbits, with the electron velocity, and was seen as Mars, followed by a sparkling orbit the sun, gradually moving away from the Sun and the Earth, on the contrary, draws ever closer.

And now a new picture.Again under Skiles Mars.He is not as affluent.More than half of the planet, like a dried-up, naked bottom of the ocean, now reddened under not so hot rays of the sun orbit.

It was clearly seen as out of the depths of interstellar space to Mars is rapidly approaching another planet.They were about to encounter.

Deadly path rushing to Mars planet barred his companion, a man-made light.They encountered.All around a blinding flash lit up.When it goes out, it could be seen numerous fragments of the planet, stretching in a long train in its orbit.Mars is a sparkling rain fell the dying remnants of the artificial sun, which turned into diamond blocks.

-That is why so many diamonds Tum!- Explained the fantastic vision voice.


Over the next six days Skiles appeared strange pictures, of which he learned more about the history of Earth and Mars.

He learned that in the world there were five people to civilizations-predecessors who failed to develop to the level of the Supreme civilization and sadly finished her story.He saw pictures of their death.One destroyed itself.Another died from lack of water.Third, on the contrary, an excess of it.Fourth lost civilization spiritual guidance and development moved to the side of the World of Chaos, which was wiped out due to the creators of Atil.The fifth died when civilization with 666 managed to populate the planet Earth Tmus weedy life, such as dinosaurs, devouring everything in its path.

"The sixth and civilization - a voice told him, continuing to show the strange picture - was formed on Earth once the four representatives of the Supreme civilizations.Due to the long struggle against the forces of chaos World Supreme Soatsra civilization, Atila lost much of its power and was forced to cede three quarters impact on the planet supreme civilizations of other star systems, making any different race. "

Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Phaeton and other planets of the solar system creators Hatillo also at different times developed the rudiments of life.There, too, there have been civilizations, many of which have not been able to survive and develop.

Martian civilization also was not the first.Predecessor also kept excess water and its lack of attacking ministers World chaos and occupied their parasitic life forms.But the biggest blow for life on Mars was, of course, excessive movement of its water reserves on Earth.Atil technology when she completely lost its power, and its remnants, except creators moved to life on Earth, were intercepted 666 civilization, which has decided to completely drain Mars, turning it into a desert, and flood the Earth to destroy the remnants of the former Supreme stellar civilization.Twenty thousand years ago, the plan was carried out, after which the world then began worldwide, and Mars was almost completely dehydrated.Then he flew to Mars Magatsitls descendants Hatillo.However, the remaining Jupiter creators Atil latest efforts reversed flooding the Earth, and sent a few balls of ice wrapped around their ships, with water from the Earth as a giant satellites of Saturn.


Skiles was very tired excessive knowledge imparted to him a voice in the mirror bag.Every time he came into the greenhouse, then asked Tuskub to him was nothing more than reported.He was fed up with information that did not fit in his head.But whenever Tuskub hearing him, silently repeating the same procedure.

Finally, he said:

Yes, that's all.Today you come here for the last time.

He again raised out of the water the water column.Skiles again formed around the mirror bag.

-Hello, Skiles!- Said yesterday's vote.- Today I will meet with you for the last time.Today I'll tell you what is required of you to get away from Tuskub what you need.You still want to get the diamonds?

Of course, - agreed to Skiles.

Then here's what you should do ...


The next day the whole expedition with Tuskub Skiles and his retinue left Azure valley.

Iha stood at the entrance and watched the armada of ships flying one after another rose from the lawn in front of the house and headed north, sparkling in the rays of the rising sun dozen silvery points until completely disappeared behind the peaks of jagged mountains.


None of the American expedition to Mars did not know more about the deal between Tuskub and Skiles.So all very surprised when on arrival in Tasotser volatile ships began to deliver to one of interplanetary ships with cargo boxes.

Loading lasted three days, after which ordered the crew Steve Skiles completely go way back to Earth.

Before the start of Skiles, again trying to get used to kill all living searing cold, Steve went on his ship, checked that the load is properly secured and closed, then closed with interplanetary spacecraft commander which starts in the control room and do something with it for a long time there have discussed .


The night before the start of the crews of all three ships come together, got whiskey and a farewell feast.

Skiles saw how happy lucky that he gave the order to return to Earth, and how jealous they stayed with him.Despite all the wonders seen on an alien planet, obviously, was that they all wanted to go home to their homeland, which was lost somewhere in the infinity of the world space for tens of millions of kilometers away, and it was not clear how to get there now.

Fly away with the remaining goodbye.And it was obvious that the last glad and sad second.

At five o'clock, when barely a glimmer of red near the horizon above the Martian ice cap, shackled polar cold creepy, floating ships delivered Tuskub expedition to the interplanetary ship.Mourners did not go to the intolerable cold, and only Skiles left the ship, to see how it is sent to Earth untold treasures.

Silver candle towered thickens down a kilometer from the flying ship Martians.Skiles recalled start on the ground: a warm, sunny morning, thousands of enthusiastic spectators on steep, high stands, wild roar of the crowd.Now it was only around the ice, and the unbearable silence of frost.

Barely the tip of the candle ship was painted in crimson sun approaching the horizon as the ship broke out white clubs from gas engines, which were immediately swept over the lower half of his body, spreading around the boundless ice desert.After a few seconds before Skiles came crashing and the shock wave from the explosion.Mahina shuddered and jerked upwards, with flashing purple.For a few moments, and she was out of sight, becoming a brilliant point, some time glittering in the sky, like a bright morning star.


The further north advancing rebels, led by Gusev, elk and Tarom, the more noticeable colder.When their ships reached the volatile northern ice cap, frost overboard intensified so much that at times suspended steel screws on some matches, and then this piece of plate or squatted on the stern to the bow and rushed down.On the hulls of ice freezes, and becoming harder to fly.


That's already the third day they were looking north pole station.

At first, when they had just left the Azure valley Gusev originated find Tasotser plan, arrange battle with Tuskub and grab the floating city.But Tar eventually dissuaded him.

-You can not imagine what a whopper!- Long argued he stubborn, but deeply respected them brave Magatsitls.- Even a hundred volatile ships will not be able to overcome Tasotser!He is well armed!Catapult alone is worth something!She is able to produce dozens of huge fireballs charges per minute, each one of which will cover a dozen ships volatile.Even without the fleet Tasotser impregnable! ..

Gusev every time frown twisted his bristling mustache, puffing a cigarette, the stock of which captured along with interplanetary apparatus, came to an end, and pointedly silent, glancing askance at pacing in front of him and waving his arms Martian Elk offspring.

Only when they reached the icy latitudes, which took place on the northern edge of the ice cap, only if the rebels matured final plan of action - to find, capture and blow up the north polar station.


Before that Gusev, Elk and Tara took a difficult conversation:

After the explosion, the polar station - said Thar - none flying ship will not be able to climb into the air.This means that all those who will be on the northern polar cap, will never be able to leave its limits and eventually die from the cold ...

Yes - agree with him Gusev - should be sent to the volatile south of ships, who will not participate in undermining!

-Destroy this achievement Martian civilization!- Los indignant.- I believe that undermine station need only as a last resort!Yes, and how it can damage the flying city Tuskub?

-Tasotser uses energy created by them magnetic field as well as volatile ships - Tar replied.- I am familiar with the device.However, instead of the powder and the screw, it is supported in the air motor antigravitational.This is a huge top, consisting of two piercing each other vstrechnonapravlennyh tetrahedra, carved from blocks of diamond faceted special way so that when rotated about the top energy accumulates.

-Wow!- Amazed Gusev.- This, then, it turns out, diamonds, or what?Yes, already it is worth your Tasotser grab this!That would give a Maschke!

All-flying city of diamond machined plates, so it is extremely durable and invulnerable for any known weapon.Technology of its construction Tuskub borrowed from some powerful alien civilization.As he extracted - nobody knows.The only thing that grieves Tuskub once with me he afford it, is the fact that he failed to get the technology saturation energy antigravity engine Tasotsera from the sun, which once used a powerful aliens."If I got it - then he lamented in a fit of revelation - I could make interplanetary flights, starting from any object with a large mass, as if making a jump!"

-Wow-a!- Continued to admire Gusev.- How heavy this Tasotser?Millions of tons!But where did you get so many diamonds and even this size?

-Over Tumoy once burned own sun, which was a companion planet - he explained Thar.- Once it exploded, and its wreckage fell on hundreds of years Tumu diamond blocks.

-When we seize this Tasotser - continued excitedly Gusev - certainly sawed it into diamonds!Soviet republic is the richest country in the world!Many diamonds!

Before leaving, he dug Azure groves of golden bath in one of the baths huge diamond depicting Jupiter, weighed probably ten pounds.

-Oh!- Exclaimed then Ikhoshka.- Tuskub kill me!Why are you smashed a bath?

Do not be afraid!I requisitioned gourmet junk spoil Martian working class!- Answered her Gusev.- A Tuskub we eliminate!He does not get to you! ..

But now, after the story of Tara, the trophy, seemed to him a mere trifle compared with Tasotserom, from which they could make thousands of tons of diamonds for the Soviet Republic."That's the whole Earth vzovyutsya bourgeoisie with envy!Die of boredom!Themselves strangled!We debase them all instantly!And then all at once the world proletarian revolution will win! "- With pleasure dreamed Gusev.

Moose listened his fellow flights of inter-planet with undisguised displeasure.He did not sympathize Guseva plans to destroy a unique achievement Martian civilization for even an entire mountain of useless glittering stones.

-And what will happen after the disappearance of the magnetic field with Tasotserom?- He asked with his son.- Of course, it hits the surface of the planet!But what will happen to him?

-I do not know - Tar shrug.

-That he would hurt himself to smithereens!- Exclaimed delightedly Gusev, imagining how squirts million diamond fragments whopper, which he, however, and in the eyes is not seen and hardly imagined.- Fewer people will fuss when sawing! ..

-Yes, stop you, in the end, Alexey!In fact!- Los indignant.- This is a unique achievement of progress!

Nothing in it is no unique - retorted Gusev - except that it's all diamond!

No, most likely design Tasotsera withstand impact with the surface of Tuma - thought Tar - and it will not hurt ...

-Pity - commented Gusev - more fuss! ..

-But that's antigravity engine!- Went on to explain to his father Tar.- This construction, which sakkumulirovana tremendous energy.And she kept it only because of ultrafast spin top, around which at the same breakneck speed rotating huge ring of red-hot plasma to millions of degrees.From shake and shock the rotor may fly off the spindle.Then the plasma is nothing will hold in the ring.I do not know what will happen next!Can you imagine what the energy is concentrated in this fiery donut.She pushes apart the total mass in the hundreds of billions of tons!

-Yeah!Will be a big boom - a blast!- Picked Gusev.- I say - less work for the proletariat to cut debris bourgeois monster on Soviet diamonds!

-Alexei Ivanovich!- Upsetting his Moose.- I ask you - urezontes!I think this happens if your "boom", it is not what is of Tasotsera, from us to you will collect nothing!We smashed to atoms with you!

In the end, the leaders of the rebel Martian decided that polar station captured, but will blow up just because of an emergency.

-It will be necessary before this send our children into interplanetary ships to move them here - reasoned Gusev.- Do you think Mstislav Sergeevich, our machines can make the leap from middle latitudes of Mars on a pole?

-I do not know, Alexey!- Thoughtfully replied Moose.- Devices intended for interplanetary flights.It is difficult to say whether they can carry out such a maneuver!Anyway, I think it's possible, but only under the control of an experienced pilot!It is necessary to make the inclusion of a complex calculation and stop engines tenths of seconds to get the path of a hyperbole, and this unit was next to the polar station.We have to consider the thrust of the engine, the force of gravity on Mars, its rotational speed - in general, a large number of parameters.

-Hyperbole!Hyperbole!I do not intend to die here!- Outraged Gusev.- I came here to finally establish Soviet power and overthrow the bourgeoisie Martian!And you tell me about some hyperbole tell!I still ought to Maschke's entu here shtukentsiyu donate!- Pulled out of his backpack a huge diamond, hardly put into it, the zealous warrior.The cabin was lit by thousands of sparks, cut the eye.Gusev patted his cool, sparkling, maddening trophy, thinking about a distant wife, imagining at that surprise wide open mouth when he will hand her the gift.- And you tell me say here about hyperbole!- He repeated thoughtfully and dreamily.


The sun was already beginning to set, heralding the onset of searing cold polar night when Gusev told that ahead of any large object is visible.He walked into the control room and the flying ship looked forward to their coveted front binoculars.

His eyes appeared a group of domes in the northeast near the horizon.Dome was the largest in the center.Radially placed around six smaller domes.Design merged with the white desert ice cap, and was only noticeable because the sunset colored the white surface of the domes crimson reflections.

Gusev, though no doubt that he found what he was looking for three days, still called the wheelhouse Tara, because he knew how to look like a polar station.

Tar looked through binoculars.In the last rays of the sun shone red dome.

-Yes, it is - a guess confirmed Martian Gusev.

Tomorrow before dawn to begin the assault!- Ordered Gusev.- Draw me a layout of troops.


All night the rebels were preparing to attack.Volatile ships landed a few kilometers from the polar station, and Gusev convened a council of war of the unit leaders of rebels who he formed before leaving Azure groves.

Through the darkness and cold stretched from all ships to collect Gusev commanders, overcoming the icy wind that hit the face sleet and freezing on the go.

In close quarters there was a large table, which was expanded diagram of the station, painted from memory Tarom.Gathered around and bent over the table companions Gusev.All talking loudly and puffing a cigarette.Martian commanders felt myself here uncertainly, but also tried to join an event.Tar translated their words Guseva, bravo vodivshego scheme as a pointer pencil and occasionally inflicting her some notes:

Two-squad - World and Tsatsuli - grab point control and communication!Martians squad led by Tara blocks the barracks, and the garrison of Mara - guardroom.Do not give anyone there to pop out!Lem squad seizes weapons warehouse and detachment Close - food warehouse.Fedoulov on a flying ship returns to interplanetary ship and scheme, which now counts engineer Los moves it ... hyperbole - he could not recall the unfamiliar word to the polar station.- The garrison polar station I will be asked to give up and go to the side of the insurgent proletariat.In case of failure - all in the flow! ...


Before dawn in the impenetrable darkness of the icy polar latitudes climbed ten volatile ships.One of them headed south, while the rest rushed into a fast attack on the polar station.

Its garrison rebels caught unawares.Nobody expected that the cold and darkness of a sudden, out of nowhere appear dozens of armed revolutionaries.

Crew headed the World, secretly removing guards trick, seized control point station so rapidly that there were on duty operators were unable to put up any resistance.But in the corridors of the communications center skirmish occurred, using which the defending Martians latched onto the central post communications, immured in three-inch armored doors.

-Alexei Ivanovich!- Reported Tsatsulya, stormed communication node.- Walled up, devils!

-Blow, Alexander, to hell with them!Along with all STEM communication hub explode!We talk to him not with anyone!- Ordered Gusev.- Get plenty of TNT incorporated, so all blown to bits!

Soon from the dome, which was a center of communication, there was a powerful explosion of dynamite mortgaged.Flying ship, where Gusev was the headquarters, great jolted almost flew portholes.When the smoke has dispersed, it was clear that from the large domed building was gone.

At the guardhouse in the predawn darkness was a fierce battle, hear the bell breaks silver balloons launched from a catapult built under the roof of the dome, and the sharp crack of the Martian automatic rifles.Gusev gave reinforcements stormed the guardhouse Martians part detachments of the world with a machine gun.Soon there was a fractional and powerful sound of fire rolled out the position of "maxim" take their bullets crumbling building built guard, breaking off huge chunks of it.Heard several powerful rumbling breaks grenades thrown inside.Catapult has been destroyed, the resistance of the guard broken, the shooting stopped.

Tar took barracks without a fight, and proposed captive soldiers wade sleepy eyes, to side with the rebels.

When the sun turned the ice of the polar cap in the morning paint pink tones, the station completely took control of the attackers.


Gusev, thus sitting at a table on which was spread scheme polar station received reports from commanders of detachments counted the losses, ordered, puffing on a cigarette.When the station was captured, he examined the central control, the design of the radiator under the main dome, choosing the right place for explosives, and gave the order to take up the defense.He reported that more than half of the soldiers agreed to go over to the rebels.Affiliate Gusev told them to put under the gun, and the rest locked until the ruined guardhouse and take custody.

-It's bad enough that the node connection is not immediately captured!- He complained to the newly assembled a council of war.- Could catch Tuskub pass that we took the polar station!We must wait for the guests!Explosives lay here, here and here - he drove under the scheme with a pencil, making crosses mark.- Worlds - you instruct it!Take a Tsatsulyu, check everything!A serious matter.Should jerk so that it was impossible to recover!


By noon, when the shaggy Martian sun, like sleigh rides sunk on the horizon to its halfway, flying ship, raised in the air to see noticed in the southwest of the appearance in the air what a huge object.

Gusev reported when he ordered to raise its air command ship and reaching a height of observers put the binoculars.

In moving toward the station something unimaginably huge.It was still near the horizon, but, judging by the tiny points dozen escorting ships flying object, flying monster sizes terrified.

Well, here!- Concluded Gusev, with unimaginable tranquility continuing to examine the binoculars quickly approaching whopper.- To us a visit!Take up the defense, prepare to undermine the station!

Soon Tasotser hovered over the polar station, covering a half of the icy polar sky, which were visible even in the daytime the brightest stars.None of the rebels, except Tara had never seen before this gigantic flying construction, and now everything turns out for frost and burning long stood, raised his head, watching a miracle, engineers built Tuskub.Supervisory rebel ship circled somewhere far below, under the flat bottom of the pyramid hovering over the station.He circled around several army volatile ships that remained from the previous armada.

Gusev also went out of his staff and calmly watched a fantastic spectacle.He told me to give to Tasotser that the polar station is in the hands of the rebels, and at any moment on his orders may be blown, and now waiting for a response Tuskub.

And that's where the top, apparently, flying inside the floating city, seemed another army ship.He began to decline rapidly, choosing a place to land, and soon landed near the ship Gusev.After a minute of it up the ladder on the ice, accompanied by several soldiers came Martian Skiles.Covering his face from the icy air wide fur collar, he went to watch him with equanimity Gusev.

Well, Mr. Skiles, I was not surprised to see you on the side Tuskub!

-Why?- Skiles walked up and extended his hand.

-Yes, because the bourgeoisie are the same everywhere!On Mars, on Earth!- Gusev looked at his hand, but did not shake her.

Skiles hesitated uncertainly and pulled his hand back into the warm fur suit, then looked back at the Martian soldiers in silvery suits, continued:

-I invite you to negotiate, Mr. Gusev!

-What else talks?

Well, you let us know what your requirements are, what you are seeking, Mr. Tuskub, and he ...

-Did not know what we are making, Mr. Skiles?We have one goal, that on Earth, on Mars!Down with the bourgeoisie, and long live the proletarian revolution!All power to the Soviets of Workers 'and Peasants' Deputies!

Well, you're here right revolutionary agitation launched, Mr. Gusev!Do not you think that this is not the right place for such a speech?

Yes it is not speech, Mr. Skiles!

But then what do you want?

-Blow up here this polar station - Gusev pointed, turning behind.

-For what?

-To destroy this flying colossus here!- Gusev poked up above the station to spread out on the bottom half of the sky Tasotsera.

-But it give you?- Amazed Skiles.- In addition, we will now hang over the station as long as you do not leave her!

-And we have it and will not leave, Mr. Skiles!You understand that we now have nowhere to retreat!It is our only guarantee.Know a Russian fairy tale about Koshchey Immortal?Where his death at the end of a needle?

Well, yes ...

-So, I now this needle firmly in their hands hold and Koschey trembles.But if I leave the station - give this needle into the hands Koscheyu, as he immediately destroy me!

-I guarantee you that you left the station will be able to freely leave!- Skiles lost patience speak pyatidesyatigradusnom cold was unbearable.

-Mr Skiles, do you really think that my troops crossed thousands of kilometers, and found to fight captured this polar station only to wait until you appear on this flying Martian pyramid of Cheops, and allow us to freely leave her?- With a mocking grin out rastoporschivshihsya, frosty mustache asked Gusev, and in that moment Skiles noticed that flashed in his eyes is the same Russian craziness that always introduced him puzzled and frightened.

Then what?- He asked in a broken voice.

-I told you that we will blow station - with equanimity Gusev said.- And I advise you to quickly get out of it with flying vessel, as when she spank, it will not find it.

-But Tasotser collapse right on the station!- American again raised his voice, trying to find a thread of reason in the arguments of the opponent.- You too will all perish!

-Will the working class!- He said in response to Gusev, and Skiles realized that talk more about.


A few more days.Tasotser still hung over the polar station like a huge cloud.Flying through the sky light pink clouds skirted his whopper on both sides.

Gusev put supervisory flying ship rebels as look out for anyone else not required - the opponent hung directly overhead.

Army volatile ships occasionally made reconnaissance circled around the polar station, trying, apparently, to understand the place of any other rebels.Gusev is sometimes egged on, sometimes just annoying.

In the afternoon, when the frost was not as pungent as the night he was walking through the station area accompanied Mirow and Tsatsuli, glancing with a squint at circling like hawks in search of booty on them enemy ships.

-That's really, Alexey!Now that's disconnected "Maxim" and be trained to knock down these bastards!- Spoke to him Tsatsulya.

-Easy, Sanya, uymi temperament!- Replied, turning, Gusev.- I would myself to practice!So itchy hands and shoot!But we must take care of ammo!You saw the "Maxim" here, as the gun in the world - the power!Obgodi so long!

-But they can land at night and try to attack!- Do not let Tsatsulya.

-And here's another thing!- Raised his index finger Gusev.He immediately went to their headquarters and ordered to send a telephone message to Tasotser "Revoke their volatile ships!In the future, without the appearance of their agreement with us we will open fire on!Gusev commander. "

Fifteen minutes later, the buzzing in the sky over the station ceased flying ships Tuskub soared skyward and disappeared into the belly of a flying city, silence hung in the polar sky.

Gusev came out of his command ship and commented with satisfaction:

-Understand the devils that are not kidding!- And turned to Tsatsule.- The decor is exacerbated, Sasha!Command to redouble vigilance and strengthen protection, especially at night.


After a few days on the phone to the rebels turned Skiles.

-What do you want, Mr. Skiles?- Asked Gusev, when he was informed that an American trying to get in touch.

-I would like to speak to Mr. Elk using the screen - was heard from the intercom.

-This is why it?- Outraged Gusev, realizing that Skiles tries to find a weak link in their defense.- We have martial law and conversations with the enemy are only authorized to do comrades!

-But is not Mr. Moose is one of them?- Surprised Skiles.- As far as I know, that he headed the Soviet Mars expedition.

Gusev pondered for a while, then ordered to call Elk command ship.


-Hello, Mr. Moose!- Turned to him with a small screen Skiles when he entered the cabin headquarters ship.

-Hello, Mr. Skiles!- Shyly greeted Elk, he did not expect to see the thief on the Martian screen.

How are you feeling?- Asked sympathetically Skiles.

Thank you, nothing!- Moose nodded.

-And your psychic wound? ..

-In what sense?

-Well, you found the one you were looking for, for what, in fact, as far as I know, you and flew back to the distant Mars?Aelita you found?

No, - Moose hung his head dejectedly.

-Do you want to see her?- Asked Skiles.

Of course!- Cheered hoping engineer.

She's here on Tasotsere!- Replied Skiles.

-You lie!- Outraged Elk.

-Why not?- Surprised Skiles.

-Once you've fooled me ...

-Not at all, Mr. Moose.Just the same, I have not cheated!I suggest you go to Mars, and you agreed, but then changed their minds for some reason ... So what was my cheating?

Elk thought, trying to figure out what really Skiles has not met its expectations.

-So, I'm not deceiving you!- Advantage of a pause, he continued Skiles.- And I can show it to you.

Why show?- Los surprised.- Why can not I talk to her?She's alive?

She's alive, Mr. Moose!But she sleeps ...

-In what sense?- Did not understand engineer.

-Something like lethargy - continued Skiles - see for yourself.

The picture has changed, and Los saw dark hall, in which glowed faintly gold ceiling.Walls halls were hidden heavy blackout curtains golden and the middle of it was visible translucent golden hemisphere from some weird stuff, like the smoke.In its center was a clear sarcophagus in which lay a beautiful body is still young Aelita.It was as if she was asleep.Eyelids huge eyes were closed.On the whitish-blue cheeks elongated quiet, peaceful person stood out subtle blush.

-This is intolerable!- Suddenly burst involuntarily from Elk.

-You will not believe what I'm showing?- A voice from somewhere behind Skiles image.- Then I invite you, Mr. Moose on Tasotser, you yourself, with your own eyes can see it.

At this time, the cabin looked Gusev.Seeing some strange image on the screen, he was indignant:

-It's here for imperialist propaganda!

Aelita-It!- Elk turned to him in his wrinkled cheeks tears flowed.

-Aelita?- Surprised Gusev, sliding on top, like a cap, a familiar gesture of surprise fur hood of his cap.- Well, the works!Where is she?

- On Tasotsere!

- On Tasotsere?And it's not a fake?- Doubted Gusev.- Mozha what a doll and put lure you now, Mstislav Sergeevich, eh?

-What are you, in fact, Alexey!

Well, anything can happen!- Petitioned his Gusev.- Remember how I rescued you from America, eh?What's wrong with her, why she was in a transparent box?

She's asleep, she had something like lethargy!- Los wept.

- She sleeps!And you believe this bourgeois propaganda?- Exclaimed Gusev perturbation everything happening.- Surely some dummy slip!

Skiles, invites me to personally look at Tasotser Aelita!- Heard a voice through vzrydy engineer.

-And you go, Mstislav Sergeevich?After all that you did this amerikashki, go, believe it!Yes this is a trap!I gut feeling that it's a trap!- Do not let Gusev.

But I want to see her!- Stretched out in supplication to Los Gusev hands.- What do I do, Alexei Ivanovich?After all, to be honest, I only then flew to Mars to see her!

Gusev finally brushed head fur hood and scratched his head.

-Come in, I do not know, Mstislav Sergeevich!- He stretched and scratched his head again.- Okay, I think that the world revolution will survive this thing!In the end, I'll understand - people too!Yeah!And there is a love out!I would go with you, Mstislav Sergeevich, I would like very much to this flying masterpiece inside look.Yes, but that's not who I leave on defense station.Here iron hand needed in the sense not to flinch when it will be necessary to press the button in which case, yes derail this imperialist hydra!I can not rely on anybody!And Worlds, like, nothing!And Tsatsulya!But here I am afraid that will hlipkovat the decisive moment!I have something hand will not tremble!- Gusev knew he hears Skiles and apparently specifically catching up on that fear.- Okay, let go of you, Mstislav Sergeevich on entot most Tasotser, but tell them that my hand will not tremble in which case!So, do this: you're on Tasotser look at Aelita, and Mr. Skiles to visit me at this time!So, just in case!


Flying ship that brought Skiles in the rebel camp, now flew in huge gate.After planting of it accompanied by soldiers in glittering costumes came Moose.His study was conducted in Tuskub and from there they went down together on the floor, a full-time hall of mourning, in which there was a sarcophagus with Aelita.

Moose approached him and stared at his beloved.

-Leave us, please, alone!- He asked her father, and he went away.

Moose sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the sarcophagus.First, he had a long and bitter cry, but then calmed down and began to tell Aelita all its long history of universal melancholy loneliness and immense sadness about her.He talked, talked, talked, and all the tears streaming down his face.They were tears of joy, and because he saw again that which was dearer to him life, and at the same time they were tears of immense anguish because his beloved sleep a perpetual sleep, which may never end.But at the same time they were tears of gratitude for what Aelita gave him the fruit of their love, gave birth to his son, and tears of hope, because he believed that one day, when she wakes up, he finally kissed her mouth ...


Skiles long pondered proposal Gusev.He knew that going "visit" to the rebels, he actually held hostage.But in the end, agreed, deciding that being on Tasotsere was no less dangerous until Gusev kept his hand on the button of an explosive device.

Gusev would not let him move a step, fearing that Skiles can arrange exploration of their positions.The day before they agreed that Elk will stay on Tasotsere twelve hours, and the same at the polar station of the rebels will be forced to Skiles.

Please Skiles did not know how to approach Gusev, who was frowning and puffing cigarettes all the time, showing all his views, that is not going to communicate with gourmet henchman.However, at dinner Skiles got stuck with a bottle of whiskey and offered Gusev.Gusev, poshmygav little nose, still agreed to sip a glass of two, after giving an indication Tsatsule "If that happens to me, shoot that son of a bitch, and you press the button entu here!"

After drinking two pairs of stacks whiskey Gusev little kinder and conversation:

Well, that's why you, Mr. Skiles, flew to Mars this!Who asked you?

-I signed a contract, Mr. Gusev, and performed it, - said the American, inspired by the change in the interlocutor.- You heard that there are contracts?

-Contract contract!- Slightly intoxicated, continued Gusev, again tilting pile.- I'm here to blow the hair dryer edrene-polar station, and all!

What "all", Mr. Gusev?

-And the fact that you also cover!All there in entoy flying pyramid, Khan!

Well, do not you?

-What about me?It will be necessary, give my life for the cause of proletarian revolution!- Gusev took out a cigarette, pushing the empty plates.

-And you never thought you could harm the whole of humanity with their reckless actions?- Skiles pulled out of the pockets tube, pouch, lighter and began to fill his pipe tobacco.- Do you, Mr. Gusev, with all due respect to you, do not ever thought that the cooperation with the Martian civilization can save mankind from poverty and misery, hunger and disease?Well, at least advance in this way, to give a new, powerful impetus to the development?

-We have heard already enti your songs, Mr. Skiles!- Gusev poured himself a glass of whiskey still.- I told them Elk, when we in the ocean on a padded airplane month flounder!Beautifully know how to talk!But I do not Elk, Mr. Skiles!I revolutionized my bones, heart, it's in my blood!I you are not your cheap propaganda to lure!I am with you and I argue now just because your whiskey gave my character gentleness and kindness!And so I would have gladly let in fuel.You're contra!Contra always stay!And here you are now only because I feel sorry for the Elk, as I know it all by entoy Martian dries.She is a woman, of course, nothing cute, unusual bright!But in the country we have such galore!Only his eyes razuy!Them around the darkness!Select - I do not want!Well, it's a very shy person Elk, unusual, more a case of them manages than reason.Romantic it!Here it also throws a million miles in search of love, and then his whole life on it dries up!And I stare at him, looked, and I feel sorry for him ... sorry to tears!Unlucky it, my buddy Moose!That's why you're here with me conversing.And so would sit on entom Tasotsere, the mother of his leg, and would have waited, I pokendova you all there bourgeoisie sent to landfills world history down ... Since then, as here for the first time appeared commander Gusev, this Soviet territory, Mr. Skiles!And you are now invaded its limits, as intervener, and colluded with contraception as bourgeois tip.I you see inside out!


It took some time Elk seemed like an eternity.He did not cry and did not speak, but sat silently and watched his beloved, warming the heart of some quiet, subtle joy.

Somewhere he heard soft footsteps.Someone approached him on the back hall.But Los saw nothing and heard.He sat quiet joy warmed unattainable happiness that suddenly allowed to touch yourself.Before his eyes was just it, Aelita.

Someone sat down next to him.

-And you let your Gusev destroy Aelita, my only daughter?- Heard a muffled voice Tuskub.

Moose sat still and said nothing to him, as if to silence was saved.He did not need to respond.It seemed that he had reached a certain substance infinite bliss and is now ready to sit here so close to her until the end of time, becoming a strange plant, ingrown roots in the floor near the sarcophagus sweetheart.

-If Gusev destroy the polar station, Aelita perish with Tasotserom!- Tuskub spoke again, trying to Elk heard it.- I Aelita road as well, perhaps, as you do!I am surprised and touched that you have overcome many years and millions of miles in search of my daughter!And perhaps now, whether it's all right, I would not be against your marriage!But I bring her from imminent fatal retribution for violating the vow of virginity, to whom she was devoted!I raised her son!I keep her body next to him in the hope that she would ever wake up, though I know that this will not come true!

Tuskub Magatsitls looked at, trying to figure out whether he was alive.While Moose and sat with eyes wide open, but it did not come from any signs of life.It even seemed that he was not breathing.Tuskub thought that mysteriously Magatsitls fell into the same state as his daughter, and he was frightened of this, and therefore went on to say, watching not whether any reaction from the guest:

-I know that my daughter loved you very much!Otherwise she would not have dared to break the vow and custom!But she broke all barriers and has ruined my life!Yes, I believe that she killed herself, surrendering you Magatsitls!You do not deserve it!And she knew it!But I did not know when allowed her to be with you, that is such a strong feeling like love!It feelings akin to the ancient Hao!I do not know what love is, and I'm grateful that I do not know this!It destroys the feeling!Yes it can take down all the barriers to your goal!I learned this the hard way, losing the proverbial love because his only daughter, who was once sweet and obedient to me that followed his destiny! ..And suddenly, all at once collapsed!I was warned that this could happen, but I did not believe!Tum was not on no one who would be able to light it this raging fire!And then you came along, Magatsitls!How could I know that my daughter's heart will fall at your feet!What she found in you?I look at you and I do not find one, and the reason for which she might prefer you imagine his fate, his destiny, his father, his people, his Tum!But she did it!And I was ashamed love!Oh, if I could then know that it turns this wild fire that destroyed her!I would have done so that you avoided each other decimals paths that you did not come close to each other and to a hundred miles!But I allowed you to be together!And now I'm going to kill myself and blame it for all my life!Oh, love!I lost my daughter!But what you have gained, Magatsitls, this love? ..I look at you and I see nothing but misery!Years have passed, and you are suffering from it today, from this strange love, or you would not be here, would not be sitting here so cry all the tears in front of the sarcophagus of the destroyed love Aelita!I want to know, tell me!What gave you this is your love?I want to know what you have traded their quiet and peaceful life on the endless torments for throwing through space and time?Answer me, Magatsitls!What gave you this love?

Finally Elk if alive.He turned to his tear-stained face Tuskub:

-Love?What are you saying, man?I was not looking for love ever!And I do not know what love is!I just met her, the most beautiful woman in the world, which is more expensive for me and there was not ever!And is it my fault that she belongs to another planet, another civilization, another world?What is my fault?Yes I suffer, I suffer a lifetime, after meeting her, my Aelita.But this suffering does not charge anything for a purchase.I have not bought for their suffering.I just lived all these years and knew that somewhere far away, a million miles away from me, there is one more that is not on the light of anything or anyone.And I was unbearably painful, sad and lonely, that divide us millions of miles of space that we belong to different worlds and can not be together!I was not looking for love, you're talking about!Do you think that love - it is something that this acquisition, which can buy, sell, find or lose!But no!I do not know this love, and do not want to know!Now I just sit near me being the most expensive in the world, and is willing to sit out so far aware of myself, that's all!I have nothing else!And leave me with my weird questions that I found and I lost what I love has changed.I just lived and live!I once met one that is light of my eyes, and now I'm looking everywhere for its dark sky life.I do not know what draws me to it!But here I am near her, and I need nothing more.I am ready to sit and look at it ad infinitum!

Tuskub paused, then said, rising:

-Unfortunately, Magatsitls, I can not let you do that!Your twelve o'clock expired!And I have to ask you to leave the resting place of my daughter!Otherwise this crazy Gusev Tasotser destroy, you, and Aelita.


Elk if stunned in some strange way, not remembering himself followed Tuskub that led him from a golden cylinder to another elevator.He saw nothing around before his eyes still had a lovely, restful sleep sleeping Aelita.He did not notice anything around

When they were at the flying ship and Tuskub pointed to the gangway, Moose came to his senses suddenly seemed to have woken up on the state of torpor:

-Listen!Give it to me!- He rushed to Tuskub.- Because it's mine, and we should be together!

Soldiers in silvery suits barred his way dense chain, putting themselves ahead automatic rifles.

Tuskub silent, looking at Magatsitls.Soldiers vexed him to the gangway of the ship, causing the vessel to board.

-Give it to me!- Los shouted.- I'll take her to the Earth!I will make sure that does not explode Gusev polar station, leave you alone and get back with me on our planet!

Tuskub silent and listened Magatsitls.Soldiers drove to Los ladder, then the two of them took him by the arm and into the clouded flying ship, Elk continued to shout something else.


-Are you crazy!- Shouted at Los Gusev, left alone with him in his cabin headquarters ship.- Betraying the revolution?

His indignation was so great that the voice was heard far away from the headquarters of a ship on the frozen District.

With Tasotsera Moose returned not himself.It replaced if drugged or anything, and Gusev has just could not talk to him differently.In front of him was no longer Mstislav Sergeevich, and completely out of control irresponsible decomposed element that could undermine him all the discipline in this decisive moment of confrontation with the enemy.Moose like opoennym some potion, urgently had to do something to get it back to normal, and Gusev did not know what it is, but because any methods used at random, including such.

Traitor!- Elk reproached Gusev.

-I do not know what's happening to me, Alexei Ivanovich, but I want to return to Aelita, sit down beside her and sit and look at it until the end of ...

Well yes - Gusev pacing the close quarters flying ship - and the grass does not grow!No, well, if I only knew, if I only knew!Never would not let!Elk sent an engineer, my comrade, and in return received a prim young lady!Yes that is it!


Three days Gusev tried to bring Elk feelings, but then gave up, suddenly realizing that he had lost it as a fighter.

Okay!- He came to Elk on the fourth day.- I see, Mstislav Sergeevich, I have not returned to the system!Say what you want!Maybe you have any plan?

Yes I do not have no plan!Alexei Ivanovich!No!I just want to be with her and everything!

-What about the world revolution!- Gusev asked again, but realized that nothing.- Okay, I'll think of something!- He said and left.


That same evening, a takeoff on duty SPELLJAMMER through a blizzard snuck some people.The rebels, who carried the watch, he opened the door and let down the ladder.

It was the engineer Los.Martians learned Magatsitls.He told them to take off and take a course on Tasotser.Since the rebels knew Magatsitls Moose has the authority to give orders as well as Magatsitls Gusev and Tar they obeyed.A minute later a flying ship is hoisted up through the raging storm.Reaching the bottom of the mirror smooth Tasotsera, he flew beneath several kilometers, and then when it was over, soared higher, rising now along its sloping walls.

They noticed a gate trigger inside the ship, opened heavily, but quietly and easily moved down, opening like a huge mouth, the entrance to the landing pad.

Flying Ship rushed inside and landed on the near edge of a huge mirror surface, illuminated from below weak greenish glow.Gates pushed back, and soldiers rushed to the ship in silver suits, took him into the ring.Ladder leaned back, and the ship went Elk.His eyes burned some feverish feverish brilliance.Approached him commander of protection in a long black cloak falling folds down.

-I need Tuskub - Elk said, as if seeing nothing around - I want to make him an offer.


Gusev, check posts, had already gone to sleep in the cockpit near the close cabin, which were military advice.The bed was soft, but a little, as if designed for a teenager because his legs dangling in the air, thus every time he felt a strong disadvantage when trying to sleep.

Tossing and turning, thinking about the world Gusev, about Peter, about Masha.All this Martian adventure he already rather tired."Years are not the same!- Gusev thought with some satisfaction, continuing to look for a comfortable position to sleep in the cramped and short bed.- That'll be back to Peter, and no more Mars!Enough time to retire!Fishing, fishing rods, birds singing in the morning, Masha, happy that I'm here!Eh, alive!Time to retire! "From anticipation of future pleasure serene peaceful life he even rubbed his hands:" A Mars let others win, young!New change has grown!They need to give way!Vaughn Tsatsulya and Worlds - not the bad guys!Of them would be good commanders came!It is necessary to return to recommend ... A Manakova sorry! .. "

His thoughts began to flounder, and he fell asleep, more immersed in the sweet oblivion.Suddenly, his dream broke some noise Gusev jumped up and fumbled revolver, leaned out of the cockpit to the cabin, where burned dim greenish light.

By the table with the decomposed scheme polar station someone sneaks.That he hooked the retired chair that fell and done so much noise.

Gusev Tsatsulyu acknowledged.

-Sasha, what happened?- He asked.

Tsatsulya approached.Fur cap on his head slipped, revealing sweaty under it from running blond hair.He could not speak for a long time, trying to catch his breath, then said, through frequent and profound sighs:

-I do not know how to report, Alexei Ivanovich! ..

-A what?What happened?- Stiffened Gusev.All kind former sailor inspired fear some large and serious accident.- We're under attack!

Gusev began frantically pulling pants.

-No, Alexei Ivanovich, worse!Do not even know how to say ... Engineer Moose flew.

How fall?- Roused Gusev.He felt a catch in all Elk behavior, and now his fears began to come true.- How to fall?Who said?Where fall?

-And who will allow him!- Tsatsulya surprised.- He's from commanders!Not any ordinary!

Gusev popped up in a blizzard and night, despite the fierce cold, from which even breathing was painful, rushed to the place, which had to stand duty flying ship.Trampled there, looking, for some reason up in the impenetrable darkness, bombarded flakes prickly like needles, dry snow, Gusev walked back to his command ship.

-Strengthen protection! - He gave the order Tsatsule.- Now all we can expect!From this point cleared for takeoff SPELLJAMMER am just me!

Clearly, Alexey!- Tsatsulya disappeared behind the door.


Gusev sitting at his desk, puffing a cigarette and wondering what to do now.

Lights up the small screen.It appeared Skiles.

-Hello, Mr. Gusev!- He said once cheerfully and enthusiastically.

Good night, Mr. Skiles!I understand that the engineer Los again you?

-You are right, Mr. Gusev!

What is he doing there, if not a secret?

-Now he's in talks with Mr. Tuskub!Mr. Moose came to make him a offer!

Pass-master Tuskub that engineer Elk not enough power to drive any whatsoever negotiate!- Gusev turned away from the screen to Skiles did not notice that it is raging fury: "If Moose thinks I'm sleeping on his Martian Babu exchange polar station, he is deeply mistaken!"

The screen went out, but after a while on fire again.Now next to Skiles it seemed tired and haggard face Elk.

Mstislav-Sergeyevich!You what!Henbane overeat!- Outraged Gusev.- Why did you fly there again?

-I did Tuskub offer!- Replied wearily Elk.

Yes, what a deal can be?I tell you, Mstislav Sergeevich, authority to negotiate with the Contra did not give!

-I showed him an ultimatum!- Los said, ignoring his words astonished Skiles.

-What else ultimatum?- Amazed Gusev.

-I demanded Tuskub Aelita or give me ...

-Or what? ..

-Or I'll blow you a polar station!

Minute Gusev was taken aback by the audacity of the Elk.From him he did not expect.However, as an experienced revolutionary Gusev from that moment immediately involved in the game of Elk.He realized that Skiles hears everything, and discord or disagreement between them immediately becomes aware Tuskub.

-Ah, there you talking about, Mstislav Sergeevich!Well, you certainly have hastened!But what Tuskub?

-He had to agree!

At the head of Gusev frantically spinning thoughts.He realized that Moose played for broke, made a real chorus instead of a clear plan for revolutionary action, it has developed.And it was another pizhonstvo Elk is the same as his departure for America.It was a selfish trick that not only harmed the revolutionary Gusev plans, but, in general, brought them full stop.But if allowed Gusev now feel Tuskub Skiles and that the words of the Elk's nothing that they have no real power and supports the actions of Gusev, then for the fate of the engineer was difficult to guarantee.And that Gusev was totally unnecessary!"Oh, Moose, Moose!What are you doing?- He thought angrily.- You will be killed, and then we, too, as one pereschelkayut smoke! "

The trick has lost moose head could initiate late rebel group at the polar station.And now Gusev realized that the future of all the rebels suddenly at stake spacey engineer depended only on his right and the words spoken by the loyalty of his actions.He had to show Skiles, and, hence, Tuskub that they are together, they are at, and Moose - not breakaway decaying element, and slightly ahead of party events of the revolution.

Of course, Mstislav Sergeevich!Tuskub pass, that if he does not fulfill your requirements, then I will certainly blow polar station!- Continued Gusev, feeling that the situation is still manipulative and he goes too far.

Yes, Alexei Ivanovich, - it was evident that Moose felt his support.- Tuskub knows!I am flying to the station!

Gusev did not ask - why.The screen went blank.


-I Tuskub demanded that he sent the sarcophagus with Aelita accompanied Tara in my interplanetary apparatus, remaining close to the equator of Mars!- Excitedly explained Elk angry and frowning Gusev.

Well, what about this man?- He asked, so ready to explode at any moment, not even resin as usual cigarette.

-He agreed!- Enthusiastically as a child answered Elk.His extreme agitation was whether a mask trying to hide behavior that another Gusev without thinking would put up against the wall, or a sign of the paranoia in kooky love engineer.- I'll send interplanetary apparatus with Tarom and Aelita to Earth, and then accompanied by soldiers Tuskub will go back on Tasotser.

-And then what, Mstislav Sergeevich?- More than talking moose, the more Gusev knew he fully jeopardizes his plans.- Then what?

-Next? ..I have not figured out!- Los embarrassed.

-Well, you see, Mstislav Sergeevich!You do not come up with more!But it's not only your adventure, search your sweetheart Aelita, some of her romantic impulses!We are here - messengers Soviet republic, and we need to establish Soviet power here, that's the most important thing!Do not forget that we are on Mars for the second time, but our main goal has not yet been reached!Meanwhile, Tuskub become more powerful than he was!Here he is now hanging over us in a flying pyramid weighing hundreds of millions of tons!He must be stopped!Otherwise, the case of Soviet power on Mars in mortal danger!We few, Mstislav Sergeevich!We are too little!That these Martian rebels without us?Tuskub crush them in a jiffy!I wonder how they ever so stretched, Shnyrov in the catacombs, like rats!Unless this was a revolutionary struggle?It was agony!They were beaten, like partridges!Tuskub soldiers flew into the ruins of blasted them Soatsera as hunting.Had very little to their hollow destruction.We arrived on time and managed to intercept the falling banner of the proletarian revolution on Mars and lead it again!And so, you see, we smashed and burned Tuskub air army, captured the polar station, forced to tremble before the fear of imminent death Martian bourgeoisie!Yes, Tuskub hanging over us in his floating city.But I know that he trembles and shakes with fear, expecting at any moment that we blow the station and turn it into a pile of rubble in the city!Yes, maybe we perish while, but he knows that we do not dread!We have nothing to lose but the chains of their own!And we keep Tuskub the throat, ready to squeeze it and put an end to his rule!

Gusev breath, sat down at the table and was silent for a while, as if gathering strength.Moose listened attentively and apologetic, more bowing his head in his awareness of injustice.

-And here you with his love, Mstislav Sergeevich!I always knew you were not a revolutionary, you - romantic!Of course, the revolution also want romance!But romance, dreaming of the happiness of the people!And you, you are just and zip all these years with his Aelita ... Of course, she is beautiful - no words!But, Mstislav Sergeevich!You put into the scales against his love affairs throughout the proletarian revolution!All these years you've been dreaming about and grieved only his lover, and I had you as a human pity.But all these years I thought about our Martian brothers oppressed Tuskub, we could not help the first time.And if you were hoping to meet with his love, I hoped, arriving again, finally I bring Tuskub and installed on Mars Soviet power.That's your son Tar - very suitable as a proletarian leader freed from the bondage of Mars.And you want him to Earth to send!Why? ..

Gusev paused, as if waiting for a response from the Elk.He sat silently, his head bowed, listening heavy words reproaches which he had nothing to argue.The truth was in Gusev.

-Alexei Ivanovich!- Finally spoke, slowly lifting her head, elk.- I promise you that after I send Aelita to Earth, together we'll blow the damn polar station!


Icy early morning sun seemed almost over silver ice cap, massive gateways embarkation deck silently hovering in the sky above the polar station Tasotsera smoothly rolled down his eastern, sparkling crimson mirror inclined plane, revealing, like jaws, the jaws of predatory its gates for ships and volatile wasted on the first floor of the flight berth, color everything inside crimson rays of the rising Sun.

Along the perimeter of the landing field lined up in a square soldiers in white, sparkling and gleaming crimson glow of refracted light tight suits, marking the beginning of a farewell ceremony.

Soon the golden cylinder lift risen to the floor, slowly rolled transparent coffin Aelita low gold hearse, followed by elk, and Skiles Tuskub, surrounded by a retinue of high army officials in long black, cascading folds to the floor, shimmering gold cloaks jointing.Aelita's father walked in front, as if to show the way to the sarcophagus hearse his sleeping daughter deep sleep.Skiles and Moose followed behind the whole procession.

She reached the middle of a huge platform where stood awaiting loading silver flying ship, waiting on deck leaning your ladder, and stopped.

Tuskub turned back and went to her daughter lying in a transparent glass diamond.He stood motionless for a long time and looked at her, saying goodbye, and though his face was cold and impenetrable, haughtily, by the way he lingered to finish it was felt that inner longing that he could not feel, seeing Aelita last time.

But then he leaned against the glass and made a bit of a kiss, and then stepped aside.

The hour is high army officers who accompanied him everywhere, to the hearse started on all sides, slowly and carefully, as if afraid of waking sleeping in it charming Martian raised on the shoulders of a massive transparent structure and the ladder slowly and briefly stepping, made it inside the volatile silver ship.Elk followed, pausing for a moment at the entrance hatch, turning and looking for some reason to Tuskub.He stood with his eyes down to the floor summer playground.

Gangway rose, roared screws and silver flying ship, accompanied by a pair of warships flew majestically toward rising over the horizon, you know ice shaggy red sun, marks the beginning of its appearance of a new day.Making a circle over Tasotserom troika volatile ships headed south.

Sluice gates quietly, slowly and heavily traversed bottom of the doors and hatches closed them tightly.


Egorov and lie basking substituting their bodies shaggy Martian sun, rolling in most zenith purple sky, and looked at the drifting over a rare pink and yellow clouds.They have long since lost count of the days that are left alone near the interplanetary system.Relationship with other crews install and failed, and they were tired guessing what happens and where all zapropastilas

Occasionally their peace disturbed ikhi ravenous, but sometimes in the evening on hot day in the sun plateau ran outlandish huge arachnids which overran their camp party.They spent the night inside the machine, battening down the hatch as the night desert, waterless plateau revived some swarming in the darkness of life.

Egorov, exhausted by the sun, lazily scanned the sky in search of some interesting animals.But the sky was empty.Finally, on the horizon to the north appeared three flying beside the point.

-Oh, look, Maxim, again these strange birds fly!

-Yes, let fly!- Although not Polezhaev said, even without removing the face covering his soldier's cap.It has long been fed up with meager curiosities lifeless Martian highlands.

Terms grew, increasing in size, and Egorov, as a senior on the watch, worried:

-Something these birds some large!Come on, took out a machine gun, just in case!

Polezhaev got up on one elbow and looked at the sky:

Yes it is not a bird at all, Sergey Ye!

-And then!

-What-what aircraft!

-Oh!Well, then, all the more!To combat gotovs!

It is now up to them clearly came the noise of many screws, cutting the air.


Describing over the landing site interplanetary unit circle, floating ships went and sat at reducing two hundred meters from the huge charred eggs.Screws tar.

-Load!- Ordered Egorov, falling sand with a box of ammunition.- O-ady!

Polezhaev stretched through the gate tape cartridge, closed the lid and clung to the sight "maxim."Egorov was lying on his elbows close, looking through binoculars flown, intending to give target designation.

Here is the ladder of the ship fell some creatures resembling people in similar, ovate helmets in silver, wide jackets with thick collars, closing the neck and the lower half of the face.In their hands they had some kind of weapon.They lined up in two rows on opposite sides of the ladder.Next Display some dressed in black cloaks Draped figures, bringing some glistening in the sun flares, exactly mirror the big box.

Egorov raised his binoculars, looking unexpected guests.

We dressed in black cloaks humanoids were bald, cone-like, head, beardless, narrow, bluish face.

-Tsels!- Ordered Egorov.Watching through binoculars.- Wind five right side above three ...

Silvery ship seemed to someone else, he was much larger and more shrunken figures.There was something familiar.Egorov looked closer and found Elk engineer.

A-As you were!- He commanded the machine gunner.- Just was not shot Mstislav Sergeyevich!

-What do you mean?- Polezhaev surprised.

Self-see!- Offered him the binoculars Egorov.

-And that is true!And who are with him?

-Perhaps the Martians!- Concluded Egorov, again putting the binoculars.- And a strange box drag!Glass or what?What the box something?I do not understand!

Along with elk down the ladder some lanky, blond Martian dressed not like the others.Behind them appeared four more in the same silver, wide jackets.They carried some large cylinder on the bar and began to promote in it lying at the side of the machine gun at a loss and Polezhaeva Egorova.

Soon orange sandstone stretched the bright green, embroidered with gold track.

When the Martians, puts it, were already quite close to them involved laying carpet, Egorov and turned away Polezhaev gun aside and covered it with some cloth tucked under the arm, then got up to meet them, ready to mutual greeting.Martians busily walked past them, hyped track until the body interplanetary apparatus, leaning to him rolled-up residue and left on the sand without stepping on her, not even paying any attention to them, as if they had never existed.

Following toward interplanetary ship laid on the track moved slowly, as if it was hard to bear, the procession of the Martians in black cloaks bareheaded in the sun with a sparkling box.

Behind them, his head bowed, slowly walked Moose.Next to him was someone.

When the procession approached, machine guarding the interplanetary saw that in a box on a snow-white bed is being blinding.Court of features and figure out it was a female.

Transparent sparkling in the sun box set at the end of the track.Martians in black coats stood around.


-Hello, Mstislav Sergeevich!- Greeted Egorov commander when he walked behind him, and looked at with interest approached near him blond, tall Martian, which was a bit strange, some discernible human, even familiar, seemingly features.- What is it happening?Who is in the box is?

-Hello, Sergey!This is my Aelita!She sleeps!- Said he once squandered.

-And why is that?- Polezhaev surprised, too, with interest looking at the head of the expedition accompanied Martian.

-Because her dream - the eternal!- Mysteriously, still thoughtfully and somehow even displeased if his distract from some important process, said Elk, not taking his eyes off the sarcophagus.

A-ah - handed Polezhaev like something understood, but ask nothing more did not.


It turned out that the sarcophagus does not pass entirely through the hatch interplanetary ship, and Martians in black cloaks stripped him of the top cover of the diamond window to bring it first.

Elk bent over his beautiful lover.So close, he did not approach her for many years.It seemed that Aelita just sleeping and about to wake up.Gray hair flowed to her snow-white pillow.He bent low over her and remained so for a long time, staring at her features, as if trying to penetrate them, in their essence, trying to understand what that still hidden in them so that does not leave his mind all these years, and no loneliness, no separation could not erase that image from his mind.Elk knew that Aelita does not wake up.However, he could not restrain himself at this moment close to her beautiful face and did what so sweet, so painful, so infinitely long dreamed of all those years of anguish and slow languor he's hot, tender and at the same time passionately kissed endlessly in her slightly parted lips.


Kiss, though not older than thirty seconds, in another dimension lasted so long, so endlessly, that turned into copulation.Their bodies became one, and Los already in the dimension did not know where his body ends and where it begins.Through pursed lips to kiss it all infinitely long time some mysterious life force coursing through both of them, like the life-giving lightning discharges beneficial, and they both, as a whole, more fulfilled life fragrance, which oozed, streamed to their members and love juice eternity, both in a single vessel ...


Around all gasped.

It was the sound of surprise and horror at the miracle.

Aelita opened her eyes, as if just slept the night, and behold, in the morning, woke her lover from their sleep for their gentle kiss.

-Aelita!- Said, pulling back slightly in some surprise and joy burgeoning, Moose.And in that sound ripped from his chest, was everything one could talk endlessly long.This word has gone in his life, a life in misery, loneliness and waiting, living in hope and faith.It could read something like Beach and cherished it in your heart to love all these years as a carrying her through the years, through all the distance between them, he believed most lurking somewhere in his heart at their imminent meeting in that it may again see those dearest to him in the world eyes, which lurked in the depths of quiet, intimate and joyful his happiness, the happiness that can not be measured by time or distance, nor any measure known in the world, the happiness that hundredth of a second in his power and eternity identically execution purpose of his life in this world, that happiness which makes meaningless any further sense of being.


-My husband, my beloved!Is this you?- Aelita reached for him, standing with snow-white bed.

He passionately and joyfully embraced her and kissed her again.Tears of joy, tears of joy streaming down his cheeks two unstoppable streams irrigating the meaning of his life.

His flight to Mars, his pursuit of the goal, and if destined, his life, this has been completed.


Gusev was finishing the last captured interplanetary apparatus with a cigarette, thinking about the vicissitudes of life.

Overboard vyuzhilo and strongly swept prickly needles ice powder, so go the fierce cold, not hungry, but I had to go check the guards.

Since Tar flew with elk, it now sat down and check with the additional load from the Martian rebels.Gusev was surprised to find that it weighed on him, and he hesitated to leave a warm and cozy cabin.As if to justify its delay for some reason he is now again studied polar station diagram drawn by Tarom, and made her some meaningless marks in red pencil.

However, about a cigarette Gusev not worried.He was sure that very soon sent them on a mission to make Fedoulov Elk calculated maneuver and put him interplanetary unit near the polar station.Left to wait quite a bit.There was a box of cigarettes - a year's supply for the whole crew.

"Here - Gusev thought with pleasure - as soon as I will be at the disposal of interplanetary apparatus, I Tuskub differently'll talk!Now due to the lack of a transport, I do depend on the magnetic field that radiates station.But when will the device, then all - Amba Tuskub and this flying diamond lump!I'm right here skyrocket on the machine and look the part, then fly all to hell!Skiles little pity.Because people - not Martian, what, but there too, along with them go!I told him - fly away! .. "

Small screen in the cabin suddenly lit up, and on it's face appeared Skiles.

Good afternoon, Mr. Gusev - friendly Skiles said.

Hi, Archibald!- Gusev even saw at Skiles jaw dropped in surprise: he apparently could not remember when he allowed himself to so refer to it.But remember Gusev - never.- Why is there to worry about?!

-Yes, that's, like to congratulate you on winning - Skiles said.

-It's the same with what?

Well, how? ..Moose got Aelita.Now he will send it back to Earth ...

-But is it a victory for me?- Gusev grinned.- For me it is - my personal life companion Elk ...

-But you were ready to blow up the station!

Yes!- Lied Gusev.- But just for the sake of the Elk!Station I still blow - Gusev did not notice how slip, because they promised Tuskub not blow it!- But if not given Tuskub Elk entu his Martian Babu ...

-Aelita - corrected Skiles.

Well, yes, Aelita!- Los agreed.- Beautiful, an infection, but a woman - a woman has even Martian - some trouble and disturbance revolution! ..So, if you would not put Tuskub Elk Aelita, I'd pulled before!

-Wait a minute, Mr. Gusev - caught him at his word Skiles, Gusev and then realized that blundered.- You promised to return Aelita returning Mr. Elk leave the polar station.It turns out that you can not trust?

Ah, yes, - corrected himself Gusev - conspiracy to blame!Of course, all this will happen ...

Skiles hesitated and was silent for a while, pondering something.

-And I want to offer you, Mr. Gusev noted your victory!

-Yes, what a victory!No, thanks for the offer, but thank you!Matters!- He wanted to say goodbye and pay off the screen, as the already delayed checking guards.

-In fact, why not?- Do not let Skiles.- Remember my great whiskey!It is like you!We are now almost no enemies!It seems to be all issues resolved, arrangements have been made!Come on, Mr. Gusev!

Gusev thought that if he dealt proudly, then Skiles suspect wrong, and this could jeopardize the implementation of his plan.Besides, he blurted out, and now it was necessary to show that it really is just a reservation.Yes and whiskey at Skiles that was really necessary.And tobacco!

-Well, I agree!- Gusev depicted indulgence.

Then I will fly, Mr. Gusev!

But-!- Gusev raised his index finger.- Only one ship!


This time Gusev and not go check posts.He decided to outsource it Tsatsule and world: "Let the train guys delve into the army deal!"

Faced with a flying ship Skiles, Gusev took him to their headquarters.He as always wrapped in a long fur collar from freezing cold and prickly circling eddies ice grits.

They sat opposite each other at the table.Gusev turned and removed from the eye diagram of the station, took out a stack, asked him to bring to eat.

At this time, for some reason he was sure that nothing is blended whiskey, besides Skiles drank with him on a par.

-I am really scared, Mr. Gusev - American confessed to him when dinner was in full swing.

-What is it?- Gusev surprised even stopped eating.

Well, you said that still blow up the station.This disturbed me greatly!

Well, what are you, Archibald!- With the last call Gusev took too familiar manner with him and now continued in the same vein.- I gave my word that if Tuskub give Elk

Aelita, then we go!

But why?- Do not let Skiles.

-Why what?- Gusev did not understand.

Why are you suddenly there was such a dramatic change?

Do not you understand? ..

Well, you were so adamant, and suddenly ...

Suddenly, what?- Gusev tried to understand how his gaffe sowed the seed of doubt in the opponent.

Now he tried his best to show that fear and Skiles Tuskub nothing more that he's just been waiting for when he returns Elk, and together they leave the station.He too familiar, brought drank whiskey, showing its confidence in the guest strongly portrayed-shirt guy.But Skiles hesitated, and Gusev all considering how to make now in order to calm down.

Suddenly, you become so agreeable that went into such a stupid move!Exchange ace of trumps at the lady!This is not your style!- Skiles said.- I am well you learned over the years, Mr. Gusev.And I understand very well that you are driving some double play ...

In the words of American felt some veiled threat.But Gusev could not understand now that the enemy started.Of course, the myth that he is willing to give its strategic superiority over the enemy in order to Elk found peace of mind, was hlipkovat.They could spend unless simpleton.And as Gusev gave fooled by convincing themselves that Tuskub Skiles and believed in it.Hlipkovat too was a myth.

Now Gusev pondered what could take the enemy, if he did not buy the drawing!But maybe, after all, bought?Maybe it's just a doubt Skiles, who were born here just when he blurted!It is necessary then to convince him that it is sheer reservation!And if that's their plan - to pretend that they believed Gusev? ..Then he just had to urgently develop a new solution.The most important thing was - to gain time.After Fedoulov was about to fly to interplanetary apparatus ...

Skiles continued slowly supper, occasionally glancing at the master of the situation and reasoning:

Well, in fact, Mr. Gusev!After all, our agreement on your part - just a gentleman's agreement, is not it?And you are not a gentleman!We fulfilled our part of the contract - gave Mr. Elk Aelita!And you?You have not lost anything!Incidentally, Aelita - Tuskub only daughter, and he, believe me, it was hard to take such a decision ...

Gusev squinted listened attentively opponent, trying uglyadet motivated all this talk:

-I do not understand, Archibald, what you mean?- He was already disgusted even too familiar with American, but he was forced to continue to do it, to not to show changes in their mood.

-Well, what?- Explains the American gesturing with a silver knife and fork and continuing feast.- That Mr. Moose back, and you say, "I changed my mind?" And that we do then?

Well, Moose is back on your ship!In fact - he's your prisoner!

-So what?

-Like what?This is a strong argument to make me leave the polar station!- Stiffened Gusev.

-I agree!Knowing how you cherish the friendship with Mr. Elk - because you risked their lives to rescue him from Mr. Krabs, - I have no doubt that this is a powerful argument!- Skiles poured him another drink.At this moment, Gusev seemed that, in fact, complete nonsense to Skiles doubted.They clinked glasses and he gladly threw another pile accelerates blood from staying stagnant in terms of infinite pyatidesyatigradusnogo frost whiskey.- But I know something else!-

Gusev alert, listening to the words of the guest, but I noticed that the reaction it has become much worse from a lot of drinking alcohol.- I know - went too drunk, Skiles - that if you needed an Elk to fly to Mars.You needed a revolution on Mars, and without Mr. Elk your dreams would burst like a bubble!Then when you rescues him, exported from America, you risk not only for the sake of your friend Elk, but more for the sake of Elk engineer, and thus for the sake of your dreams!Today you landed on Mars, and sit at the polar station, mined it and holding your finger on the shutter button remote control explosion.Today you - strategic location.Tuskub blow it this time.He could not imagine that the rebels will be able to capture the polar station!No you would not have been able to!Today you're on top of your revolution.Press and half done - you understand it perfectly!And please tell me, do you really desperate fighter, matured in countless battles, can not sacrifice your friendship with Elk victory for the cause of your revolution.The Moor has done his work, the Moor can go ...

Skiles talked quietly and went to have a snack, but Gusev instinctively unbuttoned under the table and touched the revolver holster in a pocket radio remote control explosive device.

-I still do not understand, Archibald!Where you're going!

-What is there to understand!- Skiles looked at the clock, counting something.- I do not believe you!And the fact that you made a reservation or let slip - call it what you want - I do not care - another proof!I said no wonder that you too well know, Mr. Gusev!If on one side of the scales to put your life Mr. Moose, and the other - your proletarian revolution as you think, Mr. Gusev, which outweigh?

Gusev was silent, wondering what to do next.Drunk alcohol in the way.It was necessary to act immediately.But Skiles shoot - the first thing that came to mind - was not an option.We had to take something else.Mark Skiles hostage?Unlikely to Tuskub Skiles is of any value.Then what? ..

In the cabin door knock.

-Come in!- Ordered Gusev, glad that it's probably Tsatsulya Worlds and came up with a report after checking posts.

But no one came.Knock on the door again.

Yes the same sign!- Gusev lit fury jumped to the door and opened it, intending to teach the great joker: first one did not allow himself such liberties!

For open door stood a few soldiers in silver jackets and wide egg-shaped helmets.

The unexpectedness of Gusev recoiled and wanted to grab his revolver from its holster, but suddenly all around darkened and he collapsed on the floor next to the table, behind which sat quietly Skiles, striking a electric lighter.Gusev twisted until he explained it:

-You see, Mr. Gusev, I also have a little secrets!Pleasing to me, you are not afraid to drink whiskey, though it might be poisoned.Whiskey does not intoxicated, but it contains one substance which is activated in the human body at the slightest electrical discharge and temporarily causes fainting, loss of consciousness and paralysis!Unfortunately, I had to use it, Mr. Gusev.I really respect you because you learn how to deal with the enemy.I hope that you will appreciate me as a good student!


Tuskub paced around his huge pyramidal cabinet at the top Tasotsera, nervous, and kept looking at his watch.It has been three hours as they developed Skiles started an operation to capture the polar station, and from there was not any news yet.Downstairs, the station would now be anything but Tuskub hoped that the developments according to their plan.If all goes wrong, perhaps very soon heard an explosion, and Tasotser would have collapsed down, and more ...

But the minute-by-minute, nothing happened, and it tormented him uncertainty and uncertainty.

Gusev Tuskub knew more of the first arrival, and therefore understood the danger he puts his brainchild.


Granted to him on the eve of Skiles.At this time Tuskub sat and sad about his daughter.He was overcome by the endless longing for dear creature, that he would never see again.

-That's what I think - just posted Magatsitls.- Gusev, first, bluffing when Moose showed you an ultimatum.He would not blow up the station, if you refused to hand over the sarcophagus with Aelita Elk.

-But that would then they have to do?- Tuskub surprised.

-In all this, and it was calculated that you believe in the seriousness of their intentions!

Why did not you say it then?- Tuskub surprised.

-I guess this now to reach this judgment it took me quite a long analysis ... Besides, there is no guarantee it would be really!

Yes, it is a pity that far orangery.If she was there, the trick them failed!He sees through everything!

Skiles figured he was talking about, and from the memories of his reason shuddered.

What else?- Asked Tuskub, intending to complete an audience.

-Secondly, - Skiles continued as if he had not heard the question - I think that Gusev not leave the station.

-Why?- Frowned old Martian.

-Yes, because Gusev - a born fighter.All his life he fought with someone for the idea.But even if I did not have any idea, he would have found that for the fight!His credo - war!He even flew to Mars to fight.The fact that he managed to capture the polar station - a winning strategic position.While at it, he keeps the throat of the ruler of the planet, and hence the entire planet.Is not it a cherished dream of ruling class who hates and wants to sway workers?And do you think that he voluntarily, even for some very important reason, for example, an agreement with you, will relinquish its dominant strategic position?No way!

-What about the contract?- Amazed Tuskub annoyed.

-He wanted to spit on the contracts!Besides, I know Mr. Gusev first year.Treachery towards the enemy - it does not matter.In his concept of the enemy does not agree, the enemy deceive and destroy.I can assure you that he already bears any plan to blow up the polar station, and most escape with impunity, to escape death and head up after the death of the ruler of the world labor movement!

But how?- Tuskub surprised.- Tasotser hanging over the polar station, and in the case of her death destroy everything within a radius of less than a thousand miles away!I think it is known Magatsitls Gusev.

-If only I knew how!- Complained Skiles.- I myself Gusev at the polar station like a knife at her throat!But I'm not going to read the tea leaves!I propose to act!Gusev treacherous times, then I suggest ahead of him of treachery!I devised a plan - Skiles pulled out his paper and laid it on the table in front of the Martian ruler.- Today I naproshus on a visit to Gusev about his victory.I'll take one ship, because more - suspicious.Yes, besides, certainly, cautious Gusev not allow me to support.It should be to failure, as far as possible with your best soldiers, some troops who, after landing, when I retire Gusev, rassosredotochatsya and begin to act.We have a defector - of the rebels.A soldier of the guard station.Not to share the fate of his comrades, he agreed to join the rebels.He flew to my ship during a recent visit to negotiate.Defector told where rebels hold General Sergei and those soldiers who did not agree to join the rebels, and their guard.He painted here this detailed layout and change positions at the station, so I know where the rest guard.Using it, we can quickly and silently disarm the guards, and then the whole guard.While I distract Guseva, your soldiers capture station.I mixed in a special substance whiskey and satiated them Gusev.Sparking electrical discharge it paralyzes a person for some time.I myself accept advance antidote on me this stuff will not work.So I'm sure that my plan will succeed and we will take the station.Besides, after the departure of the Elk and Tara, the rebels there are few commanders can effectively organize a solid defense, and the absence of the leader of the rebels play into our hands!

-Why?- Asked Tuskub.

Now, more than half of the rebels - it's your ex-soldiers who defected to the rebels, not from a desire to fight the power, and the choice: either captured or under the gun to the revolutionaries.Many of them, and this confirms the defector, just waiting for a chance to get away - Skiles paused, watching his reaction Tuskub risky proposition.- In general, now and only now, when in the minority Gusev, comfortable and only the right moment to capture a station.

Tuskub sat silently for a long time and fingered his rare gray beard, thinking over a dangerous plan, which, however, promised deliverance from sudden headaches - Gusev with explosives at the polar station.

Well!And in case of failure?- Finally he asked.

Skiles spread his hands apologetically making grimace.

-You understand that in case of failure to happen what will happen in any case, even if nothing is done - Gusev polar station will explode!I assure you, and I know Guseva many years, he will blow it anyway!Sooner or later, but will explode!

Tuskub thought again, weighing his words Skiles.He thought for so long that the American was about to leave, thinking that his proposal rejected.

-Good!- Agreed Tuskub.- It is necessary to develop a detailed plan of operation! ..


A huge screen in the office Tuskub lit.The screen was glad tipsy Skiles.In the background, the soldiers twisted stunned and paralyzed Guseva:

-Operation completed!- Reported Tuskub Skiles pleased with himself.- I took a rebel guard and freed from captivity of your General Sergei!

On the screen next to Skiles appeared haggard and cold captivity old general.Despite his pathetic, he immediately reported:

-The rebels scattered, my commander in chief!Few managed to seize!The station is completely under our control!

Pleasure Tuskub gleefully rubbed his hands:

-Come back with him on Tasotser, Skiles!And you, General, organize protection and defense of the station.I now send to you a new garrison!Set the double guard!Locate and disarm explosives!Give orders to the soldiers to scour the area around the station and destroy all remnants of the rebels!After that, bring the best soldiers and go in pursuit of Aelita and Magatsitls Elk!They flew to the equator, and I can not contact with the commander of the ship!

-Yes, my commander in chief!


Gusev Tsatsulyu World and several insurgents were taken to Tasotser and thrown into solitary confinement in the lower floors of the floating city, close to a million degrees glowing plasma antigravity engine.

Skiles personally saw to them securely locked and guarded vigilantly.Returning through the corridors of the gloomy prison where hardly the place was dim, greenish light, he asked the chief of the prison guards, why there are so stuffy, humid and hot, besides hear some strange hum.

-This is from the engine!- Said he and Skiles held a small porthole in the window, a massive armored door at the end of the prison corridor.

It Skiles saw a huge room, the walls of which were lost somewhere in the shadows.At its center is a rotating giant, dazzling burning, thick ring of plasma.

Skiles understanding warden nodded and walked to the lift cylinder, which on the lower floors of the city were steel with bright white light.

Now, after the elimination of the resistance time to think about his own fate.

Skiles worried cargo shipped on interplanetary spacecraft to the Earth.He just had to think of something and immediately go behind his treasure, and Skiles was considering how to persuade Tuskub that he needed immediately for some time on Earth.However, he hoped to return never to return.


Skiles left silent golden cylinder lift and ended up in the huge office Tuskub.He went through it in the center.Skiles went to him, not knowing how to start a conversation about what he wants to fly now, immediately, back to Earth.

Tuskub noticing it, and went to meet the unexpected, bowed to him and hugged.

-You saved Martian civilization from disaster!- He said.- I am very grateful to you!

Thank you, I'm touched!- Glad Skiles, here on a positive note and this could leave.

But-!- Tuskub took him behind his back and led him under the table.- Not everything is so good!

-What's wrong?- Surprised Skiles.

-General Sergei has already left outside the polar cap and managed to contact the commander of the ship, which was taken Aelita!- Tuskub stopped and paused.

-So what?- Too sympathetic stopped Skiles.In fact, he now wanted only one thing: as soon as possible to leave this planet and be in the world, where he was waiting for a fantastic wealth.

-We missed!Interplanetary apparatus with Aelita started to Earth!But the most striking thing is that before the start, she woke up alive!- In the eyes of the old, wrinkled and Martian tears ran down his blue-purple, with bald patches senile pigment spots cheeks.

How awake?How alive?- Surprised now and Skiles.

-I do not know!Since then, as a planetary system destroyed the screen allow you to get in touch with any point on the planet, contact with objects intersecting the horizon bad and unstable!

-I understand!- Skiles shook his head.- Well, that Moose also fall?

Do not think!- Tuskub nodded.- The commander of the ship on which they went to the equator, had strict orders to deliver back to Magatsitls Tasotser!And he takes it!But this is not the main thing now!

-A what?- Surprised Skiles.

-Aelita!Aelita!- Tuskub Skiles took her breasts, raising his hands.- You will depart after and give me back the princess Tuma.It should not leave the planet!

-Good!- Glad such an eventuality American.- Pursuit, so the chase!


While Polezhaev Egorov and prepared to launch interplanetary apparatus, Aelita and Elk, like children, holding hands, sitting close beside an orange hillock near the launch site, surrounded by a ring of soldiers standing under the hill, and looked into each other's eyes.

He sat in silence, and the silence was more than if they had told each other about their feelings about their love!They sat and did not see anything around.In the whole world, the whole universe, there were only two.And every minute of their meeting was equal to the boundless ocean of infinite bliss.

No one would have heard them say to each other on only two of them understandable language Sight Words:

-You waited, my favorite!I died, my love!Anguish and pain, my love!Pierced heart captive!

-And I, my favorite!Tormented himself, darling!I was waiting for you, my love, through the thousand nights!I grieve, my love!I was dying, my love!But I was looking for, love, look, light in your eyes!

-I without you, my love!Asleep sleep, my love!That forever!And now you're here, my love!And you're with me, my love!And again, I was alive!I am your life, my love!And you - my, my love!And I'm drunk, my love!I am full of thee!

-And I, my favorite!I waited for you, love, my!I believe that we will meet!That's what saved me!It seemed to me, darling!That's all, darling!What's end, a favorite!But you saved me!After all, you were with me!

-You are my life, my love!You sunbeam, my love!You're my pain, my love!You are the light of my eyes!I'm all yours, my love!And I'm with you, my love!And you're with me, my love, a thousand nights!

-In you my soul!You are my life, my love!Found you, my love!Now we are forever!

Do not leave me, sweetheart!I can not live without you, my love!Do not leave me, sweetheart!My beloved spouse!

With you, I love!I am forever a favorite!You forever, my love!We are together forever!


Hour of parting approached so quickly that it seemed nothing had happened.Elk interplanetary apparatus was ready to run.Egorov and Polezhaev charged last belongings.They were serious, but their faces walking shadow happiness: home!

By Elk approached by a Martian in black, large drop-down cape folds down and touched his shoulder, waking him up from this dream reality:

Goodbye!Magatsitls Moose!

He turned as if awoke and looked around in confusion.Now a reality again broke into it, destroying bliss strange, sweet delirium.

Los took Aelita's hand.She rose with orange sand.

-You are going out?- Roused Aelita.

He did not answer.They walked down the hill to the interplanetary unit.Moose was suppressed.

What did you, when you sleep?- He asked to somehow cope with his tears dushivshimi received by his throat.

-I had a dream - a dreamy said Aelita, lost in memory.- He was happy and endless!It was you, we were together, we were happy!I saw the sea!We lived on the bank, and every morning I went down to him and bathed in the azure lagoon with golden sand!I dreamed of your planet, your Taltsetl!We lived on it and were happy!

-Did you see her, Aelita!Earth is beautiful!You will be happy!

-I am happy where you are!Although Tuma Taltsetl though, let it be your planet near the sea or orange sands Tuma - I do not care, just next to you was, the Son of Heaven!

-I will be with you always!

-If the Son of Heaven goes, I go to sleep again this dream!

-Aelita!- Elk turned to her and took her pale blue, skinny, cool hands in his and closed them in the boat, hiding inside.- I'm sending you to Earth!

She stood and looked at him with her lovely, big, gray eyes.

-And you?You, my love?

-I stay! ..

Aelita leaned toward him, trying in this impulse to merge with him, hug him.But he stopped her:

-I promised your father!But I'll fly!Wait for me!I order and taking you with me to no longer leave!

He led her to a young blond Martian.

-This is our son, Tar!- Said Los

Aelita looked at her adult child already.It has changed beyond recognition, stretched, became another.

How long have I been asleep!- She said, looking at his son.

Mama!- Tar ran to her and hugged the Princess of Mars.

Her age, anyway, so it seemed, barely exceeded it.


Polezhaev Egorov and helped Aelita climb hatch machine.Risen in the last unit of Tar.Luke apparatus were about to batten down.

Aelita again appeared in the doorway entrance.Elk waved her hand.In his tears flowed down his cheeks, he could not help.

-Do not leave me, my love!- She held out her hand invitingly.

-Aelita!My love!My life!- He instinctively rushed towards her, but the soldiers in white jackets broad firmly held it.- Fly and wait for me!I'll be right beside you!

Rather, fly, my beloved husband!I can not bear the painful separation for a long time!

-You are strong, my princess Tuma, all you can!Wait for me!I will close soon!

By Elk Martian came in a long black cloak Draped down.

Elk-Magatsitls!- He said.- It's time to say goodbye!- He turned to interplanetary apparatus, which pulled out of his hands to his beloved Aelita.- Princess Tuma!I'm glad your awakening!But it's time!Goodbye!

He made a sweep of the hand facing the mother looks out of Tara: block!

Egorov and Aelita Polezhaev removed from the hatch and began his batten.Soldiers dragged resisting Elk to SPELLJAMMER.

A few minutes later there was a deafening roar from his burnt eggs on all sides spurted clubs gray smoke.Apparatus shivered and pulled up, leaving behind a gray, thick, curly hair post.


Skiles was granted to him in the spacious living room, when behind him were all the same priestess, who had accompanied him from the outset of the society Tuskub.He had just finished breakfast and was thinking now about how quickly he would go after his first inter-planet ship loaded with priceless treasures.All his thoughts were now in the world, and he did not want to stay on Mars more than a minute.

-You will be the supreme ruler of Tuma, Magatsitls Skiles!- They told him, and he immediately went on the streets, spacious corridors Tasotsera to a place where there is a golden cylinder lift.

-This morning, General Sergei delivered to Tasotser Magatsitls Elk!- Told him Tuskub when Skiles came to his desk, standing in the middle pyramid cabinet with a transparent floor of thick diamond under which swam in the greenish water some mysterious creatures.- I made the decision without delay destroy Magatsitls Gusev and all rebels!They are extremely dangerous!What do you think about it, Magatsitls Skiles?

-It's your thing - American shrugged, their thoughts he still has not returned to Earth.

Grimace Tuskub expressed satisfaction with the response.

-As for Magatsitls Elk, then I have some doubts - continued Martian ruler.- I have been told, as I have already told you that my daughter, Aelita, my only daughter, to which I can not not feed parental love, woke up shortly before the start with Tuma on Taltsetl.For this was, as now, after returning General Sergei, I learned touch Magatsitls Elk, or rather his kiss!

-Amazing fact!- Skiles almost did not hear him, and turned a deaf ear, almost all said, reflecting on her.

-Absolutely!- Tuskub got up and began to pace around, continuing something to think and reflect.- The best experts in all fields of knowledge could not do anything to arouse her from this mysterious sleep.Even my patron and adviser with whom you communicate in a greenhouse, had nothing to offer me.Aelita and died, and was not alive.Although her body was here, next to me, she was in a medial world, which is not available neither here nor there, where dwells my patron and to go after all of existence.I honestly did not know what to do and, although not show his grief - my situation does not allow to show weakness - but you can say extremely suffered from the loss of his daughter.So touch, or rather, this is the kiss Magatsitls Elk, which I sincerely hate, believe me, and gladly would have destroyed it with Gusev and all other insurgents, hindering the implementation of my plans, got her from a dream to life.Now my daughter is alive again!

Yes, it's amazing - again agreed to Skiles, still soaring in the clouds, and keeping the conversation only because of its location, which obliged him to do so.In fact, and Elk, and Aelita, and all other interested him less than all, and he only waited able to leave Mars.The crews of both ships survived interplanetary his expedition left on Mars, has been like a week to prepare them for the reverse fly away.Martian volatile ships scurried back and forth, delivering them with a load of boxes.

-So, here's what I think about Magatsitls Elk - Tuskub stopped and picked up his chin, sometimes stroking and squeezing rare gray beard.- It can not be destroyed!

-From what?- Skiles figured surprise.Its starting to annoy that Tuskub lingers with his departure.

-Yes, because it is a guarantee that my daughter would be alive.It is not surprising!- Continued Tuskub.- Yes!Learning that Magatsitls Elk no more, my daughter, Aelita can again indulge in sleep oblivion.I've had enough of this!Besides its wake will have no one!So I'll leave Magatsitls Elk alive!

-Very good!- Agreed to Skiles.

-Oh, nothing good about it!- Tuskub said.- It's an emergency measure!At least by itself, without this Magatsitls Guseva, which does not destroy the spirit of rebellion, Los Magatsitls not dangerous.

-I think so!- Nodded Skiles.He waited impatiently for him to go Tuskub orders in pursuit of Aelita.

-I have the impression that you are not here Magatsitls Skiles!- Suddenly noticed Martian.- I do not like!

Note American caught unawares.He looked up from his thoughts, but did not know what to say ruler Mars.

Tuskub now stood in front of him and stared Burn through heavy look.

-I can fly?- Finally asked Skiles found nothing better than to give their thoughts.

Tuskub silently turned away and began pacing back and forth, staring eyes in transparent diamond floor, where the greenish water splashing vast reservoir, which could be seen floating silhouettes of several mysterious animals.Then he went for his transparent, made of diamond plate table, sat down and stared at Skiles.

The Americans on the back somehow crawl.

-You will return to Taltsetl, find Aelita and return it back to Tumu - Tuskub said after a long meditation.

Of course - confirmed Skiles.

Then, proceed to implement our plan.

Yes, my lord!- Agreed to Skiles, head down.

-You know, I have no confidence that you can do any of this!

-But we agreed!- Skiles said.

Yes, we agree!- Confirmed Tuskub.- But here's a question.Tell me, why do not you break the agreement?

Well, of course!- Skiles began to look for suitable arguments, but the Martian has continued.

-I accidentally became aware that you have deceived me!

-What is?

In fact, this one treated carbon - Tuskub extracted from below the huge, with a soccer ball, a diamond sparkling in its many facets - in your world has turn out great value!This one stole Magatsitls Guseva at his capture!Some simple questioning your assistants who have spent my officers then took me to surprise!It turns out that the pieces of stone that our masters do not even take into treatment, you are valued as a treasure of great value, a fortune!

Well, yes - confirmed Skiles, realizing that exposed.

-But you said that this mineral is also full of you!

I do not lie!- Skiles said.- We on Earth, carbon is really a lot, but in a slightly different form.Perhaps you misunderstood me! ..

-I do not feel sorry for you that carbon Magatsitls Skiles!I have plenty of it!But trust someone who cheated?

But ...

Skiles wanted to protest again, but stopped him with a gesture Tuskub outstretched hand with an open narrow blue-gray hand.

At this time, with a quiet, subtle buzz in the office Tuskub, appeared behind American gold cylinder lift.Someone came out of it and headed in their direction.


-That's who you fly instead, Magatsitls Skiles!- Handed approach towards Tuskub hand.

Skiles turned and saw himself, or rather, an exact replica of his body, which approached and stood beside him.

Who is it?- He was amazed, referring to the Martian ruler.

-My scientists have grown this creature from the cells of your seed!- Tuskub explained.

-But why?- Surprised Skiles.- And how is this possible?

Why?- Asked Tuskub.- My patron told me to do it immediately after your first meeting with him.Unlike me, he does not need insight to look into your thoughts.And how is this possible?I decided to use my last development scientists and engineers.Vestal, who were constantly with you, provided us access to your body, my patron during your communication in the greenhouse was an accurate impression of your consciousness.And then - it's not so hard with our engineering achievements, in effect you could make.We raised your body and put your mind to it, removing from it all too much, that will interfere with the job.Such copies of your body I can make at least a hundred, a thousand!Unlike you, this creature is completely controlled by me and do all that I'll have him!I have not given it a name, but he must also be Skiles!Eventually, your crew should not notice the substitution!

-But what about our agreement?- Skiles screamed, realizing that his fate is also solved.

-I only had the time!- Tuskub said.

By Skiles behind two soldiers rushed in silver jackets released from the elevator with his copy, and caught him, and wrung his hands.Martian in a black cloak, drop down to the floor folds, approached him, and, pointing a gun, said:

-Follow me Magatsitls Skiles!You no longer need it!- He pulled out of the ear ball Aelita, and now Americans began to hear only the chirping bird alien speech.


In the chamber where pushed Skiles was dark.Door leading into the corridor, closed, swallowing the last reflections, accelerates gloom.

Who is it?- Heard a voice in the darkness, and Skiles learned Gusev.He said nothing, but his voice asked already somewhere.- Who is it, I ask?

-Is that me?- Skiles said in English.

A-ah!Contra!- Rejoiced in the dark voice Gusev.- And did you get here!

Gusev groped in the darkness Skiles, grabbed him by the collar and apparently swung:

-Here I am to you now, contraception, embedding!For all the answers!

-Wait!- Threw him an American.- Tuskub wants to destroy you!

-Afraid pelt sales, strong proletarian fist!- Shouted Gusev.

-Wait!- There was another voice in the dark.It was Moose.- Deal with it you always have time!Need to find out what he knows.Besides, if Skiles threw us into the camera, then put absolutely rubbish!

Yes, yes, - rattled fearfully Skiles - Tuskub wants to destroy all rebel and Gusev! ..

Well, now I'm going to ask you, you bastard!- Do not let Gusev, dragging in the dark collar American.Apparently, someone was holding his other arm, making it difficult to hit.- Yes, let's you!To say!- He called someone.- I did not care Prishib!

-Alexei Ivanovich!- The voice said Elk, apparently, he's holding his hand, not giving to attach to Skiles.- It's always plenty of time!Cool It!We must do something!Tsatsulya!Worlds!Help!

Yes, release my hands, telling you for the last time!- Shouted Gusev.

Romp in the dark chamber continued for some time, until, finally, came to the rescue to help Elk Tsatsulya Worlds and not torn Gusev that Skiles.

-Quiet, Alexey!Easy!Pull yourself together!- Continued to comfort him Moose.- Come learn everything first!Mr. Skiles!- He turned from darkness to zabivshemusya fear in the American angle.- Tell us what you know!I give you my word that Gusev more you will not touch!


After the story Skiles, who finally departed from fright and put everything he knew, there was silence in the chamber, which was heard only tense sniff.

Yes!Tuskub all obegoril!- Finally said, Tsatsulya.- Skiles even out how!Fyuit - and Kings!And all in the flow!

-Well, what did you want something?- Heard the voice of the Worlds.- To us he was sorry?Well we wanted to blow it up!

-Fedoulov should fly up!- Gusev said.- On it I have one last reliable.Could have figured out what to do it!

-And what sense?!- Reasoned Tsatsulya.- Polar station certainly cleared and taken under protection!Nothing Fedoulov one will do!

Why one?- Do not let Gusev.- With him fly Vasiliev and Bulls!

Well, and that three of them against the whole garrison!- Replied Tsatsulya.- Remember.As we stormed the station!So on our side was a surprise, and we had a number of o-ho-ho!And what do the three of them?Nothing!

-Yeah, - agreed Gusev.- Situation!But still!We must act!

How?- Do not let Tsatsulya.

-Blow up, disable the engine of this thing!After all, it can be damaged!- Reasoned Gusev.- Throw him in anything, so it stuck!

-Until he still get it!- Said of the Worlds.

-Throw him something useless!- Allowed to observe Skiles, a little bolder.- Ring Around him the plasma temperature of millions of degrees.All that will be thrown, only to join the plasma.And get to it - at the end of the corridor door!There, by the way, the soldiers dumped trash and sentenced to death!

After Skiles notes in the dark chamber was quiet for a long time.Apparently, all, including himself suddenly realized that they were on the edge of destruction.

-Anyway!- Suddenly heard the voice of Gusev.- There must be a way to seize control of this thing and send it down to the polar station!When we begin to withdraw, to throw in the door, it is necessary to take off all the time, to deal with security, acquire weapons, to find out where the management and there!Nothing, not even a song sung!Bullet - a fool, and I fools!I'm given, Mstislav Sergeevich!I do not give up, guys!I do not give up!


The evening of 15 March 19 ... years in the spacious office at the villa Mr. Krabs phone rang.At this time, he just hosted found in the Pacific Ocean on the liferafts members Martian expedition, sent to Earth Skiles.

Command interplanetary apparatus, the pilot of the British Air Force, retired, Captain Steve, occasionally promachivaya throat expensive champagne, talked about the wonders he had seen on Mars.

In the study, despite its huge size, it closely.Gathered around reporters, photographers are the most prestigious publications, which was bought for unbelievable money at Mr. Krabs right to attend this evening.Chroniclers of the most famous film companies have placed their cameras and tripods shot hit one of them a pretty penny movie.


Mr. Krabs was pleased and was in good spirits, despite the fact that the interplanetary ship, which returned to the expedition members, sank somewhere in the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean.However Krabs expected to find him and raise, arguing that if he was able to carry out a mission to Mars, that is a matter for him - a mere trifle.He has already ordered to send to the square of which was obtained by signal "SOS" from members of the expedition landed, a fleet of ships with sonar that they scour the ocean floor, meter by meter, and therefore thought that the call disturbs him about it.

Servant brought Mr. Krabs phone.

"Probably already found it!- He thought.- Now selling reporters another pleasant sensation! "

-Yes, Mr. Krabs at the device - he said into the phone.

-Hello, Mr. Krabs!- A voice on the other end.- Are you concerned about the chief astronomical observatory, which you are instructed to monitor the Mars ...

Yes, and what?- Krabs asked excitedly.He was already set up to take an avalanche of good news that will surely now have to fall down like a cornucopia.

Mr. Krabs, - said the voice.- At the north pole of Mars seen some extremely bright and powerful flash ...

What do you mean unusually?- Asked Krabs already begun to lose interest in the news, because it did not promise any sensation.

-Actually, a fair comment, because on Mars, in general, has never before been seen a single flash for the entire period of observation ...

-I do not understand, Mr. ... uh, how you got there? ..

-Tipson ...

-That's it, Mr. Tipson!I do not understand why you are bothering me?

-But the outbreak was extraordinary brightness and, hence, power and strength.

-How?- Asked Krabs.- Maybe it's a large meteorite?

-Maybe ... But then it should be very close!

-How?- Asked again Krabs.

Well, just monstrous!

-Okay, Mr. Tipson!Understand there with this meteorite and then report back to me!Now, I ask you not to distract me more!I have an important scientific conference with members returning from Mars expedition Mr. Skiles!

-Excuse me, sir.

Krabs hung up and again plunged into the atmosphere of triumph and sensation.


Once monolithic cell door slid up against the wall, opening the way to the hallway, Gusev rushed headlong down flat in the bottom of the resulting gap.Behind him rushed Worlds and Tsatsulya.The guards, who had not expected such pressure, confused, and the prisoners escaped from the chamber at once killed them ruthlessly crushing right and left without mercy and parse their fists.

Leaving one Gusev made him unlock the camera with the rebels and let them all out into the corridor.Captives were armed, taking weapons from a broken protection.Gusev returned to the chamber in which they were held.

Mstislav-Sergeyevich!Are you going?- He turned to squatting Elk.

Yes, yes, of course!- He recovered himself from his reverie, became, wiping the back wall, and went into the corridor.

-And you, Mr. Skiles?- Asked Gusev.The tone of his treatment was not friendly, but it sounded kind of truth to which it was impossible not to listen: to stay here meant certain death.

Skiles said nothing, but only slightly hesitated, followed elk.In fact, his high hopes on the fabulous riches burst like a soap bubble, and no matter how sulfur now seemed really go with the rebels was better than being thrown through the door at the end of the corridor in the ring of hot plasma.


Gusev was merciless.He had not ado with the enemy, but now, when it took over the top and captured, fought with such fury, which did not remember from the time of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War.

Crushing prison guards, the rebels moved to the elevators, opening the way for all the new cameras and freeing all prisoners indiscriminately.Most of the released prisoners immediately entered into a bloodbath on the side of the revolutionaries.Tangle of battle rolled through the corridors.

Gusev managed to seize some Martian in a black cloak.

Where is the control center of the edifice?- He asked.- Who controls Tasotserom?

Tasotserom-manages the supreme ruler of Tuma, - said the frightened captain.

How?- Yelled Gusev.- How does he do it?

-He gives the team mental animals, Chuan, who live in the basin under his cabinet, and those parameters change flight! ..

How?- Shook his Gusev.

-I do not know!- Martian trembled with fear.

Gusev furiously threw prisoner clenched fist, which he clutched his throat so that he felt the crunch of his bones.

-Come on!- He shouted, trying to drown the roar of battle grinder.- Selected on the flight deck.We must seize the flying ship!


On deck, the real battle broke out.Now with the rebels joined them prisoners were so many that they are armed with weapons captured from the soldiers, crushing forces Tuskub.Soon they were able to take possession of several volatile ships.

Soldiers rolled somewhere catapults and started firing at the rebels fireballs.From captured ships rebels meet oncoming barrage of sizzling balls.Everywhere there was fire, cries, screams, groans, explosions.

Dragging Elk Gusev ran headlong to the captured ship Tsatsuley and the World.Near fireball exploded and burned his hand as if boiling water.

A contagion!- Gusev grabbed the wounded place.- Climb inside, Mstislav Sergeevich!- He nodded at deflated on the flight deck gangway flying ship.

-And you?- Elk asked, crouching and climbing the ladder.Behind Elk silently as a shadow, crept Skiles also trying to escape from the debris flying around, sparks, pieces of skin, bullets, fireballs all sorts of calibers.

-I need to catch someone who will open the hatches!We need to fly out of here!

Gusev rushed back to itself and formed the front line, taking with him a few volunteers, rushed headlong on the position of the troops.Soon to be seen as he wielded it with fists, smashing right and left, Pal from his revolver and crushing resistance receding from him in horror Tuskub soldiers.Capturing some Martian in a black cloak, Gusev, firing, dragged him by the neck through empty space to their positions.Volunteers who walked with him to the attack, noting retreat also moved back, down from its ranks more fighters.

A minute later Gusev interrogated captured officer in a flying ship, causing it to open the hatches.


For the past few days have passed, as implemented Fedoulov flight calculated elk, and now watched through binoculars polar station, not knowing where did he go Gusev, Moose and others rebels.Through binoculars, it was clear that at the polar station are regular troops.Could be no doubt: the white wide jacket, black cloaks - he already knew this uniform.

When the machine down on the downlink, it ahead of time for the calculation of some hit the surface, then some time if time on it, squeaking loudly, and when a strange noise stopped, dropped a few tens of seconds down, and then hit the damper and bounced several times.

Fedoulov out of the eggs out, but could not see in the pitch darkness of the night.It was so cold that his gloves glued to the skin of the machine, and he climbed back.And in the morning he began to understand the reason for this strange descent: head over to the horizon hung some huge, fantastic pyramid, its gleaming polished bottom and sides to it visible in the rays of rolling low over the southern edges of the sky the sun.Somewhere in the north could be seen under her white domes of the polar station, and it seemed that this machine is about to crush them

Long he and his comrades, Vasiliev and Bulls, open-mouthed, staring at an amazing sight when he got out of the unit to warm frost, from which the spiral breath.

-What is it?- They asked him.

-I do not know - shoulders shook Fedoulov - when I flew, it was not ...

-And where Gusev?Where engineer Los?

-I have no idea - instead of scratching his neck from behind fur hat Fedoulov - had to grab the polar station, but there is still the government troops.We'll wait ...

How much?- Interested in neg shivering comrades.

-While we did not find - posted Fedoulov.


Yes, at least someone!Climb back inside!It's warm and provisions have!


Fedulova, Vasilyeva and Bykov awakened by a strong roar rising up from the outside, even through a thick casing of the machine.Otdrait they hatch.

On the reverse side of them were visible openings, scooted out, one after another volatile imposed ships, fireballs, some debris, poured thick black smoke as from a chimney.High in the sky silver balls exploded, turning into bright pink flash.Some ships were burning.Others were already falling down, falling apart into pieces.They were replaced by others from flying pyramid.The air had been created some commotion.

-There he is, Gusev!- Fedoulov guessed by looking at aerial slaughter, in which nothing could be distinguished.

One of the ships separated from the air battle and walked toward them.

-Oh!- Pointed a finger at him Fedoulov.- Seem to have noticed!Detachment!In the gun!Vasiliev, prepare a machine gun!

A minute later the silver ship landed near the machine.The crew met him through the sights of weapons, but when popped out of breath Gusev, all happily rushed to meet him.

The once-hugging!- Gusev shouted, choking frost.- See what's going on!- He pointed to the sky behind him, where the background of the fantastic, dangling in the air pyramid grow stronger aerial battle.Now the sky was filled with fire like glittered silver balls endlessly clapping breaks rained down burning debris and dying skeletons flying ships.- Fedoulov!Well done, that done the job, drove the machine!He need us now!In the apparatus, the crew!

The ladder from the ship escaped disheveled and lost engineer Los.It seemed that the battle woke him from a peaceful sleep, and now he could not understand where he found himself.He rushed to Gusev.

-Alexei Ivanovich!What are you going to do?- He cried, looking like he hastens to climb Fedulova hatch, patting his back.

-You picture "Pompeii" saw Mstislav Sergeevich?- Asked Gusev, has himself down into the machine.

-No-no!- Moose replied, puzzled, remembering something.

-Well, now you'll see!- Gusev wanted to shut the hatch, but paused for a moment.- I'll be rammed station Mstislav Sergeevich!I advise you to fly away!However, after a couple of minutes field disappears, so fly, you probably should not!I would advise you to take cover, but do not even know where ...

-But why?- Los reached out, as if trying to reason with him.- Alexey!Why?

Mstislav-Sergeyevich!See what's going on!This is the only chance to save the Martian revolution!Another ten minutes and we were all slaughtered to edrene-hairdryer! ..

-But, Alexei Ivanovich! ..

-I know, Mstislav Sergeevich!I want to live!I also want!I love life, Mstislav Sergeevich!You know!Maybe more love than anyone else!But what to do?I have no choice!And if you want, let's go with me!Who knows, maybe utseleem in egg, eh?If you stay alive, Mstislav Sergeevich, Maschke my greetings and bow, and all comrades and pass Gusev fallen hero's death in the name of the future free of the Soviet Mars!


The next day, after a phone call from the observatory at the villa Mr. Krabs one of the famous American tabloids published on the last page a small note under the heading "Curiosity and incident":

"According to the observatory, leading watching the planet Mars, yesterday on its surface was recorded unusually bright and powerful flash, which occurred near the North Pole.Scientists believe that this was the result of falling on the surface of the planet giant meteorite!At the point of impact, which came on the polar ice cap, a noticeable dark spot became a consequence of melting polar ice from the heat of the explosion.Court of its scale melting occurred over a radius of more than five hundred kilometers!Observations of the red planet continues! "


Aelita looked at the sea.It was reflected in her huge gray-ashen eyes, causing their pupils played a little sparkle sun glare.Warm rays of the unfamiliar bright and large sun nicely warmed her body under a light dress of unusual material.

Waves gently lapped at her feet, and she stared at sea foam, hissing, bubbling, disappearing among the gray pebble beach.

Sit was unusually hard.Earth is such a huge and massive dragged to his much stronger than her native Tuma.But it was worth it, this severity.In the end, it could be used to.And this fabulous, filled with colors the world around was just amazing!Emerald foliage vast forests, the vast blue sky, azure sea!Chirping birds, scurrying around ants nibbled lightly at her fingertips when clear water lapping on them for some time, small fish, squirrel, later with pine near her stranded on its hind legs and gnaws cone, while observing her black beads their eyes, the people there, there is also squatting on pebbles and watching enchanting symphony of the sea!

"How?- Aelita thought.- How was it possible to leave this amazing planet and fly tens of millions of kilometers away in the darkness, to land on a distant desert orange Tum!Why?For what? "


Along the edge of the water went to a happy young man.He also looked at the sea, sometimes to consider drifting away ships, put a hand to his forehead visor, raised from the ground and threw stones flat and bent down so they jump, bouncing off the surface of the water, as far as possible.Sometimes stone met on his way sloping wave and disappeared there forever, sad bulknuv.Then the young man a little angry and looking for another flat stone, repeating all over again.His unusual bluish white skin stood out from passing local boys, completely tanned, dark-skinned to brown and purple, and those ogladyvalis and apparently tried to understand where it golubolitsy, strange guy, something discussed among themselves on the move, but moved on without stopping and not too lyubopytnichaya: different people come here and they've seen enough different.

Aelita on too few people paid attention.She was sitting in the big white hat with huge margins, locked it from the sun to his shoulders.Light a white silk blouse covered her hands with their sleeves up to the brushes.Long calico skirt ...

She liked this earthly clothing.She liked it very much, to the furthest horizon, turquoise sea, which did not end there and stretched seemingly endlessly.She liked these amazing dolphins, whose language was a bit like the tongue of the people now a distant Tuma, small groups are sailing and emerges with its movement from the water, as if giving her some idea.She liked the white ships.She loved to swim and sunbathe alone and people groups.She loved couple kissing at all and do not pay any attention to anybody if they were alone in this world.She liked everything on this planet!Aelita was immensely unspeakably happy.Happy as never before!


Tar!Come here, boy!- Called Aelita son.- Are not you tired?- She asked, as he walked over to her and sat down beside the warm pebbles.

No, Mom!

-You know, my son, what do you recommend to refrain from long walks!

Nothing, Mom!- Son trustingly and lovingly clung to her.- It is no longer as difficult as it was in the beginning!

-And then, if you want, we will go into the house, take a break!- She suggested.

No, Mom, thank you!I like the sea!

-Me too, son!- Aelita looked at the azure sparkling with sunlight from the azure horizon.- You know, I never thought I'd see it in reality.I once dreamed of it, a very long time!The sea!And strangely enough, it is my dream so!

For a while they sat in silence and watched the incident on their feet gentle waves.

-Said my mother, that the sea is another!- Tar noticed.

-I heard about it, son!- Said Aelita.- But you know, it's still fine, it's the sea!And I see it the way I dreamed it!I even think it is not a dream?!

-There is not a dream, Mom!But you know what? ..

What, son?

-Everything is so perfect, so good ... But I'm missing one ...

-What are you, son?- Aelita had already guessed.This conversation took place at them almost every day.

-I miss your father!

-I know, my son!Me too ... but I hope that he will soon be with us ...

-You think so?

-I am sure of it, son ...

-But when?

-I do not know, but soon, you'll see ... When he is with us, you'll find that waiting for him quite a bit, and the waiting time becomes only a brief moment, and you will be surprised that so quickly waited ...

-How do you know my mother?

-I know, my son!I know!You only need to wait and wait just believe!And I believe and wait and you'll see, we'll be together soon!

Aelita talked and talked, and barely trickles of tears rolled down her cheeks bluish dripped onto a shingle and merged it with vanishing sea foam.


In the evening, she stared up at the cloudless sky, inverted over it, like a bowl with beads.Flashing lights in the firmament of unfamiliar constellations, but every time she easily found Tumu, which once showed her at her request.She knew her sit and watch the little inconspicuous among other stars planet, which was now her lover.

"How strange!- Aelita thought.- I'm on his planet, and he - on my own!And again we are waiting for each other!And that, apparently, there's some irony "

Tuma rolled across the sky and disappeared, mourners Aelita, and when it was about to disappear again, after she flew quiet, barely audible extraneous ear words: "Where are you, Son of Heaven?"

June 1998 - August 25, 2009


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