Халов Андрей Владимирович : другие произведения.

"Administrator", the first Book "Return to the truth"

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Chapter 1.

There was quite a bit of time until the day when we were out of school. As much as they could preparing for this event out of concern for their future well-being. Never before have I not noticed such a concern for their fellow students, as it is now. We've together вяляли fool, wrought different pranks, did not care about the future, and seemed to be all the same. True, and there were some difference in the severity of punishment for some and injustice for the other, but it all seemed coincidence обстоятелльств, and mechanism of action had hidden under the veil of cumulative each other events.

But these are the times. The closer we approached the issue from the school, the more I painted a picture of our differences of position and concepts of who is who. Gradually on the plan through conversations about protege and "hairy" the clutches of a so-and-so, conducted in a half-whisper. The mighty of this world to help their children, nephews, children, friends, invisible and unnoticed, somewhere up there, high offices, get better, get a good and decent distribution, go to the good place, where not too felt the hardships of military service, that we were recommended to bravely overcome in the statutes of the Armed Forces. "Long-haired" go, if not with his nose, then do not worry, anyway, for your future: for them worried others. On the background of this "hairy" elite was none too good a plight position gives the crippled majority build a pink plans for the future which, unfortunately, was empty exercise, and for which the best thing in life was not there, in the bright tomorrow, and today, and already yesterday. All understood it. It was a bit sad, but still in a special despondency nobody dwelt, and who have tried to change their life for the better, trying different ways.

I must say that I was in this time in a state of calm euphoria, --> living[Author:U] every day, as a gift of fate, because he knew exactly when this лафовая life заончиться - with the release of the College and in spite of successful study, understand that there is nothing definite, and the best for me not предвидиться exactly - I was not "волосатиком". Однвако, it doesn't really bother me. I had fun,went AWOL, met with friends, drink sometimes, but tried to successfully pass the final and state exams to not turned out in the end that I чеьыре year in vain "pulled" the red diploma.

Shortly before the main event the last four years of our life --> battery[Author:U] one пронырнливый шустряк managed to get lists, утянув of their training division. They were our direction after graduating from College, and then was actually confirmed that the best place went to "блатным", those in advance bother upstairs. Among these lucky you can see the name marks and last lazy. A persistent rumors that were in the General staff or circles close to him. Good distribution of the received or, in any case, had полчуить children urban elite "local mafia", so to speak: the sons of Director of the brewery and the head of the Central house of life, the second Secretary of the regional Committee and others. Rare guest among them were lost names our course of honors, many of which his personal zeal, painstaking work, cramming sleepless nights constant hard voltage their forces all four years, earning himself a red diploma and a "good" place. Last throughout my studies in College behaved loyally not violated discipline, not впутывались any conflicts between the cadets and the commanders and, in case of occurrence of such incidents almost always stood on the side of the command, first, together with sixes, I would like, bringing discord and dissension in the ranks of fellow students.

Sixes same, well-known and secret saints, which we lacked in abundance, those that from the very beginning, from the moment посььупления in school, with no brains, no protege, bet on пресмыкание and low off, also got good directions, punched for them battery and course - who to whom лебезил - link management.

I, like most of the fellow was simple, what is called "the people". I did not have neither special zeal to study not because of laziness and dementia, but from the fact that it was boring. Although acquire any knowledge I have always liked. May occur legitimate question: "Why I entered a military school?" it's reasonable to ask me about it. But I will refrain from answering it, because too many have Tolga tell, no I don't want to. As some other time. I will only say that not all come to such institutions from a good life.

Thus, I can only say that I was not блатным nor remarkable a worker-a-student, although it on крастный diploma but only for the reason that caught all on the fly and mastered quickly, and the rest of the time тартил on AWOL, girls and...in General, enjoyed life. I was not and подлизой. And so was not expecting from the upcoming distribution is nothing good, maybe because I felt that do not deserve it.

Last year and a half out of four I had fun in the walls --> school[Author:U] passively s study, trying not to have twos, to occasionally allowed to go on leave, not grieved by the strict implementation of orders and instructions of commanders and strict observance of their obligations and disciplines. Besides, from my side, to the address of the commanders often frustrated words and replicas that it would be better to hold it shut. More than just my superiors surprised that at school I was almost a pupil in school learning suddenly cooled and I was forced to study, "pull" platoon, and were angry that this is not happening, and, of course, were going to do so that I regret this.

The stories of those who ддовелось serve in such places, and former cadets sometimes looked in school, life hardly glimmered, flowed slowly and painfully dreary marsh water, тухла in the frenzy soundly drunkenness and wild debauchery. The absence of even the rudiments of culture, remoteness and isolation the wretched Mirka military towns helped alive rot in the greyness of the monotony and заскорузлой everyday life and soul, and body. However, there were some весельчаки that such a life is like, and they told about it with pleasure.

One senior Lieutenant, somehow coming into the school поаукаться with his курсантским past, say Hello to the commanders, who remains at school, talked with us, telling about some Безречке somewhere in the distant and in sorrowful Transbaikalia, told us the tale of the commander of the regiment. According to his story, it was observed a terrible sloppiness in the barracks lacked the glass in the Windows, and they tie them polyethylene film in winter the soldiers slept in felling in каптерках, dryers, Lenin room, in a word, in places where there was less of Windows and air volume to make it easier to warm him with their breath. Boiler broke and gave no heat for several years. Families of officers lived as best they could, stoked their barracks буржуйками - sad invention of devastation. In General people there live, but survived. Officers on the beat service thumbs, played mostly in the "Prefecture", and the commander of the regiment who served there, in this very Безречке was fifteen years in a row, every year in the month of August began the morning divorce regiment words: "yesterday I phoned (Pepper) Перест De Куэллер. He said that in Transbaikalia will be winter", then did a meaningful pause and tracing system eloquent glance, indicating, inter alia, and cry: "Look, who can!" but officer, поведавшему us this story, in Безречке like it because its speech he finished about these words: "do Not worry, guys, in this службеесть their charms. However, there are places and worse. We though water is not delivered, and the nature of at least some какаяимеется. And then there are places that people generally live: steppe or sand around".

Another somehow convinced us how fun and романтичножить in the Arctic tundra, see the sun for a few months a year, but throughout the day, and come hunting deer with a gun and a bag of cartridges. Bachelors in this the Arctic get that dope that отпят stoves in their rooms butter, which they receive at продпаек.

Listening to such рассказки, I with sadness and melancholy thought that surely will please to one of the remotest places and will потихонечьку go crazy, together with these here unhappy, 'll learn how the juice, drink vodka, and the end of my распахабную in the best case some пропойцей-капитанишкой, or even make up a pension.

Such arguments are often suggests my unworthiness, but I tried to dismiss decadent mood, he has fled from them, escaping from oppressive future in the present day.

Like the spawn of mind I have created a certain complex костеневший with time more and constantly pulling me down, because чтосплошь and near feeble, but self-confident, посредственные, but impudentadjusted in the future to have a minimum of his shoulder straps, but I could not get rid of his fateful prejudice. I already doomed to fail, while my peers expected soon almost on oak leaves in their buttonholes and embroidered with big stars General's Golden epaulettes.

Of course, those who led the life of a confident and strong, всевластная hand, someone's invisible and unknown to the rest of the launched in our midst whence from above, from a prosperous tops of our society, have the right to count on it. The ambitions of the other more, I must say, parts were blatant arrogance with which they hoped to make their way up and make a career. Although hopes they had поубавиться after they roll in green river, it's something shapeless, gray, corrupting, hating herself, named officers corps of the Soviet Army, when they happen to be in the environment of inertia and passive stay and burning their assigned by the state and a defense of life, the expectations of the rest of his unbearable, dirty, unsettled, terrible, like a nightmare, and lousy as life Jackal, немилостливой fate, when they know the price of every single days of service. Dust and mediocrity which mortally heavy and тоскливы, if not to dilute their alcohol or vodka, and the more, the better.

Most have yet to learn that they have no chance of success, because everything is already in store, bought and sold, prepared for the protege, and they last on this невеселом feast. But to understand this we must go through years of withering soul and body in which each of them with great disappointments appear miserly, but favorite joy, beggarly handouts fate and the army, this хитрейшего apparatus. And then kaeach of them understand that their hopes were disappointed, and will pull the strap, waiting for pensions.

Once in the classroom the teacher-the Lieutenant Colonel told us in between times that the peasant's son in the army ceiling to become a Lieutenant Colonel, and he has already achieved. Then his words, few people paid attention, but probably in vain. In saying it was some kind of elusive, but the sad wisdom of life.

I was not the most audacious violator of discipline and order, but it so happened that met regularly with small violations that was equally punishable. Many were дерзновеннее me in our deeds and actions, but almost never happened. I always come across any offensive nonsense on his мальчишестве. This angered the commanders much more than if I соершил something big offense. Only by the end of the third course I thought of the then prevailing intolerable state of things, and was "corrected": now I to anybody boasted своимим adventures, as before, behaved silently meek. Резальтат not long in coming, and to the middle of the fourth year there, and they thought Yakovlev began to mend, has finally come to his senses. Now I regretted only that realized too late, how to behave in life, anyway cadet.

But at the same time the actions of my purchased audacity hundredfold in excess of what I did before. From that moment I began a double life, one outside the school, of whom nobody knew, and the second in its walls, which was on everyone's mind, and I suddenly became a good boy.

From the first course I paid attention to the fact that the commander of a platoon could not achieve from me, that I was wearing the lap belt as expected. He was always "loose". From this here and still with certain minor violations in the form of clothes and started my long вонйа with the commander of a platoon, and then with комнадирами higher. For four years I have changed two platoon commander and four commander of the battery, but heavy and unnecessary stigma slut passed down from one to another by inheritance until the very end.

My two mates were not strict observance of forms, номало who reached such a nonsense, as I have to flaunt parasitism before the command. I thought his valor, that when the officers did not begin as other is shameful to fuss and bring their appearance in order, thought my reputation in the eyes of his comrades from the higher and in fact, my eyes, they think I'm a serious man, if you say the least. I never rebuked any of them, believing that they see my moral superiority. As it turned out, that on this background, I выгладел the natural black sheep, and stupid. Most arrived as it was beneficial in a particular situation.

Now when the time drew receive what is called a calculation, all were "good", and I was "bad". Of course, I was annoyed. Not helped to deal with resentment even the fact that I knew that to blame himself. This was payback for my honesty, and those who лицемериl, were now on a horse. Honesty is my useless. It was a shame that directness, which was raised in me since childhood was оружиемпротив very me. Комнадиров too little interested in what is happening behind the curtain well-being, just to out do not вылазило. I did this dirt pulled out, sweeping dirty linen in public. Who could this please?

In the third year, when life really began to grow restless still, I made a few principles of behaviour, which are very necessary to TEBI left alone.

First, honest to be only when it is you, in any case, not hurt. This is hypocrisy, but I have never met a person, who being the biggest bitch and вралем, would not consider, however, to be an honest man. Calming his pride and drowning out the voice of conscience, he comes up with the norms of its internal morality, as appropriate, its views on life. But I think he tormented and suffered, that he приходиься lie. People may behave more honest than the other, but to be completely honest life cannot, perhaps, to anyone. Sooner or later, at some period in the life of any mortal prevaricate, he is tired to be honest.

That and say that all men have their weaknesses. Without it there would be life itself. Even the most powerful spirit of a man will not everywhere and not very strong as steel. Desire post тоянно her struggles with varying success. Hero does decisive моментможет concentrate the force of the spirit and suppressed desire. But the desire to destroy completely, as part of the human soul, you cannot fail to anybody, not mutilated, not искалечив its essence. Desire is a manifestation of the spirit and will, therefore, it cannot exist without the fluctuating balance of these two components, warring with each other, but impossible without each other, because without desires a person will become a biorobot, and without the will turn into a brainless animal, which creates only what pleases of his flesh. They harnessed to a single cart temporal existence, suppress and limit each other, preventing ugliness. In addition, the will helps to understand their desires and feelings, choosing any one of them. By the way, on this occasion, it is better to address to the Floor Shores and his "Miracle of fasting", you can read philosophers, still any.

Therefore, the first principle - to be a hypocrite. Second - never argue with the boss, especially if you are in the minority, and even worse - alone. Violation of this principle threatens considerable troubles. In the best case, you will be bypassed the favor of the authorities in the most basic issues that will be available to everyone around you, a more flexible.

The third principle, it follows as a consequence of a second, smaller one ambition. And, as the Americans say: "Everything will be okay".

Otherwise, while around васбудут slowly secretly do anything, you will do exhausting and unnecessary war for their personal dignity, in which lose a lot of forces and врдя whether what you achieve. In the end, you will see that the ICA walked for ten goals.

Here, perhaps, and all principle. By judging him, I was terrible a hypocrite and a coward. Maybe, but I regret only that they became too late. However, I'm probably just broke, but not wanting to myself to admit it, deceiving himself. After all, be direct - it is so hard and difficult, isn't for everyone.

I want to note that learn in school was not for me easily. I didn't waste the classroom, because my abilities quite хвтало to lead not утружденную штурмами Bastion of knowledge and life science. It is possible that if I wish, I could "pull" for "gold", but this desire did not arise. First, I did not have the character to be different from the main mass. For such a difference I bitterly paid during the times of the school childhood, and now, once burned, twice blow on the water. "Mass" not like to break off mere mortals, they hate them, and until they managed to get too far, trying to crush. Behind my back had no authority of past generations, from which we could, AK jumping go up. Not my sort scientists, writers, nor singers, нимузыкантов, nor even any party-Komsomol functionary at least on a regional scale. And therefore, I was a mere mortal, and, as never to be spoken, but is always implied. In my veins simple холопская blood. And with this blood, you can become someone, not having a fair amount of meanness. Our system cannot tolerate, if, as I begin to unfairly to break out of a closely rallied by the ranks, ranks equally non-hazardous, equally untalented and приутюженных them people called in official papers "Soviet people".

So arranged чтоесли someone выпадаетт ago, it is considered to be normal, to help him, with him Lisp, take him out on bail, if it is still not quite strayed from the hands. Slender lines may even slow down to Laggards are lost, and were "with the band". This alignment on the last, on average, for which are inconvenient and dangerous upstart that break away forward, not having the strength, patience and "consciousness" to go along with them, to pull in the past, shifting on their shoulders the burden of slow Jogging, this equalitarianism beach all, who is talented, gifted, but not recognized officially, the chain of their life, yoke, not giving a fly. So I though I knew that I could do better, but deliberately did not do it, not wanting to pull someone's strap cover someone's incompetence and laziness. I protested against this operation abilities "collective interests", "the will of the majority". Adapting themselves to the middle, I joined this "majority". This position is very convenient and is strongly encouraged.

However, I couldn't quite put out. Therefore, my energy I sent the path of a more habitual for the cadets ' environment, secret and, therefore, less возбраняемому. I became an adventurer, instead of being a straight a student and be role models. Surprisingly, the son of some "bumps" - excellent, so no surprise that I was sloven and самовольщик. And he and I are destined to our origin. For him every Sunday comes a service car, and he goes on a holiday I also falls often sit in College at the weekend, only occasionally getting in dismissal, and so for me are a common thing unauthorized withdrawal "behind the fence". And такиз, like me, art is developed to elusiveness. Of course, before we have to fill many bitter and insulting cones. When this behavior I was in his place, predefined me system, I was at ease. Otherwise I was the black sheep, to be always unpleasant.

Secondly, my restlessness and the longing for the "зазаборной" life pushed me on "feat". It took me a lot of time. In addition for your crimes, I very often was serving his service in the dress, while more усидчивые, honest, careful, sustained, heavy lifting and any others did, went to the dismissal, the word lived without any worries.

All this and were separated me with study with a calm life. I would always catch its own tail at the time when other we walked forward. This turned down me on the way, which are all cheaters. What I was different from them? Probably, the fact that they didn't care and I still ambitious claim to life. I wanted, that is, to get away with it.

All this I tell to understand the causes of all my further evil - or adventure - call your VM's will.

I would like to add that irregular and surface studies were gradually affect my character and achievement, and if on the first course I easily could answer "good" and "excellent", did not prepare for classes, using only sporadically settled in my head at the lecture, the third and fourth year I felt a significant lack of knowledge that previously required my attention to itself. The pyramid of knowledge was подгрызена mice. I tried to do, but the habit of not отягощатьсебя systematic studies has done its job. My character has lost the last crumbs of perseverance, impregnated disgust for lessons and unquenchable жадой adventure, backed by the experience of impunity and неразоблаченных adventures and loneliness, which I tried all the time to escape. I had no real friends, colleagues turned away from me, back in the days when I was trying to prove something to yourself and others, first of all commanders. However, some authority I earned. But this authority was incorrigible and successful revelers.

Chapter 2.

As I said before, the time drew issue, and interspersed with regular entertainment and проказами who occupied all of my spare time, it is time to think about the future. I, frankly, didn't want to get in some Podunk, thoroughly hole which is usually pulled out only to dismissal in stock. Not all hope left me, somewhere in the depths of my soul I was фаталистом and believe in the smile of fate, even if it was a presumptuous in my position. Without this hope...

Not RAC happened desire to lay hands on himself anguish and consciousness worthlessness of his life, and only her faint, thread kept me from fatal step. Yes, even the echoes faded хрристианского seed is sown in the souls of my ancestors, whispering and hinted to me that you have to endure, that life is a test of God to be in the Kingdom of the Lord Иисусовом, and suicide is the greatest sin and crime mortal.

If there was strong in me a belief in eternal human soul, пребывающюю here only for testing God its purity and innocence in thorns and temptations sinful earthly life! But my embodied soul, that the whole life is nurtured in an atheistic rejection "of religious delirium", cowardly antagonized the Christian covenants life and languished in squalor sinful godless existence, and therefore, probably, and there were not once thought about преркащении such a life.

Of course, they hope to get in a very warm place I never dreamt, all it took was nepotism and a pretty awesome, but get something more less decent, at least a little above the provincial, was my humble desire.

In vast Russia clamped jaws of poverty and needs as a result of senseless management and хищнечиского abuse of its land and people, "good", that is, places almost gone, and there was a sheer hedges and collapse. Carelessness seems forever settled in its place, and grey, stuffy mold, darkness fading, and the corruption is spreading through the country like a cancer. And that little ensure themselves a comfortable life, had поапасть in one of the small indigenous and rare hair on a bald head, закордонных groups of Soviet forces, almost all of ликвидироввали in the early 90s. As they say: "help from Abroad.

The dream of each was placed in one of the "friendly" countries, where our part, хротя on our warriors there watching uninvited guests. Everyone wanted to "прибарахлиться, but none confessed and envied in silence. Get it all, but were available for only "волосатикам".

Remained a big hungry Russia. But in this huge country there lived everywhere equally. There were regions where was tolerably exist, but there were places where life was on the verge of extinction, the extinction. The direction in this edge was considered a real trial, despite all the benefits that такм were officers.

Choose me was: where we - there shall send, at least for кудикину mountain. But I still hoped.

Now I was glad to dissociate itself from the reputation of the offender, a malicious violator of the order, but the label, one has stuck to me, not wanting to be outdone. Now nearing the day of reckoning, hour, when I was to hear the punishment for all my пригрешения before commanders. Not once or twice, the commander told me, calling to his office: "Well, comrade cadet, I think we'll be even with you on the issue of school".

I recently had the opportunity to make sure that he does not throw words to the wind and I don't forgotten not forgiven.

One of those adroit fellow students, who have certain artistic abilities, one of those who usually rotates in the spheres of departments училиша and teachers, resorting to the services of his talent, the one who each session is finished with some оформительной "halva", and so, one such a friend managed to get in the management of schools lists of our distribution, however, has not yet approved in the Ministry of defense. Show them he intended to secretly, and only his close friends. But some of them was not in the best of болтлив someone too violently reacted to what he saw and was not able to keep the emotions, and soon the news that the battery has a distribution lists, reached the ears of everyone. Around mount-artist formed a tight circle of fellow students requiring show them, too". The long отпирался, but then, heeding the requests and head surrendered. "Look, only I know nothing," he said, repenting, that got in touch with their ungrateful friends.

Coated paper leaves sped on his hands circled, exactly in the maelstrom, hundreds of fingers reached for cherished leaves. Everyone wanted to look into the break of the RA, which strongly concealed from us until graduation. Everyone wanted to eat the forbidden fruit.

I too rushed in the deranged, одуревшую crowd and together with all the same обалдевший, got involved in a battle for the leaves. Long they jumped over my head, jumping from one to another until, finally, they were at me. My eyes eagerly overlapping them, looking for my name, but the list appeared to be another dictionary group, and had caught again, pull them from the other, until I finally saw the cell opposite my surname is empty.

Around me were heard the shouts, cries of despair and dashed hopes, resentment and frustration, and I was in perplexity, staring at the empty cage. Someone snatched the list of my hands. I turned around and saw the "Hippopotamus", which eagerly sought his name. Mechanically I again took his piece, even though I already was not needed, just wanted to make sure I'm not mistaken. I expected anything, but just not empty cells. Behemoth looked up and frowned. He was one of our "vampires", перепортивших commanders not enough blood. In the battery, even in his school were afraid of everything cadets, because, having центнером weight, he usually ршал all disputes fist.

"Come quickly, Yashka", - he said to me. He could slapped мнне затрщину, but apparently decided not to contact, knowing my stubborn character that was argument is not worse than his fists.

I followed his advice, deciding not introduces man into temptation use of force techniques conversation, and paused, puzzled by the fact that you are not mistaken, the cell was empty.

"Behemoth" tired of waiting, and he, in his impatience, snatched away from me the piece of paper, but he froze in amazement, because the cell opposite his name, too, was empty.

I must say that Behemoth was one of the first candidates who were "send" somewhere very far away, at the edge of the earth, the polar bears: so much blood he drank our commanders that they were ready with the light get rid of. It was one of the first and most famous slackers, самовольщиков and нарушителй, not afraid of any threats and not внимавший no exhortations and admonitions. He lived in College as he want. Once in the school from the military service, "Begemot", as many are the same and did not think to learn, but waited until "drip" due time, to quickly spent his two years of service. Others who came with him from the army, has long been отчислились of "артяги" on poor progress or lack of discipline, but he seemed for a snag caught and remained: they were too lazy to move. "Begemot", he Behemoth. Sometimes he often boasted to us as "халявно" served in the army and even бивал there face some "салабонам-лейтехам". He assured that in the army, everything is different and very different from what we were taught in school. Behemoth said. That he reckless and absolutely still, where we.

I remember, the "Hippopotamus" in the first year two bosom "spine", also from the soldiers, who passed the "harsh army school". The first - "Jigsaw", Sergeant Лобзов, and second, Stepan Яшковец, called by the nickname "Бацал". Лобзов high, but thin, with all its species reminded pole. Яшковец. Same, broad-shouldered big-lance-corporal, was верзилой of spindle-legs. Where before him "Behemoth". From the very beginning it was clear that these people are temporary, but not touched. While we have passed the course for young soldiers being poured on the hot August sun parade ground ядренным then, they went on hayfields and other farm in the training center, located outside the city, there vaginas village бабенок, word, cultural and rested from military service. From the very beginning they met with the commander of the battery, there is nothing to talk about a platoon, in particular, out of reach for us, yesterday's school language that is called, in her own way. In a word, they were "experienced" warriors.

"Бацал" immediately chose the lower каптерку, was in the basement of an ancient building of the school. Kept there shovels, rakes and other economic tool batteries. He came to the battalion commander, said he wanted to be in it каптинариусом, and he put it.

The soldiers, who came to enter College from different places, one from the East, the other from the West, however, quickly found a common language. Those who come to the school after school, they not admit to itself on a gun shot. I don't know why, but the officers shouted at them, as on us. And treat them almost as equals. So, in any case, it seemed.

Arriving from the troops прохлаждались deep in the basement, playing cards shook the store-room, and we "died" in the March-roll. He slowly, but with some diabolical skill performed all the tasks of the battalion. All they managed to skillfully and quickly, but incomprehensible to the uninitiated - how.

That neither asked their commander or the commander, they would reach from the earth, knowing all the loopholes and the wisdom of this art. We were about to take the oath, not thinking to even look at the other side of the moon, they already know, as my five fingers surrounding wine-vodka point, used to go to the city and drove through the night in каптерку подзаборных потаскух ever ошивавшихся about school. We slept upstairs legs, намаявшись per day, tired from неразношенной, unusual military uniforms, while in the lower shook the store-room playing "Sekou money to drink vodka or flogged Bab. Then, when almost everything they said goodbye, it turned out that "with молтка" put everything lying is bad in the battery.

About their adventures such as I, learned third-hand, from those who was with them at short leg. They brought us closer to a more nimble and agile, those who enter the school managed to understand many issues of life, was not of the last on the street and had already had some success in dealing with women. These children quickly understood that the laws of the streets are alive and the walls of the school.

"Hippopotamus", the "Jigsaw" and Stepan were lovers of good drink. Sometimes in the case was even a cheap Cologne. Риквизируемый of cabinets of "colleagues" it is this passion and decided the fate of the two of them, but, moreover, nearly announced at the monastery.

As I have already mentioned, the comrades of the troops were in school, did not quite to the purposes for which it was designed. The service they were to himself, not knowing stops. Six months or more, they rested on the part of commanders. Service, remember this as a bad dream. Besides, after the deductions they were sent for the remaining period of service is not somewhere in Transbaikalia or the far East, and in блжайшие areas of the European part of the country. They lived according to the principle: "a Soldier sleeping - service of the question."

The commanders did not wonder how much harm incur these crooks in the few months of their stay in the battery, what растлевающее action produced this кагорта the young heads and souls. Many, meanwhile, were indignant about themselves, their situation, kept silent, seeing as they are spoken to the officers, watching indulgence. There was the impression that the others were not почсвящены in military secrets, knowledge of which gave the right to таконе communication.

Yes, former soldiers loved покуковать over the glass. But most of the other persevered in this Sergeant Лобзов. For the three months spent in school he vindicated by his own calculations in plumage battery about sixty times: him shot for the poor performance of services, and in the evening, the same day he took in the outfit again.

Thus, the sphere of influence of shared themselves. At night Лобзов freely оббирал tables in the battery when the circumstances demanded Il in his organism. Яшковец ruled in the basement shook the store-room, hospitably opening its doors for night visitors. And "Hippo" for the location of the spirit and desire to accede to one thing to another, frequented the companies and participant of all drinking-bouts.

By the end of October the first course of the fate of separated three cronies. It happened on the eve the October holidays. Our battery then заступала in order to be saved. Stepan with Лобзовым went to the training center, on duty at the canteen, and "Hippo" remained in the dress in school, whether in the патрелу, or somewhere else. Perhaps it would suffer the fate of these two adventurers if he was with them.

It was a Saturday, and possibly deciding to drink on the occasion of the output, Stepan with the "Jigsaw" went to a nearby village, the houses which were located in five hundred metres, for a small Apple garden, отделявшим ramshackle шлакоблочный fence training centre of the village.

Should заетить that centre was one long one-storey red brick barracks, a small two-story dining room, administrative building with barracks for utilities platoon officer of the hotel, the food storage, караулкой and кочегаркой. In some distance from it all was a Park with war machines and auto technology, and even further, closer to the овражистому the forest farm of the College: cow, pig farms, sheep, horse stables, summer corrals, and even its own училищная slaughterhouse, as well as garages for такторов, mowing machines and harvesters. Last was the pride of our зампотылу, Colonel Молчалина, looked like a real gentleman, secret master wealthy local land occupied училищным ground. It is for his cattle, all of August mowed hay, and for his pigs every day of machine brought from the College huge barrel waste of cadets ' dining room. All utility room allegedly existed for the needs of the school for cadets of the table. But the fed in school pretty mediocre, and that was just a bike to cover the dark dealings.

Practice on Saturday at the training center was usually moved out there OU hastened to return to the output into the city - all, and commanders, and the cadets like to rest in a familiar environment of urban civilization. So it was empty and deserted. Feed was no one and works in table no. At heart, and so was alone, and then there's Saturday, a day off. Here Stepa and "Jigsaw" and decided to have fun, to dispel the dirty mood at heart, went to the village, took cheap барматухи, because the vodka didn't have enough money stocked немудренной snack, returned to the dining room, turned the corner at the tables, was invited for a campaign a few people and started drones.

At this time in the dining room returned warrant officer on duty at the canteen, and found this merry feast. He himself somewhere шаталсяцелых two hours to do all the same there was nothing, but decided to check how the case in the dining room, and almost fainted, when he saw what was going on there, until its gone.

Furious anger, rage, he ran up to brazenly распивавшим винище kitchen work, заматерился, banged on the table, tried to take away невменяемую campaign and banged on the floor two yet распитые bottle "ink". "Ah, you, you thieving little snake, - leapt Stepan, свирепея - I got you now gonna Kil ' ya!"

A former corporal rushed at the ensign, he ran off screaming on the go, that will find him Council. Яшковец tried to catch him, to fulfill his promise, but his legs and listened very bad, the duty on the dining room disappeared very quickly.

Mourn a little, Стпена and "Jigsaw" went knock about the training center, looked at the guard, where were our children, among whom were friends, complained there on the "bad прапорюгу", asked him for money, and when they refused, began to tear each other shoulder straps, buttonholes, cursing strong words army and, in particular, their fellow students, who are "squeezed sidekick on выпивон". Be at the guard house their pacify afraid, because the chief of the guard stood замкомвзвода of young, and they went a whoring further. His feet carried them back to the village for the "booze".

They barely escaped Zack fence, as a guard appeared officer on duty of the training center, and ordered to catch two drunken brawlers (he did not know that they were here). several free from a changing of the guard immediately embarked on the search for and quickly caught up with friends, followed them some distance, not рашаясь come closer. And accompanied them to the village.

On the road to the village Stepan and "Jigsaw" then hugged each other, quarreled, not agreeing, and then fiercely fought on the belts", посеча each other face of the sharp edges of the plaques. Then suddenly bloody Яшковец rushed to hug Лобзова and ask his forgiveness. They both wept drunken tears, and again walked, arm in arm, and again quarreled.

In the village Степанзаторговался with any man for his watch, offering to buy them for two gold pieces. The clock was good, I must say, and sin would not give them the money. But man, a scoundrel, and took, and I fooled them the most boorish way. He took the watch, saying that the money at his home, and he now will went in at the gate and disappeared. "Jigsaw" and Stepan standing by the fence waiting for the money for another twenty minutes. Then Яшковца came, apparently, that they have been around the finger. "Падла!" "he shouted, howled like a wounded wolf, and rushed into the yard. The house was tightly затворен. Stepan оббежал his нгесколько times, knocking at the window and door, but nobody answered. Then he сковырнул one ставенку, broke the window glass and climbed and climbed inside. Standing by a fence near the guard ten minutes to several heard from there came a strange sound: the sound of broken glass, grinding metal, shock, splashing, mats. Suddenly the front door with a plaintive cry flew out of their frames, and appeared on the threshold Stepan, not seeing anything before the rage.. huge fists were bloody and вылезшие of orbits eyes wildly spinning around like a bull in a bullfight. "Where is he?!" - screamed terribly Яшковец, so that heard him, probably, the whole village. "Where is he?!" - spreaded around the echo of his roaring drunk. "Where is he?!" where he was sorry for crying, the watch was his squeaked лобзов, looking over the shoulder of giants. But the man and vanished. He hadn't even entered the house, where she lived a lonely old woman, and went orchards and was gone.

It is unknown what would be next, but arrived just in time : by this time, the duty of the training center ordered the guard to grab drunkards, and, tying with ropes, throw in a body of the car. The guard Willy-nilly had to obey. The same officer had several who took nowhere third, immediately rushed to twist the arms of his friends.

As neither cursed Яшковец, as neither threatened to kill all who are in him and his "brother" tries to touch them tied up and taken to the training center. However, it was with great difficulty, because Stepan was very healthy and even drunk, hardly standing on his feet, scatter the attackers as pushinok. Barely have lowered it to the ground, as he rushed up to see the ensign, classified бутиылки, and as his hands were tied behind his back, was остеревенело kicking his legs in the ass and anywhere. Warrant officer galloped as a grasshopper, shouting, "hold him, Hold!" яшковец on behind him and leaning hard throat Kill you, you bastard!"

Again assaulted, have cut leg, threw him on the asphalt and pounced on top of the heap. He fell right into a puddle cold autumn water, and one that covered the ground on which the action unfolded, and cried out for help: "Jigsaw! Where are you?! Jigsaw, save me!"

Sergeant Лобзов, lying without memory in the truck after hearing calls a friend for help, waking from sleep, got up somehow and with a cry: "they beat us!" - jumped down from the truck, so badly, that he has slipped and broke his arm, грохнувшись supine on the ground, tied his hands behind.

Scourers immediately sent to school, put in the guardhouse, and in the evening, when it was replaced the outfit reached us sketchy, and then more and more detailed stories about what happened. Such a "Grand шухера" not happened then not once during my study at the College.

About a week after that come the school paper from the court. Old woman, which have committed a drunken pogrom filed a lawsuit. Here all the school's upset. Our battery several times seated at various meetings to publicly condemned the rowdy behavior of these two прохиндеев. They were, repented, as expected, in совершшенном, promised that any more will not be. But so just get away there was heavy: the story ended in jail. The court was approaching, and not pass them to jail, if not the commander and the division commander, have taken everything to settle the case amicably. Thank God, that settled the matter, that the Granny reimbursed for the damage inflicted, and it will not be in the claims. She agreed, and asked for three and a half thousand roubles. Bargain: given how many called, only to court before the case reached. Parents transfers sent from home, as learned in what is the history of their sons come in.

Before trial that did not come, so here's the chief of the school immediately after the end of the parse signed the order about expulsion of cadets Яшковец and Лобзова from the College.

Went they in forces as losers and winners on the night, on the eve of departure, and gathered together all their pals in the most recent at the bottom shook the store-room and made a chic wires, as it should be, with away and with songs. There, except for a soldier's brethren gathered and close our ranks. First drank vodka, and when it stopped, climbed into the battery, got all the Cologne on тумбочкам and drank it slightly diluting lemonade. "Jigsaw" глушил Cologne, diluting, and not snacking, so soon passed out. His limp телоподняли up, threw it on the bed, and went догуливать. Never seen it for myself, but they say that on the morning of his bed sheets were пропитанызеленым then.

Stepan too quickly "уготовался", but нпе out, as his friend and went upstairs учинять farewell disassembly all "чмарям and гнидам".

In the barracks that night was quiet. Everything seemed to have gone extinct, but the silence of this was deceiving. The entire battery, with bated breath , listened to the steps Stepan. I too then woke up from this unusual, dead silence, among which were heard some strange хлюпающие sounds, and, realizing what's the matter, hiding and lay as quiet as a mouse.

Stepan, as if cast, walked between the rows of our bunk beds and sought out, bending low to everyone, those who wanted a goodbye, kick, or at least say who he is. When he лупцевал another person, he hadn't even пикал and did not resist, and молчя endured beatings. Only one he pardoned, though intended to strike, because he was his countryman, and just reading him morality left alone. And only one of them dared to give him a rebuff. With him Stepan fought long. They were lying, rolling in the aisle between the beds in two steps away from me and I saw this horrible fight in detail. Stepan lugging his enemy at the gates of linen, and the леталл along the corridor, clutching at the bedside tables and headboards. The forces were clearly not equal, but Stepan let go of the Challenger, saying that the fellow that was not afraid to fight him, but he only snapped back, not thinking about gratitude for the compliment. This man I respect so far, only never told him about it.

Special sins I have before Stepan was not, but still, when he began to scour next to me, I became a scary little did he might have not liked in my behavior. Besides, there was one incident that occurred during the course of a young soldier. I then had to get to the bottom каптерку for most ordinary thing for rake. People at the entrance gathered a crowd, and Stepan whipped all away. Something possessed me then squeeze through flying away to the threshold of his alms-house, where we clashed.

Against the boulders Stepan I reminded общипанного Sparrow. My body was тщедушно and Hilo. But, Oh dear, self-esteem was much stronger. Stepan was then not a little agitated, but refrained from having to call me in the face, and, after a moment, simply said, "If you knew where I was at, you wouldn't speak to me". Told you so. And I stood, trying to understand his words, and stepped back, feeling their power, their revelation, somehow open to me. Only then I was scared having realized what a terrible person decided just to argue.

Because of that, and lay in fear that night, thinking how I behave if Stepan suddenly I raise. Personal enemies he had, but he seemed determined to play the role of arbitrator. Me this Cup has passed.

So "Jigsaw" and Stepan left and the "hippopotamus" remained one of the "Holy Trinity by Stepan inherited the underground Kingdom. For some time he headed all gatherings and parties, until suddenly a big campaign was split into small pieces and thin and, eventually, to surrender completely. And Behemoth and was left alone with two to three non-permanent collaborators. But for him, too, until the end of the school entrenched wolf ticket. However, he did not much upset.

And now he, like me, had front of his name in the list an empty box and puzzled, looked at her.

The rest of the day I spent in a foul mood. It was discovered that the empty boxes are opposite several surnames, including my friend, Grisha Охромова, поспешившего share with me this sad news. Together we began to wonder, to this meant, but nothing came up and уснулив anguish and anxiety.

Помаявшись few days I stopped to think about it, because the head разламывалась from fruitless reflections. The same thing I advise to do and Охромову. Besides literally the next day about this incident it became known command. Someone told wanting to get a promotion.

We have built and before declared, that in connection with the unauthorized disclosure of lists of distribution will be cancelled and"significantly replay". All went растроеные, and only such, as I have been satisfied with. In any case, now again were in equal conditions.

Before the release there still remained a month. Began the final exams. Stood hot summer, conducive to bathe at the river. I have had a lot of debts, which we had to pay for the remaining time. And this age-old problem for me - how to get money.

And, in fact, everything was perfect and splendid, if live, not adjusting events, not hurrying life, breathing in her intoxicating scent, feel that you are strong, beautiful, young, adore women. These qualities, all the same will remain with me wherever I got. I enjoyed the delightful July air, turned the hot sun of his strong, lean body, apart from the heavy thoughts and dreary routine forbidden swim at Pattaya beach. I felt that goes on every day of my cadets ' life, that's about to finish it.

The closer to the release day for our farewell to each other, the more I felt an inexplicable, heart-wrenching anguish, sneaks into the soul. I was sad to leave all, regardless liked me or not, one of my comrades, but the greatest sorrow навивала I thought about that soon will not be my only one in College friend, this friend, whom I trusted his secrets and I devoted all the secrets of his life. We often together embarked on a variety of adventures, walked together, we had common friends and girlfriends in the city and even the General interests and Hobbies. Often we even had to challenge each other's sexual preferences, but because of the women we never quarreled, considering them as beings of the inferior and unworthy through them occurred disagreement with us.

But, be that as it may, the evil time devoured day by day our friendship, leaving less and less time.

However, we continued to live happy, whatever it was. Our life continued day and night. As before his death we were in a hurry to take from this life is all about. Most loomed ahead distant garrisons in the middle of nowhere, and all around are the city was such a beautiful and alluring, especially now live in it remained a matter of weeks.

Despite the fact that we studied, rather, a доучивались, the last, fourth year, free access to the city. But only the last officer to leave курсантское hostel, as started fees at night adventures. The most agile were already dressed in sport suits, favorite robe our brother, street nooks and crannies of the fence, behind which there was a different life. A few minutes, and a Horde "спортсмено" already ran a race to the prospectus catch "cars"to disperse then who went where, who and talk to my friends who wives and some just fool around in a pub. It was a night and day, after dinner, when it was allowed to play sports, we Охромовым, he put on melting some sports briefs, were hiding in the forest, покрывающшем slope of the hill on which came down like our school and raced to the city beach. Where was fun, because here, on a hot summer day could meet many of our friends girls, to lie with them on the hot sand, different diving from the tower, swim in the warm, as fresh milk, water - General's great to relax.

The beach was always full of people. Gaumont, splashing, screaming and other long-familiar and favorite sounds happily excited heart, but I was sad and suddenly, just from the fact that it would end soon, and it will go nowhere.

On the beach you forgot military life: Stroy, outfits, boring order form, study. Thought you were in a carefree vacation, who gave himself. Life flowed around bright, rich bouquet and seemed holiday, on which you came as if from a musty, dusty closet. Motley world рывался in the us with the bright colors and intoxicated, twirling his heady foam. To return to school hence it would not be desirable, but grudgingly сердцеммы still departed, after that time would run out and hastened back to school, to their drab, unloved anguish, that to evening again part with it. When had to sit around now in its walls, as it seemed to willpower. Time passed sad and slow. Nothing inside it already not interested and we мыкались, not knowing what to do. Then we had to stand in a queue to a payphone at the checkpoint, and then long and sprawling and chat with some familiar, if that was provided at home, or call another and complain about his fate and listening comfort.

In General, about our friends could talk for a long time. They were all young merry girl, next to which улетучивалась all of the bitterness of soul, everything becomes easy. Of course, it happened that there were not мерцу serious. But it was boring, it is very difficult. What they wanted from life, have not yet parted with the illusion and had a puritanical understanding of the relationship between men and women, protected the purity and virginity, dreaming to meet the only one who would give their charms, and if it happened that lost both in relations with the us, with надоедливостью nuisance imposed лишившему their girl's honor role of this "man" until, angry, they gave to understand how far they should go.

Yes, as far as issues of relationships with the opposite sex, then there among the students was the overwhelming majority of rascals like us with Grisha. Those "fold", who once released from the river babenka in bed, suffered after that haunted by a sense of duty, considered himself something obligation towards her, quickly entangled, окручивали, "окольцовывали". Well, well, so be it. Personally, I never had about female sex no illusions. So my fate, that I knew that sooner or later every woman to become Baba-курвой, whatever she bred and good at first glance.

An example of that served as my own mother, too, with a mind brought up and the "right" woman, about which you probably think something is wrong, it would be a sin, but sinful secrets which were mostly known me, her son, not once наблюдавшему sex scenes from his cot. I don't know why, but apparently, she thought I глупеньким baby, and not shy when I go to bed with своимим хахалями that every one seemed to me as cattle. Then I really poorly understood, but my memory has preserved these scenes bright, ядовитями пяттнами DoD since. Until I entered the age of sexual maturity. And here I was a scoundrel in the understanding of the moralists and practical man from his point of view. With women I was on the short leg, very fond of, quickly, if wanted, совращал them, and just as quickly with them расставлся, a little there was any claim.

Chapter 3.

Needless to say, were "жахи" and worse than me, but I was quite satisfied with my life. The only thing a long time I couldn't buy this ability to remain silent. I have already said that many times in this brutally was paid, but in the end wiser, became silent and замкнутее. Before, I could not keep no secret, I really wanted to share it with someone, tell about their experiences. But my simplicity and frankness оборачиывались against me, and being repeatedly beaten, I withdrew into himself more and more, and in the end. As already mentioned, learned to keep his mouth shut, as if painful it might be. Between the freedom to speak and freedom to act I chose the last one.

Believe me, that to be able to keep hard science. To keep silent about their feelings means to suppress his soul, to keep silent about their thoughts means, drying their brains, but to learn to be silent, to keep your freedom, let slave, but freedom in my position should have been, and I learned.

But keep a secret so hard to walk under some tempting temptation искуситься. Man, apparently, made so he feels the need to share their thoughts, and, if not people, then at least with a paper. Realizing that people are not worthy to trust them , I started a diary in which he began to write down their thoughts, experienced adventure and feelings. Sometimes I attended and some verse forms, though blind, wandering in the backstreets of my mind. If it was possible, I wrote them while I can't say this for their achievements.

Diary that I kept seen no living soul, even my closest of all people each, Grisha Охромов. I tried to write it in such a тарабарским handwriting that no one. Except I do not make a written there. Besides the simplest encoding, skills which I have slightly поднаучился, saved me from all sorts of trouble. Спейслужбы, like, do me not going, and simple любознайка broke there would leg, if stuck there something to read. This unpretentious тетрадочка with мудренным called "Philosophical теради" and became the Keeper of all my secrets, impressions and sorrows. Yes, Yes, пречалей, because although I had assured myself that my life is beautiful, but very often I was sad. Besides, it is not so beautiful and was, especially when picking on her deeper. That it was good?

Take, for my parents. About mother I said a little bit. Вспомниая my childhood, I can't get rid of sadness. Father... I once wrote in his diary: "Today I received a letter from his mother. Thanks for the photo, writes that I become like the father. Why does she do it? Why remembers him? Who is she now? Who is he to her since she's the first time he had betrayed, when changed with another? Does this hypocritical beings - women-нибудоь Holy? Put his horn, and now умиляется memories of him. The creature. She is my mother, but she creature, low animal, not worthy of love. I wonder if she knew that I had seen it and remember it even more acute than before. This due to her that I don't believe now, neither women. I don't know, loved her father, but I hated unconsciously, with a hidden rage. She even did not guess, how I hate her.

About your father, I knew quite a bit. It is often not бываоло at home, and when пприходил, I was tired, but found the strength to joke and laugh. Remember the mother always reproached him, we live badly, only because of him that is that we are beggars, blame it that all his former friends and colleagues long ago already exhausted their princes, "your people" have provided themselves and their children. This kind of talk I had heard very often, but one day the mother came in your accusations too far:

"What did you do useful things for their family in the ten years that we прожидли along with you? Others, like people: and machine, and a country house, and all things. And what have we? We have nothing. We even can't save for a rainy day. I already forgot what the theatre. You me can you say when we're with you for the last time were in a movie together? - has attacked it upon the father one evening.

-And don't you go to the movies? he said with such a sad smile, that her mother already blushed, and I felt uneasy, and I felt guilty in everything what happens in our house.

Mother is jammed, but then replied:

-Go, but one... And you, you, you! What have you done for me, for my family, for the son? What? What? Ten years passed, I agreed выцйти marry you. Ten years! Ten years this crazy life and no result! What did you do during these ten years? We still poor, such as they began to live.

-I do, I do. I want everyone to be happy, not the individuals. I do for all.

-I'm tired of your universe schemes, you know?! I'm tired of this! I want to be an ordinary woman, have an ordinary husband. I am quite satisfied with would be like if you was just a house. Do not think about others. They themselves побеспокояться. You are very bad, very bad know people. All of them bastards!

-Why do you say that? In fact you too man. All people are fundamentally good. Simply many sick soul, and is seriously ill. Our society is poverty of spirit and hurt evil moral disease, " replied her father.

-And are you a doctor?! You're a healer. Look at the physician-самоучку. He undertook to cure all our on-щест-in! And the fact that the family sitting naked and barefoot, so it's OK! The main society! About-щест-in! cried the mother in издевательском tone.

"You're exaggerating, Galya. Yes, we are poor, but not enough to despair. Yes, I know how others live. But you know that I never went down and not be that desperate to theft.

"Right, you're right, you're good! But what do you know, what do you know? You can't even tell where that is taken in this house. This house is only me, I solely.

-Well, honour and praise for it. The woman has always been the guardian of the hearth.

-And I tired to keep the focus in this house!

"You're just tired of loving me, Galya, that's all, " answered her father, and left.

Don't know who of them and to what extent the fault was in front of each other, but a way of life, known of no one, except me, Yes its admirers, led my mother, I saw with my own eyes.

Soon after that conversation between my parents father was arrested. Then there was a court. Me there's mother. "You must forget what his name was, " she said to me then. Said and not let her go. - It is not for thy children's ears."

She also shall not go but instead went and got drunk in the kitchen until свинского state. This one time, I had ever had.

Father convicted and gave a very long time, and I didn't even know what for. In court, he expressed his last wish - to see his son. Came to visit our home and gave him his request. Mother, quite drunk, first started screaming and then went into hysterics at the threshold, although I was forced nobody was going to lead, and then went into the bedroom, with one of them for a long time appeared to him from there. I guessed what they were doing there. When the man came out of the bedroom, he said at the door: "Well, he's not going anywhere. I'll find something to say to your husband". Behind him came out of the doors of my mother, wrapping a Terry robe, which had seen a naked body. She was leaning on the door frame, looking at nothing extinct.

Leaving, the man said already on the staircase to his friend: "Well, bitch. I never saw!" comrade smiled with understanding of the issue, and I felt so disgusting in my soul, so disgusting that this state is still remembered with a heavy disgust.

We lived in a really poor. My buddies were a machine, in a sense, is not among them, of course, themselves, and their parents. As for us in the house except the old, barely live TV, Yes, the old player no wealth was not, so I grew up with a heavy sense of inferiority and secret, secret to terrible, desire to get rich.

A decade in which I was destined to be born, it was noted turbulent events. It ввспоминали as time лихолетия as unreal чертовщину, as a mockery of our way of life and an attempt on the foundations of our society, in General, not evil there. But I was young and did not understand. I have not delved into the Affairs of adults, but the father said that this was an attempt to restore the freedom, which failed.

Father often long was not home. The mother was well, but for some reason I missed him and was waiting when he returns. Whenever he appeared on the doorstep, with pleasure I rushed to him and hugged him for tired legs. He gently stroked my head and said only one thing: "Hello, darling!"

I, smiling, pressed his knees, and doorstep and pulled him to the cubes, soldiers, cars and other boyish fun. Advancing happy hours. And not washed, road dust, hungry dad sat with me and played with toys. Eventually I fell asleep he had at hand, and he included me in my cot and put to sleep. And then waking up at night, I saw. How to include a table lamp, he writes, leaning over the Desk.

Parents моичасто quarreled, like many. Mom probably did not want to understand it. She wanted to live quietly to himself. So, there were many around, because it was more convenient, but with time and safer. She is trying its best to such a life, find the right friends, adapted as I could. Father, when he found out about her chores, leaving yourself. In such moments he first was silent, gradually becoming crimson, надуваясь, and then everything worked volley lecturing. In this state he could call my mother not only "мещанкой", "slave to money", but words and stronger. Mother, after listening to it charges quickly урезонивала husband:

"You, roll you eat, and you know how it is, this sausage? You go buy it in the store! In the store, tea, never was choking her. Yes, and there only varenku give and go, dry or get smoked! Выложишь half of his poor pay for the one ring. Yes if it wasn't for my friend, Irina Antonovna of obkom спецбуфета, shish what would you saw good. You think you're two and a half hundreds of home, and the king? Figs with two. You go on these money to buy anything! We no pants were sitting would be if you went shopping, Yes to the Bazaar! Only because of my acquaintances to make both ends meet. I still only talking about food. And if the Pro threads, Sidi, in General, not заикайся! One only your Kostya half your pay is...

After such repulse father, usually, grew quiet and no longer argue. In fact, we barely make ends meet only because of my mother's пронырливости, or as it is called differently, its ability to live. Many of our friends were not up to the next payday, and говели week or two. They had no acquaintances in спецбуфетах.

True, and her features were more than modest. Any she'd occupying such a convenient place was not averse to use their knowledge of greater benefit than supply some annoying, annoying and even нагловатой woman who works as a typist in a run-down office, from which there is no benefit either in General, or in particular. Mother prevailed only in his бессовествной annoying. Only her ability to bother people play on the remains of their confused in life debacles of conscience helped her in such cases.

Father could not make profitable Dating, and not like this. On the contrary, he thought it was a low, vile, unworthy of his case. In short , he was a man of impractical and even harmful for the normal family life in the concept of others.

Whatever he did, whatever he wrote, what he not only worked, strongly criticized. He tried to complain about my mother's life, but never met her the slightest sympathy. "The виновват", - she answered generally.

The work of the father, indeed, to this day, the dark spot, side of the moon for me, sometimes turned into a real tragedy for our family and inflicted damage to our existence.

I remember Mama "broke" warrant for the apartment. We have a very long huddled in a dirty corner, a rented one old woman, who lived in a damaged house, and paid her for it is "fun" a lot of money, much бившие on our way, and without тощему afford. But no sooner had we even понхать that is called new, so long awaited dwellings, QC order our revoked. As later explained that the mother did it, "because of the Pope", who once tried to expose the apartment machinations urban elite, but except "cap" for this thing got nothing. There were many other, smaller, but no less offensive times when I have had to suffer for his father, and I don't even know why.

Father and myself were hit, and not once. For homeowners case he tried several times to bring to criminal responsibility as a slanderer, who tried to discredit the party-state apparatus, assailed his purity and непогрешность, and only the repentance to which he was forced, public, принародное humiliation, saved him from prison. Then it seems to be broken. After that he has passed, lost weight, become pale green, sick, went depressed and sad, but quietly still continued to write something.

He was careful, behaved silently meek, and, seemingly, had to forget. But the pressure did not cease, and all we constantly чувствовли themselves by some alien elements in our society. Mother, soon decided to separate from this sad iceberg and went through, about which I have already referred. And the father continued to slowly rot alive. He always ran into troubles at work, although he tried to honestly perform their duties. There were accidents and other kinds, which seemed at first glance to be random and doesn't depend.

One day, shortly before the New year, he ran in the city on a group of youngsters, which all of a sudden suddenly stuck on him. They beat him so badly he as much as two weeks I spent six weeks in a hospital bed, not rising. After that, he fell ill and soul, and body.

However, the father was very stubborn and not willing to listen to his mother to leave their донкихотские ways and to live like everyone else, not высовываясь. She assured that then and life for us to enjoy, and we live as humans. He answered her with a sad irony sad smile: "Nothing, then you don't understand my joy". The words "my joy" were obtained from him as a particularly sad. She, too, smiled sadly and replied, "I've understand, Yes just to live no more strength. I can't stand it!" at that time in her bedroom was not yet men.

My father continued to do his job, and my mother lived, trying to somehow, something to outwit fate, to win her рублик another. Father told her: "you must Understand, if we all like you, the country never get out of poverty, sucking it like quagmire". And she retorted: "if we are just, Kaak you, you'll die of hunger simply, that's all!"

Father better than many others understood how sad, hopeless and неприкаянна our lives, not only of our family, but of all, the majority living in this country. Understood and that if live honestly, that feed is not something that the family itself is impossible. But, apparently, he could not renounce his or her conscience and honour, never went on a dirty deal. Moreover, he had struggled with this.

He was clever. He was a courageous man, because, as he said, during the last ten years and his eyes were born, fought and died of his ideals, dreams and hopes, but he still continued to fight almost in solitude, do not panic until the very end, before he went to jail, put him in the end, behind bars. He struggled, but this fight was really like a battle LFPR Quixote with the mills or the battle with the shadows of the past: the time has come more.

At that time, when his father was around, I was too young and dumb and not interested in his life. Now, after a time, when the return nothing seemed impossible, I understood that this was, if not a great, great man.

They say: "He was a man of his time," or "he was a harbinger of future changes". My father say one way or another it would be wrong, though both the first and second corresponded to the truth. He announced his time, lived in it, but the saddest thing is survived him, but as I learned much later.

The little that remained of the fleeting decade, which has fit my childhood: the little achievements, documents, sources of information, which allowed to judge about the events of those years as I am, more real, but most importantly there are very few people living witnesses of what happened then, although it was quite recently, but the haze of the reaction of those who could tell the truth, cracked down on them, rotted them alive or hid behind bars, сшельмовав charges. They say that that was true once, that was always and everywhere, but especially in this country. My father too rigid. Because they could not and would not be silent.

Once, very long ago. We were going to campaign dad's friends. Meetings were rare. On them often something remembered, blamed on what light is a reaction одержавшую precedence over the interests of the people and the country, dreamed would come someday best of times, and the truth will return to this earth. My mother was dissatisfied with such собраниямии. She didn't like the talk out among such gatherings, and for purely practical reasons, guests badly beaten by семйному budget that it does ever sought to correct. She barely наскребала dinner at three to four extra man, and after these visits, we have two-three days live without anything to eat.

Maybe that's why my mother had such an amazing figure, slim and slender, like a girl's. And the men paid her no attention views, more than decent seeing on the streets of her legs.

Times, our, indeed, were not easy. To buy something nice from service, we had to save money and доволбно long time limit himself in everything. Daddy said when I was born, living was easier than now.

Overseas things - it was unattainable luxury for many people, except those who could go to the shop with the "black" stroke or had big money for the purchase of the "black" market, where prices were fabulously unavailable. Only evil people, Yes sons of big bosses lived without troubles and difficulties.

I recall in the class with me studied Oleg zhul'kov, whose father was the head of the regional supply base. That's the one, Yes. Always dressed immaculately, had a Japanese квазивидеосистему, which cost a fortune, and many other expensive things and toys. About myself all envied him, everyone wanted to be friends with him, to seek his location. In class, he was the king, and all the girls went dry it and were willing to allow him to enjoy oneself, if only he crooked a finger, and even bragged about it to each other. Even the teachers talked with him whined and reverently, and Oleg gets out of round honors and прмерных students, although it was the first lazy and прожженым bully знаемом not only among their peers, but older children.

Only one of the teachers rebelled against Жулькова and his Almighty father. It was a young, almost a boy still, the teacher of physics. He only came to our school after graduation. Seeing what is happening in the school flagrant outrage and injustice, he entered into an unequal battle. Exactly a year lasted this undeclared war. Physicist mercilessly scribbling in the journal opposite the name of the boy-majeure deuces, and zhul'kov Sol his hand, holding the reins and turning the opinion of the class voluntarily where he liked, ополчил rebel against not only the class, but also the teaching staff школы.через year war ended, the teacher had to пкеревестись to another school, and zhul'kov stayed and graduated with a gold medal.

Still embarrassed. But I had Жулькова too on occasion. I already knew how much power and position, and money in the world of people.

Chapter 4.

In College, I got a rather strange way. not to say that accidentally, but not in its own way, in any case, if desired.

To become a soldier in my childhood I never dreamed of. Of course, as a boy, I liked form, I played in the war and soldiers, but earnest desire was not. In childhood we do not know what they will become. But for me solved my mother. Reasons to fourteen give me сувороское school, household and personal, she found plenty. She wanted to start a new kind of life, and I in this endeavor her way. So arranged it were me in, as it is called, "paramilitary kindergarten". It is arranged, because the call on another it is impossible. She was through their various high acquaintances. I was not a single pre-qualifying round of the competition and exams, which were arranged for the rest of the town, and then in the field, along with those who passed the difficult test, went to take exams in school, not knowing how many stairs immediately crossed.

By the time father was absent from home for four years. I do not know, came from him letters, but I haven't seen any of them. I missed it, mother at all when I remembered, and gradually in the consciousness of my ingrained idea that the Pope once I had, but now it is not, and probably never will. How could he sit when it comes out, and whether he is alive at all, I didn't know.

The desire of the mother arrangements for me to military school was very great. It is unclear had only wished it good or wanted to throw off such a burden, as I, a grown almost son. Apparently, was and on, and on the other.

Not having enough forces and means, and desires to feed me, shoes, clothes, she found the best for themselves out, препоручив care of me state. Besides, I was guaranteed to further military career, and no trouble about my existence from her since I became суворовцем, and I dressed in black uniforms, she was not. She managed to get me in Suvorov military school, despite the fact that in my past was the great dark spot was convicted of anti-state activities of the father. Don't know what she is worth the effort required. In all probability, very large. But it only once again showed its ability to adapt and make profitable and useful contacts and links. During the four years of absence of the husband she has achieved significant results. Despite the fact that in the city were many хорошеньки women in the bedroom my mother перебывала the city elite. She got a good apartment, she has dreamed of for a long time.

My mother taught me some tricks bureaucratic tricks. For example, to not interested in where my father, and who he was at all, I filled count in the questionnaires of the "father" of the family does not live. And a black spot, портившее my biography, floated somewhere in the depths, in the personal Affairs, dust archives, not surfacing on the surface.

After Suvorov school me without exams took in "артягу"where the citizen was a big competition. Cadets and soldiers with parts were out of this contest, by a regulation. So after the end of the Suvorov military school I just "moved" to further training in higher military school.

Long ago I finished a gallant Suvorov military school, and this remained уиться just nothing. For a long time already my life is little interest in mother and I did not care about her problems. Letters to each other, we wrote very rarely, I mostly asked for her money, and she complained to me that become unbearably expensive to live, and, unfortunately, she could not help me. Share something more intimate with her I had no desire to.

I have long had their own passions and interests, which accounted for somewhere to find means. Together with her boyfriend,Gris шкой Охромовым, we indulged in the fun and entertainment, and do it often. I already knew women and that this is an expensive pleasure. Study at the College and military career interested me since. The main question was, where would get some money for a beautiful life.

We had since Grisha your favorite пивбарчик, so imagine пивбарчик, in General, nothing special, the IEO we loved to sit, draw beer. The bartender here was the good guy, almost not diluted, not "бодяжил" beer and cheated not by much. In addition, there were довольноо sweetheart furnished, cozy interior, was always a good campaign, and familiar our girls loved to sit here. So often we were sitting here in the campaign of gay friends, jokes, expensive cigarettes smoked, drank beer with cancers or таранькой, sometimes cognac with chocolate day long, when they "otmazatsya from the presence in the school.

Money melted as snow, hardly had time to appear. They flew, like paper, carried away by a wind, and, if earlier, at the initial courses, I am able to save and to accumulate, now suddenly расстрачивал and the little that gave the state in the form of a meager cadets ' pay, and in addition got a huge, just фанатстический by the standards of cadets ' life of the debt by borrowing money on booze through Grisha of his friend from behind the fence, and now, by the end of school, didn't know how to pay.

Money allowances for the student was miserable, исчислявшееся several пятирублевками, and the remittances occasionally still sent me a mother, seemed to be mocking ridiculous and pitiful. Even the first officer's pay, which had us to pay immediately upon graduation, could not correct the situation, and do not cover the tenth part of my debt, which continued to grow. Besides срабатывавшие my brakes, now suddenly, from the understanding that I won't be able to pay off the lender refused, and I carried the slope. I took so much money was given, and they immediately come to an end.

In school, many stopped me take another half a year before release, but I still кажджый times found another guy and held it next two-three hundred, promising every time pay to release from school. Held and spent held and spent it. Girls, bars, restaurants, taxi... I could not find himself. I could not myself believe sometimes that I can behave in a way with people and with money.

Not the best situation was and Грши. He's screwed well as thoroughly as I, and was in debt, QC in silks. He has acted and the guarantor to our main зазаборным lender, which I knew not. The bulk of the money, which numbered in the thousands, we had him. So sometimes the money a few hundred, who managed to take in school, we gave him, as if partially paying, and then held three times more.

No one and nothing could stop our транжирства. We like crazy in the absorption of any pleasures, as if in front of us waiting for the last day of Pompeii. We lived as if before his death, being sprayed right and left.

Meanwhile our lenders began in earnest to worry. Increasingly, the school day resembled endless series of meetings with раздасадованными cadets, who demanded the money back. Some of them, having despaired to wait and слушить our vague promises and отбрехи, who even threatened with reprisals, who by the court. Our зазаборный main creditor, too, became a pressing appropriations for our amusement, we have become accustomed. The situation became increasingly serious and required an immediate solution. Нужноо was urgently take something big and scary, maybe even a criminal...

Saturday we decided to go with Grisha sit in our favorite pub. Dressed in the apartment of a friend of an old woman. Who lived near the school and received from us a small fee for storage of things and inconvenience that we deliver, we went out in civilian dress in the city. As usual, we call one of the girls agreed and where to meet and waited at the appointed place, until the coming merry campaign. However, at this time Grisha offered no one to call and no one to take. To my surprised question: "Why?" he answered:

-Have a serious conversation. Well, you know what I mean?

"And where shall we speak? I inquired, starting пониматья that our endless fun comes to an end.

Where into usual.

Twenty minutes after we arrived we got to the city centre and напправились towards cosy пивбарчика where loved to sit. Cafes, bars, restaurants here was натыкано each ддруге. One upstairs, other, in the basements here. It was хлебосрольная Ukraine. In Russia this was not, and lately I've always, when he came in the cadets ' vacation, quickly rushed back into this blessed city, a small, intimate, but stuffed with bars and cafes, as if here харчевались visitors from all over the world.

Sitting campaign and without much money was so sad. So his heart was evil. The weather was becoming mood. Overcast sky, scowling lead clouds, drizzled small, nasty rain on our bare heads. Not summer-cool wind выдувал of the body residue heat, poured in the face water drizzle, climbed under jacket tossed over the nylon shirt, light and not the tea. The feeling was that you in the clothes put under a cold shower. Inside, everything seemed to be frozen, and was the desire to hide somewhere from the weather.

The same feeling I felt, perhaps, and Ukraine. We выглыдели. Perhaps, as two thieves the gloomy behavior, and passers-by fearful glances at us.

We got to the bar, it was almost wet. Wanted to go inside the warmth of his beer подвальчика. At the door of the staircase, descended down into the basement, a few people stood under a canopy and, talking, Smoking. We squeezed past them into the entrance.

Sitting down for their favourite table in the corner of Tolstogo moraine oak surface of the cover of which was polished to a Shine sleeves and circles, drowning in the shadows and a cozy warm bar, we are happy to facilitate sighed is reached.

Grisha went to the reception, where there was already a few people in the queue waiting for beer, тараньки, crayfish and hot sausages, and meanwhile I watched the audience, gathered under the vaulted ceilings of the bar. When you sit in the company of girls, to do this once. And now... I was one.

The audience, mostly gathered decently dressed, what, in General, met here permanently. But in one corner, dirty, забросанным remains of fish and filled puddles of beer table sat an old woman in a headscarf, in the dirty quilted jacket. The old lady was little, posts dwarf. Her hands barely hold out to the edge of the table. Полулитровая circle, from which she saw, was the size of almost from her head. I call it seemed that the old woman is going to dive into his mug. She drank beer, letting his head deep inside her, and зажмуривалась pleasure, not paying any attention to anybody. It's there, nobody paid attention. Even the waitress, заматерелая babenka age sunset youth, ругающаяся foul language is not worse than any man, not coming to her table and even are going to leave. In passing, as if it never existed. To the lonely old woman there was nobody except me.

In a vaulted niche is housed разудалая campaign, settling for a large oak table. From there came the cries, mats, breaking through the General hubbub. There happily together rang mugs, shot in the twilight of someone's hands, someone would get up, he was immediately put in place. At another table, silently exchanging words, sat four older man. They smoked сигаретками, and it looks like игралив game of cards, sucking beer from our mugs. To him a few times and came waitress, something loudly said, but they brushed aside from her hands.

Even a few tables occupied two or three regulars institutions. The waitress today was, apparently, not in the spirit, and do not have time, and was not in a hurry to clean the tables empty mugs, remains рыбыпленку with sausages, cancer armor, and all that was thrown at them unattractive in clumps.

At our table too, someone has already managed to sit. I wiped garbage into the empty Cup and pushed the dish on the far corner to less spoil the mood.

Under semi-circular arches потола sailed gray clouds of dense tobacco smoke, which continually surfaced lights under the retro covering the hall bar, faint, pleasant light, проникавшим through the frosted yellow glass, stuck in curly iron frame made under the antique gas lamps. These lamps, but still edgy, tables and vaulted ceilings and betrayed such a cute charm of this establishment, created the unique atmosphere which is so attracted to her. It seemed. This bar there are several centuries. It's like wandering shadows of the past centuries, and even Peter himself first, lost with пьяну in this city long time ago three bags of gold, or going to, or returning from the battle of Poltava.

There really was something of a medieval tavern. And only the electric light, оббитая red дермантином hour front of the barman with high stools for подсидки, Yes he, standing behind her in the white starched shirt with a black tie, returned to the present, from which I wanted to run away. Even here, in the bar was freer soul than on the street, обвешанной red flags and banners with silly slogans. I wanted to run away from communism, and the bar was such an outlet, which created the illusion of an escape into another world.

Sit around me already rather tired, and when I finally returned Grisha, carrying шеть mugs of beer.

-Go. Take the front two plates with sausages and fish, he threw me on the run, trying not to spill beer mugs.

-And hermit? I asked, surprised.

-Be enough! The pasterns are tight.

I went to the counter, took тареки apart толпящуюся in очередди the brethren, and went back to the table. Only now I felt a wild hunger and wanted to swallow all the sausages again.

"You took a little? again I asked his дружк, sitting opposite him. "I'm fucking hungry.

-You are right - thinking a bit, he said. You will then take another.

-Then, then, " said I, " you're always right you can't think.

-If you're so smart, he would go and take it, " answered Gregory.

I stopped, realizing that in my pocket is virtually empty. Then, makes peace (it would be because of what the fuss), we began to destroy the обещеки sausages, and when there was one RAM, turned our attention.

-I have serious talk to you, ' said Grigory, отхлбывая beer.

I have already said so, " I replied, " I am all attention.

-Listen, even sausages want to suddenly confessed Grisha. - Have you got the money, even a little?

"Yes, " I took from his pocket a piece of gold - but that is all I have left. And that you have not? I stared at Охромова, trying to read the answer in his face. -Now I see why you took so little sausages. Why didn't you say so, I'd added.

I don't know, I thought that was enough, " replied Greg.

He took my top ten and went back into the queue. Ten minutes later he returned with a whole mountain Smoking of sausages and four beer mugs.

Now, from here and you have no money, - commented as he seated himself opposite to me. - Now we Wallpaper no money.

"What is it? - not I understood.

-Your gold pieces no, with some strange Schadenfreude he explained to me.

-So what now? In school piashko драпом go back, - I said, munching sausage and squeezed her cold beer.

But the fact that we're both crazy debt, and in the pocket - shish, a penny, understand?

-It is clear. You say that, though I don't know. America through the window you want to open!

-What kind of America, damn it, damn it? You what? Issue on the nose. Us creditors to the wall shaking. Something must be done. Besides, our principal debts I am responsible. I pledged that we give money, you and I, before very influential in the city of man. And if you think that will give us уехатьь just so, you are mistaken. I sure. I don't want no trouble.

"Me too, " I said, feeling the настронение, which has started to rise, falls again.

"Then we must get money and отдатьь debts.

-But how? - I was surprised. - That go kill someone, Rob? I do not know how. Yes we're still in jail and serve. Besides to kill someone and Rob, you need to know someone who have money.

-Nobody should kill him, " winced dissatisfied with Grisha. - I have in mind one sentence. The case is clean, no noise, no blood. And, in General, ways to earn a lot of money, it would wish.

The talk I did not like. But, on the other hand, I myself have long puzzled over how to get money and рассчитатьс debts.

Feeling bad, I asked him:

-What is this thing like that, I would like to know, and who you suggested?

My question Grisha only mysteriously and sadly smiled, and then began to silently absorb sausages and drinking beer.

-The catcher and the beast runs, you know that? "he asked.

-What do you mean?

-And what can you offer me? What can you take to repay the debt, at least his debt? Nothing and say I want only what I need money, and I was asked to do so. Who? Let you not to care about it. I should keep my mouth shut, and told you all just because surety for thy debt, and therefore constantly think of how we pay for. So I want to offer you participation. Understood?

"I know, but what then? Tell me.

-First, you must tell me, do you agree to take part in this matter, or not? Tell you, that, if we succeed, we, or I earn that much money that we can pay off with all debts, Yes, there will be a few cool ones on vacation. As you look at it? We celebrated together, walked together, проматывали together money. Now I want us together earn them together to risk it.

-You said that the money are going to get without any risk. And now want us together, as you say, dare?

-No money did not come without risk. If it were not so, everything would long ago have become millionaires. But, really, net, in the sense that to kill and Rob nobody will. Единствененое that may be, it is something that we ourselves can cheat.


-Those who offered it to me. But, however, said Grisha - and I was talking too much. Tell me, so you do agree with me in this business?

-You have experience of such cases?

"No, " said Grisha, a little uncomfortably, " but in life sooner or later begin, especially if like that was done.

-I do not think so.

Greg looked at me intently for a moment and said:

-Well, I, in General, and not much counting on you. Only know that I'll take it. You I suggested it's not so much what I need you, as from the fact that I wanted to help you. If you agree, we got the out of the pit. Now I'm leaving you. But, if you have a willingness to accept my proposition, come and say. But see, not long think, and then you may be late. If you come to послезавтрашнего the evening, it is considered, that this conversation was not and you don't offered.

With these words he rose and raised the collar of his jacket, emerged from the bar in the evening darkness, leaving me alone.

About five minutes I sat there, eyes downcast, thinking only that incident, but thought why not get together and went in different directions, like sheep, отбившиеся from the shepherd.

Finally, I decided that I must go. Although I was still abound, but linger in the bar one I do not like.

Only I looked up, I saw that at the table next to me sits smiling old man. Sits and stares at me.

-Do you miss, young man? he asked me, thrusting me all over and leaning over the table.

-No, actually, I said, trying to understand where it came from.

Could I make a campaign, have a drink with me a mug another beer.

"With pleasure, " I said, " but I must go now, and besides I don't have any more money to it.

-This is not a problem. Here, take it, - and the old man handed me a piece of gold - go, принисите us two cups of beer and two portions of sausages.

I looked quizzically at fun старикашку. His facial expression did not change, and he, still smiling, kept squinting at me with her mischievous small eyes.

"Well, " I said, feeling that my mood is slowly rises, be as you wish.

Standing in line at the counter, пыттаясь figure out where could take up this strange man, and could not think: "What made this old man over to join me? - I asked myself. - Did you cannot find a campaign that is more suitable than the society of young person that does not like and avoid the elderly?"

In turn had to stand for twenty minutes, by the fact that in the evening it has grown considerably. And I then became terribly frightening, wild fun was me. Разбредшиеся thoughts were not able to gather together, and I was in the wackiest of spirits, which are usually drunk, with the difference that instead of the easy indifference, I went hot and cold.

I must say that the people in the bar markedly increased. All the tables were already crammed with, and I seen my old man with enviable persistence of fury defend my empty chair from the endless attacks. Clamour in the bar already resembled the monotonous hum of the bee hive. Noise давли on the ears and comfort pubs weathered the whole, expelled all abiding people. Cigarette smoke swam under the ceiling, and filled the room evenly, like a fog, haze, and at a distance of five steps soon became nothing whatsoever.

For a moment I had a wild desire to slip out, but I struggled with them, and perhaps, decided to try his fortune. Taking all that wished my old man, I went back to the table.

Now here was closely. All the seats were occupied. Near us sat campaign of some men, loud шумевшая, гоготавшая and ругавшаяся on what light is. From them carried vodka, and now and then the sound of thunder peals of laughter that followed commonplace jokes.

Neither me, nor my new friend, apparently, did not like this neighborhood and we silently ate. Old man noticeably became sad, and his cheerful mood vanished. When we had dinner in complete silence, he nodded invited me to go out of beer , and I willingly followed him. At this time, at the next table erupted into a drunken brawl after a few strokes became a real dump. In the course went chairs, trickled glass broken glasses and porcelain колящихся тареолок, sletevshih with inverted tables. To the bar acted growing. Like a snowball lot, small. The bartender, not long thinking, immediately stopped selling beer, closed metal corrugated curtain rack, and disappeared behind her, apparently ran over by the police.

We hardly had time to exit the bar and two patrol policemen stood near the entrance and no one was allowed outside.

Old man, the floors shook off his cloak, offered me to go, and we strolled down the curve of street. He was silent, and I walked beside him quite aimlessly, not even asking where and why. I didn't care where to go, just to stand still.

Rain, fortunately, has already ended, but it was still very cool, and after нессколько minutes, cooled by the wind, I chilly through. My companion noticed it, and asked why I was lightly dressed. I answered him: "I Thought today would be warm in summer all the same. So clothed. Actually, it was not true, because I simply was not a summer coat, no jacket or something else like that. Do not wear the same лтом демичсезонное coat is the only upper warm things that I had.

From damp and cool evenings wanted somewhere to hide, at least in the entrance of the house. Penetrating неласковый, not summer wind выдулл of the last remnants of my body heat. So I was glad when the old man suggested that I look into his home. He lives not very far, and it has a big private house. Yes is he doing to a certain distance, for example, through the city, and in such weather, to a drink at the bar a couple of Beers.

I don't know, just, I have met such people, who for a mug of beer ready to jump on the edge of the world, if you feel like it.

The old man laughed and long and almost silently shook his senile laughter.

-I have, if we noticed, age is not that, " he finally said, ceasing to laugh, I even wanted to, could not at the end of the world to run out for a beer. Moreover, in this city bars enough in each district. Of course, in the centre of more...

-Not noticed, " I said somehow out of place, thinking about something.

The old man looked with sympathy at me, I looked at him and our views met.

I don't like and don't like to look people in the eye, especially old. In their depth something is heavy and sad, and the older a person is, the more he had to survive on his life, the harder this stone, hidden in the fundus. I do not know whether this heavy sediment life to someone else besides me, but I see him every. The only thing that does not have this stone, this children's eyes. They are clean and clear, free from the RAID. In the children's eyes I seemingly can look to infinity, but not in old... One moment glance at them permeates my whole being through unspeakable pain as if I looked in the poisoned, killed well and breathed his stale air. And now, when my glance penetrated into these small, surrounded by wrinkles, smiling Svyda, but such deep, bottomless sad actually, from his blurred eyes ruthless time, I was not only painful, but also scary. Bitter bile stone has emptied all my guts inside out, and I felt like vomiting.

The condition I was disgusting. Besides the fact that my body froze, now and my soul was in icy silence. Apparently, and I was unimportant, because the old man hastened to ask:

-You that, very cold? You're the heart, as цуцык.

I again looked at him, but now my glance fell on the face below his eye. I do not want. Grab the second portion of the unearthly, space cold, cold peace and coming to time and in the universe death. Confused me and touched his father's care about my being.

In the minds come from somewhere lines:

Under the sign of скопищ our дранных

People were a lot of strange.

I thought, "Whose poetry?", then I realized that, most likely, my. Sometimes I have noticed a tendency sum the individual words in a completely unimaginable, unthinkable where взявшуюся rhyme. They usually happen when good mood, or here такй stress, as it is now. My fevered mind feverishly worked goodness knows what. We go with старикомпо evening street, ventilated raw, cold winds, and in the головеу I wandered lines:

Love high star

Troubled my mind in vain

With the melancholy of the oncoming train

Flew above the ground perfectly.

Totally stupid and unclear to what my mind is made verses. He immediately threw the other way:

Misty sleep, wrapped in Royal

Already playing on top of a day,

And haze, покрывшаяся dal

Finishes his way without me.

Or I read it, or I'm schizophrenic. Nonsense, nonsense. I was cold and dreary. Body lived in and of itself, the head itself. Thoughts wandered as a stray sheep.

Chapter 5.

House of the old man was really close. Turning to some lane, we'll come out on the street, built up with private houses.

If the city still there were people, rushing somewhere on business, and then it was dark, quiet and deserted. The howling wind in the walls and the dark tops of the trees in the gardens around the houses only emphasized безлюдность and void. Behind the low wooden fences of the houses here and there where the light was on, and only dogs, awakened by the foreign smells and steps, screaming, забрехали, залаяли, Liv passers-by.

A barking dog, a wave of прокатившийся on a small street, began to quieten down and soon stopped. "You wouldn't say that in the city, " I thought, exactly in the village, in the middle of nowhere, although from the centre of the city, in five minutes of walking."

We came to the bare darkened gate, near to which the old man said: "Well, here we come."

Then somewhere in the end of the street alone and lonely, as if for the dead dog howled. This detail sent shudders across my soul in sensitive anticipation. I just wanted to run, to run, to run down the dark, промозглому the city to the College. But my legs became like cotton, and I could not move.

The old man opened the hissing with the gate, and we found ourselves in the darkness of the courtyard of a private house.

To touch the old man making his way in some lumber, набросанном under my feet, I asked myself: "Why did you simpleton, trudged behind him?" I was as still as if everything around was in a dream and not reality.

Soon we found ourselves in the porch of the house where the ceiling was so low that had to walk hunched over, awkwardly bent.

The old man struck a match, and soon it has lit a kerosene lamp, which is found somewhere in the darkness, rattling some железаками. In her uncertain, прыгающем light danced wall of the hallway, pasted an oilcloth.

I could see that everything around is forced some stuff: яящиками, tin boxes, pots. Among them were piled heaps of rags, ropes, Newspapers and paper - in a word, the most varied and not описуемого garbage, created the impression that this is not a residential house and a barn, which are knocked off any unnecessary junk.

The old man turned his face to me with sparkling, small, sharp eyes, in a black abyss which jumped gleams of the flame of the lamp, and, looking straight into my eyes, said:

"Undress, take off your shoes here and went.

Oh, these little scary old eyes. Again I was unbearable horror, but I contained myself not to scream.

The words were a mockery, because as far as I could see, in the porch was dusty and dirty, and I imagined what kind will be my only jacket when I put it on a pile of garbage this сарайной landfill.

Not waiting until I разденусь, the old man grunted, and turned and went inside the house, opening desperately заскрипвшую door. I followed him, after some hesitations, and soon found myself in the thick darkness.

The old man walked ahead of him, lighting his way kerosene lamp, and I trailed behind him, every time something stumbling and wondering why it does not include the electric light.

We passed two or three rooms, but I couldn't see them. In the next room the old man put his lamp on the table, standing in the middle and she lit a small circle on the red with black patterned tablecloth.

'Well, my lad, now drink with you Seagull. You get warm by and you will be quite right.

-Why don't you light the light? I asked the old man, but he had already disappeared in the darkness, but made no answer.

Circle around the table with a dark red and black cloth, barely illuminated by the light from dancing, коптящего in the lamp reed flame, it was dark, to the extent that there was no walls, no furniture or the environment in General. Besides, the old man disappeared, and I suddenly felt before terribly from this lonely standing in the thick darkness of the unknown strange house, пожирающей sounds that I immediately felt a chill of horror, covering all my цепенеющее body. I stood and was afraid to turn around, afraid to move even a finger, afraid to open my mouth to say something and hear his voice, his breathing and even beating of your own heart.

I wanted to hide from the darkness in itself, a dive into it, dissolve in it, stop breathing, and even to live, to drive away all my feelings.

This was the most common animal fear the one that is gripping man, when the eyes of death are revealed to him, and he suddenly a piercing clearly feels helpless bodily creature in the power of the mighty forces, responsible for its fate, standing at the limit beyond which there is nothing. In those few seconds I would like the cockroach, hide in a ниибудь narrow chink, to conceal there and not move, to prolong your life in this way, but did not dare to tread and half a step somewhere away from the table, did not dare to move, and even breathing now barely able to breath not even himself.

On the back wandering herd of large shivers shimmering ice haloes terrible cold. I felt someone's opinion. It seemed that from the darkness behind me watching someone attentive eyes. They sank like a death grip in my body and not want to let me go. From this awful feeling I was petrified the whole, as freezes rabbit under the gaze of a boa constrictor. I didn't know whose it is opinion, who looks at me out of the darkness, but I with all my being felt his leaden heaviness.

Will and fear fought in me. Horror, I could not go back, but felt that this is what I need to do to remove сковавшее me voltage waiting to be saved. I was afraid of. I felt that from the darkness behind me glowing bright green devilish eyes, pursuing scared my soul all my life. If I saw it, it probably would immediately on the ground died of a broken heart, or despair of horror throwed forward to dispel uncertainty and, finally, to see the eyes, at least once, even поеследний that is destined.

I waited and not turned back, although this situation I was in, it was only that. But as трусящий skydiver novice delays before jumping every thousandth долечку seconds to push away this decisive step until despair will prevail over the real estate and not push it, and I suffered numbness.

I already thought I stand not in the house, not in a dark room, and in the vast space, the only filled, so it's dark emptiness in the middle of which soars lonely table covered with a tablecloth, red with black patterned. It панихидно lights dim sad light. And I'm dying in this eternity.

How long this horror, I could not determine. But she ended as suddenly as it began.

Someone had touched the back of my hand and I deeply and gave a sigh, and instantly jumped to the side, turning the lightning round, like a coiled spring, оттянувшись back and sat down on the right foot and put over the head of his hands relaxed. I myself could not understand how it is so I suddenly and turned out nicely. Through the darkness of fear in my mind flashed a bright spark of self-admiration and encouraged me with your light.

Peering into the darkness, I saw standing serenely my evening friend. In one hand he held a paunchy Nickel-plated coffee maker with аккуратнымкрасиво curved nose, in another managed to hold two earthenware cups and a teapot from the same service for welding of tea.

From all this there was steam, intricately swirling in the immaterial, неяснм light керосинки and уплывающий in the darkness.

The old man smiled weakly thin, pale lips, looking straight at me. A moment of standing, he suggested:

'Well, young man, that your young body needs reinforcements, ask to the table. Don't get offended modesty meal. I most humbly request to the table.

With этимим words he carefully put on the table of both the kettle and cups, and drew out somewhere in the darkness two chairs with высокимим headboards, оббитыми old, потершимся, but sturdy material, it seems Atlas. Then with a heavy сопением drew them to the table, put against each other and motioned for me to sit down.

I obeyed. We sat at the table. The old man poured on полчашечки boiled water and stared at me questioningly:

"Well, what do you drink? Tea? Coffee?

I was surprised by his manner разговора.я dumbfounded looked at him, and said:

-Coffee, if you can...

"Why not, " replied the old man, and his dry hand reached down, зашарила somewhere in my bosom of his jacket.

A little digging into his heart, the old man pulled out a small round tin box and squinted smiled toothless senile mouth:

-From the family inventory, so to say, on the occasion of the extraordinary guest, and looked at me fixedly bleary eyes, as if trying to see something in me through old поволоку, powder затянувшую them knows how many years ago.

I wanted to ask, what in me such extraordinary. An ordinary man, kid almost still. But I said nothing, and the old man, not explaining their obscure words, to prepare the drink immersed himself in this work.

I silently and with surprise observed, as he, like a magician, he pulled out of the small and not мельмиоровую, not even the silver spoon, and сыпанул bit brown powder from the banks themselves, and then me in a Cup. The old man seems to be not жмотничал, but there was something rational, selfish in his movements, as he watched, that not one speck of dust fell by, on the table and not be in vain.

When finished, he tightly corked the Bank, and she, along with a spoon disappeared in the depths of his jacket as mysteriously as it had appeared.

The old man turned to me and asked:

-You, the young people prefer to drink coffee with chocolate or brandy?

It knows where from undertaken way of talking to an old lad was not really surprised me how many, probably, irritated and frightened us. There was something unnatural, наигранное. He's not talking to me at the bar, and then somehow spoke. I felt that the old man is playing some kind of cunning, a captivating game, but I was wondering why he'd want to. This whole strange to mysticism evening so wrong and disturbed my heart some extraordinary aching longing. This dark house, this table in the middle of the room, immersed in the darkness, the kerosene lamp, a mysterious old man, then disappearing, appearing in the dark, but now decided to have a drink with me coffee with chocolate or brandy, - all this has floated past me vague own confused dream which I have dreamed myself weak-willed observer, and all around me were eligible , раскручивалось some kind of action that I was somehow the Central figure. Man cannot escape from the "I" even in a dream, and it haunts him everywhere.

My heart was suddenly calm as indeed I saw only a dream, though scary dreams plagued my mind whenever I start them swell. But I now became calm. In a relaxed сознаниисами, in addition to the will of surfaced lines:

Misty sleep, wrapped in a Grand piano,

Already playing on top of a day,

And snow, thrown into the sadness,

In the plate melts me.

They were born on their own, without any effort of the brain, безнапряжения memory and thought. Though some of chaotically moving experience between them, fluttering and again сталкивющиеся words units, participating in a mysterious game, light flirting, like individuals, have found each other on some mysterious laws, joined, forming a chain, formed in combination, creating out of chaos something natural, almost harmonious. Apparently, and MCA nature created yourself or the Lord God fingering variations, just as he created the world as we see it, once born and becoming part of it. May and now my brain served only as an instrument for the continuous creation. Why else would so easily and quietly, so quietly was on my mind, why is this miracle happened by itself without my participation, flowed like an aura words, not owned by me and came from nowhere. They flowed like a light smoke from autumn fire in a quiet windless weather, shimmered and brought bliss and tranquility, разливающиеся throughout the body. I almost physically felt their movement. Maybe it so people come to the revelation, the revelation of the Lord God:

Snow off the roads, dirty, old, evil

Is not going to melt

The smell of the street, bloated and rotten,

Kept on мукках fiery memory.

Poetic feelings come to me sometimes. But it happened so rarely, at the most inconvenient time and in such inappropriate places, that there was no way nor write, nor remember the beautiful lines, visited my head. I heard that Pushkin had often to jump up at night and record came in the head verses. Him like that, probably, like me suddenly dreamed of magic lines, and he rushed to the paper, lit a candle and wrote, wrote, wrote... Well, I? In fact I am not Pushkin, though I would be worth to try to do this. Maybe Muse would then more favorable to me and visit me more often than now. Probably, Pushkin and was a great poet, because it never missed a chance to write born in it stanza. Otherwise he disappeared into oblivion as destined, probably disappear for me.

Location my spirit was gradually returning to normal, and I was inclined to the conversation with the strange new friends. At first I tried to find out who he is. But the old man replied something vague, undefined, and this mumbled under his breath. So I understood nothing, but out of politeness pretended all to hear. In turn, the old man asked who I was. I parried his question hints and half-words. Each was left to his own.

Topic of conversation was over, and he was now alive. But here the old man said suddenly, of the other, and we were transported to another plane of conversation, none of us not directly related. And animated conversation.

Once inadvertently I touched that life has now become expensive and heavy, that when I was young, living was much easier. Then my old man how to break.

He started telling me how they lived in his childhood and youth and even in pre-revolutionary times. I wondered, did the old man lives for so long that remembers the time, but not asked him.

Here the old man remembered that we wanted to drink coffee, which has already order to cool down, cleared his throat disappointment, staring into the Cup with a sort of faded drink, порязмышял over it a moment, and then threw her the contents of a broad gesture somewhere in the darkness, made coffee for a new one.

-Chocolate or brandy? he asked me again.

I don't know what to say.

-With cognac...

"Very well, " replied the old man, again reached into his bosom, and his jacket, he pulled out a little, I felt value пузатенькую bottle of intricate configuration with a bright label and a screw cap and a small wooden box in which lay transcribed паралоном miniature crystal wine glasses, gleaming their faces in the flickering light of керосинки.

Then he carefully unscrewed the cork of the bottle, put the toy shots, pulling them out of the boxes, and one of them pushed me. Then he strongly squinting, so as not to miss in the darkness, poured a little brandy.

-Please, - he handed me a glass.

I never drank coffee with cognac, and therefore did not know how to do. I heard only, that coffee drinking. But how? in order not to embarrass myself in front of the master of the house, I drained стопочку, and then began to drink cognac hot coffee, barely while not choking and обжегши tongue and lips.

Carefully watching my steps, the old man smiled. Then he drank his coffee, I don't even pay attention to the way he did it, and put своюю Cup on the table.

When the pain from the burn a little отпусатила me, I asked him to distract:

-Please tell us why you don't include electricity?

The old man пошамкал lips, apparently пытаясьподобрать answer:

-The fact is, young man, that in this house there is no light. Not long ago.

I was surprised:

-I haven't quite understand...

-What is there to understand, " replied the old man, " no, that's all.

-But why?

The old man looked at me with a sly squint. His little eyes sparkled slyly a sparkle.

"Young man, " said he to me, you at least know where you are? You are standing on the threshold of the greatest secrets and ask any stupid questions about electric light! Give you to understand, that let you make a small, tiny step, very small, very miserable, and you will be introduced to the mysterious and unknown to the world to you. You will be involved in it, and it will be a burden, you will bear.

-Excuse me, why must I bear this burden? - immediately tried to defend myself, I still intrigued by his words, but it is not able to understand where he was headed.

-Because it is what will happen. You wanted to know, what is this place?

House, " I continued, instinctively protected taken aback such unexpected turn of conversation. - Actually, I don't see anything strange...

-Well, how? You've asked me a question, why there is no light, no?

"Actually, Yes, " I agreed, " but not more...

-Well, if I tell you why there's no light I'm sure you want to know and everything else.

I don't know, maybe...

"But I know I, - the old man lowered his voice. - You want to know further. I tell you but one условтем.

-With какми same? I inquired, зинтригованный the tone of voice of the elder.

"As long as it does not matter. But, having heard from me something that I'm going to tell you, you already cannot be released from the cargo that fall on your shoulders celebrate their good. Then, in virtue of the circumstances, you become his servant, and will bring his whole life, why would you not worth it.

-Yes, but why are you so sure? - I was amazed.

The old man leaned back somewhere in the darkness, and from there became visible only the pupils of his eyes, and then брызгающие tiny sparks:

-Because I know. I know, not because lived a life and I have some life experience. Any experience of mortal too small to even touch the secret laws of the existence and the overflowing of the forms of existence and non-existence, of darkness and light.

I for a moment thought that he is not his words, as if saying them under hypnosis. I have never been on sessions ventriloquists, and only heard about the terrible mystical view, but now it seemed to me that I attend this session.

Here the old man shook himself as if from his sleep and started to speak more human language, closer to the earth's substance of the conversation.

-I lived my life, son, " said he long, stretched and tired, - the whole life, and people taught me something to understand.

I pretended not to hear those first words said by my strange friend. I was scared.

-Tell, please, why did you choose me? How you found me, and who am I to trust me, you do not quite familiar person, some secrets? Is it the pub, where you met me there was no one with whom to do подобну joke?

-No joke. But I wanted among shit purest алмазик.

-I'm алмазик? - I had to once again surprised.

-I understand that you all that unusual, strange. Hooked on some old man at a table, invited, kind soul, a mug of beer, then something in the guests invited, took me into some strange, is more than strange house and carries nonsense. But the old man made a movement, and in the dark, somewhere up above his head забелел raised index finger. - But! You too inattentive, my friend. Let me call you so?

-You me so long ago already call, and I'm against it, it seems, did not object.

Yes, but now I ask you for permission. However, what was I saying? Ah, Yes. You too inconsiderate and it fails you... in Fact, with what joy or sorrow, you have to be careful? Youth, fun, naivety, carefree life... Isn't at that age condemn a man because he is poorly developed powers of observation and a little attention? You still owe nothing to anybody, don't owe anybody anything, you don't need to look around, not to be careful so you don't see who's watching you, who you are interested in.

-Unless someone is interested in me? I smiled, but said the old man for some reason strongly was flattered моегму self-esteem: "If you are interested, then you're not so small fry, a look for yourself.

-And how! "exclaimed the old man. - You still too poorly know the life and invisible , secret communications, which for most people is unknown to the death. Meanwhile, life goes according to the laws of these relations, it is not interested, do they know about the people or not. Human life is a funny thing, this is the devil переплетениеинтересов, intrigue and passion. Sometimes don't know what a turn in your destiny awaits you. Don't know if you are not familiar with the secret ties between the living, between the living and the dead between present, past and future. I already know, but this is a useless burden. Life is lived. And now that my knowledge of its laws? I wish I was your age with today my grey head. The vertices I would have soared. Now, all that's that. Wings collapsed and burned in life перепетиях. A regrettable paradox of life. When you're young and strong, stupid and vain, when you're leaning into the grave, then suddenly there is a terrible, passionate to leave a footprint on the earth. Bitter law of transition from quantity to quality: the number of years lived makes you wise, but the decrepit and powerless. Knowledge and expertise to thee for a long life, become vain, painfully oppressive heart load. Yeah... But what I began, however, do ye not remember? Oh Yes, you were asked whether you someone interested in. Well, I will answer: Yes, yeah, might not easy to be interested, and to ask with great force. For example, you, in particular, for a long time carefully and closely I am interested in.

I almost fell from my chair. The old man again and again continued to impress me своимим рассказками.

-Something I did not notice me interested in, and especially you, I actually saw the first time today, " I said.

But that does not mean that I am for you do not watch. That is the art of observation, to the object of the observation't even notice it. But still, it is true, I have been watching you, watching the Guinea pig, sorry for comparison, but it is quite apt. I will not say how much time it продолжжалось, but believe me that quite a long time. I need you. First, when I started to look, I visited doubt, but then my knowledge of this idea more and more. I began observation of you not accidentally. Why and how I found you? Let it be my little secret. Well?

-Yes, but why do you still need?

-I said that this will be my little secret. I have had need of, and I did it. And today we met with you only because it is the time that is called glow. The time has come when I became necessary to direct contact with you, and I did all that he was held today. You have no idea how it was subtle game. It is a pity that no one will be able to evaluate it on its merits. Although, - he waved his hand, " I do not need this.

He hesitated for a moment, then said seriously, старчески sigh:

-I did a great, great job, but it was necessary to me. Imagine, I even had to split you today with your best friend. Do not believe?! But it happened, and that's a fact.

-True. Indeed, today I quarrelled with him. But how have you managed it?

-I told you: the finest game will of a case, " said the old man in a low voice.

-But will the case anyone does not obey, as I understand.

-Your knowledge, again I say to you, worthless and are approximate. The case will quite easy to manage, knowing the laws to which it is subject, and skillfully using them. Every man has a Destiny. Another thing is that some believe in it, others not. Now, the case is in the tideway of the human destiny, and not out of him, as the water can't leave the banks of the river. Imagine that everything that is happening around you and with you, starting with a certain period in your life, was due to a control mentality and psychology surrounding you. You went to this day for a very long time. You pushed in the path, you were turned on her, though sometimes only slight deviations, but all day today after some efforts of my consciousness and will неминеумо delineated in your life.

-Yes, but you just recently, only that, they said they just watched me, and now I already know from you that you ruled my mind, and not only mine, but those who one way or another influenced me, who was friends with me or could not tolerate me, who dealt with me...

I was not myself again, for the umpteenth time, for this crazy evening. A world of seemingly firmly устоявший in me, now stick in my mind, ready to tip over and capsize and waiting only to the last drop, which will overflow the Cup. It was a feeling that I'm about to go crazy.

-No, I have not deceived you. Until some time I really watched you. But at some moment you had to actively intervene in your destiny, because you began to leave aside float away from the line by which you should go to held a meeting today.

-But you do not even поинтересовалис.ь if I wanted this meeting!

-Still, we too unequal conditions, so I asked your opinion of that.

-Well, tell me, at least, from what date you are actively uchavstvuete in my fate? Can I at least know it?! - I protested.

-Unfortunately, I can't tell you that. Very sorry, but I can't, I impartially ответтил old man. I will just say that there's nothing complicated. Need only time to put you in different situations and to substitute a certain subjective material.

-Yes that you let yourself be,after all? - I jumped up from the chair, рассвирепев from his arrogant harangues. - Respond immediately, why you did it and what is the purpose of pursuing? Who gave you the right to hold me experiments, though over a Guinea pig?! I should know what are the steps in my life I done consciously, and which - under your influence! Answer me immediately!

I stood in the midst of the furious darkness and looked at the old fellow, who never changes. My view not brought him nor tremble, neither excited nor in bewilderment. And no other feelings will not reflect on his face. There came to me a sharp, piercing, сверлящая brains thought that most likely the interlocutor of my crazy maniac, заманивший his next victim in the cleverly placed network. He was feeble, this old man, but I've heard many times that of madmen in the minutes of the attack appear from nowhere remarkable strength, and SPE can then deal with not even a man, but to fill up the adult bull.

Hardly this idea was born in my head, like a thousand evidence and arguments underpinning it, gathered into one, into something that is rapidly sweeping and growing like a snowball, which flashed into my brain and раздаваило my weight and everything. "Yes, " I thought, " most likely it's a madman with a особбенной, mannered, too florid delusions of persecution. For a long time he pursues his sacrifice, and, probably, it makes him a special treat. He learns about its smallest details, subtle touches of nature, biography, personality, and its relationships with friends and acquaintances. He, though заправской detective pursues her long, with confidence, that the victim will not денеться from him, notes, where she loves to spend time with friends, where her favorite places with whom they are usually in the campaign. And then, when there is such a time that the regular sacrifice can slip away, he finds a way, Kaak to meet her, how to get in contact. Now he had introduced himself to the same case."

I stood and these thoughts going through my head at the speed of lightning. And the old man was sitting as if nothing had happened. He looked at me with his small eyes with a sly squint, looked as if about to hypnotize.

"Screwed you nevertheless! I thought, feeling that now остолбенею. - In which case you can't even find a way out of this dark, dismal trap".

I thought he was speechless: so long continued his silence, but suddenly his mouth was opened and listened abnormally calm, indifferent to everything happening voice:

-I warned you that you are standing on the threshold of the great mysteries. I understand your condition. Be in your position a little scary, but it will pass, you'll see.

Said the old man did not reassure me. On the contrary, it only pushed me to a nervous breakdown, which increasingly louder in my mind, similar to snow, inexorably rushing downhill. I already poorly understood what was happening with me, around me, where I actually am. I was filled with a terrible, ugly choking, and I felt that another minute delay, delay another minute in this room, in this house, and I will suffocate completely. The feet are taken me somewhere in the darkness.

-I want out of here! I shouted in a voice, whether he wanted to frighten the old man, the master of the house, or encouraging himself.

"Wait a minute! Wait! - I heard this myself in pursuit. The old man moaned in his chair, wanting to get up. "Wait, where are you?! The mystery of this applies to your father!

His screams, несшиеся me after him, only added to the fear and awe in my soul. Breath, сперло in the chest. Was worse. It seemed to me that the old man's hands, like two black lightning overtake me in the dark, and I cannot get away from them matter how fast I ran.

I sprinted off strength.

Chapter 6.

The old man again tried to stop me with your shout, however, I've not listened to and such оббращения were completely useless. Absolutely not wondering where I run, I ran into the darkness, away from the table with red and black patterned bedspread, away from this maniac.

I wanted to get out of this gloomy house, immersed in darkness. In darkness I stumbled on some wall and smash painfully hit her forehead with such wildly force that his head from затрещала infernal pain, and I think she's about to fall apart.

I stopped and looked back feeling that I was losing underfoot support and съезжаю on the wall. Kerosene lamp floated in the darkness, coming close to me in an awful silence. I like jolted. Holding on with one hand разламывающуюся head, the second I chattered away in the darkness, touching the wall and moved along her to an unknown location. Here in the way I got a closet. My palm against his side, and from it , I barely touched, with a rustle , rumble and unimaginable rustle sprawled out on the floor, fell stack mounds some paper, creating a blockage on my путит. Trying to overcome it, I stepped foot on slippery paper. Leg put forward, went, stretching me in splits. I slipped, somersaulted in the air on his back and rode on paper heap, as the snow slope.

The old man was already lost me and sharilsya somewhere behind, but. hearing the noise raised me quickly соориентировался and went straight to me.

Ogonek керосинки was already so close, when I found the strength to get up and continue the flight.

This dumb terrible chase anyone could seem like a scene from a horror movie. The darkness of the strange house, silly стриака with керосинкой in his hand, рыщущий in the darkness, and I, poor, frightened boy, rushing in search of the way out of this nightmare, what happened in reality. Imagine yourself in my place. Only well imagine all this, and you feel like frost will pass on your back.

I silently, with a heavy сопением, which I казалоось, betrayed the old man, where I am, the way forward, feeling his hand wall in the dark, and the old man as silently haunted me, not behind a single step, but unable to catch up with me. I heard somewhere very near, behind shuffling his feet, his wheezing. It seemed that he was about to overtake me. But time passed by, it did not happen.

Suddenly my hand landed on the door jamb. I tried to push the closed door. She yielded, but with such a strange creaking like led in some kind of void. But I paid it no no attention, and only unconsciously, with inexplicable relief was glad that I found it. I opened the loops of her nasty creaked hurt rust - and, without a second, without any hesitation, stepped into it.

However,, "Oh, God!" in the same moment my joy was replaced by a cold horror, because my foot not yet found the threshold nothing to support and plunged into the dark abyss, into the unknown, into the void, into the darkness. My heart зашлось from fear, вспорхнуло, встрепенулось, like a bird small, юркнуло somewhere in the heel.

I fell somewhere down and feeling that fall, instinctively grasped hand the handle of the door, the second leg still standing on solid, caught the ledge of the threshold. This saved me from the instant the fall. However, the door is opening in the wider under the pressure of gravity of my body, увлевлекла me, and my body stretched, like a rope hanging over the void.

I might come back обпатно, but протребовалось would be an incredible effort of muscles of the abdomen, back and waist to pull open распахнувшуюся to the threshold of the door, I caught toes. It had to be an outstanding силачем, not like me anyway.

I tried to bend or stretch the muscles of the press and waist, but it was in vain. The only positive effect, which was reached me, just what has slowed the speed with which the open door. However, she continued inexorably opened wider and wider, and after a few moments, lopnuv as перетершаяся титева Luke, I hung on the door handle, dangling from side to side in the dark, above the black abyss.

Under the weight of my body door hinges desperately cheering and creaked moaned thousands of frets, passing from one to лругой. I almost physically felt their stress on the verge of collapse, felt as nails, holding them climb out of the tree. The door to the beginning when hang down, ready at any moment to break with its cargo of bis, breaking away from the jamb, but still stood, did not fall.

The fingers of my hands immediately sick from the wild, unusual for them to load, and I would have slipped from the unbearable pain, if not grasped the second guidance for another door the handle.

Отворяясь increasingly, the door brought me to rough cement wall, about which I would hit back, and stood in such a position. I felt from the dark bottomless emptiness beneath me a moist wind issued forth, замшелостью and coolness.

So, dangling in the dark, I experienced the most большео of about all the turmoil tonight. Нескуолько times cold, clammy shiver ran waves all over my body from the feet to the head and back, large drops of sweat covered my face, and I almost fainted from fright. Then suddenly it got hold of me such passivity and weakness, that I already wanted to uncouple fingers and fall down, but made a last-ditch effort to refrain from this, exacerbated by the fear of the unknown.

I barely managed обуявшим me cowardice, as here in the doorway gleam of light appeared first the dim, flickering tongue weak flame керосинки, and then barely lighted them the face of the old man, dazed, staring into the darkness.

He was staring down, obviously thinking that I plopped down there.

-AI-Yai-Yai! - burst from his chest, and it seemed to me that in breath sounds genuine regret and sympathy, as if he was sorry for me. At that moment, I wanted to respond to, he realized that I fell down and hang out here on the door, but something made me to beware.

The old man made a lamp forward, further from the door, to the extent allowed make it выттянутая hand, and my eyes introduced themselves barely visible in the darkness, stood out from the darkness, shining with moisture, осклизлые stones brickwork, well leaving down. At the top, just above the door there gleamed a small drops of cement grey ceiling. Below, as lacking the light of the kerosene lamp, was seen well from осклизлого stone, stretching away into the darkness.

The old man saw me hanging on the door, and all kept looking down, trying to guess something in the darkness, which barely dismissed the shimmering kerosene light. He listened to the воцарившеся silence, and I gasped and groans from the crazy pain, крутившей my fingers. Then he bent down, put his hands palm to his mouth and shouted into the darkness: "Hey-Ho, Agay-gay!"

Раскатистое echo echoey hit the ceiling over the door several times reflected from it and gone somewhere deep down. I thought beneath me no less than a dozen meters emptiness, separating me from the bottom of the well.

The old man waited, listening, you hear a response, and again shouted loudly cry: "Agay-gay!" But, naturally, there was no answer, and could not follow, because, превознемогая the pain in my fingers, I WISA here, close to him, in any полуторах metres.

Not waiting for an answer, the old man disappeared through the door, disappearing in the dark and I was alone again in the darkness over the abyss. Not a single sound I gave myself over this time, and now continued to hang on the door.

Now I started thinking how to get out of here. Sloppy door already rather slack and has warped, and I feared lest she never wavered from its hinges, burdened by my weight. Besides the pain in my fingers had increased with every minute, and I чувствоввал that would last me for a long time. Ill перенапрягшийся from the incredible efforts of the stomach, was stiff back. Metal door handles all глуюже crashed into the meat, put pressure on the bones of the limbs. I felt like my fingers lose their power and ability to hold the weight my body. Yet a little while, and I had to inevitably break down.

Has anyone tried anything hanging on the fingers, and not on the palm, should easily understand all my feelings from such a pleasant position in which I found myself. And who hasn't tried it, let them try and suffer all прелесьб unbearable, sharp, усиливющеся pain, which eventually become so shrill and unbearable that it is easier to close his fingers and fall down, than to hang. In another situation, I would not done such a focus in a million, would suggest someone to me and now I'm hanging with good ten minutes, and the fear of height spurred my weakening the will, forced to continue to hang далльше probably surprised that I, what is so long to them and not fall, then we would fly down, but I was not surprised and generally thought only of how I get out of this situation. I knew that in such situations it is necessary to quickly and coolly search пупуть to salvation, and not to panic.

At first me still it seemed that my situation is hopeless, and the only way out - to fall down, and there, быдь that will be. I hanged by the wall and nothing could reach the door sill. But then I came up with a simple and brilliant idea.

I WISA as already said. Near the wall, and if he could push off as it should legs, I would, probably, has informed in an arc to the threshold the door even in the condition in which she was. And there already were mere trifles. Indeed, there are no hopeless situations, and often salvation lies in the seemingly неблаговидном circumstance provisions.

Had to act cautiously, slowly, not making any sharp movements. So I gently and slowly, despite the severe pain muscles of the abdomen, raised his right leg, and bent her knee, примостил sole of my Shoe on a slippery surface of the masonry, and then making sure that my leg will not go on mucus covering the wall somewhere to the side, gently, but with the power of leverage. Desperately заскрипев, dilapidated door bore me, describing an arc and slowly closing, to save the threshold. But then I still poorly tested, whether the resistance of the rusty hinges from the big overloads was too high, but she stopped somewhere in the middle. Now I floundered in the empty space, not having возможностидостать nor to the wall or to the threshold.

I couldn't hang, fingers completely numb, and it began to ache and the arms themselves. Feeling that's about to tear away, I am desperate rant on the door beneathbbut the number ofbACE, and under the influence of my recent efforts of my счстью leaned toward the doorway. You may not believe me, speak, that behold, they all say so: "fortunately". But it is in cases happened, otherwise, I know that now, I come to an end, dreamed Khan, as they say in some areas.

Yes, the door creaking slightly moved to the side of the threshold, but now I felt that I'll get to the door jamb foot. The last effort of will I forced myself do this and pull the door to the doorway in the wall. When I almost got out of there, somewhere down in a dark pit something hit and лязгнуло with metallic echo. Glancing down, I saw a weak flickering light, barely пробивавшийся through the darkness. Looking closer, I realized that it was a paraffin stove old man. Its light was somewhere below, and beside him in the darkness it was impossible to see anything. Suddenly a bright orange flash lit up the well, and there, on the bottom or at the bottom of it to be in a blaze, жирнокоптя thick black smoke rising up well curly clubs, pine torch emerged as if from the middle ages.

Чадящее flame red, shining orange bursts danced, запульсировало at the bottom in dick, hypnotic dance from which it was impossible to tear his eyes away. Glares it struck the damp walls of the well its light, giving them red-brown tint. Out of the darkness fluoresce bricks, covered with slime, заблестевшей, заигравшей light.

Not immediately, blinded by the light suddenly appeared torch, I discerned at the bottom of a small door from which looked out to see the old man. Now I saw that the well's deep, and my body just hang at a height of fifteen meters in the place where the old man opened lower iron door. But, on closer examination, I found that under the door for another three-meter continues down the wall.

As far as I can see I разссмотрел that the door protected from below serving well semicircular grille of metal rods, and below, on the bottom there is a teeming movement. Something wet, поблескивающее mucus move there. It seemed to me that I hear the splash of water, emanating from there.

Suddenly a door at the bottom became with the clang of the closing, torch, who had flickered, disappeared in the well again dark and silence. It happened, as I immediately jumped to his feet from the floor on which he lay, watching and again moved in the darkness, he knew not where. Feeling his hands walls, I soon came across the threshold of a door. Taught by bitter experience, I'm not stepped on immediately as last time, although it was opened and crouched down and felt, is there behind this door solid support. My fingers felt dyed or lacquered the surface of the wooden floor, and then, rising, I stepped over the threshold.

Moving carefully, and fearing to hurt something in the dark and make the most noise, which might throw my location, I suddenly stumbled across some shelves, densely crowded with books. I went along, and found that during the first стоиттакой same second, then a third and fourth. Between the shelves were made narrow passages. One would think that he was in a room of some library. It was amazing, because I don't expect to find in this house something like this. Shelves stood side by side in rows. Them there was much, much, more than a dozen, and all of them were forced ккакими the books and folders most разннобразных sizes.

Passing всегоэтого, I finally got to the deaf wall and saw that it was impossible to go further. Does not remain anything else how to go back. To come back. Hardly this thought occurred to me, as I started to shiver. But there was nothing to do. From this room there was no other way. I feared that, making my way back, I get around to the old man. And so it happened.

As I left the room in which the lost between bookshelves seeing that the corridor in which I stood, swaying side to side to me moving light of the paraffin lamp, the kerosene lamp, which was in the hands of the old man.

Like пришпоренный impatient horse rider, I rushed away from this horrible little spark without seeing the road, something dropping and tilting on its way. Several times hurt hurt and I almost crashed to the death the rail on a concrete staircase leading down somewhere. I rolled her head over heels and sprawled on the floor in full growth, even before they get scared. Standing up, I thought, that, perhaps, exactly убьюсь, if I run away and further. "Actually, what the hell I escaping from some несчатсного geezer?" - dумалось me suddenly. Fear vanished. And I treasurership, began to go up the stairs.

Old man I saw when almost upstairs. Light of his lamp was almost near my face. I looked carefully and saw his face, distorted with suffering and pain. In all its States, ссутулившейся figure was felt fatigue and weariness., and the hair white, becoming gray.

The master of the house did not expect that всвтретиться with me, and stumbled on me by the stairs, whole body shuddered and jumped even ago.

-I never seem to get through tonight, " he said, " I'm so scared by his actions.

He sighed heavily, and I said, not feeling absolutely fear with me completely still a few minutes ago:

-I was scared so much more.

-But what? - the old man was surprised. - What are you so scared and why so desperately rushed to flee?

I got confused:

-In fact I myself I can't say that with me happened. Suddenly scared and all. What's happening!

-It happens, it happens, " the old man agreed reluctantly. - I don't know what miracle you ever stayed alive. In this house the many dangers...

He turned and wandered away and I followed behind, feeling secure once again, stumbling in the dark about scattered by me during the flight of the items.

We walked past the door leading into the well, where I nearly hit. Apparently, " the old man said, when surprised, as I was alive. In the dim light керосинки its open doorway seemed to like me разинутый mouth of a dead man.

Finally, breaking the paper roll, hosted by me, we went back to the same room where only half an hour ago peacefully sat and drank coffee.

The old man offered me to sit down. His voice was cracked and tired, similar to the previous, that recently. I was amazed how hard hit by the incident of the this old man. He really was to old, more he was друвним, dense elder. Now it was well visible, and I again was surprised that had scared him, the old and the weak.

"Sit down, repeated his offer elder.

I obeyed him and sat on his chair, where he had sat before his stupid flee. The old man sat down as before, in front of me. He leaned back in his chair, clearly resting against wrapped.

Yes, fear at this moment again, as had happened. Now I just sat opposite his companion curiously waiting for what would happen next. The old man, learn to read other people's thoughts, вправебыл count my behavior shaped mockery of themselves. But, apparently, he also decided to mock me, only the other way, namely, задолбать stupid questions.

-So what are you hurry, young man? he asked again, frowning.

-I not ran, and decided to leave, just decided to leave, " I said.

-GM, but in a way you of the guests did not go, you will agree, perhaps?

-Hmm... Perhaps.

Old man perked up slightly, sensing, apparently, that he had found a clue to the conversation.

-You see, - said he, - you see, the consequences of non-observance of rules of etiquette? Needed to stand, сказаьб that you wish me to leave, and I would have you spent. I can assure you, the young man, by the way, that you almost погиби due to hasty action. You were on the verge of death, and I, frankly speaking, I cannot understand at all, what a miracle you survived. You see, you almost died, young you people.

-I like that about this guess, " I said.

"I warned you that you are standing on the threshold of the great mysteries. In such cases, you should be more in control of yourself. Any, even the smallest mystery when she's going to open up, to tickle nerves, well, all the more if the big mystery. Here it is hold on, and the urge to run!

The old man was talking, apparently, a good mood came back to him. He said витиеватую speech about the great benefits of politeness. In some places he even smiled, and then suddenly, as it is good, abruptly stopped and bent over to me, pushing on the edge of the Desk and asked заговорщическим in a whisper, as if afraid that someone is listening:

-So you want to be devoted in secret?

I was taken aback.

Chapter 7.

I want or not?" I repeated about SEB question the old man, not feeling quite никкиъ desires.

But let learn why I needed you посвещать in this your secret? Why me? I asked him, hoping that his answer will help me to make a choice.

-The reasons for this are many, " said the master of the house, - but the most important is the game the higher forces. It stipulates почеум you will be entrusted this mystery.

I looked the old men raised up указателльный finger, дрожавший in a twinkling lamps, and said,

-Know I don't believe in the existence of the supernatural. In my life there was nothing that proves the existence of God or the devil. And those whom I trust, not had to deal with such manifestations. So your words to me малоубедительны. In any case although I no matter mastered the material, but undertake to prove to you from the point of view of the Marxist-Leninist philosophy, as well as the materialist dialectics...

The old man sour winced and interrupted me with a gesture of his hand:

-Don't do it, boy. Do not recall here neither about Lenin, Marx, the more. I know all this. I'll tell you only one thing, after which you умолкнешь, ' cause you can't anything I say. Yes, these two have broken a lot of copies, to prove the existence of God, or as they called world of ideas - the purest nonsense. Let it be so. But all their proofs are no more than hype. Yes, Yes deceptions. While reasoning they affect only one side of the coin, pretending, or indeed not realizing that there is also the flip side of it. Yes, they say that there is no God. But find anywhere these figures reasoning about the Devil. Alas, your the search will be in vain. The devil is not affected at all. What is it? Why? Maybe they were afraid to talk about it or kept silent about this, so you can easily and simply to explain everything in terms of their very limited worldview? Or maybe they were just his obedient servants? After all, they created a world of very great service to the Evil. How strengthened its positions in the world with his victory! By the way, some Wake from this hellish sleep there a little less a dozen years ago. There has been, but immediately, with no time to come to fruition, сникло after some time. Then monuments of these "leaders and thinkers" threw bottles with petrol and set on fire. In those days, they were cursing, and all publicly repented. So long followed the belief, called Marxism-Leninism. And now... and now everything is back to the old channel, to normal, everything returned to the truth, which is simple but obvious: the Devil reigns on this earth. He was let go of the reins, but then he pulled them again. That's all. All opponents leaned out into the light, as he mowed them подчастую, and this warming, which seemed to many irreversible onset of spring and the return of peace to live according to the laws of God, soon ended, easy and unexpected, and повылазившие it was spring flowers were killed and fall under the onslaught returned cold. Everything returned to normal. Oh, Russia has always been a country in which the Evil one to live in freedom. Because this country is the constellation of Aquarius, satellites which the black cat and the number thirteen. I might be able to рассказатьтебе, but we have too little time to do it.

Enchanted I listened to the old man, but his last words протрезвили me and made me look at the clock. Oh, the devil, I found that before the end of dismissal, after which the battery will be checked, left measly half an hour, and I can greatly get stuck. Time left to spare. If I didn't want trouble, I had to immediately go way back.

-We have no time, " said the old man, and I was completely agree with him. - We have no time, " said he, making incomprehensible for me focus on this aspect, because... because tonight I'm going to die.

I again looked at the old man as abnormal.

-How do you know this?

-I know a lot from the that is not revealed to you.

"What makes you deal with these earthly Affairs? Why, if you know you're going to die, why you are not ready to die, and sit ye here whilst and chat with me about all sorts of trivial matters? And maybe you can help you to not die?

-I still have some to whom some obligations, dear boy, and not doing them I can't disappear. And help me as nothing impossible and not do that, because I don't want this.

-You want to die?

-I want to or don't want - it's not in my power.

-And in whose then?

-There were powerful forces that govern our existence. Can you believe, young man?

-I can, " I replied, however, not too confident in what he said.

-Well, then I tell you what. Believe me, the old man, who lived the life, a person, who has nothing to lose because he knows that tonight will die, but even to this event is treated with great condescension, almost indifferently. Believe me, that is both God and the Devil, and all that is written about them, maybe, not quite truthfully, but enough to understand their essence, as a phenomenon. And moreover, what is written about them, speak and do not be a mere mortal. Let he chooses how to live, how to be who you serve. It only repeat, every picture of life can and should develop, if it appeared in this world... Yes, there is God. It is not available, because't tempt, but awaits man, his servant when he comes in his Kingdom. But there is another world, he is closer to a man, closer earthly because pulling in the other direction, into the darkness of тьмущую.

The old man, прередохнув, continued:

-There are sorcerers, witches, there are wizards. There are a lot of evil spirits, not just in it faces, and who happen, will himself to her and attached. There are devils, there are vampires, and there is a Devil, the King and the Ruler of the Kingdom of Darkness Several thousands. Hard to mortal resist his temptations, for whom he or its fiery eyes would get... Remember and believe that all this on the ground and above the reach of man. All walk under God and the Devil, and between them choose their own way. With the Devil easier. It offers the transaction simple and clear, earthly properties. Many seasoned his lips. God hasn't. He gave everything a person at birth. He is the Creator, he is the Creator, not the adversary. To it do not use the resulting упишься, it can only believe that he is, believe and serve him, doing good on earth, until the end path through purgatory... In this country God is weak, and the devil is mighty. In the people of this country kill the living, destroy the soul. In other countries, too, but not to such an extent, and here especially. In you kill the souls devil servants, in a great variety of staying among mortals and nothing from them indistinguishable. And, depriving the soul, you are deprived of faith, and all of you are going in the army of the Devil, without noticing it. You продаетесь him, and he was happy to success, вершащемуся on this earth... All trying to understand God. But how can a creature understand the Creator, even if it is in his image and likeness? God cannot be understood, it can only believe, and you are deprived of it. Church closed, the churches of God have been looted and farmed out to the Devil. Dying is your land, is nearing Геене Fire, to burn in together with the Damned. Don't believe you and believe not.

-Yes, but we believe in many things and often make mistakes, disappointment, " I said old man trying to break through to reality through зачаровывающщую veil of his words.

"Fool! Believe only in the Singular and Holy. All and the rest of the faith, as magical, all this tinsel, a substitute from his Excellency the Devil. Believe in anything, but not in God, and the Devil will be pleased. Believe whatever you like, but remember that believe in a lie. And when faith in a lie gave the fruits of joy? Believe anything except God, but you will believe in Nothing, you'll believe the Devil... Only Holiness without blemish. Only the Holy one can trust. You blind people believe not in heart and mind. And faith is the mind that is the faith of the Devil. You believe what you are told to believe, drowning out his voice of the heart. You can only portray the faith, but not to take it... In God we must believe in one's heart, he was not fooled, although in other hearts already firmly nest Wicked. If you believe in God, it means that he remembers you and not forgotten in this lost world. If you don't believe, but represent, лицедействуя, you deceive yourself, but also calling on the head of his God Karu... Sinful people try to make them believe in other integrity of these same mortals, equal before the Lord rest, to create earthly idols. Indeed they are sinners. How can a mortal be great, rise above the other? Only stewards of God has the right to rule and reign on the earth. And these came out of the Darkness. They come not from above but from below and turned everything upside down, the whole of the earth's deep-seated order. They came out of the darkness and serve the darkness. Indeed, sinful, worshipping them. I CMEWbut watch what's happening on the ground. Not among mortals true righteous, because all are the servants of God. Among them there are only worthy of the flour of the Lord. In every man fights the Divine and the Diabolical. The divine is nourished by faith, and if the soul has no faith, then it fades like deprived of water a flower. Soul unhallowed risks to be tempted of the Devil, just only will they примечена...

-Aren't you make me a believer, pious righteous? - I threw the old man, realizing that if still a little побезмолвствую, you will not get out of the enveloping me shroud of his words.

-Repent, Herod! suddenly the old man yelled at me. - Fear God, thou wretch, and pray, pray, обретай faith until it's too late to ever make! I know who to hunt for you! Not my fault and not yours, that your soul is almost dead faith. But revive her, quicken, while the voice of the Lord is still reaches her weak echo! Dried flowers are not alive, but your flower can still be saved...

The old man continued to talk, but I was already in a coma and not listening. In my mind raced with crazy прытью lines, and I enjoyed their movement. Beginning caught on with the words:

My soul is killed and the dead,

Dried flowers are not alive...

And that further on, on, on. Something beautiful and quick and elusive. And compared with that everything else so unimportant, and so ridiculous.

When it was over, I heard again the voice of the old man, who continued monologue:

-... my goal is completely different. I on the scales, but your soul can hardly save as far as I understood from our conversation. But you should know that you be after death in hell, if will not turn you to God. Unfortunately, the allotted time does not allow me to do a revivification of your soul with all my desire. I don't live on earth in this dimension, even until the morning.

His eyes gleamed in the darkness, and he continued:

-But I must have, at whatever cost to send you the keys to the secrets.

"Yes but what the hell do I need them!" - wanted to cry, I remembered what almost on the verge of collapse and that I need to and that there is a spirit race in the school.

There was a pause in the conversation of confusion. I did not know that there myself thinking the old man, but in my head thoughts spun in a disorderly cycle. The silence lasted, and the old man was not, apparently, violate. And carousel in my mind раскручиваллась faster and faster, and I did not know what to say in a minute, second, what a thought, good or rash, fall out on the line in this roulette.

-Well, I am ready to listen to you, unexpectedly for himself betrayed and I thought, "Well, tough made!" looking at the clock, I noticed with horror that was already too late, and I suddenly became still, that will be with me in school. As if it's gone somewhere in infinitely far future.

The old man watched over me all this time and, in all probability, have not escaped occurring in me change.

-You were going somewhere in a hurry? he asked carefully and with the participation.

I didn't like the volatility of its appeal to me: "you", "you". You cannot, it was impossible to determine, in fact, he treats me.

-No, no, you thought, " I decided to stay with him an official tone.

"Well, then, perhaps, I will begin, - said the master of the house, and I turned away in the dark for a few seconds. - First of all, - he continued, as he turned to me again, - I have to show you this house. I must hurry because time I only have till dawn. And one inspection and we need to crawl about three hours.

-About three hours?! - I was surprised.

-Yes, about three hours. This house a lot more than you think. What can be seen from the outside, only a small part. As the tip of the iceberg is visible only a tenth of the total. So, guys, let's go.

He took the lamp in hand, rose from the table and went to exit the room. I hurried after him. In the darkness I heard his voice, speaking to me:

-All that be in this house from the moment of my death enters your property. Think of. That you got a very good legacy and be proud of it. You'll be back here then. I think that the heir would have time and wish to get acquainted with his богатсовм closer. It very much, and we will conduct a thorough survey of you to know, that where the and where is...

I still was not very fun to listen to his constant arguments about the death. Even the inside cooled temptation to make a disgusting feeling of nausea. "Let you die, but how the hell all the time to remind me about it. In my opinion, a normal man досаточно one time he remembered what he was told, ' thought I, making the way for him. His continued sobbing so taken out of me that sometimes I had to compress fists and стискивать teeth, not to throw tantrums and malice, подступавших together with nausea.

So, in the dark, I passed it from one room to another and listened to his explanation interspersed with reminders of emergency his death.

The house was really more of any of my expectations. First I took a count of the room, but when the number of their early twenties, lost count. One could not say that I remember all their contents, which were mostly, as I understand it, some very rare and valuable books, manuscripts, originals of someone's diaries, as well as things that do not have, from my point of view, not only for me, but, in General, no one, absolutely of no use and that are fit only for the space under the glass Museum.

However, see more or less detail what was in the vaults of the house, was impossible in the dim light of a kerosene lamp, and most of the information I received on the hearing and the faith that told me the old man.

-Once, long time ago - then he said casually, " I had a good job, got a salary is not that good and decent, you could say. In those days I could easily contain his family, did not know any problems. It was so long ago that you thought it was not. In those times people lived well, much better than now. Here is the coffee that we've been drinking, it's natural, Brazilian coffee, what now can not be found, remained with me since those times допотоных. This is my reserve has since years. I have a few jars. Use them to health. When you need you will find it in the kitchen, in the white hanging closet. But it then...

I followed him and listened to his chatter, перемежавшуюся with указаниами about what lies where, but nothing in the condition was to remember. Perhaps the reason is that very tired. And the old man has gone before, absolutely no interest in. Сллушаю I it or not, as if it were self-evident and continued his nobody knows for whom затеянный story:

-... you probably wonder why досмтопамятное time when in the shop you can freely buy cheap sausage, easily get Brazilian coffee, and coffee in General, as such, when the shelves abounded variety of products, why I did the stocks were purchased for the future, right?

"Yes, " I answered mechanically, although similar question I was not tortured.

You could hear the old man chuckled weakly, almost began to cough, and continued:

-Only thanks to my innate instinct, instinctive Jewish instinct, my boy! That's all, plus a little наблдательности and logical thinking. In those days, I still did not possess powerful knowledge that are open to me now, and was just an ordinary man with ordinary vain concerns of ordinary human life. Now I would not do this shallow vanity, because my position frees me from this burden. And then I was a mere mortal. Now I don't need to lie.

The old man sighed, stood, and turned around, trying to look me in the eye to determine probably, if I believe him or not. But, I потупил opinion, because, as already said, could not bear to gaze in your eyes, especially if looked at me, an old man.

We again moved forward along the endless corridors and passages of the house, which seemed to have no end.

"Yes, " I heard again the voice of my companion, " I have lived a long time and seen a lot in its lifetime. It isn't hard to see, that every year to live became heavier and heavier, and more recently, you've come to the light, unbearable. In those days I was a family man, lived, that is, as all. Had a wife and son. Was the house, though not my corner, but I do not think and do not call home apartment or another place to stay. I call home some commonality of people, namely, husband, wife, their children, their links, the feelings they have for each other, relations between them, in a word, it is quite clear what I mean by the word "house". Now, I had a personal house. Yes, we had to knock about different corners, so, probably, this house was to be scattered, having no time to recuperate. Wife left me. Yes, she lived close, but the body belonged not only to me, and soul at all did not belong to anyone and even to itself. Poor woman. She allowed herself to ruin свитое her nest. It all хотелосьвстряхнуть me. But it was not in me. Simply everyone is earthly path, where there are intersections and bifurcation. And then a strong spirit chooses one way rather weak and tired, broken destiny, walking to the other, leading to the abyss and drags into the abyss of his companions, идущиx with him, speaking the language of climbers, in one bundle.

Happened to my wife. She wanted a lot at once, was impatient and little heard that told her I. She hoped to make the breakthrough of the poverty in which we were born and lived upstairs in the higher spheres, but not calculating their feeble women's strength, lost and what was rolled downhill high pitch in the bottom. This woman still alive, but has no what was once a dream, in the end, each. She has lost her house, and broke it in a hurry, my little mirror счстья, hoping to find more, and never able to come again neither, although wants it. She's going to die lonely, unfortunately away from the son, not remembering her husband down the weight vulgar, low-life, which itself had plunged. And it was only her wine. Help her already impossible... Yes-Ah-ahhh, well, let's go out in that room. I'll show you something... well, look here. See?..

Old man in between times telling the sad story of his life, until we moved with him from room to room, and I was wondering how similar it on fate, the breakdown of my family. How many such people in the world whose a little happiness here now, just as the утлому ship in ruthless and vast ocean, разбиввается and dies before their eyes, dies and sinks under the burdens of life's storms. Probably, there are few lucky ones whose ship passed through these trials судьбины, not having received the holes, or not losing masts or sails, or not broken wheel. It is difficult to find such a man to rejoice at least for his happy voyage. Difficult, especially in our искалеченном the world, I do not know, how there, overseas: never been before.

We went, went, went in the dark, and I have already lost count of time, couldn't tell how long it lasts. It seemed that these dark hallways, rooms, all around was lost somewhere in eternity beyond time, and I now destined to wander here and so, the old man, ad infinitum, until lawlessness, until there is a dimension. I was still that tells me this man, walking in front of me with коптящей kerosene lamp, where he leads me, and that shows why he was doing and what he is talking about, that he even need from me, and when it was over. I was absolutely don't care if I was dead tired and want to sleep. I walked forward as got machine with no feelings and sensations.

Old man also walked ahead of me, less Recalling human and more machine or robot, and speaking said, without interruption:

"...If I was twenty years ago скзали that we live so, as we live now, I would have laughed and spat would be the person who spoke it. How do! As we moved forward, built communism! We fought for the ideals and, it would seem that they would very soon, if not today, then tomorrow will. It could not be otherwise. But, it appears, would and could. What we came up with? However, all this is only talk. I know all, and tell thee all that stuff. The reasons for not even those who led the whole Nations on тупиковому way. They лиь pawns. More mighty and terrible forces conducted and will conduct its bloody game destinies of entire ethnic groups with these puppets and stooges. But I shouldn't tell you about it, even despite the fact that this is my last night presence not only in this dimension, but generally, in the absolute.

The old man paused, and then said suddenly:

-True, coffee, which today we drank, has already far not the taste that before...

We came to the room, the door of which was lined with galvanized iron. The old man stopped in front of her, paused, and then lifting up the index пралец, as a sign of special attention, said:

"This is a special room. Here lie the books and manuscripts, which were supposed to be in the SPECDEP yet the KGB archives, how they got here is a long story, and I have no time for you to talk about it. Here you will find many rare books and друнгие documents for which you can get a lot of money. But you keep them as the Apple of the eye, and they serve thee faithful service. By the way, here was lying book your father...

-My father? - I was surprised.

-Yes, your father, " said the old man, but she lies elsewhere. I would read it. You can find answers to many of life issues that you care. Get it, read. She lies... However, I'll show you where.

I felt amazing. I first heard that my father wrote books, and even more, to represent any danger to the state. Even more surprising was how this book turned out to be in this house. A vague guess lit up for a moment my mind between this book and the fact that the father planted, there had to be some connection. And, probably, the most direct.

"Please excuse me, I said to the old man after a long think, - you that were familiar with my father?

-No, - ответл the old man, shaking his head, however, I noticed his hesitation. - As you'd better speak... I thy father personally do not know, but many have heard about it and read some of his works. The fate of such people небезинтересна me and therefore I know that he was convicted of anti-state activity. Unfortunately, I can't tell you much about it talk.

At this time, somewhere in the dark recesses large house the clock struck twelve. Heavy, rolling rumble echoed through the around the dark home and came to us, violating the dead silence. I looked at the old man. At the sound of each удараон quietly wince and, Nemo lips believed them silently. When stopped mellow отзвукпоследнего impact the striking of the clock, he sighed heavily, shrugged and with melancholy looked at me.

"You must 'll now leave, dear friend- I heard his words.

-But why? But we haven't examined all.

My life left four hours. And this time I want to devote themselves. I do долден one case, the last and very important. For this I need solitude. Farewell.

-Well, what will I do then?

-Then you just прийдешь here. I'm sure you won't forget the way. But come here in the dark, otherwise you you can't get into this house. Remember?


-Kerosene lamp you will find in the porch. She gets under your hands, when you begin to look for her. I do not seek more and now leave me alone. Go.

And we have moved back on corridors this Strantion house, turning to leave.

-I am very sorry that I missed you much to tell, " said the old man, seeing me, - not so long ago, I was the administrator of an unusual archive. It was ten years ago during the period, referred to as vague, отступническими. Now remember that then allegedly all captured greed and desire to get rich, that it was a major victory for our enemies in the ongoing war two systems, two ideologies. But our society has managed to recover from this attack and restore the lost positions... It was then such a society, a fairly large. It was called "Club of Amateurs and had its own section in many cities of the Soviet Union. The company is subordinated to another, more powerful organization, but I will not speak and if you must, you know about it when the time comes. History is a long and difficult.

Club of Amateurs dealing with that collected using various means of various manuscripts and samizdat books that have been banned for production homeland and made them a copy to be shipped abroad, if there was manifested interest in a particular product. He also conducted negotiations with foreign buyers on the sale of archival materials individuals and private museums. The "Club", there were multiple repositories, некоорые of which were opened for all visitors. They were called: "Museum "Club of Amateurs. But there were those who do not even рассекречиывались in the most favorable years of that time, when it seemed that everything you can. In the "Club", in his guide, fortunately, there were sober heads, expecting every period of freedom ends the reaction, and the greater, the stronger to the official authorities let go of the reins. This is the house and was equipped with one of these secret vaults. About its existence knows very limited круглюдей. Now he is much already, because many of those, who created no longer alive, others sit on prisons and roam the stages Russia.

In recent years the time, now called the Faint, that's in such secret store actively started to flock books and yet not published works, news traveled from legal museums and semi-legal clubs. Then began to tighten the screws, returning the country to normal. However, she of these iron embrace and not get out until the end. So it turned out that I was, was the Keeper and the owner of Unicum modern history and the recent past. Secret ways here still continue to flock products seditious thinking. Giant secret store continues to accumulate wealth thought... But, here we are.

Scarcely had he uttered these words, and immediately stumbled on something soft, not the cloth, not the fallen on the floor some clothes on and I realized that we came to the porch of the house where and began path.

-All the farther you go himself, " the old man said, confidentially he touched my shoulder.

"Good-bye, " I said.

Goodbye, ' said the old man, and I was scared whether from the tone, as he uttered these words, whether from a feeling that the old man is really not joking.

I wanted to get better, but the word "goodbye" and застрялос in my throat. I could no longer speak.

-Providence itself will lead you to the door, when necessary, " said the old man.

These were his last words I hear him clearly, and could vouch for it, but it was something I thought or felt, he spoke after him, a little later, after I had left the house.

In the dark I hardly felt the door leading into the yard, and, opening her already, turned around and looked at the old man. He was standing, lit by dim light керосинки, and how this was evident with so little light, his face was filled with genuine sadness.

They say that on the face is not written, but I like read on the face of the old man исполнившую his death anguish and grief. Wrinkles suffering, especially clear now, cut through the skin it back and forth, and she looked like the skin of an old baked potatoes.

Dumb on the verge of beginning to weigh me with his infinity, and I'm foolish, opened the door and went out into the garden surrounding the house. Already after a few steps. I heard the wind blowing, долетевшие to me words: "goodbye, son." Maybe I heard. I walked among the trees, not looking back, and me all the time and wanted to go on the run, to run, but I still restrained himself, and when he reached the gate of the fence, behind which was a street breathed a sigh of relief.

Street brought me a refreshing relief. The moment I stepped on it and I like a roll call of yard dogs met me and not умолкала for a long time. Probably, up to the intersection, leading into the city.

Now, carefree, casually walking down the street and fluently remembering past events, it seemed to me that the old man outside the door исчес in the dark before I could turn away. It is the recollection seemed strange to me, and I made an effort to remember the last scene, but now only great regretted that he did not pay attention to the incident своевременно.теперь was already too late.

I went for a night on the sleeping city, in the face I blew crude, cold, biting wind. Little joy from what I ended up on the street, in the open air that felt safe greater than in the house of the old man, выстудилась, weathered, giving place to ознобу and a feeling of discomfort. I even sprinted running, still he could not keep warm heat flowed faster than I was catching his swift movement.

Time approached hour of the night. I was late, risking to get the fullest. Most now was troubling me, Kaak there in the school notice my absence, waiting to see whether now my return. It would be better not waiting for: whither shall I go? Then we could work something out for "fluff".

In the wrong розоватом light of lanterns, illuminating with high pillars empty streets of the city, I was back in school. A wave of cold drizzle me pour over his head to foot, making almost wet. Hands. Especially hands, his fingers froze, as if outside was autumn, and I клял themselves псоледними words for his авантюристическое behavior mi нувшим in the evening.

All that happened seemed now more and more frivolous, unimportant as the closer and closer it became the school.

The city seems to have died. Not a soul, not a single idly staggering чедловека I met along the way, and only cats sometimes ran out of my way, and then I peered into the darkness, not whether black color. And if it happened that the cat was black, he would move to another street and went round the tenth way this place, hoping that difficult passeth by.

My head was spinning now only one crazy its simplicity thought "the Sooner the better get to bed and sleep!" nothing else I already didn't care to such a degree I'm tired, and even the fact that I'll probably wait commanders, тревожилосейчас only because it would become unnecessary obstacle on the way to the bed.

Отсутстие my not pass unnoticed, in the barracks still waiting. And waited for quite a long time. When I changed clothes at the headstock, long and сварливо ворчавшей me for this late visit, ran last the distance of several hundred meters, jumped over the fence, got to the barracks and went into him, quietly crept on tiptoe to своейй room, thunderous voice дежжурного battery stopped me, calling out the names. Such treatment could mean only one thing: in the barracks were officers. Between them in the absence of начальственного eyes cadets each other behaved so very rarely, except for "шизиков", intellectually and "those who went on the service, or, if not respected, who turned.

I stopped.

-Yakovlev! Yakovlev! again, loudly, rnu openly called me on duty. Yakovlev, go to the office.

The last hopes on a successful outcome of my misconduct burst like a soap bubble, broke away in the chest together with wildly and hurt заколотившимся heart, breath, in the face of smell heat upcoming unpleasant scene.

It seemed to me, that does not sleep the entire battery, that not only those who sit in the office, but the cadets in their beds listen to what is going on in the hallway, who with malice, who with compassion, who with ordinary curiosity and desire to taste something new and unusual, there are thrill seekers at the expense of others.

There was nothing to do, I turned and went into his office and even not as slow as I wanted to feel like I трушу (I never got feelings heroism of this stupid мальчишества so many times, together with a proud determination, and an unwillingness to submit to подводившего me under monastery).

Not remembering itself, I walked into the office. The battery commander was sitting at the table and puffed a cigarette. He looked at me with a look full of arrogant contempt. So looks the winner of the loser, not even worthy to defeat at his hands, looked like, probably, titled representative of the highest caste of medieval society on his prostrate man-servant, вздумавшего возомнить myself to him equal. So look, apparently, and Royal lion, claw legs вспоровший belly задиравшейся him miserable tykes and put out her guts.

From this view I felt uncomfortable, I felt a sneaking, which suffer other people. He pressed me to the ground, burned me, this weary excitement and anticipation opinion. As if he said to me: "Who are you to take away from me my free time? Who are you to wait for you at night and worry? Would I like to have a rest ? did I not tired today? What the hell should I suffer for you?"

The Chancellery was also my взвлдный. He looked at me, but his eyes had no arrogance, no outright contempt, or even anger. There was a reproach and a concern, but they were the eyes of a weak person. He couldn't, as a battalion commander, even if he wanted to pretend that could not have done it. He just didn't have the heartfelt moral strength of feeling which grows stronger every time, he had not had enough to survive.

As I entered the office, as behind me burst into my замкомвзвода, huge and healthy, like a bear, big fellow. He was урюм, but trying to seem even worse, puffed loudly through the nostrils, like a bull, trying to whether to intimidate me, to show the battalion commander, which he Grozny commander and as it should be afraid of subordinates, but this number has been designed to Frank fools and fools, such, perhaps, as he himself. Neither me, nor, especially, the battalion commander he had no experience. He was healthy and strong, enormous hands, possessing the power of the orangutan, could twist me like a lousy worm, turned into a sponge, cake. But... he was as careful, cowardly in the soul, how and healthy body. I knowed him being beaten face the guys and похилее me, but I would not бивал, and because it when I swaggered. Yes, he could hit me with your great big, like a blacksmith, кулачищем on top of the head, not even knock, and простоопустить it on her, and I would have collapsed, as the spot, as куренок-silly, stunned by the blow of the hammer, подламывается on its thin legs. Perhaps this could have very simply, without any tension, as заматерелого скотобоя, without unnecessary emotions and bustle of dealing only, not too strong, but accurate and deadly blow standing before him to the animal. He could, but never would. He could not commit such an act.

All of the above was seen consciously me in tenths of a second.

-Зазодите, come in, comrade cadet, " said too quietly and officially combat. Well, time is of the unrest to it really ended. The terrible happened, I was alive, and he in the eyes of change, anticipating now plenty поизмывается me, inflating their experiences. Nothing good his tone did not promise.

Actually, my commander was restrained man, was able to control his emotions, and his face was impossible to read what is on his mind. I always respected him for this quality, and most were related to him with genuine respect. Even in the terrible excitement of his face was stone motionless. Only a truly terrible, unforgiving, sensitive and well-educated people, able to postpone revenge on then and successfully implements it much later, but inevitably onerously, have such a talent. The battalion commander turn white only lip. If he immediately started yelling at me, stomping his feet, waving it in front of me with his hands, trying to afraid to hit me, it would be much easier. But the commander was not one of those men which were released as the steam from the boiler energy to his anger. He left it in reserve, as a prudent owner, and spent long as needed and on a few, just at the moment when we least expected once guilty before him than the achieved maximum impact and efficiency of its use.

This calm and an official tone of conversation подчеркивающийего high self-control and неунижаемое dignity, strength and hardness of his character, stunned me and made internally to shudder.

In moments of anger commander was calm, but he хладнокровиеммог at least through the month, at least half a year to recover from you claimed for your sleepless nights-per-call "on the carpet" by superiors, to stun and crush you just when you're least expecting it and hope that all is forgotten. His memory of the evil done to him was amazing, and he was not inclined to sentimentality. His heart didn't give in to self-pity and knew no mercy. Everyone was getting what he deserved. And, although to a stranger it was hardly noticeable, the one who felt his punishment, he knew, as it is heavy, long-lasting and palpable.

Chapter 8.

"Well, comrade cadet? - asked me a battery commander senior Lieutenant Лshoemakerн.

-What? I asked, too, unable to find anything better for a response. I was at a loss. Besides, wheezing замкомвзвода behind me greatly distract me. It disgusts me.

-And what you "чтокаете"?

I don't know.

-Well, the answer to the question: where were you?

I thought for a moment, but not finding the right answer, said:

-In unauthorized absence, comrade senior Lieutenant.

-I understand, I ask where you were?

I persistently was silent, and then the commander asked another question:

-Well, впочему so late?

"As in kindergarten", - I thought, and replied:

-Because I couldn't before.

-What's your reason, a reason for your being late? Why you did not come in time?

I was silent.

-You can specify a reason?


This stupid the conversation went on until three at night. First, it involved only we command a battalion, and the conversation was rather quietly, almost peaceful. Then came commander with замкомвзводом, and his tone immediately changed psychosis and hysteria.

Лshoemakerн only unobtrusively drew my attention to the fact that everyone will get their just deserts, made some vague hints for a speedy release and distribution. Взвоодный began to read me one, and then promised that necessarily will help me to go to hell and shorebirds. Замкомвзвода too broke to swearing and promised that устроиит me "sweet life" in the remaining time until release time. Two recent threats I took serious, but here's what I said to the commander, very worried me.

Leaving from the office of the sleepy and depressed held brainwashing, I have barely stood on their feet from exhaustion and was ready to fall and fall asleep right on the floor, in the hallway, dead deep dream.

"Your bad thing, I thought a dream, полудрему, заволакивающую my consciousness, but, what are we slaves".

Can't remember how I got to his bed as undressed and lay down. Waking up in the morning, tired and невыспавшийся, I again with disgust remembered yesterday's events. Heart cramped longing brutal setbacks and disappointments. Истрория with the old man and похождением in his ill-fated house recollect now as midnight delirium, as ддурной dream that want to forget as soon as possible.

Head разламывалась. Anxiety and бесапокойство did not leave my soul all day. I could not find peace. Conversation in the office there was no in my head.

In the platoon all noticed that I had a gloomy mood, and many know what I have been an accident. No I have not come up, leaving my grief at me, without stirring up unnecessary questions and not to provoke sympathy. So продролжалось two days. All pretended nothing happened. During these two days all the excitement in me in its place. I thought not to be disappointed, because in the end I have nothing in particular and not to lose.

Yes, nobody to me these two days't like and didn't talk, no one except Охромова. He basements to me the next day RAзвязанной gait.

-Well, what have you thought of? he asked, shaking his fists in the pockets and squinting one eye, whether from the fact that beat him in the eye the sun, whether from a feeling of superiority over me, broken and crushed.

-What I thought of? - I asked, pretending not to understand what he says, even slight to annoy him.

"Have you forgotten our yesterday's conversation in the bar? surprised Охромов, and smug narrowed her eyes on his face faded, giving сместо oval surprise.

-Oh Yes, - I pretended that remembered, also not forgotten.

I just wanted to horror tell him of past events me after he left, but with her mouth open, I immediately stopped and bit his tongue. Only and учспел say:

You know what happened with me yesterday?..

-What? What? - alive interested in my buddy. But then his face took on an expression of this condescension, as if he was going to listen to justify old inveterate lying, knowing that he is lying, but pretending he believes.

I didn't somebody tell that same happened to me yesterday, make it clear to at least one person that опопздал not because of boyish unreliable and foolishness, but due to severe circumstances, but after this now "the what", I understood that it is better to live the incident itself, not squandering anyone has their secrets, not to become the fourth year of study laughingstock of the entire course, if not of the whole school.

-No, nothing, " I said and walked away.

"Wait a minute! - Охромов caught up to me, pulled the shoulder and pulled her. "Wait a minute.

I тепрепть couldn't when I was treated similarly, when grab me like that, deploy, when generally to touch me, to force anything, and therefore hardly сддержал his indignation to his act. But when he tried to shake know, with what joy my shoulder, I has not sustained and has flared up in an impotent rage trying pulled his hand from his shoulder. But fingers Охромова only stronger stared at the lapel of my jacket. He was stronger than me, and my attempt was in vain.

"The mood is so bad, and this goat stuck," I thought.

The cadets were generally the fans to look at clarifying relationshipswith their fists, cheer, sympathize, give in difficult minute of the encounter." Well, when fighting a pals, there did not remain aside even the most lazy and indifferent to such things. Therefore, we barely Охромовым grappled around us immediately formed a handful of fans: everybody knew that we Охромовым friends, roots, - Bros, in other words.

However, apart from this dumb scene, when I tried to lay the hand of Grisha with свроего shoulder, and a few minutes насупленного standing then, locking their, nothing interesting in the hallway happened. I was scared to fight, because he knew and felt unquestionable superiority of forces Охромова me. He, too, apparently, was not going with me to bring the relationship "to handle". So we stood for a minute or two, nothing against each other without undertaking and not saying a word. Each of us waited for a fight will start another, but it did not happen.

This scene demanded any completion, and then I finally somehow to find a way out of the uncomfortable position, asked Охромова:

-What you want from me?

-Have a little talk, " he said apologetically.

-Speak here.

-No, it can't.

-Well, let's go, " I said, and, satisfied that are not received at all honest people in the face, Yes, moreover, the final word is left for me, went to the door of the barracks, with pleasure hearing behind his steps. I felt almost physically ощущщал back like after we watched ддесятки prying eyes. And this was my little victory over Гришкиным complacency and зазанайством.

On the way out, I suddenly unexpectedly for myself turned to the bathroom, having decided to talk with Grisha here.

Our conversation continued under the murmur of the water in the toilet tank, continuously flowing through faulty valve in two dozen tanks.

The first began Охромов, immediately as soon as he came from the threshold:

-I want dreams to talk to you. There is one very good business, besides ерундовое, a mere trifle. I need you to take part in it and helped me. One I can not cope.

-Well, - I replied, " I will hear your proposal. But why are you so rude? What this assault? You perfectly know that I can't stand, when to me with outstretched hands. Yes, thou art stronger than I, but it doesn't give you the right to use this power against his friend: you can receive Deposit. I look at it. That you're so strong. You agree with me?

"I agree, dropped his eyes Grishka, and it seemed to me that I myself am now too зарываюсь.

-I ask then not to dissolve the more hands, if you want to be the last thing left to us from the companionship, disappeared without a trace, concluded I примиритьно. - Okay?

"Okay, " he agreed, " I really got excited and was not right with you. Admit my guilt, and I promise you on my side no more of that.

-I hope so, " I said and noted that, although in the toilet stood suffocating smell of chlorine, life has become immediately more fun and-breathing easier, as it was possible.

-Then go ahead, tell me what you've got for the cause of this.

"Come outside, " suggested Grisha, - there and breathe easier, and the casual listeners, quite unnecessary, avoidable.


We descended from the hostel, down, left the house and went first to the Smoking room, but seeing that there sits a few people from our hundreds, turned to the sports ground.

Here Охромов and told me the secret:

-I have one friend, a civilian. Here in the city. Cool guy. So he offered me this affair. At first I thought he was crazy. But then I realized that the man was serious, and said quite seriously. On the one hand it really trifling, and it is not clear why he gives the money. But if we think carefully, it has its own share of risks. I would not have thee now to talk about it, having no first your consent. But now I too risky for me because I have no other choice. I need money, lots of money. And there's this thing that if I do, I give them. But I can not overpower him one. I agree with this guy told him that I have a reliable friend who will help me to realize it, because he immediately warned that one is not a matter of overpower: too much work. He suggested, and I agreed. As they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Think to yourself, to whom I can open some mystery in these walls? Who, other than you? Only you as his best and only friend I can trust. Therefore I suggest you to become my компаньеном this slightly dangerous, but very lucrative business. I even do not just offer you this. I beg you. One I can't do this and just be lost.

-Well, - I said Охромову, - you are here so much nonsense, but I don't hear a single word about the case.

-And how do you look at my proposal? asked Охромов.

-Frankly speaking, nothing.


-Why? Yes, if only because you're speaking, speaking, but I never knew that dark case us or perhaps you alone, " I have not given their consent, - will. I don't know who is this type that offered you, apparently, a cool adventure, and how it can be trusted. And in General, it so happened that he proposed to you?

Охромов hesitated, moved, to the nose knitted his brows, and finally said:

-Well, I all to you tell you. Do you want занть, what is this thing?

He paused, but not for long:

-I was offered to participate in the robbery of one very a rich private collection. It is in our town...

Here Gregory hesitated, looked at me, and continued:

-Meeting of this, judging by the way they are interested in is very rare and has a rare and valuable editions of books. But I was not interested in the book. Just there are people who are ready to pay well. If the deal succeeds, then we will be rich people. We pay well. If you believe my friend, of us have so much money that will be enough not only pay off all our debts, but still good carousing.

-If you don't believe? - I asked. - If you do not believe your friend? While, eh?

-If you do not believe? - Grisha thought. Apparently, the question caught him off guard. - If you do not believe... If you don't believe, then it is better not to undertake this business.

-Here I him and do not believe, - summarized the hell I under our conversation.

My logical reasoning stunned him.

-Why? Why won't you believe him?

-Who is speaking?

-My acquaintance.

-And with what joy should I believe him, tell me, please? I've not seen.

-But I-I-can you believe? I'm your friend!

-You can, and then not always. Sometimes I myself believe that I want. Yes and you could around your finger to circle, as Fig not do.

-Wait, wait, I would know about three months. And during this time he has been so useful to me and not again proved that he is a great guy.

-So where you hooked up with, if not a secret?

Hooking Bab, offended Охромов, or трипак. And I met him. This is first, and second...

-That same second? And secondly, hooked - again I repeated this word, made him stress. - Not you, and you, understood?

-How do you know? 'retorted Grisha, and I realized that I was not mistaken.

"I know, tell me what's wrong.

Grisha felt confused and silent. Silent he long, looking down at his feet and picking his toe of his boot ground and then strongly somehow said:

-Listen! Enough, perhaps? I you suggest. And you...

"Okay, okay - I hurried to go on, I promise. That'll listen to you very carefully.

-I don't need you I just listened! - outraged Grisha. - First, I need your consent to work! Otherwise I'll continue to anything to her.

He paused and then added:

-If you agree, then I'm all your debt translate themselves, both in school and in the city. One of your consent we go to all the creditors and rewrite your debt to me. Isn't guarantee that worthwhile thing?

I was thinking about. This turn of conversation caused a storm of emotions in me, but I'm not going to lose out. I suddenly почувсвтвовал, as my shoulders falls the heavy lump of excessive debt, which I was unable to repay and deep down, thinking about every second, but was afraid to admit it even to himself. It is worthwhile. For the sake say goodbye to your debts, I was ready to go, it seemed, on anything, so I immediately replied:

-Well, I agree.

Face охромова already cleared up

-Now, - he continued with enthusiasm, firstly, I have already told you. And secondly, he bought my card debt.

-Card debt? - I was amazed. - You that, playing cards?

"Hmm... Well, like you say. Now I'm not playing. And then played. But since I paid with a card club, there anymore or foot. That's it and there was this friend. I was very tight, and he helped. To me, no one could help. Me nobody could help, no friends, no parents, and he, you know, paid off for me, completely.

I can imagine. And many, if not a secret, you have debts?

-A lot. About fifteen thousand.

-How much?! Wow! And he paid for you?

-Yes, paid. When I banker struck opposite my surname in debt book of zeros and signed.

-Yes, screwed you, lad, I said, puzzled.

"Why not?"

I don't know I think so.

Охромов paused, thinking.

"You might be right he said finally. But not so bad as you think. Just a man help me when it was bad. That's all!

-Yes, but fifteen thousand for beautiful eyes no one will spit out! Crazy! Fifteen thousand!

-But it is not just laid out. Recently he found me and said that he is very bad with money, and I need to return his debt...

-That's why I say that you're screwed. But you got involved not even then. When he paid for you such a crazy money, and not even then, when you've lost so much money, and then when you went to play for money on the card, especially in such a place as underground club card. What are you going to do now?

-I told him that I had such there is no money...

-Can't you understand that you have already bought?!

-Considerations leave at itself. I became convinced that this man a real friend.

Yes, but I'm not your comrade?! You I never even hinted at that playing cards!

"But you could not pay for me...

-And he could! He could! I'll say once again that he bought you. And, in General, направсно you contacted with all this уголовщиной. House of cards... there now like you, only fools and shoes.

-How do you know?

-Know. No need to stick your nose where you path is ordered.

"I was there not only lost. Sometimes I were lucky, it's just not as often so I've been playing around.

-And not badly lost money. If you were to me the true friend, told about their underground passion for much before, not now when it is time to order a Requiem.

-What are you babbling about? What a memorial service? Not me ahead of time to bury, and so dramatize everything!

Chapter 9.

Let me digress from the fascinating narrative of his adventures, believe me not-so-rosy, romantic and isn't even a romantic, if they поисходят not somewhere and not with someone, but you yourself, if you participate in them, risking their health, well-being and even life itself. All the colors of romance immediately disappear somewhere, barely Alo bit dangerous adventures begin to pursue teBOJ against your will, and you already that he is not happy that the world is such and not only books, but also наявву. Believe me, I did not want to with me what is here told, but what can you do if all of his dissolute life I prepared himself so many dangerous and laborious tests befallen me in the moment, when it is least expected and the least I got. Yes, that speak, and the time for adventure, especially such was not the most suitable. Here was scheduled for release, and we had to part with school forever. It was hard to somehow improve their business and less worthy leave. While there's such temptation.

Yes, but I like all the same to distract from the topic of the story. What is interesting to you, probably, know the subject? Of course, I want to talk a bit about women, and, more specifically, the relationships that develop between the cadets and young women, occupying the city, where had the fortune or misfortune to sit on our military school. And these relations are to pay attention to them, including you.

May occur legitimate question: why are these relationships, even if they заслуживют attention? Yes, the answer is I that it was due to them that I had the opportunity to leave the school наизаконнейшим way. As полуилось? All in order. While still distract the glory of sex. All in order.

"Oh, these women!" "they say men. "Oh, these men!" - people say women. "Oh, these have sex!" - дружо say all of us. But where they still get away? It is life itself, and is, moreover, a big part of it. Drama, tragedy, catastrophe. The soil of all this sex and the passion and the underlying interests and desires that arise in connection with them.

In each city, and is, as a rule, the larger the city, not less oblast, where there are military schools relations cadets with the local population formed in different ways. I have been visiting many of my friends who were with me in the Suvorov military school, and have the right to say, the contrasts are striking.

The fact is that in many major cities with a population of close to a million, as a rule, military schools not less than two. Of course, there are cities where they do not, but it's not about them. Therefore, there is, as they say, will give more choice knights, and the knights't mind помутузить each other and not only on причинетого that do not share of women, but because of deep undisguised hostility to other genera and even types of troops. And this is besides the fact that clashes with civilian guys also are regular and frequent. In these cities there are fans of every school, and every girl, not supply a deep aversion to the military, sooner or later has to decide and to give preference to one of the schools, or rather, his agents or representative, depending on the needs in the number (about the quality of a particular subject). Now, in such large conglomerates and сосредоточениях drives selected ссамцов, I apologize for comparison, what are military schools, tied tight nodes of the most complex and contradictory relationship.

A good example of this could serve as cities such as Kharkov, Leningrad, Moscow, Sverdlovsk, and many others.

Take, for example, Kharkiv. Caught here and lay since time immemorial fierce enmity between the aviation уилищем, armor, missile, and even a few others. Only and hold on! If a patrol blue shoulder straps that they catch the gunners and tankmen, its not touching. If a patrol in the city came out tankers, those caught and drag for the slightest carping in the commandant's office and flyers, and the strategic missile forces. I didn't touch it those parts. Standing in such cities outside уилищ. They also made their contributions in this Gordian knot in it.

As for our school, it turned so that it was only in the regional town of medium size. The cadets were generally sole преддставителями military, as such. Was not in Sumy no parts, no other military formations, so many passions in a specific city, having a place of dislocation of military formations, and in the past it.

Yes, we were all much easier. Girls don't need to be gone over between schools. They certainly knew that ессли cadet, артяги", and, if the military, then a student. But, may be, in that simplicity and was very complexity of our lives, it is this that's uniqueness and following from it предвзятост thinking of local people, especially women.

Generally, the fair sex, age close to the young and younger in relation to the cadets were divided into several groups of conduct.

Well, first of all, the most intelligent or a conservative, or, as we call them? These generally were never about the cadets ' environment, have never tried to get to know some of the cadets. The motives were different. Some were on the short leg with the city субкриминальной "блататой" and kept the "chip", because there with them did not stand on ceremony. Nourishing undercurrent of contempt for the military in General and to the cadets, in particular, local blatnaya public humbleness of those girls on a gun shot, except that used them as a bedroom bedding, but not more.

The second group consisted of girls, one day at his naivete and inexperience associated with the cadets. But лешившись the most foolish and not romantic image of innocence, and having experienced the abuse from their side intimate or public, pidpalyvshy, so to speak, thoroughly wings, they feared a repeat these meetings, taking in the head bad prejudice against the military form in General.

The third group consisted of a small group of girls, задавшихся purpose or, let's call it differently - a dream of marrying a military and not just military, but оицера (is there still and ensigns in the end). These communicated only with the cadets. Of course, each of them destiny were different, but many of these prudent virgins achieved their goal.

The fourth group consisted of girls of easy virtue. Among them were adventurer, and prsto fun loving person, from which the city has already everybody'd kicked out, and just sick young women, what to hide - there are also (I mean a special kind of lady's trouble, some kind of sexual gluttony, akin to gluttony, making the possessor of such a miserable figure, a slave to his irrepressible гипержелания). This need was cadets nothing but fun Viachorka and, if possible, the same merry-night. As the saying goes: "the night was dark".

Here, perhaps, and all major groups where possible, undoubtedly, different variations and deviations. Well, that is the urban девоек in respect of cadets. By the way, not only urban, because we should not forget that Universities горола learned from other cities, and of the farm area. These were to be found in the third and in the fourth group, very rarely in the first, and I almost never in the second.

How to treat girls cadets? Here are the various groups highlight be significantly less. In General, men in the majority, as is known, the easier to look at relationships with women than they themselves. This, by the way, lie troubles many of the weaker sex, often обманывающегося illusions. But still, I попытаюс allocate and among the cadets at least three groups.

Well, first, it is, perhaps, the shameless rake and прожиги, not wishing women from nothing, except the woman. These males keep wearing out many naive and групеньких females, but mostly preferred to have fun with divorced ladies, do not pretend on anything but easy to communicate, скрашивающего their одиночство, and bed. Divorced, of course, divorced, but I would порезвитьс and with more юнными creatures than they, however, was risky.

Our rake and carousing, not to much to risk, patronized mainly from other towns and rural girls whose parents were far and therefore could not seriously interfere and will scandal. But under their influence are often caught and local, горолские girls, especially of those that love to have fun and spend time in some disorganized кампашке.

Among like these cadets were a lot of people inventive to all sorts of subterfuge, the adroit, "slippery". They did not shun called strangers or invented names and surnames.

I remember one case (and how many I've seen enough for four years!)

Came to school one girl, and the chief of the school. "I, - says - pregnant from your cadet. And he's hiding from me!"

Such incidents were not uncommon, and our head of school or how many are not surprised: you never know what happens in life. Well, he said to the damsel this, well, if it happened, we will help you find a "daddy", but just tell us his name, what he's course, or else we can not find in College, not two, not three and even five hundred cadets. Well, the girl and says, "Roller Torsion!" General Pro-discover laughs: he because a cadet was, and the girl answered: "Sorry, girl, but cadets with such name no! And, in General, the surname is extremely rare!" Here's the situation. Girl, clear reimbursement in tears. What to do? And rightly so, I won't be gullible and naive. Sorry for her. Of course, but who is to blame that she had no technical knowledge and no it is not suggested that a roller torsion a chassis of armored vehicles.

There are other similar cases, invent other амилии, but the essence remains that it's always the girls bring their naivety, trust, narrowness of vision and illiteracy. But what can you do: this знгачится they unlucky fate. In General, I want to note between the case that a good девчонккам in dealing with cadets невезло ббольше just because they just some naive and were.

The other group of students was looking for communication by calculation. Such at school had a little bit. They sought the acquaintance with the daughters of uchilishchnyh colonels and urban elite tried to be exemplary Cavaliers, and, subsequently, husbands, NGO also not гнушалиь amorous adventures. Among them were mainly people deceitful people and even more sophisticated in meanness, eat Frank idler and rake.

The third group consisted of those who did not lose even nobility, and the remnants of honor shy, worrisome and modest young man. Some of them wound up acquaintances with the girls, but very often fall apart in the network. Other, and did all the studies in College промонашесствовали never having got acquainted with one girl. No, it wasn't crackers, Yes and no other visible sexual diseases not suffer, but that they had a way of life Dating with beautiful floors not only do they not be initiated, but, I must say downright avoided. Of course, among these cadets were many влюбчивых capable suffer from their feelings, and love them often facing women, absolutely not обращавшим attention to them.

Well, now, now, when all is clear, I explained all to understand, a legitimate question arises as to which of the above listed categories in fact I myself? It's an interesting question, but I отвчу on it at once, without equivocation. Probably, I belonged at first to the third category, I described above, but then moved into the second.

When I arrived at school, they remained still a young man not only had no experience in bed, but never had a good sense, and not even had girls. You should agree that in our time, this fact is quite rare and thought-provoking. Moreover, it is surprising, but before that I spent two years in the walls "кадетки", which does not contributed to bringing the modesty and humility of the disposition of their Pets.

The first two courses of serious Dating with women, I also have not seen: whether the time is not enough, whether the time has not come. Fate was not located to send me love переживния. However, I would not have tried to make some acquaintances. However, in the third year I the beginning of seizing the fact that for two years I never had a love affair or history. Not that мучилось anguished heart, but I seized his own vanity. After all, that speak, and the prestige of the cadet largely depended on his love Affairs and success at the front of communication with the opposite sex, on the number of victories over women. By the time we moved into the third year, few people could not boast of at least one of its романтичской history. Some were given them by the dozens and, of course, came up with most of them. Especially a lot of story-tellers appeared after the holidays, because no one could refute what allegedly happened to them at home. And even скромникистановились suddenly sexual heroes, let not the first magnitude, but all the same: to them then there was no "claims"they were his, the same as all.

I couldn't invent what you have experienced, I was disgusted. I always felt in my soul непритный sediment, when I chanced to tell what with me at all was not, in order not to lose face in front of their peers. It was in the far childhood and themes lies were to nothingness comparison. But to write once again to himself, anything of sex, I just turned the language can be even lacked the courage and boldness to describe completely unknown.

Yes, on the third course I was a virgin, нецелованным boy, and if most of the girls stated with pride that in any case until recently, admit this guy was extremely shameful, especially before their equals. Anyway, this recognition wouldn't be him honor.

I suspected that much of what is told in курилках or between classes, genuine "baloney" and pure imagination. Anyway, I already knew who was capable of, and who says what really was, and who composes and improvises. The same knew most of the listeners, but lie never forbidden, the more often that the fake sound brighter and brighter than the real.

However, no matter how good it was that I was not poured himself in vain dirt and not easy in the writings on the love theme, the situation demands that my identity was piped into the category of "abnormal"white crows, and as soon as they have not called. This is a terribly oppressed created an oppressive internal state. Especially it was painful to me to hear behind me is taught about my innocence in different variations. This whispering had deeply moved me, cut to pieces, not haunted.

And now came the moment when my situation was unbearable for me. Since then, I began to feel the acute shortage of what is called love. I felt the whole burden of the lack of love. My одиноество suddenly appeared before me with all piercing and despair. Let the young and beautiful, but it is unknown how beautiful enough to please at least one woman. Doubt and have become my loyal companions in the months and неели, 't give me no rest day nor night. I wanted so much to be loved, to like, to know that somewhere out there, in the city, waiting for you and will wait until you come, beautiful girl, that she will wait for you, not just for today or tomorrow, not Toko here in the city, but after a month, a year, ten years in any wilderness and away from civilization. So I wanted.

Probably, state tested me in those days, and is the prelude, cooking rights to the first rapid surge of feelings, called first love. I do not know whether it occurs it from the presentiment of the coming or Vice versa, is the reason that fertile field, once in that, germinating seed this amazing, but after a week I head over ears in love and completely lost his head. Such then is not happened I never had, nor could it happen again: first love is pure and unique as, Poti always, it is a sad and unhappy. But the most surprising: after all, not even a week has passed.

Interested piquant details will probably not help but to ask: whom did I so much влюбилс? Can't answer - judge for yourself. Just hard to be objective to the person you love or hate.

Yes, barely I need, need in love, I immediately fell in love. And passion was quite strange and unusual. The matter is that our Gregory Охромычем interests crossed and hard схлетнулись on the soil of this love. Well, isn't it strange that two bosom friend diaper rash ointment fall in love with the same young person and after't know what длать.

Now happened to us. It happened right after the New year in mid-January. To our school sometimes хаживали on excursions in the College Museum of schoolchildren and pupils of the local "Bourse". A window class, where our platoon was engaged in самостотельной preparation, came out with the facade of the main building, and there is clearly visible cat and running from him asphalt track, surrounded by the walls of the bushes on the edge of the extensive flower-beds and the rifling of the earth, lined with Apple trees.

That day we, as usual, on training, gathered at the rear tables and argued about whether discussed some impressions. We looked out the window goes with a dozen and a half but экскурсанток are sent to school, then. Well, here everyone in the class was, stuck to the Windows and let's discuss reaching the bottom of the girls. If it would stand summer, maybe, and shout them поулюлюкали and would have done something a little obscene. But in connection with the winter window tightly all were battened down. So I had to be limited погляделками.

Excursion went into the main entrance of the school, and gradually began to break up in places. But then someone had the proposal to send delegates to the girls with a request to invite us to himself and evening dancing and, in General, have a good time. The proposal was supported by, and I volunteered, I don't know why to go. Well, and Гришк course, too. Nito did not object, and we went. Long waited until the girls come out of the Museum, and then they went after them, not daring to approach and not knowing where to start. I was, in General, went for the first time, well, Grishka was a little more experienced.

We conducted our delegation is almost up to the checkpoint, hoping that the us will pay attention. There was a time that on the territory of school than the two of us nobody idly not walking. But no reason attention to us looked, and only when the first of the number of экскурсанток, led by their leader came in the door checkpoint, Grisha felt that in a few seconds it will be too late caught behind a running group and spoke with several girls. They would stop, but seeing that approach another курсантик, all but two had gone away, to not interfere. These cultural and quick-witted girl caught.

Why were these two, I cannot say. See, this is a game of chance, but what a cruel. One of them immediately, at first sight, sunk my soul. The second I have not paid attention, although I can't say anything against her appearance: she was even посмазливее at the muzzle. Something different, deeper than the appearance, conquered me captivated and forced to forget everything.

Strange it was a feeling. From the moment it settled in my heart, life for me is filled with some new, joyful sense, a kind of waiting for a miracle, that's sweetly wearied my being, but at the same time poignant longing became my companion, and I felt that I'm in the walls of the school, as a tear to my soul. My eyes wanted to see her, my ears wanted to enjoy her charming voice, which, strangely enough, there was something and nothing special. I tried and could not understand what had drawn with such explosive, all-conquering force me to that simple girl, what secret laws of existence and development of all existing collided with her, and that keeps me now rest, but at the same time brings joy and makes my mind to bear sweet dreams.

Our first meeting lasted no more than a minute. But what was that минута1 she turned inside me the whole world, putting all with nogo on the head. That still seemed to be important gone somewhere to the back, and what seemed petty and minor, was suddenly the most important and the most important thing in life. Tumult: surprise, delight, confusion, depression, sadness, hope, sadness and joy - that's what I experienced in that short time. It seemed to me that although she said Gregory, but notice me, and I liked her more than he. So I wanted. Grisha spoke to her and I tried to speak with the rest of her girlfriend to not create an awkward situation, but kept glancing surreptitiously at her. She also threw in my direction few views, and it encouraged me. And her girlfriend, even though I tried with her to talk about something, looked in all of this scene genuine fool, a decoy duck, because even though it was obvious that I was not manifest to her persona absolutely no interest.

But this magical minute was over, and we parted. The girls went to his side and vanished over the cat, and we Охромовым - a cause. I immediately rushed поделитьс impressions, and at the same time and know what are my chances of winning. I really then wanted to interest Grisha It was a purely sporting and did not go beyond the frames of preparation to the party. But as I was mistaken.

And this, out with you before, as you anything? I asked the friend, trying to keep calm in his voice.

-Yes, nothing, " replied Greg.

-And about what you talked?

-Yes, so she took, " he replied with calm and some kind of confidence that led me into a depression. Telephone - it was a serious trump card in his hands, лишавший me virtually all types and ambitions. But I only felt the desire to third at least once again with her a hundredfold greater than experienced before. I did not want even for a moment imagine that this was our last meeting. However, what could I do about it. Grisha had much more experience on the part as gets Dating, especially because my experience tends to zero.

"Listen, you at least for the disco have agreed? - I tried to act on the conscience of the other.

-I said that I'd call her, and we will take care of everything, " replied Охромов tone, giving to understand that the conversation on this subject him not wafer-something pleasant.

So ve is what happened. Then some days I languished in the dark, trying to in a roundabout way to find out, what about the other case at the front of communication with The one I could never forget. For the first time I creepy ревновл. I thought everything was very unfair, that not Grishka, and I had to meet her, and I wanted to and did not know how to fix this fate. I Tolga still thought that fate can be cut and перераивать as desired. But fate is never wrong. It is neither right nor to blame, it is what is. Its not correct, Kaak not спрямишь hunchback.

Yes, I cruelly suffered and perished, and I do not know how many days of torment came to Охромову and said that She did not love them, and I want to know her phone. Grisha responded that the phone had to come and take then and now require, I have no right. I do not remember how, still persuaded him to share with me her phone. Even the UEL, in which I нахдился when that conversation left for me unnoticed. Охромов still graciously gave me телефончиком, but warned that already called her, and there was some relationship.

That evening I tried to call Her, but heard in the receiver her magical, soft, charming voice, произнесший quietly and politely: "al-Les, I will listen to you", - I am speechless and couldn't say anything, just put the lever in the receiver but then felt a sharp больв chest and indescribable anger at himself for his silence and cowardice, again picked up the phone again and again, hearing her a polite answer, put in the place. So I called, was frightened, threw the tube and again called Her until, finally, it is not tired, and she said:

-If you want to play a game of cat-and-mouse, do it in some other place. And I no longer call-I still tube't lift.

And finished my torments of the phone, and интонацияее charming voice did not changed and remained the same polite and to madness warning. I'm so all crazy, and, although the conversation did not take place because of my great timidity, which I could not resist, I couldn't fall asleep all night, being under the strong impression. I remembered the sound of Her voice, the words that she had said, brought me pleasure only one that remained in my memory she actually bothered to talk to me, not even knowing who she was worried so late.

I lay in my bed and rejoiced, remembering phone calls, although not had anything decent, and configured the call as a fan and tell Her everything. I was again not able to speak. And so it happened.

The following night, I again could not say a damn handset single word. And, but at length, decided never again to call.

And between the Grisha moved with It further, and did not conceal from me for this. She came to him at the checkpoint, and everything went very well. However, and he made a mistake.

Somehow, at the same time, our course arranged a disco in училищном sports centre. Was there I was there and Grisha, but we were in different campaigns, and I've been sure Охромов invited tonight, and Her. But I was mistaken. After an evening in a few days he has opened the heart with me and admitted that "fundamentally broken". It turns out that at the disco he was with another friend, which would give the shot, and made it just then. But She, without invitation, then came the night with a girlfriend, and the whole evening watching him as he danced with another girl. The next day Охромов called Her, and she asked who he was at the party and why not invite Her. He began to apologize, but she would not listen.

I felt some semblance of hope, a very humiliating, but then I was all the same. I кказал Grisha that want to држить with her that now he has It still does not work. It is quite великодушко agreed, saying only that Saturday She will come to the checkpoint. First, It will speak it, and then get to It I. I agreed.

After the Sabbath Grisha went off the scene, and It has been fully provided for my ambitions. First I have with it all went well. I don't know how it happened to me, but held even something like the explanation in the love of It. However, I do not say directly that I love, it apparently did not have the heart, but admitted that She likes me.

My experiences continued until the month of August and ended in complete defeat, while all this time I was never neither earlier nor later not tested состояянии euphoria. The whole world seemed made of lightweight foam, and even the biggest наприятности that and then don't stop bothering me, could not take away from me, out of the soul that magical feeling of love and longing.

Vexation that was special, not longing for the coveted female flesh, that has come to me later, together with sinful temptation. It was clean, bright longing for the future, full of dreams that escaped me, barely seemed to me that I was going to catch up with him. It was a romantic feeling, which transformed the whole world around me, making everything what surrounds me only the cradle, which grew, and was filling my happiness.

However, the first love, the insidious not less than all others.

Yes, Grisha left the scene of action and gave a major role to me, a novice. He was still much more experienced in relationships with women and not got really upset from what he had lost one of them, even despite the fact that he liked her. He was a nobler changing, and, may be, and smarter, and with the true grandeur and pride left this triangle. He is not allowed to choose for themselves a woman and renounced it even earlier than she could say no. however, She failed to do the selection. Обстоятелства left us alone. I was happy to madness, but She is now I can say this for sure, decided: "Well, as it so happened..." Grisha she liked, and remained like his shadow.

As soon as we were, two of the three, as she TT began to leave for the weekend and holidays, when I could see, in the village to the grandmother, Kharkov to his sister, who was a student there at the Institute. From this my suffering incredibly strengthened and sharpened, and then to drown them and a little bit of revenge, I accidentally met with another girl, which like me in the first case, and, although my temper stubbornly resisted this violence began vigorously cultivate a relationship with her, walking with her on the weekends in the city, discos, bars. In one weekend, when I was walking with his new friend on one of the Central streets of the city, and It was in оъезде once again, we "spied" the one, Her girlfriend, with which she stopped at the school at the time of our acquaintance. I felt bad as last Skoda, and I said aloud that it was the end, but my companion didn't understand what I mean.

The next day I called Her in the morning - she had come by the night train the day before, and said that did it yesterday with the campaign, but never got up the courage to tell the saving: "There was one nice girl, then we separated from осталных and walked around the city some, but in the end, I left, because I can't forget you, although you are not very жалуешь me with their appearances". I say to TC, and everything would have been different. But I could not then say it.

Then She learned from her that same girlfriend that I was in Her absence in the society a pretty girl, and everything went wrong. We argued and I as much as two weeks was attached to the first not to call Her, but still broke - called. We are reconciled, but now my отношеги on the other went unexpectedly far, and I don't know what to do.

Two months I couldn't make the final selection. Relations with It ate my attachment and relationship with the other stayed on the fact that I appreciated her attraction to me and wanted not only to love himself, but some people like it, too, have, so to say, a barometer of its own popularity with the opposite sex, to determine their chances of success, their basis and potential. I расстерял in the two months of its magic feeling and lost all довеие both, because both parties, was accused of "infidelity".

DV month barren waste of their feelings, and August has put everything in its place. Something happened, something had to be. One second, gone, found the strength to leave, as I realized that I did not нравитс, and I was so unthankful, that did not consider it necessary to refuse it, and that it would be at least honest. And with Her... Her... Her everything happened at the end of this tragic love affair.

Ended up that I was sitting one August evening, almost night in the hallway outside Her door, like a beaten dog, and whined piteously, trying in such a desperate way to touch Her heart. I have had to do this, and what a damn enjoyable was the humiliation. I have had to do this before the woman, and felt ready to stoop even more, if only she would say. For this humiliation, probably, not because of the immense courage, I could then throw from the window of the door, only to hear from her a hint that it will be Her pleasure. I was ready to become a rug in front of Her door, I wanted to бытьь her beloved dog and obediently run after her on a leash, I dreamed of becoming a bodiless spirit, and be with Her always and everywhere, even when She would be alone with other men.

This, about his Great Humiliation говоил I'm with her that night. I knew I was seeing Her for the last time, that it was the Last night of my First love, I felt it, I don't know what feeling. And I cried and cried, sitting ass on the concrete floor at Its threshold, I talked to her so openly, as never been with any woman, I openly poured out Her soul, препоручая Her will pick it up, console, or crush. The faint hope that my revelations touched Her heart, opening the way in it for me, still glimmered in his dying longing in my soul, adding his sadness in the bowl, full of suffering.

Yes. It was Evening. Hurricane feelings born in the darkness in my soul and left her together with горюии tears. All the embers of hope went out. She wouldn't pick up my flower. Never touched Her and my sufferings. For Her to see them was rather funny and tedious than bitterly, and only from a sense of decency, not to offend, she gave me this, although I understood it. She picked up my Flower, but not violated it, even though I asked Her to make a choice and do It. Flower of my soul remained lying on the road dead, Yes and wilted.

After this I have many other women, but not worth of it. When This much about it, because it's different. Saw her I then several times in the city, and where she could disappear. But it was not She. And there was more in me the love that flowered once born of it. And not one string of my soul never moved at the sight of her...

But enough of that. I so much digress from the topic and you drew. Sorry.

Chapter 10.

I quite strongly fromвлекся surrendering to the memories and увлечась story about their first love. Inexcusable relief of nostalgia.

To the devil love the hell, especially the very first. She didn't have a trace in my heart. Now I, like охромыча, many friends, with whom relations have developed quite easy and simple. We have many mutual friends girls with whom you can just have fun, to go, for example, in the bar, and then to sleep with one of them without any explanations and suffering. "Why love, why suffer, because all paths lead to bed?" - isn't it a good metaphor of contemporary folk, traditional plays? A little vulgar, little ценичная and губая, as, however, and our простодушеый and simple people, but so true.

As for our girlfriends, they don't заставилисебя wait long. Not even a week has passed since the day when we took them in the cellar, and they have already arrived at the school and began to persistently call us at the checkpoint for an explanation. They were stubborn, and had to come out and explain: "Girls, we now have a very difficult time. Sorry we are inattention!"

"Girls," "hard times" interpreted in their own way. They were прожженые, "experienced", adept in relations with курсачами before acquainted with us, and knew that such a "difficult пеиод" it was typical of the majority of cadets at the approach of a release from school. For a month or two to him our brave boys, who was not lost, of course, started to tear all ties with the local female population to not will be seen from its members had never in the future. And then began the attack girls KP, fish, подкарауливания, receptions at the school of management, tears, slander, threats won floors suddenly exacerbated to the limit. In these days of school resembled a house, salvation and hope, and his management - arbitration to bring justice and trampled honor.

Only a few students not experienced difficulties communicating with the opposite sex. Their personal secret, but they have maintained good relations until the very end, until the release, demanding nothing and no обязуя, and then went quiet, peaceful and a little sad.

Two of our girls had on us Gregory, probably, certain, and therefore, when they heard from us such explanations immediately wanted to take us to the scandal. But girlfriend урезонили them, and we said, only hinting that we'll meet again. The meeting ended peacefully, we even called them to scorn, telling a few amusing anecdotes. So they parted

But not all of them were able so мироно regulate their relations. One such poor fellow fate in a city hospital, and he lay there, "sick", not paying attention to what went final exams. With triplets still to be released, and the more he didn't have to, just to get rid of pesky claims of single ladies. And, behold, it was to go visit in the hospital, learn. How is he his health, and how long he is going to "hurt".

It was a Saturday and the commander could not get the man to send him in hospitalCthe: all who отпукали in dismissal, xhotels go in its Affairs. Who hurried to the disco, who proshvyrnutsya in a bar in a pleasant company, who descend on the city beach and who just пошататься in dark corners of the city in search of adventure. So it happened that, despite their promises, the battalion commander had to let me go in the city. For me it was the only chance to escape the каенный fence of the school. I dusted himself to visit the sick, however, aware that my chances are close to zero. But me unexpectedly was released, giving, however, twice partial time dismissal, but still it was luck.

I finally broke into the city! The "patient" I spent force for fifteen minutes, a little talked with him about the latest news from the College and passing greetings from classmates. Then we parted. He, too, where the "намыливался" slip away from the Department. Now I was free, and no one and nothing could have prevented me strive to my goals.

Fortunately, hospital, where I went , it was very close to the street, where I had to get. When I got there, it was light, and from what I remember the night орогу, it was hard to find now that house.

But all the same searches have not taken a lot of time. When the light for me appeared a picture very different from the vision of me during the night. I then thought we were with the old man in some полудом, полусарай, затервшийся the undergrowth in a dense and vast and abandoned gardens. Now I with surprise found how wrong were my view. This house was a long one-storey outbuilding that adjoined the most ridiculous way to a solid wall, high-rise building, that never was noticeable at night. The garden around was not so dense and extensive, and look now, when it was illuminated by the sun's rays, rather жидковатым and rare.

Wall of the house, which adjoined the extension old manand clad in red brick, completely was deprived of Windows and ran along the streets at a hundred, and a half meters. Height it had three floors, but the lower part of the concealed from view with green street fat the trees surrounding garden plots, broken the courts приютившихс near private houses.

Meanwhile, the construction of the interested me its origin. She's been here? After all, neither to the left nor to the right was nothing like this. And here I remembered what the old man told me to come here before dark, but all the same, posts a little hesitant at the gate, I opened it and went to the annexe.

It was tightly sealed, and where, in my opinion, had to be the door, we the fan inside, was a blank wall. However, after a lengthy examination its I found a little noticeable gap, vertically прорезавшую log, and then at a distance, roughly corresponding to the width of a door, and second. They were so narrow that they could not even put a razor blade, not to mention the fact that even open them.

I walked around extension and found the shutters. But they were closed from the inside so tight, it was impossible to прикопаться.

Passed an hour, and I could not get inside. All my attempts were vain. In the end, I decided to retire, so as not to attract undue attention neither to themselves, nor to this strange house.

"Strange a house, " said I, slowly погуливаясь the city, - I can see the old man did say that I came here after dark and not совался before dark. However, where I knew what he meant. He could tell straight, blunt, but he did not. After all, he could have simply feared that the house will be interested by those to whom it is not necessary to know where it is. So, apparently, the building stands as an abandoned, and I must find out what it is. Although they are not visible, but thousands of curious eyes every day looking for, what would such learn new, to see it. And among those few who have not применет inform about what they saw something for a gain or reckless folly".

I thought with vexation that its afternoon visiting probably already brought a shadow at a wattle fence, and abused myself last words.

But now, what could I do? Wait for the dark and again to try to get inside the house of old man? But suddenly окажетсI that the old man did not die, as said to me and alive and locked my dwelling from the inside? What am I to do then? Say: "Hi!"? or immediately to run. Or to apologize for such a late visit?

I began to sweat from such assumptions, but then I thought that, strictly speaking, what have I to fear? The most terrible thing I had experienced, and hardly scare me now than it was in that house.

Well, if the old man, indeed, not lied to men? If he really died? Don't joke with such things as death?

As a result of all these reasonings hurried on my still gone, and now I could soberly weigh everything.

Before dark, and in the summer it's too late, I have not managed to stay in the city, except that again go into conflict with command a battalion. I would like now, when before the release of remains to very few time, and less of all. Therefore we had to find a legal way, придуиать something, which could extend their dismissal. Something had to be taken, and I no longer hesitate, and not breaking in vain head, went back in school, thinking: what will be will be. Crook had to escape for a night in town.

People on the streets was a gap. Fan weekend pulled out all the streets, and from this city transport was pretty busy. However, despite this, quickly got to school through half the city, a little помявшись while in the bus.

The location of the battery was only a few cadets, for various reasons, not gone on leave. A few fanatics "Seki" playing dayroom card't paying attention. Some friends from our platoon chatting in your room on different trivial topics listened магнитоон and boiled in a glass of water boiler for tea. And so everywhere else was barren, and only after a few hours barracks had наполнитьс rumble of voices came from dismissal and fissile impressions with each other cadets.

Послонявшись from room to room, looking who is, who is not, and by the way, noticing that Охромова no, I went into the office, where he was responsible officer, the commander of a platoon, and read some книжонку. It was a young Lieutenant Швабрин. He was considered "young" for all cadets of the battery, although he was already almost a year. It was, was that he was very afraid to take any independent decisions, much depended on the opinion of a battalion commander and the other officers, and therefore could not use among us prestige and respect.

Швабрин graduated from College a year ago, a few months I was in the army, and then received a call in his native monastery for the further service. There were persistent rumors that his troops "заклевали" soldiers. Yes, and would never think anything more worthy of a man. However. In dealing with students, especially those about whom he knew it not "break off" at least from a sense of decency and respect for his rank he was strained гонорист and напускал itself unnatural severity.

Lieutenant Швабрин so absorbed in reading booklet that is not noticed as I воше in the office, and I had the pleasure of watching for a few minutes even his childish face, not covered by a mask of hypocrisy and a mock seriousness.

After a slight pause at the threshold, I coughed wanting to attract his attention, but he did not notice or wouldn't just hear. Then I said:

"Comrade Lieutenant...

He looked at me as if I hinder him to do something very important.

-What are you, Yakovlev?

The worst of it was to deal with these lieutenants. Himself in the recent past, cadet, he now tried to shut oneself off, deny from your past from what he most recently was a cadet, wore the same as I am now, epaulettes, went to the dismissal and, perhaps, ran in the AWOL. In his treatment of us behaviour was in every way is unnecessary officialdom. It was evident that the role of the commander is given to him with difficulty, and all his forces are on hold as greater distance between themselves and the cadets. Therefore communicate with him was very difficult and, certainly, it is unpleasant.

But that's nothing. The trouble is that between such forms of official and the real that was in his power, there is a large distance, which he probably realized, but only stronger from it was impregnable and menacing. Besides, he himself sometimes funny it is to play its role. Man was not devoid of sense of humor, and looked at myself sometimes on the side, and then, it seemed to drift and Leah his fly out of a child's smile, treacherously подводившая it in the most inopportune moment. But checking himself, he sadness, like a cloud, and again went on the official tone, blushing, and pressing hard on "you". This is not it was painted and even hurt, потму it became ridiculous and pitiful as possible. And what he was trying to hide, very significantly and недвузначно to appear outside, and it was evident that he "green".

Due to the aforesaid, the cadets Швабрина not respected and loved, were considered with him to the extent that and gave him a number of insulting nicknames: MOP, Green, and similar. Nicknames, however, were all officers, and most innocent and even the love of a battalion commander: Vasya - such as his name was actually - but Швабрина, unlike the others, they only underlined, as it is not respected.

Not that we loved battalion commander, rather so soft nickname was given to him out of fear. Fears means respects. Mount it would be him who dared сказат about the battalion something in a violent manner: it somehow came to the senior Lieutenant of the Furrier, and he did not forgive the offender. And from Lieutenant Швабрина not depended absolutely nothing, he himself is not depended, as did only that act only as said the commander. Maybe he thought that from this cadets will respect him because he command a battalion at the same time, but his authority only lose from such лизоблюдства and from the slavish dependence on the opinion of others.

Other platoon commanders in varying degrees, of course, some more, some less, take responsibility and take independent decisions. With them you can negotiate on the mood, at least for an hour and released in dismissal, even if there are strong objections. Of course, they risked, but were not afraid that with such a fear, as Швабрин, who turned pale to death if scolded Vasya, as though the Lord God of metal in it thunders of his anger. He avoided to make independent decisions and, be sure to someone Recalling, sent to the authorities at a higher level.

As it happens this time. Швабрин listened to me, spreading his hands, said, "can't help. Want to contact the duty officer in school, want to go home to the battalion commander, but there is unlikely he will release".

Yes, really he noticed that go home to the battalion commander was useless. But all the same I followed his advice and went to the emergency at school, because more from Lieutenant Швабрина wait was nothing.

"Well wacky same is his name!" "I thought, leaving the barracks.

In the duty room sat reading the paper, thick, обрякший major, преподавательс Department of defence against weapons of mass destruction, ЗОМП, in one word. He was a fat, red face and puffed under бреенем of their weight, as раскочегаренный samovar.

On entering, I slammed the door, and the major looked at me from under his shaggy overhanging the eyes, eyebrows, then asked:

"What do you want, young man?

Pendulous cheeks with his rocked, and the dove-coloured bags under the eyes набрякли the effort with which he разговаивл.

"Wow, young man," the подмал I, aloud:

-I would dismissal, comrade major.

"Well, " nodded the horse head on duty in school, and what are you to me pinned? You Kombat is, is responsible officer in the battery. Finally, there is the commander of a platoon. With them and decide this question here. Who am I going to let you go into the dismissal? Yes and you're a little late in the dismissal was going.

The major looked at his watch, and tried to swing on the chair, but in time I came to my senses and therefore pushed off the floor only slightly, to an otherwise fragile and loose stool would not survive its carcass and went to would you try to swing on it, as once, in childhood, had done every.

"Really, what are you to him pinned?" - I asked myself, because it really was stupid, but there was nowhere to retreat and therefore I continued упрашивть major:

-Yes, you see, comrade major... In dismissal I was... But to me for a night. Release, please.

-But-of-очь? "drawled officer. -Well, then, the more is your commanders can solve this question.

He paused for a moment, but then, apparently, curiosity won.

"What is it?

-Yes, of anything, " I was seething with frustration, realizing that only spend time in vain, -the girl came to my place. From another city, and I knew it not. Just recently found уилище and called me at the checkpoint.

-Ah. Girl. From afar, you say?

-I say that from another city.

-Yes, of course it is a serious, mayor explicitly затруднялсяя anything answer me. -Well, and what did... Go tell Someone you of the officers? There is an officer responsible?

"Yes officer. But, see, he never solves nothing. Afraid of responsibility. Suddenly that wrong.

-Well, my problem? - a toad too eyes of the officer, surrounded plump, painful bags, stared at me questioningly.

He has sent me to you. Told me to go to the emergency at school, empty, he let go, if he wants to.

-Well, tell him that I authorize, on duty again взялс for a newspaper, let you let go, time such a thing.

"I don't believe a word, you call him, please, comrade major.

-All right, - agreed офиер, continuing to read the newspaper, go on, I'll call."

Thank you very much, - thanked I his.

I, of course, I wanted to call you with me, but now imposed, annoy with your presence, to vex the old, sick man was I have no need for, so I gently closed the door and went out into the corridor.

As I entered the barracks, and immediately ran into a furious Швабрина. It was obvious how snarled in anger his face, but he could not say anything to me and just silently slid a hand увольнительную note. Hiding it in my pocket, I thought anxiously: "What tomorrow will tell коимбат? So this thing he undoubtedly настучит!"

In five minutes I was already far from the school. Despite the summer long night, it was already getting dark as the sky darkened, and I thought with vexation, as still a lot of time was taken from me Швабрин.

Soon I was on the very same street where he stood Ohm old man. I got no trouble, for исклчением that now was in uniform and me twice tried to hitch a tipsy guys, wandering around the town in search ккого any evil of fun and entertainment. However, both times all ended quite peacefully, first because I didn't answered their impudence attacks in the address and, as always, to the military in General, and the second - because quickly retreated, having estimated that the chances of not in my direction.

It was already quite dark. Street looked, as in the first time, deserted and путынно. No еловека, no cats, no dog, no one. I'm the only one, if left to furnished кауфляжным landscape of a city street theatre has been on the scaffolding, when the action has ended or has not begun at all. Range quiet, empty, dead, even the dogs in the yards do not bark somehow, and crouched and, it seems that not breathe.

Some Hume street lamps emitted a dim yellow light, making all around even more unnatural, phoney. And I am one , as in the scene with ghosts: 't see anybody, but I feel the darkness вперилась at me with her eyes.

There was a silence. Not a breath of wind, not even the rustle of leaves on деревьяхне broke the silence. Through tightly closed shutters houses no ray of light did not penetrate to the outside. And was there any light in these houses? So was I вдуг in some enchanted village, where hide behind the Windows terrible ghouls and vampires?

There was мерттвое space and I am on it, outdoor, unsecured, like a target, prepared for shooting. Terribly, terribly afraid of something became me. I felt oppressed by the premonition of the encounter with the supernatural, and from this the soul полнилаь animal fear. Something was me forward, something that made me go навстреччу this unknown. I could not afford to report that the feeling would not let me turn back and was torn from tossing me in horror. But he was unable поороть what pushed me forward. And I went, not knowing how it turns out for me.

Here already appeared, and the gate to the familiar courtyard, I pushed her and was under a canopy of shade trees that obstruct their canopy of lights.

The irrational horror caused by the game my wild fantasies, then he was gone as quickly as it had appeared, and I became quite sane man.

Ahead was completely dark, she became ve thicker and thicker as my promotion at random deep into the garden.

Touch moving forward and seeing nothing, I suddenly hands felt touching the rough wooden surface log porch of the building, and after some time, guided only intuitive memories of that night, found the place on the wall, where was located the door. Here I pushed from himself, leaned on, and the door was opened, as at that time that we were with the old man. In front of me разверзся dark failure login and the hour terrible memories of bygone night came flooding back into my mind. I again became uneasy, I felt one-on-one with the unknown world, in which road almost all living things, but that пиоткрыл their secrets for me, stopping on my person of their choice.

I hesitated on the threshold, but stepped the door and was inside the house, in the dark, прорезаемой barely filters from the street lanterns.

Yellowish, ghostly and dim light from a match, coraboutBKU which at the last moment I had with me in the barracks, lit already a familiar picture a heap of rubbish and garbage, заалившие a the whole hallway or canopy, to be precise. Making his way to him, I reached deep into osteoarthritis, ассуждая about хитроумном device, наддежно opens the house for a day and doing the entrance is free at night. Of course, there is nothing difficult in it, if you have some concepts in electronics and know how to gather the drive circuits on the photocells or оточувствительных semiconductor elements switching boards and current control. It was not clear to both blocked the door, if the house trying to get the outside, and blocked whether it at all in this case? Do night access in this unusual house was free and publicly available? I don't верилос, but no распознавательных systems type of "friend or foe" on пооге I have not met. Nothing stopped me, not required nor speak, nor show, for example, palm or the pupil of the eye in electronic eyepiece decoder resolver. I entered the house freely and unhindered. But I didn't want to believe that, as soon as night come, and thus inside this house can попаст anyone who is not afraid and wants to do it. Something had to stop impertinent stranger, but what?

Lamp "die Fledermaus" caught my eye very quickly, I barely overcame a ton of junk. He kindly hanging on гвоздике, ready to please me and to light the way through the dark maze of the house. Inside his body glowed with kerosene, and I silently thanked, who prepared it for anxiety.

A little Tinker with lamp, I wick lit it, and went ahead in the wrong, rather слепящем than covering the light, emitted by it. I walked right and straight ahead, преоолев so few pass rooms, and, having estimated the approximate distance traveled with me to compare it with that long of an extension, I've identified another day, I realized that completed it and most likely'm in the building, which is adjacent.

I stood on the crossroads, because here образоввывался a corridor, from which one could go on all four sides. Rather, it was a room, but it is very big. And here I saw in the middle of her Desk, familiar table covered with a red cloth, and the details of that evening dreams surfaced in my memory one after the other.

I remembered the terrible chase and midnight conversations, his floundering over scary and unknown purpose well and wandering among the shelves filled with some books, folders and papers. Not escaped from me and other details of the adventure, and large run cold chills over my body. I was thrown into a mild chill.

I wanted to call the elders, but I was scared. The surrounding darkness гнела me, pressing his непроницаемостью, and took immense efforts to squeeze out from the throat is not what a scream, but the sound of live, a normal voice. Yes and costabout whether scream and call out? If the old man were alive, he would have found me, seeing the light керосинки.

After standing the middle of the room at the table with a red tablecloth, I remembered the direction of its flight and went back there again. Mountain обвалившейся the time shelves шкаа paper were cleared back; everything's set in order.

I opened the door leading into the well, and looked inside. Blinding, тускоый light bulb is not overclocked thickening here darkness, and I saw nothing.

PRишлось again get back to the room which I pRabout himself called the living room, and from there went remembering the road to the library, which kept the old man. In one of the ee rooms I wandered away from the old man's home. Now, having found it, I walked down the corridor and saw that thetotheir rooms are quite numerous, and everywhere it was interesting. On the shelves there was a multitude of books, what I had ever seen. Have met a lot of manuscripts. Their sheets were collected in folders, or simply stitched huge stapled or bound.

I was taken aback from such a great accumulation of books, and didn't even know where to start their viewing, and should, in General, do it. However, on every rack was an alphabetic character, and seeing those letters, decided to first see if there happens to manuscripts or books my father. As far as I remember, the old man something mentioned about my father.

When he began to understand, it noticed that the books are in alphabetical order. Names and manuscripts by author's name. Therefore, if the father and have some books they were inaccessible to me that I didn't know their names.

I took up the manuscript. In the darkness, only slightly diffused light bat, I like a mole, pottered about among the hordes of securities, running their fingers in wrinkle-proof and rushing sheets in their ranks, got from there a page or entire packs of paper covered with writing, looking at the names of the authors, if it was possible.

Finally, I pulled gently перевязанную тесемочкой tied in a bow, a thick folder and almost dropped it from her hands in astonishment, because suddenly saw at its cork their native surname. Дызание felt heart возбужжденно thumped in his chest. Finally, I've finally found it. That often, even in secret for yourself dreamed look for. The manuscript of my father. It was his trace on this earth, the fruit of his creation, his thoughts.

I woke up pride, bordering on зазнайством, and if now somebody had the imprudence to be next to me, I could not resist not to boast of him in the most obscene form. But this was not the main. Now I know that father have sent to prison just for this. Now would I know that worried, excited him, a little to penetrate into his inner world, the entrance to which was closed I already for a long time. Probably, in this manuscript was a lot of interesting and замечателного! Yes, even the fact that she ever existed, that was proof that my father was a man not only thinking and, therefore, extraordinary in our society, but also recording their thoughts, much noteworthy and it is more surprising. Agree, very few in this country people who would bother to писаниноfirst, if not associated with ихх profession, if they are not scientists, and not writers, for example.

I put it on the table lamp and put the folder to the light, and then blew her a thick layer of dust, pre-tapping her fingers over it, untied the bow, took the ribbon and saw that the manuscript does not belongs to my father. On the first page appeared to be the initials of his namesake: "Yakovlev Taras Bogdanovich". And below it and the name "Recognition and mercy."

"Also some poor fellow," he thought, with a great disappointment, and my interest in the manuscript immediately disappeared.

Sadly I tossed the folder on the floor so that she appeared from strong blow and pages someone's work rustled, scattering, scattering underfoot. My searches were protracted, but without much enthusiasm, with which started. Now I met another four одноамильца my father, and was surprised at how rich their meeting, placed in the cellar, unsuitable for long-term storage conditions that doom could be a very rare and valuable things and works fast and immediate damage and death.

Beauty services was already desperate anything to find, I have noticed a red cardboard folder, which was not on the shelf, and lay down on the floor under rack. How to get there - is unclear. I put it my lamp, and the odd thing is not even noticed.

I took off her lamp, raised, and then read in the middle Yakovlev Plato Isaakovich.

Without thinking, I decided to take her with him. Ve finally found her, this manuscript. I was excited to read it. I decided to leave this house. Today's findings I thought it was quite enough.

I left the library, taking with him except manuscripts father still a few other random. Now I walked back up the all-ткому same huge and mysterious house, holding in one hand under his arm a few plump folders, but in another front lamp "die Fledermaus", освещавшую me the way dull weak flame.

Returning dark corridors and rooms of the building, I noticed a few stairs leading up and down. Their dark failures attracted and frightened me at the same time. I was curious and scared, but for fear of getting lost, I never changed familiar way, who knows what labyrinths and xитросплетения could they make.

Soon I again found himself in the "living room", put the paper on the table and I put myself at the clock kerosene lamp. It was nearly three in the morning. "Strange, " I thought, " have I spent with papers so long?" The time flew by, as one instant, and it was almost dawn hour.

However, until the morning, there were still four Asa, and if I wish, I could do further investigation labyrinths of this of the house. I felt that in this darkness hiding from me still many undiscovered but interesting mysteries. As it was neither afraid , but I wanted to look into that hole, where I almost fell, and, most importantly, see what's on the bottom. I remembered that the old man kaki m way down and opened the door there in his wall, looking out for something in depth. I also wanted to look there.

Curiosity won out, emboldened by the fact that the time was long past midnight and близилсI dawn, and I went into the corridor, which once ran away from his night familiar. ПройдI it is quite far I come to its end, where saw a gaping black the failure of the cool down of the outgoing arch the ceiling above the staircase.

Treading on pig-iron cast stairs, probably a hundred years ago manufacturing cast designs in the form of flowers and branches with leaves, leaving винтотом right, spiral down, I found myself in raw brick hallway with unplastered walls. Brick brown brickwork, rough and poorly laid out, extinguished and without dim reflection from the lamp, and from around the darkened the already quite darkness. Raw bricks as if absorbed little light from the reed flame. I have not seen almost, but it felt like under your feet on the cement floor sprawling in all directions, 've crunched beneath my shoes are some beasts, gleaming in the light of their смолянистыми, fat-black chitin carapaces.

Find, I saw, rather, guessed at dusk slightly ahead and to the right side iron проржавевшую door, apparently, the one opened by the old man in that far, now seemed evening. By construction, it reminded repeatedly increased the valve stove-stoves: same primitive loop suspension, identical constipation-bolt same simplicity and rudeness work.

I tried to open it and strongly dirty rust. But this couldn't stop me, even though I had a reputation чистоплюем not had a good sense of soil himself in the mud. I приналег and heard piercing визжащее creaking of the несмазанных loops, echoey раскатившееся the vaults of the well and коридорчика. Its nasty, nasty and terrible echo, спугнувший silence darkness, stalled somewhere at the top.

I просунулся in black the formed hole, putting up yourself lamp.

In the bottom, so far, maybe two meters away, maybe less, I saw his reflection. There невозмутимом alone stood a black mirror of water.

The walls of the well bottom is slightly narrowed. Examining them, I found right under the door just below, may be only a few feet, in one and a half metres, output is small, with a half-meter in diameter Laza, fenced off from the top metal bars door. I bent lower and looked in there, as far as possible.

Light bulb snatched out of the dark-furred cobblestone course. I leaned down very low to the lattice, almost touching her, wanting to look deeper.

Suddenly out of the dark saw something reminding the crocodile, not a pig's snout. I shivered of consternation and surprise whole body and almost fell behind bars out the door. Something that feels like from the darkness Laza, a blowing even more, and I now навернякаувидел long, толстокожую the face of a crocodile. His small eyes sticking out of the coriaceous bags, blinded light lamp, as neither was he dim looked somewhere by lower jaw, chewing, mouth dropped open, revealing a jagged, but powerful, terrible and numerous crooked teeth-hooks.

In a daze I смотел at him, unable to move.

The creature was in the stillness for a few seconds, and then sharply метнувшись with places rushed on a lattice, taking aim, apparently, in the blinding lamp.

I recoiled from the grid, recovering himself from fright, and the crocodile flopped into the water. I thought I heard the prisoner's jaws snapped shut his mouth. Раздалсмя strong noise, water splashed. A few drops, probably, hit the glass bat, and it immediately snapped. Lamp зачадила through the cracks in the glass and after a few moments dimmed, if тже frightened by the incident.

Everything submerged into the darkness, where it was only hear плюханье at the bottom, where in the water floundering vile creature. Not wishing to tempt fate, I immediately shut the door, грохнувшую metal, closed and bolted, and falling to the ground, sat so long coming and прислушиваяь to плескам in the well. Now it was clear to me why there grille, and that said the old man, saying that I was on the verge of death.

Chapter 11.

From home I got out, when in the East already starting to crimson strip of horizon Zarya, gradually expanding to the sky. Came just in time, потоу that door just tightly shut behind me, and in the wall again n left slit reminds of its existence, like yesterday afternoon.

I do not remember how much time I sat down in the unconscious and near-unconscious. Then, when everything was groped in the dark hardly got out I went upstairs. From a strong fear even heart разболелось as I'd never ached. Just touch I found the Desk and took with him his papers: a few plump folders.

Now, when I stood on the street and breathed in the cool morning air of the city, unfortunately, only vaguely resembling fresh, it was still incredibly nice.

Many plants have not included the full power of their pipes-lamp wick, and you can enjoy at least the likeness of the virgin purity of even mildly intoxicating oxygen. Of course, it was not a village, but not the kind of atmosphere that presses in the middle of the day heavy mixtures многоччисленных emissions.

Stress gradually gone, disappeared, going down with every breath street air. Around was green, the ordinary mind with garden in a normal, незагадочном, ordinary city, and, looking at him, it was hard to believe it could be something similar at all what happened last night.

Will soon be morning, then comes the day, I go back to school. Let this promise me some trouble, possibly more, but this is a common, it is not dangerous, and therefore happy its invariability and familiarity.

Thinking so, I stood against the wall, when suddenly heard behind includes негрромкий squeaking and clank. Apparently worked some clever constipation, reacting to the sunlight, and the front door was now наддежно blocked. Yes. Be late , maybe I'm on several minutes, and сеидеть me in this house until the following night, until dark.

The arrows on my watch, moved to the seven, and I hurried to school, because again, could be late.

However, all went well. Returning without any adventures, I put the folder in my locker, quickly changed into a spare uniforms and even stood in the ranks of the platoon without delay, before announced the beginning of the morning inspection.

At the classes came up to me Охромов.

Where are you lost today the night? "he asked.

-Yes, so, in dismissal went, " I replied evasively. To share this time with his emotions I do not like.

-I've been searching, searching. Look - you in the evening there, and then hang up. Well, I think the artist, see the MOP until the morning has left! How could you have been?

-Yes well managed. We had to go, that's asked.

-Ah. Well, well done! And I you yesterday, searching, searching. Where the disappeared - Fig knows. Well, okay, what I wanted to. People dealing offer...

"You again?

-Yes, you understand, - started волноватьсI Охромов, - it's something simple. Well, quite a trifling. Do you need a couple of cake: to shower in the car half a ton of waste paper and pay us for such a simple job bешенные money: each pieces of ten.

-Yes, money crazy, " I agreed. - but I can't believe that quartered, waste paper, you can make money.

-Yes, I'll say...

-Listen, can we half a ton of cash, will you upload, that we pay so much? I asked sarcastically. -Drive to the Bank, open safes and forward - rowed shovel? You are not asked casually, where will work?

-Гллупости what you say! - outraged Охомов. -You offer, I thou...

-Something I don't like it. Maybe that's why I stupidity and say. And that should not have them movers somewhere in another place to look for, except as five minutes officers harness?

-Think, the officer found! I know - you can or cannot be. It - you do. Maybe in this case, some special secret is that other trust cannot be.

-And can we? Yes? And I'll go and разболтаю. What do you say?

-Now go, fool! Who would believe you? On my show? I say, "He is illOh, I know nothing!" And then you face наквашу I am sure I... eh, you! I tell you, as a friend, as a friend. And you? As падла last! You I didn't like it. I don't understand you, can you feel it?! I can't understand! I can't think of what you need. And it always seemed to me. We met a soul to live!

-Well you it seemed - his carping and anything could be called взбесили me, and with elaborate апломблм said, -I also thought, was...

-What? That was?

-Yes and it turned out that you're having a little card game play, and I don't know, debt have in пятнадать thousand and I don't know, friends of odd got that for scrap paper prepared in gold bathe. What strange... But I, too, it seemed.

-A fool of you and a fool, again insulted me Охромов. -Think better, you its debt buyout.

-None of your business. Himself somehow выкручусь.

-Well-well, look, we know such nimble, - Охромов turned and walked away.

After class, in the evening, the training of when nothing seemed to be no signs of a storm, was summoned combat.

Yakovlev, he said, when knocked, I entered the office and said unanswered "may I?", -Why until the morning went on leave?

-Why, comrade senior Lieutenant? I let them go.

-Who are you to let go?

-The duty to be saved.

Why on duty in school? Who has the right to let you go in?

-You... So you themselves to me yesterday released, " said I, myself feeling that sailed the boat in my paper, yeah not there.

-Comrade cadet, I let you in just two hours and on a case by order. I promised you that выпуса from the College you will no longer go to the dismissal for his misconduct? This is not to mention the fact that I still something for you to arrange it. You yesterday, taking advantage of my absence, went and complained to the shift of уилищу, поплакались that to you girl from another city came. Although the duty of the school has no right to let you go in dismissal. Not only that you have deceived one, you нахамили another officer, platoon commander. You broke воинсскую chain of command and military etiquette..

-Yes I complained, comrade senior Lieutenant, I swear. I only went, asked permission, because Швабрин...

-Comrade Lieutenant Швабин, comrade cadet!

-Yes. Because comrade Lieutenant Швабрин скащал that has no right to let me go and sent to the emergency at the училищщу.

-Well, Швабрин said is absolutely correct, but it did you never sent, you went and complained. This score not in your favor, tovandрищ cadet. Yesterday you did very huevo, - inside he said.

"Comrade senior Lieutenant, I confused and 't know what to say. In fact, I was right, wasn't lying, and I don't believe just because I'm not an officer, and student. Because Швабрин really sent me to the emergency at school and even scared to admit. Yes, I lied yesterday about girls. But what could I do, if I had whatever was to go on leave, and I couldn't go. And the girl - a very good reason and, in fact, proven not one me, and not yesterday. "Comrade senior Lieutenant, I'm going to be a... That, as soon as I'll be, you immediately нанете believe me without looking back? But what if you two officers say different things, and some of them соврет? Are you going to believe who had a higher rank, Yes? Потоу those above the title, do not lie?

-Do not confuse the gift of God with яишницей, Yakovlev. Officers rarely happens is that they lied.

-But the same happens?

"You began to talk a lot, comrade cadet. Yes, by the way, what is this girl, you were visited?

I was taken aback by his question. Just because he said that I cheated дежрного in school, and now asks. He forgot, or he conducts strange and tricky game with me in the cat-and-mouse, and I have to rush to where it turns off. However I have not made up his mind to say straight that no girl really was not, and принл new twist to the plot.

-Why do you, comrade senior Lieutenant? This is my personal life.

-I must be sure that you really came to the girl. Then maybe I'll be more lenient to you. May she writes to me that it was really you, let confirm that it really came.

"Okay, " I'm starting to think how to get out of this situation.

-But remember, Yakovlev. The girl, of course, a girl but what you did with Lieutenant Швабриным, you just won't get away. Keep this in mind.

At this time in the office went Швабрин. I turned to him:

"Comrade Lieutenant, here tell me, please, the commander of the battery, you because me yesterday sent to the emergency at school, right?

-Товрищ cadet, - imperturbably parried Швабрин, -you still have not learned to apply, as expected, the senior military rank to the officer. This is the time. And secondly, I did you yesterday sent. Not need to lie, OK?

I was furious indignation. So blatantly lie and accuse me in a lie!

-You lie, - broke down in despair my tongue, even though I knew what to say something else here the talk is useless, -you lie, comrade Lieutenant!

Швабрин blushed, became purple, then blue, like a thunderstorm.

-Puppy! screams he, as sliced pig. -Boy! How dare you! You see, what insolent! How dare you accuse his superiors, how dare you, in General, mouth here keep your!

Foam arrogance squirted from his skewed mouth to my face, however, is not scared of him furious species, because he was ready from the great annoyance at his throat.

-I'll soon be equal with you звнии, comrade Lieutenant, and then we will talk, and nothing's going to stop me fill you up.

The blood in my veins gurgling rage.

Швабрин could not utter a word. He choked with anger, panting, not knowing what to say, wider and wider its opening. His eyes tried орбиит, and they had this look, ready to grind me into powder, crush me like a bug, incinerating, destroy. From the deep concern and confusion Швабрин not even been able to take a breath. Finally, he got out a barely audible:

-Get out of here, cheeky.

-And what are you here раскомандовлись, " I replied him- I commander here aroused. He took me and let go, if it will be necessary.

-Get out!!!

I did not expect that Швабрин so quickly and deftly did to me, to deploy shoulder and put the door of the office.

Orderly, standing at the bedside table next to the office, dumbfounded looked at me. In the corridor there were several people gathered in front of the Chancellery, attracted by the screams from there and listened to what happens there, talking to each other and sharing their thoughts.

Goat! - I hissed through clenched teeth. It was everything I could to reassure himself, to pick up. And not to rush back to the office, to give to the offender, despite the fact that there were officers ' epaulettes. Church in the veins of all was fair indignation and anger.

The next day I took up дневальным battery. Outfit out оереди I announced combat. "Rude with senior military rank and attempt of deception", so read the wording announced I punishment.

It's sad when to release a few weeks, just a few days, you can say, and over you like that continue to make fun and not having learned to regard you as a person. Put "on the nightstand" as паршивогоо jerk, and even неправедливому поклепу.

In the evening for me again подрулил Охромов. I at that time was on the nightstand" in пресквернейшем mood, besides, sensing the weakness and laziness in the whole body.

-Well, what do you want to go? - he asked me as if have decided взт me out or still not understood, that I do not wish to participate in his case.

-Listen, get the shit to hell, until I sent you away, " quipped I am from him, as nuisance.

"But-but, whoa, - brushed me Охромов. -You watch your mouth! Mean change my mind? Well, look. I know that all the same to me прибежишь. But just because it may be too late. We irreplaceable people, as we know, no.

Wali, get out of here, I repeated.

Охромов left.

After lights out, as soon as I left the responsible officer, I slipped "with bedside tables" and went to my room to make out, as should their trophies.

I took the manuscript from bedside tables, I looked through them, read the title, where they were asked the dates of writing. Nearby points of I бросилас in the eyes of the date of one of them - 1778. And the name she was interesting: "Magic, black and white". And next was the inscription in quotes "translation". Снаала I don't really noticed it, and only later did I realize what a valuable thing I got.

I again found the book and opened it. Written on it was the old Russian alphabet, what is used in the beginning of the century, and which I knew only from the movies, where there was a newsreel of those years. There was a lot of words meaning of which I could not understand, but in the whole manuscript barely read it was possible. I loved that, although its text was really handwritten, all the letters were beautiful, as if each of them вырисовывали, as an individual, as in this book was not a million or even more, but a few dozen. I was hard work and diligence of the text and performer tou incredible work that was invested in each line of the book. "But whether it was to try both? - I thought. -And for what?"

Tossed n hand "Magic...", I appreciated it weight exceeded three килограма exactly and began to realise how much can cost now a book on the black market. Were rabid money. Of course, we had to go to the swap meet somewhere in the capital, in Moscow or St Petersburg, where, surely, you can find a good buyer. Knowing this book a lot about, and, if not hinder the back of the head to sell there its thousand for ten or more, especially if you run afoul of foreign collector, whose "head" certainly does. The local crowd is not worth it and go to: here was hanging out just one кугутня village, and in addition to the stuff does no one cares. Except that the dealer sometimes наедет, but, needs, needs and умотает in the capital with nothing.

Of course, without a specialist who knows the value of such things, here you can easily get found myself stumped and bad bargain. After all, this rare copy of a handwritten books may be the only preserved. A lot of the hand you will not write, Yes, moreover with such diligence. I suppose, clerk spent half my life over one this book прокорпел. Besides, it is possible that this book belonged to Peru some famous person. According to my раскидкам and assumptions, if it was really so, then the book was almost priceless. And if she still has not been published... From мелькнувшей before my eyes figures dizzy.

Of course, in the Union of such кигу publish almost impossible. Except that in the last times of chaos and disorder, подлившегося some decade, this one could think of. But if this экземплярчик to smuggle abroad and sell any publisher or frequent collection, that is even better. Handwritten original ненапечатнной books! This gold mine in a society where everything is sold and bought all, rutoOh enterprising person.

My friends, roommates were not asleep. Zhorik Плевый (funny surname, gives Odessa, isn't it?) enthusiastically read some кигу. Roma Kudryavtsev was preparing to buthnomu похождению familiar girl, to which he had been frequenting even now, when everything is more or less sensible of his fellow students tried with "quit". Together with him wore a tracksuit and Maxim Savchenko. However, where he was, it was not known to anyone in the battery. They went about their business, and I am his: hital manuscript. And suddenly, for a second, I pulled away from her, he noticed that all three of them look at me ошарашенными eyes.

"Listen, man, " said George, " you hair stand on end. What are you? Huh?!

And the next thing I knew, as they all were at my bed and began to examine my trophies.

I didn't like it. But only a minute later, I could say clearly:

-Uh-uh, you, Fig, friends.

I became one after another push them away your bed, but they came back.

-Why not show it? in an offended tone, and said indignantly Savchenko, then everything went first and then added. "Nonsense!"

And first threw me on toRovat thick Talmud:

-In, choke on it!

-No, рабята, what are you?! - one by one, they returned my folders and paper. -Look, please. Only... it is things Museum understand, relics, one can say. Them to me for several days gave a read - justified, I have to return the location of the comrades.

-Who is this guy gave you the Museum values are read? remarked Zhora.

-One friend. She is working in the Museum.

-Yeah. Probably, things dear, these books? continued Zhorik.

"Probably, " I said.

-And she is not afraid that something might happen, and it will have to answer for themhto use? Her for it, probably, head отвинтят.

-Afraid. So why I say: be careful not cut. And you're down, as with the hungry of the region.

-None of your paper рвать and not going, " said Maxim Savchenko. Look wanted. You: well, you Fig, well you to Fig... Business as door.

-Yes, look, please, who do you not? I continued to make excuses.

-And the hell with you with its Museum of nonsense; - roll waved to the Maxim in my direction and pulling on the go sports trousers, examining themselves and brushing them from adhered pieces of fibres and dust, and left the room.

Roma Kudryavtsev, least of all заинетересовавшийся my "Museum nonsense," walked right behind him.

-Okay! All this is nonsense and the little things in life, summed up the altercation George, " but tell me, please, what you have hair on his head moved, and? I've never seen anything like it.

-And you have to read, " said I to him, " what is written here, then you зашевеляться.

-Yah? "he wondered. -And there is written about you?

-You want to read?

-Read it, " he agreed.

I opened the first available page and, stumbling over each word, read him a few pages from подвернувшейся, as the head of "Mobilizing the Devil".

-Well, how scary? I asked егоо after.

-Well, you know, not so much to so violently реагировть, betrayed your resume Zhorik and turned in his book he read before.

-Well, okay! - falsely уязвленны voice I ended the conversation, and, deciding not to try the patience of fate, he summoned all his books and положл them back in the cupboard.

At night I overcame unusually deep sleep. My shift fell on the second half of the night. My companion awakened me, awakened, Yes not добудил, as follows, and without awakening finally, I fell asleep again. Yes, and from what was to happen: the impact of sleepless nights.

The morning came to the barracks for inspection carrying outfit service our morale officer of the division. It was a great surprise, because we have long ago no one checked. And he found the outfit completely asleep.

Zampolit woke duty battery, and he raised us, then he numbered the people in the rooms. It turned out that there is no place to nine people. The zampolit was not long to understand, raise замкомвзводов, find out who did not night in the barracks, but simply saying duty: "You see, Sergeant, misses nine people! Morning report battalion commander, who was excommunicated", - turned and went back to bed home.

In the morning the commander was, of course, furious. Now, just before the release, so terrible spot formed on the reputation of our battery, only-only began straightening things with discipline.

We took off the dress and together with самовольщикми put before a battle. They gathered together the entire division.

-Here, look at that!" - разгоряченно said, almost shouting, взмахиивая hands in our стоону, комнадир division. Future lieutenants, this future officers, in the future, the platoon commanders, through nearly two months to come to the troops, will command and require them to be subject to it! You me, товрищи cadets standing here in the line, sorry, of course but I will answer this оболтусам briefly and simply, in Russian: fuck you guys...

Then he spoke about something about abstract concepts is about remembering the military honour and giving examples from life and the Charter, waving at us in front of the faces and splashing in all directions angry saliva, but finished his accusatory eloquent tirade quite prosaic and humdrum:

-Shame, shame such cadets. They will be severely punished. The commander of the battery with the day of dismissal in the battery to stop, I mean in the night and weekend, on a system of batteries, swept the murmur of indignation and discontent. "Yes, " replied the commander of the division, отвеччая on this buzz cadet of the vote-and on Saturdays and holidays, well, the holidays we had not planned, but on holidays too, dismissal for your battery reduced to a minimum. I did say how many people can go away. You understand, comrade commander of the battery?

"Yes, comrade Colonel, " replied senior Lieutenant Лshoemakerн.

-Behold, very well. Outfit standing tonight and allowed unauthorized отлучку punish, comrade senior Lieutenant, with the greatest severity. Of course, the worst distribution to them, this is it, nine and along!

And here we were in the office of the commander of the battery, with drooping head and listening to the General part of the notation. Listen to accusations it was unpleasant, but the main thing was yet to come: the commander will speak with each separately, one by one, and him only shall say what punishment he applies to him or come up with then. And there hold on!

And so it happened. After a General notation, senior Lieutenant Лshoemakerн expelled us from the office of the in the corridor and then one began to appear. This was the procedure, щекочущая nerves. Everyone went away silently, scowling, and so withdrew. Avoiding to answer questions not yet experienced, and the commander, not letting herself, immediately caused the next.

Now it's my turn to go into the office. The commander sat, sitting back in his padded chair, holding out his legs, throwing one arm over the back of the seat, and the second holding a cigarette burning. All kind of it was to inspire setting, probably, that he's a cat, and the one who comes, a mouse caught in his paws, and now he is going to with this mouse to play, until you get tired and sweat Ohm throw away, throw it, wrinkled and полудохлую out.

For me, however. the pose of the battalion of special impression is not made, because to lose something to me especially, unlike the others, was something and nothing. All that was possible to lose, I have lost and now he was calm, like a boa constrictor.

Kombat, inидимо, noticed that his posture for me not too convincing, and therefore, probably, started from afar. Although, perhaps, he won't notice, and I just had overestimated his ability to understand people.

Yakovlev, don't you think that you lately I strongly примелькался? he asked with a sly and evil eyes narrowed, and the second looking at the brought a cigarette in his mouth, and making a deep puff.

'I think, ' replied I, for some reason, though not wanted to answer, and my head was down by itself. Perhaps Imалодушничал, and it was not in my favor.

-So I think so, " replied the commander. -Erase. First, you were the midnight. You seem then ran AWOL or not returned in time of dismissal, - it doesn't matter, because your командирои platoon was waiting for you almost until morning. Times? Times! Then you invented a woman, deceived the duty of the school that you in good fathers, the choice Lieutenant Швабрину, who is not like you let go, and quite rightly, put him in an awkward position the same duty officer at the school, making it what is called a fool, then went on leave for the night, hotI duty of the school has no right to allow you dismissal. To release you can only battery commander or platoon, but not always, well, in very extreme cases, when desperately need, and the responsible officer, which remains in the battery but again, if he deems necessary. Lieutenant Швабрин not consider it necessary to let you go in dismissal so you went to him to complain to, and to whom?! The emergency at school! This is ridiculous! But still, that's two.

Лshoemakerн twisted second pale and her hand holding the cigarette.

-I never went to complain, comrade senior Lieutenant, " I said again what had once explained to him, but to no avail-and Lieutenant Швбрин himself was sent to the emergency at school because, as he put it, can't let go of me in dismissal.

"Shut up, Yakovlev, quiet, interrupted me commander, -I'm not talking about the fact that, by law, you're supposed to because you're late of dismissal, as well as for unauthorized отлучку, held criminally liable, not stand here in front of me and apologized. We are accustomed to playing at spillikins, all the children you believe, and for a long time already required by law to ask. Earned term IDN Motel him, and no talking. Then would immediately and discipline the other became, and violators would be very little, because half would be planted, and the second would calm down, glancing at first. We'll all regret it! Why, soldiers all the same: people on the officers came to learn, have chosen a difficult profession, and their planting! And to plant, because the oath you have taken, and pledged not to violate. You all here are a conscripts. Immediate Noah! That is, the same soldiers. And come here mainly not after the army, and with the citizen, after school, from the mother's skirts. We are with you here цацкаемся, Yes that's the end of the same слюнтяями came, and most выпрускается... Well, okay! Stand you in the dress отбываешь, so to say, a punishment from the commander of the battery. And in the same outfit asleep himself and admit nursing people of the barracks, that should, on the contrary, prevent! Three!.. You see, how many have you done Affairs, just in the last two weeks?! And it's good that in three NIS whom nothing had happened! And I would have to go to prison on duty in the first place, and maybe I am, but I would not sit! I would like you, cattle, then just be killed, that's all! It would be even beyond that sit!

In the office there was another awkward silence. I was uncomfortable, and I didn't know where to go from his sight.

Why the silence, Yakovlev? wearily suddenly asked the commander.

-And what can I say? - I asked.

"Indeed," quite thesame apologetically agreed senior Lieutenant Лshoemakerн, with you everything is clear.

He hesitated for a moment, making a couple of deep puffs, thought, looking somewhere past me, and then said:

-Well, what blood you I drank enough for these four years. I have nothing more I forget. You'll try also not to forget, moreover, that time is not so much left to me sclerosis came clear to you?!.. Well, now go.

I was crushed and broken, as if I drove all night water. With dress me. Of course was removed and sent half asleep in class. Well, that was self-preparation for state exams, and I immediately went to sleep on the last row. The conscience has not been able to overcome sleep.

Chapter 12.

What you promised me Kombat, happened very quickly. Even 't have to wait long.

In the morning me attire was removed, and in the afternoon I was standing in the office in front command a battalion.

Yakovlev, and where your bayonet? his question threw me in bewilderment.

-Where? 't understand I have a trick that I was prepared. "I gave it to a new duty battery, Sergeant Slutsky.

-Not щнаю, I don't know. Thy bayonet-knife in the Armoury room no. And he's not written off. Follow his search.

-Yes, but I gave it to his new duty battery, I said.

-Where it is fixed? Where an entry in the book of reception and delivery of weapons, that you own a bayonet returned?

-Nowhere else. I just gave up, because in a hurry to class, " I said, starting to think where tends to combat. -New dress didn't have weapons, and they asked bayonet-knives with us.

"And you gave her a knife?

-Yes, he gave, and how

-Well, here's what he gave, and come back. Go, look for where you want. your bayonet-knife no dress, no oruzheyka. He's not written off.

He paused and added, officially:

-Go seek, comrade cadet, think where he might be. Time I give you until tomorrow morning. Tomorrow I'm writing the report to appoint an investigation if a knife is not found and you will pay moreover, according to the order of mMinister of defense, remember ноер order?.. Now, according to that order, you will be charged the tenfold value for the loss of weapons.

"Why, comrade senior Lieutenant? - I protested.

-Yes, because you got it under a list, you must have been under a list to pass. You have not. And then you say that someone is guilty. Blame but you and your personal carelessness.

-Well, ask the officer on duty, comrade senior Lieutenant, ask duty battery, handed him I bayonet or not was taking. He will confirm that I gave him a bayonet this damned give.

-Here there and deny it. I asked him. He knows nothing.

-As so, I gave him?!

I don't know. Sort it out with him. And I VMS task set. Do you understand me?

He looked at me a long look, which was not a drop of sympathy, but it was well hidden malicious joy.

I got out of канцеларии and immediately met Sergeant Slutsk, who gave his bayonet-knife

-Listen, - I said to him, I'll in the morning gave a bayonet. You don't know where he is now?

-You give me nothing left, " replied Slutsk and I was immediately confused his "I". At the end of hетвертого course none ержант not applied for a student to "you", as well as the back. And here - for you, a few hours ago, when we passed him the outfit, he spoke very differently.

-As it is not the left? - I was amazed.

-And that's it! All have put a bayonet-knives into the pyramid, and you come?

"Well, it was my bayonet-knife put in the pyramid for me? Is it really that hard to do, even more so. That I wear with his left.

-I have other things to do much. Onbefore it was all weapons are counted, the order of the show. That to me only, what with your bayonet run? You even didn't tell anyone, no one warned, where you threw it away

"Yeah, already "you". Much better," I thought. I couldn't shake the feeling that he knows where my a bayonet, but he, because he was warned and intimidated. Rather, warned and intimidated. And it's probably the work of the battalion.

"It's strange, how come you took outfit with a lack of one bayonet-knife and not reported to the battalion commander?

-I say, time for me, running, collecting bayonet knives your. Who has come and passed himself, I wrote off. Are you in the hearth of themal that will take your bayonet-knife after class, when you come to the barracks.

-Yes, but why do you then decided that I was lost and reported to the battalion commander?

My question explicitly caught him off guard. He did not know that same to me to answer, and then suddenly gave:

-Listen, or rather, listen, comrade cadet, stop, first фамильярничать, and, secondly, get away with their гллупыми issues. I have a bayonet your not take it, it did not lose. You have lost themselves and seek.

I realized that to speak with him, to no avail.

-Listen, Slutsk, the resentment and anger spoke in me, if I ever know that you're involved in the disappearance of the bayonet-knife, then you'll be sorry. I then you from under the earth get it!

Slutsk not taken my call, though one tone of my voice was worth it to try to fill me in the face, and especially that he was not flimsy.

I turned around and went to look for the missing, hot was firmly convinced that he had long rests in the safe at комнадира battery, taken advantage of my небдительностью. He promised to take revenge on me, that's his revenge.

Naturally, that search for my no results, although I, just in case, searched the whole room. In vain I looked into all the corners, under cabinets, vain sought and under the pyramids for weapons, and in the nightstand дневального, still hoping that the LDI not so cowardly and low as I think about them.

On other people's rooms I watch did not dare: perhaps it will seem ridiculous, but I was afraid that I might write some more and theft, if омбат and Slutsk, and he was probably conjointly vile "six", see me there and compute for me and adjust such козню. Hit upon the same walk off I-bayonet! Well, okay, my loss I paid, but if you make me a thief in the eyes of the whole battery, it will be a thousand times worse. Scat it, this bayonet-knife!"

Che more I thought, recalled the events of the morning, the stronger became strong in the opinion that everything happened for a reason and this attempt to annoy me, teach him a lesson. The duty does not know where the bayonet, дневальные (its the same like the boys!) my questions answer something невразумителное, and so it reluctantly, carelessly, but at the same time, apologetically, and generally try to be silent.

When the thought that I can't cheated, has become stronger in me completely then I began to realise that I do now.

First I tried to get instead of the lost another bayonet-knife. But поспрашивав the comrades understood, this almost impossible. We had to pay too and a lot of money.

Lead me my friends on one warrant officer, who could продат me a bayonet, but a hundred roubles, that he has requested, I was not in sight. He said that in College I cheaper bayonet-knife won't buy, so until he changed his mind, we should take from him. But I refused, and prapor said that I didn to him on this issue обращалс, but the one who sent me, and he knows who it is, he "good embeds the Mord to not popped anyone.

Still, probably I should by any hook or by crook take the money and buy it from this bayonet, because, indeed, anywhere else in the whole school, it was impossible to get a similar thing. But in my душонке still glimmered still дурацка hope for a miracle, that a bayonet there or there would be, that would save my position.

There was another withоломинкка, for which I really wanted to cling to. Slutsk, помнитс, said, I am not passed the bayonet, and the rest allegedly returned and surrendered their arms, personally. And if it was wrong, it was to try to unleash Slutsk on this fact and make confess where gone weapons, улиив him of lying and pressing, as it should be. Then I can and VA-Bank to go, at all, to tell him where he was gone "knife", not even hint and put as the fact that he had a battalion commander and not without his help.

Wasting no time, I quickly found one after another duty and дневального standing with me. And what was I, when I heard from both the affirmative. Both claimed they had passed the weapon in a pyramid. Evidently someone found before me...

From them I learned that they were called after the first couple of hours in battery, [they gave up their weapons in a pyramid. Moreover, each separately, and one other't see and know that he too came to the barracks.

Therefore, caused them, and I have forgotten? Turned out very interesting. Seemed several questions at once. I long thought how to turn these facts in their favor, but I could not think of. Wanted was to approach the Slutsky and ask why he caused to surrender their weapons, and forgot me. But I thought I thought real hard, and decided not to do that: still won't prove anything. The commander knows how to spin things so famously, that no dogs are not подкопает, mosquito nose is not undermine.

I spit on all and decided: whether that be.

So two days passed. No I didn't touch, as if nothing had happened. Nothing unusual for this time not happened, except that I had no laziness crappy state of mind, engaged in further reverence manuscripts taken from the house of the old man, and once again proved that the manuscripts were very valuable, as far as I allowed to judge my erudition and knowledge of the history and the world of books.

Instances caught me in the hand were the original, unusual and probably unique. I had never read. Ancient manuscripts were given to me with difficulty. But take a book of my father: uncommon thought необыные views on things that constantly served us abundantly зацементированные dogma of an official science, look at our life as if from the side, from behind a hill that is called, sober philosophical judgments were all for me fresh, unusual, fascinating, interesting. Unbelievable, but that I would not force and clubbed to read in our textbooks on philosophy and Durga Sciences social science, this book I read in one gulp and with incredible delight. Although, of course, the share of euphoria was and that it was not someone to be the manuscript, and my father's work.

Another very заинтересовавшая me manuscript called "Magic, black and white", which describes a hair stood on end, was done terribly, terribly were to believe that this is indeed the case, but the credibility of the narrative forced to believe that it's true. In the first Asti book described the various ways in collusion with evil spirits, the use of impure force DL achieve their goals, and in the second, on the contrary, the methods of protection from it and run a divine force. Needless to say, that modern man all these descriptions seem tales, however, why did someone read my hair rose дыбком and it was terrible night even go to the toilet, where, as usual, did no one bulb.

I am very заинтерессовался got me manuscripts, but read them interfered with bad handwriting and lack of time: to school to take these papers I feared due to excessive любопытствамоих classmates and read them on here, a little before the night and after, well after midnight.

So spent two days full of the joy of communicating with the wonderful creations of human hands. But despite this grace and peace be delivered reading things such unusual, deep down somewhere stabbed, копошилс, not угоманивался worm's concern for the lost weapon. Premonition of trouble and distress heavy stone lay on the heart.

Feelings, intuition is not deceive me. About me again remembered.

On the third day, after lunch, I was again summoned the battery commander.

-Rent, comrade cadet, read and sign below, that you have read and familiarized he said to me, flinging it across the table several bonded sheets standard paper, written in small, close handwriting.

I took the paper, and as to read them, a feeling of frustration and resentment from нессправедливости more and more overcome with me. From a huge injustice towards me from the commander of the battery eyes filled with tears, and her breath at all сперло.

These were the materials of the investigation, held on the occasion of the loss of me bayonet-knife. It stated the following:

"on June 17 cadet Yakovlev when changing the dress was lost received a bayonet. The investigation found that the weapons cadet Yakovlev lost in the power of personal недисциплинировнности and irresponsibility. Bayonet for the number 357 not been commissioned received his cadet Yakovlev to the Armory or transferred to a new duty under the painting, which дневальным battery cadet Yakovlev created the preconditions for the loss of a bayonet-knife...

I think that all responsibility for the loss of weapons lies on an Yakovlev, and propose to pay damages государсству, arising out of the loss, with a ratio of ten at his expense...

The battery commander senior l-t Лshoemakerн."

Below already stood resolution наальника school:

"Given Yakovlev material damages for lost bayonet-knife using кратноти ten in the amount of 179 roubles, 20 kopecks возмесстить bayonet N 357 written off the books of material resources accounting Department.

Head of the College major General Долговязов."

One hundred and seventy-nine rubles! I was taken aback. Where can I взяь such money? And it's still to the considerable debts that I already have before ссокурсниками. For me it was crushing a blow to the solar plexus in most поддыхло. Now I never exactly already tono not escape was out of debt. The miracle does not happen, Yes this would be expected if to think soberly.

I read already written on several standard sheets of but still standing and stared at them, unable to believe, what happened.

-Examined, Yakovlev? Then расписывайся and hurry, I do not have much time to deal here with you half an hour.

The words of the battalion brought me out of my torpor.

"But, comrade senior Lieutenant, where I will take this money? I asked, finally.

-I do not know. It is not my business. Probably will be deducted from your prom payday.

"But I then almost nothing to get on release!

-But why? Half and even more of your lifting you'll do well.

But I have a big debt, comrade senior Lieutenant. If that happens, then I will have to отдат all my money, and I'll stay by the debtor. I am very расситывал at the graduation fee. What should I do now?

-I do not know, comrade cadet. Both lost a bayonet, and pay the Piper. He also costs money. Who is to blame that you lost it? And numberь managed to lose, you learn and settled.

-Yes, but worth something and he is not one hundred seventy-nine rubles! Why should I pay for it in ten times more, eat it really worth it? After all, almost two hundred turns out! Why?

-Don't you know the order of the Minister of defense for the loss of the weapon, its value shall be compensated in the tenfold size?

-I don't know, frankly I lied, hoping to get their hands a little зацепочку, for which you could be able to keep.

-Very sad. And that is a future officer! How do you people something to command? Have all порастащат, попродают, if you do not know such simple things. And, by the way, the order of this years, probably as much as you, and even more will be. Now, if you don't know, I bring you again. There is such order of the Minister of defense, he called the number, according to which for the loss of weapons of personal discipline guilty pays its cost tenfold. That happened. It is clear to you or not?

He made a deep puff and released the smoke in my direction, smiled indulgently.

-But isn't it squandered or propyl? I passed it to the battery.

-Who saw it? - asked the commander.

-The duty...

-The duty? And still?


-Ha-ha-ha, " laughed the commander, Yakovlev, you already adult guy, two dozens of years already, and say such nonsense, justified only пятиклашке some and then двоешнику round. Don't you know that for any доказательтва need have we of witnesses? Do you think that the duty recognizes that you handed him a knife? I deeply doubt about. Then, is it to pay for weapons придетс him. Why do you need this? Who hunting bills? We are all smart, all want at the expense of others, нахалявку. Here and go get the he admitted that he took you a bayonet. Pay-something he did not want to.

-I also do not want, but what?..

-So are you, " smiled combat almost comradely, almost familiar, " you're quite another matter. You're lost a bayonet signed? You and pay. Lose it though cadet DOE, which you gave revile him, the answer you. That is the law of life.

He paused and затнулся, пригубив cigarette.

-Well, all! Signed? - asked then. -Now go, and do not bother me work. I also have in addition to your other things.

The commander leaned over the table and зачеркал a pen on paper, drawing his hasty small hand and making it clear to me that the conversation between us is over.

-I have not yet signed, comrade senior Lieutenant, I asked him again.

-Well, расписывайся, " he said, not raising his head.

-And if I don't рсписываться, what then? - I asked the caller question.

'Nothing, ' replied the senior Lieutenant Лshoemakerн, just that I know that I am dealing with a coward and a scoundrel who is afraid to answer for his actions. And on the course of your work painting absolutely no effect.

-Why did they sign? - I wondered.

-Supposed to, sign that I have read.

I put his scrawl the materials of the investigation, put the paper on the table battalion commander and he wanted was to get out as then his voice stopped me:

"Wait, " he said, looking at the paper above his paintings write: "With the materials of the investigation familiar"and below that put his name...

The building before dinner, our commanders decided to gather a battery that last time was a rarity, because it went to production, and they allowed themselves to relax a little.

Collect our battery accounted for about twenty minutes, and it does not show that the underground warning system was clearly organized else since the mid - end of the third year. Someone summoned by telephone from just met their girlfriends and wives, and for someone and had to run to the city. "Excuse", as always, had iron: sat in the farthest corner of the uchilishchnoj libraries for the flower of a spreading palm trees, and did not Mogi find, or went to practice outdoor sports ground, then lay down in the grass on the obstacle course and fell asleep too long could not find.

But somehow, go twenty minutes battery actually built.

By the way, and officers have not asked sternly, as before, and looked at so significant delays through his fingers.

When all the battery was built, is completed and verified by the number of people, the commander called me out and вывев the middle, addressed the cadets:

-As you know, товрищи cadets, this friend a few days ago was on duty that ноью slept and made care of the division самовольщиков. For this he will be punished. But this same cadet, this обормот - I it differently and can't name is lost when you change with the attire of his bayonet. Find it failed. Наальник уилища ordered an investigation. Found the weapons lost in the power of negligent handling of a cadet Yakovleva, that is, that's it, - he pointed in my direction, negligent treatment. The investigation is finished. With comrade Yakovlev will be retained by the tenfold value of weapons. It's almost two hundred rubles! I advise you to consider an example of your friend and be careful when handling weapons, подмать about the attitude to preservation and conservation. I think that two hundred extra rubles nobody does. soon you will be issued. The state will pay you a certain, fairly large sum of money. Now, comrade Yakovlev their money will not receive fully, as if he wanted to. See that someone has not happened yet the same...

After dinner I lay down on the bed, broken and humiliated. Not even lay - collapsed, like the spot. The mood was so пршивое that did not want to live. Die, that's all!

None of roommates not paying attention to me. On the one hand, and rightly so, because the word here were алоутешительны, but on the other... on The other hand wanted to horror d-the understanding of the sight of someone's sympathy, friendly words of comfort, even attempted to ease my suffering. No one has found the courage to come up to me and say at least one word at least a hand on my shoulder put.

Zhora Плевый read his book. At dinner he pontificated поинтересовлся: "How so?", I only indifferently waved his hand. Roma Kudryavtsev fled together with other football fans to play on the nearest school stadium, located directly next door. Maxim Savchenko tinkered with some радиосхемой, poking at her soldering iron. He was a master of this. When after the third year we moved from barracks in полуказарменное hostel, he proposed to make the system to disable the lights and electrical appliances in our room, when the door opened to after lights out, you could read, listen to a tape recorder and other forbidden things. Invented himself, he offered himself, and made all three of us just helped him in this.

I bwas not able to force myself to heat any. Brutal, heavy melancholy attacked me. All my thoughts were about where to get money now. But thinking was difficult, thoughts flowed slowly, malleablee, confused, mixed with one доугой, either as self-adhesive resin.

I popытался count how much I now must in General, but could not. Memory like a отшибло. Nao be looking for the little red notebook, lost somewhere in my nightstand among notebooks and things. I already stood up, was to pursue his search for, something to distract, but felt clearly that there is no longer any force, and collapsed back onto the bed.

In no way wanted me to my previous debts to attribute these hundred сеьдесять nine rubles, take them into account. I thought about this unfair guessed understood, felt that I coarsely tricked... had to prove their case. But how?

The first thing you have to look referred to command a battalion order, go to the military part of the school, to ask, to read, to understand correctly me applied factor of ten. I казаллось, I shall not pay such a large sum for accidental loss bayonet-knife.

But the search for and study of the request, you should have much time. And the day when the departments of management of the school, we also have classes, it's hard to leave, especially me, and, especially, after all that has happened, and in the evening when I have free time was, Stroyev has already been closed.

But well, make time to take the order it was still possible. But then prove that you're right, that you have been treated unfairly, this time might not be enough. Yes, and it is unknown if I could prove their case or not, but time has already been lost. And now we must act was sure. Otherwise the consequences threatened the life sad and unpredictable, but in any case, ниего good I do not сулящими. Generally, it was amazing as it took me the money has not yet seen the last of me, and while not very concerned, because it was nearing release, and, apparently, I was undeniable bankrupt.

In the evening, before the retreat, I still found the strength get up and go wash. In the corridor I met Охромов. He with злорадной joy and solemnity smiling, without any hesitation in all mouth commercials гонористо asked: "Well, semi-chill?!"

His insolent, unduly appeal led me into the feeling. Somewhere even took power angry and I thought, "Now you get to was very pleased. The mwas an accident and he зубоскалит, сволоht. Now, as'm hurting in your face!"

But врезать I he does not hit and just kept silent.

Seeing that the call fails, Охромов diminished the rudeness voice by asking the already friendly:

You don't здороваешься?

I was distasteful to him speak, all the more reason for any issues, but I spoke, смалодушничал, probably.

-I do not want to speak with you.


-I do not know, do not want - all...

Strangely, we are with you such корешами were...

"Hey, how much you fool прикидыватся how much can be with you to talk about it? What is past is past. And, besides, I did not know much about you.

-What is it you did not know? - the tone of voice Охромова again began with a sarcastic. -That playing a game of cards? So, trust me, it's the little things in life, of which no normal person would do such a tragedy, what you played. I only tried to earn money. No one is not prohibited. Гулали we're together, sharing all the pleasures of life. Knowledgehit, you friend, comrade and brother.

-If you were the friend, not grinning when I have the misfortune, not злорадствовал would, as you have just done.

"I don't злорадствую, - started to make excuses Grishka, - where do you see, hI злорадсствую? I just remembered one the phrase that you said a few days ago.

-What such a phrase? I asked, and my voice sounded notes of hostility that Охромов caught and began to behave even more guilty.

Do you not remember that? he said almost whined. -But I you said, " You'll be coming back to me!"

-Well, and what's so funny you found this phrase?

"Nothing. Just funny that you really me you'll come back. Even if not today, then the other day. You yourself подойдеш to me and refuse to participate in the proposed me because you need money, you unaffordable debts that you are not able to pay otherwise. And now a bayonet this added there. Also a tidy sum.

-It might be you stole my bayonet? - I did with anger ridiculous assumption.

-Can, and I quietly replied Охромов.

I took a step forward. In me all заклокотало from anger, however, somewhere in the depths of the furious consciousness throb слбенька, almost crushed the spreading wave of emotion, but a sober thought that he is'm probably playing and, jollying, continues to make fun of my misfortune.

Seeing that I have absolutely no no mood to joke with him, Охромов tried to besiege me, попятившис слегк ago.

-Yes you calm down! Can I, can - and not I, who knows. This is covered in obscurity. And hardly anyone докопается here to the essence and truth, " he said, making a back step by step. -Calm down!

But I was not planning as раздразненная dog, which catches the man without a reason and only because he sees that two-legged afraid of her.

-You know, it is quite possible that you did not I stayed, -you don't need me to come back and this is a good bait your hook size.

-Конено agreed Охромов, but you know... would it be better to speak... to do this, one must be a man of far-sighted and far-sighted. Yes, and besides, when you took off the dress, I was already in the classroom. You understand? I just couldn't do it.

Retreating, Охромов уперс the wall. Further retreat was nowhere to go.

-I do not know, " I continued, my thought. "Maybe you are a visionary, you may be dodgy. If you thought of playing cards with some бандюгами, why don't you make such an innocent villainy. Oh, подумаеш, bayonet-knife stolen, right? It's no problem, so time to spit.

I came close to him.

-Well, okay, okay you! Let's resolve the issue amicably.

"How's that? - I was surprised that Охромов went back on their word and, and, so quickly.

"You probably want to I participated in your business? I asked, for the sake of taunts.

"Exactly, " replied Охромов with artless joy in his voice, what to expect from him was the least.

"Yes-other, of course, you could think of. Well, I think.

"Think, think - on the face of Охромова delineated unconcealed joy. -I know that you still agree: nowhere to run. I'm no offense to say. Simply is the truth of life, and we should blame ourselves. Loan to close her eyes? Know how говорт: in silks, as in debt. That is, on the contrary, in debt - as in silks. Confused a bit.

-Do you think that I and nowhere to go? I asked him.

-Yes, sure. Agree, don't dawdle. It costs money.

"I have to think, " I replied, by agreeing to himself that he is right.

"You think faster - advised me Охомов, " so how long have missed because of you. And you still выделываешься.

-Listen, - I again began to get excited, I TEBI or you, who you there, wait not made and will not make. Could without me a long time to do everything. What am I to you stumbling block?

I wanted to already turn around and leave, but Охромов stopped me.

"Wait, "he said, taking my arm (it was insolent habit: to take just that my sleeve), -I'd like better. If the money themselves are floating in the hands, why not share them with your best friend, with whom always drinking together, walked, and debts together have amassed? That's why I and Howe, o he participated in this matter, too, you know? It is quite a trifling. Did I myself would agree on some adventure, do you think?

I don't know, may be agreed, " I replied, -and in order not to be bored, to no one in соучае what the cabbage soup лаптем slurp, and decided to join me.

-What? Yes what are you saying?! Think its stalk...

-Not stalk, first, as the head, and, secondly, I thought..."

-Okay, let's head. In this terrible ниего no. but I you said that you want to download only one thing to do: a few tens of pounds useless waste paper.

-Yes, you said that already...

-Well, so, agree? - обрадовалс again, Gregory.

There was a pause. I was silent, not knowing the answer. At heart I was wrong. Not even that word was rotten at heart. Really like cats скреблись. But I am tired of his infinite and annoying harassment, from all this whirl of events. My strength was no longer tolerate it. It seemed to me, that if I I agree, all my misadventures time runs out, disappear all the misfortune that struck me relentless avalanche in, казалос would most joyful and easy period, which only happens in the life of a cadet. Besides a faint hope to finally get some money and do away with all the troubles at once, and debts in Isla also pushed me to agree, as she was, there was illusory, and эфимерна.

-Well, - I said, - I agree.

-And that's good! - shined Охромов, ' good! Now we'll go up the mountain.

-Well, and when I you need me? I asked indifferently tired сникшим voice.

-When I will get, and will be all set, I'll find myself. Wait, it will be shortly.

Now I turned around and went to sleep, enjoying humiliating sense of calm man who just behind дониматели, decided to finally leave the guy alone. My wits despite полудрему, in which he was, all the same pulsed bad idea, though I'd just made a big stupidity. A NeySNOh, but somehow bad, it made me sick to me suddenly.

Chapter 13.

Охромов really was not long in coming. After a few days, when we had to take place the next state exam he came up to me and whispered:

-Prepare for today!

-When? I asked, in surprise, not its understanding very well what you are talking about.

In the evening, after lights out.

-After bedtime? I think I quite enough of those Zaletov, who already were, don't you think? How do you imagine this? Tonight we go and tomorrow I'm back on the carpet beside the battalion commander? Yes it is me then already precisely the powder will erase! You know, Grishka, I have enough and that I had twice before him stood. Yes I don't соневаюсь that, if you get now, what shall he do with me something terrible. Do you disagree with me?

-The silly, then you can do?

"You stupid! I bet on rug-the battalion commander not had the happiness to stand, listen to what he tells you...

-Yes there was already a you don't think you are our one hero such is found.

"I'd like to look at you, what you are pale, had then.

-Nothing, you see survived. And terrible ниего not happened. But, reason by itself: the money you have is so much that is more than enough to pay all your debts, pay off at once from all troubles, Yes, there will be. And so from your troubles I'll help you kill.

Охромов moved the spirit, and not two, I have to say a word, подолжил:

-Try to evening to prepare a sports suit. Only боолее less respectable take someone else. Take at Savchenko. He's good, and he will, I think, today is not going to. In the evening, once gone responsible, change your clothes in спортивку and me in the room. I'll have to wait for, you know?

'I understand, ' said I, and the thought frightened"Can refuse, before it's too late still?"

"Well, come on! - tapped me on the shoulder Охромов, and we parted.

Meanwhile there was a preparation of the next "state" - государственноу exam, all of which we were to pass, that came from Moscow fee as many as six. The Commission was in school for nearly a week. Сдаа state exams has already started, the ice started moving. However, few of the students freaked out, except that those who doubt was "red" diploma.

Among the cadets persistently rumored, the Commission generously given that in itself is already foreshadowed passing exams without special difficulties or no to those who did not seek to have the above three. Three've a poor graduate-student not "squeezed" to none. And more so, if хоошо watered. It will be enough only for the exam to come, motorcoach to sit in Sydney, fool roll and three has already automatically in your pocket. What more do you need such a прощелыге, like me, from it the state Commission?

Конено, rumors, rumors. It would be hard to demonstrate, but refute практиески impossible. Yes unless it was a sensation some? This was repeated from year to year and передавалос from generation to generation of cadets of the mystery of the Deposit of the most important exams.

In classes of preparations to госсам" cadets kept with difficulty. Взводных was not. They also established a Roman holiday. Everything depended on замкомвзвода and commanders of branches that can occupy his position, but could also stand up and to the side of ряядовых cadets. At the lessons aryl relaxed atmosphere, even if the "castle" was in a bad mood, and he anybody anywhere was not allowed to leave.

On the front tables were a few people really intensively preparing for the upcoming exam. Among them was a student. Making the last jerks to the gold medal. Hope all battery - as it was called the commanders - sat ears, his head in his hands and gone with her head in her notes and books. With him a few "хорошистов" were also involved in and prepared for their replies Cribs and "bombs", the so-called ordinary tetradic sheets on which the ordinary поерком готовилс, was recorded response to a software issue, and after. On эзамене, such лиссток bomb подсовывался, as you've just written. They also занималис, in addition to writing Cribs, tried to загресстив their brains QC much information. They still had time to get something. Snatch, remember hastily to tomorrow, not really thinking, throw out what is left in your head in a hurry today заглоченного. Such "studies", not even cramming, and unimaginable marathon throughout the course of study discipline, a decent speed to be listed in the Guinness book of records, filled brains only tenuous, one-day knowledge on the subject, which was destined to oblivion on сследующий day after the exam. Head again освобождалассь, опусстошалась to take the following авральную avalanche swallowed a gulp, but not the learned and not learned books, textbooks, lecture notes and textbooks.

In the middle of class engaged with each other stupid троеники-unsophisticated web browsers guys honest, hardworking nature, but absolutely do not know how how should remember and think deprived of God on the part of intelligence. Many of them know was, Troika them so поствят for all courses, but among them were such that they would receive a grade for their knowledge, and maybe even get four instead of three. Perhaps, they were harder all, but the truth, and this was of very little. In all examinations they are still "floated" with the same success.

The lush, picturesque part of the platoon, the whole "colour" was going on гелерке. Here there were people who did not want and don't need to be taught, because they knew that the three of them always put on exams, because государствона their training угробило a lot of money and not going отпусать now with service Twoness and parasites, and, on the contrary, всяески wanted to serve. People setting here, to know beforehand that they will all okay, because even a finger did not want to move for the sake of increasing their knowledge, considering this sincerely, бестолковкой.

Here all the classes on a flight went from one to the other disputes, conversations and verbal sparring, травилиссь jokes. This veno choppy, бубнящий, гогочащий, ржущий like young stallions, Roy, was a counterbalance to сердитому, scowled замкомвзводу, lonely, like an eagle from the top of the lambs in the valley, взирающему on them from behind the Desk chair.

On гелерке forever discussing something about something argued and sometimes almost fought and gloomy замкомвзвод, stress watching творившееся in his presence mess from time to time, when almost unbearable to watch and endure окрикивал, одергивал the most vociferous and взбалмошных. Those, though snapped, but осаживались for some time, was calm, but not for a long time, and then all повторялоссь again.

It was to be released, and every day гарлапаны grew louder and bolder, more and more often hinted sergeants, who continued to continue to tighten the screws, close massacre.

The day was drawing to an end. PRошел balance of self-study, one end of which is particularly impatient started to sprawl who where under any pretext or just the brazen claiming that go there. I we were in no hurry, and this time I досидел surprisingly himself until the end, after listening to the last jokes and laughed heartily.

In the evening, after dinner, I asked Maxim Savchenko sports suit, then, to pass the time, read the manuscript to the evening roll-call and, having waited when take responsible officer. Got dressed and went in коммнату to Охромову.

His neighbors looked at me, ka on a real idiot, which Chakan already not brews nothing."

Охромов was dressed, the blanket on top, just in case, blanket and wrapped in him with their feet. When he saw me he asked anxious and excited raising her eyebrows:

"Well, that went?

He went away.

-Go, - he threw off the shoulders blanket, got out of bed, and walked out of the bathroom in the corridor, heading to the exit from the barracks.

The location was already usual hype. We are not alone waiting for care officer. Alone and in groups, переодевшиссь in sports suits, and fled and went to the exit seekers приклюений, which could not остановитьни strict foreclosure, no threat or arrangements, and that, заруившись eternal "maybe"pearl ahead without looking at the brazen as tanks. Just hired man of about twenty wishing to make nightly. But казалоь, AWOL is the whole battery, and from this friendly movement Neto had such a feeling of inability to stop the lead in the reverse motion of the night procession. Prodigious. That you can't stop leaving as water. Trickling between his fingers, compressed in a handful, despite all the attempts to squeeze them closer and hold her.

-Are waiting for us already, in a mysterious whisper said Охромов when we started toward the door. -now you'll see something himself, as delivered solid business.

This was because a few of the dozens of kilograms of waste paper? I asked with a sarcastic tone. However, bullying in my voice напоминалоотаяние doomed, which was unable to prevent his rock.

-Well, it's not our problem, - he stopped Grisha felt in my voice notes sarcasm. -We all do their job: to download whatever they tell you, and the money to get. Everything is simple and clear, and the rest - that's their concern.

I wondered who this "they", and whose life shouldь care of the rest. But I asked a different question, trying to figure out interest to me only, bypassing understanding. That Grisha not say anything, отвертится answer, if earnestь question straight.

-Listen, - I asked, -can you tell me, where this waste paper will загружат?

-I will not tell precisely. I only know that in any't the derelict Museum, not the archive. They promised then to say.

-Who is "they", if not a secret?

-Secret said Охромов and fell silent, realizing, apparently, that I in any моментмогу withdraw because of its secrecy.

I also understood this and wanted to say that I will not participate in the case but decided to keep silent, thinking, behaving, as a capricious and whimsical quiet. At the end of Konov, all secret becomes obvious, and does it really matter when it happens, chut earlier or slightly later.

We have already reached the exit, talking so in semitone each other as suddenly upon us сразмаху flew disarmed the barracks with лестниы Аркашка Soms under quite understandable nickname "Kgs". He looked quite frightened.

"Back! Ago! he yelled, wide with terror, and eye strain. His mouth greedily grabbed the air after a quick run the stairs and on his neck large налилась was swollen mew, pulsating artery.

View of Soma was too serious to воспинять his behavior as a joke, but because instantly worked tempered cadets reaction, and yet not even realizing what it is, what is what all who was going to leave, rushed helter to their rooms.

Appeared incredible noise and clatter several dozen pairs of legs on the wooden гулкому the floor, it seemed, was heard on the first floor of the building, and the staircase. Someone ran to one side, but then decided that we should ежать to another. Someone on someone насколчил, came across, someone someone knocked. Picture this bustle, not me one forced explode into an idiotic laugh, completely pointless, irrelevant, but even more assertive, angry, and contagious.

So, cackling and ran all the rooms, and in ten seconds, though, that took us almost unawares, in the hallway there is not душии, and only of the doorways of hideous few heads the most curious to find out what happened, and then from anyone but themselves and immediately.

A pRоизошло just simply a fact that in the barracks returned Executive officer. Apparently specially lingered at the door of the barracks to see what will happen in the battery after his departure. Whether it is the initiative was, or he received on the disposal of the battalion commander, but this периодическиделалось before, only very rarely.

And now responsible lingered at the bottom and as soon as it was the first самовольщик, tried to catch him, and when he escaped, ran after him.

As soon as responsible crossed the threshold of the barracks, curious heads of openings immediately disappeared. In the rooms feverishly dressed, сдергивали tracksuits and sneakers, hid "crime" under the beds, cabinets and cases, dived into bed with головвой wrapped in a blanket and pretended to sleep for a long time already.

And responsible, having called to himself the duty battery, went around the room with him, сситая people there, trying to find clues and evidence of attempts night sbega, the IEO not finding it, proto poked his nose in the fact that he had not checked dressed outfit, has not made from замкомвзводов correct it refills. The duty had followed him from Kubrick in attendance, guiltily lowered his head and mole listening to all the claims, and about SEB is probably due to a higher power, that it all turned out like that, not very bad, and we can even say that at all well and good.

I'm not fall behind others. Had to go to bed, get under the blanket and wait. Here he looked in and the room we were in. Examining it and making sure everything was in place, he dreams reprimanded duty for the mess we were in bed, and then went out and closed the door.

Fifteen minutes passed, and I lay in the dark, listening to the sounds in the hallway and trying them determine had left an officer or not. a few minutes from there even heard some rumbling, but then stopped, and it wasn't clear whether he left the barracks at all, whether оошел on duty in the far end of the corridor.

Another few minutes before, losing patience and nothing heard I вглянул in the corridor. To my surprise and disappointment the officer still walked there from room to room. And then the приоткрывающиеся one after another, as my now, the creaking the door did not give him to calm down and go home.

In the end, creaking doors stopped, but началоь strengthened шастание down the corridor to the toilet. And everyone who was passing by the Chancellery considered it his duty to look in his прищуреннойв hypocrisy from the light, but completely against the expectations of not sleeping face, eat more help convince your battery is not asleep, and just waiting for his departure. So he sat in the barracks still an hour until finally stopped and all the walking, and most самовольщиков not stand such a test starve, just уснуло, and the rest just realized that night adventures are not осталоь нивремени, neither the strength nor the mood.

Not stand such a test and пригевшись in bed, fell asleep and I, sweet, serene, as righteous. The next morning when прощвучала the get up!, I opened my eyes, cannot understand why I'm a sports suit, one of the first that I saw it standing over a Охромова.

"You fell asleep yesterday? he asked reproachfully.

Only after this question I realized what was the matter, and why dressed.

-Why, it just happened. I waited and waited until the responsible gone, I fell asleep. That I, stone in your mind?

Охромов roll cracked his mouth.

-Yes, - he said, - I will now accelerate. To the fullest. Us yesterday waited. And they're simple and do not like when they fail.

-And who likes it, tell me? I asked, getting out of blankets. -What yesterday, too, goes, закимарил?

-Yes, - confessed Охромов.

We agreed to postpone its plans for the second time, I prayed to myself, God, the devil and all other celestial and underground silts, which only knew that another time never came.

On the same day we passed the state examination, tactics, which, as predicted, I was unconditional three without any equivocation, although my knowledge in the science and my preparation for the exam left much to be desired.

The obtained on the exam questions I mumbled something unintelligible and rambling, unexpectedly for myself, being covered with a purple lesions сстыда, when the old, grey-haired Colonel, member of the state examination Commission, stood up and came to me, отитал Myung loudly, as a boy, saying that a heavy heart, puts me three, and so would поставилкол if everything depended on him, and drove away away from the class. And although the exam once again convinced the men in her weakness and deprivation of examiners to decide though a little trifling questions отриательно, I decided to anything to teach for the next items to not look quite round fool and answer anything.

Somewhere in глубиине soul I was annoyed and hurt that many of my товрищи seemingly me nothing луччше, pass examinations successfully me though and sat yesterday together with Noah and chatted about what is handy, but not preparing for the exam. When they had time to learn and chat - was for me great mystery. Unexpectedly for me I after passing the exam окаазался among the latter. Ahead of me even our most numskull of the slow-witted, who thought people underdeveloped and заторможенными, "brakes", simply speaking.

In the evening I saw Grisha first time after the examination date: immediately after the exam us go on leave, and Охромов here somewhere lost. Now face he had a great beaten. Under eye adorned the great синячина, which he vainly tried to disguise powdered or granulated sugar. Upper lip he had broken down and started to swell.

-On the street had some ослоебы, " he explained all of interest to his friends, as I said in his ear. -Fee for the work!

He later told me that I would need to re-take a trip in the near future. "Otherwise I Khan!" sadly sighed Охромов.

He seems to go unscathed, because he гримасам was догадатьс that smote him not only on the face, and that he's terribly painful to move and to move. With one hand he constantly held back in the spot where the kidney.

-They said that waiting for us on the machine under the fence of the school for two nights. In twelve of the rain, and they were wet because of us, like dogs. Now they on each machine will not come, but, God forbid, I do promise. I'll be sorry. That's it!

I also spent the whole day after the examination of the dismissal. Poti half it took me to try to penetrate the left me house загадоного old man. But all my attempts were in vain. Door, moreover, it has been carefully envelope, not rip никакомуусилию not moved one iota even when I tried to pry her scrap валявшимся in the high grass nearby, in the midst of an abandoned garden. In vain were my attempts to find a subtle electronic device, locking the door or some photocell of his schemes, bred out. But, if the sensor is and was, well camouflaged.

I didn't lose more time, because are long passed, and suddenly decided to go visit one of his old friends, what обыно sleeping in bed all who no hitting, no особоо not расситываясь, and which is popularly known as "блядьми, and in the literature - the women of easy virtue, which, p.about my suspicion, were all, without exception, women, only these unfortunates e could or would not hide it.

I was not mistaken in the ожидниях, as expected, spent a very good time and met me out there without any rebuking them and reproach, in spite of quite a long absence. She even asked me why I was so long прихоил, and if I didn't know who she Taka, probably, even he would have believed in what she was waiting for me and loves, and just thought of it and without me enough visitors, and it's all the same with whom to be, it would be nice.

The rest of the day was good, and I вернулс in school weary abundant bed, happy and relieved, разрядилс morally and physically.

In the afternoon, leaving the mysterious, still mysterious building, I did not fail to pass around that, the other, to which it was next, and found him in an abandoned, poor condition. Only dark spot on Warbler facade you might guess, there once was a sign, обознаавшая some institution. The front door ббыла tightly closed glass engrained with dust, and through them we could not пробитьс inside the sunlight, nor seen from the street, what was going on inside. Although it is clear that house окончателльно leave, abides in a state of total disrepair and it is unknown why is generally worth it takes place. In any case, it was clear that repairs this трехтажного giant, not заннимались at least five years or more.

The front door eorder the building went on quite lively, spacious street, примыкавшую to a noisy area, withhитавшейсI district centre of the city, where nearly always had a lot of people, beautiful beat the jets of the fountain, in the shady alleys never пустовли numerous benches. And it was remarkable that in such a place, являвшем the face of the city, which contributed about it by visitors and tourists, it is such wild, unmanaged, useless historical ruins, quite портившие a General impression of the local panorama of the city. After all, everyone-it was visible, that the building floor of an old building, probably the last century, high Windows, niches прорезывали thick walls built, as were able to build only early in the century; the pillars at the main entrance through the fervor of oblivion shone even marble or доррогими with granite; the bedsides of them were decorated with some фиграми, frozen in a kind of action, now полуразбитыми and require serious restoration, at the top, under the roof, also were poorly preserved bas-reliefs, identified only жалкии with their leftovers, ruined by rain and unforgiving winds and frost with попустителльства indifferent citizens. Nick didn't care for what is lost and dying is good. But the building is bring him in divine form, could not spoil the overall picture of the city centre, but also considerably to decorate it. Now it remains deserved isn sigh пеали and respect for his neglected and forgotten old age of those who had seen it in првозданной glory and splendor.

Nobody now approaching its granite, поколотым enterprising ноными prospectors on raw materials for artisanal crafts стуменям, ведщим to the front, column input, and only crows, brazen and arrogant, feel great, and shuffled on грниту pieces обвалившейся plaster, like gray, припорошившей once полироввнные, glittering, as parquet, plates. Here the talk has long nobody cleaned and no one went, besides these birds, чувствовавших themselves on the ruins of a building full owners.

Dreary appearance зданния, its abandonment and loneliness овергли me in utter anguish and grief. Looking at him, standing before him in silent conversation, I like to be seeing die like this whole town is dying because of it already the best frequently of all that are in him that is left in it architecture, already умерлапочти and, apparently, would soon die out completely. That say about the rest, less valuable and generally tasteless, even осталосьв it. Maybe I not understood in the processes of his life, but somehow I felt that this city is doomed to a quick death, time is not his own. And the heart was very sad.

When I have dirty this is the mood, the горове themselves are born all sorts of poetic fragments. And, standing before the senile face of the house, who could life of young, if wanted people every day reasonable past, I heard in my poems:

Dreary appearance has your facade.

That's been here? The sanctuary of science?

But dilapidated your stone outfit,

For you've never touched hands.

The creators of your disappeared all for a long time,

And in the human memory could not resist.

And time is merciless it -

You circling, only mirages were.

Clad mournful sorrow

You silently stand униженье,

Knowest not that thou art neither age nor day,

Both scared and malleable forgetting...

Verse my inspiration suddenly broke up, and I almost jumped, because suddenly, in one of the doors of the main entrance clicked the castle, she was re, dimly flashed their blind, dusty Windows, and it seemed like bringing sordid, a gray-haired old man. He went out, locked the door, threw on Myung strict, angry look and walked away down the street, towards the square with shady alleys and idle зеваками on the benches he looked like he lay in the dust and oblivion for many years, and so now we decided to show the light of God.

His appearance unexpected and sudden, has caused me to not only surprise, but some mystical, supernatural horror, such that, despite n that the streets were full of people, wanted to run away, headlong, and scream it out there. Scarecrow that except me the old man have none of гулявших nearby people and did not notice, and even if noticed, it does not пореагировл. Maybe other conscious of this old man and used to his strange appearance, but DL me, who considered the house empty and deserted, his appearance was like if мертве arose from the grave.

I he did not run and even rubbed his eyes in amazement. But стариок all went down the street and never gone. Recovering himself, I thought at first that maybe this is my friend, but then saw his receding фигуруполучше remembered his face and realized that it was not he. It was a totally different man, whom I had never seen. His old suit hanging on the dried years and old age the body, like a sweatshirt, and shoes on his feet, still worn, probably, in the days of his youth on the танцульках, increased the size of two and вихляли on their feet, as they wanted. Yes, this old man was not quite the same figure: he was площе and above my friend, besides худосочнее.

"Hey, old man, wait, ' I called him after him, but the old man kept going forward as though he had not heard his name.

I rushed after him. And when caught up with him, he dreams did not pay any attention to me and still went ahead, deep in his thoughts.

-Sorry, can you спрсосить? - ссновва I asked him.

The old man's face remained impassive. He kept going, as if deaf and blind, not seeing me completely. Maybe pretending not to notice.

May I ask?

I got him to the square, trying to attract his attention, and here the old man sharply and suddenly turned to me, looking me in the depths of the soul small, boring, faded with age eyes, and quietly but clearly and distinctly uttered in a tone which did not admit of a reply:

-Get lost!

I stopped short, and he turned and walked on, leaving the square on the other side. When he disappeared from sight, then I automatically moved behind him, already ниего not wanting to, and just wandered forward, bewildered and dejected by what he saw and what happened.

Here, amidst the square and was born at the Maine thought slightly unwind from everything and pay a visit to her friend.

As I said, in College I came back refreshed mentally and изически. Постельи woman make miracles with a male organism. But the next evening was оотравлен unclear thoughts on the event, from which I could never get rid of.

To the girl I too came in нелучшем mood. At first she laughed at my gloom upon her, trying to растрясти me, stir, making unambiguous hints, but apathy my азвеялась, and it is put on , as it seemed to me, fun, only exacerbated the inner loneliness that at times I felt such pain as if in my сердцесидел to the hilt long Finnish knife.

She finally behind me and, with her legs hurt his lips, most of the evening watching with me TV, drinking coffee and plied me improvised пиржными that I ate, not giving up, but with complete indifference. Coffee too she was not like япил once, not so long ago, in a hut, and a surrogate, the truth, "with additives, maximally approximating to a natural taste, but still not natural, not what treated the old man.

Already Poti under the horse evening, when I was already thinking about leaving, and my friend was ready to raise a howl hurt, but still had the power to restrain tears, as if I have recovered from shock, he looked around him, наиная think where I am and what actually came here for. Feelings, but I woke up men's consciences before deprived woman, and I pretended caresses laid her in bed, trying to make amends for the offense just enough to not deliver pleasure to ourselves, nor to her.

She was extremely разоарована my behavior, but still tried to enter in my position.

-Why are you so don't want to share your opinion with me. Maybe I could help you in your sorrow, then any clue. And so you keep your thoughts to yourself, suffer and destroy your soul.

Not to stay in debt, I again ran to her постелль, but this time not in earnest раскочегарился" and unrolled it to the fullest, and then, returning to school, walked for a long time and thought what I could to share with it. As all my thoughts immediately усколльзали from me, when I wanted them to share something, tell about them, and I подмалось, not наинается I have one of the varieties of sluggish schizophrenia, such a quiet insanity, but saving the idea that, if I was a schizophrenic, you never asked yourself such questions, reassured me.

As I said, when I saw Охромова, he was badly beaten. I had to agree with him about our trip has to repeat itself: the guy must have really would be at serious risk.

That night I awoke to the fact that someone strongly pushed me in the side under rib.

It was Охромов. I hardly woke up and he could not understand what he wants from me. He couldn't even Wake me until доддумался to wipe my face and body cold, wet towel, and brought me into the feeling.

-Get up, get up, - I heard, finally, through полудрему his voice.

-Do you go to? "said I, glancing at the clock. -Where are you dragging me? Already three Asa night. In our disposal from power five hours, and, besides, I desperately want to sleep.

In time, " replied Охромов, you move quickly, and succeed. This work we have to do, for my sake. And the sooner the better. Let's get up, Wake up!

-Well, look! - пригррозил I told him angrily, " I never go again.

Stand was incredibly difficult, as had happened many years of habit to Wake up in the dress ссреди night. I made a mistake at the time was only a leash двааса, and we came out of the barracks in the afternoon of the third night, illuminated by the bright moon hanging in the cloudless sky. The air was still warm, even душноватым, however dry and genuine, as apparently it is at all possible in the city. Stuffiness warm nights exacerbated the lack of wind.

We crossed school, glancing from осторрожности around, and jumping the fence оказалис beyond. I involuntarily smiled, remembering, as before, in the same way, we went with гришкой love raids, and then took a deep breath, because this time it took forever.

-Well, and then further? I asked Охромова, when we were in the street.

-Further? I needed a wheelbarrow to catch.

"Listen, you said that the us will come, " I said.

-Yes, said, " agreed Охромов, -well, have you forgotten? This is the last time came, and now, they said we have to spin themselves, because they are not going each time to drive out to the car, as boys, you know? They are not going each time торать under the fence of the school and can we expect, we will leave or not. so, today we have to go by.

-Yes you gone nuts? Where will you find a taxi at two in the morning? Yes even on the outskirts of the city!

-Nothing was stunned offended Охромов, -but to do that the same should be as you think. And if you don't care, I, unfortunately, no. I hope that today we will succeed.

Охромов turned away and щакурил cigarette, and I could do nothing but as придаться thinking about where can add is not easy, ессли time does not stop.

When Охромов finished Smoking, I asked him:

-Listen, and they know that we are dealing today, today, not tomorrow?

-Very simply: I will call them.

-Hi! And you cannot call them now and say, we are ready. Let them come.

-They are unlikely to come. Too much we fell in their eyes.

Well, you know that! This is already a natural rudeness and пижонтво, I ситаю. If they are a people business, the need for us to call. What, do they not understand who contacted? We cadets and cannot распоряжатся their time on their own. And if they were so to defying, then let they, and you along with them, the three merry letters! Get it?! I think this is pure mockery of us. You go, do what they have to say, apparently, not very tidy and a good thing - what good work is done at night? - Yes, PI is разъезжай expense on the wheelbarrow, when it is not known yet, will pay us anything or send there, where I now sent. Painfully they brazen and suspicious guys, your local roots. I already told you: they don't like me, and the whole thing too. You, as you know, and I'll probably be back in school.

After these words I turned around and unexpectedly for my friend, and DLI himself went along the fence, intending to get back to the barracks. Only when I was already meters тридать, Охромов caught up to me and began to persuade, to I stayed with him. In the end he has in some time удалоссь to do it, and I decided to come back.

And then there's the happiness from the airport on трасссе went by taxi. The driver was not afraid to stay and pick up the night, two guys in sports clothes, that in our time was a rarity, and we got five minutes to the city centre.

Grisha brought me to the street where I was this afternoon, that ввргло me in the dim anxiety. A vague be stirred doubts in the back of my mind.

Some vague and nebulous but an uneasy presentiment gripped my soul. Anxiety intensified especially when we approached the front of the building, standing before that day, I wrote a poem and I saw coming out of him strange old man. In my head though enlightenment happened. I was immediately apparent that the kind of building that it is in and that we Grisha will have to do. Don't know how it happened, or intuition обостриоась to the highest degree, or insight of what is sent Myung a higher power, but I understood. Thoughts лихорадоно earned, succeeded each other.

-Listen, and you know, that we here have to do? I asked, Grisha, he is all knowing.

"I know, " replied the boy, " I told everything, otherwise, how would we went on the case, do you think?

I didn't answer, and Охромов drew from his bosom a little piece of paper and tried there was something to read and the ghostly light of the moon.

Here the scheme of movement inside one, before totорым we stand now. We will have to pass precisely on it. so, where do we come for a book Depository, as explained to me, abandoned archive. With this store we will have to make documents, or I don't know what happened, but the rooms уазаны, with no shelves to take. And after we put them on the street, I go and call them to come pick up the goods and расплачиватся. My friends will come, and we here will pay off, and they стоону, and we are his. Don't worry, everything will be отлино!

-Well, as we now go into the building? - I asked.

-Open the door - отвтетил Grisha. Is the key.

He took from his pocket a bundle of handkerchief, turned him around and покзал me not the key, not the lock pick. I wanted to pick her up and consider, but Grisha immediately shoved a bundle back into his pocket, though not trusting me and the fear of some actions on my side in relation to this instrument. Maybe he's scared that I will take and throw the key, швырну it somewhere in the darkness to be found later, and thus will pluck all ideas of Grisha and his buddies.

I must say that by this time in my mind is ripe already some plan. Although I am not ситал himself a gifted strategist, and a thinker, however, to think no one is prohibited. Here's something I invented. And in vain Grishka hidden his key back in his pocket, I would not выбрасыват, because now and in my best interest of penetration into the building and find out what is so interested in Гришкины friends, thugs and criminals, burn their lives in a card game with life itself.

This plan was born, from what I clear suddenly it became clear that the "dealers" not only did not pay money for something that we will do, but try to deal with us here or wherever it was in another place. Now, with our help, they try to take possession of, apparently, some ценныи securities, but after we добудеи them, we will not immediately needed. Why else is it possible to communicate with the cadets, which, if they look hard, you will not find even because there they have no friends, nor people who would be good to know them in person, and if there is, it is very little, and find their DL police is practically impossible, because usually seek to family ties, tied to the place of residence. And ккакое the students of the place of residence? School?

Do they fear for some reason climb into the building. Do they afraid of that old man, which I saw today? Hardly. Means something else. And because they are well aware of the врутреннем device building scheme вычертили and even sure shelves where to get needed. Something here is not, but one thing is clear, then got into this mess because настырного friend, I found myself in a position where we have to balance on the edge of a precipice, from which it is impossible to leave, but falling in which does not want to.

Yes, tough guy the other way was impossible to me to call them, probably because I was sore afraid, well come up with. 't try they use the services of the city thugs, so still unknown, as it turned out. The gang is full of friends. Languages long, and this environment is so amorphous that we do not know where tomorrow will respond to what has got into her today. And the cadets themselves for CEE people of another warehouse. They have something to lose, they have learned to keep his mouth shut, and friends-among them one, two and a handful. Not will crawl, if any, that you will crawl. All this was me понтно. And I came up with, as now get away with this.

Of course, what awaits us, you could tell Grisha, but he probably wouldn't have believed me and thought again, I want to get out of it, though it is my desire already should have been suspicious of my friend. Blinded by thirst for quick and easy profit, he would hardly listened to my thoughts and assumptions made in this case. They would do something for yourself and bag, and пустилс the trick, then hastily invented.

Hey, C'mon come and make it all tomorrow, eh? - shocked I Охромова his proposal, and saw widened and widened in surprise his eyes. -Thy-the roots still not ущнают that we were here to-night, if you had he not say.

-What's the point? What ссмысл put it off until tomorrow, when behold, we have a purpose, there are only some, and business. We would have a lot of money. So why put it off this pleasant moment indefinitely. It is not known yet, but we make tomorrow the same as yesterday. You perfectly understand that escape now from the College is rare удаа, especially for you. No, you're wrong! You предлагаешькакую sense. Yes and not a millionaire I thee, o every night in a wheelbarrow dangle.

-Well, first of all, not every night, and, secondly, I myself tomorrow I'll pay for the taxi, it was your initiative. We've just because of this fuss, only that you proved to the contrary, that ride in a taxi we need.

-Yes, but I meant once to get quickly and do everything for sure, and you give all for some reason put off when we have almost reached the goal. It's absurd, and I refuse to understand you and your thoughts.

-And still, we have to do it tomorrow, I said.

-But why? indignantly asked Охромов.

-Because I thought about one thing, which you probably do not even thought, - decided to open their cards I seeing that he had already reached the state when ready to listen carefully to what I tell him. Now you can own at least something to swing in his obstinate stalks, because he waited for me to explain. -You see, today may be just simply so that they come and take what we discussed, and then шлепнут us здессь same or in some other place, where they enjoy this game. Шлепнут and that's the end. Why should they share with us деньгми? Who are these for them to leave us, witnesses and подельщиков, who not only saw everything with your own eyes, but did everything in his hands, alive? We're in a play, eat, generally, is a game, not a bluff, we're not even a pawn, you know? So, the ancillary material only, использовли and threw it away. And полуим we instead of money, you promised, a few grams of lead, and, believe me, with us, that's quite enough. Well, smiles at you such a prospect? I do not!

Охромов for a long time Cадумался. His face became black as thunder, and it was clear that in the soul of the friend roam heavy thoughts.

-But if you do-then all сегодгня, since we came here, - he said at last, and it was evident that he agrees with my own fears, and then by the drive somewhere these paper, hiding them in a safe place, and then call them up and demand a ransom in exchange for them, do you think?

His idea is appealing to me. In fact, as I thought: ingeniously simple as a stool, and also геиально reliably. Well done, Охромов, therefore, making you got another pot, on the uptake!

-Excellent, Grishka! "I said happily. -Only here it is not clear we take paper where and where we will store?

-Take as much as they do, and store will s a good and reliable place no dog will not guess. And, most importantly, that place will be right there. Eating I've one such very close and reliable, and they don't get, " he said with a sly smile a crooked smile, and sat frowning, looked somewhere in стоону past me and back behind me.

Here he floored me suddenly неожданным repetition of my proposal:

-Yes, all we need to wait until tomorrow. We need to prepare, to think it over, and clapped me on the shoulder in a friendly way, he added, " for a taxi, sweet root, we will pay вместе.я agree with you. Only this. We go there today still penetrate it will be necessary, Tob estimate that to him, there is some amount of work. Going to do today, so to say, the theory and practice tomorrow, right?

"Right, " I agreed, testing Boльшое relief. I immediately lost feeling that I go to were when I was involved in this case.

-Well, if so, it is all wonderful. Then forward, - Охромов took from his pocket a bundle of the handkerchief, and we went to the front door of the old building and still today, the day I stood and wrote poetry.

Chapter 14.

Picking in the dark in the keyhole железакой, which he called the key, and I think it was an ordinary lockpick, tothe Torah, inter alia, have yet to be able to use, Охромов cursed his cronies, втянувших it is a dirty business, because of which he is now forced to not sleep at night, to risk, to learn the profession of cracker and a thief, and intending finally slapped him instead of gratitude leaden bullet in his head. He muttered it under his breath, and I thought of something else entirely. What has become clear Охромову only now, was for a long time already not surprising to me. He repeated only all my arguments that I gave him a few days earlier and for a long time, until he tried to persuade me to take up the matter. I didn't feel like neither of bowing to him, nor, especially, moan with him myself. His nagging only angered me how angry any insight stubborn jackass that, until now stands on his own, and when it is already too late to correct, begins to exactly repeat what he tried to swing when you could still change things for the луччшему.

Me now worried that store, got me from the old man's inherited, somehow warrants, apparently, with the main building, where we are now trying to penetrate, and that it may be subject to a robbery. Where men know as far leads the way, laid on a slip of paper, that was Охромова, and where the end point marked on it. Something hauntingly forced to think of me that those for whom we now get the paper, were interested precisely this storage the entrance to which was in the annexe to the main building, but could be another, which is probably knew bandits, leading through the main building. They didn't know, it is likely that there can penetrate very simply, that every evening after dark themselves сосбой open the locks of the doors of the house, outbuildings, and need only wait until it gets dark, and get in there without difficulty, not breaking anything and not closing his picklock in the castle. But weak God, that they didn't know it, didn't know was that every night, as if specifically for незвнных guests, overlooks one old, полуразвлившаяся door, in fact, not conceding on the reliability of the armored door of the safe, and everyone who knows about it, can open it and enter freely, only to fall darkness over the earth.

Охромов still worked in the castle picklock. Passed probably already fifteen minutes, and he could not open it. From its persistent but unsuccessful attempts in a dead, dull silence windless night heard the sonorous metallic clang, and his curses you could hear probably not reaching the whole quarter. I began to fear, how would anyone of the residents of the surrounding houses, not called the police, waking up in the night to go to the toilet, and heard in open wide open from the heat and stuffiness window created by a disgrace.

Suddenly I noticed that the inside of the building for the blind, dusty glass something dim lights up the little yellow dot. At first I thought it was just my imagination, but then I have a whole minute was in abstract thinking and betrayed her values) it was discovered that the Ghost is светящеес Pyatnyshko not only was not mistaken me but approached quite close to the door on the other side so that is around it образовлся, permeated the flown on the glass dust, shimmering halo round. Someone came to the door from the inside close, holding the lamp or candle.

In the first moment, as soon as I saw it, it just froze from unexpected events, not expecting inside can somebody be. My heart thudded, froze, stopped from fright, and I stood as if rooted to the spot, unable neither move nor say a word.

Охромов noticed the light behind the window, but too late, and stood on one knee with the skeleton in his hands, looking at the light-eyed. His hand dropped, and Jimmy had of them, with a loud ringing of a запрыгав granite преддверью.

Twinkle appeared in the most extreme of all the doors of the main entrance, but after a while, went to the Central door, right up to the place where was busy, trying to unlock, Grisha.

We both, instead of to run, stood as полоумные, expecting that we will present to our comparison. I felt that I must something immediately do we need flee, or, at least, hide, our indecision and procrastination to anything good will not result. I saw a friend, as I was frozen on the spot, I wanted and couldn't say anything to him.

Ogonek lamp was already close from Central door that opened when I finally found the strength to do two wrong step, as if in a dream took his cotton hand безвольную the hand of a friend, and like a great rag doll to fight, filled with sand, and pulled it on himself and, don't know what forces, towed away from doors, having done a lot of noise his footfall and clang lockpicks that Grisha forgot to hook boot.

I brought him with a furious frenzy, engaged unknown where and придавашем me the strength and as soon as we hid behind one of the columns in front of the entrance door, which opened Охромов, opened, and from it seemed скрюченная figure carrier in front of a kerosene lamp in his raised hand over the head.

My heart skipped a beat because I learned in this figure of the old man, which met in the bar, which came in the terrible night in its resting-place, not less terrible, than he. His appearance was for me, like a bolt from the goals. I remembered his words: "I die this night!" - and together with the feeling of the unknown, unexplained disgust from the vile lies and deception for the sake of something unknown, all being felt that I was involved in a terrible game, terrible play, where to put to life, and, fulfilling the role убивют really, but somehow still alive.

Yes, the old man, although not swore, but said that he would die for him it was impossible not to believe. And now he stood before me, a few steps away, still walked with his kerosene lamp. I thought, if so strange why I have not met him, when he alone came visit the his portrait den, but along with this there was and scared that when I was in the dark catacombs of his store, he is somewhere nearby, snuck up behind me in the dark and watch what I will do. Where are all the same he was then? And why are allowed to carry me books of protected them Assembly, the value of which is conclusive great?

All the behavior of the old man to me, contested them farce with death seemed so arrogant, abusive and hypocritical that instead of hide and tremble with fear, I was ready to leave to him and to Express their outrage. The only thing that bothered and stop me is kind of shotgun, which he kept at the ready in his hand, putting his fingers on the bracket of the trigger.

Meanwhile the old man stood at the door, looked around, accompanying the head rotation by turning the barrel двухзарядки and illuminating the space around the kerosene "bat" in the stretched ahead of her hand and peering into the darkness, and probably see anything, to move forward, lighting his way and sometimes glancing at his feet. His fearlessness could only wonder because, despite the fact that he was with him a gun, we together, not offering a special health, but with a bit of trickery, could not only disarm his sudden attack from the rear, but also kill, if we had to.

The old man stumbled upon dropped Охромовым lock pick, заблестевшую in the light of the lamp among crumbling on the floor from the ceiling whitewashing and lime plaster, picked her up, several seconds examined, close raising it to a shortsighted eyes, put it in his pocket and carefully read behind us footprints.

If the marble floor was clean! But the traitorous lime gave the direction of our retreat, and the old man went on the trail of the right to a pillar, taking bayonets gun взведя both hammers.

I barely heard the clicks взводимых springs, as I had a feeling as if I was already may have planted in the chest charge of lead pellets of the fraction. Even felt mouth sweet sugary taste of his own blood, filling the warm muck my throat. Legs became numb, and I have not made a step, not move until both of iron, cold muzzle, леденящее breath of death of which penetrated to the body, even through clothing, not rested against my chest, and I saw the face of an old man, strong and fearless, lighted the lamp-light, his faded, watery eyes, упершиеся in me close, inquiring gaze.

-What are you doing here? - 't said exactly he hissed.

"Hello, " I said, hoping that the old man I remember, but his face in response does not appear and the shadows welcome. He did not recognize me or not wanted.

"Hello, " I repeated, for the minute to say anything else I had no strength, -do you remember me? I like you already came.

The old man looked at me, still incredulous, and stern, but now this streak and shadow surprise that laid on the face of a slight touch of confusion.

"Who are you, what's your name? - he asked the question after some confusion, not taking her eyes on me and not taking away guns.

I tried to remind him of a rainy night, beer bar, in which he sat down by me at a table, visit it даргоценного store and even his words that he had to die that night, and that it was to be the last. My words were incoherent, the voice was frightened boys, but what I could still he рассказат, and it was evident that in the eyes of the old man began to stir any thoughts.

He still stood there, уперши trunks hunting rifle me in the chest, but his look was already more than a soft, relaxed. He, apparently, that I was trying to remember, screwing up his eyes, and turned his look inside yourself. fingering something in memory.

When a person thinks that it is visible in his eyes. In the book "Magic, black and white", which a few days ago I had with me leaving the mysterious vault, there was even a whole Chapter devoted to the art of reading the thoughts eyes, but this science is so difficult that after a cursory reading it in one night, could not boast that I iota realized what it was written, and moreover acquired any iPhone sup practical skills mastered this art. I even tried to do her studies, because first of all, were required many hours of daily training psyche, eye and brain develop their capacity, and the path to this skill was so difficult and thorny, demanded the same perseverance, patience and attention, as any other path to perfection.

Old man seemed to be still remembered something, because clouded his eyes again become firm and steadfast. I must say that взглд old man holds more expressiveness and feelings, more eloquence than the sight of a young man, probably because the vital energy and strength, will and desire over the years move into organs of perception are also moving and eyes, and they as a mirror and sunshine human, all reflect.

But his eyes seemed to clear, and is become a prickly and hard, though оценивющим me and the old man said:

"You probably want to talk to me? Well, let's go.

He turned and headed for the front door without noticing, and can be, and pretended not to have noticed that I am not alone and with such certainty that I will follow, and not наброшусь him from behind with a knife or a rock that I instinctively and immediately moved to follow him.

Going for an old man, I turned around saw that Охромов bypassed the column with the other hand and, apparently, poised at the old man out. It would be a wrong step, for the old man certainly could have shot from a gun, and if not him, you would surely to a sharp sound of the shot scare us and put to flight and get someone's attention, to be called the police. Few people can not sleep in nearby homes at this time. Most likely, if Охромову still jump in a moment, we would have had to retreat with more or less serious consequences, but something, whether indecision, or prudence, at the last moment, when it is still possible to do, hold him from the jump. He had already ducked contracted as spring, to immediately go and fly forward, but stopped in the decisive moment, and in the next second it was too late. And, realizing this, Охромов slowly straightened myself up, got up, straightened, and then hid behind a column, but the old man did not turn back.

Already at the front door he said over my shoulder, absolutely not caring and not worrying to hear it someone else besides me or not:

-The tracks I've determined that you're not alone here. Whoever he was, but he did well refrained from attacking. This would be unwise. The more that I heard his every breath and caught his every thought, as he walked to the door. Let him not think that, if I am back to him, then I see nothing and hear. I say that he did very right that we don't become me to rush from the back. Otherwise I would not have envied him. Not always the old man is a easy prey for the young, especially an old man as I am, such несмышленного young man as he is.

"Unfortunately, " he continued, отпирая door, I don't want to let him inside the building. To him there was nothing to do. Besides I don't like people who hide when their friends are risk and danger. I could shoot you! Or he doubts that my gun loaded? In vain! Tell your friend so he was waiting for you here, and what will you come back soon.

I followed his advice and said in темнту addressing Охромову:

-Grisha, wait for me here, I'll be back soon, "if I come back!" - adding about yourself mentally and entered following the old man in the door.

Reed English castle chattered for me, locked the door and separating me from the outside world, cut off the escape route. The dusty glass doors remained peacefully slumbering city, the sleepy silence of the night, Grisha Охромов, who could somehow help me there, and we were plunged into darkness, the overclocking just a light bat for almost two meters in a circle, alone with the old man, which is known what was going to do now with me and all.

Found such the aching feeling, that always comes after feeling giving up and doom when you остаешся alone with some danger I immediately hated to go to the toilet "generally", as they say, but I overcame him at the time and went to the old man, feeling the incredible torments and seizures, but for all that time, that was inside the building and not dared to ask the old man, where is the restroom and go into it, although the need pushed me sometimes so hard that want to climb on the wall, and успокаивandstayed only occasionally, but then begins again with such force that, it seemed even a little bit, and I get in your pants.

I followed the old man down the corridor, and it reminded me, as I wandered the old man with керосинкой so when he came into the house for the first time. But it was not terrible, because thoughts whenever returned to испытыываемой acute needs, мешавшей focus and think about something else. And as soon as she tried to "упрыгать" somewhere to the side, as every time returned to the same burning issue, which had nowhere to allow.

We pretty walked down the echoing silence, after a short коридорчиком, as it seemed to me, наскололько was booming echo, we found ourselves in a large room. Echo our shuffling, our steps resounded far into the darkness and void and returned repeatedly broken and weak. How on this it was possible to judge, our route lay through pretty large room, most likely, hall with a high ceiling, which amplified the effect of reflections of a sound resembling an echo in the mountains. We crossed it, and number of steps I figured that its length is about fifty meters, not less. It was probably the fact, as if the two ant crossed the room apartments in consideration of its size.

In the hall, when I saw that lamp highlighted the old man from the darkness of the walls next corridor I looked back, hoping to see what makes my buddy, but the doors were drowned in the darkness of the building. Again, I was alone with unknown to me, man. "Well, it's lucky for me with all these stories," - I thought.

On the walls of the corridor, we entered it was several of double doors, big, beautiful, обделанных carved ornament, if in any нибдь the old Palace. The dim light of a lantern barely picked out the darkness of these sculptures are covered by the massive, expensive velvet curtains, badly battered eaten something where moth, abandoned, but still preserved the remains of his was grandeur. They were gathered in folds and attached to the door jambs satin, shimmering in the light of the lamp ribbons tied on the big bows. Kept their heavy carved tapestries of some expensive breeds of a tree, whether out of the red, whether from the bog oak is to see in this light, it was impossible.

The old man turned to me and, apparently noticed my astonishment. I really was surprised that building inside his whole interior, preserved ten times better than the outside, because looking at his ragged walls, the whole exterior and imagine that it would be impossible that inside something could be preserved except scraped parquet and обсыпающейся plaster. And there was still a lot of things, and even lived a man as old as the home base.

Is that like? - asked the old man, taking over my mind the curtains. -Aboutnor indeed were good, and now nothing, especially if like them a bit repaired. They are as old as with everything in this house. Done it all here at the priest Stalin. Since then nothing has changed. I then was a young kid. Magnificent building was. Look here, except now these doors you have ever see? Is it somewhere now doing? And the ceilings! If you saw ceilings! - the old man turned his gaze upwards, put up his hand with a lamp, but the light does not reached the ceiling, and, dropping her eyes and hands, he only sighed and went to one of the doors, dreams speaking on the road. -Ceiling here, I must say, especial shaped moldings, but not simple, but thin, holding a thin, what happened was made for first-class China in the old days. Nicely done, a real work of art. Its introduction would have, but soon this house for scrap to be allowed, and with it the beauty of all disappear. Yes about such a ceiling not to tell need it to look, to show to all at once it became clear, because some words. Better to see once than hear a hundred times, and you and a hundred times't hear. Yes, earlier could and building and to do so, that the expensive show was, and now? Ugh, Castile! Like Rui from ass began to grow, and in головешке brains chicken, and even those not, and instead of blood, that hot should be, so - broth of those drain the urine welded. Neither do look at! The further you go, the worse.

Before something now, in the old, самодержские times, at all for ages built as if they were going to live a thousand years. Yes and beautifully Kaak everything was smartly. Two identical houses do not find, not that in the city the Tsar's Empire.

Round cornices лепленные figures were, ангелята roof propped up, cupids, there are all sorts flitted ibid. For every house is expensive show. And what now? Boxes gray they pointed, and all one to one - the same, as twins. Not knowing person and get lost in them not sinful case will be. All scamp scamp. I still beauty of a no, and found it. True, born - already халтурили dying, apparently, the careless work, I will. For whom is all this stuff in modelling, why? Really pleased by it the age of your live on earth? It is unclear to me. As Korobkov match натыкали circle. Oh well at least people are well жтлось, God be with her, with ентой architecture, her mother Nekhai. Doesn't that people live well, tell mne?

He turned and looked at me up expectantly, as if I had replied to him that I think of it, but I just kept silent.

I must say that the sight of the old man became quite friendly. His voice was soft, the grouchy even the fact that he anguished and жалобился me, said he treats me not hostile, and most likely, on the contrary, friendly. Gun in his hand and it was the Grozny species, as a few minutes ago, when it depended on my chest. He talked with me if not with night burglars, who tried to enter his abode and caught behind a black thing "lukewarm" and, at least as with the friend, which is not feared.

His calmness gradually was passed to me, but I had not dared to talk to him and answer his questions, fearing that the old man has come to his senses, and the tone of his conversation will be completely different, the official.

From the very beginning, from the moment we walked into the building, I зудила thought that the old man took me as a hostage to my companion or companions, he did not know how many of us had not disappeared, until he calls the police. With me he could calmly, not fearing to speak, to find out what we were trying to open the door and get inside, and the rest would still not been able to penetrate the building, even if they really wanted to: заомк, as he had already ascertained, they open would not be able to, and to break the glass door was useless, because on the other, the inner side they were reinforced bars. I saw it when only went inside. She was of a thin steel rod, almost wire, but all the same grating. Made, apparently, she was soundly, and that her crush, it was pretty mess.

The police did not want to meet. In addition, that the train was a huge scandal and such a spanking, of which I have and видыать were not, it would be fatal and other unpredictable, but it is clear that the evil consequences. The city will necessarily gossip that the cadets involved night robbery, that's still two caught, and start all troubles and нсчастья, all crimes and злодеяни, творящиеся in the city, to cut the military school. Even informally, but gossip angrier any any official opinion. In the city and without dislike cadets and, in General, military, and here such. 't want a month before the release of our stay in school was under question, Yes it is still unknown, not we would be behind bars.

I only imagined us first will lead to the Department, put him in the КэПэЗэшку, and then, knowing who we are, have informed in the school. Arrives our General начпо, someone else out of control, well and of course the smaller fry, our commander, battalion commander, platoon leader, probably, will be called - imagined, and I was scared. Bring us in school, bring before the troops, "gene", the chief of the school, says: "Here, comrades cadets, criminals, two of the scoundrel, wearing military uniforms, to be involved at night shady robbery. They are studying in the school were violators of military discipline, but we, the command of the school, their immediate commanders nursed them, as with small children, forgive them, for that is necessary to expel three neck of the walls of our school in the hope that they'll be all right, come to its senses, finally, will behave properly, become good cadets... But, as you may see, not only didn't get it that much to them to forgive their regret that they at least out of gratitude should behave as best you can. They pulled on the night feats, the theft. This to a meanness you must get down to man, given to a military school, which homeland, country, our nation, the Soviet provide everything you need for a normal life, but they are few, and have another go at night, the same people, their Homeland, Rob!

I wouldn't be surprised if I find out that these two, I cannot call them our comrades, I do not dare, when will go a consequence on them, and it will go, because I will intercede with the military Prosecutor's office on initiation on this fact criminal case, it becomes clear that these two were not only engaged in night hacking and looting, and killing people. I am very even admit this. They sunk to handle! Instead of quietly to finish school, left very little after all, they are engaged in robbery! And these are people who after a month should be, were to become officers! Shame! Shame on them and our school, in the walls of his retreat such scum!"

This whole picture stood in my mind, as soon as the thought that the old man took me hostage flashed in my head, and chilling the blood.

"God, why am I not behaved well, the reason I came to this? Well, that prevented me to be the same as promoting all? What? Would live quietly, like the others, no one would you alone. The best life when you no one touches, and you also did not touch. If to start all over! I would never, probably, would not began to communicate with all sorts of adventurers, with такмим as Охромов, in particular!" "I mused to himself, and was even such a moment of despair, when I almost threw himself on his knees at the feet of the old man and yelled, "Dad, release us, please, we won't!" but something told меняот this. I was still not so cowardly, to do things like that.

However, as we dig into the building, my fears all over смягчались, and when the old man spoke to me about the good old days, I had even confidence that the old man is configured peacefully, despite his gun, and seems to call the police will not. It стариковское grumbling almost has not left, I have no doubt its goodwill. In addition, just in case, I have reserved one powerful trump card. If suddenly case and would take a bad turn, and call миллиции would almost obvious, I tried to recall to the old man, that I had been there once, in another room, and saw something that could be interesting not only the police but also by the more serious. I would have had nothing to lose, and I would покзал secret repositories questionable literature. Let would then understand, regarding what caused them. Maybe it was and is not fair on my part, but we Охромовым would have remained in the shadows. And if the court held, I would play it with a statement that made ноную sortie specifically to expose enemy of the people, укрывателя hostile literature, and would thus of the accused would turn into a hero.

Whatever you say, and part of the skins I was always smart.

While I was busy so painful and mean any concern for the salvation of their skins, we passed by some narrow, long tail of the corridor, where they appeared when the old man opened one of the doors in the corridor. He still something told me, at times looking back on my pensive face and taking my detachment for attention to his story, something talked and talked. Actually I totally did not hear. We were thirty meters, I thought. On the walls of the narrow corridor dotting the door, not so big and solemn, like those that praised the old man, but rather tatty, though hastily made. No facing, no any decoration in General. these are usually in the utility rooms, free opinion of visitors. Yes and ceilings, and the corridor walls were covered with gravel with cement and looked more like the arches of the underground passage or some catacombs.

-Whose house this? - finally I dared to ask. -Whom does it belong?

The old man stopped for a moment, as though taken aback by what I started to say. Then somehow deeply, as if sighed again and walked forward.

-Whose house it is, you say? - she heard his gruff voice. -In different times he belonged to different people and organizations. It has built in the last century, a very rich man, a famous sugar-manufacture Morozov. All sugar plants of our city - it was all his doing. The owner is long gone, and they work and another hundred years will work. Morozov-this town a lot less than required. He his son a cadet corps отгрохал. Do not want it not in Moscow, not in the then St. Petersburg to take the cadets school. Morozov himself from the common people millionaires out of place after the abolition of serfdom, and, of course, any titles had. Here тятенька opium on Russian orders, which, if not you belong to a noble family, and all the paths are closed for you upstairs, and decided his wealth for the son of the way up the punch. He built in for our son and his buddies in a cadet corps for their money, but that's not all. To son-it was granted a title of nobility, the layout of the building in which this military institution housed, of pure gold, he sent to the king's Palace, St. Petersburg. Here. Say that after the lowest noble title was sort of the Morozovs granted Авгутейшим by the decree of the Emperor.

Then the revolution was, something with Морозовыми happened, as with all who were thought to be rich, not abroad went, not red at their expense let - sad, in General, history. And the house was transferred to the new owners.

Some time here regional Committee of the party was located. It even before the war was. During the war the building was chosen by the Germans themselves. In this house they and the Gestapo was, and is the headquarters, the building something big, and even the secret basements for torture were placed. When the front rolled back, then bet the commander of the front theirs was.

When the Germans were expelled, his loves under their apartments mестное Department IYB, as before, the KGB was called, and they were here until Лавреньтия Beria - the Kingdom of his soul, " the old man crossed himself three times, rolling his eyes under the forehead, on that light will not be sent. Well, then.. then this house many owners something has changed, as men of drug out, forgive me, Lord, for blasphemy.

Was here and the city library, then a house of political education nobody knows for whom did, and then even in the Palace of political education was renamed, just at the end of the reign of Leonid Brezhnev was. After his death again a house of political education of the call, and then for some unknown reason, in another building he moved. Perhaps, in a more modern building decided to go, only I do not understand ччем this was bad. Because новше - not necessarily mean better...

After thirty meters along the gallery, ответвившейся from the main corridor, we have two minutes stood before a door at its end нопиминавшем dystopian deadlock dungeon, but the old man continued to talk, наслаждаяь her speech and as if not noticing that we already seems to have come.

-Then the times were, I must say, vague and seditious. Want to understand himself Chet leg would be broke. Now the call is Vague at times. Then it was called democracy, glasnost, perestroika something. Michal Sergeitch, then only began to reign, Yes with a fool, young to understand, pulled the reins, gave the people of Yes will power. And the people our ages and ages are dark and wild was. It is like wild bear from the cell to release. What he'll do? So did our people is such that, so far as rushed straightening, can do nothing. Everything went awry. Now go around twenty years the procedure will have to bring the country after ambulatories.

There were so what only Mraz born not повылазила from the dark corners, like cockroaches when the light pay off, climb on the table for the bread to carry. And they. And all power and authority. People озги promises powder. And they only want one: power over this most people. And as it got, so just smile down with my teeth showing! In which parasites were. The left and the right, and almost эссеры with the cadets Yes cadets immediately appeared. And where on earth come from only? Seventy years with that stuff Yes contagion fought, вытравливали it and only let as you do! It is like a Burr, right in the growth and went into force.

Now. In the turmoil of these times there is just a lots of owners and institutions has changed at first almost all decently. House политдискуссии, then политклуб was. Here and centre стачкомов was working, you see, were striking. They own, the Soviet authorities did not like. Yes. and rallied here and speech pushed. And crowds of people gathered.

But it still was nothing. Endure such - they still moved. And then, then what was happening! Bourgeois even appeared - where it's at! Here одиин such and bought the house hook, line and sinker, restaurant opened here, and a little later, when the reins have further weakened, so here and gambling house was, however, semi-legal: in the big hall of the restaurant and in the rooms, corridor you saw tables for gamblers, roulette, even all different stuff. And in the back room - so there's generally hard Bab flogged, for the money, of course, and a lot. This is the most secret part of the institution was. All about him in the city knew, but still pretended that nothing know - so this буржую-кооператору damn helped all together themselves with money tear. However, the city is not he the only one like this, and institutions such missing. But, come on you, the single was not closed. All the people from time to time suffered. It is then such прохиндеям nuts started to wrap tighter, and then: who in consumption allowed, like in good old times, who have sent to jail to life raspberries could be. All without remainder. One broom. True, might is not right. There were people among them friendly, good, but better and them in there, what all this infection оставллять on the freedom to walk around and people to rot.

However, I must say that as they came from, how it should be, flourished restaurant long, and владелцы his eyes grew rich. Pockets of them by leaps and bounds were swollen. Yes, times were действиетнльо vague. Simple hunky was difficult to live, and now is, however, not easier. The bourgeoisie remove then taken away, but the prices are lower forgot to get.

Some then grew rich, and the other completely обнищали. Rich-then who? Cooperators there are different, we still ньюпманами called it from the words of the new нэпман, English. Моложежь invented, and all and was picked up. People always all signs of поподхватывает. So, if without сокращенки, "new непман" you have to say, everybody said "ньюпманы". Maybe you've heard of a band that was недобитая after the revolution capitalists? At school, I suppose, taught? Then our first leader, Vladimir Ilyich, too оплошке will every crowd gave, and hoped they revolutionized people's pulled forward, so they also almost drowned. And ньюпманов, it's Michael Sergeevich made.

And I think that finish them had back in the twenties. But Vladimir something Ilyich deal with them no time left for the eternal опочивание, the Kingdom of his soul, " the old man he prayed again, rolling her eyes. Is already Joseph Vissarionovich, valiant knight revolution said all those suckers on the evil and fear: "We NEP is not needed! We NEP build socialism!" then and drove them all this evil and contra недобитую which people live prevented, and steel headed by the great Stalin to build socialism, and almost built, but it turned out that буржуйское rabble not all taken out, and it Tishka became a popular cause harm. Oh, how many of them, pests, before the war-exposed - nightmare one and only! Were their camp to rot! Only them in one place eradicate, as they come out in another. There seared with a hot iron выжгут, and they are already in the third time. Spies German damn! So before the war with them, pests, and fought! Too much trouble they've done exactly the Nazi invaders sniffing. Therefore, the war is so hard and long. So would the Germans in times roll!

But, nothing Germans so we gave a light, be healthy. They Clement Voroshilov with Marshal Zhukov showed where a penguin!

My son when Жукове served. Oh! Discipline was iron. It is then the army is unfolded, littered its democracy fing, разболтали дуркой any, have corrupted. Especially in times of chaos, a lot of firewood have. Still probably suffer the Democrats засратые!

Yeah, and here is how Mikhail Sergeevich declared this the democracy by force of the law, so any Mraz again, like mushrooms after the rain, as grebes смаые vile climbed. So got that and not to withhold anything, to just arrived to the Supreme Council, to the press. And then what the interpretation was not told why not just write then. All of the dirt, Yes shit poured! And Stalin, and Lenin, not to mention the other. So what about Stalin in the former times were afraid to speak evil, and for the full tub of dirt was turned off, and no one, rabid dogs! Still, how many time passed, his name cannot wash! But the wisest man was, who I believe is second after Lenin in mind and greatness. Yes there Stalin?! These dogs hungry before reached that Lenin raised their hands, and then Michael, mountain-ruler, чередушко came. Not even remembered, dogs ungrateful, that he gave them freedom.

Yes, that was done, what was happening! So let's all, as in America, as in Japan. So Russia little and not tore to pieces, yeah with guts just not sold. And there still is, and Islamic Asians недовольствоваться steel, Yes Transcaucasia all передралось between themselves. I'm talking about the Baltic Germans did not speak. Those, in General, their freedom wanted. In General, such further hate you...

The old man spoke, spoke, spoke, and was unable to stop, and I listened and listened, and оторвться from this could not, as not forced myself.

I was strange, because his deliberate набожност does not clash with the love of Stalin, Lenin and other of our leaders. Incomprehensibly in his speech lived next to each other какзалось would be incompatible concepts. It seemed to me that in a fit of anger, ' he can link, if needed, more the opposite thing.

Only now I noticed that we're sitting unknown how much time in a not very big, but tastefully furnished room at the table, where the old man put his kerosene, and next to the already lit another, with a vast and beautiful shade of white frosted glass, painted vivid and bright colors, with фарфоровы housing as a Nude пышнотелой virgin, полузакрывшей eyes. The virgin were the Golden hair, the look of blue eyes was устрелен dreamily up, and in her hand was a harp that she apparently played. Lapa was very beautiful, you can even say that gorgeous, and probably worth the take not the last place among things ккого some of the famous Museum. Things similar to it can be seen only in the Hermitage or him of such a Museum, in which, unfortunately, I never was.

Golden virgin hair fell loose waterfall to her feet and spread inside there, and forms the basis for a stand lamp, in the Golden lake. Not light, but a real work of art.

The furnishings of the room, its interior, were also quite nice. The whole room was great furnished and well furnished. One of the walls have a huge, her whole width of the carpet depicting bright, сочщыми paints the scene forest hunting. It is made with such живописнымискусством that one could take the picture, if not антастической length of the pile, and a rare and long, its swaying made to revive зверй, dogs and riders with pipes and antique hunting rifles, настигающих game on galloping at full speed riding. And then the carpet was like a strange toy, not the huge screen TV. It was almost alive and warm.

Under the carpet, stood a wide sofa, upholstered in green velvet. Its carved seems mahogany back in a few places to keep yourself plump pillows are made of the same material, stitched on the center of each large cloth buttons-buttons and it seemed too convex. On the sides of the sofa had a big round arms-бочата very elegant form.

Large pillow in the corner of the sofa in a satin pillowcase, embroidered with bright flowers, dented, which, apparently, from the head of an old man, so had to rest, so called Manila and lie down, and not just lie down, and the flop with a running start to sink into her, burying his face in her soft Pooh, feeling the hands, fingers, palms касаютс pleasant surface Atlas that I almost succumbed to this temptation.

In the corner of the room there was a Cannonball stand by gracefully curved legs, born of an unknown master, probably more than a hundred years ago. It was possible to assume the elegant historic its forms, the fine carving on the edge of the lid, the massive cast handles of brass. Near the pedestal stood a few deep and comfortable seats, оббитых the same green velvet, probably, from one with a sofa headset.

All the furniture in the room was a natural trees, and therefore was notable elusive обоянием and beauty, which are not available modern furniture, made of pressed wood chips. From it came like a living breathing. And even bookcase, who was a good half a конаты, large and massive, thanks to this, Yes even the splendid carving and decoration, looked easy and pleasant.

The whole room was breathing the scent and warmth so enveloping and fascinating. Soothing, forcing to forget all the cares and anxieties, remaining somewhere in another world, behind the walls of this room, that the thought is that it should go, inside it was getting cold and lonely.

Two kerosene lamps enough to fill the room dim, but pleasant, warm, soft light. Moreover, from lamps with frosted glass cover and the body of the virgin was amazing pink мураж something resembling a haze around the shade, or as if I was short-sighted and looked at the lamp, and the shape of its eroded least in my eyes. I do not know and cannot say, as the Creator of this светильникаа managed to achieve this effect.

Easy twilight, сгущавшийся in the corners of the room, made the atmosphere more comfortable and relaxing mood of peace and quiet bliss, the feeling of heat and completeness, of peace, will never go out here, not to leave this small, cozy world. And I thought, how well here might be to age the little gray man.

As I gazed at the room, the old man knowingly kept silent, giving me the opportunity to see everything as можноподробнее, and, noticing that the inspection is over, spoke again.

Salese his voice in this room, in her warm, cosy atmosphere seemed so domestic and acquaintances that I came suddenly into his head good thought that it would be good now to climb barefoot felted Slippers, wrap himself in a long dressing gown and sit in a rocking-chair by the fireplace, which is necessary to notice, was not in the room to покуривя cigar long-long chat with the old man about many things, about nothing in particular, just as time went on and continued infinitely, swaying in his seat and back and forth and Smoking, savoring large and thick cigar. Don't know if and get rid of this maggot, if I don't immediately sobered persistent need go to one place, not retreating for a minute, sometimes growing, and now, just before a critical state. I and almost forget about her during a fascinating and extravagant chatter old man and remembered just now, when cornered again.

The old man tried to talk to me again, but I didn't pay any attention to his words.

-I needed to get out, " I said him and saw the look of surprise on his face. The old man was taken aback, and then I spoke to him again. -I needed to get out! I want to go out!

Finally after this until he came, and he took the hand of "the bat" said getting up:

'Well, if you need, I'll go with you. But I still wanted to know why the middle of the night you tried to enter this building, you had to. Keep in mind, there is nothing to take, and it, I assure you, not a place for easy money. Now too many of them, who are looking for, like, doing nothing, extracted a lot of money. However, ' the old man waved his hand, - such was enough at all times. And ours is no exception. Go. I'll go with you.

And, although it seemed to me that he trusted me, the old man took his shotgun. And we went out, winding through the long, convoluted corridors. He walked me out. As I requested, but only now, all the time walking behind, as if конвоируя me. I turned, but the back of my cooled all the way from the blind sight mortem, взирающей at me with empty eye-sockets two steel barrels a loaded weapon, and all the time we went, besides the desire to immediately sit down and blend right in here somewhere bunch, because the bear forces already there, I had a feeling подконвойной fever, when the whole body shudders shallow nervous trembling as if in a strong and long-lasting fever. It is necessary to add, that feeling теплаи comfort, the moment we left the room the old man crossed its threshold, stepped into the dark corridor, left me vanished, then, as the warmth of the hearth, улетучивющееся slowly but steadily in the cold, жгущем cheeks, откусывающем nose and выворачивающем ears inside out ruthless during the dank mites, barely escaping to get in there. Inside of me all warm and left only from the cold and darkness. I walked ahead, stepping on his own long, vague shadow from kerosene lamp behind they guessed the direction of further movement only on the commands of the old man: "Go right! Stop! Now the left! Right, right, right..."

Strange, but I'm shivering from internal cold, stumbling in the darkness, he could hardly see anything when the light in the back, thinking about that, behold, now the old man returns to his cozy room, затерявшуюся in the darkness of the huge cold домины fall on the big soft sofa, оббитый green velvet, sink головй in a huge, warm feather pillow and will lie and luxuriate in the midst of this all a nice and quiet charms, admiring the bright colors of the carpet depicting a hunting scene, occasionally blowing on his incredible length of the pile, to get lazy figure it move, until its not склонет fatigue, and he asleep sweet and peaceful one in his little magnificent cupboard somewhere in the belly of a huge and dark building, such unfit for habitation.

Already after the great echoing bottomless hall, I tried to remind the old man, not straight, and hints, with a backyard, that I've been in this house, only in him, not in the main building, and in the mysterious annexe, прилепленной to him from the side, and that I am aware of some of its secrets. But it seems that he failed to understand anything, for the never remembered me and only paused, lost in gloomy thought that shape and without the dead, the dead silence of the house.

He never spoke to me up to the exit, though I tried to call him on разгово and resembled, resembled, resembled him about the events of the recent past, calling from the memory separate episodes, believing that it is for these fragmentary phrases will understand what I'm talking about, or at least that I'm not here for the first time, if he does not become a memory. But from his mouth not прозвуало a word, even when he covered for Noah door.

Again I was on the street and now, barely шмыгнуть in the front garden, that was laid out on both sides of the entrance, take off your pants, not choosing a place to sit with a magnitude in the щекочущуюся grass and , despite all the inconveniences, experience a fabulous pleasure from облегчающегося after the forced-suffering bowel.

The first three minutes and I was not even able to think about something but Kaak departing from their point of need and this bliss, when, finally, she received satisfaction. But then, a little recovered, became соображат, where the same may be Охромов. It was strange that he hasn't met me at the exit and even called me. Can be frightened and run away?

However, he could I not notice this, because I disappeared so quickly.

Chapter 15.

About three minutes I sat in utter silence, undisturbed even комариным squeak and trills of cicadas, sometimes as this summer, объявляющихся in these regions. Then somewhere far away there was a sound like a deep, hissing, with присвистом, as of a patient with pneumonia sigh. He was long and long and looked like a snort giant asleep somewhere on the otherm the edge of the city for a peaceful night.

This was the sound is so implausible that I lent it absolutely no внимния and thought that I fancy. My thoughts were busy with something completely different. I thought, where could запропаститься Охромов, where his demons are.

Don't know what I would do in his place.

On the one hand, being in such a situation one, anyone could стрсить and run away, примчаться in school, залечьв bed, and tomorrow morning as casually come to my room and ask so casually, where it disappeared from my roommates room. But such an option could arrange except that some нытика and therefore automatically moved away, because Охромов could be anyone, but not to the extent coward.

Second option was closer to the truth, because I would probably did it this way, if my comrade taken under the gun: Охромов likely I tried to help out and went to find a loophole in the building. And, if so, I'll have to go looking for him around the building.

Most likely, and this is almost exactly what Охромов did: went in search around the building through the open window you forget to close it. However, as far as I was aware, from the side where there was an Annex, the wall was blank, and there Grisha able to detect a door leading to a secret store, which is now, at night, was opened. Driven by the desire to help me, he угубился inside the building, and God forbid get him where I nearly fell during their adventures.

I stood up, tore off a few leaves with росшей nearby чахленькой birches, but then he saw how this is silly, because leaves her little slippery, and it's not the best подтирка, we can say that in General, not the best one. Then, stepping in lowered trousers, and how they could be possible, I walked in circles a few meters палисаднику, until finally, fortunately, have not found a piece of newspaper, a large, however badly soiled with mud, in adhering lumps. Had before use, обтрушивать her thin yellowed, rough from time to time and weather extremes.

Somehow having coped with a toilet, I pulled on pants and it was quite went looking for Охромова how am suddenly he came to meet me where we parted, not forcing myself to look long.

I am glad to this быстроиу its appearance, however, had noticed that his face was not frightened, but pale and his eyes shone lights непотухшего in them fear, but and worked up into him in the share of curiosity. He looked like a madman came almost close and рассмативл me Nemo and long from head to toe, as if he were seeing for the first time, and expected to find in my image something that could testify to the fact, that happened to me.

I already quite confused his long silence and I had to shake him, when he suddenly he spoke and asked finally, as if nothing had happened:

"What are you so long?! I already procedure simply waiting for you! Where you've you been?!

-Where?! Are you crazy? Never seen something, that old me under the foresight led him into the house?

-And how do you let go, why the police never called?

I don't know, now and отпутил.

-And that, said nothing, even?

-No, why, we're pretty cute interview.

I briefly told Grisha that happened in the building and he in turn совю admitted to me that when the old man suddenly jumped out, then great refrained from reporting him his gun and with me hid behind a column, but then decided to attack the old man, take his gun and associate, and for a long time choosing a moment to jump, but never dared to do it. And then Гришand long sat on the steps and thought about the vicissitudes of fate, about women, it is not the way, and other nonsense.

-What you thought about women? - поинтересовлся I.

"Yes, indeed, different nonsense... But in General... actually, I would like оазаться in bed with her friend, was going to even go call her and tell them how miss her. And then do it, if not you. You know, I damn wanted to go to the this girlfriend home just horror as. She has such a хорошеньая apartment, all so cute, cozy, and she had nothing, not the last. Star of average size, so to speak, and, perhaps, even bigger, maybe I did not дооцениваю.

"Who is this friend? I do not Анжелка? - поинтереовался I.

Talk about women always distract attention and раслабляют psyche, and we do now was necessary as air, because both survived chut does not stress.

-No, you that don't know. I recently met, after we parted. That Анжелка? A doll. It may be, Baba, and anything cute, but it lacks something. Unfinished she's some. Кугуткой from it smacks, in General, from Анжелки. And it's all lady, you know? Yes-mA-a. I don't know how it turned out I had to meet her as heck helped. She so repelling Svyda that and not come even. And, most importantly, not a word scares, no, from her something comes that shiver. Surprise and respect for some. Imagine Yashka, respect, u-VA-same-no-E. You know how I feel about the women. And there you are - words can't say. And she's funny. Laughing, I would about another said "stupid", but it can't. Maybe this is what love is. You see, mind you I get that all women are the same, that it is the same as all of them, drug out, the mind-it is understand but the heart wants to believe, Yes wants, that all sounds of the mind in its desire to drown. I still can't move away. She had me right enchanted, at first sight. And, most importantly, I first spotted her, and she even then I was like eye took.

-Well, the first time with a woman without me met, and she'll immediately приворожила, I said as a joke, although something inside me just stuck.

-Yeah, not make, please. And not for the first time at all. I have a lot of friends and ZDEwithBT there is a, back home, whom you had never heard of. But this is my first time I meet.

-What's so special about it? I asked mechanically, already considered changing his, what should we do next, maybe even specifically to посорее finish this unpleasant for me to talk because the story of Grisha about a girl interested and thrilled me, and I was uncomfortable. I wanted to see it yourself and appreciate what she is.

Do not know, " smiled dreamily Охромов, and this smile struck a chord, -but I trudge and млею at the sight of her. When she is around, I can't find the desired, afraid of something to say. I broads just talk, and the boy amused. By the way, don't call her a woman, okay?

-Well. But that, she's in bed putting forth?

-Yes in that case-no. I don't get upset at her for it, but the most important and strange that, and don't want to. I somehow different, that special love. Even to hint to her that dare not. I know that I could have, could have, and don't want I feel that after this, immediately something is lost, something is gone. I'm like a flower, I admire, why am I this flower will trample? After that it's all for me, perhaps, others will. And if this is called love, it immediately disappears. I'm nothing like this had ever experienced.

She didn't like it, probably as I before it mnus do and almost blushing. Really like. Just as well. Staring at me with big eyes, laughing. And, you know, nothing special about it, no, not very beautiful, if you look, but the charm of a Royal. The ten enough. I don't even describe what takes place in my heart, in my soul when she is near. Is done so well that I ккой-prolonged power наливаюсь, which separates me from it, sinful, and I fly, fly, fly in, and it seems that ascend to the clouds and fly away to where usually people themselves do not fly...

-Yes, very interesting, but what do you етаешь, how would become of her in bed?

-As I undressed imagine and can't imagine. I have never раздетую and not seen. Even the house she was, when the ancestors was empty, and touch not dare, представлешь?


-Although she hovered near me, like a butterfly, like a moth, laughed, laughed. Just stretch out your hand, and she's yours. And no, as if behind a glass wall... and now sat and dreamed of what would have happened if I could not resist. Evil would probably work out. I would his hand to her reached out, picked it up, she would suddenly ceased to laugh... And then... No, it probably would have got it all... Oh, I don't know, but my thoughts don't come out as I caressed her, coated kisses her body as surprised her with his tenderness, his caresses, the fact that she felt would have experienced... Maybe somebody someday surprised?.. Oh, well, I'm tired of these thoughts. But you just think of how great it is lying in bed with a woman that you like...

"Okay, stop chattering nonsense, and you are delusional, like a madman. The devils that impossible! Let's leave soon the dawn will begin. We ZDEwithь do nothing more, come on, come on out. You're nuts about it so much thinking, I said Охромову and pulled his sleeve.

There's nowhere to go? if онулся and already asked soberly he. -As gone? We have done nothing.

"What are you here want to do? You saw that the building is protected, that here the guard there. Or do you suggest to Rob a right to his face? Yes it you will never change. Maybe кокнем it? And that easily, right? Especially if уесть that he had a shotgun, but with us absolutely nothing, not even mount some задрипанной to him on the head remedy...

Охромов to think, and to finally dispel his doubts, I added:

-Yes, and also something in this building nothing I know not what your friends want to take. The whole building was: should they have absolutely nothing. Blank and transparently.

-How so? surprised Охромов. -As there's nothing there?! you can't be serious! They same to me scheme Dali! What do you think these guys are a joke all doing? Watch this!"

He handed me a slip of paper on which was carefully depicted the inner layout of the building. I learned there is the big hall, which I have just passed, and the intricate weave corridors.

Red oily feature go the whole scheme was launched route through the building. He intricately wound corridors up to the door marked with a special symbol: the Latin letter R, нарисованой dotted line. Next bold trail pencil crossed the door and led to some side sleeve of the building, going to the left.

For a moment I wondered what this cecum, but then it struck me that this is probably the Annex, where I have been, and who now, as assured the old man, belongs to me, and the long way through the main building is laid only because the guys that was sent here Охромова knew about the existence of a shorter way back to where you could get to the goal much faster and safer.

I asked Grisha, so it gave me a non стелажей and shelves, with which we had to take the documents, "junk", as he called them. They оказалис recorded on the reverse side of the same paper.

-At least you can understand this? I asked him, examining solid columns of figures.

-Not now, but they told me that everything will be clear on the spot. In fact, they собиралиь also here with us first approach, however, see how it all happened. Maybe if they were here we would all clear?

-Yes, I am and so all is clear, " I said, " it is not clear why, if your friends have стольподробный plan of the building, they did not go themselves, and choose to use our unskilled, frankly, using the so thin and delicate matter? And more strange is the fact that they probably should have known that here spends the night watchman. The old man, though weak with the mind, but ружьишком but armed. You know, if now to think soberly, all this looks like a mockery with their hand over us, don't you think?

-I do not know. Me about the old man said nothing. I myself am scared of not less yours. Especially frightened when the lamp suddenly seen behind the glass. Heart fainting.

"Yeah, I saw, " I said from jokes, " you like shock turned, standing stock still, you can't go. If I were you behind a pillar not dragged him by the hand, the old man would both of us caught. However, you know, he guessed that I was not alone, and on the street who stayed.


"There you well.

"Why, if he knew, then both of us почакал? Passed would menturu.

"As you see, the police he didn't want to call.

-Listen, and if he is not called the cops, then, the reason fears. Maybe, let's... again try to climb it. To threaten старикану supposedly not tend to your own business, old crank, and take what we need.

-Listen, Охромов, " I retorted, " don't go on the rampage. You once for good, for good was released. Do not hope, that the second time all тебетак smoothly come. I always said you were crazy. Come on, let's go! I'll not go. With me one visit is enough. Maybe the old with the police do not get along, but I think he will find, as избавитьс from your corpse. Without even leaving the building. Believe me.

And that you are there if you try? The old man knows this house, as sowies five fingers. You will be led by the nose as much as he wants, like a cat with a mouse игратть you and I will...

-Okay, I'm not going anywhere, " interrupted my beliefs to your own address Охромов and turned away as if offended.

We were still standing at the entrance of the building for some time, and every thought of his own. I, on the one hand, of course I wanted to get money, but I understood that even if we do it on the bill, it will be mere pittance compared with the value stored in the cache securities that bandits are going to abduct, and then, probably, will sell rabid money kDa a cordon.

With one hand I could, of course, say Охромову: "C'mon, don't be sad, come on, I'll show you another entrance to the building where we are, no one will stop!" but on the other hand, it turns out that I myself let plunder gained me inherited by the will of luck excellent library, rare books collection, the price of which is even impossible to determine, for the already small Asti, that was me, you could say that the price of all that there is stored, is enormous. The old man, when handed it to me, spoke of her as the great Shrine and the great richness.

What I was thinking Охромов I didn't know.

Suddenly I noticed something страное around. From thoughts of my distracted me a strange smell, which appeared in the air. Охромов also began to sniff, leading nose from side to side, and wince unpleasant, you can say, just stinking spirit.

Really the air in a few moments Oka soaked some отвратитеьным stench, which all increased and усиливалос with every second.

-Listen, I don't understand, " said, clamping nose, Охромов. What пахер?

The sharp odor ызвал irritation, and in a few minutes we both felt nausea. To our surprise he was not going to пропадат. But there was something more amazing and ominous.

Quiet streets of the city in предательском silence filled обволакивались some strange strange yellow fog in which it was impossible even to breathe. It was not clear where that comes from, whether from above, whether crawls somewhere from the side, but it was clear that we urgently need to get out of this, until we both were suffocated in the yellow haze.

We rushed towards the school that had the power. Fifteen minutes until we ran along the streets of the city, located in the valley, they were a real hell. Everywhere around there was this strange yellow fog. He did not give dyhnut full breast, I разламывалась head, several times we with Охромовым puked. In the stomach already was empty, but he still continued дергатся in spasms.

Finally, the road went up into the mountain, and breathe it immediately became леге. With every meter rise we felt easier breathing. Soon we climbed the street pretty high up and ran out on the wasteland from which a view of the the city lying underneath.

Up here is not that poisonous, suffocating suspension, and we stopped to catch his breath and come to the senses. When we finally come stood enchanted by the fantastic and terrible scene the unfolding before us.

The city was not visible. He plunged into some abyss. Where the streets were higher, and their yet to be seen, she swayed on them, like waves of this sea, only much slower, and цветм they were yellow. And it was obvious that the sea is significantly dwells. Are visible only врхние floors of buildings. Those that are lower here is-here is already were to disappear from the surface, and the highest sticking out from this quaking darkness, how fantastic reefs, as the above-water rocks in the sea how surreal images on the picture of a crazy artist, decided at its canvas portray a conglomeration of a rectangular, angular, too correct form of mountain formations, thick, like spikes now dot the yellow surface of unearthly yellow sea.

The sea how it was clear, was played by bad weather. The rush of his muddy deadly, asphyxiating волнпродолжался with rapid speed. And we can understand why this is so.

In the centre, somewhere поередине, in the midst of this vast ocean yellow abyss, absorbing the city, powerful jet hit the sky Titanic geyser, выбрасывающийвысоко in the sky huge clubs orange-purple smoke. There, far away in the sky, at a dizzy height, available only aircraft, and rare, strong birds, hung with purple mushroom mew, iridescent purple bursts terrible cloud that has overshadowed a half of the horizon, which already densely розовела dawn streak of dawn. It was almost day, and was already fairly well turned bright, so that we could see in the smallest details.

Great clouds of gas, fountain spouting up, broke into the cloud and disappeared in it, but down, down towards the earth, descended yellow-brown clear that the lower the lighter became, and, settling yellow already and dense matter, преващалась in tight veil, колышущуюся over the city, through its streets between the houses.

Abyss rose higher and higher, geyser beat all power and thought ослбевать, but on the contrary, it seems, became her stronger level of the yellow haze became higher and higher, until finally the last, highest roofs of houses, standing in the valley, not plunged into it and disappeared into it completely.

We stood spellbound are unique spectacle. I can't even say how much time we've seen this terrible picture, but, apparently, for a long time, because, when came around, wave the yellow haze already достигликраешка wasteland, swallowing the street where we got up here, and to the East are already very beginning of the dawn, and the first предутренняя dawn turned into a broad band of dawn, on a light background which a thick grey cloud became still darker and scarier.

All this time we have not spoken to each other a word, and even when realized that удушлива shroud of catching up to us and already настпает us on the heels, the mole, not сговориваясь, hurried to the school. Fortunately, that the road to it was farther up the mountain, and there was hope that there this trouble will not come.

Wasteland when we left already resembled a sloping beach on the unearthly, yellow, slowly, lazily колыхающегося sea spilled to right and left, how was visible, without end. At the bottom of this арующей Majesty the abyss of death stood recessed town, and who did not wait for the dawn. And only the most recent, the upper house street from the wasteland down, poking out of her by his upper floors as the skeletons of dead ships, наткнувшихся on the coastal rocks.

Shocked by what he saw, we didn't talk to the school. Here привыча be on your guard, wait any minute accidental catch and immediately make the decision to not get caught, willingness to suddenly break and escape that there are forces, ducking away from the chase, do it and brought us out of his daze.

We перебросилис a few common phrases have no meaning to anything at all not relevant, but the dreams stopped and not already talked to the barracks.

That we just saw only that survived, neither I nor Grisha speak were not able to. It settled immediately somewhere at the bottom of the soul, and did not want to stir your senses and докапыватьс to very unpleasant experiences.

To their beds we got in without any пиключений, and, barely touched подшки, I immediately lost in a dead sleep, though sleep was of no meaning because the team to "lift" the remains of some half an hour.

In the morning it turned out that the school is also shrouded in the same yellowish smelly fog, but not in such a sickening as night, with the smell of sweet-cloying, elusive, not sharp, but временаим щекочущим nostrils. He looked like he could, from time to time, coming down upon the city, and therefore nobody paid attention to him than the two of us with Охромовым.

Everything was as usual: the rise, morning exercises, Breakfast, divorce classes.

At about ten yellow fog cleared away, leaving no trace, and only in the afternoon the school and rumors of a big accident at the factory химичесого Association "Khimprom", that in the city among the population numerous poisoning, and that there are fatalities.

Wake up in the morning I was tough. I barely got up from постли and then the whole day terribly sleepy.

Morning self-learning took place for me in the struggle with sleep, which, in the end, I was overcome and, расстянувшись shamelessly in the back row, I have remained so until the afternoon. I was woken up only when the time is right to leave the building for lunch.

Dinner passed slowly, without appetite. However, училищную slops could destroy the appetite only this fruit, I.

The evening самодоготовку I also spent in a dream.

Just for lunch began to spread rumors about the accident. Someone call from morning home to many classes did not came to teachers, most of which had the apartments are not in a military town that was PI school in the city, never returned from a night похождеия many самовольщики. Gradually, in the evening, about what happened already knew all school.

Охромов approached me before жином. By that time, I slept well and quietly already наал интересоватся worried all the theme.

-Have you heard about the accident? "he asked me as if he did not see anything had gone in the night.

-I not only heard, but also seen with my own eyes... and you too.

With him there was something wrong and if he wasn't afraid to stand as a witness before the court, then probably went roof.

-Yes-Ah, " he said distractedly cry. It was evident that some musings of torturing it. His face appeared shadow of anxiety and удруенности. -I have heard that there is even fatal cases.

"No, " I said, to reassure him, although he strongly doubted потму that almost choked in the aid stinking fog while the atmosphere just some fifteen minutes, - I think that there has to be such. We're with you too have tasted the stuff, and, as you see, alive. I don't think чттобы from this you can finally hoof discard. Nonsense!

-Well, I'll go call the house to a friend, you know, just in case, what's up with her and her родоками, - угюмо said Grisha.

-Хоешь, I'll go with you? - I was in the escort. -After dinner and go!

-Well. Only you-why?

-Yes, I also friends call him our former. I'm not like some not forget old ties.

-Well, if you are not well. And from them was at the same time conveyed greetings. And, вообщет, I am not joking, and I wanted to bolt at all put upon thee including Grisha was clearly not in themselves.

-Well, okay, okay, sorry, " I said soothingly.

After dinner, I felt again the abnormal, unusual for me craving for sleep and realized that I didn't want to go, but, having subdued himself where trudged after Охромовым, although he gave me to understand that it is not necessarily so. Why gone - I don't know, moreover, that I lied and did not want to call any of her friends, who, as Grisha I were a "hoot".

The phone booths that were located in the "front", the main checkpoint school stood pandemonium, which we did not expect found here. These three telephones now subjected to daily "weasel" hundreds of hands. Their disks spinning certain elaborate way, because otherwise the room would not gain, in their coin acceptors shoved, pushed down, шпыряли tricky appliances that replaced the coin, they knocked huge fists, because sometimes, at the most inopportune moment was lost connection. And this творилос here daily. So what can you say now, when there was now pandemonium.

Huge, man two hundred, the crowd запрудила a small Piglet before the phone будкаи, and to him it was impossible not to pass through, but even battle. She was standing, talking, Smoking and created an incredible noise. Up post was cigarette smoke, гедение stood like a bee swarm. Before our eyes, we just come up, someone tried to break the queue to the phone, пробираяс through this buzzing swarm through active work fists, and already reached my goal, but the phone booth there was outrage surrounding the so impudent and shameless behavior, and after a few seconds at the booth of a scuffle ensued, which after some time itself grew into a fight, has engulfed the first of several people, and then almost half standing.

With the roar of the crowd approval rushed from the fighters, forming around them tight circle, inside of which a dozen or two people beat each other's face and enthusiastically cheered and dared Jamie fighting. After a while accoutred joined a few people from among the supporters and sympathizers, then another and another. And a fight began to threaten the very fact that soon all standing around will become its members, so slowly those sober heads that still began to break up, dragged down by the fighters, one by one to remove them from the circle. Ring is itself narrow and closed again. The fight is over, and the crowd buzzed again, lit up as if nothing had happened.

-Go from here. Here not достоишься and until tomorrow morning, " said Охромов.

-What shall we do? To call something right.

-Come see what's going on in the "appendicitis"he offered, and we went out through the gate and walked along the fence of a quiet street, which was bending school and went far into the depths of the quarter, ending with a high steep slope in the direction of the Psel, abruptly leaving down to the river floodplain. "Appendicitis" it called for she ended the impasse, a small Park or garden in front of the fence tiny factories, distinguished by the fact that at least once a week out of the shop and lab released into the atmosphere a mixture of hydrogen sulfide and even some obscure smells, for a few hours which made breathing in the air't pleasant.

To the phone booth it was necessary to pass three hundred meters along the fence, and then past the lonely here around private houses to the far end, but we turned back, because noticed patrol coming towards us. Not that we боялис, simply have not wanted once again to fly from inflated the elephant and ascribed us AWOL when we were ten meters from the fence of the school.

Had to get to her territory училища.мы skirted several buildings казаррм, our dining room and came to the same fence on the inside.

Barely he sailed his and once in the courtyard of a large house, cozy lost in a sea of wild greens the surrounding gardens, divided around two-storey houses of the old buildings, each of which was not more than a dozen apartments (such houses were the majority of the этьой street) we saw about twenty cadets stood waiting for their turn to make a call from a single phone booth here. Next, those who called, customized all sorts of ways, shouts and надоеданием, threats and appeals to conscience, whining under his ear, and as soon as you can. If the called who ponaglee answered that it is their turn waited too very long and will call as much as he thinks fit. Who has been more modest in the booth did not stay long. In General, the atmosphere here was tense, ready is about to explode. All were inflated, and here, too, smell of a fight.

Go back no sense, but here we are not threatened, that we quickly call. With hardly found in the crush of the latter, we took him turn and moved to a low палисаднику, where there was a majority of members present to hear what they say and chat with friends who were here.

Talk span around the same: all excited случаившаяся accident. Here we heard various versions of causes and consequences and in General, what happened there. One was more wild and improbable is another, and only the two of us together, as they saw with their own eyes, modestly silent and listened, only occasionally pointedly exchanging glances.

However, the consequences of what happened, we, too, knew nothing, and therefore've heard about this with любопытсвом. Someone said that it all went well and there is nothing terrible, that all happened no more dangerous than regular urban smog, other frightened by the huge numbers of victims, said that all the city hospitals are overcrowded poisoned and dying, and that there are cases of a lethal outcome.

On the other side of the street stood a patrol, which did nothing and just watching from the scene showed that officer, head of the patrol, tried to force patrol to do something, but they refused to perform his пиказы, turned away, pretending not to hear, and he shouted at them and threatened them as he could. Apparently, he demanded that they somehow dispersed a crowd of cadets at the phone booth, although he knew how to do it. It was the patrol, which we had to go back ten minutes before.

Warrant officer long разбитрался with their patrol, pipped them military tickets to intimidate men and гауптвахтой, but it did not help. And then realizing that all the threats to it are in vain, he crossed the street and headed to толпившимся of the phone booth and cadets. Turning to the extreme of them, he began тебовать to cadets returned to the territory of the school. But nobody paid any attention to him, all just went away to the center of the crowd or on the opposite edge. Thus, the crowd started to move in our direction, closer to the fence of the school, теснимая bothersome head of the patrol. I don't know how would be next, but its trouble warrant officer contacted huge детиной and somehow tightly clung to him. He simply turned to him Sinaia, but the chief of the patrol, offended with such attitudes, grabbed his arm, thrust his arm into the pocket of his hands and, with difficulty expanding to himself, asked for the military card.

-I will never again give you a military ticket! "replied the Maypole, angrily looking down on a puny ensign and conscious superiority and moral and physical. The chief of patrul there was no real support, and behind him there was a whole crowd of friends-cadets. "Who are you, in General, to you I gave military ticket?! Release hand!

-I am the chief of the patrol, comrade cadet, and I demand from you to me obeyed and gave their military card, stubbornly and persistently repeated to him ensign, but it sounded quite convincing, and, in General, the situation was not in his favor. Maypole explicitly to mock him. But he either did not understand or did not want to recognize this and stubbornly held the hand of a cadet elbow, clutching his "Hebe" death grip bulldog.

It was felt that now for something that is not allowed by the Charter, but very often happens in life: cadet typed face the chief of the patrol.

Maypole fumed more and more. He's not just talking and shouting right in the face of the warrant. At first it sounded quite correctly and politely:

-Уберитеруку, please, comrade Sergeant, no need мнея is a hands - said the Maypole and tried to easy motion pull your elbow. It was obvious that he tries to avoid any collisions.

-Do not remove! "replied the officer, immediately, MCP sensing a sign of respect, much emboldened. "Come on military ticket!

-Can I still with you in the commandant's office to pass? ingratiating manner-with a sarcastic tone asked Maypole, when he finally got tired of the endless repetition of the dialogue of the two phrases.

-Let's go to the commandant's office, - bleary and has agreed to head of the patrol, explicitly not feeling the whole курьезности and trick question.

-Get your hands off, прапорюга! suddenly, releasing the aircraft had accumulated ярост, cried Maypole right in the face началльнику patrol. His face was red, then became densely bluish if from suffocation. "Do you hear, warrant officer, I'm going to speak!

In a voice husky simultaneously hear the desperation and the threat merged into a terrible one.

-Do not remove! still stubbornly replied warrant officer and put forward person, if specially substituting it for a strike, which had not long to wait.

Maypole swung and hit warrant officer briefly and ruthlessly hard in the face so that he as much head back came off. Then we saw how soared, airborne legs warrant officer, and he spun on his heel, drawn unbridled force распоясавшегося детины. He spun around her, grabbed him by the lapel of a tunic, easily, accurately so lightly dragged away from the earth. From the outside it looked as if we were present at the competitions hammers, and another one was going to throw his hammer with such a fury, as if wanted beat all world records.

The body of the ensign, like deprived of life, sluggish and weak-willed, as sausage, knocked at rotation of a few find themselves close to the cadets, and they scattered in different directions.

Warrant officer described in the air a few laps, and whether by accident or on the idea of крутившего it flew straight into a crowd of cadets, knocked to the ground, a few more people. The crowd rushed from the place of its fall with noise and whistles. Even touched the ground warrant officer забарахтал in the air by the feet and hands, and then they had a surprisingly quickly stood up from the ground and ran again in the direction of the offender. But he almost the head of the patrol approached him sharply and abruptly swung кулачищем and besieged the attacker blow underneath her chin. Warrant officer like a charging bull, несшийся on break, I missed this shot and again flew a few yards.

Rising, and this time, though not so fast as in the first, stood, swaying and shaking her head, as if after a heavy intoxication, and only then went forward to the enemy.

From the outside it resembled a battle cock with a bull: too forces were unequal. And it мордобитие would have continued is still unknown how much, if after the third or fourth round of the warrant officer collapsed to the ground, right. As had stood there like a post without props. Then it was immediately approached the patrol, нагнулись over it, tap on the cheek, then lifted her slightly came to himself head of the unfaithful подкшивющиеся legs and dragged him away, probably to the commandant, exchanged with someone of them stood two other phrases. And so they departed, putting on the shoulders of his hands and supporting his waist.

I must say that at that time, when there was a fight, and all those present enthusiastically watched it - and what we have people like to watch the fights? - Охромов not waste his time, and, шепнув in my ear, "I'm coming!" - rushed to the phone booth through откатывающуюся crowd, and when payphone were only two fighters, hard already тараторил in a tube, with smiles and compressing lips and his eyebrows and watching with one eye on everything.

When the fight ended, he still three minutes and spoke quite quietly, because after kurtosis not immediately come to their senses, and the next could not find. When the one who was now call queue is found, the cadets softly at first, then louder and stronger began to Express their dissatisfaction, incensed by Гришкиным rudeness.

First закрила once, then those who understood something, затемэти separate евыкрикиразрослись suddenly in a continuous noise, similar to the noise of the birds at the bird bazaars. And then I realized I still had инута, the other, and the crowd tear Охромова to pieces , excited only чтослучившимся приендентом. In fact, she had a legal right, because Grisha really blatantly got in the queue. And in our country queues joke do not like to nowhere, especially when everyone needs to make an urgent call.

Охромов first did not respond to perturbations of the crowd and smiling from ear to ear and immediately frowned enthusiastically chatted on the phone, taking in the booth вальяжную pose, but then I became restless погладывать the surrounding telephone booth disgruntled toурсантов. Smile altogether vanished from his face. He had tried to fight back, take over, impudence, but it did not. Just a little bit in the booth climbed hands, seeking stronger уцепить Охромыча for clothes, and get out, if it's something breaking the нахале.

Grisha hastily took leave, and would have to voluntarily leave the booth, giving unfair busy people, but it was too late провлять goodwill. At this very moment cadet-fellow, the one that killed a warrant officer, pushed aside the толпившихся crept off to Grisha, widely opened задребезжавшую glass door, and then, taking my friend for breast and picked him up and put him out of the booth. Realizing now its exclusive right to take his place, he looked out at standing around the booth of a crowd of cadets and, encountering no quarter disturbances and objections to such acquisition, climbed inside, barely fit into the booth.

The cadets were silent themselves the question "Who is next?" was resolved and wishing to challenge a decision not found. Several dozen nostrils sopeli now in уиротворении and silence. Токль it is wheezing, and even then, as a fellow gaining ноер, shuffling погнутым disk on the chassis of the machine, and was now heard.

-Go, - said Охромов, coming closer.

-Go, - I agreed. -Well, call?



-Bad. Her mother already hospitalized. The ambulance drove away. Wonder at all, as there was someone who else in the Ambulance work and other people to the hospital to carry. Yes, and she, too bad: not feeling well, having a persistent headache, stomach twists. Maybe she's in the hospital put.

-Well, and the others? The others like? Relatives of her still in town?

Cheering. Who is better, who is worse - Охромов thought about something completely abstract extraneous. His gaze wandered outside of time and space around. -Lie down with her in the hospital, " he said suddenly, after some thought.

-You can't do it: soon release.

-So what?

-And the fact that in the hospital you now nobody will put, don't you see? Yes if you now put her in hospital, so you are not easy госсы, and this means that you will need or drop off in the second year, in the fourth year, or create specifically for your экзаминации a new state, not simple, and state - understand? - Commission. Who needs it: with you bother? Yes you rather сгноят here in College than give now, during госсов, go to the hospital. You better give to die than not pass госсы, don't you understand? Can specially for you and the release of even arrange for you. Personally with you to carry all of the graduation ceremony, the orchestra there, родиители, relatives, flowers, congratulations, thy hand shake: how Grigory Охромов released. Razdaysya dirt - shit floats! Yes?

-Well, you! Easy! - brushed me Grisha. -No, so, of course, not want. You can and it's much easier without any ceremonies, without orchestras and relatives give me a diploma from the school in the office of "genes", and about the state Commission is they themselves that something simpler come up with, I will find some way out.

Anyway, this is a lot of hassle, and who needs it, say? - not that I agreed. -In this the case, you most likely in the second year of leave. You want some of this?

-I want, I want! What are you going on the same?! The record, is that it draws?! So change the time we have. I can, and I don't know what I want. I only know a cadet me to be like. An officer is much worse.

-How do you know?

-Feel. I have good intuition.

-Something I never noticed before.

This to me is not always visible. In some cases, only manifests itself.

-Well - met I have to surrender in this senseless dispute on the topic эфимерную and distant from the present day, "But our case? We are with you, they had not done anything! And what do we have? Some debts! Something must be done, in need of money, money, you know?

-Well, and what do you suggest? It's something we, in fact, просрали himself't you know skeptically grinned Охромов.

-Anything else is not просрали, " I objected. -I have an excellent plan. I very recently, just this afternoon invented. Therefore throw fool around, let's _unreleased_ to the end of what had been started.

-Well, and what is the plan? "asked Greg.

I already was going to devote Охромова in their considerations about our company but did not.

-Nix!!! - there was a loud scream behind our backs.

Chapter 16.

We turned and saw that the lane from the street, run a few cadets. In carrying machines. Perhaps it was our guard. They fled, in General, not very quickly, but don't fall behind he fled ahead of them an officer with a gun in his hand, evidently, the commander of the guard. He seemed shy of his funny animated (so it was unusual to see the rushing at full speed senior Lieutenant, who considered for humiliation at least slightly speed up the walk, and then: you better run), Wherefore look even funnier. Seeing it, I recognized him комнадира platoon from the second year.

The guards headed by the chief of the guard ran to the crowd, standing at a pay phone, which astonished at such a surprise. Остановившис and skipping forward cadets, senior Lieutenant shouted, for something raising his hand with a gun: "Estimate, surround, no one out of the circle!" He panting and couldn't отдышатся. The guards rushed to the crowd standing.

First, hearing the cry of "Nix!", and then seeing the guard I also taken aback with surprise and tried to figure out what is happening.

I could not got a hunch that all this is, probably, the beaten and the chief of the patrol. More vego, however, hit me that the guard, the same cadets, as we, the new guy's against us and most of those standing by, waiting for their turn to call home, the same самовольщики and lovers stroll to the phone behind the fence of the school, judging by their faces, were set quite strongly and it was like going to really fulfill their commander's order. Such cadets rare: Raven the Raven eye should not eat. This could not be a third year, because we knew what the guys there: they all came here on foot and not would run under any pretext or threat. This could be the course, but also not in all batteries, well, maybe with sin попалам in the first year, although there were steep, poorly managed "students". But the second was in this respect a high гнилостью", whether трусили, whether выслуживалиссь, whether so correct... Hot and there were guys свойские, but very little.

Yes Raven Raven eyes not pick out. But it seems that today this sign or rule, failed to materialise, it did not trigger...

Охромов strongly pulled my sleeve, so that I almost fell to the ground. I came to my senses. He already scampering. Not long thinking, I sprinted after him to the fence of the school. Only now I felt my heart beating wildly, and as needles beats blood in whiskey.

I quickly caught up with Grisha, and we almost simultaneously jumped the fence, in one moment latched on to him, defensive, and were перемахнули for withpасительной wall. Now we were in school, and nobody would be able to p that we were just beyond.

And the events behind the fence, apparently, unfolded cool.

A little later, the us over the fence the avalanche was knocked down, one and grapes fell cadets, some of those who stood at the phone booth. The rest are not lucky likely they already besieged, like wolves, surrounded by a chain guard.

Stay at the fence was not quite clever: I managed to get rid of the trouble, you have to make it to the end. And so we hurried back to the hostel, to the corner of which from our landing was not more than a hundred feet. In anticipation of his and prudence we are not disappointed, because, we barely had time to move away from the fence, to him this side подбежало several officers led by комендатом and a dozen patrol. Those that dragged the ensign, was not among them. The commandant and those who were with him, immediately задежали a few people, remaining at the fence, глядевших that поисходит on the street, behind the fence, in the courtyard of a five-story building, sitting astride it, and gathered already climb back, whether to help, whether because there's all over.

Seeing such a case, we Gregory hurried to hide in the doorway of his barracks.

On the evening verification we were missing a few people. It turned out that they were taken to the commandant's office, and the responsible officer went there to investigate. Only about an hour of the night he brought the detainees to the barracks, and angry, and angry that later have to leave, with a cross of suffering and resentment face came out of the barracks, even without checking before leaving, everything is in place.

In this ноь, павда, the location of the battery no one left. City subdued and extinct, meet almost all their lights, became сразукаким something uncomfortable and ужим, paralyzed and bemused yesterday's nightmare, not waiting for today our night донжуанов and adventure lovers. Now he was not up to them. There, in which gained its streets solid darkness, reigned sorrow, pain and suffering. There spouting this ноью tears of despair, and heard the cries of pain, there died of the people suffering in the terrible spasms and convulsions in overcrowded poisoned hospitals, where the lack of doctors, because many of them became жертвми catastrophe. For the city, to all those who lived in it has come now to another, not the best period of life. For a long time, nearly a week in the life could not return it to normal.

Several days passed. During this time, the passions around the catastrophe first alight, but then died down, and then completely disappeared, fell back as the water from the beach, after the rush of the waves. They swept past the walls of our school, almost without hitting this Slough, and we had to settle for Thea grains, which came to us by those who called the city of parents and friends, wives and girlfriends, who, naturally they were alive and healthy, and not lying in hospitals.

Immediately after the accident, the dismissal of the city categorically denied even those who had stayed there a father, a mother or a wife with a child. And we understand only the things that are coming to us through the reinforced concrete intake filters.

Several people of cases found among the cadets. They are carefully checked for simulation malaise, отсеив good half, and the rest put someone in our училищном infirmary, and who and in city hospitals.

There were a few people and with our senior year. Among them are misplaced and Grisha. Somehow he managed to pass all of the tests and even among the very few go to the city hospital. In General, he promised it,and he succeeded. How could he not know even I. The only thing he mnaboutth shared so it is said, "I'll lay with her one hospital, and, if lucky, and in one branch." all this again made me think about the supernatural пронырливости my friend.

Since then, he disappeared in the civilm medical institution it was no more don't hear. Yes it was and неудивитльно: students usually do not worry themselves to send news about yourself to your friends and relatives, if only there's no particular need, or not accumulated enough urgent requests. I could only guess as to what is happening Gregory and as he has fun with his chips, but it's hard to imagine how it is possible, when many people a lot of sorrow.

I have already said, it is usually cadets loved прихвстнуть his love adventures and victories over the naive hearts of the weaker sex. Often all it was great exaggerated fantasies hungry, unbridled sexual imagination, often do not have even a real soil. However, those who truly different in this, thrived in love and was incorrigible ladies ' man, somehow, against all odds, preferred to keep quiet. And, the worse and more serious were their adventures, the more difficult it was to pull out of them, the word, the more like they modest Pai-boys эдаких bells, innocent angels. They were buffet quiet and invisible on ohne daily boasting горлапанов-пустобрехов that seemed неискушенными in love великовозрастными boys-virgins. And only the closest of friends, such that, usually, not talking to the right and to the left that knew only they have been devoted in some part of their adventure, because often without their help was not needed.

The following кагорте treated and we Охромовым. Even we ourselves, though, and treated each other as best friends and, moreover, with anyone else for some reason could not come nigh, even we knew each other only what were linked inextricably: only common acquaintances girls from our small campaign for развлеений unauthorized people nor with that, or they didn't sign. That same concerned our relations стооне, nor I in his, Mr. Grisha in his special friend дрга not dedicated and occasionally, as with another familiar brewing irrevocable gap, said, told each other it as a funny story. And then I could not understand how he told me about his new girlfriend. Probably fell in love to such an extent that gone insane, and that little blow off steam emotions, shared with me their experiences.

However, it concerned not only love Affairs and ties. So it was with us and all our adventures like this, the last of which, learn about it нши commanders, our "gene", they would have his hair stood on end. We also knew each other only what we did together though and tried it, but still. 've walked same Охромов secret from me in underground house of cards, playing cards, started doubtful acquaintances. Now I was sure that it was not only the fact that I was dedicated and what not participated.

Deep down I forgive Охромову this "betrayal," because I told Grisha barely half of what I was for these four years. Yes and friendship because a relative thing, I often came to the conclusion that friendship is the only way to weak person simpler to arrange to itself a life, but also to bind itself in many obligations, and the ties that strong people, as a rule, avoid having friends or keep them very far away. ultimately, a person exists in the world all alone with your бреным body and soul, and everything else, as long as it was kept, comes and goes, remaining only in memory.

Yes, Охромов also knew very little about me.

A classic example is the case of "motorists".

Maybe then met with Grisha after a few years, I'll tell him about it than I am sure I will bring him in considerable awe.

Yes, it is true. However, my role in it was very modest and small: I only got the keys to the подельщиков, which were students of the fourth course, the address to which had to find a machine to steal it from there and bring in укзанное place: in several places in the city were явочны garages, where they found their last shelter уворованные machine. Here they are usually dismantled for spare parts and very rarely sold entirely.

In the "club of the motorists" I was several months, not knowing that the machine that I make and перегоняю, stolen. I said that the car left it there for our students, cadets, and they Bureau of kind services, can help you get back in the garage. In the end I realized that совршаю обыкновеныый car theft, and slowly slipped off from the campaign, for I don't want to be imprisoned. Besides, paid me there сщие pennies and I have, practically, the most basic and strictly наказываемую work. Of course, "pennies" it was by the standards of the share that they had делашт from such trafficking, but for cadet money they were fine, so, despite the fact that my mother did not indulge me remittances, I have not used anything to deny and even saved some money on сберкннижке it for a long time then felt my амбиии. From state-cadets received funny, purely symbolic окладики, so to say, ice cream.

In those вреена remember Охромов firmly set on my "tail". Обыно once a week I drove him to the bar with the campaign girlfriends, and particularly large holidays allowed even such a luxury as the restaurant, not to mention the fact that he went only by taxi and never бралсдачу taxi drivers, leaving it to the "tea" (the guys from taxi companies cool't love our brother for this change and rarely, rarely stopped when he "voted" man in uniform or in the form of a cadet).

Poto, when I left my "motor" of attachment, then ran aground, but Grisha появилис money, but we never talked to each other about the sources of our revenues.

However, after this automotive Scam, I have not had such истоника funds, coordinate could cover my притезания. It was the most, perhaps the largest and longest operation in which I had участовать. Almost all of the rest of the time I, shamefully was contained for the most part Grisha, and I heckled debts your fellow students. Live the same means, our offer to me a "good" state, I forgot, and this money I only wanted to one day go by taxi or drink fifty grams of cognac at the bar.

In the end, when I got tired of sitting on the tail of another, he, too, knew nothing, I decided to use quite common among cadets way of existence, about which I once told a friend with the fourth year, in those early days when I was young, green freshman year of College.

This method was that it was necessary to find some of the divorced or widow woman, нуждавшуюся in the men's presence, care and caress, and играт with her in Roanne until it ends at once will not bother. The main thing from the start date her understand that she should not build any far-reaching plans that, in the end, she will be alone again, may you enjoy the present and looks into the future.

The man that told me this himself lived a large part of study such спообом and уверл me, that does not regret about such method сществования that the majority lives and have never refused to do this. Then I listened to it with conviction, though not told him about it, but then my opinions have changed significantly, and when I felt extremely tight to live, that destiny itself pushed me into the arms of such an adventure, which strongly smell корыстю and which weighed no less than begging.

I must say that no matter how cynical was like,let's say, a love, but most of the women-singles willingly went to this непродолжителный Union. Who knows why. Some of them, those who are not accustomed to a constancy of their attachments, and organized such relations. But there were those that somewhere in the depths of the soul kept their little hope that maybe the young man gets used to get attached to them and will remain a little longer than promised, don't go out of their life so once and forever that it melts the heart of female affection, and, if not remain, it will at least occasionally, to drive, fly somewhere in the wilds of his lonely military life. Chances were equal to zero, because, as the evil they were too well-educated males, really scare off young people excessive their loving, reminiscent скоере maternal care, not the behavior of a woman, for which we must fight, further emphasized the difference in age, made her a huge and terrible as cleft of the abyss, on the other side of which is dangerous, and not a loan, in General, the jump...

Since that time, as happened in that conversation, much water has flowed under the bridge, I already was and forgot напроь about it, and even the facts of life ослуживцев, sometimes seeping up to my ears - and such ties, as I said, not advertised - 't remind me of him.

Visiting occasionally restaurants, I learned to distinguish between women who came there, completely alone and not waiting for anybody at the meeting. They, no matter how they are dressed, and to nor have stood them on the table, was a sad, wandering through the hall opinion, sometimes delaying appraisingly men. But they cannot be confused with prostitutes, too шарившими глазаи the hall. First did it secretly, immediately отварачивясь, frightened, turning pale and blushing, as soon as noticed that the object of their attention as suddenly looked at them. Протитутки, on the contrary, continued to blatantly stare and behaved quite defiant.

And once, when we walked for Grishkin restaurant bill on a holiday, I noticed that one such person, the whole evening sitting all alone staring at me furtively, and when I send in her direction counter-look here very quickly and, at the same time, somehow keeping her eyes to the side, only slightly, as if looking somewhere behind my back, or just dipping their little lower to the floor, as if being in meditation.

To say that the appearance she was very pretty, and not the times that night tried to get hooked men, but every time she asked them to leave her alone, and for some reason they выполнли her request, although we usually taken such requests as a single woman to be rude and ignore.

Something told me that if I try to go for her стлик, it is not indignant, but, on the contrary, even overjoyed. Don't know what led me to this step, but I got up from the table where he was sitting in the campaign Охромова and our girlfriends, apologized, saying that he saw a friend and I want to talk to her according to some business matters, and walked over to her table.

Woman, and she was a woman, beautiful, some thirty years before that furtively watched my actions as soon as I got up immediately lowered her eyes to theinоему table as if she watched me at all. She never lifted them, when I went over and sat напотив her in a deep armchair with vysochennoy back, if no one appeared at her table. It was as if I was an elf ethereal, which is difficult, if not impossible, to notice.

So we sat for some time. She looked in front of him on devices serving as if peering at filed her dish and poured into a glass of liquor before it all to eat and drink, but her hands were under the table, and she obviously was not going. And I kept looking at her and thinking to himself confusedly, why do I, a fool at all here hooked.

Scene of silence clearly was tightened and became awkward. I have already cursed himself and was as puzzled by our friends, and the Охромыч about such "business talk". They all believed in me. In essence, however, it is so to me was a business deal. I complain to полуение pension for the use of his love for services, I was selling his youth, his charm, his attractive, beautiful even the appearance of those who are interested and could, in my opinion, for it all to pay.

Yes, the customer was pretty darn good! I understood it only when she finally dared to raise his cute face and eyes and show me their bottomless cherry berries. Then I was confounded and he realized that "liked" in her ears. From afar she was not as beautiful as near. Maybe that's why its so unquestioningly obey men. Her beauty was worthy of the царственности. Men are afraid subconsciously such women, the feeling behind them some kind of demon power, that is better not mess with. Few dare to grasp such a dazzling production and the majority disappear, die in her enchantments arranged like the nets or traps. Those who manage to escape from these snares, carry the rest of his life heavy stone of destiny. It's a fatal beauty, and only abnormal and suicide are able to rush to it like moths to the light. I saw her through the darkness, twilight of the hall, but when seen near, I realized that he was in the maelstrom that would swallow me forever.

Yes, it is the proximity of death, I feel that ммент, when the woman looked up at me with her cherry eye, together with an attack of admiration and surprise, though not thinking about death. I felt the cold breath of the oblique old woman with a headscarf on the skull, остудившее me back from the darkness of eternity. She has not prevented even thick back of my chair. And they looked at me doublet, one thoughtfully, in my face, and the second triumphantly, in my back.

Maelstrom that spun me, bore whirlpool, and I long to dwell in his rough waters before heading to the bottom. I felt as together with очаровнием it breathes herself death, felt but couldn't understand why. More than a half of year nрожил I in a feverish delirium her cherry eye, and although they got the wealth of money and развлеениях, about which so much has dreamed. But could not escape from its shackles of the web of her charms, her раскаляющих me like a fire iron, hot, hugs, from her sucking my juices womb and пющих my blood mouth. I like a lunatic, he remembered nothing, cut it, though привороженный, at every hour of day and night wanted her body, devil's delight, and my flesh was constantly fighting, as the heroes of legends so I couldn't even together with their friends to go wash in the bath, because they would then засмеяли me to death.

More полугола continued this voluptuous hell. I did not remember and will ne nothing nor one spoke and talked nobody wrote letters, not read, and even thought of nothing but her. And it was hard, malleable and sweet. It was hell, which поглощад me more and more. Neither teachers, neither commanders nor my friends could not understand that with me поисходит. I заупстил study until the very last degree, it was always thoughtful and not talk could quit school and go to her at any vreya days, and, as if the devil was guarding me, because it every time left me with hands, and I didn't remember quite how she was in bed, he came back to the уилище, where she lived and how I ever found and defined the road to her house. The stray campaign, which came across my path, always evaded me party and not touch even when I climbed through them ahead, as if testing the fate. Everything was like a dream and I had no mo disassemble, where reality and what I dream. Brad перепутался with life, den with the night, life is soo death, all entwined for me in a ball, and I didn't even know what I want, think about it and led a life worthy of somnambulists.

Yes I was so himself Walker. Six months after that meeting in the restaurant after that fateful evening, I was like a squeezed lemon, my cheeks flowed feverish glow, the skin was thin and transparent, some kind of a devil power forced to move my sound body, and his eyes were bright glow of the flame приесподней, and when I look in the mirror, I saw in them, bottomless, black eyes reflection of my maid, who seemed to be bought not only my body, youth, beauty, and record my soul.

On this fateful connection! It was exactly messenger of Satan, she was fascinating, привораживающим the devil incarnate. I чувствлвл, embracing her, that it's flowing ethereal flame, giving and taking away the heat from my body. "Maybe Death itself has opened to me in his arms?" I thought in a rare moment of enlightenment of the mind, but all my ideas very quickly ended, barely again faced a voice of lust.

I lived six months not удитвляясь the fact that my raft is in an abnormal state constantly взвинченная. I вякий time under any pretext avoided мытьс in the bath, fearing that my friends will laugh at my great rebellious member. And it would be....

So for my happiness happened.

Don't remember why, or case, and perhaps Providence, спасшее me from the shackles of hell, but I failed once avoid a visit to the sauna.

For a long time I hesitated in the locker room, while the comrades seem a bit odd to me. Then I had to undress, and they immediately started me to mock.

-Посотрите, look at him fuck worth it! "I heard you, like a dream, if indeed in a dream, I exclamations. "Hey, guys! Yakovlev blue! Yakovlev гомосек, he bolt in bath gets up! Yakovlev, are you secretly men in the city in задниу пердолишь?! Ha-ha-ha!!! See what his healthy member! And it stands and falls, tetanus attacked! Ha-ha-ha!!!

Suddenly I was incredibly ashamed for your fool, so ashamed, Kaak we've never had in life. I was ashamed and that's naked, and I таакой big, huge, nasty неизвстно what about the member, and that all my friends look at me and laugh at me. Bullet I jumped out of the bath and started running, naked, with a protruding member through the entire school. Running, shame, and I can't stop it. I feel that overcomes me a great, overwhelming shame, but together withthe and joy some shines through the purification of the soul from the darkness of fatal of charms.

More I am the woman, never seen, and soon, surprisingly quickly, everyone has forgotten that incident and those nightmares six months, when were happening to me devils forgotten even faster than me. I was very pleased that all ended. And then because 't try I then such a shame, burn for me are probably already in hell. A little bit me then live on earth remained! Feel grouping the fatal passion me in the grave. Who me she probably decided to take into submission. Thank you for such a shame happened.

Росле that experience, I gave a vow: divorced, and even more so with вдовыми women not mess for any price. There is in them something of a curse. So, scary them live. Scary. This I also said. That widow. Little would have been a widow for the second time. Gave me no good nor her money, no entertainment, it received. Worse bitter radish seemed to me. And then how I don't distress you, as not needed in currencies, but is already thinking about dared not - terribly - about this method of their production.

Grisha охромов knew nothing about my connection. No one in school and throughout all the earth, probably, not know about it. To was genuine link with the underworld, and for foreign mortals it is always invisible. He just told me then, when it all ended with: "you Know, you're strangely behaving lately! Campaigns with me e appear, maids all I already распросами about you beat that I reference Bureau. Let, don, наверствывай up for lost time!" And over these six months he came close to me, never.

Now he is caught up in the passion. To me this was unusual, but what is most interesting is the fact that something pricked in my soul when I learned that he wants because of his feelings to make the madness in hospital in the midst of the final exams, especially government. A normal person to do so would not SOG. Love - love, but why so complicate your life? Something evil seemed to me in Grishina passion, in his enthusiasm, переплеснувшейся over the edge of common sense. A worm alarm and hazard stirred in me, however, fell silent.

Охромов if in the depths of the sea disappeared somewhere in the chambers of city hospital, disappeared in the chaos created by the disaster, and time, that he chose for his love Hobbies, was not very, if not to say very, not suitable. Also very strange.

And his deeds in promoting relations were n so bad as you might guess.

Few days passed, and it was don't hear. As if he had fallen through the earth. Of course, what the hell he will remember me when he is all right.

"A friend in trouble!" - they say, but, alas, and reminisce about friends forhастую, when caseshis a trouble.

Chapter 17.

A few days idleness order fed up with. And not only because banned all sorts of dismissal and going into the city, but also because, every day I become more and more force , almost physically felt the anguish of their arrears, overdue debts. I felt views their creditors, their душащее was silence, and it became impossible away all endure. But to do all I could, until AboutKhromov прохлаждался in больние and amused himself there with his girlfriend.

"How can you, симулянт cursed, making love in the ббольнице, full of sorrow and dying people, full of suffering and pain?!" - indignantly I was thinking about a friend and my thoughts became more violent, what this asshole completely forgot and thinking about it, in which me and pulled and gave me hope of success, I could not leave.

Not only the fear of not paying debts - it goes without saying, but the notoriety of unethical, dishonest, a threat which has hung over me clearly, forced me feverishly, stress seek a way out of the situation. Now lenders have already wasn't tired, as before, but their мрчные , unfriendly glances. And then simply appeal to me, as to an empty place, were многозначительнее, louder and heavier than any words. Nowhere, in any other area of my relationships with people I have not had such an acute sense of dignity, honor, in relation to its own debts. I was ready to sink into the earth, burn with shame when passing by me in a hostile silence like the people I owed money. Can a lifeь my friend Охромову it was and still, but for me it was just unbearable. Yes, and well he was lying there in the hospital, when you throw me suspicious glances and called for the eyes, as they wanted.

Yes, whatever you say, and the thing that I suggested Охромов, needs to be brought to the end, especially because it took a new turn after arising from me the idea that I told Grisha, and he recognized the large share of legitimate in my new proposal, but noted the increased risk of a new enterprise. We agreed that, as soon as he "recover" and return from the hospital, and if possible before, we'll deal with the matter without delay.

Took place already a whole week but from Охромова was neither ears, nor spirit. Whether he wanted to or not exhaust find ways to tell me about yourself, send at least a short message about how to go he's doing. I also could not reach him, because, first, did not know which hospital he lies, but, secondly, even if knew, I could not escape from the school, потоу that all the cadets have established such tight control that for the fence of the school and the nose was impossible to stick, not thatwould somewhere to go. At night now in every barracks remained responsible офитцер, evil, as the dog, left by the master of the bad weather on the street guard house, from what he could not break from the service even at night. Every two hours he walked from room to room and counted cadets, touching each leg, to ensure that under a blanket is not overcoat or something another substitute, but a living person. To top it all broke down all phones not only the three who were in school, but in all the adjacent district. Their specially cut off, whether completely доканали cadets its неласковым treatment but that they did not work, completely cut off school from the outside world, and no one could сказат that the same is happening for its concrete fences. All the inputs and outputs of the school were blocked triple reinforced patrols, which were appointed by the soldiers of the division, but there's more to the officers and warrant officers than the poor souls.

I heard that a few desperate brave men, mostly local, tried to break into the city through the cordon, but all their attempts failed, and they without exception, all were on indefinitely brig school. The fourth course surprisingly dealt prudently, and among самовольщиков anyone caught was not. The fourth course like ceased risk: the nose was already edition left a few days, and none of the graduates did not want trouble.

Officers these days were never silent, and not less рачны, if they all have the time had some great misfortune. And even especially close to them could not вытнуть no one a word about what was going on in town, on каакие would tricks not started up.

One would think that everything that happens once свзано since the past tragedy, but how? There was no answer.

IUwaiting for the, in desperation, I decided to break in the city and visit больниу, in which, as expected, is Охромов. I long opted for the moment, until at last my patience came limit. And then, saying to myself: "If the mountain will not come to Magomed, then Muhammad will go to the mountain!" threw myself into the breach.

I did this deliberately in the middle of the day. Night excluded brand: control by officers was so hard, htabout no chance did not help me at night. From daylight to a single window, in which you can get by there was lunch time. No matter how strictly controlled us, our officers but they had their human weaknesses, and, relying on some other, наальники patrols команиров, and those on patrols, all SAI without knowing it, happily went home for lunch. They, too, wanted to be with their wives and children, and cursed service, especially now, not leave another time.

I thought it was that, if I don't нарвусь of an abnormal head of the patrol and I'm lucky in a way, especially when leaving and returning to school, then in store for me is half free hours: lunch officers were leaving in an hour, and returned to the three. During this time, it was possible to pass to the farthest end of the city and to go back, if not to be detained anywhere, even on the trolley or bus. Me the same, if Охромов it was in that hospital, in which assumed I had to get much closer.

Problem, that directly interfere with the implementation of planned, was that I had to agree with his squad, and that with замкомвзводом. We had to assure them, make them believe that I can make it invisible, and if "heal", that'll take all the blame on yourself.

My squad was a guy хитроватый and savvy. He never took responsibility for such cases, and always consulted on such matters, solving issues with замкомвзводом. The same, the person himself the simple and open, but defends its simplicity mock severity and excessive severity, usually was against this, but, if agreed, he warned that he hasn will not let go, and if someone is caught, then let him take it all on himself and otherwise, were implicated someone it, he never let go. Su understood this well, and tried not to let them down.

Уламывать this time had to "lock" the very long. Very much afraid that I get caught somewhere, especially in such, as he felt неблагопричяятное for such cases the time. He finally agreed, but warned that if I would not be at three o'clock, he will report about my absence комнадиру platoon, and to then I пенял himself. In between times he remembered me two times within just recently I fell in unauthorized absence, and that I was going to go AWOL with a noble purpose: to visit a friend softened his decision. And he would not let me go any.

Despite or even because I was самовольщик with experience, almost anyone else, I know it is hard, in this case you just won't let go, and all the fellow platoon me and took me to the door of the class angry, frustrated views. I often many of them left here now, in broad daylight in the city, only just left school a platoon leader, and because I, unlike night adventures, where all were equal before fate and luck, in the day of my unauthorised absences trusted more than many of the other. Some people, this may have been a shame on me for a long time many had a big tooth, which threatened to get out once I sideways. I enjoyed this privilege, because never got a day to anybody in the city or near school and was late for уговоренному time, it found credible and cunning увертку, in which no one except me, as it turned out, was not involved. Not once seen my Junior commanders that I try not to involve in such происшесствия their person. I boldly took the blame on himself, and all of the anger came down only on my head. But леге't stand it, what you never let go.

So it was agreed, in the afternoon I had to go in town to visit Охромова, and did it. I left, when the time was hour of the day after midday - it was the most favorable time to avoid patrols: heads of patrols by that time, gathered for a report to the commandant's office, went from town to the school, where the Central checkpoint was commandant's office. I was going to town, in the opposite direction, so вероятност meet with someone from them in a trolley was equal almost to zero, and from the stop near the school escape for me was quite simple, as for any cadet, more or less knowledgeable surroundings.

By three o'clock, when I returned, as usual, in school, patrols dispersed men to meet in a town with only a dangerous place when you return, as and when leaving, however, was прилегающе to school space, where it increased the probability of encounters with the local patrol or someone hurrying after lunch on the service of officers.

Yes, I вспомил trolleybus. Funny to say, but to release from the College I дожился before, that he could not afford the luxury of болльшей than public transport, which, thank God, the cadets went free. How hard it was to admit, I was a bankrupt.

I successfully passed the zone of cordon, entirely обложенную around the school, in which I have been known holes.

Before the five minutes it took me to bypass the long corridors of the chair on which he was engaged in our platoon, go down, cross the territory of the College, the shortest way to the fence, премахнуть it, making sure that I hadn't been waiting for, and then, looking around, went to a stop.

Within minutes I was driving to the city center.

The driver announced that the trolley bus only goes to the city centre and Central market. I do not like as go I must have been quite different direction. I поинтереовался him what was the reason, but he only looked in my direction as in some special way, gloatingly, I показалос, and silently closed the door to his cubicle. In essence, me, his behavior is not surprised, because the military in the city always treated contemptuously, if увствовали, the superiority are not on their side. But as a man I felt sorry that I had to treat: I personally do harm to this driver did not.

It was annoying, because transplant had to spend a minimum of ten, and пятнадцат minutes. This was very much if we proceed from the time that I had.

Already at the entrance to the city centre I noticed ahead on a course of movement the multitudes, запрудившую all Central pedestrian street. That happened there are perfectly visible through the windshield of the trolleybus. The driver stared again at me, somehow evil grin. When we drove up close and stood at the intersection on a red light, it became clear that its a huge procession going across the street, стекаясь from all sides, towards обкому party. Over its головаи in several places could be clearly distinguished scarlet spots coffins.

This spectacle is alarmed me interested at the same time. Like to see what's happening on the square in front of the building of the regional Committee, прозваном people in the Pentagon, to whirl in this populous crowd, listen to what they say, what people want. I guessed that all this has something to do with the recent catastrophe, and, more precisely, with the victims of the tragedy, and this interest of mine is even worse. Immediately I regretted that I military form, not гражджанка, because the inhabitants of the city and without TRG couldn't stand the military, considering we parasites, обжирающими country and the local population, in particular. And now, therefore, in an excited crowd could happen incident more serious than just swearing and insults in my address. Mad with grief people wouldn't understand what I albeit in the form, but the same people as they are, and I'm wondering the same problem as them.

While I hesitated between the desire to see what was happening, ограниченносью вреени, the need to meet Охромовым and prudence, striking, from place to stay away, trolleybus, turned left and went around the curve, уходщей cool visas street leading to the square near the Bazaar.

Запруженные people of streets disappeared from sight, and my feelings, awakened by the unusual sight, calmer, quieted down. Prudence prevailed and I decided not to deviate from the planned my route.

The road had to spend unforgivable a lot of time, and the conversation with Grisha I remained for about ten minutes from the force, otherwise I would not have managed to get back in school.

In the city there was something unimaginable. All shaft went to the Central square, transport went extremely bad, and I had serious concerns: would I come back.

I must say that in the hospital I was allowed with great reluctance, Yes and it's probably only because I introduced myself sent here the commander of the battery to test the cadets to the place of treatment.

Me forced to wear a white Bathrobe, begrimed, however, to such an extent as if it worked stokers, and explained that without the robe to go to the Department of it.

Asking first got the nurse, in a ward is the cadet, Охромов, I was delighted that he was really here, and I don't have to go somewhere else, in another hospital. I walked in the indicated chamber, but Grisha is not proved. Roommates, several men from thirty to forty years, and two-three younger - playing dominoes on shifted to the nightstand metal beds - something inaudible and unfriendly answered repeated me several times question not paying at first no attention to me. I little understood and бурчания, but ask hesitated, seeing that my friend here is not at a premium. One thing was clear that Охромов somewhere walks. Maybe he had his подржки, and, perhaps, rushed into the city. In any case do here was nothing I couldn't wait, pотому then every minute was to Seth, to seek, too, so Kaa knew neither the name nor the name of its girls, nor where she lies, nor her street address, no phone.

Asking where it to forge, I pulled from rolling on it newspaper piece of paper and left in his nightstand a note to knew that I was with him, and once contacted me. After that I went out of the CTDetion, gave Bathrobe duty nurse, and said goodbyetремглав rushed to троллейбtheсной stop. But hurry my proved futile, kato in the next half an hour or one of the trolley-bus, next to the city centre, was not. At the stop has already accumulated about fifty people, but urban transport like ceased to exist.

Angry, beseeching God, clenching his fists of fury angered to a level close to hysteria, I looked at my watch and saw the arrow with fantastic speed, jumping by the minute, as if on the steps, отскакали five, ten, twenty, thirty minutes. I felt like hope leaves me with each оттикавшей second, imagine what trouble waiting for was now, when I get back.

Finally, in the distance seemed trolleybus. I обрадовлся, but radostь this was with a large admixture of heart troubles. All the swear words and expressions, which only came to my mind, sent to the address barely позущей machine and its good for nothing the driver.

People at the bus stop revived, столпилис, clung to the roadway. The crowd crawling to the edge of the pavement. Rear, trying to squeeze forward, поднажали on впередистоящих, and the first under this pressure were on the pavement. He heard their disgruntled voices, but the crowd, no matter what continued and continued sliding off the curb, like milk poured from the edge of the table to the floor.

All this continued until pokand to stop gritting overloaded springs, rolling, swaying from side to side like a ship on the waves, wheezing гудя electric motor, not подрулил crowded bus. The people in it was so much that folding like an accordion doors cannot be revealed themselves, without the help of a few men of the number of waiting, схватившихся for sash with such a frenzy, as if they were ready to tear to shreds all lining horned колымаги. From discovered, finally, with a terrible shriek and creaking doors out, fell immediately few people. They began to quarrel, отряхивать, look around your clothes, bags and briefcases, badly injured in a stampede, but standing on the bus stop is immediately swept them away, not letting herself, with insults and shouts rushing to раскрывшимся door, pushing each other's elbows, trying to be the first to take the tiny piece of free space at the entrance to the first steps, under a bunch of overhanging the people all the forces trying to keep each other from falling out of the salon bursting шевелящейся inside, breathable, hustle squeezed. Packed in an iron box, like a sprat in the Bank sauce, пышащей жаом, потеющей and тушащейся in own juice human mass. They eagerly swallowing the air from the street getting oxygen to the next stop.

I imagined what is happening there, inside, in the heart of the city. Maybe someone already choked stale air, squeezed, choked on all sides. It would be a terrible, silly, silly, improbable, but as real as our whole life is death.

In memory I came case, then remembered forever. At that time I myself was in that wild position, which truly can say laughter, tears, ьрагикоедия, simple life and equally banal death. However, I survived.

It happened once, in College, at the entrance to the dining room. I was then in the first year.

Our battery and still несколькодругих units were last supper. And at this time to meet us, dining beginning to come battery fourth year. Passage to the dining room, поещение old, God knows when built, was a small waiting room thoroughly комнатенку six meters long and three wide. At observance of prudence, if all moved in detonation colliding streams, or would first we missed them, or they have nothing terrible happened, everything would be quiet and peaceful. But life without adventure is not sweet, and, whether of pampering, whether from желаия show their ambition spontaneously emerged on both sides, in the very doors at the entrance, where was opened one leaf, старшекрсники pushed beyond, disagreements with them, who also was the first one to go. In the course at this went proven methods: hitting the caps from the heads of the enemy and зашвыривание their opposite to the movement of their masses, тыки with fists and elbows, just словсная swearing and нахрап. Our movement has slowed, and then stopped. The head of the column stood up and even rolled back, but the tail habit напирал, sensing an opportunity to frolic.

If the head beyond confusion arose, and rear kept on walking as if nothing had happened, but because and подналегли on the front, then the incoming fourth year immediately зачесались fists, and they are even more friendly pushed forward, hearing the cries of indignation their going ahead. In the middle of our column also emerged pugnacious mood, moreover, that the call was made boorish behaviour seniors - there was a pretext for a showdown, and the palm is not challenged ( in school was established tradition of respect for the younger cadets of senior courses, and the first course to be able to peacefully and amicably drive barrel even graduates). Each party wanted to take now prevail in this struggle.

Worst of all I had to those who are in the middle, in the middle of this bloody battle. They serve now as a passive mass, buffer, which both sides extruded from both sides, trying to break the resistance. If the rear much as they could fit with the cackle and passion to put pressure on the front, put his неалую silushku, ahead of this enthusiasm appeared only in the short time, until both sides of the middle not сдавили exactly a huge pressure. Then it was replaced by panic knowing that at any moment they can be crushed, and in the epicenter was already joking aside: there was a struggle for survival. These living Vice with a furious effort tried to crush, crush the middle, where the equally disastrous situation and their own, and others.

After a few moments, there was not the first and fourth year, is not shared out hikes and turn. Were the executioners themselves do not know and do not wish to know what they are doing, drugged дурманом contractions, and sacrifice themselves though, found themselves hostages of the stupidity and madness of the crowd. From the edges of the formed heap-small could hear the cries of animal ecstasy, вырывавшиеся from a dozen breath together with бешеннымнапором forces embedded in the back впередистоящих, and from the epicenter of the hustle, drowned by the roar sounded weak appeals to his own (for enemies cry was generally useless) stop the stampede to give in mind and see that business has already taken far not a joking turnover.

The middle is not remain anything else how only turn off from the hustle and fight for its existence.

Its trouble I was in the heart of this hustle. In my memory until now was Ivo that panic feeling of utter terror, which arose in me then. Sandwiched muffled from all sides, I was not able to inhale breastfeeding and not know what to do. Completely panicked I started to explain to shout others, Thu they are about to crush and strangle me permanently, but they themselves were not in the best state. And near the end I even wept, wept remnants of the air, another former in my lungs, and finally brought a moment of breathlessness. Trapped near nothing could help me. They felt the hell of the force is kind of funny, but at the same time the mad battle on their skin. But strive against those who подолжал come back, not for the first course, and not the fourth, and just individual groups and just cadets wishing to enter and exit, and meet in their way such obstacle.

Pandemonium at the entrance grew with each passing minute, and already there was a sea of heads, that filled themselves, like the flow of water, the whole предбанничек and surrounding corridors.

I cant understand how I am still alive: breathing was simply impossible. Only then I understood how helpless and defenseless people, how weak he is in his body. Here I saw all the reality of that which is usually людине believe and what not remember until the very last day: действительноть, and the certainty of not someone's and his death.

Yes, every person in the abstract, the abstract пониамет that ever die, but the concept it seems to him so эфимерным, and the event itself - matter of such a distant future that he and not think about it as it should, but otherwise he probably realizing that all his worldly ambition and passion just a whim of the eternity and nothingness, a moment, a flash in the bottomless time, lived as something different.

At some point, is probably the most critical, in me the panic and confusion changed suddenly a terrible thirst for life. I said to myself, or someone said to me, whether the inner voice of the flesh-live apart from our consciousness, it несомого, whether the Providence of Fate and of the sky, if you believe that this happens. I had a wild, unbridled desire to get out, get out upstairs, "float" above the surrounding me a sea of heads. My eyes clung to the web, трепыхавшуюся rags, aggravated by dust, under the ceiling предбанничка, if so you could get out of this absorbing me mass. I wanted to become a fly, because she is able to walk on walls and upside down, and because flies never force so бетолково each other. Breathe still it was impossible, but I wanted to breathe freely. But I почуть little gaining air into the lungs, to the extent allowed around me and pressing in from all sides live vise.

My attempts to rise above the others were in vain. All around I climbed up, ытаясь steal the neighbors, so I could be at any time under the feet of others. Everyone tried to escape from the viscous embrace the crowd, одуревшей from this accidental fun. Those covered iron hoops death, they were not to their liking.

Crush continued with furious force. it's hard for me was to understand increases if her head or decreases, I looked more like a удушенного chicken, which then nothing, and would have died, if not powerful instincts of the body, which gave him the wise nature. They were stronger than my spirit and forced to fight for life, when he had already surrendered, leaving my body to his fate. They led the salvation of the body. On their team, I instinctively placed his hands in the castle, his elbows and or pushing, as you could neighbors in misfortune, did not give squeeze yourself chest. Perhaps I increased the bee, but the case concerned спавения own life, and the instinct of self-preservation't allow me to think about anyone but himself. Thus I managed to get a living space needed for breathing, and finally sighed full breast, as if wanted to dial the air in the lungs, and the huge canvas bag, - such a greedy I did.

However, after a few minutes my hands are tired of toil, is powerless расцепились, and the abyss again bubbled around me, but luckily, soon those who wanted to leave, were the majority, broke the resistance of the aspirants go, whose ranks are significantly поубавились, constipation burst and pulled into the street under enormous pressure inside the building.

At that time, the cost, but endured the minutes of the horror experienced in the stampede, remained alive and fresh in my memory until now. So I quite clearly could imagine what is now inside the metal box horned boost cart - urban gratuitous cab-ьрудяги, пользующего their services to the urban poor.

Meanwhile, the crowd at the stop continued furiously to break into the bus, and standing on the side of this business, not without curiosity and interest in watching the happening, I once cursed himself for indecision and несмелость, that together with all now I haven't forward the remaining tiny piece of space at the door, who could not accommodate посотни people, not толкаюсь together with other elbows, IR is not отпихиваю and not сдергиваю the footboard to make room for itself. I tried to get myself to jump into the crowd and could not, and cursed himself again last words. And I had to climb up to me, the region had to hurry, I already great late.

Were fighting inside of me common sense, logic and the fear of the new failure. Most of all I didn't want to look optional, unserious person in the eyes of their товрищей, his замкомвзвода and the commander of the Department. And if I was late today, you probably силььно would fell in their eyes, and I would definitely be in the next time will not be released.

On that I could now hope for? Only at the indulgence and complacency Mr. Case,which has not once deigned to мневыкручиваться of these situations.

Door trolley натруженно roared, trying to close down. So the owner suitcases other times when he wants to put in it too much вещй tormented then, putting incredible efforts and attempts to close.

The pegs trolleybus several people were clearly unnecessary barriers slamming the door but no one, protruding, he would not admit it even to himself, and trolley stood at the bus stop until, finally, they somehow, not a bit inside and disappeared behind the doors, the doors.

When trolleybus moved from a bus stop then I saw him with great regret. Now my lack of bthedet it is noticed for sure. We were not in a hurry, but I was not discouraged.

The people at the bus stop there is more than enough, so I had no doubt that not only the second, but the third троллейбс, if they come, I couldn't.

Two men standing next to me, suddenly went to the roadway, and I saw why: they were going to catch a sweeping way away along the Avenue taxi.

No time to think, as it should be. What I do, I grabbed the last of them, that was closer to me by the shoulder and pulled her, telling him straight in the face: "Take me with you, please. I have no money and I really want to get in school, otherwise I expect big trouble!"

I tried to give my voice to sound more convincing tone, but at the same time not seem pathetic, though, I think that I better just happened. My interlocutor first completely unable to understand what I want from him get, and could not come to himself in surprise, and the rudeness with which I addressed him. Then restrains herself, somehow skeptical looked me up and down, but nothing is said, and made such elusive, Poti ambiguous gesture, that I will, however, almost intuitively guessed that he had no objection, however, makes unpleasant leniency.

At this time, his friend already negotiated with the driver, and when we got in the beauty of "Moskvich", asked:

- "Who's this?

-A familiar, " answered my спаситтель, and we rushed to the center of the city.

They were going somewhere in a different direction, but because dropped me off there, and rushed on.

On his luck here too I was this time't stay long because some deranged, like me, also returned to school. He was in a wheelbarrow and could pass by without stopping, but asked the driver to slow down, seeing me for which I was very grateful to him. Well, when someone understands you and included in your position.

-See how nix city? "he asked.

"Yeah, " I answered. -And what?

"I don't know. Parents in the hospital, and her aunt anywhere from home nose is not vanities, " he answered me, and then we drove in silence, everyone was busy with his own thoughts.

In school I too late after all, and when entered the barracks, already пиготовился to the new взбучке, tuned in to all the bad and unpleasant.

Chapter 18.

In the dormitory onour course there was a strange pandemonium the more unexpected because in this time everything should already be in your classes on the exam classes.

All ran past me, as угарелые, pushing, and the fact that I was late, nobody paid no attention. Nobody noticed, probably, that I was not in place.

From the heart I immediately felt and eased my mind, although, obviously, something happened out of the ordinary. And once everything is running such a serious and concerned, it means that happened some big trouble, only you could not see what.

I just stood there a few minutes on the threshold, watching творящийся in the barracks of a stir.

Passing me by was anxious platoon commander, not even stopping and anything without asking. Behind him rushed замкомвзвод, also not paying any attention to me. Then I met the commander of branch, who threw me on the go: "What are you waiting for?! Get ready!" - ran away.

I never realized what I need to meet and where, and, most importantly, why. And it was unclear which such a case it may happen that everyone would forget about me and will run past, though, as it seemed to me, not my commanders other such things, which can be more important than the proceedings with me about my violations.

In the middle of the corridor with the light several light bulbs, stood the figure of a battalion commander, who was watching мечущимися around him cadets and occasionally was giving orders, someone drove, someone одергивал, someone shouted.

Надтреснуто rang, разоряясь, call on the door the Armoury chamber the case is ran and ran out of her analyzing the cartridge pouches and shops for machines, the cadets.

I stood and could not understand what I do. The only thought that was now in my head, it's a relief about the fact that everything was OK. However, the long remain on the threshold of the entrance to the barracks, when the terms of цаит bustle and hustle, would mean that in the end, on your strange behavior will pay attention, then perhaps it'll be sorry:

Too I stood on the background of their running as угарелые, comrades. Unnecessary and harmful matters, which could then последовть, I was not satisfied at all, so, finally, I also came to the movement, jumped into the Armory, grabbed from the pyramid of the machine, a bayonet, filled pouch that expands, oiler, gathered them all up in a bunch, in his arms, smelling the grease gun, choking hands metal, and ran in my room to put on it all, gather and equipped.

A little late, I stood in line, making his way back the wall and втиснувшись between other. Nobody paid attention to it, since four years is a violation of discipline, adhering to men, as polyps and набившее already tired of my commanders, order they were tired, and they do not wish for this to communicate with me.

-Dress! Attention! - sounded team duty battery. -Follow the CE-re-Dinah!

On duty reported to the first platoon commander and the battalion commander of the battery is built as if it were one, and not all офиеры together for another three minutes ago ran on конатам and expelled from them cadets. But so much was and will be, apparently, our army order of behavior.

-Lines-in! - shouted the commander, hardly they informed him. -To the output of the Sha-d March! Built at the bottom of the column three.

Battery застучала boots on the staircase, going down. In mine the entrance to the shouting voice, the smell of tobacco smoke. On the way down I tried to find out what such happened, that we are raised under the gun, but nobody plain could say, and the reason of our required for alarm and left me a mystery.

Officers little late at the top, but for this time the cadets had time to walk around the entire parade ground in front of the building of the hostel. Went to обсаженному bushes палисаднику, прилегли even on the lawn, they fenced, discussing some of his works, chatting on all sorts of теы, травя stories and jokes and telling all sorts of nonsense. In the air above us together swirled clouds of tobacco smoke, gray clouds подымавшегося a five-meter and рассеивающиеся there air flows.

From the second entrance "hostel" выходдили two batteries of our course, too loaded down, loaded weapon. In a few minutes, all the space in front of the building was filled with a crowd Thueрокурсников khaki, бесхорменной and chaotic, but after a minute, as soon as came out one by one взводные and комбаты and there were teams: "Eighth battery... Ninth battery... Tenth battery... in line взводных columns get in line!", - all this seeming неправляемой and беформенной mass began to move, and after a while our entire the division was already in the one fight, and my commander law and the commander of the first account of batteries reported released after all from the entrance, a commander of the division:

-Comrade Colonel! Division on your orders built. Persons illegally missing, no! Commander eighth battery, senior Lieutenant Лshoemakerн.

-Well, - said instead of a command "at ease!" he's not even listening habit a little the end of the report. Rubbing his hands and looking at somewhere to the side, if something рассматривя there he suddenly as was his wont, quickly threw the opinion of their black, with a small косинкой, what happens to all the black-eyed, and is especially visible in the photographs for documents eye and said:

"Hey, guys! - so he began to speak to us at the end of the third course, save the serious irony, not allowing a single фамилярности. Familiarity with the systems allow and loved but God forbid was someone to hear from him eye to eye references in his lips it sounded exactly "You fool!" or something like that. "Hey, guys! 'he repeated already quieter and again rubbed his habit, like умывая, hand in hand. Then he paused, revealing so, as if I had forgotten how to speak to mouth it was a habit in the manner of treatment to ranks and, again circling своимислегка косоватыми eyes operation: whether he is listening, " said further. -There - he shook his arm, pointing your finger somewhere in the direction of the city centre, the - somebody out there doesn't know what he makes, is not aware of what happens! We were asked to keep the situation under control! Сейас we're at the first checkpoint, we sit in the car and follow directions to city centre. Therefore, there комбаты listen carefully eighth battery puts a barrier and delays the crowd of troublemakers, which will probably try to break into the regional Committee of the ninth arrives at the disposal of the chief of гормилиции, the tenth is kept in reserve and takes the place of... At the place of show - where! At the checkpoint now, commanders of batteries, get units helmets, truncheons, eighth battery additionally get shields. All of this will be the foreman of the police, that there is near a police UAZ... What have questions?.. What are the issues? No?! Well, then go ahead, guys, forward! So, eighth battery, left shoulder forward step m-AUX-arches!

Squadron leader turned his back to us, knowing that the next command will комбаты, and spoke with his political and we, one battery for another marched to the checkpoint. There were already waiting for us, as said Колониец, the so-called commander of the squadron, several covered брезетовым tent "Urals", near which gathered a bunch, just stood there and smoked drivers-ensigns. There was also "Canary" yellow UAZ with blue stripe on the Board, with оббитым iron and barred Windows van. On the roof "Canaries" boasted a few blue and red flashing". Near the car stood thick, красномордый, mustachioed police officers with small, watery, fish eyes. Noticing, he eagerly rubbed his hands, opened the rear door of the van and waved beckoned our officers to himself.

The police cadet's always been hostile attitude, because not only the troops of the Ministry of defense, interior Ministry troops, but also between the branches of the army friction and confrontation were quite common. And they ate mutual hostility and even hatred. Reciprocity this was jealous constant, and whenever the case tried to annoy each other, though, in fact, if you think about it, then we would have to stick together and try at least, allied feelings for each other, because perform the same task: protect the state, only they are inside, and we attack from the outside. But in the life of the Union as such and does not smell, and between coats behaviour was in every way a cold breeze enmity, when hidden, and when and выливающейся in blatant contempt.

The students of our school, in any case, to милиии were special quarrel. Hostility had our real sense: wherever and for whatever reason have not occurred clashes between us and the civilian population, the police interfered with the consequences for completely unfair diverging. If отделние delivered from the scene "the jacket", i.e. civil, he was regarded as a separate хулиганствуюим element. If there окказывался cadet, said in Moscow that students were beaten again "our boys". The same who had plotted and instigated the fight, there was no question, and then and just talked, that, behold, they say, release them from behind the fence and civilization, and they behave here, Kaak should nna know how. Of course, when talking about this gossip, could accuse evil tongues urban gossip, but we are always accused of the police, who either did not understand the destructive consequences of their actions, or operated in the evil us, tuning against us local urban population.

Our course on the share has fallen history, which, in General, did the police our worst enemy.

It happened on the second course. Then in a dormitory of one of the city's institutions hurt two of our guys. They came to "chat" with two representatives of women's half of the tenants of a hostel, drink some tea and something stronger, I guess. After some time, when the "tea" they didn exhaust, now we have more room two guys from a neighboring room. Well, our's, of course, called them under a drunken hand "portions" and the something else, and those offended, and gone, but not for long: later on they met hapless offenders when leaving the hostel, so as not to confuse the dam, which is not a matter of каалось, and накостыляли them carefully. The ran in the school and raised its battery, but to the rescue, послышав about the incident reached the other two batteries of our division. When the students came to the dormitory, there встрачал police patrol. The road was blocked by several police UAZ vehicles.

Then I was among the last who ran on a "showdown". In fact, I later learned about what is happening and dropped back from the main mass of ten minutes, and when began to overtake his,he saw that our battery, one after another system, as charged to run back to school, and back after them come the police "Canaries", слепя and своимим headlights following, as would fit, or конвоируя columns.

The policemen didn't let us then to find a relationship with "jackets". Maybe it's for the best, but that's what they were accompanied by the national Assembly on their machines to the school, cool hurt our pride, and we disliked them after that incident, more than ever, and even the address of the "jackets", отмутузивших then our two Lovelace, swear word remembered much less than the "damned cops".

I remember, after the incident in the city was a terrible scandal. Talked about that students again terrorize urban youth. Flew it is good to all: from the General to the last Sergeant, though it was evening, and none of the officers in the barracks was not. However, softening обстоятеьством was that all without a fight.

The main outcome of the case was that was blamed cadets. Accused may be right, but we had to find the object of hatred. They, of course, was the police. Well, who we can blame our failure? So were we, if the do not enemies, not friends with the police for sure. Any of us посчиталбы below dignity отдат honor officer милиии, and if such and met, they didn't give them credit in response and looked, frankly, as the half-witted. I can say it boldly, because some times appeared in such situations, when he was still young and наинвным a freshman. Yes, it established a long and well, and he could not change his example is a severe теение morals.

Here are our relationship with the police. And look here, Sergeant of militia gesture, familiarly, as carelessly as boys, beckoned our officers to himself, and away they went, they went to him, my dears, at least had возутиться his impudence. Like a Sergeant-major of militia was for them the decree and наальник.

This поводумеж passed the noise of surprise and discontent, but he quickly calmed down, because what really protect officers and resent everything that is happening, they ate themselves they do not understand that they are treated disrespectfully, or смалодушничали before this fat bastard.

What is happening with us and why all this was happening, and remained a mystery, but I was not myself, because I've already seen what this disgruntled elements: the Central square of the city gathered, probably, almost half of all residents, and throw us, необуенных techniques basic protection from stones and sticks, which may полелят our ranks, and not that the methods of attack and suppression of demonstrators, especially not спроив our consent, as among the protesters are sure to be someone's brothers, fathers, friends, relatives, was at least unfair, and I - deeply dishonest.

The air smelled blood. Maybe for my comrades who saw the crowd in the square, all drawn in lighter colours, but I almost physically felt her incomparable and спутываемый smell.

Prepared something terrible. I saw in what excitation of the people were on the square. Our appearance is unlikely to stilled their ardor. Rather, to the contrary, an even greater rage took hold of them, when they saw that the authority to which they are going to present a fair score, неерена загородится from them army uniform.

Yes, can бытб, it was necessary not for me to decide, I'm just a pawn for the preservation of peace and order on the square, but here and tell me we were, the cadets of the military school, designed to defend the country and, therefore, people from external enemies, and not to go against this people, in the interests of a guilty before him and опасающейся reckoning authorities. To do this, if anything, there were internal troops of the interior Ministry. Let he engaged. Not in the city parts CENTURIES is no excuse for such unscrupulous action. Apparently, someone would like to pit us with the citizens, as a cat with a dog, to our hands to do the dirty deed, but by leaving a clean and dry from the dirty water. And then let them hate our brother, bigger and stronger than before, the main thing that their кагорту. Whoever was the scapegoat - the main thing, that not the power.

Perhaps, though I have great doubts that the case started so shrewd and cunning people, the people specially wanted to set against the whole of the Army in the face of our school. Say, here, remember, when dashing Godin, for it will not take up the police, no, and not even the internal troops, the matter will then Army. Army chief bulwark of the regime. What then to the Army is the relationship? Otherwise, how bad, not name. Although, why would Shine your card? However, on the other hand, it is difficult to believe, who benefits and who does not undermine the relationship with Aitmatov his protector, Tom, for whom the whole game is played in the dark.

Officers approached the officers and exchanged a few phrases with a shrug of everyone before him with the hand, but in their place I would spit in red, plump face, to my further жиизнь once and for all eliminated the habit ever attract to itself (himself army officer finger in any situation in which the EA or went. Then the commanders have begun to call your batteries повзводно to the "Canary", and cadets полуали from foreman in advance agreed equipment, to see that in their hands was a rather unusual.

Policeman famously gave it, not forgetting to consider the rubber truncheons, bright red plastic helmets and плексиглассовые shields. Here, too - who took that fall under the arm, and who carefully watched their ammunition to the rubber at the club was not old and потрекавшейся, helmet was not проломлена, and the shield was no schisms, отломов, cracks and ridiculous fastening systems which only camouflage, I do not know from what наальника, fastened together its fragments.

I too did not hurry to depart отмашины, and carefully looked around I received a stick. A helmet and shield. Then, to the great indignation and dissatisfaction foreman-policeman asked заиенить me the shield, because he was in a small crack, as automotive glass after the accident, and then and helmet, which in the area of the crown was an impressive failure. He long bargained with me, saying that all this is nonsense, and do not pay attention to it. He even tried to read me one on a topic that I was too picky, but in the way in life have tight, but I присек his ranting, reasonably aware that this shield and under this helmet hide from the stones and the shock is not he, and I, and so, somehow himself will see to it that they are not scattered,if that, in the first minute, and if the opportunity and the negatives to stand next to me on the wall, then let him and here it takes almost collapsed shield and the holey helmet.

Police officers right was stunned by my answer. See, nobody had not spoke to him with such a daunting and разоружающей his rudeness simplicity of the truth. He paused in silence changed me helmet and shield, personally making sure their health, and another five minutes after that I have not heard back from the machine, it disturbances and curses.

In ten minutes after all this is crammede prior to the failure of our bodies as if dRовами, powerful "Urals" bore to the city cent on the Avenue in the column headed by the police, "Canary", брызнающей eyes the rare passers-by dazzling colors their "bubbles".

Foreman invited некскольких officers take to himself in the booth, as designated in the cabs of trucks all is not enough, and they are now like criminals or hooligans, looked at the streets of the city through the barred thick metal bars of the window. So, probably, travelled daily chosen on the urban streets of alcoholics and kids.

Soon the column machines stopped not far from the square in front of the regional Committee on the next street. Hence our battery, forcing lead equipment in readiness and to put it on yourself, led directly to the square.

In the distance, as soon as we have inferred from the corner the last house the street seemed huge, motley the crowd, even more impressive than it seemed to me that I saw a few hours before.

We walked to the empty podium, that is either already lost, or has not yet found its speakers, and rose up, like the Roman фалангам, pushing ahead себявысокие плексиглассовые shields. We did all this surprisingly clearly and beautifully, by liked even though us before this whole week муштровали, as is customary in the military, trained, trained to such movement.

Our officers stood behind our box Smoking and began about something chatting as if everything happened for them in the usual thing and it didn't care. Officers also offered them helmets, but they refused, apparently to keep the distance between himself and us, following the sense of his own dignity that they ought to show a little earlier and before the other type.

The officers approached some people in mufti, the energetic gestures, three minutes they explained. After this there was rebuilt in another way: " there are long lines have put all our батареюсо panels, rear stood just coming tenth battery, which, as defined, should be in reserve.

Now composed in such a manner living fence отгородил building of the regional Committee of the cottage facing a windswept on the square of national sea almost the entire length. We became буферо, which was to befall the anger of the crowd when she did not like something like in the future (which, apparently, went on.

Our appearance was immediately noticed people that we hardly have appeared on near approaches to the square. This выразилоь in has struck across the crowd rumble of indignation and discontent. It was evident, as people came to life, head begin to -- to flip over weight, noise, before напоинавший rustle of leaves in the wind, outgrew now in the market of noise, rising over the area. And among the words долетавших to us from the General многоголосицы, not even one word of approval or of joy.

While we built and rebuilt in front of the empty platform, a nation on площаи worried stirred, in the thick of it began to be some переещения, and when our "Falanga" was extended bristling fence khaki along the front edge of the square, from the crowd forward, just as before the battle on the ancient рууси before shelves militias forward put forward knights and warriors, came a few men, quite precisely arranged from different places, as if they were waiting for such a turn of events in advance, and came to the ranks closely, requesting to their проустили to the podium.

After минтной delay on рапоряжению all the same man in civilian clothes, ranks broke apart, releasing them a narrow passage.

After that corridor, the delegation, so, apparently I had to understand, rose to the podium and asked the собравшимс below. Microphones installed there, for some reason did not work, and because of my place was not heard absolutely not a single word of what they said.

On the line we reported that representatives of the municipal public, and they claim потест authorities against the appearance of the city on the square of the cadets of the military school, because people have the right to hold rallies and rally until recently was peaceful.

After standing after her application for a moment at the top, as if something or someone waiting, and waiting, delegates of the people came down and went back to the square, but not gone, not scattered in the crowd, and stood on the пятачкеперед our ощетинившимися lines, which left for them coming close to our рядм the masses. One of them, a bald man, an intellectual of mind started passionately talk to the gathered around him man, waving a hand with crumpled in her cap, almost like Lenin in the movies.

At this time on the podium went up several civilians and a police Colonel with a bullhorn in his hand. Once on top, the last put it to his lips, and over the square echoed the trembling voice, slightly drowned, but do not cut off the rumble of discontent and indignation:

"Comrades, citizens! Please go away! Cadets military school profit for our call. They are designed only to ensure order. Attention! I repeat! Please leave. Go five minutes square should be empty. in потивном case we will have to use force!

Most of them stood on the square, especially those who were in the back, not heard скзанного Lieutenant Colonel of militia. But they started to ask, what do they say on the podium, and the front began to share heard back. Gradually all the people knew what they wanted the representatives of law enforcement and the more enthusiastic. Most of all, perhaps, he resent the word "force", said Lieutenant Colonel, for immediately after the first series swept a burst of indignation.

Ascended to the podium remained there except for our commander дивиона that descended down, gathered all commanders of batteries, and gave them orders, took the formation temporizing position.

On our ranks crept excited rumors that we're going on the crowd. All this great message was worried, because никтои not to fight with citizens unknown why, Yes, and in spite of our ammunition and equipment hung behind weapon, however. Without a cartridge, we are not able, at least in quantity, to resist the crowd. We had several tens of times less than the assembled before us the people and that there think our commanders, was poor, because, if заваршк, the angry crowd would have to pound us into dust in a matter of minutes.

We were beautiful and terrible to look at, but only tinsel, separating off the representatives of power from the people, assembled at the square, and if so was the tinsel we would оставатьс, as much as was possible. Use us as a real force, it would be very unwise and to rashness голупо, but those in whose power was us распоржатся, were not sober mind and too overestimate the possibilities of untrained to such a craft крсантов. Or, perhaps, they thought that people in the area will not have any active resistance only because before them cadets? Yes they spit on us хотелои!..

People on the podium talking among themselves, glancing at the clock and as if not noticing what's happening on the square, or trying to show it.

Sun, meanwhile, is already beginning to fall into the horizon, but the heat was unbearable, and loaded ammunition, we were weakened by the heat. I felt, toAK I зачесалась head under the helmet, and then opposing streams, kapla by drop under the hair, neck, and rolled pot.

НесмотрI the requirement of the police rank, people on площди and did not think to leave. In the first minutes after the statement noise in the crowd quickly verse, but then the first individual cries, and then all the growing friendly Babel violated this неверну, minute silence.

Don't know how much time passed, but, apparently, the five minutes are up, because Colonel of militia, having removed pre-its cap and wipe the handkerchief лысеющую his head again raised the megaphone to his mouth and again started to talk to the people on the square. But this time there was not even hear a single sound, wafting out of his horn: roar of the crowd, as if on cue menacing growing, drowned out everything else.

Lieutenant Colonel said something standing right NEX to him a man in civilian clothes, but he did not hear, then he shouted in his ear, apparently, repeating what he said, and this, realizing, finally. Nodded back to him, as a sign of consent. A policeman came down from the podium, came to our division commander and also the ear explaining something to him, began to wave his hand in the side of the square.

The commander came to us and trying to shout roar of the crowd shouted:

-So! Дивизи-o-d! Attention! Forward!!! Forward!!!

Hearing this barely непутевую command ranks of cadets, lifting up from the earth, their high transparent shields, at first hesitantly and unevenly, and then more confidently and quickly went forward rapidly approaching to толпящимся before normand the demonstrators.

That everyone of us thought in those moments before the bout? It is very even could it happen that in a minute someone's going to be a fight with a friend or relative, unstoppable in the heat of the massacre and pulled limply теением circumstances.

-Friendly, friendly, guys! - heard somewhere behind the voice of the commander of a battalion. -Closer to each other! Let's not push the boards! Beat them back! Don't let the senses!

Two inраждебные mass, two lines, one thin and almost smooth, and the other wavy, indicating the only edge клокочущей, mass produced an array of indignant, rapidly came together, United, merged into one, and started стокновение, immediately accepted fierce.

Cracked плексиглассовые boards, there were numerous, hail сыплющиеся blows sticks and fists them. The demonstrators then started to tear us boards, растаскиват us in hand, breaking the unity плексиглассового fence, shove in the breach poles, stakes, прутя valves, throw in even нерешивших: fight or not cadets stones.

Here the choice was nothing I had to save himself, as far as possible from наседающей public, using issued by the equipment, otherwise vouch for his life was no longer possible.

Any minute, every second, every moment промедлеия, reflection and doubts and the need their actions and deeds were fraught with the consequences пеальными for замешкавшегося in this fight, the more so that the crowd was aggressively infused with very beginning and was not going to joke with us.

They beat us ильно, wanting to, if not kill, then dump the blame on the spot - so that's for sure.

Each of the speakers probably had time to regret in these first, decisive minutes of the bout, so nobody has taught us how we should treat our armor, 't worked out the system of management of our ranks and our actions, which would considerably extend our less successful defense, which became неша attack on protesters, so heavy, solid, flat line boards lasted only the first few minutes of the battle. And although many of our themselves fought well and skillfully, but, in General, we invariably failed eyes подминаемые распоясавшейся crowd.

First s pushed the demonstrators, pushing these shields, to keep which had been struggling because of the grasped their hands, as soon as it was possible, пыталис pluck them or, at least, to overturn holding it together with him on the ground. We did not know how to apply their long batons to remain invulnerable, and on the other side shields thrashed, broken up, smashed everything you could this do the heavy монтировками, hammers, шкворнями, valves, rods and sticks. On top of the billboards on our heads flew bottles and stones, from which only had time to Dodge the former behind us ranks, had no shields.

All that is happening around, it was like a bad dream. In a matter of minutes in several places our first ranks formed holes, in which, like water, breaking through the broken ship, surged the crowd. Another few minutes, and the first rank was cut off from the system and, breaking up into small pieces and melt like snow lumps in hot water, losing shields and batons, disappeared, as it didn't happen.

I was in the second row. In some places turned out a lot with shields, and those who do not fit gave the order to rise in the second row. On each side of me, too, were armed with shields, and rear already shields was not, so we were the last containment ограждаюющей cadets from hail of blows and каней плексиглассовой shell.

Immediately after cut off the first line and swept its ranks, the whole force of blow of furious weight fell on us.

I felt my shield shakes letters, though in a fever. Then someone grabbed his hands over the edge, strongly pulled the and immediately pushed back to probably knock me down. The impact was so strong and sharp, that my hand barely could stand the second such strike. Through the transparent mass плексигласса I saw a furious face, terrible in its дикомоскале, высветившем two gold fixes, glittering in the mouth. It seemed to me that the person on the other стоону shield Scalia devilish smile, such a sadistic smile, striving his victim, or bloodthirsty Ogre, to get their prey. He grabbed the shield to snatch it from me or just knock me to the ground.

"Lord, where did such terrible people come from?" - flashed through my head.

I thought I already eternity stand here and look through поексигласс my defense at this man, overshadowed by an evil idea, I look and can't do with him, and he can't get to me, and so we stand with them in endless flight of eternity, not approaching either physically or mentally, and not leave, anyplace, if two sculptures.

In fact, the status is not continued fractions of a second. The cases I simply lost неожиданностиперед the face of sudden danger, and fear, born in my soul with incredible speed and быстроттой, drenched my members and will, like ice river, stretched running inside of me time in tens times.

I was unable to move, though my hands and continued to dead хватой keep handle shield and batons.

Spiteful muzzle has been distorted гримассой effort and pulled shield that there are forces in the second time. I got on a roll forward, this flight also lasted so long, it was as if I hovered in the air for several minutes, not flew two to three meters.

I don't even try to resist although the changes гримассы my opponent continued mOEM consciousness very, very long time, and for me it's not rushed to shield themselves for a long and gently pulled him like a caution. In one moment I felt my feet slipped from the ground and soared over it, as I flew over it like a weightless, exactly ethereal Ghost, and while I again was on his feet, but in front of their ranks in two to three metres. It is also осталис already some chips dispersed powerful pressure of a hostile force.

Several pairs of hands вепились in my outfit, grabbed a stick, shield, dragged her from head helmet, knocking her eyes.

My fear grew into a creepy horror and reached probably his limit, because I could not get frightened, it would seem stronger and bigger than at this moment.

Hands tried to tear me to pieces, распотрошить, disarm me, pulled her machine on the back. I couldn't resist, I saw nothing, because helmet наползла on the eyes, not heard because the range was a continuous furious roar of the crowd, Yes inside was eager not less frantic, as the drum beats, my heart thumping not felt because horror crept into every cell of my body, paralyzed and анемировал nerves.

The only thing that I was capable of, so it дуать, and only stopped to wonder how I still hasn't quite been violently struck, and as I consciousness and memory. Frantic dance of the thoughts, пульсировавшей in my head in a mad dance, singled out himself suddenly one малодушную and vile idea. I suddenly wanted to scream, "People don't hit me, I will not!" Stay longer this state several mint, so probably would have happened, though unlikely, would it help.

"What for you to die? Why should you be a cripple? You're not on yourthe the request came here and otIthe very arms! You don't even know what you fight! Go, go, get! Leave this place! It smells like death! Here the talk death was hovering so low that you can see her black wings! Get out! No one will give you back your life!" - were furious swirl in my head. Under the influence of this circle of thoughts with each passing second, I размякал and became all the безвольнее. And my hands and legs became like a wadded, and I couldn't manage. "'t give up and you will spare!" - heard a voice внтри me, and my fingers almost relaxed, but at this very moment, two terrible shock, such that затрещала on the head with a plastic helmet, stunned me, and in the eyes went colored circles and blemishes, and hit with a rubber truncheon, the same as me sliding and the burning of wild pain, which came on the cheek and nose, sobered up and led me into the feelings in the most unexpected way, PRоизвели the opposite effect, though, I'd have рухнть completely.

Instead of wool in the hands and feet, I felt, felt a surge of mindless, violent force.

Then followed another тычек club, этотраз under the lower right rib, very neatly in the liver, and only a miracle saved me from breaking down, because in that very moment, I dodged like a serpent, and blow lightly slid to the side.

Still seeing nothing of myself, I somehow inexplicably managed to grab a baton and pry it away from someone else's hands. Such action on my part was sheer as a surprise, and because I succeeded because of its suddenness.

Subsequent events I remembered extremely bad. All mixed up and confused in my head at one bloody's song and dance. Hands, feet, head... I didn't remember how he freed from кокв his shield. Helmet flew off my head, and I now saw around him violent chaos of fighting and those who attacked me!

Fatigue, with terrible force, born from pain and hatred all I окружавшиm because they just kept in the grip of my body and tried to make him a chop, I dropped right and left his hand, сжимавшую handle batons, fought and beat it with невообразиой and surprising speed. But there wasn't time to wonder my ability. I rang and rang all around-ear, closedtheg yourself trying to hit in the face, head, as soon as that received the baton I pushed a shield in front of you, like a bulldozer its SOVKOM and the crowd ahead somehow rolled back from me back then turn around and beat behind his back with отмахом and retreated on a vacant space, again a heaping blows on the front, again turned right back around and done the same thing on the opposite side.

Around me screamed, fell on their knees, and land affected me with cleft skin of the scalp and окровавленныи face, clutching his hands to his head, for the broken collarbone, having lowered to the ground "отсушенные"paralysed from falling into the nerve hands, and already there was absolutely nothing in this world except отвоеванного me at a crowd Piglet dimensions little more sewage hatch, which I led his duel with наваливающейся weighing on me.

I just didn't know myself nor anything else not чувствоал no fear, no grief, no pain, no strikes, which also befell me, but I still kaki-тонепонятным way managed защищщаться using batons and shields, and because they were passing. I did not exhaust understand how I, not admirer боявшемуся fight, managed not only disperse themselves around angry people in a radius of three steps, but break then, просекая their way to the edge of human landfill, in the long-drowned our ranks, and лишькучками some places still continued to fight, not offensive, and even not a defense, and self-defense, - all that we оказалис finally able.

Climbing out, fortunately, toward the podium and sending waved a few of the beats his pursuers, particularly zealously желавши do away with me, I almost обессилил, and he went away from the place of slaughter a few steps away, fell down on the stone slabs of a square, as when stricken.

Here was our tenth battery left in reserve and preparing to intervene. Before its deployed in two ranks formation gesticulating and shouting something our squadron leader. Here he gave the last instructions, and ranks slowly moved to the place of the landfill. Someone took my shield and a club. At the moment when they came to the edge of this huge pile-small, I lost ознание.

It disappeared immediately, as if I whether failed or, on the contrary, awakened from his sleep. Suddenly I was sweet and warm, terribly sleepy, and, most importantly, that any movement gave to me now to a special, sharp and unpleasant pain. All became indifferent. Forever themselves grew heavy stone fatigue, closed, and there is no such power was not able to open them.

That was happening around me already might not matter to me: I lapsed into unconsciousness.

Chapter 19.

I woke up on the cadets ' beds in native Dorm room, which had love for the year of life, love her m inhabit it. Its long-небеленные, поблешие, worn over the bed spins cadets the walls for some reason gave me, although I could not understand the causes of this merriment.

Past events did not want to pop up in my memory, but I felt that my body aches from beatings and fatigue, but I couldn't remember where I could be so hard and cool beat.

Any movement caused me burning, dull, ноющую pain in all members of the body. I only tried to raise his head on the pillow, but пурутруженные muscles have failed me and attempt brought me only suffering. My head immediately rolled back.

The room was somewhat dark. Apparently, on a table by the window burned Desk lamp. It was quiet, nowhere резадвалось no sound. It seemed to me that I am alone with no one around to the soul.

This thought became empty, lonely and sad, heart compressed with sadness.

I didn't know whether to call on the assistance of someone or not, I was afraid that nobody else is around, and the sound of my weakened voice унесется in almost cosmic void and drown in it. but still, in the end, I decided to scream, but from my battered chest came out with a groan, long and heavy.

Somebody stood up from the table, зашумев paper and gritting on истертому almost to the holes линолиуму the legs of the chair, and walked over to me, bent over.

-Woke up, said that someone, peering into my face through the semi-darkness of the room. -Glory to God, another one returned to consciousness and force.

As I tried, could not guess no traits of persons, nor the voice of the speaker. I wanted to ask from a standing above me who he tandKoy, but only groaned again just long and boring.

-Lie, lie, don't move! again someone said. -Lie...

And left me somewhere at the other end of the room to a Desk near the window, which I was not visible.

-It's been more than a day, as you are lying unconscious... after yesterday's events, " came back the voice that I could not recognize. You're one of the few who is now in a dormitory school. You are one of the most easily отделавшихся and least of all victims. Осталтных, those who heavier, was taken to hospital. Very many beaten... very much, " the man sighed deeply. -But, thank God, that there is neither dead nor mutilated. It's wonderful, I think. Although some had to be placed in intensive care... But in fact, it is a great folly: then, утварили square: throw three hundred and untrained police methods of struggle with the crowd, children Yeshe in fact, against the twenty, if not thirty thousand crowd is madness, madness and irresponsibility in the highest degree. And in the end? Nothing else and wait should not: all of these three hundred fine boys, three hundred magnificent молодцх, healthy, strong guys, heads and arms which could be useful for better application, now beaten, поранены, disfigured, cut and put out of action for many days, if not weeks... Oh, дачто to speak there! But you better sleep... you now, it is most useful.

I wanted to reply to the interlocutor, I can't sleep now because of the hellish pain, мучающей all my body, but I knew it I fail, and therefore was silent. Now all that's happened to me, I remembered sharply and clearly and scary, appeared suddenly before my eyes, like a flash, as highlighted on the movie screen among the darkness bright scene. I even instinctively jerked in surprise, when from the dark corners of memory jumped terrible, disgusting гримасса for плексиглассовым shield. From this trembling body pierced unbearable pain, and I groaned again.

Someone again approached me on groan, bent down to my face, but I again how myopic, couldn't understand who it is. I like floating in a fog, in a haze, enveloping my eyes and затыкающей, exactly wool in my ears. Memories found one after the other, alternating with whitish haze of forgetfulness and dusk clarity., and разболевшаяся suddenly, his head aching more and more, and it seemed that now about to burst. I guess when the flashes of consciousness found in me, that hurts it from the dreadful power of memory and mental abilities, but my imagination, not subject to neither the will nor entreaties of the soul, absolutely распаясалось and swept, jumping from one picture yesterday's slaughter on the other, will not stop this crazy race in a vicious circle.

Someone put a hand to me, such a cold, easy and pleasant-прозлажную, some special soft on my hot, fevered forehead, Sizzling hot, I thought exactly the coals in the furnace. This hand if it took away my head part of the heat and pain, absorbed them, and with them the absorbed energy raging memory. I felt something sharp and prickly with easy, комариным prick entered into my hand. Only now in a last moment before забытьем I realized that hand, лежазая on my head, women's, and no other hand can not be.

This conjecture seemed to flash struck me. She broke through the veil, окутывавшую eyes, it was gone. Overwhelming desire to learn, who are close to me впыхнуло for a moment, but immediately extinguished. Only then is undefined and vague managed попаст in me through this instant gap in a light slumber. Eyes of dreams closed under the weight of fatigue and unhealthy drowsiness, and I went to sleep, and fell into a deep sleep without any visions, like oblivion.

I woke up in the night. So I decided, because the light in the room was extinguished, and around there was pitch-black. I once again it was sad and sad. The darkness of the room seemed to me sepulchral the darkness of the tomb, and I immediately wanted to, to the children's fright, light, light as air, as if night took me by the throat and strangled her completely speechless.

However, my hands were so heavy and unwieldy, as before, and even body ached considerably weaker. Even the skin, as I noticed будито was softened, ceased to be an oak and became more чувтсивтельной why I felt that I was lying completely naked and in some places on my body imposed бинтовые bandages, and in a hand sticking out some needle and nasty pulls the skin.

The memory came, that someone in the room was вечероим, someone approached me, нагибался, even speak. And that someone was a woman. But whether it was at all or I have seen in my бредовом half asleep? And who is she? Where is she now? May be gone, but may lying asleep on the bed next. I tried to get up on his bed, but the patient neck again fail me, and my attempts to find out anything about my "babysitter" this time ended.

I lay aimlessly and felt gradually go from bruises skin pleasant softness of the bed, her warmth, and felt гаслаждался this. The body, especially with bandages, and hummed and pulsated echoes heart beats, but still through this какафонию прорывалось bled through, flowing all over my body, bliss.

Lay I probably forty or fifty minutes, listening to the night sounds originating barely only through the slightly ajar window. Then sleep again overcame me and I fell asleep before the dawn. Only when the first rays of the sun touched the sill, testifying that time is noon, I woke up feeling great relief, and found the strength to bare get up on the bed.

Not very bright light casts from the street from close to the Zenith of the sun, shone all located in room pink undertones born in slightly covering a window aperture pale pink curtains. This half-light pinkish accurately pointed out that the window came a clear day, the same clear and clean, like a smile of an innocent child. Sorry I didn't catch virgin magic charms July morning, when the air is cool, fresh and vigorous call, like a crystal, flavorful, as the divine nectar, упоителен as spring water and fresh as just broken from the branch of Apple varieties Duchess.

I looked around. beds of my comrades were empty, dented and неухожены. They were still with the dinner hour recent like, but this far in the memory of the day, when nobody even suspected that very soon will be a participant of the cruel slaughter, and most likely his Supreme sacrifice, which will break his arms and legs and instruct обалденных bruises. Then ve rested here after lunch for a few minutes before the command "Collection," and then in the small hours throwing on their beds machines, cartridge pouches with equipment, felt and комкали them, thinking that will put in order after returning from the building.

Still traces of the turmoil and chaos that arose in come charges on alarm: scattered on the floor notebooks, scattered, pens and pencils lying around in disarray field bags, which went to school, in the small hours open, незадернутое until the end of the window curtains, fallen from грядушек beds towels.

On the writing-table, standing at the window, I saw some tubes, vials, boxes, sterilization his mess-tin syringe and guess that all this едицинские facilities. Everything was laid out on the white fabric napkin together with блестщими Nickel pincers and clamps with cotton wool tampons. There was also a large бутылс somewhat dark, probably, iodine. Judging by all this, my room is located a medic. Maybe yesterday girl, putting my hand on his head? However, this may not be the girl that was at all: the state of my yesterday is not possible to establish, who is with me in the evening was busy talking. But this extraordinary hand on my head...

Sun further peeking in the window of the room, facing West. I felt with increasing measures sunlight to me in the room strength return, and together with them and joy, безотчетная, but sweet.

I stayed alive, but could easily be crushed in the junkyard. And the thought of it was, perhaps, the reason for my joy, which was hidden even from самго me. Rejoiced as if something inside of me, but I couldn't understand why I do not feel this regard.

In bed I spent another two days. For this come many of my classmates came back from the hospital, recovered and slightly've medicalized wounds, and the remaining days were more fun than the first one I had to, not getting up in bed. Although I said that I am one of those lucky ones, which are quite off easy, but still I long for some reason prohibited to rise, while those who suffered worst of me, have legs. But now was to anyone пооворить. Together we remembered the incident complained about the командирова who left us against разггневанной crowd. With one hand it was a shame that we still have not coped with the гражданскии, and it подас some had caused militant flash militancy. But the enthusiasm of them broke the invisible, Kaak reefs, the rage of those in the crowd of protesters were relatives, who sympathized with their friends and tormented by the thought that had to be on the other side of the barricades from his kindred. They do not encourage enthusiastic conversations and memories of ниедавних events, but only tacitly present, when it was already quite unbearable to hear bragging, осаживли speaking. On account of everything that happened, they had completely different say. They are, if not happy, then in any case not regretted, that we got so tight.

From Grisha was no news, and it is extremely удивлло bothered me. Because even then I asked him in his note immediately contact me. Time was ticking away forever, and it seems to have forgotten that we still have unsolved until the end of the questions.

Yes, almost no time left. However, because of recent dramatic events in the city state Commission added us to prepare for exams another week, a quarter of the month, so we could to myself after, come down and dreams continued to pass exams. Their is no one was not going to cancel. But the stubborn silence Охромова and these seven days could not save the provisions of things. We were already on the verge of полногоповала operations from its collapse and our неудаачи. Wicked comparison now with all откровенностьюнаступала us on the heels, and any delay was what is called death. The plan that I had so successfully invented, was ready to fall into a tar-тарары. Yes. If Grisha will continue to be silent, sometimes seven days to fly, how to seven minutes, and then it will be too late to do anything. "I wonder what he thinks? - plagued me a question. -Or from the absolutely love crazy crazy?!"

Our lenders again assailed me and more insistent, as subsided, to claim they borrowed money. Some impatience openly expressed their suspicions our Охромычем наплетежеспособности and угррожали, time such a thing, who fill fashion, and who and to sue and to solve the issue with the official procedure: amounts were not insignificant, and no one could put up with hthis оббирают.

I had already recovered and rose to his feet, when it was Sunday, I was called at the checkpoint. Hunting meet with anyone from your friends I had, and I see no I decided not to go, when дневалный re-callandl me and said that you came from Охромова.

The people and the site for visitors - the so-called asphalted area at the checkpoint, planted lawn of roses, which SAI cadets and nursed and furnished with benches - there was little, and I , as I looked around, long I couldn't make out who was waiting for me because did not see a single familiar face. All around were busy talking. There were several parents, пиехавших to his sons, with a whole bunch of relatives, brothers and sisters, and two-three couples, fun garrulous among themselves, and quite a bit lonely сидщих waiting for someone to girls. As usual, this time of year a visitor reception center was empty. Revival here occurred only in autumn, when нибирали freshmen, and to their taking the oath, during the so-called Cruz young soldier, they were not allowed to walk in the dismissal of the city. Then there was especially a lot of people, and on weekends and in General it was overcrowded, and from this place became like bird Bazaar.

Witheйчаwith same here, it was empty, and only the sad sleepy heat soared above the ground, spilling stuffy and heat over asphalt, scorching sunlight, like resin. Нещадное July sun at its Zenith hell up lightheadedness. And the sky with no clouds, for which it was to be hoped, would deign for a little hide - it's time to lie on the beach.

Was not present on site trees - some beds of roses poured каждео morning to not burned from the heat. Попоэтому hide from the heat of nowhere, except go to конату for visitors, specially designed to shelter there from frost and heat, in spite of what the season is. But LDI somehow sat on benches stood in the middle of hell, and none of them took advantage of this opportunity, although there was shade and coolness. I thought that, probably, the duty on the cat caught a sly small and not to then clean the area for the visitors of the room, closed the door, saying that he had not. brute. In General, any among our Barat somehow missing.

Some time I stood on the edge of the platform, waiting for me come. But no one came forward. Then I went to the checkpoint and asked дежуившего there Sergeant from the second course:

-Who caused me at the checkpoint? My name Yakovlev.

-Ah, " he replied, - Yes girl's standing here. There, on the platform. However, perhaps she already left because she said that wait another five minutes, and then goes...

-Maybe she hasn't gone away at all? Which of them will go, you'll show me it. There are several girlfriends, but none of them not familiar with.

-Well, go shew, Sergeant pushed out of this chair, straightened his jacket with high collar of his dress uniform and вырулилиз his room at the checkpoint checkpoint.

We went out together and headed to the venue. Sergeant огладелся around, and then nodded towards one of the waiting:

-There she stands, and went lazy gait back in the car.

In the direction where he showed тояла girl the Bang to me. In rutoOh before she held a white leather handbag. She looked somewhere, but I somehow imagined that her eyes, pensive and sad, was converted inside yourself.

She did not pay any attention to me, and I gazed at her and thought, " who she is.

Never before have I had ever seen her. Whatever you say, and she was quite beautiful: slim, thin, long-haired, tall and leggy. Feet, so to speak. From the teeth. Hair dark brown, slightly curly, places wavy, and in some places twisting in curls like бурливой water, foaming and the raging on the threshold of a waterfall, descending to the little shoulders, fragile such, that crystal or faience. Her hands were subtly maiden, not thin, but not fat, and elegant. The skin on them was so young, and strong, with a barely noticeable brassy terrace. Oh, this maiden's skin! Its not confuse скакой another, and whether a woman in years on your face is like a young virgin, who lost her subtle, some discreet gloss, coming as if from the inside, from young juices of the body, should have given her age.

Yes! Such beauties among our acquaintances, was not. In my mind flashed a vague and dazzling guess.

The girl continued to stand there. I approached her from behind.

-Hello, - wanted to, but he dared not speak to her for some reason. You caused me? I Yakovlev, each Grisha Охромова.

The girl turned to me, then she looked long and intently, if remembering something, whether сличая the memory of their impression about me with those that saw before me.

-You, probably, I waiting for? "I asked her.

-Yes, probably, you, finally, she answered. -Grisha asked me to tell you this...

She opened her purse and brought out a sealed postal envelope, and then handed them to me.

-Is that all? - I was surprised, taking the envelope from her hands, from her thin, long and straight fingers.

-Yes, everything - girl smiled guiltily and continued, " and verbally asked to convey to you a great big Hello and said that very soon выпишеться from the hospital.

I fingered the envelope in his hands, looked impatiently it in the sun: there laid a thin sheet of paper.

-M-hmm, probably, is all, " I said thoughtfully rather to herself than her. -Well, you will be able to pass my message Grisha? You know, we now have a very difficult city.

I was excited to reveal the envelope, but I suddenly found myself thinking that I do not want to let go.

Girl paused, then said,

I don't know... Actually, I was already out And I... unlikely now see in the near future.

-As you know in the hospital? - I asked the question is not quite correct, but showing my interlocutor that I don't know. I tried to find out who she is, and if it wasn't the one about which raved Охромов... I guessed who, but I хотлось of irrefutable evidence. I even wanted to she lied. She had to understand. That тперь free to say everything. Whatever she wants and not обрменена my knowledge about everything. However, what I knew? 'm. Only guesses...


Somehow I felt very pleased that she had not lied to me, and she turned and цокая on asphalt hairpins their sandals, went to the exit, CPR, making it clear that its mission is over, and she goes: do it here, nothing more.

Apparently, she knew that I follow it, I spend at least up to the checkpoint, and was not mistaken. After a moment I was walking nearby.

-...just I was in the hospital, she continued, when I caught up with her, - and he promised to be with me right NEXm, and lay down with me. However, he came in another Department, but we are very often met.

She gave me a quick and a restless a glance in which were simultaneously and shrill curiosity, and poorly hidden coquetry. Anyway, it seemed to me.

It happened so confidently and however, it is naive and just plain that I looked at her through different eyes, probably the same as my friend, who fell in her to unconsciousness.

And it's as if lightning me садануло, struck, I felt that this girl - the Princess, beauty оторой able to enchant and enchant not that Охромова and me, and anyone.

I looked at her, as if for the first time and saw her in a completely different light. My heart stopped suddenly surging, born somewhere inside of me feelings. Breath because of this, if for the first time experienced a feeling of some kind of unusual and mysterious. Soul if soared, was out of my body and rushed free and relaxed, расправившая its incorporeality of infinity окружающго, опьяняясь its непривязанностью to the frailty of the body.

Mechanically turned that we were facing one another, and they were both embarrassed. She looked a sight, and I was seized with trembling,stood looking at it, trying to understand what it is incomprehensible that's born in me a few moments ago and pulled this is essentially the opposite sex, to this sweet creature. Charm her or external красотая? But I could not say that she was so dazzling beauty, both now and before. And charm... It is elusive, intangible, эфимерное, but still inherent human natures definitely warehouse feeling. Most likely, this presence, and at the same exact time restraint whole spectrum of emotions and impulses. Of the soul. It is not always visible, but shines through the juxtaposition of all superficial, the alien will come from this is not always pure and beautiful life, as the sparkle of the diamond happens even through the grime on a stone mud.

I could not say that the op I was going through, but now my soul is like tuned in to the waves emitted by its essence Oboyan, and I was captivated. I wanted to... to live in it.

Yes. This at a meeting with women I happened not very often: for all my life I "liked" by the ears just two or three times.

Once it was just a fleeting: I caught a glimpse of the beautiful street and can be charming, but задевшую my feelings girl. Another time it lasted longer... And here it is again arose in my heart.

Yes, I could never say, beautiful woman or not. sometimes even a common beauty did not cause any spiritual movement and left indifferent to the source of my feelings. Most likely, that my eyes punched this top layer of female charms, пленявший the vast majority of men and интитивно at some of reach, a subconscious level penetrated deeper into inaccessible to many limits, in which took place the life of the soul the one I watched. And this is the first penetration, shrill, as injection needles, told me unmistakably motives and principles of its movement. Then I thought, I'm wrong it is all just my speculation, but ultimately, the time put everything on testi place, and then, when the second hour was late, I was convinced of the truth of his first impression.

Now this intuitive feeling rather just told me that I have something mysterious and strange, charming and incomprehensible, radiating some internal warm light, like a flower, exhaling fragrance that doesn't know as потясает and captivate them insects, as well as people with its external beauty.

Between us lasted for an awkward pause, which, if troubled her, it did not disturb me. But to dispel her confusion that has possessed girl, and stop this sweet silence first, because the girl to do it was very difficult - I felt it, felt almost physically, as she fights inside himself with his moment of weakness, enveloping her just wide web, - I had to say something, speak again:

-Well, isn't he come to your home? After all, he surely knows where you live, and wants to see you.

"Damn it! I thought to myself. Zam I am asking such a stupid and нетактичные questions?"

I guess I wanted to gradually find out how far their relations. Or maybe it is already awake безотчетная, unconscious male jealousy, taking me is always so painful, and especially to the other?

Oh, this vigorous men's blood, just a churning thirst instinct of procreation! It is not her kill, probably never, even after millions of years after he ceased to live in a cave, while the will is inherent in him sexual reproduction. I CA could not give the report to the words that spoke my language.

-No, - replied the girl, still looking at the ground, if he felt something in front of me guilty -we meet with him anymore... anyway, in the near future. I was seriously infected with, and tomorrow parents take away me in the village to my grandmother, so I though нмного recovered. There the air is cleaner than in the city, and in the village there is a village.

Only now I noticed how pale was my companion. Her face had no blood, and the lips, probably, too, were white, if not lipstick, masking their natural color.

-As already tomorrow? - escaped me uneasy surprise. And he knows nothing? I continued already insincere, to mask the unforeseen impulse. -You have not even looked at it?

-No, he 't know and not just I, in the voice of the girl was growing discontent about my excessive curiosity and suspicious of concern for the relationship between them, "but I told him the other, and this will be enough for comfort - she furrowed her brow and looked away, pretending to be something interested. It seemed to me that she did this, not to cry, and barely withhold giving from слез.потом it suddenly, unexpectedly for me sharply, abruptly somehow turned to me and firmly looking into my eyes with a challenge in her voice as she is to me, and I came to her from Охромова asked. -Yes, and who is he to me, so I said good-bye? Nobody!

Here onnand again blushed and looked her gaze to the ground. I realized that too deeply climbed in vain in the wilds of foreign relations and caused the most pain, which is not intended.

-Okay, I'll go, I am sorrye me, I must hurry. I'm late, " said the girl, поврнулась and strode quickly and decisively away from me.

'Good-bye! "I called out after her.

She turned as if in surprise, then сконфузилась a little embarrassed and gently, faintly smiled and answered:

"Good-bye, - waving somehow uncertain, but a friendly hand to me, then turned and went.

-Sorry, ts so quickly going, " I said quite quietly, very quietly, to himself.

I was very pleased that we have parted with her friends. And somewhere in my heart I промелкнуло of a feeling weak, but sweet, delightful and tender, that we will encounter it absolutely.

The girl disappeared in the passing of the CPR. I stepped behind her and still for a long time looking after her, she goes to the trolleybus stop. When nandthe end, she just disappeared from my eyes, I I remembered the envelope she gave me from Охромова.

First of, than open, I again played with it with his hand, a carefully examined outside and not finding anything remarkable, ripped, took out a folded leaf and read:

"Man! Sorry for the long silence. Were the case. I know that the time is short, and you need to act. Soon vypisyvaыs'. If possible, organise anything on our case before, I'll notify you. For me no fear alive. Pay attention to that which will give you hi and this letter: it is the same, about which I told you.

Well, everything. Come on, yet.

Grisha O."

I folded the letter and put it in his inside pocket of his tunic.

"It's great to bake! "I thought, looking at the sky. -It would not hurt to go for a swim!"

Time was getting ready for dinner. Was воскреенье. And the fourth course always, until recently, on Sunday went to dismissal without any restrictions. And now, the dismissals were covered. Not only to us but to the whole school. However, except for us anyone in school and not left: third year left on training in the army. First, the future the second month was engaged in хозяйственныи works at the training centre, situated half a dozen kilometers from the city. The second course "долбился" in dresses, changing itself and not вылазя of караулки, dining room and patrols. Only the fourth course and was "free" to go to the city. But this freedom is not felt.

Елыми days we continued to sit in a stuffy, hot classes, when the window was a beautiful, July, generously sun, Manila, called to himself the warm water of the river. While we continued to prepare for state examinations. And this is despite all those bumps that fell on our heads! In place of the state Commission, I would have regretted cadets for the agony they suffered, and would liberate all the casualty rate from further pass these unfortunate exams. Because some of the stress, even his head ceased to cook how to science. While the Commission continued to mocked mercilessly over бедныи graduates.

Before the incident in the city of slaughter, each platoon passed the state examination, released in town until the morning regardless of what day of the week. It was, of course, not much to the generosity of our superiors, because насколко we knew in many other schools last, graduation year of mandatory enjoyed the right of free exit to the city, but теперьмы were deprived and this поледней joy.

However, I was not going to lose heart. Not in the first былл overcome difficulties and find a way out, look for loopholes. This Sunday was объяленно command of the school as a day of rest, as if in благодарностьили mercy for what we participated in the suppression of the demonstrators and beat us. Additionally, many have not returned from the hospital, and училищные doctors only планиовали start their transportation-sanitary part of the school that they were PR school and could sdavat exams, so to speak, without leaving your bed. But patients were many enough, so infirmary school was unable to place all: it was not designed for such a large number of seats.

In General, exams-you have to pass in fact there was none, so those who have recovered, объяили weekends this Sunday. However, in the city no one went. Partly благоволию our commanders, partly by chance обсоятельств we spent time in idleness.

To do in school, do something was определенноневозможно, so most preferred quietly leak into the river. Did it alone and in groups of two and three, and then цлыи crowds making their way in the various ways, who knew what, and only the laziest, Yes cowardly, Yes even those who are not quite попревился and not that run - walk normally could not remain sitting in a hostel: who read книши who listen to the tape recorder, and some just sleep.

The river is fed and football fans, which are normally assembled a tight group and dressed in shorts and t-shirts, напялившикроссовки, raced to the stadium to the nearest school, but now,захвтив MNA debate, went together with осталными, because the stadium go too banned.

Separate "renegades", the most desperate guys headed into the city, the nearest shops where sold wine and vodka, buying this "swill" for the coming evening feast, which usually слуались presents beta house on Saturday and Sunday, and less often for a special occasion on weekdays.

All dispersed, despite warnings and prohibitions, and the hostel of the fourth course was emptied.

Did not stay in school and I: dressed in a tracksuit, a popular and versatile clothing our cadets, and overcome the remaining else in the body weakness and malaise in theaddition etctheshM I started to inviting their голубими waters of the river.

As I jumped over the fence of the school in the area of warehouses near the sawmill, where the entire convenient and hidden from the eyes of the place, and was in the shady cool of the forest, growing on a slope, cool outgoing far down from уичлища both felt a burst of energy and freshness, that filled me inside. Going down the овражистым steep slopes of the hill on which the last century local сахаропромышленник built this cadets school for the web-son, who was not accepted for military studies in St. Petersburg, I after a few minutes found himself in a rather wild, provincial areas ссути already and not a city, but something close to the suburbs. Hence, with припойменной lowlands of the Psel, this small Ukrainian rivers were still visible at home, standing at the top of the hill, away behind высоими, poplars. But there it was rare to meet someone from citizens, and those were vacationers, hurrying across the secluded beaches or traveling for hay on the already narrow-minded meadows Biking man who held in his courtyard in private homes кродиков, pigs and other animals.

Down here on the river, no longer felt the pressure of the city that was tested on ентральном the beach. Around wildly раскнулась already wild, Nike not well-groomed, is Yes and no specific уходепервозданная nature has generously scattered here and there by stretching along the river lowland shrub thickets, groves and whole прилески trees, подстуающие seats to the water cute, quiet and calm the narrow plain of the river.

Промавшись through broad green fields, overgrown with green, started to dry already on a hot summer grass, knee-high, and sometimes and on a belt, I ten minutes already ran up to the place that between us was called "slash" and where preferred to spend their времяте who didn't like the noise and rush of the big city beach, but quite contented silence and безлюдьем of this picturesque corner. Now here Alo was designated on the fact that all the cadets bathed nowhere more so than on this "spit".

I ran to the river and was ready to dance with переполнявшей me the joy of meeting with nature, heady and одуряющей from feeling any wild freedom, which felt here.

I вспомилось while here and so, together, we raced with Охромовым on "студягу"as called by a Central urban beach is a popular place for our summer vacation. Yes! When was this?! A long time ago! And it seems that it is just recently, like yesterday, we радовлись with him his own audacity and it extracted freedom, and the unusual adventure that was waiting every time ahead of us. I was very sorry that Grisha not now, otherwise we would have necessarily give "Студягу" and today, no matter what. Not even because not did not like to bathe it in this quiet place, but because we have always sought with Охромовым to isolate themselves in their adventures from the other, close your мирот outsiders and foreign presence. And if all other избали would естом своегоотдыха the Central city beach, we would, probably, купалис either "to" or even "PM"or to "spit". Still, despite all the trouble and strife, discord and conflicts that emerged between us, I loved it somewhere in the depths of his soul, probably as a brother. There is no one closer neither he, nor I have - so it seemed.

I alreadydfled to "spit" - песчанной shoals on the sharp bend of the river, отгородившейся of extensive meadows roshchitsej weeping willow, overgrown on the sides of the thickets of reeds. This cosy little world was hidden from strangers ' eyes, except us, cadets, Yes children from the urban periphery today there was no one there.

Swimming in the "spit" was already in full swing. On the opposite steep Bank of a few people ran and jumped into the water, diving, playing tag. Others took pictures with them in a fun campaign amid the wonderful scenery. Still others stood on the shore, already swim and, Smoking, and about something enthusiastically talked. Here were kicking the ball, a dip in the cool of the river and washing away the sweat, football fans. Urban children frolicked here, without joining the us in the games, its камашкой.

I joined with the universal веелью, and soon awake young zeal made to forget all thoughts and concerns.

Bathing lasted quite a long time, and time passed already by the wide-ranging, when we noticed a man in a rowboat, гребущего visas downstream, coming to us from above located bend of the river. Oars provocatively flew high above the water, raced on it, breaking the mirror of the water drops, слетающими with their blades, and almost silently, мастерки, gently вхдили back, disappearing in the thickness of the river.

Among the cadets raced sly: somebody boat. She was with water station of our school, located a kilometre above the течениюна Board proudly inscribed "Rescue".

Sitting in the boat was back. From afar, it was impossible to recognize it, but those who continued to swim, suspicious.

Itself disorganized bathing cadets in the river was a flagrant violation of military discipline, and with the arrival of the state examination Commission of Moscow it took even more steep turnover: its Chairman, major General Бибко ordered strictly prohibit output of cadets on the river, prevent unauthorized bathing. GeneralRичал before the formation of the graduates at общеучилищном building cadets that he personally will investigate each case of such самовольства, and the one who will be caught in itm, will be punished the most strictm thus, up to expulsion from school, even with the state exam.

Divination our about who sits with his back to us in a rescue boat with water station of the school stopped quickly and sharply.

-Here is floating major General Бибко said standing next to me in невозмутимом tranquility Andrei Ivanov, a guy from my platoon, possessing a very deep, almost philosophical sense of humor.

I have got accustomed that was sitting in the boat, and despite the fact that he was in black opaque sunglasses, tightly adjacent to whetherCthe, and in only one of a broad,black swimming trunks-shorts, on top of which stood a bulky loose belly, and in the form of generals see I have not ever, I still learned the Chairman of the state экзаменнационной fee.

Meanwhile, major General sailed already quite near us, on the narrow fairway in this place, no more than twenty metres in diameter, river. Many, Yes, almost no one, and did not recognize him. In this form it is not much different from the majority of uchilishchnyh warrant officers. And all probably thinking that this is some College officer, дежурящий water station on the school decided to have fun from the service boating on the river. And only I and a few men who were near Ivanov when he said it understood who passes by. Understood, but who from оторопи, and who from дофинизма, арившего in his mind at that moment, did nothing. And continued to stand and observe passing a few metres past the us General.

Yes, this толстяке in black glasses with labour can be considered of Grozny General who shouted, ruined before the line and to appear higher and стойнее than was actually rose continually and socks сввоих little doll legs.

Trimmed under "Bobrik" head on thick, fleshy neck, tightly on her sitting, валунообразной form, необхватное torso are little resembled the low, giant man in the General's shoulder straps, which has for more than Crescent was a terror and fear came on all cadets, комудовелось time to be in school. One only his surname, the mere mention of it led many in awe.

Do not say in a calm voice Ivanov its фмилии, I would never recognized it полуголом man on the rescue boat, General-major Бибко, now, perhaps, I would not have him nose to nose, and even then, if he took off his opaque glasses.

Surprisingly those who learned the Chairman of the state Commission he swam past us calmly, not paying any attention to us and not knowing or pretending that he found us cadets, although it is quite simply determine looking at our relatively thin, muscular, sinewy body, контрастировавшие with city guys, and our short hairstyles.

We were standing on a steep, but невыссоком shore from which he sailed on a boat in ten metres. Sitting face-to-aft, he leash occasionally turned forward, looking over his shoulder, where floats his утлое boat. He looked so simplistic, beach-rescue and completely not General.

He never glanced in our direction, and we, those who knew him, watched аждым movement with close attention.

However, even if he углдел through his dark glasses that our slender body is noticeably differ from civilians guys, mostly loose, sleek, рапущенных, you did a very correctly and wisely, to show this. After all, to do with us now he was not able, and raised the cry, Tolo would put themselves in a ridiculous situation. He couldn't even scare sufficiently any of us, not to catch or get to come to him guilty, and I understood it quite well to refrain from expressing their indignation at such a mass violation of his order.

His boat and swam past us in ten meters down the river, and we pretended not to notice each other: on the one hand, the old General, and on the other we, old cadets almost too young and green officers standing on the threshold of a new, unknown for the us army life.

Major General Бибко disappeared behind крутам bend of the river to the right, for a green wall of a cane and a weeping willow загораживающей from our view sandy land spit, and we have already decided that intsendent exhausted, when, a minute later, and from there to laugh стреглав our guys screaming on the run: "Nix! There Бибко!"

Most of our rushed immediately to their heels, but few people, first recognized General, and remained standing on the slope невыокого shore. Panic swept from the others due to the sudden appearance on this укроно beach the most terrible person in school, never took us всоих swirl, took away in the twinkling of an eye the rest, and we have long watched as the Chairman of the state examination Commission, piers to "spit"is floating on the river in an odd way: on one side and with one hand and the second, неучаствующая in the movement, was submerged in the water like плавнику fish.

General and bathed, not paying any attention to us, if not he угожал us with cruel punishment. We stood and looked at him, realizing that he would now not be able to do with us, and all the same Ivanov told us that "spit" - the favorite place of recreation for the General, and every summer, when he comes to the school to take the state examinations, he relaxes affluent here on the boat with the rescue station.

Andrew I believed because he grew up in this school, so his fate.

-Well you have said about this? - asked I he.

How did I know that he will come here? "he asked in reply. -Yes, and what ососбенного happened? People came покпаться. He MS one is eating. I can even now come to him and say Hello! Want to?

"No, no!

Ivanov really could come to the General Бибко and shake hands with him. And it wouldn't hurt. We knew it: Бибко knew Ivanov and his father died many years ago, of the old artillery officer, преподававшего at the Department of fire.

Still a bit watching General, we understand that the Chairman of the state landed to this shore for a long time and to leave in the near future is not going. Swim with the General impudence none had, and we decided to leave for good-здорову, not tempting fate.

Chapter 20.

Heavy evening, and I wandered through the barracks, not knowing what to do. Usually in such days, if not had the opportunity or desire to go to the city, I visited my buddies on the other barracks, in other batteries and even on other courses. But today, in this воскоесный evening couldn't see anyone who missed because they were all outside uchilishchnyh walls.

Cinema, which was demonstrated in an uncomfortable училищном club with жесткиви wooden chairs, located on the same level so that half of the screen was not seen by ahead of the sitting, with the stuffy air and bad sound, tired of long ago with its grey, dull, faded repertoire mainly on the revolutionary and military themes. And here went only as a last resort, and even then, to have a laugh with a wicked irony or even sarcasm over дурственной and бездушеой staging these anybody unnecessary films. Special love in this sense were movies about the war, where the role of German tanks could easily see our relatives Soviet BMP, or their tower was badly and angularly сколоченны of plywood and напялены over кругленьких, squat towers of modern tanks.

It was unusual to see how many people have accumulated in the evening of the Sunday afternoon in our hostel. I don't remember since we moved here from the barracks, where lived the first three courses. Some rooms were empty, but others are full. There painted the "bullet" in preference, ease off jokes, срезаться in seka, the prison game is very popular among the students, Yes, listen to music, who is a rock, and who simplistic pop.

I wandered from one campaign to another and couldn't find a place.

Whist I played bad, Yes I would not take, because the game was on the money, as everyone knew, what my rabid debts. With such preferred, do not mess: lose I already ниего could not, and everyone hoped to win. In Sekou not take play for the same reason. I did not liked this game. She had a certain, constant circle of admirers, and Novikov here at first thorough around. Where listened to rock, going forever silent campaign, задумиво and intently listening to something from the "hard" or "heavy", isn't popular, but почитамых these меланхоличныи and угрюмными devotees "rock and roll aint noise pollution". Conversations here arose only when needed flip a cassette or ask someone in the audience cigarette. And the most part sat, listening to the modulation электрогитарного Reva, silently smoked, Yes only occasionally went phrases about time already sounding "cool places" in the compositions.

I loved to listen to rock, but not in such a situation. From pop music" I'm sick at my stomach and into the room where наяривли her sugary electronic rhythms, I did not even bother to look.

Thus overcoming all rooms not finding an appropriate campaign I returned to my room Charter wander through the Dorm, and I felt terribly, awfully want to sleep and barely прлег on the bed and immediately fell asleep soundly, not finding the strength even to undress or remove tucked the blanket.

I woke up in the night, and even was afraid, because someone woke me up standing over me and touching me on the knee. I sat up, rubbed his eyes, and then, accustomed to ссутулившемуся me, learned in the light of the street lamps barely добивающем here, on the fourth floor of a building with distant "appendicitis", Grishko Охромова.

From such surprise I spoke loudly, but he abortandl mwas, putting a finger to his lips.

-TSS-with-SS! he hissed, letting you understand me not to moan, and then gestures showed so I followed him.

In the corridor anyone on duty was not. Night table дневального was empty, and, probably, no one noticed ward Охромова to the barracks. We passed with him in the washbasin.

-Cool-now! - extended his hand to me Grisha.

-Hello, - I replied, shrugging her. -Get?

-Yes, something like that...

-And I come to thee in the Department once you order was not. Where the hell you been?

-I, or what? - Grisha grinned. "Oh, were you doin'.


-Yes, it's not important! - отмахнулс it from me, as nuisance. -I came, to discuss with you plan our further action and to start its implementation. Did you get my note?

-Yes, today.

"How do you liked my girlfriend? Liked?

"Oh, nothing much, " I lied for some reason.

-Well, - said Grisha, looking at me with a sly squint. -OK let's to the case. With her, it seems I have everything.

-All? I asked, feeling nervous.

I was extremely interesting that they happened, and did my buddy victory over this woman's heart. But ask directly, without hints, as is often done it before, without any sincere trepidation, I decided not to. Something prevented me to do so at this time. Yes I was almost convinced that the response of the other will most likely incomplete and evasive. I deeply doubt that relations with such a girl, in all manners of which could have been guessed not before it simple, peasant, and blue, thin and tender, blood, it may emerge as something clearly and simply, as it always happened that my friend is still with the other girls. It was something that would bring horror or impress servile worship. And this time Охромов impaled not on what he was used to dealing with. Some eerie and vague presentiment visited me in this moment, but then the soul is poured out within letting me do the talking.

"There! All!

-That went as in the sea ships?

-Yes almost that so, - voice Охромова filled with some obscure, subtle sadness. -I'm not at that age, so I think to give knit himself on his hands and feet. But I, again again say that he came not to cry you shoulder. Us still need money for them to do. You've already заманали your creditors? I know of. So, you want to offer a plan. Now I'm ready carefully thee to hear. Now nothing else I already not distracting.

I understand he hints.

Although I still couldn't myself after: clothing during the withdrawal did not give rest to my organism and only suffocating me, but I still found the strength again, as much detail as possible, tell him coined by my plan.

Охромов heard it thought two or three minutes bit his lip and simultaneously gnawing on the index the finger that, as I noted long ago meant выказывало he hard, almost impossible to work his mind, and then spoke:

-Is risky, but the idea of good. Well, was not was - do as you suggest.

We decided that the time to lose no longer allowed, and all plans should be the same tomorrow. Grisha promised to contact their "friends"and if they peck and agree to meet, then it will immediately tell. In any case, I had tomorrow regardless of the circumstances, to prepare everything that depended on me.

Then Охромов said goodbye and ran away, even not said where, and I was left alone again. Now I found the strength to undress, because otherwise would sleep until morning.

The next day I entirely spent in search of a suitable waste paper, which would be able to replace a valuable archival volumes and records. Something I found in the storerooms of our uchilishchnoj libraries, where there is a huge amount of crap no one wants. By the grace of imaginative librarians, обрадованной the fact that the library is going to throw at least немногомусора, I dragged the stairs and the back door a few heavy and massive stacks of books, old magazines, some notebooks and left it there until the evening, when it need. The back door of the library overlooking the rear yards from the main building, locked the door from time to time, and most often was opened. This same door enjoyed working school, carpenters, painters, those who worked in the printing house. They had the keys away from those doors, but never used them.

Even a few pounds notebooks, written in his scribblings of my predecessors, I requested the head of the secret section of the school, from the library this branch. They were useless, Yes also lost her once Neto значившую секретност, as confessed to me the chief of protection, but a heavy heart he gave them to me.

When I did what was necessary at first, then thought, what education is to give all these piles of paper a kind of old manuscripts, which demanded from us the bandits.

First of all, I decided to ground covers of notebooks, books and magazines to the point that they would have to sleep in the dust, but hand, mastered only a small part due to the incredible consuming. Realizing that it бесмысленная, and, most importantly, that does a waste of time and effort I put all the books and the books so worn, the ones that I could do to on the top in each of the stacks. Bandaging the resulting columns rough бичевкой, I examined the results of their work and find that everything is pretty cute, and, more importantly plausible done. Besides, those тетади and magazines that I got from the library, spent twenty years at least in the bullet and oblivion, but because their пожелтевшии pages and covers very like the архивыне paper, stored in a backwater and необорудованном for specially store.

In General, I decided, that all is already ready, it remains only to wait to give myself to know Охромов. And he was not long in coming.

Not an hour had passed after dinner, and in the early evening July sky still glowed in the West, changing from Golden to червонному, the setting sun, слепя its red rays in our room, when the door swung open, and the room with a joyful screaming burst Охромов. He greeted all who was there, warmly embraced, if not seen anybody here, at least six months. Last it came to me, hugged me, shook my hand and said that awful on me much. I would only wonder to what extent he is an artist. Probably all around except me, without a second thought believed in the sincerity of his behavior.

Returning to the conversation, that always occur after such a long absence, Охромов, at the end of Konov, again appealed to me, suggesting, as if by chance, go outside, sit in the Smoking room. Under this pretext, we left the room, walked along the corridor to the barracks and went down the stairs.

At the entrance to the entrance to the quarters stood still a few people about something animatedly chatting. We walked away, Охромов took out his cigarette and first offered me, and then lit a cigarette against the habit itself. Cigarette I refused and, removing tobacco smoke, immediately drowned magnificent fragrance of warm air, has been given to drink aroma of hundreds of roses that grew in all bed and flower gardens, broken in school, asked him:

-When you smoke started? I never noticed before.

But Охромов did not answer, and I guessed that he lit a likely from a terrible waves, which is now experienced. He stood and смалил cigarette, thoughtfully about three minutes looking somewhere to the side, and then spoke:

Means, so I called him yesterday, and they said that when we will be ready to transfer securities, we should give them know about it. They will pay us the promised money, however, warned that we will compensate for the wire, which arose in the case of fault...

-Well, this seems to present rudeness! - I protested. -What is the penalty we have to pay?! Yes, they absolutely insolent! No, they seem to live on the moon and not know what was happening in the city last week.

-Walk through the Bazaar, it is cheaper to find! - smiled Охромов.

't understand.

-And what is there to understand? Orders music the one who pays. Who needs more than them, this paper? Else you can offer such a deal? Anyone and they understand that perfectly. And if that, and be quiet in two holes.

"What?" - I leaned forward. -Kidding me?!

-No, of which I was over you scoff? They me on the phone said. I-what? Than'm different from you?

-Well, - I said, -and how much it will cost us this проволоча their language?

-Third of танее the amount.

-Yes, I even don't know how long shall this be in the money! You didn't speak to me!

Охромов called me the amount of remuneration, which he promised. For one it would be very good money, but for two, and even minus a third...

-We do not have enough even to repay our debts, and not something that, as you said, still walk! - I protested.

-Be not afraid, more than enough, even if they оттяпают we have the third part of our money. By the way, Grisha had one last deep puff and threw goby flowers, - they are warned that if we do not come to this meeting or pass them this time "junk" for any reason, they rest суммуурежут by one-third.

-Well, this certainly rudeness! "I said.

-Us nothing. Do nothing more. Or we continue our game with them, or we stop all relations with them and remain without money. Without money at all!.. And with enormous debts. So, how?

I was silent, quite consonant with what a friend said.

-By the way, " he began again - you made what he promised?


"Well, where is it?

Is - in a safe place.

"You хоошо looked? Will not fail? Look, here we are not in a cat-and-mouse play! If something suspect, we шлепнут. It is such people. As you think amiss?

I don't know... Better would it be if we all did it in the dark.

-What have they done? 't understand Охромов.

-Handed over the paper. If transfer in the darkness, most likely, amiss, and if there be light...

-Okay, let's see what you've done.

We went Охромовым the rough staircase library the door to happiness, as usual, was unlocked, and he meticulously examined my creation, carefully felt folded stack, though confiding, whether they are dense, almost sniffed them and then issued its resolution:

"You'll do. In any case, if they suspect, say that we knew not what we take, maybe they were mistaken in their records, and, can be, and we may be at the place already and not the lies that they had thought. Anyway, you can always blame the case that they gave me a piece of paper with some scribblings, they say, motorcoach to explain, but nothing N. explained. We could make a mess of everything. Am I right?

I nodded in agreement with him head.

And in fact, I think that for the paper at all ниыего is impossible to find, not that night and in broad daylight.

Охромов stood there, thought, and then he added:

And in fact, I find this strange. And why they give me some kind of incomprehensible scheme, more like scribbles? Do they really seriously think that we could find something? Yes this must be a real genius of seven spans in a forehead to understand it. Yes there is the devil himself leg break! And why they are strange paper that three hundred years dusty, lay, until they remembered not the stupid?

-Paper are sometimes more expensive than gold, and furthermore any money I replied friend.

-Yes, perhaps, you're right. That are more valuable, so it is. Not only are these - answer me Охромов, pointing to several of the TRC found at our feet.

Leaving the back door of the building we went out on the street. The sky was already dark, but not so much that it seemed првые stars. On the Eastern edge of him encroaching already inky darkness, through a transparent crystal which were soon to happen after the first heaven fireflies, and on the Western slope still glowed белсоватая blue, becoming darker and darker to the Zenith.

Охромов he touched me on the shoulder:

"I must be going already. Good-bye. Tomorrow, I probably already been discharged from hospital...

-Wait, - I said, - but did you even discharged?


-Well, then you today поствпил very reckless. You all saw almost half of the battery. Someone стуканет? What then?

-In half! We Tatars only would the gift, the rest poebat, " replied Greg, and I agreed with him that lose, then, indeed, nothing to issue remained a matter of days, and no one will change nothing can, even if very wants. Yes and wants you? Who wants to fiddle before release with some Охромовым, wasting time and nerves? The calculation was Frank and simple, albeit cynical, in fact.

-When we have the next exam? "he asked.

On Thursday,the say, " I told him, пытас understand the tone of his voice, why he suddenly lost a good mood.

-Well, OK then: just no exam't skip it. There is a silver lining, whatever you say!

"What is it? I asked, not understanding his last phrase, but feeling that in it the key to his bad mood.

Охромов looked at me in a particularly sad and sigh, and said, shaking his head:

-We talk about everything... Well, goodbye, the peasants to our greetings. Tell me who will be interested in what's going to be, though - he waved a hand - is unlikely.

After a minute, his figure had melted into the night. I returned to the barracks. We agreed with him that I'll get everything ready, get on a sports town and hide there obstacle in the underground gallery. Tomorrow night we taxi will take it to the appointed place, where tonight Охромов agree meet with their "buddies". There we will make this risky deal.

During our conversation, shortly before a final goodbye, he confessed frankly:

"You know I think about what we wanted, so I scared.

-Me too, - I said.

Indeed, this adventure was so passionate, that reminded me of walking the razor's edge.

Next day it was flying стремително and imperceptibly, quickly, like a bird on the wings, when I tried drawn approaching решитеьные minutes, when all will then traversed hardly, when I started to rush running hours. But still, he was drawing towards evening, the sunset.

In the evening in the battery appeared again Охромов with service of cellophane in hand, filled his things he барл in the hospital. With him again greeted, asked discharged or not, and why appeared yesterday, where then disappeared.

I stood aside from all waited while he перездоровается with everyone and finally released. Soon he came to me and greeted me, shaking hands and embracing. So after азлуки greet each other with true friends.

-Now I shall come, ' he said to me during our embrace, - shall report to the battalion commander that returned from the hospital. And be ready.


In ten minutes he went to our room and plopped down on the bed next to me, leaned against the wall, looked around, and said not sincerely, not sarcastically, in General, - do not understand:

-Phew, well, here at home! - smile creeping across his face. Home... after a few days it didn't. Can you imagine? We never to be the cadets. Never... time passes inexorably. Just think about it, only yesterday, it seems, were freshmen. It seems like only yesterday...

"You pulled on philosophizing? - with light sarcasm and humor in his voice " I asked.

-Don't know... do you remember how we used to drive Tkachenko that troops пишел... foreman with Далнего East? Remember, it was in the course of a young soldier? And as we were leaving with you in the first winter vacation? This scream was. Remember?

-I remember, and how not to remember, - I felt suddenly sad. Remembering about the last days of his life spent in school, one after another swept suddenly on me memories, быстропроплывая in the head and replacing each other. I remembered at once so much that he didn't know what to say. Probably, if I were offered relive those four years, I wouldn't mind and will gladly moved straight in time ago. As a phonograph record, spinning, "заскакивая" on one and the same natural, until you move the hand of the needle to another place, and I wanted to relive those years, times five, maybe six. Again and again. Then, perhaps, would be boring.

-Yes, you're probably right, ' said Grigory, looking at me through narrowed her eyes and remembering apparently, some of our long conversations - cadet be well... you Know, I often think, where does носталльгия about passing.

-Well, where did?

I think it stems from two things. The first is a property of the human memory to forget everything bad in a past life faster than good. It is like a self-brain overload bad emotions. Man, actually, in the life of the poor выадает much more than good. But it quickly goes from the head, and a good, though it happens - it is much less, and is much less, but lasts longer. This makes the memories of the person warm, rich joyful colours. The past is represented in memory as through rose glass. The physical, moral and spiritual difficulties that people experiencing rather experienced in the past, leaving almost completely, and past life seems bright and cloudless. A second source of nostalgia - it's a man's fear of the unknown, concealed in the future. Past matter how bad it may be, is already a fact. Nothing will change. It has already lived. And the future - all at the mercy of the elements and стеения circumstances, and little it depends on the will of man.

-Well, that poor forgotten much faster good, I think, that with you I find it hard to agree. And in the little things - Yes. But the sun big problems, which happened to me, still clearly appear before me in memory. In addition, there are actually people are rancorous, that can remember you trouble at least ten years.

-Here you are right. People who are evil in themselves usually and vindictive and destructive by nature. But the good works memory of them short. But such people are few, and I say really about more. Here we are with you a little confused sinful with the righteous.

Man remembers evil only in relation to any particular person. But memories of his own past is also likely to be painted in a positive tone. If he is so angry that and recollections of his painted in a bad paint, then he is probably a little something even know of the past. Memory fades in and fades very quickly. Otherwise мозгпогиб from the ever experienced отрицателльных emotions. This is a very powerful and deadly load. Among evil people, probably, very many suicides.

Now, tell me, art thou a lot помишь of unpleasant events from the past?

-Yes, in fact, quite distant.

-Well, you remember?" I mean, it hurts whether you remember or not?

I thought, trying to recall some particularly unpleasant incident that happened to me ever. The first memory I came incident that happened recently.

Yes, this happened in the fourth year. And the event, then what happened was quite unpleasant.

This was in the guard. Was already late in the fall. Nearing December. On the street was the first snow, white as fresh sheet, and his cheeks already покалывал easy, but a sharp frost.

I once saw service on the long-coupled posts located on the outskirts of the town's military College, where lived our officers and teachers. There were stores and one of the technical departments of the school. Distant they were considered because they really were at a greater distance from the guardhouse, located on the territory of school, on the other, the opposite end.

On the next to my post stood Gene Musuc, a good guy. In the morning, when the Department was opened, my post removed, and the Gene must continue to serve until the evening, because guarded училищные warehouses. On the first shift, we will intercede with him at eleven o'clock, and stand we had till midnight. For four years guard duty we have already adapted themselves to the system of checks and knew how much. Usually, the guard checked more often than once per shift. Reviewer approached change and with it went to check some of the posts. And so then, when we were preparing to заступлеию to the post, the guardhouse granted Lieutenant Colonel, a teacher of one of our chairs of arms. He most recently appeared in the school, just a week and a half ago, and we haven't really успелиузнать who he is. So, with a kind, good-natured guy, and there's a devil knows.

We take their posts, and the inspection went to the fleet. There was also two posts. Usually, all reviewers were subjected to the verification of some group of posts: too much was different between them, and if someone really set out to check all the posts, it could have taken an hour and a half, not less. As time would have it I missed the lesson of the entire shift. And who needs it?

We changed his comrades and for a long time served, as expected, did not correspond with each other, they watched each his own. Usually watch on distant posts night go together somewhere in the vicinity of the border posts so that was not so boring and terrible, you could talk to pass the time, so slowly coming on duty.

It took more than an hour, and time was after midnight. Remained beauty services немноговремени up to the moment when we had to change. Don't know what kept me to this, but, when the hands crossed over twelve I went неших with Генкой posts, покричал there Mashuk, and when he appeared from the darkness, invited him to go warm up "the pipe", as we called tube boiler that was located at the entrance to our posts. She отапливала residential town уилища. Night at the boiler was one operator, some old man-pensioner, who had been watching the meter readings and the normal flow and burning of gas, on which she worked, boiler room. Sometimes the most blatant daredevil, not too shy to ask to go inside the boiler-house, well, the one who was побоязливее and позастенчивее, were content with a place on her pipe, where it also was quite cute: iron, thick trunk подпирался on a concrete pedestal-the basis of the triangular sectors-kerchiefs, forming cosy prototype supercapacitor cells, where it was warm and comfortable to sit in.

Boiler располагаласьна territory of my post, and its pipe was on врутреннем economic courtyard, the entrance to which was also from my post, but the courtyard территоией post already not считалс, although the case for the "excuse" you can say that it was unknown to me.

Gene long resisted my suggestion. As I said, he was a good guy, you can even ссказать hundred conscientious, although a little lazy to study, and why, and maybe also come in a school after the army, often, almost always неусевающий on некольким academic disciplines. He didn't want to go with Noah "the pipe", but finally I persuaded him. Apparently, worked my arguments that a reviewer on our shift was already, and have nothing to fear: nobody will come more. Gene thought so myself, but something had feared. I can not say that he was the guy from the timid, but something wouldn't let him quite a long time I succumb to my entreaties. Probably, I had a presentiment that he had, which it stopped.

By my calculations we have nothing threatened. First, part since reviewer went on posts, it has been more than Asa, and he probably already asleep long been the home. If he wants to check and our posts too, you would surely have already come. Secondly, besides наальника honor at our posts now no one else could not have: the tolerances in the guardhouse treated as calculated per one shift. Two inspectors come in a guardhouse could not. As for the commander of the guard, he og come to us only with the following primitive. So I decided that we can quietly go warm up.

First, we wanted to go with Gena into the boiler room, but the door it was closed and we knock e dared. Then we went around her around, went on хоздворик, where he was a pipe, and settled on it. I must say that the frost has already been decent, and my legs, arms, face procedures froze. Now, sitting at exhaling heat pipe, I almost immediately started to fall asleep, разомлев like the заваленке the furnace.

The entrance to the courtyard was through жлезную the gate, and he represented a kind of тпичок two sides of the buildings fenced - boiler and hand плотничьих workshops, with the far end - high fence, when желаниии, you can climb again once within the моегопоста. On хоздворике were sketched кчи all kinds of stuff: junk, the rests of any metal constructions, sawdust and a pileup of logs and boards of all sizes. Here in disarray rolled coils of wire, Bay which spread, confused and lost all form, and a lot of not clear why the imported coal, and true dump empty, rusting barrels, in short, this collection всемозможного material, partially ожидющего its application, as part already, because of the heartless attitude and mismanagement, превратившегос in the real garbage, and remove the laziness was not something that result in beneficial state.

Just in case we agreed with Gena, how we act, if someone suddenly appears with a check our service earlier than we expected. In this case we'll omit them on the territory of my post, and when they turned the corner of the boiler house, I'll go after them and stop shouting, which are supposed to stop all those who appeared on the territory of the post. And Genk in the meantime, while I'll distract came to himself, перепрыгнетчерез fence, отгораживающий courtyard behind and flee to his post: he-he stuck behind my. Of course, I would ask where I was, that they were IMO me, and I will answer that I could hear the sounds from сттороны хоздворика and, although he is not part of the territory of the post, and can be, and is, I went there to check what's going on there. Scold me for it will be, I suppose, but not as much as for that, if we suddenly found RATM on the "tube".

Everything was great coined and, probably, not by us first. Our plan was difficult to find fault, and it would seem that the mosquito nose is not undermine, so we were pretty relaxed and calm, the more that come-then nobody should have been.

Of course, some, perhaps most, of the share of risk and was in our undertaking, but we thought it would cooked only relegated similarity with the adventure from him very far. Yes and we are not alone way to behave. Almost everything as we know, every time they do, if not, then somehow different, but not better. All of tricks, облегчавшиенам carrying the guard were invented and are known almost since the first course. He who at the dawn of carrying us on guard duty, not to be afraid, as many did, of some mythical an attack on themselves and could easily break even then, being a first year student Charter, always boasted of their misdeeds before my friends, and, thus, the experience was transferred from one to another, and soon received a significant spread. Those who tried not to violate the Charter, diminished, and by the end of the third course I didn't know anyone, whoever commits guard some violations, actions, запрещаемого Charter. May be, and remain, and even until the end of the fourth year, when the us finally liberated on guard duty, such heroes, but good, correct actions in our environment boast was not only accepted, but a shame, because it was considered abnormal for "normal" cadet behavior. This all shy, and so, anyway, this is not boasted. But the bad example flourished ever since the first day, Yes, moreover, he was known to be still and contagious.

Feeling the bliss of all the body, we almost fell asleep, but наали chat about all sorts of interesting things. Then talks саим themselves started угасат sinking in half sleep. We felt that dream relentlessly overcomes us, and even rose to their feet to cheer up, and stood, leaning to the pipe back, тотгрдью. Whatever you say, and it was already quite cold. For the winter hour issued toe loop, but clumsy слуюба not kept pace with fast the first frosts, rapidly enter into force, and because we were in some overcoats.

However, we fell asleep together with Gena even standing and did not notice...

I woke up from that creaked iron gate of the courtyard. Or rather, not even woke up, as if waking from a dream. From this evil squeaking heart sank in the chest in a frightened ball. Inside all in one min gone cold.

I peeked carefully from behind the pipe and in the moon свте saw three figures. Ahead, ka I guessed was heading our diluting. I recognized him by exceptional growth. Behind him trailed guard, but who knows. Over his shoulder was a bayonet-knife, put over the barrel of a gun. The third was an officer. But who? If it was начальик guard, he will go ahead. Yes and its unlikely he would disturb once again diluent, which day was held at the office and back more than fifteen kilometers, - he would have gone himself, taking someone from the guard. So, the last was a reviewer!

"Help! "my head is проенсись thoughts, tens of all thoughts, overtaking one another. I wondered where could take now reviewer? Because it according to my calculations had давго to go back home, because, after all, it has been more than one and a half hours from the moment of our intercession for the post, and we were just about to change. - Who could be this came to us on the post?"

These and many other thoughts rushed headlong in plagued my mind. If I hadn't woke so thoroughly, was ready to believe this is just a bad dream.

I pushed Генку that sweet snoring in the next compartment, between the railway кронштейно, supportive pipe. He also woke up with consternation shaking his head. With просоня he could not understand what happened, and tell him I was afraid, because we could услыщать. In the dark I only saw his frightened eyes, shining in the moonlight, and, hoping that he will understand me, put his index finger to his lips, bestowing upon him the knowledge to be silent.

"What is it? asked Genk.

"Do be quiet, you fool! - разозлилс I from what he didn't understand my gesture. CheckUser came.

-Where is it?! another испуганнее and louder asked Musuc.

-Yes do not lean out of you! - I hissed, pulling it off at the collar of his coat, as he tried his own eyes, that I'm not kidding with him.

Now we stood silently looking at each other and hiding behind a pipe, and knew not how we do it.

Reviewer meanwhile was approaching us, venturing farther on the territory of the household on a footpath, shuffling between snow drifts and piles of all kinds of junk. I suddenly thought, perhaps our diluting and not скащал him that we can hide here on the tube, and they just came here in search of us, beating both positions. Then they had to go to the end of the courtyard and finding that there's nobody here, go back. In this case, the main thing was not to give away their location, and sit quiet as a mouse. The pipe was in the party metres in five or ten off the path, and the path to it blocked a impassable heap of sawdust and chips, наструганных on the bench. So I was born weak, but surprisingly tenacious hope that we will not notice. This was the most important. And then we come up with, would have done so, as договоривались before.

Come already passed the pipe and, apparently, as I expected, gathered go further. To remain unnoticed, we had пеелезть in бругие section, so that трба hide our silhouettes.

I touched Генку, anxiously watching the movement of the inspection, by the arm and nodded to головыпоказал that the us, one has to go through scarves supports. He nodded as a sign that he understood. Carefully, I stepped into the next section and, when began to translate the other leg over the oblique edge of the sheet steel bracket, you've done a lot of noise, enough to tell you that we are here: ebony scabbard of my bayonet-knife with a flourish громыхнули about the hollow iron pipes.

All three of them stood in the middle of the courtyard turned in our direction.

-Let's call these hidden there! came up to us, the voice of the officer.

We were still there, continuing to something to wait for, as if hoping for some miracle that was to save us. But no! diluting headed in our direction, moved between the piles of garbage, and stood, and said quietly, with some fatal tranquillity, making it clear that nothing will change:

-Go on!

We seem to have waited for this non-agressive signal, somewhere in the depths of his compassionate and which was still ruing of everything that occurred, have crept out of his hiding place and went in single file to the examiner, realizing that everything now depends on his will.

Remember, what was my surprise when, coming closer, we saw that a reviewer who comes to our posts, this is the new Lieutenant Colonel, who came to проверкунашего guard when we only went intrude on shift. Since then it's been half an hour, and I thought he had been at home, asleep, or, at worst, to drink his tea. And only then we Gena learned that the validator has bypassed all the posts, every one of them, and going home already decided on a course of a look on our posts. He was so sure that he will not come back, that even made a record in the guard Vedomosti that the service is OK. And to return all had...

-That, asleep? - asked us Lieutenant Colonel. In his voice was something like his son understand the notes, but it was my fault. What is that to you?

We Gena started to explain that not asleep, and have come here слуайно, just to warm up, though, if we would listen at that moment to what we say, we'd probably feel ashamed of the ridiculous nonsense we talk.

-Where is your post? - asked me a reviewer. He, in fact, probably the first time came to check the guard.

-Here, - I replied, looking around the hand of the space around you from the entrance to the Department and to the warehouse.

"Your post? - he turned to the Gene.

-My there, waved his hand Musuc towards warehouses. -Warehouses NC glove service.

-Well, I can see what your important posts! Let's separate, " he said to разводящему, -now the posts. May they accept them under guard. And then come to change them now because the change does not end, right? And we understand.

Then he turned again to us:

-You've достоите shift to the end? - in a voice suddenly arose whether some cautious утивость, or suspicion, or fear, as if we have not done now for something else. He was trying to catch the movement of our thoughts through everything that we said. Knew Lieutenant Colonel, shows that they very often differ from among the people, sometimes almost to the opposite.

Lieutenant Colonel asked us about this, as usually ask in seriously ill patients, who for some reason hurt, whether they be patient or not. Or it might be thought that we are not on guard standing, but just for fun games in the military, and I'll now take, clap their Gene on the shoulder and ask him: "Well, brother! Достоим or maybe по1дем from here to hell?!" And he, thinking a bit, which is harder: somewhere shove or just stand there, say in reply: "Yes, I think that достоим!"

Of course, we agreed достоять until the end of the shift, and this was granted for us but not for the Lieutenant-Colonel. But sorry! He'd better not said as much, because it gave us to understand once again that he fears. Perhaps he just experienced my service because was an old officer, повидавшим, probably, of all kinds, and we were the future he change that so it saddened, but we saw that he was just afraid. And he's the fear had nothing. He no responsibility for our service is not carried.

After the change from the post of the us immediately took off guard and sent to the barracks. That night I could not sleep worrying about what had happened and for what awaits us.

But events took such a turn that the case of this was to get a huge impact. Still, if checked one of his own, with the division, then we would surely have punished, but the thing above the battalion command publicity hardly received. And here we "flew" on the level of the school.

In the morning after the night I woke up with ощщением that I am a criminal. I do not know anyone, but for me it was a painful feeling. All around there was some detached, detached and cold accurately scenery. The world suddenly itself became suddenly wider uncomfortable than it was for me yesterday. Involuntarily began to loom on the horizon some vague images, not the disciplinary, correctional institution, not sending in troops after expulsion from school, when we left behind three quarters of the way.

The whole next day was for us with Gena as in a bad dream. We pulled in different offices, starting from the commander of the battery to the генеральским. However, наальник schools do not accept us, and we are only receiving his apartment, but the fear had suffered a fair amount. Moreover, all the experiences adds even and guilt before Gena. Him and scolded more, and, strictly speaking, it is not the fault was in fact: it's because I persuaded him, and, after long belief. Gene Мушука scolded for not fasting, and me only for violation of the Charter, which was much softer. And though any time at all levels I justified him and said that Musuc was not guilty, that he gave in to my bad influence, he suffered much stronger than me.

What I had that day! We were threatened with a disciplinary battalion, and I had a mortal fear of such a perspective, I looked at the dismayed Мушука, its a simple person, luminous some perplexity, and laughed to hysterics, to a nervous attack, abnormal laugh. I was ashamed of Gena, he looked at me with surprise, not understanding the reasons of my oars, and I couldn't stop and, especially, to explain to him that laugh from it, because he would have taken it as сверхнаглость and mockery with my hand in his address, even though I experienced quite the reverse, that sort of awkwardness, compassion and desire to ask him to forgive me for everything that happened, but it was me and funny. Yes I объснить its state not differently as laughter through tears as hysterical.

Strangely enough, but then I got quite happily, we can say that easy fright. Threats дисбатом replaced with the threat to expel and send in the troops. Then and пошествию вреени replaced in the guardhouse, and after already went long time, almost a month since the event, we were told that for this act we can't go on vacation after зиней session, and guard us plant will not be.

But in the vacation I decided to go. And the story only confirmed me in opinion that in the army, I don't know, maybe somewhere and still, there is парадок that the more serious the offence, the less, eventually, the penalty for it. Maybe for some it's improbable, but I know this, what is called, the actual skin...

Here is a recollection came to me first to mind, and, on reflection, I realized that even remember this when something very unpleasant and scary for me history, only one good. All thought of as a casus, for year ended, fortunately, quite well. And, as you know, all's well that ends well. So I could not at the recollection of the events of those days cause in your soul nothing worse smile and irony.

Never hurt these memories no one string pain or sadness, and I honestly Охромову:

"You know, Greg, you're right. I absolutely e бльно remember this. Now remembered one story, доставившую me once lot of unpleasant experiences... Помишь when I guard "flew"?

-AA-a... Well?

-I remember now, as a great adventure, and only...

"You see, and you know why? Because чтооно ended all the same well, and that you remember stronger than all gone through then troubles together. I say that troubles are forgotten very quickly, in contrast to the good memories.

-What do you mean?

-Yes, that by law you for the crime was to get a life in the Slammer, and what really happened? Nothing. So you had forgotten about this story.

-But I still remember about her! So you're here, I think, is not right, " I said Охромову.

"But you say yourself that you remember this, as необыное adventure. And then it was a turning, a turning point in your life, and you take it very differently. If you are being punished, as you TGO deserve, then you should have it by then, most likely, has experienced. And so - it's just fun, only it difficult variety. So to say, with aggravating circumstances. Now. Now don't you remember what feelings, what experiences tormented and tortured you тогдая?

-Probably, not.

-Well, here. And the feelings remember the longer and deeper than what we remember the mind. So, you're the event will not Pro-feelings-of-shaft. If felt somehow remembered.

-So what do you think prevented me feel?

-Lack of proper punishment. You don't even sat in that time brig, isn't it?

-However, did not sit.

-Well, how do you think, if you put hot would guard, you would repent of their deeds?

I thought about it and agreed.

-However, nodding in acknowledgement, continued Охромов, " you should be in life still it would be useful. Experience would be in vain.

-Why is this?

-Because then you would already would, again as a cadet. Would you became a changed man. Поимаешь?! Has turned into a de least Zeca, and a way you will not see. But in prison need is a completely different experience. And all over again. However, the memory itself would put up with your OREM and wiped him from their pages to make room for another new experience, which would be able to provide further life. And mourn for the past, you can afford only when TEB in life increasingly less благополуно. Prison is not a Paradise for гргустных memories. Grieving for the past, there can be and disappear. Descent yourself in the Slammer should not be given, otherwise was going to kill. Do not own, so wrong. There must fight for his life. However, as elsewhere. Only there probably is hard and relentless struggle. Would you agree with me?

-Yes, perhaps you're right! But how do you know all this?! About the prison, for example?!

"Yes, " replied he укловнчиво and vague-I know - and all... Okay - suddenly started it, is something we're заболтались topic. It is time to begin. A night on the nose.

Chapter 21.

We came out of the barracks and headed to the sports ground, where I showed Охромову our hidden paper. They were intact. And who might want this trash?! Except that the boys from neighboring houses, often spending their time for self-indulgence and frolic, with a fool could dip into it, and then we would have to postpone our plans. And postpone had no way!

Охромов examined meticulously collected me a paper and said:

-You know, still not very likely! Подозритеьно!

-But you всчера said that pulls!

-To say something said. And here now I can see that is in itthe 't it. Not that... Oh, well would stuff ten-fifteen these manuscripts put on top for excuses, " he looked at me, like a baby's coming manuscript. - They same also not stupid... what do you think?

-Yes, perhaps you're right, " I agreed, and suggested that, immediately regretting I dissolved the language, - and you know, I here in the room there are a few manuscripts.

Охромов on fire:

-So what did you use to keep quiet?"

I don't know, " I replied, in the soul continuing to lament my outburst.

"Now, let's then run Duy in the barracks, or where they have you lie, and return here. We распихаем on the stack, so they were over the top. While I get that call from factories, that everything is done.

We parted. I went to the barracks to pick up from the room manuscripts, issued by собстенной my stupidity, and Охромов почался call. I was настолко upset that not even surprised that Охромов so calmly reacted to the fact that I was perfectly fits" several manuscripts. As if so, what nonsense, on every corner lies. He even asked him where I got though I were in his place, asked this necessarily.

Going into my room, I sat on the bed and thought for a moment. At heart I had my doubts. Terrible doubt overwhelmed me. I didn't know how same me still to enter. How my mind one after another floated manuscripts that хранилис me. They didn't rates, and even I, although it was quite far from this, understood this. Each of them was worth at least, and possibly dozens more that promised to pay for Охромову. In addition, I read them as much as possible, and насклько they were clear, they were so interesting for me. Down былло a lot of unusual things, what I have not ever сталкиватся neither in life nor in other literature. Something told me that I should not use these books are so vain and инае it isn't.

"Return - a bad omen!" thought suddenly I. -Really, what the hell I came back ?!"

I stood up and hurried back, out of the room, away from the barracks.

When Охромов from afar still waving his hand, and touched not the almost land of joy ran up to me as an avid athlete, or delight in his mood markedly diminished. He looked at my hands, pockets, stomach, trying to, apparently, understand, where are they hidden promised me the treasures and then, finally, realizing that I have nothing was astonished:

"Why don't brought nothing?

-Drive back was a bad sign, I volunteered, trying not to look him in the eye.

"You realize what you have done? Do you understand? angrily asked Охромов moving towards me as if to hit me.

I don't understand, " I replied, and not going back. -I come from a pure heart told me I was eatingь manuscripts. What if I were not? We would still have to go to this meeting.

-That if, Yes if only .... That, tucked? - suddenly, right in the forehead, bluntly asked Greg.

-Clutch! - I retorted, though not like to quarrel with him.

Охромов smiled strangely. From this his smile I felt somehow uneasy. "The Jew, " I thought to myself, -the Jew - you, kike!" wound his soul the words of hurt полоснули on the heart. I did not want to offend me, but I somehow did, and this случалосьсо me, alas, not for the first time. I did it, probably, for conscience ' sake, and my friend so he thought to himself, most likely. Thought, Yes, but not said.

Since childhood I have pursued these painful for me are the words which I took as an insult, Yes that is what they were. "The Jew, the Jew, often sounded at me, even though I considered in my soul, myself Russian. I had no reason to consider himself a Jew. Anyway, I was sure I was sure then that I am not a Jew, not a kike, that обзывательства these completely vain and not worthy of my attention. But I ceased not to pester issues with a subtle hint about what my nationality. Although all the докумнетах I passed by nationality as Russian, but all my life, everywhere pursued these two damned word. They chased me изподтишка when I'm not looking forward to this, and, chasing, hurt to the heart, in the most secluded corner. In the end, I been taught, then I really, if not a Jew, so, anyway, and not Russian.

In the end my inner faith that lasted a very long time and courageously, violently beating ve attacks on national soil, the faith that I am Russian, badly shaken. This happened in more Mature age, when I was able to perceive other people's views and judgments about yourself in a new light and with several other consciousness than in childhood.

I cannot become a cosmopolitan in the soul. Endless reminders that I am not Russian, I am a Jew or someone else, the most powerful and irreversibly undermined once were strong Patriotic feelings in me, and I already knew not to fifteen years, to what land me draw your prayers, and what part of the land considered his true homeland, the land of their ancestors.

Yes, I didn't know my pedigree further to the second generation. My parents and grandparents are not caused me to doubt that they Rusichi, because their Motherland were villages of Northern regions, where the Jews were not found. But still, the older I became, the more doubt cause the purity of my family tree. Yes, and some are not beautiful secrecy surrounding the birth of my parents reached the edge of my ear, his полупонятностью, hinting giving birth to my soul all the troubles and doubts, who strengthened me with every year, and the attitude of the people, not перстающих усомневаться in my national origin, всяески fueled this diabolical mess. Once I heard the mother boasted one of your friends that my grandmother, her mother gave birth to her from a passer-Gypsy, заскочившего in their village for a few of days. At the time when she was born, her alleged legal father, three years already, as he gave a soul to the Lord God, and when she was born, went to the village priest to baptize girl and agreed with him somehow to her recorded in the metric of three years old, though not a month passed, as was born. Pop then then baptized in secret, by agreement деревенсских, which protected him from the authorities, as the Apple of his eye. And совместительно and officially it with most of the post-revolutionary years, once banned the Church, worked in the village Council, in the table рагистрации of acts of civil status. Peasants chairmen, all who was firmly punished "do what you want, but the priest did not touch". Otherwise promised disobedient fierce think of death, and his family, the whole damn собачтим reduced. Here and was baptized by the pop Yeshe long fifty years and metrics at the same time пописывал. And мамку my baptized three years older than she was. Don't know what's to him my grandma something the matter with her, but also, apparently, do not put in the top паце was quiet.

Another time my mother she told me that often called the father of my jokingly allegedly kike, and a Jew, but assured me that he is Russian, only appearance was a painfully black, Eastern. I believed, and did not trust her immediately. It was difficult for me to believe, if I absolutely unknown to each дургом people, not saying a word, I was told the same.

However, I have not always been taken for a Jew, if you talk dirty. In the various ages of me called differently. Yes, when I was young, I was persistently declared "еврейчиком". They spoke to me and my peers, barely even with me, who grew up to kindergarten, said that and the guys are older, had studied at the school. I though it was sheer small fry, has already tried to отбрыкиваться from such attacks, angry and suffered deeply in the soul, trying to отшучиваться and wrapping the matter as a joke, to prove offenders, that I am Russian. But this is only amused around me, and seeing that I was angry and I worry, белею anger and resentment, and ready now, and weep, but consider myself from tears, they not only did not cease, all you want of me, but did it with great pleasure and daring. It happened that, unable to stand, I fought with someone, but it did not help: I could not переколотить of all their peers, скоорее they took me to the turnover. At this time I tried to fight my doubts and although suffered and suffered greatly in the soul, never talked to my parents about how I обзыают and tease. I was too shy to ask such questions to the father, and even more to talk about what had happened, fearing that he would be hurt. The mother sometimes dared to ask with great to do with creativity and care: "Mama, I am a Russian?", "Mom, we Russians? Are you Russian? And the Pope? He is also a Russian?" "Russian, Russian you, " replied my mother, probably, and not knowing about my mental torment. -And I'm Russian, and your dad English..." and I often, with age, asked: "But why then so much they call me a Jew?"

When I grew up already so far when a boy becomes a man, my appearance was much more difficult to determine. There is already наали some of my fellow students, and by that time I already embarked on the path of military field, attending Suvorov military school, "кадетке" in our folklore жаргончике whizzed and more mundane assumptions about my nationality. Variations on a theme of what a Tartar, and, may be, and Hungarian, мадьяришка, but in General, sometimes, смахиваю the Chinese probably unusual , bloodless yellow shade of my skin, which, like names-прилипалам, has haunted me all my childhood. Came up to me and does exotic race and nationality. I was and Korean, and вьетнамцем, and who only was not, except that the Negro nobody call failed: skin color, probably, did not allow - but now, imagine that the mulatto in Maine couple of times recognized without it, not cost.

All this was, and, honestly speaking, I was even glad somehow be Hungarian and Chinese, but if one began to suspect me a Jew, then I take it with constant pain and suffering in the soul. And why I was horribly belong to this националности, I imagine never could.

Yes. I got used to the fact that I am not Russian. My father was Mao growth and кучеряв that seemed to me an obvious sign of his Jewish origin, and once stopped to see him, the thought of this idea has become stronger in me with a thoroughness, and I learned to simply enjoy myself in the soul, if no one spoke on the topics of national facilities, and any disputes, which I never usually do not interfere, because I вешда said in that case: "And you, in General, not Russian, some sit and be quiet!"

A little later, I just said,

"Listen, you're not Russian, as if they saw me for the first time and made the discovery.

-Why is this? - continued relentlessly ask me.

-Do not know, - answered me, " but the Russian you don't like.

Although this attitude was unpleasant, but it was still softer the wild насмехательства and insults that I used to endure as a child from their peers. Then I. Probably acquired the complex of national inferiority that sometimes tortured me to this day.

Finally, in the surrounding world, everything is back to normal, and my best friend in school, downright иудофоб, I started compare me with Pushkin, who, he claimed, was a Jew, although he had lived in Russia and wrote in Russian poetry, then, seeing that I like his conversations'm trying to remain silent and not to accept the topics became increasingly teasing me and in other ways in the most inappropriate and awkward moments for me. And if, when our conversations, it подклепки were alone, somehow I still tolerated, not paying attention and pretending to miss it by ear, in humans, in the presence of strangers in their молании looked pretty stupid and guilty. In recent years, and especially during our disagreements, Охромов not упрускал case that not directly, but indirectly affect the patient to me topic. He then began to squabble over the Jewish origin in nearly a half of the platoon, but they took his ambition with due sense of humor, and I am not participating in these перебранкках, sat in such cases, I buried my nose in a book, pretending to read it and hear what is going вокргу, and he was afraid that now, in the heat of passion, which took possession of Охромовым in the minutes of such squabbles, he lifts his withering fire at me and say, "now, who are we real Jew!" and I was almost convinced that I could not give him a due rebuff in a joking tone, which would defuse the situation after such a statement. And, although this has never happened, I don't know that this could happen between us. To such antics, Grisha I have not хвтало spirit refers to the innocent jokes, because I knew in the depth of the sunshine that he is always glad to подковырнуть me on this, and, although it clearly and wanted to say such a thing, I could feel it almost physically, spinal cord, but he was not sure exactly what I think of this problem at his address very painful and close to the heart, and combined with my temper it became dangerous and unpredictable not only for me.

Sometimes, when I know, of course, Grisha was telling the training with a loud voice, heaven forbid that does not go over my head, anti-Semitic jokes, and then, having finished his story, while everyone laughed silently and vile, недвузначно looked in my direction. I felt this view, even if he walked from the back, "gallery", where usually all kinds of vicious пабаски and tales...

"The Jew, " I thought to myself, standing before the Охромовым, -Jew!" And I was very sick. I knew I was almost sure that Охромов thinks at this moment the same thing.

Охромов stood there a long time and silently stared at me.

-What shall we do? "he asked finally.

-If you want, I'll take your buddies all this and take the money? I asked, honestly thinking that I need to do to not подвергат other danger because of their greed. Let their жидовскую blood I поплачусь himself.

-You, in your mind? - made round gala Охромов. -Yes if you have one then you разделают on all counts. Inspect every last piece of paper and, at best, will give a kick in the ass. At worst... Ugh, I know these people. Believe me man. They are from you and wet places will not leave.

He fell silent again, something over and then said:

-Okay, let's go together. Whether that will be. If so what, you say, that took what was laying there, and if you don't like it, go themselves and take. Am I right?

Grisha told me that just called them, and he appointed a meeting in one provincial town near the school. I asked, what a place selected by his "friends", and at the mere mention of it I was not myself. I imagined this vast wasteland, on the far edge of an abandoned orchard broken on the outskirts of the city, which started the collective farm lands, Yes separating from each other fields tree-planting strip. It was quite an eerie place, on поторому other побавивались walk and in the afternoon, and we went there in the twilight of the approaching night, and not just rode, and should быливстретиться there with dashing people who have decided that утварить with us.

Wasteland the one assigned to us for a meeting, was a kilometer away from the school, but дибираться there it was only by a taxi, otherwise we would not dragged their unaffordable кипв and a pile of wastepaper.

-You know, I don't feel good, " I said Охромову.

-Me too, " he said.

I looked at him in this moment and almost frightened. His face was stone pale and motionless, as a person plaster statues. His eyes somehow fell in love deep inward eye hollows, and around the entire eye socket any необыные and scary pale-grey circles. Cheeks hollowed pits inside the old man.

I heard that людец shortly before his death on the face is her mask, but thought it was grandma's fairy tales, fables for стращяния gullible, I thought, it's all nonsense mad old women, although almost openly afraid of all kinds of superstitions and signs, хотьь somehow affecting oblastь transcendental.

May be, and now I saw on his face, something he could not feel. And maybe it's just a fright it happened.

After a few minutes we managed to catch a taxi. The driver at our request, drove the car to the fence of ' sports area, and we threw the pile of paper over the fence and loaded them into the trunk of a "Moskvich".

"Where shall we go, guys? - asked the taxi driver, driving up to the exit to the prospect.

-Until towards аропорта, " replied Охромов.

The driver turned left, wait until the bus drive away so trolleybus, speeded up, from what strongly a worn engine здребезжал and banged valves, switched transmission and again spoke to us:

-And you, guys, garbage подрядились throw, whether that?

I I heard his laughter and thought: "Talkative caught..."

-Yes, only bury, and not thrown away remarked Grisha.

-Yah? - surprised the taxi driver.

"Yeah, " confirmed Охромов.

-And do you need it? "the man asked.

"Yes, " replied Охромов.

Taxi driver shook his head and silent, focusing on the road.

I sat just behind the driver, looking at his лысеющую head and thought: "Now pulls the very with our three-rooms, Gad, and the Deposit will not give. How many times has this happened! Knows that pride Deposit of not asking, but if remind, answer that no trifles. on Saturdays, probably, beer crack with herring in some занюханной пивнухе on the "left" money, and even friends of the party treats. He, money free of charge. And пьянчужки him for it, certainly, is greatly revered. It is in your Board. And I wonder how much he earns in a day? The gold coin? Two?!"

I just wanted to crack this old, thick boar, brazenly and arrogantly talking with us, something weighty and serious in his bald forehead, that he knew who he was dealing with.

-Er, wait, overclocked! - Охромов всполошенно задергал taxi driver on the shoulder.

"What is it? "Mattie wrapped the his face with sagging бульдожьими щекамми, even from soft greenish backlight dashboard отсвечивающими unhealthy, purple spots blush.

The machine came to a screeching halt and clung to the side.

"What is it? - asked the driver after stopping.

-Turn slipped! What is what! - evil snapped Охромов. -Go here, you know! Ссдавай back now!

-You so immediately and said, " replied спокаиваясь driver, toggle switch transfer and looking pass us by the back window of the car.

-Come on, come on. Back and then to the right, he commanded the Охромов.

-On primer?! - asked the taxi driver, raising his eyebrows in astonishment and bulging eyes. The machine again put the brakes, driver turned away, not looking at us, said, - no guys I on primer't go вылазьте here if you need.

"What is it? Afraid of, then? - Охромов indignation jumped to the ceiling of the cabin.

-Why should I be frightened? - handed the man, looking at the blinking somewhere far to the right of the chain and veins of white, yellow and orange lights that could be guessed at home behind a large field окрайного microdistrict of the city.

-I don't know what can we was scared!

-You?! - carcass whole body turned to us, appraised Охромова, and then I their fish, watery, dull eyes and giggled. -You... hehehe... brother you-I'm not afraid! And not so соплякам neck мылил - happened!

He обперся its hefty ручищей on the backs of chairs and concluded:

-So вылазьте and not to speak!

In me all закипелло outraged. But I was perplexed, not knowing what to do. The audacity with which talked with us, the taxi driver, was возмутилельна and self-confident. Apparently, this ham had not received from anyone in the face.

Охромов choppers and позеленел anger. I've seen it compete desire to hit insolent and fear to get a response even more. It was evident that, and the taxi driver and he, conscious of his superiority and timidity of the enemy, smiling at us right in the face, still grinning with Golden crowns on several teeth.

Grisha, apparently, all the same order quailed and hesitated to strike. I, too, sat pretty attention, testing struggle inside desire and fear and sensing the nearness of minutes of shame. I wanted to, and could not make himself hit this broad face. Confusion suppressed my will. It would seem that is to hit him. We need only apply all the power to blow was devastating, for sure. But between desire and action, the imaginary and the real lay a huge gap, jump through which lacked determination.

Охромов chattered away a hand through his clothes, then climbed запазуху. He looked, though frightened, but some self-confidence. His eyes seemed to say: "Now, now, wait for me!"

Suddenly, his hand came something black dim поблескивающее in блеклом lights on the dashboard. In the gloom, I'm guessing the barrel of a gun. This was likely to be a Makarov pistol or something similar in design of a system. I have not had time to be surprised by this turn of events, I heard the command Охромова:

-Well, go on, you bastard, you say! Otherwise now you изрешечу!..

Охромов was very excited, and I, sitting next to me and felt his body trembling large nervous trembling. I was familiar with this condition. It comes a man with a strong excitation of the nervous system, when there is excessive energy expended nerves stands out through this small, but frequent reducing million subordinated muscle fibers of the body. Nothing good this tremor is not promised. It hampers the freedom of movements of the body, and along with that envelops the mind of a misty veil, which greatly inhibits the reaction. People calm, with strong nerves, constantly training our psyche, such stress-induced fever in extreme situations not знакоа. They completely control their actions, as well as in обячных conditions.

-Oh, you Murlo! Well, throw the gun! - the man reached out his hand Охромова, holding the gun, but he dismissed it further.

I said: go, where I say, not the шлепну! - repeated Охромов already a little more confident.

-Yes I love you now the шлепну, образина! - man shouted, grabbing my friend Breasts. He had to lean over her seat and easily find all the weight body on its back.

Taxi driver somehow fit his carcass in a relatively small space between the backrest and the ceiling of the cabin, and then leaned, leaned all his weight on Grisha. Struck up a fuss. I heard something fell with a dull thud on the rubber polik car. "Probably a gun!" - I thought.

Next to me in мелькающем the light of the headlights of passing cars fought two: my buddy and each school and toandwhich impudent, nowhere on our head grafted nахалюга-the taxi driver, big as a bear, kilograms per hundred, I guess. They fought, and I could not help because I don't know where and how to get to help a friend, not to be together with him подмятым under this carcass. General it all happened so quickly and unexpectedly that I still didn't really have time to realize that this is done.

Охромову obviously it was tight. The driver pressed his weight, trying to also grab the Гришкино throat, and took back from the roof of the machine, отего the глюкала steel sheet and went hopping up and down. All this I have watched very bad, because that's the point after another, the oncoming car covered beauty своимим headlights came full, blind darkness ниччего was not possible to make out. But only the eye began to distinguish something accustomed to this darkness, as appeared again counter or passing machine and cobbled my eyes.

Some time until I just could not comprehend that everything that happens next to me not a joke, that it seriously, that fight-it may have taken such a turn that is not for life and death. So I do not get involved in a fight. But soon I came to my senses, realizing suddenly, it will take one minute, and another, and the guy finally get Охромовым, and then take up and for me. And both of us will come natural, the real end. And to ask the taxi driver that he was going to do with Grisha, and then with me, was, at least, foolish and naive: "What, you ask it: -Uncle, and we will not kill? And of course he will answer: " No, my friends! On the ass now you настукаю, Yes to let you go Mamma!"

In General, whatever had ended in the victory of the fat man, even the fact that he took us to the police, us much good it did not promise. And therefore it was necessary to do something, because the victory now depended only on how quickly I start to act and what to do.

At some point I became quite intolerable terrifying. I was afraid that the taxi driver will not leave anyone of us alive. In my head are carried stupid thoughts: "can't be. I don't want to die! This can not be! As it is so. I had lived and suddenly -- you... Yes because of what? Why? No, this can't be!" - and the hand already went through along the bottom of the compartment floor. Several times she hits in the darkness on the other hand, vainly looked up something at the bottom of the already not because this was the salvation, but because it was another movement, still life. Second Grisha were numbered. Several имолетных moments - and all...

I heard somewhere very close in the dark hoarse, choked my friend, but could do nothing to help him. I'm so probably, not fully understood, that everything that happens, not a dream, that this is not make-believe, and because mine hand obeyed me very badly. I moved as if in a movie with speeds frame: hand-looking for the gun with a kind of detached from all that is happening tranquility, carefully and thoroughly прощупывая inch by inch of the floor blending sometimes with a hand Охромова, which seize her cold and sweaty palm as if to crush the stranglehold tenacious in its death throes of the fingers. I could not even realize why I'm looking for this iron toy, like a machine that performs a given someone program, producing one and the same action. Can't it do something different for our salvation? Could probably stand...

Suddenly the door of the saloon opened, and in the car caught fire at the seat lighting. I first noticed this, and, looking up, saw a militiaman's cap, заглядывавшего in beauty. He glanced at me, then a few seconds watched дерущимися. The taxi driver by this time fully rolled into the backseat, and tried to now, sliding shoes, to find a foothold on the floor.

-So, the citizens of that you're вытворяете? - asked finally, a policeman, when he got tired looking at all this leapfrog.

Taxi driver raised himself on his hands over the seat and, seeing the policeman, всполошился the seat next to me, yanked lifted посиневшего already Grisha and answered:

"Nothing special, comrade chief. Wanking!

-Балуетесь?! - surprise looking at Охромова, incredulously asked the policeman.

-Балемся, wanking, - скооговоркой stuck to his guns taxi driver, trying to convince the police Sergeant.

-Come on, вылазьте of the car! Now we understand, how you балуетеь! - shouted the Sergeant. -Vasya! Come here! he called someone from the darkness. -There's something strange is happening.

The taxi driver as a cork from a bottle jumped out of the car, переползши through me and barely alive Охромова, pale and terrible as death itself.

-Citizen of the head, here everything is all right! Here, look: I was carrying two glorious прнишек, cadets. All is well...

"The fuss you there made with пассажираи?

-Yes you are! What's the fuss?! So simple, pampered, and only!

-Pampered?! Well it is self-indulgence! That фамиьярности with passengers? You see, he barely alive sits! - Sergeant showed finger on Охромова.

-Yes friends are my, very good. Relatives almost... here is the one with which I struggled, so the son of my childhood friend. Beside his friend. But, as you can see, PAL-I, and not bothering. And I've, for fun struck up a fuss... Yes you guys ask, they will tell you, - отправдывался as he could, sly taxi driver.

To standing on the street, the driver and Sergeant, came up somebody else, and we heard the voice of the Sergeant he explains the and trying to interrupt him babbling our driver, frightened trying to insert into the conversation at least one of his word.

"You know, Vasily, I look inward, and the Hulk on the boy and choking him, that is the only force.

-Yes we jokingly, citizen of the head, in joke!..

-Good jokes! Yes the poor guy, already hoarse. I heard something. And now blue sits, полупридушенный.

-And the second one who's there? "I heard someoneunfamiliar voice.

-With him, probably rode, " replied the Sergeant, " Yes confused, apparently.

-Come on, show me your papers, comrade driver! - again said the stranger.

Now, not now! readily responded our driver-мордоворот.

On the street lit flashlight: policemen examined the documents.

Grisha, it seems, came to himself, but he was wrong, he was from a spasm in his throat, but however, found the strength to pick up the gun and put it between the front seats, putting next to the switch-gear boxes.

In this time have looked to us, shining in the face of the lantern and asked:

-Who is the victim here?! Who strangled?

-Yes, not a victim I replied, trying to be as smoothly and calmly, Охромов, we really amused.

A ray of light for a few seconds buried his face Охромова.

-Amused... are you joking. You cadets? - asked the same voice. The man's face and his figure was not visible in t blindeмноте behind bright, blinding beam of the flashlight.

-Yes, cadets, " said I, feeling that Gриша still unable to speak long, and every second of may fall on the cough from першащих throat spasm. -Do not you see?

On the form of the cadets, and who you knows! Documents can be your show?!

"Sorry, " I continued, giving the opportunity to rest and recover Охромову. -But we also did not introduce themselves. I, for example, you absolutely do not visible. What are you in rank and in General.

-Lieutenant of militia Panchenko, head of the operational patrol, " came from the darkness. -Yes you вылазьте out of the car. There'll see!

-Well, well, " I said and took out his military ID.

Two minutes policeman studied my documents, luminaries the case is my face lantern, and then bringing them back again turned to the driver:

-Why stay in a wrong place?

-My fault, comrade head, correct it! It so happened!

-How come?! A very sensible answer. You may think that you are not the driver of this vehicle, and, in лушем case, the passenger, like these guys. No, you have to drive us to the post of GAI, but there really let you road service understands. I I think that just so "without holes", it will not be.

-What did they, citizen of the head?! What have I done? Let's here some work this out."

-Quarter, - sounded almost inaudible полушепот policeman. He took the driver away from the machine.


We are still cheap're such a bunch. Thank you us still should.

After a moment's pause in the dark зашуршали papers.

"Let's beat it, right quick. Where did it bring in? - the voice of Sergeant.

-Yes here we turn now, on a country road. Why I stopped that slipped past.

-Yeah, and the fight began with them? asked sarcastically Lieutenant.

-Yes, no, I say that we fought, and fought...

-Okay, tired of your nonsense. Get outta here, Yes, quickly! And rejoice that we today are so kind! Caught you on the hot hand! - again said Sergeant.

-Jackals! - was a taxi driver, sitting down in her place behind the wheel. -Wow! As from the ground grown! You're lucky guy! Rejoice that it all happened, not that I would have finished I were you, I am certain of it! I better not angry, I'm a nervous, any anger been in the basement without blinking an eye! While you're here with his пукалкой jump! The fool!

Policemen went forward to where the burned two red eyes of the patrol car. The taxi driver turned on the lights, and see how they got into the machines and then watching us as long until our driver, seeing such a thing, not passed back and turned right onto a dirt road.

Grisha already quite went and stretching out her hand forward, he felt his gun and hid it запазуху.

Machine, jumping on a bumpy dirt road away from the road a few hundred meters, snatching out of the dark headlights slender poplars, lined up right from the road smooth straight and stopped, as we asked on the edge of a forest plantations, граничавшей with the edge of a huge once ветущего, and now abandoned and wild the garden. The place was very wild and dark.

I was afraid that flared up between Grisha and a taxi driver deadly quarrel breaks out now with new force, and then nothing will help and will not change our destiny, but they, as if in collusion, behaved quite peacefully towards each other and even correctly.

We disembarked and without any gave the taxi driver "троячку", fearing that he required no more. Now, he paid policemen quarter. However, he himself was not right and wrong: with clients do not argue. Nevermind m not more one and a half kilometers, but видитель and is not thought to give us even rouble surrender, took the floor for granted, and even remained dissatisfied. He silently slammed the door, развернулс, giving slid off the muddy dirt, showering us splashes of black slurry, and gave gas quickly away. Machine for a minute has staggered out in the dark two red eyes of its size.

Greg looked at his watch with a luminous фосфорическим dial and said:

-I guess, not too late.

I had no strength to talk to him after what happened. Only now I felt, how much effort is spent during this rather short time. However, I all the same asked:

"Where did you get the gun?

-Camel! wearily, but not without sarcasm answered Охромов, and I felt the resentment in his voice and rebuke, probably because I couldn't help him there in the car. "Do you want me to such a thing was naked? It's you, perhaps even a pen knife was not picked up.

I didn't answer and thought that too poorly know Охромова and his life.

-Why are we still taxi let go - I complained to break the awkward silence, reigning between us, although actually what I said had me to the highest degree of care. -Back will have to foot stomp.

-Can you be thinking of generally, what are you saying?! 'retorted and almost flew at me with his fists Охромов. -Why do I need the extra witness?! Already and the enough that he's my gun and Shine, in which case may застучать as not Fig delat! We so badly run, not having anything else to really do!

-Well, you himself only and guilty I said reprovingly Grisha, too наччиная горяччиться. Apparently, the nerves we were excited to the utmost. -Why have you got a gun? No need to was not in it. I doubt that you could shoot at him, and he knew it. After all, it is you as a son заломал, and gun your not helped. Раздразнил only human. If you now start your fool wave, then imagine what would happen then.

-Shut up! threatening hissed through clenched teeth Охромов, hissing like a snake, and I am not really saw how much felt in the darkness of his savage grin.

Time for the quarrel was most inconvenient. Besides Охромова still had a gun, and I shish with oil, какон correctly noticed, I haven't bothered to take care of their own security. "It was naivety or глупост, or committed not knowing how to behave in such circumstances? And, although BPId whether Охромов they would have begun and before my nose waving a gun: it was at least stupid though his behavior on the verge of danger as it turned out unpredictably - I still fell silent.

So, without talking more with each other, we stood in the darkness ten, fifteen minutes. In the sky above us is already in full glory soy stretches of stars. There were countless. In the city there's no such a starry sky even in the most clear and cloudless nights, because the streetlights and the light from hundreds of thousands of light bulbs, which lit at night in the Windows of houses, yards and porches, dissipating your dim light, have together created a dense veil of ghostly yellowish haze, which lights up the sky for those who watch it from afar, which absorbs a large part of the stars of the small-medium brightness. Their distant light unable to break through this self-illuminating the night mist, like a hat covering the top city улиы. Now in the sky above us was the veil, and thousands of thousands of celestial fireflies fun wink to each other in a dizzying, bottomless height. Entire sky from horizon to horizon was littered with the subtlest starry lace, and I thought that once, long ago, when the city streets nights were buried in the darkness of the same, which was now around us, no wonder it was to become a teacher or Галлилеем, watching every evening on the roof of his house majestic silence full of the stars of the sky.

Over us brightly burning bulk of the stellar sand лечный path, crossing from one edge of the sky with its uneven universal expensive. In some places the stars coalesce white spots, so close they were to each other, and on black velvet sky онигорели like the facets of a diamond. I suddenly a distinct feeling of flight of our planet, this huge space of the house of mankind, a tiny islet of life and warmth in the infinitely vast, cold and бесприютном space, among dumb, majestic and distant stars. It seemed to me that there is even the atmosphere, and everywhere sparse space безбрежье, and we Охромовым astronauts, who left his space ship, and came into the open space. The proximity of this lifeless black universal ocean attacked soul indescribable, but fleeting, almost ghostly cold immense fear in front of the infinity of emptiness and nothingness.

Chapter 22.

Enchanted night firmament, dotted with glittering, almost tangible, night luminaries, and I did not notice that we are on a dirt road vehicle approaches. Only when the light its headlights slashed by us several times, wresting from the darkness of our pieces of the surrounding us trees low, squat, feral completely яблонек, I noticed her.

-Go! - Охромов слюнул and shoved his hands in his pockets press shudder all body exactly fever and cowering from quickly наползающей coolness, which, despite the very middle of the summer already ruled nights in the local regions.

-They? - I asked.

-Probably. Who else will go over the desolate and unsafe road? It is better to give a hook on a city than to meet here with such faces as these! Moreover, after the rain the land washed away the dirt. The road was slippery... except they be no one else.

Suddenly, just metres of two or three hundred to the place where we stood Gregory car, going directly to us, suddenly he turned to the right and disappeared in the thicket of the garden.

"Hm-m! weird! They or didn't they? Now I don't understand! There совхозные greenhouses... the former is now a ruin. Maybe it's someone coming dial brick or any other building materials? And maybe it and they make some tricky workaround, ' mused aloud Охромов.

We stood there for another five minutes in the dark, ignorance and uncertainty, stress expecting every minute that somebody emerges from the darkness. But nothing happened: machine as through the earth has failed. Was not heard, neither it nor any of its passengers.

Suddenly we saw that the highway-road turns another machine. This time we were even able to see what she passenger. A few minutes later she came very close.

It was a grey "Volga" is one of the most recent versions. The color of her guess in glares of подфарников. The car was completely new, probably, not had time to never go on the sink, because in the mirror, varnished housing reflected the major stars burned in the sky. Engine machines decayed, and when opened the door of the cabin in the light of the landing lights I could make out six men, one of whom was driving, and four of them huddled in the back seat.

Охромов approached the car, greeted all, when sitting in it popped out, shaking all turns hands and something spoke to one of them, which, apparently, was among all the main. The conversation lasted for about three minutes. The others stood and listened carefully. Then came closer to me. Someone turned on a flashlight and sent a beam of light into my face. I instinctively winced and загородился palm of the hand, blinded by the bright light.

-And who is this? - I heard a rough voice.

"It's me, " replied Охромов, -my friend. He helped me. I for one wouldn't do it.

-And sell? - asked again imperious voice.

-No, you! - enlisted for me Grisha. -I Chetsre-year know. Reliable guy.

"Look, it's your business. Only bear in mind, the fee I on two not going to increase. You tell him in half, and you want to... Maybe your friend just so you helped?.. Yes you face-open or afraid? - I realized that it appealed to me.

At me have lit a minute or two, looked, then the W voice again cut, disbanded the silence of the night:

Let me show you brought.

This proposal I have all the inside sank and sank. I felt a natural animal horror bull provided to the slaughter.

Speaking walked up to the stacks of paper, which lie on the road, then sent a beam of the flashlight on the mounds notebooks and journals, leaned over to him and began to think. The rest got around him. I've seen Охромов stood with them, trembling with fear. I guessed there his shadow among others, arising in the rays of the lantern. He was shaking like a leaf, and only the fact that no one in this moment paid no attention to him, has not issued us.

-Well, well! Quantity, lot, and the quality...

The man ran in a notebook his hand, something touching there, in the middle of the stack, then said Охромову, showing the ties, which all this farm was перевязано:

"Well, untie!

I imagined now he will take the first got him a notebook, all равнокакую, because among them there is not one of those that need, opens it and sees that it is a synopsis of some of the cadet, and let a secret but nevertheless, it did not want him to open another, and the same thing there, third, fourth, and there all the same. Deception our opens with all frankness and arrogance. And then... Чтто will be then? I could not submit themselves, but felt that it would be something terrible.

There are moments in life that remembering them then, it is impossible to understand, what had happened, and how you managed to escape, when it seemed no hope of rescue, as миновла, as passed by a terrible danger ужасавшая once his despair and swiftness.

About people who come from such alterations say: "In the shirt was born!" "Kou destined to burn, he утопнет," - reads the wisdom of fatalism. I will not argue, насколко it is correct and competent, but in those fateful moment when death suddenly began to breathe in my face its appalling soul breathing, voice, out of nowhere, perhaps, from the depths of me, said to me: "Be still, nothing's happen, whatever happens!" And I unexpectedly for myself calmed down and watched reduce further with a view and a sense of impartial, непричастного and relaxing viewer. I knew I was now convinced that today these people do not Sogut me do anything that I could now no говоил and would not have done it.

What was it? Intuition, a sense of foreboding, born in the depths of the subconscious mind in motion secret life process in the brain, the decisive task with dozens of unknown quantities, connecting past, present, and future, to the life that flows in secret depths, bordering with nothingness and сверхъестеством things, where the will and consciousness of man is not in power to do something to solve. Only sometimes, in moments of most at risk, bursts out of there, like the eruption of the volcano's crater reach the surface of our consciousness and bring good or bad news that bring to the vibrant life that she'd already predetermined somewhere there, in the depths of the unknown. Apparently, in every sounds that faint voice called usually intuition, but for some, it louder, and other неиоверно deaf to his sounds and perhaps not hear him ever.

Perhaps it was the same intuition that to the village never talked to me, but maybe a suggestion some external mighty will of the standing over me behind my back and guarding fate, until not get bored or deny from the tragic dead-ends, until it reaches the person of the ultimate threshold of existence, the fatal inheritance that is destined to him not to stop in their lives location sponsors of him bodies.

Don't know what it was with me but I was calm and sure that you don't today will do me harm. This обостреное increased sense of confidence now, the moment of the highest, mortal danger, when the spirit of death have already been vital next. I acted like someone else's bidding, as a puppet on a screen puppet theatre, as the actor, who plays the role and knowing that after the show he will be oneself, another person, which do not relate to the danger and distress of his stage image.

-Well, what are you waiting for? Untie,I say!" - said the man, sitting on his haunches in front of our securities, referring to Охромову.

Poor Greg stood in a daze. He was unable to move from fear, and was probably considered himself a dead man walking.

-Grisha, do not pull the rubber! - I turned to him from the darkness. -Untie them. Only the link will they!

Greg looked at me aloof, as if seeing for the first time, then raised his eyebrows and, sitting down, began развязыват rope. It didn't give in, and then he began to frantically tear node teeth, clinging to him with my own hands like how fast it would unleash it, depended on his fate.

The man turned to me, carefully considering me for a few seconds, illuminating lamp. I stood this time with a quiet dignity, looking into the dark, where, in my opinion, were his eyes. He said, threateningly, stretching the words:

-I would in your place, keep quiet, guy!

"Why not?" - with a call voice if they didn't I was in the position of a rabbit before the lion, " I asked he. -We have done their job and teperь demand that the us paid the promised and you are here search.

-Pay-we'll pay! - the man said from the darkness - I already guessed that, among other he is here a senior. -But to make a fool of yourself h let. We are not going to take you a cat in a bag! First check that you us brought, and then, if perfect goods, then we will 'll pay, as promised and if not...

-As for "no"? That we do not trust?

-No, why not! But trust and verify!.. you know, I think this adage? That's the same!

At this time Охромов just finished suffer with the node. Despite his frenzy with which he has jumped on him, he was moving pretty slownabout. Freed from their bondage of notebooks spread in all directions, creating a bunch of.

-Well, here! said all the e voice, he времяодин reached my ears, like all the others were silent. -Right now we will see what you have brought!

Grisha with barely concealed horror staggered backward. I покащалсь that even one minute, and another and it ruins in a crazy flight, which невозожно will stop.

The leader picked up the first gripped notebook, opened it and stared at the text, trying to read биссер a ballpoint pen. In прыгающем and a blinking light it was quite difficult: light on the notebook is one of those who came with him from his back.

Охромов cringed as if in ожиданиии strike.

And then I saw that shall not be revealed to anyone from пристствующих. Seemed to me, or actually happened, but two hairy black paws, something similar to the human hands and feet of the huge cats, as if born to darkness arose from тмы and lay on the eyes to read. I've seen this so distinctly as everything happening around him. No one paid accomplished any attention, and they lay eyes bandit so real and seemingly that I was surprised that I'm the only one don't see them. It Blo like phenomenon night of ghosts, has decided to joke with people. And it was strange to me, why even those who dealt with these hands, feels their прикоснвения.

Just a few steps from me, so close and yet so unavailable far do something mysterious and otherworldly. Black , shaggy coat, glossy фосфорисцирующими play was so unnatural that I felt creepy and wrong from one of its kind. Where it was not, rough, wrinkled skin was black as pitch, Chern so that even the darkness of night, bottomless darkness of space and the abyss of the past seemed to lighten the skin. Before its black back any darkness. I tried to see the master of these hands, but he vanished into the night darkness, he was itself darkness himself darkness. I could see even those who stood in the deep shadows, and they are not dropped a single beam отсветов from the torch, but that's the one whom I tried to see, remained negligible, as I strained my sight.

I was wonder and I wonder why I was surprised, nor frightened when these limbs. As if expecting this. If such an occurrence has been commonly and even expected of me. No one else, neither Охромов, nor the one who touched these mysterious щумальца of иоткуда nor the other, standing around, didn't see it and not even suspected, it seemed to me that it is happening now. Major continued to read the text, if there was nothing except the lantern, jumping into the ROI his assistant. All the others stood around and waited for what he would say. Охромов still waiting for ежился imminent reckoning. And the only one I've seen these black hairy hands, playing in the terrible blindman's buff with a man. It was not clear what would happen. I knew now that I will be fine.

At this moment I caught myself on the thought that someone great, the mighty, and the terrible decided to help me окзать little service that emu probably worth nothing, and for me and my friend meant happy salvation. My heart was full of gratitude, which was mixed in it with zhutyu from visible. I was ready to in this moment give this supernatural power all I had for what it has come to help the mere mortal per minute deadly danger. I felt ready to love her the fact that she took part in the fate of such a small, imperceptible, a tiny creature as I, whose life compared with her fleeting fluttering butterfly-lived. I didn't know what to deserve such a favor, and even did not know who to give praise for the miraculous escape, but was ready now perform any of the will of that сверхъестества, who came to earth to save me from killing. Probably just had some рыжи th муравьишка-silly to thank me, when I поддел his wand out of the sea on dry place, as passed by the puddles in which he was sinking.

I have managed to zip the idea that pay for this little service I, apparently yet to be, whenheat me, because that I saw one, and then, it's been done to me...

-Excellent, great! exclaimed suddenly, the ringleader, who continued to sit on his lap and looking at the notebook. He slammed her, and in EBabout same instant bushy black ручищи dived somewhere in the darkness and disappeared without a trace.

A man rose from his squatting position, threw the notebook in a bunch of others and threw Охромову:

-Buns and throw in a trunk.

Охромов never understood not had time to recover himself, and not even knowing what to do, and what they will do with him and to me, instinctively stepped to the heap.

-Stop! Where to? "I called out to him.

Охромов stopped and looked at me, and I continued on, not from his impudence voice:

-No, tie and it will be you! We brought that required of us, all neatly connected. We have done their job, and the fact that you do not trust, so this is your personal. You had to check - you and tie everything back. Persuasion that we VM another, and Minister must, was not.

The leader looked at me evil, but confused, his eyes glowed with those lights, but I was not scared at all. I knew I felt that someone will not let him do anything with me, protect me in any moment of the evening and night.

-Do not be angry, I'm telling the truth. It is simple and clear. People get angry when they do not understand. You understand me. Let us our denьhi, we honestly earned. And you do with these securities all you want to. This is not our problem. Want - knit them want to - burn and we will return to where we are now supposed to be.

Man kept staring at me, but the malice in his eyes increasingly gave way to confusion. Apparently, by my sudden rudeness, what he clearly thought my behaviour, he speechless.

Finally, he had the power to pronounce, to squeeze out a few words. When addressing someone behind him, he said:

-Vasya go tie...

"That lucky us today Vasya!" - I thought.

Some guy in шляпевынырнул from the darkness, and reluctantly began to notebooks, collecting them in a pile, which collapsed.

-So, we are waiting earned! I ask to pay our work... Yes, I almost forgot. Let's играт honestly! I Grisha said you for delay in delivery and performance of the agreement intend to take some of the originally due amount. I advise not to do it, at least out of respect for myself. Pay us, please, as much as you promised in the beginning!

Leader of a gang, who had come for the goods, nothing nna answered me, though my words were undoubted impudence. Swing right in our Gregory position was unheard-of insolence, from which all present were right. He walked to the car and sat in the front seat. In the darkness broke out a match and lit up red светлячек cigarette, which he smoked. Usually in such situations, the bandits were not lost ever - and that they were criminals with experience, but still not one stints, I don't ссомневался the more that superiority in number and power was not on our Охромовым side, and kill us, kill us, they would not was easy. Pity us they could not, for the simple reason that in their everyday life of such words are not even there. But I was sure that I won't be nothing otherwise would not allow himself so openly be rude them straight in the face, and even in the Park, on wasteland outside the city, where, if пристукнут, they will find in the next century.

Охромов looked at was square eyes. To his surprise there was no limit. He could not понть, what actually happens and stunned, shocked gazed around. I came close to him and whispered in his ear, so no one heard:

-Grisha 't mind! All will be well!

Grisha looked at me as if I was not me, and some the cast and turned away in horror:

-Listen, you eyes burn!

-How to burn?! 't understand I his.

-Like a cat: green sparks in the dark glow. Such piercing, as Luh laser beat. Makes my heart sinks and stops as I can see. And the blood stops. What is it?

C'mon, " quipped I from Охромова, pretending to be offended at his words, as a stupid joke, and stepped aside. Actually сообщениебыло me very interesting, and I even wanted to quickly find the mirror to see if this really is something that tells me Grisha. "Might very well be that he is right!" "I thought about myself. And the most interesting to me was that no note of Grisha, nor my assumptions are not touched a single strings of my feelings, not dented serene emptiness, which I continued to feel inside yourself with the appearance of mysterious hairy paws, resembling a human hand, born of darkness. The soul was in a strange oblivion. As if she had anaesthesia, занасившую, заморозившую feelings. As if she ever left my body, раздвоилась, and the part that knows how to be scared, to suffer and generally feel that any flew somewhere in an unknown direction.

Come to me мужина, that was the leader came, my elbow and took ten paces away from the place where dealt with the books of his people. I looked him in the eyes, face, or rather in that place, where, I assume they had a lifeь because in the darkness I saw nothing. Now I knew from my eyes is a glow, green, bubbling up in the soul and pугающий suIanyone who sees this, light, and used that as it should be, without the triumph and without joy, without surprise, and without anything else, just with the calculation call it fear, as if was a long time ago familiar with the craft scare people. I saw in the eyes of the leader flashed little green lights, reflected from their iridescent shell languages MerzYuliving flame of a gas burner, and gave him plus at least for the fact that he has not trembled before this unexplained supernatural phenomenon at least outwardly.

-We'll pay you as much as promised in the beginning.. but there is one circumstance which I all need to discuss.

-What exactly?

-Nothing. You have to drive with us.


-No, not really. Within the city.

-But why?

-Well, - painfully pulled the man, at the same time, laughing voice, -in fact, that we had no such money.

-Really? Veryь interesting! - the green light in the eyes of my interlocutor danced brighter and stronger. -So you're not going to pay us? And what you thought calculated with us? 'm not bullet whether on the forehead? And because we took the risk and, and, repeatedly, in your job?!

-No, no... you See, just didn't think, frankly, that you this time bring us what they promised. And led through the city such amounts... you know, recently became крацне dangerous...

-You are afraid that you are robbed?

-No, we are not afraid, " he grinned, " we ourselves can Rob anyone! Just recently garbage strongly шманают, sweep, grab the stuff, sometimes just беспонтов any. Loan us once again рисковат? We hurried to the meeting with you and any trouble, let even small, we were totally unnecessary. It was easy to understand that any stoppage and delay upon the path, if we became interested in the police, could be delayed unknown extent. And then would we did not keep their word and could be late or simply not to come, not drive, so to say to the meeting place. And, sorry, but I am as a man of action afford it can't. Yes, I just never forgive myself if you miss more than a quarter of an hour!

I was thinking about. My wits was clean and the decision was taken almost immediately. I felt that the other person is lying to me, to put it mildly, deceiving, as the latest rogue, and even knew why he does it. To agree with my hand on this would be foolish, for the consequences of such a trip could be very sad, in this case, it was a completely unnecessary and tremendous risk and, perhaps, even more trickery. Give up now meant I was scared to go with them, and therefore behind me nothing, and I can safely dispose of without fear of retaliation, nor earth, nor the supernatural. I continued to feel that any business goes good for me, if I act boldly and will not shake. Voice premonitions midst inside of me and kept clearly sounding in me. I felt that I had no right to abandon today the proposals of my interlocutor, because I violate the order of some I did not understand the game, and I don't сдобровать. I took unwittingly too overwhelming weight, but now had to take it to the end, unable to throw it somewhere in the middle of the path. I had to end now play its role of self-confidence and a reckless Hama, not without reason, I must say.

"Come, then, but I warn you that acted and continue to act dishonestly towards us. It will be reckoned to you! I said the leader of the gang of bandits. About myself thought, "what will be will be. Maybe not an easy make... Once helped once, then, probably, will not deny a second!"

We came to the car. Here the talk is already all was over: books and notebooks thrown in the trunk, приехвашие sat in the car, waiting for his boss. Охромов stood, not knowing what to do, lonely and lost.

-Get in the car, go with them! said I him.

-Where? "Mattie asked Greg.

-For the money. They money, you see, we took no... Your roots! Forgot that go for a deal, but not sew. Предсставь, if we came too and would tell them: "you know, we "junk" all left in one safe place!" I wonder what they would do.?

-I'm not going! - cried in hysterics Охромов. -Let give money now or уматывают themselves where they want!

He was not in themselves, but here at all frightened by this turn of events.

"Okay, calm down you! - I shouted at him. -You must understand that the money they got it! as they tell you they will pay? We'll go, we'll take...

-And I know that they have the money! - not rest Grisha.

-Well, what I pockets'll have to fumble?! - I was even more excited, angry at истерикующего friend. -You now довыступаешься that we beans stay.

Охромов looked at me anxiously, as if a madman or a fool. But I was acutely aware of his condition. I saw that he was struggling with something wants me to say, but cannot do it, and now if he were trying to communicate his thought eyes. How I had such прозорливост and the ability to guess other people's thoughts, but I told him пытаяь anticipate what he wanted me to convey:

-I would himself go and take the money. By myself! But, you know, Grisha, they, - I nodded in the direction of sitting in the car, can not give me your dollars... and we go to most of you, not for me. If we сейас refuse, then in the best case, you just never see the money, as their ears. Yes you probably understand.

Apparently, I finally convinced him.

-Okay, let's go, " agreed Охромов.

We have gathered to sit in the car, but found that there was to be no seats.

"Chief, I'm sorry, " I said, bending down to the front seat, but you will need to find us a place, if you want, that you and I drove.

After a minute of the rear doors is two guys got out and left on the roadside.

"Sit down! said the leader, and we, having taken the place of these two, went, as he said, for our "fee".

We crawled out with a primer on shosee, turned to the left, in the city racing through his засыпающим streets, which was devoid of life, even those who refueled alcohol, wine or vodka, and better, because it is cheaper, moonshine, loves побролить looking for a night, in dark corners, пошарахаться in the parks and squares and поискатьна his head приклюений. Soon we were on the opposite end of town, in the area of new buildings.

"Volga" промчала us surprisingly easy and fast путынным streets, typing, despite its extreme congestion somewhere a hundred and fifty килоиметров per hour. In the salon in the back seat was terribly crowded, and every minute I expect that somebody will try to shove me or Охромову knife under your ribs. Such a "surprise" could well be expected from these wicked men, but everything went relatively peacefully.

We turned off the Avenue neighbourhoods, a little поныряли between шестнадцатиэтажками and stopped at the entrance to one of them. The driver cut the engine.

-Everything arrived! "he was sitting on the front seat of the leader of a gang, повернувшис ago, and all climbed out.

In the boxes of the surrounding houses, lonely burned several Windows. Heels and doors machine roared echoed through the night well the yard, violating echoing bottomless silence of the night and stalled somewhere in лабиинтах ксарталов.

I looked at the clock. It was nearly three in the morning. I was surprised how quickly time passed.

Is your friend go with us, - said, appealing to me, the leader of the team of bandits. -We give him the money. And you stay and wait for him here. MAshina will transport you back.

Pale as death, who did not understand anything and confused, what stayed all night Охромов disappeared with the bandits in the entrance of the house. For the first time that evening calm changed me, and I was excited. All that happened there, on a vacant lot near the edge of an abandoned orchard was like a dream, and now I seem to be woken up from him. Probably, the same confusion feels, feels La Sonnambula, awakened from sleep during their nightly processions on the roof, the roof of the house. Confidence in the safety of the enterprise, aroused in me still in теение the entire evening and guarding me like hypnosis from all подстерегавших hazard communication with the criminal world, suddenly started to evaporate, to weaken. And to my horror realized that he made a big mistake by agreeing to come here himself and persuasion on this Охромова. Apparently, enchantment forces guarding me for some reason this вреени, began to run low. The fact that some forces have protected me, I did not doubt for a single minute since heard an inner voice, suggesting to me peace of mind. In my mind clearly and undoubtedly, perhaps, for the rest of your life bears these two black, можнатые, with shiny glossy hair, which I have not seen any man or animal, appeared out of the darkness and saved us from punishment hands. They were hands that night, decided to intercede for us before the face of death, playing hide and seek with the bandits.

In the car remained one driver, so I had some hope that we will not be cheated. But Охромова was already about five minutes. From the entrance нессколько times came, and I thought, finally, it is Grisha, but every time came for the papers, came to the trunk of the "Volga", took from them associated piles of notebooks and carried back into the hallway. Soon the trunk of a car was empty.

The driver, who sat at the steering wheel of the car, постукивавший the wheel fingers outstretched hands, got out, slammed the door, too, disappeared into the stairwell.

Passed still ten agonizing minutes of waiting, and GRishi all was not and was not. I already наал figure out different ways that there could happen, but one of the other turned out worse, and I could only guess, being in the dark, and hope that everything will cost.

Here slammed, gritting spring input the door and under a dim light appeared two. One immediately headed to the car and sat in the driver's place and another came up to me, пыхнув in the face of cigarette smoke. People shoved me into the hands of a wad of money, blow hard pieces of paper, saying:

-Here, here for two. Your friend asked to keep покедова his share. He decided to stay with us celebrate the deal. For him not to worry, go! Good night!

Speaking laughed, giggled пропитым tenor, then took my arm and put the effort spent to the car, planted in the back seat and shutting the door. As soon as he did it, as the driver immediately turn the ignition on, started the engine and started across the floor in reverse, deftly after taxiing out with road access, abruptly turned around and rushed at full speed, famously by spinning the wheel and laying the steep and narrow streets of the dizzying turns. Less than a couple of minutes, the car sped down the wide Avenue Kharkiv streets.

I have not had anything to ask or say in response gave me a wad of money. And only then, when the car at all pairs had raced through the предутреннему city, lit by a faded light fixtures above Avenue, sufficient only to watch the road bed, вырываемым from the darkness of their orange Ghost, I thought нельзябыло to leave. No, it was not necessary to agree to go for any price, and we had to stay together with Grisha, do not throw the hem of his one. Then I realized that these thoughts came to my mind much earlier, but I cravenly delayed to the point where they will be safe for me and not allow совешить the risk of what they are I whispered. I waited until destiny is going to take me away from danger, and only now, when it was already far from the place where it was still possible to do a deed, I let the match their suffering and torments of conscience from all страстьюю. I was now vu meanness of his act. I left in obscurity other, leaving it at the moment when he was one-on-one with the undoubted danger. As not weak in my legs, and shook my hand, when I sat in the car?! I was afraid of myself to admit that in смалодушничал.

Machine sped through the city, taking me in school, away from the house where отался my buddy. The arrow on the speedometer exceeded a hundred miles, and I felt every minute that happens to me, takes irreversible.

I have continued the struggle between fear and conscience, demanding the return ago and help a friend. I felt that Охромов got in a great and terrible trouble, but the fear calmed me down, spoke teeth that Gregory would be all right, that he will return he has previously communicated with these people and, therefore, they did nothing bad will. I resisted his onslaught, convincing themselves that the bandits will find now forgery or already found it and would dispose of Охромовым, because it's him they were charging make a deal. But fear replied that , if it were so, they would not have released me , and in any case, would not give the money for the deal.

I mechanically unfolded the piece of money and looked at them, hoping to see them instead of the cut sheets of newspaper. It would give me the strength to take the decision to return. But the money was real. There were many: assorted papers big notes. I couldn't even show how many thousands I was holding in your hands, but such amount of money I have never had.

What was created here with me! What a vile and low thoughts arose in this moment in my head, the head servant, never holding in his hands a large amount of money, and now has decided that the whole world at his feet, and he was not a slave. Where only took me the unbridled greed, the greed and impurity? They are like ropes tied my hands and legs and I knew would never come back, though, and never admitted this to their conscience. In my soul-dark-grubbing. "Well, - I thought, -that though they gave money. Could, in General, to give them nothing and cheat just as we were deceived. Grisha is back... back... And if not come back, all the money will go to me..." I myself were terrified of those black, нехорошоих the bad thoughts that pesky worms дырявили my brains, but I didn't know how to escape from them. I was ashamed that I let the thoughts, but still buried already other for the sake of a few thousand caught up in my hand. I realized that I don't want Охромов returned. I became not себеот this discovery, but the temptation was somehow somnolent my conscience, crushing, destroying all sorts of impulses it bring to my mind the bursts of light of goodness. All movements of the soul, which tried to break through this barrier of the stench, and the corruption, sank into the swamp of greed that erupted in the form of windfall money, got me one. Seduce not share it with anyone, what I did not know earlier and never had turned the spit me now, as I wanted to. He became повелителеммоих thoughts and обуревал me excessive greed and fit of fun, crazy, animal laughter, sounding inside me with such force, that from this ringing numb the feelings which were still able to bring me back to consciousness of the abyss into which I plunged my soul. This wild laughter глушил all inside of me, stunned my will, and while it sounded in my soul trembled in terrible fear. This terror broke out in a cold sweat, but I tried not to notice him. I did not want to open their eyes, what terrible price paid for the money чтоо I hold in my hand the amount of dirt and darkness took me with them on his soul. I didn't want to think about how painful will I see then this money that is good has become evil, that will be me eternal проклтием and a reminder of my betrayal. I tried to convince himself that Охромов return, but would not truly believe in return. I didn't want, didn't want to share with him the money, I thought that it would be fair if they достанутьсч only me, because Охромов a finger has not struck to as-promote thing, because that's I came up with a trick of bandits and get money without giving them anything in return, because I know where the secret library, from which you had to get the manuscript, because it's me, not охромов walked into the house and risked, when I caught the old man, a watchman in the building because Охромов lied to me and often not fulfilled its promises... I cried to justice, which he tramped to and betrayed. I felt my mind that inside was some sort of agony, something squirming, something каючится, something уирает in me.

I felt that I am a scoundrel, but tried to convince himself again and again that Охромовым nothing will happen. I told myself that if something happened, I would have felt it and потебовал come back, because it has already happened in my life many years ago, at the dawn of adolescence and sunset of my детствва...

Memories floated in my excited sick ознании, and I had not that, not that millet disconnected from surrounding me of the real world, drowning in their shifting sea...

... We walked through the graveyard with his friends. I was even fifteen years, or fourteen, and sometimes less. To him no more. Fears we had suffered with him in horror as, because both undoubtedly believed in кладбищенсике horror, about which very often we hear and from their peers, хваставшихся each other, who knows more horror stories, and from adults, especially old women, whose conversations that they held between themselves, we often managed to overhear, hiding behind a bench at the entrance, where they almost every evening talked with each other, whiling away their нерадостное стариковское time: we sat, hidden in the bushes loach and vineyard, and ears listened to this and not only that - many differences you could hear from our yard gossips. I do not know from whom were recruited similar stories about the "dead and crosses my peers, but they repeatedly fanned heard, transferred, then heard from the other, all adding and adding details until then seemed nowhere to inflate passion, because the history of these took the bright colouring of the bloody and gloomy phantasmagoria of the patient by a person's mind. After listening to them, it was necessary either immediately decide for yourself that it's all bullshit and throw this immediately from the head, completely forgetting or recklessly believe these resistant to the verification of history, because the one who wanted it провериить, risked поплатитьс for it, or reason, or most of their lives, and among us желающихи bold on what was. None of our guys not willing to tempt fate, checking whether the above is true or someone's idle speculations, considering that you can find for himself something and побезопаснее, and interesting. To the underworld look, nobody wanted to, although, according adults, children are desperate devils that are capable of anything. In fact, such among children, anyway among my peers were very, very few, and those that were so desperate and tireless God is too early to call for me at the sky.

We passed with a friend cemetery, натерпевшис many fear, however, not having met in its path anything of what was frightened and what awaited our imagination. And I said to myself then: "You're a coward!" - and began to persuade their спутниковповторно go through a horrible place. None of them supported my idea, and, moreover, all scared. Called me a freak and abnormal that only the more подзадорило me, hitting my self-esteem, and made the determination to again go through the cemetery. Something knocked me in the head by a stray some thought, and now I wanted to prove to myself and to them that are with me, nothing will happen: stupid and empty business, because neither I, nor after that fear of the cemetery has not lessened.

And yet I came back, went in alone. No one then agreed to go with me, no one wanted to witness my desperate courage. All gone, leaving меняна one with his pride. Of course, I could have waited a little, to go after them and say afterwards that I re overcame their fears, and if they did, I should have had the means to silence him, imputing that it was to be with me and not to shake. But I couldn't do it. Already acknowledging himself a coward, I decided to prove to yourself that this is not so. I could not take a step back, because cowardice in me would grow even more. I didn't realize this, but felt that I should go, since I undertook the task. Then I could not retreat and very rarely entered into a deal with his conscience. I just bend the truth, passing not all the cemetery, and establishing yourself memorable place, decided to walk to the neo and turn back. These perceptible in the place was a grave with a monument, - проржавевшей through high iron pyramid with knocked sideways metal star at the top, which lost every color from the fact that her long painted, the cemetery had been old, deserted, with unkempt, sometimes even sunken graves, since here the most recent buried fifteen years passed twenty - me at that time there was not so much. Tomb stood in the center of the cemetery.

Before her, I got are fast, driven by fear and tense expectation of those things which was, remembering places such and such a time. It was very dark: although the sky was cloudless, it was not the moon, which could illuminate the road to his ghostly pale light. I ran across a broken grave with поваленныи railings and вынежден was to bypass them. The pit and flood gullies overgrown with bushes, from which, as it seemed to me, for my movements watching someone invisible, and the terrible, ready to pounce on me as soon as he offers this opportunity, often came across to me on the way. My hearing caught every rustle. The crackling of dry grass and twigs beneath my feet, teeth grinding old empty cans, the rustle of garbage and their glass seemed to me then treacherously loud, outstanding in the darkness of my location, my eyes searched the dark silhouettes of monuments, fences, sinking from time to time, bushland, barely standing out in the dim lights of the distant villages, searching for a pair of green eyes, burning in the dark two ominous embers. Sometimes I even imagined that I can see those lights, and then the heart goes to the heel, the soul came to a standstill, and, just peering closely, I am convinced that this is only an illusion.

Barely before me in the dark rose high rusty fence, behind which угадывалис contours of the pyramid monument with a star, as I said to myself, "Enough!" - and set off back down the road, again making his way past the graves, wells and овражков, trying not to looks around and barely restraining myself not to ask heels.

In one place we had to sneak between two closely spaced and наклонившимися each other under the weight of years, metal railings. And suddenly, already erect, I felt that someone holds and pulls me back the shirt-collar like отрым claw, as hook caught. My body instantly covered in sweat, and I'm for measurement of lightning fright. Probably, there would be finished with my бедовую life, if it had not been heard stories on cemeteries with подвыпившими men, Yes незадачливыми lovers of easy money, отрывавшими and габившими dead bodies, which sometimes found in the morning, dead from fear and зацепившимися for some females, snag or bar. Only I realized that I was holding something, not drawn, I boldly turned around, overcoming his fear, and saw that caught collar shirt for a sharp hook protruding from one of the fence, which only accidentally went into my throat. I took off my shirt, opening his buttons, and again had hurried to the edge of клабдища, retracing the course of the story of how one man, so, going by the graveyard at night, also caught on something and died of a broken Cerda, deciding that grabbed the devil himself. I thought that now makes my mother, if it finds a healthy hole in the shirt on under the collar, and fear disappeared.

However, something broke inside of me since I became desperate coward, and my cowardice now manifested itself in the most responsible and decisive moments, when it was forbidden to малодушничать. And now I was riding in a car, cowardly медл to accept that the only solution which would have saved my from shame and a friend from punishment. I persuaded her conscience, sang her some empty илживые fables and деферамбы, I couldn't stop delight dashing victory, with this small and little significant compared with the trouble that I was in a hurry to provoke onto himself by his cowardly behavior. I guess it started then, because I still don't dare to go through all the cemetery, and got only half his, and еизвестно, what would happen to me if I dared to be avoided completely. Exactly that, first deal with his conscience and cracked, that little crack in my soul, which since then has grown and grown, приимая in themselves the seeds of Vice, widened and was now in the incredible, bottomless abyss, which I've now discovered. Seeds of sin, once caught up in this cleft, Dali now rich harvest, and I never noticed them shoots grow stronger and more becoming in these thickets, broken up and broke the roots of my soul, stabbed her in pieces, like a break granite and basalt rocks and tree roots, whose seeds угнездились in their cracks. Now, if I had to return again, and go through the graveyard, the turning point, a prominent place, which I set a goal to myself to walk, it would be much closer, and perhaps would be found and on the edge of the graves. I then told my friends that went ладбище completely. But myself I lie could not: was in sight.

Fear of the cemetery, before his nightmares not only passed since then, not only has not decreased, but on the contrary, contrary to all expectations, and intensified, increasing from year to year. So from that ancient проверкисамого itself not the courage turned out to be one harm, because it obviously I laid deception, and, hence, the fear. It seems that it has become the Tokoi of reference, the beginning of the divergence of my action and words, the gap between which every year more increasing and now, when I betrayed my friend had inglorious outcome. Somewhere deep down I still intended to return, to ask the driver to turn the machine back. But above these urges, on the surface swam self-pity, Frank desire to do yourself a favor, avoid, slip away from this test. Something inside of me said that my share today is already fell dangers and adventures, enough worries and anxieties, and the main thing is that money with me, and Grisha return - where's he going to live?

Sometimes the voice of conscience got stronger and clearer, and then I said to myself that now, at this intersection ask the driver to turn back, say, Thu I want to go back, because I want to be with each other, celebrates whether it is valid victory or understands the agony and death.

But whenever we flew to the planned my place, I already managed to "scroll" through my head all our предшевствующий and forthcoming conversation with the driver, cowardly substantiate that the return will be empty and vain. Suddenly I come, and there really веселяться. Grisha ask me quizzically, which I returned, and the rest, God forbid, suspected that something was wrong. No. it is better to go to school, and whether that will be! And machine carried me past all in a row намеенных me one after the other borders, where I was strongly demand the return and have done this in mind. But the closer we were to the school, the farther carried me fast the wheels of the "Volga" on the other side of town where I should go back to the dictates of conscience, the more we drove past the points resolute return", the deeper I went inside the last remnants of determination, which in the beginning were able to achieve my tongue.

By going through the quarters of the city, with a furious pace flew desert crossroads, yellow мигаюие traffic lights, and in my head as fast fought thoughts, devouring each other and paralyzing will. The devil himself on his black wings took me away from the place of punishment.

In fifteen minutes I was already at the checkpoint of the school. Still not too late and was here to tell the driver: "Carry back!" - but I just thought with bitterness and sadness, closed the door of the car and looking around: "Oh, you bastard, you bastard!.. Who you choose as friends, Grisha?!. Bastard! Betrayed your friend! Sold! For a couple of pieces sold, dog!"

I beheaded and клял himself, and machine, I barely got out, moved forward, pulled from a place and quickly disappeared around the bend of the road, cutting off the last thread, which has linked me with another and that a few minutes ago could still крепитьс and put me back on the path of honor and доблети if I had to pay for it. But now I was left alone with all their experiences and remorse.

Having reached his bed, I collapsed at her as knocked down and lost consciousness. My head was kind of porridge. There were no thoughts, and only pain, dull and безотчетная, kneaded there all in a row, turning the bad and good in one motley porridge. I was tired, I was tired physically and broken, but couldn't sleep a wink until the morning. Waited I myself something or just lay in the swaddling of the soul ache. But I was lying to the rise: the broken, tormented by remorse, pathetic.

Chapter 23.

Охромов never returned to the morning, not as I consoled himself with false hopes. Not so he returned to school and dinner.

This absence was noticed commanders only a fan because we were already five minutes to the officers, and, in spite of strict prohibitions not to leave the city, our sergeants are not marry at once, thinking that he get some pussy.

All day molested me with questions fellow platoon, including the commander of branch and замкомвзвод. Twelve hours they held secret absence of Grisha, reporting on each build that persons unlawfully absent, no. And only in seven o'clock in the evening, when it became clear that Aboutchrome something very serious had happened, they decided to report about his absence, platoon commander, and then the battalion commander.

From all the inquiries I struggled with some badass fury, which has never before't noticed. I was like, probably driven into the trap of the wolf that of the last strength to protect his life from his pursuers. It was the rage of the guilty person, being aware that he could never admit it, otherwise a shame it will be known to all. When addressed to me, it seemed that my ears red from shame. I burned in the fires of their guilt, but never admitted to anyone that I know where Охромов was last night, and what happened to him. I did that and did not guess even that happened to him could happen, and where he ever went last night. Some people told me that they had seen us together then until the very last time, and then saw how together we left school. However, asking any questions I realized that no one could see plainly, how we went, but because thought myself quite a good alibi, according to which we together went to the center of the city, and then parted, and each went about their business: I personally went to their friend, but not finding her at home, and therefore almost immediately returned. Since then I Охромова and ostensibly not seen.

It was more or less plausible. There is nothing else I think is not tal decided firmly, study by heart this version.

Yes, if I Охромов, he certainly could call me ondлецом and a traitor to tell everybody that I threw it in the most difficult moments. But he would hardly started to do it, because then it would be had to reveal and all prior transgressions and adventures, and Охромов hardly dared to make it, no matter how he was on me angry. Between ourselves we would be with him, probably, would understand, somehow. I'd give him his share, and we would ultimately reconciled to him.

All day money, several thousand big notes eating and rustled in my pocket, thus lulling conscience and worry about the other. Even in the morning, despite not the past fatigue and weakness, I found the strength to count them, will check again, not fake, and, wonder and authentication them, and the number again reached into the pocket. I was супербогат!

In the evening, when it became clear that Охромов not back the delay was more impossible, our замкомвзводу had to go to report to the battalion commander about his disappearance. He so should have been cool to go for it двенадцатичасовое concealment. He crossed over to the commander of a platoon, and together they hid in the office of the battalion. From there, they appeared quite a long time, and when they come out, both evil and some miserable at the same time, there one after another began to call duty battery, дневальных, squad, whose subordinate was Охромов, and his roommates. See who of them said that he had seen us in the night together, as we came out of the barracks, discussing something. And in General, all in the battery was known, we Grisha were the closest to each other friends, and who could better know where he disappeared, as not me. So soon in the office called me.

In the study, as in one of the many memorable evenings, I again waited three: замкомвзвод with the platoon commander and the commander. The commander was writing and not even raise his head, not noticing or unwilling to notice, that in office of someone came in. Commander sat on one of the oversight of the lateral wall of a room chairs, sadly, his head. He looked tired. Замкомвзвод stood right NEXm with him, p.Rислонившись to the wall.

Kombat, without ceasing to write, took left hand from his pants pocket for a cigarette and a lighter, lit it and he. The room became filled with cigarette smoke. He shot me a quick glance and again began to write, puffing a cigarette.

-Tell us. - he turned to me. - Where were you last night?! Where Охромов?!

I expected such questions, but still failed to seize him, and for a few seconds was going with the spirit, in preparation for the upcoming conversation.

I don't know, comrade senior Lieutenant. At night I was in the barracks.

-Really? - Лshoemakerн raised his eyes and looked at me, frowning.

-Exactly! - I felt something strange, обуревающее me, hardly transcended my spiritual forces temptation to confess, but he controlled himself: lie battalion commander was very dangerous, but recognition would mean the consequences of the still more terrible, if, in General, not the end of my military service.

-Well, look! summed up so brief interrogation combat. - Everything is clear! Therefore, in the night you were in the barracks. And where Охромов you don't know. And see you night not seen. So I realized?

-Yes so, is experiencing unpleasant chill, wandering along the back, with difficulty I got the words out lies.

"Hmm, strange... I Have, in fact, other information... Well, go yet.

I left the office. Commander during a call, never interfered and did not even raise his head to look at me.

The battery was at dinner, but I didn't catch up: there was no wish. After entering your empty room, I took out of my pocket money and began to them again, again automatically recalculated. Large bills quickly opRеделились into the impressive sum even for two this was more than enough.

Dividing money for two shots, Rovno in half, I put one of them Grisha, but from any other paid after dinner with all their creditors that were pleasantly surprised because already I ne 'd probably get your money back, I was once in debt.

Having heard about the fact that I pay debts, I was approached by those who held Grisha, asking me if I give money, occupied Охромовым. I didn't like it, because, as it seemed, they all realize. And, though I could and wanted to get even for Grishin bills, out of caution, I did that and answered such questions, that I Охромов did not answer, let it be calculated for their debts himself.

After I suddenly returned to the very last penny, in my share of money there are still a few thousand. And as was right my friend, to suffice with a vengeance to good good time after release from school. And even with chic carousing, when, as we had dreamed with him, will finally totally free from this crazy military system and can without any barriers and obstacles to devote themselves entirely to pleasure and plunged head first into the foam immense mass of revelry.

The share of Охромова was untouched, and I flashed an impure thought that it would be good if she got me an inheritance. Then I would become a real rich and lived in clover at least another year, walking and kutya, I only want. I tried to rid myself of these сволочные мыслишки, копошившиеся in my head, but they spun and whirled around, and around me, like annoying flies, even and загаживали my brain. However, it seems that work to ensure and went, what I унаследую part of his devoted friend.

In the evening, an hour after finally reported on the disappearance of the cadet, closer to mount, all officers not only batteries, but division were raised to his feet to start any search of the missing. Now a serious concern was spread to the whole battery. In the air smell trouble, and in the Alma mater immediately became restless. Alarm gathered all management school, urgently organized the headquarters of search and began to think of some activities.

I continued to torment twinge of conscience, that were now all with greater force. It was a real meal. How could I now think that because of my betrayal, cowardice and cowardice was gone, but it may be already died people, not just a stranger, my old friend, with whom we had a chance to survive and try even if it is our own stupidity and лихачеству, граничащему with the hottest adventurism. Of course, if I was guilty and the suffering of some distant me a man, it would be very unpleasant for me. And when I did so with one another, here my remorse and torments, was not a limit. However, now they have been in vain. Me and wanted to go to confess all over the deed to my commanders and, probably, I would have done, in the end, if remembered at least address where we were last night. I even, at least shoot me, not could say, what we findby then the quarter. And so, my statement would be useless for searching, but harmful and extremely dangerous not only for me but for Охромова, if he suddenly nothing happened, and he will be back in a day or alive and well. And there you are again, " you will, that having one meanness, I followed her to do, and second.

With nightfall, when heard the command "lights out", which is so rarely heard in recent times, and inwithe officers remained in the barracks, sitting in the office, jumping up and going somewhere, but then again returning, infinite anxiety and terrible longing seized me.

Empty bed Grisha in the next room not let me rest. Again I couldn't sleep and the second night spent already awake and thinking, thinking, thinking about something. My thoughts revolved all on thethe same vicious circles, and this carousel, there seemed to be no never no end or stop. I was mortified by the fact that the left Grisha with bandits left, though had to stay with him, that, in General, acted like a fool, and agreed evalue for them somewhere with the appointed meeting place, fearing that criminals won't pay us the money for the forgery, which we have committed, and, forgetting completely that Охромову could threaten from my compromise great danger also, if the bandits are not stupid, and they are not stupid at all.

Then I suddenly remembered the pleasant crunching of a few thousand in my poor, poor pocket, which had never seen or smelled such crazy money. And then tried to soothe, comfort yourself, fool flared up in me feelings, seduce their phenomenal wealth, suddenly fallen down on my head, and that will not get the more, the less will be contenders for his share in it, that is exactly twice, if I had to share with Охромовым. But barely calmed down, so Ihti immediately thought of myself as Grisha, and I was scared for the first SEBI if this really happened, and then again sorry for Охромова. Carousel made a full turn and went to the new circle. All over again. And again I whipped himself remorse, and then tried to soothe, to speak, to lull them that I could. Only now have I fall asleep and could not. Carousel this is the убыстряла, was slowing its rotation, but did not want to stop the axis of its rotation was the idea that, to save his hide, and besides, you are taking another big money, I left the man in the scum of society, capable and ready for anything. And this man was a friend of mine.

It was already three in the morning and she could not sleep on my разламывающуюся on the part of the head. From time to time in the room looked that one, another officer, checking, probably, everything is in place - although, of whom must it was in such a restless night to go somewhere? And then, and along the corridor sounded measured steps. This noise makes the barracks last crumbs of comfort, which is still теплился in her rooms. Clop boots of the night and blew the anguish of his constancy, like ходики hours, counting down the seconds flying mIMO a sleepless night.

Outfit standing today, loomed at a bedside table. Usually at night, not to sleep and stay in energy, but also not get tired of service, he was engaged in any nonsense, those who listened to music, playing tennis in the Lenin room, sliding along a few tables and putting partition instead of a grid of several volumes of collected works of the classics of Marxism-Leninism, who drove hard teas, вскипятив water in glasses with the help of an improvised heater razor blades, who, when he worked, he published a powerful buzz, as the tractor engine, sometimes seconds in a glass of huge blue spark short-circuit and, in General, acted like he's going to explode, at least as a nuclear bomb, and for all the cadets and called him MCAhtion word "бульбулятор", which gave complete and exhaustive description of this device.

Now, under the watchful eye of the commanders outfit couldn't afford from these pleasures. He left that represent on the nightstand in the middle of a long and narrow corridor hostel cheerful performance of services and Kwasi all night instead of somehow relax. So, that night, too, had not pleasant.

I was lying, fixing the eyes in the ceiling and sometimes when the steps sounded in the corridor as something special, hastily and fractional ежился under a blanket. I thought that now would be integrated into our room, and raise me, and go into the office to begin again inquiries. At such moments I felt suddenly that creepy want to sleep, and my eyes closed, but had only steps walk past sleep if he were not there, and once again I was lying in restless thinking, feeling already a fever and elevated temperature in the whole body from the fact that my body is already the second day did not know rest.

Remembering now day a conversation with command a battalion, I fear the thought almost confessed to him in everything. Whether it is a bit понастойчивее this time with your questions, and I'd certainly be fragmented. To lie and to stand on his own, should also have at least a small fortress of spirit and strength of will. Cowards do not lie big. They are interfering with your own fear, the idea that ate suddenly come exposure, then they'll be sorry. And only by reckless and arrogant people, daring the-his and solid in solving stand your ground, lying carelessly, not retreat even a step back, even if the facts speak against them, and because they often leave winners of those skirmishes are. And that is why can convince them of their opponents, that it was as they say, but not otherwise. If the opponent they can, of course, not harder nut to crack than themselves. I myself was a witness, as the most impudent and outright lies because of its hardness and reckless desperation than once won a soft, pliable, though fair truth. And, if so desperate вралей and catches up with some kind of punishment, it is strongly flavored, softened doubt, закрадывающимся soul допытывающегося it is through persistence of lies.

However, there are people for whom lie true flour: so great they influence their conscience on behaviour towards their past deeds. Such should not be taken to cheat. They are too fast and admit only create about yourself disagreeable impression, thus getting in great конфузию. For them it is easier to suffer the punishment for his misconduct, than to enjoy the fruits of his lies. This is hard to walk with impure conscience. But those who have conscience blind in both eyes, deaf in both ears and chrome on both legs, one must remember that the most important thing is to have a hot some courage to not waver even under the pressure of indisputable facts, and especially to be persistent, if such facts or have to prove, and in whatever was to stand on his own to the end. This is the only chance for them to allow them to leave the game winners. The only, but not to all available, so as not everyone can withstand torture lie.

So I lay there, still suffering угрызениI conscience and those painful thoughts that I have already described, was preparing for the upcoming me to the test. This occupation is, frankly speaking, it was not pleasant. Again and again заучивал I word by heart, as a first-grader poem version of his night's adventures, according to that which I have seen Охромова the last time licked out of a taxi in the center of the city. The difficulty was in the fact that the options for such a version was tempting to many, and one seemed to me another plausible and better. But to choose the you had one, and completely forgetting about the rest. The more that I had lied when I was called into the office of the battalion commander, and was best to stick to now this option, though he was not the best. Otherwise I was'll be sorry. If the commander suspected me in a lie, he, I think, would put every effort to bring me to clean water, and I think that it worked.

So passed this night: in an anguish of conscience, перемежавшихся with the expectations of questioning and зазубриванием his alibi. I couldn't sleep a wink until the morning. And when the Windows piercing black night white faded, faltered in his thick paint, and then, посерев, moved quickly in the pre-dawn light, same for any weather, the lead cool and foggy cloudy, regardless of whether the coming day, Sunny and serene, or over the city will hang high stratus clouds or low rainy clouds - I suddenly felt an irresistible heaviness in the swollen bags centuries, realized that deadly want to sleep and felt eyes shut themselves under the power mastered me sleep. When the gray paint bucket shone through the morning the first pink tones, heralding the good weather, I dropped off a strong and short sleep.

I slept long. Someone touched my arm, and I, not even time as it should fall asleep, hardly opened one eye and saw low pitched me замкомвзвода.

-Get up! You battery commander calls! he said to me.

"What is it? I asked in a sleepy voice, although already woke up to a second two-three nobody touched me and not shook in, and you could feel in these moments as well just lie in bed.

I don't know! "replied he irritably. - Get up quick! He is waiting for you!

Most of all I like to fall asleep, staying in bed and not get up from it. Only now, after the night I felt, how beautiful my cadets bed. Withhow in the hher charms. And despite the fact that she was quite tough due to the gross spring grid, and not painted her iron tattered грядушки covered it was a drab, not the first freshness official linen on top of cotton, hard mattress, it seemed to me now the best beds in the world.

However, as neither wanted to sleep in and soak up and had to get up. Замкомвзвод was configured seriously and not going, apparently, leave me alone. His head ached from a sleepless night, rutoand his feet were like strangers and ached from exhaustion, but had to get up, time causing combat.

After sitting a little on the bed, to somehow myself after and come to himself, I got up and stumbled on an empty corridor through the whole barracks to the Chancellery of the battalion. I couldn't remember a single word from your version stubbornly заучивал all night, and was in such a state that Alo what thought and could наплести anything until that issue all clean, if only отвязались and gave me sleep. Maybe this combat intended.

In the office of the battalion smoke stood yoke. For his grey veil barely discern the contours of sitting at a table near a window into which брезжил dawn, Furrier. When I slowly asked permission to enter and took place in the middle of the room, he saw that what he thought and carefully as he stared into the glazed surface of the table, on which stood a crystal ashtray, over the brim full of cigarette butts and tobacco ash.

The commander raised his inflamed, burning feverish, red from fatigue and excitement eyes and tried to pierce me their tired eyes. On his face was marked tiredness and boredom. He put a cigarette in his mouth, half already скуренную he was holding, took a painfully squinted that he always did before with someone from subordinates long and difficult conversation. But this time, then he was more miserable than terrible. Cigarette was quenched, and, weary with an oath, the commander reached into his pocket for a cigarette lighter, again lighted it, frowned, and finally asked me:

-Well, as to where you were last night? again he frowned, as if swallowed something bitter, he pulled his fingers free hand by the throat and started squeezing it. Apparently, it had to hurt.

-Here, in the barracks...

Question caught me by surprise, and I felt that now I can talk, because I have no will to be unlocked until the end, and he should now ask позаковыристей...

-No, in the barracks you, comrade cadet, for once, was that night. You are out of the Dorm rooms together with your friend Охромовым, and then you nobody till dawn never seen.

True, comrade senior Lieutenant, I felt that I Wake up and little by little, we obtain desired to have this conversation form. Although I might after a sleepless night and left just a little, " I told you everything, as it was. Yes, I left the barracks together with Охромовым. But all! With him went no whither! He said that he had to visit one of his old friend. I stood with him near the entrance, talked and smoked a cigarette, and then parted. He went, and I returned to the barracks.

"Idiot! - I scolded myself. - What do you плетешь?! You're the same yesterday, not so very soon! Well, hold on now! Khan you, boy!"

The commander was, apparently, very tired, so paid no attention to such a significant difference from yesterday's my story, and continued to ask, Vedas some his line and, omitting from under the nose of my Frank miss the chance to score the decisive goal in my gate, pulled me over him like a Fox's tail out of the hole.

-Yes, very interesting, and what have you talked to him? - he again inhaled and released under the ceiling cloud of cigarette smoke.

"Oh, nothing...

-Very interesting! And about this "anything" you're talking to him almost until morning?! Tell me more, that you stood and tried to persuade him not to go in unsanctioned отлучку, kept from the evil action of his friend, telling him that he went no whither! And on their arguments and disputes with him you spent the whole night! Tell me that it was so! Yes?!

I was confused and stood with downcast eyes, no answer.

-Well, it don't you speak? So or not?!


-That the "no"?

-Not so.

-Well, what's wrong? Said or didn't say?

"Never, " I replied softly, trying to portray in his voice shame and remorse, if the commander decided to try me on the subject of military duty.

"Well, you see! - Лshoemakerн out his hand across the table, took a position on the other side of the thick book "regulations of the armed forces of the USSR", browsed through it for half a minute, NRимательно looking through the pages, then stopped and, turning a public place to me, continued. - But you have to responsibilities is written in thy duties of a soldier, in the duties of a soldier, you're still a cadet, and in his position приравниваешься to conscripts, now, in your duties says: "...not to allow yourself and keep comrades evil deeds".

He abruptly slammed the "Statutes..."and tossed the book back on the edge of Tola, where she lay again delayed, staring at me from the waist and continued to develop monologue:

"Well, suppose that bad deed you did not... let's Say... Though it is also under question. All right, suppose: not caught - not a thief. But why you did not perform their duties, the duties of a soldier? Because cadet is the same soldiers. You're not an officer. You're not an officer, although it may be already mnish themselves officer. You and act like a soldier. The behavior you in his psychology soldiers. How are you going to become an officer? - Лshoemakerн sneered. "You think, perhaps, that the exams will end soon, there edition, and will start another, new life! Yes?! Wrong! Life-the person is the one, and she new nothing can not be the. It only continues. I, honestly speaking, you, Yakovlev, here you exactly, officer and can not imagine.

-Why is this? I asked, trying to look on my face as much as possible the surprise. Actually I only wanted his monologue lasted longer and give it all to выговорился in him and he would not left forces for questioning.

To do so, - the commander smiled again, but now with a barely perceptible and barely visible sadness. His smile seemed to me more warm and welcoming, because nothing is not something that the officer even aboutwiththe military. Not a bit, and no капелюсеньки! I don't know, " he pushed back his chair, stood up, stood up from the table and paced up and down the office, I don't know what do you and like you, what do you yourself think. We were cadets... I don't tell that the gifts were not to say that the quiet was that AWOL is not running, it was all we have, but not to such an extent! We then at least some sense of responsibility was before commanders, before friends of his in the end. In AWOL we were not each and every day, as you're doing here, but only for especially needy. As to the dismissal too, happened, and by the month they were not allowed and even some two! You have no conscience, no consciousness, no responsibility, but it is simply no concept of military discipline. You, like kids are stupid, not wish to understand, that not in the kindergarten are, and learn in a closed institution with a limited access mode. But it is already here it is, the fourth course - tju-tju: over! And as you was a child, so they still are! Yes as you in troops go?! I can't imagine the horror! Because you through the month, and may, eighteen themselves will have to educate people, a soldier you will! And VAwith another consciousness at the level of the same soldier is!.. I don't know! You seem to not officers are going to be, not people who for twenty-five years must consciously give Homeland, education of their subordinates, primarily by personal example, that all these years must be tolerated, and is considered normal for a life in solitude, in some forest-tundra, where, in addition to military town, Yes, there's a military town - there are places where the entire region in a hundred versts two-three five-story building or two barracks stand, and all: neither the city nor village tens of kilometers not found! You from there AWOL't go? 't go! There is just nowhere to run!..." is that actually the army драпать! And so it is not released yet! How much money the state on training угрохало - have the duty to give! And дезертируешь - so get caught, go to jail... And the family will be? You're not you'll be all my life go blank? Not be! And his wife and children to feed? 't! In the town you work for the wife you will not find? You will not find! All places more or less decent will be full полканами and majors. Except that some грязненькую job can find where your wife soldiers will paw or have them dirty портянки, Yes pants обспусканные wash. And Yes, such a work, if you turn up happy. This is, of course, the wife of the commander of the regiment, the commander of a battalion will not go! Will your wife to work, because one лейтенантскую pay with family feet last. Yes there лейтенантскую! Now even the captain, though, at least for майорскую - family one, if the wife does not work, I can not feed! But she is so damn black job in any гарнизончике is, Laundry service, or worse - on the stokehold! And go thy will not go away, because his needs will make! And because of such doors can you be then large family disagreements and quarrels. You and that will have to endure, if a family save you please, for ten years, until the good posts дослужишься, and even more - here how подфартит in the service. Yes and if you put even the wife work at home make sit one is all one, lost, with the melancholy death spree anyway! And what had she done? You are at the service from morning to evening'll disappear, and хахали it always can be found! What to do in a military town, when no work, no entertainment, no other besides drinking on the weekends, Yes gadding about any day of the week, or rather under any night. The four walls of the sit - wrench одуреешь! You know that Baba get insane with boredom, become diseased? Her sexual activity increases! The energy of a young and spend it nowhere! Now through the STE case it exits. Except as еблю her this energy to do with the poor have nowhere to! In the villages the women withDuru though they sing songs, when not overly ймется without елды. And the military, in our town, podi, погорлань song dreary, while her husband to landfill or somewhere on a business trip! Not without the work of the same - a bad job, even worse. If the soldiers grabbed be - then it all through the anger go.

In General, one way or another, and not sugar alive, officers, anyway. Lieutenants all begin, and you, I know paws no no to you a warm place to find that the b in the city, Yes when normal people, culture or whatever. And it is good that area your will, cubicle, there, where to stay you can. And so, actually even hang, honestly, I tell you!

Here is how, for example, my friend, my one, my lad, after the release of the hit - no stake, no yard him in the regiment was not given - live like you want. Garrison in forest stands, close to even villages slightest no where could be some халупку for the family to withdraw. He and his wife went and live nowhere! Here and there, to the commanders of appeals, and he is no apartments, why wife pulled? Had to first one to arrive. And the garrison of the whole: one five-storey building hastily rebuilt: for staff. Others live in barracks, in which before the revolution the workers casual workers lived. That's it! And each apartment has three to four families live. What to do? Had been hanging around my buddy, had been hanging around, then said he did not come to the service until he angle will not find. Who is smarter than he was, earlier arrived hand appointment, sacrificing their holidays. And it's your послеучилищный vacation отгулял, as expected, and came to шапочному distinction. To you an apartment, you immediately roof over your head! As waiting there for you, Lieutenant!

Well, in the end, he declared, that will not work on the service until will not give him an apartment or corners, gave him каптерку battery. Well, what do you think? The "first time", so to speak, Dali. So he entire year there lived! And how I lived?! In the evening, with a genouxth go to sleep, and the soldiers at the door whispering, laughing, and then the door starts to knock, "joke". He's out the door POPs up, only his trousers have time to zip up, they're alone. Only the neighing throughout the barracks worth it. Well, he picked up a battery after that time, another time, and then? What kind of a person will stand against him so much, and he alone must to beat them. Let it even and his subjectnnye. But if they are not respected, with them, it'll do nothing. Here he is, after all, and broken. And battalion commander complain because as a young officers learn laugh at his raise. And one cannot change anything in life. So he suffered a year. His soldiers to ain that he was almost on its knees asked them, that they took pity on him. Did they spare? They each other do not spare, and if you can make fun of an officer, then certainly зверствовать will. Baba too quiet caught - not from шумливых. So the matter before realized that one of the soldiers поборзее was almost on the bed with my boyfriend, went to his wife. He fought with the most наглецами that is just not done, all the same, were not behind him. However, after a year housed him in a two-bedroom apartment, yet with two families in each room family. But it's all the same Luhmore than fighting every night with the soldiers. He was so glad that almost up to the ceiling jumped rejoiced with her luck. This apartment, that Imperial mansion seemed. However, this "казарменная life" has not passed DL him in vain: he then long impotence suffered and couldn't recover: got it in that cursed the gun shook the store-room. And the wife remained frigid. That's it! Vacation complained to me somehow. And the commanders of the year was happening, he was mocked by the soldiers, no one knows, not even his commander. Wife wanted some time, go complain to the commander of the regiment, Yes he had said: said, why do you go there, for shame? Didn't go to it even once. Yes it is true! Does she regiment commander did not help, and the people had learned so accurately to the laughter would have raised. They, our people, especially women, that if only the subject of gossip for find, what лясо поточить!

And here is another of my friend settled on arrival in the room bachelor's hostel. He spent whole days in the service of disappears, only for lunch sometimes bounds into: decided guy service to start, as expected, but for the first time firmly повкалывать need, by the way, to show yourself, what is called, sometimes at night not to sleep even. In outfits too - after a day on the strap, as everywhere. And OK all went: tolerate, hopes that it will take a year and a half such a life, you see, it комбаты nominated, and live it better. And then accidentally discovers that his wife during this time, almost all the hostel переспало: there are some bachelors live, he was the only one poor guy caught him, agreed with his wife to live, instead of looking for an apartment from the headstock some for полполучки. Like Louhbetter to have it to the family more money left. And it turned out as its economy! He paid for her, and with a vengeance! However, if Baba-streetwalker, it is everywhere yourself кобелиный end avenge! So it could be even better, so it quickly became clear. Yes. And how did he know? 'd never have guessed, told me if he colleague-bachelor quarrel with hot't blurted out. He to his wife: "However, - he asks, - you or not?!" and she said to him: "No, you, every забулдыгам believe?" Well, the wife is more trusted than насмешникам. Yes hurt them, scoffers, then suspiciously lot was. Thought evil, because they are envious that his wife is so beautiful. Well, Baba his will more and more become soldiers погуливать, Yes перепихиваться. Before остервенела, in the end, that he, my friend peasant soldiers in envelope sent pictures where they have it on a rubbish dump in various poses. She is there, in those pictures, and in the mouth takes, and what abominations does not. That's it! Well? He drove her then. And she was home. There restaurants, bars пошлялась, rubbed six months. Before came that her parents kicked out of the house, his father-in-law mother-in-law. And he told her, the fool, the divorce does not independent: whether loves, or a rag. She then returned to him, lied about the job just, among other things, that straightened up, bitch. And she does not say how many abortions during these six months did. He believed her. By that time and got an apartment with shared bedroom, with a second family to the truth. And went again merry life: in the evening, at ten or eleven come home tired, hungry and goes wife garrison get, from any campaign or bed. She it on "fuck it" frankly sends it, and he's drooling dissolved: "Go home!" So he still lives: bloat the sky, and family, his home and no. What a home?..

Kombat stopped at the table, knocked down in an ashtray, which fell over the edge butts, another "Bychok", immediately pulled out and засмолил another cigarette as if without it could not breathe again began to walk the short space from the door where I was standing, leaning back, so as not to interfere with his прогуливанию, to the table, where he shook the ashes in a bunch of cigarette butts, and back.

I have long noticed that the talk went somewhere else. It always happens when people speak, as if speaking aloud, developing monologue: it is very difficult to resist the temptation to expand the circle of themes, and, in the end, he is lost, leaves from under his feet, as the soil in a landslide. Thoughts go somewhere to the side, and he begins to wander in a chaotic during his thinking.

-Such businesses, again spoke commander after some thought.

me he now seemed much older than before, and it's just four years earlier graduated from the same school. His thoughts presented to me were trustworthythus man whose entire life behind. "Is it so состарила service?" I thought to myself and I was horrified his discovery.

-Of course, one can say that all these are isolated cases that all mostly live well! - he looked at me. - Not good, not good live. And you can say who. This Junior officers, i.e. you that tomorrow will receive officer shoulder straps and shoot курсантскую form. Very few are those who would say that he is all right, all right. Of course, there are optimists who on the moon will be good. But I will not take. And even arrogant. Such is also lacking. I'm talking about normal people say that if it is bad, then say what is wrong, and if it is good, then say what is good. Place under the sun for you - a tiny piece and at all desire can't all fit. The generals also the sons of lieutenants start. This warm places and reserved. And all the rest who without protege in the army, those two cart-horses, on which all our army and holding on.

He looked at me again, but strangely, as if only now saw that it is only woke up from a bad dream. Walked to the table, sat down at his place. But, apparently, he now realized that too has opened the heart with me, and the talk went too far. And, to return to the previous topic of conversation, asked:

-Where do you побежиnil? Yeah... So you say that I didn't went to a cadet Охромовым?

Apparently, the conversation was returning to its former course, and thought with regret, that my expectations were not justified.

-...and did not stop it? Yes-Ah, poor officer you get, Yakovlev. You're four years in the military, the military school, which prepares you for the future of hard service, but nothing like what you want to be an officer. Still acting like a kid: no sense of duty or responsibility whatsoever. That you will, when you become an officer - I'll never know! Тяготишься you the service you do not love you... But, however, it seems that we digress... So Охромов left and you went to the barracks. Who saw it? On-duty battery says that haven't seen you all night.

"But, comrade senior Lieutenant, I'm not obliged to report to duty battery and I, behold, there came, on a place, - parried I придирку, conjuring crook, so it just suddenly remembered that I spoke to him last night. For the time spent or lost command a battalion on his monologue, I have added confidence that he will not achieve anything. "Now I will be unlocked until the very end!" I thought to myself.

-Why it is not obliged? "asked the commander. In this book, and he tapped his hand out, "Statutes of the armed forces of the USSR", - it is written that during the absence of the officers on duty battery is the direct chief of all are in the soldiers and sergeants, as well it belongs to you. Therefore, you have him cadet Yakovlev, must obey the same way as all other, that we have not done. Means leaving the barracks, you had to warn the person on duty that for a few minutes out you understand? And then, that he knew, tell him on arrival, that you came. He should know how many people are in the barracks. Therefore, because thou hast not warned it is your fault. You never did, so the fact that you have not seen on duty all night, and would mean that you all night in the barracks was not. So where have you been?

Combat long and intently watching me expecting that I will answer. But I kept silent and then he said, apparently concluding the conversation, trying to highlight each word:

-Well, comrade cadet! I see with you is useless to say. Like you lost to the army, I wonder why you ever went to a military school. Why? After all, voluntarily went. To suffer, then life in the service? I see absolutely sense to let you out of school. I had my way, I would have you deducted. But, unfortunately, this now can be done only by the Minister of defence.

-Chairman of the state examination Commission can? I asked, challenging the battalion commander. I was tired that he chastises me, as a boy, as a freshman, while I studied in the walls of this "zadroty", as we called it, four years, four long years, leaving in караулах and all kinds of costumes, a lot of his health, when the end of the school remained only on a week, maybe less. Just me and without him knew firmly enough that even if I wanted to, I would never expelled: too much money spent state on my training, so just let me go. Now they had to serve, that is, to give back to the Homeland as a military duties in the twenty-five years. We had to spend those years, the color of life in the far not the best locations, where it was pleasing to throw you the fate of the Ministry of defence and the General staff.

Combat all kept looking at me and looked up expectantly. But now he was confused, because he does not expect me to be such an issue.

-Do you want to be dropouts from school, when you until the end and graduation, have nothing, a few days? he asked now a completely different tone.

-Yes, I'm tired of listening to your notation and, I confess you honestly, I really deeply disgusted with the service.

Face the battalion fell in amazement.

So I ask you, comrade senior Lieutenant, can I be expelled from the number of cadets Chairman of the state examination Commission?

-Yes, he is endowed with extraordinary powers, " replied Лshoemakerн, though his voice got stronger and became a bit more confident. However, I did not doubt that he had made a point, in its discretion to expel persons unworthy for the further service, if he deems it necessary...

He stopped once, and I thought to myself, probably, too, that he "...but he will do it!"

-...okay, go yet. Perhaps you'll be expelled, I'll report your statement above. And I think that the issue of the impossibility of your further stay in the armed forces solved positively, especially if there won't be Охромов. Do you think that disappeared cadet, and it all will stay to get away with it? No, you are wrong, comrade cadet. Drag-and-so, of course, likely to be me, but I will do my best to you and engaged, as it should be! You as the nearest friend, and perhaps a witness. Well, me - God himself commanded, because I have this balbes battery commander. Seems to me that, Yakovlev, " I can do nothing for it, unfortunately prove that you know where your friend, and what happened to him. Know and silent! And if you was a little more serious in life, he already could probably help...

"Why is it me will carry? - indignant, but refrained from reporting him about myself too I.

-And what do you think? What did you want, stay away? So it is all the more strange, don't you think?

-Who can prove that we Охромовым were friends? - I asked him. - If I want to, to me not concernedtoor, and I will say that Охромовым me no ties. That's all!

-Yes no you're wrong, not all! We have in the school a special Department called. Thank God, that you with it did not face. Now, in this very special Department are some guys who know everything about everyone, you know? To him we have not addressed - time is not ripe. But when it becomes clear that the problem has gone too far, and the cadet Охромов not get, not drinking any шмары, but for me it is, for example, it is already clear that the command of the school at the request of the commander of a battalion to ask for help to him. And although it is not their specifics, but I think that they will not fail us in search of the lost sheep. But who knows, maybe for a special Department it will be interesting, where and why disappeared cadet, five minutes graduate officer. That's it! Now, really, that is all!

I stood and looked at him, trying not to show my emotion. Actually I'm all shook from a single mention of this organization. About it as I quite forgot.

Kombat also silent and watching me, but now as something vague and mysterious. At times it seemed to me that he not only all guesses and he knows all very reliably and he almost did not present and never was in our deal.

-A lot of you I drank blood, a lot. Well, nothing, " he continued, stretching himself wearily and ingesting cigarette smoke - I in the long stay, comes my turn, all those who drank my blood, I'll not leave, I will not forget. Okay, go, comrade cadet. You I don't want to say, but because we will talk with you not now and not here, but in another time and in another place and in a completely different way.

I walked out of the office. It was early morning. Before lifting it was time to sleep, " I thought, because I felt again the stone fatigue, навалившуюся on my body. The soul I it was a chore. I couldn't understand their feelings, wandering about inside of me, as the blind.

I went through the corridor on the sleeping barracks and was already anticipating, as now fall on the bed and a little поваляюсь, but suddenly I heard behind me as orderly shouted command: "Battery, get up!"

I felt powerless rage. I wanted to kick this idiot Скорняку, because he промучил me as specifically to the rise. With me almost became hysterical, but I contained myself somehow, and then walked off, along with all of the exercises, which symbolically, but still had the place to be with us, almost officers. I had only one desire: to fall somewhere so that nobody touched me, and sleep, forget a dead sleep.

Chapter 24.

The whole day I walked as the plague. Yes Breakfast sleep failed: all the officers were in place and strictly controlled departure of the self-platoons in full. I hoped that at least there is something I will sleep for this sleepless night. But someone like chastised me: a day in the classroom sat the commander of a platoon and not go away anywhere, even for an hour. And hardly my head was too low to the abstract, as he окликал me, and I had to get up and make excuses, saying that I wasn't dreaming.

To top it all about eleven o'clock, I was summoned to the commander of the division. Had to go, and I felt like falling asleep on the go.

Squadron leader long hypnotize me moving their black splayed буденовскими moustache and watching some silly looking, but cunning and treacherous actually look in her black slightly косоватых eye and then asked:

-Well! What?!

Only this and said, but so expressive like I already got red-handed and the question of my guilt was finally resolved, and I now stood almost before a military Tribunal, and he was a juror. Is it "well" sounded like "That was caught?! With good reason!"

I didn't know him to answer. Intonation of his voice was such that it was necessary either immediately confess, almost repent, begging for mercy, though already read the sentence about the execution, or to be silent, like a fish, typing in the mouth water. Indeed, it was like a verdict and not a question. And he sounded accordingly, like a pistol shot: right and разяще. Here either miss or hole with a fist. Squadron leader hoped that got to the hole, but the hole was from the bagel: I was silent, preferring the second path, and this meant, he is perfectly understood, complete defeat, despite his angry look.

I stood in the midst of his Cabinet, and he continued to hypnotize me.

-Well, let's hear it! finally he offered me, but the tone of his voice became softer, you can say the conciliation.

-What to tell? I asked, wanting to understand and that he, strictly speaking, knows.

"Where are you from Охромовым went at night two days ago? he started to twitch with a shrug, as if pushing ourselves badly sitting uniform, and then, lifting them up, and iterate through his fingers on the table. It was a familiar all cadets our course sign of unrest and irritation.

"Nowhere, " replied I, the seeing that the commander of division jumped on its chair from resentment on my blatant lie. - I will not go. Went one Охромов, and I spent him to the door down. Stood there with him, talked.

-Well, take a look! Look at that!" - began to raise the tone of voice commander of division, himself egging and fueling. - Dove, right! Spent, stood, smoked! - he mimicked me, ехидничая, smiling with a stinging, curve and unkind smile forcibly strained his white and angry face. "Maybe you are in his cheek even kissed or still where-any lower, and the? he cocked his head, putting his ear as if to get a better hearing I'll answer him.

But I persistently was silent.

Lieutenant Colonel sprang up, and flew to me. Rage, клокотавшая in him, then burst out now, and frozen on his face and pretended to be dead restrained and nasty the smile fell suddenly, as faded husk, putting out a grimace of anger. He was panting from his rage, splashing a saliva, breath its not enough to say the phrase, and he talked, and then stopped. It долговязое body выписывало near me dance of anger, randomly waving arms and trying, thus threatening me.

-You, you, you, you're my -- you've got it... everything you say! All you say!!! I long to understand I will not! Ladies fist... on the head, he swung me кулачищем, and instinctively I cringed in anticipation of the blow, but he immediately apparently, recovering himself slightly put his hand back: compressed in a rage palm stopped a few inches from my head. I was so scared that straightening like froze finally and now, don't move even if he hit me or waved again.

Nervous step, slightly limping and taking one side of his lanky body, commander of a battalion departed to the other end his Cabinet, apparently, away from sin, and from there, turned around, threatened me with a finger:

-I will show you! I'll show you! I'll show you!!!

It seemed to me that it all shakes along with the index finger. I stood, more dead than alive, and if not tired, deadly arms gripped my body, my whole being, not letting him go, get excited and растревожиться, as follows, I would, perhaps the his body shook with nervous overstrain. Now my soul and body just numbed. Even if I tried, I could not answer him a word.

Actually cadets did not like to put it mildly, the Cabinet of the commander of a battalion. To say more, they was afraid of it. Especially if he was "on the carpet" for some offenses. When the commander of a battalion command a battalion was in a battery of course, выпустившемся of school a year early, and had a reputation among his former subordinates rather various and diversified. Some considered him to be a man of good mixer, which meant that they could agree on almost everything. Others, however, remembered and cases show it in another way. He was the commander of the battery only a year, but during that time had a lot of начудить. And he began service as a platoon commander, too, in school, in the fourth year. Since those times and reached us some legends, speaking for themselves what a man was our commander of division.

With the fourth course very difficult to cope, especially to the young Lieutenant, yesterday's student. And he struggled and rather original way: through their personal example, so to speak. I wanted him to cut his platoon under полубокс - haircut this was неуважаема among the students from the second course, and here is the fourth. Of course, he is not something that a complete misunderstanding, and open hostility to his will. At this position he hadn't been shocked or suppressed, and went and took the entire platoon in училищную hairdresser, got there it took monastic vows under the полубокс himself, and then said, none of the cadets will not leave there from, yet on the head it will not be the same as he. And gained its all his platoon, only on a course, then walked with such a crazy hairdo.

However, it cannot be said that he was a cadet of ordinary. I heard that he was a foreman, classes went rarely, often missed, motivating business, and he went into the city to her needs. Cadets, his comrades and the little kids, the descent from no: no one could ever get him to agree to so проволынить a couple of other lectures, because he immediately warned that the deal will not leave and if not cope by themselves, it will report to the officers. Therefore it strongly disliked and even hated, tried several times to make him some pig, but the officers knew about his adventures, but turn a blind eye, because the whole battery under his paw screamed and squeaked in all keys. Being a petty officer in the fourth year, he himself, in the absence of officers when they not seen or can see, took the battery marching step from the barracks to the dining room and back, could keep her on the parade ground, the laughter exposing the fourth year to the younger courses. He never thought of retribution, that it may be too real. And the closer to the release of his course of the school, the more and more heavy black clouds were gathering anger colleagues over his head. Ultimately, this story had an end quite comical and instructive: our future commander of a battalion his comrades in his study on the issue was closed, запихав force in wardrobe for clothes, and thus lowered down the staircase from the second floor: here is what he arranged the fun. But the lesson to him not salutary, or has gone in the wrong direction, and that was what I thought earlier. Then he was the commander of the battery, but not long, because it quickly enough to improve further, to the commander of a division. As he was command a battalion - unknown. A story about herself. The fact is, that the course year senior us, where he commanded a battery, had relations with our rather tense and unfriendly. As soon as they become second year, they were in a hurry отчураться of its "shameful" of the past - not without reason the first course in the student's folklore is termed as "guilty without guilt", and therefore looked at us, just come in College, down, with your nose, and despised us, it is unclear what, for that year their younger. The third course is treated us with lukewarm, but comradely, there already understood that we cannot compete with them on any matter, and, therefore, more disliked the second course. The fourth course of the treated us with fatherly, giving all sorts of tips, and taught the sense that, Yes what to do to make easier life in this difficult cadets ' life. And for this reason, direct witnesses, who could tell us how they commanded our division commander, us almost no contact, to the very last course lived separately from us. But to not take it personally: in the end themselves in all figured out. However, once it was one witness.

Somehow, in the middle of the first course, after the first of their cadets ' winter holidays came back I was in school, has arrived already in place in the city. Yes there was a time hours, twelve, and trolleybuses in such a time went very rarely. Money for a taxi for me. So I went walking through the city with a guy from the second course: he returned from the hospital. We talked with him, and I started to complain of his commander of a battalion. But instead sympathize with me, he replied: "Vladimir Vladimirovich - the man explanatory. It seems to be bad, and stern, but with subordinates understands himself, never, if possible, to the top in no hurry to report. And, in General, to him of any matter, an agreement can be. We only approach to find!"

Putin actually always took the burden of proceeding with провинившимися cadets its division over, if only somehow it was possible to conceal the committed crime from higher management. He himself understood, determining the degree of guilt, and appointed himself the same punishment, on the one hand, could not be so dangerous as, say, expulsion from school, or something like that like that, but, nevertheless, according to the severity and duration of its nothing to him, ultimately, not inferior. Therefore, our cadets feared him to shake in поджилках of fire.

Sometimes the punishment of these seemed to be unfair and illegitimate but wound them, the system was such that a go and complain to him above was not possible, because upstairs in the manual training school usually knew what had happened violation, and therefore the one who came to complain, watched square eyes, and even worse, raise a hue and scandal, why the management of the division is engaged in concealment. Great fall and the commander of the division, but even more suffered one who was complaining. The punishment tacitly remained in force, but, in addition, he bore the punishment that received from the command of the school or, again, from the commander of a battalion after his complaint. Besides the cadets themselves did not support an informant should, because, though ye murmured in campaigns for the Vladimir Vladimirovich, talked about it all, but all the same, in the depths of the soul preferred that their misdeeds were not higher than division and закруглялись his commander. Well and, most recently, was that the one who complained once, never more ... until studied in the division, could not count on some sort of "подзаконное", свойское appeal in relation to him the command of the division and even the battalion, which, of course, obeyed the upstream over him nearest management. And "свойское" this appeal quite often was necessary to our brother in many cases, and, in any case, each of us understood that live under the oppression of formality, what was needed in relation to us, under the overwhelming pressure will simply hard and uncomfortable.

And therefore, the Complainants was such a little, and then the first time and, mainly, through ignorance.

On the other hand, Vladimir Putin put under the strict control of all violations, accidents and misdemeanors committed in the division, and severely punished the commanders of platoons and batteries for concealment. No one could say from whom, in what ways before him reached such information, but he as a rule, was aware of all the events. It is possible that he had on several informants in each division, but their names do not even know the officers themselves, because in the information reaching the leadership of the division, and they sometimes appeared not in the best light. Therefore, and platoon commanders, commanders of batteries usually tried to timely report to the commander of the division about the incident, rarely, rarely at your own risk resorting to умалчиванию. The exception was our John, which became command a battalion recently, but for some reason, hidden from most, проделывавший battery are the same as the commander of division: he rarely raised all accidents on the level above the battery, too, understood and appointed punishment. Upstairs he reported in its sole discretion, when believed that not cope on their own, but this happened very rarely.

Knowing this, there was talk of us that Furrier somewhere upstairs sitting protege, which fears not the one commander of a battalion, but the bosses higher. Besides some way from the very beginning of his career in the position of battalion commander Bob разнюхал, who reports to the upstairs, and found a way to squeeze these people and get their tongues.

Those were commanders.

Initially, when we have learned in the first year, our squadron leader allow various fancy robustness with respect is not something that the individual student, but also to the whole system, by teaching us something to his rudeness. Then he could easily conversing with eye-to-eye with some раздолбаем punch him or hindering the wall of his study, thank God, the health of the missing with a vengeance. however, similarly when conversations behaved not every, knew one can and should отмутузить the cannon, and to whom and the goat will not approach, and, therefore, need to go a completely different way.

Later this attitude became impossible and dangerous, because we Tali already are a bit older, and those who only yesterday allowed to give yourself a kick in the ass, today valued their personal dignity much higher than before. Therefore, our relations with Vladimir Putin became more even. From his vocabulary disappeared even those rude expressions that were used before. Now been replaced with a familiar way-фамильярное "muzhiki", which he spoke in a different tone, but with a constant share of incomprehensible, though subtle adulation.

Perhaps that is why he lost his temper and slapped me now, though it was evident, as he enraged and angry. Resist him, man hot-tempered and hot, took a great effort.

Now it was like some time his stilted step, circling around me, then stopped and looked over his brilliant black eyes right somewhere in the soul so that I felt cold inside.

-Well, what?! he asked again with a tone of the Prosecutor, apparently hoping that I'm in something I must confess.

-Nothing is gained, finally, the courage to answer him I. - I already told: Охромов gone to a friend and I stayed in school...

-What has he gone? - asked the commander of the division, pressing on the "why".

I don't know I replied in the same tone of the righteous and God's dandelion, intending to stand on his own to the end. - He told me about this and said nothing.

-No kidding! Don't lie! - a Lieutenant Colonel me right in the face of his hot, bad-smelling, unpleasant breath-smoker, it jumped almost close to me.

-I am not lying, comrade Colonel! With what joy he must report to me, where and why does he go? That said, it said. And about what he leaves us, and the conversation was not! - I tried to portray the intonation of the voice of surprise.

-And you don't know where he went?

I don't know, comrade Colonel! Said to my friend, and what is not said. Yes and little does he have any friends!

Vladimir Putin kept silent for a moment, and then spoke again:

-Well, well, apparently, we are with you this question cannot solve, " he sighed with a certain regret. - What a pity! It is a pity...

His last words had on me for some reason very a strong impression. From they smelled of temptation, and me it seemed that admit it-I told him now, and I will that be any good. Here same I flashed insipid the naive idea that, may squadron leader could improve my business with the distribution, and, may be, and make my further the fate of all as something wonderful. And under the pressure of these полубредовых dreams, suddenly опьянивших my mind, I almost undid the language.

but something stopped me from this rash thing, and stood on the very edge of the abyss into which attracted sweet dreams. I struggled but suppressed ambitions my impure souls, ready to sell themselves for only has flashed brilliant and empty tinsel benefit. The latter was good, because промолвись though I am a single word, and from me and would not behind, not отвязались, not let go of me, until we learned all. One word now threw me into the abyss of misery, and I realized it, stopped at the last moment, ready to fall down. I suddenly like saw before its mind's eye all the mountain of lies, erected me around my life, and the pit heavy and bitter reality, which ziyala near the terrible plague I was horrified the abyss lying between views about me and so actual, that, actually, I meant, that great and Tolstoy layer consecutive anyone not disclosed, not known adventures that would me now we had to lay out one after another. Hunting confess I immediately disappeared. If I wanted to confess, then, surely, disturbed me mountain lies crushed to me to death.

-Well, - concluded the commander of a battalion after the newly formed a pause, in which he is still a apparently, expecting something from me. Now, probably, it will definitely put the point in our conversation and decided on something that distracted him completely from me.

He went to my place, sat in a chair, motioned to himself standing on a desktop telephone with потрескавшимся body made of green plastic and slowly, with long pauses scored one by one the rotation of the disk a few figures on наборнике apparatus. Learn about ear to telephone the tube, he waited a few seconds in an uncomfortable, tense posture. Hand carrying a tube, hung in the air. He wasn't breathing even all this time. For these a few moments before my eyes, it's all pitched over and old. Cheek on his lean face suddenly went out, like a bulldog. Eyes подернула sad haze, through which barely differed now their alarming, quivering brilliance.

I could not understand who and where is he now calls, but on its appalling change in the person, in his waiting, tense posture felt that the conversation does not promise him any good.

"Comrade Lieutenant-General! The commander of the third division! he said, as if waking from sleep and showing me a sharp, impatient gesture of the hand, I got out of the Cabinet.

I have as much heart jumped in surprise. The mention of the head of the College put me in a mad panic, not because I was afraid, but only from the fact that once again reminded me, as if in his head was that it was not funny, not fiddling turnover. Still, whatever it was, and I was not ready to the fact that all this comes on the level of the authorities. Somewhere in the back of my mind is still not felt, and my head is still as it should be, could not meet that Охромовым indeed there was a misfortune. It was all like a game.

I went out the door, obeying persistent gestures his boss, and was in предбанничке, which was out in the corridor and the door in the next office, which housed our morale officer, who, apparently, was not, otherwise he would not have failed to visit during our conversation and be curious as it passes. Here now was dark and quiet, and, despite the fact that the wooden door to the office was closed to me I could hear a loud peal bass our the commander of a battalion.

-Comrade major General, we in the division, there was an extraordinary event! - heard from behind the door. The commander not fond of saying, "I have in the division, and said only, "we..." . - Missing cadet Охромов. Already the day, as he is not available... How am I to know... how did I ever knew before... I most reported at two in the morning... the Commander of the battery... Punish them, punish them... Well, I... We... got it... got it, comrade major General... trying to look internally... Too. Yeah... Yeah... Blame... my Fault, comrade General-major... Noah thought... thought that he'll take care, find cadet, why disturb you... There... Understand, is to blame. Not any longer... No... No... Nothing... it is Clear, now I'm coming... Yes, saw, I got his friend... A close friend... There are suspicions that the that night, when the disappeared cadet Охромов, they were together in an unauthorised absence... No... No... Asked - do not know... Silent... Yes... Well...

Here suddenly the door to the corridor opened pushing me in the back, and in the hall, entered the zampolit. He took off his cloak, all wet from the rain, getting on street, groped in the dark hanger, hung up, shaking, and then addressed me:

"Who's standing here in the dark?

"It is I, "I said, not wanting to call out his name and stupid hoping I won't know.

"Who am I? - morale officer pulled out his keys, picked up right, stuck in the door-lock clicked, and turned it opened, pushing, the door to his office.

Sunlight threw open and covered me.

-And are you! "drawled the zampolit, learn me. - Well, come in, come in, I've heard all about your adventures.

I did not understand what he meant. As he stepped over the threshold, stopped and motioned for me to him, after waiting till I come in, closed the door behind me.

"What you heard, comrade Colonel? - замполиту also recently awarded this title - " I asked, trying to understand, what is known about me that sly Fox. Our zampolit had the unique ability, knowing nothing, with a bluff on the facts reveal all and to it on the hook, thus he already not one person, therefore with him me now required special care. You keep your ear in sharply. Any, even the most insignificant trifle he was the clue he continued to dance with your questions. For this trifle he, as a Fox's tail, and pulled the much that was недомолвлено.

"How about what? Yesterday, or day before yesterday, Yes? The night before last, vanished cadet Охромов, your closest friend. He never returned from unauthorized absences. And you were in that unauthorized absence together with him.

"How do you know? I asked, but then broke off, for so thoughtless question of my mouth and gave him to the hands of the extra trump card. According to the intonation of my question, любопытствующе-relying, you can easily understand and determine that he is on the right track. I might now be more convincing in non-involvement in the incident indignant "so dirty Frank поклепом" at me, and I started asking questions. It was already half a step to failure and expose.

-As from know?.. Well, where I know is my business! - answered the zampolit. He didn't look me in the eyes, though I always tried to meet his gaze to find that there were false. He rubbed his hand in hand. Is, in General, is not important. It is important that I know. In the end, I think you're now сознаешься that was in three Russian soldiers together with Охромовым. It is so? he quickly секанул on me a glance, and, without giving awake and something answer, confirmed to myself. - So! What you are отпираешься, it will hurt you, ultimately, Yes, besides more and puzzling, confuses everything. Your friend now, it is possible in some suffering, once he can't come to school. And you instead of helping us find him, отпираешься and save his own skin. You're doing worse and yourself, and your friend. If he is absent for a valid reason, he also in this case, nothing good will not Shine. He is missing is more than a day. Will be held for three days, and then your friend railway fall under the article of the criminal legislation. He to be sued, only and only. In the best case, if he even still alive. Straight, if we find him, this case could be quickly hush up. And you don't want to tell us where it is what happened to him. You have a lot of fail. You all fail for its silence: and himself, in the first place, and the commander of a battalion, and me, and their comrades. Even the head of the College fail, because now this thing will go higher and higher. Therefore, your silence is a harm absolute harm for all people surrounding you.

He paused, watching what reaction will make me his word. I also never said anything, Although again not the shame, not something else so and wanted me to tell him the whole truth.

-May, Grisha now require our assistance. Maybe he is in need of protection, and you leave him alone, will you tell us where at least about his search. Of course, if you don't сознаешься now, обезопасишь itself is unknown, however, for how long. But then how you'll look in the faces of his friends, when they learn that you threw a friend in trouble?

-Comrade Colonel, wanted was argue I, say something in his defense, because his words hit me up for a living, beating around, and around, almost to the point, cut me to the soul on the belts. I guessed that замполиту is not known, but, somehow, he managed to catch me, that is called, for a living. Maybe he felt my guilt, subconsciously felt that he was right and therefore spoke with such confidence. And maybe it really was only bluff his sly game. I felt whatever it was that can't endure long such torture, I could not so long resistance, " comrade Colonel...

-Do not interrupt me! That's when I I say, then I will listen to, and thou shalt speak. Did you for four years, and in General still, not taught that senior interrupt is not only not good, but not culture?! So listen in silence, with respect to me, as the senior rank, and age, and senior much. Hey... How to look at you myself, Grisha? After all, if he learns how you acted at the time of his disappearance I think, that he praise you for such a "friendly" help. Perhaps he is now in serious trouble, big trouble, and you don't move even, and not what he is trying to somehow find it, help him, but we won't let them do this! Yes what you Охромову friend then?! Tell me, what are you his friend?!

Yes, you now well: nobody can prove that you were with him that night together. All are ignorant, not know where to search for the cadet, but you got to do with it. But bear in mind, that all secret becomes obvious, sooner or later - not important, because if Охромовым really something happens, you have to answer to you sooner or later for passive complicity in the crime, the victim of which he became. Thou shalt answer, because not renounced for the sake of its tranquillity and well-being is not one word to save it. Yes, you good right now: nobody can prove that you were that night together with Охромовым, " but what will you when everything POPs out? Think about it!

Your friends don't want to give you. None of them said you that night was out. But because each of them knows where you were then. They don't betray you, because we have forsaken you own the right to decide this question, 've left you alone with its the conscience. If Охромовым something happens, the main culprit of this will be you! Know that! You'll be the main culprit!

And now you can still help your friend, can help it out of trouble. One only your word can change his fate. We don't even know where to look for it, and you must help us in this...

I listened to the zampolit and a thousand conflicting emotions tore my soul apart. The suffering and torment of conscience tormented my heart: Lieutenant Colonel in your own words hit exactly in the top ten. However, fear to confess and fly into the pipe in pipe with his lies wrapped around my brain cold mist. Immediately and sadness everything that's happened, that it is impossible to improve persistently knocked at the whiskey his little hammers. Under the influence heat burning white fire coals fair words, my heart was softened, as lead over the flame, and from minute to minute had melted to drip with burning tears, заструиться tears of repentance. Oh My God! I felt like dying. Another minute, and nothing would have saved me from the disastrous repentance. I knew that I was hooked. However, do anything it was already impossible. I was now like a fish bait заглотившая together with hook and ждавшая only now, when it подсекут thoroughly." Any my трепыхания forced to pierce iron deeper into the body, and it has already helped me. I was ready to move around, the story float, Rybak to notice me, to scream замполиту: "It's pretty enough! Enough, enough! I tell you!!!" - and already scored more the air in the lungs, to make this desperate act suddenly the Cabinet became commander of division, interrupting zampolit:

-A! Here you are! Well, found something?! - he turned to замполиту.

"Wait a minute, now he will tell us everything. Another five minutes, " replied the zampolit, talking like me here and not there, and I hadn't heard.

"Well, come on, come on! - happy responded Vladimir Vladimirovich. - I'll wait. Come on then with him.

His eyes lit up joy, almost a celebration, and he groped for the handle of the door, intending to leave.

However, his appearance and this conversation had at me sobering. Fish spat the bait.

-I know nothing! "I said with a final certainty that they would never get to hear from me a word. -I have already said that that night was in the barracks and go not away.

The conversation was finished. This is evidently understood, and they. Squadron leader immediately changed his countenance: joy went with him.

-Go to the head of school! "he snapped at me turning to the door. - We are already waiting for!

The head of the College in the office, I said nothing new. Now I had already known that nobody sorry about my night absence. That was quite strange, because I know our guys, many of whom were not averse to изподтишка make another crap, but it does feel that the case is serious hurt or do not want them to thrust when the graduation from the College in different offices, but, in General, nobody wanted to interfere. Therefore determined to stand his ground I have only increased.

Of course, not come in at that moment in the Cabinet of his co commander of the division, and who knows, maybe замполиту then managed to split me. God knows how much I still managed to survive then it would be under the destructive fire verbal attack политработника. But now the conversation that played into the hands of me, not him. Zampolit go for broke, and if it were not prevented started to finish, I had no doubt that he would have won. But interrupted him, and it was his defeat and my victory. Now nobody could shake my determination to stick to the end. Even if he Охромов appeared now and has argued that that night I was with him I would, and then, probably, found strength in its present my condition, looking him straight in the face, and say that was nothing like this, and he himself does not remember anything, whether specifically trying to enter the all confusing, and tell me unnatural and unnecessary lies, - so strong and I rooted now in their lies, in its decision not to retreat, following the Covenant lie to the end, fearlessly and recklessly. I wanted to stay right in a lie, if possible.

However, despite the fact that I am not admitted I pulled the classrooms every day before the examination, which concluded, "the госсы". Starting early in the morning, I was in somebody's office and listened to the messages and sermons that it was wrong to do, then the threats that I will go to the most severe way, what're going to send me to hell and shorebirds, but in response to repeated one and the same. I had nowhere to retreat, but because I was firm and unyielding. Usually, I'm used to it, my bypass offices began with the Chancellery of the battalion and ended in the evening at the head of the College in his the reception area. Day after day I heard one and the same. The battery commander was talking quietly, but with necessary hints to the fact that silence will not work for me the gift. Squadron leader was nervous, shouting, bathed by saliva, waving his hands in front of me, walked the floors his strange gait, which impression that he kept Bouncing on the prosthetic ходуле, suppressed my bass and hypnotic gaze success, as now, his morale officer tried to promote me on душещипательной conversation, crying to my conscience and the best feelings of the soul. The head of the College with me were quite moderate, officially and gently, coaxing, if I just knew what to say, tell about this for the sake of saving not only my friend, but cadet, five minutes officer of the armed forces.

Sometimes together with the head of school in the study attended by Chairman of the state examination Commission, who repeatedly in my presence threw the head of the school assumptions, that, probably, I don't want to be in the ranks of the officer corps, having achieved, in the end, that I'm right in the face and told him that indeed it is my long-standing desire, and then he calmed down and no longer knew how to reach me. His menacing look and fat figure, although his powers, and sent me to some confusion, but, nevertheless, could not affect me so much that I confessed to everything.

Times two or three specially invited on this case I had a conversation with the military Prosecutor, who arrived from the district. He fawned very much in front of me, then suddenly for no reason, no reason launched into a gallop and shook my head fist to squeezed in it "The criminal code of the USSR". But not helped the cause of inquiry and this procedure, I was hard to crack, surprisingly not only them, but himself.

I never told them anything has changed a single word from your version. For the most part I don was silent, following the adage: "a Word is silver, but silence is gold!"

Every day attacks against me made all the weaker, and only occasionally flare, flashed with new force. Only once, already before the state examination, when, probably, it became clear that Охромов not only will not return, but find it not be able too, when the question of where he might have gone to once again become a rib, and the last illusion the command melted as snow in the spring, second, raging, high and the last wave questioning with such a monstrous, furious force, with such a fantastic and unexpected pressure piling on me that I barely kept my legs, but still выдюжил, for he knew that behind my back looms abyss. I almost broke, but withstood all the same this time. I helped my confidence that could save me not someone, but only my own firmness and commitment of the stand to the end in.

This the latest wave of attacks came as a pity, at the beginning of the so-called "Golden week, beloved, long-awaited and fleeting time that separates last state exam, deposited in school, from graduation ceremonies: a solemn presentation of diplomas to всеучилищном building, farewell to the banner, singing, greetings, dinner dance and so on. "Gold" it was called a long time ago and probably that during her when nothing can be changed or change in their destiny, it is impossible to achieve something better, but all the bad things are behind, is relax, indulge in dreams and prepare for a new life, this bright and cheerful, as at this time it seems, without exception, all graduates.

True, it happened so that our course of the "gold" of the week it came out only four days, but they were manna from heaven. However, not all. Some people never fully recovered from the massacre, which it does, whether it is the local population arranged on the square in front of the building of the regional party Committee. Yes and I had not sweet.

I must say that with the beginning of the "Golden week our rate allowed free and unhindered access to the city which was, undoubtedly, a great and long-awaited joy for us, otherwise what is the "Golden" week without free exit?! We released freely, but at the same time in the city increased the number of patrols, headed by officers-instructors with departments who, whether from their own zeal, whether somebody's instruction pick on us, five minutes officers, worse than the cadets for the first year students, and at the slightest пререканию dragged by the scruff of the neck, someone might grab and dragged him to the commandant, and from there on училищную guardhouse, wait there, in the silence of the issue. Guys our intoxicated with freedom, suddenly, which opened its doors on them after so many years of sitting "on the circuit", and indeed shattered in earnest. And, what is most surprising, the most numerous "violators" these days those who previously regularly sat "on the circuit", and now as the chain failed. With similar happened to a lot of misunderstandings and trouble in these happy days. Often fished out in any urban tavern in a completely inappropriate and excited state, "in Board", that is called, drunk. That's really people, how yard deflated chain кобеляки. Those who before похаживал more and less frequently in the city, visited restaurants and bars, behaved and now relatively bearable. Anyway, one of the notorious slackers and самовольщиков in town these days patrols are not detained. Now, in the old entrenched habit behaved meek and below the grass. In General, stability is a sign of mastery. They and in the form of even did not go all out of habit, on the civilian side. It was easier and handier in all senses.

Unfortunately, for me this festive "Golden week was darkened and corrupt fully, finally and irrevocably. I could not accede to any of веселившихся and буйствовавших these days campaigns. I was kept locked up in school and not allowed into the city because they suspected my attitude to the loss Охромова, but prove it could not.

The only thing left to me, this accept his fate and wait, when all end.

Охромов not appeared more Conscience my still disturbed me, but not the acute pain that I felt in the beginning, but some other, dull, aching, брезгучей, but not less adverse and weak.

Only, at least some consolation for my bad position, in which I found myself, was that I was in the money, which none of my friends did things like that, and the fact that finally got rid of contrary feeling eternal the debtor, when all charms, temptations and joy worldly seen through the prism of guilt, when you unpleasant to realize that you live, basically, at the expense of others, in debt that you yourself insolvent person. And this is a very nasty feeling that can spoil and ruin any joy.

However, I'm not all four days spent forever in school, but in addition to the endless seemingly questioning this week has been full and other unusual and strange even if I don't say that terrible events what hitherto me never happened.

Chapter 25.

As I said, I had to make a second onslaught interrogation and выпытываний. And he came exactly at the beginning of the "Golden week", which I was waiting for it than others, fellow College.

It is in those carefree days, the last days in school, the state Commission headed by its Chairman had to do a lot, hidden from us work. She was to sum up the results final state examinations, what is called "knock out the grandmother of their work, and with the results, go on a report in Moscow in the Ministry of defence. There were already making a final decision, issue an order of the Minister of defence on assignment of graduates of our school rank "Lieutenant" and the result.

Take the results of putting "госсов"to bring back the order of work in the rank of and badges with the Moscow mint was the duty of the Chairman of the state examination a fee. He descend into Moscow in a special wagon, after passing the last "госса", then, been in Moscow a day or two, came back with the head of the school held a graduation ceremony, was, so to say, representative of the centre and the Ministry of defense of us at official events, that was providing us and College certain honour from Moscow. That's so and was possible this is the "Golden week", which is so loved, knew about it and were waiting for her, all graduates of all years that passed before us.

In this time, besides, major-General Бибко to fulfill some unpleasant duties.

The first of them was that he drove to Moscow documents on комиссацию twenty people with a graduation rate and the appointment of four disability pensions. These cadets suffered and seriously in the scuffle, which became an attempt to disperse demonstration the urban population. Part of the responsibility lying, probably, and on the General-major, because this all happened during the passing of state examinations and with it, presumably, if not approval, anyway, tacit consent. It seems that it is not easy to carry this unpleasant burden and to report to the Minister of defence that failed at the last moment was excluded twenty healthy, educated, healthy and strong guys, each of which was a small particle of hope and the power of our army, dropped out at someone's frightened, indiscriminate wave of the hand, cast them to the square, the angry crowd. Whose only?

The second of the duties of the Chairman of the state examination Commission was not better than the first. He was to report about much more than disney. He drove report to the chief of the school, signed, on the dismissal from the number of cadets Охромова Gregory of the missing.

The circumstances of his disappearance and remained outstanding. The military Prosecutor's office of the district got on this fact criminal case but it remained unfinished because the only real and actual witness in this case I passed, cadet Yakovlev. And I haven't said has not given any testimony on the case and denied any involvement in the incident. Any materials investigators did not know. Vain were and searches of the city police, which is connected to the case. The criminal investigation has not made a single drop of clarity and found no more or less correct notes, pretexts with which to begin unraveling of the skein.

All secret becomes obvious - so the saying goes. Maybe this is true, but, apparently time to the disclosure of this case has not yet come. And it was closed.

Giving yourself a word, I and now kept until the end, although the attraction of such a reputable forces should lead me in utter awe before the power and strength of the state. But this did not happen.

While my classmates fun ватагами rejoicing as young children, were sent for the gate of the school, I sadly watched them through the Windows of the rooms where with me and talked where I questioned chiefs, members of the state Commission, the investigators of the Prosecutor's office and police and the military Prosecutor of the district. Exactly here I saw this report, speaking to the Minister of defence and signed by a team from my platoon commander and to the Chairman of the state examination Commission, with the request to dismiss a cadet Охромова of the number of students in the school, as disappeared under mysterious circumstances. I saw it on one of interrogations and knew now that such report exists, and that the defense Minister will make a decision on my unfortunate friend. One would think that he meets this report or not, depended on whether alive Охромов Grishka or will be crossed out from among the living.

A report of this as the last argument, the last hope for my prudence shook me at the last interrogation Chairman of the state Commission. And in another letter to the parents of Grisha, where regretfully reported that their son mysteriously and under mysterious circumstances missing. He in the presence of the Prosecutor and the many others who have led me on conversations and interviews made me read all this aloud to "better come down". But even after that I was standing on my and was steadfast, although it cost me a lot of suffering and effort of will. I knew that it was over and this is my last hardness test, arranged me authorities.

Of the four free days "Golden week" for two days I continued to carry the offices, to talk, violently interrogated and passionately scare, but no result.

At the end of the second day in the office of the Chairman state the Commission, in my presence, military Prosecutor closed the investigation into the disappearance of the cadet Охромова, and I have been liberated from the testimony as "непричастного to the case".

Chairman of the state Commission looked at me sadly and reproachfully when you are tired, looking small, rather turbid senile peephole and released on all four sides seems to finally resigned to their fate: to carry in Moscow sad news.

Now I was free, free to two days before graduation ceremonies. However, some problems appeared again, and it was urgent to solve, but that was a SideShow compared with the fact that I just got.

Already two days in a row from morning to our course given in stock form, and everything else that was supposed to have according to the officer clothing certificate. I had no possibility to get it all together with the rest. Now I had to make up the gap.

Night I lay alone in the empty room: my friends spent the night somewhere in the city. In the barracks only a few people who could not exercise their freedom, because they there was nowhere to go.

I too could go and spend the night at his friend with whom broken off relations were severed a few months ago oneself unilaterally, but I did not want to see it or remind yourself in vain appearance, realizing that I'll give her, in the end, it hurts. This meeting would be distasteful to me. The man always remains at the heart of any residue of guilt before the woman he cheated or took it reluctantly, and then also threw at its whim. Because women are trusting and always nourish hope for the best in relation to themselves, and even lies won't teach them, ultimately, to behave correctly with the opposite sex. They again and again into his tenacious paws and complaining about the past, hoping that with the current they will be better in a different way. But the history of relations, as заигранная, broken record, is repeated again and again until, finally, it is not осточертеет, and then влепившись in the latter, they hold on to it, why would they not worth it, creating itself the illusion of happiness and family, which is actually not, because adultery and fornication swallowed up already for a long time, to this sinful world, беснующийся pending the judgment of the Lord.

I tonight it was such a bad mood that General 't want to go out, not that outside of school, but even from this empty and boring room. If I was a dog, you now have climbed would in his doghouse, far away in the corner and whined there from the mad longing. In my mind wandered to some vague and bad premonition. I pretended to myself tried to swing at his head, that all bad things are already behind that there will be only good, but it turned out I had a very bad. I couldn't overcome his homesickness, wantonly engulfed my entire being. Any, easiest and unexpected reminder to myself about Охромове gave me excruciating pain in the heart, or in him: I could not understand, where I have a pain, so much was is my soul. Seemed to me, that, despite the fact that I escaped reckoning, some other, more terrible punishment for treason brought me the sword and ready to put it on my neck. I was scared, I did not know which side to wait now strike. All that threatened me recently, this morning, like gone, gone irrevocably and forever, and at the same time, something more terrible and invisible left to stand, lurking behind my back, and I may of this salvation.

Me even somehow it was terrible to lie on his bed, and like a crazy thought now someone can come here and find me, if I am laid in its place. So I умастился on a neighbor's bed and watched with sadness in my heart faileth this is still one of the hot, Sunny days of July, as further away from the Zenith to the West creeps over the dark blue gross to the black paint of the night, forcing the pale blue, bright stripes of the sky to another алеющему horizon.

In memory I started to come one after another all the intervening days, since when I agreed together with Охромовым participate in this evil and dirty tricks. Perhaps even then I was not disclosed for a long time from what felt that all this will end badly. Then the memory of me in the evening, when we had a quarrel with Gregory and me in the beer bar sat down at the table, a weird old man. Indeed, it was a strange old man, Yes, and all that happened then, too, was no less strange. I rather agree that all the dreaming I be if we Охромовым then not tried to enter the house, where lived the old man, only to other, more complicated, confusing and wrong way. Perhaps, that night, when I sat down beside the old man, and was somehow the beginning of all my failures and misfortunes ended, in the end, the loss of a friend and my betrayal?..

With horror shook my body when in my half-asleep consciousness, one after another floated terrible visions, woven from the полубреда, imagination and really memories of what happened with me. Night chase the Exodus from the old man, his terrible senile smile in the dark, dark well, in which some a strange monster, similar to the crocodile, which I had almost landed in the mouth the will and the strange disappearance of the elder, night похождение with Охромовым and dreams a mysterious and terrible old man, seems to be the same, that hooked me in the bar at the table and took me in his strange dwelling, but never вспомнивший me, no matter how much I remind him of that. And the last thing that come to me, and from what I woke up in a cold sweat and terribly frightened, was the night, when we succeeded in deceiving the bandits and, it seemed, that all will be well. I remembered what helped to perform a forgery: the terrible black hands, covered with resin-black, shiny coat, resembling human, but something subtly different from them. They appeared out of nowhere right out of the darkness and closed their eyes gang leader, faced ordinary cadets notes. They could be, undoubtedly, the hallucination of my excited then to an extreme degree and a frightened imagination, but the bandit could confuse ordinary notebooks with those manuscripts, which he asked? Yes and now in half sleep seemed to me that to my face touched something like that, soft, prickly-fluffy some unnatural illusive elusive.

The room was dark and quiet, as often happened lately. I was one, but it seemed that in this darkness there is someone else, unseen, carefully witness, not so much for me as for my thoughts, seeing through me. I again experienced a cold sweat. I peered into the darkness, and it seemed to me that in the corners of the room, a dark gloomy than the walls. Something lurking and hangs out and looks at me, weightless and invisible, something prowling noiselessly from one corner to the other. I thought that probably soon go crazy from this constantly torments me fear. I suddenly wanted to baptize, but I was unbaptized from birth, besides, he was brought up in the deep veneration of atheism and disdain for any faith, although the sometimes found something strange and unexplained laws of reality.

To return to reality what is happening and finally go roof, somehow I reached into his left pocket of his trousers fell asleep on the neighbor's bed. Under your fingers it зашуршали banknotes, folded in a thick stack. This afternoon yet secretly from prying eyes I checked their authenticity, because it seemed to me that they now disappear or become chopped newsprint, looked at them selectively on the light, checking for signs of water.

Procedure feelings money somehow calmed me, and. feeling that's about to fall asleep, I hardly undressed, put a thick stack large the banknotes in the pillowcase pillows, and lay down sleep in your bed forgetting about the evening fear. However, as luck would have thought again drove away the sleep from my head, and I lay a long time, staring at the ceiling, unable to find peace and sleep. However, the former fear: I felt that the room now except me none.

I woke up in the morning unusually late, about ten o'clock, at half past. Already, a day in the battery was not attire, and nobody shouted a command to "Rise!" There was no one to pick me up and throw on charge, and I felt sorry for the lost once the cadets ' habits open your eyes and Wake up refreshed fifteen - ten to seven, and keep up to lifting already dressed, regardless of what you did the night, slept or not.

On the street already the sun was shining, and long ago began the morning even long the July days. Through the open window the room was filled with a fresh, slightly cool morning air and irrational, flighty and nervous twittering of sparrows, чирикающих somewhere on the roof, just above the window. Sometimes they were thrown down from there either in reaching each other in their incomprehensible to man the game, whether seeing some prey, butterfly, or a dragonfly in flight, and then with loud chirping flashed past the window down, falling stone, and then dreams soared upwards to the roof.

This is a quiet, serene and quiet morning vividly reminded me of those distant and irrevocably gone time when I was still a good boy at school and during the summer vacations daily woke up at such a time, and sometimes later, Rigas in his house, and could have a long soak in the bed-Wake me there was none, because my mother had long been at work.

Now I, too, no one shook and made me jump out of bed, but adult life began, which still depends largely on you, and therefore I could not allow myself a minute longer to remain in bed. I still need to get and to prepare for release form that my friends all have long been.

I quickly got dressed and hastily washed, left the barracks down on the porch. Now I could see the clothes warehouse. At the entrance it was a very long queue, a man of forty, fifty. These were the remains of those who have not bothered to get uniforms and had to postpone such an important matter almost at the last day.

Approaching the queue, I cursed himself on the run that slept, that stood before, and now I will be forced to stay in the queue for several hours.

I took the last and defended in the queue hours, three or four, but would remain for a little more, if not accidentally noticed the guys from his platoon standing much closer. They took me to him and calmed was started making noise neighbors in the queue, standing behind them, saying that I was with them, and departed for emergency needs. Those who stood followed them, повозмущались, but in the end, it ceased, mention the fact that ahead of them will stand for one person. Because of this, I came to the warehouse, when finally deign to appear our College the head of the stores warehouse, красномордый, fat, youthful and cute face, senior warrant officer named Hog, knew all without exclusion of cadets, referring to him as an equal and even perhaps the youngest, just: Pasha - before he was harmless and kindly man, while no one molested, and while he was sober. Even its impressive dimensions did not save him from the familiar reference, and from year to year, from course to course was passed such фамильярное, easy to evil, to his appeal.

This time Pasha quite late and started providing the form only in twelve hours, slowly digging in innumerable, in disarray completed basement barracks that was opposite to ours, where was a warehouse, boxes, and something forgetting and continually asking helped him кладовщицы, which together with us long waited for it, swearing at the door of the warehouse, where the. Pasha recently for the училищным standards replaced warehouse retired sack masters, and so not a firm grasp on this tricky warehouse work. Prior to that, he was hanging out laboratory assistant assistant on one of the chairs, and now and then, and cursed when something didn't work, cursing himself for having agreed to go and accept this stupid warehouse", and left his dust-free and a good job, where he finger about a finger has not struck.

On the advice of кладовщицы, women, has long worked here and поднаучившейся in anti-theft and other things that you need to know to not burn in a similar institution, Pasha ran in ten people, so that they could be follow and took them around confused подвальному maze friendly bunch, so they are not dispersed and not grabbed nothing. The woman, her name was quite rare and strange - Anfisa, went back and customized stragglers. That's the way happened supplies software.

Only cut in half an hour after the opening of heavy bales behind the first batch of ten people left the basement, and I don't know how many, but would remain for a very long time in the tail of the queue, if he had not seen their children.

Finally, launch, and our top ten. We went down to the basement. Pasha, walking between the mountains some sacks and pyramids of wooden boxes, something stupidly guided us, and the storekeeper fix it and sent the case back on track. We went behind our warehouse, and gradually each of us in his hands started quite a weighty burden. After half an hour of this marathon each of us was already pretty big bale with things made of the officer's coat-tents, weighing under полцентнера. It is hard to imagine how much effort it took me to pull him up the narrow stairs leading from the basement, and drag it to the barracks, and then another, and заволочь on the fourth floor of the dormitory.

Here in his room, his breath, I began to realise where to house belongings, so they are not left unattended in the barracks theft flourished there all the time, constantly disappeared then one, then another, good, expensive suits, hats, shoes, wind jackets, watches, magazines, books and even summaries of lectures. Now, for the production of theft took unimaginable scale, and wasted all that bad lay. The most important thing was that the thief had never been caught. So leave form just like that, in a room without any constipation and castle, I do not like. Only yesterday a guy from the next platoon avail scoured the empty barracks - it took just received a tent when he was gone out of her room just twenty minutes in the Studio, to pick up sewn him overcoat, and in another room of the same platoon similarly, the owner had disappeared, chrome leather boots, dress suit, coat, портупея and even a little thing, when he went out to call my wife so that she would come by taxi pick things up. After that he ran around all day in hysterics down the corridor, looking into the room, naively hoping that over him just подшутили, but could not find all was dead serious. And now two days before the release he had to urgently sewing in the Studio expense ceremonial dress to attend the graduation ceremonies, and to buy in stock new chrome leather boots. The rest had no money, but he couldn't even occupy them from someone, because now nobody is held.

Although in my pocket I had a few thousand, a lot of money, I didn't want to follow his example and to burden yourself with new chores and unnecessary expenses, so I dared not leave the form in school. Something had come up with.

And then I came upon quite a happy thought. I forgot about the familiar Grisha Охромова! She came in and gave me a note from him and then said that he is not going more to see him. How I forgot about it?! Now I remembered that day and our meeting under the scorching sun of the July heat. All stood in front of my eyes exactly awake. Her image, subtle features which struck me then, as if personally now floated before my eyes.

Me suddenly, with extraordinary power was longing to see or at least to hear her. Something fleeting, but the magic and great was born in my soul that day, and the memory of it brightened every cell of my body. The thought of this girl like enlighten my tormented conscience, and in his head became light and fast as I was long.

At the same time, have not managed to bright images, as follows, to gain a foothold in my soul, how selfish thoughts повылазили from somewhere in the dark nooks and strangely intertwined with their innocence, with their clean gusts, made me do, however, is the same: to immediately look for her. Wicked was my mind, he could not perceive the just and unselfishly bright and beautiful.

However, I rushed to his bedside table. But tried in vain to find anything about it in their papers. I tried to find a note Grisha she gave me some time. MNA it seemed that it should specify its address. Or not... Охромов seems to have mentioned it to a phone number. But the note was gone.

With unclear, vague melancholy, in which one maelstrom intertwined high and pure thoughts and murky water calculation and selfishness, I sat down on my bed, sad, but suddenly, as if struck by lightning started, jumped, because remembered how Grisha that night before going put me in the locker all his papers and documents. He freed his pockets, which he always had a lot of rubbish, turned me on the bottom shelf stands, where I was always lying unnecessary stuff. Then he, I remember the Maine, said:

-All this debris of the old life we leave here.

This phrase sounded so poetic that in mind I was born poetic lines. I even remember the first of them:

All this debris of the old life

We leave here.

Let the litter crawling with slugs -

Give them a whole.

Take themselves унесемся

In silent dal,

Go away, leave us vow to make

Here the sadness.

Leave the world it boring

Former whim.

That the sky our fat,

At all do not give...

Strange verses, stupid even. I still wanted to write ten or twelve quatrains, but there was no time, we were in a hurry, and then it was just not to the verses, and they almost all have been forgotten.

And only now I suddenly remembered them and still, only thanks to them, that that night Охромов hard draining the pockets in addition to the rubbish was the little, white leather обложечке notebook. In it, I knew it perfectly, Охромов carefully wrote down the address of your new friends, numbering them in order. Moreover, it does not erase them when started new relationships, not to destroy and not even замазывал paste a ballpoint pen, believing that they can ever be useful, and this can happen at any time, quite unexpectedly.

Bullet I rushed to the bedside table, feeling that now, if I don't find this блокнотика, my rough and sudden joy changes, such as deep sense of disappointment and frustration, it may even happen fainted or something like that. Dreading this, but, not wanting to be in doubt, I flung open the door and just dumped impatiently on the floor from the bedside table and all its contents, blasting out desperately for cover. From her with noise showered down any bullshit, something rang and fought, something шуршало, something fell apart, раскатывалось, разлеталось on the floor, but I never did see, I was interested only in a small notebook in white cover.

Through instant, the contents of my nightstand has crumbled around me mixed and uneven, holey carpet, but among the things that mess разлеталось and fell upon the floor, among all these notebooks and pens, paper, plastic casings and Korobkov, compact cameras and bubbles of Cologne, deodorant and other liquids, shaving cream, wipe off spilled razor unit and others, I saw what was afraid not to find what now only think and my heart pounding with excitement, зашлось happiness and unconscious feelings.

Trembling with eagerness and experiences fingers I picked it up from the floor and flipped through a few pages to find the one which Охромов led by the girls believe in your pride. However, looking at her, I nearly yelled with frustration: last here was recorded some Madame, which, judging by the date Dating, recorded in front of her name, surname, he met during the winter, and so, of course, has long separated. Yes me she once and was not interested. I needed only one that came from Охромова with a note that is captured at the moment my thoughts completely. Well its something address and phone number, or even a name and a surname here was not in sight. On other pages Notepad this girl meant it could not, because they were taken careful Grisha different sorts of girls.

Yes, Охромов recently have become lazy and forgetful for his exploits and victory on the love Fonte. With them this first happened. Sorry I haven't been in this little book sometime earlier, it would have reminded him that he recorded his last victory: it would be Oh so now would be useful.

The enraged and angry at the meanness and the cunning of his fate, ready to indulge in hysterics and crazies, I wanted to throw my Notepad with a sweep the floor, but mechanically turned the pages, restraining himself from such conduct and similar encroachments. The remaining pages were empty, only in one place suddenly flashed something dark, similar to the record. I'm thrilled this place again and saw only a certain set of digits, reminiscent of by the number of combinations and location phone number in this city. In any case, the number of characters correspond. I was ready to believe in any kind of miracle: so I wanted to find this girl.

Do not delay another moment and forget about everything, I rushed to call and in the corridor came across his friends, roommates, which is why they came back from the city in school. Pausing only for a moment to say Hello to them and ask them to watch my things and not leave until my return, promising to return soon, I started running further and don't remember how, but very quickly got to the phone booth, near which a few weeks ago beating of the head of the patrol, and then alerted by a guard chased and caught were there cadets. Now here was quiet and empty. Only a few kids were playing in the grass our small garden fenced off from the road with a low decorative wooden fence, hiding from the burning rays of the sun in the shade of drying from the heat and dryness of the weather even from a dusty city atmosphere under the shade of the dwarf and the old poplar trees.

In the booth it was stuffy, stood from the smell of stale разогревшейся, hardened rubber rug air which immediately broke into a sweat. I dialed a number and started to search the pockets of the coin to throw it in this device. In the receiver he heard the dial tone, then someone picked up the receiver at the other end of the telephone wire, but I did not hear him, because not find a coin, and the machine is disconnected.

I jumped out of the booth, but as luck would have it, nobody on the street was as if all gone. I rushed down the street towards the exit of the town, hoping to meet anyone in its path, who would not be sorry coins for the sake of my troubles, and only at the crossroad with Avenue towards caught a little, bent, скрюченная to earth старушенция, walking, apparently, from a trolleybus stop, hardly влачившая their худющие, dried from the long and arduous life of feet in the boots of those circumcised ankle, like galoshes, who looked under this wildly scorching sun, to say the least, uncomfortable, hot. I ran to her, full of hope, that the old lady will not refuse "granddaughter".

-Grandma, рублик not разменяете smaller me so to call is to it. Me urgently need to call, and no trifles, as luck! - I turned to her with an entreaty in his voice, but she continued to walk forward, burying his glance low lowered peephole into the ground, though I was not there, and as if I had spoken with the request.

I thought, maybe not so addressed her grannies - pickiest people, not worse red girls, - and so she don't want to talk to me.

-Grandmother! I said still more affectionate and reverent as possible.

The old lady looked at me, распрямив its согбенную back and hardly looking up from the earth, as if woke up from sleep or unconsciousness. Her frightened eyes first expanded, and then suddenly narrowed and became sharp as a pin.

-Ugh! - spit it so suddenly that I barely had time to leap aside. Antichrist damn! FIE on thee, thou wretch!

I hurried away from the unknown than an angry old ladies. Happened first led me in bewilderment, and then laughed. I imagined how it looked from the outside, the scene: I to the Granny with affection and respect, and she at me like that, like a dog with a special fire. As much spit beginning. And, most importantly, the old lady this плюгавенькая, the half of my growth, sloppy, and the nature, like a Panther, and rushes, where not looking! Really crazy!" - I decided and went on to bus stop, where there were people.

"But I'm really unbaptized! "I thought, however, a minute later when a man to whom I applied, I was counting the coins, выковыривая them out of a handful of little things in his plump little отекшей hand. -But how did she know?!"

I haven't decided yet what to say when talking on the phone and stood near the phone booth at the stop waiting for so long as there is a good long talk a woman, suddenly, almost fell from the surprise.

My heart skipped a beat in his chest, took down somewhere, pulling to the pain, to squeak, to awe, as if титеву bow or a string guitar, his aorta, then turned again, and began to pound, delighted, work with such a furious force in the chest that seemed to me like there's not anxious my heart, and freestyle wrestling, the proud bird, locked up in a cage, rushes to the freedom that will meet with the forces of the puppies will break his некрепкую prison, going to take its flight out of her and never come back. One thousand needles pierced through my whole body, drilling his shrill delight and joy. Breath, as it happened mo me always in moments of excessive excitement, even in the dark for a few moments. I felt that пьянею from happiness. I stood, I looked and couldn't believe the miracle: the one I was looking for, that обыскался, which is now going to ring at random, and wondered whether it is a telephone number that strange cipher on empty and clean page блокнотика Охромова, the walked towards me.

She crossed the road, little pink satin skirt and white mesh shirt-безрукавке with bright colored stripes on the chest. Apparently she just came out of останавливавшегося at a bus stop on the opposite side of the Avenue and now with a bunch of people crossed the street, standing out among all the others with their light, bright and at the same time a simple dress.

Now she turned her head to the right to see all the traffic, and I caught the eyes bend her graceful, long neck, so simple and hardly seems significant, yet charming, all convulsed from bliss contemplation charms. I blew the spot grace, truly Royal become this simple movement, on which none of the others I paid no attention. I suddenly wanted to go to each and say: "Look, what a charming girl! See, she had a Swan neck and Royal become. She doesn't, she soared, floats, glides through the air, not referring to the sinful earth. Just look at what the grace of movement of the arms, hands, fingers! What is the plasticity of her body, as if dancing in her simple movement. I have the impression that seems like it's in a pink haze surrounding it, like a great flower red rose swinging in a light wind. Its movement is the music of the body. Look, look! Look!!!"

I wanted to come and say this to all who stood near the heap anticipation of a trolley bus, but then I was scared that all the really will notice this and will admire it. And then I wanted to see this one, and joyfully felt so good that no one else pays attention to this miracle, and it is available only I, as if it were coming down from heaven only happened to me and for me. I wanted to say is "Thank you!" for what she was, like a miracle, but she was far away, I could neither move nor disclose mouth.

In one moment I wanted to immediately that she saw me, she smiled and not waved a friendly hand, but remain unnoticed, unrecognised, and crawled it.

In a moment while she was crossing the road, my heart was entirely belong to her. I already adored her. My inner voice had called her, but the mouth remained silent and mute. However, my heart was flushed, and her head played March of folly, a spectacular, dazzling, foaming like a glass of champagne, sweet March of folly.

She walked towards me. She walked past me. She walked past me. It has already passed...

I was stunned, in love, confused. I'm crazy in love with her at these moments ordinary simple life, in which she was crossing the street, and I thought I fell in love with her when I saw for the first time.

The woman that we love! You bring us crazy! As a rule, you will not only does not hold any mutual feelings or just sympathy to his fans, not noticing their devotion to you, but to have for them feelings are not so pleasant, hassle them with his determination and inaccessibility, his attempt at nonchalance and indifference. Such is loved by many, and they long to play with fate, experiencing his arrogance the gentlemen of his heart and beauty, until finally. 't find that lost almost all of his admirers, and those who remain do not have such a passion and a willingness to sacrifice their lives for their consent and hands.

Why are you so madly in love men, for what they are killed for you? For what? Perhaps it is for your impregnability thirsting for bodily pleasures brains behind the mystique of your inaccessible for their understanding of existence, which usually is proud commitment loneliness? For the deaf stone wall of alienation hidden abandoned, the bleak garden of your soul, for a long time already depressed to care and affection, longing for a tender and faithful hands, and fearing to be deceived, to put on their land is not the one who hit him and who to Kona will trample the last living still stirrings of hope, will ruin it completely and will leave no stone unturned and from what it was. Afraid of your soul fall into the hands of monster, which is in many men. For your highest pride and the unavailability of hiding, like in a fortress with gentle soul and your thirsty for light love heart, yearning for a joyous feeling shy and delicate nature of the beautiful reverent flower, страшащегося blossoming not then not.

You want to love, but your heart is silent. It is not yet испило the Cup anguish, and suffering the bitter wine of life, those endless, sleepless nights waiting and thirst body that should awaken the senses and give you your only right choice. And only this powerful, crushing all impetus, which rushed by this avalanche of feelings and experiences, tore off from the peak of your high loneliness and the infinite sadness, only she is able to destroy the mighty walls unapproachable and proud expectations.

It is a pity that, as a rule, it happens too late, when the most committed Cavaliers tired оббивать thresholds of your castle, lost all hope for success you have, remember, finally, on its own male dignity for men too eats pride, however, a very different nature - and found a more compliant, сговорчивых, unpretentious, yet happy, and leave you alone. The others all perished without a trace, and you were alone in their невзятой fortress, only the shell of your suffering soul, which at one point after this, too late for real love and feelings, unfortunately, break, break and throw you into the abyss of a life, do not go where you want and where before you could get, and in a strange, неродную bed, where everything will change before you, and you will уступчивее most accommodating from the former. And the former pride of your will disappear, disappear gloss and tinsel, your ugly garden, and not found his gardener, you will see and всеобозреваем in its naked deformity and neglect. And where are all former disappear?

Oh, love! What are you doing to us?! Who has not experienced your suffering? You гнешь and crank on people with passion and крушишь and break their fate as you wish, and move разлучаешь them as you want. Who you reigns, angel or devil, God or the devil, the servants of God or demons? God or the devil sent you on the heads of people? You're the most foolish thing in the world, for the subject you the heart of man, and the reason you do not control. And you're the most beautiful thing there is in life, in the world, because no matter how much suffering and pain brought you, without you, human life would become grey and monotonous. You drive the best forces, all light and good in man and humanity. You feed on the roots ebony Hatred, juices which exude evil, bringing natural to ugly and disgusting.

But the wish of the people, namely your insight and inspiration of hope your live their hearts and souls.

Chapter 26.

Your light, white sandals смугловатых legs passed away, farther and farther, and I looked and looked you after, unable to move.

People came to a stop, sit in the trolley. Those that stood a few minutes ago have already left those that came up, surprised, looked at the strange cadet, fool bristle at the bus stop, роняющего of hands on the ground coin, the coin and if in a dream looking somewhere in one point somewhere in the distance.

And I looked and looked and couldn't see a lot of you. You walked away, and I knew that nowhere you now will not be spared, and I was glad, and I thanked fate for this gift, for the miracle that she made for me. And I already confessed you in love and in the head one after another swept the scene of our Dating and our explanations. It seemed to me that you're feeding me the same adoration, which was full I, at this moment. I saw naked, naked in your body is slender, flexible, slender, young body thee naked and bare, still slightly childish angular, but feminine and delightful, and wondered exactly that combination it would seem two incompatible things, merged in you together: not a bygone childhood and still not coming maturity, which breathed your every graceful movement, every fleeting and small moment of your being, of your image, every turn of the head, every look inquisitive and careful, wary and attentive eyes, in which the lights girlish guile, the innocent and playful, yet chaste and unselfish, followed by a haze of shyness and of some vague me inner humility is not something to his fate, not even with something that was inside of you, inside of you and to anyone except you only knows. Thousands of unsolved mysteries and secrets, movements of the senses can be seen somewhere in the depths at the bottom of these eyes. I've seen it then, in our first meeting, but realized it just now.

I stood at the bus stop not paying attention to anyone of the others, and saw me you're a piece of fluff in my hand, it seemed that now, once you appeared as a miracle in my life, time itself fate sent you to me, I'm captivated by you, and you cannot get away from me, because, perhaps, herself, without knowing it, but somewhere deep within the subconscious feelings you have long want me to be with thee, thou callest me from the depths, from the depths of his soul and want me. Your whole being is without telling your mind, trembles at the sight of me, and only the consciousness of your still not know what he wants your body. But it learns, be sure to know it, give only period. Maybe it already нашептало you this, and only I did not guess.

My head is whirling around captivating dance thoughts. Vortices desires rioted in my heart, and delight immediately followed by the unaccountable sadness and confusion. Any poems, like snow, went on in my mind, and it seemed to me that now in the midst of unbearable summer heat around me slip and falls, the flow in the air, slowly neither fall nor melt, cool white snow. He spun around, similar тополиному Pooh, but not reached the ground, do not lay on it, but somewhere disappeared, and from this fantastic sensations from this incredible and miraculous vision and my head was spinning.

I saw a piece of fluff on the palm,

I knew that it was you in my hand,

Separation, meeting, my dreams chase -

All of us is the same river.

River томленья and bliss,

Earthly Paradise shores,

A simple miracle perfection,

Love green meadows

Spread on all чертогам

Shining green silver.

On rocks, distant mountains spurs

Love rumbles spring thunder.

We prisoners in the fate of each other,

Yet sweet together this prisoner.

Burns national Assembly in the arms of a circle

From our hands carpet нетлен.

Calling me your image gentle,

Stored sleep in my soul,

In the abyss of endless space

RSS. We are together in неглеже.

Communicate there, in the cold darkness

Like the stars. In an eternal way

Joining the heavenly zodiac

In a Union of hearts, know the essence.

The Creator, the Savior and the dust

The custodian, the fate of the messenger.

Christ crucified shirt

We will be bread for the crown...

My полубредовое condition suddenly by itself broke up, like a fragile thread. The one I loved and adored by all those endless moments that lasted so long, deleted all the same воздухопарящей gait, as if I was flying in weightlessness above the ground. Only now between us there were a few hundred metres, I woke up and found the strength to follow her, not even noticing that lost at the bus stop all разменянные coins. Even now when I kinda come to himself, but go ahead if spellbound, unable to tear his eyes away from her flashing ahead of sandals, of which glowed one and then the other heel.

The girl went to the checkpoint of the school, and I had no difficulty dогнать her fast walk. A few seconds I walked behind her metres in five-ten, admiring her gait, where were the charm and elusive charm movements slim antelope, its beautiful, fantastic, long legs, hip which only half have been closed floors skirt, her hair, glittering in the sun all shades of light brown.

At the entrance of the building The CPT she slowed down though hesitation, and doubting, and then resolutely stepped on the steps concrete porch and was by standing at the entrance cadets, дневальных on the cat, her окинувших from head to toe meaningful glances from top to bottom, in which frankly flashed vulgar hunger and shamelessness. They looked at each other and зашушукались between the in her address. But she was independent and proud past them, not paying any attention to their evil jokes and jokes that probably reached her ears, nor on their greedy eyes, literally пожравшие her almost bare, incredible lengths and harmony legs.

The majority of Dating some school for cadets began exactly that with such bad jokes, capable to lead to confusion, any girl, and the same shameless solitary views. Girls, meet a challenge like that, from the very beginning were humiliated position, so the best defense was, perhaps, not to pay and does no attention to similar, but not every courage to do so: for this you need to be fairly confident the same relate to the cadets, if not contempt, and then carelessly, as people lost for a civilized society.

The one that I loved, discovered apparently, this the courage to defy their evil jokes and with dignity passed.

I also went to the checkpoint, tormented by doubts and sudden shyness. In the lobby, in the center of which was spinner, shining their вытертыми to the matte Nickel arcs, and partition, finished under the polished floor meter high, splitting it in two halves, the wall was made of the window with a small, opening for conversation window. There, outside the window, peeking out from behind the pink curtains, sitting in a stately pose Sergeant, the duty on the cat, that talked now with my friend, embarrassing наклонившейся to low lying pane. It was felt that it is not for me to stand in such a position. Sergeant talking to her, obviously teasing and didn't want to her to say something. Here she is in a difficult position.

I came closer to her. She paid no attention to me. The back was the sound of laughter cadets. It seemed to me that they laugh in her address, but I had neither the spirit nor the confidence to turn to him and ask them to shut up. It was not necessary to have a special talent to guess, however, that they are now discussing its position, savoring наиполнейшие variants of its application, which can only come to mind. "Brutes! - with anger I thought to myself. Just think, a man stood so! So what?! Bastards!" If they gave me the slightest pretext, as some put it, then I probably would not endure and накостылял them. But they only laughed behind my back, and they could laugh and on whom everything other: not only the reasons for the laugh.

I remember not so long ago and he often amused himself likewise, he entered the dress checkpoints checkpoint, especially when it was a Sunday or Saturday. Then, even if allowed to go into the city and there was no other reason for the delay, it is still dismissal irretrievably lost due to attire, and no one seems to be was not to blame, but still we were also hurt, and we broke his anger on innocent girls, who came to date someone who was not allowed to go on leave. Here then we like erupted talent mean-spirited, dirty humor, which we were treated to all who could not snap back, and also спошлить to our address. So we tried to entertain and somehow disperse the sadness and disappointment on all the white light that would not in any way отлипнуть. Yes, what an ugly and vulgar words are not covered we attendees of the CPR, how much they have listened to us vulgarity in his address. I was now ashamed of that bad and green youth, in which there was none to develop and keep us good and suppress the growing as weeds bad.

Yes, and I'm not allowed myself these jokes in the presence of their comrades in service. They were often very original and even sometimes is too cruel to the subject of our attention, because then my hungry tongue, unbridled imagination, not утоленное never view firsthand the naked woman and even kisses and touches the female body, classed in their фантасмагориях in this dirt that sometimes it is not in itself became even present at the same time my colleagues who themselves were not averse to спошлить something crazy. In such situations laughter suddenly stopped, and they looked at me so strangely, as if reproaching or saying that this is too much. I always felt uneasy when отмачивал such insults to the address of a completely unknown to me girl, you had no right slinging mud. In me and then said internal shame, but I strongly drowned his voice, trying to find satisfaction soy pride in approval of my choice and caustic comments by comrades in service. This was a kind of cowardice, only fairly thin and delicate, almost imperceptible cowardice, the man who tried to create the authority of the very best way.

I was then those who, not having my girls, I tried to think about all the women very badly. This attitude disappears many when they get girlfriends. But then I was free - and, may be, alone, from such links, but because is free in his vulgar judgments.

Now, after so many years, I was ashamed to recall their past, looking like and I стервецов that were giggling behind me. I thought, how embarrassing had to feel those of the girls, since not every such a young age dissolved and гуляща, which had not fake and real, heartfelt feelings. Our училищное checkpoints was probably worse than the fires of hell, and they were ready to meet with his boys anywhere but here.

And now, in such a disgusting and ugly situation was me and my friend, charming stranger - I don't even know her name. And the most ridiculous and to bitterness offensive was that I couldn't help it: I, too, was once as Joker as they were, and felt no moral right to tell them something against. In this case, I was like a fool, because none of the cadets can't believe that there is someone better than him, but I'm not better.

She continued to talk with Sergeant through the window all in the same awkward posture, and I remembered that here there were also those who, on the contrary, in such cases распущенно and vulgarly put on display their round ass that seemed to have a great and are disproportionately more of those облокачивались on the windowsill, прогибали back, offering shamelessly consider yourself in this position. Maybe those girls and begins the ratio of students to the female sex, as to the subject of consumption and pleasures, as поголовным whores, can therefore it is considered that a decent girl in our school would not come, and there since time immemorial saying, born within its walls: "was Not блядью, so will!"

I walked up to the girl standing next to her, feeling awkward for her and at the same time terrible and joyful, almost light excitement. She still spoke with a duty officer at the checkpoint, but he stubbornly wanted to give her a positive response. Here she sat up straight and desperation brought eyes upward.

Of concern to me thoughts are captured my spirit, interrupted breathing. I couldn't utter a sound, and only looked at her, looked long and intently, fearing that now she looks in my direction and see my fascination with a glance. From the thoughts that I hesitated to even more.

But here's what happened: turning her head, girl suddenly caught a glimpse looked in my direction. Our eyes met, and our views on some instant merged and absorbed one another. In these brief fraction of a second I drank from her pupils, her large marvelous eye so much emotion and dumb words that did not believe that this is possible: so much immediately senses were passed on to me from her that the expression on their words would need one ten minutes. These eyes expressed their first surprise, then they flashed rapid spark of joy, they then with a haze of confusion, and through it already time a sort of despair and grief, which, apparently, their mistress has long grieve. At the last moment I heard, seen, felt in their Nemo, strange incredible language plea for help in something important and difficult and request quickly to help her leave this unpleasant place.

For a few moments they told me so much, how much it was impossible to tell words of the day. I'm only sorry that I didn't end up and are very poorly understood, that they want to Express in his tremulous light.

The girl took a step toward me, but then stopped, evidently wishing I walked up to her. I approached her close. Some time between us lasted not very long, but uncomfortable. Finally, she spoke first deciding to join in the conversation:

-Hello, we seem familiar to you?

-Yes, it seems to be so, " I replied, smiling and blushing.

"You're a friend of Grisha, Yes? Grisha Охромова? Remember, I came to you from him with a note... I brought you from it...

-Yes, I remember, " I said, making deliberately view that just remembered what she says. I terribly blushed, even cheeks lit up with a fever. -Now I'm very well remembered.

She was excited and shining, smiling at her white, even teeth:

-Oh, I'm so glad! You probably, I now пригодитесь and help to find him.

My heart was beating wildly in her chest. It seemed that excitement it's about to jump out from there...

I woke up from the heady, but a mysterious and terrible however, sleep, in which he remained the whole next day after the meeting only in the evening, when was alone in his room in the school. Lying squeaky iron bed, naked, not the first freshness student's mattress, изляпанном spots of various colors and shades, size and origin, - sneaky battery каптенариус has already посдирать with beds and to warehouse linen, Yes, indeed, and he done all right, " I remembered, with an odd, special delight the last hours of this magnificent and wonderful day event which will be remembered to me, if not for life, for a long time, very long time...

Our conversation at the checkpoint did not last long. Feeling embarrassed, I understood unpleasant situation girls, kill snipers раздевающими views hungry eyes of young people, I asked her to and talk somewhere in other place. The girl said to me, saying that, in General, she wanted to see Охромова, and therefore will not be able to follow my suggestion.

"Haven't you don't know? - I was surprised, again suddenly going into conversation with her, and thought to myself: "Where did she know something?"

-And what happened? He again, is in bol

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