Leon Gunin : другие произведения.

Dialogues with Alice - Part Two

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками

(south to Canada)
Part TWO


Lev wrote:



-- By this message I would like to tell you "sorry"
and let you know that if you consider some of my
writings to you an insult - :

  Then forget about me, and I'll never write to
  you again.

   Lev  (Leon) GUNIN


            poetry circle


rust and covey to the angle
where all of us born
thirsty as mango
(second warning)

been as glad as you were
(armoire and lances)
willingly there
are you an angel?

third village riding
(last warning - backslash)
where are you hiding?
pick up nuts bones ash

leaves as yellow as purple
rural road to the ocean
tortured by vulture
(slow motion)

dust and mountains
sun ... empty ... hopeless
i am my fortress....
and dot is my hostess.


close your eyes
can you see your smile?
days are like mice
go sleep awhile

day after day
your cartoon escape enzyme
yellow or gray?
fane or gym?

don't listen to me
i am thirsty and sharp
my eyes are blades
i'm a wolf or shark

this winter i'm a bear
awaken from sleep
i'm a grizzly or a panther
i'm a weep after weep

tell me: you're still alive
grass is your bed
take 'way this knife
live or dead 


price is priceless
life is death
you're a princess
i'm your dad

i'm a northman
my face is ice
my kingdom worth me

wind is windy
dark and wet
you are wendy
i'm your dad

princess wendy
come closer kid
roars are random
sit a bit

sit with your father
read a tale
where are others?
don't worry hey!

storm is over
waves are still
who's your rover
what you feel

you're not in a hurry
we have time
eternity's hurting
and bitter lime


the beach was empty
sea waves like glass
the sand like brandy
under us

all dreams are nothing
be welcomed day
i'm your brother
you sister kay

good morning sister
let's take a bath
you're not a twister
you're alphabet

i'm reading all you
letter by letter
i love and i suite you
better and better

no measure escapes us
i swear it's endless
all drops are wrath
because love is death


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
How very arrogant and like a bully to think that after writing:
                                  "you are a traitor of American interests"
and implying:
"typical Israeli
cyber-terrorists' stamps, which they often use
against critics of Israeli terrorism.  
I have no doubts that you know, why."  
and then passing judgement upon my "mentality"

By the way, this is a typical Israeli mentality.
I am not telling you that - in my opinion -
you are an Israeli. But you might spend some
time in Israel. Or you've been to Israeli
clubs, camps or organisations. Or were in
midst of Israeli environment. Or had several
closest friends-Israelis.       
You assume? I might have changed my mind about you, after specifically telling you otherwise?
I have not.
AND... because I did not express the extent of my outrage to you, a man whom I understand from his personal testament, that few governments desire or tolerate, telling me that I am traitor! to American interests, does not make it more acceptable to me.
Nor did I appreciate the "threat" of being on your web site "if" I did not respond.
That sounded very fascist to me.
You may have ammended, but That remark specifically ...was a major "clue" and warning to me.
You blow it.
YOU are unacceptable to me.
I have expressed this to you, along with the desire that you do NOT write to me.
I wrote this previously and reiterate it again.
Evidently and typical of YOUR mentality, you do not respect anyone else's whims and wishes but your own.
You insult, complain about insults, but do not see the insults you direct. 
I have no desire to discuss them or you in any way or form, inluding the poetical.
That you dwell even momentarily in a fantasy world that considers those insults even remotely acceptable to me,  made better ? by New Year's wishes,  is indicative of YOUR mental state (angry, delusional and paranoid)  and how  YOU treat others (angry delusional and paranoid)
How very typical of the thinking of Arrogant Bully.
I understand this.  I know of countries almost entirely comprised of such machismo and arrogant non-thinkers. I wonder at how their mothers raised them or rather....did NOT raise them.
You, Leon Lev, are acting like an arrogant bully.
I am not impressed by your arrogance, nor will I be bullied by it.
I can not say that I am now surprised by your behavior. Every indication led me to prediction of further lack of respect when I asked you NOT to write to me.
You have crossed lines with me. This is non-negotiable.
You have insulted me, as an American, as to my intent and interests as an American.
You who are rejected by various countries ..Israel? Poland? Russia? Canada? are now a spokesperson for America? Hah.
Are you thinking you are a member of the Bushad?
You insult Israelis about whom I have strong positive feelings with your negative implications and generalizations.
You use the word "dirty" in an ethnic way that is simply intolerable to me.
I am thankful I do not call YOU a fellow citizen.
This is how my "American interests" are now expressed to you.
Chalk it off to "translation"
Gunin Be Gone.
Go Gunin Go.
Vite alors.
Make like an atom
And split.

====== L E O N __ W R O T E ======

This letter.... - I will never send it to you. I'm writing this text only in my mind, without any intention to share it with you. It is only a fixture of my thoughts, a reflection of my sad and somber observations.

I am realizing how difficult it must be to understand my attitude. To see, why exactly I wrote what I wrote, and responded in this - and not in another way - one must be good in reaction and logic.   

A cursory regard could tell an abstract reader that I have allegedly overreacted showing a nasty temper. A smart reader MUST see that you have insulted me not only by what you said, but also by ignoring my particular words, and by emphasizing other ones.  In me you have insulted all Russian people, our Russian culture and our mentality, which is very different from yours.

Even if this wasn't so, a death threat, no matter that it was packed in a fancy cover, is not a righteous response, and your nasty, aggressive attack on me in response to my good wishes and apology isn't a convincing proof of your high morality.   

You are not innocent, Alice in Wonderland, Die Mutter der unmoralischen Vorstellungen.

Your last response is an illustration of your very perverted perceptions, and if some blind people could see you as a "victim of Leon's insult", now they have no doubts about you.

I see your remarks like "that few governments desire or tolerate"
"I understand this. I know of countries almost entirely comprised of such machismo and arrogant non-thinkers. I wonder at how their mothers raised them or rather....did NOT raise them. "

as just another outbreak of your hatred towards Russians and Russia.

You spite out your hatred towards Russians almost from the very beginning. I could smelled it, I could breeze your anger; you only made it fancy and hidden deeply inside your words. Now you've expressed directly what's on your mind.

Here are two examples of your hypocrisy.

// In one of your letters you have accused me in insulting you as an American. You wrote that your views are typical American views - and that therefore I am against United States. Because of my position towards the State of Israel you accused me in being an American enemy. Your style of accusing me of acting politically against America was so aggressive and intolerant that in our troubled time it could theoretically strip me of my security and freedom.

It does not mean that my every electronic mail is searched and probed but theoretically any correspondence between two political activists may be "checked". There is even more probability because of WHO you are. Speaking in brief: you've acted as an informer-provocator in Stalin- Hitler time. In many of your letters you posing as if you were appealing to United States' and Israeli governments saying that I am dangerous, that I must be punished, that I must be imprisoned.

In your letters you're portraying me ("to your government") as an anti-social element, as a pathologically minded criminal.

Regardless of any suggestion of wether or not you're going to report me to Mossad and / or CIA - demanding my death or imprisonment, such a style is unacceptable.

In my response I called you a traitor of American interests. Was this unfair?

Does it serves American interests - when you attack someone's' personality instead of discussing the topic? If you're thinking that you are an image of a typical American: then - does it serves American interests, when you attack fairness, freedom of expression and someone's rights to express different then yours opinion on Israel? If you insult, abuse and disrespect another person only because your views are different, when you're trying to impose your understanding of the "laws" of so called political correctness on others: does it serve American interests?

Why American solders must die for Israeli interests in the Middle East? Why USA must be targeted for its support of the bloody Israeli regime? Why Americans must be punished for Israeli crimes?

Your two last presidents, President Clinton and President Bush, were trying to limit Israeli bully and arrogant ambitions. They made attempts to separate USA from Israeli brutality and injustice. Jewish Zionist influence, pressure from Israel, and people like you have torpedoed their attempts. Freedoms and rights of American people were restricted instead. Tell me that you are not a traitor of American Interests, that you did not take a discussion about the nature of the Middle East conflict in the wrong direction on your web site.
You ARE a traitor.

(Next part of my letter I'm trying to write with a "Russian accent"; so, if you'll find some inappropriate (to English norms) stylistic and grammar: don't be afraid: this is a part of my entire plan of expression)

// In your last (presently discussed) letter you wrote:

"You who are rejected by various countries ..Israel? Poland? Russia? Canada? are now a spokesperson for America? Hah."

You already knew from my letters and from my web site that I wasn't rejected by Israel but was held by Israel in a certain degree as a prisoner - and escaped from there by my own will: not because I was "rejected". Poland never rejected me. My stay in Poland was never discussed. However, I know that Poland has laws, which made a refuge in Poland very problematic. But this is a completely different topic. I WAS in Poland several times, having an official visa and enjoying a marvelous hospitality. Yes, Israelis have kidnapped me from Poland, and Poland must share some responsibility for this, but - again - it has nothing to do with "rejection".

I was never a citizen of Russia. I was never registered by "propiska" (a municipal habitat registration) in Russian, and so, I have no rights to claim Russian citizenship. However, if I would appeal for an asylum in Russia, I think that I had good chances in obtaining it. Canada never "rejected" me. On contrary, I was given a refuge in Canada, and this alone would be enough to generate warm feelings towards Canada and Canadian people. I don't have Canadian citizenship yet: because of objection of some forces like Bnei Brith. Zionist lobby in Canada and Israeli embassy have persecuted me and my family members through Canadian Immigration, this is true. But I don't accuse Canada. Sometimes Zionists dictate Canadian Immigration (and WITHIN Canadian Immigration), what to do.

Canada is abused by Israel and afraid to raise voice when Canadian citizens are held in Israeli prisons (for crimes that they have never committed) - and tortured. When USA citizen, a Christian activist, Rachel Corrie, was brutally killed by an Israeli military bulldozer because of her protest against Israeli actions on occupied territories, USA did not raised its voice. I don't believe that such a behavior serves American interests. It only weakens America, and shows that USA has no moral values, no principles, or, if has, then simply capitulated before Israelis.

You knew all this. You also knew that my native country is Belarus, and this is the first, and the only country that has "rejected" me indeed. From Israel I appealed to Belorusian consulate trying to regain my lost citizenship - and WAS rejected.

Why then you did not mentioned Belarus as a country, which has rejected me indeed? It is simply because you know that in USA any one, who's in opposition to the present regime in Belarus, is a hero, and to be rejected by Lukashenko's regime is a big plus, not a minus.

Lie is a nature of your existence as a member of Israeli-based organization "NP". Lie is the very basis of Israeli political culture, science, education, etc. Israeli lie is poisoning the world.

Your pathetical expressions like "I am thankful I do not call YOU a fellow citizen.", "You have insulted me, as an American, as to my intent and interests as an American." are coming from the Stalinist time and carrying Stalinist standards. You are a totalitarian-minded self-proclaimed "liberal", who has nothing in common with values of democracy, freedom and liberalism. People like me, who were born under a totalitarian regime, can really appreciate freedom and democracy in a country like Canada, seeing without shores your anxious efforts to destroy these values.

Your next phrase is a clue for all your insults and accusations:

"You insult Israelis about whom I have strong positive feelings with your negative implications and generalizations".
This is a real reason behind your last letter, not the fact that I wrote to you.
However, you are calling my justified and honest disapproval of the nature of the Israeli regime an "insult" without having any rights to do so.
In the end of 1990-s 2 countries - USA and USSR - understood that they can not arm and feed longer enemies of Europeans in the third-world's countries: fighting each other for the cost of their own prosperity and security. This led to the end of the Cold War. The end of the Cold War led to a massive Israeli invasion in USSR, when tenth of thousands of Israelis started to visit USSR, to speak with local Jewish population, to spy on local authorities and activists, and formed a militant Jewish infrastructure within ex-USSR's territory. Bnei Brith, Sochnut, Chabad, Israeli Ministry of Absorption, and other Israeli organizations, formed their strongholds in USSR, and influenced local political stage. In United States and Europe, Jewish extremist organizations formed an opposition to the end of the Cold War, trying to convince the West "not to trust" Soviets, and to continue with economic and political pressure. This is how and why ex-USSR began to disintegrate. I have no pity towards the Soviet regime, but I did not welcome the way USSR was disintegrated, and conditions of this disintegration. In the post-Soviet era Israeli regime and the most influential Jewish organizations in Diaspora have committed new crimes against Russia and Russian people.

This is why my relative, a poet and translator from Russia, M. G., wrote:

"И тут проявляется еще один факт, подтверждающий захват глобального контроля в руках экстремистски-сионистской элиты - ведь именно с их подачи США оказывал экономическое и кредитное давление, диктовал условия посткризисной России времен начала 90-х. И именно уже внутри России действия пособников этого давления - олигархической теневой верхушки, захватившей бывшую партийную собственность - привели к тому, что, утеряв весь свой капитал и идя на совершенно бездумные уступки в стратегических вопросах, Россия потеряла основную часть своего влияния на стабильность в мире. Усиление американского военного присутствия в Европе, расширение НАТО, которого нельзя было допустить и которое должно было по договоренности быть прекращено в обмен на вывод советских войск из Германии - закономерный результат этого."

"Here we have another fact that confirmed the capture of the global control in the hands of the extremist-Zionist elite. It is from their referral USA placed economic and credit pressure, dictated conditions to the post-crisis Russia in the beginning of 1990-s. Inside Russia actions of the collaborators of this pressure - shadowy oligarchy pyramid, which captured the whole former party ownership - have resulted in (weakening of the country). Loosing all its capital, accepting totally unthinkable compromises, Russia lost the main part of its influence on world's stability. Strengthening of US presence in Europe, widening of NATO, which should not be allowed, and which should be stopped under an agreement in exchange of the pulling out of the Soviet army from Germany: are logical results (consistent patterns) of this."

This is why my another relative, London-based architect, writer and historian, Michael GUNIN, wrote:
"Не стоит сомневаться в том, что израильские сионисты делали все, чтобы поддерживать предвзятое отношение к получившим образование в Советском Союзе инженерам, ученым, музыкантам, архитекторам. Они хотели приговорить любого, кто иммигрировал на Запад из бывшего Союза, распространяя ложь о нашей якобы "плохой репутации."

"No doubts that Israeli Zionists did everything to support a bias against Soviet-educated engineers, scientists, musicians, architects. They wanted to curse every one, who immigrated to the West from ex-USSR, spreading lie about our "bad reputation".

More then 10 years after the end of the Cold War Israeli Zionists are still furious about people, raised and educated in ex-USSR, especially against people of my generation. LIstening to their "opinion" some of you, Americans, still see us as potential criminals, terrorists and mobsters. You only don't say it loudly enough.

I am glad that I managed to show you that my "Soviet education" in the general sense could be easily compared with the level of such well-educated, working, circulating in the top-level environment person as you are. My English literacy is almost as good as yours, and in the artistic sense I am much better then you. I speak and I know not only English; I know several languages that you don't know. I am as good in logic as you are. Through me you received a chance to listen to another side, not just to Israelis. However, you did not want to listen. You have your stereotypes, and you prefer to know exclusively Israeli side of the story. You don`t want to know the truth. So, who's guilty?

Most of Russians might be more spontaneous and unpredictable then most of the European-Americans (by origin or by culture - or orientation) from the big cities. However, they are ready for regretting their conduct and will tell you "sorry" when there is a ground for this. You (I don't mean all Americans; here I speak about you personally) will never apologize. I can not say that you don't have consciousness, but the consciousness is an ethoteric substance, which voice must be heard. It does not situated inside people, but comes from other worlds. As most Jewish secular liberal-educated conservatives, you are - like them - not educated to understand the voice of consciousness. Calculated and controlled anger and unfairness is much worse (under the rules of ethics - which is not a logical. But rather a mystical thing) then uncontrolled. You cynicism towards the evil of the state of Israel is inexcusable. It is extremely bad from within Israel, but even worse from outside. Because of your cynicism (and ideology of people like you) America is going to die. And this is very bad for our civilization.

Non-tolerance to variable opinions and free expression, "political correctness", desire to crash, to smash your ideological opponents have led us to another dark time, when dissidents are going to be burned alive, tortured, poisoned, killed, weakened and eliminated by medical tools. You're bringing the world on verge of hell.

Cynicism and amorality have already made Israelis and Americans the most detested folks in the world. I think that this is unfair towards Americans. I believe that most of Americans are not like you and not like someone, who's even worse then you. Americans are not that bad. They are victims of Zionist control over United States and of support that their puppet governments give to Israel. I would like to see America strong and independent from Zionism and Israel. I don't see any liberalism in supporting the brutal Israeli regime.

You guys can unfairly accuse me, you can deprive me of medical treatment, of using social assistance and libraries, you can kill me: but this will not free you from the moral burden of being treating me unfairly. More outrage you produce now - more consequences you will face soon. And your unlimited hatred towards Russians and Russia will not serve you for good.



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