Lev Gunin : другие произведения.

Canada... A Police State?

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками


the present document was uploaded to this site 13-02-2006
and updated 22/04/2006



From the Publisher

Alexander H.'s case is the best illustration of a direct global connection between neo-cons, evangelists' / Protestants' neo-orthodoxy, and the world-wide Israeli-Jewish repressive machine. This case reflects an alarming growth of the global Israeli GULAG's population. In Stalinist Russia GULAG was a system of the worst in modern history concentration camps. Israeli occupation regime created a GULAG-style majestic (territorially and by term of its existence) concentration camp for Palestinians, defining its victims by birth (on ethnic (racial) ground).

Generations of Palestinians were born and died inside this colossal prison, surrounded by fences, barbed wire, walls, military checkpoints, and watchmen-guardians.

In last 15 years Israeli regime is trying to apply its West Bank monstrous model globally. First, they expanded it into Lebanon, and later into so called Western World, where thousands of anti-Zionists (Ernst Zundel, David Irving, etc.) or other dissidents were accused and charged with various charges. In every so-called democratic country there is an Israeli (Jewish extremists') "public" watch-dog organization or more often organizations (like B'nay Brith, its ADL (Anti-Defamation Ligue), Beitar, JIAS, etc.), which elicit passive or active anti-Zionists and denounce them to (loyal to Israel) local authorities, or confront them in court. Having a huge and governmentally-supported (we mean the State of Israel) judicial, financial, organizational, liaison, lawyers apparatus Jewish extremists' organizations can defeat any private person unconditionally. B'nay Brith, Mossad, Beitar and other Israeli-Jewish organizations became world-wide inquisition, KGB, Gestapo, SS, and SD altogether.

Privacy laws, Charter of Rights, and other constitutional and non-constitutional human rights' defending tools were obstacles for creation of world-wide Jewish concentration camp. This is why they needed such "special" martial-law legislations as the infamous Patriotic Act, and other medieval draconian feudal measures. Orwellian total surveillance has been already brought into life. Surveillance cameras, placed in parking lots, Metro stations, buses, stores, residential buildings, banking machines, public toilets, medical facilities, - everywhere - became an irreversible Neo-Feudal enslavement mechanism. As complete feudal dependence was based on total control and deprivation of privacy, total surveillance is playing the same role.

Every one noticed that the surveillance cameras and Internet-surveillance did not make our world safer, but, opposite, only increased violent crimes, fraud, aggression, etc.

Eliminating social warranties, privacy, Charter of Rights, and other shields against tyranny, Jewish Zionists established a dusky surrealistic world, in which we live: world of injustice, judicial mayhem, and lawlessness. In the most influenced by Jews country - United States - Jewish extremists have managed to pervert all values of our European civilization, and replace them by their medieval laws. 40 millions of American citizens have no access to medical services; 15 millions are homeless; and U.S. prison population is already a GULAG-size.

Having no lawyers, no legal defense millions of underprivileged innocent people are accused and sentenced in modern US just because they are poor. During the Katrina hurricane tragedy huge numbers of them were hunted and killed by the regular army without mercy and without any court decision. Tortures became a rule in today's U.S., and the situation in general is comparable to inquisition, French or Russian revolution, or Hitler terror. This system, this model, this style was imported from Israel, where it was tested on Muslim and Christian Palestinians, Orthodox Christians and new immigrants.

World-wide Jewish extremism has created a new kind of neo-feudal Jewish elite, which rules in "sectors": countries and areas.

Canada, a U.S. neighbor, became a battleground for the further expansion of "Israeli model", where "general intimidation" ("whatever you do, you're never innocent") and repressive style of the justice system are accompanied by elimination of social / human rights and freedoms.

Alexander H., my former piano-composition student, was unfairly accused of child pornography trade, and may receive up to 10 years of imprisonment verdict. In his case we can clearly see that even without elimination (as de facto in US) of the legal aid system, Canadian authorities have forced every legal aid lawyer work for police, counsel for Crown (procurator), and the judge (vs. the client). Alexander actually does not have and never had any legal representative. All legal aid lawyers that "took care" of his case, acted against him. They did not dare to obtain and present to Alexander evidence that the Crown and judge had to support their claim, nor dare they to present Alexander's arguments to support his claim of innocence. (Even his last lawyer only "touched", but did not insist on key questions). Evidences of his "guilt" were revealed very selectively and gradually, not per se, but strictly in response to his own complains (to police deontology, etc.) or arguments. For example, only after Alexander's letter to the judge, in which he stressed that never demanded, asked for or discussed submission to him child porn, his lawyer began to tell that the German police may anonymously contact Alexander through one of its agents. And again, no facts or documentary report, only talks. Every peace of such "evidence" emerges as a counter-argument directed against one or another one of Alexander's arguments, and therefore can not be trusted. In other words, if Alexander would never touch "this string", such "evidence" would never bring to life. Speaking about chronology, all such "evidence" appears postfactum.

Intimidation threats against Alexander began to arrive in response of his web site "Conference "Byelovodye". Anonymous correspondents "promised" a reprisal for his activity, and predicted a police case against him.

Alexander did not take these threats seriously, and laughed at my "paranoia", when I warned him that the "Conference "Byelovodye" site - and file sharing server - are non-coexisting activities, as the ftp tool leaves a widely open door for provocateurs and intimidators. He asked me why should Jewish Zionists be interested in closing his "Byelovodye" site, and I suggested that the Judeo-extremists want the Jews to be considered as one of the most ancient nations, and don't want to see Europeans as old (through Vedy) as them. I gave him dozens of other suggestions. However, he did not listen to my advices, and did not shut his F-Server down.

Germany was not chosen as a mediator in this plot's scheme coincidently. A defeated country, she was forced to buy forgiveness and end of sanctions / reparations by a lucrative obedience to Jews. Considering Germany's war crimes against European Jews, Israeli Zionists love to test measures of this obedience. Germany became a cozy spot for Zionists' intrigues. For me the very expansion of this conspiracy from Germany is a self-speaking evidence of the "Jewish connection".

Crown prosecutor was not chosen accidentally. As a puritanical activist, and neo-conservative religious advocate he has a clear conflict of interests. Son of a priest, and very conservative-minded person, he was purposefully chosen for Alexander's case.

Alexander has turned to his local deputy, claiming that his constitutional rights were violated in various ways. However, as we can see in Germany, then in USA, and now in Canada and other countries, repressive institutions like police, RCMP, Immigration, Intelligence, Federal Court, and so forth, placed themselves (with USA-Israel and Jewish lobbyists) ABOVE the government and ABOVE elected peoples' representatives, and ABOVE constitution. In North America the Federal Court is deciding who won the elections, and criminal cases on candidates of one party are opened DURING an election campaign in response to rival party's unfair denouncement: this is an end of any formal democracy. Repressive institutions are out of public control; THEY became the Legislative Assembly, the Executives, the Governors and Rulers.

Non-doubtful connection between world-wide Zionist networks, Israel, neo-cons, police in Germany and Canada, governmental lawyers and experts, and Evangelists neo-orthodoxies was reflected in Alexander's case as in a mirror.

Alexander is an extremely gifted person, a pianist, composer, programmer of games, and architecture photographer. He's also an advanced philosopher / thinker, interested in phenomenology and theology. Characteristics and descriptions, given to him by police and the Crown Prosecutor totally mismatch his real portrait.

As a talented and educated person, Alexander could analyze details of his case, and made a laconic resume of its specific characteristics.

Below you can find a copy of Alexander's letter to the Judge.



From Alexander H.
Address: (...)
Telephone: (...)


From Alexander Kharlamov



To Honorable Judge __________________________________




First Part
: About My Case.
Second Part
: Injustice, Tedious Presentation of Facts, Distortion of Truth

Third Part
: My Expectations


1. On February 05 2003 I was arrested by police, some of my father's belongings have been confiscated; I was interrogated, and accused of child pornography trade.
Ignoring my claim of innocence, all my explanations, and complains about violation of my rights, rough manipulation of facts, distortion of truth (etc.), the Prosecutor sustained all accusations against me, and gave green light to an eventual verdict of guilt, leading to potentially 5 -15 years in prison.
I was blatantly presented as an "anti-social" type, and profiled as a "born criminal".
I feel that I will be unfairly accused and punished for crimes that I never committed....




1. Threats and promises of reprisal through police.
In July-August 2002 unhappy about my web site --- belovodie.h1.ru --- opponents of my views started to threat me, promising different types of reprisal, including an arrest and imprisonment.

Since then our computers were periodically attacked by viruses, and trojans. Intruders did attempts to move directories and files from place to place. Also the ICQ tool was potentially a wide window for intruders.
As I was told by Police, someone in Germany made a complaint to the local Police, and this is how the whole case has started. Regarding the threats, I would like to know, how and by whom this complaint was made. Was it made by a specific "public" organization? Soon Police in Montreal was ordered to monitor secretly my father, brother, and me.

2. I live together with my father and my brother. For some time, I had an "F"-server (an IRC file server which comes with many IRC chat clients), dedicated for sharing self-designed programs, my music compositions and wide range of picture collection (including naturism) with other amateur collectors, programmers and music composers. This was a prime (single) goal to have such a server, and nothing else. My collection has nothing to do with child pornography, as it has been presented in the courtroom. The "F"-server was not installed by me for naturism pictures, but for art photography. File server worked in fully-automatic mode: there was no control over what files were sent to me. I could not stop viruses or Trojans for I could not afford an antivirus software. However, software that eliminates malicious child porn submission did not exist as far as I know.


3. Never have I tried to exchange, trade or receive child porn. Nowhere in my correspondence nor by phone nor in the file server rules did I state any intention to receive any obscene contents:

- Therefore, there was no my direct or indirect initiative or efforts in what I am accused.

- The rules of the server even specified that I did not want to receive certain photo series that are known to contain obscene material.

- I never sent any pornographic material to anyone, by any means of correspondance.

4. Arrest:

- In order to force me to make a confession and break my will, Police used illegal methods, of many of which I filed a complaint to Comissaire a la deontologie policiere under number 03-0584:

a) They pointed a gun at me from a distance of 1 foot.

b) They tendentiously photographed our apartment in order to present me as a dealer. The office cabinet they photographed was bought at Salvation Army store only because of its extremely cheap prize. Several PC's they photographed were used for my programming projects, and not for any kind of illegal trade, of what they were non-doubtfully trying to make an impression on the photos.

c) They tendentiously presented all facts. For example, when they saw my father in a car with a laptop, they made a conclusion that he was using internet, regardless of the fact that there is no possible internet connection from inside the car, and no wireless laptop LAN tool.


5. Interrogation.

Using deception as a tool and the fact that my English is poor (unfortunately, I have failed English class in 4 semesters in college), they made me to sign something that I did not mean:

- They used my nickname in chat room "Beautycollector" as an automatic proof against me.

- During interrogation they made an attempt to recruit me to join the police as an informant computer expert/hacker (to testify against hackers and amateur programmers).

- During the interrogation they asked me if I had a girlfriend in order to use that as a proof against me. (Then we can accuse Jesus Christ, monks, and other categories, linked to the celibacy).

- They informed me that they manipulated fates of my father and brother in order to force me to sign the interrogation protocol.

- They presented file exchange ratio of the fileserver as an unbeaten proof against me, ignoring the fact that the fileserver was used solely for exchanging the Art photography, and not pornography.

- They equated having a fileserver to breaking the law.

- I signed the declaration voluntarily, however did not fully understand grammatically some sentences and not fully realizing meaning of some others. These violations were not the only violations employed by Police.


6. The Police expert has totally distorted obvious facts and several technical specifications of file server, and has tendentiously presented some others:

- At some point he stated that DCC-chat request can only be sent by server when the server administrator in person is present at the server keyboard. That is not true: server sends DCC-chat requests automatically.

- When he was asked how many pictures totally were available on the server, he said that he does not know, because he was asked only to find pictures containing child pornography. Thus he is intentionally hiding the numerical percentage (ratio) of how many pictures on the server were NOT child pornography.

The point is obvious here. With tenth or hundreds of thousands of pictures in the computer it is not possible physically to find and eliminate every malicious child porn submission. The correlation between the number of picture files in general - and the pornography found would convince any impartial person that there was no goal of collecting pornography here.

7. Before agreeing with the given number of files, presented to me as "child pornography" and allegedly found on my hard drive or / and backup CDs, I would like to know:
- If all of these files were correctly interpreted as child pornography.
- If there were no deleted files among them.

8. In Court everyone spoke in "Aesop" language, hiding from me the details of what exactly I was being accused in.


9. Complete ignorance by prosecutor, police and judge of 2 fundamental facts:

- Total lack of control over the contents of incoming files.

- Impossibility to check tens of thousands files.

These two questions are key points. The whole accusation is based on ignoring these two, and yet when the expert was asked by the lawyer about them, his answers were the following:

1) - Can files get into my pc without my awareness?

- Yes.

2) - Is it possible to write a backup CD without seeing the contents of files?

- Yes.

10. The prosecutor, who comes from a family of an old-fashioned priest and a carrier of extremely conservative puritan views, and who in his prior occupation has been known for his prejudice towards national minorities was not appointed to this case "without a reason".



I ask anyone, who is concerned, to render me help in next demands:
- Decision in my case should be postponed because of the multiple violations of my rights and obstruction of justice.
- A new prosecutor and (if necessary) judge must be appointed.
- All facts and explanations that I have presented in this letter must be mentioned and responded (confronted) by prosecutor and judge.
- All indirect and / or unclear proof that they are exploiting must be explained and defended by them, instead of using blatant formulas, like "I don't believe him" or "he's lying".

Yours truly,
Alexander H.

2005, December 23, Montreal




Thus, Alexander at first was warned about a reprisal for his project "Byelovodye", then apparently by small portions (as I assume) child pornography was submitted to his file server. It could be done by anyone: from Jewish gendarme institutions, such, as B'nay Brith, to German police itself. Assuming, or, most likely, knowing through informants, that Alexander - as millions of us, users - do regular routine backups of the content of his hard disk (as it usually happens: without a scrupulous analysis of files), the conspirators were sure, that during a search the "evidences," sent by them, will be found.


New criminal legislations, entered in the majority of the "democratic" countries under the pressure of extremely conservative circles, have legalized per lustration of correspondence and checks of personal belongings without any judicial sanction, and also have inserted moral questions, which after the division between Church and State were a prerogative of a person, in a circle of the competence of judicial bodies. Obscurantism and sadly known customs police were actually revived. The presence of children pornography in a computer of personal usage is a sign of a deeply immoral behavior of its owner, but at the same time it is a personal moral dilemma, which in a society that recognize civil rights, can not be solved through application of the criminal law.

From all we know police is rather liberal towards the producers of child pornography, and strangely severe with "offenders", who happened to have some child porn (even a single file) in their computers. This unbalanced equation between producing child pornography and "possessing" it ("possession" often leads to a malicious submission to "offender's" computer through a Trojan or virus) already raises extremely harsh questions. But when such "offenders" are punished by prison terms, the same as provisioned for violent crimes such as murder: this is a judicial mayhem, this is a tyranny.

Pure, clean, naive and innocent images of naked children, which in different cultures during thousands of years were connected to eminent feelings of tenderness, love, fatherhood and motherhood, were announced outlaw. Judaic Pharisees have deformed, turned inside out our European culture, all her values, accompanying this satanic campaign by destruction of monuments of history and architecture, products of European art, and demolition or reconstruction of churches.


At such rates of elimination of our rights won by centuries of struggle against obscurantism and tyranny, tomorrow criminal prosecution will threat us for an out-marital relationship, for "simple" (not children) pornography, or for reading of pornographic literature. Too "courageous" passages in books will be blackened out by the censorship (as it was in USSR), and a prison term will await anyone for any pornographic image. Not only for direct "body trade" for money (however, in Japan, for example, institute of Geishas has an official and respected status), but also mere for "immoral behavior" women will be punished. And hundreds of thousands of hungry males (again - as it was in USSR) will rape and from time to time kill.


It is even more terrible, that all these recent "laws enforcements" give the authorities an additional possibility of punishing the dissidents. And those do not miss this opportunity....


Update in Kharlamov's Case

In my previous materials (like zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/g/gunin_l_m/policestate.shtml) I described highly politicized and 'ideologized' persecution of my former student Alexander Kharlamov (Harlamov) as a form of totalitarian repression. Indeed, this case is unique, and reflects an attempt of widening political repressions in Canada.

If there will be no public outcry, no protests and opposition, then the same draconian approach will be applied to a considerable number of innocent people, which will lay the first stone into foundation of a new-born Canadian GULAG.

Gestapo methods and wide persecutions of innocent people have been practiced for decades by controlled by Jewish extremists Canadian Immigration (by then it was an 'isolated' from Canadian legal mainstream 'private land'). Infiltrated by ardent Zionists and 'for ever' ruled by Jewish-Israeli Ministers of Immigration, this institution became 'a branch of B'nay Brith', a lab for developing sophisticated or just blatant methods of provocation and oppression. Today they apply these methods to every Canadian citizen.

There is no need in a new description of events. Let us put accents on main violations of justice in Alexander Kharlamov's case:

1) Serious violations of laws, rules and regulations, and common ethics by Police (in comparison with Coroner and Judge's actions the policemen acted as mere innocent guys).

2) Lawyers' conspiracy (or - with Alexander's last layer, Maitre Graton - 'subordination') with Police, Coroner and Judge, against their client.

3) Coroner and Court's refusal to present (to Kharlamov) their key evidence and material proof, consequently, blocking his rights to present counterarguments, i.e. to defend himself.

4) Lawyers', Coroner and Court's refusal to classify (register) Kharlamov's proof of innocence, his complaints and claims, and to respond to them. Even Kharlamov's letters to lawyers, Police, Coroner, and Judge were left unanswered or unconsidered. Thus, the whole procedure was organized so, as if Alexander was prosecuted without his consent. Even a military tribunal must listen to a prosecuted, considering the words of an accused.

5) Dramatic contradiction in technical experts' statements, and their rough misinterpretation of basic, elementary technical things.

6) Confiscation of Alexander, his brother, and his father's valuable items. None of them received a list of confiscated items, or / and a confiscation act. Therefore, this was not a confiscation, but rather an expropriation, or an act of vengeance.

7) On April 07, 2006, a conclusive Court's hearing took place. A prison sentence was announced, together with Judge's decision to destroy all evidence, police dossier, all materials of the case, everything that relates to Kharlamov's case. This was just another decision that transformed a simple 'criminal' case into a category of NKVD-Gestapo-Mossad-execution-style action. Alexander's father, his brother and friends fear for his life.

8) Alexander's legal aid (free) layer immediately announced that he would not consider any appeal in his client's case.

9) Alexander Kharlamov was not given any official Court paper (which is required by criminal justice system and all general laws in any country of the world (both democratic and non-democratic), including Canada), and was placed into Montreal main prison (near Henry-Bourassa metro station) WITHOUT receiving any accusation (conviction) act. Incarcerated without a written Court statement, he might be held in the prison infinitively. He is also not able to make an appeal and / or consider and compose an appeal.

10) All Coroner and Judge's actions have put Kharlamov case into a category of so called extra-judicial persecution, which is practiced by oppressive regimes, military rulers, etc.

11) Calling from prison, Alexander told me that any one with short-term conviction, who committed a non-violent crime, is released after 1 month (if first time detained), However, Alexander's prison agent has already announced that will not approve Kharlamov's release after 1 month. This fact backs up our most grizzly suspicions.

12) I appeal to all people of free will, humanitarian organizations, honest politicians, celebrities, and layers-activists, asking for help. Alexander Kharlamov must be considered a political prisoner (because of his (Russian) origin, law-income status, his lifestyle, non-ordinary (talented) personality, and because he became a victim (scapegoat) of inter-governmental propagative, ideological and political campaign of law enforcement) and defended by international rules. Please, help saving him from iron claws of outraged injustice, bringing his case to faire revision.

Yours truly,
Lev (Leon) Gunin



2006, Apr. 21


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