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The Luminance Of Theta

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Endless time in starful void
Flowing to black spots between worlds
Touched a place - a distant planet
Situated somewhere nearby
Though we don't know where exactly
Touched and light was seen in skies there
There in skies of distant planet.
That was not a common sunshine
Not is was nor warm nor brighteous.
Cold - as darkness all around.
Cold it was and every lifeform
That exists on distant planet
Melted in the rays of greenness
Melted in the rays of strange light
That persuaded dark to fall off
In the Luminance Of Theta
Mindless sun in skies of planet
Watched the stones gently lying
On the sands, the sands of desert
That exists from days before days
That was there before Creation.
Shadows of the stones of desert
Jumped around in eerie joyness
Though the stones were not moving
(They were lying there forever)
Though the rays were also steady.
Now they drowned in endless green glow
Coming from the skies above them
Higher of the place the sun was
From beyond the distant planet
From beyond the stars in night sky.
Mindless sun that watched the desert
That produced the heath of summer
And the warmth of days in winter -
Now it stood without motion
Looking down with insane feeling
Watching stones dissipating
In the Luminance of Theta
Birds with bright eyes and red feathers
Walked on sands in peace and dimmness
They were searching for the something
For the thing they have not found
When the skies were dark and cloudy.
Mighty birds they were in somedays
Till the days the light appeared.
Now the fattness filled their bodies
Now the blackness touched their eyelids
When their muscules disappeared
Like an ice in hot stream water
They were feeling sick and poisoned
While walking desperately
Watching flies fall from of the bright sky
Here and there in the sunshine
In the cold and deadly sunshine
In the green and beastly sunlight
Of the Luminance Of Theta.
Flies from swamps behind the mountains
Circling the ancient desert 
They were One and they were Many
They were Single they were Hundreds
They had eyes but had no I"s
Simply nothing for the single
Nothing for the one of Many
When the fly said I am leaving
I am I and you are nothing
You are instance of the template.
Staying here will kill all selfness
All my seeds of self uniqueness
And the swarm was minus one then
Minus two was some time later.
When the last Fly who don"t care
It who never had no action
It who had now eyes wide open
It was feeling happy never
It was watching green and weird
Light that came from of the void
And its swarmmates falling down
Single, feared and exhausted
To the cold and stony ground
In the Luminance Of Theta.

Evil ran through endless meadows
Through the infinite black waters
Of the Waterfalls of Nairah
Through the now-dead grand canyon
To the shadows of great forests
To the nothern icy caverns.
Evil was from the beginning 
With the Good her mighty brother
Quarelling from day they were born
Never sitting never resting 
Never stopping love each other
Being tho parts of The Child
Who was lying in the cradle
With his arms all world embracing 
And with eyes stared to the upside
Where the light was shining brightly
The green light was shining brightly
Of the Luminance of Theta. 
The green plants - they're full of vivid
Of enormous desire
Just to have enough of liquid
Just to live and to make air
Just to die and burn in fire
Of the glowing distant sunrise
Of the Luminance of Theta.
Young, no care, no future thinking
Loving moment not forever
Always doing never asking
Had no chance of hesitation 
Putting green leaves to the green light
Cold and frosty brigtly green light.
Ot the Luminance of Theta.

Everyone was still and waited
For the final sounds in air
Minutes, seconds before moment
Of the tragedy and glory
While the time moved - it appeared
Warmth and happiness around.
So the plants and all the creatures
Those unearthly evil creatures
All the flies from swamps and forests
Mighty birds and stones of desert
They rejoiced and sang together
Sang the frequencies of maddness
With the cheerfullness and joyness
All together in the sunshine
In the Luminance of Theta
While the green light turned to yellow.

Стихи написаны на темп и под впечатлением от "Песни о Гайавате". 

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