Горшков Дмитрий Валерьевич : другие произведения.

D. Gorshkov "Prisoner"

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  dMitry Gorshkov
  Translated from Russian by dMitry Gorshkov (15.о7.2оо2)
   "I am a prisoner. I am locked in a cylindrical cell. Walls of metal surround me.
  As far as I remember, I was always here. I had spent years, or maybe centuries in seclusion.
  Though it is very hard for me to speak about time. In my cell spring never comes after winter & day never follows the night. It is always dark inhere.
   I am squeezed by walls of metal & low ceiling. I can"t move. I can just lay still.
   The only thing that brightens up my existence is my dreams. I can see episodes from my previous life in them. A long time ago I used to own the azure of the sky, the freshness of the water & the verdure of the grass. It is all that I know from my dreams.
   When I am awake I am always trying to understand what terrible sin I had committed in my previous life. Sometimes I think that I am in hell & that I will stay here forever. But more often I feel that my sin was not so terrible & that someday I will regain freedom..."
   He was interrupted by a strong blow, which made him lose consciousness for a second. When he recovered he saw a small hole in the ceiling. Some strange force was cutting through the metal. The light began to penetrate into the cell. Soon a shying nimbus formed upon him. And then the ceiling disappeared.
   He didn"t understand that it was his end & thought that he would regain the azure of the sky, the freshness of the water & the verdure of the grass.
   But instead of this he heard loud voices.
  - Would you like some goose pate, Darling?
  - Of course. Thank you.
   A cold blade of a knife dismembered his body & his soul soared upwards like a wild goose.
  дМитрий Горшков 09.03.2оо1
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