Горюшкин Игорь Иванович : другие произведения.

Goryushkin I.I.: The "dialectics of common sense": transformation of a reality into the factuality as result of realize. And of "my" Gegel / Hegel, - (summary, the science article) Russia, Moscow, 2022

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      In present article the author undertakes for the first time to confirm, that concept "reality", in principle, can transformation in concept "factuality". But only by means of other concepts. The basic intermediaries of "transformation" are concepts: "practice" and "consciousness". In article also is explaining, what is a basis of the conclusions.
       First conclusion: the reality is a world surrounding us. But if at the daltonian person who does not distinguish red - the "own" reality. That and for author of the article - an "own", and for you - too... Second conclusion: one concept can "transformation" in another. But by means the third concept which is practice, that is - the basis for consciousness of transition or transformation of one concept - in another. Third conclusion: for transformation of concept "reality" in - "factuality", - besides concept of "practice" necessary also concept of "understand" or if to be exact - consciousness (that is abilities us, with you, to consciousness and common sense). Fourth conclusion: the factuality - result of practical activities of the person, but also consciousness of it by him. (And one, without another - it's not going). Fifth conclusion: if as Gegel, that it is possible to present it as "factuality" as something negative, initially entering into concept "realities", now, together with a reality (after consciousness) transformation to something new, but, simultaneously, and unified with "reality". But such is a way of development of our consciousness: from ignorance - to consciousness. And through consciousness to "factuality". And is to true knowledge. Sixth conclusion: "transformation" of concept of a reality into concept of the factuality, does not mean replacement of one concept with another, and occurrences also other concept, concept - the factuality! Turns out, that Gegel/ (my Hegel) was right, confirming, that by means of what the concept conducts itself further, is that negative which it has in itself; and it of true dialectic... And it is true.
      That and was required to prove. Bibl. 11; pp. 9.

      Keywords: reality, factuality, dialectics of common sense, transformation of concepts, Gegel, my Hegel, consciousness, realize, practice, criteria of true, dialectics as science.

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-->/    ( = Увеличить!? =) Горюшкин Игорь, фотомонтаж: Goryushkin I.I., Электронная научная библиотека, dialectics of common sense, transformation of a reality, factuality, realize, my Gegel, summary, science article, Russia, Moscow, 2022 -->/    ( = Увеличить!? =) Горюшкин Игорь, фотомонтаж: Гегель, 1831 г.: Диалектика здравого смысла, превращение реальности, действительность, результат осознания. И моего Гегеля, диалоги с читателем
-->/    Горюшкин Игорь: фотомонтаж, Журнал: Инновации. Наука. Образование. ? 39, 498- 510. Семь законов диалектики с точки зрения современной науки, здравого смысла и логики. И моего Гегеля!, диалоги с читателем

  Горюшкин Игорь Иванович
   "Диалектика здравого смысла": превращение реальности в действительность как результат осознания. И "моего" Гегеля

(In Russian)
→ [   Инновации. Наука. Образование: 2022 (март), номер 53. - С. 1611-1619

Горюшкин И.И. -->/ (to the Science Index) in Russian

  Goryushkin I.I.
    The "dialectics of common sense": transformation of a reality into the factuality as result of realize. And of "my" Gegel

  Abstract / Summary

  In present
article the author undertakes for the first time to confirm, that concept "reality", in principle, can transformation in concept "factuality". But only by means of other concepts. The basic intermediaries of "transformation" are concepts: "practice" and "consciousness". In article also is explaining, what is a basis of the conclusions.
  First conclusion: the reality is a world surrounding us. But if at the daltonian person who does not distinguish red - the "own" reality. That and for author of the article - an "own", and for you - too... Second conclusion: one concept can "transformation" in another. But by means the third concept which is practice, that is - the basis for consciousness of transition or transformation of one concept - in another. Third conclusion: for transformation of concept "reality" in - "factuality", - besides concept of "practice" necessary also concept of "understand" or if to be exact - consciousness (that is abilities us, with you, to consciousness and common sense). Fourth conclusion: the factuality - result of practical activities of the person, but also consciousness of it by him. (And one, without another - it's not going). Fifth conclusion: if as Gegel, that it is possible to present it as "factuality" as something negative, initially entering into concept "realities", now, together with a reality (after consciousness) transformation to something new, but, simultaneously, and unified with "reality". But such is a way of development of our consciousness: from ignorance - to consciousness. And through consciousness to "factuality". And is to true knowledge. Sixth conclusion: "transformation" of concept of a reality into concept of the factuality, does not mean replacement of one concept with another, and occurrences also other concept, concept - the factuality! Turns out, that Gegel (my Gegel) was right, confirming, that by means of what the concept conducts itself further, is that negative which it has in itself; and it of true dialectic... And it is true.
  That and was required
to prove. Bibl. 11; pp. 9.

reality, factuality, dialectics of common sense, transformation of concepts, Gegel, consciousness, realize, practice, criteria of true, dialectics as science.


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  Gegel G.V.F. "Nauka logiki" [Logic science ] / Otv. red. ?, ?. Rozental', red. koll.: EH.V. Il'enkov i dr.. / In 3 vols. Vol. 1. M., Mysl'. 1970. 501s. (In Russian)

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  Goryushkin I. I. "Sem' zakonov dialektiki s tochki zreniya sovremennoi nauki, zdravogo smysla i logiki. I "moego" Gegelya!" [ Seven laws of dialectics from the point of view of a modern science, common sense and logic. And of "my" Gegel! ] // Innovatsii. Nauka. Obrazovanie. [ Innovatsii. Nauka. Obrazovanie ] 2021., Avgust, No. 39. P. 498-410. (In Russian)

  Goryushkin I. I. "Filosofskoe soobshchestvo i "Dialektika zdravogo smysla", - "otlup"! Chto s naukoi?.. I moi Gegel (gl. 30)" [ Philosophical community and "Dialectics of common sense", - "refusal"! What with a science? And of my Gegel (gl. 30) ] // Zhurnal "Samizdat". [ Journal "Samizdat" ] Sentyabr', 2021 / Goryushkin I.I. Intellektual'naya proza: estestvoznanie, meditsina, narkologiya, sovremennaya dialektika, publitsistika, politika, ideologiya (dialogi s chitatelem) URL: http://samlib.ru/g/gorjushkin_i_i/igogo37xe_mygegel_zzrefusal30.shtml (дата обращения: 07.10.2021) (In Russian)

  Ivin A.A. "Dialektika: proshloe, nastoyashchee i budushchee" [ Dialectics: the past, the present and the future ] / - Moskva ; Berlin : Direkt-Media, 2016. 465 p. (In Russian)

  Kant I. "Kritika chistogo razuma" [Criticism of pure reason ] / Per. s nem. N. Losskogo sveren i otredaktirovan TS.G. Arzakanyanom i M. I. Itkinym; - M.: Mysl', 1994. 591 p. (In Russian)

  Kasavin I.T. "Plot ili piramida: o prirode intellektual'nogo muzhestva" [ Raft or pyramid: about the nature of intellectual courage ] // Filosofskii zhurnal / Philosophy Journal. 2020. Vol. 13. No. P. 5- 16. (In Russian)

  Kondakov N.I. "Logicheskii slovar' - spravochnik", [ The logic dictionary - the directory ] Vtoroe ispr. i dop. izdanie. Otv.redaktor Gorskii D.P. 1975: M.: Nauka. 721 p. (In Russian)

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  1. Горюшкин И.И. (2021), Семь законов диалектики с точки зрения современной науки, здравого смысла и логики. И "моего" Гегеля!, Инновации. Наука. Образование. 39 (август), 498- 510.

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  3. Кувакин И.В. (2010), Философия и реальность, Вестник Моск. ун-та. сер.7. Философия. No 4, 83-96.

  4. Ивин А.А. (2016), Диалектика: прошлое, настоящее и будущее, Москва; Берлин: Директ-Медиа.

  5. Касавин И.Т. (2020), Плот или пирамида: о природе интеллектуального мужества, Философский журнал, Philosophy Journal. Т. 13. No 4. С. 5-16.

  6. Гегель Г.В.Ф. (1975), Философия природы, Отв. ред. Е.П. Ситковский. Ред. кол.: Б. М. Кедров и др., Энциклопедия философских наук. Т. 2. М.: Мысль.

  7. Гегель Г.В.Ф. (1990), Философия права, Пер. с нем.: ред. и сост. Д.А. Керимов и В.С. Нерсесянц; М.: Мысль.

  8. Кондаков Н.И. (1975), Логический словарь - справочник, Второе испр. и доп. издание. Отв. ред. Горский Д.П. М.: Наука.

  9. Гегель Г.В.Ф. (1970), Наука логики, В 3-х т. T. 1, Отв. ред. М.М. Розенталь, ред. колл.: Э.В. Ильенков и др.. М.: Мысль.

  10. Гегель Г.В.Ф. (1993), Лекции по истории философии, Кн.1. СПб.: Наука. Перевод А.М. Водена.

  11. Горюшкин И.И. Философия как наука предназначена не для всех: "Наука логики" - в чём логика? (мой Гегель, гл. 1) // Журнал "Самиздат". Сентябрь 2016 / Горюшкин И.И. Интеллектуальная проза: естествознание, медицина, наркология, современная диалектика, публицистика, политика, идеология (диалоги с читателем) URL: http://samlib.ru/g/gorjushkin_i_i/igogo37xe_mygegel_consept1.shtml#002consept"
(дата обращения: 6.03.2022)

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[ Copyright (C) Goryushkin I.I. (Горюшкин И.И.)
(Март, 2022 г., Москва)
    (Октябрь, 2022 г., Москва)

-->/    (= Увеличить! =) Горюшкин Игорь: фото, Москва, студент, 3-й курс, 1965 г., dialectics of common sense, transformation of a reality, factuality, realize, my Gegel, summary, science article, Russia, Moscow, 2022      Без этого в  науке,  Вы - пустое место..!?]


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  Keywords: Goryushkin I.I., dialectics of common sense, seven modern laws of dialectics, my Gegel, law of interaction, law of efficiency of interaction, the law of dependent on energy of interaction, the law of realization, the law of the permission of social contradictions, the law: "Movement - everything, the purpose - anything", law of unreliable of the information: "Make a fool of our brother"

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