Гоппе Виктор Иванович : другие произведения.

Tiger "Lyutij" with golden tooth......(eng)

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    Стоматологическая помощь диким животным. Rendering of the stomatologic help by a wild animal.

   Tiger "Lyutij" (eng) with golden tooth and President of the Evangel-Lutheran Church of the Ural, Siberia and Far East.
   Hoppe Victor Iwanovitsch Chairman of Snt. John Community, Khabarovsk Head of Maxillo-facial Surgery Department of Far East State Medical University Khabarovsk.
   Khabarovsk, 2000.
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   Magazine "Maestro stomatologii" 2000, N.4
   Address: Novyj Arbal 34, room 501
   Tel/Fax: 007-095-2053343
   E-Mail: hizcenlermiiail.ni
   V.I. Hoppe Doctor of Medical Sciences, the senior lecturer, chief of faculty of surgical stomatology and maxillofacial surgery' of Far East State Medical University Khabarovsk.
   After graduating from stomatological faculty of Omsk Med. institute in 1962, V.I. Hoppe passed a way from oral and maxillofacial surgeon of Mariinsk regional hospital to chief of Department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery of Far East medical university. He was the first Dean of stomatologic faculty of the Khabarovsk medical institute for period from 1979 up to 1984.
   V. I. Hoppe is well-known scientist and maxillofacial surgeon in the country and abroad. With headed him team he develops the basic direction of the specialty: diagnosis and treatment and rehabilitation of the patients with congenital and posttraumatic defects and deformations of maxillofacial region. The main content of his scientific work is reflected in 134 articles, 9 - inventions and patents, which are published in Russia and abroad. He is co-author of 3 books, participated in international congresses, symposiums, doroting to different problems of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery. His research work differs with deep contents, statistical precision and accepted by colleagues.
   For 10 years in Khabarovsk and Vladivostok is holding annual international symposium on dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, and now symposium is spreaded on Far East region. Hoppe V.I. is one of organizers of this symposium.
   He has suggested the new method of palatoplasic with bone reconstruction and approaches to the surgical correction of face bones malformations, which could be optimal choice in many cases.
   Under his guidance there were issues defended, is preparing 2 doctor's issues and his doctor's issues are ready to the defense.
   V.I. Hoppe devoted a lot of time to education process. Hi is known as one of the organizers of stomatological faculty. He read lectures, teaches students in practical part of studying. Also he teaches students and doctors during the postgraduate courses. He is one of the authors of 2 pedagogical books. Former students now are at the head of the dental faculties and clinics.
   V.I. Hoppe is the associate editor of magazine "Stomatologia". For long time he headed the Khabarovsk branch of GAP. In 1995 he founded the Khabarovsk regional association of maxillofacial and plastic surgeons. In 1997 he was awarded by The German Academy with three month learning in hospitals of Germany.
   In 1998 he had got II degree award "For the large merit in stomatology" Victor Ivanovitch has hobbies: fishing, hunting. After the meeting with tigerhunters Kruglovs and Eare Prince Edinburgh Phillip there was rendered the dental treatment for wild animals, with colleagues he tells to use about this.
   Rendering of the stomatologic help by a wild animal
   Doctor of Medical Sciences, the senior lecturer, chief of faculty of surgical stomatology and maxillofacial surgery of Far East State Medical University Khabarovsk,
   Academician the WELT, director of research institute of materials with form memory in medicine, Tomsk,
   Head of dental clinic "Den-Tal-Ez",
   S.I. Grinshpun
   Chief maxillofacial department of Khabarovsk Municipal Hospital N. 2,
   Director of the rehabilitation center of wild animals,
   And others....
   The wild nature on the Far East is restrained by human activity for last years.
   Constant fires, injurious, destructive using of natural resources. It is already possible to count by fingers bears, tigers, and the Far East leopard remained few in taiga.
   Such situation cannot leave us indifferent the true amateurs of the nature, and they were united for rendering the effective help to our "smaller brothers".
   Under the offer of the International fond of protection of wild animals, and the International fond of protection Ussurish tiger in 1995 was founded the Rehabilitation Center for wild animals in Khabarovsk region.
   Rehabilitation and treatment was executed , and animals were release in a taiga (bears - 20, foxes - 5, raccoons - 15, birds - 20). Now on baking there are two tigers, wapiti, a spotty deer, a raccoon, 2 lynxes, 15 birds, 8 bears, the fox, roe deer. Animals entered to the Center in result of infringement of rules of hunting, heavy extreme ecological cataclysms - forest fires, flooding, plentiful snowfalls, formation of a spring firm ice crust, loss of parents and so on. The majority of animals arrived with deficiency of weight, gunshot wounds and had pesticide poisonings. In many cases became fatal for animals illiterate and inadequate veterinary and help, hunting services. Under supervision of doctors - dentists, veterinarians, workers of the Center, amateurs of die nature - members of International Fund of Defense of Wild Animals, there were animals with a traumatic dislocation, fracture of teeth, alveolar processus of jaw, injures of skull.
   In 1995 - 2001. With injures, dislocations of a teeth and injures of alveolar processus have entered 2 wapiti. 3 roe deers, 1 wild pig, 1 tiger. Traumas have been not rare in result of nonprofessional actions of the persons joining in catching of young animals at extreme situations.
   So, 8-9 month age tiger, appeared on forest road after destruction of mother, drivers of the timber carrying vessels have decided to catch him. And they have broken off upper right canine and have completely dislocated the lower right canine. The veterinary examining of tiger in the center, has made the wrong decision on treatment of the dislocated canine without immobilization and replantation of the tooth. He did not treat the root of upper right canine. Later, little tiger, nicknamed "Lutij" ("Fierce") - as a token of furious resistance at capture, have got the osteomyelitis of alveola of lower right canine and a periodontitis of upper right canine.
   The kid could not keep food in a mouth. The dislocated lower canine has fallen out from the alveola. Than the chronic traumatic osteomyelitis of the lower jaw on the right developed.
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   "Lutij" in month after operation
   1.5.99 The animal was slop in motion by injection of Ketamin. The intravenous infusion was established. Sequestrations on the X-ray were located in frontal part of the lower jaw on all to its height. Fracture of the lower jaw on the right side was possible. In one stage two maxillofacial surgeons have carried out free pieces of bone on lower, two dentists have carried out root channel treatment of upper right with Endomethasone. During carrying out free pieces of bone it was possible to keep a integrity of a body of lower jaw on the lower edge and internal cortical plate. Antibiotics, corticosteroids were intravenously infused at same time. At the end of surgery short-term apnoe from overdose of Ketamin was observed. It was managed and spontaneous breath was restored, arc taken off models from upper and lower jaws for preparing an artificial upper right canine.
   The follow-up of a tiger in two months showed strong purulent secretion in the right submaxillary area only on the left side of jaws. Antibiotics were constantly given with food.
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   Many involved in a photo are not present
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   Foto 1. The plan transdental implant, which uses "Lutij".
   Foto 2. The plan of the planned implant.
   25.05.2000 Under general anaesthesia with Ketamin by fractional dozes the animal was examined.
   Healing of fistulas in an oral cavity and in was completely. Secretion from the upper right root was not observed. On the X-ray - full restoration of structure of a bone tissue of a body of the lower jaw on the right side. Enlarging of a periodontium of upper canine on the right side. Root channel treatment of canine was carried out. Root channel was filled with Endomethasone, and on a cult of a root it is fixed transdental implant an artificial canine from cobalt-chrome alloy, anodized by gold.
   Removal of felted wool, pedicure of claws and removal of a dental strike and stone is carried out to stayed time of general anaesthesia. At awakening the tiger obviously showed curiosity to the appeared artificial tooth which it constantly licked with tongue. In 15 minutes after the ending of action of Ketamin the animal came out to an open-air cage.
   At survey in three days tiger ate meat with using of upper right canine. In three months from an artificial canine gold was erased, the tooth was polished and shines. The animal has got on weight, majestic looks and at reception of food actively used an implanted right upper canine. Later implantation of the right lower canine is planned.
   For this purpose in Tomsk to is prepared cylindrical folding implant from nickelized titan with through porosity of natural right lower canine of five year age tiger. At the first stage in a bone of the lower jaw it will be placed implant, in 6-10 months on it the intraoral part of an artificial tooth will be fixed.
   Rendering of me stomatologic help is the important not hopeless medical action in rehabilitation of wild animals.
   Address: Google // Victor Hoppe/Виктор Гоппе//

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