Глос Елизавета Владимировна : другие произведения.

Let Us Rest While We May

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Из совсем старого -- из бумажной тетради. Под влиянием текстов из "Властелина колец" Толкина. Написано 9 декабря 2002.

   Let us rest while we may
   For none can tell what will happen tomorrow
   So let us not be troubled,
   Let us be glad
   With what we have now.
   Let us try and appreciate it to the full.
   Let us rest while we may,
   For no one knows what tomorrow will bring,
   For maybe we shall not have such larky times, --
   Now it is bliss and freedom which we have.
   Let us take and enjoy this happy chance.
   Let us rest while we may
   For (who knows) maybe we shall need
   All this vigour and strength that we have now -- to withstand.
   Let us rest while we may
   For we know not what lies before us.
   Let us rest while we may
   Even if we are not that tired,
   For that which we have now
   is a treasure
   That we now are gaining
   That we'll ever remember,
   That we ever shall need.
   This will help us to stand.
   Let us rest while we may
   And be glad For we are free now.
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