Рюйсей Боку До : другие произведения.


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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    Иногда меня пробивает писать на тех языках, что знаю. Стих на английском языке. За возможные ошибки прощу прощения и желаю узнать.


Sometimes we sad about something,
Sometimes we waiting anyone,
Sometimes we have no reasons laughing,
Sometimes we wasting much of time/

Some kinds of worries make us busy,
Some dreams in night took out trough,
Some hopes broken make us crazy,
Some stroke is pushing out tooth/

Some places bringing us in sorrow,
Some where we lost or meeting Good,
Some peops we splendid to get borrow,
Some reasons lead to go ahead/

Sometimes we seams to be pretenders,
Sometimes we hate a warm and grace,
Sometimes ""why not?"" is our thesis,
Sometimes we fall through highest gates/

Some one who thinks is not too clever,
Some dress much nude then could to hide,
Some arms are caring more then bear,
Some rings change life not only stile/

Some words are paying back like money,
Some voices killing other - save,
Some sex is dirty less then funny,
Some death is only step to birth/

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