Гидаспов, Андрей Николаевич : другие произведения.


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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    My poetry written in English - 2002


It's almost like a rule
That all love stories are always sad,
And thus, their glory's
In what we call an optimistic thread
That well connects our wishful tinking
With the reality of life..

And yet, I'll add another side -
Our feelings, our inner feelings
Which make us vulnerably filled
With a joyful potion of defeat
To someone else's single heartbeat,
To an open smile and shining eyes
Of a person that means all for us,

And even time which dubbed sometimes
As a magic and comforting cure
Of all the pains throughout life
Cannot erase this fragile feeling
With a single word which name it - Love...

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