Гербер Анна-Эмили : другие произведения.

Dying love

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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There"s nothing sadder than dying love
When all of a sudden you find yourself
In a trap of the complex relationship
That you no longer care about. Half
Of relationships end the very same way.
What happened to us ain"t out of the line,
But watching the feelings fading to blue
Can tear apart what you thought divine.  
No matter that you pretend you still care, 
Your eyes show up each your secrete thought.
I dare to say you"re not mine anymore,
And all we shared came down to a nought.
No we"ve got a long way to go on our own
And shattered dreams to pick up from the floor -
The penalty for the time we let love
Slide out of our house and locked the door.

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