Гербер Анна-Эмили : другие произведения.

Being apart

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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When I think 'bout us being apart,
It feels like the world"s going to end.
It feels wrong, the heart wasn"t meant to bleed,
It was meant to stay strong when you bend.

No, I don"t feel like I"m losing you,
In no way I will leave you behind.
I will cherish the feeling and keep
That one real thing that was hard to find.

Somewhere else I will be but my heart
Will forever be following your way - 
It will see every step that you take,
It will hear every word that you say.

Loving you I don"t want to give up?
You are my strongest link, biggest pain.
When I"m gone I will live in the past
Till the day I will see you again.

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