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Timber Dew - 2

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  Timber Dew - II
  Next year.
  Пионерлагерь times of the USSR.
  1 August. 1st day of arrival.
  (Timber Dew - II. English.)
  Doors of the bus Pasvik noisy and has opened, and the first as paratrooper jumped land Slava called пинокет.
  - Суки! - выругался, отскочив. Noisy and гамом began вываливаться and other passengers. Odakyu Slava almost is late, but at the last moment still втиснулся in the Salon. Stop already 20 minutes before he resolved to drink two pills. But пузырёк with 60 tablets lay somewhere inside internationalcompanies, next to the special recipe for additional пилюли. Embarrasing selected to b, obrlic...
  In the laptop was 7 rubles 80копеек, that on 1 August 1976 could 3 bottles of bitter and abhorrent vodka, Chinese plimsoll shoe "forward", briefs,, socks, activate the toothpastes помарин, one blank and several изрисованных albums with graphics. Why - the раздражал the "child", вонючий, a piece of SOAP, from which провоняло everything in the laptop boiled from unknown what дворняги. Do more in the add-on to the entire will allergies? Bag was tightly packed and застёгнута at lightning bolt still homes. Well, and at the bottom of the internationalcompanies was a kitchen knife, long with slotted teeth is used to brace slitting products, which he took Kitchen without demand for approach in тайгу. And was small reel where 9th speed was written band on the run, UFO, kinks, uraih HEEP, iron Butterfly.wmv, Bay City rollers, girls - Beatles, and more multi-grade songs.
  Slava was with сумкой in the cafeteria, fortunately people in the restaurant.
  - Тётенька atj are? - выпалил he threshold.
  - Zhdanov. And that one atj? Lebkuchen take.
  It appears that hisaya буфетчица was поддата. It was red eye блестели, and very накрашенных YLDs mandingoes cognac. Пацаны said that подвыпившие women податливые especially the наливает. But such a doctrine it is not shared.
  - Yes i just tablets selected!
  - And can you Sokou or лимонада?
  - Better atj! - and стукнув 20 копеечной coin on the прилавку, strongly дёрнул Lightning Bolt on tightly packed bag in search of bubbles with tablets.
  Selling delivered drinkware hot tea and 2,010 commissioning.
  You know that with the singleness decided to take delivery? - пошутил he копошась in the laptop.
  - What is talking about? - засмеялась selling.
  - I Dew. Visit today. I autobus now.
  - It is clear. And you that one?
  - One ... - once or twice reiterated it, and hand next to the kitchen long knife, finally, the нащупала round stayed. Крутанув cover, вытащив vatu, he скатил three tablets replace two in Palm, and then another two, but has put them in the chest pocket. Tea was горяч, and time little and Slava отскакивая to assess the situation at a bus stop.
  - Have come to me in Camp? On Sunday or day? - Suddenly выпалил it.
  - To you?! - усмехнулась selling.
  - I can draw! - and Slava извлёк album from internationalcompanies.
  Double you as beautiful!.
  - I DepthStencil can do.
  - And that this template? - asked selling.
  Schedule it keep. Schedules tanks compressed against children, человечки утыканные Spears, several перекошенных физиономий высунувшихся from devič крематория. Show such pictures смазливой to the vendor, and mood it certainly would hisaya changed. Sometimes some image somewhere disappeared may someone král in school, and possibly removed Mama.
  - Here is received into a picture, then paint on the image - an attempted to explain it. And then safely asked it прогнутся through the stall at, and courage officer pinned stencil to its chest, times, then the third, showing how to make the picture and to cause the ball.
  Against access lenient and proximity young person was incitation yes both bottom оттопырилось and very much.
  Like to communicate with продавщицей. But time very little, and кипяток he began to collect pictures.
  - Well, come? - When encoding pictures in the bag, once again asked he adult woman
  - Not promise. But as you name?
  - Pino ... glory ask me there all know!!
  The пинокета suddenly appeared briefly. - If it comes to it? Then his thoughts have flickering already as another and slow. Tablets have begun to act.
  - A grabuzova memory! - and extended his one figure street vendors.
  - Опоздаешь?
  - Yes to depart... at the missile... - xter.NET added it and ran to the bus.
  - Stand in front! Stand in front! Open! - started shouting loudly and bang on the rear doors of the bus, doors which already захлопнулись.
  Passengers have already started was that someone under the wheels of the bus and raised.
  - I am also, i am also in Rosu! - shouted Slava, from the street banging on doors. Door in "Rosu" opened, and Slava вдавил with сумкой in autobus.
  Bus Tollbooth minutes thirty - five, and pills that проклинал Slava all eleven months, have reinforced and soon. Three such tablets to drink per day, and Slava during their immediately hisaya, submerging, запивая scalded arriving late on a bus. Second, it appeared that bus falls down, as if his скинули with the aircraft. Then commence seem bus запрокидываться on the right side, in the direction of the ditch. But worst when it to a couple of seconds turned a blind eye. It was then everything immediately, and many, and everything. Autobus полз on the road he flew Cruise missile. That he запечатлел figures. Some saw different, but, last year's dreams in cosmetic Studio steel go to all.
  Indexes of the word nicholai miklukho - маклая that you can do without drugs have imprinted themselves forever in its brain. Mischa Barton always spoke the truth and not врал. Until the new year adopted only 8 pastilles, although it was "2,274" of about 80 пилюль.
  - We such small! I so many accept, - вспомнилась whose - the Joke of the 3rd abumuslimov.
  - That you рисуешь? SYSTAT hair and red дыбом! - выговаривала frequently Mama.
  - I Soviet people! And i'm that want to!
  - And that? in school are taught the draw?
  - In school are taught the basics of drawing. And i воплощаю you see in his sleep. Incidentally i then becomes easier and спится well.
  - See will you pencil for such fantasian, стращала - Mama.
  - I do not fear!
  - You after camps different became, - at last said Mama
  Brought paints, will outline the nature of memory, i do not van gogue, or Siqueiros there any will draw as to be.
  Told to stop when all the Omda camp, and then, he was поплёлся in the camp. Knife, knife, need to hide knife, and the украдут дурачки and порежут someone. And in the taiga with him in the times. Reaching the target in the nearby he glanced back, and, after passing still присел and started ворошить bag, and вытащив knife, закинул in thick forests grass. Then перепрячу. Копошась in the laptop he nevertheless uttered recipe with 7 рублями, and he forgot to пихнуть this in the bag. In the body was the grave and like to sleep. Hours. No, you need to отлежаться in the bushes.
  The head of the iofc and was puszta and clear, but some извилины still worked, and пинокет двинул to another of the administrative shell side in the беседку row in the other the right side. Созерцал brahe and tranquilly in the Arbor he not last long.
  In the беседку officers entered the two new girls.
  - How many years? - focusing consciousness, he asked them.
  - I thirteen
  - I twelve.
  That responded girls he immediately forgot.
  How many ... how many ... how many.... звенело in the air.
  - How much you? - Once again asked.
  Girls недоуменно the boy and a little смутились, would like to засмеяться, but сдержались.
  Bag, bag! To use the included in the body, probably already in the first, and some later.
  - You can put my bag in the in the in the ... and he forgot number of the shell. Закусив under, he уставился on your shiny new girl.
  The! And вытянув hand, has shown towards the first abumuslimov.
  - And you that can't? - asked made.
  - I have lost documents and money. Search, find, i need to urgently.
  - And who pay bag? - asked girl
  Пинокет suddenly sharply наклонил head in the Paul Pergolas. He подзабыл all......
  - Пинокет i! Пинокет i! - Suddenly нашёлся it, and leaving girls with its сумкой exist enquiring minds away, in строну and basin. Girls, bag, испугано looking him hastened towards 1 Corps.
  Головастик "ваятель", intermediate полепить from пластилина, and зоркий Sokol young библиофил, both with мамами, who work in the police, while travelling in forest Rosu under special convoy.
  The convoy consisted of two уазиков, in one of the ferrying with мамами, and by the driver. In the second уазике, in the very special rear cabin was convicted of this bandit in another "camp" another near Camp. Мамушки and organized transporting сынков and зэка under this most morning 1 August. Children need to cast off in the camp and зека on конвоировать.
  Centre stopped. Men of drivers and kids had dinner at a time, and then by зеку sukhoy паёк of 4 hot pirojkov and loading it лимонада in drinkware under the supervision of engaged rear door уазика. When the door was opened and зек took for pies мальцы counteract all types gestures and signs to show зеку that it be killed, головастик cleverly held rib Palm in the following, that would cut throat, were gestures - вспарывания Života, and повешенья. Then two two fingers mean a sieve, and have watched through improvised lattices at уминающего pies зека. Children, events, ругали, but better fun, than поглумится over prisoners for them. When the back door was already closed головастик hit with a couple of times the door. And зоркий Sokol присев down indicated an exhaust pipe proposed to зеку "баньку".
  - No догадается! heart attack and everything! - крикнул головастик улыбающемуся конвоиру syargei.
  Пацаны constantly asked policemen questions: - Where and how others suicide bombers? And when both MOM отлучились treat (in the toilet), мальцы admitted that policemen, whose father Stas prosecutor also relaxed in the past year. They therefore Stas already subjected to one сохатого. And when all three подрастут the in the police or prosecutor's Office, from which will make the "Affiliate Gestapo" and will be tortured, torture, torture, so everything was previously kindergarten. From which the police only their пожурили.
  - - Smoker? strictly asked one of the конвойных kolia.
  You? And not пьём. Medicament with alcohol is not compatible.
  - Yes - сочувственно sponded kolia
  Sweet sometimes балуемся, in store for мармеладом бегаем, can give us food! - i could crank out зоркий Sokol, стёклами points of which was quite a lot of лукавство, and good men отсыпали cheerful попутчикам 1 Ruble 26 kopecks.
  Children have already taken on the morning of medicines and have been easy, говорливы and веселы.
  - And these another Bandit parking lot at the uranium mines, all subject!
  - You their us привозите, we change quickly in one day.
  - Exactly привозите! You to the luster of вымоем, our spring water. - Wait a little! We only подрастём! We наведём order! We the зекам such Pies will show! People working! Is earned! Crazy strike engineers different! And You балуете!
   . The police only laughed over "children's лепетом", покуривая папироски.
  You know we Director in cosmetic Studio was?
  - What? - with interest asked driver Costea.
  - Good and a busy. She spoke, until people feel pain it live.
  Soon мамки returned. And convoy moved on to the camp which was already close.
  - Uncle Costea and you on кочкам покатайте, said at last головастик конвориру and subjected waved in the direction of the second уазика where парился зек.
   . Головастик and зоркий Sokol with мамами approached the over-pumping пионерлагеря all later 12 minutes, after here was пинокет, who also under the influence of pastilles uttered the money and recipe. Get someone another or from новеньких money recipe can be "not based on".
  - See! See! - shouted зоркий Sokol, which is permanently поглядывал under the feet. What is it? - and understood the recipe and money, just промокшие morning forest mildew.
  - See recipe, only three press! And seven rubles on the money мармелад! - showed find зоркий Sokol.
  - Name is рецепте? - asked Mama головастика.
  Where name! Bach - Ma - Cova! - Read зоркий Sokol.
  Such do not know. Zephyris, Kaa Dai Kaa ... you bottom you analyse?! The same BFHI - n - kié -! The same пинокета recipe! And денежка its seven rubles! - defined головастик.
  - And you know it? - asked Mama головастика.
  - And that do not know. Such until the end of life not nothing. No.603 and Voit in his sleep, as us from the fascist пулемёта расстреливает, or mounted on cruise missile until the first shell! The dreamer still the. Проснётся in its House and said: - you still alive? I now you дурачков tank "Tiger" давил, fun told головастик
  - Memorial complex district on the ground of our third shell promised to do, added зоркий Sokol.
  - Horror, what! Take that whether you? - asked Mama зоркого сокола.
  - Not заберёте! With Winter dreamed сплавить us!
  And where you заберёте in prison so зеком! - sponded головастик, fun showing head towards awaiting MAM уазиков.
  - And expression any! Сплавить.
  - And it koschei told that he with соляркой already burn entered our физрука Anatol.
  - And artist, what! Note The Mindful? asked зоркий Sokol головастика
  - OK. Смеётесь. A look.
  - Herb each its закадычный
  - It Stas, whose father Prosecutor? - asked Mama головастика.
  - Yes.
  - Here one girl was gotar, it has two цветочка on the beds boys клала. Wiimedia horror! - added
  - Like all the beautiful colors! - tried to change on Mama зоркого сокола.
  In the oswiecim also was so beautiful trees, flowers, and then in a gas space.
  - You do not болтайте! Разболтались! -
  - Drink the medicament! You why - the themselves have come? And not laugh at over other! - hardly мамки their Osteria invites!.
  Approaching the administrative shell, головастик saw the familiar худую and сутулую the shape of a мужика who smoked military with a cigarette butt into fist. The candidate was nothing as сохатый, which they втроём головастик, holiday - aluminum head and Herb tortured year ago выкручивая hands and feet. Then ненароком несмышленыш koschei to deliver social close its сохатого. All сохатого and тяпнул not выдоенный щитомордник. Сохатый in the same застиранные and заштопанные indexes of trousers, and in the same выцветшую shirt.
  - Сохатый Hello! As seepex Sanam?, Kaa show? - saluted зоркий Sokol.
  Сохатый to see last year's familiar with the third with мамками милиционершами quickly threw in TRAWU valuable cigarette butt. He vicinity of the kuriles and волновался, встреть putting friend plywood, high and худощавую friend, which is constantly подбрасывала him cigarettes and still something.
  - You want to look at a single bite - щитомордника? - invited головастик its MAM зоркого and сокола, and, схватив сохатого by the arm began show place sting snakes.
  - About teeth. It is fortunate! Щитомордника also managed to выдоить. But could not go and not торчал here.
  - As you угораздило? - asked сохатого mother зоркого сокола.
  Сохатый does not respond. Because it was not Hunter for snakes, and he inadvertently itself пихнул hand in the jaws of the Snake.
  - Now in нём змеиная krovi течёт! - respect suggested зоркий Sokol.
  - And long snake, or курящий snakes! This nickname should be? - Added головастик.
  Giving alias and nicknames сохатому. Головастик подзабыл as himself with андрейкой - an oval head accused of всяко and diversity, the. "Сперматозоидами", "elongated of assignments".
  - Our many? - Finally wise asked головастик.
  Сохатый only just would like to say - is and фантор. As a door quickly opened and jumped out the фантор which had literally nose to nose with зорким соколом.
  Sercel полуслепой зоркий Sokol a year ago by playing кидая stones through Spring River "to cry" just death kill фантора only чиркнув камнём on the back.
  - Welcomed the first said зоркий Sokol.
  - Welcomed replied фантор and ran in the first Macashka.
  Зоркий Sokol Programdata\Microsoft\Network\Downloader in administrative building saw high рослую young woman in appearance to be 21 years and may be 23.
  - Hello! - solemnly told her зоркий Sokol.
  Woman did not respond. DETC became one of the головастик and also saluted the newly промолчала.
  - You Director? asked its головастик.
  - What?! - not recognizing responed woman
  - Or You вожатая? - переспросил quietly зоркий Sokol
  - You дураки? I in the first Macashka! - responed грозно and bakirkoy woman.
  Пацаны and остолбенели on the ground.
  - The persons - fifty - two, version two said quietly looking into the Paul зоркий Sokol.
  The phenomenon of кощея (игорёк 12 years).
  Koschei, as in the past year, arrived in пионерлагерь late dinner, and, as in the past year, he arrived in the cab of gas - but one without MOM. Деловито he попрощался with the driver сектантом from their same settlement:. Through its neck перекинута old болоньевая bag with пришитой artificially long handle from something else, and in the hand he нёс grid, which was нехитрый personal this - briefs, majka, socks, распашонка - безрукавка, retained from large economic SOAP. Community сектантов, which also consisted of игорёк with mother, intended to leave those in Germany, who in the United States, who in Canada, and who and in Australia. Authorities decided to the extent possible the scatter children camps, притормозить candomblé colorom. Игорьку were world-renowned visiting guests in June and three months, but MATUSHKA to attempt to send only in August.
  Koschei exist enquiring minds to the second, although age could enter and in third. Набожный and shortest it with the arrival of last year developed much. And that he had not very shines not third and not the first Macashka. And koschei developed that штурмуя mess you want to quickly check pans to tables, and the pan with you, for example борщом or рассольником you want to quickly move on the table its abumuslimov. Bread from Middle also оттяпать as отсыпать and sugar from сахарницы, even if it Puisne from the third abumuslimov. "Life in the fight. Мужайся взрослей "- помнились words nicholai miklukho - маклая. And better yet weak and small, it is best to keep for strengths. In the taiga you are afraid because beast feels fear, and you cannot пихать their ручонки everywhere and everywhere because made this растяпа сохатый. And with such friends as зоркий Sokol you are востро to not he broke the rear of the "accidentally" head as фантору. Fear which had игорёк always left after uric bubble and he отбегал. And these calls, calls, conversations: clamoured, разбомбить, kill, crush. These conversations were everywhere and anywhere in the toilet, in the canteen, the утреней ruler, these calls have been 24 hours a day because the пинокет at night or in after - lunch hour sleep просыпался and told as давил tank.
  Игорёк - koschei imagine could not, as you can both with the with this fire, kill, clamoured, or швырнуть a couple of minerelated Granat in neighbouring 1st and 3rd Corps, but later became проникаться internal world with their лагерников. It even risible when сохатый bulldozer can be наехать 1T or 3 - shell. And These Girls. Do they really высасывают all blood from venne?
  Went to the second where he was a year ago, it quickly surrounded the indexes of the familiar and friends and began clap hands on the back and beyond, and someone on habit gave подзатыльник and дёрнул for ear.
  - Koschei! Koschei! Koschei, arrived! - неслось on вечернему already at dusk. Last year's friends and acquaintances головастик, holiday - aluminum head, зоркий Sokol, fantômas, фантор, сохатый, бармалей кощея broke away, just подросшего but such a simple and good and худенького.
  - Say - the fact that your want to смотаться of the Union? - suddenly asked сохатый.
  - Крёстной Brother intends to leave in Germany, and from there and we потянут! - ляпнуло in response just подросшее дитё.
  Take me too in PV Al - GE.e! - The first крикнул головастик.
  And me! - крикнул gerah - фашист.
  And me! And me! - were heard the cries of others.
  - And i in Italy, pick - защёлкал jaw бармалей.
  - And i in Brazil pick! - подхватил зоркий Sokol.
  Кощея began clap hands across on the back, and, with legs повалились all to it, сохатый and holiday - aluminum head, male back, and головастик jumping at all top вдавил in a back his chin so вылез language. Подошедшие girls seen спартанские game boys, who жизнерадостно хохотали, and some even did fishy. Girls also like окунутся in heap - Malu, but none of them dare to say, and correctly. Because after a couple of minutes послышался children's Creek игорька - кощея.
  - Ааааа...... - AAAA!!! - послышался bottom beautiful кощея, and the heap - small quickly рассыпалась, and guest remained unburied abdomen, his left hand was закинута, will someone under шумок крутанул small ручонку. Koschei was lying and cried. Then slowly north, he выпрямил his left arm, and болоньевую bag, on which he was lying. Бармалей also received under the шумок, he holded for side, сморщившись from pain, and оглядывался, trying to guess who it filed under рёбра.
  - I Xbo...! I хворосту you brought Noh! - cried koschei, and, сунув ручонку in болоньевую Black Bag, slowly pulled child's with fragments of передавленного wood.
  - And we thought Uzh that you are not приедешь? - Campaign for the suggested бармалей rubbing their side and морщась.
  - Koschei заулыбался and размазывая snot (disambiguation) and takes offence at the said:
  - Уеду i from you ...
  - I уеду you! - Suddenly крикнул someone strictly dark, seems to be головастик. Smile with the child through кощея sleeping. Подскочив to игорьку, сохатый сунул худую long лапу in the bag and сварённое подмятое egg and quickly clean from the shell.
  - Forty - one em one! - скороговоркой chastised сохатый.
  Fool! Leave at snacks! Now exist will, выпьем.
  - Лимонником закусишь! - quickly сохатый.
  - You жирок нагнал from лимонника, пошутил зоркий Sokol. The guys laughed. Кощея COMT, bag with his or her brushwood, were мальчишечью Chamber of the Second Corps.
  - Tomorrow morning in the forest пойдём, to the Tigers, said головастик next to кощеем and подмигнул.
  - Yes?! However, in the forest to Tigers?! - Child asked koschei.
  - Maladroit -- rayons confirmed it last year's дружок holiday - aluminum head.
  - Поймаем large амурского полоза, засунем in трёхлитровую Bank, and повезёшь in Romania.
  In West Germany ... - Pacific quietly looking back, and обидчиво Énoncé koschei.
  Koschei knew that in the forest cosmetic Studio its recall and have not forgotten, and he waited for that he would accommodate warm reception, but not to the extent. Already climbing steps second body, its someone tried to подсечь its подножкой. Warm reception longsought кощея continued.
  - You?! - hold balance, again quietly against the игорек, looking back and trying to guess who would like to make it подножку. In the House of the Second Corps кощея - игорька presented to the last кушетке challenge to the door. Koschei on кушетку.
  - Тёти бэлы the Neto, sad told him бармалей.
  - Where it? asked it directly koschei.
  - Donkeychildren задрал! - heard a response from the зоркого сокола.
  - Личико кощея 0.7500 скорчилось, but here he remembered that already as minutes of the twenty - is in the forest cosmetic Studio, пионерлагере and fantasy, where you cannot nothing believe.
  - Money brought Noh? - rayons asked last year of each головастик.
  - Not quietly replied koschei.
  - A кармэн? asked сохатый.
  - "Кармэн"? - удивлёно asked koschei.
  - Not, as well! Cologne such triangular -, цыганка кармэн draws from поноса it is very helpful, if berries bad нажрёшься in the forest.
  - Neto! - were replied koschei.
  - Are going to the camp as тёще on blintz, no money, neither одеколона nor папирос! All rates of норовят, пошутил сохатый.
  - You many money brought Noh? asked his зоркий Sokol.
  - The - bottle enough, three rubles.
  Another "кармэн" worms well show. As выпьешь the entire vial, and полезут all глисты from the assigned tasks.
  Koschei to сморщился.
  - Koschei, and let you женим? Повезёшь wife home camp! In Romania! - and the entire second Macashka laughed.
  - Куришь? asked his сохатый.
  - Not replied koschei.
  - Nothing, enable you, and накуривать, and закуривать, and прикурить began much preaching сохатый вытаскивая stack accents.
  - And we men of money they are holiday - aluminum head.
  Koschei when on the grid, вытаскивая. And here it waited another surprise. As soon as he наклонил head, over the ear its a визг, such that he jumped from positions.
  This визжала алёнка, it визжала so that посинели its own lips, and дребезжали drum eardrum all близстоящих. With перепугу koschei has дернул wierch head far-reaching backset nose алёнку. Alay krovi алёнки брызнула in hand, on the floor, Kaply sarcozi and covers. Алёнка разрыдалась размазывая blood on the face ran to their. Guéré - фашисту suddenly became a mistaken the type of blood and выбежал of the House and started блевать with verandas.
  And fool you koschei! - has reproached фантор.
  - And which it?! - sponded koschei.
  Two leaders photo asked who had beaten алёнку. Liudmila tried to explain them.
  Here first blood пролилась, this is only beginning began s зоркий Sokol. Зелёнка iodine and everything on our heads.
  - Wait now it you two цветочка персональ will to put up in bed. T
  Meet these pairs as Swans, - крикнул зоркий Sokol with its IFIA beds.
  Сохатый has кощея pen as child повёл by the end of the House to awake and thorough соколу. Зоркий Sokol raised the copper a mug from the floor at the bottom of which has already been wine and extended his кощею and сохатому.
  Koschei выпив запьянел. It was fun and well and not as сектантов. Плеснув the same dose of wine in a mug he extended his сохатому.
  - And that so little? You will really nor хуя not found! - against сохатый.
  PEI amores. Is you tomorrow if the new главврача, can no longer плеснёт before dinner. And not one you here, and катись in his first Memorial corpus, gyunnut, sponded сохатому зоркий Sokol.
  - STASA Neto, and he you отмерил on full! -- inserting holiday - aluminum head, liudmila захихикали and сохатый remembered as a year ago, a "human" vicinity шалаша torture - headquarters of the third abumuslimov. Головастик, holiday - aluminum head head its under the leadership of STASA has not yet found assistance.
  Сохатому seemed little and he habit pulled cigarettes and exist enquiring minds smoke on the veranda shell. Then to awake and thorough соколу steel подходит other boys of the House.
  Where in the second section there are two bottles not weak zolotoy Autumn "? One introduced, second bottle handed over to someone of the girls.
  - Блядь! What strong! As vodca! In башку йобнула! - выпив выругался головастик.
  - "Golden Autumn", we втроём were drunk in the spring with bottles, just in the police do not fall bragged зоркий Sokol наливая regular dose of бармалею.
  - Плесни still? - requested сохатый.
  - I плесну you on Huy, special flight полетишь in Moscow, выругался зоркий Sokol.
  - Щитомордник тяпнул time NOy тяпнет, изрёк головастик.
  Сохатый began rubbing укушенную щитомордником in the past year ARM.
  Бармалей выпив its dose заскрипел teeth to the whole House.
  - Now on the teeth рубану! - threatened головастик.
  - I do not specifically, обидчиво sponded бармалей.
  - Roop my dose a i authorise, suddenly изрёк фантор.
  - Непьющий that? - asked зоркий Sokol.
  - I am afraid the head of the заболит, evasively sponded фантор.
  When the trick gerah - фашист. Зоркий Sokol пошутил:
  - Now! Now would be кроликами закусить.
  The guys laughed. Many knew that father геры - фашиста grows and cuts rabbits.
  - Each! - pleasure replied сохатый passing фантора.
  Tiger you one! - sponded for фантора головастик.
  - And щитомордник! - Added holiday - aluminum head.
  Soon some guys have begun slowly at variance. Сохатый, бармалей, and gerah - фашист in its first shell. Other began расстилать bed. And koschei slightly помятый with long forgotten just вывернутой ball was blessed and пьяненький of 30 grams of "golden Autumn" and a year ago he get fear almost every day.
  The phenomenon of red (14 years)
  Pioneer camp лёг late in 11.30 pm and almost began observed. Suddenly minutes 10 послышался Laius patrol dogs and noise, and men's power to vote, two new girls leaders photo of the second abumuslimov include light came out. Soon net a red and still male. Koschei, зоркий Sokol, головастик, фантор and are a few guys in трусах ran on the veranda.
  Red is late in the vecherniy bus, and waiting for попутки. Met with a driver milk возки, распили a bottle of vodkas and восьмисот граммовую Bank медовухи purchased a attendants, the driver довёз it to the target forest Dew and even appended to the second. The Red was drunk, but put the mainstay of the vigorous sober and correct pioneer.
  And where others? - asked red.
  - Some Uzh No, other далече in the first section of the Colony, - sponded зоркий Sokol.
  - The пьёшь? - asked red.
  - With the wheels not u kyee Phyu, as taught our Bella, пошутил зоркий Sokol.
  - Need to be in the first Macashka - изрёк red, but второ - отрядники already tightly broke away red.
  - See! And кадыка it is not! Babk entertain.
  - Indeed кадыка. Embarrasing бухать started шибко, - пробубнил red.
  - Bella the Neto our! - The пошутил koschei. But the red промолчал he was not to Bella and if need as снабженца or addressee of alcohol.
  - Yes piteous бэлы no, врачиха still the was.
  - Herb like would like it marries, all ошивался in it, do the trick for holiday - aluminum head.
  - I would whole camp сжёг alive, for a bottle of alcohol, and for a bottle of сжёг and ягодное ... - вымолвил red as an adult Barfly уставшим, закатив under the forehead eyes brown eyes. Many children were camp by fathers пьяниц расшатавших their minds. And many would поубивали their drunken родичей, and here the red in full color обмякший обрюзгший опустошённый reminded them of the parents. If пинокет шутил, the Emperor spoke seriously, which many children were not in itself.
  - Пинокет here? - indifferent asked red.
  Here пинокет, набрался it today пилюль, sponded зоркий Sokol уставившись in the floor.
  - Went to туалету, разопьём, - finally - Taqi suggested that the Emperor, вытаскивая a bottle of Agdam from internationalcompanies.
  - Why the toilet? Go here. And here to drink? - opposed зоркий Sokol.
  How have you with eyes? See the something? asked the Red зоркого сокола.
  - I not only see, but also разливаю on noise and weight, life led ... - wisely replied зоркий Sokol сунув itself under the nose bottle and разглядывая label.
  - And the packagings? - срывая teeth congestion asked red.
  - There are already people, выпили a little to you.
  - And закусить - that is?
  - Koschei brought Noh little in order, and these троглодиты сожрали, встрял could learn more about holiday - aluminum head.
  Mr. Kaa кощея, Dike (Geology) bag - revival of the Red - and вытащив several pieces of wood Red аппетитно закусил.
  - Will on the road schisandra sell, snakes, mushrooms, may be жень - insam (Ginseng) find. I explained that the candidate will sell you can.
  - You продашь? There on the two vehicles per hour. We here rest came and treated.
  - Our попрут from the camp. As Pavol - геббельса - косолапого in пошлом!
  - I sell will! I treated arrived! - against головастик.
  Bottle Agdam was quickly распита and liudmila began to be stowed sleep.
  Both ended the first and second day of August. Not arrived Stas, nicholai miklukho - maklai, ржавый with лехой and even some guys. All boys second chamber of the уснули, soon fell asleep entire camp. Not waned only again arrived Red, he was little, and покопавшись in the laptop he pulled EO, флакончик муравьиного alcohol. Need to water, water at least a small, and the water in the public at the mid-point of the net. Having entered the staircase verandas he Vira have provoked widespread alcohol not пьянил but rather excited, mouth, throat, suffering, all жгло. Lamp on the toilet in the night in 30 metres from the hull, very precisely высвечивала all the details, up to each мошки. Поднеся vial of alcohol to mouth, he characterized fuel, light at the brighter, Yes so that were identified circular radiation. Went to public пойлу - Baku he found that circles. Circle was тумбочке from positions. First he would like to raise heavy tank hands to drink ртом, but передумав наклонил head to the tank began лакать to звериному. The red "was experienced a 14 - пропойцею and would like to strongly there alcohol internally. Новенькие leaders photo, of course, возню new подвыпившего паренька, but not addressed to and have noise.
  Go to the first corpus to пацанам, Eadie in the third corpus? Probably, in the first is anyone drink? All thought Red were on выпивке. That drink now, that drink tomorrow, and where to get питие. To return to put up in bed do not want to, and вытащив папиросу he закурил, why hops again face рыжую head.
  Why рыжему wanted to leave the verandas in NCDS to nature, but he fell with laptop dives into a NCDS in small brushwood, Ant and other small вошки up its red знойному endogenic, he was tired and was drunk that he was still.
  Проснулся red under the morning, сыроватый, Pyotr tayozhny air охладил, hot, Red courage he embarked upon in the neighbouring their house in search of одеколона in their тумбочках.
  - That you want? - Suddenly quietly asked a girl with beds.
  - Quietly Doura! Cologne i need! - грозно пробормотал Emperor шаря in a.Promet - the тумбочке and ретировался joyous with two trophy флаконами одеколона. Colognes still on the motion blur ranok select steal. The guys from the second and third abumuslimov still from whom rus'ki первотрядников the norm.
  Светало. Once again like to drink and eat. The driver - гегемона with which he распил yesterday a bottle of vodkas in extended did not have even piece of bread, had to выпросить a attendants cucumber. Went to bed кощея he already has an empty bag кощея and стрёсс recent crumbs and fund balances in the mouth
  - Сжёг all freaks! - almost aloud suggested red and стянув with its squab наволочку for funguses in of the House.
  For what Mushrooms and Red лимонником does not exist enquiring minds, a football field camp it рыча was Red Moskva, скомкав наволочку formed under the gate and soon fell asleep.
  In the night minutes when the red пьянствовал alone on the net second shell, пинокет slowly просыпался and 5V started almost from the daily дрёма and забытья started in the restaurant at a bus stop. Пинокет remembered the words nicholai miklukho - маклая, that can be вылечится, not taking drugs, not lost sight of it and the words STASA, that you want to correctly запивать. Having entered the veranda first, he черпнул кружкой from the tank and хлебнул if пинокет in a couple of minutes, he would saw last year's other red.
  Water растворила suffering and the body of the balances of tablets, leaves on trees slightly зазвенели and зашуршали, the surrounding world has become a harmonious and just опустошённым. Any red or other IT vision or would like to.
  Перебравший hisaya medicines and lost recipe with money, after logging in the cafeteria lunch he was still two pills, afternoon He'd отлежатся in the bushes at the open air but organizations... otherwise, legs led it to where he пугнул - the мамок issue.
  - How to get to Hong Kong...
  At the Hong Kong line had пароходную, устроится славин uncle, and bring him prior to arrival date in пионерлагерь fashion and scarce t-shirt or even jeans to boast before girls. But not which failed the uncle, than it is even расстроил and already расстроенную the minds of glory.
  From the region along the "'s cry" it why - the поплёлся to the third, which he лёг on someone put up in bed and started бубнить the itself. Perhaps in depth of pure consciousness he had hoped will see олю, putting платоническую Lyubov consistently as in spite of someone always incommode the амурничать. But its positions there is very different olia, the new Director, on the status of the second people in пионерлагере
  Головастик and holiday - aluminum as money and recipe пинокета, флиртуя with новенькой heads of doctor олей TRANS/WP.15/2004/29 her money and recipe. Дотошная olia quickly found owner loss in the third and пощупав PULS slightly dissatisfied with the мотнула head. The resounding almost child Chamber of the third was not for "отдыхающего from the road пинокета".
  - It in the first need to be the shell, quietly but strictly punished it several новеньким too. But now the view of all, when even parents in camp. And last year's brothers - Geminis бычки, always silent навыкат eyes, they then raised his hands on their base silently led artist, эстета, in the first shell.
  - See! See! The same пинокет! - saw the first fantômas, Twins Bychkov silently leading пинокета.
  Person beautiful boys was all бледным as chalk. New Director, olia immediately догадавшись that we again considered look at the state of the young artist. Time suitable to dinner, guys intent noted smuggled already by the привезённым. Decided to convene the second case, and пинокет проспал, a solemn meeting.
  Both ended the first August, the first day of arrival. Urethritis головастик and holiday - aluminum in lunch dining room, сцепились with новенькими from the third abumuslimov and promised to them "accoustic крондштатского rebellion" and варфоломеевские the night.
  Повзрослевшие лбы fantômas, gerah - фашист, бармалей, сохатый, заприметили of several new dorodnykh girls and expected to reach their hearts and have a.
  Ceremonial(triumphal) line should be held only 4 August. And everything should have been оклематься, and the so-called строевую training.
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