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The phenomenon Koshchey (Igor 12 years). Timber Dew-2

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    new version The phenomenon Koshchey (Igor 12 years). Timber Dew-2 Special Soviet children camp Timber Dew in Timber Ussury . 1976y.

   Golovastik -(Tadpole),
  Zorkiy Sokol (Falkon),
   Pinoket -
  --- mentally deasead boys 12-14year.
  PC-Programm and autors translate from Russian text.
   Koschey, as in the past year, arrived in pionerlager late for dinner, and, as in the past year, he arrived in the cab of GAZ-52, but one without a mother. Busily he bid farewell to the driver sektant from their village. After his neck throw old light nylon raincoat bag with sewn-own waistband artificially elongated handle on something else, but in his hand he carried a grid, which was a simple personal belongings - pants, shirts, socks, babys-vest--sleeveless jacket, quartr of a large household soaps. Community sects, which also included Igorek with his mother, who had intended to go to Germany, who in the U.S. who are in Canada and who is in Australia. The authorities have decided to distribute as much as possible for kids camps, brake every departure. Igor shone check already in June and three months, but the mother decided to send only the month of August.
   Koschey went to a second shell, although age could get in the third. Devout and humble, he mastered the arrival last year has already done. And the fact that he is not very light and not the third is not the first squad. And Koschey mastered the fact that, by storm tablespoon quickly check the pot with other people's tables, and a pot of delicious, such as borsch or rassolnikom need to move quickly on the table of his squad. Bread of the Middle capture too, like sugar otsypat of sugar, even if it is the younger of the third squad. "The whole life of struggle. Grow up adult" - remember the words Miklukho - Maklay. And better yet weak and small, it is better to stick to the strong. In the taiga unnecessary fear, because the animal feels fear, and you can not poke its little hands anywhere and everywhere as did bungler Sohaty. And with such friends as you need to stay sharp-sighted Sokol vostro that he is not broke at the rear of "accidentally" as head Fantoru. The fear that has always felt Igorek bladder becoming weaker and he otbegal in the bushes. And the talk, talk, talk: burn, bomb, shoot, crush. These conversations were everywhere, and everywhere in the toilet, in the cafeteria, in the morning line, the talk was around the clock because Pinoket at night or in the after-dinner-hour sleep and woke told how pressed their tank.
   Igorek-Koschey even imagine could not, as you can so no reason to shoot this, shoot, burn, or throw a couple of fragmentation grenades into neighboring 1 and the 3rd Corps, but later became be imbued inner world with its lagernikov. He was even funny when Sohaty bulldozer drove on a possible 1-st or the 3rd Corps. And these girls. Do they really suck all the blood from the veins?
   Approaching the second hull where it was a year ago, it quickly surrounded last year's acquaintances and friends and began to clap on the back and shoulder, and someone habitually gave cuff on the nape and yanked for the ear.
   - Koschey! Koschey! Koschey, come! - noise on evening in the twilight camp. Last year's friends and acquaintances Golovastik, Andreika - oval head, sharp-sighted Sokol, Fantomas, Fantor, Sohaty, Barmalei surround Koshchey, just full-groun but such a simple and good and slim.
   - Say something that you want out from the Soviet Union? - Suddenly asked Sohaty.
   - Godmothers brother is going to go to Germany and from there, and we to call ! - blurth out in response little kids.
   - Take me, too, in the Fe-eR-Ge (West Germany)! - First Golovastik shouted.
   - And me! - Shouted Gera-fascist.
   - And me! And me! - too cries of others.
   A Take me to Italy - snap of jaw Barmalei.
   - A Take me to Brazil! - Sokol join in sharp-sighted.
   Koshcheev begun to tap on the shoulder on the back and shooting down his leg with through down everything at him, and Sohaty Аndreika -oval head, knocking on the back, and Golovastik jumping on top of going into somebody's back with his chin so that got the language. Approach girls saw spartan playing boys who jolly laugh, and some even made a very questionable motion. Girls are also very much like to plunge into a heap - Malu, but none of them dared to, and correctly. Because after a couple of minutes be heard
  - Aaaaa ... Oh ...- Aaaa! - Be heard -bottom Koshcheev voice, and the heap - small quickly fell, and the guest was lying on the ground in pain, his left hand was to throw back, a kind of someone under the noise turn up small hands. Koschey lied and cried. Then slowly sat down, he straighten his left arm and pulled bolonevuyu bag, where he was lying. Barmalei also received a noise, he kept to side, wrinkled in pain, and look, trying to guess the person who filed it under the rib.
   - I twi...! I twiglets brought to you! - Wept Koschey and to poke litle his hand in a black bag and slowly pulled smal palm child with pieces crushed firewood.
   - And we thought too, that you do not arrive? - Mentally expressed Barmalei rub riffling and morschas.
   - Koschey smile and smearing snot on his face and offendently said:
   - I be away from you ...
   - I will "be away"! - Suddenly shouted someone strictly from the dark, it seems, Golovastik. The smile on the children's face Koshcheev slept. Jump to Igorku, Sohaty put his long arm in a bag and pulled out a boiled egg and press started quickly cleaned from the shell.
   - Forty-one eat one! - Patter talk Sohaty.
   - Fool! Leave at the snack! Now "register a new tenant" go, drink.
   - Schizandra bite! - Quickly responded Sohaty.
   - So, you fat from Schizandra? - joked sharp-sighted Sokol. They laughed. Koshcheev raised, taking the bag with crushed brushwood, led in the House guys second building.
   - Tomorrow morning in the woods in the forest will go to the Tigers - said Golovastik near Koshcheev and winked.
   - Yes! However, in the woods, to the Tigers? - For a child asked Koschey.
   - The truth is - seriously reaffirmed his friend last year Andreika-oval head.
   - We to catch large Amur poloza, put into treelitr Bank, and in its convey in Romania.
   - In West Germany ... - Softly-softly looking, and resentmently Koschey said.
   Koschey knew that in Forest Rose and his recall is not forgotten, and he waited for that he would arrange a warm welcome, but not to such an extent. Already climbing the stairs a second shell, it someone tried podsech his podnozhkoy. A warm welcome awaited Koshcheev continued.
   - What do you have? - Holding the balance, once again quietly rebelled Igorek, looking back and trying to guess the person who wanted to make his trip. In the second chamber of the shell-Koshcheev Igorka brought to his last year at the couch facing the door. Koschey sat on the couch.
   - Teti Bely is no - sadly told him Barmalei.
   -Where is it? - Asked him directly Koschey.
   - Bear suppres, - heard a response from Zorkogo falcon.
   - Small face Koshchey just to pull, but then he remembered that for twenty minutes, as is in the Forest Rose, in pionerlagere illusions and fantasies, where you can not trust anything.
   - Money has brought? - Seriously asked his friend last year Golovastik.
   - No, - replied quietly Koschey.
   - And Carmen is? - Asked Sohaty.
   - Which "Carmen"? - Surprised Koschey said.
   - Not what, and how! Cologne such triangular bottle, there Gypsy Carmen drawn from diarrhea, it is very helpful if gorge oneself bad berries in the woods.
   - No! - Guilty Koschey said.
   - Go to the camp as a mother-in-law on pancakes, no money, no colognes, no papiros! Everything in the globe Norov, - joked Sohaty.
   - You brought a lot of money? - Said his sharp-sighted Sokol.
   - At last the bottle, three rubles.
   - More "Carmen" worms good show. As drink entire bottle, and get out all the worm from a given(ass).
   Koschey again make a wry face.
   - Koschey, and let you get merried? Convey wife home from camp! In Romania! - And the second squad laughed.
   - Smoke? - Asked him Sohaty.
   - No - replied Koschey.
   - Nothing, teach you, and nakurivat and zakurivat, and to light - began father Sohaty drug pack Note.
   - And we konvoire money to get, - boasted Andreika - oval head.
   Koschey bowed over the net, take out belongings. Then it waited for another surprise. As soon as he bent down the head, just above the ear it was a scream, so that he jumped from couches.
   This squeal Alyonka, it squeal so that the blue of its own lips, and ring eardrum all near be setuated. Since fright Koschey abruptly yanked up his head struck the nose Backset Alyonka. Scarlet blood Alenki splash in part, on the floor, drops fell and bedspread. Alyonka smearing tears of blood ran to his face. Hera-fashistu suddenly became ill on the type of blood, and he ran out of the House and began to spew from a veranda.
   - Well, fool you Koschey! - Blamed Fantor.
   - What is it?! - Responded Koschey.
   Then came the two leaders were asked who broke Alyonka. They tried to explain.
   - This is the first blood is spilled, it is only the beginning - started to philosophize sharp-sighted Sokol. Zelenka iodine and all of our heads.
   - Wait now you two personal flowers put on bed.
   Come in pairs, as the Swans - he shouted with his sharp-sighted Sokol long bed chamber.
   Sohaty took Koshcheev the handle as a child led to the end of the Chamber of Zorkomu Falcon. Sharp-sighted Falcon lifted copper mug from the floor at the bottom of which has been the wine and handed Koscheyu and Sohatomu.
   Koschey having drunk. It was fun and good and not because of sectarians. Plesnuv the same amount of wine in the cup, he handed Sohatomu.
   - And what is so little? You are kind and really do not see any dick! - Troubled Sohaty.
   - Drink bitch. That tomorrow you ask the new chief, might plesnet before dinner. And not one you here, and in general scram in the first memorial building - roughly responded Sohatomu sharp-sighted Sokol.
   - Stas no, but he measured it to you in full! - Insert Andreyka - oval head, guys titter and Sohaty remembered as a year ago, he staged a "human torture" near tent-Third of Staff order. Tadpole, Andreika -oval head troubled him under the leadership of Stasa has not yet come help.
   Sohatomu seemed little and he pulled out of habit, and went to smoke a cigarette on the veranda of the shell. Then, to Zorkomu Sokol began coming the other boys Chamber.
   From the second division there were two bottles are not weak "Golden Autumn"? One brought the second bottle conveyed some of the girls.
   - Bitch! What is strong! As vodka! Once in the head (fuck)! - Having drunk Golovastik cursed.
   - "Golden Autumn", we have three hard drink the spring with a bottle, the police just did not get boasted sharp-sighted Sokol fill another dose Barmaleyu.
   - Please, splash else (pour out)? - Asked Sohaty.
   - I am now at pour out you dick, special flight flights to Moscow - cursed sharp-sighted Sokol.
   - Copperhead (snake) sting times, even sting - pronounced Golovastik.
   Sohaty shabby snake-bite (schitomordnikom) last year's hand.
   Barmalei having drunk a dose crunch teeth to the whole House.
   - Now on chop to you teeth! - Threatened to Golovastik.
   - I have not specifically - touchiness responded Barmalei.
   - Let my dose drink I authorize - suddenly uttered Fantor.
   - Non-drinking or what? - Asked about the sharp-sighted Sokol.
   - I'm afraid the head zabolit - answered evasively Fantor.
   When approached Gera-fascist. Sharp-sighted Sokol joked:
   - Oh! We would eat rabbits.
   They laughed. Many know that the father of Gera-fascist grows and cuts rabbits.
   - Friend! - Happily answered Sohaty passing Fantora.
   - Tiger you friend! - Responded to Fantora Golovastik.
   - And Schitomordnik! - Added Аndreika - oval head.
   Soon, some of the guys started slowly diverges. Sohaty, Barmalei and Hera-fascist went to his first cabinet. Others have adopted the bed spread. A Koschey nearly mauled to have long forgotten just uncrewed hand lay blissful and drunk of 30 grams of "Golden Autumn" and since a year ago he was dying of fear, almost every day.
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