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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    Я:Could you please use my writing style from http://samlib.ru/e/ewa_m_w/nano.shtml and http://samlib.ru/e/ewa_m_w/myth.shtml and write a very short fun science-fiction story with elaborating this idea: Исследователь находит двух подопытных чтобы сделать пересадку двух мозгов в одну голову, один туповат и хочет получить лобные доли старого умного, другой хочет получить молодое тело и подавить личность глупого. ИИ: Title: The Dilemma of Transcendence или The Brain Swap Shenanigans

Конечно, на самом деле я испытываю куда меньше эмоций, чем мог бы: мой интеллект ограничен теми, кто меня окружает, и скудным взаимодействием, которое я себе разрешаю с ними иметь. Мне вспоминается конфуцианское понятие 'рен': это качество, неадекватно переводимое как 'благожелательность', является квинтэссенциально человеческим, и его можно взрастить только взаимодействием с окружающими, одинокому его проявления недоступны.
Тед Чан
A trap is a trap only for creatures which cannot solve the problem that it sets.
Sir Geoffrey Vickers

  Amidst the towering walls of the great Chinese Wall, hidden from the prying eyes of the world, a sanctuary provided solace for a group of scientists who had escaped both Russia and China. Here, they pursued their projects on the edge of modern ethics, delving into the realm of science fiction turned reality. Among them was an eccentric researcher named Dr. Elara, renowned for her bold and audacious experiments conducted in her secret laboratory.
  Her latest project surpassed all boundaries - a daring endeavor to perform a brain transplantation, merging two minds into one, blending their intellect and experiences. After months of clandestine research, Dr. Elara stumbled upon two seemingly ideal candidates. The first was Ivan, a lazy scholar. The other was Max, an astute and ambitious scientist, plagued by a mortal fear of aging and an unyielding desire for youth.
  Dr. Elara outlined her proposal, emphasizing that this wasn't merely a brain swap; they were embarking on a journey to share everything, thoughts, experiences, and all.
  Ivan, with a hint of uncertainty, asked, "Uh, do I still get to keep my thoughts?"
  Max, inquired, "Dr., did you suppress the immunity so my brain is not rejected?"
  "Don't worry," assured Dr. Elara. "You'll retain your essence, and the fusion will grant you a newfound wisdom."
  Max chimed in, "Wisdom, shmisdom. As long as I obtain a rejuvenated physique!"
  With their choices made, Ivan and Max lay on the operating table, brimming with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. The operation commenced, and a connection began to form between the two minds. Memories mingled, and experiences intertwined, creating a tingling sensation unlike anything they had ever known.
  "Hey, Dr., something's not right!" Ivan exclaimed.
  Robotic insects, drawn to the solar panel belt, scurried around the lab, causing a commotion.
  "Why are there bugs in here?" questioned Max.
  "Oh, my stars! They're not bugs! They're AI-guided textbooks. My latest creation, but I didn't anticipate them being this curious!" Dr. Elara frantically swatted at the mischievous robotic insects.
  As they recovered from the operation, Ivan and Max found themselves entangled in a predicament, sharing thoughts and emotions.
  "Come on. We need to exercise. My old body would do laps around this place. I want to enjoy the present, and look here! I want that girl to like me," one insisted.
  The other retorted, "Exercise is overrated. You hardly possess a distinct persona; you are merely an embodiment of my reluctance to explore new scientific theories."
  "She's looking at us. We need to take care of this body!" One reminded.
  "Fine, we'll do a little jog around that strange asteroidous formation. Nevertheless, let us not overlook the astrophysics lecture whilst engaged in this endeavor!" The other relented.
  Amidst this intermingling of thoughts and experiences, the AI Bugs playfully chimed in, "How shall we make them reach singularity, transcending individuality? Perhaps we can guide them on an adventure travel. That girl better be a pilot."
  Approaching the girl, they were eager but anxious, unsure of how she would react to their fusion of minds.
  "You're... different. Are you some kind of extraterrestrial or an experiment gone wrong?" she inquired.
  They chuckled, "Yeah, we had this little brain fusion experiment, and now we're a little entangled."
  Curious, the girl asked, "Do you quarrel all the time? Oh, what's your name?"
  Ivan replied, "I'm Ivan, and he's Max. But together, you can call us Mix."
  "So what's it like having two minds in one body?" she wondered.
  Mixi, as they now called themselves, responded, "It's a bit chaotic, tumultuous, especially when we can't agree on which direction to go or which words to choose."
  The girl mused, "I guess it's like having conflicting emotions or different approaches to problem-solving. How do you make decisions?"
  "Oh, decision-making is quite an adventure, discussing pros and cons," Mixi explained.
  "Yeah, sometimes it feels like a cosmic tug of war between our personalities. We experience each other's emotions and thoughts, which can be both exhilarating and overwhelming," Ivan added.
  "So, you have access to each other's memories and experiences?" the girl asked, intrigued.
  "Exactly. It's like having an all-access pass to each other's lives. We share knowledge, skills, but at times, we discover the need to acquire certain expertise anew post-operation," Mixi elaborated.
  "It's like unlocking hidden chambers of the mind," One remarked.
  "And let's not forget, he's the brave one when it comes to talking to you, and I'm the shy one!" The other one smiled.
  The girl wondered, "How do you handle disagreements when you both have different perspectives?"
  Mixi replied, "At times, it entails allowing one mind to lead, while the other follows. While one is thinking, the other one is ruining everything."
  The girl offered a thoughtful insight, "Perhaps your fusion holds the key to a deeper understanding of consciousness itself. It's like you've tapped into the fabric of existence, discovering new frontiers of human experience. You two are embarking on an extraordinary journey together."
  "Your presence has added a new dimension to our adventure," Ivan expressed gratefully.
  "And you've brought laughter, joy, and mindful wonder to our life," Max added with a smile.
  "And who knows, maybe together, we'll discover the true essence of what it means to be human," Mixi pondered.
   "Don't forget about me," the AI Bugs playfully chimed in. "They could have escaped the Lab territory where scientists are preparing a list of psychotrope medicine to test to blend the two minds. As they soared through the cosmic wonders, the girl, Max, Ivan, and AI Bugs knew that their journey had only just begun. Together, they would explore the depths of the human experience, traversing the boundaries of consciousness, and unearthing the mysteries of the universe. Their fusion of minds was a testament to the remarkable potential of the human spirit, where individuality and unity coexisted harmoniously. And in the vast expanse of the cosmos, they embarked on a new chapter - an extraordinary adventure of self-discovery and profound connections, forever intertwined in the dilemma of transcendence. But all of this would be only possible if they stopped thinking about their mix and finally asked the young lady's name!"
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