Ecovillage Lubinka : другие произведения.

Project - "Global Ecovillage Network Russia" (Gen Ru)

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    Comments: "Global Ecovillage Network Russia" (GEN Ru) project is the non-governmental organization which aims to consolidate Russian ecovillages for their successful development.

  1. Project "Global Ecovillage Network Russia"/"GEN Ru".
  Name: Project "Global Ecovillage Network Russia"
  Date of foundation: May 2002
  Head or POC: Alexander Metelkin - the head
  Post address: PO Box 3, Moscow 117485, Russia
  Address: Russia, 117485, Moscow, ulitsa Profsoyuznaya 98-8-41
  Tel.: +7 (095) 335 5215
  The number of the ecovillages in the project: 4.
  Comments: The "Global Ecovillage Network Russia"/"GEN Ru" project is the non-governmental organization which aims to consolidate Russian ecovillages for their successful development
  2. "Global Ecovillage Network Russia"/"GEN Ru" project participants:
  2.1. Ecovillage "Grishino"
  2.2. Centre for Ecological Initiatives "Nevo-Ecoville"
  2.3 Amurskoe non-profit institution " Myraviovskiy Park of sustainable nature management"
  (Muraviovka Park)
  2.4 Non-profit Partnership "Ecovillage Lubinka"
  2.1 Name: Ecovillage "Grishino"
  Date of foundation: 1993
  Head or POC: Vasudeva Vladislav Kirbiatiev
  Post address: Box 32, P.O. Soginitsy, d. Grishino, Podporozskii rayon,
  Leningradskaya oblast, 187743, Russia,
  Address: Grishino, Podporozskii rayon, Leningradskaya oblast, Russia,
  E-mail: Гришино
  Residents (children/adults): 2 children and 10 adults
  Comments: We came here from different cities to live on the land in harmony with each other and with Nature. We all have different world-conceptions, but we are learning to accept each other and to co-create together our community.
   Twelve of us live in Grishino all year round. We have several traditional Russian styled, community and private houses. We grow what we eat in our vegetable gardens, and gather lots of herbs from a large meadow of wildflowers. Our ecovillage is surrounded by natural forests, where we gather berries, and mushrooms, and in which there live many kinds of wild
  birds and animals, like beavers, moose, bears, hares, foxes, wolves, wild cats, and many others. We are starting a project on ecological forest management.
   We aim to continue the cultural traditions of our ancestors, learning the folk arts, their songs and dances, woodcraft, ceramics and village architecture; and we are endeavouring to create a family school for our children.
   Marina, Vasu, Geka [Ivan Givodrov]
   Each summer we hold seminars for adults and children where one
  can participate in the spiritual life and work of our community and to merge
  with the spirit of Russian nature.
  2.2. Name: The Centre for Ecological Initiatives "Nevo-Ecoville".
  Date of foundation: 1993
  Head or POC: Goncharov Ivan S.- executive director
  Post address: Russia, 186750, Karelia, Sortavala, ulitsa Lenina 22
  Address: Russia, 186750, Karelia, Sortavala, derevnya Reuskula
  Tel.: +7 81430 23643
  Fax: +7 812 113 5896
  E-mail: ,
  Residents (children/adults): 40 including 23 adults and 17 children (17 people live permanently)
  Comments: Gardening, construction, tourism.
  2.3. Name: Muraviovka Park for sustainable Land Use
  Date of foundation: 1994
  Head or POC: Sergei Smirenski, the
  director, Marina Kolodina - education program coordinator
  Post address: Russia, 676964, Amurskaya oblast, Tambovski raion, Muraviovka
  Address: Russia, 676964, Amurskaya oblast, Tambovski raion, Muraviovka Park
  Tel.: (4162)35 -94-43
  E-mail: or or
  Website: and
  Residents (children/adults): 10 staff people who work at Park all the year round and 60-80
  more students and adults from Russia, China, the USA, South Korea and Japan
  who come for summer.
  Comments: Wetland Protection of Amur River Basin, Research,
  Sustainable Land Use and Organic Farming, International Collaboration for
  Environmental and Language Education, bird-watching, team-building
  activities, agricultural classes.
  2.4.Name: Non-profit Partnership "Ecovillage Lubinka"
  Date of foundation: 2002
  Head or POC: Alexander Metelkin - the head
  Post address: PO Box 3, Moscow 117485, Russia
  Address: Russia, 140578, Moscovskaya oblast, Ozery rayon, derevnya Butkovo
  Tel.: +7 (095) 335 5215
  Residents: 5 - 10 - initiative group.
  Comments: Non-profit Partnership "Ecovillage Lubinka" is a not-for-profit volunteers-based
  organization created in June 2002 and incorporated as a charity later that year. The
  partnership was created with the goals of creating an ecovillage in Ozery district,
  Moscow region (140 km south of Moscow), and selecting and developing pilot programs
  that can be replicated in other ecovillages throughout Russia.
  At present there are no residents as the initiative group is in the process of buying
  the land on which the first common house will be built. On the to-be ecovillage site
  summer youth tent camp programs are being held.
  3. Other existing ecovillages
  3.1.Name: "Kitezh Children's Community", Non-profit partnership of foster families
  3.2.Name: Non-profit partnership "Kovcheg"
  3.1.Name:"Kitezh Children's Community", Non-profit partnership of foster families
  Date of foundation: 1992
  Head or POC: Morozov Dmitriy V.- the founder, Sergei Khlopenov - the head of the community
  Post address: Russia, Kaluzhskaya oblast, Baryatinskiy rayon, derevnya Chumazovo, Kitezh
  Address: Russia, 249650, Kaluzhskaya oblast, Baryatinskiy rayon, derevnya Chumazovo, Kitezh
  Tel.: +7 08454 23224
  Residents (children/adults): 60 including 35 children, 20 adults and 5 volunteeres.
  Comments: Educational research and innovations, language teaching,
  farming, landscaping, crafts, art, building. Therapeutic work with orphan children
  and children in crisis. Community is associated member of Charterhouse group of
  therapeutic communities, UK
  3.2.Name: Ecovillage "Kovcheg" ("The Ark"), Non-profit partnership
  Date of foundation: August 2001
  POC: Fedor Lazutin
  Post address: Russia, 117218, Moscow, ulitsa Profsoyuznaya 17, korpus 1, dom 1
  Address: Russia, Kaluzhskaya oblast, Maloyaroslavetsky rayon, Kovcheg (near derevnya Bobyli)
  Website:, English version
  Residents (children/adults): 26 including 16 adults and 10 children in winter, 45 including 25 adults and 20 children in summer
  Comments: Rapidly growing ecovillage with hosting opportunity. The project is designed for up to 100 families. Construction, gardening, wood working, handicraft workshops, school and ecological education.
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