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The fourth world war

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   The fourth world war
   On a court yard there was a time on our representations awful.
   In a hole on a coast of lake the wild man lived. He was the leader same as he. They traded in a hunt and by searches of meal, but sometimes ate the colleagues. This wild community lived, as well as leader in holes on a coast. Only holes were smaller yes - according to hierarchy.
  In one perfect or not so morning there was this leader the hole, having rejected a leg of two wives, that were not confused under.
   - Uguaige! - the leader has shouted.
   Instantly before him has arisen the correct servant on a name Uguaige.
  - I listen you - great and solar, whose smell puts on a back any woman and the owner of lake and neighboring bogs, powerful frightens enemies...
  - A-aa, - be stopped up and listen, - I saw dream! The green meadows have dreamed me: that behind the large mountain. The ground belonging by these mean and badly smelling Uhvahua! I want their ground, their women and supplies by winter. Collect all!
  - But... Last time, o Solar, they have killed ten ours...
  - Haaaa! The coward! Today there will be our victory! Let's arrange a holiday on turtles! Lame Gaga will distribute by all the new weapon - flying stones! We shall demolish heads by all of them, they can not come nearer to us on distance of impact at all! A - ai ... and long knifes take. Also tell blind Urgua that better victory conjured! Differently - I shall come back - I shall throw in a fire! Soon to my titles will add: " the Owner of the large mountain, green meadows and gloomy canyon "!
   The terrible leader has thrown an ardent look on a mountain, behind which the another's ground laid. For sharp top of a mountain the black cloud was hooked, from which the bright lightning has struck. And simultaneously with a sound of a thunder the great leader has issued difficult battle shout: "Auu-aaa-agauaaa-ga-ga"!
   Far thunder have woken of other leader. The leader Uhvahua was twisted in a heap of skins, has listened, as snore the wives in dream and, feeling what to fall asleep, again it will be not possible, was set to an exit from a hole.
   The mood of the leader was very bad. He saw strange dream. Not clear - and from that frightening. In a dissipating morning fog appeared contours of a mountain, above which the black cloud sending a lightnings hung. The leader has stood slightly at the hole, has wiped wet from a fine rain, the person and has gone to a hole of the wizard Zzag.
   Zzag peacefully slept, having buried in a breast of the sole wife - thick Aary, when the precisely thrown stone has pleased to him in a nose. Having issued shout, that has risen in air.
  - Leave Zzag, you to me are necessary, - the leader has told.
  Not paying attention to bad words Aary, the wizard has crept out outside.
  - I listen to you the mighty leader.
  - I saw dream. There in the sky such rose... These... - the leader has made by a hand in air not clear movement. He could not pick up words. - Such large... And fire! Yes! They were moved by fire! They fell on ground and everything around burned down. The large dwellings - high as rocks in a gloomy canyon, turned to a dust. The huge birds turned above ashes and threw a fiery rain. Among fire the almost dead blind people rushed and died... Fell against each other...
  I saw myself - in a brilliant skin... Difficulty precisely to describe... I supervised over a huge army many times greater, than... The victory left, and I have ordered to apply the weapon of such force, which you the wizard and imagine can not! We have destroyed enemies, but the fog is farther -. At me such feeling, that of the winners there... In my dream was not. What it means?
   Zzag has reflected, but not for a long time.
  - The leader, - has told the wizard, is that name as memory of blood.
  - Speak more clearly!
  - You know, the leader - we - keepers of knowledge or on another - wizards, own secret knowledge. This knowledge transfers from generation to generation... I have "Book"! There much is described that the people knew at one time... But have forgotten.
  - "Book"? What it?
  - It is difficult to explain it to you... not able to read...
  - That? What you want to tell? That I am not able? - the curve smile of the leader did not foretell that good.
   You not correctly have understood me, about great, - Zzag has hurried to smooth down the miss. To anger the leader - is more expensive. - I want to tell, that yesterday, when I looked at a night star - I saw there shadows. They foretold a trouble and your dream to that confirmation! Mean: Arvakuakua is going again to attack us!
  - Hi! Now it is clear! And that - "book"... " Bloody memory ". You love to confuse ... Collect the soldier! Let's prepare. Also distribute all the new weapon. How it? Distant stones? Let only will be put!
  Zzag has sighed with simplification and has gone to collect the people. If the enemies will not come: it will be possible then to explain it... The training is equal and vigilance - superfluous will not be...
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