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Memento absentia

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"Memento absentia"
Нейро-Коэн: Песня, созданная с ИИ в стиле Леонарда Коэна - Experimental, Modern Classical, Dark Jazz, Spoken Word

There was a song once...
It hung in the air, like dust in a dying neon light...
Now, it"s just footsteps in an empty street.
[Verse 1]
The moon is tired, the street"s too long,
Your name fades out like a broken song.
Someone still hums it, someone still dreams,
But the echoes are quieter than they seem.

Shine on... in the low light shadows...
Shine on... where the city forgets...

[Verse 2]
There"s a bar down on 3rd,
Where the jukebox still stutters your tune.
No one listens, no one waits,
But the night leans in like an old, tired moon.

I told them once...
Some songs don"t die.
They just drift.
They just... wait.

Still... waiting... still...

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