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Whispers at the bar

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Whispers at the bar
Jazz Noir/Blues/Spoken Word Jazz/Dark Jazz/Experimental Blues

"I met a shadow by the old bar,
It sang me songs that don't exist.
It told me, "You learned too early
That time is nothing but a trace.".

"Oh, the wind knows all my sins,
But it won't tell, won't tell them to me.
I danced for the ghosts of love,
They were laughing-but not at me."

"The door was open, but I didn't step in,
On the threshold lay the silence.
Someone whispered, "You found it all,
"But in my pockets, only the moon remained."

"О, ветер знает все мои грехи,
Но он не скажет, не скажет их мне.
Я танцевал для призраков любви,
Они смеялись - но не обо мне."

"I saw God at the crossroads,
He was selling me a little sleep.
I asked him, "Where's the road to the light?"
He said, "Boy, you don't need it.".

"I left my name in a song,
I left my voice in the smoke.
When the night covers your sky,
These shadows will whisper your name."

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