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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
 Ваша оценка:

  Тестовые задания
  Тема: "Eng1. Альтернативнi питання" (3)
  1 (1).
  ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. Would you like__________? - or (coffee or tea, go to the cinema or to the park?
  2 (2).
  Does he__________? - or
  3 (3).
  Does she live in_______________? - or (in London or in Paris?)
  Тема: "Eng1. Питання до обставини мети" (3)
  1 (4).
  Виберiть вiрне питальне слово. They came back to support us. Вони повернулись пiдтримати нас. - Why?, what ...for? for what?
  2 (5).
  Виберiть вiрне питальне слово. To become a successful businessman one should be very attentive.
  3 (6).
  Виберiть вiрне питальне слово. He advertised in order to find friends. - Why, for what, what for
  Тема: "Eng1. Питання до обставини причини" (3)
  1 (7).
  Виберiть вiрне питальне слово. He was late because of traffic jam. - why
  2 (8).
  Виберiть вiрне питальне слово. Mary studied hard as she wanted to become a doctor. - why
  3 (9).
  Виберiть вiрне питальне слово. They couldn"t come as their car broke down. - why
  Тема: "Eng1. Питання до обставини мiсця" (3)
  1 (10).
  Виберiть вiрне питальне слово. They are living in this house now. - where
  2 (11).
  Виберiть вiрне питальне слово. The poles stand in 2 meters from the house. where
  3 (12).
  Виберiть вiрне питальне слово. She was sitting at the window. - where
  Тема: "Eng1. Питання до обставини часу" (3)
  1 (13).
  Виберiть вiрне питальне слово. Yesterday we watched a very funny comedy. - when
  2 (14).
  Виберiть вiрне питальне слово. They usually go jogging before breakfast. - when
  3 (15).
  Виберiть вiрне питальне слово. He came from England 25 years ago. - when
  Тема: "Eng1. Питання до означення" (3)
  1 (16).
  Виберiть вiрне питальне слово. The students studied according to an English manual. what, what kind of
  2 (17).
  Виберiть вiрне питальне слово. Yesterday we watched a very funny comedy. - what, what kind of
  3 (18).
  Виберiть вiрне питальне слово. I didn"t meet our partners at the station yesterday. - whose
  Тема: "Eng1. Питання до додатка" (3)
  1 (19).
  Виберiть вiрне питальне слово. Our secretary sends many letters every day. - what
  2 (20).
  Виберiть вiрне питальне слово. Our plants produce millions of tons of metal. - what
  3 (21).
  Виберiть вiрне питальне слово. I saw her yesterday.
  - who, whom, who(m)
  Тема: "Eng1. Питання до пiдмета" (3)
  1 (22).
  Виберiть правильне речення. Peter is calling from London - Who is calling from London?
  2 (23).
  Виберiть правильне речення. Jack comes home very late. - Who comes home very late?
  3 (24).
  Виберiть правильне речення. Charles is first class professional... Who is the first profissional?
  Тема: "Eng1. Роздiловi питання" (3)
  1 (25).
  ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. You like coffee,__________? do not you, don't you
  2 (26).
  They haven"t arrived,________? have they
  3 (27).
  She is married,__________? is not she, isn't she
  Тема: "Eng1. Модальнi дiєслова" (3)
  1 (28).
  He is so ill that he __________walk - cannot, is not able to
  2 (29).
  _______________I use your phone? can, may
  3 (30).
  ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. You ___________consult a doctor. - should, need, must
  Тема: "Eng1. Вiдповiдi на запитання" (3)
  1 (31).
   ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. Are there many nationalities in Ukraine? - yes, there are
  2 (32).
  Is Rome the capital of France? - yes, it is
  3 (33).
  ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. Who can fly? - it can fly, a bird can fly, an insect can fly
  Тема: "Eng1. Особливi випадки вживання часiв" (3)
  1 (34).
  ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. When ___you __________? - do you go, did you go, will you go
  2 (35).
  I (not like) playing table tennis. - I do not like
  3 (36).
  ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. You always (leave) dirty things around - leave
  Тема: "Eng1. Вживання похiдних вiд some, any, no" (3)
  1 (37).
  Is _________home? - anybody, anyone
  2 (38).
  ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. Would you like _______to drink? anything (something)
  3 (39).
  She had________to go. - ---- (she had to go)
  Тема: "Eng1. Вживання some, any, no" (3)
  1 (40).
  Could you bring me _____water? - any (some)
  2 (41).
  There was ______money on the table. - some
  3 (42).
  _________book could be interesting if you like the author - any
  Тема: "Eng1. Вживання much/many few/ little" (3)
  1 (43).
  ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. _______water has flown under the bridge. - much, not much, little
  2 (44).
  How ________members are there in your party? - many
  3 (45).
   ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. At the concert only _________people were present. - a few, few
  Тема: "Eng1. Ступенi порiвняння прикметникiв" (3)
  1 (46).
  He is considered to be (good) teacher. - the best
  2 (47).
  This work was much (difficult) than the previous one
  - difficult
  3 (48).
  He has (easy-going) character. - easier-going ?
  Тема: "Eng1. Часовi форми модальних дiєслiв" (3)
  1 (49).
  He ____________come tomorrow. - may (can)
  2 (50).
  ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. When________the train to arrive? - have
  3 (51).
  They _________come yesterday as it was late - could
  Тема: "Eng1. Питання з модальними дiєсловами" (3)
  1 (52).
  ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. Where______I find her? - can
  2 (53).
  _______I collect the materials myself? should (must)
  3 (54).
  ________he help them? can, may, should, must
  Тема: "Eng1. Загальнi питання" (3)
  1 (55).
  _________you go to work by bus? - do
  2 (56).
  _________he your new manager? - is
  3 (57).
  _________you like reading science fiction? - do
  Тема: "Eng1. Порядок слiв у англiйському реченнi" (3)
  1 (58).
  Виберiть вiрно побудоване речення
  2 (59).
  Виберiть вiрно побудоване речення
  3 (60).
  Виберiть вiрно побудоване речення
  Тема: "Eng1. Допомiжнi дiєслова" (3)
  1 (61).
  He ________ not speak French, he speaks German. - does not
  2 (62).
  This manual _____very informative. - is
  3 (63).
  She _______a big collection of stamps. - has
  Тема: "Eng1. Артикль" (3)
  1 (64).
  My brother works as ______doctor. - a
  2 (65).
  His little daughter likes________milk very much. -
  3 (66).
  Please, bring me ____glass of water. - a
  Тема: "Eng1. Абсолютна форма присвiйних займенникiв." (3)
  1 (67).
  ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. Yesterday I lost my pen. May I use___? - yours
  2 (68).
  Is this nice cottage ________? yours (hers, his, theirs)
  3 (69).
  No, It is not mine, it is ________. (his, hers, theirs)
  Тема: "Eng1. Присвiйнi займенники" (3)
  1 (70).
  Show me _____________new house, please. - your
  2 (71).
  They have never visited __________beautiful country.
  - this
  3 (72).
  How old is _____ castle? - this (the)
  Тема: "Eng1. Об"єктний вiдмiнок займенникiв" (3)
  1 (73).
  Everybody knows його . - him
  2 (74).
  ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. We respect  for striving to succeed. - her
  3 (75).
  ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. Where did you find його (це)...? it (this)
  Тема: "Eng1. Особовi займенники" (3)
  1 (76).
  Вiн is a very intelligent person. - he
  2 (77).
  Вони live in New Jersey. - They
  3 (78).
  Воно is going to rain. - It
  Тема: "Eng1. Присвiйний вiдмiнок iменникiв" (3)
  1 (79).
  (Ukraine) climatic conditions are rather varied. - Ukraine's
  2 (80).
  Our house is located at 2(hours) walk from the center.
  3 (81).
  His (boss) car is in the garage. -
  Тема: "Eng1. Множина iменникiв" (3)
  1 (82).
   ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. I have many (friend). - friends
  2 (83).
  Many (man) many minds. - men
  3 (84).
  My sister visited many (country) - contries
  Тема: "Eng1. Дiєвiдмiнювання дiєслова to be" (3)
  1 (85).
  ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. We _______proud of our achievemets. - are
  2 (86).
  _______you free tomorrow morning? - are (will you be)
  3 (87).
  She ________not ready for the examinations. - si
  Тема: "Eng1. Дiєвiдмiнювання дiєслова to do" (3)
  1 (88).
  They _______all their work accurately and in time. - do
  2 (89).
  How _______you manage to do it? - do
  3 (90).
  This team_____not play football as artistically as ours. - does not
  Тема: "Eng1. Дiєвiдмiнювання дiєслова to have" (3)
  1 (91).
  This actress ________beautiful green eyes. - has
  2 (92).
  ____________you any children? - have you (do you have)
  3 (93).
  ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. Your test _______any mistake. - has not
  Тема: "Eng1. Заперечнi речення з конструкцiєю There is...There are" (3)
  1 (94).
  ___________ any water left in the bottle. - there is not
  2 (95).
  In this textbook _________any new information. - there is not
  3 (96).
  In their group ___________any foreign students. - there are not
  Тема: "Eng1. Питання з конструкцiєю There is...There are" (3)
  1 (97).
  ____________a gym in your school? - Is there
  2 (98).
  ___________any foreign at your institute? - Is there
  3 (99).
  _________any additional material to this text? - Is there
  Тема: "Eng1. Конструкцi There is...There are" (3)
  1 (100).
  There (be) many sunny days in this part of the world - are
  2 (101).
  There (be) much milk left in the fridge. - is
  3 (102).
  There (be not) many books in this library. - are not
  Тема: "Eng1. Simple or Continuous" (3)
  1 (103).
  He (fly) for London tomorrow. - is flying
  2 (104).
  ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. We (stay) at this hotel regularly every holiday. - stay
  3 (105).
  (Be) you alone now? - Are you
  Тема: "Eng1. Present Continuous" (3)
  1 (106).
  This TV station (brodcast) a very good concert now. - brodcasts
  2 (107).
  She (swim) in the swimming pool at the moment. - is swimming
  3 (108).
  ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. What (do) you now? - are you doing
  Тема: "Eng1. Past Simple" (3)
  1 (109).
  This musician (play) the concert with great feeling. -played
  2 (110).
  The boy (cry) for help. - cried
  3 (111).
  My friend"s father in his youth (teach) at the university. - taught
  Тема: "Eng1. Past Simple неправильних дiєслiв" (3)
  1 (112).
  The secrtary (send) some faxes to our partners yesterday. - sent
  2 (113).
  The concert we (go) to last week was very interesting.
  3 (114).
  On our way home we (see) a gigantic tree. - saw
  Тема: "Eng1. Present Simple" (3)
  1 (115).
  ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. We (speak) several languages. - speak
  2 (116).
  She (go) to the institute by Metro. - goes
  3 (117).
  Our plant (produce) many intersting and useful goods. - produces
  Тема: "Eng1. Вживання рiзних часiв" (3)
  1 (118).
  ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. We (be) going to go around the world in a yacht. - are
  2 (119).
  ОДНА ПРАВИЛЬНА ВIДПОВIДЬ. Where (be) you yesterday? - were
  3 (120).
  Вопрос: (be) you busy tomorrow? - will you benbsp;Вопрос:
 Ваша оценка:

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Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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