Бондаренко Анна Николаевна : другие произведения.


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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    Limerick is a comical five-line poem in which lines A, B and E rhyme. Each of these three lines has three stresses. Lines C an D also rhyme and also have two stresses. Or simply speaking, limerick is a lot of nonsense that rhymes and is written according to the scheme.


There was a freak girl called Gale

Who was living in a fairy-tale

Where cat and dog

Can write and talk

After a glass of ginger ale.


There was a busy man called Brown

Who was trapped because of a blackout

But his magical gift

Repaired the lift

So that he could safely go down.


There was a tanned guy called Ryan

Who turned out to be a hawaiian

He lived in a cabin

Not afraid of a ravin

Because he was as brave as a lion.


There was a small boy called Jim

Who believed in the American dream

With berries and jam

Bought in a van

It looked like a tasty ice-cream.


There was a fat man called Claus

Who liked to live in a penthouse

High up in the sky

He learned how to fly

Because he was afraid of a mouse.

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